RIN PartC 2014-11 PDF

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Marine & Offshore Division

Website: http://www.veristar.com
Email: [email protected]

Rules for the Classification of

Inland Navigation Vessels

PART C Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapters 1 2 3

EN ISO/IEC 17020
Cert N440-INSP
The accreditation certificate
is available at page 97 of Part A

NR 217.C1 DNI R04 E November 2014

Inland Navigation Management

Mechelsesteenweg 128/136
B-2018 Antwerpen - Belgium
Tel: + 32 (0)3 247 94 00 / + 32 (0)3 247 94 70
Email: [email protected]
2015 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved

1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine & Offshore Division (the "Society") is 6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not
the classification (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure of any type or part of provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance.
it or system therein collectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea 6.2. - If the Services of the Society or their omission cause to the Client a damage which is proved
bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines, to be the direct and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society,
hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary its liability towards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having
equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise caused the damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thou-
as decided by the Society. sand (8,000) Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000)
The Society: Euro and one and a half times the above mentioned fee. These limits apply regardless of fault in-
"prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (" Rules "); cluding breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute, etc.
"issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (" Certificates "); The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss whether arising naturally or not as
a consequence of the Services or their omission such as loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of pro-
"publishes Registers.
duction, loss relative to other contracts and indemnities for termination of other agreements.
1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Stand-
6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Serv-
ards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively re-
ices were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client,
ferred to as " Certification ".
and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be in-
1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and terrupted thereafter with the same periodicity.
company safety management certification; ship and port security certification, training activities; all activi-
ties and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, software, instrumen-
tation, measurements, tests and trials on board. 7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing.
1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its 7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving
representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are pre- the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions
pared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime in Article 8 hereunder.
and/or Offshore Industry (the "Industry") practices. 7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the
1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or char- date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above
tering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Ship- and Article 8 hereunder.
builder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied 7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned.
obligations by the interventions of the Society. ARTICLE 8
ARTICLE 2 8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment
2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following sur- of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
veys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of 8.2. - Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable leg-
a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates islation.
and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register.
8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful
2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter notification to pay.
and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards.
2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present
9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information
the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the
available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However:
given appraisement or cause to modify its scope.
"Clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classifica-
2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient
tion of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which
performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presenta-
have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit ;
tion of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out.
"copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports
can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer
3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their of class;
preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They
"the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of
are a collection of minimum requirements but not a standard or a code of construction neither a
the Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, may be
guide for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional practices, all of which are
passed on to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association
assumed to be known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client.
working rules;
Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those docu-
"the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be
reviewed during certificating bodies audits and are disclosed upon order of the concerned governmen-
3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them tal or inter-governmental authorities or of a Court having jurisdiction.
has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention.
The documents and data are subject to a file management plan.
3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable
Rules and to the Code of Ethics of the Society. Surveyors have authority to decide locally on matters re-
lated to classification and certification of the Units, unless the Rules provide otherwise. 10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event
not reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control of the Society shall be deemed not to be a breach of
3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of ran-
dom inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verification.
11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the So-
4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules:
ciety may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client.
"reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Cli-
11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the
Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee.
"conducts surveys at the place of their construction;
"classes Units and enters their class in its Register;
12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the
"surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules.
12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court
The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the of Nanterre, France, or to another Court as deemed fit by the Society.
extent of the surveys to be changed.
12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are
ARTICLE 5 exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration
5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society
on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty. and the Client shall be governed by English law.
5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level ARTICLE 13
of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided for. 13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the
In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions
or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory serv- whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement. They are not var-
ices, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an im- ied by any purchase order or other document of the Client serving similar purpose.
plied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value 13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the va-
for sale, insurance or chartering. lidity of the remaining provisions.
5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construc- 13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may
tion in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any
warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 L - 7 January 2013
machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any sur-
vey by the Society.

Part C
Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapters 1 2 3



November 2014
These Rules apply to inland navigation vessels for which
contracts for construction are signed on or after February 1st, 2015.

The English version of these Rules takes precedence over

editions in other languages.

2 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014


Section 1 General Requirements

1 General 27
1.1 Application
1.2 Additional requirements
1.3 Documentation to be submitted
1.4 Machinery space of category A
1.5 Machinery spaces
1.6 Essential services
2 Design and construction 28
2.1 General
2.2 Materials, welding and testing
2.3 Vibrations
2.4 Operation in inclined position
2.5 Ambient conditions
2.6 Approved fuels
2.7 Power of machinery
2.8 Astern power
2.9 Safety devices
3 Arrangement and installation on board 29
3.1 General
3.2 Floors
3.3 Bolting down
3.4 Safety devices on moving parts
3.5 Gauges
3.6 Ventilation in machinery spaces
3.7 Hot surfaces and fire protection
3.8 Machinery remote control, alarms and safety systems
4 Tests and trials 30
4.1 Works tests
4.2 Tests on board

Section 2 Diesel Engines

1 General 31
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 Definitions
2 Design and construction 33
2.1 Materials and welding
2.2 Crankshaft
2.3 Crankcase
2.4 Systems
2.5 Starting air system
2.6 Control and safety devices
2.7 Control and monitoring

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 3

3 Arrangement and installation 37
3.1 Starting arrangements
3.2 Turning gear
3.3 Trays
3.4 Exhaust gas system
4 Type tests, material tests, workshop inspection and testing, certification 37
4.1 Type tests - General
4.2 Type tests of non-mass produced engines
4.3 Type tests of mass produced engines
4.4 Material and non-destructive tests
4.5 Workshop inspections and testing
4.6 Certification

Section 3 Pressure Equipment

1 General 44
1.1 Principles
1.2 Application
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Classes
1.5 Applicable Rules
1.6 Documentation to be submitted
2 Design and construction - Scantlings of pressure parts 47
2.1 General
2.2 Materials
2.3 Permissible stresses
2.4 Scantling of pressure vessels
3 Design and construction - Equipment 50
3.1 All pressure vessels
3.2 Boilers and steam generators
3.3 Thermal oil heaters and thermal oil installation
3.4 Special types of pressure vessels
3.5 Other pressure vessels
4 Design and construction - Fabrication and welding 54
4.1 General principles
4.2 Fabrication and welding
5 Design and construction - Control and monitoring 55
5.1 Boiler control and monitoring system
5.2 Pressure vessel instrumentation
5.3 Thermal oil heater control and monitoring
5.4 Control and monitoring requirements
6 Arrangement and installation 56
6.1 Foundations
6.2 Boilers
6.3 Pressure vessels
6.4 Thermal oil heaters

4 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

7 Material test, workshop inspection and testing, certification 57
7.1 Material testing
7.2 Workshop inspections
7.3 Hydrostatic tests
7.4 Certification

Section 4 Oil Firing Equipment

1 General 59
2 Oil firing equipment for boilers and thermal oil heaters 59
2.1 Preheating of fuel oil
2.2 Pumps, pipelines, valves and fittings
2.3 Safety equipment
2.4 Design and construction of burners
2.5 Purging of combustion chamber and flues, exhaust gas ducting
2.6 Electrical equipment
2.7 Emergency operation
2.8 Testing
3 Oil burners for hot water generators oil fired heaters and
small heating appliances 61
3.1 Atomizer burners
3.2 Evaporation burners
3.3 Oil fired burners
3.4 Small oil-fired heaters for heating air

Section 5 Windlasses
1 General 63
1.1 Scope
1.2 Certification
1.3 Documents to be submitted
2 Materials 63
2.1 Approved materials
2.2 Testing of materials
3 Design and equipment 63
3.1 Type of drive
3.2 Overload protection
3.3 Clutches
3.4 Braking equipment
3.5 Pipes
3.6 Cable lifters
3.7 Windlass as warping winch
3.8 Electrical equipment
3.9 Hydraulic equipment
3.10 Wire rope windlass
3.11 Chain stoppers
3.12 Connection with deck
3.13 Driving power
3.14 Design of transmission elements

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 5

4 Testing in the manufacturers works 65
4.1 Testing of driving engines
4.2 Pressure and tightness tests
4.3 Final inspection and operational testing

Section 6 Gearing
1 General 66
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
2 Design of gears - Determination of the load capacity 66
2.1 General
2.2 Application factor KA
3 Design and construction - except tooth load capacity 67
3.1 Materials
3.2 Teeth
3.3 Wheels and pinions
3.4 Shafts and bearings
3.5 Casings
3.6 Lubrication
4 Installation 69
4.1 General
4.2 Fitting of gears
5 Certification, inspection and testing 69
5.1 General
5.2 Workshop inspection and testing

Section 7 Main Propulsion Shafting

1 General 71
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents for review
2 Design and construction 71
2.1 Materials
2.2 Shafts - Scantling
2.3 Liners
2.4 Stern tube bearings
2.5 Couplings
2.6 Monitoring
3 Arrangement and installation 76
3.1 General
3.2 Protection of propeller shaft against corrosion
3.3 Shaft alignment
4 Material tests, workshop inspection and testing, certification 76
4.1 Material and non-destructive tests, workshop inspections and testing
4.2 Certification

6 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Section 8 Propellers
1 General 77
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Documents for review
2 Design and construction 79
2.1 Materials
2.2 Solid propellers - Blade thickness
2.3 Built-up propellers and controllable pitch propellers
2.4 Skewed propellers
2.5 Ducted propellers
2.6 Features
3 Arrangement and installation 81
3.1 Fitting of propeller on the propeller shaft
4 Testing and certification 84
4.1 Material tests
4.2 Testing and inspection
4.3 Certification

Section 9 Shaft Vibrations

1 General 85
1.1 Application
2 Design of systems in respect of vibrations 85
2.1 Principle
2.2 Modifications of existing plants
3 Torsional vibrations 85
3.1 Documentation to be submitted
3.2 Definitions, symbols and units
3.3 Calculation principles
3.4 Permissible limits for torsional vibration stresses in crankshaft, propulsion
shafting and other transmission shafting
3.5 Permissible vibration levels in components other than shafts
3.6 Torsional vibration measurements

Section 10 Piping Systems

1 General 90
1.1 Scope and application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Class of piping systems
2 General requirements for design and construction 92
2.1 General principles
2.2 Materials
2.3 Pipe minimum wall thickness

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 7

2.4 Thickness of pressure piping
2.5 Pipe connections
2.6 Hose assemblies and compensators
2.7 Shutoff devices
2.8 Outboard connections
2.9 Remote controlled valves
2.10 Pumps
2.11 Protection of piping systems against overpressure
2.12 Independent tanks
3 Welding of steel piping 99
3.1 General
4 Bending of pipes 100
4.1 Application
4.2 Bending process
4.3 Heat treatment after bending
5 Arrangement and installation of piping systems 100
5.1 General
5.2 Location of tanks and piping system components
5.3 Passage through bulkheads or decks
5.4 Independence of lines
5.5 Prevention of progressive flooding
5.6 Provision for expansion
5.7 Supporting of the pipes
5.8 Valves, accessories and fittings
5.9 Additional arrangements for flammable fluids
6 Bilge systems 103
6.1 Application
6.2 Principle
6.3 Design of bilge systems
6.4 Draining of cargo spaces
6.5 Draining of machinery spaces
6.6 Draining of dry spaces other than cargo holds and machinery spaces
6.7 Bilge pumps
6.8 Size of bilge pipes
6.9 Bilge accessories
6.10 Bilge piping arrangement
7 Ballast systems 107
7.1 Design of ballast systems
7.2 Ballast pumping arrangement
8 Drinking water, scuppers and sanitary discharges 108
8.1 Drinking water systems
8.2 Scuppers and sanitary discharges
9 Air, sounding and overflow pipes 109
9.1 Air pipes
9.2 Sounding pipes
9.3 Overflow pipes
10 Water cooling systems 111
10.1 Application
10.2 Principle

8 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

10.3 Design of river water cooling systems
10.4 Design of fresh water cooling systems
10.5 Control and monitoring
11 Fuel oil systems 111
11.1 Application
11.2 Fuel oil tanks
11.3 Fuel tank fittings and mountings
11.4 Attachment of mountings and fittings to fuel tanks
11.5 Filling and delivery system
11.6 Tank filling and suction systems
11.7 Pipe layout
11.8 Filters
11.9 Control and monitoring
12 Lubricating oil systems 113
12.1 Application
12.2 Lubricating oil tank
12.3 Tank fittings and mountings
12.4 Capacity and construction of tanks
12.5 Lubricating oil piping
12.6 Lubricating oil pumps
12.7 Filters
13 Thermal oil systems 113
13.1 General
13.2 Pumps
13.3 Valves
13.4 Piping
13.5 Testing
13.6 Equipment of thermal oil tanks
14 Hydraulic systems 114
14.1 General
14.2 Dimensional design
14.3 Materials
14.4 Design and equipment
14.5 Testing in manufacturers works
15 Steam systems 116
15.1 Laying out of steam systems
15.2 Steam strainers
15.3 Steam connections
16 Boiler feedwater and circulating arrangement, condensate recirculation 116
16.1 Feed water pumps
16.2 Capacity of feed water pumps
16.3 Delivery pressure of feedwater pumps
16.4 Power supply to feedwater pumps
16.5 Feedwater systems
16.6 Boiler water circulating systems
16.7 Condensate recirculation
17 Compressed air systems 117
17.1 Application
17.2 Principle
17.3 Design of starting air systems

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 9

17.4 Design of air compressors
17.5 Control and monitoring of compressed air systems
17.6 Arrangement of compressed air piping systems
18 Exhaust gas systems 118
18.1 General
18.2 Design of exhaust systems
18.3 Arrangement of exhaust piping systems
19 Bilge systems for non propelled vessels 119
19.1 Bilge system in vessels having no source of electrical power
19.2 Bilge system in vessels having a source of electrical power
20 Certification, inspection and testing of piping systems 120
20.1 Application
20.2 Type tests
20.3 Testing of materials
20.4 Hydrostatic testing of piping systems and their components
20.5 Testing of piping system components during manufacturing
20.6 Inspection and testing of piping systems

