Tray Dryer: Experiment No. 5
Tray Dryer: Experiment No. 5
Tray Dryer: Experiment No. 5
Experiment No. 5
To study the drying characteristics of the given sample in a tray drier setup.
Sand, distilled water, burette, tray dryer experimental setup, Stopwatch.
Drying is a mass transfer process resulting in the removal of water moisture or
moisture from another solvent, by evaporation from a solid, semi-solid or liquid to end in a
solid state.
The tray dryer is the device used the drying of the wet products. They are usually used
for drying of the crude drugs, chemicals, powders, granules, etc. Tray dryer usually consist
of vertical stack of trays in which the liquid and gas are contacted in step-wise fashion on
trays. The liquid enters at the top and flows down with help of gravity while hot air flows
from down to top,that is the overall effect is in counter-current fashion.
There is a heater to heat the air before it flows inside the column. When air passes
through each of the trays, certain amount of heat is given up to provide latent heat of
vaporization. In a tray dryer, a uniform temperature and air is maintained by the use of
insulated cabinet with strategically placed fans and heating coils. This creates a stable
environment which helps in drying at constant rate.
Depending on the type of feed and the type of flow of hot air and feed. The tray
dryers are classified into
1. Batch dryer
2. Semi-continuous dryer
3. Cross flow dryer
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Experiment No.5 Tray Dryer 04/10/2017
1. 100 g of dry sand was taken in a glass tray and spread apart so that it formed a thin layer.
2. Using a burette, water was added to the sand till it wet the sand completely.
3. The dryer was switched on and was allowed to attain steady state.
4. The tray with the wet sand was placed inside the dryer.
5. The time taken for the reduction of every 2 g in weight was noted down.
6. The process was continued till we get 10 concordant readings are recorded.
1. Inlet temperature of hot air = 66 C
2. Initial weight of dry sand taken = S = 100 g
3. Amount of water taken to completely wet the sand = 27 ml = 27 g
4. Dry bulb temperature = 26 C
5. Wet bulb temperature = 24 C
6. Manometer Readings, L.H.S = 15.4 cm, R.H.S= 1.8 cm.
R.H.S - L.H.S = 15.4 1.8 = 13.6 cm
1. Diameter of tray D = 14.8 cm
2. Drying area, A
D 2 14.8 10 2
0.01719 m 2
4 4
3. Total moisture content,
water present in solid at any time 27 kg of water
XT = 0.27
weight of dry sand 100 kg of dry sand
1 1 m 2s
6. = 12377.7696
N 8.07 10 5 kg
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Experiment No.5 Tray Dryer 04/10/2017
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Experiment No.5 Tray Dryer 04/10/2017
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Experiment No.5 Tray Dryer 04/10/2017
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Experiment No.5 Tray Dryer 04/10/2017
The total drying time was found to be 43 min 51 s and the drying characteristic curve was
The rate of drying initially remained fairly constant.
kg water
From X = XC = 0.17 , the rate of drying started to decrease, that is the falling rate
kg dry sand
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