Paper 29

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David B Evans
Ajay Tandon
Christopher JL Murray
Jeremy A Lauer

GPE Discussion Paper Series: No. 29

World Health Organization

1) Introduction

For much of the last two decades, health policy makers have been concerned with the
performance of their health systems and many countries have introduced reforms aimed
at improving performance (1,2). Reforms have ranged across all functions of the health
system financing (e.g., social health insurance and user charges), provision (e.g.,
managed care, autonomous hospitals), stewardship (e.g., regulation of the private sector,
health legislation) and resource development (e.g., re-training of staff). (1,3-6). An
increasing number of studies are beginning to evaluate the impact of specific reforms or
more general reforms in selected settings (e.g., (7-9)), but this requires an explicit
framework for identifying the goals or objectives of health systems against which
outcomes should be judged and a definition of health system performance which can be
quantified (10).

Murray and Frenk (11) recently defined health system performance in a way
which would enable performance in different countries to be compared and performance
over time within a country to be monitored. To illustrate the concept, in Figure 1 the goal
of the health system is measured on the vertical axis (here, labelled health) while the
inputs to producing the goal are on the horizontal axis. The upper line represents the
frontier, or the maximum possible level of the goal (health) that could be obtained for a
given level of inputs.

Maximum possible health



Health with no health system


2 4 6 8
Health system inputs

Figure 1: Health System Performance

On a farm, for example, output would be zero in the absence of inputs, but in the
health sector, health levels would not be zero (i.e., the entire population would not be
dead) in the absence of health expenditures and a functioning health system. The lower
frontier in Figure 1 is defined as the health level that would occur in the absence of the
system. Assume that a country is observed to have achieved (a+b) units of health.

Murray and Frenk defined system performance as b/(b+c). This indicates what the
system achieves compared to its potential. The challenge for health sector reform is to
find a way of measuring health system performance in a systematic way, to allow
comparison across countries and within countries over time. That is the purpose of this

The World Health Report 2000 (12) defines three intrinsic goals of the health
system to improve health, to be responsive to the legitimate demands of the population,
and to ensure that no one is at the risk of serious financial losses because of ill health.
However, here we focus on performance in terms of achieving the goal of improving
health -- measured in terms of healthy life expectancy using Disability Adjusted Life
Expectancies (DALE) as the indicator (see (13)). Tandon et al. (14) describe how
performance in terms of all health system goals is measured. Data sources have been
described elsewhere (15) so the paper will focus largely on the results.

Attempts to evaluate the impact of health sector reforms, and to monitor health
sector performance over time, have been hindered by the lack of agreed methods for
quantifying the extent to which countries use scarce health resources to meet the goals
of the health system. This paper suggests a way of doing this, and it is hoped that the
resulting discussion will lead to the development of ways of routinely measuring and
monitoring the performance of health systems with a resulting improvement in the health
of the affected populations.

2) Estimation Methods

a) Theory

There is a long tradition of measuring efficiency in the applied economics

literature, especially so in the fields of agricultural and industrial economics. The
analytical framework traces its origins to Farrell (16) who introduced a methodology for
measuring economic, technical and allocative efficiency. Technical efficiency was
defined as the ability to produce the maximum possible output from a given set of inputs
and is measured in terms of the relationship between observed output and the maximum
attainable output for the observed inputs, for example, the ratio of actual output to
maximum possible output. In Figure 1, it would be defined as (a+b)/(a+b+c), assuming
that a single input is measured on the horizontal axis.

Given the obvious relationship between the definition of technical efficiency and
our definition of health system performance, we use the term efficiency to refer to
system performance in the remainder of this paper. It is more easily understood, but there
is one important qualification to make. Our efficiency is more than technical efficiency
narrowly defined. In this paper, we use health expenditure as the indicator of inputs to
the health sector, and health as the output. Efficiency then reflects not only whether
health programmes and interventions are produced at the lowest possible cost (i.e.,
technical efficiency), but also whether the health system chooses to provide the most

cost-effective set of programmes or interventions for the given level of expenditure
(sometimes called allocative efficiency in the health economics literature).1

Given that the maximum attainable output (or the frontier production function)
is not observable, two approaches could be used to estimate it. The first involves defining
the feasible set of health interventions which could be used in that system, identifying
their costs and associated outcomes if they are used in a technically efficient way, and
choosing the set that maximises the objective function (here, health) for the resources
available. It has not yet been widely applied we found only two applications. For
example Tengs et al. (17-20), focussing on only a small set of primary prevention
interventions in the United States, showed that reallocating resources from inefficient
interventions currently undertaken to those which are cost-effective but not fully
undertaken, would save an additional 600,000 years of life annually for the same level
of investment. Murray et al. (21) used a programming model to suggest that a typical
country in sub-Saharan Africa could improve health outcomes by 40% simply by
reallocating resources to the most cost-effective mix of interventions.

This type of micro-approach is very data intensive and there are not sufficient
data to apply it to many countries although it will be something that is pursued by
WHO in the future. But the fact that the two existing studies show that the US and sub-
Saharan Africa could achieve higher levels of health for the resources they currently have
available lends important credence to our results.

The second approach is to estimate the frontier econometrically from a sample

of observed inputs and outputs from different countries. In this paper, we focus on
econometric estimation where the principal approaches can be broadly classified into
those which use cross-sectional data and those which use panel data (a time series of
cross-sectional data). Both deterministic and stochastic frontier models have been applied
to cross-sectional data.

Examples of the deterministic approach include early attempts such as Farrell

(16) which follow a non-parametric estimation of the frontier. A piece-wise linear
envelope is estimated such that all observed data points lie either on this frontier or
below it. In this approach, also known as free disposal hull (FDH) analysis, all points
lying on the frontier are considered fully efficient. Points below the frontier are
technically inefficient, with the vertical distance from the frontier measuring the degree
of output inefficiency. Figure 2 illustrate this approach with the sample for 1997 of 191
countries that are members of the World Health Organization (WHO). In this case, the
production of health is modelled using the log of health expenditure per capita as the only
input and log of DALEs as the measure of population health. We are aware that this is
not the appropriate specification of the relationship between health and the health system,
and the results we report in the Annex to this paper and in the Annex tables of the World
Health Report 2000 (12) are based on a more complex specification. The assumption is
used here only to make it easier to illustrate the differences between the different

Allocative efficiency refers to the optimal choice of input proportions, given their respective prices. If
interventions are regarded as inputs, then this translates into choosing them according to their cost-
effectiveness. Technical and allocative efficiencies put together give us the concept of economic efficiency,
hence our use of the generic term efficiency.


