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1. Explain the following:
(a). Transition elements have high enthalpies of
(b). Transition metals and their compounds are found
to be good catalysts in many reactions.
2. Complete the reactions:
(a). Cr2O72- + I- + H+
(b). MnO4- + NO2- + H+
3. What is meant by disproportionation of oxidation
state? Explain by giving an example.
4. Explain the following observations:
(a). Copper is unstable in +1 oxidation state and hence
it is not found in aqueous solutions in +1 state.
(b). Transition metal ions are usually coloured in their
5. Calculate the number of unpaired electrons in each of
following ions- Fe2+, Mn2+, Cr3+ and V3+. Which one of
these is most stable in aqueous solutions?

6. Give reasons:

(a). Cerium(IV) is used as an oxidizing agent in

volumetric analysis.

(b). Zinc salts are colourless/white in colour.

7. (a). In titration of FeSO4 with KMnO4, why is dil.

Sulphuric acid used instead of HCl?

(b). Though lanthanoids generally exhibit +3

oxidation states, Cerium(III) gets oxidized easily to +4

8. (a). Give reason-Chromium group elements have

highest melting boiling point in their respective series

(b). Justify- Lanthanide ions such as Sm2+,Eu2+,Yb2+

ions are good reducing agents, but Ce4+ is a good
oxidizing agent.
9. A compound A, on disproportionation, on neutral
or acidic solutions gives a purple coloured compound
B. Identify A and B, and write reaction involved when
B is heated above 513 K.

10. (a). Complete the reaction:

2MnO4- + 5S2- + 16H+

(b).Why do Ti4+ salts show coloured salts while Sc3+

does not?

11. Give reasons:

(a). Chromium has only one electron in 4s subshell.

(b). Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury are soft and volatile


12. (a).Name a lanthanoid series member that is well

known to exhibit +4 oxidation state.

(b). Out of Mn3+ and Cr3+, which is more

paramagnetic? Why?

13. A mixed oxide of iron and chromium(FeCrO4) is

fused with Na2CO3 in presence of air to form a yellow
colored compound A. On acidification, the compound
A forms an orange colored compound B which is a
strong oxidizing agent.

(a). Identify A and B.

(b). Write balanced equations for all steps involved.

14. Account for following:

(a). Transition metals are much harder than alkali


(b). Eventhough oxygen and fluorine has the ability to

stabilize higher oxidation states of a metal, the ability
of oxygen exceeds that of fluorine.

15. Give reasons:

(a). Cobalt(II) gets easily oxidized in presence of a

strong ligand, even when it is stable in aqueous

(b). Transition elements show variable oxidation


16. Account for following:

(a). Mn2O7 is acidic, while MnO2 is basic.

(b). Even when Cu has a fully filled d-orbital with d10

configuration, it is considered as a transition metal.

17. (a). Name the element in 3d transition series that is

not considered as a transition metal. Give reason.

(b). Complete the reaction:

2CrO42- + 2H+

18. Describe the general trends in following properties

of first series of transition elements:

(a). Number of oxidation states exhibited

(b). Formation of oxometal ions.

19. Give reasons:

(a). Transition metals have high boiling and melting


(b). The first and second ionization enthalpies in first

series of transition elements are found to vary
20. Give any two uses each of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.

1. (a). Why is the chemistry of actinoids more complex
compared to that of lanthanoids?

(b). What happens when:

(i). KMnO4 is heated

(ii). Diluted H2SO4 is added to sodium chromate

2. (a). Why TiCl3 act as a good reducing agent?

(b). Compare between the chemistry of actinoids and

lanthanoids. What similarity can be observed in both?

3. (a). Calculate he spin magnetic moment of Co2+.

(b). While Zinc and Mercury are soft metals,

chromium is a hard metal Give reason.

(c). Justify the statement The colour of K2Cr2O7

depends upon pH of solution.

4. (a). What type of maganetism is shown by Potassium

permanganate and Potassium dichromate?
(b). How is Potassium dichromate obtained from
Sodium dichromate? Why is it prepared so? Give the
reaction involved.

5. (a). Complete the reaction:

2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 (Heated)

(b). Why does Eu2+ act as a good reducing agent?

(c). Name the element that is a strong reducing agent

in +2 state in 3d series. Give reason for it.

6. (a). What is misch metal? Give its uses.

(b). Cerium(IV) is a strong oxidizing agent-Why?

