Hofstadter, Paranoid Style in American Politics
Hofstadter, Paranoid Style in American Politics
Hofstadter, Paranoid Style in American Politics
Paranoid Style
in American Politics
and Other Essays
A LTHOUGH American political life has rarely been touched
rl. by the most acute varieties of class conflict, it has
served again and again as an arena for uncommonly augry
minds. Today this fact is most evident on the extI eme right
wing, which has shown, particularly in the Goldwater move-
ment. how much political leverage can he got out of the ani-
mosities and passions of a small minority. Behind such move-
ments there is a style of mind, not always right-wing in its
affiliations, that has a long and varied history. I call it the
paranoid style simply hecaose no other word adequately
evokes the qualities of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness,
and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind. In using the
expression "paranoid style," I alp not speaking in a clinical
sense, but borrowing a clinical term for other purposes. I have
neither the competence nor the desire to classify any figures
PAIlT I: Studin in tbe America Rjgbt
of the past or present as certifiable lunarics In fact, the idea of
the paranoid style would have little contemporary relevance
or historical valne if it were applied only to people with pro-
fonndly disturbed minds. It is the use of paranoid modes of
expression by more or less nonnal people that makes the phe-
nomenon significant-
When I speak of the paranoid style, I use the tem1 mnch as
a historian of an might speak of the baroque or the mannerist
style. It is, above a WIly of seeing the world and of express-
ing oneself. Webster defines paranoia, the clinical entity. as a
chronic mental disorder characterized by systematized delu-
sions of persecution and of one's own greatness. In the para-
noid style, as I conceive it, the feeling of persecution is
central, and it is indeed systematized in grandiose theories of
COIISJIiracy. Bnt there is a vital difference between the para-
noid spokesman in politics and the clinical paranoiac: although
they both tend to be overheated, oversuspicious, overaggres-
sive, grandiose, and apocalyptic in expression, the clinical
paranoid sees the hostile and conspiratorial world in which he
feels himself to be living as directed specifically Ilgllimt him;
whereas the spokesman of the paranoid style finds it directed
against a natiOD, a c:ultnte, a way of life whose fate a1feca DOt
bimself alom: but millions of others. Insofar as he does not
usually see himself singled out as the individual victim of a
persoual conspiracy,' he is somewhat more rational and much
more disinterested. His seuse that bis political passions are un-
sel6sh and patriotic, in fact, goes far to intensify bis feeling of
righteousness and his moral indignation.
TM P/Ir"",id St;yk in Amerie"" Politics
Of course, the tenD "paranoid style" is pejorative, and it is
meant to be; the paranoid style has a greater affinity for bad
causes than good. But nothing entirely prevents a sound pro-
gram or a sound issue from being advocated in the paranoid
style, and it is admittedly impossible to settle the merits of an
argument because we think we hear in its presentation the
characteristic paranoid accents. Style has to do with the Wlly
in which ideas are believed and advocated rather than with
the truth or falsity of their content."
A few simple and relatively non-controvemal examples
may make this distinction wholly clear. Shottly after the as-
sassination of President Kennedy, a great deal of publicity
was given to a bill, sponsored chiefly by Senator Thomas E.
Dodd of Connecticut, to tighten federal controls over the sale
of fireanns through the mail. When hearings were being held
on the measure, three men drove 2,500 miles to Washington
from Bagdad, Arizona, to testify against it. Now there are
arguments against the Dodd bill which, however unpersaasive
one may find them, have the color of conventional political
reasoning. But one of the Arizonans it with what
might be considered representative paranoid arguments, insist-
ing that it was "a funher attempt by a subvenive power to
make us part of one world socialistic government" and that it
threatened to "create chaos" that would help "our enemies"
to seize power."
Again, it is common knowledge that the movement against
the ftuoridation of municipal Wllter SIlpplies has been catnip
for etanks of alI kinds, espeeiaIIy for those who have obsessive
"MiItoD Robo.cb, ill Tw O#m ."., C/osod MiNI (New Yark,
lo) attempced to cIislia.pish S)"I""II'Irirony between the """'"'"
of id aad the W2y in w!Iich they are espouoed. It is ilIijiOlWit to
bar in miad, hoWClU. tbat while _ _ of beIlefs can be
eapousod ill the pumoid stYle, there OR beIiofs which lOUD to
be espouJe<\ IIImcm emireIy in this W2y.
'1_ _ SlJitm-u t1f r".IInM. HariDp bef.... the CoaunitJee
OIl Couwu.... Us. SeaaJe, 8sm Cons. lit aad ,ad ..... hll'l4). p. '4"
d. pp. 2.4O-S40 passim aaauoty 30, 1ll'l4).
PUT I: Studies in the.tfs1teriea lUght
fear of poisoning. It is conceivable that at some tiine scientists
may turn up conclusive evidence that this pllletice is, on bal-
ance, harmful; and such a discovery would prove the anti-
fiuoridatioDists quite right on the substance of their position.
But it could hardly, at the same time, validate the contentious
of those among them who, in characteristic paranoid fashion,
have charged that fiuoridation was an attempt to advance s0-
cialism under the guise of public health or to rot out the
brains of the community by imroducing chemicals in the
water .supply in order to make people more vulnerable to
socialist or commlDlist schemes.
A distorted style is, then, a possible signal that may alert
us to a distoned judgment, just as in art an ugly style is a cue
to fundamental defeclli of taste. What intereslS me here is the
JMlSSI1liIity of using politic:al rhetoric to get at political pa-
thology. One of the most imprtaive faclS about the paranoid
style, in this connectioD, is that it represents an old and recur-
reDt mode of exprSon in our puhlic life which has frequendy
been linked with movements of suspicious discontent and
whose content mnaios much the same even when it is adopted
by men of distinctly clitereut purposes. Onr experience sug-
gests tOO that, while it comes in waves of clitereut inteusity.
it appean to lie all but ineradicable.
I choose American history to illtlStl'llte the paranoid style
only because I happen to be an Americanist, and it is for me a
choice of convenience. But the phenomenon is no more lim-
ited to American experience than it is to our COntemporaries.
