Jesuits Free Masons and The Illuminati
Jesuits Free Masons and The Illuminati
Jesuits Free Masons and The Illuminati
No doubt, we will see the return of the inquisitional persecution of Christians by the
Catholic Church. One of the principle priestly orders in the Catholic Church that is working
feverishly toward instituting another great inquisition is the Jesuits. The Jesuits were established
by Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatius of Loyola was the leader of a secret occult organization known as
the Alumbrados (Spanish for Illuminati). On August 15, 1534, Loyola started a sister
organization to the Alumbrados, which he called the Society of Jesus, it is more commonly
known today as the Jesuits. Loyola was arrested by the Dominican order of Catholic inquisitors,
who were concerned with his growing influence and power throughout Europe. Because of his
influential allies among the principalities of Europe, he was granted an audience with the pope.
Loyola promised the pope his allegiance and agreed to do the bidding of the papacy throughout
the world. Pope Paul III formally approved the Jesuits as a Catholic religious order in his 1540
papal bull Regimini Militantis Eccclesiae.1
The Jesuits are the secret army of the Roman church, they are often referred to as the
“pope’s militia.” In fact, the leader of the Jesuits is called the “Jesuit General.” He is unlike any
other leader of a Catholic order, because the Jesuit General is independent of the Catholic
Bishops and Cardinals; he answers directly to the Pope. Because of the power and influence of
the Jesuit General, he is known as the “Black Pope.” The Jesuit General has the purported
authority to absolve persons of the sins of bigamy, murder, or any harm done to others as long as
the matter is not publicly known and the cause of a scandal.2 Pope Gregory XII gave the Jesuits
the authority to deal in commerce and banking, which has made the order quite wealthy.3 The
popes have threatened princes, kings, and anyone else who interferes with the Jesuits with
excomunication (Latae Sententiae).4 In one of the most authoritative works on the Jesuits, J.
Huber, professor of Catholic theology wrote: “Here is a proven fact: the Constitutions [of the
Jesuits] repeat five hundred times that one must see Christ in the person of the [Jesuit] General.”5
Jesuits have a long and sordid history of distorting moral obligations and practicing and
advocating situational ethics. For example, God commands without exception that “Thou shalt
not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Exodus 20:16. The Jesuits, on the other hand,
permit the use of ambiguous terms to mislead a judge or outright lying under oath if the witness
makes a mental reservation.6 The Jesuits teach that if a young girl is pregnant, she may obtain an
abortion if the pregnancy would bring dishonor to her or a member of the clergy.7 They do not
stop there, another Jesuit maxim states: “If a Father, yielding to temptation, abuses a woman and
she publicises what has happened, and, because of it, dishonours him, this same Father can kill
her to avoid disgrace.”8 That is not the only cause that is justification for murder. The Jesuits
further teach that “[a] monk or a priest is allowed to kill those who are ready to slander him or
his community.”9
Immorality is not unique to the Jesuit order only. The doctrines of the Catholic Church
allow for all sorts of situational ethics. Thomas Aquinas, the most important source of economic
and theological doctrines for the Catholic Church, stated that it is lawful and not a sin for a man
to steal another’s property in order to fulfill a basic need. Aquinas’ view was that all goods are
community goods and therefore it is not a sin to take another’s property when you need it.10 That
is in fact the official position of the Roman church today as expressed by the Second Vatican
Council. “If one is in extreme necessity he has the right to procure for himself what he needs out
of the riches of others.”11 Compare that to the eighth commandment of God: “Thou shalt not
steal.” Exodus 20:15.
The Jesuits are zealous persecutors of Christians or anyone whom they view as an enemy
of the Vatican. Jesuits take a solemn oath to destroy Protestant Christians and destroy any
government that offers protection to Protestant Christians.12 They are the natural enemies of
liberty, their whole system is based on thoughtless, ruthless, blind obedience. Ignatious himself
writing to his Jesuits in Portugal said: “We must see black as white if the church says so.”13
Jesuits are the subversive ambassadors of the Catholic Church, bringing chaos and ruin to all
nations they infiltrate. They believe that “[t]he Catholic Church has the right and duty to kill
heretics because it is by fire and sword that heresy can be extirpated. . . . Repentance cannot be
allowed to save them, just as repentance is not allowed to save civil criminals; for the highest
good of the church is the unity of the faith, and this cannot be preserved unless heretics are put to
Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit Priest, was saved by the grace of God and came out of the
Jesuit priesthood. The Jesuits made numerous attempts to kill him before he could reveal the
secrets of the Jesuits. He survived the attempts on his life and exposed much about sinister
methods and motives of the Jesuits. Read the following excerpt from the Extreme Oath of the
Jesuits, which is given to a Jesuit Priest when he is elevated to a position of command. Alberto
Rivera took such an oath while he was a Jesuit. The oath is preceded by a preamble, apparently
recited by a fellow Jesuit of higher authority:
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and
information in your power from every source: to ingratiate yourself into the
confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and
character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the
schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries and
councils of state and to “be all things to all men,” for the pope’s sake, whose
servants we are unto death. . . . You must serve the proper time as the instrument
and executioner as directed by your superiors, for none can command here who
has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for “Without the
shedding of blood no man can be saved.”
Baptist, the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, scared host of
Heaven and to you, my ghostly Father, the Superior General of the Society of
Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the Pontification of Paul the Third, and
continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the
rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that his holiness, the Pope, is Christ’s Vice-
regent, and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church
throughout the earth; and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and loosing,
given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose
heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths, and governments, all being
illegal without his sacred confirmation, and that they may be safely destroyed.
Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his
Holiness’ right and customs against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant
authority, whatever especially the Luthern Church of Germany, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, and the now pretended authority of the Church of
England and Scotland, the branches of the same, now where . . . . . I do now
renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state
named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with to
assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church’s interest,
to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels, from time to time as they may
instruct me, and not to divulge directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or
circumstances whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge
or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father . . . . .
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or
any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver [perinde ac cadaver]
but unhesitatingly, obey each and very command that I may receive from my
superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ.
That I will go to any part of the world, whatsoever, without murmuring and will
be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me . . . . . I do further
promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage
relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I
am directed to do to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole
earth, and that I will spare neither sex, age, nor condition, and that I will hang,
waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the
stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the
wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.
That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the
strangulation cord, the steel of the poinard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the
honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons whatsoever may be their
condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do
by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith of the
Society of Jesus.15
Franz Wernz, the Jesuit General from 1906-1915, stated that “[t]he Church can condemn
heretics to death, for any rights they have are only through our tolerance, and these rights are
apparent not real”16
Jesuit priests are subjected to certain “spiritual exercises” which were first devised by
Igantious Loyola. During the spiritual exercises the subject becomes possessed and controlled by
a devil.
We imbue into him spiritual forces which he would find very difficult to eliminate
later, forces more lasting than all the best principles and doctrines; these forces
can come up again to the surface, sometimes after years of not even mentioning
them, and become so imperative that the will finds itself unable to oppose any
obstacle, and has to follow their irresistible impulse.17
Between 1569 and 1605 the Jesuits orchestrated no less than eleven plots against
Protestant England, which involved invasion, rebellion, and assassination. Each is known by the
leader of the treachery: Ridolfi, Sanders, Gregory XIII, Campion, Parsons, Duke of Guise, Allen,
Throgmorten, Parry, Babington, Sixtus V, Philip II of Spain, Yorke, Walpole, Southwell, and
Guy Fawkes.18
In the 1586 “Babington plot” the Jesuits along with other Catholics planned to Kill
Protestant Queen Elizabeth I, place Catholic Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots on the throne of
England and bring England under subjection to the Pope of Rome. That plot was discovered and
Mary was executed for her troubles.19
After the failed Babington plot, the Pope, in league with Philip II of Spain, planned to
invade England and bring it under papal control. In 1588 Spain brought the 136 ship Spanish
Armada against England. The Sovereign God of the Universe whipped up a freak storm which
devastated the Armada and allowed England with only 30 ships to defeat Spain after an eight
hour sea battle.20
On November 5, 1605 Jesuit led Roman Catholic conspirators planned to Kill King
James I and the entire English Parliament by blowing up the House of Lords. They placed 20
barrels of gunpowder under the House of Lords. The plot, however, was discovered and the
conspirators were captured. To this day that event is simply referred to as the “Gunpowder
Plot.”21 November 5 is a national holiday in England, commemorating the Catholic conspiracy in
the Gunpowder Plot. The holiday is called Guy Fawkes Day; Guy Fawkes was one of the
Gunpowder Plot conspirators.22
The Jesuit subversion of nations has caused 56 countries to ban the Jesuits, most of whom
have since lifted the bans. In 1759 the Jesuits were banned throughout the Portuguese Empire.23
On April 6, 1762 the French Parliament issued the following “statement of arrest” (indictment):
The said Institute [Jesuits] is inadmissible an any civilised State, as its nature is
hostile to all spiritual and temporal authority; it seeks to introduce into the Church
and States, under the plausible veil of a religious Institute, not an Order truly
desirous to spread evangelical perfection, but rather a political body working
untiringly at usurping all authority, by all kinds of indirect, secret, and devious
means. . . .[The Jesuits’ doctrine is] perverse, a destroyer of all religious and
honest principles, insulting to christian morals, pernicious to civil society, hostile
to the rights of the nation, the royal power, and even the security of the sovereigns
and obedience of their subjects; suitable to stir up the greatest disturbances in the
States, conceive and maintain the worst kind of corruption in men’s hearts.24
In 1764 the Jesuits were outlawed in France, and in 1767 they were banned from Spain.25
Such great military and political pressure was brought by the European nations that were the
objects of Jesuit subversion that Pope Clement XIII decided on the 3rd of February 1769 to
dissolve the Jesuits. The night before he was to execute the dissolution, however, he suddenly
fell ill and died. Prior to his death he cried out “I am dying . . . It is a very dangerous thing to
attack the Jesuits.”26 His successor, Pope Clement XIV, was also put under tremendous politacal
pressure to dissolve the Jesuits, but he resisted doing so for three years until the political tension
finally forced his hand. Pope Clement XIV issued the papal brief of dissolution, Dominus ac
Redemptor, on August 16, 1773.27 Pope Clement XIV knew the significance of such an act to the
papacy, he exclaimed: “I have cut off my right hand.”28 In addition, Pope Clement XIV knew
that by signing the brief dissolving the Jesuits he was signing his own death warrant. Soon after
signing the brief the letters I.S.S.S.V. appeared on the palace walls in the Vatican.29 Pope
Clement XIV knew what it meant and explained that it stood for In Settembre, Sara Sede
Vacante. Which translated means “in September, the See will be vacant (the pope will be
dead).”30 Pope Clement XIV was poisoned and died on September 22, 1774.31
Interestingly, it was just three years after Pope Clement XIV’s suppression of the Jesuits
that the subversive organization the “Illuminati” was purportedly founded by a trained Jesuit
named Adam Weishaupt in 1776.32 Weishaupt was a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt
University, which was a Jesuit University and the center of the Jesuit counter-reformation.33
Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit priest, stated that the occult Illuminati organization was not
founded by Weishaupt, as many believe, but in fact was established long before Weishaupt. The
Illuminati is in fact the ancient Alumbrados, whose one time leader was Ignatius of Loyola, the
founder of the Jesuits.34 The purpose of Weishaupt initially was to avenge the papal suppression
of the Jesuits by rooting out all religion and overturning the governments of the world, bringing
them under a single world government, controlled of course by the Illuminati, under the authority
of their god. That world government is commonly referred to by the Illuminati as the “New
World Order.” The god of the Illuminati is Satan.35
The secret Illuminati organization was the hidden guiding hand behind the brutal French
Revolution, during which 300,000 people were massacred in a godless orgy of violence.36 Moses
Mordecai Marx Levi, alias Karl Marx, was a Satanist and a member of the “League of the Just,”
which was a branch of the Illuminati.37 In 1847, Marx was commissioned by the Illuminati to
write the Communist Manifesto, which is an outline of their plans for world domination.38 There
was nothing new in the Communist Manifesto, it was merely a plagiarization of the plans already
espoused by Weishaupt and his disciple Clinton Roosevelt (a distant relative of Franklin Delano
On December 20, 1781 a meeting was held between Weishaupt and the hierarchy of
Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad.40 In July 1782, an agreement was reached to
combine the Illuminati and the Masons.41 Masonry provided the perfect recruiting ground for the
Illuminati. As with the Illuminati, Masonry provides stages of initiation that gradually
desensitizes the person being initiated and allows the hierarchy to assess the fitness of the person
to advance to the upper stages. The initiation into the Royal Arch (7th degree of the York Rite
and 13th degree of the Scottish Rite) requires the initiate to drink wine from the top half of a
human skull and take a blood oath not to reveal any of the secrets of Masonry and to lie and do
anything else necessary to assist a fellow Mason in extricating himself from the consequences of
committing any crime, including murder and treason. The Handbook of Masonry states that a
Mason “must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons . . . and should you be summoned as
a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him . . . It may be perjury to do this , it
is true, but you’re keeping your obligations.”42
John Robison, Professor of Natural Pholosophy, who was General Secretary of the Royal
Society of Edinborough and an influential Freemason, was one of the leading intellectuals of his
day He was a witness to the influence of the Illuminati and the Jesuits within Freemasonry. In
1798 he published a book titled Proofs of a Conspiracy. In his authoritative book, Professor
Robison stated the following regarding the amalgamation of Freemasonry and the Illuminati: “an
association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all religious establishments
and overturning all the existing governments of Europe. I have seen this association exerting
itself zealously and systematically, till it has become almost irresistible: and I have seen that the
most active leaders in the French Revolution were members of this association, and conducted
their first movements according to its principles, and by means of its instructions and assistance,
formerly requested and obtained.”43
Professor Robison revealed in his book that he witnessed the Jesuits begin their
interference in Freemasonry after the Jesuits were suppressed by the pope in 1773. He stated that
the Jesuits were using Freemasonry as a way of maintaining their power.44 Professor Robison
stated that the influence of the Jesuits over Freemasonry was considerable. The Jesuit control
over Freemasonry was so complete that the Jesuits even changed many of the promotional
ceremonies and degrees in Freemasonry.45
To ensure that crimes committed by Masons are not prosecuted Masonic lodges actively
recruit members from the legal and law enforcement communities. Because of this,
communities should not permit anyone who is a Mason to hold the offices of sheriff, judge,
prosecutor, or police investigator. When one hears of seemingly unexplainable behavior of the
police, a judge, a prosecutor, or any politician that allows a criminal go free, one should not
overlook the hidden hand of Masonry. For example, Albert Pike, the “Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern
Jurisdiction, U.S.A.,” was convicted of treason. But in April 22, 1866, Pike was granted a full
pardon by President Andrew Johnson. The next day Pike visited the president in the White
House. Pike visited Johnson again in 1867, after the impeachment proceedings had begun
against Johnson. General Gordon Granger was present at the 1867 meeting and was summoned
before the U.S. Congress to testify about the meeting. General Granger testified that Johnson and
Pike discussed Masonry and that he understood from the conversation that Pike was Johnson’s
superior in Masonry. Shortly thereafter, on June 20, 1867, a delegation of Masons granted
Johnson the fourth through the 32nd degrees of the Scottish Rite of Masonry in his bedroom at
the White House.46
Millard Fillmore, the thirteenth president of the United States and a former Mason, said
that “[t]he Masonic fraternity tramples upon our rights, defeats the administration of justice, and
bids defiance to every government which it cannot control.”47 A joint committee of the
Massachusetts legislature investigated Freemasonry in 1834 and concluded that Masonry was “a
distinct independent government within our government, and beyond the control of the laws of
the land by means of its secrecy.”48
Albert Pike, the theological pontiff of Masonry wrote that “[i]t is certain that its true
pronunciation is not represented by the word Jehovah; and therefore that that is not the true name
of Diety, nor the Ineffable Word.”49 God’s word, however, states clearly that JEHOVAH is
God’s name. “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high
over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 AV)
If the Masons do not recognize JEHOVAH as God, who is their god? The god of the
Masons is Lucifer, which was Satan’s name before he rebelled against God and was cast out of
heaven. Albert Pike said that “[t]he doctrine of Satanism is heresy; and the true an pure
philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and
God of Good is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”50
Adonay is the Old Testament Hebrew word for God. Pike not only acknowledges that Lucifer is
the god of Freemasonry, but he also blasphemes God by calling God “the God of Darkness and
Pike wrote the official theological manual of Masonry titled Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Holy Bible (Genesis 2:7) is clear that God created
Adam. In Morals and Dogma, Pike blasphemes God by calling the creator of Adam the “Prince
of Darkness.”51
The Holy Bible (Genesis 2:17) states that God forbade Adam from eating of the fruit of
the knowledge of good and evil. Pike blasphemes God again by referring to God as “the
Demons” who forbade Adam from eating from the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.52 The
Holy Bible states that God created Eve. Pike continues his blasphemy by calling God “the
Demons” who created Eve.53
Pike portrays the serpent (Satan) as “an Angel of Light” that induced Adam to transgress
against “the Demons” and thus giving Adam “the means of victory.”54 Pike calls the sin of Adam
and Eve as the means of victory over God. Whereas God views Adams disobedience against him
as the means of the fall of man, which required God to come down to earth and redeem man.
