Product Data: Features/Benefits

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Product Flotronic and Flotronic II

Data Air-Cooled Reciprocating
Liquid Chillers
50/60 Hz
Nominal Capacities: 36 to 210 Tons
127 to 740 kW

Rated in accordance with

ARI Standard 590-92
(60 Hz only)

Highly Advanced Chiller Electronics

For Years of Operating Efficiency
wide size range
application versatility
long range cost savings
dependability through
high efficiency electronics
factory tested under load
Flotronic or Flotronic II controls

Quality design and construction
The 30GN Flotronic II and 30GT
Flotronic chillers are the result of ex-
tensive engineering development
and testing. Every component has
been tested to provide many years of
30GT superior performance in every cli-
mate. Major components are qualified
to 500-hour salt spray test accord-
ing to the American Society for Test-
ing and Materials (ASTM) B-117
Standard to assure longevity and reli-
ability. All export chillers are pack-
aged with woodboard coil protection
and wood top cap. A polyvinyl bag
is wrapped around the export units
for increased protection against haz-
ards of land and sea transportation to
ensure product delivery in original
factory condition.
Advanced technology and
The 30GT040-210 Flotronic chillers
incorporate the latest in integrated
microprocessor control and refrigera-
tion cycle optimization devices. The
30GN long-stroke electronic expansion valve
(EXV) and the microprocessor con-
trol let the chiller operate at low refrig-
erant pressure differentials, and
accurately control refrigerant super-
heat during start-up and load changes.

Copyright 1996 Carrier Corporation Form 30G-7PD

The result is efficient energy usage Design flexibility circuits. The superior microprocessor-
and leaving-fluid temperature (LWT) Consulting engineers will appreciate control package requires fewer mov-
accurate to 6 1.25 F (6 0.7 C) from the wide chiller operating range offered ing control circuit parts for long life
the LWT set point. by the 30GN and 30GT chiller sys- and dependability. The microproces-
The Flotronic II direct digital con- tems. The advanced microproces- sor controls the full refrigeration cycle
trol (30GN040-210) adds to the sor controls enable building operators (compressors, fans, and EXV) to en-
original Flotronic functions. It expands to select imaginative operating con- sure efficient, synchronized operation.
the capabilities of user-programmed trol strategies for their particular needs. Operating efficiency
time schedules of the chiller operation In addition, the units offer the best The Flotronic and Flotronic II chillers
(7-day), standard return-fluid tem- fluid temperature control through the offer outstanding EERs (Energy Ef-
perature reset, and real-time display of application of proportional integral ficiency Ratios). Exceptional part-load
operating temperatures and pres- derivative (PID) logic with return fluid performance (chillers operate at part
sures. Flotronic II chillers include data temperature compensation. This load 97% of the time) provides in-
communication capability to the Carrier exclusive permits variable flow creased operating savings through
Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) and and application flexibility. The fol- use of multiple compressors per refrig-
an 8-digit alpha-numeric display lowing features are available for appli- erant circuit and suction cutoff
that is part of the chiller special inter- cations requiring them: Brine, copper unloading.
face panel. fin/copper tube condensers, low
ambient temperature operation down A fully integrated microprocessor
Each of the Carrier Flotronic and
to 20 F, temperature reset, and control system (another Carrier exclu-
Flotronic II chillers features ease of
2-step load shedding (from network or sive) maintains efficient control over
service and maintenance that add to
remote source). See Factory-Installed the compressors, EXV, and fans to
operating savings. Built-in self diagnos-
Options and Field-Installed Acces- optimize chiller efficiency.
tics capability quickly pinpoints the
location of any system problem no sories sections on pages 17 and 18 The EXV allows operation at re-
need to spend costly hours guess- for a complete list of available choices. duced condensing pressures (down to
ing. The Flotronic II control maintains 15 psig [103 kPa] pressure differen-
Quality and reliability tial) by letting the microprocessor
a valuable record of the machines To assure long life and quality perfor-
history, complete with start and run operate the fans down to a lower out-
mance, every standard unit is fac- door temperature than a conven-
data, for periodic service or main- tory run tested. The dependable direct-
tenance reference. tional chiller. The microprocessor
drive fans are built to NEMA (National senses the position of the valve and
The electronic record system is Electrical Manufacturing Associa- the actual condensing temperature.
invaluable for the efficiency of chiller tion, U.S.A.) standards, and the 06E The EXV also increases evapora-
diagnosis and long-term equipment Carrier semi-hermetic compressors tor pressure by minimizing superheat
management. Ground current sensing are built for performance excellence in the evaporator. Therefore, a
(070, 50 Hz and all 080-210 units) in Carrier equipment worldwide. greater percentage of the cooler is
eliminates the need for refrigerant Refrigerant flow control provided by used for evaporation than in a thermo-
replacement by preventing compres- EXV precision keeps compressor static expansion valve (TXV) system.
sor motor burnouts that add acids motors cooler while operating at opti- In a unit with a TXV, the superheat is
to the refrigerant. mum efficiency. the difference between the refriger-
Another advantage is the popular The automatic lead/lag control ant temperature measured (after the
06E compressor, long recognized manages an even distribution of starts compressor motor) and the saturated
by field technicians as easy to maintain. and run hours between refrigerant
Installation ease
The model 30GN (Flotronic II) and
30GT (Flotronic) chillers are fully
packaged systems that arrive at the
Table of contents
jobsite completely ready for installation
in minimal time. On-site inspection Features/Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
time is also reduced because the units Model Number Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
are UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
U.S.A.) (208/230- and 460-v) and Factory-Installed Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
CSA (Canadian Standards Association) Field-Installed Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
listed, and meet ASME (American Base Unit Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-27
Society of Mechanical Engineers) stand- Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-33
ards. Important added standard fea- Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,35
tures include dual refrigerant circuits Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-45
and pulldown capability from 95 F Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-51
(35 C) loop temperature. Installation Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-54
time is further reduced through provi- Typical Piping and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
sion for single-point electrical and Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-59
cooler connections.

Features/Benefits (cont)
evaporating temperature. Up to 28% Cost-saving features Weather-protected controls and
efficiency improvement at part load Model 30GN and 30GT chillers re- factory wiring.
conditions is achieved over stand- duce operating costs with: Hinged electrical component
ard competitive chillers. The system- access panels.
integrated subcooler provides an extra Precise multiple-step capacity Compressor crankcase heaters.
measure of unit efficiency. control.
Multiple compressor operation.
Additional increases in EER up to Operating capability at outdoor Dual, independent refrigerant
15% may result with standard return temperatures to 125 F (52 C).
fluid temperature reset. Direct-drive fan motors internally Oil level sight glasses.
protected and shielded by PVC-
NOTE: Prove the operating savings coated steel wire fan guards for
for your building by using the weather protection.
Flotronic and Flotronic II chiller Compressors mounted on spring-
operating cost analysis on your own isolated steel rails or pans to mini-
microcomputer, available from your mize vibration (no need for external
local Carrier representative. isolation).


20 30
10 40
0 10 0 50
20 10
10 60
30 20
20 C 70



28% GAIN




Model number nomenclature

*Export only not for U.S. domestic sale.

Contact your local Carrier representative for more details.

Physical data 30GN,GT English
60 Hz

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 040 045 050 060 070

C-AL 3550 3681 3856 4740 5028
C-C** 3838 3969 4289 5157 5656
Ckt A 39/12 40/12 48/12 52/14 70/15
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 48/12 46/12 60/12 54/14 69/15
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...1750
(No.) Ckt A (1) 250 (1) 250 (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299
(No.) Ckt B (1) 250 (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299 (1) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 250/14, 265/19, 275/19, 299/19
Capacity Control Steps 4 4 4 4 4
Ckt A 50.0 42.4 47.6 43.3 50.0
% Cap.
Ckt B 50.0 57.6 52.4 56.7 50.0
Minimum Step Capacity % 25.0 21.2 31.7 28.8 33.3
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed rpm 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140
No. Blades...Diameter in. 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30
No. Fans...Total kW 4...6.2 4...6.2 4...6.2 6...9.3 6...9.3
Total Airflow cfm 35,000 35,000 34,000 52,000 51,000
High Static
Fan Speed rpm 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
No. Blades...Diameter in. 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
No. Fans...Total kW 4...14.8 4...14.8 4...14.8 6...22.2 6...22.2
Total Airflow cfm| 40,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 60,000
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD in. 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375
No. Rows Ckt A or B 2 2 3 2 3
Face Area sq ft Ckt A and B Total 80.5 80.5 80.5 116.7 116.7
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant psig 450
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume Gal. (includes nozzles) 10.9 13.5 13.5 18.0 18.0
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side psig 278/300
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 3 3 3 4 4
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\ Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 0.4 in. wg or 1.0 in. wg as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT English (cont)
60 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 080 090 100 110

C-AL 6630 7015 8610 8660
C-C** 7355 7740 9560 9610
Ckt A 78/15 78/15 98/20 98/20
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 78/15 78/15 105/20 105/20
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...1750
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 275, (1) 250 (1) 265, (1) 250 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (2) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 250/14, 265/19, 275/19, 299/19
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 7/6 11/8 11/8 11/8
Ckt A 56 47 50 54
% Cap.
Ckt B 44 53 50 46
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 22/22 18/18 16/15 14/14
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed rpm 1140 1140 1140 1140
No. Blades...Diameter in. 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30
No. Fans...Total kW 6...9.4 6...9.4 8...12.7 8...12.7
Total Airflow cfm 57,000 57,000 76,000 76,000
High Static
Fan Speed Rpm 1750 1750 1750 1750
No. Blades...Diameter in. 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
No. Fans...Total kW 6...22.2 6...22.2 8...29.6 8...29.6
Total Airflow...cfm| 60,000 60,000 80,000 80,000
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD in. 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3
Face Area sq ft Ckt A and B Total 128.3 128.3 168 168
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant psig 450
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume Gal. (includes nozzles) 24.5 24.5 30.3 30.3
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side psig 278/300
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 5 5
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 0.4 in. wg or 1.0 in. wg as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210

C-AL 10,046 10,481 11,293 12,676 13,380
C-C** 11,318 11,753 12,565 14,195 14,899
Ckt A 133/28 143/35 153/45 178/30 190/40
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 137/28 144/35 162/45 173/30 185/40
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...1750
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 275, (1) 299 (3) 265 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275,
(1) 299 (3) 265, (1) 275
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 275, (1) 299 (2) 299 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275,
(1) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 265/19, 275/19, 299/19
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 11/8 14/10 17/12 6/6 7/7
Ckt A 50 50 50 50 50
% Cap.
Ckt B 50 50 50 50 50
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 14/14 11/11 11/11 13/14 11/12
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed rpm 1140 1140 1140 1140 1740
No. Blades...Diameter in. 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30
No. Fans...Total kW 10...15.9 10...15.9 10...15.9 12...19.1 12...19.1
Total Airflow cfm 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000
High Static
Fan Speed rpm 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740
No. Blades...Diameter in. 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
No. Fans...Total kW 10...37 10...37 10...37 12...44.4 12...44.4
Total Airflow cfm| 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD in. .375 .375 .375 .375 .375
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area sq ft Ckt A and B Total 225.1 225.1 225.1 268.9 268.9
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant psig 450 450 450 450 450
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume Gal. (includes nozzles) 52.0 52.0 61.0 61.0 70.4
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side psig 278/300 278/300 278/300 278/300 278/300
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 0.4 in. wg or 1.0 in. wg as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT English (cont)
50 Hz

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 040 045 050 060 070

C-AL 3590 3736 3916 4780 5453
C-C** 3878 4024 4349 5197 6081
Ckt A 39/12 40/12 48/12 52/14 71/15
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 48/12 46/12 60/12 54/14 69/15
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...1450
(No.) Ckt A (1) 250 (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299 (2) 265
(No.) Ckt B (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 250/14, 265/19, 275/19, 299/19
Capacity Control Steps 4 4 4 4 6
Ckt A 42.4 47.6 43.3 50.0 58.0
% Cap.
Ckt B 57.6 52.4 56.7 50.0 42.0
Minimum Step Capacity % 24.0 31.7 28.8 33.3 19.3
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed rpm 950 950 950 950 950
No. Blades...Diameter in. 6...30 6...30 6...30 6...30 6...30
No. Fans...Total kW 4...6.2 4...6.2 4...6.2 6...9.3 6...9.3
Total Airflow cfm 35,000 35,000 34,000 52,000 51,000
High Static
Fan Speed rpm 1445 1445 1445 1445 1445
No. Blades...Diameter in. 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
No. Fans...Total kW 4...14.8 4...14.8 4...14.8 6...22.2 6...22.2
Total Airflow cfm| 40,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 60,000
and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD in. 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375
No. Rows Ckt A or B 2 2 3 2 3
Face Area sq ft Ckt A and B Total 80.5 80.5 80.5 116.7 116.7
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant psig 450
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume Gal. (includes nozzles) 10.9 13.5 13.5 18.0 18.0
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side psig 278/300
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 3 3 3 4 4
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\ Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 0.4 in. wg or 1.0 in. wg as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 080 090 100 110

C-AL 6720 7135 8710 8840
C-C** 7445 7860 9660 9790
Ckt A 78/15 78/15 98/20 98/20
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 78/15 78/15 105/20 105/20
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...1450
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 250/14, 265/19, 275/19, 299/19
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 8/6 11/8 11/8 11/8
Ckt A 62 54 50 50
% Cap.
Ckt B 38 46 50 50
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 17/16 14/14 13/13 17/17
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed rpm 950 950 950 950
No. Blades...Diameter in. 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30
No. Fans...Total kW 6...9.4 6...9.4 8...12.7 8...12.7
Total Airflow cfm 57,000 57,000 76,000 76,000
High Static
Fan Speed rpm 1445 1445 1445 1445
No. Blades...Diameter in. 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
No. Fans...Total kW 6...22.2 6...22.2 8...29.6 8...29.6
Total Airflow...cfm| 60,000 60,000 80,000 80,000
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD in. 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3
Face Area sq ft Ckt A and B Total 128.3 128.3 168 168
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant psig 450
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume Gal. (includes nozzles) 24.5 24.5 30.3 30.3
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side psig 278/300
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 5 5
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 0.4 in. wg or 1.0 in. wg as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT English (cont)
50 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210

C-AL 10,511 10,676 11,443 12,906 13,545
C-C** 11,783 11,948 12,715 14,425 15,064
Ckt A 133/28 143/35 153/45 178/30 190/40
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 137/28 143/35 162/45 173/30 185/40
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...1450
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (2) 275 (3) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 (3) 299 (2) 265, (2) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 (3) 299 (3) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 265/19, 275/19, 299/19
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 14/10 14/10 17/12 6/6 7/7
Ckt A 52 60 48 50 52
% Cap.
Ckt B 48 40 52 50 48
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 10/10 13/13 9/10 17/17 9/10
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed rpm 950 950 950 950 950
No. Blades...Diameter in. 6...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30
No. Fans...Total kW 10...15.9 10...15.9 10...15.9 12...19.1 12...19.1
Total Airflow cfm 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000
High Static
Fan Speed rpm 1445 1445 1445 1445 1445
No. Blades...Diameter in. 6...30 12...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
No. Fans...Total kW 10...37 10...37 10...37 12...44.4 12...44.4
Total Airflow cfm| 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD in. .375 .375 .375 .375 .375
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area sq ft Ckt A and B Total 225.1 225.1 225.1 268.9 268.9
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant psig 450 450 450 450 450
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume Gal. (includes nozzles) 52.0 52.0 61.0 61.0 70.4
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side psig 278/300 278/300 278/300 278/300 278/300
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 0.4 in. wg or 1.0 in. wg as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT SI
60 Hz

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 040 045 050 060 070

C-AL 1610 1669 1749 2150 2280
C-C** 1741 1800 1945 2339 2565
Ckt A 17.7/5.4 18.1/5.4 21.8/5.4 23.6/6.3 31.7/6.8
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 21.8/5.4 20.9/5.4 27.2/5.4 24.5/6.3 31.3/6.8
COMPRESSORS, Type...rpm Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...29.2
(No.) Ckt A (1) 250 (1) 250 (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299
(No.) Ckt B (1) 250 (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299 (1) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/L 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
Capacity Control Steps 4 4 4 4 4
Ckt A 50.0 42.4 47.6 43.3 50.0
% Cap.
Ckt B 50.0 57.6 52.4 56.7 50.0
Minimum Step Capacity (%) 25.0 21.2 31.7 28.8 33.3
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed r/s 19 19 19 19 19
No. Blades...Diameter mm 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762
No. Fans...Total kW 4...6.2 4...6.2 4...6.2 6...9.3 6...9.3
Total Airflow L/s 16 517 16 517 16 045 24 540 24 068
High Static
Fan Speed r/s 29 29 29 29 29
No. Blades...Diameter mm 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762
No. Fans...Total kW 4...14.8 4...14.8 4...14.8 6...22.2 6...22.2
Total Airflow L/s| 18 876 18 876 18 876 28 314 28 314
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD mm 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53
No. Rows Ckt A or B 2 2 3 2 3
Face Area m2 Ckt A and B Total 7.48 7.48 7.48 10.84 10.84
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant kPa 3103
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume L (includes nozzles) 41.3 51.2 51.2 68.3 68.3
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side kPa 1916/2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 3 3 3 4 4
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\ Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 100 Pa or 250 Pa as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT SI (cont)
60 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 080 090 100 110

C-AL 3013 3189 3914 3935
C-C** 3343 3518 4346 4368
Ckt A 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 44.5/9.1 44.5/9.1
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 47.7/9.1 47.7/9.1
COMPRESSORS, Type...r/s Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...29.2
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 275, (1) 250 (1) 265, (1) 250 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (2) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275
Oil Charge Compressor/L 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 7/6 11/8 11/8 11/8
Ckt A 56 47 50 54
% Cap.
Ckt B 44 53 50 46
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 22/22 18/18 16/15 14/14
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed r/s 19 19 19 19
No. Blades...Diameter mm 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762
No. Fans...Total kW 6...9.4 6...9.4 8...12.7 8...12.7
Total Airflow L/s 26 898 26 898 35 864 35 864
High Static
Fan Speed r/s 29 29 29 29
No. Blades...Diameter mm 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762
No. Fans...Total kW 6...22.2 6...22.2 8...29.6 8...29.6
Total Airflow...L/s| 28 315 28 315 37 750 37 750
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD mm 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3
Face Area m2 Ckt A and B Total 11.92 11.92 15.61 15.61
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant kPa 3103
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume L (includes nozzles) 92.9 92.9 114.6 114.6
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side kPa 1916/2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic-Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 5 5
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 100 Pa or 250 Pa as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210

C-AL 4566 4754 5133 5761 6081
C-C** 5144 5342 5711 6452 6772
Ckt A 60.5/12.7 65.0/15.9 69.5/20.5 80.9/13.6 86.4/18.2
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 62.3/12.7 65.0/15.9 73.6/20.5 78.6/13.6 84.1/18.2
COMPRESSORS, Type...r/s Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...29.2
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 275, (1) 299 (3) 265 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (3) 265, (1) 275
(1) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 275, (1) 299 (2) 299 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 275, (2) 299
(1) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/L 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 11/8 14/10 17/12 6/6 7/7
Ckt A 50 50 50 50 50
% Cap.
Ckt B 50 50 50 50 50
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 14/14 11/11 11/11 13/14 11/12
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed r/s 19 19 19 19 19
No. Blades...Diameter mm 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762
No. Fans...Total kW 10...15.9 10...15.9 10...15.9 12...19.1 12...19.1
Total Airflow L/s 47 190 47 190 47 190 56 630 56 630
High Static
Fan Speed r/s 29 29 29 29 29
No. Blades...Diameter mm 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762
No. Fans...Total kW 10...37.0 10...37.0 10...37.0 12...44.4 12...44.4
Total Airflow L/s| 47 190 47 190 47 190 56 630 56 630
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD mm 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area m2 Ckt A and B Total 20.92 20.92 20.92 20.92 20.92
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant kPa 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume L (includes nozzles) 197 197 229 229 267
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side kPa 1916/2068 1916/2068 1916/2068 1916/2068 1916/2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 100 Pa or 250 Pa as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT SI (cont)
50 Hz

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 040 045 050 060 070

C-AL 1628 1694 1776 2168 2473
C-C** 1759 1825 1972 2357 2758
Ckt A 17.7/5.4 18.1/5.4 21.8/5.4 23.6/6.3 32.2/16.8
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 21.8/5.4 20.9/5.4 27.2/5.4 24.5/6.3 31.3/16.8
COMPRESSORS, Type...r/s Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...24.2
(No.) Ckt A (1) 250 (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299 (2) 265
(No.) Ckt B (1) 265 (1) 275 (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/pt 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 4 4 4 4 6
Ckt A 42.4 47.6 43.3 50.0 58.0
% Cap.
Ckt B 57.6 52.4 56.7 50.0 42.0
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 24.0 31.7 28.8 33.3 19.3
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed r/s 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8
No. Blades...Diameter mm 6...762 6...762 6...762 6...762 6...762
No. Fans...Total kW 4...6.2 4...6.2 4...6.2 6...9.3 6...9.3
Total Airflow L/s 16 517 16 517 16 045 24 540 24 068
High Static
Fan Speed r/s 24 24 24 24 24
No. Blades...Diameter mm 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762
No. Fans...Total kW 4...14.8 4...14.8 4...14.8 6...22.2 6...22.2
Total Airflow L/s| 18 876 18 876 18 876 28 314 28 314
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD mm 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53
No. Rows Ckt A or B 2 2 3 2 3
Face Area m2 Ckt A and B Total 7.48 7.48 7.48 10.84 10.84
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant kPa 3103
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume L (includes nozzles) 41.3 51.2 51.2 68.3 68.3
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side kPa 1916/2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 3 3 3 4 4
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 100 Pa or 250 Pa as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 080 090 100 110

C-AL 3055 3243 3960 4018
C-C** 3384 3573 4390 4450
Ckt A 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 44.5/9.1 44.5/9.1
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 47.7/9.1 47.7/9.1
COMPRESSORS, Type...r/s Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...24.2
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/L 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 8/6 11/8 11/8 11/8
Ckt A 62 54 50 50
% Cap.
Ckt B 38 46 50 50
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 17/16 14/14 13/13 17/17
CONDENSER FANS Type Propeller, Direct Drive
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed r/s 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8
No. Blades...Diameter mm 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762
No. Fans...Total kW 6...9.4 6...9.4 8...12.7 8...12.7
Total Airflow L/s 26 898 26 898 35 864 35 864
High Static
Fan Speed r/s 29 29 29 29
No. Blades...Diameter mm 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762
No. Fans...Total kW 6...22.2 6...22.2 8...29.6 8...29.6
Total Airflow L/s| 28 315 28 315 37 750 37 750
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD mm 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3
Face Area m2 Ckt A and B Total 11.92 11.92 15.61 15.61
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant kPa 3103
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume L (includes nozzles) 92.9 92.9 114.6 114.6
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side kPa 1916/2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Cooler Inlet and Outlet; Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 5 5
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 100 Pa or 250 Pa as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Physical data 30GN,GT SI (cont)
50 Hz (cont)

30GN/GT UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210

C-AL 4778 4852 5201 5866 6156
C-C** 5335 5430 5779 6556 6847
Ckt A 60.5/12.7 65.0/15.9 69.5/20.5 80.9/13.6 86.4/18.2
R-22 Total/Over Clear Glass
Ckt B 62.3/12.7 65.0/15.9 73.6/20.5 78.6/13.6 84.1/18.2
COMPRESSORS, Type...r/s Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic...24.2
(Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (2) 275 (3) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 (3) 299 (2) 265, (2) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 (3) 299 (3) 299
Oil Charge Compressor/L 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
Capacity Control Steps (GN/GT) 14/10 14/10 17/12 6/6 7/7
Ckt A 52 60 48 50 52
% Cap.
Ckt B 48 40 52 50 48
Minimum Step Capacity % (GN/GT) 10/10 13/13 9/10 17/17 9/10
Standard/Low Noise
Fan Speed r/s 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8
No. Blades...Diameter mm 6...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762
No. Fans...Total kW 10...15.9 10...15.9 10...15.9 12...19.1 12...19.1
Total Airflow L/s 47 190 47 190 47 190 56 630 56 630
High Static
Fan Speed r/s 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1
No. Blades...Diameter mm 6...762 12...762 12...762 12...762 12...762
No. Fans...Total kW 10...37 10...37 10...37 12...44.4 12...44.4
Total Airflow L/s| 47 190 47 190 47 190 56 630 56 630
CONDENSER COILS Type Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Tubing
Tubes (Copper), OD mm 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53
No. Rows Ckt A or B 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area m Ckt A and B Total 20.92 20.92 20.92 24.98 24.98
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant kPa 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103
COOLER No. ...Type One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Net Fluid Volume L (includes nozzles) 197 197 229 229 267
Max Working Pressure
Refrigerant Side/Fluid Side kPa 1916/2068 1916/2068 1916/2068 1916/2068 1916/2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS in. Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6
Drain 34 NPT

Ckt Circuit
OD Outside Diameter
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy- and Heresite-coated fins.
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil.
**C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins Condenser Coil.
06E250 compressors have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
\Based on rated external static pressure (ESP) of 100 Pa or 250 Pa as appropriate.
NOTE: When facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

Factory-installed options
Thermostatic expansion valves (TXV) (30GT040- Low-ambient Motormastert III head-pressure con-
110) are for those situations where energy savings of the trol allows unit operation to 20 F (29 C) on all unit sizes.
EXV are secondary and equipment costs are most impor- Condenser coil options are available to match coil con-
tant. With this option, the EXV, related controls, and part- struction to the site conditions for the best durability. See
load energy savings related to the EXV function are replaced the guide below and consult your Carrier representative for
by TXVs and liquid line solenoid valves (LLSV). Minimum further information.
operating ambient temperature for TXV-equipped units with
standard head pressure control is 35 F (1.7 C). Contact Part-wind (PW) start generally is not required where mul-
your Carrier representative for details on operation at tem- tiple 06E compressors are installed. The starting current is
peratures below 35 F (1.7 C). This option has full micro- usually lower than a larger compressor using PW start. How-
processor temperature control features and diagnostic ever, a part-wind start option is available (denoted by a P in
capability. the fifth position of the unit model number) for all sizes.
Hot gas bypass option allows additional capacity reduc- Brine option for all sizes permits leaving fluid temperatures
to be set between 15 and 39 F (9.4 and 3.9 C). Refrig-
tion for unit operation below the minimum step of unload-
ing. It is available on all 30GN040 and 30GT040-070 units. eration circuit components, such as the expansion device,
are modified to correct for the lower refrigeration flow rates.
NOTE: Accessory unloaders (where available) eliminate the
need for hot gas bypass and provide a more efficient Non-fused electrical disconnect is available factory in-
stalled on 380/415 v and 460 v units only. For 040-110
sizes, disconnect is a thru-the-door type. For 130-210
Cooler heater protects cooler to 20 F (29 C). Includes sizes, disconnect mounts on center panel.
controls and 4 cooler tape heaters (sizes 040-050), 6 heat-
High-static fans allow the 30GN,GT units to be used in
ers (sizes 060, 070), or 8 heaters (sizes 080-210) 210 w
each. applications with an external static pressure of up to
1 in. wg (250 kPa) (external to the chiller) at nominal
Sound reduction option consists of specially designed sys- condenser airflow. Two options are available: 0.4 in. wg
tem of fans and acoustic enclosures for reducing sound lev- (100 kPa) and 1 in. wg (250 kPa).
els without compromising chiller performance.