(c). Which is more stonger reducing agent- Cr2+ or

Fe2+? Why?

7. Write chemical equations for following:

(a). Disproportionation of Mn(VI) in acidic solution.

(b). Acidification of K2Cr2O7 solution.

(c). Oxidation of NO2- ion by MnO4- ion in acidic

8. Account for following:

(a). Actinoid ions are generally coloured.

(b). Europium(II) is more stable than Cerium(II).

(c). Transition metals have high enthalpies of


9. (a). Complete the reactions:

Cr2O72- + Sn2+ + H+

MnO4- + S2O32- + H2O

(b). Which of these have maximum number of

unpaired electrons Titanium(II), Vanadium(III),
Manganese(II), Iron(II) ?

10.(a). Given that standard electrode potential values of

Cr2+/Cr, Mn2+/Mn and Fe3+/Fe2+ are -0.4 V, 1.5 V and
0.8 V respectively, arrange the metals in increasing
order of stability of +2 oxidation state.

(b). Give any two consequences of lanthanoid


11. (a). Complete the reactions:

Fe3+ + I-

CrO42- + H+

(b). Justify- Unlike Cr2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, other M2+ ions of

3d series of elements, the 4d and 5d series metals
generally dont form stable cationic species.

12. Account for following:

(a). The third ionization enthalpy of Manganese is

exceptionally high.

(b). Metals exhibit their highest oxidation state in its

oxide or fluoride.

(c).The atomic radii of metals of 5d series of transition

elements are virtually the same as those of
corresponding members of 4d series.

13. (a). Define lanthanoid contraction.

(b). Why is Chromium(II) reducing in nature,

Managanese(II) is oxidizing, even though both have
same d orbital configuration?
(c). Justify- In transition series, the metal which
exhibits the greatest number of oxidation state occurs
in middle of series.

14. Describe the preparation of Potassium dichromate

from chromite ore. What is the effect of change of Ph
on Potassium dichromate? Write equation involved in
each step.

15. Complete the reactions:

(a). Cu2+ + KI

(b). MnO4- + SO32- + H+

(c). MnO4- + 4H+ + 3e-

16. Give reasons:

(a). Among lanthanoids, most of them exhibit +3

oxidation state, but occasionally in solutions/solid
compounds, they exhibit +2 and +4 states.

(b). Copper is the only metal in first series of transition

metals with a positive standard electrode potential
(c). The metallic radii of third series of transition
metals are nearly same as those of corresponding
members of second series.

17. Describe the steps involved in preparation of KMnO4

from pyrolusite ore with reactions involved.

18. Account for following:

(a). Eventhough Copper(I) has d10 configuration and

Copper(II) has d9 configuraton, Copper(I) is unstable in
aqueous solutions.

(b). Fe3+/Fe2+ redox couple has less positive electrode

potential than Mn3+/Mn2+ couple.

(c). The second and third transition series elements

have almost similar atomic radii.

19. Give reasons:

(a). There is a greater horizontal similarity in

properties of transition elements than of main group

(b). Scandium does not exhibit variable oxidation

states, but is still considered as a transition metal.
(c). The E0 value of Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is much more
positive than that of Cr3+/Cr2+.

20. (a). Write any two characteristics of transition


(b). What are the different oxidation states

commonly exhibited by lanthanoids and actinoids?

21. (a). Which metal in first transition series exhibits +1

oxidation more frequently? Give reason.

(b). Write any two balanced chemical equations for

showing the oxidizing nature of KMnO4.

22. (a). Name a transition metal which does not exhibit

variation in oxidation state in its compounds.

(b). Name a compound where transition metal is in its

+7 oxidation state.

(c). Which of the following- Sc3+,Ti4+,V3+, Mn2+ will

form colored solutions? Why?

23.(a). Account for following:

(i). Actinoids show irregularities in their electronic

(ii). Mn shows highest oxidation state of +7 with

oxygen, but with fluorine only maximum of +4.

(b). Name the ores from which KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7

are prepared.

24. (a). Calculate the magnetic moment of a divalent ion

in aqueous solution, if Z=25.

(b). Why do Zinc have the lowest enthalpy of

atomization in 3d series?

(c). Mn2+ is more stable than Fe2+ towards the

oxidation to +3 state- Give reason.

25. (a). Why is it difficult to separate lanthanide


(b). With reference to structural variability and

chemical reactivity, write the differences between
actinoids and lanthanoids.

