Varices Esophagus PDF
Varices Esophagus PDF
Varices Esophagus PDF
prophylaxis, secondary prophylaxis, carvedilol, simvastatin, sure, intrahepatic PHT can be divided into pre-sinusoidal,
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) sinusoidal or post-sinusoidal PHT, as mentioned earlier. This
classification is based on different hemodynamics for each
Pre-sinusoidal PHT: Normal wedge pressure and free
hepatic venous pressure (normal HVPG)
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Sinusoidal PHT: Elevated wedge pressure and normal Systemic circulation: Most patients with cirrhosis and por-
free hepatic venous pressure (high HVPG) tal hypertension have a hyperdynamic circulation, defined
Post-sinusoidal PHT: Elevated wedge and free hepatic by a high cardiac output and index, low blood pressures,
vein pressure (normal HVPG). high blood volume but with low effective blood volume,
and a low systemic vascular resistance [5]. Due to the low
The next section will focus on portal hypertension in effective blood volume, volume receptors are stimulated
patients with liver cirrhosis, the resultant complications, (despite high blood volume), which leads to neurohor-
especially esophageal varices, and the treatments that can be monal activation, salt and water retention in the renal
offered. system and, in many cases, ascites [6], and later on, renal
failure, probably due to vasoconstricted glomerular afferent
arterioles. Hepatic ascites can be infected spontaneously
From pathophysiology to the clinical syndrome by bacteria colonizing the intestine, causing spontaneous
Cirrhotic PHT is a vascular disease that affects many body bacterial peritonitis.
organs. The development of portal hypertension in patients Renal abnormalities can develop in the cirrhotic
with cirrhosis is a poor prognostic sign. The first event in the patient, especially if PHT already exists. There are many
cascade of portal hypertension development is increased vas- causes of renal failure in cirrhosis, but the most ominous
cular resistance to portal blood flow. The reason is not merely and lethal is the hepatorenal syndrome, which is a func-
mechanical; there is also a contributing dynamic component tional renal disease (at least in the beginning) due to an
that is created by contracting portal myofibroblasts, activated imbalance between vasodilating and vasoconstricting fac-
hepatic stellate cells and vascular tors in the systemic circulation. Due
smooth cells in portal venules caus- Portal hypertension is defined as to this imbalance, vasoconstrictive
ing elevated vascular resistance. As a an elevated portal pressure and is factors become dominant and lead to
result, the pressure gradient between the main cause of morbidity and afferent arteriole vasoconstriction in
the portal vein and the hepatic vein mortality in liver cirrhosis the renal glomeruli and deteriorating
is elevated to more than 5 mmHg. renal function that can lead to death
When the pressure gradient between the portal vein and the within days to weeks [7].
hepatic veins (HVPG) exceeds 10 mmHg, clinical pathology Cardiopulmonary system: Cirrhotic portal hypertensive
emerges. Such an elevation is defined as clinical significant patients often exhibit high cardiac output and index, as
portal hypertension. CSPHT already exists in about 60% of
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bacterial peritonitis and sepsis. Preventing or reducing the rate tic step in primary prevention of variceal bleeding, relying
of variceal bleeding was therefore a target for many trials using largely on the fact that about 25% patients cannot tolerate
pharmacological, mechanical and endoscopic treatments. beta blockers and that many do not take them without
Beta blockers act by decreasing HVPG and were shown informing their physician; thus, the number of patients
to attenuate the risk of variceal bleeding from 24% to 15% actually not treated with the drug may well be higher than
during a follow-up of 2 years [16]. The most studied beta we assume. Moreover, of those who do take beta blockers,
blockers were propranolol and timolol and both were found more than 30% are early non-responders in terms of reducing
to be effective. Mortality was reduced as well, but statistical HVPG [18], which reduces further the percentage of patients
significance was not achieved. who benefit from beta blockers.
In the past it was recommended that only patients with Combined treatment with EVL and beta blockers for pri-
medium to large varices be treated with beta blockers. Due mary prevention cannot be justified. A study that compared
to the fact that grading variceal size is subjective, and that EVL plus beta blockers to EVL alone showed a small advantage
small varices with red signs or in Child-Pugh class C cirrhotic over the combined treatment but at the cost of more side effects
patients have a similar bleeding rate as medium and large in the combined treatment arm [21]. Further studies are needed
varices, it is now recommended that beta blockers be started to clarify if there is a real advantage to this mode of combined
as a preventive therapy in these groups as well [17]. treatment for primary prevention of variceal bleeding.
