Security Standards
-An Approach Paper-
Government of India
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Department of Information Technology
National Informatics Centre
Network and Information Security
1.1 Background
Recognizing the critical role that standards play in the rapid growth of e-
Governance, the Department of Information Technology (DIT), has constituted an
“Apex Body on Standards in DIT”, vide its notification No. 14 (3)04-EGD dated
7th September 2005, among other things, to design the broad policy framework
Network and Information security is one of the key priority area identified under
the National e-Governance Programme (NeGP).National Informatics Centre
(NIC) has been entrusted with this major task of the formulation of standards.
Working groups are being set up for each of the above area of Standards.
Originating white papers on all desired standards to serve, as discussion papers
for Working Groups to develop standards need to be prepared at the first
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope
The scope of this document is to introduce the Network and Information security
needs of e_Governance and to identify the various areas of Network and
Information Security where standards need to be put in place.
With the e-Governance initiatives taken up in a large scale both at Central and
State Government level, it is essential to have a broad national level policy
framework of standards to ensure seamless integration and inter operability of
applications and services in a secured manner across the country. The Policy
Following are some of the areas of Network and Information Security where
Standards need to be put in place in the context of e_Governance.
Following are some of the agencies working towards defining standards in the
area of Network and Information Security.
4.1 ISO
4.2 BIS
BIS is engaged in formulation of Indian Standards for the sector Electronics and
Information Technology supervised by a division counsel in which Network and
Information Security is a part. BIS publishes detailed Work Programme for each
of the Division Council once in a year. The Work Programme, besides giving
scope of Division Council and Sectional Committees, contains committee wise
position of standards published and draft standards (like preliminary, wide
circulation and finalized draft standards) at different stages of preparation. The
copies of Work Programme (and also of wide circulation drafts for comments
during the wide circulation period) can be obtained from the Director of the
concerned Technical Divisions, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Some State Governments like Andhra Pradesh have released their own IT policy
documents with the help of consultants in which the Network and Information
Security standards and IT architecture form a part.
5. Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description