Section 11 Steering Gear

1 General 122
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Symbols
2 Design and equipment 124
2.1 Number of steering gears
2.2 Strength, performance and power operation of the steering gear
2.3 Control of the steering gear
2.4 Availability
3 Design and construction 125
3.1 Mechanical components
3.2 Hydraulic system
3.3 Electrical systems
3.4 Alarms and indications
4 Design and construction - Requirements for vessels equipped
with several rudders 128
4.1 Principle
4.2 Synchronisation
5 Design and construction - Requirements for vessels equipped
with thrusters as steering means 128
5.1 Principle
5.2 Use of azimuth thrusters
5.3 Use of water-jets
6 Arrangement and installation 129
6.1 General
6.2 Rudder actuator installation

10 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

6.3 Locking equipment
6.4 Rudder angle indication
6.5 Piping
6.6 Overload protections
7 Certification, inspection and testing 130
7.1 Testing of power units
7.2 Testing of materials
7.3 Inspection and tests during manufacturing
7.4 Inspection and tests after completion

Section 12 Thrusters
1 General 131
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Thrusters intended for propulsion
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
2 Design and Construction 132
2.1 Materials
2.2 Transverse thrusters and azimuth thrusters
2.3 Water-jets
2.4 Alarm, monitoring and control systems
3 Testing and certification 134
3.1 Material tests
3.2 Testing and inspection
3.3 Certification

Section 13 Liquefied Gas Installations for Domestic Purposes

1 General 135
1.1 Application
1.2 General provisions
1.3 Documents for review
2 Gas installations 135
2.1 General
2.2 Gas receptacles
2.3 Supply unit
2.4 Pressure reducers
2.5 Pressure
2.6 Piping and flexible tubes
2.7 Distribution system
2.8 Gas-consuming appliances
3 Ventilation system 136
3.1 General
4 Tests and trials 137
4.1 Definition
4.2 Testing conditions

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 11

Section 14 Turbochargers
1 General 138
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
2 Design and construction 138
2.1 Materials
2.2 Design
2.3 Monitoring
3 Arrangement and installation 138
3.1 General
4 Type tests, material tests, workshop inspection and testing,
certification 139
4.1 Type tests
4.2 Material tests
4.3 Workshop inspections and testing
4.4 Certification

Section 15 Tests on Board

1 General 140
1.1 Application
1.2 Purpose of onboard tests
1.3 Documentation to be submitted
2 General requirements for onboard tests 140
2.1 Trials at the moorings
2.2 River trials
3 Onboard tests for machinery 140
3.1 Conditions of river trials
3.2 Navigation and manoeuvring tests
3.3 Tests of diesel engines
3.4 Test of air starting system for main and auxiliary engines
3.5 Tests of gears
3.6 Tests of main propulsion shafting and propellers
3.7 Tests of piping systems
3.8 Tests of steering gear
3.9 Tests of windlasses
4 Inspection of machinery after river trials 144
4.1 General
4.2 Diesel engines

12 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014


Section 1 General
1 Application 147
1.1 General
1.2 References to other regulations and standards
2 Documents to be submitted 147
2.1 Documents
3 Definitions 147
3.1 Essential services
3.2 Primary essential services
3.3 Secondary essential services
3.4 Earthing
3.5 Emergency condition
3.6 Hazardous areas
3.7 Certified safe-type equipment
3.8 Limited explosion risk electrical apparatus
4 General design requirements 149
4.1 Environmental conditions
4.2 Quality of power supply
4.3 Materials
4.4 Protective measures
5 Supply systems and characteristics of the supply 152
5.1 Supply systems
5.2 Characteristics of the supply
6 Type approvals 153
6.1 General
6.2 Exceptions

Section 2 Design and Construction of Power Generating Plant

1 General requirements 154
2 Power source 154
2.1 Design
3 Power balance 154
3.1 Power requirements
4 Emergency power source on passenger vessels 154
4.1 General
5 Generator ratings control 154
5.1 DC generators
5.2 Single and 3-phase AC generators

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 13

6 Generator prime movers 156
6.1 Design and control
6.2 Parallel operation
6.3 Cyclic irregularity
7 Special rules 156
7.1 General

Section 3 Electrical Machines

1 Construction 157
1.1 General
2 Testing of electrical machines 157
2.1 Workshop certificates
2.2 Scope of tests
2.3 Testing in the presence of a Surveyor

Section 4 Transformers and Reactors

1 General 160
1.1 General requirements

Section 5 Storage Batteries

1 General 161
1.1 Application
2 Design and construction of cells 161
2.1 General
3 Data plate and operation instructions 161
3.1 General requirements
4 Installation and location 161
4.1 General requirements
5 Battery room equipment 161
5.1 General requirements
6 Ventilation 161
6.1 General requirements
6.2 Batteries installed in switchboards charging power up to 0,2 kW
6.3 Ventilated spaces, battery charging power up to 2 kW
6.4 Ventilated rooms, battery charging power more than 2 kW
6.5 Ventilation requirements
6.6 Forced ventilation
7 Warning signs 163
7.1 General

14 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

8 Starter batteries 163
8.1 General requirements
9 Rating of storage battery chargers 163
9.1 General requirements
9.2 Tests on chargers

Section 6 Power Distribution

1 Subdivision of the distribution network 164
1.1 General
2 Hull return 164
2.1 General
3 Final subcircuits 164
3.1 General
4 Navigation lights and signal lamps 164
4.1 General
5 Shore connection 165
5.1 General
5.2 Connection equipment
6 Power supply to other vessels 166
6.1 General

Section 7 Switchgear Installations and Switchgear

1 Switchboards 167
1.1 General rules
1.2 Installation of switchboards
1.3 Distribution boards
1.4 Switchboard design assessment
1.5 Switchboard testing
2 Switchgear 168
2.1 General
2.2 Selection of switchgear
2.3 Power circuit breaker
2.4 Fuses
3 Switchgear, protective and monitoring equipment 169
3.1 General
3.2 Equipment for 3-phase AC generators
3.3 Equipment for DC generators
3.4 Special rules
3.5 Disconnection of non-essential consumers
3.6 Measuring and monitoring equipment
3.7 Transformer protection
3.8 Motor protection
3.9 Circuit protection

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 15

3.10 Storage battery protection
3.11 Protection of measuring instruments, pilot lights and control circuits
3.12 Exciter circuits
3.13 Emergency disconnecting switches
4 Control and starting equipment 172
4.1 Operating direction of handwheels and levers
4.2 Hand-operated controllers, resistors

Section 8 Steering Gears, Lateral Thrust Propeller Systems and Active

Rudder Systems
1 Steering gear 173
1.1 General requirements
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Design features
1.4 System requirements
1.5 Protective equipment
1.6 Indicating and monitoring equipment
1.7 Rudder control
1.8 Auto pilot systems
1.9 Rudder angle indicator
2 Lateral thrust propellers and active rudder systems 175
2.1 General
2.2 Drives
2.3 Monitoring

Section 9 Electric Heating Appliances

1 General 176
2 Space heaters 176
2.1 Arrangement of heaters
2.2 Enclosures
2.3 Thermal design of heaters
2.4 Electrical equipment of heaters
3 Oil and water heaters 176
3.1 General
4 Electric ranges and cooking equipment 176
4.1 Cooking plates
4.2 Switches

Section 10 Lighting Installations

1 General 177

16 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

2 Design of lighting installations 177
3 Design of lighting fixtures 177
4 Mounting of lighting fixtures 177
4.1 General
5 Lighting in cargo holds 177
5.1 General
6 Lighting of engine rooms 177
6.1 General

Section 11 Installation Material

1 Design and mounting 178
2 Plug connections and switches 178

Section 12 Cables and Insulated Wires

1 General 179
2 Choice of cables 179
2.1 Temperatures
2.2 Fire resistance
2.3 Cable sheaths
2.4 Movable connections
3 Determination of conductor cross- sections 179
3.1 General requirements
3.2 Minimum cross-sections
3.3 Hull return conductors
3.4 Protective earth wires
3.5 Neutral conductors of 3-phase systems
4 Cable overload protection 182
4.1 General requirements
5 Cable laying 182
5.1 General
6 Cable runs 183
6.1 General
7 Fastening of cables and wires 183
7.1 General

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 17

8 Tension relief 183
8.1 General
9 Protection against mechanical damage 183
9.1 General
10 Laying of cables and wires in conduits or enclosed metal ducts 183
10.1 General
11 Laying in non-metallic conduits and ducts 183
11.1 general
12 Bulkhead and deck penetrations 183
12.1 General
13 Cables laid in refrigerated spaces 183
13.1 General
14 Cable laying to wheelhouses using extending cable feeds
(moveable cable loops) 184
14.1 General
15 Cable junctions and branches 184
15.1 General

Section 13 Control, Monitoring, Alarm and Safety Systems

1 General 185
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Planning and design
1.4 Design and construction
1.5 Application of computer systems
1.6 Maintenance
2 Machinery control and monitoring installations 186
2.1 Safety devices
2.2 Safety systems
2.3 Open loop control
2.4 Closed loop control
2.5 Alarm systems
2.6 Integration of systems for essential equipment
2.7 Control of machinery installations

Section 14 Power Electronics

1 General 191
2 Construction 191
2.1 General
3 Rating and design 191
3.1 General

18 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

4 Cooling 191
4.1 General
5 Control and monitoring 192
5.1 General
6 Protection equipment 192
6.1 General
7 Tests 192
7.1 General
7.2 Extent of routine tests

Section 15 Electrical Propulsion Plants

1 General 193
2 Drives 193
2.1 Basis for dimensioning
2.2 Main engines
2.3 Propulsion motors
3 Static converter installations 193
4 Control stations 193
5 Vessels mains 194
6 Control and regulating 194
7 Protection of the plant 194
8 Measuring, indicating, monitoring and alarms equipment 194
8.1 General
8.2 Measuring equipment and indicators
8.3 Monitoring equipment
8.4 Power reduction
9 Cables and cable installation 195
9.1 General
10 Testing and trials 195
10.1 General
10.2 Tests after installation

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 19

Section 16 Computer Systems
1 General 196
1.1 Scope
1.2 References to other Rules and Regulations
1.3 Requirements applicable to computer systems
2 Requirement classes 196
2.1 General requirements
2.2 Risk parameters
2.3 Measures required to comply with the requirement class
3 System configuration 198
3.1 General requirements
3.2 Power supply
3.3 Hardware
3.4 Software
3.5 Data communication links
3.6 Integration of systems
3.7 User interface
3.8 Input devices
3.9 Output devices
3.10 Graphical user interface
4 Testing of computer systems 199
4.1 General
4.2 Tests in the manufacturer's work

Section 17 Tests on Board

1 General 200
2 Tests during construction 200
3 Testing during commissioning of the electrical equipment 200
4 Testing during trial voyages 201
4.1 General
4.2 Electrical propulsion plant

20 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014


Section 1 General
1 Application 205
1.1 General
1.2 Statutory Regulations
1.3 Applicable requirements depending on vessel type
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
1.5 Type approved products
2 Definitions 206
2.1 Accommodation spaces
2.2 A class divisions
2.3 B class divisions
2.4 Control centre
2.5 Fire Test Procedures Code
2.6 Galleys
2.7 Lounge
2.8 Low flame-spread
2.9 Machinery spaces of category A
2.10 Machinery spaces
2.11 Main fire zones
2.12 Muster areas
2.13 Non-combustible material
2.14 Not readily ignitable material
2.15 Passenger areas
2.16 Steel or other equivalent material
2.17 Service spaces
2.18 Stairwell
2.19 Standard fire test
2.20 Store room

Section 2 Prevention of Fire

1 Probability of ignition 208
1.1 Arrangements for fuel oil, lubrication oil and other flammable oils
1.2 Arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes
1.3 Installation of boilers
1.4 Insulation of hot surfaces
1.5 Protective measures against explosion
1.6 Miscellaneous items of ignition sources and ignitability
2 Fire growth potential 208
2.1 Control of flammable liquid supply
2.2 Control of air supply
2.3 Fire protection materials
3 Smoke generation potential and toxicity 209
3.1 Paints, varnishes and other finishes

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 21

Section 3 Detection and Alarm
1 General 210
1.1 Minimum number of detectors
1.2 Initial and periodical tests
1.3 Detector requirements
1.4 System control requirements
2 Protection of machinery spaces 210
2.1 Installation
2.2 Design
3 Protection of accommodation and service spaces 211
3.1 Smoke detectors in stairways, corridors and escape route

Section 4 Fire Fighting

1 Water supply systems 212
1.1 General
1.2 Fire mains and hydrants
1.3 Fire pumps
1.4 Fire hoses and nozzles
1.5 Non propelled vessels
2 Portable fire extinguishers 212
2.1 Extinguishing media and weights of charge
2.2 Arrangement of fire extinguishers
3 Automatic pressure water spraying system (sprinkler system) 213
3.1 General
3.2 Pressure water tanks
3.3 Pressure water spraying pumps
3.4 Location
3.5 Water supply
3.6 Power supply
3.7 Piping, valves and fittings
3.8 Spray nozzles
3.9 Indicating and alarm systems
4 Fixed gas fire extinguishing systems 215
4.1 Extinguishing agents
4.2 Ventilation, air intake
4.3 Fire alarm system
4.4 Piping system
4.5 Triggering device
4.6 Alarm device
4.7 Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping
4.8 Quantity of extinguishing agent
4.9 Fire extinguishing system operating with CO2
4.10 Fixed extinguishing system operating with HFC-227 ea (heptafluoropropane)
4.11 Fire extinguishing system operating with IG-541
4.12 Fire extinguishing system operating with FK-5-1-12

22 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Section 5 Escape
1 General 218
2 Means of escape from control centres, accommodation spaces
and service spaces 218
2.1 General requirements
2.2 Escape arrangements
3 Means of escape from machinery spaces 218
3.1 Escape arrangements

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 23

24 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014
Part C
Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapter 1

















November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 25

26 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1


1 General 1.6.2 Primary essential services

Primary essential services are those which need to be in
continuous operation to maintain propulsion and steering.
1.1 Application
Examples of equipment for primary essential services:
1.1.1 Part C, Chapter 1 applies to the design, construction, steering gear
installation, tests and trials of main propulsion and essential
actuating systems for controllable pitch propellers
auxiliary machinery systems and associated equipment,
boilers and pressure vessels and piping systems installed on scavenging air blowers, fuel oil supply pumps, lubricating
board classed vessels, as indicated in each Section of this oil pumps and cooling water pumps for main and auxil-
Chapter. iary engines and turbines necessary for the propulsion
azimuth thrusters which are the sole means for propul-
sion/steering with lubricating oil pumps, cooling water
1.2 Additional requirements
1.2.1 Additional requirements for machinery are given in electrical equipment for electric propulsion plant with
Part D, for the assignment of the type and service notations lubricating oil pumps and cooling water pumps
and additional class notations. electric generators and associated power sources sup-
plying the above equipment
1.3 Documentation to be submitted hydraulic pumps supplying the above equipment
control, monitoring and safety devices/systems for
1.3.1 The drawings and documents requested in the rele- equipment for primary essential services
vant Sections of this Chapter are to be submitted to the Soci-
ety for review. speed regulators dependent on electrical energy for
main or auxiliary engines necessary for propulsion.

