Soapui Tool
Soapui Tool
Soapui Tool
Soapui is a testing tool to test web services Api
Before moving to soapui tool first we have to know what is web service
An API can be created for applications, libraries, operating systems, etc. This is a way
to define their “vocabularies” and resources request conventions (e.g. functions calling
conventions). Certainly, it may include specifications for routines, data structures, object
classes, and protocols used to communicate between the consumer program and the
implementer program of the API.
an API is an abstraction that describes an interface for the interaction with a set of
functions used by components of a software system. The software providing the
functions described by an API is said to be an implementation of the API.
● Firstly, API is bundled in the libraries of a programming language, e.g. Standard Template
Library in C++ or Java API.
● Secondly, it specifies, meant to address a specific problem, e.g. Google Maps API or Java
API for XML Web Services.
● Thirdly, it is language-dependent, meaning it is only available by using the syntax and
elements of a particular language, which makes the API more convenient to use.
● Lastly, it is language-independent, written so that it can be called from several programming
languages. This is a desirable feature for a service-oriented API that is not bound to a
specific process or system and may be provided as remote procedure calls or web services.
API in Brief
API is an acronym and it stands for Application Programming Interface. This is a set of
routines, protocols, and tools for building Software Applications. APIs specify how one
software program should interact with other software programs.
In other words, API stands for Application Programming Interface. Subsequently, it acts
as an interface between two software applications and allows the two software
applications to communicate with each other. Moreover, it is a collection of software
functions which can be executed by another software program.
Web Services is the mechanism or the medium of communication through which two
applications / machines will exchange the data irrespective of their underlying architecture and
the technology.
Or simply we can say
Web services is a technology that enables interaction between any two applications.
There are lots of readymade services available which you can plug into your
application and you can start providing those services in your application.
In that example u can see bus site is different and bank site is different but
who is connecting from bus site to bank site
Webservices right?
I have developed a application “Any application” like ecomerce or bus site application
So here i don't need to collect, process and render the data in your application
Simply i can buy the services from the people who already well-established in
processing and publishing such kind of data.
In make my trip application u can see there are so many services availble like flight service,
hotel service,train service and also providing travel system for different different holiday
In make my trip application if any customer want to book a flight tiket there are providing
diiferent flight companys name and timing also how its possible
So any doubt on web service
Api vs webservices
Dont be confuse between api and webservices
If one application internally uses java languages and one more site is internally uses .net in this
We can use web service because webservice support all languages
That's why we called webservice is platform independent
1)SOAP services
2)RESTful Services
SOAP Services:-
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It Support only XML type format.(why xml
format because of machine readable)
SOAP can work on almost any internet protocol like http,https,smtp,ftp etc.
What is protocols
Protocol means a standard or set of rules that allowed to communicate with 2 application
It is one type of gate whatever the data i will send from one application to another application
first it will check then it will verify the data then it will send to 2nd application
If some error will happen in my data then it will send the diifrent diffrent status code
SOAP is XML based protocol. It is platform independent and language independent. By using
SOAP, you will be able to interact with other programming language applications.
WS Security: SOAP defines its own security known as WS Security.
Language and Platform independent: SOAP web services can be written in any programming
language and executed in any platform.
Slow: SOAP uses XML format that must be parsed to be read. It defines many standards that
must be followed while developing the SOAP applications. So it is slow and consumes more
bandwidth and resources.
REST Services:-
REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer.
Representational state transfer is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be
used for creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, called
RESTful Web services,
Fast: REST Web Services are fast because there is no strict specification like SOAP. It
consumes less bandwidth and resources.
Language and Platform independent: REST web services can be written in any programming
language and executed in any platform.
Can use SOAP: REST web services can use SOAP web services as the implementation.
Permits different data format: REST web service permits different data format such as Plain
Text, HTML, XML and JSON.
Web Services Components
Important components of the web services. They are,
WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language.