It was recently shown in a hemodynamic trial that patients In the same context, there is an emerging debate on the
in whom HVPG decreased by 12% after receiving intravenous preferred primary prevention therapy for patients who are can-
propranolol (responders) are at low risk of suffering a first didates for liver transplantation. This population of patients is
episode of variceal bleeding or variceal rebleeding, compared unique, since their liver disease is usually more advanced on
with those not given propranolol (non-responders) [18]. There the one hand, meaning that the first variceal bleeding is a real
is still debate about which treatment strategy should be applied life-threatening event, probably with higher mortality. In addi-
for the non-responders to i.v. propranolol, who, as shown in tion, they might not need long-term medical treatment with
another trial, do not respond as well to EVL in terms of reducing beta blockers, if hopefully transplanted. Also, the fact that EVL
the bleeding rate. More trials are doesn not actually reduce portal
needed to answer this question. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic hypertension, (so, esophageal
The addition of nitrates shunt (TIPS) seems a rational treatment varices can theoreticaly develop
to beta blockers as a primary in a selective group of cirrhotic patients again) does not have a long-term
prevention was assessed in two with bleeding esophageal varices importance if the patient is sched-
studies but did not show any uled for transplantation soon.
advantage over beta blockers alone in reducing the rate of On the other hand, EVL-related esophageal bleeding from a
the first variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients [19]. Therefore, variceal ulcer might worsen these patients medical condition
adding nitrates cannot be recommended for this indication. dramatically, even making them unacceptable candidates for
Endoscopic variceal band ligation, a procedure that liver transplantation. Some trials assessed the effectiveness of
includes banding varices with rubber rings endoscopically, EVL in this group, but with conflicting results [22,23]. The
was also the subject of numerous studies on preventing the question of EVL or beta blockers for primary prevention of
first variceal bleeding episode. EVL was compared with beta
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in terms of clinical endpoints, but it seems that treatment demonstrate superiority over conventional therapy with pro-
with carvedilol in patients with variceal bleeding is a rational pranolol and EVL in terms of survival and was associated with
choice, especially if begun at a low dosage in patients with higher encephalopathy rates when compared to conventional
Child-Pugh class A cirrhosis. treatment. Recent evidence shows that in a select group of cir-
Simvastatin emerges as a future drug for portal hyperten- rhotic patients with first variceal bleeding TIPS emerges as an
sion. Simvastatin was shown to reduce HVPG in patients acceptable treatment. When measuring the HVPG of cirrhotic
with portal hypertension in both primary and secondary patients with first esophageal variceal bleeding, a value > 20
prophylaxis. Interestingly, the portal hypertension reduction mmHg is significantly correlated with a high risk of short-
effect was achieved due to reduced hepatic resistance and not term rebleeding [29]. It was recently shown that when placed
to reduced hepatic blood flow [25]. A study evaluating the wihin the first 3 days after the bleeding episode TIPS reduced
effect of simvastatin on cirrhotic portal hypertension in terms rebleeding rates, improved 2 year survival, and was associated
of clinical endpoints is already ongoing. with a reduced risk of hepatic encephalopathy in a select group
of patients with cirrhosis Child-Pugh class B or C with acute
Secondary prevention of variceal rebleeding esophageal bleeding for 3 days after the bleeding episode [30].
Patients surviving the first variceal bleeding have a 60% chance This new evidence may shift the pendulum towards acceptance
of rebleeding in the next year. Since variceal bleeding is a life- of TIPS as a therapeutic procedure for the first esophageal
threatening event, with mortality of about 25% within the first bleeding episode in a select group of cirrhotic patients.
6 weeks, it is clear why a second prophylaxis is mandatory. Beta Finally, it is important to remember that the only defini-
blockers were assessed in many randomized control trials and tive therapy to prevent variceal rebleeding in a cirrhotic
were shown to reduce the rate of rebleeding and mortality [16]. patient is liver transplantation, so every patient with a history
It was also shown that the combined effect of beta blockers and of esophageal variceal bleeding should be evaluated, and if
nitrates is stronger in reducing portal pressure. For this rea- found suitable, should be offered this treatment option.
son, the combination of these drugs was assessed in two trials
on reducing the rebleeding rate, with conflicting results. No Treatment of acute esophageal variceal bleeding
doubt the data on this combination therapy are not well proven. Acute variceal bleeding is a medical emergency and a life-
Nonetheless, since this combination was shown to be more threatening event with a mortality of about 25%. The treat-
effective than sclerotherapy in reducing the rebleeding rate [26], ment of acute variceal bleeding should be a combination of
and since the adverse effects are not major, it is recommended treatments given by hepatologists, gastroenterologists, anes-
that this combination treatment after the first variceal bleeding thesiologists and infectiologists. A good cooperation between
be considered, if there are no contraindications. these experts might lead to a better outcome for the patient.
Sclerotherapy, the injection of a sclerosing agent into the The patient with variceal bleeding should be treated in the
varices, was shown to reduce the rebleeding rate but, due to intensive care unit. The first step is to restore the patients hemo-
unacceptable side effects such as esophageal stenosis, dys- dynamic status and ensure that major organs are not affected by
phagia and more, and due to the fact that endoscopic EVL the continuous bleeding. The patient should be given full oxy-
proved more potent in reducing the rebleeding rate than genation and, if unstable hemodynamically, should receive fluid
sclerotherapy [27], sclerotherapy is no longer recommended resuscitation. Anemia should be corrected to a level of about
as first-line endoscopic therapy in these patients. 25% hematocrit. A correction to a higher level is not recom-
The combined endoscopic and pharmacological treatment mended due to the risk of rebleeding in these patients because
with EVL and beta blockers has been shown to reduce the of volume overload. A nasogastric tube should be inserted into
rebleeding rate more than EVL alone [28]. For this reason, the stomach for drainage, as well as a urinary catheter to the
it is recommended that in a patient who survived the first bladder to measure urine output. The patient should be fully
variceal bleeding event, this combined treatment should be monitored and if possible should have a central vein catheter
initiated as a first-line therapy, with the addition of nitrates to assess his/her hemodynamic status accurately. Patients with
as well. The varices should be banded in a few separate gas- reduced conscious level are at risk of aspiration and should be
troscopy sessions until disappearance of all varices, or at least intubated and ventilated. Coagulation disturbances, which are
the not significant varices. The rate of banding sessions is a fairly common in these non-compensated cirrhotic patients,
question of debate, but it is accepted that an interval of 2 should be corrected with fresh frozen plasma.
