2017 VCHA Booklet
2017 VCHA Booklet
2017 VCHA Booklet
This is a book about country. It begins For eighty years her home, Cruden Farm,
with consideration of the pre-colonial provided Dame Elisabeth Murdoch with a
environment and traditional owners of complex garden for which she had a deep
a largely unknown area in north-west and special love. Her gardener for more
Victoria, and concludes with the area than 46 years, Michael Morrison, kept
becoming nationally and internationally diaries that recorded the daily work in the
recognised for the unique qualities of its garden, as it related, for instance, to the
natural and cultural landscapes. water features, walled garden, specialised
beds, notable trees, and nursery. The
The human stories of the Kulkyne
diaries provide an invaluable record
range from the finely balanced ways
of the decisions made about planning
of the Indigenous Latji Latji and
and planting, watering and weeding,
Nyeri Nyeri clans; to squatters and
composting and cultivating.
pastoralists; hunters, foresters, rangers
and railwaymen; and to the earnest The photographs by Simon Griffiths and
endeavours of interest groups, each the discussions that emerge from diary
focused on the Kulkynes natural or entries, combine to delight the reader. The
cultural heritage. These stories are woven balance that the two gardening partners
seamlessly together into a narrative based achieved in landscaping and maintaining
on painstaking research in oral histories the farm grounds is expressed in Lisa
and documentary sources, and draw on Clausens prose, often reflecting on
a deep appreciation of the workings of seasonal change, birdlife, and particular
the natural world. This is best illustrated features of the garden. In all, this work is
in those sections dealing with the books a joy to dip into, or to read fully at leisure.
main theme, the restitution of the
Returning the Kulkyne Cruden Farm Garden Diaries The books production is perfect, from the
Kulkynes environments after decades
John Burch Michael Morrison and Lisa Clausen gorgeous photography and creative design,
of misuse and degradation.
Published by the author, Melbourne, 2017 Lantern (Penguin), Melbourne, 2017 to the bound bookmark and end bands,
John Burch set out to write something quality paper, and bark-inspired end-
that would be available to any who would papers.
be interested. What he has produced is a
book that is history at its very best.
Returning the Kulkyne not only adds to
our knowledge and understanding of its
subject; it is a fine example of the power
of historical narrative.
2 3
Collaborative Community Award Local History Project Award
This award recognises the best community collaborative work which This award recognises activities that enhance access to records of
involves significant contributions from several individuals, groups or significance to local communities.
historical societies.
For more than 70 years Fletcher Jones The Notables of Collingwood database
& Staff was an institution in the clothing contains 104 biographies at present, but
industry. From small beginnings in twice that number are in the pipeline of
Warrnambool in 1924, the company this ongoing project. Searchable online
expanded under the benign and at the Collingwood Historical Societys
enterprising Fletcher Jones; by the 1970s website by alphabetical listing, the
it had more than 50 stores throughout the biographies have been well researched by
country and had become an Australian society members.
icon and a model of collaborative business
The subjects of the biographies are past
practice. So deeply sewn into the fabric of
residents of Collingwood, Clifton Hill,
Warrnambools local community was the
and Abbotsford connected with various
company of Fletcher Jones, that its closure
Fletcher Jones: endeavours and a few outsiders who
sparked a campaign to Save the silver
Stories from our Community strongly influenced local development.
ball and Fletchers garden and create a
Julie Eagles, Project Coordinator Thus we become acquainted with early
website to record the companys history,
www.fjstories.org.au settler James Campbell, diarist Emily
staff memories and myriad connections
Childers, mirror manufacturer Abbondio
with the local community.
Notable People of Collingwood Campi, stonemason and politician Charles
The website, structured into the two main Collingwood Historical Society Jardine Don, doctor and suffragist Grace
themes of the business and conservation http://collingwoodhs.org.au/resources/ Vale, and architect William Pitt. Each entry
issues, is replete with images, animated notable-people-2 contains a photograph, where available,
stories and videos about a company that with a brief biography, and a link to the
had a humane ethos in the cut-throat full entry. Further links lead to research
world of clothing manufacturing. The site sources and relevant external sites.
is attractively presented, easy to navigate
This project will greatly assist researchers
and immensely informative. In short, it is
of biographical, local and family history.
an excellent example of a collaborative
It is a fine model for enhancing access
community project.
to records of significance to local
Commendations Commendations
Girgarre Many Hands: The First Forty Years of the Australian Celebrating History: Items from the Queenscliffe The Children of the Port Phillip Aboriginal
Athol McDonald and Jenny Wadelton Tapestry Workshop Historical Museum Collection Protectorate
Girgarre Living History, 2016 HarperCollins for the Australian Tapestry Workshop, R. Brown, J. Grant, S. Lee and D. Sawyer Ian D. Clark and Fred Cahir
2016 Queenscliffe Historical Museum Inc., 2017 Australian Scholarly, Melbourne, 2016
Australian Book Collectors.