Log of DALEs


2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 2: Frontier Production Function for 191 countries 1997: Free Disposal Hull Analysis

There are several disadvantages to FDH (Figure 2). First, multiple countries are
on the frontier, each one being fully technically efficient at their level of expenditure.
This makes the comparative analysis of efficiencies across the cross-section less
informative. Secondly, random factors that might affect production are included in the
measurement of inefficiencies (hence the categorisation as deterministic). Thirdly, this
type of non-parametric analysis is not very robust to outliers or extreme data points,
thereby diminishing its inferential power.

Other non-parametric deterministic approaches include data envelopment

analysis (DEA). DEA uses linear programming methods to construct a linear envelope
bounding the data relative to which efficiencies can be calculated. Multiple inputs and
outputs can be analysed. The imputation of efficiencies can be most easily conceptualised
in terms of the following linear program:2

u ' yi
maximiseu ,v ( ' )
v xi
u ' yi
subject to 1, j = 1,..., N ,
v ' xi
and u, v 0.

where xi are inputs, yi are outputs and u and v are scalar values chosen for each
production unit such that the efficiencies of each unit are maximised and no efficiencies
are greater than one. Since, however, the above problem has an infinite number of
solutions,3 an additional constraint is needed, and the program can be rewritten as:

The explanation is from Coelli (70).
If ( u*, v*) is a solution, so is (u*, v*).

maximise u ,v (u ' y i )
subject to v ' xi = 1,
u ' y i v ' xi 0, j = 1,..., N ,
and u, v 0.

Figure 3 plots the frontier implied by this approach for the same data. Fewer
countries are on the frontier, but again, it is not possible to separate true inefficiency from
random variation in this form of deterministic model (22,23).


Log of DALEs


2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 3: Frontier Production Function for 191 countries 1997: Data Envelopment Analysis

An example of a parametric deterministic approach is corrected ordinary least

squares (COLS) where a production function is first estimated using ordinary least
squares (OLS). The OLS intercept parameter is then shifted up by the value of the largest
positive residual to give the equation for the frontier. This ensures that all data points lie
below the estimated frontier. Using the same data, this approach is highlighted in Figure
4.4 A major disadvantage of the COLS estimator, also evident in Figure 4, is that it tends
not to bound the data as closely as possible, given that the frontier is restricted to be
a parallel shift up of the estimated OLS production function (24). This can unnecessarily
penalise the efficiency estimates of countries having relatively low OLS residuals, and
can especially be problematic if there is heteroskedasticity in the sample, as in our case.
Furthermore, COLS remains an inherently deterministic approach: technical inefficiency
estimates cannot be disentangled from random errors.

In the COLS example, log of DALEs is assumed to be a function of log of health expenditure per capita
and its square.


Log of DALEs


2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 4: Frontier Production Function for 191 countries 1997: Corrected Ordinary Least

Stochastic specifications of the frontier production function were pioneered by

Aigner et al. (25) and by Meeusen and van den Broeck (26). In this approach it is
explicitly acknowledged that some deviations from the maximum observed output are
potentially due to factors unrelated to inefficiency (e.g., exogenous shocks that may be
outside the control of the production system). A parametric production function is
estimated and it is assumed that the error term has two components: one representing
random errors, and the other representing technical inefficiency (these types of models
are often referred to as error components models). Mathematically, this can be
characterised as follows. Let Yit denote output of country i in time period t. Suppose we
have a production function of the following form:

Yit = + X it + vit ui , (i)

where Xit is a vector of inputs and vit is the error term with mean zero. The term ui A 0 is
a random variable representing country-specific technical inefficiency, and is constrained
to be always non-negative.5 Technical efficiency is then defined as the ratio of the
expected value of observed output for country i to the expected value of the output when
ui = 0.6 In other terms,

E (Yit | ui, Xit ) .

TEi = (ii)
E (Yit | ui = 0, Xit )

The denominator represents the frontier since the technical inefficiency term takes the
value of zero. In order to estimate such models, it is necessary to make two additional
assumptions regarding: (a) the distribution of the country-specific technical inefficiency
term u, and (b) the separation of u, given that the joint term (v-u) is observed. Typically,
given the non-negativity constraint, the us are assumed to be distributed half-normal,

In this model, ui is assumed to be time-invariant. However, this need not be the case.
This is assuming the output is measured in original units.

truncated-normal, exponential, or gamma. The choice of the distribution is somewhat
arbitrary. However, despite some differences in mean efficiency scores, efficiency
rankings are fairly robust across the various distributional assumptions (24). Once the
distribution for u is specified, the model parameters can be estimated using maximum
likelihood methods.

Using the same 1997 cross-sectional data, Figure 5 plots the frontier assuming the
us are distributed truncated-normal. Notice that some of the data points lie above the
frontier. This is different from the deterministic case precisely because of the error
decomposition: the expected value of the output must lie on or below the frontier,
however the actual value of output may well be above the frontier if the random error for
a given country is big enough. In addition to the reliance on a distributional assumption
for u, one additional criticism of the stochastic production function approach is that the
predictions of u, given that (v-u) is jointly observed, can be somewhat unreliable.7


Log of DALEs


2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 5: Frontier Production Function for 191 countries 1997: Stochastic Frontier, Truncated

Panel data estimation is more efficient than models using cross-sectional data in
extracting information on inefficiencies from the overall residual because of multiple
observations over time and greater degrees of freedom (27). The fixed-effects approach
is preferable to stochastic frontier estimation because it obviates the need for
distributional assumptions for the ui's, and it is not necessary to assume that the
inefficiency terms are unrelated to the independent variables. We therefore used a fixed-
effects panel data model. The fixed effect model was preferred to the random effects
approach because the Hausman test rejected the hypothesis that the efficiency estimate
is independent of the other inputs to the health system, as reported subsequently.

Consider the specification of the production process as before:

One approach to this decomposition is to exploit the conditional distribution of u given (u-v) as in
Jondrow et al. (71). However, this method is not perfect and some intrinsic variability in the estimation of
u remains.

Yit = + X it + vit ui . (iii)

This can be rewritten as:

Yit = i + X it + vit . (iv)

where the new intercept i = ( - ui) is now country-specific, and estimates can be found
using a fixed-effects approach. The frontier intercept is represented by , and the uis are
the country-specific inefficiencies. In order to ensure that all the estimated uis are
positive, the country with the maximum i is assumed to be the reference and is deemed
fully efficient. Mathematically,

= max(i ) (v)


ui = i . (vi)

This normalisation ensures non-negative uis. Technical efficiency is defined in the same
manner as before:

E (Yit | ui, Xit ) .

TEi = (vii)
E (Yit | ui = 0, Xit )

Following our definition of efficiency in a way that is consistent with health sector
performance described above, we modified this equation by subtracting out the predicted
minimum level of Yit (denoted by Mit) from the numerator and denominator. Overall
efficiency, or Ei, is:

E (Yit | ui, Xit ) Mit .