1.4 Machinery space of category A The main lighting system for those parts of the vessel nor-
mally accessible to and used by personnel and passengers
1.4.1 Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces and is also considered (included as) a primary essential service.
trunks to such spaces which contain:
1.6.3 Secondary essential services
internal combustion machinery used for main propul-
sion, or Secondary essential services are those services which need
not necessarily be in continuous operation.
internal combustion machinery used for purposes other
than main propulsion where such machinery has in the Examples of equipment for secondary essential services:
aggregate a total power output of not less than 375 kW, thrusters
or starting air and control air compressors
any oil fired boiler or fuel oil unit, or bilge pumps
gas generators, incinerators, waste disposal units, etc., fire pumps and other fire-extinguishing medium pumps
which use oil fired equipment ventilation fans for engine rooms
services considered necessary to maintain dangerous
1.5 Machinery spaces cargo in a safe condition
navigation lights, aids and signals
1.5.1 Machinery spaces are all machinery spaces of Cate-
gory A and all other spaces containing propulsion machin- internal safety communication equipment
ery, boilers, fuel oil units, steam and internal combustion fire detection and alarm systems
engines, generators and major electrical machinery, oil fill- electrical equipment for watertight closing appliances
ing stations, refrigerating, stabilising, ventilation and air electric generators and associated power supplying the
conditioning machinery, and similar spaces, and trunks to above equipment
such spaces.
hydraulic pumps supplying the above equipment
control, monitoring and safety for cargo containment
1.6 Essential services systems
1.6.1 Essential services are defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, control, monitoring and safety devices/systems for
[1.2.5]. They are subdivided in primary and secondary equipment for secondary essential services
essential services. windlasses.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 27

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1

2 Design and construction 2.3 Vibrations

2.3.1 Special consideration (see Ch 1, Sec 9) is to be given

2.1 General to the design, construction and installation of propulsion
machinery systems and auxiliary machinery so that any
2.1.1 The machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, mode of their vibrations shall not cause undue stresses in
associated piping systems and fittings are to be of a design this machinery in the normal operating ranges.
and construction adequate for the service for which they are
intended and shall be so installed and protected as to 2.4 Operation in inclined position
reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due
regard being paid to moving parts, hot surfaces and other 2.4.1 Main propulsion machinery and all auxiliary machin-
hazards. ery essential to the propulsion and the safety of the vessel
The design is to have regard to materials used in construc- are, as fitted in the vessel, to be designed to operate when
tion, the purpose for which the equipment is intended, the the vessel is upright and when inclined at any angle of list
working conditions to which it will be subjected and the either way and trim by bow or stern as stated in Tab 1.
environmental conditions on board. Machinery with a horizontal rotation axis is generally to be
fitted on board with such axis arranged alongships. If this is
not possible, the manufacturer is to be informed at the time
2.2 Materials, welding and testing the machinery is ordered.

2.2.1 General Table 1 : Permanent inclination of vessel

Materials, welding and testing procedures are to be in
Installations, Angle of inclination (degrees) (1)
accordance with the requirements of NR216 Materials and
Welding and those given in the other Sections of this Chap- components Athwartship Fore and aft
ter. In addition, for machinery components fabricated by Main and auxiliary
welding the requirements given in [2.2.2] apply. 12 5
machinery (2)
(1) Athwartship and fore-and-aft inclinations may occur
2.2.2 Welded machinery components
Welding processes are to be approved and welders certified (2) Higher angle values may be required depending on
by the Society in accordance with NR216 Materials and vessel operating conditions
2.5 Ambient conditions
References to welding procedures adopted are to be clearly
indicated on the plans submitted for review / approval. 2.5.1 Machinery and systems covered by the Rules are to
Joints transmitting loads are to be either: be designed to operate properly under the ambient condi-
tions specified in Tab 2, unless otherwise specified in each
full penetration butt-joints welded on both sides, except Section of this Chapter.
when an equivalent procedure is approved, or
Table 2 : Ambient conditions
full penetration T- or cruciform joints.
For joints between plates having a difference in thickness
greater than 3 mm, a taper having a length of not less than Location, arrangement Temperature range (C)
4 times the difference in thickness is required. Depending between 0 and +40
on the type of stress to which the joint is subjected, a taper In enclosed spaces
(+45 in tropical zone) (1)
equal to three times the difference in thickness may be
On machinery components,
boilers according to specific local
T-joints on scalloped edges are not permitted. In spaces subject to higher or conditions
lower temperatures
Lap-joints and T-joints subjected to tensile stresses are to
between 20 and +40
have a throat size of fillet welds equal to 0,7 times the thick- On exposed decks
(+45 in tropical zone)
ness of the thinner plate on both sides.

In the case of welded structures including cast pieces, the

latter are to be cast with appropriate extensions to permit
connection, through butt-welded joints, to the surrounding Coolant Temperature (C)
structures, and to allow any radiographic and ultrasonic River water or, if applicable,
examinations to be easily carried out. up to +25 in general
river water at charge air
up to +32 in tropical zone
coolant inlet
Where required, preheating and stress relieving treatments
are to be performed according to the welding procedure (1) Different temperatures may be accepted by the Society
specification. in the case of vessels intended for restricted service.

28 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1

2.6 Approved fuels 3 Arrangement and installation on

2.6.1 The flash point of liquid fuels for the operation of
machinery and boiler installations must be above 55C.
3.1 General
2.6.2 Liquid fuel must be carried in oiltight tanks which
may either form part of the hull or must be solidly con- 3.1.1 Provision shall be made to facilitate cleaning, inspec-
nected with the vessel's hull. tion and maintenance of main propulsion and auxiliary
machinery, including boilers and pressure vessels.
2.7 Power of machinery Easy access to the various parts of the propulsion machinery
is to be provided by means of metallic ladders and gratings
2.7.1 Unless otherwise stated in each Section of this Chap- fitted with strong and safe handrails.
ter, where scantlings of components are based on power,
the values to be used are determined as follows: Spaces containing main and auxiliary machinery are to be
provided with adequate lighting and ventilation.
for main propulsion machinery, the power/rotational
speed for which classification is requested
3.2 Floors
for auxiliary machinery, the power/rotational speed
which is available in service.
3.2.1 Floor plating and gratings in machinery spaces are to
be metallic, divided into easily removable panels.
2.8 Astern power
The floor plating of normal passageways in machinery
2.8.1 Sufficient power for going astern is to be provided to spaces shall be made of steel.
secure proper control of the vessel in all normal circum-
stances. 3.3 Bolting down
In order to maintain sufficient manoeuvrability and secure
control of the vessel in all normal circumstances, the main 3.3.1 Bedplates of machinery are to be securely fixed to the
propulsion machinery is to be capable of reversing the supporting structures by means of foundation bolts which
direction of thrust so as to bring the vessel to rest from the are to be distributed as evenly as practicable and of a suffi-
maximum service speed. The main propulsion machinery is cient number and size so as to ensure a perfect fit.
to be capable of maintaining in free route astern at least
Where the bedplates bear directly on the inner bottom plat-
70% of the ahead revolutions.
ing, the bolts are to be fitted with suitable gaskets so as to
For main propulsion systems with reversing gears or con- ensure a tight fit and are to be arranged with their heads
trollable pitch propellers, running astern is not to lead to an within the double bottom.
overload of propulsion machinery.
Continuous contact between bedplates and foundations
During the river trials, the ability of the main propulsion along the bolting line is to be achieved by means of chocks
machinery to reverse the direction of thrust of the propeller of suitable thickness, carefully arranged to ensure a com-
is to be demonstrated and recorded (see also Ch 1, Sec 15, plete contact.
The same requirements apply to thrust block and shaft line
bearing foundations.
2.9 Safety devices
Particular care is to be taken to obtain a perfect levelling
2.9.1 Where risk from overspeeding of machinery exists, and general alignment between the propulsion engines and
means are to be provided to ensure that the safe speed is their shafting.
not exceeded.
3.3.2 Chocking resins are to be type approved.
2.9.2 Where main or auxiliary machinery including pres-
sure vessels or any parts of such machinery are subject to
internal pressure and may be subject to dangerous overpres-
3.4 Safety devices on moving parts
sure, means shall be provided, where practicable, to protect
against such excessive pressure. 3.4.1 Suitable protective devices are to be provided in way
of moving parts (flywheels, couplings, etc.) in order to avoid
2.9.3 Main internal combustion propulsion machinery and injuries to personnel.
auxiliary machinery shall be provided with automatic shut-
off arrangements in the case of failures, such as lubricating 3.5 Gauges
oil supply failure, which could lead rapidly to complete
breakdown, serious damage or explosion.
3.5.1 All gauges are to be grouped, as far as possible, near
The Society may permit provisions for overriding automatic each manoeuvring position; in any event, they are to be
shut-off devices. clearly visible.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 29

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1

3.6 Ventilation in machinery spaces 3.8 Machinery remote control, alarms and
safety systems
3.6.1 Machinery spaces are to be sufficiently ventilated so
as to ensure that when machinery or boilers therein are 3.8.1 For remote control systems of main propulsion
operating at full power in all weather conditions, including machinery and essential auxiliary machinery and relevant
heavy weather, a sufficient supply of air is maintained to the alarms and safety systems, see Ch 2, Sec 13, [2.7] and Pt D,
spaces for the operation of the machinery. Ch 2, Sec 8, for additional class notation AUT-UMS.
This sufficient amount of air is to be supplied through suit-
ably protected openings arranged in such a way that they 4 Tests and trials
can be used in all weather conditions.
Special attention is to be paid both to air delivery and 4.1 Works tests
extraction and to air distribution in the various spaces. The
quantity and distribution of air are to be such as to satisfy 4.1.1 Equipment and its components are subjected to
machinery requirements for developing maximum continu- works tests which are detailed in the relevant Sections of
ous power. this Chapter.
Where such tests cannot be performed in the workshop, the
The ventilation is to be so arranged as to prevent any accu-
Society may allow them to be carried out on board, pro-
mulation of flammable gases or vapours.
vided this is not judged to be in contrast either with the gen-
eral characteristics of the machinery being tested or with
3.7 Hot surfaces and fire protection particular features of the on board installation. In such
cases, the Surveyor is to be informed in advance and the
3.7.1 Surfaces, having temperature exceeding 60C, with tests are to be carried out in accordance with the require-
which the crew are likely to come into contact during oper- ments of NR216 Materials and Welding relative to incom-
ation are to be suitably protected or insulated. plete tests.
Surfaces of machinery with temperatures above 220C, e.g. All boilers, all parts of machinery, all steam, hydraulic,
steam, thermal oil and exhaust gas lines, silencers, exhaust pneumatic and other systems and their associated fittings
gas boilers and turbochargers, are to be effectively insulated which are under internal pressure shall be subjected to
with non-combustible material (see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.12] for appropriate tests including a pressure test before being put
definition) or equivalently protected to prevent the ignition into service for the first time as detailed in the other Sec-
of combustible materials coming into contact with them. tions of this Chapter.
Where the insulation used for this purpose is oil absorbent
or may permit the penetration of oil, the insulation is to be
encased in steel sheathing or equivalent material.
4.2 Tests on board
Fire protection, detection and extinction is to comply with 4.2.1 Trials on board of machinery are detailed in Ch 1,
the requirements of Part C, Chapter 3. Sec 15.

30 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General 1.2 Documentation to be submitted

1.2.1 The Manufacturer is to submit to the Society the doc-
1.1 Application uments listed in Tab 1 for engine type approval.
Plans listed under items 2 and 3 in Tab 1 are also to contain
1.1.1 Diesel engines listed below are to be designed, con- details of the lubricating oil sump in order to demonstrate
structed, installed, tested and certified in accordance with compliance with Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.4].
the requirements of this Section, under the supervision and Where changes are made to an engine type for which the
to the satisfaction of the Societys Surveyors: documents listed in Tab 1 have already been examined or
approved, the engine Manufacturer is to resubmit to the
a) main propulsion engines Society for consideration and review only those documents
concerning the engine parts which have undergone sub-
b) engines driving electric generators, including emer- stantial changes.
gency generators
If the engines are manufactured by a licensee, the licensee
c) engines driving other auxiliaries essential for safety and is to submit, for each engine type, a list of all the drawings
specified in Tab 1, indicating for each drawing the relevant
navigation and cargo pumps in tankers, when they
number and revision status from both licensor and licensee.
develop a power of 110 kW and over.
Where the licensee proposes design modifications to com-
All other engines are to be designed and constructed ponents, the associated documents are to be submitted by
according to sound marine practice, with the equipment the licensee to the Society for review or for information pur-
required in [2.3.2], and delivered with the relevant works poses. In the case of significant modifications, the licensee
certificate (see 216 Materials and Welding, Ch 1, Sec 1, is to provide the Society with a statement confirming the
[4.2.3]). licensors acceptance of the changes. In all cases, the
licensee is to provide the Surveyor entrusted to carry out the
In addition to the requirements of this Section, those given testing, with a complete set of the documents specified in
in Ch 1, Sec 1 apply. Tab 1.