Wsdl is xml standard document it is used to describe web services
When server send the information data to client it will come in wsdl format
It is a one type of format we can test soap based web services
Using wsdl we can test soap based webservice
If u want to test any webservices u need a proper format of this webservice
Suppose u are a automation tester u have to test webservices
One make my trip application is there u have to test that application hotel services
U need a format right without format how can u know this is a webservices this format is nothibg
but wsdl file
For rest base we are using different format i wll discuss later
For example
In a company has employer name ,id ,salary
Employe name is a string type
Employe id is int type
Employee salary is double type
This tag is used for define which is exchanged between the client application and the
webserver. This message will exchange the input and output operation which can be performed
By the webservice
In message tag it consist input and output
<port type>
This is tag is used to encapsulated every input and output message into one logical operation
This tag is used to bind the operation to the particular port type, this is so that when the client
application calls the relevant port type , it will then able to access the operation which are bound
this port type
This tag is a name given to the web service itself, initially when a client application make a call
to the webservice , it will do by calling the name of the webservice
RDF (Resource Description Framework) – RDF contains the description of web
resources such as title, author, content, and copyright information. This framework was
designed so that computers can be read and understood easily by the web. RDF is
completely written by using XML language.
RDF data can be transferred between different types of computers using different
operating systems and programming languages. Generally, RDF uses Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URIs) on the web and it describes the resources along with the
property and property values.
Dont be confused uri and url
REST APIs using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to address resources. REST
API designers should create URIs that convey a REST API's resource model to its
potential client developers.
SoapUI is an open-source web service testing application for service-oriented
architectures (SOA) and representational state transfers (REST). Its functions are-
Also, it is free software. This is licensed under the terms of the European Union Public
License. Since the initial release, SoapUI has been downloaded more than 2,000,000
times. Moreover, it is built entirely on the Java platform and uses Swing for the user
interface. As a result, this makes SoapUI a cross-platform. Today, SoapUI also supports
IDEA, Eclipse, and NetBeans.
SoapUI can test SOAP and REST web services. Moreover, it can also test JMS, AMF
and any HTTP(S) and JDBC calls
Using soapui we can test soap based services and rest based services
Security testing
SOAPUI supports all the standard protocols and technologies to test all kinds of API's.
Using soapui we can test both manual and automation testing
SOAPUI interface is simple that enables both technical and non-technical users to use
Features of SoapUI
SoapUI core features include:
It provides –
● Firstly, Drag and Drop Test Creation – Enhance your productivity with a code-free test
environment. Create and run even the most complex test scenarios with drag and drop
● Subsequently, Complex Scenarios – Perform and validate a login procedure while testing
your enterprise messaging and capturing client-server SOAP traffic. All at once!
With the SoapUI family tools, we can protect applications by executing Test Generator,
SQL Injection and XML Bomb methods. Test Generator is a SoapUI Pro feature. It
helps to create complete vulnerability test suites..
The above query will return all the customers since the 1=1 condition is always true.
This way hacker can get all the username and passwords easily with this sample query.
SoapUI tool can simulate these queries so we can understand the hack-proof-ness of
the site.
XML bomb is in SoapUI that allows us to test services bypassing huge XML data and
examines the overflow of the application.
In addition to these, the SoapUI tool has many more features like cross-site scripting,
passing random string data to identify the string vulnerabilities, boundary level testing,
Using a complement of tests and scans, protect your services on websites against the
most common security vulnerabilities.
It provides
● Firstly, SQL Injection – Secure your database. Send in Malicious SQL statements in order to
make sure it’s not possible to get access to or weaken your databases.
● Subsequently, XML Bomb – A document of extreme size can cause instability, make your
systems inaccessible or make your system an attack vector. The XML Bomb scan will
examine whether your system is vulnerable to stack overflows.
After executing the load test, LoadUI will generate a report that helps determine whether
the application can run with a heavy load or not.
In SoapUI, you create advanced load tests quickly and easily on the base of existing
functional API tests.
It provides
● Firstly, Click and Run Tests – Create load tests in SoapUI from existing functional tests with
just a right-click.
● Subsequently, Pre-Built Load Strategies – Select one of pre-defined load strategies –
Simple, Fixed-Rate, Variable, or another – to simulate various test conditions easily.
Automation with Groovy
To write automation scripts in SoapUI, we need to add Groovy Test step under the test
suite. The groovy script has built-in libraries and allows us to integrate Java-based
libraries too. So, it will be very helpful if you are familiar with Core Java. We can write
complex scenarios using Groovy script and java.
For instance, consider a situation where you need a response from one test request and
then pass it as an input to another request. To accomplish this, we could store the
response data in global properties and then reuse them through the scripts.
See the sample screenshot which shows Groovy script test step and a sample script:
Data-Driven Testing
SoapUI Pro supports data-driven testing. It lets us perform bulk insert, delete and
update related testing. We could upload the Excel/CSV format test data to perform bulk
In order to perform data-driven testing in SoapUI, we will have to add DataSource and
DataSourceLoop test steps under the test suite. DataSource test step deals with the
external data source configuration and DataSourceLoop fetches the data row by row
from the external data source.
Assertions are another key feature in SoapUI. It basically validates the response
message while executing the test steps by comparing it to any part of the response
message or entire message.
For instance, if we have an authentication web service which should authenticate the
login credentials given by the user. Let’s assume the web service response is in JSON
format. So, if the authentication is done successfully means, service will return a
successful message to the user.
And explain the difference between soapui and soapui pro
How to install
Explain Ui of SOAPUI-
Main Window
The Main Window has the following tools-
Option Description
1 Main toolbar Main toolbar
2 Icons toolbar Icon shortcuts toolbar
3 Navigator Pane Expandable tree display of workspace content (Read Reference
4 Properties Pane Lists available predefined workspace properties(Read Reference
5 Log Inspectors Available log inspectors in the main window
File Menu
The File Menu has the following tools-
Option Description
New soapUI Project Creates a new soapUI project in this workspace
Import Project Adds an existing project into this workspace
Import Remote Project Imports a remote project into this workspace
Save All Projects Saves all projects in the current workspace
Open All Closed Projects Opens all closed projects in the current workspace
Close All Opened Projects Closes all opened projects in the current workspace
Rename Renames this workspace
New Workspace Creates a new workspace
Switch Workspaces Loads another workspace file
Clear Workspace Removes all projects from the workspace
Preferences Sets global soapUI preferences
Save Preferences Saves all global preferences
Import Preferences Imports soapUI settings from another setting -file
Recent Reopens recent items
Exit Saves all projects and exist soapUI
Exit Without Saving Exits SoapUI without saving
Online Help Shows online help
Tools Menu
The Tool Menu consists of the following tools-
Option Description
JBossWS Artifacts Generates JBoss WS artifacts using the JBoss wstools utility
JBossWS JAX-WS Artifacts Generates JBossWS JAX-WS artifacts using JBoss WS
JAX-RPC Artifacts Generates JAX-RPC artifacts using wscompile
JAX-WS Artifacts Generates JAX-WS artifacts using wsimport
AXIS 1.X Artifacts Generates AXIS 1.X artifacts using WSDL2Java
AXIS 2.X Artifacts Generates AXIS 2.X artifacts using WSDL2Java
Apache CXF Generates Apache CXF using WSDL2Java utility
XFire 1.X Stubs Generates XFire 1.X stubs using wsgen utility
Oracle Proxy Artifacts Generates Oracle Proxy artifacts using the wsa.jar utility
XmlBeans Classes Generates XmlBeans classes
JAXB 2.0 Artifacts Generates JAXB 2.0 artifacts
.NET 2.0 Artifacts Generates .NET 2.0 artifacts using wsdl.exe
GSoap Artifacts Generates GSoap artifacts using wsdl2h and soap2cpp
Launch TcpMon Launch Tcp Mon for monitoring SOAP traffic
HermesJMS Start Hermes JMS application
Desktop Menu
The Desktop Menu consists of the following tools-
Option Description
Switch Window Prompts to switch to an open editor window
Maximize Desktop Hides or shows the navigator and log tabs
Close Current Close the current tab
Close Others Close all tabs except the current one
Close All Close all windows
Open TestCase Layout Opens TestCase Layout
Icons Toolbar
The Icons Toolbar has the following options and tools-
Option Description
Empty Creates an empty SoapUI project.
SOAP Creates a new SOAP project.
REST Creates a new REST project.
Import Imports an existing soapUI project into the current workspace
Save All Saves all projects in the current workspace
Forum Opens SoapUI forum.
Trial Opens the SoapUI Pro Trial download page.
Preferences Sets global soapUI preferences
proxy Apply proxy defined in global preferences
Find Searches the soapUI support forum
Help browser Show online help
Log Inspectors
● Firstly, soapUI Log
● Secondly, HTTP Log
● Subsequently, Jetty Log
● Moreover, Error Log
● In addition, Wsrm Log
● Lastly, Memory Log
In SoapUI, the work is organized into projects. These are further displayed under the
root node in the workspace navigator. However, a project can contain any number of
functional tests, load tests, and service simulations.
● Firstly, create a workspace. There can be several projects associated with a workspace.
Users can create more than one workspace. In SOAP UI Pro version, we can seamlessly
switch environments to map it to different endpoints.
● Secondly, for each project, we can create several test suites.
● Thirdly, for each Test Suite, there can be several test cases attached to it.
● Lastly, for each Test Case, there can be several test steps associated with it.
Project Types
There are three main types of projects in SoapUI:
● SOAP Projects – SOAP projects can be created from a WSDL file or single service call. You
can use these projects to test every aspect of your SOAP services, verify that the services
support commonly used standards such as WS-Security, WS-Addressing, and MTOM,
create functional and load tests, and much more.
● REST Projects – REST projects can be created from WADL file or, directly, URI and its
parameters. You can use these projects to test RESTful services, create various requests
and check the information you receive, give a try to a multitude of methods and operations,
and so on.
Creating a Workspace
● All the artifacts which will be created, from now on would be contained in this workspace.
● Enter a name for the workspace and click ‘OK.’
● Now the user has to select the path where this workspace has to be saved.
● Select the path where the workspace has to be saved
● The name of the workspace XML, which has to be located when the user wants to open the
workspace in the future.
● Click ‘Save’.
Import Project
By Local Project File
● To import an existing project file from your computer: Select File > Import Project.
● Specify a path to the project XML file, or click Browse and navigate to the file manually.
● Click OK.
● To import an existing packed project ZIP file from your computer: Select File > Import
Packed project.
● Specify a path to the project ZIP file, or click Browse and navigate to the file manually.
● Click OK.
● To import a composite project consisting of multiple files: Select File > Import Project.
● Specify a path to the folder that contains the project files, or click Browse and navigate to the
folder manually.
● Click OK.
● To import a remote project (for example, a tutorial, demonstration, bug report, and so on)
using HTTP:
● Select File > Import Remote Project.
● In the subsequent dialog, specify an URL that leads to the project.
● Click OK. SoapUI saves all changes you apply to the imported remote project to the local
--> this is not simple xml file.if it simple xml file any one can hack it.suppose some guys having
wrong intention immediately he can access the particular information ,whatever the data we are
getting from this particular server they can attack and get the information. To avoid this kind of
things u can see that 3 important thing is their.
soap envelope
soap header
soap body
these are the 3 soap envelope tags are available
there are 3 envelope tag is available
due to these things the web services providing some security that no one can hack it.
After explian
Hierchy of Test Suites
Test Suite1
Test Cases1
Test Cases2 Test Steps 1,Test Steps2,Test Step3,Test Steps...n
Test Cases n
Test Suite2
Test Cases1
Test Cases2 Test Steps 1,Test Steps2,Test Steps3,Test Steps...n
Test Cases n
Test Suite n
Test Cases1
Test Cases2 Test Steps1,Test Steps2,Test Steps3,TestSteps...n
Test Casesn
The new AMF TestStep lets you perform call to AMF server with access to all the XML-related
bells-and-whistles (assertions, property-transfers, etc) .
Assertions in soapui-:
What ever the values u are putting it will check the values is contain or not
Use 11
Not contains
Checks for the non-existence of the specified string.
Xpath match
It compares the result of an XPath expression to an expected value.
It is mainly used for compare xpath
One of them is the schema URL and the other corresponds to the actual web service URL.
Xquery match
XQuery uses an XQuery expression to select content from the target property. It compares
the result of an XQuery expression to an expected value.
XQuery is a functional programming and query language that is used to query a group
of XML data. XPath is a xml path language that is used to select nodes from an xml
document using queries. ... xpath was created to define a common syntax and behavior
model for xpointer and xslt.
Not SoapFault
The Not SOAP Fault assertion checks whether the last response you have received does not
contain a SOAP Fault element.
Schema compliance
The Schema Compliance assertions check whether the last request or response follows the
associated WSDL schema definition. This schema can be taken from the service definition.
Soap fault
Validates that the last received message is a SOAP Fault
WS-Adressing Response
The WS-Addressing Response assertion checks whether the last response you have received
contains valid WS-Addressing headers.
WS Security Status
The WS-Security Status assertion checks whether the last request or response you have
received contains valid WS-Security headers.
Script asserrtions
The Script assertion runs a groovy script to perform custom checks on the message. Use it to
verify the message content, headers, properties and other components.
If u purchase paid version soapui pro then u will get groovy template
In this situation you no need to write these script
def display"hello everyone")
The Response SLA assertion checks whether the response arrives within the specific time limit.
Use JMS assertions to verify that no JMS errors occur and the response comes within the
expected time
-->JMS Status
he JMS Status assertion checks whether the JMS request of the target test step has been
executed successfully.
-->JMS Timeout
The JMS Timeout assertion verifies that the JMS statement of the target test step does not take
longer than the duration you have specified.
Properties can be used as variable to store values
Load testing
A load test is type of software testing which is conducted to understand the behavior
of the application under a specific expected load
Max error
How many max error u get
After you created a LoadTest, SoapUI will open its editor automatically. You can
also open the editor any time by double-clicking a LoadTest in the Navigator.
Let’s understand LoadTest Execution. SoapUI allows you to run your LoadTest
with as many threads as your hardware can manage. Further, it depends mainly
on memory, CPU, target service response-time, and other factors. Now, set the
desired value and start the LoadTest with the Run button at the LoadTest editor
However, the underlying TestCase is cloned internally for each configured thread
and started in its own context. Subsequently, the TestCase will access a unique
“copy” of the TestCase and its TestSteps which avoids threading-issues at the
TestStep and TestCase level.
The LoadTest will run as configured until it terminates due to one of the
A TestCase with two groovy scripts. The first sleeping for 900ms and the second
for 100ms. So, we’ll run this with 10 threads for 10 seconds, which theoretically
should result in 100 executions of our TestCase;
With TPS being calculated on time passed, the value is the same for both
TestSteps. Since it executes the same number of times during our 10 seconds.
Their individual execution speeds do not affect this value.
Now let’s change the way TPS is calculated to be based on average (in the
LoadTest Options dialog):
So, if we now run the test we get the following:
Here is the hypothetical TPS for the first teststep is calculated to be 11, Since
with 10 parallel runs the average time was 909ms. The second teststep gets 100
TPS. Once again calculated with 10 parallel runs which took 99ms on average (if
this was sustained performance we could theoretically have “squeezed in” 100
requests in each second).
Which of these two to use is up to you; with single step TestCases you should
get roughly the same result from both, but when your TestCases contain many
steps, both ways have their pros and cons (as illustrated above).
Statistics Graphs
Let’s understand Statistics Graphs. There are two types of graphs available from
the LoadTest Toolbar during execution; statistics and statistics history. The main
purpose of these is to visualize selected statistics over time to be able to detect
sudden and unexpected changes. However, the display of statistics is relative
(not absolute). Therefore, the graphs are not very useful for analyzing exact data.
So, both graphs have a Resolution setting which controls how often the graph is
updated. So, setting this to “data” will update the graph with the same interval as
the Statistics Table Alternatively, if you want one of the fixed resolutions select
The Statistics Graph shows all relevant statistics for a selected step or the entire
testcase over time. Further, this allows you to see how values changes. For
instance, increase the number of threads-
As you can see the green line (threads) jumps up after half the test, which also
causes an expected jump in average and a minor change in transactions per
second. the later meaning that although we increase the number of threads we
don’t get a corresponding increase in throughput (since the average response
time increases).
The Statistics History Graph shows a selected statistic value for all steps
allowing you to compare them and see if the distribution of any value between
teststeps changes over time. For the same test we can compare the avg over
The graph above contains one line for each TestStep in our TestCase shown with
the same color as the TestStep in our Statistics table:
As we can see the average changes similarly for both TestSteps when the
number of Threads increases.
SoapUI Load Strategies
The different Load Strategies available in SoapUI and SoapUI Pro allow you to
simulate various types of load over time. Further, this enables you to easily test
the performance of your target services under a number of conditions. Since
SoapUI also allows you to run multiple LoadTests simultaneously, a combination
of LoadTests can be used to further assert the behavior of your services.
Therefore, select the desired Strategy for your LoadTest from the Strategy
Toolbar in the LoadTest Window:
SoapUI Load Strategies: Simple Strategy –
Baseline, Load and Soak Testing
The Simple Strategy runs the specified number of threads with the specified
delay between each run to simulate a breathing space for the server. Further, the
Simple Strategy is perfect for Baseline testing. So, use it to assert the basic
performance of your service. Also, validate that there are no threading or
resource locking issues. Now, ramp up the number of threads and use the
strategy for long-running soak tests.
Running this with the strategy interval set to 5000 the number of threads will
change every 5 seconds:
Variance Strategy
this varies the number of threads over time in a “sawtooth” manor as configured;
set the Interval to the desired value and the Variance to the how much the number
of threads should decrease and increase.
Burst Strategy
This strategy is specifically designed for Recovery Testing and takes variance to
its extreme. It does nothing for the configured Burst Delay, then runs the
configured number of threads for the “Burst Duration” and goes back to sleep.
Here you could (and should!) set the number of threads to a high value (20+) to
simulate an onslaught of traffic during a short interval. Then, measure the
recovery of your system with a standard base-line LoadTest containing basic
performance-related assertions. Let’s try this with a burst delay and duration of
10 seconds for 60 seconds:
Grid Strategy –
This strategy allows the user to specifically configure the relative change in the
number of threads over a defined interval of time. Further, its main use for this is
a more advanced scenario and recovery testing, where you need to see the
service’s behavior under varying loads and load changes.
Both values are stored relative to the duration and actual ThreadCount of the
LoadTest. If you change these, the corresponding Grid Strategy values will be
recalculated. Running the test shows the following output:
Script Strategy
The script strategy is the ultimate customization possibility. The script you
specify is called regularly and should return the desired number of threads.
However, returning a value other than the current one will start or stop threads to
adjust for the change. Further, this allows for any kind of variance of the number
of threads. So, for instance, the following script randomizes the number of
threads between 5 and 15
Statistics Calculation and ThreadCount
Many of these strategies will change the number of threads which has an
important impact on the statistics calculation. Further, you need to be aware of
when the number of threads changes. This will usually change the response
times of the target services, resulting in a change in avg, tps, etc. But, the
LoadTest has already run at a previous number of threads the results for those
runs will skew the result for the new ThreadCount.
For example, if you have a step that usually takes around 300ms and you want to
automate the execution of the LoadTest, you could create a “TestStep Average”
assertion at around 900ms, which gives a lot of breathing space. Alternatively,
you could set the level rather low (400ms) but the minimum-errors setting to a
rather high value (100).
Accessing Assertions
Access the assertions for your LoadTest from the Assertions tab at the bottom of
the LoadTest window:
Here you can add and configure as many assertions using the toolbar button.
Further, add the assertion by right-clicking in the Statistics table. Then, select the
desired assertion. After this, double-clicking an assertion opens the
corresponding configuration-panel. Also, this allows you to set its configuration
as desired.
Available Assertions
As you can see on the above screenshot SoapUI provides 5 assertions for
validating the ongoing performance of your services. These all have the following
configuration settings in common:
● First of all, Step Average – asserts that the average value of a TestStep or the entire
TestCase doesn’t exceed the specified limit.
● Secondly, Step TPS asserts the TPS (transaction per second) value for the
corresponding TestStep or TestCase.
● Subsequently, Step Maximum – Asserts the max value for the corresponding TestStep
or TestCase, going over the specified “Max Time” limit fails the assertion.
● Further, Step Status – check that the underlying execution status of the TestStep or
TestCase is successful, otherwise the assertion fails.
● Last but not least, Max Errors – check that the number of failures for the
corresponding TestStep or TestCase does not exceed the configured “Max Absolute
Errors” and/or “Max Relative Errors” value.
Security testing
A Security Test is used in soapUI to scan your target services for common security
vulnerabilities, like for example SQL Injections and XML Bombs.
Web Forms Authentication
Let’s start by learning Web Forms Authentication. Some web services require
form based authentication. In order to be able to use API calls, you typically need
to launch a browser, log into a web form, and then establish a session.
A form that asks for authentication credentials might look like this
● Create a HTTP Request Step with the appropriate settings (username, password,
● Set the TestStep to keep the session alive with the option Maintain HTTP Session.
Maintaining Session
When you have a HTTP Request TestStep that works, you can set the TestCase to
maintain the session provided by the TestStep.
Configuration of WS-Security
Let’s understand the WS- Security Configuration. SoapUI manages WS-Security
configurations at the project level. These configurations are useful at several
places within a project:
If you click on the WS-Security Configurations tab on the project level, four
sub-tabs are-
Add a new keystore or truststore by selecting the Add button in the toolbar. Then,
browse to the corresponding file and press ok. Now, type the password to the file
and it will be added to the list. The Status column will display if loading goes ok.
The following columns are available in the Keystores and Truststores table:
When selecting a configuration in the table, the lower half of the panel will display
a list of applied entries. Now, select the outgoing configuration, in our case an
Encryption and a Timestamp entry. The entries are applied to the outgoing
message from top to bottom in the list. It’s also possible to reorder or remove
entries by using the toolbar buttons.
These are the possible entries for the Outgoing WS-Security configurations.
Encrypts outgoing messages. These are the configurable fields:
● First of all, Keystore: The keystore to use when encrypting the message.
● Secondly, Alias: The alias (key) to use when encrypting the message.
● Thirdly, Password: The password for the alias.
● Subsequently, Key Identifier Type: The type of key.
● After this, Embedded Key Name / Embedded Key Password: If the key identifier type is
Embedded KeyInfo then these fields are used to specify the name and password of
the embedded key.
● Further, Symmetric Encryption Algorithms / Key Encryption Algorithm: The
algorithms to use. If you’re not sure which to choose, leave the preselected item as
● After this, Create Encrypted Key: If checked this will encrypt the symmetric key into
an EncryptedKey.
● Moreover, Parts: By using this table, you are able to encrypt only certain parts of the
outgoing message. If this is not checked the whole message will be encrypted.
● Further, ID: The identifier of the XML element to encrypt.
● Consequently, Name: The name of the XML element to encrypt.
● After this, Namespace: The namespace of the XML element to encrypt.
● Moreover, Encode: Use Content for encrypting the inner parts of the element and
Element to encrypt the whole element.
● Lastly, Observe! This cell is required when using the Parts table.
Signs the outgoing message. These are the configurable fields:
Add a Username token to the outgoing message. These are the configurable
Adds a timestamp entry. The configurable fields are as follows:
● On one hand, Time To Live: How long the message is valid. The default unit is
● On the other hand, Millisecond Precision: If checked the unit will be milliseconds
instead of seconds.
SAML (Form) – Adds SAML assertion. The configurable fields are as follows:
Incoming WSS
Incoming WSS configurations are useful in processing incoming messages like
decrypting and validating signatures of the incoming messages. Since the
WS-Security headers of an incoming message contain most of the information.
Further, this information requires to decrypt or validate a message. The only
configuration needed by SoapUI is which keystore or truststore that should be
● First of all, “Empty Test” will simply create an empty Security Test, requiring you to
manually configure the desired Security Scans.
● Secondly, “Automatic” will generate a default setup with common Security Scans and
default assertions
● Lastly, “Full Control” will give you fine-grained control of which Security Scans to add
and how they should be configured initially
Once added, double-click a Security Test to see its main configuration and
execution window. This window has a layout similar to the TestCase window (top
to bottom);
● First thing first, A toolbar with actions related to execution, reports, etc
● Secondly, a progress bar at the top for tracking progress of the Security Test as it
● Subsequently, a toolbar and list of the TestSteps in the underlying TestCase, with
additional information on execution progress and configured Security Scans for each
● In addition, the usual inspectors for adding a description, properties and
setup/teardown scripts to the Security Test
● Now, a number of log tabs for viewing results from the execution of the Security Test
● Lastly, select the “Auto” mode to generate default Security Scans and Assertions for
the TestSteps in your TestCase and press “Next.
A summary of all the Security Scans and Assertions SoapUI will add to the
Security Test are listed, press OK to create the Security Test with the described
configuration and open the Security Test window.
● First of all, each TestStep in the underlying TestCase will be executed and asserted as
usual – the results of the functional test are visible in the “TestCase Log” at the
bottom of the Security Test window
● Subsequently, for each TestStep, its configured Security Scans will be executed also.
Their individual progress and results will be shown in the Security Test window and
the Security Run Log at the bottom of the Security Test window
● After this, run the Test by pressing the green arrow on the top left. After this, you will
see ongoing progress for each TestStep and configured Security Scans in the
Security Test window.
You will see ongoing progress in the main window as the different Security Scans
are executed. Moreover, more detailed information is available in the Security Log
at the bottom.
Check here for unexpected alerts that might indicate a possible security
vulnerability in your target service. Double click individual entries to see their
actual message exchanges.
Here you can see one of the XPath Injection mutations sent to our logout service
The following Security Scans are currently available (click on the name for a
dedicated page)
The table of parameters, assertion tab and strategy tab are common for most
Security Scans. So, let’s have a look at them in more detail.
Alternatively, you can use the “Add Parameter” button which will open a dialog
for specifying the Parameter manually:
Here you need to specify the following:
● First thing first, the underlying Test Property that contains the parameter value.
● Secondly, a unique label for the parameter.
● Subsequently, An optional XPath statement specifying where in the Test Property
value to find the parameter.
● Last but not least, this is for properties containing XML values.
The default configuration for this assertion is specific at both the global and
project level. So, if you want to add any custom tokens that are useful in the
search. Then, it can be done either specifically for the containing Security Scan
or at a higher level. After this, soapUI provides the default list. This is visible in
the Global Preferences under the “Global Sensitive Information Tokens” tab.
● On one hand, the token itself can either contain a plain string or a regular expression
prefixed with a tilde sign.
● On the other hand, a description that will be shown in the Security Log if the
corresponding token is found.
The strategy tab allows you to specify how multiple parameters are to be
permutated and executed during the execution of the Security Scan:
The “Request Delay” setting allows you to specify a delay between multiple
mutated requests. So, the Security Scan can’t overload your server. After this, the
“Apply to Failed TestSteps” option allows you to control.
When a Security Scan is run as part of the containing Security Test. After this, it
sends the different mutation requests as configured. After this, mutating the
defined parameters for each request. Moreover, the Security Log shows
specifically which values were sent for each parameter and request, together with
any assertion failures.
Jdbc request
tc = projectName.testSuites[‘TestSuite’].testCases[‘MyTestcase’]
tstp = tc.getTestStepByName(‘TestStep’)
runner =,context)
responseHolder = runner.getResponseContent()
runner = null
relObjIds = resultXml?.ResultSet?.Row?.collect{it.<>}
relObjectId = relObjIds[0]
testRunner - a TestCaseRunner object (javadoc), which is the entry-point to the SoapUI API for
accessing project items, results, etc. The TestRunner is the object that is actually executing the
TestCase by cycling through the TestSteps in the TestCase and executing them.
Restfull testing