Turf Management
Turf Management
Turf Management
Turf management or pitchcare describes the work Articial grass courts are a popular option at club level
needed to keep a sporting pitch ready for use. This ar- as they are weather resistant and their shock absorbing
ticle looks at the various types of sporting pitches and the qualities help limit injuries. However they are not rec-
type of challenges which they present. ommended for high skill levels and are expensive to main-
tain. The Lawn Tennis Association prices a basic court at
The skills needed vary considerably dependent upon the
sport and whether or not articial surfaces are used. Spe- 27,000 and replacement turf every 9 years at a further
cial sets of skills are also needed to care for either sand-
based athletic elds or native soil elds.
Clay courts require water to keep from cracking.
This limits their use in both very dry regions. At
the other extreme, in countries like the United King-
1 Tennis courts dom with very wet seasons, a clay court may be un-
playable for long periods and may also give rise to
There are two main types of tennis court, grass and clay. expensive maintenance at the start of the season.
The clay courts can then be divided into natural clay, hard Normal maintenance is basically regular watering
courts and fast/dry courts. and rolling, to prevent the surface turning into dust.
Clay courts can have both sub-surface and above sur-
All tennis courts should ideally be a little west of true
face irrigation. They provide a good training surface
north to ensure minimum problems from sunlight.
with a medium to slow pace and consistent bounce.
The Lawn Tennis Association prices the courts at
Grass courts. Historically very popular, they are between 34,000 and 60,000 to construct.
now slowly being replaced by clay courts which of-
fer the opportunity of year-round usage and lower Hard courts are typically made from asphalt or
maintenance. concrete with an acrylic covering. They are also
called synthetic granular courts. These courts typ-
ically provide a fast game, which means the tennis
The skills needed to maintain a grass court are consider- ball will bounce with a low angle. The speed of the
able. Traditionally the court is split into the foundations court can be changed by varying the amount of sand
and drainage, the soil or binding layer, and the grass. All present in the covering. If a layer of cushioning ma-
three must work together to provide the best playing sur- terial is added to a hard court then the performance
face. Maintenance of grass courts is typically split into increases and this is typical of an all-weather court.
the following areas: However, the cost of the cushioning can be substan-
Mowing, 6 to 8 mm.
An interesting problem with asphalt courts
Fertilisers. arises in very hot environments. The asphalt
absorbs heat very quickly, but the painted
Scarication: mechanically raising the surface turf lines will reect the heat and this dierential
to prevent compaction. in temperature can lead to surface cracking.
These courts are generally low-maintenance
Rolling. Usually done in springtime to correct any
but they need to be recoated every 5 to 10
problems from the winter weather.
years. Most maintenance involves keeping the
surface clean. There is generally little move-
Aeration. Winter work to remedy compaction over
ment in the surface which means added strain
the summer. It will encourage deep rooting as well
on ankles and knee joints.
as assisting in drainage.
The Lawn Tennis Association prices a porous
Seeding of worn areas after the season has ended. macadam court at 20,000, which should last
10 to 12 years with low maintenance costs. An
Top dressing at the end of the season to maintain acrylic court would cost around 25,000 and is
turf quality. long lasting with low maintenance.
Fast/dry courts are a relatively new innovation Rolling, though excessive rolling will compact the
from America. These are generally made from grass.
basalt taken from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Vir-
ginia, which is then nely crushed and used as the Topdressing helps with consistency and reduces
top layer over either a purpose built sub-layer or thatch buildup.
just placed on top of an existing clay or asphalt sur-
Frequency of mowing. During the growing season
face. This type of surface is promoted as allowing
daily mowing is required. For faster speeds and pro-
more sliding by the players and therefore it helps
fessional tournaments greens may be cut twice a day
to limit tennis injuries to the lower parts of the body.
or even double cut (two cuts in two directions, one
These courts are typically slower than grass. They
immediately following the other).
can dry very quickly and do not have the heat re-
ection problems of clay courts. Porosity is low and Verticutting to remove excessive thatch, force the
often these courts have a slight slope to aid water grass blades to stand upright, thin out excessive
run o. They are similar to the basic clay courts de- growth and speed up greens.
scribed above.