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No I/A (1) Document Document details

1 I Engine particulars and data for calculation of crank-

shafts as per NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, App 1
2 I Engine transverse cross-section Max inclination angles, oil surface lines, oil suction strum
3 I Engine longitudinal section Max inclination angles, oil surface lines, oil suction strum
4 I/A Bedplate or crankcase, cast or welded. Design of welded joints, electrodes used, welding
For welded bedplates or cranks, welding details and sequence, heat treatment, non-destructive examinations
5 A Thrust bearing assembly (2)
6 I/A Thrust bearing bedplate, cast or welded. Design of welded joints, electrodes used, welding
For welded bedplates or cranks, welding details and sequence, heat treatment, non-destructive examinations
instructions (3)
7 I/A Frame/column, cast or welded with welding details Design of welded joints, electrodes used, welding
and instructions (4) sequence, heat treatment, non-destructive examinations
8 I Tie rod
9 I Cylinder cover, assembly
10 I Cylinder jacket or engine block (5)
11 I Cylinder liner (5)
12 A Crankshaft, details, for each cylinder number
13 A Crankshaft, assembly, for each cylinder number

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 31

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

No I/A (1) Document Document details

14 A Thrust shaft or intermediate shaft (if integral with
15 A Coupling bolts
16 A Counterweights (if not integral with crankshaft), with Bolt fastening instructions
associated fastening bolts
17 I Connecting rod
18 I Connecting rod, assembly (5) Bolt fastening instructions
19 I Crosshead, assembly (5)
20 I Piston rod, assembly (5)
21 I Piston, assembly
22 I Camshaft drive, assembly
23 A Material specifications of main parts of engine, with Required for items 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21,
detailed information on: including acceptable defects and repair procedures.
- non-destructive tests, and Required for items 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 21 and for injection
- pressure tests (6) pumps and exhaust manifold
24 A Arrangement of foundation bolts (for main engines
25 A Schematic layout or other equivalent documents for
starting air system on the engine (7)
26 A Schematic layout or other equivalent documents for
fuel oil system on the engine (7)
27 A Schematic layout or other equivalent documents for
lubricating oil system on the engine (7)
28 A Schematic layout or other equivalent documents for
cooling water system on the engine (7)
29 A Schematic diagram of engine control and safety sys- List, specification and layout of sensors, automatic controls
tem on the engine (7) and other control and safety devices
30 A Schematic layout or other equivalent documents of
hydraulic system (for valve lift) on the engine
31 I Shielding and insulation of exhaust pipes, assembly
32 A Shielding of high pressure fuel pipes, assembly Recovery and leak detection devices
33 A Crankcase explosion relief valves (8) Volume of crankcase and other spaces (camshaft drive,
scavenge, etc.)
34 I Operation and service manuals (9)
35 A Type test program and type test report
36 A High pressure parts for fuel oil injection system (10)
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.
Where two indications I / A are given, the first refers to cast design and the second to welded design.
(2) To be submitted only if the thrust bearing is integral with the engine and not integrated in the engine bedplate.
(3) The weld procedure specification is to include details of pre and post weld heat treatment, weld consumables and fit-up condi-
(4) Only for one cylinder.
(5) To be submitted only if sufficient details are not shown on the engine transverse and longitudinal cross-sections.
(6) For comparison with NR216 Materials and Welding, NDT and pressure testing as applicable.
(7) Dimensions and materials of pipes, capacity and head of pumps and compressors and any additional functional information are
to be included. The layout of the entire system is also required, if this is part of the goods to be supplied by the engine Manufac-
turer. Where engines incorporate electronic control systems a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is to be submitted to
demonstrate that failure of an electronic control system will not result in the loss of essential services for the operation of the
engine and that operation or the engine will not be lost or degraded beyond an acceptable performance criteria or the engine.
(8) Required only for engines with cylinder bore of 200 mm and above or crankcase gross volume of 0,6 m3 and above.
(9) Operation and service manuals are to contain maintenance requirements (servicing and repair) including derails of any special
tools and gauges that are to be used with their fitting/settings together with any test requirements on completion of maintenance.
(10) The documentation to contain specification of pressures, pipe dimensions and materials.

32 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

1.3 Definitions 1.3.4 Same type of engines

Two diesel engines are considered to be of the same type
1.3.1 Engine type when they do not substantially differ in design and con-
In general, the type of an engine is defined by the following struction characteristics, such as those listed in the engine
characteristics: type definition as per [1.3.1], it being taken for granted that
the documentation concerning the essential engine compo-
the cylinder diameter nents listed in [1.2] and associated materials employed has
the piston stroke been submitted, examined and, where necessary, approved
by the Society.
the method of injection (direct or indirect injection)
the kind of fuel (liquid, gaseous or dual-fuel) 1.3.5 Mass production
Mass production applies to engines having a cylinder bore
the working cycle (4-stroke, 2-stroke) not exceeding 300 mm and produced:
the gas exchange (naturally aspirated or supercharged) in large quantity under quality control of material and
the maximum continuous power per cylinder at the cor- parts according to a programme specified by the engine
responding speed and/or brake mean effective pressure manufacturer and agreed by the Society
corresponding to the above-mentioned maximum con- by the use of jigs and automatic machines designed to
tinuous power machine parts to close tolerances for interchangeability,
and which are to be verified by the manufacturer on a
the method of pressure charging (pulsating system or
regular basis.
constant pressure system)
the charging air cooling system (with or without inter- 2 Design and construction
cooler, number of stages, etc.)
the cylinder arrangement (in-line or V-type). 2.1 Materials and welding
1.3.2 Engine power 2.1.1 Crankshaft materials
The maximum continuous power is the maximum power at In general, crankshafts are to be of forged steel having a ten-
ambient reference conditions (see [1.3.3]) which the engine sile strength not less than 400 N/mm2 and not greater than
is capable of delivering continuously, at nominal maximum 1000 N/mm2.
speed, in the period of time between two consecutive over- The use of forged steels of higher tensile strength is subject
hauls. to special consideration by the Society in each case.
Power, speed and the period of time between two consecu- The Society, at its discretion and subject to special condi-
tive overhauls are to be stated by the Manufacturer and tions (such as restrictions in vessel navigation), may accept
agreed by the Society. crankshafts made of cast carbon steel, cast alloyed steel of
appropriate quality and manufactured by a suitable proce-
The rated power is the maximum power at ambient refer- dure having a tensile strength as follows:
ence conditions (see [1.3.3]) which the engine is capable of
delivering as set after works trials (fuel stop power) at the a) between 400 N/mm2 and 560 /mm2 for cast carbon steel
maximum speed allowed by the governor. b) between 400 N/mm2 and 700 N/mm2 for cast alloyed
The rated power for engines driving electric generators is
the nominal power, taken at the net of overload, at ambient The Society, at its discretion and subject to special condi-
reference conditions (see [1.3.3]), which the engine is capa- tions (such as restrictions in vessel navigation), may also
ble of delivering as set after the works trials (see [4.5]). accept crankshafts made of cast iron for mass produced
engines of a nominal power not exceeding 110 kW with a
1.3.3 Ambient reference conditions significative in-service behaviour either in marine or indus-
try. The cast iron is to be of SG type (spheroidal graphite)
The power of engines as per [1.1.1] a), b) and c) is to be of appropriate quality and manufactured by a suitable pro-
referred to the following conditions: cedure.
barometric pressure = 1 bar
2.1.2 Welded frames and foundations
relative humidity = 60% Steels used in the fabrication of welded frames and bed-
ambient air temperature = 40C in general, and 45C in plates are to comply with the requirements of NR216 Mate-
tropical zone rials and Welding.
river water temperature (and temperature at inlet of river Welding is to be in accordance with the requirements of
water cooled charge air cooler) = 25C in general, and Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.2].
32C in tropical zone.
2.2 Crankshaft
The engine Manufacturer is not expected to provide the
above ambient conditions at a test bed. The rating is to be 2.2.1 Check of the scantling
adjusted according to a recognised standard accepted by The check of crankshaft strength is to be carried out in
the Society. accordance with NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, App 1.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 33

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

2.3 Crankcase 2.4.3 Lubricating oil system

Efficient filters are to be fitted in the lubricating oil system
2.3.1 Crankcase construction and crankcase doors are to when the oil is circulated under pressure.
be of sufficient strength to withstand anticipated crankcase In such lubricating oil systems for propulsion machinery, fil-
pressures that may arise during a crankcase explosion tak- ters are to be arranged so that an uninterrupted supply of fil-
ing into account the installation of required explosion relief tered lubricating oil is ensured during cleaning operations of
valves. Crankcase doors are to be fastened sufficiently the filter equipment, except when otherwise stated in Ch 1,
securely for them not be readily displaced by a crankcase Sec 10.
Relief valves discharging back to the suction of the pumps
2.3.2 Crankcase arrangements and fittings are to comply or other equivalent means are to be fitted on the delivery
with applicable requirements of NR467, Part C, Chapter 1. side of the pumps.
The relief valves may be omitted provided that the filters
can withstand the maximum pressure that the pump may
2.4 Systems develop.

2.4.1 General Where necessary, the lubricating oil is to be cooled by

means of suitable coolers.
In addition to the requirements of the present Sub-article,
those given in Ch 1, Sec 10 are to be satisfied. 2.4.4 Charge air system

Flexible hoses in the fuel and lubricating oil system are to a) Requirements relevant to design, construction, arrange-
be limited to the minimum and are to be type approved. ment, installation, tests and certification of exhaust gas
turbochargers are to comply with Ch 1, Sec 14.
Unless otherwise stated in Ch 1, Sec 10, propulsion engines
b) When two-stroke propulsion engines are supercharged
are to be equipped with external connections for standby
by exhaust gas turbochargers which operate on the
pumps for:
impulse system, provision is to be made to prevent bro-
fuel oil supply ken piston rings entering turbocharger casings and caus-
ing damage to blades and nozzle rings.
lubricating oil and cooling water circulation.
2.5 Starting air system
2.4.2 Fuel oil system
Relief valves discharging back to the suction of the pumps 2.5.1 The requirements given in [3.1] apply.
or other equivalent means are to be fitted on the delivery
side of the pumps. 2.6 Control and safety devices
In fuel oil systems for propulsion machinery, filters are to be 2.6.1 Governors of main and auxiliary engines
fitted and arranged so that an uninterrupted supply of filtered
Each engine, except the auxiliary engines for driving elec-
fuel oil is ensured during cleaning operations of the filter
tric generators for which [2.6.3] applies, is to be fitted with
equipment, except when otherwise stated in Ch 1, Sec 10.
a speed governor so adjusted that the engine does not
a) All external high pressure fuel delivery lines between exceed the rated speed by more than 15%.
the high pressure fuel pumps and fuel injectors are to be
protected with a shielded piping system capable of con- 2.6.2 Overspeed protective devices of main and
taining fuel from a high pressure line failure. auxiliary engines
In addition to the speed governor, each:
A shielded pipe incorporates an outer pipe into which
the high pressure fuel pipe is placed forming a perma- main propulsion engine having a rated power of
nent assembly. 220 kW and above, which can be declutched or which
drives a controllable pitch propeller, and
The shielded piping system is to include a means for auxiliary engine having a rated power of 220 kW and
collection of leakages and arrangements are to be pro- above, except those for driving electric generators, for
vided for an alarm to be given in the event of a fuel line which [2.6.4] applies
is to be fitted with a separate overspeed protective device so
If flexible hoses are used for shielding purposes, these
adjusted that the engine cannot exceed the rated speed n by
are to be approved by the Society.
more than 20%; arrangements are to be made to test the
When in fuel oil return piping the pulsation of pressure overspeed protective device.
with peak to peak values exceeds 20 bar, shielding of Equivalent arrangements may be accepted subject to special
this piping is also required as above consideration by the Society in each case.
b) For vessels classed for restricted navigation, the require- The overspeed protective device, including its driving
ments under a) may be relaxed at the Societys discre- mechanism or speed sensor, is to be independent of the
tion. governor.