COILS WITH Standard Mild Coastal Severe Coastal Industrial Combined
AL Fins (Standard Coils) X
CU Fins X
AL Fins, Heresite Post-Coating X
CU Fins, Heresite Post-Coating X X
AL Fins, Pre-Coated X
AL Aluminum
CU Copper

Field-installed accessories
Ground current protection includes an electronic sen- Oil pressure switch package includes 2 oil pressure
sor that monitors all phases of the 3-phase power supply to switches for unit. The switch mounts on lead compressor
the compressor. At the first sign of a short to ground, the in each refrigerant circuit. This is an accessory for 040-070
sensor shuts down the compressor to prevent contamina- sizes (standard on 080-210 sizes).
tion of the refrigerant system. This protection is an acces- Temperature reset board (30GT) is used for leaving-fluid
sory for 040-060 and 070 (60 Hz) sizes only (standard on temperature reset. Reset can be based on return-fluid tem-
070 [50 Hz] and 080-210 sizes). perature, space temperature, or outdoor-air temperature.
Motormastert III head-pressure control allows unit to The temperature reset board lets the unit reset the leaving-
operate down to 20 F (29 C) on all unit sizes. fluid temperature to a higher value during low load condi-
NOTE: No motor change-out is required on 60 Hz units. tions. An accessory thermistor for outdoor air and space
temperature reset is required.
Sound reduction kit consists of a specially-designed sys-
tem of fans and acoustic enclosures for reducing sound lev- Demand limit control module accessory has a 2-point
els without compromising chiller performance. No fan mo- adjustment (0 to 49% and 50 to 100%), activated by a re-
tor change is required, and the fan system is compatible mote 115- or 230-v signal. This module is a prewired board
with Motormaster III head-pressure control. This accessory for 30GT units.
is sold in sets of 2 kits per package. Hot gas bypass package includes solenoid control valves
Security grilles protect the chiller cooler compressors and and a hot gas bypass valve. Piping and electrical connec-
condenser coils from damage due to vandalism. tions are made easy by factory-provided piping stubs and
electrical terminal blocks.
Additional electric suction cutoff unloader(s) can be
field-installed as follows: Condenser coil hail guard package includes louvered
condenser coil hail guards and installation hardware.
GT040-070 One on Compressor B1 Control transformer is sized to supply the needs of the
One on Compressor A1 control circuit, sourcing power from the main unit power
GN050-070 Two on Compressor B1
One on Compressor B1
GN040 None on Compressor A1
None on Compressor A1
Chilled fluid flow switch accessory is available for field
GN045 installation (all sizes) although low fluid flow detection is pro-
Two on Compressor B1
One for lead compressor of each vided by the unit internal control devices.
GN080-210 circuit. Requires use of control
options board (included). Convenience outlet accessory kit provides a 115-v, GFI
(Ground Fault Interrupter) female receptacle. The outlet is
Unloader(s) eliminate the need for hot gas bypass and op- field mounted in the control box and is powered by the unit
erate more efficiently. On 30GN/GT040-070 sizes, they control circuit.
also provide automatic lead/lag operation. Unit control display access door provides easy access
Discharge and suction pressure gage panel aids in to the unit control module through a see-through door with-
routine maintenance when reading system pressures. Both out having to open or remove control box panels.
pressure gages are mounted on a common panel. Each gage High-ambient kit may be required in areas where the out-
is equipped with a shutoff valve. Each lead compressor re- door ambient temperatures are expected to be above
quires a separate gage panel. 115 F (46.1 C) and return fluid temperatures are expected
Remote cooler mounting permits indoor relocation of to be above 60 F (15.5 C).
the cooler up to 75 ft (22 m) away from base unit.
Multi-chiller control The control panel sequences up
to 4 chillers and circulating pumps by sensing mixed leaving-
water temperature.
The control features include:
lead/lag control for reliable compressor operation
7-day programmable timeclock for scheduling flexibility
and energy savings
daylight savings time changeover for accurate scheduling
a.m./p.m. time display
battery back-up of programmed events for reliable

Base unit dimensions 30GN,GT040-050

040 48-5129 18-11189
(1359) (588)
045, 58-5129 18-53169
050 (1663) (437)

1. Unit must have clearances for airflow (from solid surfaces) as follows:
Top Do not restrict in any way.
Ends 5 ft [1524]
Sides 6 ft [1829]
2. Two 2 in. dia holes are recommended for parallel conductors on size 040 and 045
(208/230 v) units.
3. One 358 in. dia hole is recommended for single entry power on size 050 (208/230 v) units.
4. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They are not recommended for
spring isolator location.
5. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and the isolators
is recommended.
6. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
7. Thru-the-door handles for non-fused disconnect option on 380/415 v and 460 v units only.
When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power-side door opens from right side, NOT left
side as shown for standard units.

Base unit dimensions 30GN,GT060,070

1. Unit must have clearances for airflow (from solid surfaces) as
Top Do not restrict in any way.
Ends 5 ft [1524]
Sides 6 ft [1829]
2. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They
are not recommended for spring isolator location.
3. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended.
4. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
5. Thru-the-door handles for non-fused disconnect option on
380/415 v and 460 v units only. When unit has non-fused discon-
nect option, power-side door opens from right side, NOT left side
as shown for standard units.

Base unit dimensions 30GN,GT080,090

1. Unit must have clearances for airflow (from solid surfaces) as
Top Do not restrict in any way
Ends 5 ft [1524]
Sides 6 ft [1829]
2. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They
are not recommended for spring isolator location.
3. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended.
4. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
5. Thru-the-door handles for non-fused disconnect option on
380/415 v and 460 v units only. When unit has non-fused discon-
nect option, power-side door opens from right side, NOT left side
as shown for standard units.

Base unit dimensions 30GN,GT100,110

1. Unit must have clearances for airflow (from solid surfaces) as
Top Do not restrict in any way
Ends 5 ft [1524]
Sides 6 ft [1829]
2. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They
are not recommended for spring isolator location.
3. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended.
4. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
5. Thru-the-door handles for non-fused disconnect option on
380/415 v and 460 v units only. When unit has non-fused discon-
nect option, power-side door opens from right side, NOT left side
as shown for standard units.

Base unit dimensions 30GN,GT130-170

1. Unit must have clearances for airflow (from solid surfaces) as
Top Do not restrict in any way
Ends 5 ft [1524 mm]
Sides 6 ft [1829 mm]
2. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They
are not recommended for spring isolator location.
3. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended.
4. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
5. Optional non-fused disconnect shown on page 25.


130 9-412 [2858] 4-118 [1267] 1-434 [425] 0-912 [242]
150 9-4 [2849] 4-212 [1283] 1-434 [425] 0-912 [242]
170 9-418 [2865] 4-212 [1283] 1-558 [448] 0-858 [219]

Base unit dimensions 30GN,GT190,210
190 11-4 [3454] 4-212 [1283] 1-558 [448] 6- 3716 [1916] 7-814 [2343] 858 [219] 1- 9 [533.4] 6- 4716 [1941.3]
210 11-3 [3444] 4-2 [1285] 1-6716 [468] 5-1112 [1816] 8-2916 [2504] 912 [242] 1-11 [584] 5-1112 [1816.2]

1. Unit must have clearances for airflow (from solid
surfaces) as follows:
Top Do not restrict in any way
Ends 5 ft [1524 mm]
Sides 6 ft [1829 mm]
2. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete
pad. They are not recommended for spring isolator
3. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support
channel between the unit and the isolators is
4. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
5. Optional non-fused disconnect shown on page 25.

Non-Fused Disconnect Option, 30GN,GT Sizes 130-210 (130-170 Shown)


Base unit dimensions (cont)
Mounting Weights (Approximate) Sizes 040-110*


C-AL 972 876 807 895 441 397 366 406
C-C 1044 948 879 968 473 430 399 439
C-AL 999 895 845 943 453 406 383 428
C-C 1071 967 917 1015 486 438 416 460
C-AL 1047 948 884 976 475 430 401 443
C-C 1155 1057 992 1085 524 479 450 492
C-AL 1258 1130 1130 1113 570 512 505 562
C-C 1362 1234 1217 1344 618 560 552 609
C-AL 1332 1212 1184 1301 604 550 537 590
C-C 1489 1369 1340 1458 675 621 608 661
C-AL 1624 1690 1666 1650 738 768 757 750
C-C 1797 1880 1847 1831 817 854 840 832
C-AL 1817 1793 1720 1685 826 815 782 766
C-C 1997 1970 1893 1880 908 895 860 855
C-AL 2185 2185 2120 2120 993 993 964 964
C-C 2420 2420 2360 2360 1100 1100 1073 1073
C-AL 2191 2217 2136 2116 996 1007 970 962
C-C 2428 2454 2374 2354 1104 1115 1079 1070
LEGEND *Points A, B, C, and D are located in the corners of the unit. See pages 19-22 for dimensions.
C-AL Copper Tubing, Aluminum Fins Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy-coated and pre-coated
C-C Copper Tubing, Copper Fins aluminum fins.
NOTE: If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and the iso-
lators is recommended.

Mounting Weights (Approximate) Sizes 130-210

C-AL 923 1466 1156 825 1411 1365 1469 1431 419 666 525 375 641 620 668 650
C-C 1051 1593 1283 952 1601 1556 1659 1622 478 723 583 433 728 707 754 737
C-AL 926 1563 1160 834 1438 1375 1747 1438 420 710 527 379 653 625 794 653
C-C 1053 1690 1287 961 1628 1566 1938 1629 478 768 585 436 740 711 880 740
C-AL 962 1732 1333 862 1497 1629 1816 1462 437 787 605 392 680 740 825 664
C-C 1089 1860 1460 990 1688 1819 2007 1653 495 845 663 450 767 826 912 751
C-AL 1346 1942 1793 1111 1385 1799 1733 1567 611 882 815 505 629 817 787 712
C-C 1536 2132 1983 1301 1575 1989 1923 1757 698 969 901 591 715 904 874 798
C-AL 1376 2128 1871 1120 1407 1846 2037 1595 625 967 850 509 639 384 925 725
C-C 1566 2318 2061 1310 1597 2036 2227 1784 711 1053 937 595 725 925 1012 810
C-AL Copper Tubing Aluminum Fins
C-C Copper Tubing Copper Fins
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy-coated and pre-coated
aluminum fins.

1. Dimensions in ( ) are in millimeters.
2. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and the isolators is recommended.

Application data
Leveling unit For details on applying a reset option, refer to unit Con-
Unit must be level when installed to ensure proper oil trols and Troubleshooting literature. Obtain ordering part
return to the compressors. numbers for reset option from current price pages or con-
tact your local Carrier representative.
While most outdoor locations are suitable for 30GN and
30GT units, the roof is a common site that presents a prob- Cooler flow range
lem if roof has been pitched to aid in water removal. To Ratings and performance data in this publication are for a
assure proper oil return, be sure that unit is level, particu- cooling temperature rise of 10 F (6 C), and are suitable
larly in its major lengthwise dimension, as compressor oil for a range from 5 to 15 F (2.8 to 8.3 C) temperature rise
return piping runs in that direction. without adjustment. Both Flotronic and Flotronic II chillers
It should be determined prior to installation if any spe- may be operated using a different temperature range, pro-
cial treatment is required to assure a level installation. vided flow limits are not exceeded. For minimum flow rates,
see Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Minimum Loop
Cooler fluid temperature Volume table. High flow rate is limited by pressure drop that
1. Maximum leaving chilled fluid temperature (LCWT) for can be tolerated. If another temperature range is used, ap-
unit is 70 F (21 C). Unit can start and pull down with up ply LCWT correction as given in Selection Procedure ex-
to 95 F (35 C) entering-fluid temperature due to MOP ample on page 34.
(maximum operating pressure) feature of the TXV. For
sustained operation, it is recommended that entering- MINIMUM COOLER FLUID FLOW RATES
fluid temperature not exceed 85 F (29.4 C). AND MINIMUM LOOP VOLUME
2. Minimum LCWT for standard unit is 40 F (4.5 C). It is MINIMUM
permissible to use a standard microprocessor-controlled UNIT FLOW COOLER LOOP
Flotronic or Flotronic II chiller with leaving-fluid tem- SIZE VOLUME
peratures in the range of 34 to 39.9 F (1 to 4.4 C) only Gpm L/s Gal L
if a protective brine solution (20% antifreeze solution, 040 37 2.3 108 408
045 38 2.4 125 472
or greater) is used and microprocessor DIP (dual in-line 050 38 2.4 151 572
package) switch (Flotronic units only) is properly set. 060 48 3.0 190 719
070 48 3.0 218 823
(See Controls and Troubleshooting literature for further 080 60 3.8 246 930
information.) 090 60 3.8 262 992
100 73 4.6 299 1131
Medium temperature brine application 110 73 4.6 323 1222
130 101 6.4 375 1419
Application of chiller for brine duty within the 39.9 to 34 F 150 101 6.4 429 1624
(4.4 to 1 C) range is possible with proper field change of 170 135 8.5 486 1840
control configuration. Application in the range of 34 to 190 135 8.5 528 1998
210 219 13.8 603 2232
15 F (1 to 9.4 C) may require unit with factory modifi-
cation. For ratings below 40 F (4.5 C) LCWT, contact your LEGEND
local Carrier representative. ARI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
N Liters per kW
Leaving-fluid temperature reset V Gallons per ton
Accessory board (required on Flotronic unit, standard on 1. Minimum flow based on 1.0 fps (0.30 m/s) velocity in cooler without
Flotronic II unit) may be installed in chiller to provide reset special cooler baffling.
of LCWT in constant fluid flow systems. Reset reduces com- 2. Minimum Loop Volumes: Gallons = V x ARI Cap. (tons)
Liters = N x ARI Cap. (kW)
pressor power usage at part load when design LCWT is not
necessary. Humidity control should be considered since APPLICATION V N
higher coil temperatures resulting from reset will reduce Normal Air Conditioning 3 3.25
latent heat capacity. Three reset options are offered, Process Type Cooling 6 to 10 6.5 to 10.8
Low Ambient Unit Operation 6 to 10 6.5 to 10.8
based on the following:
Return-fluid temperature Increase LCWT tempera- Minimum cooler flow (maximum cooler temperature
ture set point as return (or entering) fluid temperature de- rise) The minimum cooler flow for standard units is shown
creases (indicating load decrease). Option may be used in in Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Minimum Loop
any application where return fluid provides accurate load Volume table. When gpm (L/s) required is lower (or rise
indication. Limitation of return fluid reset is that LCWT may higher), follow recommendations below:
only be reset to value of design return fluid temperature. a. Multiple smaller chillers may be applied in series, each
Outdoor-air temperature Increases LCWT as out- providing a portion of the design temperature rise.
door ambient temperature decreases (indicating load de- b. Cooler fluid may be recirculated to raise flow rate. How-
crease). This reset should be applied only where outdoor ever, mixed temperature entering cooler must be main-
ambient temperature is an accurate indication of load. An tained a minimum of at least 5 F (2.8 C) above the
accessory thermistor is required. LCWT.
Space temperature Increases LCWT as space tem- c. Special cooler baffling is required to allow minimum flow
perature decreases (indicating load decrease). This reset rate to be reduced.
should be applied only where space temperature is an ac- NOTE: Recirculation flow is shown on next page.
curate indication of load. An accessory thermistor is


Maximum cooler flow The maximum cooler flow

(. 5 gpm/ton or , 5 F rise [. 0.09 L/s kW or , 2.7 C Cooler fouling factor The fouling factor used to cal-
rise]) results in practical maximum pressure drop through culate tabulated ratings was .00025 ft2 hr F/Btu (.000044
m2 C/W). As fouling factor is increased, unit capacity de-
creases and compressor power increases. Standard ratings
1. Return fluid may bypass the cooler to keep pressure drop should be corrected using following multipliers:
through cooler within acceptable limits. This permits a
higher DT with lower fluid flow through cooler and mix- FOULING FACTOR
English SI POWER
ing after the cooler. (ft2 hr F/Btu) (m2 C/W)
2. Special cooler baffling to permit a cooler flow rate in- .00025 .000044 1.00 1.00
.00075 .000132 0.97 0.98
crease of 10% is available by special order. .00175 .000308 0.91 0.91
NOTE: Bypass flow is shown below.
Cooler protection Protection against low ambient
freeze-up is required for unit operation in areas that expe-
BYPASS FLOW rience temperatures below 32 F (0 C). Protection should
be in the form of inhibited ethylene glycol or other suitable
Even though unit cooler is equipped with insulation and
an electric heater that helps prevent freeze-up, it does
not protect fluid piping external to unit. Use only antifreeze
solutions approved for heat exchanger duty. Use of
automotive-type antifreezes is not recommended because
of the fouling that can occur once their relatively short-lived
inhibitor breaks down.
Draining cooler and outdoor piping is recommended if
system is not to be used during freezing weather conditions.
See Low Ambient Temperature Operation section page 30.
Variable cooler flow rates Variable rates may be ap-
plied to standard chiller. Unit will, however, attempt to main- Condenser
tain a constant leaving chilled fluid temperature. In such cases, Altitude correction factors Correction factors must
minimum flow must be in excess of minimum flow given in be applied to standard ratings at altitudes above 2000 ft
Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Minimum Loop Vol- (610 m) using the following multipliers:
ume table, and flow rate must change in steps of less than ALTITUDE COMPRESSOR
10% per minute. Apply 6 gal. per ton (6.5 L per kW) water MULTIPLIER
loop volume minimum if flow rate changes more rapidly.
0 0 1.00 1.00
Fluid loop volume The volume in circulation must equal 2000 610 0.99 1.01
4000 1220 0.98 1.02
or exceed 3 gal. per nominal ton (3.25 L per kW) of cool- 6000 1830 0.97 1.03
ing for temperature stability and accuracy in normal air- 8000
conditioning applications. (For example, a 30GT210 would
require 603 gal. [2232 L].) In process cooling applications, Condenser airflow Airflow restrictions on units with
or for operation at ambient temperature below 32 F (0 C) standard fans will affect the unit capacity, condenser head
with low loading conditions, there should be from 6 to pressure, and compressor power input. Correction factors
10 gal. per ton (6.5 to 10.8 L per kW). To achieve this vol- to be applied for external static restrictions up to 0.2 in. wg
ume, it is often necessary to install a tank in the loop. Tank (50 Pa) are as follows:
should be baffled to ensure there is no stratification and that EXTERNAL STATIC COMPRESSOR
water (or brine) entering tank is adequately mixed with liq- in. wg Pa MULTIPLIER
uid in the tank. 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.00
NOTE: Tank installation is shown in next column. 0.1 25 0.986 1.01
0.2 50 0.968 1.03

Application data (cont)
High ambient temperature Correct chilled water flow On the cooler flow correc-
High outdoor ambient chiller start-up and operation (fully tion curve below, read 1.15.
loaded) is possible for standard 30GN,GT chillers at ambi- Chilled water flow (at corrected capacity)
ent temperatures up to 125 F (52 C) at nominal voltage. In 24 x corrected cap. in tons
some cases, where return water temperature is expected to = = U.S. gpm
temperature rise F
exceed 60 F (15.5 C), an accessory kit may be required.
24 x 104.9
Low ambient temperature operation = = 179.8 U.S. gpm
With certain field provisions as described below, units will
start and operate down to Chilled water flow (40% solution) = 1.15 x 179.8
= 206.8 U.S. gpm
0 F (18 C) for EXV units
Correct cooler pressure drop On cooler pressure drop
35 F (1.7 C) for 30GT040-110 TXV units
correction curve below, read 1.33.
If operation is intended below these limits, the Carrier
On cooler pressure drop curve on page 32, for
accessory Motormastert III condenser head pressure con-
206.8 gpm, read pressure drop = 8.1 ft water gage. The
trol and its associated components must be added. The
pressure drop for 40% solution = 1.33 x 8.1 = 10.8 ft
Motormaster control allows operation down to 20 F
(29 C). Consult your Carrier representative for details.
Correct compressor power input (kW) On power cor-
NOTE: Minimum load on chiller must be above minimum
rection curve below, read 0.97 correction factor at 40%
step of unloading.
ethylene glycol concentration.
Wind baffles (field fabricated and installed) Baffles
Power input from Selection Procedure example
must be added to all units for operation below 32 F (0 C)
= 124.7 kW.
if wind velocity is anticipated to be greater than 5 mph
(8 km/h). Corrected power input = 0.97 x 124.7 =120.9 kW.
Antifreeze solution Inhibited ethylene glycol or other
suitable corrosion-resistant anti-freeze solution must be field INHIBITED ETHYLENE GLYCOL PERFORMANCE
supplied and installed in all units for unit operation below CORRECTION FACTORS AND SOLUTION
32 F (0 C). Solution must be added to fluid loop to protect
Correction factors apply to published chilled
loop down to 15 F (8 C) below minimum operating am- water performance ratings from 40 to 60 F
bient temperature. (4.4 to 15.6 C) LCWT
Provide sufficient volume in the chilled fluid loop At
least 6 gal per ton (6.5 L per kW) of refrigeration is the
recommended minimum for a moderate system load.
Capacity correction (antifreeze)
Inhibited ethylene glycol (or other suitable brine) should
be used in installations where subfreezing temperatures
are expected. Unit performance data must be corrected for
the addition of inhibited ethylene glycol as shown in follow-
ing example. Correction factors can be derived from curves
in the Inhibited Ethylene Glycol Performance chart at right.
Additional performance information on this and other flu-
ids is available in Carriers Electronic Catalog (E-CAT) soft-
ware program.
Example: English Where a 5 F outdoor temperature
is anticipated, determine concentration of inhibited ethyl-
ene glycol to protect system to 10 F ambient temperature
at zero flow.
Enter the solution crystallization point curve (at right) at
10 F, read 40% concentration of inhibited ethylene glycol
is required to prevent crystals from forming in solution.
Consider the 30GT110 unit from the Selection Proce-
dure example on page 34 (refer to correction curves at 40%
Correct unit capacity On the capacity correction curve
at right, read 0.95.
Corrected capacity = 0.95 x determined capacity
= 0.95 x 110.4
= 104.9 tons