Ei = (viii)
E (Yit | ui = 0, Xit ) Mit

To highlight the fixed-effect panel data approach, consider now that we have data from
1993-1997 for all 191 countries. Figure 6 depicts how this approach fits the frontier, and
how efficiency is determined relative to this frontier, using only health expenditure per
capita as the input. Again, it should be remembered that this specification is simply for
ease of exposition, and was not used to obtain the final efficiency ranks or scores.

Maximum intercept

Log of DALEs


Minimum intercept

2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 6: Frontier Production Function for 191 countries, Panel Data 1993-97: Fixed Effect
Panel Data

Basically, the fixed-effect model is a variable intercept model. As can be seen in the
figure, there is a different intercept for each country (the predicted values for seven
countries are plotted in the figure). The country with the maximum intercept is taken as
the reference country (the frontier), and distance from this maximum gives a measure of
technical efficiency. There is an analogous relation with the COLS estimator: whereas
in COLS the intercept was shifted up by the maximum residual, here the intercept for the
predicted value of the frontier is shifted by the value of the maximum country-specific
fixed effect. For cases where there are multiple years per country, the actual country data
points are distributed randomly with mean zero around the country-specific intercept. For
cases where there is only one data point for a given country, the intercept shift is like an
observation-specific dummy variable.

b) Applications

There is a large applied literature on the measurement of technical efficiency in a

variety of settings, especially in agriculture and industry, and it is now being applied to
an increasing number of topics such as education and local government (28).
Applications include the measurement of production inefficiencies among weaving firms
in Indonesia (29), small manufacturing firms in Pakistan (30), the airline industry in the
U.S. (31), dairy farms in Australia (32), and paddy farmers in India (33). A less
traditional application involves a study of technical efficiency differences of senior
secondary schools in Finland (34): outputs were measured in terms of number of students
who passed their grade and scores on matriculation examinations. Different inputs
included teaching hours per week, experience and education of teachers, and the
education level of parents.

Typically, the literature has tended to follow a two-step procedure: separating the
measurement of technical efficiency from its exogenous determinants. Controllable
inputs to the production process are first related to outputs to measure efficiency. In a

second stage, non-controllable exogenous determinants of differences among these
estimated efficiencies are examined.

In health, the technique has been used largely for micro-level service efficiency,
particularly hospitals where DEA has become relatively popular (35-37). But for
comparing the efficiency of systems across countries or over time, we have found only
one study in the tradition of frontier production function analysis.8 Gupta et al. (38)
applied a deterministic frontier production function (free disposable hull analysis
described above) to a panel of data from 85 countries for various years between 1984 and
1995. They defined the frontier for life expectancy and infant mortality, and used average
per capita government spending on health and education as inputs to the production
process. They also controlled for the initial level of development, given by the initial
GDP per capita in international dollars. An efficiency score for each country was
estimated showing what proportion of the maximum feasible level of health each country
had achieved. However, by using a deterministic frontier, the fact that some of the
observed high or low efficiency could have been due to random chance was ignored.
Moreover, by including the initial level of development in the production function, this
departs from the tradition of including only controllable inputs in the estimation of
technical efficiency described above. Uncontrollable factors such as income per capita
could have better been introduced at a second stage to explain observed variations in
efficiency. In addition, by only including government spending, the contribution of the
private sector was ignored.

We borrow from the long tradition of applied efficiency analysis in other sectors by
introducing a non-deterministic frontier approach to the analysis of health sector
efficiency. This allows us to separate random error from efficiency in the estimation
procedure. The model is estimated using a panel of data from all 191 countries that are
members of WHO.

c) Model Specification

Modern production studies generally use a flexible functional form. Perhaps the most
versatile is the translog model. For the two-input case (X1, X2), the translog model for
fixed-effect panel data estimation can be written as follows (all variables in logs):

An earlier version, though not in the tradition of production function analysis, was the work of Wang et
al. (72) who built on the work started in the World Development Report 1993 (73). This study regressed
various indicators of health (e.g. under 5 mortality, life expectancy at birth) as a function of education,
income per capita, time and the respective interactions using panel data from 1960 to 1990. The difference
between the observed and predicted outcome was used as the numerical estimate of country performance
on health. The approach entails a number of problems. First, although their output measures are health-
sector specific, they do not consider any direct inputs in the health sector. This makes it difficult to infer
specific health policy implications from their analysis. Second, there is no direct indicator of inputs to the
health sector in the model which implies that country performance is independent of input levels, i.e., there
is no heteroskedasticity. We show subsequently that is not the case for our sample. Finally, approximately
half the countries were good performers, having better than expected levels of health. This approach gives
countries no incentive to improve because it does not identify the fact that most could still have done better
than they did.

Yit = i + 1 X 1it + 2 X 2it + 3( X 1it ) 2 + 4( X 2it ) 2 + 5( X 1it )( X 2it ) + vit .

In effect, the translog function is a second-order Taylor-series approximation to an

unknown functional form (39,40). Both the Cobb-Douglas and the Constant Elasticity
of Substitution (CES) production functions can be derived as restricted formulations of
the translog functional form (41). We estimated the full translog model as well as nested
versions of the model including the Cobb-Douglas log-linear formulation, and the Cobb-
Douglas log-linear with each of the square terms and the interaction term separately.

d) Data

To measure efficiency using the production function approach, three general types
of variable are necessary. First, it is necessary to identify an appropriate outcome
indicator that represents the output of the health system. Second, it is necessary to
measure the health-system inputs that contribute to producing that output, and third, it
is necessary to include the effect of controllable non-health-system determinants of

In terms of output, it is generally agreed that one important goal of the health system
is to improve population health (11). We measure health taking into account both
mortality and ill health rather than using an indicator such as life expectancy at birth
which relates solely to mortality. Our approach is based on an indicator of healthy life
expectancy (DALE), and the rationale for it and technical details behind its derivation for
the 191 countries in the sample are described elsewhere (13,42).

One option was to include the physical inputs to the health system in the
production function: for example, for a farm the inputs might be the area of cultivated
land and the total quantities of labour, fertiliser, water and seed employed. This type of
information could not be obtained for the health sectors of the 191 countries in our
sample, so we used total health expenditure per capita (public and private) in 1997
international dollars (using purchasing power parities to convert from local currency
units), as a summary measure of physical inputs to the health system. This had the
advantage of allowing us to interpret efficiency more broadly, as described earlier. It is
also in the tradition of recent work exploring the efficiency of government expenditures
in different areas, including local government authorities (28,43). The data sources and
methods of calculation of health expenditure are described elsewhere (15,44). The scatter
plot for DALE versus health expenditure per capita in PPPs for the 191 countries in the
sample in 1997, depicted in Figure 7, shows the expected positive relationship.


DALEs 60


2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 7. Scatter Plot of Health Expenditure per Capita vs. DALEs, 1997, 191 countries

It is well recognised that health is not solely a function of services provided by the health
system, however broadly the system is defined (11). Indeed, some of the published work
to date investigating what amounts to an aggregate health production function at the
national level has focused exclusively on non-health-system determinants, such as
income and educational levels, measured in various ways (45,46). While this approach
can be defended in studies that aim to track mortality trends, it is not appropriate for
efficiency analysis of the health system itself, where the estimation of efficiency should
be based on controllable inputs to the production process. Identifying relevant variables
that are available for all countries, but which are not highly correlated with health
expenditure per capita, is difficult. For example, income per capita one of the most
obvious indicators of general development is highly collinear with health expenditure
per capita. While it would be possible to add income per capita directly into the estimated
equations, income is not a direct determinant of the production of health. It works
through other inputs such as education and housing, and it is better to capture these inputs
directly. In terms of the tradition of production function analysis, income per capita can
be regarded as an uncontrollable variable outside the production process which should
not be included in the estimation of efficiency in the first stage.

The most widely available information on non-health-system inputs to production

is for education, and there is a large literature showing that education is strongly
associated with the health of both children and adults in developed and developing
countries (47-61). The most sensitive indicator of the relevant kind of educational
attainment is average years of schooling in the adult population. For sources and methods
of calculating this educational attainment measure, see (15).

Thus, three data series comprise our model: DALE, health expenditure and
average educational attainment in the adult population. Our panel covers the years from
1993 to 1997 for all 191 member countries of WHO, with some missing data for some
countries and years. As mentioned above, provided there are enough countries with
multiple data points (i.e., provided the data set contains enough degrees of freedom),
an unbalanced panel does not prevent estimation of a fixed effect model, since a country
with an observation for only one year will simply carry an implicit observation-specific

dummy variable.9 In our panel, every country had an observation for 1997, although
about fifty countries had an observation only for that year (i.e., the remaining 141
countries were complete in all years).

e) Minimum Possible Health Output

Earlier we argued that efficiency in the health sector differs from technical
efficiency as usually measured in that health levels would not be zero in the absence of
health expenditures. This minimum level of health in the absence of a functioning system
was estimated from a cross-section of 25 countries at around the turn of the century
(average year, 1908). The assumption is that modern health systems were not functioning
at that stage, so health levels could not be attributed to the system.

Following Preston (45,46), we regressed our measure of health healthy life

expectancy measured in terms of DALE on literacy rates, as the proxy for the non-
health system determinants of health, and estimated health expenditures. In order to be
consistent with the estimation of the upper frontier, we did not include income per capita
for reasons described elsewhere in this paper. For sources of data and methods, see (15).

We experimented with different functional forms of the model. Predicted health

expenditures were not significant in most, which supports the hypothesis that the health
system played little role in improving health at the turn of the century. The fact that
literacy was always significant suggests that non-health system factors were predominant
in determining health outcomes at the turn of the century.

A corrected ordinary least squares (COLS) procedure was used to adjust the line
estimated to the minimum country, in an analogous way to the standard frontier. The
relation thus obtained can be assumed to be the minimum achievable health production
function today (i.e., the lower line in Figure 1), since in the absence of a health system
every country today, conditional on its current literacy rate, should be able to do at least
as well as would be predicted by the turn of the century relation between literacy and

f) Uncertainty Analysis

Results of statistical inference are routinely accompanied by a measure of their

inherent uncertainty due to a finite sample size. Confidence intervals calculated on the
basis of knowledge about the distribution of the error term are a standard adjunct to the
presentation of econometric estimates in the scientific literature. However, a problem
arises when the distribution of the quantity of interest is not known or is computationally
very difficult to calculate. An example is when the quantity to be estimated is itself a
function of other statistics, whose distribution may not be known. The principal statistic

In instances where there is only one time period observation for a country, it is not possible to tease out
the effects of random noise factors from efficiency effects.

of interest here is the efficiency of the health system in 191 countries. The critical
parameters are the ui and i described earlier. The estimates of Ei (equation viii),
however, are a non-linear combination of these estimated coefficients.

The classic linear regression model assumes that all uncertainty (characterised as
error) has zero mean and is independently and identically distributed across
observations. However, if there is uncertainty deriving from, say, a stochastic data
generation process, in addition to estimation uncertainty due to the limitations of finite
sample size, conventional expressions for the precision of the regression parameters need
to be revised. Because practical analytical methods are generally lacking, it is almost
universal to ignore this layer of uncertainty.

In many applied research situations, therefore, reported confidence intervals may be

more like lower bounds of the true confidence intervals. However, the computational
power afforded by computers can substitute for analytical methods by means of a
simulation process repeated many times. Thus, to account explicitly for these two sources
of uncertainty, and to generate realistic estimates of precision for our quantities of
interest, we used the following Monte Carlo experiment.

Consider a single year in the panel data set described above:

Y = X + ,

where Y is DALE, X is the matrix of regressor variables, and is the coefficient vector.
The data sources and methods for obtaining the values in the regressor matrix are
described in related publications (15,44). For estimation of the precision of the efficiency
estimates, in accordance with the classical regression model we assume that the regressor
matrix is fixed in repeated sampling.

To account for uncertainty surrounding DALE, for each country the relevant DALE
distribution was estimated for 1997 (62). From each distribution, one observation was
drawn and the frontier production function was estimated that value of DALE, for each
of the 191 countries, was regressed against the observations of health expenditure per
capita and education. The process was repeated 1000 times, sampling without
replacement from the DALE distribution for each country, each time running a new set
of regressions of DALE on the X values. This resulted in 1000 estimates of efficiency for
each country and 1000 estimates of each countrys rank on efficiency.

The results on efficiency we report in the Annex are the mean values of 1000
estimates for each country, along with an 80% uncertainty interval constructed by setting
the lower bound at the 10th percentile and the upper bound at the 90th percentile of the
1000 estimates obtained by simulation. Ranks are based on the mean efficiency score,
while uncertainty intervals on rank are constructed by taking percentiles of the 1000
individual estimates of rank for each country, as above. Estimates of the coefficients of
the frontier production function are obtained with a similar procedure, with the added
feature that, because there are only four or five regression coefficients of interest, we use
density estimates (smoothed histograms) to visualise the coefficient distributions (63).
We report 95% uncertainty intervals for the regression coefficients, because this provides

more discriminatory power against the null hypothesis that the coefficients are equal to

3) Results

All possible variations of the full translog model were investigated. The chosen
model is reported in Table 1, where log of DALE was estimated as a function of log of
health expenditure, log of average years of schooling and the square of log of average
years of schooling. We choose this parsimonious, nested version of the full translog
model for reasons discussed subsequently. Table 1 also reports 95% uncertainty intervals
around the estimated coefficients.

Table 1: Coefficient Estimates (Median, Mean and Uncertainty Interval) for the Frontier Health
Production Function, Logged Variables, 191 Member Countries of WHO, Panel Estimates (1993

Coefficient estimate Median Mean Uncertainty interval (95%)

Health expenditure 0.00885 0.00885 0.00868 - 0.00901

Average years of schooling 0.06296 0.06301 0.05877 - 0.06732
Square of average years of 0.02166 0.02170 0.02029 - 0.02318
Constant 3.81256 3.81252 3.80862 - 3.81657
Max (u) 0.21346 0.21441 0.20730 - 0.22308

We stress again that these uncertainty intervals are not the statistical confidence
intervals of the individual regressions. They were derived by omitting the lowest and the
highest 2.5% of the estimates from the 1000 regressions described earlier. The
distributions of the coefficients are shown in Figure 8 and are approximately normal. The
constant term is the average value of the fixed effect in the sample. Max(u) is the
maximum positive deviation from the average, and can be interpreted as the amount by
which the best performing country does better than the average country. The sum of the
constant term and the maximum positive deviation gives the value of the intercept of the
health production function for the best performing country, and consequently, the
intercept of the frontier. None of the uncertainty intervals of the estimated coefficients
includes zero.

150 400

D ensity

D ensity

D ensity

1000 50

0 0 0
.00868 .008852 .009013 .058767 .062956 .067322 .020293 .021663 .023183
lhexp lhc sqlhc
log of health expenditure log of average years of schooling square of log of average years of schooling

D ensity

D ensity

50 20

0 0
3.80862 3.81256 3.81657 .207302 .213464 .22308
cons maxu
constant maximum fixed effect

Figure 8: Distributions of the Coefficient Estimates for Log of Health Expenditure, Log of Average
Years of Schooling, Square of Log of Average Years of Schooling, Constant, and Maximum Value
of the Country-Specific Fixed Effect

We tested statistically whether we should use a fixed effects or random effects model.
The Hausman test is a test of equality between the coefficients estimated via the fixed-
effects and random-effects models. Assuming that the model is correctly specified, a
significant difference in the coefficient estimates is indicative of correlation between the
individual effects and the regressors. Where this correlation is present, the estimates
using a random-effects model will be biased (64,65). Table 2 reports the coefficient
estimates where the expected value of DALEs for each country is the dependent variable.
As can be seen from the test statistic, the null of no correlation is rejected and a fixed-
effects model is clearly preferable.

Table 2. Hausman Specification Test: Coefficient Estimates using Expected Value of DALEs as
Dependent Variable. All Variables in Logs, 191 WHO Member Countries, Panel Estimates (1993-

DALEs Fixed-Effects Random-Effects Difference

Health expenditure 0.008841 0.0173468 -0.0085027

Average years of schooling 0.0629097 0.0880001 -0.0250903
Square of average years of schooling 0.0217392 0.0504634 -0.0287242

m2(3) 106.87
p value 0.000

The resulting estimates of efficiency (i.e., performance) for each country are
reported in the Annex, along with the uncertainty interval around the index.10 Estimated
efficiency varies from less than 0.10 to close to 1.00. In any given regression, one
country has an efficiency index of 1.0 but across the 1000 regressions, no one country
was consistently the most efficient in the sample. The reported efficiency index is the
average of the 1000 scores from the individual regressions.

The ranks reported in column 1 of the table are based on the average efficiency
index. The uncertainty interval is obtained by omitting the top and bottom 10% of ranks
from the individual regressions. The distribution of ranks is asymmetric. Therefore, for
instance, the uncertainty interval for Malta's rank is from 1 to 4, while for Oman it is 1
to 5, yet the overall rank of Oman is higher.

This is further illustrated in Figure 9 which shows the uncertainty intervals for the
ranks graphically. Some uncertainty intervals are tight, and some are much broader. This
depends largely on the uncertainty intervals around DALEs discussed earlier, which are
higher for some countries. But is also depends on whether there are a number of countries
clustered around a similar average efficiency index. So, for example, the uncertainty
interval around the rank of Oman is very tight (1 to 5), while that of Colombia is broader
(41 to 64). It is possible to claim that Oman has a significantly higher rank than
Colombia, but it would not be appropriate to claim that Colombia performed significantly
better than China in producing DALEs (rank: 52 to 65) even though on average
Colombia had a higher rank.

These are the estimates of Table 10 in the Annex to the World Health Report (12)









Czech Republic

Syrian Arab Republic










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 9: Uncertainty Intervals, Ranking of Performance on Health Level, 191 countries

Now it is possible to return to the choice of functional form. According to the

interpretation of the translog model as a second-order approximation to an unknown
functional form, the full version of the translog is, a priori, the reference standard.
However, when parsimony is added as a criterion for model choice, the model we report
-- with log of health expenditure, log of average years of schooling and the square of
average years of schooling as regressors -- is both parsimonious and maps most closely
to the reference standard (Figure 10). We compare rank order correlation in Figure 10,
since efficiency will invariably increase with the addition of terms on the right hand side
of the regression (unless the added term is completely collinear with another, it will
always explain additional sample variance). Thus, the appropriate criterion for judging
predictive stability across models is rank order correlation. The relevant correlation
coefficients are found in Table 3.

Health expenditure
Years of schooling


Health expenditure
Years of schooling
Square of health expenditure

Health expenditure

Years of schooling
Square of years of schooling

Health expenditure
Years of schooling
Square of health expenditure
Square of years of schooling

Health expenditure
Years of schooling

Health expenditure
Years of schooling
Square of health expenditure
Square of years of schooling
1 191 1 191 1 191

Figure 10: Correlation of Performance Ranks with Different Functional Forms

Table 3: Pearson's Correlation: Correlation of Country Ranks using Nested Variations of Translog
Model Specifications versus the Most Generalised. All variables in Logs. p Values in Parentheses.

Independent Full translog model


Health expenditure 0.9958

Average years of schooling (0.000)

Health expenditure 0.9980

Average years of schooling (0.000)
Square of average years of schooling

Health expenditure 0.9996

Average years of schooling (0.0000)
Square of average years of schooling

Health expenditure 0.9999

Average years of schooling (0.0000)
Square of health expenditure
Square of average years of schooling

Health expenditure 0.9967

Average years of schooling (0.0000)
Interaction (Health expenditure, Average years of schooling)

Health expenditure 1.0000

Average years of schooling (0.0000)
Square of health expenditure
Square of average years of schooling
Interaction (Health expenditure, Average years of schooling)

The above results (Figures 10 and Table 3) also show clearly that the rank of the
different countries is very robust to the functional form of the translog regression. The
rank correlations are extremely high no matter what combination of variables is included,
suggesting that poor performers perform poorly in all specifications and rank is not an
artefact of the choice of model. Conversely, high performers perform well in all

To further test robustness, we explored whether the inclusion of possible other non-
health system determinants of health would make a difference to the ranking in addition
to our proxy for non-health system determinants, average years of schooling. Income per
capita is one option, but does not of itself improve health. It must operate through some
other mechanism such as the ability to purchase better care (already in the health
expenditure variable), better education (in the equation already), increased nutrition, or
better housing, for example. Because possible other direct explanators were difficult to
identify and measure for all countries in our sample, we defined a new variable obtained
by regressing income per capita on the regressors already in our efficiency equation. The
residual from the regression of income on health expenditure per capita, average years
of schooling and average years of schooling squared was estimated. This residual can be

interpreted as the part of income which might act through mechanisms other than health
expenditures and education or possible other pathways (called POSOTHER).
POSOTHER was added to the fixed effects regression as a proxy for these possible other
pathways related to income, and the efficiency analysis and ranks were recomputed.

When any new explanator is added to an equation, the residual of the dependent
variable that is left unexplained is smaller, and accordingly the efficiency index is higher
with POSOTHER. However, the correlation between the rankings under the two sets of
estimates is very high (0.9913) showing that inclusion of POSOTHER does not have a
significant impact on the relative rankings of the countries based on their efficiency in
producing health. For this reason, and because it is not possible to explain which
determinants of efficiency picked up by POSOTHER are controllable inputs or not, we
chose to use the more parsimonious form of the equation reported above.

4) Discussion

This is the first time that the efficiency or performance of the health system in
producing health has been evaluated across such a large number of countries. Previously,
most of the knowledge of health sector performance has been anecdotal, or based on case
studies. Received wisdom, for example, is that Sri Lanka and China have been very
efficient in producing health (51,52). Our results suggest that this is no longer the case,
as both Sri Lanka and China perform less well than many other developing countries. On
the other hand, Oman performs extremely well and indeed Oman has been able to
reduce significantly the rate of child mortality over the last 25 years (66).

Many of the poorest performers are those in which there has been significant civil
unrest over the period, which is not surprising. Many of the others are countries with a
high prevalence of HIV/AIDS (Figure 11). In fact, the prevalence of AIDS can reduce
DALEs by almost 15 years in some of the most highly endemic countries such as
Botswana. We debated whether we should account for the presence of AIDS in the
assessment of efficiency, but decided not to on the grounds that the health system should
be held, at least partly, accountable for the fact that AIDS has not been controlled. We
recognise that for some purposes it may be useful to evaluate efficiency in the absence
of the impact of the AIDS epidemic. This type of counterfactual analysis will be
undertaken in the future. Further work will also involve exploring whether factors such
as geographical location or population density uncontrollable exogenous factors can
help to explain observed differences in health system efficiency as the second phase of
a standard frontier production function analysis.

While it is undeniable that other non-health-system variables may affect health

(housing quality, environmental conditions, etc.), data on many of these are difficult to
find or estimate. In addition, many of these will be highly correlated with educational
attainment, which can be interpreted as a summary measure of non-health system inputs
to health production.

0.914 - 0.992
0.849 - 0.913
0.789 - 0.848
0.724 - 0.788
0.641 - 0.723
0.524 - 0.64
0.433 - 0.523
0.28 - 0.432
0.08 - 0.279
No Data

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area
or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. WHO 2000. All rights reserved

Figure 11: Global Distribution of Performance on Health

On the other hand, our estimates almost certainly overestimate efficiency. The fact that
the countries ranked from 1 to 5 have efficiency indexes above 0.97 does not mean that
they could only improve their systems by 3%. It means that compared to the most
efficient country in the sample, they could improve by 3%. We have no way of
estimating rigorously the potential of the highest performing countries to become more
efficient, but micro studies suggest the potential is there.

It is also important to note that efficiency is positively related to the level of health
expenditure per capita (Figure 12).11 Indeed, the results suggests that it is very difficult
for countries to be good performers below an expenditure per capita of approximately
$60 in 1997 international dollars. This implies that there is an apparent minimum level
of health expenditure below which the system simply cannot work well. We estimate
that it would cost just over US$ 6 billion per year to bring health expenditures per capita
up to this threshold in the 41 countries with lower expenditure, important information for
governments, bilateral agencies and donors.

Performance on health


2 4 6 8
Log of health expenditure per capita

Figure 12: Efficiency (Performance) on Health Level by Health Expenditure per Capita

Despite this, there is still enough variation in efficiency at all levels of expenditure
to suggest there are two critical ways of improving health outcomes. The first, which has
been the focus of this paper, is to increase the efficiency of the health sector -- move
toward the frontier. The second is to increase health expenditures, or move along the
expansion path in the spirit of the World Health Report 1999 (67). This is illustrated in
Figure 13, which plots predicted levels of health as a function of health expenditures per
capita and educational attainment for our preferred frontier equation.

This is the reason why the random effects model was rejected by the Hausman test.




average years of schooling

100 2

health expenditure

Figure 13: Logarithmic-Scale Plot of the Expected Value of the Frontier Health Production
Function, 191 Member Countries of WHO, Panel Estimates (19931997)

The question of how to improve efficiency then becomes paramount, and that is the
topic of the World Health Report 2000 itself (12). Certainly reducing waste and
inefficiency is one way. But the studies of Tengs et al. (18,20) and Murray et al. (21)
reported earlier show that choosing the appropriate intervention mix is also important.
Indeed, their findings that the health output of the USA and sub-Saharan Africa could be
significantly improved by allocating currently available resources to a different mix of
interventions is consistent with our results.

These results differ from those of two recent studies. Babazono and Hillman (68)
estimated the relationship between total health care spending and health outcomes for
OECD countries, controlling for other factors including non-health care spending per
capita and found no evidence of a relationship. However, their conclusions are based on
a mechanistic stepwise regression elimination in which they included several independent
variables that are highly correlated with health expenditure (e.g., number of physicians
per capita, and pharmaceutical expenditure per capita). A similar conclusion was reached
by Filmer and Pritchett (69) for a slightly wider sample of countries. However, their
control variables included income per capita. As discussed earlier, we reject income as
a possible explanatory variable in the regressions designed to estimate efficiency partly

on theoretical and partly on empirical grounds. In any case, including POSOTHER in the
equation did not significantly alter the efficiency rankings of the countries.

Perhaps the most important conclusion of this work is that it is possible to measure
and compare the efficiency of health systems across countries and over time. This is
particularly important for countries introducing health system reforms, and we hope that
this study encourages all countries to routinely measure the inputs and outputs of their
health systems. We intend to extend this analysis to regions within countries in the near
future. An important benefit from the debate that is likely to accompany this exercise will
be development of improved data sources and estimation methods. The overall aim is,
of course, to stimulate action that will improve the performance of health systems and
contribute to improving the welfare of people.