Some Noted Australian Book Collectors and Middle Park. The Way We Were The Forgotten Factory
Collections of the Nineteenth and Twentieth The Middle Park History Group Clunie Walker
Centuries. Third Series, Volumes IV and V. Middle Park History Group, 2016 Exhibition, ebook and website:
Charles Stitz, Editor https://www.forgottenfactory.com
Books of Kells, Melbourne, 2016
4 5
History Publication Award Local History - Small Publication Award
This award recognises the most outstanding non-fiction publication or This award recognises the best small, limited-run publication or e-book
e-book on Victorian history. which features Victorian local, cultural or social history.
6 7
Cultural Diversity Award Multimedia Award
This award recognises the most outstanding project or publication that This award recognises the best presentation of history which uses
highlights the cultural diversity of Victoria. non-print media and has a broad community reach.
These two documentary films focus The gifted Cornish architect Joseph Reed
on immigrants who arrived as children studied classical and Gothic revival styles
at Station and Princes Piers between in London and later the architecture
1947 and 1971, a time when one million of northern Italy. Arriving in gold-rush
migrants disembarked. Reading the Wind Melbourne in 1853, he identified with
introduces migrants whose families fled the towns aspirations to become a great
oppression in their home countries. The city. The Melbourne Public Library was
restoration of Princes Pier in 2011 was the the first of a succession of grand public
catalyst for this and other projects. buildings by Reed; these included the
classical Baptist church in Collins Street,
Afterwards encounters three of the Reading the Wind and Afterwards
Joseph Reed and the Making of the Independent church in Lombard
children, now mature adults, who Two documentary films directed by
Marvellous Melbourne Romanesque style and the monumental
successfully adapted. The artist Domenico Adam Ricco, produced by Lella Cariddi in
Design and narration by Ros Stirling, town hall. Wilson Hall was a vision in Tudor
de Clario from Italy presented numerous association with Multicultural Arts Victoria.
produced by Heritage Films. Perpendicular while the noble Exhibition
exhibitions while Mimmo Cozzolino, also On USB and website:
http://www.heritageaustralia.com.au/ Building was crowned by a dome
from Italy, wrote the popular Symbols of https://vimeo.com/178414628
articles/features/5014-joseph-reed-and- reminiscent of the Florentine Cathedral.
Australia. Maria Vamvakinou from Greece
was an interpreter as a child to the Greek the-making-of-marvellous-melbourne Historic and contemporary images
neighbourhood in Brunswick, and later alternate in this video conveying continuity.
became the first Greek-born woman to Despite demolitions, most of the main
be elected to Federal Parliament. She buildings remain. The narration is clear,
reflects on the dream of return syndrome concise and perceptive. Celebratory
among immigrants; many finally became baroque orchestral music heightens
anchored by grandchildren. the sense of Reeds architectural
achievements and suggests an analogy
This project movingly explores the
between these two creative arts. Reed
transformative experience of migration
himself was a violinist and sensitive to the
through the recollections of those who
acoustics of buildings he designed. This
contributed to a peaceful and vibrant
video is a fine tribute to the marvellous
multicultural society on foreign shores.
legacy of Joseph Reed.
Commendations Commendations
From Small Beginnings: Chinese Fortunes HM Gaol Beechworth East Loddon Remembers
The Victorian School of Languages Exhibition and event Nanette Collins, East Loddon P-12 College and East Loddon and
Catherine Bryant and Bruno Mascitelli Chinese Australian Cultural Society Ballarat Inc., 2017 hmgaolbeechworth.com District Historical Society
Australian Scholarly, 2016 www.eastloddonanzacs.com
Donald Cemetery
Andiamo Donald Public Cemetery Trust, 2016
Angelo Indovino www.donaldcemetery.com.au
Published by the author, Melbourne, 2017
8 9
Historical Interpretation Award Centenary of WW1 Award
This award recognises the most outstanding local history project This award recognises the best work or project on the impact of WW1 on
presented in a unique format. Victoria or Victorians.