(Romans 5:12-21) Christ has won the victory over Satan for all those who believe in Jesus. (1
Corinthians 15:54-58, 1 John 5:4, Revelations 15:2) While it is true that Satan can transform
himself into an angel of light (see 2 Corinthians 11:14), Pike’s point in calling Satan an “Angel
of Light” was to distinguish him from God, whom he called the “Prince of Darkness.”
the Templars, was arrested and while he was in prison founded the first lodges of Freemasonry in
Naples, Edinburgh, Stockholm, and Paris.59 De Molay was burned at the stake in 1314 by King
Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V.60 Albert Pike states that both King Philip IV of France
and Pope Clement V were assassinated shortly thereafter as revenge for the suppression of the
Knights Templars.61 The young men’s branch of modern freemasonry is named after Jacques de
Most secret societies are set up so that those that are in the lower echelons of the
organization are kept in the dark regarding the broad strategic plans of the organization. In the
1860's, Giuseppe Mazzini, the worldwide director of Illuminized Masonry, and Albert Pike, the
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Supreme Council, decided to form a single
supreme council of the Masonic order.62 Pike was to be given dogmatic authority with the title of
Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, while Mazzini was to have the executive authority
with the title of Sovereign Chief of Political Action. They called this new level in Freemasonry
the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Their plan was to keep this new supreme rite within
Masonry unknown to the general membership of Freemasonry. Members would be chosen for
the Palladian Rite from 33rd degree Masons. The members chosen for membership in the
Palladian Rite were sworn to strict secrecy regarding even the existence of this new supreme rite.
The intent of the Palladian Rite was to govern all Masonry worldwide through one international
organization. The general membership of Masonry, however, was not to be informed of the
larger strategy. The centers of operation for the Palladian Rite were located in Charleston, Rome,
and Berlin.
William Schnoebelen, a former satanic priest and member of the Iluminati, revealed that
in order to continue in his advancement within the satanic hierarchy it was necessary for him to
become a Master Mason and receive holy orders to become a Catholic priest.67 Shnoebelen
thought that Catholics were strictly forbidden to become Masons. He asked the satanic leadership
how could it be that he must become both a Catholic priest and a Mason. “The opposition
between the Catholics and Masons was actually superficial, they explained. At the highest
levels, these two sects converge. Of course the rank and file cannot understand this because they
are kept in the dark. All cults, naturally, operate on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.”68 Because he was
married, he became a Catholic priest in the Old Roman Catholic Church (O.R.C.C.). The
O.R.C.C. is a splinter group from the Vatican, which has valid holy orders, has celebrated mass
for centuries, and allows for a married priesthood. He stated that the Catholic liturgy of the mass
is basically an occult magic ritual. It is, therefore, easy for Satanists to tweak it slightly in order
to make it into the consummate black magic ritual.69
George Lanz von Liebenfels was an Austrian occultist who founded a German version of
the Knights Templar in Vienna in 1907, calling it “The Order of the New Templars.”70
Liebenfels chose the swastika as the emblem of his new organization.71 One of Liebenfels pupils
was the loyal Roman Catholic Adolph Hitler.72 In 1932, Liebenfel wrote to one of his initiates
that Hitler would one day develop an organization that would make the world tremble.
Satan’s kingdom is one of conflict and rebellion, which is why from time to time his
organizations are in conflict. For example, the objectives of the Illuminati is the destruction of
all ordered government and religions including Catholicism. However, we see the Illuminati and
its subordinate organizations working hand in hand with the Vatican in many areas. Ignatius of
Loyola was arrested several times by the officers of the Inquisition, before he swore allegiance to
the pope and the Jesuits were made a Catholic order. The Knights Templar, who were
recognized as the “Militia of Christ” as the pope’s army, were ultimately suppressed by King
Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V, burning at the stake the Grand Master (Jacques de
Molay) and other leaders of the Templars. World War II is a good example of the chaotic and
fluid nature of Satan’s kingdom. Stalin and Hitler started out as allies at the beginning of the
war, but later the communists of Russia and the Nazis of Germany were locked in a horrific war.
Now again, after the war the Nazis and communists are cooperating in subverting the
government of the United States. Many of the same members of the Nazi organizations are also
communists. God’s kingdom is based on love, manifested in selfless service. Satan’s kingdom
is based on hate and blind ambition, which manifests itself in conflict within and between his
organizations. The governments and organizations that are working toward Satan’s one world
religion/government have an abiding hatred toward Christ and Christians. Satan wants to break
the cords of the laws of God.
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the
earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD,
and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast
away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord
shall have them in derision. (Psalms 2:1-4 AV)
On August 7, 1814, the Jesuits were restored as a Catholic order by Pope Pius VII.73 John
Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson in 1816 “I am not happy about the rebirth of the Jesuits. . . .
Swarms of them will present themselves under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the
Bohemians, as printers, writers, publishers, school teachers, etc. If ever an association of people
deserved eternal damnation, on this earth and in hell, it is the Society of Loyola. Yet, with our
system of religious liberty, we can but offer them a refuge.”74 Thomas Jefferson answered
Adams: “Like you, I object to the Jesuits’ reestablishment which makes light give way to
In 1835, Samuel Morse, the great inventor of the telegraph, echoed the concerns of
Jefferson and Adams; he described the Jesuits and their threat to the United States as follows:
And do Americans need to be told what Jesuits are? If any are ignorant, let them
inform themselves of their history without delay: no time is to be lost: their
workings are before you in every day’s events: they are a secret society, a sort of
Masonic order, with superadded features of most revolting odiousness and a
thousand times more dangerous. They are not confined to one class on society;
they are not merely priests, or priests of one religious creed, they are merchants,
and lawyers, and editors, and men of any profession, and no profession, having no
outward badge (in this country,) by which to be recognised; they are about in all
your society. They can assume any character that of angels of light, or minsters of
darkness, to accomplish their one great end, the service upon which they are
sworn to start at any moment, in any direction, and for any service, commanded
by the general of their order, bound to no family, community, or country, by the
ordinary ties which bind men; and sold for life to the cause of the Roman
The concerns of Morse, Adams, and Jefferson were justified; once being reestablished as
a Catholic order the Jesuits did not miss a beat, during the 19th century they fomented
revolutions throughout the world, attempting to bring to power oppressive despots whom they
would then control. They were at one time or another expelled from Belgium, Russia, Portugal
(1834), the Italian states (1859), Spain (three times-1820, 1835, and 1868), Germany (1872),
Guatemala (1872), Mexico (1873), Brazil (1874), Equador (1875), Colombia (1875), Costa Rica
(1884), and France (twice-1880 and 1901).77 They caused the Swiss Civil war in 1847, as a
result they were banished from Switzerland in 1848.78 To this day, the Swiss Constitution
(article 51) prohibits the presence of the Jesuits anywhere in Switzerland.79 The Jesuit
subversion has continued to modern times, causing the Jesuits to be expelled from Haiti in 1964
and Burma in 1966.80 To this day they are instigating communist revolutions in South America.
The Jesuits’ new brand of South American communism is known as “Liberation Theology.”
All nations should learn from the experience of Protestant England and understand the
threat that Rome and the Jesuits pose to any free country. The Roman Catholic Church uses
religious superstition to usurp the authority and undermine independence of any state. King
Henry VIII cast off the yoke of Rome and declared that he was to be the head of the church in
England. King Henry VIII’s error is all too obvious. For there is only one head of God’s church
and that is Jesus Christ. The pope was incensed at the insolence of King Henry. The pope,
however, was not angry because the king blasphemously claimed the authority of Christ as head
of the church but because the king had replaced him, the supreme pontiff of Rome, as the head of
the church. The King of England was politically too strong for the pope to do anything to change
the situation in England, consequently the monarch of England to this day is the head of the
Church of England (known as the Anglican or Episcopal Church). The Episcopal church is one
of the harlot daughters of the Roman mother of harlots. See Revelation 17:5. In May 1538, the
pope sought his revenge for the separation of the Church of England from Rome; the pope
excommunicated all in Ireland who recognized the supremacy of the King of England or any
ecclesiastical or civil power greater than that of the Roman Catholic Church. The events are
recounted in the classic Foxe’s Book of Martyrs:
A short time after this, the pope sent over to Ireland (directed to the archbishop of
Armagh and his clergy) a bull of excommunication against all who had, or should
own the king's supremacy within the Irish nation; denouncing a curse on all of
them, and theirs, who should not, within forty days, acknowledge to their
confessors, that they had done amiss in so doing.
Archbishop Browne gave notice of this in a letter dated, Dublin, May, 1538. Part
of the form of confession, or vow, sent over to these Irish papists, ran as follows:
"I do further declare him or here, father or mother, brother or sister, son or
daughter, husband or wife, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, kinsman or
kinswoman, master or mistress, and all others, nearest or dearest relations, friend
or acquaintance whatsoever, accursed, that either do or shall hold, for the time to
come, any ecclesiastical or civil power above the authority of the Mother Church;
or that do or shall obey, for the time to come, any of her, the Mother of Churches'
opposers or enemies, or contrary to the same, of which I have here sworn unto: so
God, the Blessed Virgin, St. Peter, St. Paul, and the Holy Evangelists, help me,"
etc. is an exact agreement with the doctrines promulgated by the Councils of
Lateran and Constance, which expressly declare that no favor should be shown to
heretics, nor faith kept with them; that they ought to be excommunicated and
condemned, and their estates confiscated, and that princes are obliged, by a
solemn oath, to root them out of their respective dominions.81
The political and religious attacks against Protestant England by Rome continued up to
and beyond 1641; in 1641 the beast of Rome planned a murderous insurrection in Ireland. The
objective of the barbarous conspiracy was to murder all Protestants in Ireland, without exception.
In this instance, as in many others, we find the Jesuits leading the murderous and maniacal
charge. The Jesuits placed their hellish imprimatur on the massacre by beginning it on the feast
day of their founder, Ignatius of Loyola. When the dust finally settled on the genocide, Rome
had exterminated 150,000 innocent men, women, and children. This massacre illustrates the
danger of a Roman Catholic majority in any country. No matter who seems to control the
political reigns, when the lawful government is at odds with Rome there will be hell to pay.
Rome is a master at mass insurrection through the incitation of base barbarians who have sold
their soul to the superstition of the Roman Cult. I cannot improve on the authoritative book,
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, so I will quote at length from that account of the massacre:
The design of this horrid conspiracy was that a general insurrection should take
place at the same time throughout the kingdom, and that all the Protestants,
without exception, should be murdered. The day fixed for this horrid massacre,
was the twenty-third of October, 1641, the feast of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the
Jesuits; and the chief conspirators in the principal parts of the kingdom made the
necessary preparations for the intended conflict.
In order that this detested scheme might the more infallibly succeed, the most
distinguished artifices were practiced by the papists; and their behavior in their
visits to the Protestants, at this time, was with more seeming kindness than they
had hitherto shown, which was done the more completely to effect the inhuman
and treacherous designs then meditating against them.
The execution of this savage conspiracy was delayed until the approach of winter,
that sending troops from England might be attended with greater difficulty.
