Westside Barbell Program
Westside Barbell Program
Westside Barbell Program
The Westside Barbell program is the brainchild of powerli er and strength coach Louie Simmons. The program's principles are
borrowing from Soviet and Bulgarian weightli ing training techniques and ingeniously adapted to powerli ing. The Westside
Barbell philosophy challenges popular beliefs about the way we think, how a strength training program should be structured
and implemented.
The e icacy of the program is validated by the success and continued progress of the athletes training under Coach Simmon's.
Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio is the only gym in the world to have two powerli ers with over 2700 pound totals, five over
2800 pounds, and one who has the biggest total of all time at 3005 lbs.
Dave Tate continues to be Westside's most well known and outspoken disciple, although he now operates his own training
facility. Tate was an established elite powerli er and who studied Exercise Physiology in college. He was initially skeptic of the
Westside Barbell program, as so many are - until his totals went up 300 pounds and his squat went from 750 pounds to 900
"That's when I realized that the last 15 years of my training and education were bullshit. All the
classes I took, the seminars I attended, the coaches I spoke to, and my time in the gym made
me educated, but it didn't make me the expert I thought I was. What it did do was put me in a
position to really learn my trade. My education was about to begin."
The Westside barbell system continues to evolve under the guidance of Coach Simmons. This article represents a description
of the Westside Barbell techniques at the time of this writing.
The Westside method incorporates 4 workouts per week, training:
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Workloads incorporate:
Westside Barbell implements Conjugate System where exercises are cycle frequently, depending on experience level. Exercises
or variations are changed every 3 weeks for intermediate trainees and every week for the elite li er.
To train the 3 powerli s, Westside tends to rely heavily on dozens of subtle variations of the Main Movements:
Box Squat
Bent-knee Goodmorning (about 40% of time) x
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Bench Press x
Exercises variations may include:
Grips width
narrow, medium, wide
Stances width
close, wide, ultra-wide
Specialty bars
safety barbell, cambered barbell, etc
Depths and various ranges of motions
deep, parallel, o floor, on rack,
boards, and other elevations
Accommodating resistance (contrast method)
bands and chains
alter resistance curve, making it more di icult in range of motion that is
normally easier
two light chains, one for each side of the barbell that hang down and hold
other heavier chains.
Heavier chains should be about 5’ in length and weigh about 20 pounds.
Adjust chains so about three links are on the floor for squat and good
morning type exercises
A group of accessory exercises are performed a er the main li (s) for the day. Accessory exercise can be classified into 4
groups depending on their purpose:
Addresses individual weaknesses of athlete
Eg: Glute Ham Raise, Partial Deadli , Seated Leg Curl, Pull Through, Zercher
Squat, Box Jumps
Others: Sled Pull, Wheel barrel push
Low Back
Eg: Reverse Hyperextension
Eg: Incline Sit-ups, Weighted Crunches, Standing abdominal movements
Strengthens stabilizing muscles to decrease injury
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Eg: Lat Pulldown, Seated Row, Reverse Curls, Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise, x
Cable External Rotation
Sample Workout
Monday (Maximum E ort)
Exercise Sets Reps
Box Jumps 4 4
Exercise are changed every 3 weeks and every week for the elite li er. Workout should be no more than 60 minutes.
Main Movement
Maximum E ort
Squat (1-3 rep) or Deadli (1-3 rep) or Goodmorning variations (3 rep)
Bent-knee Goodmorning is not as commonly used as a max e ort
exercise by trainees
However, Bent-knee Goodmornings are reportedly popular max e ort
squat exercises at Westside Barbell Club
40% of all max e ort workouts
8-12 sets x 1-3 reps
Accessory exercises
3-4 Lower body exercises
Low Back, Hamstrings, Abdominals (in order)
Repetition Method
Main Movement
Maximum E ort
Bench Press variation
8-12 sets x 1-3 reps
Accessory movements
3-4 Upper body exercises
Triceps, Lats, Upper Back, Rear Delt, Shoulders (in order)
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Repetition Method x
Box Squat
Dynamic E ort
Typically with bands or chains
Always performed first
No knee wraps
10-12 sets x 2 reps
12 sets are only performed when
workload percentages are low
50-60% 1 RM
Plus 25% 1RM band tension at top position
Or hanging chains
Pendulum wave
Week 1: 50% 1RM + Bands or Chains
Week 2: 55% 1RM + Bands or Chains
Week 3: 60% 1RM + Bands or Chains
Following weeks, continue above 3 week cycle
Deadli variation
Dynamic E ort
Typically with bands or chains
Always performed second
6-10 sets x 1-3 reps x 60-85% 1RM
Accessory movements
3-4 Lower body exercises
Low Back, Hamstrings, Abdominals (in order)
Repetition Method
Maximum E ort Method:
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Repetition Method
Base Movement: new exercise or exercise variation every week, exercise not
reintroduced until at least 4-6 weeks
When you do go back, attempt to break your previous 1-3 RM personal record
Auxiliary exercises: perform di erent exercises every 1-3 weeks.
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Changing exercises is thought to prevent accommodation. Exercise variations can be slight and resemble or emphasize x
movements of the main powerli ing movements. A variation can be as simple as a varying an exercise's range of motion, grip,
or stance. Most at Westside gym (elite li ers) will alternate between a full range movement one week and a partial range
motion the next workout. Switching to di erent exercises is generally more e ective than switching to a variation of the same
exercise. In other words, if you had been performing a Goodmorning, it is far better to switch to a squat or deadli , rather than
to switch to better another type of goodmorning.
The specific exercise selections or variations can either be planned ahead of the workout or selected spontaneously following
a planned template. Auxiliary li s should address known weaknesses and stabilizing muscles. Emphasis in max e ort and
dynamic li s should also address relative weaknesses in strength or speed respectively.
20% of the work consists of Squat, Deadli , and Bench Press. The other 80% of the work is accessory work designed to prepare
for that 20%. Emphasis is placed on the Box Squat (sometimes to the near exclusion of squats), and Bench Press as basic
movements. Good Mornings and Reverse Hyperextensions are emphasized as accessory work.
See common Westside Barbell Exercises and Variations.
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