This guided township walk has a compact Among the Victorian artists represented
format, concise information on 54 stops in this book are Arthur Streeton from the
and a clear fold-out map. Conformity Heidelberg School, and Dora Meeson
to the usual template for guided walks whose Leaving for the Front is a feature
masks the skill underlying the project. The of the Ballarat Art Gallery. Remarkably,
individual buildings form a window on to four of the artists who figure prominently
the industrial, commercial and cultural come from the Ballarat district, namely
history of Kyneton and also reflect the Will Dyson and Hilda Rix Nicholas from
early development of regional Victoria. Ballarat, Will Longstaff from Clunes and
Norman Lindsay, member of the talented
Far from being trapped in the past, the
Lindsay family, from Creswick.
town is constantly adapting to change.
Thus a church becomes a theatre, a bank is In addition to portraying the conflict,
reinvented as a museum, the former butter several of the artists were involved with
factory operates as a retail emporium, and the war effort. Norman Lindsay painted
the school once attended by Alfred Deakin powerful recruiting posters and helped
is now the private residence College House. raise funds. Will Dyson, Australias first
Retail advertisements transport readers official war artist, and husband of Ruby
back to earlier times, and anecdotes such Lindsay, was twice wounded on the
as that about the recalcitrant post office Western Front.
clock enliven the text.
To Paint a War Travers has crafted an engrossing tale
This booklet, dedicated to one of its The Lives of the Australian Artists Who of the men and women who creatively
foremost contributors, Don McLure, has Painted the Great War, 19141918 interpreted the events and effects of
a strong community dimension and is an Richard Travers the war. The book contains excellent
exemplar of a guided township walk. Discover Historic Kyneton: Thames & Hudson, Melbourne, 2017 reproductions of paintings on quality
A Guide to Discovering Kynetons paper, comprehensive footnotes,
Historic Places and People bibliography and index. It is a notable
Discover Historic Kyneton, 2017 contribution to the centenary of the
Great War.
Commendations Commendations
Falls User Guide Olinda Heritage Walk from Settlement to Village The Everyday War Contribution and Conflict:
http://www.fallsuserguide.com/blue/welcome-tablet. 19051915 Andrew May, Nicole Davis and Nicholas Coyne A History of Wonthaggi and the First World War
html Mount Dandenong and District Historical Society, 2016 Provenance, no. 15 2016-17 and website: Sebastian J. Sam Gatto
https://melbournehistoryworkshop.com/portfolio/ Wonthaggi and District Historical Society, 2016
Alpine Heritage Guide the-everyday-war-2017
Alpine Shire Heritage Network, 2016
J.D. Burns. Poet, School Boy, Soldier, Martyr
A.J. McAleer
Lilydale RSL sub-branch, 2016
10 11
History Article (Peer Reviewed) Thank you
This award recognises the best essay or article published in a recognised Thank you to all the entrants of the 2017 Victorian Community History
peer reviewed journal that illuminates the history of Victoria or Victorians. Awards for your contribution to capturing, preserving and sharing our
States memory.
In this imaginative and engaging article, 75 years of Templers Beyond the Rock Fighting for the Trees: The Giffard, Darriman and
in Australia Janelle McCulloch story of the Blackburn & District: A community
Miranda Francis recovers the history of Editors - Doris Frank and District Tree Preservation history
a crche established at Footscray High Renate Weber Brunswick Cycling Society 19592016 Lisa Harrison &
School in 1976, and in so doing uses this Centenary Book David Berry Nicki Jennings
100 Years of Scouting in Ben Schofield
micro-history to illuminate Victorian Sale 19172017 Finding Lanky Manton Good Beer, Good Cheer -
womens changing experience of work Chris Lyon Brunswick Street, Jim Poulter Yackandandahs Pubs of
Art & Revolution
and family life in the 1970s, the impact Activism, Heritage and Anne Rittman & Fine Spirit and Pluck:
the Past
Mark Grealy
of feminist ideas and activism, and how New Histories Maz Wilson World War One Stories
women were able to force change in child Jacqueline Wilson & From Banyule Nillumbik The Good Cop: The true
Frank Golding Building of Less Shed and Whittlesea story of Ron Iddles,
care provision. Sue Thompson, Lilydale & Liz Pidgeon Australias Greatest
AE2 Plaques District Historical Society Detective
Francis deftly interweaves and compares Friends of Gallipoli Inc. Footscray Wharves Precinct Justine Ford
archival documents and oral history Chances Matter Peter Haffenden
interviews to enrich our understanding One womans Crche is a Bureaucrats Alexander Archibald and Vernon Knight The Grandest House in
Emily Morgan: Donnellys The Forgotten Island
of the complex interconnections between Child-Minding Centre: Creek Gold Charles Pratt of Angela Borelli
the District
Roger Southern
womens experience and institutional The Flat at Footscray High School Heather Sjoberg Belmont Common
Kevin OReilly Four Courses for 100 Years: The Great Walk
needs, novel ideas and conservative 19761986
The Amazing Life of The Centenary of Lake Aaron Wan
resistance, and local action and public Miranda Francis Mary Schwerkolt The Collingwood Bolac Golf Club 1917-2017
Provenance, no.15 201617 Rosalie Schwerkolt Barracker: 18531906 Karen McIntyre Gunners Vietnam 67/68
policy. Robin Murphy
Whalen Editors: Bruce Benjamin
From Buckets to Brigades Burrow and John Godfrey
Anastasia: From Callan CSL Rich Past: Heather Fleming
to Stockyard Creek Healthy Future Heritage Shared Archive
Liz Rushen and Kathy Neil Montagnana-Wallace From the Newspapers Facility and Digitisation
Gibson Julie George, Project
The CSL Story Yallourn Association
Simon Dikkonborg City of Greater Dandenong
ANZAC Walk Emerald
Peter Maloney From the Paddock Historical Drivers Guide
Cuthberts: A Ballarat to the Agora
Institution to the Great Ocean Road
The Armour of Light: Don Watson, Robert Ross Bastiaan
The Life of Reverend Doctor Jill Blee Manne, Dennis Altman,
Barry Marshal Depends What You Marilyn Anderson, Clare History Matters
Nola Firth Mean By Extremist Wright, and Penny Davies Torquay Museum Without
John Safran Walls
Ash Wednesday Bushfire The Galahs
Education Centre The Enterprising Mr Cam Fink, Rob Heath and History of the Casterton
Graham Simpson MacGregor: Stockbreeder Tony Wilson Railway Station
Adam Robertson
Commendation Best One Ever! and Pioneer Pastoralist Gallipoli: The Making of
Cherie Moselen and Fay Woodhouse an Officer - How Private History of Indian
Female Spectators, Agency, and the Politics of Stephen Reymolds Horace Hyman Fryberg No Community in Victoria
Pleasure: An Historical Case Study from Australian Female Mental Illness
Issues - 3CR Podcast 2304 Became Major Alan and Australia
Rules Football The best possible Harvey-Brooks, Chaplain SBS Radio Punjabi
Matthew Klugman foundation: Yarras (7 November 2016)
Sue Armstrong Nerrida Pohl
International Journal of the History of Sport, 33: 17 maternal and child health Honour the Work: Bendigo
centres, 19172017 Fifteen Young Men: Geelong Voices Oral School of Domestic Arts
Yarra City Council Australias untold History Project to Bendigo South East
football tragedy Gwladys McLachlan College 19162016
Bettie Has a Doll Michele Matthews
David Luxford Paul Kennedy
12 13
The Ithicans...the Ithican Not Quite Australian: How E-Book: Recalling They Answered the Call Victorias Accredited
Philanthropic Society Temporary Migration is the Journey Sue Thompson Museums #MAP100
19162016 changing the Nation Lella Cariddi Rosemary Hanscombe
George Paxinos Peter Mares This chic Italian migrant