Notions about an all-etnbncing conspiracy on the pan of
Jesuils or Freemasoos, international capitalists, intemational
Jews, or Communists are familiar phenomena in many coun-
tries throughout modem history.' One need only think of the
"Sec Fnaz N _ ' . essay "AIDiety sud PoIiD<:s," in TIM Demo-
&Nti& tm4 tIM S_ m.. '951), pp. '70-3_
Far twO smdios in Earopean pozmcid St)'Ies in widely U-= ...-
dDss. sa: Fritz 50=: TIM Polbies qf Cubwal Da,..;, (llerlrdey,
'9'!,),lIDcI SrmIey Ho6Dwm: I.e M _ P0ajtJd4 <Paris, '956).
The PIJrIl1Wid St,1e in Ameriem Poli&s
response to President Kennedy's assassination in Europe to be
reminded that AmeriC3IIS have no monopoly of the gift for
paranoid improvisation. More imponmt, the single case in
modem history in which one might say that the paranoid
sryle bas had a consummatory triumph occurred not in the
United States but in Germany. It is a common ingredient of
fascism, and of frustrated nationalism... thongh it appeals to
many who are hardly fascists and it can frequendy be seen in
the left-wing press. The famous SllIIin purge trials incorpor-
ated, in a supposedly juridical form, a wildly imaginative and
devasrating exercise in the paranoid style. In America it bas
been the preferred sryle only of miNJrity movements. It can
be argued, of course, that certain features of our history have
given the paranoid sryle more scope and force among us than
it has had in many other countries of the Western world My
intention here, however, is not to make such comparative
judgments but simply to establish the reality of the sryle and
to illustrate its frequent historical recurrence.
We may begin with A few American examples. Here is
Senator McCanhy, speaking in June 1951 About the parlous
situation of the United StAtes:
How caD we ac:coant for oar pIeseDt situation un!ess we be-
lieve that men high in this govemm_ are concerbDg to deliver
us to disoster? This must be the product of a great conspiracy, a
amspiracy on a scale so immense IS to dwarf anr
previous such
veutare in the histoIy of man. A amspiracy of infamy so bJac:k
that, when it is finally its principals shan be fon=ver
deserving of the maledictioos of all mea. What <:all
be made of this uabcoken $eries of decisions and aetI c:ontrihut-
PARr I: Studies in fb. America Right
these movements, but will confine myself to a few leading
episodes in our past history in which the style emerged in full
and archetypal splendor.
PlIFlDloid Style ill AmerieIDl Politics
illuminati ever came here. In May 1798, a prominent minister
of the MassachusettS Congregational establishment in Boston.
Jedidiah Morse, delivered a timely sermon of great import to
the young country, which was then sharply divided between
Jeffersonians and Federalist:s, Francophiles and Anglophiles.
After reading Robison. Morse was convinced that the United
States too was the victim of a Jacobinical plot touched off by
illuminism, and that the country should be rallied to defend
itself against the machinations of the international conspiracy.
His warnings were heeded throughout New England wher-
ever Federalists brooded about the rising tide of religious in-
fidelity or Jeffersonian democracy. Tunothy Dwight, the
president of Yale, followed Morse's sermon with a Fourth of
July discourse, The Duty uf A",ericll1IS in the Present Crisis,
in which he held forth against the Antichrist in his own glow-
ing rhetoric.
The sins of these enemies of QIrist, ODd 01ristims, are of
numbers and degrees which mock 8CCOUDt and description. All
that the maJice and atheism of the Dragon, the cruelty and
rapacity of the Beast, and the frand and deceit of the false
Prophet, can generate, or accomplish, swell the 1ist. No personal
or natioml imuest of man has been tminvaded; no impious
se"timent, or action, agaiDst God has been spared. . Shall we,
my brethreu, become pamkers of these sillS? Shall we introduce
them into our government, our schools, our familiel? Shall our
SODS become the disciples of Voltaire, lIDd the dragoons of Marat;
or our daughters the concubines of the IDuminati?'
P....T I: StzIdies in th. AnlWII1I RigEn
Whiskey Rebellion. It was DOW "generally believed," as one
preacher put it.
that the present day is unfolding a design the most extensive,
1Iapious, and cliabolial, that human an: and malice have ever
invented. Its object is die teeal destruction of all re1igion and
civil order. If accomp'isbed, the earth em be Mtbing better dian
a sink of impnrities, a tbeoI:re of violence and murder. and a bell
of miseries.'
These writers illustrate the c:enaal preconception of the
paranoid styIe-the existence of a vast, insidious, preternam-
rally effective internatioriaI conspiratorial netWOrk designed
to perpettate acts of the most fiendish character. There are, of
course, certain ancillary themes which appear less frequendy.
But before going on to characterize the other motifs in the
paranoid style, let os look at a few more historical manifesta-
The anti-Masonic movement of the late 1810'S and 1830'S
took up and extended the obsession with conspiracy. At first
blush, this movement may seem to be no more than an exten-
sion or repetition of the anti-Masonic theme sounded in the
earlier outcry against the Bavarian IDuminati-and, indeed,
the works of writers like Robison and Barmcl were often
cited again as evidence of the siois= character of
But whereas the panic of the 1790'S was confined mainly to
New Eogland and JiDked to an ulaa-conservative argument,
the 1ateI anti-Masonic movement affected many pans of the
northern United States and was altogether coogenial to popu-
lar democracy and rural egalitarianism.. AlthOugh anti-
Ahic\ Abbot: A MmuriJI tJf DiciM B-tit> (Haverbill, Mass.,
.798>, ps.
Tbe ....... of dIasc wbo __ opposed by . - aad movemenlS of
die nineteemh ce:umry varied "WicWy. FIND 'SCIUCY was largely :aD.
alfair of the upper ernst of 1O<iecy. CaJholia were p<ep<>ndenndy
poor iJJunisnms. MClrJJJCIII drew Jboir saeD8Jb from the Dlti run!
middle cJass. 1roniaIIy, the victima tbemselves were associa with
Tb. PllTanoid S,,1e ;" Amlric"" Politics
Masonry happened to be anti-Jacksonian (Jackson was a
Mason), it showed the same fear that opponunities for the
common man would be closed, the same passionate dislike of
aristocratic institutions that one finds in the Jacksonian cru-
sade against the Bank of the United States.