34 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

2.6.3 Governors for auxiliary engines driving power required for the electrical equipment to be auto-
electric generators matically switched on after blackout and to the
a) Auxiliary engines intended for driving electric genera- sequence in which it is connected.
tors are to be fitted with a speed governor which pre- This also applies to generators to be operated in parallel
vents any transient speed variations in excess of 10% of and where the power is to be transferred from one gen-
the rated speed when the rated power is suddenly erator to another, in the event that any one generator is
thrown off or specific loads are suddenly thrown on. to be switched off.
In the case when a step load equivalent to the rated out- e) When the rated power is suddenly thrown off, steady
put of a generator is switched off, a transient speed vari- state conditions should be achieved in not more than
ation in excess of 10% of the rated speed may be 5 s.
acceptable, provided this does not cause intervention of
f) Emergency generator sets must satisfy the governor con-
the overspeed device as required in [2.6.4].
ditions as per items a) and b) when:
b) At all loads between no load and rated power, the per- their total consumer load is applied suddenly, or
manent speed variation is not to be more than 5% of the
rated speed. their total consumer load is applied in steps, subject
to the maximum step load is declared and demon-
c) Prime movers are to be selected in such a way that they strated.
meet the load demand within the vessels mains and,
g) For alternating current generating sets operating in par-
when running at no load, can satisfy the requirement in
allel, the governing characteristics of the prime movers
item a) above if suddenly loaded to 50% of the rated
are to be such that, within the limits of 20% and 100%
power of the generator, followed by the remaining 50%
total load, the load on any generating set will not nor-
after an interval sufficient to restore speed to steady
mally differ from its proportionate share of the total load
state. Steady state conditions (see Note 1) are to be
by more than 15% of the rated power in kW of the larg-
achieved in not more than 5 s (see Note 1).
est machine or 25% of the rated power in kW of the
d) Application of the electrical load in more than 2 load individual machine in question, whichever is the lesser.
steps can only be allowed if the conditions within the For alternating current generating sets intended to oper-
vessels mains permit the use of those auxiliary engines ate in parallel, facilities are to be provided to adjust the
which can only be loaded in more than 2 load steps (see governor sufficiently finely to permit an adjustment of
Fig 1 for guidance) and provided that this is already load not exceeding 5% of the rated load at normal fre-
allowed for in the designing stage. quency.
This is to be verified in the form of system specifications Note 1: Steady state conditions are those at which the envelope of
to be approved and to be demonstrated at vessels trials. speed variation does not exceed 1% of the declared speed at the
In this case, due consideration is to be given to the new power.

Figure 1 : Limiting curves for loading 4-stroke diesel engines step by step from no load to rated power
as a function of the brake mean effective pressure (Mep)


Load increase referred to rated power [%]


Limiting curve for
3rd load step

Limiting curve for
2nd load step

Limiting curve for
1st load step

0.6 0.8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4
Mep at rated power of diesel engine [MPa]

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 35

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

2.6.4 Overspeed protective devices of auxiliary 2.7.3 Main engines room control station
engines driving electric generators As a minimum requirement, the engine room control station
In addition to the speed governor, auxiliary engines of rated is to be equipped with the following main engine indica-
power equal to or greater than 220 kW driving electric gen- tors, which are to be clearly and logically arranged:
erators are to be fitted with a separate overspeed protective engine speed indicator
device, with a means for manual tripping, adjusted so as to
prevent the rated speed from being exceeded by more than lubricating oil pressure at engine inlet
15%. cylinder cooling water pressure
This device is to automatically shut down the engine. starting air pressure
charge air pressure
2.6.5 Use of electronic governors
control air pressure at engine inlet
a) Type approval
shaft revolution indicator.
Electronic governors and their actuators are to be type
approved by the Society. Indicators are to be provided for the following on the con-
trol station and/or directly on the engine:
b) Electronic governors for main propulsion engines
lubricating oil temperature
If an electronic governor is fitted to ensure continuous
speed control or resumption of control after a fault, an coolant temperature
additional separate governor is to be provided unless fuel temperature at engine inlet only for engines running
the engine has a manually operated fuel admission con- on heavy fuel oil
trol system suitable for its control. exhaust gas temperature, wherever the dimensions per-
A fault in the governor system is not to lead to sudden mit, at each cylinder outlet and at the turbocharger
major changes in propulsion power or direction of pro- inlet/outlet.
peller rotation.
In the case of geared transmissions or controllable pitch
Alarms are to be fitted to indicate faults in the governor propellers, the scope of the control equipment is to be
system. extended accordingly.
The acceptance of electronic governors not in compli- On the pressure gauges the permissible pressures, and on
ance with the above requirements will be considered by the tachometers any critical speed ranges, are to be indi-
the Society on a case by case basis, when fitted on ves- cated in red.
sels with two or more main propulsion engines.
A machinery alarm system is to be installed for the pres-
c) Electronic governors for auxiliary engines driving elec- sures and temperatures specified above, with the exception
tric generators of the charge air pressure, the control air pressure and the
In the event of a fault in the electronic governor system exhaust gas temperature.
the fuel admission is to be set to zero.
2.7.4 Main engines control from the wheelhouse
Alarms are to be fitted to indicate faults in the governor The vessels control stand is to be fitted with indicators, eas-
system. ily visible to the operator, showing the starting and manoeu-
The acceptance of electronic governors fitted on vring air pressure as well as the direction of rotation and
engines driving emergency generators will be consid- revolutions of the propeller shaft.
ered by the Society on a case by case basis.
In addition, the alarm system required under last paragraph
of [2.7.3] is to signal faults on the bridge. Faults may be sig-
2.7 Control and monitoring nalled in accordance with Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.8]. An indicator
in the engine room and on the bridge shall show that the
2.7.1 General alarm system is operative.
Diesel engines are to be equipped with monitoring equip-
2.7.5 auxiliary engines
ment in compliance with Ch 2, Sec 13.
Instruments or equivalent devices mounted in a logical
In addition, vessels assigned AUT-UMS additional notation manner on the engine shall indicate at least:
are to comply with the requirements of Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 8.
engine speed
The alarms are to be visual and audible.
lubricating oil pressure
The indicators are to be fitted at a normally attended posi- cooling water pressure
tion (on the engine or at the local control station).
cooling water temperature.
2.7.2 Control station - Definition In addition, engines of over 50 kW power are to be equipped
A control station is a group of control and monitoring with an engine alarm system responding to the lubricating oil
devices by means of which an operator can control and ver- pressure and to the pressure or flow rate of the cooling water
ify the performance of equipment. or a failure of the cooling fan, as applicable.

36 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

3 Arrangement and installation c) The starting batteries are only to be used for starting and
for the engines alarm and monitoring. Provision is to be
made to maintain the stored energy at all times.
3.1 Starting arrangements
d) For rating of each charging device, see Ch 2, Sec 5, [9].
3.1.1 Mechanical air starting
a) Air starting the main and auxiliary engines is to be
3.2 Turning gear
arranged in compliance with Ch 1, Sec 10, [17.3.1].
3.2.1 Each engine is to be provided with hand-operated
b) The total capacity of air compressors and air receivers turning gear; where deemed necessary, the turning gear is to
is to be in compliance with Ch 1, Sec 10, [17.3.2] and be both hand and mechanically-operated.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [17.3.3].
The turning gear engagement is to inhibit starting opera-
c) The main starting air arrangements for main propulsion tions.
or auxiliary diesel engines are to be adequately pro-
tected against the effects of backfiring and internal 3.3 Trays
explosion in the starting air pipes. To this end, the fol-
lowing safety devices are to be fitted: 3.3.1 Trays fitted with means of drainage are to be provided
An isolating non-return valve, or equivalent, at the in way of the lower part of the crankcase and, in general, in
starting air supply connection to each engine way of the parts of the engine, where oil is likely to spill in
order to collect the fuel oil or lubricating oil dripping from
A bursting disc or flame arrester: the engine.
- in way of the starting valve of each cylinder, for
direct reversing engines having a main starting 3.4 Exhaust gas system
air manifold
- at least at the supply inlet to the starting air man- 3.4.1 In addition to the requirements given in Ch 1, Sec 10,
ifold, for non-reversing engines. [18], the exhaust system is to be efficiently cooled or insu-
lated in such a way that the surface temperature does not
The bursting disc or flame arrester above may be exceed 220C (see also Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.7]).
omitted for engines having a bore not exceeding
230 mm.
4 Type tests, material tests, workshop
Other protective devices will be specially considered by
the Society.
inspection and testing, certification
The requirements of this item c) do not apply to engines
4.1 Type tests - General
started by pneumatic motors.
d) Compressed air receivers are to comply with the 4.1.1 Upon finalisation of the engine design for production
requirements of Ch 1, Sec 3. Compressed air piping and of every new engine type intended for installation on board
associated air compressors are to comply with the vessels, one engine is to be presented for type testing as
requirements of Ch 1, Sec 10. required below.
A type test carried out for a particular type of engine at any
3.1.2 Electrical starting place in any manufacturers works will be accepted for all
a) Where main internal combustion engines are arranged engines of the same type (see [1.3.4]) built by licensees and
for electrical starting, at least two separate batteries are licensors.
to be fitted. In any case, one type test suffices for the whole range of
The arrangement is to be such that the batteries cannot engines having different numbers of cylinders.
be connected in parallel. Engines which are subjected to type testing are to be tested
Each battery is to be capable of starting the main engine in accordance with the scope specified below, it being
when in cold and ready to start condition. taken for granted that:

The combined capacity of batteries is to be sufficient to the engine is optimised as required for the conditions of
provide within 30 min, without recharging, the number the type test
of starts required in [3.1.1] b) in the event of air starting. the investigations and measurements required for reli-
able engine operation have been carried out during pre-
b) Electrical starting arrangements for auxiliary engines are
liminary internal tests by the engine Manufacturer
to have two separate storage batteries or may be sup-
plied by two separate circuits from main engine storage the documentation to be submitted has been examined
batteries when these are provided. In the case of a single and, when necessary, reviewed/approved by the Society
auxiliary engine, one battery is acceptable. The com- and the latter has been informed about the nature and
bined capacity of the batteries is to be sufficient for at extent of investigations carried out during pre-produc-
least three starts for each engine. tion stages.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 37

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.1.2 At the request of the Manufacturer, an increase in After completion of the test programme, the main engine
power and/or mean effective pressure up to a maximum of components are to be inspected.
10% may be accepted by the Society for an engine previ-
The engine Manufacturer is to compile all results and mea-
ously subjected to a type test without any further such test
surements for the engine tested during the type test in a type
being required, provided the engine reliability has been
test report, which is to be submitted to the Society.
proved successfully by the service experience of a sufficient
number of engines of the same type. 4.2.2 Stage A - Internal tests (function tests and
For the purpose of the acceptance of the above perfor- collection of operating data)
mance increase, the Manufacturer is in any case to submit During the internal tests the engine is to be operated at the
for examination and, where necessary, review/approval, the load points considered important by the engine Manufac-
documentation listed in [1.2] relevant to any components turer and the relevant operating values are to be recorded
requiring modification in order to achieve the increased (see item a)).
The load points may be selected according to the range of
4.1.3 If an electronically controlled diesel engine has been application (see Fig 2).
type tested as a conventional engine, the Society may waive If an engine can be satisfactorily operated at all load points
tests required by this Article provided the results of the indi- without using mechanically driven cylinder lubricators, this
vidual tests would be similar. is to be verified.
a) Functional tests under normal operating conditions
4.2 Type tests of non-mass produced
Functional tests under normal operating conditions
engines include:
4.2.1 General 1) The load points 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and 110%
Upon finalization of the engine design for production of of the maximum continuous power for which type
every new engine type intended for the installation on approval is requested, to be carried out:
board vessels, one engine is to be presented for type testing along the nominal (theoretical) propeller curve
as required below. and at constant speed, for propulsion engines
A type test carried out for a particular type of engine at any at constant speed, for engines intended for gen-
place at manufacturer will be accepted for all engines of the erating sets.
same type built by licensees and licensors. 2) The limit points of the permissible operating range.
Engines which are subjected to type testing are to be tested These limit points are to be defined by the engine
in accordance with the scope as specified below: Manufacturer.
a) this engine is optimised as required for the condition of The maximum continuous power P is defined in
the type [1.3.2].
b) the investigations and measurements required for reli- b) Tests under emergency operating conditions
able engine operation have been carried out during
For turbocharged engines, the achievable continuous
internal tests by the engine manufacturer, and
output is to be determined for a situation when one tur-
c) the design approval has been obtained for the engine bocharger is damaged, i.e.:
type in question on the basis of documentation for engines with one turbocharger, when the rotor is
requested (see [1.2]) and the Society has been informed blocked or removed
about the nature and extent of investigations carried out
during the pre-production stages. for engines with two or more turbochargers, when
the damaged turbocharger is shut off.
It is taken for granted that:
The type test is subdivided into three stages, namely: 4.2.3 Stage B - Type approval tests in the presence
of the Surveyor
a) Stage A - Preliminary internal tests carried out by the
During the type test, the tests listed below are to be carried
out in the presence of the Surveyor and the results are to be
Stage A includes functional tests and collection of oper- recorded in a report signed by both the engine Manufac-
ating values including the number of testing hours dur- turer and the Surveyor.
ing the internal tests, the results of which are to be
Any departures from this programme are to be agreed upon
presented to the Surveyor during the type test. The num-
by the engine Manufacturer and the Society.
ber of testing hours of components which are inspected
according to [4.2.5] is to be stated by the Manufacturer. a) Load points
b) Stage B - Type approval test The load points at which the engine is to be operated
according to the power/speed diagram of Fig 2 are those
The type approval test is to be carried out in the pres-
listed below. The data to be measured and recorded
ence of the Surveyor.
when testing the engine at various load points are to
c) Stage C - Inspection of main engine components. include all necessary parameters for engine operation.