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Appendix: Efficiency or Performance Index and Uncertainty Intervals, 191
countries, 1993-97

Uncertainty Performance Uncertainty

Rank Interval (80%) Country Index interval (80%)

1 1 - 5 Oman 0.992 0.975 - 1.000

2 1 - 4 Malta 0.989 0.968 - 1.000
3 2 - 7 Italy 0.976 0.957 - 0.994
4 2 - 7 France 0.974 0.953 - 0.994
5 2 - 7 San Marino 0.971 0.949 - 0.988
6 3 - 8 Spain 0.968 0.948 - 0.989
7 4 - 9 Andorra 0.964 0.942 - 0.980
8 3 - 12 Jamaica 0.956 0.928 - 0.986
9 7 - 11 Japan 0.945 0.926 - 0.963
10 8 - 15 Saudi Arabia 0.936 0.915 - 0.959
11 9 - 13 Greece 0.936 0.920 - 0.951
12 9 - 16 Monaco 0.930 0.908 - 0.948
13 10 - 15 Portugal 0.929 0.911 - 0.945
14 10 - 15 Singapore 0.929 0.909 - 0.942
15 13 - 17 Austria 0.914 0.896 - 0.931
16 13 - 23 United Arab Emirates 0.907 0.883 - 0.932
17 14 - 22 Morocco 0.906 0.886 - 0.925
18 16 - 23 Norway 0.897 0.878 - 0.914
19 17 - 24 Netherlands 0.893 0.875 - 0.911
20 15 - 31 Solomon Islands 0.892 0.863 - 0.920
21 18 - 26 Sweden 0.890 0.870 - 0.907
22 19 - 28 Cyprus 0.885 0.865 - 0.898
23 19 - 30 Chile 0.884 0.864 - 0.903
24 21 - 28 United Kingdom 0.883 0.866 - 0.900
25 18 - 32 Costa Rica 0.882 0.859 - 0.898
26 21 - 31 Switzerland 0.879 0.860 - 0.891
27 21 - 31 Iceland 0.879 0.861 - 0.897
28 23 - 30 Belgium 0.878 0.860 - 0.894
29 23 - 33 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 0.873 0.853 - 0.891
30 23 - 37 Bahrain 0.867 0.843 - 0.890
31 28 - 35 Luxembourg 0.864 0.847 - 0.881
32 29 - 38 Ireland 0.859 0.840 - 0.870
33 27 - 40 Turkey 0.858 0.835 - 0.878
34 25 - 48 Belize 0.853 0.821 - 0.884
35 33 - 40 Canada 0.849 0.832 - 0.864
36 32 - 42 Cuba 0.849 0.830 - 0.866
37 30 - 49 El Salvador 0.846 0.817 - 0.873
38 28 - 52 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.845 0.812 - 0.876
39 35 - 43 Australia 0.844 0.826 - 0.861
40 36 - 44 Israel 0.841 0.825 - 0.858
41 39 - 47 Germany 0.836 0.819 - 0.852
42 33 - 54 Dominican Republic 0.834 0.806 - 0.863
43 37 - 53 Egypt 0.829 0.811 - 0.849
44 41 - 50 Finland 0.829 0.812 - 0.844
45 38 - 55 Algeria 0.829 0.808 - 0.850
46 41 - 55 Tunisia 0.824 0.803 - 0.844
47 38 - 58 Yugoslavia 0.824 0.798 - 0.848
48 40 - 61 Honduras 0.820 0.793 - 0.844
49 37 - 63 Grenada 0.819 0.789 - 0.850
50 42 - 59 Uruguay 0.819 0.794 - 0.842
51 41 - 64 Colombia 0.814 0.787 - 0.843
52 42 - 65 Paraguay 0.813 0.785 - 0.842
53 43 - 64 Qatar 0.813 0.786 - 0.839

54 43 - 69 Saint Lucia 0.809 0.781 - 0.837
55 41 - 70 Cape Verde 0.808 0.776 - 0.842
56 47 - 64 Armenia 0.806 0.785 - 0.823
57 51 - 61 Croatia 0.805 0.789 - 0.821
58 48 - 65 Iran, Islamic Republic of 0.805 0.783 - 0.827
59 45 - 73 Dominica 0.804 0.774 - 0.833
60 49 - 67 Azerbaijan 0.803 0.781 - 0.820
61 52 - 65 China 0.800 0.782 - 0.813
62 55 - 66 Slovenia 0.797 0.781 - 0.813
63 56 - 73 Mexico 0.789 0.771 - 0.808
64 55 - 76 Albania 0.789 0.766 - 0.808
65 61 - 72 Denmark 0.785 0.769 - 0.801
66 57 - 80 Sri Lanka 0.783 0.761 - 0.807
67 57 - 80 Panama 0.783 0.759 - 0.807
68 56 - 83 Kuwait 0.782 0.753 - 0.808
69 61 - 78 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.781 0.761 - 0.796
70 59 - 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.780 0.754 - 0.803
71 65 - 76 Argentina 0.779 0.762 - 0.794
72 67 - 78 United States of America 0.774 0.758 - 0.789
73 61 - 86 Bhutan 0.773 0.748 - 0.797
74 63 - 84 Nicaragua 0.772 0.750 - 0.793
75 65 - 84 Iraq 0.770 0.752 - 0.791
76 67 - 85 Brunei Darussalam 0.768 0.749 - 0.787
77 61 - 88 Suriname 0.768 0.740 - 0.798
78 66 - 88 Brazil 0.767 0.745 - 0.787
79 70 - 84 Trinidad and Tobago 0.767 0.750 - 0.780
80 72 - 83 New Zealand 0.766 0.750 - 0.780
81 73 - 83 Czech Republic 0.765 0.749 - 0.779
82 66 - 91 Yemen 0.761 0.733 - 0.789
83 72 - 88 Seychelles 0.759 0.739 - 0.778
84 73 - 91 Georgia 0.758 0.736 - 0.776
85 73 - 89 Pakistan 0.757 0.738 - 0.777
86 75 - 92 Malaysia 0.751 0.731 - 0.771
87 77 - 92 Barbados 0.749 0.730 - 0.770
88 85 - 92 Slovakia 0.742 0.729 - 0.757
89 84 - 94 Poland 0.742 0.723 - 0.758
90 79 - 98 Indonesia 0.741 0.715 - 0.766
91 85 - 99 Syrian Arab Republic 0.733 0.712 - 0.755
92 89 - 96 Bulgaria 0.733 0.717 - 0.747
93 89 - 103 Lithuania 0.724 0.705 - 0.742
94 89 - 104 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0.723 0.699 - 0.746
95 89 - 105 Cook Islands 0.722 0.696 - 0.746
96 89 - 104 Ecuador 0.721 0.700 - 0.742
97 91 - 105 Lebanon 0.719 0.697 - 0.740
98 93 - 107 Nepal 0.714 0.691 - 0.736
99 93 - 107 Guatemala 0.714 0.691 - 0.735
100 94 - 107 Jordan 0.711 0.689 - 0.732
101 97 - 104 Ukraine 0.711 0.695 - 0.726
102 93 - 111 Thailand 0.710 0.682 - 0.736
103 93 - 109 Bangladesh 0.709 0.684 - 0.735
104 92 - 115 Guyana 0.704 0.672 - 0.738
105 101 - 111 Hungary 0.698 0.682 - 0.714
106 102 - 111 Republic of Moldova 0.696 0.680 - 0.710
107 100 - 113 Republic of Korea 0.694 0.674 - 0.711
108 93 - 121 Niue 0.693 0.650 - 0.731
109 103 - 116 Gambia 0.687 0.671 - 0.704
110 100 - 121 Micronesia, Federated States of 0.684 0.656 - 0.717
111 107 - 117 Romania 0.682 0.668 - 0.696
112 107 - 119 Uzbekistan 0.681 0.662 - 0.700
113 105 - 120 Mauritius 0.679 0.657 - 0.702
114 105 - 121 Tonga 0.677 0.651 - 0.704
115 107 - 119 Estonia 0.677 0.657 - 0.694
116 109 - 119 Belarus 0.676 0.657 - 0.692
117 109 - 121 Sao Tome and Principe 0.671 0.651 - 0.691
118 112 - 120 India 0.670 0.654 - 0.683
119 111 - 123 Peru 0.665 0.643 - 0.686
120 108 - 123 Vanuatu 0.665 0.639 - 0.689
121 115 - 125 Latvia 0.655 0.631 - 0.677
122 114 - 127 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.650 0.621 - 0.679