The anti-Masonic movement, though a product of spon-
taneous enthusiasm, soon fell victim to the changing fortWles
of party politics. It was joined and used by a great many men
who did not share its original anti-Masonic feelings. It at-
tracted, for example, the support of several reputable states-
men who had only mild sympathy with its fundamental bias,
but who as politicians could not a1Iord to ignore it. Slill, it
was a folk movement of coosiderable power. and the rural
enthusiasts who provided its real impetus believed in it whole-
There must have been some coosiderable suspicion of the
Masonic order to begin with, perhaps a residue of the feeling
against IDuminism. At any rate, the movement was precipi-
tated by the mysterious disappearance of one William Mor-
gan in 1826. Morgan was an ex-Mason living in western New
York State who was at work on a book exposing the order.
There can be DO doubt that he was abducted by a small group
of Masons, and it was widely and qnite undemandably be-
lieved that he had been murdered, though no certaiDly identifi-
able body was ever found. The details of the case need not
detain us. Morgan's disappearance was followed by an out-
break of similar charges against Masons, invariably UD-
simibr IIlli sentiments. F-.nasonry had sttCllll IJIti.CathaIic asocia-
tiOllS. Marmans ...... 1Illi-Catholic, ond, 10 a cIegne, lilli-Masonic.
Vet their deaaam. cticI not hesime 10 couple IIllIDDCh f..... It WlIS
sometimes sold, fos .-.pie, that the Jesuits had infiItnted Free-
masonry, and the JIIOIlaCe of die Catholicism WlIS &eqaently cxan-
pored with the menace of Mormonism. All these lI\O\IeDlOms had on
interest lot minds obsessed with secrecy ond concerned with an 011-
or-nothing world SlI1I88Ie over nItirnae vol..... The ec:nmo:nicism of
hsued is a pat breaktr-<lown of precise imellectDl1 cIiscriminaliOllS.
Pan I: Saulies ill lb. AmmeiIJI lUgbt
fouded, of other conspiracies to kidnap or to hold in false
imprisonment. Within very short order an anti-Masonic party
was making iaelf felt in the politics of New York SllIte, and
the party soon became national. But it is its ideology not its
political history that concerns us here.
As a seaet society, Masonry was coDSidered to be a stand-
ing couspiracy against republican government. It was held to
be panicnlarly liable to tteason-for example, Aaron Burr's
famous conspiracy was alleged to have been conducted by
Masons.. Masonry was also accused of constituting a separate
symm of loyalty, a separate imperium within the framework
of American and state govenuneD1S,.inconsistent with loyalty
to them. Qoia: plausibly it was argued that the Masons had set
up a jurisdiction of theit own, with their own obligations and
punisbm'lllts, liable to enforcement even by the penalty of
death. ADti-MasoIlS were fascinated by the horrid oaths that
MlISOIIS were said to take, invoking terrible reprisa1s upon
t bemsel17eS if they should fail in their Masonic obligations.
The conflict between secrecy and democracy was felt to be
so basic that othet, more iDnocent societies, such as Phi Beta
Kappa, also came under attack.
Since Masons were pledged to come to each othet's aid
under c:irrnm5tl!nces of disucss, and to enend fraternal indul-
gence at all times, it was held that the order nulli1ied the
enforcement of regular law. Masonic constables, sheriffs, ju-
ries, judges, and the like would all be in 1eague with Masonic
"In his Ami-MJutmU: Rm... Hoary Dma Ward chuaed in Sop-
a:mbet 18>p thai: "die priwao COiUSjl ......"... of _ coaspiracy was
carried OD m tbo Rilytll AT"b t:1t1bor, which is proof that die . . . -
_ e:aIted FnmltsClllS "This aceoualS oIso f... dJeir oscopiag tbo
_ _ <Jl die law: die evidoace <Jl dJeir gail1 .... c:bie8y in die
myRic cbanetas <Jl 1'1 mi, aDd in Royol A:h b1asrs, aDd
dms dased opiasr tbo seudl<Jl ImmaD njOO...1s by the profaae 0II:b,
aad impious peqahy <Jl Royal A:h MlISOIl'. obIiptioas.' LcIaad M.
GmIin: Tho Ami-MIlS"";" P.....,.;.... aapablisbod doaoral dissma-
tim, CmnoIl Uaivasity (1950). pp. 61,...s.
The Pllrll1UJid S.,1e in AmtriCDI Politics
criminals and fugitives. The press too was held to bave been
so "muzzled" by Masonic editors and proprietors that news of
Masonic malfeasance could be suppressed-which was the
main reason why so shocking a scandal as the Morgan case
bad received relatively little publicity. Finally, at a moment
when practically every alleged citadel of privilege in America
was under democratic assault, Masonry was held to be a fra-
ternity of the privileged classes, closing business oppommities
and nearly monopolizing political offices, thus shutting out
hardy common citizens of the type the anti-Masonic move-
ment liked to claim for its own.
There may bave been certain elements of truth and reality
in these views of Masonry, and many distinguished and re-
sponsible leaders accepted them, at least in part. Not all of
these chatges and fears need be dismissed as entirely without
foundation. What must be emphasized here, however, is the
apocalyptic and absolotist framework in which this hostility
to Masonry was usually expressed. Anti-Masons were not
content simply to say that secret societies were rather a had
idea. David Bernard, in the standard handbook of anti-
Masonic materials, Light on MflStmry, declared that Free-
masonry was the most dangerous institution that ever was
imposed on man, "an engine of Satan . dark, unfruitful,
selfish, demoralizing, bbsphemous, murderous, anti-republi-
can and anti-Christian.'" One of the many anti-Masonic
pulpit orators called the order "a work of darkness because IT
PAar I: SnulU. in the Amerjcll1l Rigbt
at lease since the days leading up to Pearl Harbor, bas been
dOOl;nated by sinister men who were shrewdly and coDSist-
endy selling out American natiooal intereslS.