38 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

The operating time per load point depends on the engine the above part loads and at speed n with constant
characteristics (achievement of steady-state condition) governor setting, corresponding to load points 9, 10
and the time for collection of the operating values. and 11 in the diagram of Fig 2.
Normally, an operating time of 0,5 hour per load point b) Tests under emergency operating conditions
can be assumed.
These are tests at maximum achievable power when
At the maximum continuous power as per item 1) here-
operating along the nominal propeller curve and when
after, an operating time of two hours is required. Two
operating with constant governor setting for speed n, in
sets of readings are to be taken at a minimum interval of
emergency operating conditions as stated in [4.2.2] b).
one hour.
1) Test at maximum continuous power P: i.e. 100% c) Functional tests
output at 100% torque and 100% speed, corre- 1) Lowest engine speed according to nominal propeller
sponding to load point 1 in the diagram of Fig 2. curve
2) Test at 100% power at maximum permissible speed, 2) Starting tests, for non-reversible engines and/or start-
corresponding to load point 2 in the diagram of Fig 2. ing and reversing tests, for reversible engines
3) Test at maximum permissible torque (normally
3) Governor test
110% of nominal torque T) at 100% speed, corre-
sponding to load point 3 in the diagram of Fig 2; or 4) Testing the safety system, particularly for overspeed
test at maximum permissible power (normally 110% and low lub. oil pressure
of P) and speed according to the nominal propeller
5) Integration Test: For electronically controlled diesel
curve, corresponding to load point 3a in the dia-
engines integration tests shall verify that the
gram of Fig 2.
response of the complete mechanical, hydraulic and
4) Test at minimum permissible speed at 100% of electronic system is as predicted for all intended
torque T, corresponding to load point 4 in the dia- operational modes. The scope of these tests shall be
gram of Fig 2. agreed with the Society for selected cases based on
5) Test at minimum permissible speed at 90% of torque the FMEA required in Tab 1, (7).
T, corresponding to load point 5 in the diagram of For engines intended to be used for emergency services,
Fig 2. supplementary tests may be required to the satisfaction
6) Tests at part loads, e.g. 75%, 50%, 25% of maxi- of the Society. In particular, for engines intended to
mum continuous power P and speed according to drive emergency generating sets, additional tests and/or
the nominal propeller curve, corresponding to load documents may be required to prove that the engine is
points 6, 7 and 8 in the diagram of Fig 2; and tests at capable of being readily started at a temperature of 0C.

Figure 2 : Power/speed diagram

Overload power
110 106,6

110 100
3 3a
Maximum continuous power

100 3 2
1 90
0% 80
10 1 Range of continuous operation
= 0%
ue = 10
80 rq 5
To .p.e
9 70 2 Range of intermittent operation
Power (%)

3 Range of short-time
2 overload operation
1 4 Nominal propeller curve

7 50

40 40

8 11
Rotational Speed (%) 100 103,2

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 39

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.2.4 Evaluation of test results f) reverse running for direct reversing engines
The results of the tests and checks required by [4.2.3] will g) testing of speed governor, overspeed device and lubri-
be evaluated by the attending Surveyor. Normally the main cating oil system failure alarm device
operating data to be recorded during the tests are those
listed in [4.3.4]. h) testing of the engine with one turbocharger out of
action, when applicable
In particular, the maximum combustion pressure measured
with the engine running at the maximum continuous power i) testing of the minimum speed along the nominal (theo-
P is not to exceed the value taken for the purpose of check- retical) propeller curve, for main propulsion engines
ing the scantlings of the engine crankshaft, according to the driving fixed pitch propellers, and of the minimum
applicable requirements of NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, App 1. speed with no brake load, for main propulsion engines
driving controllable pitch propellers or for auxiliary
The values of temperatures and pressures of media, such as
cooling water, lubricating oil, charge air, exhaust gases, engines.
etc., are to be within limits which, in the opinion of the Sur- The tests at the above-mentioned outputs are to be com-
veyor, are appropriate for the characteristics of the engine bined together in working cycles which are to be repeated
tested. in succession for the entire duration within the limits indi-
4.2.5 Stage C - Inspection of main engine
components In particular, the overload test, to be carried out at the end
of each cycle, is to be of one hours duration and is to be
Immediately after the test run as per [4.2.3], the compo-
nents of one cylinder for in-line engines, and two cylinders carried out alternately:
for V-type engines, are to be presented for inspection to the at 110% of the power P and 103% of the speed n
at 110% of the power P and 100% of the speed n.
The following main engine components are to be inspected:
The partial load tests specified in c) are to be carried out:
piston removed and dismantled
crosshead bearing, dismantled along the nominal (theoretical) propeller curve and at
constant speed, for propulsion engines
crank bearing and main bearing, dismantled
at constant speed, for engines intended for generating
cylinder liner in the installed condition sets.
cylinder head and valves, disassembled
In the case of prototype engines, the duration and pro-
control gear, camshaft and crankcase with opened covers.
gramme of the type test will be specially considered by the
Where deemed necessary by the Surveyor, further disman- Society.
tling of the engine may be required.
4.3.3 In cases of engines for which the Manufacturer sub-
4.3 Type tests of mass produced engines mits documentary evidence proving successful service
experience or results of previous bench tests, the Society, at
4.3.1 General its discretion, may allow a type test to be carried out in the
presence of the Surveyor according to a programme to be
Mass produced engines as defined in [1.3.5] are to be sub-
agreed upon in each instance.
jected to type tests in the presence of the Surveyor in accor-
dance with requirements [4.3.2] to [4.3.5]. In the case of engines which are to be type approved for dif-
ferent purposes and performances, the programme and
Omission or simplification of the type tests may be consid-
duration of the type test will be decided by the Society in
ered for engines of well known type.
each case to cover the whole range of engine performances
The section of the engine to be tested from the production for which approval is requested, taking into account the
line is to be agreed upon with the Surveyor. most severe values.

4.3.2 Type test 4.3.4 During the type test, at least the following particulars
The programme of the type test is to be in general as speci- are to be recorded:
fied below, P being the maximum continuous power and n
a) ambient air temperature, pressure and atmospheric
the corresponding speed. The maximum continuous power humidity in the test room
is that stated by the engine Manufacturer and accepted by
the Society, as defined in [4.2.2]. b) cooling raw water temperature at the inlet of heat
a) 80 hours at power P and speed n
c) characteristics of fuel and lubricating oil used during the test
b) 8 hours at overload power (110% of power P)
d) engine speed
c) 10 hours at partial loads (25%, 50%, 75% and 90% of
power P) e) brake power
d) 2 hours at intermittent loads f) brake torque
e) starting tests g) maximum combustion pressure

40 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

h) indicated pressure diagrams, where practicable 4.4 Material and non-destructive tests
i) exhaust smoke (with a smoke meter deemed suitable by
4.4.1 Material tests
the Surveyor)
Engine components are to be tested in accordance with Tab
j) lubricating oil pressure and temperature 2 and in compliance with the requirements of NR216 Mate-
k) cooling water pressure and temperature rials and Welding.
l) exhaust gas temperature in the exhaust manifold and, Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant tests are required for
where facilities are available, from each cylinder the parts listed in Tab 2 and are to be effected by the Manu-
m) minimum starting air pressure necessary to start the facturer in positions agreed upon by the Surveyor, where
engine in cold condition. Manufacturers experience shows defects are most likely to
In addition to the above, for supercharged engines the fol-
lowing data are also to be measured and recorded: The magnetic particle test of tie rods/stay bolts is to be car-
ried out at each end, for a portion which is at least twice the
turbocharger speed
length of the thread.
air temperature and pressure before and after turbo-
For important structural parts of engines, in addition to the
charger and charge air coolers
above-mentioned non-destructive tests, examination of
exhaust gas temperatures and pressures before and after welded seams by approved methods of inspection may be
turbochargers and cooling water temperature at the inlet required.
of charge air coolers.
Where there are grounds to doubt the soundness of any
4.3.5 Inspection of main engine components and engine component, non-destructive tests using approved
evaluation of test results detecting methods may be required.
The provisions of [4.2.4] and [4.2.5] are to be complied Engines of a cylinder diameter not exceeding 300 mm may
with, as far as applicable. be tested according to an alternative survey scheme.

Table 2 : Material and non-destructive tests

Material tests (1) Non-destructive tests

(mechanical properties
Engine component Magnetic particle or
and chemical composi- Ultrasonic
tion) liquid penetrant

1) Crankshaft all all all

2) Crankshaft coupling flange (non-integral) for main
if bore > 400 mm
power transmissions
3) Coupling bolts for crankshaft if bore > 400 mm
4) Steel piston crowns (2) if bore > 400 mm if bore > 400 mm all
5) Piston rods if bore > 400 mm if bore > 400 mm if bore > 400 mm
6) Connecting rods, together with connecting rod bearing
all all if bore > 400 mm
7) Crossheads if bore > 400 mm
8) Cylinder liners if bore > 300 mm
9) Steel cylinder covers (2) if bore > 300 mm if bore > 400 mm all
10) Bedplates of welded construction; plates and transverse
all all all
bearing girders made of forged or cast steel (2) (3)
11) Frames and crankcases of welded construction (3) all
12) Entablatures of welded construction (3) all
13) Tie rods all if bore > 400 mm
14) Shafts and rotors, including blades, for turbochargers see Ch 1, Sec 14
15) Bolts and studs for cylinder covers, crossheads, main
if bore > 300 mm if bore > 400 mm
bearings and connecting rod bearings; nuts for tie rods
16) Steel gear wheels for camshaft drives if bore > 400 mm if bore > 400 mm
(1) In addition, material tests may also be required, at the Societys discretion, for piping and valves for starting air lines and any
other pressure piping fitted on the engines.
(2) For items 4), 9) and 10), material tests are also required for parts made of materials other than steel: e.g. aluminium and its
alloys, ductile and spheroidal or nodular graphite cast iron.
(3) Material tests for bedplates, frames, crankcases and entablatures are required even if these parts are not welded and for any
material except grey cast iron.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.4.2 Hydrostatic tests 4.5 Workshop inspections and testing

Parts of engines under pressure are to be hydrostatically 4.5.1 General
tested at the test pressure specified for each part in Tab 3. In addition to the type test, diesel engines are to be sub-
jected to works trials, normally witnessed by the Surveyor
The following parts of auxiliaries which are necessary for
except where an Alternative Inspection Scheme has been
operation of engines as per [1.1.1], items a), b) and c), i.e.: granted or where otherwise decided by the Society on a
cylinders, cylinder covers, coolers and receivers of inde- case by case basis.
pendent air compressors For all stages at which the engine is to be tested, the rele-
vant operating values are to be measured and recorded by
water, oil and air coolers (tube bundles or coils, shells the engine Manufacturer.
and heads) not fitted on the engine and filters In each case all measurements conducted at the various
load points are to be carried out at steady operating condi-
independently driven lubricating oil, fuel oil and water
The readings for 100% of the rated power P at the corre-
pressure pipes (water, lubricating oil, fuel oil, and com- sponding speed n are to be taken twice at an interval of at
pressed air pipes), valves and other fittings, least 30 minutes.
At the discretion of the Surveyor, the programme of trials
are to be subjected to hydrostatic tests at 1,5 times the max- given in [4.5.2], [4.5.3] or [4.5.4] may be expanded
imum working pressure, but not less than 4 bar. depending on the engine application.

Table 3 : Test pressure of engine parts

Parts under pressure Test pressure (bar) (1) (2)

1 Cylinder cover, cooling space (3) 7
2 Cylinder liner, over the whole length of cooling space 7
3 Cylinder jacket, cooling space 4 (but not less than 1,5 p)
4 Exhaust valve, cooling space 4 (but not less than 1,5 p)
5 Piston crown, cooling space (3) (4) 7
6 Fuel injection system:
a) fuel injection pump body, pressure side 1,5 p (or p + 300, if lesser)
b) fuel injection valve 1,5 p (or p + 300, if lesser)
c) fuel injection pipes 1,5 p (or p + 300, if lesser)
7 Hydraulic system:
piping, pumps, actuators etc. for hydraulic drive of valves 1,5 p
8 Scavenge pump cylinder 4
9 Turbocharger, cooling space 4 (but not less than 1,5p)
10 Exhaust pipe, cooling space 4 (but not less than 1,5 p)
11 Engine driven air compressor (cylinders, covers, intercoolers and aftercoolers):
a) air side 1,5 p
b) water side 4 (but not less than 1,5 p)
12 Coolers, each side (5) 4 (but not less than 1,5 p)
13 Engine driven pumps (oil, water, fuel, bilge) 4 (but not less than 1,5 p)
(1) In general, parts are to be tested at the hydraulic pressure indicated in the Table. Where design or testing features may call for
modification of these testing requirements, special consideration will be given by the Society
(2) p : Maximum working pressure, in bar, in the part concerned
(3) For forged steel cylinder covers and forged steel piston crowns, test methods other than hydrostatic testing may be accepted,
e.g. suitable non-destructive tests and documented dimensional tests
(4) Where the cooling space is sealed by the piston rod, or by the piston rod and the shell, the pressure test is to be carried out after
(5) Turbocharger air coolers are tested on the water side only.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.5.2 Main propulsion engines driving propellers 4.5.6 Parameters to be measured

Main propulsion engines are to be subjected to trials to be The data to be measured and recorded, when testing the
performed as follows: engine at various load points, are to include all necessary
parameters for engine operation. The crankshaft deflection
a) at least 60 min, after having reached steady conditions,
is to be verified when this check is required by the Manu-
at rated power P and rated speed n
facturer during the operating life of the engine.
b) 30 min, after having reached steady conditions, at
110% of rated power P and at a speed n equal to 1,032 4.5.7 Testing report
of rated speed In the testing report for each engine the results of the tests
Note 1: After running on the test bed, the fuel delivery system is to carried out are to be compiled and the reference number
be so adjusted that the engine cannot deliver more than 100% and date of issue of the Type Approval Certificate (see
of the rated power at the corresponding speed (overload power [4.6]), relevant to the engine type, are always to be stated;
cannot be obtained in service). the testing report is to be issued by the Manufacturer and
c) tests at 90%, 75%, 50% and 25% of rated power P, in enclosed with the testing certificate as per [4.6].
accordance with the nominal propeller curve
d) starting and reversing manoeuvres 4.6 Certification
e) testing of governor and independent overspeed protec- 4.6.1 Type Approval Certificate and its validity
tive device After the satisfactory outcome of the type tests and inspec-
f) shutdown devices. tions specified in [4.2] or [4.3], the Society will issue to the
engine manufacturer a Type Approval Certificate valid for
4.5.3 Engines driving electric generators used for all engines of the same type.
main propulsion purposes
The Society reserves the right to consider the test carried out
Engines driving electric generators are to be subjected to tri- on one engine type valid also for engines having a different
als to be performed with a constant governor setting, as fol- cylinder arrangement, following examination of suitable,
lows: detailed documentation submitted by the Manufacturer and
a) at least 50 min, after having reached steady conditions, including bench test results.
at 100% of rated power P and rated speed n
4.6.2 Testing certification
b) 30 min, after having reached steady conditions, at
110% of rated power and rated speed a) Mass produced engines

