Reading & Listening Extra: Upper Intermediate Answer Key
Reading & Listening Extra: Upper Intermediate Answer Key
Reading & Listening Extra: Upper Intermediate Answer Key
ANSWER KEY 1 time-consuming 2 playlists 1 difficult to write a new story
3 comeback 4 treasure 5 royalties 2 a mixture of two different genres
UNIT 1 6 undeniable 7 tracks 8 lose out 3 worked closely on the film
4 not well known
2 The best summaries are sentences 1 and 5.
1 We like buying new things because we
believe that new things are better. They 7 8
are also oen cheaper and they attract 1 plays music 1 expand on 2 from scratch
our curiosity because they are new. 2 their music labels 3 stuck/sticks in my mind 4 moving
2 Manufacturers are criticised because 3 musicians who are starting to make 5 futuristic 6 dark 7 come up with
they make products difficult to repair their name 8 complex
so that consumers have to upgrade or 4 playing live
buy a new product. 5 price, choice and convenience
6 big names UNIT 4
3 7 they are too expensive
1 can be unaware 2
2 interesting 8A 1 It has very few hours of daylight during
3 giving an old brand a new look face reality, be on demand, the winter time and very few hours of
4 gives no strong opinion about protest about the situation, nighttime during the summer.
5 more difficult pay for the privilege, make a profit, 2 In the summer because you can do
6 consciously get access more activities, days are longer and
7 but not always there is less snow. But people visit in
8 buy what know and dont experiment 8B the winter because of the Northern
1 be on demand
4 2 pay for the privilege
3 see the Northern Lights, whale-watching,
1 upgrade 2 persuade 3 model 3 get access try the hot springs, see icebergs,
4 strategy 5 purchases 6 stick with 4 protest about the situation glaciers, waterfalls, black beaches and
7 premise 8 hooked 5 face reality lava fields, deserts, fjords, etc., trekking
6 make a profit
6 3
1 Brad and Karen mention clothes 1 a stopping-over place
(especially trainers, dresses, coats, hats, UNIT 3 2 of new investment
shoes, swimwear). Colin mentions music 3 Visitor numbers vary in summer and
(albums), movies and merchandising 2 winter.
for fans. Hannah mentions food and 3 4 summer
drink (particularly coconut water). 5 as a way to relax
2 From most to least consumerist: 3 6 are very varied
1 Hannah 2 Colin 3 Brad 4 Karen A 2, 4 B 1, 9 C 5, 8 D 6, 10 E 3, 7 7 green landscapes
7 4A 8 to feel very small
1 c, g 2 a, h 3 e, f 4 d, b 1h 2e 3c 4g 5d 6a 7f 8b 4
8 4B 1c 2d 3g 4h 5a 6e 7b 8f
1 in advance 2 to get rid of 3 bargain other collocations: 6
4 release date 5 an easy target favourite adaptation/novel/characters 2, 3
6 merchandising 7 to try out 8 a must
incredible landscapes/adaptation/effects/
UNIT 2 1 False It has happened fast.
free approach 2 True
classic approach/adaptation/ 3
2 performances/novel 4
False It attracts more independent
2 Its convenient, you can play what you special approach/adaptation/ travellers.
like, customise your music (create and performances 5 False It is well situated between the
share playlists), you can find out about USA and Europe.
new groups and singers, you can listen stunning adaptation/effects/
performances/novel/characters/ 6 False The building of new roads and
where you like and its good value. tunnels has done some damage.
3 Young people feel nostalgia for the landscapes
past, they want to own things again. unique landscapes/approach/adaptation/ 8
4 Artists are not paid royalties, some performances/novel/characters/triumph 1 asset 2 demand 3 growth 4 willing
claim that this is music for free. faithful adaptation 5 challenges 6 addictive 7 discomfort
8 attract
3 6
1 really fast 2 not possible 3 logical film noir, science fiction,
4 are happier than 5 is not fair to them (wartime) romance, (suspense) thriller,
6 to own something 7 positive (Disney) cartoon
few different countries.
United Planet: offers a great number of
1 The images are too similar in type and
1 doesnt know 2 very fortunate different packages in many countries. not enough attention is paid to the
3 and he answered it 4 listen to her There is so much choice that they can composition.
5 was 6 got really angry 7 faraway design the right package for you. 2 I think the important thing is to
8 at the end of the day
imagine what kind of response you
8A 7 want to evoke with your image. Is it
1 complicated 2 implies going to be something emotional
1d 2h 3f 4b 5g 6e 7c 8a 3 garbage dump 4 educational 5 five thats going to make people laugh or
8B 6 health 7 profile 8 in Europe cry or something informative that will
GPS system, navigation mode, 8 make them reflect? Or something more
social, like a meme?
phone connection, phone battery, 1 non-profit 2 working 3 tailor-made
wifi reception, wifi signal, full battery 3 composition, dont take photos of
4 long-term 5 volunteer 6 privileged people without their permission, dont
7 sanitation 8 commercial use a flash unless you really need to,
dont use dark/blurred photos, crop
and enhance photos
2 6
1 Because they are dependent on us and 3
we live very stressful lives and dont
have time for them. 7
2 In the past, dogs spent more time 1 disagree 2 not be
outside and got dog-tired. Now 3 people empathise with these criminals.
they get less exercise and attention, 4 fame 5 allowed 6 you dont realise
meaning they can develop behavioural that you have committed a crime
problems. 7 dont want any more trouble
3 We can give them anti-depressants,
exercise them more, etc. but best of all 8
we can look at our own behaviour and 1 inadvertently 2 overcrowded
habits. 3 overlook 4 refuse 5 play truant
6 procedure 7 disproportionate
3 8 swindle
1 harder
2 mirror our own behaviour
3 logical
4 generally unpredictable
5 there is a routine to follow 2
6 yourself 2
4 3
1 wander around 2 is on the up 1 wasnt 2 varied his music was
3 turn into 4 deal with 5 cheer up 3 Ziggy Stardust 4 career
6 shi 7 resort to 8 upset 5 unpredictable 6 a singer 7 liked
6 4
1 1 influential 2 biopic 3 theatrical
4 breakthrough 5 legend
7 6 parting gi 7 smash hit
1 True 8 reinvent himself
2 True
3 False but why have a pet to be just 6
to be separate from them? The whole 1 Because his music covered so many
point about pets is that they are by different styles
your side and they interact with you. 2 electronic music, glam rock, soul,
4 False I get bored of playing all the grunge, indie rock
time with Felix 3 glam rock
5 True 4 soul
6 True
8 1d 2e 3f 4b 5c 6a
1 needy 2 obedient 3 neurotic
4 self-sufficient 5 interactive 6 fearful 8A
7 reliable 8 adaptable 1 grunge 2 overlap 3 audition
4 outrageous 5 indie 6 span
7 cover versions 8 echo
grunge and indie are colloquial