Example: SI Determine concentration of inhibited eth- Multiple chillers
ylene glycol to protect the system to 23 C ambient tem- Where chiller capacities greater than 210 tons (740 kW)
perature at zero flow. are required, or where stand-by capability is desired, chill-
Enter the solution crystallization point curve on previous ers may be installed in parallel. Units should be of equal
page, at 23 C, read 40% concentration inhibited ethylene size to ensure balanced fluid flows. Where a large tempera-
glycol is required to prevent crystals from forming in ture drop (. 25 F [13.9 C]) is desired, chillers may be
solution. installed in series. Fluid temperature sensors need not be
Consider 30GT110 unit selected from the Selection Pro- moved for multiple chiller operation. A 10 ft (3 m) separa-
cedure example (refer to correction curves at 40% solution). tion is required between units for airflow, and a 6 ft (1.8 m)
distance is required from units to obstructions. See Multiple
Unit Separation figure below. See Base Unit Dimensions
Correct unit capacity On glycol performance capacity section on page 19 for service clearances.
correction curve on page 30, read 0.95.
Corrected capacity = 0.95 x determined capacity
= 0.95 x 371.8
= 353.2 kW

Correct chilled water flow On cooler flow correction

curve on page 30, read 1.15.
Chilled water flow (at corrected capacity)
0.239 x corr cap. in kW
= = L/s
temperature rise C
0.239 x 353.2
= = 10.8 L/s Electrical/utility interests
Energy management See Controls and Troubleshoot-
Chilled water flow (40% solution) = 1.15 x 10.8 ing literature and accessory installation instructions for
= 12.4 L/s details.
Demand limiting (also called load shedding) When
Correct cooler pressure drop On cooler pressure drop a utilitys demand for electricity exceeds a certain level, loads
correction curve on page 30, read 1.33. are shed to keep electricity demand below a prescribed maxi-
On cooler pressure drop curve on page 32, for 12.4 L/s, mum level. Typically, this happens on hot days when air
read pressure drop of 24 kPa. The pressure drop for 40% conditioning is most needed.
solution =1.33 x 24 = 31.92 kPa. Demand may be limited on unit by resetting fluid tem-
perature, or by using a demand limit accessory that unloads
Correct compressor power input (kW) On the power the chiller to a given predetermined percentage of the load.
correction curve on page 30, read 0.97 correction factor Both features require a signal from an intelligent central con-
at 40% ethylene glycol concentration. trol. Do not cycle demand limiter for less than 10 minutes
Power input from Selection Procedure example on and 5 minutes off.
= 121.7 kW. Duty cycling cycles electrical loads at regular intervals
Corrected power input = 0.97 x 121.7 = 118.0 kW. regardless of need. This reduces the electrical operating costs
of building by fooling demand indicating devices. Duty
cycling of compressors or fans is not recommended since
Oversizing chillers motor winding and bearing life suffer from constant
Oversizing chillers by more than 15% at design conditions cycling.
must be avoided as the system operating efficiency is ad- Remote on-off control
versely affected (resulting in greater or excessive electrical Remote on-off control may be applied by hard-wired con-
demand). When future expansion of equipment is antici- nection (see Controls and Troubleshooting literature) or by
pated, install a single chiller to meet present load require- Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) with Flotronic II option.
ments and add a second chiller to meet the additional load
demand. Part-wind start
It is also recommended that 2 smaller chillers be installed This is not generally required on 30GN,GT chillers due to
where operation at minimum load is critical. The operation use of multiple compressors allowing smaller electrical load
of a smaller chiller loaded to a greater percentage over mini- increments, but is available if required. Maximum instanta-
mum is preferred to operating a single chiller at or near its neous current flow (see ICF in Electrical Data table on
minimum recommended value. page 46) should be used in determining need.
Hot gas bypass should not be used as a means to allow Strainers
oversizing chillers. Hot gas bypass should be given consid- It is recommended that a strainer with a minimum of
eration where substantial operating time is anticipated be- 20 mesh be installed in the cooler fluid inlet line, just ahead
low the minimum unloading step. of and as close as possible to the cooler.

Application data (cont)



NOTE: Ft of water =2.31 x change in psig.




1 30GN,GT130,150
2 30GN,GT170,190
3 30GN,GT210
NOTE: Ft of water =2.31 x change in psig.

Selection procedure English (60 Hz)
(with 30GT example)
NOTE: The Carrier electronic catalog provides quick, easy Read down capacity column until the capacity nearest
computer selection of Carrier chillers. The catalog is avail- to but higher than specified required capacity is reached.
able from your local Carrier representative. In this case, 109.7 tons is delivered by a 30GT110.
I Determine unit size and operating conditions re- Interpolate between 45 F and 46 F to find deter-
quired to provide specified capacity at given mined capacity and power input at corrected LCWT
conditions: (45.3 F). Values are:
Capacity required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 tons Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.4 tons
Power input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.7 kW
Leaving chilled water temperature (LCWT) . . . 45 F
IV Calculate corrected cooler water flow.
Chilled water temperature rise . . . . . . . . . . . 14 F
24 x corr cap. in tons
Condenser entering-air temperature (CEAT) . . 95 F Water flow = = U.S. gpm
temperature rise F
Loop volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 gal.
24 x 110.4
Ratings are based on 10 F rise and are suitable for a = = 189.3 U.S. gpm
temperature rise range from 5 to 15 F without ad- 14
justment. In this case, however, greater accuracy is V Calculate the cooler pressure drop.
desired. Enter cooler pressure drop curve (page 32) at the cor-
II Correct LCWT for 14 F cooler water tempera- rected flow rate (189.3 U.S. gpm) and read, for the
ture rise. 30GT110, a pressure drop of 7.0 ft of water.
Enter LCWT correction curve (page 35) at 14 F and VI Check loop volume and cooler water flow rate.
read a correction of 0.3 F. Corrected LCWT is, there- Minimum loop volume, from application data, is
fore, 45 + 0.3 = 45.3 F. 323 gal. for 30GT110. Therefore, given volume of
III Determine capacity, unit size, and power input. 350 gal. is satisfactory. Minimum water flow rate, from
Enter Cooling Capacities table at given CEAT and application data, is 73 gpm for 30GT110. Flow rate
LCWT 95 F and 45 F, respectively. of 189.3 gpm is well above minimum required.

Selection procedure SI (60 Hz)

(with 30GT example)
I Determine unit size and operating conditions re- reached. In this case, 370 kW is delivered by a 30GT110.
quired to provide specified capacity at given Interpolate between 6 C and 7 C to find the deter-
conditions: mined capacity and power input at corrected LCWT
Capacity required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 kW (6.1 C). Values are:
Leaving chilled water temperature (LCWT) . . . . 6 C Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371.8 kW
Chilled water temperature rise . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 C Power input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.7 kW
Condenser entering air temperature (CEAT) . . 35 C IV Calculate corrected cooler water flow.
Loop volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 L 0.239 x corr cap. in kW
Water flow = = L/s
Ratings are based on 6 C rise and are suitable for a temperature rise C
temperature rise range from 2.8 to 8.3 C without 0.239 x 371.8
adjustment. In this case, however, greater accuracy is = = 11.4 L/s
desired. 7.8
II Correct LCWT for 7.8 C cooler water tempera- V Calculate cooler pressure drop.
ture rise. Enter cooler pressure drop curve (page 32) at cor-
Enter LCWT correction curve (page 35) at 7.8 C and rected flow rate (11.4 L/s) and read, for 30GT110, a
read a correction of 0.14 C. Corrected LCWT is, there- pressure drop of 17.5 kPa.
fore, 6 + 0.14 = 6.1 C. VI Check loop volume and cooler water flow rate.
III Determine capacity, unit size, and power input. Minimum loop volume, from application data, is 1222 L
Enter Cooling Capacities table at given CEAT and for 30GT110. Therefore, given volume of 1300 L is
LCWT 35 C and 6 C, respectively. satisfactory. Minimum water flow rate, from applica-
tion data, is 4.6 L/s for 30GT110. Flow rate of
Read down the capacity column until the capacity near- 11.4 L/s is well above minimum required.
est to but higher than the specified required capacity is

Selection procedure English and SI


Above 10 F, ADD correction to design LCWT. Above 6 C, ADD correction to design LCWT.
Below 10 F, SUBTRACT. Below 6 C, SUBTRACT.

LCWT Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

Performance data

30GN,GT Tons Btuh (kW) (kW) (ft water) (EER) (COP)
040 35.9 430,800 38.5 6.2 8.2 9.6 2.82
045 41.6 499,200 46.5 6.2 11.5 9.5 2.77
050 50.4 604,800 56.0 6.2 16.5 9.7 2.84
060 63.3 759,600 70.9 9.3 17.0 9.5 2.77
070 72.5 870,000 82.4 9.3 22.0 9.5 2.78
080 81.9 982,800 93.6 9.4 16.9 9.5 2.79
090 87.4 1,048,800 98.4 9.5 19.2 9.7 2.85
100 99.6 1,195,200 107.9 12.7 15.2 9.9 2.90
110 107.6 1,291,200 123.0 12.8 17.6 9.5 2.79
130 121.4 1,456,800 137.3 15.5 6.6 9.5 2.78
150 140.2 1,682,400 161.6 15.5 8.7 9.5 2.78
170 157.2 1,945,200 181.0 15.5 11.8 9.5 2.81
190 172.4 2,116,800 199.2 18.6 14.1 9.5 2.86
210 201.0 2,419,200 235.3 18.6 15.0 9.5 2.78
Capacity (Btuh)
Input Power (W)
*Per ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) Standard 590-92.
NOTE: 95 F (35 C) condenser entering-air temperature; 54 F (12 C) entering/44 F (6.7 C)
leaving cooler water; .00025 ft2 hr F/Btu (.000044 m2 C/W) cooler fouling allowance.

Performance data (cont)

Tons Btuh (kW) (ft water) (EER) (COP)
040 35.0 420,000 37.8 6.2 5.3 9.54 2.79
045 41.9 502,800 47.6 6.2 8.4 9.34 2.73
050 51.1 613,200 59.4 6.2 12.3 9.35 2.74
060 60.2 722,400 68.9 9.3 11.2 9.24 2.71
070 70.1 841,200 77.8 9.3 15.0 9.67 2.83
080 81.0 972,000 92.9 9.4 11.3 9.50 2.83
090 90.6 1,087,200 105.6 9.4 14.0 9.45 2.77
100 100.2 1,202,400 112.8 12.7 9.5 9.58 2.81
110 111.0 1,332,000 134.0 12.7 11.6 9.07 2.66
130 123.5 1,482,000 140.6 15.5 6.8 9.50 2.78
150 144.6 1,735,200 175.3 15.4 9.4 9.10 2.66
170 158.3 1,899,600 186.6 15.4 11.9 9.40 2.75
190 179.6 2,155,200 213.2 18.5 15.3 9.30 2.72
210 201.0 2,412,000 238.1 18.6 14.6 9.40 2.75

Capacity (Btuh)
Input Power (W)
NOTE: 95 F (35 C) condenser entering-air temperature; 54 F (12 C) entering/44 F (6.7 C)
leaving cooler water; .00025 ft2 hr F/Btu (.000044 m2 C/W) cooler fouling allowance.




STEPS 040 045 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 130 150 170 190 210
1 25 21 32 29 33 22 18 15 14 14 11 11 14 12
2 50 42 78 43 50 52 35 31 29 29 19 22 27 26
3 75 79 84 86 83 67 44 39 36 36 28 28 43 37
4 100 100 100 100 100 78 53 46 43 43 33 33 59 56
5 89 71 65 68 64 44 44 79 68
6 100 80 73 75 72 58 50 100 86
7 91 92 93 93 78 61 100
8 100 100 100 100 83 67
9 94 78
10 100 83
11 94
12 100



STEPS 040 045 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 130 150 170 190 210
1 25 38 35 38 33 29 18 15 14 14 17 11 14 14
2 50 58 52 57 50 52 35 31 29 29 19 22 27 26
3 75 60 67 67 83 63 44 39 36 36 33 28 43 44
4 100 81 83 81 100 78 53 46 43 43 43 33 59 56
5 100 84 100 89 71 65 68 64 58 44 79 74
6 100 100 80 73 75 72 67 50 100 86
7 91 92 93 93 75 61 100
8 100 100 100 100 83 67
9 92 78
10 100 83
11 94
12 100

*Accessory unloaders are required on 040-070 sizes for auto lead/lag and Sequence B.
1. The standard 30GN unit has the same steps, but additional steps are available when
accessory unloaders are used.
2. Accessory hot gas bypass and accessory unloaders (where available on sizes larger than
070) are not considered. Contact your local Carrier representative for details.



STEPS 040 045 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 130 150 170 190 210
1 21 32 29 33 19 16 14 13 17 10 13 10 17 10
2 42 78 43 50 29 42 29 26 33 21 27 24 33 26
3 79 84 86 83 62 54 36 33 42 29 33 29 50 37
4 100 100 100 100 71 62 43 40 50 34 40 39 67 52
5 90 92 68 63 67 47 53 43 83 68
6 100 100 75 70 75 58 60 53 100 84
7 93 93 92 77 73 57 100
8 100 100 100 82 80 62
9 95 93 76
10 100 100 81
11 95
12 100



STEPS 040 045 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 130 150 170 190 210
1 38 35 38 33 19 25 14 13 17 10 13 10 17 16
2 58 52 57 50 29 42 29 26 33 21 27 24 33 26
3 60 67 67 83 47 50 36 33 42 29 33 34 50 42
4 81 83 81 100 48 62 43 40 50 34 40 38 67 52
5 100 84 100 58 92 68 63 67 47 53 43 83 68
6 100 61 100 75 70 75 58 60 48 100 84
7 71 93 93 92 77 73 57 100
8 90 100 100 100 82 80 62
9 100 95 93 76
10 100 100 81
11 95
12 100
*Accessory unloaders are required on 040-070 sizes for auto lead/lag and Sequence B.
1. The standard 30GN unit has the same steps, but additional steps are available when
accessory unloaders are used.
2. Accessory hot gas bypass and accessory unloaders (where available on sizes larger than
070) are not considered. Contact your local Carrier representative for details.

Part Load Efficiency Data

Carriers reciprocating chiller selection program may be used
to determine part load performance of Carrier chillers. This
program has the ability to calculate part load performance
based on the ARI LOAD line or on a user-specified load
line at either user-specified percent capacity or the actual
capacity step. Contact your local Carrier representative for

Performance data English
85 95 105 115 125
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
040 35.6 34.9 85.3 33.8 37.4 80.8 31.9 39.8 76.3 29.9 41.9 71.5 27.9 43.9 66.7
045 41.1 42.1 98.5 38.5 44.6 92.2 35.9 46.9 86.0 33.3 49.0 79.7 30.7 50.8 73.5
050 49.7 50.8 119.0 46.8 53.9 112.1 43.9 56.8 105.2 41.0 59.4 98.2 38.1 61.7 91.2
060 62.3 64.5 149.2 58.9 68.3 141.1 55.5 71.8 132.9 52.1 74.9 124.6 48.6 77.8 116.3
070 71.3 75.0 170.6 67.6 79.3 161.9 64.0 83.3 153.2 60.3 87.0 144.4 56.6 90.5 135.6
080 80.7 85.1 193.2 76.1 89.9 182.1 71.4 94.2 170.9 66.7 98.0 159.7 61.9 101.3 148.3
090 86.4 89.0 206.8 81.1 94.4 194.1 75.9 99.4 181.6 70.6 103.9 169.0 65.3 107.9 156.4
100 40 97.9 97.5 234.4 92.2 103.6 220.7 86.3 109.1 206.7 80.5 114.0 192.7 74.5 118.4 178.4
110 105.7 111.5 253.0 99.6 117.8 238.5 93.6 123.6 224.0 87.5 128.9 209.4 81.4 133.7 194.9
130 120.9 126.0 289.3 114.7 133.4 274.6 108.6 140.4 259.9 102.3 146.8 244.9 95.9 152.6 229.5
150 140.4 148.2 336.0 133.3 157.0 319.1 126.1 165.4 301.8 118.9 173.3 284.7 111.7 180.8 267.3
170 156.9 165.8 375.6 148.2 175.0 354.9 139.5 183.4 334.0 130.6 190.9 312.8 121.6 197.3 291.0
190 171.8 182.4 411.3 163.0 192.8 390.2 153.9 202.4 368.3 144.5 211.2 345.9 135.2 219.2 323.6
210 197.9 214.1 473.6 186.3 224.6 445.9 174.9 234.3 418.6 163.5 243.1 391.4
040 36.7 35.3 87.9 34.8 38.0 83.4 32.9 40.4 78.8 30.9 42.7 74.0 28.8 44.7 69.1
045 42.7 42.9 102.3 40.0 45.5 95.9 37.4 48.0 89.5 34.7 50.1 83.1 32.0 52.0 76.7
050 51.5 51.7 123.4 48.6 55.0 116.4 45.6 58.0 109.3 42.6 60.7 102.2 39.6 63.1 95.0
060 64.6 65.6 154.7 61.1 69.6 146.4 57.6 73.2 138.0 54.1 76.6 129.6 50.5 79.5 121.0
070 73.7 76.4 176.6 70.0 80.8 167.8 66.3 85.0 158.8 62.5 88.9 149.8 58.8 92.5 140.8
080 83.7 86.8 200.4 78.9 91.8 189.1 74.2 96.3 177.7 69.3 100.3 166.1 64.5 103.8 154.5
090 89.6 90.8 214.6 84.2 96.4 201.8 78.9 101.6 188.9 73.5 106.3 176.0 68.1 110.5 163.1
100 42 101.8 99.4 243.8 95.8 105.7 229.6 89.9 111.5 215.4 83.9 116.7 201.0 77.9 121.4 186.5
110 109.8 113.8 263.0 103.6 120.4 248.2 97.4 126.4 233.2 91.1 132.0 218.3 84.9 137.0 203.4
130 124.1 127.7 297.3 117.8 135.4 282.3 111.5 142.5 267.1 105.2 149.1 252.0 98.7 155.2 236.4
150 143.9 150.2 344.8 136.7 159.3 327.5 129.5 168.0 310.2 122.2 176.1 292.7 114.8 183.8 275.0
170 161.4 168.4 386.7 152.7 178.0 365.9 143.8 186.7 344.4 134.7 194.5 322.7
190 176.7 185.3 423.3 167.6 196.0 401.4 158.5 206.0 379.6 149.0 215.1 356.9 139.5 223.4 334.1
210 205.4 218.9 492.0 193.6 230.0 463.9 181.8 240.0 435.5 170.1 249.2 407.4
040 37.8 35.8 90.6 35.9 38.5 86.1 33.9 41.1 81.4 31.9 43.4 76.5 29.9 45.6 71.6
045 44.3 43.7 106.1 41.6 46.5 99.6 38.8 49.0 93.1 36.1 51.3 86.5 33.3 53.3 79.9
050 53.3 52.7 127.9 50.4 56.0 120.7 47.3 59.2 113.5 44.3 62.0 106.2 41.2 64.6 98.8
060 66.9 66.8 160.3 63.3 70.9 151.8 59.8 74.7 143.2 56.1 78.2 134.6 52.5 81.3 125.8
070 76.3 77.8 182.9 72.5 82.4 173.8 68.6 86.7 164.5 64.8 90.7 155.3 60.9 94.5 146.1
080 86.7 88.5 207.8 81.9 93.6 196.3 77.0 98.3 184.6 72.1 102.6 172.7 67.1 106.3 160.8
090 92.9 92.6 222.8 87.4 98.4 209.5 81.9 103.8 196.3 76.4 108.7 183.1 70.8 113.1 169.7
100 105.7 101.3 253.5 99.6 107.9 238.8 93.5 113.9 224.1 87.4 119.4 209.5 81.2 124.3 194.6
110 114.0 116.2 273.2 107.6 123.0 258.0 101.3 129.3 242.8 94.9 135.1 227.5 88.5 140.4 212.1
130 127.3 129.5 305.2 121.4 137.3 290.1 114.6 144.7 274.6 108.0 151.4 258.9 101.5 157.8 243.3
150 147.5 152.3 353.6 140.2 161.6 336.2 132.9 170.5 318.5 125.5 178.9 300.7 117.9 186.8 282.7
170 166.0 171.1 398.0 157.2 181.0 376.8 148.2 190.0 355.2 138.9 198.1 332.9
190 181.8 188.4 435.8 172.4 199.2 413.4 163.1 209.6 391.0 153.6 219.1 368.3 143.8 227.7 344.6
210 213.2 224.0 511.0 201.0 235.3 481.9 189.0 245.9 453.1 176.8 255.4 423.9

3. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for new LCWT:
Ratings per ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, U.S.A.) a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
Standard 590-92. capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. Cooling Capacity Tons of Refrigeration = 24 x capacity in tons = U.S. gpm
Input kW Compressor Power Input temperature rise F
LCWT Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (F) c. Enter cooler pressure drop curve (pages 32 and 33) at corrected flow rate
and read pressure drop.
4. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5 F, high flow rate will normally
1. Ratings apply to units with electronic or thermostatic expansion valves. be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact your
2. All ratings are in accordance with ARI Standard 590-92, based on: Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10 F. When greater accuracy is desired, spacing.
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the LCWT
correction curve.
b. A fouling factor of 0.00025 in the cooler.
c. Refrigerant 22.