Scarication to remove moss and stop the collection
of moisture on the green.
3 Football pitches
Historically football pitches have had natural grass cover.
The stresses on a pitch, combined with winter weather,
can often mean that the pitch has to be returfed on a reg-
ular basis. Essentially the existing turf is removed to a
depth of typically 40 mm turf and 110 mm of soil. The
replacement turf is ideally purpose grown to ensure con-
sistency and freedom from weeds. A pitch can usually be
Bunkers at Filton Golf Club, Bristol, England returfed within four days and would typically involve re-
moving and relaying 400 cubic metres of turf and soil.
The growth in the popularity of golf, combined with the The FA lists four main characteristics of a good grass
large sums of money invested in a golf course, has led pitch:
to the development of turf management, which is a term
used to refer to the skills of maintaining a golf course. Adequate grass coverage
The green, as opposed to the rough, is the principal area Low level of weeds
of concern. Many golf courses are now built in environ-
ments which would be hostile to natural grass cover and Flat
essentially the grass grows in a hydroponic or sterile en-
vironment with very fast drainage. This means that it has Good drainage
to be fed and watered regularly.
Football pitch technology has moved forward tremen-
The key characteristics of a good green are speed and
dously since the 1970s/1980s, when it was found that by
consistency. Faster greens are preferred and for tourna-
December almost all pitches were turned into mud baths.
ment play the greens should be as fast as possible. To
Todays technology includes the use of drainage pipe at
measure speed a stimpmeter is used. The main factors
5m centres, a gravel raft, a sand (suspended water table)
inuencing green speed are:
rooting zone, undersoil heating and supplementary light-
ing on the surface that encourages growth. Management
Mowing height, which today is 3 to 6 mm. Due to techniques have also advanced, with more emphasis on
the demand for faster greens, top courses are striving soil and plant biology, morphology,and the zoology and
for even lower cutting heights. In the 1960s, green physiology being introduced into the management of a
mowers were not capable of cutting below 6 mm; grass sward. There are also a number of materials and
today they can cut below 3 mm. methods to reinforce a natural grass playing surface.
As stadiums have been developed, and are generally now Baseball eld
nearly sealed constructions, meaning there is less light and
air movement on the playing surface, new processes and
procedures have been introduced to counterbalance the 7 References
eects of this.
Articial grass oers an alternative to natural grass for [1] Golf Course Maintenance, Retrieved on 2008-07-21
football stadia. There has been considerable development
of this type of surface from the early days, when it was
similar to tufted carpet. The performance of this surface 8 Further reading
has generally been questioned as not being truly natu-
ral. However, there are denite advantages with articial Turf award winners named: Stevenson, Parrott, Ta-
grass, particularly when a stadium has heavy or multi-use nis, Hall are classication winners. Florida State
requirements. Articial grass also has an advantage in League ocial website. Minor League Baseball.
environments hostile to natural grass, for instance, low November 21, 2011. Retrieved 2012-01-01. [T]he
sunlight or a paucity of water. STMA [Sports Turf Managers Association] began
recognizing sports turf managers in 2001.
5 Education
Many schools and universities oer either four-year pro-
grams in turf management, or certicates which take less
time to complete. Students go on to become sports turf
managers, head groundskeepers, golf course superinten-
dents or work at a variety of other turf-related jobs.
6 See also
Sports turf
9.2 Images
File:Golf_bunkers_Filton.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Golf_bunkers_Filton.jpg License: Public
domain Contributors: en.wikipedia.org Original artist: Adrian Pingstone
File:Naisten_400_m_aidat.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Naisten_400_m_aidat.jpg License:
Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Lumijaguaari