MIPS 32 1
Computer Architecture
Complex Instruction Set Computer
Intels x86.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Any computer architecture defined after 1984
Microcomputer without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
Millions of Instructions Per Second
Strongly pipelined architecture
DECs Alpha, HPs Precision
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MIPS Architecture
Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
Developed at Stanford 1985
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
Load-Store Architecture i.e. Memory reference only in
Load or Store instruction
ALU instructions are (3, 0)
64-bit version came in 1999 called MIPS64
Memory byte addressable with 64 bit address
Instruction length 32 bit fixed
Opcode length fixed 6 bit
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32-bit registers
32 general-purpose registers (GPR) named R0, R1, ... R31
32 floating-point registers (FPR) named F0, F1, ..., F31
with single precision(32 bits) and double precision (64 bits)
R0 always holds zero
Data sizes for Integers 8-bit, 16-bit (half word),
32-bit (word).
Data sizes for Floating-point 32-bit (single
precision) and 64-bit( double precision).
Operations on integers of all sizes are 32-bit
operations (adding zeros or the sign bit on left).
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32 in Number are 32-bit (word) registers
$a0 - $a3: argument registers
$v0 - $v1: return values
$ra: return address register
$sp: stack pointer
$fp: frame pointer
$gp: global pointer
$zero: always equals 0
$s0 - $s7: preserved on a procedural call
$t0 - $t9: not preserved by callee on a procedural call
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Arithmetic Operations
e.g. add a, b, c # a = b + c
add $t0, $s1, $s2
e.g. sub a, b, c # a = b c
sub $s0, $t0, $t1
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Data Transfer
lw $t0, 8($s3) # load $t0 with data from memory
# base address in $s3, offset 8
sw $t0, 48($s3) # store word
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Branch Instruction
j 32000 # PCPC+[sign extend to 32 bits (32000)]
6 bits 26 bits
J-type op address
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MIPS Fields for R and I-Type
R-type op rs rt rd shamt funct
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Examples of Machine Code
op rs rt rd shamt funct
op rs rt address
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Some Examples of Other Instructions
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MIPS Addressing Mode
Register addressing: the operand is a register
Base or displacement addressing: the
operand is at the memory whose address is
the sum of a register and a constant
Immediate addressing: the operand is a
PC (Program Counter)-relative addressing:
address is the sum of PC and a constant in
the instruction
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Steps for MIPS Instructions
1. Fetch instruction from memory
2. Read registers while decoding the instruction
3. Execute the operation or calculate an address
4. Access an operand in data memory (for lw and sw)
5. Write the result into a register
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Implement Instruction Fetch
PC Read
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Datapath for R-type Instructions
5 Read Control
register 1 Read 32
data 1
5 Read
register 2
5 Result 32
Read 32
Write data 2
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Instruction Set of MIPS
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Thank You
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