weeks to 1 month is reasonable. There is an increased rate of infections in patients suffering
TIPS is a very effective way to reduce variceal rebleeding
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the rebleeding rate and improve survival in these patients [31]. possible by EVL after initial resuscitation. Several trials have
Usually quinolones are the antibiotics of choice, but in patients demonstrated that starting a vasoactive drug before endo-
with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in the past or patients scopic therapy improves bleeding control and reduces the
with Child-Pugh class C, ceftriaxone should be introduced due rebleeding rate [36,37].
to its superiority [32]. Balloon tamponade is not an ideal therapeutic option and
About 50% of all esophageal variceal bleeding episodes should be used only in the event of massive bleeding. The
stop spontaneously [26], but the rebleeding rate is high with balloon achieves hemostasis in about 6090% of cases but
about 50% of patients experiencing a second episode, usu- cannot be in place for more than 24 hours. After the balloon
ally within 2 weeks after the first episode. A second episode is removed, bleeding starts in at least 50% of patients. In addi-
of bleeding puts the patient at a high mortality risk and is tion, balloon tamponade might cause severe side effects such
thus the reason for starting pharmacologic therapy as soon as as esophageal rupture. This is why this option is used only as
possible. Pharmacologic therapy in acute esophageal variceal a bridge until a more definitive therapy such as TIPS [38].
bleeding is based on the pathophysiology of portal hyperten- TIPS and surgical shunts are another option for a salvage
sion. The target is to reduce the portal pressure by reducing therapy in the resistant bleeder. TIPS is preferred over
the flow to the portal system. surgical therapy due to the advanced stage of cirrhosis in
Terlipressin, an analogue of vasopressin, has an effect of these patients. Still, it should be kept in mind that the rate
relatively selective splanchic vasoconstriction and is the drug of of encephalopathy after TIPS placement is high and, when
choice for this purpose, since it was shown to improve outcome inserting TIPS in a patient with Child-Hugh C cirrhosis,
in these patients in terms of bleeding control and survival [33]. liver failure almost always occurs. Thus, a liver transplanta-
Therapy with terlipressin should be started as soon as possible, tion should be planned for these patients, if possible, after
even if variceal bleeding is only suspected and not proven. The placing the TIPS.
starting dosage is 2 mg every 6 hours for the first 48 hours and Despite all of the above mentioned treatments for portal
can be reduced later to half the dose for the next 3 days. It is hypertensive complications in the cirrhotic patient, it is impor-
important to continue therapy for 5 days even after the bleeding tant to remember that the only definitive treatment for portal
has stopped, due to the high rate of rebleeding in these patients. hypertension due to liver cirrhosis is liver transplantation.
Side effects of terlipressin are usually minor. Rarely, peripheral
or myocardial ischemia and abdominal pain may occur. Corresponding author:
Dr. E. Ashkenazi
Another therapeutic option is to start somatostatin at a
Liver Unit, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa 34362, Israel
starting dose of 250 g followed by a 250 g/hour infusion, Phone: (972-4) 825-0052
which is maintained until 24 hours bleed free is achieved. email: [email protected], [email protected]
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Lymph node T cell responses predict the efficacy of live attenuated SIV vaccines
Live attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) vaccines is associated with persistent LAV replication in the lymph
(LAVs) remain the most efficacious of all vaccines in non- node, which occurs almost exclusively in follicular helper T
human primate models of human immunodeficiency virus and cells. Thus, effective LAVs maintain lymphoid tissue-based,
AIDS, yet the basis of their robust protection remains poorly effector-differentiated, SIV-specific T cells that intercept and
understood. Fukazawa et al. show that the degree of LAV- suppress early wild-type SIV amplification and, if present in
mediated protection against intravenous wild-type SIVmac239 sufficient frequencies, can completely control and perhaps
challenge strongly correlates with the magnitude and function clear infection, an observation that provides a rationale for
of SIV-specific, effector-differentiated T cells in the lymph node the development of safe, persistent vectors that can elicit and
but not with the responses of such T cells in the blood or with maintain such responses.
other cellular, humoral and innate immune parameters. The Nature Med 2012; 18: 1637
authors found that maintenance of protective T cell responses Eitan Israeli
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never
be a time when we fail to protest
Elie Wiesel (born 1928), Romanian-born Jewish-American writer, professor, political
activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor