Vertical Analysis: Assets

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Vertical Analysis

Balance Sheet
As at December 31,2009
2009 2008 2009 2008
cash and balance with treasury bank 115827868 106503756 12.27% 13.02%
balance with other banks 28405564 38344608 3.01% 4.69%
lending to financial institution-net 19587176 17128032 2.07% 2.09%
investmernt-net 217642822 170822491 23.05% 20.89%
advances-net 475243431 412986865 50.33% 50.50%
operating fixed assets 25147192 24217655 2.66% 2.96%
deferred tax assets-net 3062271 3204572 0.32% 0.39%
other assets 59316438 44550347 6.28% 5.45%

Total 944232762 817758326 100% 100%

bills payable 10621169 10219061 1.12% 1.25%
borrowing 45278138 40458926 4.80% 4.95%
deposits and other A/C 726464825 624939016 76.94% 76.42%

liabilities against assets subjects to finance le 42629 25274 0.00% 0.00%

other liabilities 42269623 39656831 4.48% 4.85%

824676384 715299108 87.34% 87.47%
share capital 10763702 8969751 1.14% 1.10%
reserves 22681707 19941047 2.40% 2.44%
unappropriated profit 61346510 52456204 6.50% 6.41%

94791919 81367002 10.04% 9.95%

surplus on revaluation of assets-net 24764459 21092216 2.62% 2.58%

119556378 102459218 12.66% 12.53%

Total 944232762 817758326 100% 100%
Vertical Analysis
For thee year ended december 31,2009
2009 2008 2009 2008

marke up/ return/ interest earned 77,947,697.00 60,942,798.00 100% 100%

marke up/ return/ interest expensed 39,489,649.00 23,884,768.00 50.66% 39.19%
net marke up/ interest income 38,458,048.00 37,058,030.00 49.34% 60.81%

provision against non-performing advances-net 11,043,469.00 1,593,565.00 14.17% 2.61%

provision for diminution 605,629.00 373,249.00 0.78% 0.61%
in the value of investments-net
provision against off balance sheet obligations 20,237.00 4,000.00 0.03% 0.01%
11,669,335.00 10,970,814.00 14.97% 18.00%
net mark-up/ interest income after provision 26,788,713.00 26,087,216.00 34.37% 42.81%


fee, commission 8,930,391.00 7,925,370.00 11.46% 13.00%
dividend income 1,920,336.00 2,878,932.00 2.46% 4.72%
income from dealing in foreign currencies 3,028,165.00 3,969,057.00 3.88% 6.51%
gain on sale-net 4,591,894.00 395,427.00 5.89% 0.65%
unrealized gain on revaluation of investment 2,355.00 1,707.00 0.00% 0.00%
other income 552,216.00 1,245,369.00 0.71% 2.04%
total non mark-up/interest income 19,025,357.00 16,415,862.00 24.41% 26.94%
45,814,070.00 42,503,078.00 58.78% 69.74%

administrative expense 22,571,470.00 18,177,198.00 28.96% 29.83%

other provision/write offs 620,780.00 747,521.00 0.80% 1.23%
other charges 321,647.00 583,361.00 0.41% 0.96%
total non mark-up/ interest expenses 23,513,897.00 19,502,080.00 30.17% 32.00%
22,300,173.00 23,000,998.00 28.61% 37.74%

taxation-current 9,221,513.00 11,762,650.00 11.83% 19.30%

priors year (4,133,282.00) -5.30% 0.00%
deferred (999,904.00) (4,220,242.00) -1.28% -6.92%
4,088,327.00 7,542,408.00 5.24% 12.38%
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 18,211,846.00 15,458,590.00 23.36% 25.37%

unappropriate profit brought forward 52,456,204.00 45,344,188.00 67.30% 74.40%

transfer from surplus on revaluation of fixed assets 123,934.00 130,456.00 0.16% 0.21%
on A/C of incremental depreciation
profit available for appropriation 70,791,984.00 60,933,234.00 90.82% 99.98%
BASIC EARNING PER SHARE 16.92 14.36 0.00% 0.00%
Horizontal Analysis
For thee year ended december 31,2009

2009 2008 2008 2009

marke up/ return/ interest earned 77,947,697 60,942,798 100% 127.90%

marke up/ return/ interest expensed 39,489,649 23,884,768 100% 165.33%
net marke up/ interest income 38,458,048 37,058,030 100% 103.78%

provision against non-performing advances-net 11,043,469 10,593,565 100% 104.25%

provision for diminution 605,629 373,249 100% 162.26%
in the value of investments-net
provision against off balance sheet obligations 20,237 4,000 100% 505.93%
11,669,335 10,970,814 100% 106.37%
net mark-up/ interest income after provision 26,788,713 26,087,216 100% 102.69%


fee, commission 8,930,391 7,925,370 100% 112.68%

dividend income 1,920,336 2,878,932 100% 66.70%
income from dealing in foreign currencies 3,028,165 3,969,057 100% 76.29%
gain on sale-net 4,591,894 395,427 100% 1161.25%
unrealized gain on revaluation of investment 2,355 1,707 100% 137.96%
other income 552,216 1,245,369 100% 44.34%
total non mark-up/interest income 19,025,357 16,415,862 100% 115.90%
45,814,070 42,503,078 100% 107.79%

administrative expense 22,571,470 18,177,198 100% 124.17%

other provision/write offs 620,780 747,521 100% 83.05%
other charges 321,647 583,361 100% 55.14%
total non mark-up/ interest expenses 23,513,897 19,502,080 100% 120.57%
22,300,173 23,000,998 100% 96.95%
taxation-current 9,221,513 11,762,650 100% 78.40%
priors year (4,133,282)
deferred (999,904) (4,220,242) 100% 23.69%
4,088,327 7,542,408 100% 54.20%
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 18,211,846 15,458,590 100% 117.81%

unappropriate profit brought forward 52,456,204 45,344,188 100% 115.68%

transfer from surplus on revaluation of fixed asse 123,934 130,456 100% 95.00%
on A/C of incremental depreciation
profit available for appropriation 70,791,984 60,933,234 100% 116.18%

BASIC EARNING PER SHARE 16.92 14.36 100% 117.83%

Vertical Analysis
Balance Sheet
As at December 31,2009

2009 2008 2008 2009

cash and balance with treasury bank 115827868 106503756 100% 108.75%
balance with other banks 28405564 38344608 100% 74.08%
lending to financial institution-net 19587176 17128032 100% 114.36%
investmernt-net 217642822 170822491 100% 127.41%
advances-net 475243431 412986865 100% 115.07%
operating fixed assets 25147192 24217655 100% 103.84%
deferred tax assets-net 3062271 3204572 100% 95.56%
other assets 59316438 44550347 100% 133.14%

Total 944232762 817758326 100% 115.47%


bills payable 10621169 10219061 100% 103.93%

borrowing 45278138 40458926 100% 111.91%
deposits and other A/C 726464825 624939016 100% 116.25%

liabilities against assets subjects to fina 42629 25274 100% 168.67%

other liabilities 42269623 39656831 100% 106.59%

824676384 715299108 100% 115.29%

share capital 10763702 8969751 100% 120.00%

reserves 22681707 19941047 100% 113.74%
unappropriated profit 61346510 52456204 100% 116.95%

94791919 81367002 100% 116.50%

surplus on revaluation of assets-net 24764459 21092216 100% 117.41%

119556378 102459218 100% 116.69%

Total 944232762 817758326 100% 115.47%

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