123 115 - 131 Antigua and Barbuda 0.641 0.606 - 0.678
124 120 - 133 Fiji 0.632 0.600 - 0.662
125 121 - 131 Palau 0.632 0.606 - 0.656
126 122 - 131 Philippines 0.630 0.608 - 0.653
127 124 - 131 Russian Federation 0.623 0.606 - 0.638
128 123 - 134 Tuvalu 0.618 0.594 - 0.644
129 124 - 137 Myanmar 0.612 0.584 - 0.641
130 125 - 136 Viet Nam 0.611 0.587 - 0.634
131 127 - 139 Samoa 0.602 0.579 - 0.626
132 128 - 138 Senegal 0.601 0.584 - 0.620
133 129 - 139 Cte d'Ivoire 0.598 0.580 - 0.617
134 128 - 140 Kyrgyzstan 0.598 0.575 - 0.620
135 129 - 138 Kazakhstan 0.598 0.581 - 0.615
136 129 - 139 Benin 0.596 0.576 - 0.616
137 127 - 142 Bahamas 0.593 0.564 - 0.624
138 132 - 144 Mongolia 0.581 0.555 - 0.607
139 134 - 143 Haiti 0.580 0.561 - 0.599
140 131 - 144 Marshall Islands 0.579 0.549 - 0.609
141 137 - 145 Comoros 0.570 0.550 - 0.590
142 137 - 145 Bolivia 0.567 0.544 - 0.590
143 139 - 146 Gabon 0.559 0.538 - 0.579
144 138 - 148 Kiribati 0.554 0.525 - 0.581
145 140 - 148 Tajikistan 0.551 0.523 - 0.580
146 141 - 149 Papua New Guinea 0.546 0.520 - 0.572
147 144 - 154 Maldives 0.524 0.496 - 0.555
148 146 - 153 Eritrea 0.521 0.504 - 0.538
149 146 - 154 Sudan 0.519 0.496 - 0.543
150 146 - 155 Afghanistan 0.517 0.488 - 0.547
151 147 - 153 Mauritania 0.517 0.501 - 0.533
152 145 - 158 Turkmenistan 0.513 0.479 - 0.546
153 147 - 156 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0.510 0.485 - 0.536
154 148 - 157 Somalia 0.506 0.480 - 0.530
155 152 - 160 Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.489 0.466 - 0.510
156 154 - 162 Guinea-Bissau 0.481 0.462 - 0.499
157 153 - 162 Cambodia 0.481 0.460 - 0.501
158 153 - 162 Ghana 0.479 0.457 - 0.500
159 155 - 164 Togo 0.472 0.452 - 0.492
160 157 - 164 Guinea 0.469 0.455 - 0.483
161 156 - 165 Chad 0.465 0.444 - 0.487
162 157 - 166 Burkina Faso 0.463 0.441 - 0.483
163 158 - 167 Djibouti 0.457 0.434 - 0.479
164 160 - 166 Central African Republic 0.454 0.436 - 0.470
165 159 - 167 Angola 0.453 0.433 - 0.473
166 162 - 168 Nauru 0.444 0.424 - 0.464
167 164 - 170 Congo 0.433 0.411 - 0.454
168 164 - 172 Mozambique 0.424 0.399 - 0.450
169 167 - 171 Ethiopia 0.418 0.400 - 0.435
170 168 - 172 Mali 0.410 0.393 - 0.426
171 168 - 174 Burundi 0.403 0.374 - 0.435
172 169 - 174 Cameroon 0.399 0.375 - 0.421
173 170 - 174 Madagascar 0.394 0.378 - 0.410
174 172 - 175 Equatorial Guinea 0.377 0.355 - 0.400
175 174 - 176 Nigeria 0.353 0.331 - 0.375
176 175 - 178 Liberia 0.337 0.318 - 0.355
177 176 - 178 Niger 0.323 0.306 - 0.340
178 176 - 178 Kenya 0.320 0.298 - 0.343
179 179 - 180 Uganda 0.280 0.264 - 0.295
180 179 - 180 United Republic of Tanzania 0.279 0.260 - 0.298
181 181 - 185 Rwanda 0.240 0.214 - 0.265
182 181 - 185 South Africa 0.232 0.209 - 0.251
183 181 - 185 Sierra Leone 0.230 0.213 - 0.247
184 181 - 186 Swaziland 0.229 0.205 - 0.255
185 182 - 187 Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.217 0.198 - 0.235
186 183 - 188 Lesotho 0.211 0.187 - 0.236
187 186 - 188 Malawi 0.196 0.181 - 0.211
188 187 - 189 Botswana 0.183 0.172 - 0.194
189 185 - 189 Namibia 0.183 0.152 - 0.214
190 190 - 190 Zambia 0.112 0.095 - 0.129
191 191 - 191 Zimbabwe 0.080 0.057 - 0.103


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