Cardinal Richelieu, the French minister, had promised the conspirators a
considerable supply of men and money; and many Irish officers had given the
strongest assurances that they would heartily concur with their Catholic brethren,
as soon as the insurrection took place.
The day preceding that appointed for carrying this horrid design into execution
was now arrived, when, happily, for the metropolis of the kingdom, the conspiracy
was discovered by one Owen O'Connelly, an Irishman, for which most signal
service the English Parliament voted him 500 pounds and a pension of 200
pounds during his life.
So very seasonably was this plot discovered, even but a few hours before the city
and castle of Dublin were to have been surprised, that the lords-justice had but
just time to put themselves, and the city, in a proper posture of defence. Lord
M'Guire, who was the principal leader here, with his accomplices, was seized the
same evening in the city; and in their lodgings were found swords, hatchets, pole-
axes, hammers, and such other instruments of death as had been prepared for the
destruction and extirpation of the Protestants in that part of the kingdom.
Thus was the metropolic happily preserved; but the bloody part of the intended
tragedy was past prevention. The conspirators were in arms all over the kingdom
early in the morning of the day appointed, and every Protestant who fell in their
way was immediately murdered. No age, no sex, no condition, was spared. The
wife weeping for her butchered husband, and embracing her helpless children,
was pierced with them, and perished by the same stroke. The old, the young, the
vigorous, and the infirm, underwent the same fate, and were blended in one
common ruin. In vain did flight save from the first assault, destruction was
everywhere let loose, and met the hunted victims at every turn. In vain was
recourse had to relations, to companions, to friends; all connections were
dissolved; and death was dealt by that hand from which protection was implored
and expected. Without provocation, without opposition, the astonished English,
living in profound peace, and, as they thought, full security, were massacred by
their nearest neighbors, with whom they had long maintained a continued
intercourse of kindness and good offices. Nay, even death was the slightest
punishment inflicted by these monsters in human form; all the tortures which
wanton cruelty could invent, all the lingering pains of body, the anguish of mind,
the agonies of despair, could not satiate revenge excited without injury, and
cruelly derived from no just cause whatever. Depraved nature, even perverted
religion, though encouraged by the utmost license, cannot reach to a greater pitch
of ferocity than appeared in these merciless barbarians. Even the weaker sex
themselves, naturally tender to their own sufferings, and compassionate to those
of others, have emulated their robust companions in the practice of every cruelty.
The very children, taught by example and encouraged by the exhortation of their
parents, dealt their feeble blows on the dead carcasses of the defenceless children
of the English.
Nor was the avarice of the Irish sufficient to produce the least restraint on their
cruelty. Such was their frenzy, that the cattle they had seized, and by repine had
made their own, were, because they bore the name of English, wontonly
slaughtered, or, when covered with wounds, turned loose into the woods, there to
perish by slow and lingering torments.
The commodious habitations of the planters were laid in ashes, or levelled with
the ground. And where the wretched owners had shut themselves up in the houses,
and were preparing for defence, they perished in the flames together with their
wives and children.
Such is the general description of this unparalleled massacre; but it now remains,
from the nature of our work, that we proceed to particulars.
The bigoted and merciless papists had no sooner begun to imbrue their hands in
blood than they repeated the horrid tragedy day after day, and the Protestants in all
parts of the kingdom fell victims to their fury by deaths of the most unheard-of
The ignorant Irish were more strongly instigated to execute the infernal business
by the Jesuits, priests, and friars, who, when the day for the execution of the plot
was agreed on, recommended in their prayers, diligence in the great design, which
they said would greatly tend to the prosperity of the kingdom, and to the
advancement of the Catholic cause. They everywhere declared to the common
people, that the Protestants were heretics, and ought not to be suffered to live any
longer among them; adding that it was no more sin to kill an Englishman than to
kill a dog; and that the relieving or protecting them was a crime of the most
unpardonable nature.
The papists having besieged the town and castle of Longford, and the inhabitants
of the latter, who were Protestants, surrendering on condition of being allowed
quarter, the besiegers, the instant the townspeople appeared, attacked them in a
most unmerciful manner, their priest, as a signal for the rest to fall on, first ripping
open the belly of the English Protestant minister; after which his followers
murdered all the rest, some of whom they hanged, others were stabbed or shot,
and great numbers knocked on the head with axes provided for the purpose.
The garrison at Sligo was treated in like manner by O'Connor Slygah; who, upon
the Protestants quitting their holds, promised them quarter, and to convey them
safe over the Curlew mountains, to Roscommon. But he first imprisoned them in a
most loathsome jail, allowing them only grains for their food. Afterward, when
some papists were merry over their cups, who were come to congratulate their
wicked brethren for their victory over these unhappy creatures, those Protestants
who survived were brought forth by the White-firars, and were either killed, or
precipitated over the bridge into a swift river, where they were soon destroyed. It
is added, that this wicked company of White-friars went, some time after, in
solemn procession, with holy water in their hands, to sprinkle the river; on
pretence of cleansing and purifying it from the stains and pollution of the blood
and dead bodies of the heretics, as they called the unfortunate Protestants who
were inhumanly slaughtered at this very time.
* * *
In the barony of Terawley, the papists, at the instigation of the friars, compelled
above forty English Protestants, some of whom were women and children, to the
hard fate of either falling by the sword, or of drowning in the sea. These choosing
the latter, were accordingly forced, by the naked weapons of their inexorable
persecutors, into the deep, where, with their children in their arms, they first
waded up to their chins, and afterwards sunk down and perished together.
In the castle of Lisgool upwards of one hundred and fifty men, women, and
children, were all burnt together; and at the castle of Moneah not less than one
hundred were all put to the sword. Great numbers were also murdered at the castle
of Tullah, which was delivered up to M'Guire on condition of having fair quarter;
but no sooner had that base villain got possession of the place than he ordered his
followers to murder the people, which was immeidately done with the greatest
Many others were put to deaths of the most horrid nature, and such as could have
been invented only by demons instead of men. Some of them were laid with the
center of their backs on the axle-tree of a carriage, with their legs resting on the
ground on one side, and their arms and head on the other. In this position, one of
the savages scourged the wretched object on the thighs, legs, etc., while another
set on furious dogs, who tore to pieces the arms and upper parts of the body; and
in this dreadful manner were they deprived of their existence. Great numbers were
fastened to horses' tails, and the beasts being set on full gallop by their riders, the
wretched victims were dragged along until they expired. Others were hung on
lofty gibbets, and a fire being kindled under them, they finished their lives, partly
by hanging, and partly by suffocation.
Nor did the more tender sex escape the least particle of cruelty that could be
projected by their merciless and furious persecutors. Many women, of all ages,
were put to deaths of the most cruel nature. Some, in particular, were fastened
with their backs to strong posts, and being stripped to their waists, the inhuman
monsters cut off their right breasts with shears, which, of course, put them to the
most excruciating torments; and in this position they were left, until, from the loss
of blood, they expired.
Such was the savage ferocity of these barbarians, that even unborn infants were
dragged from the womb to become victims to their rage. Many unhappy mothers
were hung naked in the branches of trees, and their bodies being cut open, the
innocent offsprings were taken from them, and thrown to dogs and swine. And to
increase the horrid scene, they would oblige the husband to be a spectator before
suffering himself.
In the same part of the country, at least four thousand persons were drowned in
different places. The inhuman papists, after first stripping them, drove them like
beasts to the spot fixed on for their destruction; and if any, through fatigue, or
natural infirmities, were slack in their pace, they pricked them with their swords
and pikes; and to strike terror on the multitude, they murdered some by the way.
Many of these poor wretches, when thrown into the water, endeavored to save
themselves by swimming to the shore but their merciless persecutors prevented
their endeavors taking effect, by shooting them in the water.
In one place one hundred and forty English, after being driven for many miles
stark naked, and in the most severe weather, were all murdered on the same spot,
some being hanged, others burnt, some shot, and many of them buried alive; and
so cruel were their tormentors that they would not suffer them to pray before they
robbed them of their miserable existence.
Other companies they took under pretence of safe conduct, who, from that
consideration, proceeded cheerfully on their journey; but when the treacherous
papists had got them to a convenient spot, they butchered them all in the most
cruel manner.
One hundred and fifteen men, women, and children, were conducted, by order of
Sir Phelim O'Neal, to Portadown bridge, where they were all forced into the river,
and drowned. One woman, named Campbell, finding no probability of escaping,
suddenly clasped one of the chief of the papists in her arms, and held him so fast
that they were both drowned together.
In Kilmore, the inhabitants, which consisted of about two hundred families, all
fell victims to their rage. Some of them sat in the stocks until they confessed
where their money was; after which they put them to death. The whole county was
one common scene of butchery, and many thousands perished, in a short time, by
sword, famine, fire, water, and others the most cruel deaths, that rage and malice
could invent.
At Casel they put all the Protestants into a loathsome dungeon, where they kept
them together, for several weeks, in the greatest misery. At length they were
released, when some of them were barbarously mangled, and left on the highways
to perish at leisure; others were hanged, and some were buried in the ground
upright, with their heads above the earth, and the papists, to increase their misery,
treating them with derision during their sufferings. In the county of Antrim they
murdered nine hundred and fifty-four Protestants in one morning; and afterwards
about twelve hundred more in that county.
At a town called Lisnegary, they forced twenty-four Protestants into a house, and
then setting fire to it, burned them together, counterfeiting their outcries in
derision to the others.
the mother into a river, and she was drowned. They served many other children in
the like manner, to the great affliction of their parents, and the disgrace of human
In Kilkenny all the Protestants, without exception, were put to death; and some of
them in so cruel a manner, as, perhaps, was never before thought of.
They beat an Englishwoman with such savage barbarity, that she had scarce a
whole bone left; after which they threw her into a ditch; but not satisfied with this,
they took her child, a girl about six years of age, and after ripping up its belly,
threw it to its mother, there to languish until it perished. They forced one man to
go to Mass, after which they ripped open his body, and in that manner left him.
They sawed another asunder, cut the throat of his wife, and after having dashed
out the brains of their child, an infant, threw it to the swine, who greedily
devoured it.
After committing these, and several other horrid cruelties, they took the heads of
seven Protestants, and among them that of a pious minister, all of which they
fixed up at the market cross. They put a gag into the minister's mouth, then slit his
cheeks to his ears, and laying a leaf of a Bible before it, bid him preach, for his
mouth was wide enough. They did several other things by way of derision, and
expressed the greatest satisfaction at having thus murdered and exposed the
unhappy Protestants.
In one place they burnt two Protestant Bibles, and then said they had burnt hell-
fire. In the church at Powerscourt they burnt the pulpit, pews, chests, and Bibles
belonging to it. They took other Bibles, and after wetting them with dirty water,
dashed them in the faces of the Protestants, saying, "We know you love a good
lesson; here is an excellent one for you; come to-morrow, and you shall have as
good a sermon as this."
Some of the Protestants they dragged by the hair of their heads into the church,
where they stripped and whipped them in the most cruel manner, telling them, at
the same time, that if they came tomorrow, they should hear the like sermon.
In Munster they put to death several ministers in the most shocking manner. One,
in particular, they stripped stark naked, and driving him before them, pricked him
with swords and darts until he fell down, and expired.
In some places they plucked out the eyes, and cut off the hands of the Protestants,
and in that manner turned them into the fields, there to wander out their miserable
existence. They obliged many young men to force their aged parents to a river,
where they were drowned; wives to assist in hanging their husbands; and mothers
to cut the throats of their children.
In one place they compelled a young man to kill his father, and then immediately
hanged him. In another they forced a woman to kill her husband, then obliged the
son to kill her, and afterward shot him through the head.
At a place called Glaslow, a popish priest, with some others, prevailed on forty
Protestants to be reconciled to the Church of Rome. They had no sooner done this
than they told them they were in good faith, and that they would prevent their
falling from it, and turning heretics, by sending them out of the world, which they
did by immediately cutting their throats.
In the county of Mayo about sixty Protestants, fifteen of whom were ministers,
were, upon covenant, to be safely conducted to Galway, by one Edmund Burke
and his soldiers; but that inhuman monster by the way drew his sword, as an
intimation of his design to the rest, who immediately followed his example, and
murdered the whole, some of whom they stabbed, others were run through the
body with pikes, and several were drowned.
In Queen's County great numbers of Protestants were put to the most shocking
deaths. Fifty or sixty were placed together in one house, which being set on fire,
they all perished in the flames. Many were stripped naked, and being fastened to
horses by ropes placed round their middles, were dragged through bogs until they
expired. Some were hung by the feet to tenterhooks driven into poles; and in that
wretched posture left until they perished. Others were fastened to the trunk of a
tree, with a branch at top. Over this branch hung one arm, which principally
supported the weight of the body; and one of the legs was turned up, and fastened
to the trunk, while the other hung straight. In this dreadful and uneasy posture did
they remain as long as life would permit, pleasing spectacles to their bloodthirsty
At Clownes seventeen men were buried alive; and an Englishman, his wife, five
children, and a servant maid, were all hanged together, and afterward thrown into
a ditch. They hung many by the arms to branches of trees, with a weight to their
feet; and others by the middle, in which posture they left them until they expired.
Several were hanged on windmills, and before they were half dead, the barbarians
cut them in pieces with their swords. Others, both men, women, and children, they
cut and hacked in various parts of their bodies, and left them wallowing in their
blood to perish where they fell. One poor woman they hanged on a gibbet, with
her child, an infant about a twelve-month old, the latter of whom was hanged by
the neck with the hair of its mother's head, and in that manner finished its short
but miserable existence.
In the county of Tyrone no less than three hundred Protestants were drowned in
one day; and many others were hanged, burned, and otherwise put to death. Dr.
Maxwell, rector of Tyrone, lived at this time near Armagh, and suffered greatly
from these merciless savages. This person, in his examination, taken upon oath
before the king's commissioners, declared that the Irish papists owned to him, that
they, at several times, had destroyed, in one place, 12,000 Protestants, whom they
inhumanly slaughtered at Glynwood, in their flight from the county of Armagh.
As the river Bann was not fordable, and the bridge broken down, the Irish forced
thither at different times, a great number of unarmed, defenceless Protestants, and
with pikes and swords violently thrust about one thousand into the river, where
they miserably perished.
Nor did the cathedral of Armagh escape the fury of those barbarians, it being
maliciously set on fire by their leaders, and burnt to the ground. And to extirpate,
if possible, the very race of those unhappy Protestants, who lived in or near
Armagh, the Irish first burnt all their houses, and then gathered together many
hundreds of those innocent people, young and old, on pretence of allowing them a
guard and safe conduct to Colerain, when they treacherously fell on them by the
way, and inhumanly murdered them.
The like horrid barbarities with those we have particularized, were practiced on
the wretched Protestants in almost all parts of the kingdom; and, when an estimate
was afterward made of the number who were sacrificed to gratify diabolical souls
of the papists, it amounted to one hundred and fifty thousand.82
This genocide was planned and orchestrated from the Vatican. It was executed through
the leadership of the Jesuits and the other priestly minions of the beast of Rome. He who has
eyes let him see through the pious facade of Rome. He who has understanding let him
understand the danger posed by Rome and the Jesuits. The Roman Catholic Church never
Soon after their reestablishment in 1814 the Jesuits turned their conspiratorial efforts on
the United States. In order to understand the motives of the Jesuits, one must understand the
uniqueness of the United States and the threat that it posses to all despots, including the pope.
The founding of the United States began a new epoch in history. We threw off our earthly king
and declared that the Lord would be our King. We reversed what the ancient Jews did. The Jews
were not initially ruled by a king, kingly rule was a heathen practice. The Jews were initially
ruled by God and administered by a judge. They tried to make Gideon their king, but he refused,
telling them that the Lord shall rule over them.
Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon, Rule thou over us, both thou, and thy
son, and thy son's son also: for thou hast delivered us from the hand of Midian.
And Gideon said unto them, I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule
over you: the LORD shall rule over you. (Judges 8:22-23 AV)
Years later the Jews appealed to Samuel, who at that time was the judge of Israel. The
people told Samuel that they wanted to be ruled by a king instead of a judge. One of the methods
of Satan, that he used on the Jews, and that he is using today on the United States, is to corrupt
the leadership of the country in order that the people will be disgusted and request a change in the
form of government. The Jews requested a king because Samuel’s sons, whom Samuel made
judges in Israel, were corrupt and taking bribes. Samuel felt the he had been rejected but God
said to Samuel, they have not rejected you Samuel they have rejected me. God warned the Jews
that an earthly king would bring on them great calamity, but the people persisted. God gave them
their wish and the calamities did in fact befall the Jews just as God had predicted.
And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over
Israel. Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second,
Abiah: they were judges in Beersheba. And his sons walked not in his ways,
but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment. Then
all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto
Ramah, And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy
ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the thing
displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel
prayed unto the LORD. And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice
of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but
they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the
works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt
even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so
do they also unto thee. Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet
protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall
reign over them. And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the
people that asked of him a king. And he said, This will be the manner of the
king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for
himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before
his chariots. And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains
over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and
to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots. And he will
take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.
And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even
the best of them, and give them to his servants. And he will take the tenth of
your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants.
And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your
goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. He will take
the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants. And ye shall cry out in
that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD
will not hear you in that day. Nevertheless the people refused to obey the
voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; That we
also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before
us, and fight our battles. And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he
rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD. And the LORD said to Samuel,
Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the
men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city. (1 Samuel 8:1-22 AV)
When the United States declared its independence from the earthly King George of
England, we were put back under the rule of God. After the victory in the Revolutionary War,
some wanted to make George Washington king, but like Gideon he refused to even consider the
matter. The Pope cannot tolerate a country without a king under his authority, he wants to rule
the world and that includes the United States.
Samuel Morse revealed that there was a Catholic political conspiracy against the United
States under the cloak of a religious mission in his 1835 work, Foreign Conspiracy Against the
Liberties of the United States.83 The liberty enjoyed in the United States by its republican form
of government is viewed as a direct threat to the despotic governments of the world including the
What threat does the United States pose to the tyrannies of the world? Samuel Morse
answered that question as follows:
Is it asked, Why should the Holy Alliance feel interested in the destruction of
transatlantic liberty? I answer, the silent but powerful and increasing influence of
our institutions on Europe, is reason enough. The example alone of prosperity
which we exhibit in such strong contrast to the enslaved, priest-ridden, tax
burdened despotisms of the old world, is sufficient to keep those countries in
perpetual agitation. How can it be otherwise? Will a sick man, long despairing of
cure, learn that there is a remedy for him, and not desire to procure it? Will one
born to think a dungeon his natural home, learn through his grated bars, that man
may be free and not struggle to obtain his liberty? And what do the people of
Europe behold in this country? They witness the successful experiment of a free
government; a government for the people; without rulers de jure divino, (by divine
right:) having no hereditary privileged classes; a government exhibiting good
order and obedience to law, without an armed police and secrecy tribunals; a
government out of debt; a people industrious, enterprising, thriving in all their
interests; without monopolies; a people religious without an establishment; moral
and honest without the terrors of the confessional or the inquisition; a people not
harmed by the uncontrolled liberty of the press, and freedom of opinion; a people
that read what they please, and think, and judge, and act for themselves; a people
enjoying the most unbounded security of person and property; among whom
domestic conspiracies are unknown where the poor and rich have equal justice; a
people social and hospitable; exerting all their energies in schemes of public and
private benefit without other control than mutual forbearance. A government so
contrasted in all points with absolute governments, must, and does engage the
intense solicitude, both of the rulers and people of the old world. Every
revolution that has occurred in Europe for the last half century has been in a
greater or less degree the consequences of our own glorious revolution. The great
political truths there promulgated to the world, are the deed of the disorders and
conspiracies, and revolutions of Europe, from the first French revolution, down to
the present time. They are the throes of the internal life, breaking the bands of
darkness with which superstition ans despotism have hitherto bound the nations
struggling into the light of a new age. Can despotism know all this, and not feel it
necessary to do something to counteract the evil?84
Keep in mind that the above quote was written in 1835. Since then, the Jesuits and their
fellow popish conspirators have gradually corrupted the government of the United States to act
more like the tyrannies of the world. As explained by Dr. John Robbins:
The pope claims dominion over all kings and all kingdoms. The pope wants to rule the
world. However, the pope cannot rule a country like the United States where there is no king. In
order to accomplish the goal of ruling the world he must destroy the United States as we know it.
The pope and his fellow despots cannot conquer us by force of arms yet, so they have set upon
our gradual destruction by the artifice of a religious mission. Like the proverbial Trojan horse,
the Jesuit immigration into the United States is in reality an invasion by the secret army of the
pope. In the mid 1800's the power that was most interested in the destruction of the U.S. was
Austria, which funded the invasion into the U.S. of the Jesuits, whose mission was to secretly
undermine our republic. Morse had this to say about the conspiracy:
Yes; these Foreign despots are suddenly stirred up to combine and promote the
greater activity of Popery in this county; and this, too, just after they had been
convinced of the truth, or, more properly speaking, had their memories quickened
with it, that Popery is utterly opposed to Republican liberty.86
The official pronouncements of the Catholic Church in the United States, going back over
100 years, confirm the fact that the Catholic Church is antagonistic to liberty. “If Catholics ever
gain a sufficient numerical majority in this country, religious freedom is at an end. So our
enemies say, so we believe.” The Shepherd of the Valley (official journal of the Bishop of St.
Louis, Nov. 23, 1851).87 “No man has a right to choose his religion.” New York Freeman
(official Journal of Bishop Hughes, Jan. 26, 1852).88 “The Church . . . does not, and cannot
accept, or in any degree favor, liberty in the Protestant sense of liberty.” Catholic World (April
Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1864 issued an encyclical letter Quanta Cura, containing
the Syllabus Errorum, in which he condemned freedom of conscience as “an insane folly” and
freedom of the press as “a pestiferous error, which cannot be sufficiently detested.”90 In the
Syllabus Errorum Pope Pius stated: “No man is free to embrace and profess that religion which
he believes to be true, guided by the light of reason.”91 Pope Gregory XVI (1831-46) viewed
freedom of conscience and the press as absurd and mad concepts, not only within the church but
in society as a whole.92
How effective can such a plot to subvert the liberties of the United States? Isn’t the
Roman Catholic institution just a religion? Samuel Morse explains:
The ratio of increase of Popery is the exact ratio of decrease of civil liberty.
The dominance of Popery in the United States is the certain destruction of our
free institutions.
The foundation of the Romish church is blind obedience; the foundation of the United
States is LIBERTY! As Richard Thompson, former Secretary of the Navy, stated in his book
The Papacy and the Civil Power: “Nothing is plainer than that, if the principles of the Church of
Rome prevail here. Our Constitution would necessarily fall. The two cannot exist together. They
are in open and direct antagonism with the fundamental theory of our government and of all
popular government everywhere.”94 The papacy must destroy the United States Constitution in
order to impose her will and claim of ownership on America. Our First Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution provides that: “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” That single principle alone makes the United States a
mortal enemy of the Vatican. Pope Pius IX in his 1864 Syllabus Errorum stated: “The [Roman]
Church ought to be in union with the state, and the State ought to be in union with the [Roman]
Church. . . . It is necessary even in the present day that the Catholic religion shall be held as
the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship.”95 The Roman
Catholic Church will not tolerate freedom of religion, its history demonstrates its intolerance of
other religions and the future, sadly, will confirm its intolerance.
Pope Martin V (1417-1431) ordered the King of Poland to exterminate the Hussites. The
Hussites were followers of John Huss who was a Christian burned at the stake by the Catholic
authorities in 1418. Reading the words of Pope Martin V drives home that the Vatican is an
enemy of liberty and all the principles of Protestantism.
Know that the interests of the Holy See and those of your crown, make it duty to
exterminate the Hussites. Remember that these impious persons dare proclaim
principles of equality; they maintain that all Christians are brethren and God has
not given to privileged men the right of ruling nations; they hold that Christ came
on Earth to abolish slavery; they call the people to liberty, that is to the
annihilation of kings and priests. While there is still time, then, turn your forces
against Bohemia; burn, massacre, make deserts everywhere, for nothing could be
more agreeable to God, or more useful to the cause of kings, than the
extermination of the Hussites.96
In the United States, the people are free and supreme, subject only to God, and the
government officials are servants of the people. In the Catholic Church, on the other hand, the
pope claims a divine right to rule as supreme over all mortals and kings, and the people are
slaves to obey his commands as the “infallible Vicar of Christ.” The two systems cannot coexist,
they are antithetical polar opposites. If Rome is to rule, it must destroy the United States.
Marquis De Lafayette was convinced of the Roman conspiracy. He said that “[i]f the
liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hands of the Catholic
The most striking manifestation of the Catholic conspiracy came when in 1861 Civil War
broke out in the U.S. Abraham Lincoln with a wartime intelligence network second to none
knew the cause of the civil war: the pope of Rome and his deadly servants, the Jesuits.
This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the
Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of
her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the
South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any of the
leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they
not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of democracy the
money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at
their disposal, if they would attack us. Abraham Lincoln, June 10, 1864.98
From the beginning of our civil war, there has been, not a secret, but a public
alliance, between the Pope of Rome and Jeff Davis. The pope and his Jesuits
have advised, supported, and directed Jeff Davis on the land, from the first gun
shot at Fort Sumter by the rabid Roman Catholic Beauregard. They are helping
him on the sea by guiding and supporting the rabid Roman Catholic pirate,
Semmes, on the ocean. Abraham Lincoln, June 10, 1864.99
It is with the Southern leaders of this civil war as with the big and small wheels of
our railroad cars. Those who ignore the laws of mechanics are apt to think that
the large, strong, and noisy wheels they see are the motive power, but they are
mistaken. The real motive power is not seen; it is noiseless and well concealed in
the dark, behind its iron walls. The motive power are the few well-concealed
pails of water heated into steam, which is itself directed by the noiseless, small,
but unerring engineer’s finger. The common people see and hear the big noisy
wheels of the Confederacy’s cars: they call them Jeff Davis, Lee, Toombs,
Beauregard, Demmes, etc., and they honestly think they are the motive power, the
first cause of our troubles. But this is a mistake. The true motive power is
secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the
Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome. Abraham
Lincoln kept his knowledge of the Catholic conspiracy secret from the public because of
his concern that to reveal it would start a bloody religious war.
I pity the priests, the bishops and the monks of Rome in the United States, when
the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the
blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole
truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more
savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are.
It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both
the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the
Jesuits if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made
in the very city of Rome to destroy this republic, and if they could learn how the
priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores under the pretext
of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of
the sick in the hospitals are nothing else but the emissaries of the pope, of
Napoleon, and the despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the
hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and
prepare a reign of anarchy as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and
wherever there are any people who want to be free. Abraham Lincoln, June 10,
Abraham Lincoln knew that the Roman Catholic Church is an uncompromising enemy of
the United States.
The Mormon and the Jesuit priests are equally the uncompromising enemies of
our Constitution and our laws; but the more dangerous of the two is the Jesuit -
the Romish priest, for he knows better how to conceal his hatred under the mask
of friendship and public good; he is better trained to commit the most cruel an
diabolical deeds for the glory of God. Abraham Lincoln, June 10, 1864.102
For it is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every
true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of liberty. Abraham Lincoln, 1861.103
Not only was the Romish church responsible for the Civil War, but the Jesuits inspired
and planned the assassination of Lincoln. Lincoln knew that he was marked for death by Rome
and the Jesuits, and he knew it was only a matter of time before they succeeded.
So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that
they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the
hands of the skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits.104
The transcripts of the trial of the Lincoln assassination published by Ben Pitman, contain
clear proof of that the plot to assassinate Lincoln was born in Rome and nurtured in the house of
Mary Surratt, 561 H Street, Washington, D.C. There was a continual flow of Catholic priests
who would rendezvous at the house as the assassination was being plotted. The priests were the
personal friends and father confessors of John Wilkes Booth, John Surratt, Mrs. and Miss Surratt.
Without a single exception, all those involved in the Lincoln assassination plot and escape of
Booth were Roman Catholic.105
Elaborate steps were taken by the Roman Church to assist John Surratt in his escape.
John Surratt was in Washington on April 14, 1865 helping Booth prepare for the assassination,
which was carried out by Booth that day. Catholic priest Charles Boucher stated under oath that
only a few days after the murder, John Surratt was sent to him by another Catholic priest “Father
Lapierre.” Boucher kept him hidden until the end of July. From July to September he was
hidden by Lapierre in Montreal. When traveling on the steamer “Montreal” from Montreal to
Quebec, Lapierre kept Suratt under lock and key in his cabin. On September 15, 1865, Lappierre
and Surratt took the ocean steamer “Peruvian” to Europe. The doctor of the “Peruvian,” L.I.A.
McMillan, stated under oath that Catholic priest Lapierre introduced Surratt to him under the
alias “McCarthy,” and that Lapierre kept Surratt locked in his state room on the ship until the
ship departed for Europe. Lapierre was the canon of Bishop Bourget of Montreal. The canon of
the Bishop is the Bishop’s confidential man; he eats with him, assists him with his counsel and
receives his advice in every step of his life. According to the laws of the Roman Catholic
Church, the canons are to the bishop what arms are to the body.106
Once spiriting Surratt out of Canada to Europe where do you suppose Surratt was finally
found? He was found under the alias “Watson” in the 9th company of the Pope’s Zouaves, who
were the Pope’s personal bodyguards. When the United States found Surratt, the Pope was
forced to withdraw his protection of him and Surratt was brought back to the United States for
trial. The evidence of Surratt’s guilt was overwhelming, but there was a hung jury because three
of the jurors were Catholic and they had been “told by their father confessors that the most holy
father, the pope, Gregory VII, had solemnly and infallibly declared that ‘the killing of an heretic
was no murder.’”107 The U.S. Government was forced to release Surratt.
The Vatican is an independent and sovereign nation, with its own currency, Secretary of
State and ambassadors. Once a person is baptized into the Catholic Church he becomes a
member of that church. When he is confirmed “[h]e becomes a citizen of the Church, able to
assume the responsibility of that citizenship and to defend his faith against its enemies.”108 Once
confirmed the new citizen must be “prepared when called upon to fight for the faith of Christ.”109
The citizens of the Roman Church must have “strength and fortitude to enable them, in the
spiritual contest , to fight manfully and the resist their most wicked foes.”110 He now becomes a
“valiant combatant, he should be prepared to endure with unconquered spirit all adversaries for
the name of Christ.”111 In contrast, Jesus made clear that his kingdom was not of this world,
God’s kingdom is spiritual.
Satan’s kingdom is of this world. He has his citizens throughout the world. When a
citizen must make a choice between obeying his country and obeying the Pope, according to the
official Roman doctrine he must obey the Pope. The Catholic Canon Law and Dogma has
superiority over the constitution of the country. All federal and state government officials must
swear or affirm to support the U.S. Constitution,112 but as far as the Roman Catholic Church is
concerned a Catholic’s allegiance to the Pope comes first. In fact, in 1199 A.D. Pope Innocent III
issued the Papal Bull Vergentis in senium in which he equated the “heresy” of violating Papal
edicts and Roman Catholic doctrines to treason.113 In 1231 A.D. Pope Gregory IX issued Papal
Bull Excommunicamus wherein he officially fixed the penalty for “heresy” against the Catholic
Church as the death penalty.114
During the Civil War, the Vatican was the only nation to recognize the sovereignty of the
Southern Confederate States. How did this affect Catholic Union soldiers knowing that they
were fighting a cause that was opposed by their spiritual leader, who they believed had authority
to prevent their entry into heaven. Many Catholics fought with bravery and distinction, others
abandoned the cause and turned traitor.
Surely we have some brave and reliable Roman Catholic officials and soldiers in
our armies, but they form an insignificant minority when compared with the
Roman Catholic traitors against whom we have to guard ourselves, day and night.
The fact is, that the immense majority of Roman Catholic bishops, priests and
laymen, are rebels in heart, when they cannot be in fact; with very few exceptions,
they are publicly in favor of slavery. Abraham Lincoln, 1861.115
Contrast Catholic General Sheridan, who Lincoln described as “worth a whole army by
his ability, his patriotism, and his heroic courage,”116 with Catholic General Meade, who seems to
have chosen allegiance to Rome over allegiance to the U.S. Lincoln recounts one episode:
Meade has remained with us, and gained the bloody battle at Gettysburg. But how
could he lose it, when he was surrounded by such heroes as Howard, Reynolds,
Buford, Wadsworth, Cutler, Slocum, Sickles, Hancock, Barnes, etc. But it is
evident that his Romanism superseded his patriotism after the battle He let the
army of Lee escape when he could easily have cut his retreat and forced him to
surrender after losing nearly the half of his soldiers in the last three days’ carnage.
When Meade was to order the pursuit after the battle, a stranger came in haste to
the headquarters, and that stranger was a disguised Jesuit. After ten minutes’
conversation with him, Meade made such arrangements for the pursuit of the
enemy that he escaped almost untouched with the loss of only two guns!
Abraham Lincoln.117
The Vatican support of the Confederacy is consistent with its position on slavery. From
the sixth century up until the twentieth century it has been the common teaching of the Catholic
church that the social, economic, and institutional slavery is morally legitimate. The Roman
Catholic Church has approved of the ownership of one man by another and the forced labor of
the slave for the exclusive benefit of his owner, who may sell such slave to another.118 In 655 the
Ninth Council of Toledo decreed that the children of priests who had remained neither celibate
nor chaste would become permanent slaves of the Catholic Church. In 1012, the Council Pavia
issued a similar decree. These decrees were incorporated into the Canon Law of the Roman
Catholic Church. In 1089, at the Synod of Melfi, Urban II enforced the celibacy of priests by
granting secular authorities the power to enslave the wives of priests. This decree was also
incorporated into the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church.119 In the Fifteenth and
Sixteenth centuries popes repeatedly granted the Kings of Portugal and Spain the full and free
permission to capture and perpetually enslave the people of conquered territories.120 In 1548,
Pope Paul III issued the following motu proprio, addressing the issue of slavery in Rome:
Each and every person of either sex, whether Roman or non-Roman, whether
secular or clerical, and no matter of what dignity, status, decree, quarter, or
condition they be, may freely and lawfully buy and sell publicly any slaves
whatsoever of either sex, and make contracts about them as is accustomed to be
done in other places, and publicly hold them as slaves and make use of their work,
and compel them to do the work assigned to them. And with apostolic authority,
by the tenor of these present documents, we enact and decree in perpetuity that
slaves who flee to the Capitol and appeal for their liberty shall in no wises be
freed from the bondage of their servitude, but that notwithstanding their flight and
appeal of this sort they shall be returned in slavery to their owners, and if it seems
proper they shall be punished as runaways; and we very strictly forbid our beloved
sons who for the time being are conservatori of the said city to presume by their
authority to emancipate the aforesaid slaves – who flee as previously described
and appeal for their liberty – from the bondage of their slavery, irrespective of
whether they were made Christians after enslavement, or whether they were born
in slavery even from Christian slave parents.121
In view of the Catholic position on slavery, it is not surprising to learn that Roger Taney,
the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice who held in the Dread Scott decision that black
slaves had no Constitutional Due Process Right to Liberty, was a Roman Catholic. Many believe
that the Dread Scott decision by Taney was one of the principle catalysts for the Civil War.
The pope, who portrays himself as a man of peace, is in reality a man of war who
instigated World War I. The Roman Catholic church has had an abiding hatred toward the
Eastern Orthodox Church. Serbia is a predominantly Orthodox country. Pope Pius X, through
his diplomats tried to persuade Austria-Hungary to “punish” Serbia.122 When Austria-Hungary
Archduke Francois-Ferdinand, the heir apparent to the crowns of Austria and Hungary, was
murdered at Sarajevo by a Macedonian student, Gavrillo Princip, on June 28, 1914, the Pope
took the opportunity to push the Catholic Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary to declare
war on Serbia. The Bavarian Charge d’Affaires to the Vatican, Baron Ritter, wrote the following
to his government:
The pope agrees with Austria dealing severely with Serbia. He doesn’t think
much of the Russian and French armies and is of the opinion that they could not
do very much in a war against Germany. The cardinal-secretary of State doesn’t
see when Austria could make war if she does not decide now.123
On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which plunged all of Europe
into World War I. Because of the part played by the Vatican in starting World War I, the Allies
would not permit the Vatican at the conference table when the 1919 treaty of Versailles was
signed.124 Interestingly, it was Italy, the most Catholic of the European countries, that was
insistent on excluding the Vatican. Through article XV of the April 26, 1915 pact of London,
which defined Italy’s participation in the war, Baron Sonino required the allies to oppose any
intervention by the Vatican in the peace arrangements.125
Catholic Communism
Not only did Rome instigate World War I, but it was also instrumental in the Bolshevik
revolution. While the Catholic church publicly opposed communism, it secretly financially aided
and abetted the communist revolution in Russia at every turn.126 In April 1917, Lenin and some
of his key revolutionaries were transported through Germany in the now infamous sealed train.127
Diego Bergen, a Jesuit trained German Roman Catholic, was the man most responsible for
arranging Lenin’s journey through Germany to Russia.128 Bergen later became the German
ambassador to the Vatican under the Weimar Republic and Hitler’s Germany.129
Of course, the Vatican expected a payoff for their financial and logistical aid to the
communists. Between 1917 and 1924 the Vatican entered into secret agreements with Lenin,
which assured the communists Vatican support if the communists would suppress the Russian
Orthodox Church and make Roman Catholicism the Official religion of Russia.130 The immense
wealth and land holdings of the Orthodox church were to be turned over to the Roman Catholic
Church lock stock and barrel.131 In the end, however, Lenin and his successors double-crossed
the Vatican, they took the Vatican money but sided with the Orthodox Church.132 This made the
Russian communists the enemies of the Vatican. The Vatican sought revenge by using the Nazis
to invade Russia during World War II.
The Vatican failed in World War II. What they failed to accomplish in war, they have
accomplished through intrigue and diplomacy. The Vatican and the communists are now
working closely again toward their ultimate objective of world domination.133 Former Jesuit
Alberto Rivera found out that the Jesuit General in Rivera’s time was a Mason and a
communist.134 Pope John Paul II is a Marxist communist, who has continued the progression
started by Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI toward a Marxian inspired Catholicism.135 While
Pope Paul VI cultivated close ties with Moscow, Pope John Paul II has chosen a Catholic
communism that is independent of Moscow. It was John Paul’s break with Moscow that caused
them to attempt to assassinate him on May 13, 1981.
In the early days of the communist revolution in Cuba, Catholic bishops and priests in
Cuba denounced communism. Many Catholic priests were imprisoned or exiled by Fidel Castro.
However, after the initial attack by the Communists on the anti-communist priests, the Roman
Catholic Church as an institution drew very close to the communist regime under Castro. The
Roman Catholic Church since the early 1960s has steadfastly refused to raise its voice against the
crimes committed under the communist regime in Cuba. In fact, the Catholic Church has worked
to assist the Cuban communists. In the early 1960's a pastoral letter signed by most of the Cuban
Catholic bishops, but not by all, condemned the U.S. blockade of Cuba and asked the people of
Cuba to work to help the communist revolution.136 Some Catholic priests bravely refused to read
the pastoral letter to their congregations. The Catholic Church was showing its true colors.
Monsignor Cesar Zachi was the Vatican’s ambassador to Cuba. As the official representative of
the Catholic Church, Zachi avidly supported the communism of Fidel Castro. Zachi extolled the
virtues of the communist revolution and continually asked the young people in Cuba to join the
communist revolutionary militia. In fact, Fidel Castro was the guest of honor at Zachi’s
episcopal consecration.
Even when their own Catholic priests are beaten and tortured the Roman Catholic
hierarchy turns a blind eye to the brutality of the Cuban communists. For example Miguel Angel
Loredo, a Catholic priest, was arrested by the Cubans and sent to prison. He was beaten severely
by Cuban prison guards and lay hospitalized. When news of the beating spread abroad a Cuban
official, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez called the Catholic Nuncio, Cesar Zachi, to the Cuban Ministry
of Foreign Affairs where he had a private conference with him. After the conference, Zachi, as
the official spokesman in Cuba for the Vatican, announced that the revolution had been very
generous with Laredo and had treated him well since he had not been taken to jail, but a little
farm where he devoted himself to the peaceful work of planting lettuce and radishes. By that
deception the Catholic Church perverted the truth in order to conceal from the world the
barbarity of the communist regime.137
The Vatican and the Cuban communists have had close ties now for almost 30 years.
Fidel Castro was the honored guest at the Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in November of 1996
and the pope in turn visited Castro in Cuba in January 1998. Both meetings were marked by
cordiality, which puzzled and upset many in the American Cuban community, who don’t yet
understand the close ties between communists and the Vatican. Pope John Paul II has
condemned the trade embargo of Cuba. In an interview with Italian Journalist Jas Gawronski,
Pope John Paul II had this to say about communism: "Communism has had its success in this
century as a reaction against a certain type of unbridled, savage capitalism which we all know
well." Apparently he is not the anti-communist the world press would have us believe he is.
It is not surprising that the Catholic Church would support communist regimes, the
political philosophy that permeates papal encyclicals and council edicts is that all property is
common to all, and private ownership must be subordinate to that principle. That is the essence
of communism and fascism. In a Communist state the government owns all property, in a fascist
state the people own property but the government controls what the owner is allowed to do with
the property. Pope Pius XI explains the Roman church’s position:
Provided the natural and divine law be observed, the public authority, in view of
common good, may specify more accurately what is listed and what is illicit for
property owners in the use of their possessions. History proves that the right of
ownership, like other elements of social life, is not absolutely rigid.138
Socialism inclines toward and in a certain measure approaches the truths which
Christian [Catholic] tradition has always held sacred; for it cannot be denied that
its demands at times, come very near those that Christian reformers of society
justly insist upon. Pius XI, Quadragesimo Anno, 109 (1931).139
The Catholic Church is a fifth column in any country where it is located. A fifth column
is a term used to describe a group that is sent in to soften up a country for invasion. For example,
in World War II France, the Catholic fifth column, called “Catholic Action,” worked on behalf of
the Nazis prior to and during Germany’s invasion of France. Catholic Action worked to
propagandize the people to accept fascism and not to resist the invasion by Germany. They were
quite effective, France fell in 30 days. Pierre Laval, the Pope’s count and president of the Vichy
government said the following on French National Radio, January 2, 1943: “I hope Germany will
be victorious. It may seem strange to hear the one who is defeated wish for the victor’s victory.
It is because this war is not like previous ones. It is a true war of religion! Yes, a war of
Catholic Action was so effective in convincing the Belgium Catholics that fascism was
good that eight out of ten Belgians who collaborated with the Nazi Germans were Catholic.141
Roman Catholic Otto Strasser was one of the founders of the Nazi Party. Strasser
revealed in his book, Hitler and I, that the infamous Nazi propaganda book, Mein Kamf,
purportedly written by Adolph Hitler, was not in fact written by Hitler. According to Strassor,
Mein Kamf was ghostwritten for Hitler by a Jesuit Priest named Bernhardt Stempfle.142
Hitler and his Nazis worked in concert with the Vatican through the Jesuits. In 1933
Germany signed as concordat with the Vatican. Franz Von Papen, Hitler’s representative at the
signing of the concordat, stated that “[t]he general terms of the Concordat were more favourable
than all other similar agreements signed by the Vatican . . . the Chancellor Hitler asked me to
assure the papal secretary of State (Cardinal Pacelli) [who later became Pope Pius XII] that he
would immediately muzzle the anticlerical clan.”143 There were at that time 45 concentration
camps in Germany, holding 40,000 prisoners.144 Apparently, part of the agreement was that
Hitler would wipe out anti-Vatican forces and Rome would support Nazi Germany. This was to
be a modern day inquisition.
After becoming the fascist leader of Italy, Mussolilni made notes of a meeting he had
with Pope Pius XI in which he quoted a pope as saying: “I am happy that compatibility has been
re-established between the Fascist Party and Catholic Action. If even, the difficulties have
disappeared for the Catholics. But I do not see, in the whole of Fascist doctrine – with its
affirmation of the principles of order, authority, and discipline – anything contrary to Catholic
After signing the concordat with Nazi Germany Pope Pius XI had second thoughts. He
saw war on the horizon and decided to publicly denounce both Hitler and Mussolini.146 He
arranged to make the public denunciation on February 12, 1939, the eve of World War II.147 This
would have had a devastating effect on the German and Italian plans for European conquest,
because one third of Germany was devout Catholic to say nothing of the millions of other
Catholics throughout Europe. However, Pius XI suddenly became very ill and died on February
10, 1939, less than 48 hours before he was to give his public speech denouncing Nazism and
Fascism.148 Many believe that Pius XI was poisoned. All transcripts of Pius’s proposed speech
were destroyed minutes before his death. Even the original handwritten manuscript mysteriously
disappeared from the papal desk.149 The Pope’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pacelli, was one of
the persons who had free access to the papal study.150 Cardinal Pacelli negotiated the concordat
with Nazi Germany and became Pope Pius XI’s successor, Pope Pius XII. Pius XII was an ardent
supporter of the Nazis.
Hitler modeled his Nazi Party organization after the organization of the Catholic Church.
Hitler stated:
I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits . . . Until now there has never been
anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organisation (sic) of
the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organisation into my own party. I
am going to let you in on a secret . . . I am founding an Order . . . in my “Burgs”
of the order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble.151
Hitler stopped short and explained that he could not say any more. Hitler did not reveal
the identity of the dreadful organization at that time. He in fact was referring to the Schutzstaffel
commonly known as the SS. Walter Schellenberg, former chief of German counter-espionage,
explained after the war:
Adolph Hitler said: “I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola.”153 Keep in mind that
Himmler was the “Reichsfuhrer SS” (Supreme Chief of the SS). That title was intended to be the
equivalent of the Jesuits’ “General.”154 Himmler was also in charge of the German secret police,
known as the Gestapo. The Jesuit General, Count Halke von Ledochowski, arranged for a
special unit within the SS Central Security Service where most of the main posts were held by
Roman Catholic priests wearing the black shirt SS uniforms. The head of this special unit was
Heinrich Himmler’s uncle, who was a Jesuit priest.155 The SS spearheaded the inquisition
against the Jews and other enemies of the Catholic Church in Germany, supervising the barbaric
extermination of millions.
Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the Nazi party’s old guard were Roman
Catholic. Franz Von Papen, the Pope’s secret chamberlain and the mainspring of the concordat
between Germany and the Vatican, said: “The Third Reich is the first world power which not
only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”156
What did the apostles of blind obedience, the Jesuits, write regarding the Nazi
movement? They pointed out at every opportunity the reality that the Nazi movement and
Roman Catholicism were one and the same. For example, Jesuit theologian Michaele Schamaus
in “Empire and the Church,” his 1933 series of studies on the subject said the following:
‘Empire and the Church’ is a series of writings which should help the building up
of the Third Reich as it unites a national-socialist state to Catholic-christianity . . .
The national-socialist movement is the most vigorous and massive protest against
the spirit of the 19th and 20th centuries. . . . A Compromise between the Catholic
faith and liberal thinking is impossible. . . . Nothing is more contrary to
Catholicism than democracy. . . . The re-awakened meaning of ‘strict authority’
opens up again the way to the real interpretation of ecclesiastical authority. . . .
The mistrust of liberty is founded on the Catholic doctrine of original sin. . . . The
national-socialist Commandments and those of the Catholic Church have the same
In his 1937 work the “Great Apologetics,” the Catholic Abbe Jean Vieujan stated that
“[t]o accept the principle of the Inquisition, one only needs a Christian mentality, and this is what
many Christians lack. . . . The church has no such timidity.”159
The northern part of Germany was predominately Protestant. The fountainhead and
stronghold of the Nazi movement in Germany, though, was Bavaria in south Germany, which
was predominately Roman Catholic. German Roman Catholics joined the Nazi party en masse
and enthusiastically supported the Hitler regime. The Roman Catholics were accustomed to
authoritarian government in their religious lives, which made them naturally enthusiastic
supporters of the authoritarian Nazi civil government.160 “The German Catholic supported
Hitler’s wars not only because such support was required by the Nazi rulers but also because his
religious leaders formally called upon him to do so. . . . [B]y example and open encouragement,
the Catholic press and the Catholic organizations gave their total commitment to the nation’s
In Yugoslavia during World War II the fascist corollary to the German Nazis were the
Ustashi. The Ustashi were made up almost exclusively of Roman Catholic Croatians. When
Germany overran Yugoslavia in 1941, Hitler brought in Ante Pavelic to rule over an expanded
puppet state of Croatia. Pavelic was the brutal founder of the Ustashi. As soon as Pavelic was
brought to power, the genocide of the Serbs in Croatia began. The Ustashi were responsible for
the genocide of untold numbers of Jews and of 750,000 Serbs over a four year period.162 Many
Serbs were given the opportunity to convert to Roman Catholicism to avoid execution. The
Jews, on the other hand, were not given the option of conversion because of the Catholic
Croatian government policy on non-Aryans. Roman Catholic Archbishop Stepinac of Croatia
signed and issued the official Croatian government circular (#11.530 August 1941) explaining
the policy against permitting the conversion of Jews to Roman Catholicism.163 Roman Catholic
priests, principally Franciscans, took a leading part in the massacres of Jews and Serbs
throughout Croatia during the war.164
It was the policy and practice of the Ustashi government to wipe out the Serbian
Orthodox Church. If a Serb did not convert to Roman Catholicism his property was confiscated
and he was either executed or he was sent to a prison camp for a later but no less certain death.
The Roman Catholic Ustashi often tortured their prey before they brutally slaughtered them. At
Korenica hundreds of persons were tortured to death by having their ears and noses cut off. The
tortures most frequently applied were beatings, severing limbs, goring eyes, and breaking bones.
Men were forced to hold red hot bricks, dance on barbed wire with bare feet, and wear a wreath
of thorns. Needles were stuck under fingernails and lighted matches were held under their noses.
Some women were quartered, and to vary the spectacle arms instead of legs were torn off. There
was not a cruelty that the Catholic Ustashi brute beasts did not implement.165
The extermination of the Serbs and Jews was planned at the outset of the establishment of
Croatia. On May 21, 1941 Franciscan “Father” Simic told an Italian General upon Simic’s
taking over the civil authority in Kinin that Simic was there to carry out the policy of the Ustashi
government, which was to “[k]ill all the Serbs in the shortest time possible.”166
Catholic priests figured prominently among the Croatian fascist leaders. Fascist meetings
were often preceded by Catholic religious services, and Catholic flags were carried in fascist
processions.167 The Roman Catholic priests encouraged the genocide. Branko Ustro, the prefect
of Gugojno went before Silvije Frankovic to confess his murders of 14 Serbs. Frankovic told
Ustro: “Once you have liquidated forty then come to confessional and I will pardon all.”168
The Roman Catholic clergy in the Croatian government actively guided the Inquisition in
Craotia. Abbot Dionis Head of the Religious Department announced at a political meeting in
Staza: “Today it is not considered a crime to kill a child of seven if he interferes with our
Ustashi government.”169 Father Bozidar Bralow, who was known for the machine gun that was
his constant companion, was accused of performing a dance around the bodies of 180 massacred
Serbs at Alpasin-Most.170 Individual Franciscan priests killed, set fire to homes, and laid waste to
the countryside at the head of marauding Ustashi bands.171 An Italian reporter witnessed a
Roman Catholic priest (a Franciscan) urging on a band of rampaging Ustashi with his crucifix
south of Banja Luka.172
On July 22, 1941, Devout Catholic Dr. Mile Budak, the Croatian Minister of Education
and Cults said:
The movement of the Ustashi is based on religion. For the minorities - Serbs,
Jews and Gypsies, we have three million bullets. We shall kill one part of the
Serbs. We shall transport another, and the rest of them will be forced to embrace
the Roman Catholic religion. Thus, our new Croatia will get rid of all Serbs in
our midst in order to become one hundred percent Catholic within ten years.173
Not only did the Catholic clergy guide the Inquisition, they also took part in the dirty
work of executing Serbs and Jews. Catholic Franciscan Monk Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic of
the monastery near Banja Luka was the commander of the Jasenovac prison camp during four
months in the fall of 1941. During that time he saw to it that 40,000 people were liquidated,
many of which he personally executed. He was known as Fra Sotona (Brother Devil). He was
not the only Franciscan in the prison camp, he was assisted in the killings by: Brkljanic,
Matkovic, Matijevic, Brekalo, Celina, and Lipovac.174
The civil authorities would defer to the Catholic priests when it came to deciding the fate
of the Serbs. For example, Ljubica Zivanovic from Borovo appealed to the Borovo chief of
police for the lives of her daughters, who were sent to a prison camp. The chief, knowing that the
government was only carrying out wishes of the Vatican, referred her to the Catholic priest
Andjelko Gregic. Gregic told her that because her daughters had not accepted conversion to the
Roman Catholic religion that he could do nothing for them. He also told Zivanovic that she
would also suffer the fate of her daughters if she did not convert to the Roman Catholic
Serbs were forced on penalty of death to convert to Roman Catholicism. In addition, the
priests of the Roman Catholic Church required the payment of 170 kuna for the conversion.176
Through the conversion fee, the Roman priests gained great wealth.
The March 30, 1998 U.S. News and World Report identified some of the Catholic clergy
who took part in the Roman Catholic Inquisition in Croatia:
It is a matter of historical record that the Croatian Catholic Church was closely
entangled with the Ustashas. In the early years of World War II, Catholic priests
oversaw forced conversions of Orthodox Serbs under the aegis of the Ustasha
state; Franciscan friars distributed propaganda. Several high Catholic officials in
Yugoslavia were later indicted for war crimes. They included Father Dragutin
Kamber, who ordered the killing of nearly 300 Orthodox Serbs; Bishop Ivan Saric
of Sarajevo, known as the “hangman of the Serbs;” and Bishop Gregory Rozman
of Slovenia, a wanted Nazi collaborator. A trial held by the Yugoslav War
Crimes Commission in 1946 resulted in the conviction of a half-dozen Ustasha
priests, among them former Franciscan Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, a
commandant of the Jasenovac concentration camp where the Ustasha tortured and
slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a brutality that shocked even the Nazis.
In the whole of Croatia, it is recorded that only two men in the Catholic hierarchy
protested against the genocide. Alois Misic, Catholic Bishop of Mostar protested the genocide in
his June 30, 1941 pastoral letter, and J. Loncar, a Catholic priest from Zagreb, in a sermon on
August 23, 1941, denounced the homicidal crimes of the Catholic Ustashi government. Loncar
was sentenced to death for his heroic act. The sentence was later commuted to life in prison at
hard labor.177 I do not know what happened to Misic, if anything. May history honor their acts
of protest.
Avro Manhattan, a former BBC commentator and an expert on the Vatican, sums up the
lesson of World War II Croatia:
[In Croatia] the Catholic church [erected] a State in complete accord with all her
tenets. The result was a monster standing upon the armed might of twin
totalitarianisms: the totalitarianism of a ruthless Fascist State and the
totalitarianism of Catholicism. . . . The uniqueness of the Independent Catholic
State of Croatia lies precisely in this: that it provided a model, in miniature, of
what the Catholic Church, had she the power, would like to see in the West and,
indeed, everywhere. As such it should be carefully scrutinized. For its
significance . . . is of the greatest import to all the freedom-loving peoples of the
Archbishop Stepanic was in complete accord with the genocidal plans of Pavelic.
Stepanic’s personal diary recounts an April 16, 1941, meeting he had with Pavelic, at which
Pavelic clearly stated his intent “not to show tolerance toward the Orthodox Serbian Church.”179
Stepanic commented in his diary that Pavelic’s statement indicated to Stepanic that Pavelic was a
“sincere Catholic.”180 That evening Stepanic gave a dinner party in honor of Pavelic and his top
henchmen.181 On April 28, 1941, a pastoral letter from Stepanic was read from all Catholic
pulpits calling on the clergy and the “faithful” to collaborate in the work of their leader,
Pavelic.182 That very day 250 Serbs were massacred at Bjelovar.183 The fact that Stepanic is
currently being considered for beatification as a “saint” of the Catholic Church, is clear evidence
that Stephanic was doing the work of Rome and that the Catholic Church has not changed.184
This was done with the knowledge and blessing of the pope himself. It can be established
that on or about February 1942 Pope Pius XII was fully apprized of the Serbian massacres, yet he
took no steps to stop them and they continued unabated. The Yugoslav chapter of the
International Red Cross, sent a courier to the Vatican to deliver documentation of the Roman
Catholic Holocaust in Croatia along with an official plea from Privislav Grizogono, former
Minister of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, in an attempt to persuade the pope to stop the Holocaust.
The Vatican probably knew what was being delivered and they repeatedly rebuffed the couriers
efforts to deliver the documentation to the pope. The courier, knowing the importance of his
mission, found a way to hand the documentation directly to Pope Pius XII at a public audience.
The plea, dated February 8, 1942, from the former Minister of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia said:
Why didn’t the pope stop the slaughter? Quite simply, because the Ustashi were carrying
out his orders. It was a Vatican inspired slaughter.
Serbs, for the most part, were and are still members of the Byzantine Orthodox Church,
which is considered by the Roman Catholic Church as an enemy to Romanism that must be
destroyed. The Massacre of Serbs was another inquisition orchestrated by the Roman Church.
An example of the attitude of the Catholic clergy toward the Serbs was that of Dr. Ivo Guberina,
a Catholic priest, head of the Catholic Action, and Pavelic’s personal bodyguard. On July 7,
1941 Guberina stated: “Croatia should purge its system of all poison (Orthodox Serbs) in every
possible way, even by the sword, and take any preventive measure whatsoever.”186 Pope Pius
XII, the Catholic Croatian episcopate and Catholic Action knew from the outset about the forced
conversions, genocide, torture, and deportations.187 The genocide of the Serbs and Jews was
simply a fulfilment of the Vatican strategy. Pope Pius XII granted Ante Pavelic, the Croatian
Fuhrer, a private audience in the Vatican in 1941.188 The pope’s personal representative,
Marcone, was sent to Croatia and was on sight in Croatia witnessing the Ustashi tortures and
massacres.189 John Cornwell, after reviewing Catholic archives, opined that Marcone had
“clearly been selected to soothe and encourage.”190 The Pope was so pleased with the progress of
the Croatian Inquisition that he granted Pavelic another private audience in 1943.191 There can be
no claim that the pope did not know about the massacres. Remember, it was February 1942 that
the Yugoslav chapter of the International Red Cross sent a courier who personally handed the
documentation of the Official Catholic involvement in the genocide to the pope himself.
For the man who doubts the accuracy of these assertions, read what John Cornwell has to
say. Cornwell was convinced that Pope Pius XII was innocent of the charges that he was in
complicity with the Nazis and Ustashis. He decided to research the issue with the intent of
writing an authoritative book that would put to rest the allegations against Pius XII. He stated “I
was convinced that if the full story was told, Pius XII’s pontificate would be vindicated. . . . I
applied for access to crucial material in Rome, reassuring those who had charge of the
appropriate archives that I was on the side of my subject [Pope Pius XII]. . . . By the middle of
1997, nearing the end of my research, I found myself in the state I can only describe as moral
shock . The material I had gathered, taking the more extensive view of Pacelli’s [Pope Pius
XII’s] life, amounted not to an exoneration but to a wider indictment. Spanning Pacelli’s career
from the beginning of the century, my research told a story of a bid for unprecedented papal
power that by 1933 had drawn the Catholic Church into complicity with the darkest forces of the
The best evidence that the Holocaust of World War II was in fact a Roman Catholic
Inquisition is the conduct of the Roman church after the war in hiding and orchestrating the
escape from justice of Nazi and Ustashi war criminals. In their book, Unholy Trinity, Mark
Aarons and John Loftus revealed the contents of hitherto secret documents that exposed Vatican
complicity in the escape of Nazi war criminals. Some of the documents were obtained from a
daring burglary of the offices of Father Krunolav Draganovic. Father Draganovic took over from
Bishop Alois Hudal the running of the Vatican program for the escape of WWII war criminals.
Aarons and Loftus concluded:
Under the direction of Pope Pius XII, Vatican officials such as Monsignor
Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI) supervised one of the greatest obstructions
of justice in modern history . . . facilitat[ing] the escape of tens of thousands of
Nazi [war criminals] to the West.193
The Vatican ran a ratline of Nazi and Ustashi war criminals. Many of these war criminals
were given sanctuary inside the Vatican. They were given forged documents and hidden in
monasteries and convents. Many of them ended up in Argentina under the protection of Roman
Catholic Dictator Juan Peron.194
Agent Robert Mudd of the United States Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) reported
that Croatian War Criminals traveled back and forth from the Vatican several times per week in
chauffeured automobiles with license plates bearing “CD” (Corps Diplomatic). Because the cars
had diplomatic license plates and hence diplomatic immunity they could not be stopped.195
Ante Pavelic, the Croatian Fuhrer who was the leader of the Ustashi and was responsible
for the extermination of countless Jews and 750,000 Serbs, was smuggled into the Vatican. He
hid in the Vatican disguised as a Catholic priest. He became a good friend of Monsignor
Giovannni Battista Montini, who was then the Vatican’s Under Secretary of State (in 1963
Montini was crowned Pope Paul VI). By November 1947 the Vatican had smuggled Pavelic out
of Rome and into Buenos Aires.196 A 1947 U.S. diplomatic report revealed that upon Pavelic’s
arrival in Buenos Aires he was met by a retinue of Catholic priests.197 Upon Pavelic’s death,
December 1959, Pope John XXIII pronounced his personal benediction on him.198
The Vatican protected and orchestrated the escape of such Nazi war criminals as Adolph
Eichman, one of the most notorious mass murderers in history. Eichman was the head of the SS
Department for Jewish Affairs and was in charge of the entire Holocaust. The Vatican
orchestrated the escapes of Jose Mengele, the Sadistic Auschwitz Angel of Death, and Klaus
Barbie, the Lyons, France Gestapo Chief, known as the “butcher of Lyon.”199
The Vatican orchestrated the escape of Franz Stangl. Stangl was the commandant of the
infamous extermination camp at Treblinka; he presided over the murders of approximately
900,000 inmates, most of whom were Jews. The Vatican through its agents arranged for Stangl’s
escape from a prison camp in Austria. He was then smuggled into the Vatican. He was met
there by Catholic Bishop Alois Hudal, who was in charge of running the ratline of Nazis who
were fleeing justice.200 Hudal was assisted in setting up the ratline by Walter Rauff, former SS
Intelligence Chief and himself a Nazi war criminal.201
Former SS Captain Erich Priebke was convicted of the March 1944 killing near Rome of
335 civilians, including 75 Jews. On July 22, 1997 Priebke received a five year slap on the wrist
from a Rome military tribunal. The significance of Priebke’s case is that he admitted that he was
helped by the Vatican in his escape from a British prisoner of war camp and that the Vatican
orchestrated his flight from justice to Argentina.202
Pope Pius XII applied political pressure to allow his personal representatives to visit
prisoners, ostensibly to “minister” to them. The real purpose was to identify and smuggle out
Nazi war criminals.203 The book of Revelations tells us that the harlot of Rome has written on
ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5. Rome is a mother, and like a mother she
seeks to protect her children. Only the Roman children are “abominations of the earth.” Bishop
Hudal, head of the Vatican ratline and close advisor to Pope Pius XII had this to say:
I thank God that He [allowed me] to visit . . . prisons and concentration camps and
[to help prisoners] escape with false identity papers . . . I felt duty bound after
1945 to devote my whole charitable work mainly to former National Socialists
[Nazis] and Fascists, especially to so called ‘war criminals.’204
Aarons and Loftus, after reviewing the official Vatican documents and the other evidence
What the Vatican did after World War II was a crime. The evidence is
unequivocal: the Holy See aided the flight of fugitives from international justice.
The Ratlines were intentionally created to aid and abet the escape of wanted Nazi
war criminals.
We find no defense of unauthorized conduct: the Ratlines were an official
extension of covert Vatican diplomacy. . . . There was virtually unanimous
agreement among the surviving witnessed that Draganovic operated with the
highest official sanction. . . . The intelligence files of several nations confirm that
the Vatican’s top leaders authorized and directed the smuggling of fugitive war
The Romish church is not only a mother of abominations, she is also a harlot. As with all
harlots, she expects payment for her fornication, and she was payed handsomely for her services
to the the Nazi states. On the day Germany capitulated, May 7, 1945, 288 kilograms of gold,
much of which was looted from the Serbs and Jews, was removed from the Croatian National
Bank and the State Treasury. It was transferred to the Vatican. Father Krunolav Draganovic,
who ran the Vatican ratlines, admitted that part of that gold ended up in his hands. He told the
Yugoslavian War Crimes Commission that he doled out some of the money to Ustashi
In a recently declassified October 21, 1946 memo from Office of Strategic Services (OSS
which was the precursor to the CIA), Agent Emerson Bigelow reported that a shipment of money
from Croatia to the Vatican was partially intercepted by the British, but that 200 million Swiss
Francs ($170 million in U.S. currency today) which apparently made it through to the Vatican
was being held there for “safe keeping.” The report states that the money was being used to
finance Croatian war criminals in exile.207 In an October 1945 memo, Bigelow reported that a
shipment of pounds 80 million of Gold coins plundered from the Jews, Serbs, and Gypsies was
smuggled out of the Nazi puppet regime in Croatia and into the Vatican. He stated that it
appeared that much of the money was then funneled from the Vatican through a Vatican financial
pipeline to Spain and Argentina. Bigelow opined that the ostensible transfer of funds out of the
Vatican may be a smokescreen to hide the fact that the money is still in the Vatican.208
Another declassified intelligence report tracked money from Berlin’s Reichsbank to the
Vatican through a Swiss bank.209 That money was only some of the hundreds of millions of
dollars of wealth looted from the Jews by the Nazis. Some have estimated the Vatican cut of the
action to be $600 million, but the figure could easily be several billion dollars.210
Much of the Nazi loot had to be changed from gold, jewelry, and foreign exchange to
Italian Lire. According to an October 17, 1947 British diplomatic memo, Father Mandic was the
liaison to the Vatican who arranged for the fencing of the stolen merchandise. He operated out of
Istituto San Girolamo, a Roman Catholic seminary on Via Tomacelli, which is about one mile
from the Vatican.211 San Girolamo was the center of operations for the Vatican ratline smuggling
What does the future hold? Nazi Germany and Ustashi Croatia were just dry runs for the
worldwide inquisition of Christians who will not worship the beast of Rome. See Revelation 13.
Former Jesuit priest Malachi Martin, who was a close associate of Cardinal Augustine Bea and
Pope John XXIII, has stated that “[t]he Pope is surrounded by men in clerical garb who do not
possess the Catholic faith; they are working with foundations, non-government organizations,
governments, academia, and other agencies to bring a new world order [one world government]
into existence. . . The Catholic Church has its own diplomatic corps of ambassadors posted in the
highly industrialized nations of the world. There are 180 nations that have sent their own
ambassadors to the Vatican. No other church commands this attention. Those who are working
for the new world order must bring this unique organization under their control. The process by
which they are attempting to accomplish this is described in [my book,] Windswept House. In
the book I state, ‘The Church is a Sine qua non [without which not] for the advent of the new
world order.’”213
Malachi Martin made the preceding statement during an interview with Roman Catholic
John McManus, the President of the John Birch Society and Publisher of The New American.
The John Birch Society (JBS) is a patriotic organization that has done much to awaken people to
the global conspiracy. However, JBS has a policy of avoiding denominational religious issues.
Consequently, they do not, because they cannot, expose the Vatican as the force behind the front
organizations working toward a new world order.
Malachi Martin claims to no longer be a Jesuit, he was allegedly released from his Jesuit
vows and lives as a lay person with canonical approval. Martin did not stray far from Rome, he
still has authority to say Catholic Mass in private. No doubt, Malachi Martin would not have
been allowed to reveal the above information without the approval of the Vatican and the Jesuits.
Since it is becoming more apparent that the Vatican is intimately involved in bringing about a
one world government, the Vatican is using Martin to spin the Vatican role in the one world
government. Martin portrays the Catholic Church as having only recently been infiltrated and
used by evil persons with nefarious plans, and that the infiltration can be corrected. In fact, the
Catholic Church itself is evil and has from its very beginning been working toward a one world
government with the Pope (antichrist) as its leader.
When he was a Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera received secret briefings from Augustin
Cardinal Bea and Jesuit Superior General Pedro Arupe. He also reviewed many of the secret
documents of the Vatican.214 These briefings and documents revealed that the Vatican is the
nerve center and head for a large number of conspiratorial organizations set up by the Vatican to
act as fronts that would offer a layer of secrecy and protection to Rome as it works toward a new
world order.
Those organizations include the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the
Club of Rome, the Opus Dei, the Masons, the New Age Movement, International Bankers
(central banks), and the Mafia. The Jesuits have infiltrated and control the mass media,
governments and their intelligence agencies, all the major world religions including Protestant
denominations and Islam, and terrorist organizations, including but not limited to the Irish
Republican Army (I.R.A.). The Jesuits are the right arm of the Vatican and directly control the
activities of these organizations as they work toward a one world government.215
It is the long established position of the Catholic Church that the pope should be the ruler
of the world.
Whoever seeks to evade the authority of the Vicar of Christ. . . . thereby impairs
the authority of the Christ himself. The king of Kings has established us on earth
as his universal representative and has conferred full power on us; by giving to the
Prince of the apostles and to us the power of binding in losing on Earth not only
all men whatsoever, but all things whatsoever. . . . The power of temporal
government cannot be exercised outside the church, since there is no power
constituted by God outside her. Pope Innocent IV, Eger Cui Leva, 1246 A.D.216
Even Catholic charities are fronts that are working toward a world government by
undermining the U.S. Constitution and the morals of the country. While the Vatican presents a
public facade of righteousness, it funds anti-Christian organizations that work to undermine the
U.S. Constitution and religious liberties. For example, the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD) gives millions of dollars in grants to numerous radical left organizations.
CCHD was founded in 1970 as the Catholic bishops’ anti-poverty program. In 1997 CCHD
funded the following organizations, all of which endorsed the National Organization for
Women’s (NOW) 1996 “Fight for the Right” [to abortion] march in San Francisco: Association
of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) ($310,000 grant from CCHD), Asian
Immigrant Women Advocates ($20,000 grant from CCHD), the Center for Third World
Organizing (CTWO) ($25,000 grant from CCHD), the Chinese Progressive Association ($30,000
grant from CCHD), and the Santa Clara Center for Occupational Safety and Health ($30,000
grant from CCHD).217 ACORN was a co-sponsor of the February 1996 conference of the
Feminist Majority Foundation which advocates abortion rights. The CTWO advocates
homosexual marriage laws. CTWO in turn sponsors WAGE (Winning Action for Gender
Equality), which is harshly critical of those such as Christians who support the traditional nuclear
family and Christian values.
CCHD funds many radical left and communist front organizations indirectly by funding
coalitions of allegedly charitable groups.218 For example, in 1997 CCHD awarded a grant to
Greater Birmingham Ministries, which in turn sponsored another coalition, Alabama Arise.
Members of Alabama Arise included the AFL-CIO and the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU).219 CCHD also awarded a grant to the Philadelphia Unemployment Project Coalition for
JOBS; that coalition included AFSCME locals, the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, the state chapter of
NOW, and the Woman’s Law Project (WLP).220 NOW is an aggressive proponent of abortion
and special sodomite rights. NOW supports partial birth abortions and opposes any restriction on
abortion, including parental notification. The WLP is a legal services provider in Philadelphia
that advocates lesbian and homosexual parenting rights and abortion rights. AFSME and the
AFL-CIO both contribute to groups that advocate abortion rights and homosexual “marriage.”
The ACLU is the leading opponent of religious freedom in schools and opposes restrictions on
Some might argue that the Catholic bishops just made some errors. The evidence,
however, suggests that the leftist anti-American slant to the CCHD grants is knowing and
purposeful. For the past ten years the Capital Research Center has publicized to all who would
listen the radical left slant to the CCHD grants, but the CCHD has done little to nothing to curtail
the support of the radical anti-Christian left.221
The CCHD responded in 1998 to criticism by proposing changes to its guidelines. The
new guidelines were adopted, and they specifically forbade the CCHD from awarding grants to
organizations which “promote or support abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, or any other
affront to human life and dignity.”222 Apparently the new guidelines were merely lip service,
designed to appease conservative Catholics. There, in fact, has been no significant change in the
grants by the CCHD. The CCHD is still funneling money to radical left, communist, and pro
abortion organizations.
For Example, not only did the CCHD not cut off its funding of ACORN in 1999-2000,
they increased the funding for 17 state and local chapters of ACORN by 18%, to a total of
$517,000.223 The CCHD also continued to fund the Philadelphia Unemployment Project during
1999-2000. The project’s “Jobs Campaign” coalition includes a branch of ACORN, AFSCME
locals, the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia AFL-CIO, the state chapter of NOW, and the Women’s
Law Project, all of which support abortion rights.224 In addition, the CCHD continues its
perennial financial support to affiliates of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). IAF was
founded by Saul Alinsky, who was author of Rules for Radicals, which is a bible for left-wing
political protest groups.225 The CCHD is carrying out the official, but covert, un-American and
anti-Christian policies of the Roman Catholic Church. Suzanne Belongia, CCHD director in
Winona, Minnesota, in an attempt to defend CCHD pointed out that Pope John Paul II, officially
endorsed CCHD when he visited Washington, D.C., early in his pontificate.226
The information about the CCHD grants gives us a little peak at the wolf under the
sheep’s clothing. Politician Huey Long once said, “if you have a reputation as an early riser, you
can sleep until noon.”227 Publicly the Catholic Church is against abortion and for traditional
family values; while behind the scenes the Roman church is financially supporting pro abortion
and anti-Christian groups. The CCHD reveals the Roman Catholic Church as the consummate
Machiavellian political organization.
How close is the world to world government that would mandate the worship of the pope
as God on earth? I don’t know, but the mark of the beast is already evident. Note in the
following passage that the number of the beast is the number of his name and the number equals
six hundred threescore and six. One should not be looking for simply three 6's in a row, the
number of the beast is the number “six hundred threescore and six.” That means the beast’s
name must add up to six hundred sixty six. The official title of the Pope written in classical
Latin is VICARIVS FILII DEI (Vicar of the Son of God). The sum of the Roman numerals in
the pope’s title equals exactly 666. Notice that in classical Latin there is a V just before the S in
vicarius, rather than a U. That is because there are only 23 letters in the classical Latin alphabet,
it does not have the letters U, J, or W as in the English alphabet.228 The V is used in classical
Latin when making the U sound.229 The values of Roman numerals are: D = 500, C = 100, L =
50, V = 5, I = 1. The values of the Roman numerals found in the Latin title for the Pope added
together equals 666. V (used twice, 5 x 2 = 10) + C (100) + I (used 6 times, 1 x 6 = 6) + L (50) +
D (500) = 666. The Bible states that no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the
beast or his name or the number of his name.
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like
a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. . . . And he had power to give life unto the
image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as
many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he
causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark
in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save
he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is
wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is
the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
(Revelation 13:11, 15-18 AV)
The ubiquitous Universal Product Code (UPC) symbol contains the number 666 hidden
within the lines of the symbol. The UPC below is typical of the most common UPC seen on
goods in the marketplace of today. The UPC has two sets of numbers. Each set has distinct
computer codes that are represented by two parallel lines per number. In the second set of codes,
the number 6 is represented by two equally thin parallel lines (,,). Notice that there are three
double lines in the UPC symbol that do not have an Arabic number to identify them. One set of
lines are in the middle and there are two other sets of lines, one on each end. Those three sets of
lines together represent the number 666. The numbers that appear on either end of the UPC
symbol correspond to the double line codes that are inside the double line codes for the end 6's;
in the UPC symbol below they are “0" and “1." Look at any product in your home and you will
see the same hidden code for the number 666.
6 6 6
Why is it that the only lines that do not have an Arabic number identifying are the lines
that together read 666? Because the UPC symbol is part of the groundwork being laid to control
the world’s commerce. The world’s goods are being marked with the number of the beast. It is a
hidden code so as not to alarm the slumbering masses. The Bible states that one day people will
be marked with a similar code in their right hand or forehead and that refusal to receive the mark
will preclude them from being able to buy or sell anything. The present day UPC is only part of
the scheme; the hidden 666 in the UPC is likely needed to match the 666 that will be in the right
hand or the foreheads of the people. If there is no match, then the purchase cannot be made. The
Bible does not state that the mark will be on peoples foreheads or on their right hands but in their
right hands or in their foreheads. Implantable biochips that are capable of storing several
megabytes of data equal to thousands of pages of information have already been developed.230
The biochips would be implanted under the skin and thereafter the person could be tracked and
identified anywhere in the world.
Once the governments of the world implement a mandatory identity card, it would only
be a matter of time before the convenience of an implantable chip is accepted. How close are
we? The Health Security Card proposed by President Clinton was manufactured by Drexler
Technology Corporation, Mountain View, California and was in fact a data storage card capable
of storing 2,000 pages of information, including fingerprints, voice prints, and pictures.231
In the Bible, God explains the consequences of worshiping the beast and receiving his
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship
the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without
mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and
brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no
rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth
the mark of his name. (Revelation 14:9-11 AV)
The Catholic Mass is a mockery of Jesus and a mysterious worship of Satan. That is why
God calls the great harlot church “Mystery.” The Vatican hierarchy also worships Satan directly.
As the book of Revelation points out, the Vatican has become the habitation of devils and every
foul spirit. Revelation 18:2. Former Catholic Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo revealed before
the Fatima 2000 International Congress on World Peace in Rome on November 18-23, 1996 that
Satan worship is practiced within the very walls of the Vatican.232 Former Jesuit Malachi Martin,
a well respected scholar of considerable renown who is considered an expert on the Vatican,
wrote a novel titled Windswept House. He states that he had to write the book as a novel but that
the novel is 85 % based on fact. One of the startling revelations in his book is that there are
sodomites and Satanists among the cardinals of Rome. He also recounts the actual occurrence of
a Satanic “Black Mass” in which members of the Vatican hierarchy participated.233 Martin had
this to say about Archbishop Milingo’s allegations:
Archbishop Milingo is a good Bishop and his contention that there are satanists in
Rome is completely correct, Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs
in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had
and still has his surrogates in Rome.234
The most startling aspect of these revelations is that they went completely unreported by
the newspapers and large circulation magazines in the United States. That should be some
indication of the control the Vatican has over the press in the United States. The A.P. Vatican
bureau reporter, Dan Walkin, when asked about the lack of coverage of such sensational news,
had no acceptable explanation for not covering the story.235
Come Out of Her My People
Those of Gods’s elect who are still in the Roman Catholic Church are ordered by God to
come out of that great harlot church.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to
her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath
glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for
she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth
her. (Revelation 18:4-8 AV)
6.Id. at p. 64.
7.Id. at p. 65.
8.Id. at p. 65.
9.Id. at p. 65.
15.ALBERTO RIVERA, DOUBLE CROSS, Chick Publications, p. 12, 1981. See also, EDWIN
A. SHERMAN, THE ENGINEER CORPS OF HELL, Library of Congress catalog card # 66-
43354, p. 118 (1883); Congressional Record, House Bill 1523, contested election case of Eugene
C. Bonniwell against Thos. S. Butler, February 15, 1913, at pp. 3215-16; BURKE MCCARTY,
pp. 14-16.
167, 1975.
17.Id. at p. 21 (quoting H. Boehmer, professor at the University of Bonn, Les Jesuits (1910)).
27.COLLIER’S ENCYCLOPEDIA, volume 13, p. 550 (1991); see also, EDMOND PARIS, THE
30.Id. at 70-71.
31.Id. at 71.
35.WILLIAM STILL, NEW WORLD ORDER, The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, p. 79
36.WILLIAM STILL, NEW WORLD ORDER, The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, pp. 81-91
39.Id. at p. 59-62.
42.JIM SHAW (33rd Degree Mason, Knight Commander of the Court of Honor, Past Worshipful
Master of the Blue Lodge, Past Master of All Scottish Rite Bodies) and TOM MCKENNEY,
THE DEADLY DECEPTION, Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders, p. 137 (1988).
46.WILLIAM STILL, NEW WORLD ORDER, The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, p. 123
47.Id. at p. 108.
52.Id. at p. 567.
55.Id. at p. 817.
56.Id. at p. 817-18.
63.Sodalitium, "The Pope of the Council" - Part 19: John XXIII and Masonry, October -
November 1996 (
66.Sodalitium, "The Pope of the Council" - Part 19: John XXIII and Masonry, October -
November 1996 (
68.Id. at p. 56.
69.Id. at p.141.
77.COLLIER’S ENCYCLOPEDIA, vol. 13, p. 550 (1991).
90.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, p. 55 (1994), quoting J.H. IGNAZ VON
98.Id. at p. 296.
99.Id. at p. 299.
100.Id. at p. 305.
101.Id. at p. 297.
104.Id. at p. 302.
105.Id. at p. 311.
106.Id. at p. 314.
110.Id. at p. 211.
111.Id. at p. 212.
114.Id. at p. 56.
Publications, p. 295 (1985) republished from the 1886 edition.
119.Id. at p. 139.
121.Id. at p. 140-41.
123.Id. at p. 118.
124.Id. at p. 122.
134.ALBERTO RIVERA, ALBERTO, Chick Publications, p. 28 (1979).
141.Id. at 135.
150.Id. at p. 97.
167, 1975.
154.Id. at p. 164.
155.Id. at p. 168.
158.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 283 (1994).
163.Id. at p. 117.
168.Id. at p. 110.
169.Id. at p. 112.
174.Id. at p. 137.
175.Id. at p. 156.
176.Id. at p. 161.
177.Id. at p. 109.
178.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 301-302
(1994) (quoting, AVRO MANHATTAN, THE VATICAN’S HOLOCAUST, Ozark Books, p. 9,
188.U.S. News and World Report, A Vow of Silence, at p. 37, March 30, 1998.
191.U.S. News and World Report, A Vow of Silence, at p. 37, March 30, 1998.
SOVIETS, p. xii-xiii, 1991).
194.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 322 (1994).
195.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 319 (1994)
SOVIETS, p. 104, 1991).
196.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 311, 319
LEAGUE, Dodd, Meade & Company, p. 39, 1986).
197.U.S. News and World Report, A Vow of Silence, at p. 36, March 30, 1998.
198.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 323 (1994).
199.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 315, 321,
324 (1994).
200.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 312 (1994)
MURDERER, Picador, London, p.289 (1977)).
201.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 314 (1994).
203.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 313 (1994).
204.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 313 (1994)
(quoting HUDAL, ROMISCHE TAGEBUCHER, p. 21, as cited in UNHOLY TRINITY, at p.
205.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 325-326
SOVIETS, p. 282-283, 1991).
206.U.S. News and World Report, A Vow of Silence, at p. 36, March 30, 1998.
207.Id. at p. 36.
209.U.S. News and World Report, A Vow of Silence, at p. 34, March 30, 1998.
210.See The Herald (Glasgow), Vatican on Spot Over Nazi Gold, p. 2, December 5, 1997.
211.U.S. News and World Report, A Vow of Silence, at p. 37, March 30, 1998.
212.DAVE HUNT, A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Harvest House Publishers, p. 318-19
SOVIETS, p. 102-103, 1991).
213.The New American, The Catholic Church in Crisis, p. 40, June 9, 1997.
217.Patrick Reilly, Assessing the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Human Events,
November 20, 1998.
222.Katheryn Jean Lopez, Catholic Campaign for Human Development: Still Entranced by
Leftist Activism, Despite Growing Unrest, Human Events, November 10, 2000.
230.TEXE MARRS, PROJECT L.U.C.I.D., Living Truth Publishers (1996) (citing Antony
Sutton, “Why Clinton Wants Universal Health Care,” Phoenix Letter, Vol. 13, No. 10, October
231.Id. at p. 88.
232.The New American, Dark Dealings in the Vatican?, at p. 24, March 3, 1997.
233.The New American, The Catholic Church in Crisis, p. 39, June 9, 1997.
234.The New American, Dark Dealings in the Vatican?, at p. 24, March 3, 1997.