85 95 105 115 125
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
040 38.3 36.1 92.0 36.4 38.8 87.4 34.5 41.4 82.7 32.4 43.8 77.8 30.4 46.0 72.8
045 45.1 44.1 108.1 42.3 46.9 101.5 39.6 49.5 94.9 36.8 51.8 88.3 34.0 53.9 81.6
050 54.3 53.1 130.2 51.3 56.6 122.9 48.2 59.8 115.6 45.1 62.7 108.2 42.0 65.3 100.8
060 68.0 67.4 163.1 64.5 71.6 154.6 60.8 75.5 145.9 57.2 79.0 137.1 53.5 82.2 128.3
070 77.6 78.5 186.1 73.7 83.1 176.8 69.8 87.5 167.4 65.9 91.6 158.1 62.0 95.4 148.8
080 88.2 89.4 211.5 83.3 94.6 199.8 78.4 99.4 188.1 73.4 103.7 176.1 68.4 107.6 164.1
090 94.6 93.6 226.8 89.0 99.4 213.5 83.4 104.9 200.1 77.9 109.9 186.7 72.2 114.5 173.2
100 45 107.7 102.3 258.3 101.6 109.0 243.6 95.4 115.1 228.8 89.2 120.7 213.8 82.9 125.8 198.8
110 116.1 117.3 278.4 109.7 124.3 263.0 103.2 130.8 247.6 96.8 136.7 232.1 90.3 142.1 216.5
130 128.9 130.3 309.2 122.6 138.3 293.9 116.1 145.7 278.3 109.6 152.7 262.9 102.9 159.0 246.8
150 149.4 153.4 358.3 142.0 162.8 340.5 134.6 171.8 322.7 127.1 180.3 304.8 119.5 188.3 286.7
170 168.3 172.5 403.7 159.4 182.5 382.3 150.4 191.7 360.5 141.1 200.0 338.3
190 184.3 189.9 441.9 174.8 200.9 419.2 165.4 211.3 396.6 155.9 221.0 373.9 146.0 229.8 350.2
210 217.1 226.5 520.5 204.9 238.1 491.4 192.6 248.7 461.7 180.3 258.5 432.3
040 38.9 36.3 93.3 37.0 39.1 88.7 35.0 41.7 84.0 33.0 44.2 79.1 30.9 46.4 74.0
045 45.9 44.5 110.1 43.1 47.4 103.4 40.3 50.0 96.7 37.5 52.4 90.0 34.7 54.5 83.3
050 55.2 53.6 132.4 52.2 57.1 125.1 49.1 60.3 117.7 46.0 63.3 110.3 42.8 66.0 102.7
060 69.2 68.0 166.0 65.6 72.2 157.3 61.9 76.2 148.6 58.2 79.8 139.7 54.5 83.1 130.7
070 78.9 79.2 189.3 75.0 83.9 179.9 71.1 88.4 170.5 67.1 92.5 160.9 63.1 96.5 151.4
080 89.8 90.2 215.3 84.8 95.6 203.5 79.9 100.5 191.6 74.8 104.9 179.5 69.7 108.8 167.2
090 96.3 94.5 230.9 90.6 100.5 217.4 85.0 106.0 203.9 79.3 111.1 190.2 73.6 115.8 176.7
100 46 109.8 103.2 263.3 103.5 110.1 248.4 97.2 116.3 233.2 90.9 122.1 218.1 84.6 127.3 203.0
110 118.3 118.5 283.7 111.8 125.6 268.2 105.3 132.2 252.5 98.7 138.3 236.8 92.1 143.9 221.0
130 130.6 131.2 313.2 124.2 139.3 297.8 117.6 146.8 282.1 111.0 153.9 266.3 104.3 160.4 250.2
150 151.3 154.5 362.8 143.8 163.9 344.8 136.3 173.1 326.9 128.8 181.7 308.9 121.1 189.8 290.5
170 170.6 173.8 409.2 161.7 184.0 387.9 152.6 193.4 365.9 143.2 201.8 343.5
190 186.9 191.4 448.4 177.4 202.6 425.6 167.7 213.1 402.4 158.1 222.9 379.3 148.3 232.0 355.6
210 221.0 229.0 530.1 208.7 240.9 500.6 196.3 251.8 470.8 183.9 261.8 444.0
040 40.0 36.8 96.1 38.1 39.7 91.4 36.1 42.4 86.6 34.0 44.9 81.7 31.9 47.3 76.6
045 47.5 45.4 114.1 44.7 48.3 107.3 41.9 51.1 100.4 39.0 53.6 93.6 36.1 55.8 86.7
050 57.1 54.5 137.1 54.0 58.2 129.6 50.9 61.5 122.0 47.7 64.6 114.4 44.5 67.5 106.7
060 71.6 69.1 171.8 67.9 73.6 162.9 64.2 77.7 154.0 60.4 81.5 144.9 56.6 84.9 135.8
070 81.5 80.6 195.7 77.5 85.5 186.1 73.5 90.1 176.4 69.5 94.5 166.8 65.4 98.5 157.0
080 92.9 91.9 222.9 87.9 97.5 210.9 82.8 102.6 198.7 77.7 107.2 186.4 72.4 111.4 173.8
090 99.7 96.3 239.2 93.9 102.5 225.4 88.1 108.3 211.4 82.3 113.6 197.6 76.5 118.5 183.7
100 113.8 105.2 273.2 107.5 112.2 258.0 101.1 118.8 242.6 94.6 124.8 227.0 88.1 130.3 211.5
110 122.6 120.9 294.3 116.0 128.3 278.3 109.3 135.1 262.4 102.6 141.5 246.3 95.9 147.3 230.2
130 133.9 132.9 321.3 127.4 141.2 305.7 120.8 149.0 289.8 114.0 156.2 273.6 107.2 162.9 257.3
150 155.0 156.5 372.0 147.4 166.3 353.9 139.7 175.6 335.4 132.1 184.5 317.1 124.4 192.9 298.6
170 175.3 176.6 420.8 166.3 187.1 399.1 157.0 196.7 376.8 147.5 205.5 354.0
190 192.1 194.4 461.0 182.3 205.9 437.6 172.5 216.6 413.9 162.8 226.9 390.8
210 229.0 234.1 549.5 216.4 246.4 519.3 203.8 257.8 489.0 191.0 268.2 458.3
040 41.2 37.3 98.8 39.2 40.2 94.1 37.2 43.0 89.3 35.1 45.6 84.3 32.9 48.1 79.1
045 49.2 46.2 118.1 46.3 49.3 111.2 43.4 52.1 104.2 40.5 54.7 97.2 37.6 57.1 90.2
050 59.0 55.5 141.8 55.9 59.2 134.2 52.7 62.7 126.4 49.4 66.0 118.7 46.1 68.9 110.8
060 74.0 70.3 177.7 70.3 74.9 168.7 66.4 79.2 159.5 62.6 83.1 150.3 58.7 86.7 140.9
070 84.2 82.0 202.3 80.1 87.1 192.4 76.0 91.8 182.5 71.9 96.3 172.6 67.7 100.6 162.7
080 96.2 93.7 230.9 91.0 99.4 218.5 85.8 104.7 206.0 80.6 109.6 193.4 75.2 113.9 180.6
090 103.1 98.1 247.7 97.2 104.5 233.4 91.3 110.5 219.3 85.4 116.1 205.1 79.5 121.2 190.9
100 118.0 107.1 283.4 111.5 114.5 267.8 105.0 121.3 252.0 98.4 127.5 236.3 91.7 133.2 220.1
110 127.1 123.3 305.1 120.3 130.9 288.8 113.5 138.1 272.4 106.6 144.7 255.9 99.7 150.8 239.4
130 137.2 134.7 329.5 130.6 143.2 313.7 123.9 151.2 297.5 117.1 158.6 281.2 110.1 165.5 264.4
150 158.7 158.7 381.2 151.1 168.7 362.8 143.4 178.2 344.2 135.5 187.3 325.3
170 180.1 179.4 432.5 170.9 190.2 410.3 161.5 200.1 387.8 151.9 209.2 364.6
190 197.3 197.5 473.8 187.4 209.3 449.9 177.5 220.4 426.1 167.5 230.8 402.1
210 237.0 239.4 569.2 224.3 252.0 538.4 211.3 263.8 507.4 198.3 274.7 476.2
040 47.0 39.7 113.1 45.0 43.0 108.2 42.6 46.0 102.5 39.4 48.4 94.7 35.9 50.3 86.5
045 56.8 49.9 136.6 52.9 53.0 127.4 49.2 55.8 118.3 45.4 58.3 109.2 41.7 60.5 100.2
050 68.9 60.0 165.8 64.5 63.9 155.2 60.1 67.4 144.7 55.8 70.5 134.2 51.5 73.2 123.8
060 84.5 75.2 203.3 79.5 79.9 191.1 74.4 84.1 178.9 69.3 87.9 166.8 64.3 91.2 154.7
070 96.2 87.9 231.4 90.5 93.0 217.8 84.9 97.6 204.3 79.4 101.8 191.0 73.9 105.6 177.8
080 107.6 99.8 258.7 100.9 105.5 242.7 94.2 110.6 226.7
090 60 118.3 106.1 284.6 110.3 112.4 265.4 102.5 118.1 246.5 94.7 123.3 227.8
100 137.7 115.9 331.3 128.9 123.5 310.1 120.1 130.4 288.9 111.4 136.6 268.0 102.7 142.1 247.1
110 150.2 135.5 361.4 141.6 143.6 340.6 132.1 150.6 317.8 122.8 157.0 295.4 113.5 162.7 273.1
130 154.6 143.6 371.8 147.5 153.2 354.8 140.3 162.2 337.6 133.0 170.8 319.9
150 178.1 169.5 428.5 169.9 180.7 408.7 161.6 191.4 388.8 153.3 201.7 368.7
170 205.0 193.6 493.1 195.1 205.9 469.4 184.2 216.7 443.1 171.1 225.0 411.6
190 224.4 213.1 539.7 213.8 226.5 514.3 203.1 239.3 488.5 192.2 251.2 462.3
210 269.5 259.7 648.2 252.9 272.0 608.4 236.5 283.2 568.8

LEGEND 3. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
Cap. Cooling Capacity Tons of Refrigeration for new LCWT:
Input kW Compressor Power Input a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
LCWT Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (F) capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.
b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
= 24 x capacity in tons = U.S. gpm
1. Ratings apply to units with electronic or thermostatic expansion valves. temperature rise F
2. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration c. Enter cooler pressure drop curve (pages 32 and 33) at corrected flow rate
Institute, U.S.A.) Standard 590-92, based on: and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10 F. When greater accuracy is desired,
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the LCWT 4. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5 F, high flow rate will normally
correction curve. be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact your
b. A fouling factor of 0.00025 in the cooler. Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
c. Refrigerant 22. spacing.

Performance data English (cont)
85 95 105 115 125
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
040 34.6 34.2 82.9 32.9 36.6 78.7 31.1 39.0 74.5 29.3 41.1 70.2 27.4 43.2 65.7
045 41.3 43.2 99.0 38.9 45.7 93.1 36.4 48.0 87.1 33.9 50.0 81.2 31.4 51.8 75.2
050 50.3 54.1 120.4 47.6 57.1 113.9 44.9 59.8 107.4 42.1 62.3 100.8 39.3 64.5 94.1
060 59.2 62.7 141.7 56.0 66.2 134.2 52.9 69.4 126.7 49.8 72.4 119.2 46.7 75.1 111.7
070 69.1 70.6 165.4 65.2 74.9 156.2 61.4 78.8 147.0 57.6 82.5 137.8 53.8 85.9 128.7
080 79.7 75.4 190.8 75.2 79.6 180.1 70.9 83.4 169.6 66.5 87.0 159.2 62.1 90.3 148.7
090 89.3 95.9 213.8 84.2 101.2 201.6 79.1 106.1 189.3 74.0 110.6 177.1 68.9 114.6 164.8
100 40 98.3 102.4 235.3 92.8 108.1 222.2 87.3 113.3 208.9 81.8 118.2 195.8 76.3 122.7 182.8
110 108.6 122.1 260.0 102.9 128.1 246.4 97.2 133.7 232.8 91.5 138.8 219.1 85.7 143.6 205.2
130 123.5 129.0 295.7 117.2 136.6 280.5 110.7 143.6 265.0 104.3 150.2 249.6 97.7 156.2 234.0
150 144.4 161.5 345.7 137.6 170.2 329.5 130.8 178.4 313.1 123.9 186.2 296.5 116.8 193.4 279.5
170 157.8 171.2 377.7 149.5 180.3 358.0 141.2 188.8 338.0 132.8 196.4 317.8 124.2 203.4 297.3
190 178.6 196.0 427.5 169.8 206.1 406.6 161.2 215.7 386.0 152.4 224.6 364.9 143.3 232.8 343.1
210 197.6 216.9 473.0 186.7 227.3 446.9 175.8 236.9 420.8 164.9 245.7 394.8 153.9 253.7 368.5
040 35.7 34.7 85.5 33.9 37.2 81.2 32.1 39.6 76.9 30.3 41.9 72.6 28.4 44.0 68.0
045 42.9 44.0 102.7 40.4 46.6 96.7 37.8 49.0 90.6 35.3 51.1 84.5 32.7 53.0 78.4
050 52.1 55.1 124.8 49.3 58.2 118.2 46.5 61.0 111.5 43.7 63.6 104.7 40.9 66.0 97.9
060 61.3 63.9 146.9 58.1 67.5 139.2 54.9 70.9 131.5 51.7 74.0 123.8 48.5 76.8 116.1
070 71.6 71.9 171.4 67.7 76.4 162.1 63.7 80.5 152.7 59.8 84.3 143.3 55.9 87.8 133.9
080 82.6 76.9 197.9 78.1 81.3 187.1 73.6 85.3 176.2 69.1 89.0 165.5 64.6 92.4 154.7
090 92.6 97.9 221.9 87.3 103.4 209.2 82.1 108.5 196.7 76.9 113.1 184.1 71.6 117.4 171.5
100 42 102.1 104.5 244.6 96.5 110.4 231.1 90.8 115.9 217.4 85.2 121.0 204.0 79.5 125.7 190.6
110 112.8 124.8 270.2 106.9 131.0 256.0 101.0 136.9 242.1 95.1 142.2 227.9 89.2 147.2 213.8
130 126.8 130.8 303.7 120.3 138.6 288.2 113.8 145.9 272.6 107.2 152.6 256.7 100.5 158.8 240.8
150 148.0 163.8 354.5 141.1 172.7 338.0 134.1 181.2 321.4 127.1 189.2 304.5 120.0 196.7 287.4
170 162.3 174.1 388.7 153.9 183.5 368.7 145.4 192.2 348.4 136.8 200.2 327.8 128.1 207.4 306.9
190 183.6 199.3 439.9 174.7 209.6 418.5 165.8 219.5 397.3 156.9 228.7 375.9 147.6 237.2 353.6
210 204.9 221.9 490.9 193.8 232.7 464.3 182.6 242.7 437.5 171.5 251.9 410.8
040 36.8 35.2 88.1 35.0 37.8 83.8 33.1 40.2 79.4 31.3 42.6 75.0 29.3 44.8 70.4
045 44.4 44.9 106.5 41.9 47.6 100.3 39.3 50.1 94.1 36.7 52.3 87.9 34.0 54.3 81.6
050 53.9 56.1 129.2 51.1 59.4 122.5 48.2 62.3 115.7 45.4 65.0 108.7 42.4 67.5 101.8
060 63.5 65.1 152.2 60.2 68.9 144.3 56.9 72.3 136.5 53.6 75.5 128.5 50.3 78.5 120.6
070 74.1 73.3 177.6 70.1 77.8 168.1 66.1 82.1 158.4 62.1 86.1 148.8 58.1 89.7 139.2
080 85.5 78.4 205.1 81.0 82.9 194.2 76.4 87.1 183.1 71.7 91.0 171.9 67.1 94.6 160.9
090 95.9 99.9 230.0 90.6 105.6 217.1 85.2 110.9 204.2 79.8 115.7 191.3 74.4 120.2 178.4
100 106.0 106.7 254.2 100.2 112.8 240.2 94.4 118.5 226.2 88.6 123.9 212.4 82.8 128.8 198.6
110 117.0 127.5 280.4 111.0 134.0 266.0 104.9 140.1 251.4 98.9 145.7 237.0 92.8 150.9 222.5
130 130.0 132.6 311.8 123.5 140.6 296.1 116.9 148.1 280.2 110.1 155.0 263.9 103.4 161.5 247.8
150 151.6 166.1 363.4 144.6 175.3 346.7 137.5 184.0 329.7 130.4 192.2 312.6 123.2 200.0 295.2
170 166.8 176.9 399.9 158.3 186.6 379.5 149.7 195.6 358.8 140.9 203.9 337.9 132.1 211.4 316.6
190 188.8 202.7 452.6 179.6 213.2 430.5 170.6 223.3 409.0 161.5 232.9 387.1 152.1 241.8 364.6
210 212.5 227.0 509.4 201.0 238.1 481.9 189.7 248.5 454.6 178.2 258.1 427.1
040 37.3 35.4 89.5 35.5 38.1 85.1 33.6 40.6 80.7 31.8 43.0 76.2 29.8 45.2 71.5
045 45.2 45.3 108.4 42.6 48.1 102.2 40.0 50.6 95.9 37.4 52.9 89.6 34.7 54.9 83.3
050 54.8 56.7 131.5 52.0 59.9 124.7 49.1 63.0 117.8 46.2 65.7 110.8 43.2 68.2 103.7
060 64.6 65.7 154.9 61.3 69.5 146.9 57.9 73.1 138.9 54.6 76.3 130.9 51.2 79.4 122.9
070 75.4 73.9 180.8 71.3 78.6 171.1 67.3 82.9 161.4 63.2 87.0 151.6 59.2 90.7 141.9
080 87.1 79.2 208.9 82.4 83.8 197.6 77.8 88.1 186.5 73.1 92.0 175.3 68.4 95.7 164.0
090 97.6 100.9 234.1 92.2 106.7 221.1 86.8 112.1 208.1 81.3 117.1 194.9 75.8 121.6 181.8
100 108.0 107.8 259.0 102.1 114.0 244.8 96.2 119.9 230.7 90.3 125.3 216.6 84.5 130.3 202.6
110 119.0 128.9 285.5 113.0 135.5 271.0 106.9 141.7 256.4 100.8 147.4 241.7 94.6 152.8 226.9
130 131.7 133.5 315.8 125.1 141.6 299.9 118.4 149.2 284.0 111.7 156.3 267.8 104.8 162.8 251.3
150 153.4 167.3 367.7 146.4 176.6 351.0 139.3 185.4 333.9 132.1 193.7 316.7
170 169.1 178.4 405.6 160.6 188.2 385.0 151.9 197.4 364.1 143.0 205.8 343.0 134.1 213.5 321.5
190 191.4 204.3 458.9 182.1 215.1 436.8 172.9 225.2 414.7 163.8 235.0 392.7 154.4 244.1 370.4
210 216.3 229.5 518.8 204.7 240.9 490.9 193.2 251.5 463.3 181.6 261.3 435.5
040 37.8 35.7 90.8 36.0 38.3 86.4 34.2 40.9 82.0 32.3 43.3 77.4 30.3 45.6 72.7
045 46.0 45.8 110.4 43.4 48.6 104.1 40.7 51.1 97.7 38.1 53.5 91.4 35.4 55.5 84.9
050 55.8 57.2 133.8 52.9 60.5 126.9 50.0 63.6 119.9 47.0 66.4 112.8 44.1 69.0 105.7
060 65.7 66.4 157.6 62.3 70.2 149.5 59.0 73.8 141.5 55.6 77.2 133.4 52.2 80.3 125.2
070 76.7 74.6 183.9 72.6 79.3 174.1 68.5 83.7 164.4 64.4 87.9 154.5 60.3 91.7 144.6
080 88.7 80.0 212.7 83.9 84.6 201.2 79.2 89.0 190.0 74.5 93.0 178.7 69.7 96.8 167.1
090 99.3 101.9 238.2 93.8 107.8 225.1 88.4 113.3 211.9 82.8 118.4 198.6 77.3 123.0 185.4
100 46 110.0 108.9 263.8 104.1 115.3 249.6 98.1 121.2 235.3 92.2 126.8 221.1 86.2 131.9 206.7
110 121.2 130.3 290.7 115.1 137.0 276.0 108.9 143.3 261.2 102.7 149.2 246.2 96.4 154.6 231.3
130 133.4 134.4 319.9 126.8 142.6 304.1 120.0 150.3 287.9 113.2 157.5 271.5 106.2 164.1 254.8
150 155.2 168.4 372.2 148.2 177.9 355.4 141.0 186.8 338.2 133.7 195.2 320.8
170 171.5 179.8 411.3 162.8 189.8 390.5 154.0 199.1 369.5 145.1 207.7 348.1 136.1 215.5 326.4
190 194.0 206.0 465.2 184.6 216.9 442.9 175.3 227.2 420.5 166.0 237.0 398.3 156.7 246.3 375.8
210 220.2 232.1 528.2 208.5 243.6 500.0 196.8 254.5 472.1 185.0 264.4 443.9

NOTE: See legend and notes on page 41.

85 95 105 115 125
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
040 38.9 36.2 93.5 37.1 38.9 89.0 35.2 41.6 84.6 33.3 44.1 79.9 31.3 46.4 75.2
045 47.6 46.6 114.3 45.0 49.5 107.9 42.3 52.2 101.4 39.5 54.6 94.9 36.8 56.8 88.3
050 57.7 58.2 138.4 54.7 61.7 131.4 51.8 64.9 124.2 48.8 67.8 117.0 45.7 70.5 109.7
060 68.0 67.6 163.2 64.5 71.6 154.9 61.1 75.3 146.6 57.6 78.8 138.3 54.1 82.0 129.9
070 79.3 75.9 190.4 75.1 80.8 180.3 71.0 85.4 170.3 66.8 89.7 160.3 62.6 93.7 150.1
080 91.8 81.5 220.2 86.9 86.4 208.6 82.0 90.8 196.9 77.2 95.1 185.4 72.4 99.0 173.7
090 102.7 103.9 246.6 97.2 110.1 233.2 91.6 115.8 219.7 85.9 121.1 206.2 80.2 125.9 192.5
100 48 114.1 111.1 273.8 107.9 117.7 259.0 101.9 123.9 244.5 95.7 129.7 229.8 89.6 135.0 215.1
110 125.5 133.1 301.3 119.2 140.1 286.2 113.0 146.6 271.1 106.6 152.7 255.8 100.2 158.4 240.5
130 136.8 136.2 328.2 130.0 144.6 312.1 123.1 152.5 295.5 116.3 160.0 279.0 109.2 166.8 262.1
150 159.0 170.8 381.5 151.7 180.4 364.1 144.5 189.6 346.8 137.1 198.3 329.1
170 176.2 182.8 422.8 167.4 193.0 401.7 158.4 202.6 380.2 149.4 211.4 358.5 140.2 219.6 336.4
190 199.2 209.4 478.0 189.8 220.6 455.5 180.3 231.2 432.7 170.7 241.2 409.6
210 228.1 237.4 547.5 216.1 249.3 518.6 204.0 260.4 489.6 192.1 270.9 460.9
040 40.1 36.7 96.2 38.2 39.5 91.7 36.3 42.2 87.2 34.3 44.8 82.5 32.3 47.2 77.6
045 49.3 47.5 118.4 46.6 50.5 111.8 43.8 53.3 105.2 41.0 55.8 98.5 38.2 58.1 91.8
050 59.6 59.3 143.1 56.6 62.9 135.9 53.6 66.2 128.6 50.5 69.3 121.3 47.4 72.1 113.8
060 70.3 68.8 168.8 66.8 73.0 160.3 63.2 76.8 151.8 59.7 80.4 143.2 56.1 83.8 134.7
070 82.1 77.3 197.1 77.7 82.3 186.7 73.4 87.0 176.4 69.2 91.5 166.2 64.9 95.6 155.8
080 94.9 83.1 227.8 90.0 88.1 216.1 85.0 92.8 204.2 80.0 97.1 192.1 75.1 101.2 180.3
090 106.3 106.0 255.2 100.6 112.3 241.5 94.8 118.3 227.7 89.1 123.8 213.8 83.3 128.8 199.9
100 50 118.2 113.4 283.9 112.0 120.2 268.9 105.7 126.6 253.8 99.5 132.6 238.8 93.2 138.2 223.8
110 130.0 136.0 312.2 123.5 143.2 296.6 117.1 150.0 281.1 110.6 156.3 265.5 104.0 162.2 249.7
130 140.2 138.0 336.6 133.4 146.7 320.2 126.4 154.8 303.6 119.3 162.4 286.5 112.2 169.5 269.4
150 162.7 173.2 390.7 155.4 183.0 373.1 148.0 192.4 355.2 140.5 201.3 337.4
170 180.9 185.7 434.4 172.0 196.3 412.9 162.9 206.1 391.1 153.7 215.3 369.0
190 204.5 212.8 490.9 194.9 224.3 468.1 185.2 235.2 444.7 175.5 245.5 421.5
210 236.2 242.7 567.0 223.8 255.0 537.4 211.5 266.6 507.8 199.1 277.3 478.1
040 45.8 39.2 110.3 43.8 42.3 105.4 41.6 45.3 100.1 38.8 47.8 93.4 35.7 49.8 85.8
045 56.7 51.3 136.5 53.1 54.3 127.8 49.5 57.1 119.1 45.9 59.5 110.5 42.4 61.7 101.9
050 69.5 64.6 167.2 65.4 68.2 157.2 61.2 71.4 147.3 57.1 74.4 137.3 53.0 77.0 127.4
060 79.9 73.7 192.2 75.2 77.9 180.9 70.6 81.7 169.8 66.0 85.1 158.7 61.4 88.2 147.7
070 95.1 83.6 228.9 90.2 89.1 216.9 84.2 93.8 202.5 78.4 98.0 188.5 72.6 101.9 174.6
080 106.6 89.0 256.4 100.1 93.9 240.8 93.7 98.4 225.3 87.3 102.4 210.1 81.0 106.1 195.0
090 122.0 114.8 293.5 114.2 121.1 274.8 106.6 126.7 256.3 98.9 131.8 238.0
100 138.3 123.8 332.7 129.7 130.7 312.1 121.3 137.0 291.8 113.0 142.8 271.7 104.7 148.0 251.9
110 153.6 150.9 369.5 145.6 158.7 350.3 136.4 165.1 328.0 127.4 171.0 306.5 118.6 176.4 285.2
130 157.9 147.3 379.9 150.6 157.0 362.3 143.2 166.3 344.4 135.5 175.0 326.0
150 182.0 185.3 437.9 174.2 196.3 419.0 166.3 206.8 400.0 157.6 216.3 379.1
170 205.7 201.0 494.8 196.0 213.0 471.5 185.6 223.6 446.5 173.0 232.0 415.2
190 232.0 230.3 558.1 221.6 243.3 533.0 211.2 255.8 507.9 200.6 267.7 482.5
210 267.8 263.2 644.3 251.9 275.2 606.0 236.2 286.2 568.1

LEGEND 3. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for new LCWT:
Cap. Cooling Capacity Tons of Refrigeration a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
Input kW Compressor Power Input capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.
LCWT Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (F) b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
1. Ratings apply to units with electronic or thermostatic expansion valves. = 24 x capacity in tons = U.S. gpm
2. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration temperature rise F
Institute, U.S.A.) Standard 590-92, based on: c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart (pages 32 and 33),enter cooler pressure
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10 F. When greater accuracy is desired, drop curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the LCWT 4. When chilled water temperature rise is less than 5 F, high flow rate will nor-
correction curve. mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
b. A fouling factor of 0.00025 in the cooler. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
c. Refrigerant 22. spacing.

Performance data SI
30 35 40 45 50
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
040 123.1 34.9 5.3 117.3 37.2 5.0 111.3 39.3 4.8 105.1 41.2 4.5 98.7 43.0 4.2
045 141.6 42.0 6.1 133.4 44.3 5.7 125.3 46.3 5.4 117.1 48.2 5.0 108.8 49.8 4.7
050 171.3 50.8 7.4 162.3 53.5 7.0 153.2 56.1 6.6 144.1 58.4 6.2 134.9 60.5 5.8
060 214.9 64.4 9.2 204.3 67.8 8.8 193.5 70.9 8.3 182.7 73.7 7.8 171.8 76.3 7.4
070 246.0 74.9 10.6 234.6 78.7 10.1 223.1 82.3 9.6 211.6 85.6 9.1 200.1 88.7 8.6
080 278.1 84.9 11.9 263.6 89.1 11.3 248.9 92.9 10.7 234.2 96.4 10.1 219.3 99.4 9.4
090 297.4 88.9 12.8 280.9 93.6 12.1 264.4 98.0 11.3 247.9 102.0 10.6 231.5 105.7 9.9
100 4 337.1 97.4 14.5 318.8 102.7 13.7 300.7 107.6 12.9 282.4 112.1 12.1 263.8 116.0 11.3
110 363.9 111.2 15.6 344.8 116.8 14.8 325.9 121.9 14.0 306.9 126.7 13.2 287.8 131.0 12.4
130 418.6 126.1 18.0 399.4 132.7 17.1 380.0 138.9 16.3 360.3 144.6 15.5 340.1 149.9 14.6
150 486.4 148.2 20.9 464.0 156.1 19.9 441.4 163.6 18.9 418.8 170.7 18.0 395.9 177.4 17.0
170 542.5 165.7 23.3 515.3 173.8 22.1 487.8 181.3 20.9 460.0 188.0 19.7 431.6 194.0 18.5
190 594.5 182.3 25.5 566.3 191.5 24.3 537.5 200.0 23.1 508.5 208.0 21.8 479.2 215.3 20.6
210 681.5 213.2 29.3 645.2 222.5 27.7 609.5 231.1 26.2 573.3 238.9 24.6 537.8 246.1 23.1
040 126.5 35.4 5.4 120.6 37.7 5.2 114.5 39.9 4.9 108.3 41.9 4.7 101.9 43.7 4.4
045 146.5 42.8 6.3 138.1 45.1 5.9 129.8 47.2 5.6 121.4 49.2 5.2 113.0 50.9 4.9
050 177.0 51.6 7.6 167.8 54.5 7.2 158.5 57.1 6.8 149.2 59.6 6.4 139.8 61.8 6.0
060 221.9 65.4 9.5 211.1 68.9 9.1 200.1 72.2 8.6 189.1 75.1 8.1 178.0 77.8 7.6
070 253.7 76.2 10.9 242.1 80.1 10.4 230.4 83.8 9.9 218.6 87.2 9.4 206.9 90.4 8.9
080 287.4 86.5 12.3 272.6 90.8 11.7 257.6 94.8 11.1 242.5 98.4 10.4 227.4 101.6 9.8
090 307.5 90.5 13.2 290.6 95.4 12.5 273.9 100.0 11.8 257.0 104.2 11.0 240.2 108.0 10.3
100 5 349.1 99.1 15.0 330.7 104.7 14.2 311.9 109.7 13.4 293.2 114.4 12.6 274.4 118.6 11.8
110 376.7 113.3 16.2 357.3 119.1 15.4 337.8 124.5 14.5 318.4 129.4 13.7 298.9 133.9 12.8
130 428.4 127.6 18.4 409.0 134.4 17.6 389.4 140.8 16.7 369.3 146.7 15.9 349.1 152.2 15.0
150 497.6 150.1 21.4 474.9 158.2 20.4 452.0 165.9 19.4 429.0 173.2 18.4 406.0 180.1 17.4
170 556.7 168.1 23.9 529.4 176.5 22.7 501.2 184.2 21.5 472.9 191.2 20.3 444.2 197.4 19.1
190 609.7 185.0 26.2 581.4 194.4 25.0 552.4 203.2 23.7 522.8 211.4 22.5 492.8 218.9 21.2
210 705.3 217.7 30.3 667.7 227.2 28.7 631.2 236.2 27.1 594.6 244.4 25.5 557.5 251.8 23.9
040 129.9 35.8 5.6 124.0 38.2 5.3 117.8 40.4 5.1 111.5 42.5 4.8 105.1 44.5 4.5
045 151.4 43.5 6.5 142.9 45.9 6.1 134.4 48.1 5.8 125.9 50.2 5.4 117.3 52.0 5.0
050 182.7 52.4 7.9 173.3 55.4 7.5 163.9 58.2 7.0 154.4 60.7 6.6 144.8 63.0 6.2
060 229.1 66.5 9.8 218.0 70.1 9.4 206.9 73.5 8.9 195.6 76.6 8.4 184.2 79.4 7.9
070 261.7 77.4 11.2 249.7 81.4 10.7 237.7 85.3 10.2 225.8 88.8 9.7 213.7 92.2 9.2
080 296.7 88.0 12.8 281.7 92.5 12.1 266.5 96.6 11.5 251.1 100.4 10.8 235.7 103.8 10.1
090 317.9 92.1 13.7 300.7 97.2 12.9 283.5 102.0 12.1 266.2 106.2 11.4 249.0 110.3 10.7
100 361.4 100.9 15.5 342.4 106.6 14.7 323.3 111.9 13.9 304.2 116.8 13.1 284.9 121.2 12.2
110 389.8 115.4 16.8 370.0 121.4 15.9 350.1 127.0 15.1 330.1 132.1 14.2 310.2 136.9 13.3
130 438.7 129.2 18.9 418.7 136.2 18.0 398.8 142.7 17.1 378.5 148.8 16.3 357.9 154.4 15.4
150 508.7 152.0 21.9 485.9 160.2 20.9 462.7 168.2 19.9 439.2 175.6 18.9 415.9 182.7 17.9
170 571.1 170.5 24.5 543.4 179.2 23.4 515.1 187.2 22.1 486.1 194.4 20.9 456.8 200.9 19.6
190 625.2 187.6 26.9 595.9 197.3 25.6 567.0 206.4 24.4 537.4 214.9 23.1 506.5 222.6 21.8
210 728.8 222.1 31.3 691.2 232.0 29.7 653.3 241.3 28.1 615.9 249.9 26.5 578.4 257.7 24.9

LEGEND 3. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for new LCWT:
Cap. Cooling Capacity kW of Refrigeration a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
Input kW Compressor Power Input capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.
LCWT Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (C) b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:

NOTES: = 0.239 x capacity in kW = L/s

1. Ratings apply to units with electronic or thermostatic expansion valves. temperature rise C
2. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration c. Enter cooler pressure drop curve (pages 32 and 33) at corrected flow rate
Institute, U.S.A.) Standard 590-92, based on: and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler chilled water temperature rise of 6 C. When greater accuracy is 4. When chilled water temperature rise is less than 3 C, high flow rate will nor-
desired, correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
the LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of .000044 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.

30 35 40 45 50
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
040 133.4 36.2 5.7 127.4 38.7 5.5 121.2 41.0 5.2 114.8 43.2 4.9 108.3 45.2 4.7
045 156.4 44.3 6.7 147.8 46.8 6.4 139.1 49.1 6.0 130.4 51.2 5.6 121.6 53.1 5.2
050 188.5 53.3 8.1 179.0 56.4 7.7 169.4 59.2 7.3 159.7 61.9 6.9 149.9 64.3 6.4
060 236.3 67.6 10.2 225.1 71.3 9.7 213.7 74.8 9.2 202.2 78.0 8.7 190.6 80.9 8.2
070 269.7 78.7 11.6 257.5 82.8 11.1 245.3 86.8 10.5 233.0 90.5 10.0 220.7 93.9 9.5
080 306.3 89.6 13.2 291.1 94.2 12.5 275.6 98.5 11.9 259.9 102.5 11.2 243.9 106.0 10.5
090 328.4 93.8 14.1 310.8 99.0 13.4 293.2 103.9 12.6 275.6 108.5 11.9 257.9 112.6 11.1
100 7 373.9 102.6 16.1 354.5 108.5 15.2 334.9 114.0 14.4 315.4 119.1 13.6 295.8 123.8 12.7
110 403.2 117.6 17.3 382.9 123.8 16.5 362.6 129.6 15.6 342.2 134.9 14.7 321.7 139.9 13.8
130 448.9 130.8 19.3 428.9 137.9 18.4 408.3 144.6 17.6 388.1 150.9 16.7 366.9 156.7 15.8
150 520.4 153.9 22.4 496.9 162.3 21.4 473.4 170.4 20.4 449.9 178.1 19.4 426.1 185.4 18.3
170 585.6 173.0 25.2 557.6 181.9 24.0 528.9 190.2 22.7 499.7 197.7 21.5 469.7 204.3 20.2
190 641.3 190.4 27.6 611.4 200.2 26.3 581.7 209.6 25.0 551.9 218.4 23.7 520.8 226.4 22.4
210 753.6 226.7 32.4 714.9 237.0 30.7 676.4 246.5 29.1 637.6 255.4 27.4
040 136.9 36.7 5.9 130.9 39.2 5.6 124.6 41.6 5.4 118.2 43.8 5.1 111.5 45.9 4.8
045 161.5 45.0 7.0 152.7 47.6 6.6 143.9 50.0 6.2 135.0 52.2 5.8 126.1 54.2 5.4
050 194.4 54.1 8.4 184.7 57.3 7.9 174.9 60.3 7.5 165.1 63.0 7.1 155.1 65.5 6.7
060 243.8 68.6 10.5 232.3 72.5 10.0 220.7 76.1 9.5 209.0 79.4 9.0 197.1 82.5 8.5
070 278.0 80.0 12.0 265.5 84.2 11.4 253.1 88.3 10.9 240.4 92.1 10.3 227.8 95.7 9.8
080 316.1 91.1 13.6 300.5 95.9 12.9 284.8 100.4 12.3 268.8 104.5 11.6 252.5 108.2 10.9
090 339.0 95.4 14.6 321.0 100.9 13.8 303.1 105.9 13.0 285.0 110.6 12.3 267.0 115.0 11.5
100 8 386.7 104.3 16.6 366.9 110.5 15.8 346.9 116.2 14.9 327.0 121.5 14.1 306.7 126.3 13.2
110 416.6 119.7 17.9 396.1 126.1 17.0 375.4 132.2 16.2 354.6 137.7 15.3 333.6 142.9 14.4
130 459.2 132.4 19.8 438.9 139.7 18.9 418.3 146.5 18.0 397.2 153.0 17.1 376.2 159.0 16.2
150 532.0 155.9 22.9 508.1 164.4 21.9 484.4 172.7 20.8 460.4 180.6 19.8 436.5 188.0 18.8
170 600.4 175.5 25.8 571.9 184.6 24.6 542.9 193.1 23.4 513.0 200.9 22.1 482.8 207.8 20.8
190 657.7 193.1 28.3 627.4 203.2 27.0 596.6 212.8 25.7 566.2 221.8 24.4 535.1 230.2 23.0
210 778.4 231.3 33.5 739.3 242.0 31.8 699.7 251.9 30.1 660.4 261.1 28.4
040 140.5 37.1 6.0 134.3 39.7 5.8 128.0 42.2 5.5 121.5 44.5 5.2 114.8 46.7 4.9
045 166.7 45.8 7.2 157.7 48.4 6.8 148.7 50.9 6.4 139.7 53.2 6.0 130.6 55.3 5.6
050 200.4 55.0 8.6 190.6 58.3 8.2 180.6 61.3 7.8 170.5 64.2 7.3 160.4 66.8 6.9
060 251.3 69.7 10.8 239.6 73.7 10.3 227.8 77.4 9.8 215.8 80.9 9.3 203.7 84.1 8.8
070 286.3 81.2 12.3 273.5 85.6 11.8 260.9 89.8 11.2 248.1 93.8 10.7 235.3 97.5 10.1
080 326.0 92.7 14.0 310.1 97.7 13.4 294.0 102.3 12.7 277.8 106.6 12.0 261.3 110.4 11.2
090 349.7 97.1 15.1 331.5 102.7 14.3 313.0 107.9 13.5 294.7 112.8 12.7 276.3 117.3 11.9
100 399.5 106.1 17.2 379.5 112.5 16.3 359.1 118.4 15.5 338.8 123.9 14.6 318.0 129.0 13.7
110 430.4 121.9 18.5 409.4 128.5 17.6 388.2 134.7 16.7 367.1 140.6 15.8 345.7 146.0 14.9
130 469.7 134.0 20.2 449.1 141.4 19.3 428.2 148.5 18.4 406.7 155.0 17.5 385.3 161.2 16.6
150 543.7 157.8 23.4 519.8 166.6 22.4 495.4 174.9 21.3 471.1 183.0 20.3 446.8 190.7 19.2
170 615.1 178.0 26.5 586.5 187.4 25.2 557.0 196.1 24.0 527.0 204.2 22.7
190 674.0 195.9 29.0 643.0 206.3 27.7 612.3 216.0 26.4 581.6 225.4 25.0 549.7 234.0 23.7
210 803.7 235.9 34.6 763.8 247.0 32.9 723.7 257.3 31.2 683.2 266.8 29.4
040 144.1 37.6 6.2 137.9 40.2 5.9 131.5 42.7 5.7 124.9 45.1 5.4 118.2 47.4 5.1
045 172.0 46.5 7.4 162.9 49.3 7.0 153.7 51.8 6.6 144.5 54.2 6.2 135.2 56.4 5.8
050 206.6 55.9 8.9 196.5 59.2 8.5 186.3 62.4 8.0 176.1 65.3 7.6 165.7 68.0 7.1
060 259.0 70.8 11.2 247.1 74.9 10.6 235.0 78.8 10.1 222.8 82.4 9.6 210.5 85.7 9.1
070 294.8 82.5 12.7 281.9 87.1 12.1 268.8 91.4 11.6 255.8 95.4 11.0 242.7 99.3 10.5
080 336.4 94.3 14.5 320.0 99.4 13.8 303.5 104.2 13.1 286.9 108.6 12.4 270.2 112.7 11.6
090 360.7 98.8 15.5 341.9 104.5 14.7 323.2 109.9 13.9 304.6 115.0 13.1 285.8 119.7 12.3
100 412.9 107.9 17.8 392.3 114.5 16.9 371.5 120.6 16.0 350.8 126.3 15.1 329.4 131.6 14.2
110 444.5 124.1 19.1 423.0 130.9 18.2 401.4 137.4 17.3 379.7 143.4 16.4 358.0 149.0 15.4
130 480.1 135.6 20.7 459.4 143.2 19.8 438.2 150.4 18.9 416.7 157.2 17.9 394.6 163.5 17.0
150 555.6 159.7 23.9 531.4 168.7 22.9 506.9 177.3 21.8 482.0 185.5 20.8 457.4 193.4 19.7
170 630.2 180.5 27.1 601.0 190.2 25.9 571.3 199.1 24.6 540.9 207.4 23.3
190 690.5 198.7 29.7 659.0 209.3 28.4 627.9 219.3 27.0 596.5 228.9 25.7 564.2 237.7 24.3
210 829.1 240.7 35.7 788.7 252.0 34.0 747.8 262.7 32.2 706.8 272.6 30.4
040 155.0 38.9 6.7 148.7 41.7 6.4 142.1 44.5 6.1 135.3 47.1 5.8 128.3 49.5 5.5
045 188.4 48.9 8.1 178.8 51.9 7.7 169.1 54.7 7.3 159.4 57.3 6.9 149.2 59.7 6.4
050 225.5 58.5 9.7 214.9 62.1 9.3 204.2 65.6 8.8 193.4 68.9 8.3 182.4 71.9 7.9
060 282.8 74.1 12.2 270.2 78.6 11.7 257.5 82.8 11.1 243.8 86.6 10.5 229.6 90.0 9.9
070 321.2 86.4 13.8 307.5 91.4 13.3 293.7 96.1 12.7 279.9 100.6 12.1 265.0 104.5 11.4
080 367.9 99.2 15.9 350.6 104.8 15.1 331.5 109.8 14.3
090 13 394.3 104.0 17.0 374.7 110.2 16.2 353.8 115.8 15.3 332.1 121.0 14.3 310.8 125.9 13.4
100 453.9 113.3 19.6 432.1 120.5 18.6 410.1 127.3 17.7 388.0 133.7 16.7 365.5 139.6 15.8
110 488.1 130.8 21.0 465.3 138.3 20.1 442.4 145.4 19.1 419.1 152.0 18.1 395.9 158.3 17.1
130 512.8 140.4 22.1 491.1 148.6 21.2 469.1 156.3 20.2 446.4 163.6 19.3 423.7 170.5 18.3
150 591.7 165.6 25.5 566.7 175.1 24.4 541.3 184.3 23.3 515.6 193.1 22.2 489.8 201.6 21.1
170 676.3 188.1 29.2 646.2 198.6 27.9 615.1 208.3 26.5 583.5 217.4 25.2
190 740.9 207.1 31.9 708.5 218.5 30.6 675.9 229.3 29.1 642.5 239.6 27.7
210 909.3 255.4 39.2 865.6 267.8 37.3 822.3 279.4 35.5
040 166.3 40.2 7.2 159.8 43.2 6.9 151.6 45.9 6.5 140.9 48.0 6.1 130.1 49.8 5.6
045 198.5 50.3 8.6 186.3 53.0 8.0 174.3 55.5 7.5 162.3 57.8 7.0 150.5 59.9 6.5
050 240.9 60.5 10.4 227.0 63.9 9.8 213.1 67.0 9.2 199.4 69.9 8.6 185.7 72.4 8.0
060 295.6 75.7 12.8 279.6 79.9 12.1 263.4 83.7 11.4 247.5 87.2 10.7 231.5 90.3 10.0
070 336.5 88.4 14.5 318.6 93.0 13.7 300.8 97.1 13.0 283.3 101.0 12.2 265.9 104.5 11.5
080 376.2 100.4 16.2 355.1 105.5 15.3 334.0 110.1 14.4
090 16 413.5 106.7 17.8 388.2 112.4 16.8 363.3 117.6 15.7 338.7 122.3 14.6 314.4 126.5 13.6
100 481.5 116.7 20.8 453.5 123.5 19.6 425.7 129.8 18.4 398.1 135.4 17.2 370.6 140.5 16.0
110 528.4 136.6 22.8 498.1 143.6 21.5 468.2 150.0 20.2 438.6 155.8 18.9 409.2 161.1 17.7
130 546.1 145.3 23.6 523.6 154.0 22.6 500.7 162.2 21.6 477.6 170.1 20.6 453.9 177.5 19.6
150 629.1 171.5 27.2 602.9 181.7 26.0 576.7 191.4 24.9 550.2 200.8 23.7
170 724.7 196.0 31.3 691.0 206.7 29.8 652.7 215.8 28.2 611.2 223.5 26.4
190 793.7 215.8 34.3 759.5 228.0 32.8 725.4 239.6 31.3 691.8 250.6 29.9
210 942.3 261.0 40.7 889.8 272.0 38.4 837.7 282.2 36.2

Performance data SI (cont)
30 35 40 45 50
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
040 119.7 34.2 5.1 114.2 36.4 4.9 108.6 38.5 4.7 102.9 40.4 4.4 97.1 42.3 4.2
045 142.4 43.1 6.1 134.7 45.3 5.8 126.9 47.3 5.4 119.1 49.1 5.1 111.3 50.8 4.8
050 173.5 54.0 7.4 165.0 56.6 7.1 156.4 59.0 6.7 147.8 61.2 6.3 139.1 63.2 6.0
060 204.1 62.6 8.8 194.3 65.7 8.3 184.5 68.5 7.9 174.7 71.2 7.5 164.9 73.7 7.1
070 238.2 70.6 10.2 226.1 74.3 9.7 214.1 77.8 9.2 202.1 81.1 8.7 190.1 84.1 8.2
080 274.7 75.2 11.8 260.7 78.9 11.2 247.0 82.3 10.6 233.3 85.5 10.0 219.6 88.5 9.4
090 307.8 95.7 13.2 291.8 100.4 12.5 275.7 104.7 11.8 259.8 108.7 11.2 243.7 112.3 10.5
100 4 338.4 102.1 14.5 321.3 107.1 13.8 304.0 111.8 13.0 286.9 116.2 12.3 269.8 120.2 11.6
110 374.5 121.6 16.1 356.6 126.9 15.3 338.7 131.9 14.5 320.8 136.5 13.8 302.7 140.8 13.0
130 427.6 129.0 18.4 407.7 135.8 17.5 387.4 142.1 16.6 367.1 148.0 15.8 346.7 153.4 14.9
150 500.5 161.4 21.5 479.2 169.2 20.6 457.7 176.5 19.6 435.9 183.5 18.7 413.7 190.0 17.8
170 545.7 171.0 23.4 519.8 179.1 22.3 493.7 186.6 21.2 467.2 193.5 20.1 440.4 199.8 18.9
190 618.1 195.7 26.5 591.0 204.7 25.4 563.6 213.2 24.2 535.6 221.2 23.0 507.4 228.7 21.8
210 680.9 216.0 29.2 646.6 225.2 27.8 612.5 233.7 26.3 578.4 241.6 24.8 544.1 248.8 23.4
040 123.1 34.7 5.3 117.5 36.9 5.0 111.8 39.0 4.8 106.0 41.1 4.6 100.1 43.0 4.3
045 147.2 43.9 6.3 139.3 46.2 6.0 131.4 48.3 5.6 123.4 50.2 5.3 115.4 51.9 5.0
050 179.1 54.9 7.7 170.4 57.6 7.3 161.7 60.1 6.9 152.9 62.5 6.6 144.0 64.6 6.2
060 210.8 63.7 9.1 200.8 66.9 8.6 190.7 69.8 8.2 180.7 72.6 7.8 170.6 75.1 7.3
070 245.9 71.7 10.6 233.6 75.6 10.0 221.4 79.3 9.5 209.1 82.7 9.0 196.9 85.8 8.5
080 283.8 76.6 12.2 269.7 80.4 11.6 255.5 84.0 11.0 241.5 87.3 10.4 227.5 90.4 9.8
090 318.1 97.5 13.7 301.6 102.3 13.0 285.2 106.8 12.3 268.8 111.0 11.5 252.5 114.8 10.8
100 5 350.4 104.0 15.1 332.6 109.2 14.3 314.9 114.1 13.5 297.5 118.7 12.8 279.9 122.9 12.0
110 387.4 124.1 16.6 369.0 129.6 15.9 350.6 134.7 15.1 332.3 139.5 14.3 313.9 144.0 13.5
130 437.8 130.7 18.8 417.6 137.5 17.9 397.1 144.1 17.1 376.3 150.1 16.2 355.6 155.7 15.3
150 511.7 163.5 22.0 490.1 171.5 21.1 468.3 179.0 20.1 446.2 186.1 19.2 423.9 192.9 18.2
170 559.8 173.6 24.1 533.5 181.9 22.9 506.9 189.6 21.8 480.0 196.8 20.6 452.8 203.3 19.5
190 633.6 198.6 27.2 605.9 207.9 26.0 578.5 216.6 24.9 550.2 224.9 23.6 521.5 232.6 22.4
210 704.0 220.5 30.2 669.0 230.0 28.7 634.1 238.8 27.2 599.2 247.1 25.7 564.3 254.7 24.2
040 126.4 35.1 5.4 120.7 37.4 5.2 115.0 39.6 4.9 109.2 41.7 4.7 103.2 43.7 4.4
045 152.1 44.7 6.5 144.0 47.0 6.2 136.0 49.2 5.8 127.8 51.2 5.5 119.7 53.0 5.1
050 184.8 55.8 7.9 176.0 58.7 7.6 167.1 61.3 7.2 158.1 63.7 6.8 149.0 65.9 6.4
060 217.6 64.8 9.4 207.3 68.1 8.9 197.0 71.1 8.5 186.7 74.0 8.0 176.4 76.6 7.6
070 253.9 72.9 10.9 241.4 76.9 10.4 228.8 80.7 9.8 216.3 84.2 9.3 203.8 87.5 8.8
080 292.9 78.0 12.6 278.7 81.9 12.0 264.3 85.6 11.4 249.8 89.0 10.7 235.5 92.3 10.1
090 328.5 99.3 14.1 311.8 104.3 13.4 294.9 108.9 12.7 278.1 113.3 12.0 261.3 117.2 11.2
100 362.5 106.0 15.6 344.5 111.4 14.8 326.4 116.4 14.0 308.3 121.2 13.3 290.3 125.6 12.5
110 400.4 126.6 17.2 381.7 132.3 16.4 362.9 137.6 15.6 344.1 142.6 14.8 325.1 147.2 14.0
130 448.1 132.3 19.3 427.6 139.4 18.4 406.8 146.0 17.5 385.9 152.3 16.6 364.6 158.0 15.7
150 523.1 165.6 22.5 501.1 173.7 21.5 479.0 181.5 20.6 456.6 188.8 19.6 434.0 195.8 18.7
170 574.1 176.2 24.7 547.4 184.7 23.5 520.4 192.7 22.4 493.1 200.1 21.2 465.4 206.9 20.0
190 649.7 201.7 27.9 621.2 211.0 26.7 592.8 220.0 25.5 564.6 228.5 24.3 535.8 236.6 23.0
210 727.3 225.0 31.3 691.9 234.9 29.7 656.1 244.0 28.2 620.4 252.6 26.7 584.6 260.5 25.1

LEGEND 3. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for new LCWT:
Cap. Cooling Capacity kW of Refrigeration a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
Input kW Compressor Power Input capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.
LCWT Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (C) b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:

NOTES: = 0.239 x capacity in kW = L/s

1. Ratings apply to units with electronic or thermostatic expansion valves. temperature rise C
2. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart (pages 32 and 33), enter cooler pressure
Institute, U.S.A.) Standard 590-92, based on: drop curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler chilled water temperature rise of 6 C. When greater accuracy is 4. When chilled water temperature rise is less than 3 C, high flow rate will nor-
desired, correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
the LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of .000044 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.

30 35 40 45 50
UNIT SIZE LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
30GN,GT (C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
040 129.8 35.6 5.6 124.1 37.9 5.3 118.3 40.2 5.1 112.4 42.4 4.8 106.3 44.4 4.6
045 157.0 45.4 6.8 148.8 47.9 6.4 140.6 50.1 6.0 132.3 52.2 5.7 123.9 54.1 5.3
050 190.6 56.8 8.2 181.6 59.7 7.8 172.5 62.4 7.4 163.3 64.9 7.0 154.1 67.2 6.6
060 224.5 65.9 9.7 214.0 69.3 9.2 203.5 72.4 8.8 192.9 75.4 8.3 182.4 78.2 7.8
070 261.9 74.1 11.3 249.1 78.3 10.7 236.4 82.2 10.2 223.6 85.8 9.6 210.8 89.2 9.1
080 302.6 79.4 13.0 287.7 83.4 12.4 273.2 87.3 11.8 258.5 90.9 11.1 243.6 94.2 10.5
090 339.0 101.1 14.6 322.0 106.3 13.8 304.9 111.1 13.1 287.6 115.6 12.4 270.4 119.7 11.6
100 7 375.0 108.0 16.1 356.4 113.5 15.3 337.9 118.8 14.5 319.3 123.7 13.7 300.9 128.3 12.9
110 413.7 129.0 17.8 394.6 134.9 17.0 375.4 140.5 16.1 356.1 145.6 15.3 336.6 150.5 14.5
130 458.6 133.9 19.7 437.5 141.2 18.8 416.7 148.0 17.9 395.4 154.4 17.0 374.0 160.4 16.1
150 534.3 167.7 23.0 512.3 176.1 22.0 489.9 183.9 21.1 467.2 191.5 20.1 444.2 198.6 19.1
170 588.6 178.8 25.3 561.5 187.6 24.2 534.1 195.8 23.0 506.3 203.4 21.8 478.1 210.4 20.6
190 666.2 204.8 28.7 637.1 214.4 27.4 608.0 223.5 26.2 579.1 232.2 24.9 549.9 240.5 23.7
210 751.3 229.7 32.3 714.8 239.8 30.7 678.6 249.3 29.2 642.0 258.1 27.6 605.3 266.4 26.0
040 133.2 36.0 5.7 127.4 38.5 5.5 121.6 40.8 5.2 115.6 43.0 5.0 109.4 45.1 4.7
045 162.1 46.2 7.0 153.7 48.8 6.6 145.3 51.1 6.3 136.9 53.2 5.9 128.4 55.2 5.5
050 196.5 57.7 8.5 187.3 60.8 8.1 178.1 63.6 7.7 168.7 66.2 7.3 159.3 68.6 6.9
060 231.4 67.0 10.0 220.8 70.5 9.5 210.1 73.8 9.0 199.3 76.8 8.6 188.5 79.7 8.1
070 270.1 75.3 11.6 257.1 79.6 11.1 244.2 83.6 10.5 231.0 87.4 9.9 218.0 91.0 9.4
080 312.3 80.8 13.4 297.1 85.0 12.8 282.1 88.9 12.1 267.2 92.7 11.5 251.9 96.1 10.8
090 349.7 102.9 15.1 332.3 108.3 14.3 314.9 113.3 13.6 297.4 118.0 12.8 279.7 122.2 12.0
100 8 387.4 110.0 16.7 368.7 115.7 15.9 349.7 121.2 15.0 330.8 126.2 14.2 311.8 131.0 13.4
110 427.1 131.6 18.4 407.6 137.7 17.5 388.0 143.4 16.7 368.3 148.8 15.9 348.3 153.8 15.0
130 469.1 135.6 20.2 448.1 143.0 19.3 426.7 150.0 18.4 405.0 156.6 17.4 383.2 162.7 16.5
150 545.9 169.9 23.5 523.6 178.4 22.5 500.8 186.4 21.6 477.8 194.2 20.6 454.5 201.5 19.6
170 603.3 181.5 26.0 575.8 190.5 24.8 547.9 198.9 23.6 519.7 206.7 22.4 491.1 214.0 21.1
190 682.5 207.8 29.4 652.8 217.6 28.1 623.7 227.0 26.8 594.1 236.0 25.6 564.0 244.5 24.3
210 775.9 234.4 33.4 738.5 244.8 31.8 701.4 254.6 30.2 664.0 263.8 28.6
040 136.7 36.5 5.9 130.8 39.0 5.6 125.0 41.4 5.4 118.9 43.6 5.1 112.6 45.8 4.8
045 167.2 47.0 7.2 158.7 49.6 6.8 150.1 52.0 6.5 141.5 54.3 6.1 132.8 56.3 5.7
050 202.5 58.7 8.7 193.2 61.8 8.3 183.7 64.7 7.9 174.2 67.4 7.5 164.6 69.9 7.1
060 238.7 68.1 10.3 227.8 71.7 9.8 216.8 75.1 9.3 205.8 78.3 8.9 194.7 81.2 8.4
070 278.5 76.6 12.0 265.1 81.0 11.4 251.9 85.1 10.8 238.7 89.0 10.3 225.3 92.7 9.7
080 322.1 82.2 13.9 306.8 86.5 13.2 291.2 90.6 12.5 275.9 94.4 11.9 260.6 98.1 11.2
090 360.6 104.8 15.5 342.9 110.3 14.8 325.1 115.5 14.0 307.3 120.3 13.2 289.3 124.8 12.5
100 400.5 112.0 17.2 380.9 117.9 16.4 361.8 123.6 15.6 342.4 128.8 14.7 323.0 133.8 13.9
110 440.8 134.1 19.0 420.9 140.4 18.1 400.8 146.3 17.3 380.8 151.9 16.4 360.4 157.1 15.5
130 479.8 137.2 20.7 458.5 144.8 19.7 436.9 152.0 18.8 414.9 158.8 17.9 392.7 165.1 16.9
150 557.8 172.0 24.0 534.8 180.7 23.0 512.0 189.0 22.0 488.6 196.9 21.0 465.0 204.4 20.0
170 618.1 184.1 26.6 590.2 193.4 25.4 561.9 202.0 24.2 533.2 210.1 23.0 504.2 217.6 21.7
190 699.0 210.9 30.1 669.3 221.0 28.8 639.1 230.6 27.5 608.4 239.6 26.2 578.6 248.5 24.9
210 800.8 239.1 34.5 762.6 249.9 32.8 724.4 260.0 31.2 686.5 269.5 29.6
040 140.2 36.9 6.0 134.3 39.5 5.8 128.3 41.9 5.5 122.2 44.3 5.3 115.8 46.5 5.0
045 172.4 47.8 7.4 163.7 50.5 7.1 155.0 53.0 6.7 146.2 55.3 6.3 137.4 57.4 5.9
050 208.6 59.7 9.0 199.1 62.9 8.6 189.5 65.9 8.2 179.8 68.7 7.7 169.9 71.3 7.3
060 246.0 69.3 10.6 234.9 73.0 10.1 223.7 76.4 9.6 212.3 79.7 9.1 201.0 82.8 8.7
070 287.2 77.8 12.4 273.4 82.3 11.8 259.8 86.6 11.2 246.4 90.6 10.6 232.8 94.4 10.0
080 332.0 83.6 14.3 316.5 88.1 13.6 300.8 92.3 13.0 284.9 96.3 12.3 269.3 100.0 11.6
090 371.8 106.6 16.0 353.7 112.3 15.2 335.5 117.7 14.4 317.2 122.7 13.7 298.9 127.4 12.9
100 413.6 114.1 17.8 393.8 120.2 17.0 373.9 126.0 16.1 354.2 131.4 15.3 334.4 136.6 14.4
110 455.1 136.7 19.6 434.4 143.2 18.7 414.0 149.3 17.8 393.4 155.1 16.9 372.7 160.5 16.1
130 490.6 138.9 21.1 469.0 146.7 20.2 447.1 154.0 19.3 424.6 160.9 18.3 402.3 167.5 17.3
150 569.7 174.2 24.5 546.5 183.0 23.5 522.9 191.5 22.5 499.5 199.6 21.5 475.6 207.3 20.5
170 633.2 186.8 27.3 604.8 196.3 26.1 576.1 205.2 24.8 547.0 213.5 23.6 517.5 221.2 22.3
190 715.7 213.9 30.8 685.6 224.3 29.5 654.8 234.1 28.2 624.1 243.5 26.9 593.1 252.5 25.5
210 826.2 244.0 35.6 787.2 255.0 33.9 748.1 265.4 32.2 709.0 275.2 30.5
040 151.0 38.3 6.5 144.9 41.0 6.2 138.7 43.7 6.0 132.3 46.2 5.7 125.7 48.6 5.4
045 188.6 50.3 8.1 179.4 53.2 7.7 170.2 55.9 7.3 160.9 58.5 6.9 151.3 60.8 6.5
050 227.5 62.6 9.8 217.5 66.1 9.4 207.3 69.4 8.9 197.1 72.5 8.5 186.7 75.4 8.0
060 268.4 72.7 11.6 256.6 76.7 11.1 244.9 80.6 10.6 233.0 84.2 10.0 220.2 87.3 9.5
070 313.6 81.6 13.5 299.3 86.5 12.9 284.8 91.1 12.3 270.2 95.5 11.7 255.7 99.6 11.0
080 360.1 87.6 15.5 342.3 92.3 14.8 324.6 96.7 14.0 306.7 100.8 13.2 288.9 104.6 12.5
090 405.9 112.4 17.5 386.9 118.6 16.7 367.7 124.4 15.9 348.4 130.0 15.0 328.1 134.9 14.1
100 13 454.3 120.3 19.6 433.1 127.0 18.7 412.1 133.4 17.8 391.1 139.4 16.9 369.8 145.1 15.9
110 498.6 144.7 21.5 476.9 151.8 20.6 455.1 158.5 19.6 433.1 164.9 18.7 410.7 170.9 17.7
130 523.7 143.9 22.6 501.4 152.2 21.6 478.3 160.1 20.6 455.2 167.6 19.6 431.9 174.6 18.6
150 605.7 180.7 26.1 581.6 190.1 25.1 557.6 199.2 24.0 533.0 207.8 23.0
170 679.0 195.0 29.3 649.4 205.1 28.0 619.4 214.7 26.7 589.3 223.8 25.4
190 766.8 223.4 33.1 735.3 234.5 31.7 703.7 245.1 30.3 671.5 255.2 29.0
210 905.1 259.0 39.0 863.6 271.0 37.2 822.0 282.4 35.4 780.0 292.9 33.6
040 162.2 39.7 7.0 156.1 42.6 6.7 148.1 45.2 6.4 138.8 47.3 6.0 128.8 49.2 5.6
045 198.4 51.6 8.6 186.9 54.3 8.1 175.4 56.8 7.6 164.1 59.1 7.1 152.8 61.1 6.6
050 243.1 65.0 10.5 230.0 68.2 9.9 216.9 71.1 9.4 203.8 73.8 8.8 190.7 76.2 8.2
060 279.5 74.2 12.1 264.6 77.9 11.4 249.9 81.3 10.8 235.3 84.5 10.2 220.9 87.3 9.5
070 336.4 84.6 14.5 317.2 89.1 13.7 298.3 93.3 12.9 279.8 97.2 12.1 261.4 100.8 11.3
080 372.8 89.5 16.1 352.2 93.9 15.2 331.8 97.9 14.3 311.7 101.6 13.5 291.8 105.0 12.6
090 16 426.6 115.5 18.4 402.0 121.1 17.3 377.6 126.2 16.3 353.5 130.8 15.3 329.6 135.0 14.2
100 483.7 124.5 20.9 456.6 130.7 19.7 429.8 136.4 18.5 403.3 141.7 17.4 377.1 146.5 16.3
110 540.3 152.1 23.3 511.4 158.5 22.1 282.9 164.4 20.8 454.6 169.9 19.6 426.4 174.9 18.4
130 557.9 149.0 24.1 534.7 157.9 23.1 511.0 166.3 22.1 487.0 174.3 21.0 462.3 181.9 20.0
150 643.0 187.4 27.8 618.1 197.4 26.7 592.9 206.8 25.6 563.6 215.3 24.3
170 727.2 203.5 31.4 695.9 214.1 30.0 657.5 222.7 28.4 618.0 230.5 26.7
190 820.3 233.1 35.4 787.0 244.9 34.0 753.8 256.2 32.5 720.2 267.1 31.1
210 936.7 264.5 40.4 886.3 275.2 38.3 836.4 285.1 36.1 786.9 294.3 34.0

NOTE: See legend and notes on page 46.

Electrical data
SIZE Fuse Size Fuse Size
30GN,GT Nameplate Supplied*
V-Hz (3 phase) Min Max XL PW XL PW
208/230-60 187 253 174.6 174.6 225 225 200 200 434.7 296.7 211.2 211.2 250 250 250 250 471.3 333.3
460-60 414 506 100.0 100.0 100 100 100 100 218.6 148.3 114.2 114.2 125 125 125 110 232.2 162.5
040 575-60 518 633 100.0 100.0 100 100 90 90 162.4 113.7 107.2 107.2 125 125 100 100 169.6 120.9
380-60 342 418 100.0 100.0 125 100 110 100 241.2 163.9 114.0 114.0 125 125 125 125 255.2 177.9
346-50 325 380 107.0 107.0 150 150 125 125 297.9 198.9 124.2 124.2 150 150 125 125 315.1 216.1
380/415-50 342 440 101.1 101.4 125 125 125 125 269.6 179.3 118.3 118.6 150 150 150 150 286.8 196.5
208/230-60 187 253 201.8 201.8 250 250 225 225 535.7 357.7 238.4 238.4 300 300 300 300 572.3 394.3
460-60 414 506 100.1 100.4 125 125 125 125 268.6 178.3 114.3 114.3 150 150 150 150 282.8 192.5
045 575-60 518 633 100.0 100.0 125 100 100 100 206.4 139.8 107.2 107.2 125 125 110 100 213.6 147.0
380-60 342 418 107.1 105.0 150 150 125 125 297.2 196.9 121.1 118.0 150 150 150 150 311.2 210.9
346-50 325 380 129.8 129.8 175 175 150 150 342.5 230.5 147.0 147.0 200 200 150 150 359.7 247.7
380/415-50 342 440 114.1 117.8 150 150 150 150 335.6 208.9 131.3 135.0 175 175 150 150 352.8 226.1
208/230-60 187 253 244.5 244.5 350 350 300 300 617.5 415.5 281.1 281.1 350 350 350 350 654.1 452.1
460-60 414 506 113.1 116.8 150 150 125 150 307.6 207.9 128.3 131.0 175 175 150 150 321.8 222.1
050 575-60 518 633 100.6 100.0 125 100 125 100 226.1 152.9 108.0 107.2 125 125 125 125 233.3 160.1
380-60 342 418 126.9 127.8 175 175 150 150 341.1 228.5 140.9 141.8 175 175 175 175 355.1 242.5
346-50 325 380 170.8 170.8 250 250 200 200 453.4 300.4 188.0 188.0 250 250 175 175 470.6 317.6
380/415-50 342 440 140.6 145.6 200 200 175 175 403.8 267.7 157.8 162.8 225 225 175 175 421.0 284.9
208/230-60 187 253 323.3 323.3 450 450 400 400 823.6 547.6 378.3 378.3 500 500 450 450 878.6 602.6
460-60 414 506 139.6 144.6 200 200 175 175 408.2 272.1 161.0 166.0 225 225 200 200 429.6 293.5
575-60 518 633 125.4 121.0 175 150 150 150 336.8 218.7 136.2 131.8 175 175 175 175 347.6 229.5
060 380-60 342 418 174.5 176.6 250 250 200 200 458.0 306.2 195.5 197.6 250 250 225 225 479.0 327.2
346-50 325 380 205.3 205.3 250 250 250 250 487.9 334.9 231.1 231.1 300 300 225 225 513.7 360.7
380/415-50 342 440 165.2 170.8 225 225 200 200 428.4 292.9 191.0 196.6 250 250 225 225 454.2 318.7
208/230-60 187 253 364.3 364.3 500 500 450 450 864.6 588.6 475.5 475.5 600 600 500 500 919.6 643.6
460-60 414 506 163.6 169.2 225 225 200 200 426.8 291.3 196.0 190.4 250 250 225 225 448.2 312.7
575-60 518 633 148.9 141.5 200 175 175 175 353.5 239.2 159.7 152.3 200 200 175 175 364.3 250.0
070 380-60 342 418 200.7 202.3 250 250 225 225 484.2 331.9 221.7 223.3 300 300 250 250 505.2 352.9
346-50 325 380 215.6 215.6 250 250 250 250 498.2 345.2 241.4 241.4 300 300 225 225 524.0 371.0
380/415-50 342 440 187.0 192.7 250 250 225 225 450.2 314.8 212.8 218.5 275 275 250 250 455.2 340.6

LEGEND 4. Units have the following power wiring terminal blocks and parallel
CCN Carrier Comfort Network
FLA Full Load Amps (Fan Motors)
ICF Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow during starting (the point 30GN,GT TERMINAL PARALLEL
in the starting sequence where the sum of the LRA for the start- UNIT SIZE BLOCKS CONDUCTORS
ing compressor, plus the total RLA for all running compressors, 208/230 1 3 (040,045),6 (050-070)
plus the total FLA for all running fan motors is maximum)
kW Total condenser fan motor power input 460 1 3
LRA Locked Rotor Amps 575 1 3
MCA Minimum Circuit Amps (for wire sizing) complies with NEC 040-070
Section 430-24 380 1 3
MOCP Maximum Overcurrent Protective Device Amps 346 1 3
NEC National Electrical Code, U.S.A. 380/415 1 3
PW Part Wind
Rec Fuse Recommended dual element fuse amps: 150% of largest com- 208/230 1 6
Size pressor RLA plus 100% of sum of remaining compressor RLAs. 460 1 3
Size up to the next larger standard fuse size.
RLA Rated Load Amps (Compressors) 575 1 3
XL Across-the-Line 380 1 3
*Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied to the 346 1 3
unit terminals is not below or above the listed minimum and maximum limits. 380/415 1 3
Maximum allowable phase imbalance is voltage, 2%; amps, 10%.
Wherever across-the-line and part-wind data differs, the higher value of the two 208/230 3 9
is listed. 460 2 6
NOTES: 575 2 6
1. All units have single point primary power connection. Main power must be sup- 130-210 380 2 6
plied from a field-supplied disconnect.
2. The unit control circuit power (115 v, single-phase for 208/230-, 460-, and 575-v 230 3 9
units; 230 v, single-phase for all other voltages) must be supplied from a sepa- 346 2 6
rate source, through a field-supplied disconnect. The control circuit transformer
accessory may be applied to power from primary unit power. 380/415 2 6
3. Crankcase and cooler heaters are wired into the control circuit so they are al-
ways operable as long as the control circuit power supply disconnect is on, 5. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil.
even if any safety device is open or the unit ON-OFF or LOCAL/ENABLE- 6. Power draw of control circuits includes both crankcase heaters (where used)
STOP-CCN circuit switch is turned to OFF or STOP position. and cooler heaters. Each compressor has a crankcase heater which draws
180 watts of power.
Units ordered with cooler heater option have 4 (040-050), 6 (060,070), or 8
(080-210) cooler heaters, 210 w each, and 30GT units also have a 120-w cir-
cuit board heater.

208/230 v 208/230 v
460 v 460 v
575 v

UNIT Nameplate Supplied* Rec ICF Rec ICF
(3 Phase) Min Max XL PW XL PW XL PW XL PW
208/230-60 187 253 398.5 500 450 450 896.9 620.9 446.5 500 500 500 951.9 675.9
460-60 414 506 185.8 250 200 225 442.8 305.4 204.7 250 225 225 464.2 326.8
080 575-60 518 633 160.9 200 200 175 365.6 246.9 171.8 225 200 200 376.4 257.7
380-60 342 418 209.9 250 250 250 492.6 339.5 230.9 300 250 300 513.6 360.5
346-50 325 380 250.1 300 275 275 532.8 379.8 276.0 350 250 300 558.6 405.6
380/415-50 342 440 218.5 250 250 250 472.0 292.9 234.6 250 300 300 497.8 257.7
208/230-60 187 253 397.4 450 450 450 722.3 547.9 447.0 500 500 500 780.9 602.9
460-60 414 506 198.0 225 225 225 361.2 273.5 217.0 250 225 250 382.6 294.9
090 575-60 518 633 168.0 200 200 175 286.2 213.2 178.6 200 200 200 297.0 230.4
380-60 342 418 205.9 250 225 225 396.0 294.5 226.9 250 250 250 417.0 315.5
346-50 325 380 269.3 300 275 275 552.0 399.0 295.2 350 300 300 577.8 424.8
380/415-50 342 440 244.1 300 250 250 497.0 363.5 267.2 300 300 300 522.8 389.3
208/230-60 187 253 470.1 500 500 500 835.2 633.2 535.6 600 600 600 908.6 706.6
460-60 414 506 224.8 250 250 250 408.8 312.3 242.9 250 300 300 437.4 336.4
100 575-60 518 633 191.1 225 225 200 289.4 233.1 205.5 225 225 200 331.0 261.0
380-60 342 418 242.1 250 300 300 454.8 342.8 268.6 300 300 300 482.8 370.8
346-50 325 380 303.8 350 350 350 586.5 433.5 366.3 400 350 350 648.9 495.9
380/415-50 342 440 270.2 300 300 300 521.6 388.7 292.8 350 350 350 556.0 418.0
208/230-60 187 253 521.4 600 600 600 1019.2 743.2 587.2 700 600 700 1092.6 816.6
460-60 414 506 248.9 300 250 300 500.8 367.3 273.8 300 300 300 529.4 395.9
110 575-60 518 633 212.0 250 225 200 416.6 292.1 208.8 250 200 225 394.6 306.5
380-60 342 418 274.1 350 300 300 556.8 403.8 302.2 350 300 350 585.2 431.8
346-50 325 380 373.0 450 400 400 655.7 502.7 407.5 450 350 400 690.1 537.1
380/415-50 342 440 316.4 350 350 350 565.2 434.7 344.9 400 350 400 599.6 467.6
208/230-60 187 253 610.2 700 700 700 1111.1 835.1 701.8 800 800 800 1202.7 926.7
460-60 414 506 271.8 300 300 300 534.1 397.0 303.8 350 350 350 567.0 429.0
575-60 518 633 245.9 300 300 300 350.5 318.5 263.9 300 300 300 368.5 336.5
130 380-60 342 418 331.1 400 400 400 612.8 460.8 366.1 400 400 400 647.8 495.8
230-50 207 253 559.1 600 600 600 969.5 751.5 617.1 700 700 700 1027.5 809.5
346-50 325 380 382.9 450 400 400 682.6 522.6 425.9 500 450 450 725.6 565.6
380/415-50 342 440 338.6 350 350 350 583.0 463.7 377.6 400 400 400 622.0 502.7
208/230-60 187 253 664.2 800 800 800 1165.1 889.1 755.8 800 800 800 1256.7 980.7
460-60 414 506 312.9 350 350 350 576.1 438.1 334.9 400 400 400 608.1 470.1
575-60 518 633 272.3 300 300 300 440.9 344.9 290.3 350 350 350 458.9 362.9
150 380-60 342 418 359.9 400 400 400 641.6 489.6 394.9 450 450 450 676.6 524.6
230-50 207 253 629.4 700 700 700 1039.8 821.8 629.4 700 800 800 1039.8 879.8
346-50 325 380 465.1 500 450 450 764.8 604.8 508.1 600 500 500 807.8 647.8
380/415-50 342 440 377.9 400 400 400 641.0 503.0 416.9 450 450 450 680.0 542.0
208/230-60 187 253 727.5 800 800 800 1098.9 896.9 819.1 1000 1000 1000 1190.5 988.5
460-60 414 506 323.6 350 350 350 518.0 417.0 355.5 400 400 400 550.0 449.0
575-60 518 633 294.6 300 350 350 418.5 348.5 312.6 350 350 350 436.5 366.5
170 380-60 342 418 387.8 400 450 450 598.0 486.0 422.8 450 450 450 633.0 521.0
230-50 207 253 677.7 700 800 800 1088.1 870.1 735.7 800 800 800 1146.1 928.1
346-50 325 380 472.1 500 500 500 771.8 611.8 515.1 600 600 600 814.8 654.8
380/415-50 342 440 387.3 450 450 450 650.4 512.4 426.3 450 450 450 689.4 551.4
208/230-60 187 253 800.0 800 1000 1000 1301.5 1025.5 910.6 1000 1000 1000 1411.5 1135.5
460-60 414 506 368.2 400 400 400 631.4 493.4 406.2 450 450 450 669.4 531.4
575-60 518 633 325.9 350 350 350 494.5 398.5 347.5 400 400 400 516.1 420.1
190 380-60 342 418 432.5 500 450 450 714.2 562.2 474.5 500 500 500 756.2 604.2
230-50 207 253 749.9 800 800 800 1160.3 942.3 819.5 700 1000 1000 1229.9 1011.9
346-50 325 380 554.1 600 600 600 853.8 693.8 605.7 1000 700 700 905.4 745.4
380/415-50 342 440 515.7 500 500 500 669.4 575.3 497.0 500 600 600 760.1 622.1
208/230-60 187 253 890.4 1000 1000 1000 1391.3 1115.3 1000.0 1000 1200 1200 1501.3 1225.3
460-60 414 506 413.1 450 450 450 676.3 538.3 451.1 500 500 500 714.3 576.3
575-60 518 633 362.5 400 400 400 531.1 435.1 384.1 400 400 400 552.7 456.7
210 380-60 342 418 479.3 500 500 500 761.0 609.0 521.3 600 600 600 803.0 651.0
230-50 207 253 796.2 800 800 800 1206.6 988.3 865.8 1000 800 800 1276.2 1058.2
346-50 325 380 567.5 600 600 600 867.2 707.2 619.1 700 700 700 918.8 758.8
380/415-50 342 440 474.5 500 500 500 737.6 599.6 521.3 600 600 600 784.4 646.4

See legend and notes on page 46.

Electrical data (cont)
UNIT POWER SUPPLY 040-070 Units 080-110 Units 130-210 Units
(V-Ph-Hz) V-Ph-Hz Min Max With Cooler Without With Cooler Without With Cooler Without
Heater Cooler Heater Heater Cooler Heater Heater Cooler Heater
203/230-3-60 115-1-60 104 127 30 30 30 30 30 30
460-3-60 115-1-60 104 127 30 30 30 30 30 30
575-3-60 115-1-60 104 127 30 30 30 30 30 30
380-3-60 230-1-60 207 254 15 5 15 5 15 10
346-3-50 230-1-50 198 254 15 5 15 5 15 10
230-3-50 230-1-50 198 254 15 10
380/415-3-50 230-1-50 198 254 15 5 15 5 15 10
See legend and notes on page 46.
208/230-60 67.9 345 67.9 345
460-60 34.6 173 34.6 173
040 575-60 28.8 120 28.8 120
380-60 34.6 191 34.6 191
346-50 33.3 191 44.9 247
380/415-50 34.6 173 43.6 223
208/230-60 67.9 207 67.9 207
460-60 33.3 104 33.3 104
040-PW 575-60 28.2 72 28.2 72
380-60 33.3 115 33.3 115
346-50 33.3 115 44.9 148
380/415-50 33.3 104 44.9 134
208/230-60 67.9 345 89.7 446
460-60 34.6 173 43.6 223
045 575-60 28.8 120 36.5 164
380-60 34.6 191 45.5 247
346-50 44.9 247 53.8 280
380/415-50 43.6 223 46.8 280
208/230-60 67.9 207 89.7 268
460-60 33.3 104 44.9 134
045-PW 575-60 28.2 72 33.3 98
380-60 33.3 115 44.9 148
346-50 44.9 148 53.8 168
380/415-50 44.9 134 48.7 152
208/230-60 89.7 446 106.4 506
460-60 43.6 223 46.8 253
050 575-60 36.5 164 40.4 176
380-60 45.5 247 52.6 280
346-50 53.8 280 79.5 382
380/415-50 46.8 280 65.4 345
208/230-60 89.7 268 106.4 304
460-60 44.9 134 48.7 152
050-PW 575-60 33.3 98 33.3 106
380-60 44.9 148 53.8 168
346-50 53.8 168 79.5 229
380/415-50 48.7 152 67.9 207
208/230-60 106.4 506 147.7 690
460-60 46.8 253 65.4 345
060 575-60 40.4 176 57.1 276
380-60 52.6 280 78.8 382
346-50 79.5 382 79.5 382
380/415-50 65.4 345 67.9 345
208/230-60 106.4 304 147.4 414
460-60 48.7 152 65.4 207
060-PW 575-60 33.3 106 57.1 165
380-60 53.8 168 78.8 229
346-50 79.5 229 79.5 229
380/415-50 67.9 207 65.4 207
208/230-60 147.7 690 147.4 690
460-60 65.4 345 65.4 345
070 575-60 57.1 276 57.1 276
380-60 78.8 382 78.8 382
346-50 44.9 247 44.9 247 79.5 382
380/415-50 43.6 223 43.6 223 65.4 345
208/230-60 147.4 414 147.4 414
460-60 67.9 207 67.9 207
070-PW 575-60 53.8 165 53.8 165
380-60 79.5 229 79.5 229
346-50 44.9 148 44.9 247 79.5 229
380/415-50 44.9 134 44.9 223 67.9 207
See legend and notes on page 46.

30GN,GT V-Hz (3 Phase)
208/230-60 106.4 506 67.9 345 147.7 690
460-60 46.8 253 34.6 173 65.4 345
575-60 40.4 176 28.8 120 57.1 276
080 380-60 52.6 280 34.6 191 78.8 382
346-50 44.9 247 79.5 382 79.5 382
380/415-50 43.6 223 65.4 345 65.4 345
208/230-60 106.4 304 67.9 207 147.4 414
460-60 48.7 152 33.3 104 67.9 207
080-PW 575-60 33.3 106 28.2 72 53.8 165
380-60 53.8 168 33.3 115 79.5 229
346-50 44.9 148 79.5 229 79.5 229
380/415-50 44.9 134 67.9 207 67.9 207
208/230-60 89.7 446 67.9 345 89.7 446 89.7 446
460-60 43.6 223 34.6 173 43.6 223 43.6 223
090 575-60 36.5 164 28.8 120 36.5 164 36.5 164
380-60 45.5 247 34.6 191 45.5 247 45.5 247
346-50 44.9 247 79.5 382 44.9 247 53.8 280
380/415-50 43.6 223 65.4 345 43.6 223 46.8 280
208/230-60 89.7 268 67.9 207 89.7 268 89.7 268
460-60 44.9 134 33.3 104 44.9 134 44.9 134
575-60 33.3 98 28.2 72 33.3 98 33.3 98
090-PW 380-60 44.9 148 33.3 115 44.9 148 44.9 148
346-50 44.9 148 79.5 229 44.9 148 53.8 168
380/415-50 43.6 134 67.9 207 44.9 134 48.7 152
208/230-60 89.7 446 106.4 506 89.7 446 106.4 506
460-60 43.6 223 46.8 253 43.6 223 46.8 253
100 575-60 36.5 164 40.4 176 36.5 164 40.4 176
380-60 45.5 247 52.6 280 45.5 247 52.6 280
346-50 44.9 247 79.5 382 44.9 247 79.5 382
380/415-50 43.6 223 65.4 345 43.6 223 65.4 345
208/230-60 89.7 268 106.4 304 89.7 268 106.4 304
460-60 44.9 134 48.7 152 44.9 134 48.7 152
100-PW 575-60 33.3 98 33.3 106 33.3 98 33.3 106
380-60 44.9 148 53.8 168 44.9 148 53.8 168
346-50 44.9 148 79.5 229 44.9 148 79.5 229
380/415-50 44.9 134 67.9 207 44.9 134 67.9 207
208/230-60 89.7 446 147.4 690 89.7 446 106.4 506
460-60 43.6 223 65.4 345 43.6 223 46.8 253
575-60 36.5 164 57.1 276 36.5 164 40.4 176
110 380-60 45.5 247 78.8 382 45.5 247 52.6 280
346-50 79.5 382 79.5 229 79.5 382 79.5 382
380/415-50 65.4 345 65.4 207 65.4 345 65.4 345
208/230-60 89.7 268 147.4 414 89.7 268 106.4 304
460-60 44.9 134 67.9 207 44.9 134 48.7 152
110-PW 575-60 33.3 98 53.8 165 33.3 98 33.3 106
380-60 44.9 148 79.5 229 44.9 148 53.8 168
346-50 79.5 229 79.5 229 79.5 229 79.5 229
380/415-50 67.9 207 67.9 207 67.9 207 67.9 207
See legend and notes on page 46.

Electrical data (cont)


UNIT V-Hz A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3
208/230-60 107.7 506 151.3 690 107.7 506 151.3 690
460-60 46.8 253 64.5 345 46.8 253 65.4 345
575-60 41.7 176 57.1 176 41.7 176 57.1 176
130 380-60 55.8 280 80.2 382 55.8 280 80.2 382
346-50 46.8 259 55.8 294 55.8 294 80.2 400 80.2 400
230-50 77.0 342 87.9 366 87.9 366 107.7 545 107.7 545
380/415-50 44.9 223 46.8 253 46.8 253 65.5 345 65.5 345
208/230-60 107.7 304 151.3 414 107.7 304 151.3 414
460-60 46.8 152 65.4 207 46.8 152 65.4 207
575-60 41.7 106 57.1 144 41.7 106 57.1 144
130-PW 380-60 55.8 168 80.2 230 55.8 168 80.2 230
346-50 46.8 155 55.8 155 55.8 155 80.2 240 80.2 240
230-50 77.0 206 87.9 220 87.9 220 107.7 327 107.7 327
380/415-50 44.9 134 65.5 207 46.8 152 65.5 207 65.5 207
208/230-60 89.8 446 89.8 446 89.8 446 151.3 690 151.3 690
460-60 44.9 223 44.9 223 44.9 223 65.4 345 65.4 345
575-60 36.6 164 36.6 164 36.6 164 57.1 240 57.1 240
150 380-60 46.8 247 46.8 247 46.8 247 80.2 382 80.2 382
346-50 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400
230-50 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545
380/415-50 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345
208/230-60 89.8 268 89.8 268 89.8 268 151.3 414 151.3 414
460-60 44.9 134 44.9 134 44.9 134 65.4 207 65.4 207
575-60 36.6 99 36.6 99 36.6 99 57.1 144 57.1 144
150-PW 380-60 46.8 149 46.8 149 46.8 149 80.2 230 80.2 230
346-50 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240
230-50 107.7 268 107.7 268 107.7 268 107.7 327 107.7 327
380/415-50 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207
208/230-60 107.7 506 107.7 506 107.7 506 107.7 506 107.7 506 107.7 506
460-60 46.8 253 46.8 253 46.8 253 46.8 253 46.8 253 46.8 253
575-60 41.7 176 41.7 176 41.7 176 41.7 176 41.7 176 41.7 176
170 380-60 55.8 280 55.8 280 55.8 280 55.8 280 55.8 280 55.8 280
346-50 55.8 294 55.8 294 80.2 400 55.8 294 80.2 400 80.2 400
230-50 87.9 366 87.9 366 107.7 545 87.9 366 107.7 545 107.7 545
380/415-50 46.8 253 46.8 253 65.5 345 46.8 253 65.5 345 65.5 345
208/230-60 107.7 304 107.7 304 107.7 304 107.7 304 107.7 304 107.7 304
460-60 46.8 152 46.8 152 46.8 152 46.8 152 46.8 152 46.8 152
575-60 41.7 106 41.7 106 41.7 106 41.7 106 41.7 106 41.7 106
170-PW 380-60 55.8 168 55.8 168 55.8 168 55.8 168 55.8 168 55.8 168
346-50 55.8 177 55.8 177 80.2 240 55.8 177 80.2 240 80.2 240
230-50 87.9 220 87.9 220 107.7 327 87.9 220 107.7 327 107.7 327
380/415-50 46.8 152 46.8 152 65.5 207 46.8 152 65.5 207 65.5 207
208/230-60 89.8 446 107.7 506 151.3 690 89.8 446 107.7 506 151.3 690
460-60 44.9 223 46.8 253 65.4 345 44.9 223 46.8 253 65.4 345
575-60 36.6 164 41.7 176 57.1 240 36.6 164 41.7 176 57.1 240
190 380-60 46.8 247 55.8 280 80.2 382 46.8 247 55.8 280 80.2 382
346-50 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400
230-50 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545
380/415-50 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345
208/230-60 89.8 268 107.7 304 151.3 414 89.8 268 107.7 304 151.3 414
460-60 44.9 134 46.8 152 65.4 207 44.9 134 46.8 152 65.4 207
575-60 36.6 99 41.7 106 57.1 144 36.6 99 41.7 106 57.1 144
190-PW 380-60 46.8 149 55.8 168 80.2 230 46.8 149 55.8 168 80.2 230
346-50 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240
230-50 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327
380/415-50 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207
208/230-60 89.8 446 89.8 446 89.8 446 107.7 506 107.7 506 151.3 690 151.3 690
460-60 44.9 223 44.9 223 44.9 223 46.8 253 46.8 253 65.4 345 65.4 345
575-60 36.6 164 36.6 164 36.6 164 41.7 176 41.7 176 57.1 240 57.1 240
210 380-60 46.8 247 46.8 247 46.8 247 55.8 280 55.8 280 80.2 382 80.2 382
346-50 46.8 259 46.8 259 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400 80.2 400
230-50 77.0 342 77.0 342 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545 107.7 545
380/415-50 44.9 223 44.9 223 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345 65.5 345
208/230-60 89.8 268 89.8 268 89.8 268 107.7 304 107.7 304 151.3 414 151.3 414
460-60 44.9 134 44.9 134 44.9 134 46.8 152 46.8 152 65.4 207 65.4 207
575-60 36.6 99 36.6 99 36.6 99 41.7 106 41.7 106 57.1 144 57.1 144
210-PW 380-60 46.8 149 46.8 149 46.8 149 55.8 168 55.8 168 80.2 230 80.2 230
346-50 46.8 155 46.8 155 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240 80.2 240
230-50 77.0 206 77.0 206 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327 107.7 327
380/415-50 44.9 134 44.9 134 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207 65.5 207
See legend and notes on page 46.

30GN,GT Total Hp kW (Quantity) (Quantity) Total Hp kW (Quantity) (Quantity)
V-Hz (3 Phase) Quantity FLA (ea) LRA (ea) Quantity FLA (ea) LRA (ea)
208/230-60 (2) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (2) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (4) 14.6 (4) 41.6
460-60 (2) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (2) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (4) 6.3 (4) 41.6
575-60 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.0 (4) 5.2 (4) 42.0
040 380-60 4 1 0.746 (4) 3.9 (4) 20.9 4 5 3.73 (4) 7.4 (4) 54.0
346-50 (4) 4.4 (4) 20.9 (4) 8.7 (4) 53.0
380/415-50 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.0 (4) 7.3 (4) 41.0
208/230-60 (2) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (2) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (4) 14.6 (4) 41.6
460-60 (2) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (2) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (4) 6.3 (4) 41.6
575-60 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.0 (4) 5.2 (4) 42.0
045 380-60 4 1 0.746 (4) 3.9 (4) 20.9 4 5 3.73 (4) 7.4 (4) 54.0
346-50 (4) 4.4 (4) 20.9 (4) 8.7 (4) 53.0
380/415-50 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.0 (4) 7.3 (4) 41.0
208/230-60 (2) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (2) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (4) 14.6 (4) 41.6
460-60 (2) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (2) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (4) 6.3 (4) 41.6
575-60 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.0 (4) 5.2 (4) 42.0
050 380-60 4 1 0.746 (4) 3.9 (4) 20.9 4 5 3.73 (4) 7.4 (4) 54.0
346-50 (4) 4.4 (4) 20.9 (4) 8.7 (4) 53.0
380/415-50 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.0 (4) 7.3 (4) 41.0
208/230-60 (4) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (4) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (6) 14.6 (6) 41.6
460-60 (4) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (4) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (6) 6.3 (6) 41.6
575-60 (6) 3.4 (6) 30.0 (6) 5.2 (6) 42.0
060 380-60 6 1 0.746 (6) 3.9 (6) 20.9 6 5 3.73 (6) 7.4 (6) 54.0
346-50 (6) 4.4 (6) 20.9 (6) 8.7 (6) 53.0
380/415-50 (6) 3.4 (6) 30.0 (6) 7.3 (6) 41.0
208/230-60 (4) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (4) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (6) 14.6 (6) 41.6
460-60 (4) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (4) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (6) 6.3 (6) 41.6
070 575-60 6 1 0.746 (6) 3.4 (6) 30.0 6 5 3.73 (6) 5.2 (6) 42.0
380-60 (6) 3.9 (6) 20.9 (6) 7.4 (6) 54.0
346-50 (6) 4.4 (6) 20.9 (6) 8.7 (6) 53.0
380/415-50 (6) 3.4 (6) 30.0 (6) 7.3 (6) 41.0
208/230-3-60 (4) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (4) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (6) 14.6 (6) 41.6
460-3-60 (4) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (4) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (6) 6.3 (6) 41.6
080,090 575-3-60 6 1 0.746 (6) 3.4 (6) 30.0 6 5 3.73 (6) 5.2 (6) 42.0
380-3-60 (6) 3.9 (6) 20.9 (6) 7.4 (6) 54.0
346-3-50 (6) 4.4 (6) 20.9 (6) 8.7 (6) 53.0
380/415-3-50 (6) 3.4 (6) 30.0 (6) 7.3 (6) 41.0
208/230-3-60 (6) 6.6, (2) 5.5 (6) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (8) 14.6 (8) 41.6
460-3-60 (6) 3.3, (2) 2.8 (6) 31.6, (2) 30.0 (8) 6.3 (8) 41.6
575-3-60 (8) 3.4 (8) 30.0 (8) 5.2 (8) 42.0
100,110 8 1 0.746 8 5 3.73
380-3-60 (8) 3.9 (8) 20.9 (8) 7.4 (8) 54.0
346-3-50 (8) 4.4 (8) 20.9 (8) 8.7 (8) 53.0
380/415-3-50 (8) 3.4 (8) 30.0 (8) 7.3 (8) 41.0
208/230-3-60 (6) 6.6, (4) 5.5 (6) 31.6, (4) 30.0 (10) 14.6 (10) 41.6
460-3-60 (6) 3.3, (4) 2.8 (6) 31.6, (4) 30.0 (10) 6.3 (10) 41.6
575-3-60 (10) 3.4 (10) 30.0 (10) 5.2 (10) 42.0
130-170 380-3-60 10 1 0.746 (10) 3.9 (10) 20.9 10 5 3.73 (10) 7.4 (10) 54.0
346-3-50 (10) 4.4 (10) 20.9 (10) 8.7 (10) 53.0
230-3-50 (10) 6.4 (10) 30.3 (10) 12.2 (10) 41.6
380/415-3-50 (10) 3.4 (10) 30.0 (10) 7.3 (10) 41.0
208/230-3-60 (8) 6.6, (4) 5.5 (8) 31.6, (4) 30.0 (12) 14.6 (12) 41.6
460-3-60 (8) 3.3, (4) 2.8 (8) 31.6, (4) 30.0 (12) 6.3 (12) 41.6
575-3-60 (12) 3.4 (12) 30.0 (12) 5.2 (12) 42.0
190,210 380-3-60 12 1 0.746 (12) 3.9 (12) 20.9 12 5 3.73 (12) 7.4 (12) 54.0
346-3-50 (12) 4.4 (12) 20.9 (12) 8.7 (12) 53.0
230-3-50 (12) 6.4 (12) 30.3 (12) 12.2 (12) 41.6
380/415-3-50 (12) 3.4 (12) 30.0 (12) 7.3 (12) 41.0
See legend and notes on page 46.

Microprocessor fluid temperature and set point is greater than 4 F (2.2 C)
A microprocessor controls overall unit operation. Its cen- and rate of change in leaving-fluid temperature is less than
tral executive routine controls a number of processes simul- 1 F per minute (0.6 C per minute).
taneously. These include internal timers, reading inputs, If it has been less than 90 seconds since the last capacity
analog to digital conversions, fan control, display control, change, compressors will continue to run unless a safety
diagnostic control, output relay control, demand limit, ca- device trips. This prevents rapid cycling and also helps re-
pacity control, head pressure control, and temperature re- turn oil during short on periods.
set. Some processes are updated almost continuously, oth- Where available, two sequences are used to obtain circuit
ers every 2 to 3 seconds, and some every 30 seconds. lead/lag operation and balance compressor operating hours.
The microprocessor routine is started by switching con- This requires accessory unloaders on some units. First, as
trol circuit ON-OFF circuit breaker switch to ON position unit turns on, microprocessor functions as a random num-
(30GT Flotronic units) or LOCAL/ENABLE-STOP-CCN ber generator to determine which circuit starts first. Later,
switch to LOCAL/ENABLE or CCN position (30GN when decreasing from maximum stage, control again ran-
Flotronic II units). (This switch is also used to reset micro- domly selects which circuit is to run the longest.
processor should any safety device trip and also functions The control also performs other special functions when
as circuit breaker for electronic processor and relay boards.) turning on or off. When a circuit is to be turned off, EXV or
On 30GN (Flotronic II) units, when the unit receives a call LLSV (TXV units) is closed first, and compressor is run un-
for cooling (either from the internal control or CCN net- til conditions are met to terminate pumpout to remove re-
work command), the unit stages up in capacity to maintain frigerant that was in the cooler. At start-up, if a circuit has
the cooler fluid set point. The first compressor starts 112 to not run in the last 15 minutes, circuit is run to remove any
3 minutes after the call for cooling. The lead circuit can be refrigerant that has migrated to the cooler. The oil pressure
specifically designated or randomly selected by the controls, switch is bypassed for 2 minutes during start-up and for
depending on how the unit is field configured. A field con- 45 seconds during normal operation.
figuration is also available to determine if the unit should
stage up both circuits equally or load one circuit completely Thermistors
before bringing on the other. Eight thermistors are used for temperature-sensing inputs
to microprocessor. (A ninth [T10] may be used as a remote
On 30GT (Flotronic) units, when the switch is closed, a temperature sensor for optional LCWT reset.)
2-minute initialization routine is begun. During this time,
inputs are checked, EXV and internal constants are initial- T1 Cooler leaving chilled fluid temperature
ized, and 20 is displayed. If display button is pushed during T2 Cooler entering fluid (return) temperature
this period, control goes into a 42-step quick test routine T3 Saturated condensing temperature Circuit A
normally used for a readiness check during start-up or for T4 Saturated condensing temperature Circuit B
T5 Cooler saturation temperature Circuit A
service. (30GT only)
The microprocessor controls the capacity of the chiller T6 Cooler saturation temperature Circuit B
by cycling compressors on and off at a rate to satisfy actual (30GT only)
dynamic load conditions. The control maintains leaving- T7 Return gas temperature entering compressor
fluid temperature set with dial on display board through in- cylinder Circuit A
telligent cycling of compressors. Accuracy depends on loop T8 Return gas temperature entering compressor
volume, loop flow rate, load, outdoor-air temperature, num- cylinder Circuit B
T10 Remote temperature sensor (accessory)
ber of stages, and particular stage being cycled off. No ad-
justment for cooling range or cooler flow rate is required, The microprocessor uses these temperatures to control
because the control automatically compensates for cooling capacity, fan cycling, and EXV operation.
range by measuring both return-fluid temperature and leaving-
fluid temperature. This is referred to as leaving-fluid Electronic expansion valve (EXV)
temperature control with return-fluid temperature To control flow of refrigerant for different operating condi-
compensation. tions, EXV piston moves up and down over slot orifices
The basic logic for determining when to add or remove a through which refrigerant flows to modulate size of open-
stage is a time band integration of deviation from set point ing. Piston is moved by a stepper motor through 1500 dis-
plus rate of change of leaving-fluid temperature. When crete steps. The piston is repositioned by the microproces-
leaving-fluid temperature is close to set point and slowly mov- sor every 3 seconds as required.
ing closer, logic prevents addition of another stage. If leaving- The EXV is used to control superheat in compressor. Two
fluid temperature is less than 35 F (1.7 C) for water, or thermistors in each circuit (T5 and T7 or T6 and T8) are
6 F (3.3 C) below the set point for brine units, the unit is used to determine superheat. One thermistor (T5 or T6) is
shut off until the fluid temperature goes to 35 F (1.7 C) or located in cooler and the other (T7 or T8) in compressor
to 6 F (3.3 C) above the set point to protect against after motor in the gas passage entering the cylinders. The
freezing. EXV is controlled to maintain superheat entering pistons at
If 1 F per minute (0.6 C per minute) pulldown control approximately 30 F (16 C), which results in slightly super-
has been selected (factory setting), no additional steps of heated refrigerant leaving cooler.
capacity are added as long as difference between leaving-

The electronic control provides for a prepurge and pump- These codes are summarized on a chart in each units
out cycle each time the lead compressor in a circuit is started control box, and are described in detail in the Controls and
or stopped. These pumpout cycles minimize amount of ex- Troubleshooting literature.
cess refrigerant that can go to compressor on start-up and
cause oil dilution (which would result in eventual bearing
30GN Flotronic II (CCN) controls with
8-character display/set point board
An eight-digit LCD (liquid crystal display) alphanumeric panel
The microprocessor software is programmed so that EXV
displays all of the Flotronic control codes (with explanation
functions as a MOP (maximum operating pressure) valve,
of codes), plus set points, time of day, temperatures, pres-
limiting the suction temperatures to 55 F (12.8 C). This
sures, and superheat.
makes it possible to start unit at high fluid temperatures, up
to 95 F (35 C), without overloading compressor. Another Control sequence
feature that is factory set (can be reconfigured in the field) Off cycle During unit off cycle, crankcase heater is en-
limits rate of pulldown to 1 F (0.6 C) per minute, thereby ergized. If ambient temperature is below 36 F (2 C), cooler
reducing the kW demand on start-up. and control box heaters (30GT only) are also energized.
Accessory controls Electronic expansion valves are closed.
Demand can be further limited by keeping a selected num- Start-up After control circuit switches on, prestart pro-
ber of compressors from turning on by utilizing demand cess takes place, then microprocessor checks itself and waits
limit control accessory. This accessory interfaces with micro- for temperature to stabilize. First circuit to start may be A
processor to control unit so that chillers kW demand does or B (automatic lead/lag feature). The controlled pulldown
not exceed its setting. It is activated from an external switch. feature limits compressor loading on start-up to reduce de-
mand on start-up and unnecessary compressor usage. The
The microprocessor is programmed to accept various ac-
microprocessor limits supply-fluid temperature decrease
cessory temperature reset options (based on return-fluid tem-
(start-up only) to 1 F (0.6 C) per minute.
perature, outdoor-air temperature, or space temperature),
that reset the LCWT. An accessory thermistor (T10) is re- Capacity control
quired if outdoor-air temperature or space temperature re- On first call for cooling, microprocessor starts initial compressor
set is selected. and fan stage on lead circuit. The EXV or LLSV (TXV units)
Ground current protection remains closed, permitting a pumpout on start-up. After pump-
out, the valves open and, if necessary, additional outdoor fans
The 30GN,GT080-210 and 070 (50 Hz) units have ground
are energized. Crankcase heaters are deenergized when a com-
current protection that shuts off compressor(s) if a 2 to
pressor is started. As additional cooling is required, lag circuit
3 amp ground current is sensed by a toroid around the com-
starts. If further cooling is needed, compressors are added, alter-
pressor power leads.
nating between lead and lag circuits. Speed at which capacity
Ground current protection is also offered as accessory on is added or decreased is controlled by temperature deviation
040-060 and 070 (60 Hz) sizes. from set point and rate of temperature change of chilled fluid.
30GT Flotronic controls with 2-digit As less cooling is required, circuits shut down (or unload)
display/set point board in an order that balances each circuits compressor run time.
Display board, also connected to microprocessor by a rib- When no further cooling is called for (in each compressor
bon cable, is used to communicate with operator. In addi- circuit), EXV or LLSV (TXV units) closes and compressor
tion to leaving-fluid set point potentiometer, board contains and fans continue to run while pumping down cooler.
2-digit LED (light-emitting diode) display. The LED display Control features
is normally off after initialization period. Pressing display Low-temperature override This feature prevents LCWT
button results in LED displaying the appropriate overload from overshooting the set point and possibly causing a nui-
or status code. sance trip-out by the freeze protection.
If display button is pressed, display shows from one to High-temperature override This feature allows chiller
3 codes, alternating every 2 seconds, as follows: to add capacity quickly during rapid load variations.
CODE STATUS Demand limit If applied, unit step controls limit the to-
0-12 Capacity Stage
Number of stages in operation tal power draw of unit to selected point by controlling num-
20-26 Operating Mode ber of operational compressors during periods of peak
20 Initialization electrical demand. Consult Accessory Demand Limit Con-
21 Temperature Reset trol Module Installation Instructions for further details.
22 Demand Limit
24 Pulldown Control Reset accessory If applied, microprocessor compares
26 Remote on-off
51-87 Overload Codes either return fluid, space temperature, or outdoor-air tem-
Alarm light/circuit energized. perature with the accessory board settings, and adjusts LCWT
NOTE: These codes take priority. appropriately.
51-58 Compressor fault
59,60 Loss of charge (circuit A, circuit B)
61 Low water flow
63,64 Low oil pressure (circuit A, circuit B)
65 Low water temperature
70 Illegal configuration
71-80 Thermistor failure
81-87 Reset/Set Point Limit Failure

Controls (cont)
Electronic expansion valve and condenser-fan con- High-pressure cutout Switch shuts down compres-
trol The EXV opens and closes on signal from micro- sors if compressor discharge pressure increases to 426 psig
processor to maintain an approximate 20 F (11 C) refrig- (2937 kPa).
erant superheat entering the compressor cylinders. (The Ground current safety Safety opens on sensing a
compressor motor increases the refrigerant superheat from current-to-ground in compressor windings in excess of
the approximate 5 F [3 C] leaving the cooler to that en- 2.5 amps (accessory on sizes 040-070 [60 Hz]).
tering the cylinders.) Condenser fans (operated by micro-
Compressor anti-cycling This feature limits compres-
processor) run to as low an ambient as possible to maintain
sor cycling.
a minimum EXV pressure differential.
Loss of flow protection Protection is provided by tem-
Abnormal conditions perature differences between entering and leaving fluid
All control safeties in chiller operate through compressor temperature sensors if cooler temperature drops to
protection board or control relay and microprocessor. High- 35 F (1.8 C).
pressure switch directly shuts down compressor(s) through Sensor failures Failures are detected by the
compressor protection board or control relay. For other microprocessor.
safeties, microprocessor makes appropriate decision to shut
down a compressor due to a safety trip or bad sensor read- Diagnostics
ing and displays appropriate failure code on the display. Microprocessor may be put through quick test (see Controls
Chiller holds in safety mode until reset. It then reverts to and Troubleshooting literature) without additional equip-
normal control when unit is reset. ment or tools. Quick test (not on Flotronic II units) confirms
Oil pressure safety Safety cuts out if pressure differ- microprocessor is functional, informs observer through LED
ential is below minimum (accessory on sizes 040-060; 070, display the condition of each sensor and switch in chiller,
60 Hz). Safety is bypassed on start-up for 2 minutes. and allows observer to check for proper operation of fans
Loss-of-charge safety Safety cuts out if system pres- and compressor(s).
sure drops below minimum. NOTE: The STAT test function on 30GN units allows for
the same function as quick test on the 30GT units.

Typical piping and wiring


1. Chiller must be installed levelly to maintain proper compressor oil return.
2. Wiring and piping shown are general points-of-connection guides only and are not intended for a
specific installation. Wiring and piping shown are for a quick overview of system and are not in
accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or ap-
propriate ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers)
handbook for details.
5. See Application Data for minimum system fluid volume. This may require the addition of a holding
tank to ensure adequate volume.

Guide specifications 30GN,GT
Reciprocating Air-Cooled Liquid Chiller D. Compressors:
HVAC Guide Specifications 1. Reciprocating semi-hermetic type only.
Size Range: 36 to 210 Tons (127 to 740 kW) 2. Each equipped with an automatically-reversible oil
Nominal pump, operating oil charge, suction and discharge
shutoff valves, and an insert-type factory-sized
Carrier Model Number: 30GN,GT crankcase heater to control oil dilution.
Part 1 General 3. Each mounted on spring vibration isolators with
an isolation efficiency of no less than 95%.
4. Speed shall not exceed 1750 rpm (29.2 r/s).
A. Microprocessor-controlled air-cooled liquid chiller
utilizing reciprocating compressors and long-stroke 5. Cycles per hour per compressor shall not
electronic expansion valves. exceed 6.
A. Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standard 1. Shell-and-tube type with removable heads.
590-92 (U.S.A.). 2. Tubes shall be internally enhanced seamless-copper
B. Unit construction shall be designed to conform to type rolled into tube sheets.
ASHRAE 15 latest revision safety standard, NEC 3. Equipped with victaulic-type fluid connections.
(U.S.A.), and ASME (U.S.A.) applicable codes. 4. Shell shall be insulated with 34-in. (19-mm) PVC
C. Unit shall have UL (U.S.A.) or CSA (Canada) approv- foam (closed-cell) with a maximum K factor of 0.28.
als (60 Hz). 5. Design shall incorporate 2 independent direct-
D. Unit shall be manufactured in a facility registered to expansion refrigerant circuits.
ISO 9002/BS5750, Part 2 (International Standards 6. Cooler shall be tested and stamped in accordance
Organization) manufacturing quality standard. with ASME Code for a refrigerant working side
E. Unit operation shall be fully tested at the factory. pressure of 278 psig (1916 kPa). Cooler shall
1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING have a maximum fluid-side pressure of 300 psig
(2068 kPa).
A. Unit shall be stored and handled per unit manufac-
turers recommendations. F. Condenser:
B. Unit controls shall be capable of withstanding 150 F 1. Coil shall be air-cooled with integral subcooler, con-
(66 C) storage temperature in the control compart- structed of aluminum fins mechanically bonded to
ment for an indefinite period of time. seamless copper tubes which are then cleaned, de-
hydrated, and sealed.
Part 2 Products
2. Air-cooled condenser coils shall be leak tested at
150 psig (1034 kPa) and pressure tested at
A. General: 450 psig (3103 kPa).
Factory-assembled, single piece, air-cooled liquid chiller. G. Refrigeration Components:
Contained within the unit cabinet shall be all factory
Refrigerant circuit components shall include hot gas
wiring, piping, controls, refrigerant charge (R-22), and
muffler, high side pressure switch, liquid line shutoff
special features required prior to field start-up.
valves, suction and discharge shutoff valves, filter drier,
B. Unit Cabinet: moisture-indicating sight glass, stepper motor actu-
1. Frame shall be of heavy-gage galvanized steel ated electronic expansion valve (EXV) or thermostatic
members. expansion valve (TXV), and complete operating charge
2. Cabinet shall be galvanized steel casing with a pre- of refrigerant R-22 and compressor oil.
painted finish. H. Controls, Safeties, and Diagnostics:
3. Cabinet shall be capable of withstanding 1. Controls:
500-hour salt spray test in accordance with the a. Unit controls shall include the following mini-
ASTM B-117 standard. mum components:
C. Fans: 1) Microprocessor.
Condenser fans shall be direct-driven propeller type 2) Power and control circuit terminal blocks.
discharging air vertically upward and shall be equipped 3) ON/OFF control switch.
with the following features: 4) Replaceable solid-state relay panel.
5) Eight-character diagnostic display/set point
1. Permanently lubricated bearings. panel on 30GN unit. Two-digit panel on
2. Steel wire safety guards coated with PVC. 30GT unit.
3. Statically and dynamically balanced fan blades. 6) Thermistors, and/or pressure transducers
(30GN only), and potentiometers (30GT).

b. Unit controls shall be capable of performing 3. Diagnostics:
the following functions: a. On 30GN units, diagnostic display module
1) Automatic circuit lead/lag (accessory un- shall be capable of indicating the safety lock-
loader required on 30GT040-070). out condition by displaying a code for which
2) Pumpout at beginning and end of every an explanation may be scrolled at the dis-
circuit cycle. play. On 30GT units, display module shall be
3) Capacity control based on leaving chilled capable of indicating the tripping of protec-
fluid temperature and compensated by rate tions through display of a 2-digit code, for
of change of return-fluid temperature. which a legend shall be provided in control
4) Limiting of the chilled fluid temperature panel. Information included for display shall
pulldown rate at start-up to 1 F (.56 C) be:
per minute to prevent excessive demand
spikes (charges) at start-up. 1) Compressor lockout.
5) Seven-day time schedule (30GN only). 2) Loss of charge.
6) Leaving chilled fluid temperature reset from 3) Low fluid flow.
return fluid (30GN only). 4) Low oil pressure.
7) Demand limit control with 2-point control
(0 to 100% each) (30GN only). 5) Cooler freeze protection.
2. Safeties: 6) High or low suction superheat.
a. Unit shall be equipped with thermistors and/or 7) Thermistor, transducer (30GN only), or
potentiometers (30GT) and all necessary com- potentiometer (30GT only) malfunction.
ponents in conjunction with the control sys- 8) Entering and leaving-fluid temperature.
tem to provide the unit with the following 9) Evaporator and condenser pressure (30GN
protections: only).
1) Loss of refrigerant charge protection.
10) Electronic expansion valve positions (30GN
2) Low fluid flow detection.
3) Low chilled fluid temperature protection.
4) Low and high superheat protection. 11) All set points (30GN only).
5) Low control voltage (to unit) protection. 12) Time of day (30GN only).
6) High-pressure switch. b. Display module, in conjunction with the micro-
7) Low oil protection for each compressor processor, must also be capable of display-
circuit (sizes 080-210). ing the output (results) of a run test. Run test
8) Ground current compressor protection shall verify operation of every switch, ther-
(sizes 080-210 and 070, 50 Hz). mistor, potentiometer (30GT) or transducer
b. Compressors shall be equipped with the fol- (30GN), fan, and compressor before chiller
lowing manual-reset type protections: is started.
1) Pressure overload. c. Provide serial output port.
2) Electrical overload through the use of
definite-purpose contactors and calibrated, I. Operating Characteristics:
ambient compensated, magnetic trip cir- 1. Unit shall be capable of starting and running fully
cuit breakers. Circuit breakers shall open loaded at outdoor ambient temperatures from
all 3 phases in the event of an overload in 0 F to 125 F (18 to 52 C), without special
any one phase (single-phasing condition). controls.
c. Fan motors shall have inherent overcurrent 2. Unit shall be capable of starting up with 95 F
protection. (35 C) entering-fluid temperature to the cooler.
3. Multi-step cooling capacity control shall be accom-
plished through the use of unloaders and compres-
sor staging.
4. Two refrigerant circuits shall be provided to pro-
tect against loss of total capacity.
5. Unit shall have automatic lead/lag feature to au-
tomatically alternate the lead circuit to ensure even
compressor wear.

Guide specifications 30GN,GT (cont)
J. Motors: * 5. Hot Gas Bypass:
1. Compressor motors shall be cooled by suction gas Hot gas bypass allows the unit to operate at
passing around motor windings. lower capacity levels than standard. Available as
2. Condenser-fan motors shall be 3-phase type a factory-installed option on 30GN040 and
with permanently lubricated bearings and Class B 30GT040-070. Available as a field-installed ac-
insulation. cessory on 30GN,GT080-210.
3. Fan motors are totally enclosed, air-over (TEAO) 6. Security Condenser Grilles:
type in accordance with IP-55 (50 Hz only). A set of metal grilles complete with support re-
K. Electrical Requirements: tainers and fasteners shall be provided for the
protection of the condensing coils, compressors,
1. Unit primary electrical power supply (3-phase) shall
and cooler.
be connected to a single location.
7. Hail Guard:
2. Unit control power (single-phase) shall be con-
nected to a separate entry point. Unit shall be field-equipped with louvered con-
denser coil hail guards and installation hardware.
3. Unit shall be shipped with factory control and
power wiring installed. * 8. Part-Wind Start:
L. Special Features: Shall be factory installed to reduce compressor
inrush current.
Certain standard features are not applicable when the
features designated by * are specified. For assistance * 9. Brine Units:
in amending the specifications, your local Carrier Sales Unit shall be factory-equipped to operate down
Office should be contacted. to 15 F (9 C) leaving chilled fluid temperature.
* 1. Low Ambient Temperature Operation: 10. Flow Switch:
a. Unit shall be capable of operating down to A chilled fluid flow switch shall be field-installed
0 F (18 C) with the addition of antifreeze for low fluid flow detection.
with suitable corrosion inhibitor in the evapo- * 11. Control Transformer:
rator circuit, and with the addition of field-
fabricated and field-installed wind baffles. The A transformer shall be field-installed to permit
wind baffles shall be installed when wind ve- single-point power connection combining unit
locity greater than 5 mph (8 km/h) is antici- primary electrical power supply with control power
pated, and ambient temperature is below supply (115 v).
32 F (0 C). 12. Ground current compressor protection:
b. Unit shall be capable of operating down to Protection shall be standard with sizes 080-210
20 F (29 C) with the addition of the field and 070 (50 Hz), accessory with all other sizes.
or factory-installed solid-state Motormastert * 13. TXV Option (30GT040-110 unit):
III control with condenser coil temperature Unit shall have factory-installed thermostatic ex-
sensor. In addition, adequate field-supplied an- pansion valves (TXV) instead of EXVs. Unit shall
tifreeze with suitable corrosion inhibitor pro- be capable of starting and running fully loaded at
tection shall be field-installed in the evapora- outdoor temperatures from 35 to 125 F (1 to
tor circuit and where wind velocity greater 52 C) without special control or field provisions.
than 5 mph (8 km/h) is anticipated, field-
fabricated and installed wind baffles shall be 14. Demand Limit Control (30GT unit):
required. Unit shall be equipped with a 2-point demand
2. Unloaders: limit control (0 to 49% and 50 to 100%) acti-
vated remotely by an electric signal. (Two-stage
Electric suction cutoff unloaders shall be field- control is standard on 30GN units.)
installed as required.
15. Pressure Gages:
* 3. Cooler Heater:
Unit shall be field-equipped with suction and dis-
Optional factory-installed heater shall protect charge pressure gages with manual shutoff valves.
cooler to 20 F (29 C).
16. Temperature Reset Board (30GT unit):
* 4. Optional Condenser Coil Material:
Board shall allow microprocessor control to com-
Unit shall be factory equipped with a condenser pare either return or outdoor temperature with
coil made from copper tubes and copper fins, the accessory board settings and adjust leaving-
copper tubes and aluminum heresite fins, cop- water temperature accordingly. Shall include nec-
per tubes and copper heresite fins, or copper essary sensor. (Temperature reset is standard on
tubes and pre-coated aluminum fins. 30GN units.)

* 17. Sound Reduction Kit: 22. Remote Cooler Mounting:
Unit shall be equipped with kit to reduce system Kit shall provide valves and EXV cable to permit
noise without compromising performance. operation of cooler from a remote location (up
18. Oil Pressure Switch: to 75 ft [23 m] away from base unit).
Unit shall be equipped with an oil pressure safety 23. Unit Control Display Access Door:
switch to protect compressor against loss of lu- Kit contains door and necessary mounting hard-
brication (sizes 040-060, 070 [60 Hz]; standard ware to permit control module access without
on sizes 070 [50 Hz], 040-070 brine units, and opening or removing control box panels.
080-210). 24. Multi-Chiller Control:
* 19. High-Static Fan: The multi-chiller control shall be field installed,
Special condenser fans, motors, and mounts shall and shall sequence up to 4 circulating pumps and
be factory installed allowing fans to generate chillers in parallel (one pump and proof-of-flow
0.4 in. wg (0.10 kPa) and 1 in. wg (0.25 kPa) switch per chiller). Both the leaving fluid tem-
static pressure external to the chiller at nominal perature and proof-of-flow inputs shall be moni-
condenser airflow (cfm). tored by the control.
20. Non-Fused Disconnect (380/415 v and 460 v 25. High-Ambient Kit:
Units): Field-installed kit shall contain high-ambient ca-
A non-fused electrical disconnect for main unit pacity control pressure switches, unloader coils,
power shall be factory installed. Disconnect shall and all necessary hardware for installation. Kit
be thru-the-door type with locking handle (unit may be required in areas where outdoor ambi-
sizes 040-110) or mounted on central panel (unit ent temperatures are expected to be above
sizes 130-210). 115 F (46.1 C) and return fluid temperatures are
21. Convenience Outlet: expected to be above 60 F (15.5 C).
Kit provides a 115-v, GFI female receptacle to
be field mounted in control box. Receptacle shall
be powered by unit control circuit.

Carrier Corporation Syracuse, New York 13221 11-96
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 2 Page 60 Catalog No. 523-048 Printed in U.S.A. PC 903 Form 30G-7PD
Tab 5c Replaces: 30G-6PD

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