26. (a). Complete the reaction:

Cr2O72- + 2OH-

(b). E0M3+/M2+ values for first series of transition

elements are given below. Identify the two strongest
oxidizing agents and two strongest reducing agents.
E0 (V) Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co
M3+/M2+ -0.37 -0.26 -0.41 +1.57 +0.77 +1.97

1. (a). How does acidified permanganate solution react
with oxalic acid? Give the equation.

(b). Justify Transition metals and their compounds

are generally paramagnetic.

(c). Describe the oxidizing action of Potassium

dichromate by giving two balanced chemical

(d). How is variability in oxidation states of d-block

elements different from that of p-block elements?

2. (a). What are alloys? Name an important alloy which

contains some of lanthanoid metals. Mention its use.
(b). What must be the stable oxidation state of the
transition elements with following configuration in
ground state- 3d3, 3d5, 3d8, 3d4 ?

3. (a). How do you prepare :

(i). K2MnO4 from MnO2

(ii). Na2Cr2O7 from Na2Cr2O7

(b). Name a member of lanthanoid series that is well

known to exhibit +2 oxidation state.

(c). Name the element of 3d series that exhibits

maximum number of oxidation states? Give reason for

(d). Out of Mn3+ and Cr3+, which is a stronger oxidizing

agent? Why?

4. A blackish brown colored solid A when fused with

metal hydroxide in presence of excess air, produces a
dark green colored compound B, which on electrolytic
reduction in alkaline medium gives a dark purple
colored compound C.
(a). Identify A,B,C in the reactions and write the
equations for steps involved.

(b). What happens when an acidic solution of green

colored compound B is allowed to stand for some
time? Give the equation involved. What type of
reaction is this?

5. Explain the following:

(a). The lowest oxidation state of Manganese is basic,

while highest is acidic.

(b). Zirconium(Z=40) and Hafnium(Z=72) have almost

similar sizes, even though both are in different
transition series.

(c). Among CuCl and CuF2, CuF2 is colored while CuCl is


(d). Potassium dichromate is a strong oxidizing agent,

while Potassium permanganate is not.

(e). Mn2+ shows maximum paramagnetic character

amongst divalent ions of first series of transition
6. Account for following:

(a). Actinoids typically exhibit +4 and +6 oxidation

states where as for lanthanoids it is +3.

(b). The third ionization enthalpy of Mn is

exceptionally high in comparison to that of Fe.

(c). Chemistry of all lanthanoids are quite identical.

(d). Sc(21) is a transition element, while Ca(20) is not.

(e). The ionic radii of divalent ions decreases in order:

Mn2+ > Fe2+ > Co2+ > Ni2+

7. (a). Complete the following reactions:

MnO4- + C2O42- + H+

KMnO4 (heated)

Cr2O72- + H2S + H+

Cr2O72- + Fe2+ + H+

(b). Copper does not exist as Cu+ ion in aqueous

solutions Why?
8. Give Reasons:

(a). Transition metals, in general act as good catalysts.

(b). Mn3+ undergoes disproportionation easily.

(c). Co2+ is easily oxidized in presence of strong


(d). Generally, there is an increase in density of

elements from Titanium to Copper in first series of
transition elements.

(e). Metal-Metal bonding is extensive more in 4d and

5d series of transition elements than in 3d series.

9. Account for following:

(a). Chromium is a typical hard metal, while mercury is

a liquid.

(b). Actinoids show larger number of oxidation states

than lanthanoids.

(c). MnO is basic, while MnO2 is acidic.

(d). Transition metals form large number of complex

(e). Silver is a transition metal, but Zinc is not.

10. (a). Which element in first series of transition

elements does not exhibit variable oxidation
states? Why?

(b). Define actinoid contraction.

(c). What happens when Cu2+ is saturated with NH3?

(d). Transition metals are well known for formation

of interstitial compounds Give reason.

(e). Why do Manganese exhibit a large number of

oxidation states in first series of transition elements?

11. (a).Why is Actinoid contraction greater than

lanthanoid contraction from element to element?

(b). Why do oxoanions of a metal show higher

oxidation states?

(c). Justify- The oxidizing power of ions are in series

VO2+ < Cr2O72- < MnO4- .
(d). Describe the oxidizing property of KMnO4 in
neutral or faintly alkaline medium for its reaction
with Iodine and Thiosulphate ions.

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