Rediscovering the Town has been keeping Aussies Visionary Life of Tilly
Kangaroo Tower of Old Shire of Phillip Island Hall Vaults - 3D Objects stylish for over 60 years Aston Exhibit
Remembrance Rates Books Indexing Kieran Davis & Jake Smith SBS Radio Italian Deborah Gould, Siobhan
Yarrambat Historical Program - Data Entry Dennis and Gael Vincent
Society Inc. Phillip Island District The remarkable Through Younger Eyes:
Genealogy Society Inc. disappearance of Messrs Anzac Centenary We Remember 1917
Land Hunger: Gellibrand and Hesse - produced by Way Back Janet Hollingsworth
Belfast, Portland Once Upon A Time What really happened When, with Michael
www.historicalsociety. In Australia in 1837? Carmody and Russell W.H. Blakeley: Pioneer Saw
port-fairy.com Carlo Oregila, SBS Radio Paul Michael F Donovan Goldsmith for the City of Maker, Farmer & Trade
Glen Foster Greater Geelong Unionist
One Schools Journey Remarkable Women Helen L Blakeley
Local History News - Barbara Poustie Katie Norton Time Turners, Clunes
Keeping Stonningtons Clunes Neighbourhood The White Australia Nettle:
History Alive! Out of the Closets, Robert Whatmough: House womens internationalism,
Malvern Historical Into the Streets Pioneering Victorian peace, and the White
Society Kathie Mayer, Jary Nemo, horticulturalist Towards a pre-history of Australia policy in the
Lucinda Horrocks, Nick Jacinta Crealy disability sport in Victoria, interwar years
Loyal In All: Centenary Henderson Australia Kate Laing
of Coburg High School Scurry - The Man Who Got Matthew Klugman and
19162016 Pathways to Harrow Them Safely Off Gallipoli Rob Hess WildwoodA little farm
Elizabeth Grove and Melanie YLang Donovan Anthony McAleer well tilled, Barry Wright
Laura Donati Tawonga Remembers
Paved with Good Shining a Light on the Boer Diane Edmondson Work Ready Program, Vijay
Mafeking Square Intentions: Terra Nullius, War: Euroas Contribution Kuttapan and Karin Stahl
Bright RSL Sub-Branch Aboriginal Land Rights Lynne Doree Transforming Victoria
and Settler-Colonial Law 18941994 A Writing Life: Helen
Major Mercer Hannah Robert Shire of Alexandra - John M Wilkins OAM Garner and Her Work,
Chris Ganly Past Presidents Bernadette Brennan
Picturing and Re-picturing David Hibbert Ubiquitous and Necessary:
The Mill: Experiments in Bonegilla Murrindindi Shire Council Australias Mechanics Written in Stone, Barbara
Theatre and Community Bruce Pennay Institutes and schools of Poustie
Meredith Roger Some significant Women art: A Research Guide
Play On!: The Hidden of Portland and Victorias yallambie.wordpress.com,
Pam Baragwanath & Ian McLachlan
Mornington Football History of Womens South West Ken James
Disaster Commemoration Australian Rules Football Bernard Wallace WildwoodA little farm
Mornington & District Brunette Lenkic & UFTG CFA 90th Birthday well tilled
Historical Society Rob Hess St Arnaud History Upper Ferntree Gully CFA
Mosaic Wall Barry Wright
Murrabit Town The PMM Journal St Arnaud Neighbourhood Unique Storyboard Work Ready Program
Heritage Walk Paynesville Maritime House -(NWCG) Vijay Kuttapan and
Murrabit & District Museum Inc. North Wangaratta Karin Stahl
Heritage Group Inc. The Story of Australias Community Group
Police Lock-Up Cells & People: The Rise and Rise A Writing Life: Helen
The Mystery of Memorabilia Display of a New Australia A Victorian Silhouette Garner and Her Work
Fairyland, Kew Numurkah & District Geoffrey Blainey Erin Santamaria, Sovereign Bernadette Brennan
James Nicolas Historical Society Inc. Hill Museums Association
Tales from Rat City Written in Stone
Newstead District Quarry and Stone https://talesfromratcity. Barbara Poustie
Then & Now Research Methods com
Derek Reid Susan Walter Dr David Waldron yallambie.wordpress.com
Ian McLachlan
14 15
Established in 1998, the Victorian Community History Awards are held in celebration
of activity undertaken to explore and preserve the States history. The range of award
categories acknowledge that history can be told in many and varied formats with the
aim of reaching and enriching all Victorians.
The Victorian Community History Awards are presented by Public Record Office Victoria
in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
The 2017 Awards ceremony was held during History Week on Monday 16 October at the
Arts Centre Pavilion in Melbourne.
Start planning your project for 2018 and uncover your local
history today.
To find out more about the Victorian Community History Awards visit: