Mitsubishi G-TITLE

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This Workshop Manual contains procedures for re-

moval, disassembly, inspection, adjustment, reas-
Engine <Up to 2001>
sembly and installation, etc. for service mechanics.

All information, illustrations and product descriptions

contained in this manual are current as at the time of
Engine <From 2002>
publication. We, however, reserve the right to make
changes at any time without prior notice or obliga-


Please keep these manual pages in the binder

No. BN940001.
File these pages according to the signs
Added, Revised and Deleted on the
List of effective pages which are interpreted
Added: File the pages with this sign addition-
ally in your manual.
Revised. Deleted: Replace the existing pages
with the corresponding pages with
this sign.

Missing sheets will be supplied upon request.

E Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Aug. 2001 Pub. No. PWEE9061-I


Denotes tightening torque

11A: Torque may also be shown
in rectangles in the order of
units (Nm, kgm and ft-lbs.
from left) as follows.
33 3.3 23
11B: Torque values are given
only in SI unit.

Denotes service point for

removal or disassembly.
cAd is used in 11A.
AA" is used in 11B.

Denotes service point for

installation or disassembly.
DAC is used in 11A.
"AA is used in 11B.

List of Effective Pages

Page Revision Date Remarks Page Revision Date Remarks

code code

11A-0-1 I Aug. 2001 Revised 11A-6b-1 and 11A-6b-2 H Mar. 2000

11A-0-3 D Aug. 1994 11A-6c-1 to 11A-6c-4 H Mar. 2000
11A-0-4 Oct. 1990 11A-7-1 and 11A-7-2 D Aug. 1994
11A-0-5 D Aug. 1994 11A-7-3 to 11A-7-6 C Dec. 1993
11A-0-6 Oct. 1990 11A-7-7 D Aug. 1994
11A-0-6a and 11A-0-6b D Aug. 1994 11A-7-8 H Mar. 2000
11A-0-7 and 11A-0-8 C Dec. 1993 11A-7-8a and 11A-7-8b H Mar. 2000
11A-0-9 and 11A-0-10 A Sept. 1992 11A-7-9 and 11A-7-10 D Aug. 1994
11A-0-11 C Dec. 1993 11A-7a-1 and 11A-7a-2 A Sept. 1992
11A-0-12 A Sept. 1992 11A-8-1 and 11A-8-2 D Aug. 1994
11A-0-13 to 11A-0-16 C Dec. 1993 11A-8-3 to 11A-8-5 H Mar. 2000
11A-1-1 to 11A-1-4 F Aug. 1997 11A-8-6 to 11A-8-8 D Aug. 1994
11A-1-5 H Mar. 2000 11A-8-9 E Nov. 1995
11A-1-6 E Nov. 1995 11A-9-1 to 11A-9-4 C Dec. 1993
11A-1-7 and 11A-1-8 H Mar. 2000 11A-9a-1 to 11A-9a-5 H Mar. 2000
11A-1-9 E Nov. 1995 11A-10-1 D Aug. 1994
11A-1-10 H Mar. 2000 11A-10-2 A Sept. 1992
11A-1-11 D Aug. 1994 11A-10-3 Oct. 1990
11A-1-12 G May 1999 11A-11-1 A Sept. 1992
11A-1-13 to 11A-1-20 H Mar. 2000 11A-11-2 D Aug. 1994
11A-2-1 E Nov. 1995 11A-11-3 to 11A-11-8 E Nov. 1995
11A-2-2 to 11A-2-4 D Aug. 1994 11A-12-1 to 11A-12-9 H Mar. 2000
11A-3-1 to 11A-3-6 D Aug. 1994 11A-13-1 to 11A-13-3 E Nov. 1995
11A-3a-1 to 11A-3a-3 H Mar. 2000 11A-13-4 D Aug. 1994
11A-3b-1 H Mar. 2000 11A-13-4a and 11A-13-4b D Aug. 1994
11A-3c-1 H Mar. 2000 11A-13-4c G May 1999
11A-4-1 and 11A-4-2 Oct. 1990 11A-13-4d H Mar. 2000
11A-4-3 D Aug. 1994 11A-13-5 D Aug. 1994
11A-4-4 Oct. 1990 11A-13-6 H Mar. 2000
11A-4-5 D Aug. 1994 11A-13-6a and 11A-13-6b H Mar. 2000
11A-4a-1 D Aug. 1994 11A-13-7 G May 1999
11A-4a-2 G May 1999 11A-13-8 to 11A-13-12 D Aug. 1994
11A-4a-3 H Mar. 2000 11A-13-13 and 11A-13-14 H Mar. 2000
11A-4a-4 F Aug. 1997 11A-14-1 C Dec. 1993
11A-4b-1 and 11A-4b-2 H Mar. 2000 11A-14-1a C Dec. 1993
11A-5-1 and 11A-5-2 D Aug. 1994 11A-14-1b H Mar. 2000
11A-5-3 to 11A-5-13 H Mar. 2000 11A-14-2 A Sept. 1992
11A-6-1 H Mar. 2000 11A-14-3 H Mar. 2000
11A-6-2 C Dec. 1993 11A-14-4 C Dec. 1993
11A-6-3 to 11A-6-13 H Mar. 2000 11A-14-5 B Dec. 1992
11A-6a-1 and 11A-6a-2 D Aug. 1994 11A-14-6 to 11A-14-10 H Mar. 2000
11A-6a-3 and 11A-6a-4 H Mar. 2000 11A-15-1 to 11A-15-9 H Mar. 2000
11A-6a-4a and 11A-6a-4b H Mar. 2000 11A-16-1 H Mar. 2000
11A-6a-5 and 11A-6a-6 D Aug. 1994 11A-16-2 C Dec. 1993

Missing sheets will be supplied upon request. PWEE9061-I


Page Revision Date Remarks Page Revision Date Remarks

code code
11A-16-3 E Nov. 1995

11B-0-1 to 11B-0-4 I Aug. 2001 Added

11B-1-1 to 11B-1-10 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-2-1 to 11B-2-3 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-3-1 to 11B-3-4 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-4-1 to 11B-4-4 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-5-1 to 11B-5-5 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-6-1 to 11B-6-17 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-7-1 to 11B-7-6 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-8-1 to 11B-8-6 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-9-1 to 11B-9-4 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-10-1 to 11B-10-9 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-11-1 to 11B-11-5 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-12-1 to 11B-12-13 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-13-1 to 11B-13-10 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-14-1 to 11B-14-14 I Aug. 2001 Added
11B-15-1 to 11B-15-10 I Aug. 2001 Added

Missing sheets will be supplied upon request. PWEE9061-I

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