The final contention is that the country is infused with a
netWork of Communist agenm. just as in the old days it was
infikrated by Jesuit agents, so that the whole apparatuS of
education, religion, the press, and the mass media are engaged
in a common effOrt to paralyze the resistance of loyal Ameri-
The deails of the modern right-wing case are beyond the
scope of any brief discussion. Perhaps the most representative
document of its McCarthyist phase was a long indictment of
Secretary of State George C. Marsha1I, delivered in the Senate
on June Jof, J9Sl, by Senator McCarthy, and later published
in a somewhat different form as Amerie'I's Retre.t from Vic-
tory: The Story of George Clltlm M.,-sb.JJ. McCarthy pie-
tured Marsha1I as the focal figure in a bettayal of American
interests stretching in time from the strategic plans for the
Second World War to the formulation of the Marshall Plan.
Marshall was associated with practically every American fail-
ure or defeat, McCarthy insisted, and nODe of this was due to
either accident or incompetence. There was a "ba1lling pat-
tern" of Marshall's interventions in the war: "His decisiODS,
maintained with great stUbbornness and skill, always and in-
variably serv[ed] the world policy of the KremIin." Under
umponry lIlOIIaaI d. CClIlSpintoria\ ....... wbida II'lICOI DIJIilicoa-
ill mzay ..... d. American life, it Jolm A. StoEmor: N_ D",. C4U
It T _ (F!oriwm;, Mo., '964). Tbo wriDor asb (p. 236): "Is Ibm:
c<lIJJpiratllIi plan to daJray die Uaime! s..... iato wbicb f. . . .
lid, pImaed DdbJiClD, distaniaa d. ueuy-mokiac powers and dis-
_ 011 6r?" He .......-a sabdy that it maIoes DO diJI........
wbed>or dJiI it aU pImaed "" it moreIy die wmk d.
idaIists. Tbo faa: it that die pieces aist. They lit Jbe - . . whether
they weEe pIaaaed by Jbe i... or _ otbor _ and DIJS-
=- sevoIuJioIIary group "" DOt. 'Ibaoe who
'piocos' are few ill _ ...... they
fan"";C comroI in sovem-
JIIOIIr, lim"";'! cBdos, Jbe pross, ani schcds, etr.."
The PttrlDJO;Q Style ;" Ameri<:1m Politic,
his guidance there was conducted at the end of the war "what
appeared to be a planned loss of the peace." Marshall's report
on his mission to 0Jina cannot be understood as the product
of incompetence, but appears persuasive and brilliant when it
is read as "a propaganda document in behalf of other interests,
another counay and civilization." Marshall and Acheson
were intent on delivering 0Jina to Russia. The Marshall Plan
was "an evil hoax on the generosity, good will and careless-
ness of the American people." And, above all, the sharp de-
cline in America's relative strength from 1945 to 1951 did not
"just happen," it was "brought about, step by step, by will
and intentioo," the consequence not of mistakes but of a trea-
sonous conspiracy, "a conspiracy on a scale so immeose as to
dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man." The
ultimate aim of this conspiracy was "that we shall be c0n-
tained and frustrated and finally fall victim to Soviet intrigue
from within and Russian military might from without."1
Today the mantle of McCarthy has fallen on the retired
candy manufacturer Robert H. Welch, Jr.. who is less stra-
tegically placed but whose well-organized following in the
John Birch Society has had a strong inBuence. A few yean
ago Welch proclaimed that "Communist influences are now
in almost complete control of our Federal Govemment"-
note the care and scrupulousness of that "almost." He has
offered a full-scale interpretation of our recent history in
which Commllllists figure at every turn: They started a run
on American banks in 1933 that forced their closure; they
contrived the recognition of the Soviet Union by the United
States in the same year. just in time to save the Soviets from
econotnic collapse; they have stirted up the fuss over segrega-
tion; they have wen over the Supreme Court and made it
"one of the most important agencies of Communism." They
1 Joseph R. McCanIIy, A1IIIriu', Retmrt from Victory (New York,
'91')' pp. I'" 66, '10, '4'. '16, ,68, ,69, '7'
PAn I: Saulia ;" tbe APIlIrictm Right
are winning the struggle for control in "the press, the pulpit,
the radio and television media, the labor unions, the schools,
the courts, and the legislative haI1s of America."
Dose attention to history wins for Mr. Welch an insight
iura affairs that is given to few of us. "For many reasons and
after a lot of stody," he wrote some years ago, "I personally
believe [John Foster] Dulles to be a Communist agent."
Other apparently innocent figures are similarly unmasked.
The job of Professor Anhur F. Burns as the head of FBn-
hower's. Coancil of Economic Advisen quite probably was
"merely a coverup for Bums' liaison work between Eisen-
hower and some of his bosses in the Fstablishment." Eisen-
hower's brother Milton was "ae:tnally [his] snperior and boss
within the whole Leftwing Estab1isbment." As for Eisen-
hower himself, Welch chatac:terized him, in words that have
made the candy manufacmrer famous, as "a dedicated, con-
scions agent of the Communist conspiracy"-a conclusion, he
added, "based on an lICC1IIIIuIarion of detailed evidence so ex-
tensive and so palpable that it seems to put this conviction
beyond any reasonable doubt.''''
The views for which Mr. Welch carefully gatheD "de-
tailed evidence" are expraaed with less scholarly respomibil-
ity by a small but vocal segment of the public. Recendy Re-
publican Senator Thomas R. Kuc:hel. the minority whip of
the Senate, revealed that of the 60,000 letters he receives each
month, about 10 per cent may be dasrified as whaI he caI1s
"fright mail"-indignant or anguished letters about "the latest
PLOT!! to OVERTHROW America!!!" The imagination
of his com:sponde:nlS is fevecishly at work:
Tile Polidda (l!elm-. Mas, 'lI'l3), pp..... "3. ''')0 Qaoca-
doDI &em Welch vary sJiPdy become his iDcndibIe cIicibo opiDst
Eiseahonr modified ;" Imr ediIioas of obis aompIe,
Eiseah_ Imr deIcribod (p. '9,) "eitbor wiIIiDg ....,.. or
ID iDoeInlllld ;mpo".ut pill: of. caospin<:y of sa-. dOWllliDed
to raIe die world II: IDY COILD Wok:h', ....... are ably SIIIDIDIrized by
AlIII W...m, &em cWfaem: ftISiaD of the . - . in "I'be John IliJcb
Socioty,. in DIDid BeD (eel): cp. cit., pp.,.-6.
The Partmoid Style ... A:merictm Politi&t
Some of the more memorable "plots" that come to miDd in-
clude these: 35,000 Communist 0Unese troops beariDg ums and
weariDg deceptively dyed powder-blue uniforms, are poised on
the Mexican border. about to invade Son Diego; the UDited
States has turned will at any moment-its Army. Navy
and Air Force to the command of a Russian eoloael in the
United Nations; almost every well-known Ameri<:an or free-
world leader is, in reality. a top Communist agent; a United
States Army guerilla-warfare exercise in Georgia, called Water
Moccasin m. is in aetUa1ity a United Nations operation prepara-
tory to taking over our country.'
LP:r US NOW ABSTRACT the basic elements in the paranoid
style. The central image is that of a vast and sinister con-
spiracy. a gigantic and yet subtle macllinery of influence set in
motion to undermine and destroy a way of life. One may
object that there ll7'e conspiratorial acts in history. and there is
nothing paranoid about taking Dote of them. This is true. All
political behavior reqnin:s strategy. many strategic acts de-
pend for their effect upon a period of secrecy, and anything
that is secret may be described, often with but little exaggera-
tion, as conspiratorial. The distinguishing thing about the cf Arendt
on empire
paranoid style is not that its exponents see conspiracies or
as force of
plots here and there in history, but that they regard a "vast"
or "gigantic" conspiracy as the motive ftlrce in historical
events. History is a conspiracy. set in motion by demonic
forces of almost rranseendent power, and what is felt to be
needed to defeat it is not the USlIa1 methods of political give-
and-take, but an all-out crusade. The paranoid spokesman sees
the fare of this conspiracy in apocalyptic terIlI5-he traffics in
the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders.
whole systems of human values. He is always manning the
'The Ne'UI York Time" Jaly 2', '963. VI, p. 6.
PAKr I: StIIiBes in the America Rigln
barric:adcs of civilization. He c:oosrandy lives at a tuming
point: it is now or never in organizing resistance to con-
spiracy. TlDle is forever just mooing out. Like religious mil-
lenarians, he expresses the anxiety of those who are living
through the bst days and he is sometimes disposed to set a
date for the apocalypse. "TlDle is mnDing out," said Welch in
195 I. "Evidence is piling up on many sides and from many
sources that October 195Z is the fatal month when Stalin
will attaek... The apocalypticism of the paranoid style runs
dangecously near to hopeless pessimism, but usually SlOps
shott of it. Apocalyptic warnings arouse passion and mili-
rancy. and strike at susceptibility to similar themes in Ollis-
tianity. Properly expressed, such warnings serve somewhat
the szme function as a description of the horrible conse-
quences of sin in a revivalist sermon: they portray that which
impends but which may still be avoided. They are a secular
and demonic version of adventism.
As a member of the avant-garde who is capable of perceiv-
M"1 G"" Forgive U. (Cbicqo, '9$')' P' 7J. Dr. Fred C. Schwarz
of die Q,risrim Ami-Coaummism Crusade is mare cite.....peeL In
his Iocmza be .... die year '97}, as die .... for the Communi... to
ochine CXI1Inll of die 1I'OI:Id, if they ore DOC stoppccl. Mast COD-
_ _aid spatesmea speak of a "Commuaist rimen""'," of
focal cIaes they or- - . to _ imimaIIe 1m_ledge.
Pnlbahly me most rpeccr.:a1ar American iastmce of such advemism
is die case of William Miller, wIu> /Ioorishrd in New Yor!< ill the
,8)0'" The of a Iiae of Ilopdot pnocbeJs, Miller became
pm<lCCDpiecIwith miIIeDarioD _becia, IDd made ca!calari which
iBm "hI... Chrisr woaJ.J came aJ lim ill '84J,1Dd thea October
1Z, ' aad became die _ of aD a4vemist ICCt with a eClllSiclerable
fall OD die appc>im<d day, MiIIoriIa gadmed 10 pay, IlIaD)'
abmdcaecl cboir warIdIy """"P"'ioca, aad ...... tIispmed of cboir
_ . The MiI1er .............. _ ofmr the faa! day, bat ocher
advemisao _ eautiaus aboDr cboir _ of .daoa, canied OIL
A: aocabIo quality in MilIcE's worII: was die 1"lPcaI ODd
S)'SDOIIWic c:hancaor of his d....mwndoca, as was his miIiJaDt oppcoi-
liOCI 10 Masaary, Cuboliasm, IDd odIer _ ..... His IiemoDams
aad fDII_ II. Wbitoey Croos bas remsrbcI, "f0ClDd die wodd
boyODd .................. CCftDIlt, ODd iDlidcIity, icIo1aay, R Dism
secariaDism, secIlICIicm, fmuI, munier, and c1De1s all wuiDB J
Tbt PllTlmoid St,le in Americim POliriCI
ing the conspiracy before it is fully obvious to an as yet un-
aroused public, the paranoid is a militant leader. He does Dot
see social conffict as something to be mediated and compro-
mised, in the manner of the working politician. Since what is
at stake is always a conBict between absolute good and abs0-
lute evil, the quality Deeded is Dot a willingness to compromise
but the will to light things out to a finish. Nothing but com-
plete victory will do. Since the enemy is thought of as being
totally evil and totally unappeasable, he must be totally elimi-
nated-if Dot from the world, at least from the theater of
operations to which the paranoid directs his attention.' nus
demand for unqualified victories leads to the formulation of
hopelessly demanding and unrealistic goa1s, and since these
goals are Dot even remotely attainable, failure constantly
heightens the paranoid's frustration. Even partial ma:ess
leaves him with the same sense of powerlessness With which
he began, and this in tum only strengthens his awareness of
the vast and terrifying quality of the enemy he opposes.
This enemy is clearly delineated: he is a perfect model of
malice, a kind of amoral mperman: sinister, ubiquitous, pow-
Cross argues that the MilIorite _ I .... "or so fu frGlll the
maiIlstteam of American l'",x.-.tism .. some misht thiIlk: "The
MilIerites c:mIlor be dismissed as igIl<nl21 formers, Iil>ortorllut fIOIl-
d.....,.." imp<wezishecl victims of economic c:!wJIe. or hypncxDed
foll....... of mmioc duowza iIlto promin",ce by fraIo: c:c>iIu:ideDces,
wbe" the whole of Amcricm Protesrmtism come so ftIy cJ<. to the
sune beIieft. Theit doc:ame the Iqricd absoJme of fu!l<IameIlI2Ii
orthodoxy, as perfectiOllism the ezttmIe of remooIism. AD
J'rotestams uptCced some Ill'I"d ewm: oboar '843. md 110 critic frail
the anhocI"" side rook l1li)' sorioas issDe COl bosic priIlC:iples with
MiIIer'. c:oIcaIodclIls." The 1hfmed.Owr Dimia (ItIw:o, N.Y. '950),
pp. 3'G-.; _ Ch, for. soocIlICCQlIIIt of the MiI1erite m<mllllt!lt.
For the srory of OIl iJIreresdIlB COIIlelllponry prophetic caIr md
some sober re8ecri.... COl the -md nsistom:e of ..... beIievezs to
ovuwhelmillg disc:oJ:rfirmo<OI1, _ L FesdDsv, H. W. Riec:keIl, md
S. Scluc:hter: When l'rDfJbtcy Fllilt (MhmeopaIis, '9$6)
"The ."...... are diomeaicoJJy oppcsed: 0Ile must md will a:-
tem1iIIare the other." Edwud Beecher: Tbt p""., CorupiNe, Es-
p01ed md l'roun.minn Dtfmded (1!astOI1, ,SH). p. '9.
PAIIT I: St1lllies in th. Amerie"" Right
erfvl. cruel, seusual, lllXlUY-loving. UuIike the rest of us, the
enemy is Dot caught in the toils of the vast mechanism of
history, himself a victim of his past, his desires, his limitations.
He is a free, active, demonic agent. He wills, indeed he manu-
factures, the mechanism of history himself. or de1leas the
normal course of history in an evil way. He makes crises,
starts IUDS OD banks, causes depressions, manufactures disas-
ters, and then enjoys and profits from the misery he bas pro-
duced The paranoid's interpretation of history is in this sense
distinctly personal: decisive events are Dot taken as part of the
meam of history, but as the consequences of someone's will.
Verr ohen the enemy is held to possess some especially effec-
tive source of power: he controls the press; he directs the
public mind through "managed news"; he bas unlimited
funds; he bas a Dew secret for inHuenc:ing the mind (brain-
washing); he has a special technique for sedUctiOD (the Catho-
lic confessional); he is gaining a stranglehold on the educa-
tional system.
This enemy seems to be on many cooms a projection of the
self: both the ideal and the unacceptable aspects of the self are
attributed to him. A fundamental paradox of the paranoid
style is the imitation of the enemy. The enemy, for example,
may be the cosmopolitan inteUecruaI, but the paranoid will
outdo him in the apparatUS of scholarship, even of pedantry.
Senamr McCarthy, with his heavily documented tracts and
his show of information, Mr. Welch with his accumulations
of irresistl"ble evidence, John Robison with his laborions study
of documents in a 1aDguage he but poorly used, the anti-
Masons with their endlessly painstaking discussions of Ma-
some ritual-all these offer a kind of implicit compliment to
their opponents. Secret orgaDizations set up to combat secret
organizations give the same Battery. The Ku Khu Klan imi-
tated Catholician to the point of donning priestly vestments,
developing an elaborate ritual and an equaUy elaborate mer-
The Parll1lbi4 St:y1e in AmericIl1t Politics
archy. The John Birch Society emulates Communist ceI/s and
quasi-secret operation through "front" groups, and preaches a
ruthless prosecution of the ideological war along lines very
similar to those it 1inds in the Communist enemy. Spokesmen
of the various Ouistian anti-CommUDist "crusades" openly
express their admiration for the dedication. discipline, and
strategic ingenuity the Communist cause calJs forth.
David Brion Davis, in a remarkable essay on pre-Civil War
"counter-subversive" movements, has commented on the
manner in which the nineteenth-centnry nativist unwittingly
fashioned himself after hi5 enemy:
As the IIativist searched for participation in noble ca1I5e,
for unity in group sonetioned by u:aclition ODd authority. he
professed a be1ief in democrac:y and equaJ rights. Yet in his wzy
zeol for freedom he c:uriousIy lISSlIIIIed many of the cIwacteris-
tics of the imagined enemy. By condemning the subversi...
fanatical allegimce to an ideology. he affirmed simiIady 1111-
critical acceptmee of a dilferan: ideology; by attacking the
subversive'. intolerance of dissent, he worked to eliminate cIisoeat
and diversity of opinion; by censuring the subversive for alleged
licentiousn.... he eagoged in seasaaI lubsies; by criticizing the
subversive'. loyalty to an organization, he sought to prove his
unconditional loyalty to the established order. The nativist
moved even farther in the direction of his enemies when he
formed tightly-knit aoc:ieties and parties which were ofteII_
and whicll sobordiDated the indivicloal to the siDgle purpose of
the group. Though the nativists gene:rally agreed that the wurst
'"This has D"'" becane a fashioaabIe trend in ....... respectable
q - . Scephen Sbadqg, Ial....a for IUs sac<:ess ID. Seaator G<lId-
WIler'. seutorial compojps, wrins: "Mao T....tI1IIll has wrinen
a vaJnsble book on tbc lOcrIcs of iofiIrntion. In it be says: 'Gin me
j......... or ....... Dl8Il in a villose and I will ake the villose: In tbc
Gold...... compaicns of 195' and 1958 and in aU odte:r _ i p s
where I hove served as a coasaIant I hove foJI-.d the aetrice of
Mao T _ . " H_ to Will ",. Elecli"" (New YOlk, '1164>. Po 106.
Writing about cold'WIII' SIISbOBY. Goldwaer himsoIf decIans: "I
woold S1JS8<:St that we ....Iyze and copy the saate8Y of tbc enemy;
theirs hos worked and ...... has oot." Why NOI Yietmyl (New Ynd:,
'961>, p. '4-
PDT I: Snulin in 1M Amerit:tm Right
cvil of sub.elSi.es was tbeir subordiDation of meaDS to ends,
!bey themselves recommended the IIIOSl: radical means to purge
the Dation of troUblesome groups and to emorce unquestioned
loyalty to the are!
Much of the function of the enemy lies nor in what can be
imitated but in what can be whoDy condemned The semaJ.
freedom often attributed to him, his lack of moral inhibition,
his possession of especially effective techniques for fulfilling
his desires, give exponentS of the paranoid style an opportu-
nity to- project and freely express unacceptable aspects of
their own minds. Priests and Mormon patriarchs were com-
monly thonght to have especial attraction for women, and
hence licentious privilege. Thus Catholics and Mannon&-
later Negroes and Jews-lent themselves to a preoccupation
with illicit sex. Very often the fantasies of true believers serve
as mong sado-masochistic outlets, vividly expressed, for ex-
ample, in the concern of anti-Masons with the alleged C1Uelty
of Masonic punishments. Concerning this phenomenon, Davis
MasoDs cIisembowclecl or slit the rbroals of their victims:
Corbo!ics cur DIlhorn iafllltS fmm their motbers' wombs and
duew them to the dogs before tbeir parents' eyes; Mormons
raped aDd lashed rec:alcittoDt women, or seared their momhs
with red-hot iroas. nus ob tron with cIctaiIs of sadism, which
reached pathological proportions in mnch of the lire:rarure,
showed a furious determination to purge the enemy of every
aclminble quality.'
Another rec:urring aspect of the paranoid style is the speciaI
significance that attaches to the figure of the renegade from
the enemy cause. The anti-Masonic movement seemed at
T David Brion Davis: "Sclme Themes of C_-Sub...._ An
ADaIysis of And-Muouic:, AnIi.Qrholic, ODd Ami-MGmIOIl Urea-
lUre,. Misrinini Historiul Rmno, XLVU (Seprembor '960>,
81bi.cL. P. 111.
The PllrlZ1loid Style in AmericlZ1l Politic.
times to be the creation of ex-Masons; it certainly attached
the highest significance and gave the most nnqualified credu-
lity to their revelations. Similarly anti-Catholicism used the
nmaway nnn and the apostate priest, anti-Mormonism the ex-
wife from the harem of polygamy; the avant-garde anti-
Commanist movements of oar time use the ex-Commanist. In
some part the special authority accorded the renegade derives
from the obsession with secrecy so characteristic of such
movements: the renegade is the man or woman who has been
in the secret world of the enemy, and brings forth with him
or her the fiaal verification of saspicions which might other-
wise have been doabted by a skeptical world. But I think
there is a deeper eschatological significance attached to
the person of the renegade: in the spiritaal wrestling match
between good and evil which is the paranoid's archetypal
model of the world straggle, the renegade is living proof that
all the conversions are not made by the wrong side. He brings
with him the prOllilie of redemption and victory.
In contemporary right-wing movements a particula.rly im-
portant part has been played by ex-Commnnists who have
moved rapidly, thoagh not without anguish, from the para-
noid left to the paranoid right, clinging all the while to the
fundamentally Manichean psychology that nnderlies both.
Such authorities on communism remind one of those ancient
converts from paganism to Christianity of whom it is told that
upon their conversion they did not entirely cease to believe in
their old gods but converted them into demons.
A final aspect of the paranoid style is related to that quality
of pedantry to which I have already referred. One of the
impressive things about paranoid literature is precisely the
elaborate concern with demonstration it almost invariably
shows. One should not be misled by the fantastic conclusions
that are so characteristic of this political style into imagining
that it is nOt, so to speak, argued out along factaa1 lines. The
PAD I: StJulies in tbe if"",""" lOgin
very fantastic character of its conclllSioDs leads to heroic striv-
ings for "evidence" to prove that the unbelievable is the only
thiug that can be believed. Of course, there are highbrow,
lowbrow, and middlebrow paranoids, as there are likely to be
in any political tendency, and paranoid movements from the
Middle Ages onward have had a magnetic attraction for demi-
intellectuals. Bnt respectable paranoid lireramre nor only
starts from certain moral commitments that can be justified to
many non-paranoids but also carefn1ly and all but obsessively
accumulateS "evidence." Paranoid writing begins with certain
defensible judgments. There 'lIIo1S something to be said for the
anti-Masons. After all, a secret society composed of influential
men bound by special obligations conld conceivably pose
some kind of threat to the civil order in which they were
suspended. There was also something to be said for the Prot-
estaDt principles of individuality and freedom, as well as for
the nativist desire to develop in North America a homoge-
neons civilization. Again, in our time innumerable decisions of
the Second World War and the cold war can be fanlted, and
it is easy for the suspicious to believe that such decisions are
nor simply the mistakes of well-meaning men but the plans of
The typical procedure of the higber paranoid scholarship is
to start with such defensible assumptions and with a carefnl
accumulation of fllClS, or at least of what appear to be faets,
and to marshal these facts toward an overwhelming "proof'
of the particulat conspiracy that is to be established. It is
nothing if DOt coherent-m fact, the paranoid mentality is fat
more coherent than the real world, since it leaves DO room for
mistakes, failures, or ambiguities. It is, if not wholly rational,
at least inteusely rationalistic; it believes that it is up against an
enemy who is as infallibly rational as he is totally evil, and it
seeks to matchhis imputed total competence with its own,
leaving nothing unexplained and comprehending all of reality
Tbe P/trlJfttJid Style m Ammctm Politi..
in one overxeaching, consistent theory. It is nothing if not
"scholaxly" in technique. McCarthy's 96-page pamphlet Mc-
Cmbyimt contains no less than 313 footnote references, and
Mr. Welch's fantastic assault on Eisenhowex, Tbe Politician,
is weighed down by a hundred pages of bibliogxaphy and
notes. The entire right-wing mOVeDlent of our time is a pa-
rade of experts, study groups, monogxaphs, footnotes, and
bibliogxaphies. Sometimes the right-wing striving for schol-
arly depth and an inclusive woxld view has startling CODSC-
quences: Mr. Welch, for eumple, has charged that the popu-
larity of Arnold Toynbee's historical work is the consequence
of a plot on the part of Fabims, "Labour Party bosses in
Englmd," and various membets of the Anglo-American "lib-
eral establishment" to overshadow the much more tnlthfuI
and illuminating woxk of Oswald Spengler!
What distinguishes the paxmoid style is not, then, the ab-
sence of verifiable facts (thongh it is occasionally tnle that in
his extravagant passion for facts the paxmoid occasionally
maxmfaetures them), but rather the curious leap in imagina-
tion that is always made at some critical point in the recital of
events. John Robison's tract on the illuminati followed a pat-
tern that has been repeated for over a century and a half. Fox
page after page he patiendy records the detaiIs he has been
able to aCCtlIlluIate about the history of the IlItuninati. Then,
suddenly, the French Revolution has taken place, and the
illuminati have bronght it about. What is missing is not vera-
cious infoxmation about the organization, bat sensible judg-
ment about what can cause a revolution. The plausibility the
paxmoid style has for those who find it plausible lies, in good
measure, in this appearance of the most careful, conscientious,
and seemingly coherent application to detail, the laborious
accumulation of what can be taken as convincing evidence for
the most fantastic conclusions, the careful preparation for the
Tho Blue Book of rbe John BiFeb Sode<1 (D.P. '96'), pp. 4'-3.
PAn I: Snulin is tbe .fnuri&"'" Right
big leap from the UDdeniable to the unbelievable. The siDgular
thing about all this laborious work is tbat the passion for
facmaI evidence does not, as in most intellectUal exchanges,
have the effect of putting the paranoid spokesman into effec-
tive two-way coDlIDunication with the world oulSide his
group-least of all with those who doubt his views. He bas
little real hope tbat his evidence will convince a hostile world.
His effort to amass it bas rather the quality of a defensive act
which shuts o1f his receptive apparatUS and protects him from
having to attend to disturbing consideratious that do not
fortify his ideas. He bas all the evidence he needs; he is not a
receiver, he is a transmitter.
Since I have drawn so heavily on American eump1es, I
would like to emphasize again tbat the paranoid style is an
international phenomenon. Nor is it conDned to modern
times. Studying the miIIenniaI sects of Europe from the elev-
enth to the sixteenth cenrwy, Norman Cohn finds, in his bril-
liant book The Prmuit of the Millennium, a persistent psy-
chological complex that closely resembles what I have been
considering-a style made up of certain marked preoc:cupa-
tious and fantasies: "the megalomanic view of oneseH as the
Elect, wholly good, abominably persecuted yet assured of
ultimate triumph; the attribution of gigantic and demonic
powers to the adversary; the refusal to accept the ineluetsble
limitations and imperfectiOllS of human exisrence, such as
transience, diqmtion, conffict, fallibility whether intellectual
or moral; the obsession with inerrable prophecies . systema-
tized misinterpretations, always gross and often grotesque .
ruthlessness directed towards an end which by its very nature
cannot be a total and final solution such as
cannot be attained at any acmaI time or in any concrete situa-
tion, but only in the timeless and autistic realm of phantasy.'"
1 Tb. l'untIit tJf tM MiJJnRriurn "(1.cladoa, 19S7>. pp. J"9-IG; see
also pp. 58-7+ ID the Middle Ases millcaarianism lloarisbed "",ong
The Pllf'lIMid Styk in Americ"" Polities
The recurrence of the paranoid style over a long span of
time and in diJl"erent places suggests tbat a mentality disposed
to see the world in the paranoid's way may always be present
in some considerable minority of the popu1ation. But the fact
that movementS employing the paranoid style are not con-
stant but come in successive episodic waves suggests that the cf
paranoid disposition is mobilized into action chieBy by social fascism;
so what
conBiClS that involve ultimate schemes of values and that
would it
bring fundamental fears and hatreds, rather than negotiable look like
interests, into political action. Catastrophe or the feat of catas- to ID
trophe is most likely to elicit the syndrome of paranoid rhet- interests
oric. instead?
In American experience, ethnic and religious conBiClS, with
their threat of the submergence of whole systems of values,
have plainly been the major focus for militant and suspicious
minds of this son, but e1sewhere c1ass ron1licts have also
mobilized such energies. The paranoid tendency is aroused by
a confrontation of opposed interests which are (or are felt to
be) totally irreconcilable, and thus by nature not susceptible
to the normal political Jirocesses of bargain and compromise.
The situation becomes worse when the representatives of a
particular political interest-perhaps because of the very un-
rea1istic and unrealizable nature of their demands-cannot
make themselves felt in the political process. Feeling that they
have no access to political bargaining or the making of deci-
sions, they find their original conception of the world of
power as omnipotent, sinister, and malicious fnIIy confirmed.
They see only the consequences of power-md this through
distorting lenses-and have little chance to observe itS aetuaI
the poor, the OWl d, ""d the hopeless. In AogI...Am<:ricon experi-
ence, IS Samuel Shepperson hos obsuved, sach m_ _ h2ve never
P....T I: Studi.S in lb. Amnielm Right
machinery. L. B. Namier once said that "the crowning attain-
ment of historical study" is to achieve "an intuitive sense of
how things do nor happen.'" It is precisely this kind of aware-
ness that the paranoid fails to develop. He bas a special resist-
ance of his own, of course, to such awareness, but circum-
stances often deprive him of exposure to events that might
enliglueo him. We are all Slllferers from history, but the
par.moid is a double sufferer, since he is alIliaed not only by
the real world, with the rest of us, but by his fanusies IS well