Note 1: After running on the test bed, the fuel delivery system of Works certificates (W) (see NR216 Materials and Weld-
diesel engines driving electric generators is to be adjusted such ing, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.3]) are required for components
that overload (110%) power can be produced but not and tests indicated in Tab 2 and Tab 3. Societies certifi-
exceeded in service after installation on board, so that the gov- cates (C or CA) (see NR216, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2]) are
erning characteristics, including the activation of generator required for works trials as per [4.5].
protective devices, can be maintained at all times.
b) Other engines
c) 75%, 50% and 25% of rated power P
Societys certificates (C) (see NR216 Materials and
d) idle run Welding, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.1]) are required for material
tests of components in Tab 2 and for works trials as per
e) starting tests
f) testing of the speed governor (see [2.6.3]) and indepen-
Works certificates (W) (see NR216 Materials and Weld-
dent overspeed protective device
ing, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.3]) are required for non-destruc-
g) shutdown devices. tive and hydrostatic tests of components in Tab 2 and
Tab 3.
4.5.4 Engines driving auxiliary machinery
In both cases a) and b), the Manufacturer is to supply:
Engines driving auxiliary machinery are to be subjected to
the following information:
the tests stated in [4.5.2] or [4.5.3] for variable speed and
constant speed drives, respectively. - engine type
Note 1: After running on the test bed, the fuel delivery system of - rated power
diesel engines driving electric generators is to be adjusted such that
- rated speed
overload (110%) power can be produced but not exceeded in ser-
vice after installation on board, so that the governing characteris- - driven equipment
tics, including the activation of generator protective devices, can be - operating conditions
fulfilled at all times.
- list of auxiliaries fitted on the engine
4.5.5 Inspection of engine components a statement certifying that the engine is in compliance
Random checks of components to be presented for inspec- with that type tested. The reference number and date of
tion after the works trials are left to the discretion of each the Type Approval Certificate are also to be indicated in
Society. the statement.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3


1 General 1.2.2 Pressure vessels not covered by the Rules

Among others the following boilers and pressure vessels are
not covered by the Rules and are to be considered on a case
1.1 Principles by case basis:
1.1.1 Scope of the Rules a) boilers with design pressure p > 10 MPa
The boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping b) pressure vessel intended for radioactive material
systems and fittings are to be of a design and construction c) equipment comprising casings or machinery where the
adequate for the service for which they are intended and dimensioning, choice of material and manufacturing
are to be so installed and protected as to reduce to a mini- rules are based primarily on requirements for sufficient
mum any danger to persons on board, due regard being strength, rigidity and stability to meet the static and
paid to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. The dynamic operational effects or other operational charac-
design is to have regard to materials used in construction, teristics and for which pressure is not a significant
the purpose for which the equipment is intended, the work- design factor. Such equipment may include:
ing conditions to which it will be subjected and the envi-
engines including turbines and internal combustion
ronmental conditions on board.
So these Rules apply to pressure equipment (see Note 1) for steam engines, gas/steam turbines, turbo-generators,
the following requirements: compressors, pumps and actuating devices
be safe in sight of pressure risk d) small pressure vessels included in self-contained
be safe in sight of other risks, moving parts, hot surfaces domestic equipment.

ensure capability of essential services.

1.3 Definitions
Note 1: Pressure equipment means pressure vessels, piping (see
Ch 1, Sec 10), safety accessories and pressure accessories. 1.3.1 Pressure vessel
Pressure vessel means a housing designed and built to con-
1.1.2 Overpressure risk tain fluids under pressure including its direct attachments
up to the coupling point connecting it to other equipment.
Where boilers and other pressure vessels or any parts
A vessel may be composed of more than one chamber.
thereof may be subject to dangerous overpressure, means
are to be provided where practicable to protect against such 1.3.2 Fired pressure vessel
excessive pressure.
Fired pressure vessel is a pressure vessel which is com-
pletely or partially exposed to fire from burners or combus-
1.1.3 Tests
tion gases or otherwise heated pressure vessel with a risk of
All boilers and other pressure vessels including their associ- overheating.
ated fittings which are under internal pressure are to be sub-
a) Boiler
jected to appropriate tests including a pressure test before
being put into service for the first time (see also [7]). Boiler is one or more fired pressure vessels and associ-
ated piping systems used for generating steam or hot
water at a temperature above 120C.
1.2 Application
Any equipment directly connected to the boiler, such as
economisers, superheaters and safety valves, is consid-
1.2.1 Pressure vessels covered by the Rules
ered as part of the boiler, if it is not separated from the
The requirements of this Section apply to: steam generator by means of any isolating valve. Piping
all fired or unfired pressures vessels of metallic con- connected to the boiler is considered as part of the
struction, including the associated fittings and mount- boiler upstream of the isolating valve and as part of the
ings with maximum allowable pressure greater than associated piping system downstream of the isolating
0,5 bar above atmospheric pressure with the exception valve.
of those indicated in [1.2.2] b) Thermal oil heater
all boilers and other steam generators, including the Thermal oil heater is one or more fired pressure vessels
associated fittings and mountings with maximum allow- and associated piping systems in which organic liquids
able pressure greater than 0,5 bar above atmospheric (thermal oils) are heated. When heated by electricity
pressure with the exception of those indicated in thermal oil heater is considered as an unfired pressure
[1.2.2]. vessel.

44 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

1.3.3 Unfired pressure vessel stated by the manufacturer and is to take in account of
Any pressure vessel which is not a fired pressure vessel is an the effect of any temperature fluctuations which may
unfired pressure vessel. occur during the service.
a) Heat exchanger b) The design temperature is not to be less than the tem-
A heat exchanger is an unfired pressure vessel used to peratures stated in Tab 1, unless specially agreed
heat or cool a fluid with an another fluid. In general between the manufacturer and the Society on a case by
heat exchangers are composed of a number of adjacent case basis.
chambers, the two fluids flowing separately in adjacent
1.3.7 Volume
chambers. One or more chambers may consist of bun-
dles of tubes. Volume V means the internal volume of a chamber, includ-
ing the volume of nozzles to the first connection or weld
b) Steam generator
and excluding the volume of permanent internal parts.
A steam generator is a heat exchanger and associated
piping used for generating steam. In general in these 1.3.8 Boiler heating surface
Rules, the requirements for boilers are also applicable Boiler heating surface is the area of the part of the boiler
for steam generators, unless otherwise indicated. through which the heat is supplied to the medium, on the
side exposed to fire or hot gases.
1.3.4 Safety accessories
Safety accessories means devices designed to protect pres- 1.3.9 Maximum steam output
sure equipment against the allowable limits being
Maximum steam output is the maximum quantity of steam
exceeded. Such devices include:
than can be produced continuously by the boiler or steam
devices for direct pressure limitation, such as safety generator operating under the design steam conditions.
valves, bursting disc safety devices, buckling rods, con-
trolled safety pressure relief systems, and 1.3.10 Toxic and corrosive substances
limiting devices, which either activate the means for Toxic and corrosive substances are those which are listed in
correction or provide for shutdown or shutdown and the ADN European Agreement concerning the Interna-
lockout, such as pressure switches or temperature tional Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways),
switches or fluid level switches and safety related mea- as amended.
surement control and regulation devices.
1.3.11 Liquid and gaseous substances
1.3.5 Design pressure
a) Liquid substances are liquids having a vapour pressure
The design pressure is the pressure used by the manufac-
at the maximum allowable temperature of not more
turer to determine the scantlings of the vessel. This pressure
than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure.
cannot be taken less than the maximum working pressure
and is to be limited by the set pressure of the safety valve, as b) Gaseous substances are gases, liquefied gases, gases
prescribed by the applicable Rules. Pressure is indicated as dissolved under pressure, vapours and also those liquids
gauge pressure above atmospheric pressure, vacuum is whose vapour pressure at the maximum allowable tem-
indicated as negative pressure. perature is greater than 0,5 bar above normal atmo-
spheric pressure.
1.3.6 Design temperature
a) Design temperature is the actual metal temperature of 1.3.12 Ductile material
the applicable part under the expected operating condi- For the purpose of this Section, ductile material is a material
tions, as modified in Tab 1. This temperature is to be having an elongation over 12%.

Table 1 : Minimum design temperature

Type of vessel Minimum design temperature

Pressure parts of pressure vessels and boilers not heated by hot gases
Maximum temperature of the internal fluid
or adequately protected by insulation
Pressure vessel heated by hot gases 25oC in excess of the temperature of the internal fluid
Water tubes of boilers mainly subjected to convection heat 25oC in excess of the temperature of the saturated steam
Water tubes of boilers mainly subjected to radiant heat 50oC in excess of the temperature of the saturated steam
Superheater tubes of boilers mainly subjected to convection heat 35oC in excess of the temperature of the saturated steam
Superheater tubes of boilers mainly subjected to radiant heat 50oC in excess of the temperature of the saturated steam
Economiser tubes 35oC in excess of the temperature of the internal fluid
For combustion chambers of the type used in wet-back boilers 50oC in excess of the temperature of the internal fluid
For furnaces, fire-boxes, rear tube plates of dry-back boilers and
90oC in excess of the temperature of the internal fluid
other pressure parts subjected to similar rate of heat transfer

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

1.4 Classes 1.5.2 Statutory regulations

As regards their construction and installation, pressure
1.4.1 Significant parameters
equipment is also required to comply with applicable statu-
Pressure vessels are classed in three class in consideration tory regulations of the flag state Authority.
of the:
type of equipment: pressure vessel or steam generator 1.5.3 Provisions applicable to oil firing equipment
state (gaseous or liquid) of the intended fluid contents For rule requirements applicable to oil firing equipment, see
substances listed or not in ADN Ch 1, Sec 4.
design pressure p, in MPa
design temperature T, in C 1.6 Documentation to be submitted
actual thickness of the vessel tA, in mm
1.6.1 General
volume V, in litres.
Documents mentioned in the present sub-article are to be
1.4.2 Pressure vessel classification submitted for class 1 and class 2 and not for class 3, unless
Pressure vessels are classed as indicated in Tab 2. the equipment is considered as critical.

1.4.3 Implication of class 1.6.2 Boilers and steam generators

The class of a pressure vessel has, among others, implica- The plans listed in Tab 3 are to be submitted.
tion in:
design The drawings listed in Tab 3 are to contain the:
material allowance constructional details of all pressure parts, such as
welding design shells, headers, tubes, tube plates, nozzles
efficiency of joints strengthening members, such as stays, brackets, opening
examination and non-destructive tests reinforcements and covers
thermal stress relieving. installation arrangements, such as saddles and anchor-
ing system,
See Tab 10.
as well as the information and data indicated in Tab 4.
1.5 Applicable Rules
1.6.3 Pressure vessels
1.5.1 Alternative standards The plans listed in Tab 5 are to be submitted.
a) Boilers and pressure vessels are to be designed, con-
The drawings listed in Tab 5 are to contain the construc-
structed, installed and tested in accordance with the
tional details of:
applicable requirements of this Section.
b) Other national and international standards such as AD- pressure parts, such as shells, headers, tubes, tube
Merkblter, ASME, CODAP, British Standards or harmo- plates, nozzles, opening reinforcements and covers
nized European Standards may be considered as an strengthening members, such as stays, brackets and
alternative to the requirements of this Section. reinforcements.

Table 2 : Pressure vessel classification

Equipment Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Steam generators or boilers p > 3,2 and V > 2 or if not class 1 or class 3 p V 5 or
p V > 20 and V > 2 V2
Pressure vessels for toxic substances all
Pressure vessels for corrosive substances p > 20 or if not in class 1
p V > 20 or
T > 350
Pressure vessels for gaseous substances p > 100 or V > 1 and p V > 100 all pressure vessels which
p V > 300 and not in class 1 are not class 1 or class 2
Pressure vessels for liquid substances V > 10 and p V > 1000 and V 10 and p > 100 or all pressure vessels and heat
p > 50 1 < p 50 and p V > 1000 exchangers which are not
class 1 or class 2
Pressure vessels for thermal oil p > 1,6 or T > 300 if not class 1 or class 3 p 0,7 and T 150
Pressure vessels for fuel oil, lubricating p > 1,6 or T > 150 if not class 1 or class 3 p 0,7 and T 60
oil or flammable hydraulic oil
Whatever type of equipment tA > 40 15 < tA 40
Note 1: Whenever the class is defined by more than one characteristic, the equipment is to be considered belonging to the highest
class of its characteristics, independently of the values of the other characteristics.

46 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

Table 3 : Drawings to be submitted Table 5 : Drawings, information and data to be sub-

for boilers and steam generators mitted for pressure vessels and heat exchangers

No A/I Item
No A/I Item
1 I General arrangement plan, including nozzles
1 I General arrangement plan, including valves and fittings
and fittings
2 A Sectional assembly
2 A Material specifications
3 A Safety valves (if any) and their arrangement
3 A Sectional assembly
4 A Material specifications
4 A Evaporating parts
5 A Welding details, including at least:
5 A Superheater typical weld joint design
6 A De-superheater welding procedure specifications
post-weld heat treatments
7 A Economiser
6 I Design data, including at least design pressure
8 A Air heater
and design temperatures (as applicable)
9 A Tubes and tube plates
7 A For seamless (extruded) pressure vessels, the
10 A Nozzles and fittings manufacturing process, including:
a description of the manufacturing process
11 A Safety valves and their arrangement
with indication of the production controls
12 A Boiler seating normally carried out in the manufacturer's
13 I Fuel oil burning arrangement works
details of the materials to be used (specifi-
14 I Forced draught system cation, yield point, tensile strength, impact
15 I Refractor or insulation arrangement strength, heat treatment)
details of the stamped marking to be applied
16 A Boiler instrumentation, monitoring and control
system 8 I Type of fluid or fluids contained

17 A Type of safety valves and their lift, discharge Note 1: A = to be submitted for review
rate and setting I = to be submitted for information.

18 A Welding details, including at least:

typical weld joint design 2 Design and construction -
welding procedure specifications Scantlings of pressure parts
post-weld heat treatment
Note 1: A = to be submitted for review 2.1 General
I = to be submitted for information.
2.1.1 Application
a) In general, the formulae in the present Article do not
Table 4 : Information and data to be submitted take into account additional stresses imposed by effects
for boilers and steam generators other than pressure, such as stresses deriving from the
static and dynamic weight of the pressure vessel and its
content, external loads from connecting equipment and
No Item foundations, etc. For the purpose of the Rules, these
1 Design pressure and temperature additional loads may be neglected, provided it can rea-
sonably be presumed that the actual average stresses of
2 Pressure and temperature of the superheated steam
the vessel, considering all these additional loads, would
3 Pressure and temperature of the saturated steam not increase more than 10% with respect to the stresses
4 Maximum steam production per hour calculated by the formulae in this Article.

5 Evaporating surface of the tube bundles and water-walls

b) Where it is necessary to take into account additional
stresses, such as dynamic loads, the Society reserves the
6 Heating surface of the economiser, superheater and right to ask for additional requirements on a case by
air-heater case basis.
7 Surface of the furnace
2.1.2 Alternative requirements
8 Volume of the combustion chamber
When pressure parts are of an irregular shape, such as to
9 Temperature and pressure of the feed water make it impossible to check the scantlings by applying the
10 Type of fuel to be used and fuel consumption at full formulae of this Article, the review/approval is to be based
steam production on other means, such as burst and/or deformation tests on a
prototype or by another method agreed upon between the
11 Number and capacity of burners manufacturer and the Society.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

2.2 Materials 2.2.4 Valves and fittings for boilers

a) Ductile materials are to be used for valves and fittings
2.2.1 Materials for high temperatures intended to be mounted on boilers. The material is to
have mechanical and metallurgical characteristics suit-
a) Materials for pressure parts having a design temperature
able for the design temperature and for the thermal and
exceeding the ambient temperature are to be selected
other loads imposed during the operation.
by the Manufacturer and to have mechanical and metal-
lurgical properties adequate for the design temperature. b) Grey cast iron is not to be used for valves and fittings
Their allowable stress limits are to be determined as a which are subject to dynamic loads, such as safety
function of the temperature, as per [2.3.2]. valves and blow-down valves, and in general for fittings
and accessories having design pressure p exceeding
b) When the design temperature of pressure parts exceeds 0,3 MPa and design temperature T exceeding 220C.
400C, alloy steels are to be used. Other materials are c) Spheroidal cast iron is not to be used for parts having a
subject of special consideration by the Society. design temperature T exceeding 350C.
d) Bronze is not to be used for parts having design temper-
2.2.2 Materials for low temperatures
ature T exceeding 220C for normal bronzes and 260C
Materials for pressure parts having a design temperature for bronzes suitable for high temperatures. Copper and
below the ambient temperature are to have notch toughness aluminium brass are not to be used for fittings with
properties suitable for the design temperature. design temperature T above 200C and copper-nickel
fittings with design temperature T exceeding 300C.
2.2.3 Cast iron
2.2.5 Alternative materials
Grey cast iron is not to be used for: In the case of boilers or pressure vessels constructed in
a) class 1 and class 2 pressure vessels accordance with one of the standards considered accept-
able by the Society as per [1.5], the material specifications
b) class 3 pressure vessels with design pressure are to be in compliance with the requirements of the stan-
p > 1,6 MPa or product pV > 1000, where V is the dard used.
internal volume of the pressure vessel in litres

c) Bolted covers and closures of pressure vessels having a 2.3 Permissible stresses
design pressure p > 1 MPa, except for covers intended
2.3.1 The permissible stresses K, in N/mm2, for steels, to be
for boiler shells, for which [3.2.4] applies.
used in the formulae of this Article, may be determined
Spheroidal cast iron may be used subject to the agreement from Tab 6, Tab 7, Tab 8 and Tab 9 where Rm is the ultimate
of the Society following special consideration. However, it strength of the material, in N/mm2. For intermediate values
is not to be used for parts, having a design temperature of the temperature, the value of K is to be obtained by linear
exceeding 350C. interpolation.

Table 6 : Permissible stresses K for carbon steels intended for boilers and thermal oil heaters

Carbon steel Permissible stresses K for temperature T (C):

Carbon steel
thickness 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Rm = 360 N/mm 2 t 15 mm 133 109 107 105 94 77 73 72
Grade HA 15 mm < t 40 mm 128 106 105 101 90 77 73 72
40 mm < t 60 mm 122 101 99 95 88 77 73 72
Rm = 360 N/mm2 t 15 mm 133 127 116 103 79 79 72 69
Grades HB, HD 15 mm < t 40 mm 133 122 114 102 79 79 72 69
40 mm < t 60 mm 133 112 107 99 79 79 72 69
Rm = 410 N/mm 2 t 15 mm 152 132 130 126 112 94 89 86
Grade HA 15 mm < t 40 mm 147 131 124 119 107 94 89 86
40 mm < t 60 mm 141 120 117 113 105 94 89 86
Rm = 410 N/mm2 t 15 mm 152 147 135 121 107 95 88 84
Grades HB, HD 15 mm < t 40 mm 152 142 133 120 107 95 88 84
40 mm < t 60 mm 152 134 127 117 107 95 88 84
Rm = 460 N/mm 2 t 15 mm 170 164 154 139 124 111 104 99
Grades HB, HD 15 mm < t 40 mm 169 162 151 137 124 111 104 99
40 mm < t 60 mm 162 157 147 136 124 111 104 99
Rm = 510 N/mm2
t 60 mm 170 170 169 159 147 134 125 112
Grades HB, HD

48 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

Table 7 : Permissible stresses K for carbon steels intended for other pressure vessels

Carbon steel Permissible stresses K for temperature T (C):

Carbon steel
thickness 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Rm = 360 N/mm 2 t 15 mm 133 117 115 112 100 83 78 77
Grade HA 15 mm < t 40 mm 133 114 113 108 96 83 78 77
40 mm < t 60 mm 130 108 105 101 94 83 78 77
Rm = 360 N/mm2 t 15 mm 133 133 123 110 97 85 77 73
Grades HB, HD 15 mm < t 40 mm 133 131 122 109 97 85 77 73
40 mm < t 60 mm 133 119 115 106 97 85 77 73
Rm = 410 N/mm 2 t 15 mm 152 141 139 134 120 100 95 92
Grade HA 15 mm < t 40 mm 152 134 132 127 114 100 95 92
40 mm < t 60 mm 150 128 121 112 112 100 95 92
Rm = 410 N/mm2 t 15 mm 152 152 144 129 114 101 94 89
Grades HB, HD 15 mm < t 40 mm 152 152 142 128 114 101 94 89
40 mm < t 60 mm 152 143 139 125 114 101 94 89
Rm = 460 N/mm 2 t 15 mm 170 170 165 149 132 118 111 105
Grades HB, HD 15 mm < t 40 mm 170 170 161 147 132 118 111 105
40 mm < t 60 mm 170 167 157 145 132 118 111 105
Rm = 510 N/mm2
t 60 mm 189 189 180 170 157 143 133 120
Grades HB, HD

Table 8 : Permissible stresses K for alloy steels intended for boilers and thermal oil heaters

Alloy steel Permissible stresses K for temperature T (C):

Alloy steel
thickness 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 475 500 525 550 575 600
0,3Mo t 60 mm 159 153 143 134 125 106 100 94 91 89 87 36
1Cr 0,5Mo t 60 mm 167 167 157 144 137 128 119 112 106 104 103 55 31 19
2,25Cr 1Mo (1) t 60 mm 170 167 157 147 144 137 131 125 119 115 112 61 41 30 22
2,25Cr 1Mo (2) t 60 mm 170 167 164 161 159 147 141 130 128 125 122 61 41 30 22
(1) Normalised and tempered
(2) Normalised and tempered or quenched and tempered.

Table 9 : Permissible stresses K for alloy steels intended for other pressure vessels

Alloy steel Permissible stresses K for temperature T (C):

Alloy steel
thickness 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 475 500 525 550 575 600
0,3Mo t 60 mm 159 159 153 143 133 113 107 100 97 95 93 38
1Cr 0,5Mo t 60 mm 167 167 167 154 146 137 127 119 113 111 110 59 33 20
2,25Cr 1Mo (1) t 60 mm 183 174 167 157 154 146 140 133 127 123 119 65 44 32 23
2,25Cr 1Mo (2) t 60 mm 174 174 174 172 170 157 150 139 137 133 130 65 44 32 23
(1) Normalised and tempered
(2) Normalised and tempered or quenched and tempered.

2.3.2 Direct determination of permissible stress b) Spheroidal cast iron:

The permissible stresses K, where not otherwise specified, R m ,20 R S ,MIN ,T
K = min ----------- , -----------------
may be taken as indicated below: 4 ,8 3
a) Steel: c) Grey cast iron:
R m ,20 R S ,MIN ,T S A
K = min ----------- , -----------------, ----- R m ,20
K = -----------
2 ,7 A A 10

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

d) Copper alloys: 3 Design and construction - Equipment

R m ,T
K = --------- 3.1 All pressure vessels
3.1.1 Drainage
e) Aluminium and aluminium alloys:
a) Each air pressure vessel is to be fitted with a drainage
R m ,T R e ,H device allowing the evacuation of any oil or water accu-
K = min --------- , ---------
4 1 ,5 mulated in the vessel.
b) Drainage devices are also to be fitted on other vessels,
where: in particular steam vessels, in which condensation water
is likely to accumulate.
Rm, 20 : Minimum tensile strength at ambient tempera-
ture (20C), in N/mm2
3.2 Boilers and steam generators
RS, MIN, T : Minimum between ReH and Rp0,2 at the design
3.2.1 Safety valve arrangement
temperature T, in N/mm2
a) Every steam boiler and every steam generator with a
SA : Average stress to produce creep rupture in total heating surface of 50 m2 and above is to be pro-
100000 hours, in N/mm2, at the design temper- vided with not less than two spring loaded safety valves
ature T of adequate capacity. For steam boilers and steam gen-
erators having heating surface less than 50 m2, only one
A : Safety factor taken as follows, when reliability safety valve need be fitted.
of RS, MIN, T and SA values are proved to the Soci-
b) Where a superheater is an integral part of the boiler, at
etys satisfaction:
least one safety valve is to be located on the steam drum
1,6 for boilers and other steam generators and at least one at the superheater outlet. The valves fit-
ted at the superheater outlet may be considered as part
1,5 for other pressure vessels of the boiler safety valves required in item a), provided
that their capacity does not account for more than 25%
specially considered by the Society if aver- of the total capacity required in [3.2.2], unless specially
age stress to produce creep rupture in more considered by the Society.
than 100000 hours is used instead of SA.
c) Where fitted, superheaters which may be shut-off from
In the case of steel castings, the permissible the boiler are to be provided with at least one safety
stress K, calculated as above, is to be decreased valve; such valve(s) cannot be considered as part of the
by 20%. Where steel castings are subjected to boiler safety valves required in item a).
non-destructive tests, a smaller reduction up to d) In the case of boilers fitted with a separate steam accu-
10% may be taken into consideration by the mulator, safety valves may be fitted on the accumulator
Society if no shut-off is provided between it and the boiler and if
the connecting pipe is of a size sufficient to allow the
Rm, T : Minimum tensile strength at the design temper- whole steam production to pass through, without
ature T, in N/mm2 increasing the boiler pressure more than 10% above the
design pressure.
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2.
3.2.2 Relieving capacity of safety valves
2.3.3 Additional conditions a) The relieving capacity of each safety valve is to be deter-
In special cases, the Society reserves the right to apply mined in compliance with NR467 Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3,
values of K lower than those specified in [2.3.2], in par- [3.2.2].
ticular for lifting appliance devices and steering gear b) When the safety valves are fitted at the superheater out-
devices. let. Their relieving capacity is to be such that, during the
discharge of safety valves, a sufficient quantity of steam
In the case of boilers or other steam generators, K is not is circulated through the superheater to avoid damage.
to exceed 170 N/mm2.
c) The orifice diameter in way of the safety valves seat is
For materials other than those listed in [2.3.2], the per- not to be less than 40 mm. Where only one safety valve
missible stress K is to be agreed with the Society on a need be fitted, the orifice minimum diameter is not to
case by case basis. be less than 50 mm. Valves of large relieving capacity
with 15 mm minimum diameter may be accepted for
boilers with steam production not exceeding 2000 kg/h.
2.4 Scantling of pressure vessels d) Independently of the above requirements, the aggregate
capacity of the safety valves is to be such as to discharge
2.4.1 The scantling of pressure parts of pressure vessels is all the steam that can be generated without causing a
to be performed in compliance with NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec transient pressure rise of more than 10% over the design
3, [2]. pressure.

50 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

3.2.3 Miscellaneous safety valve requirements exhaust manifolds are to be led to the open and are
a) Safety valves operated by pilot valves to be adequately supported and fitted with suitable
expansion joints or other means so that their weight
The arrangement on the superheater of large relieving does not place an unacceptable load on the safety
capacity safety valves, operated by pilot valves fitted in valve bodies.
the saturated steam drum, is to be specially considered
by the Society. e) Steam generator heated by steam
Steam heated steam generators are also to be protected
b) Safety valve setting
against possible damage resulting from failure of the
safety valves are to be set under steam in the pres- heating coils. In this case, the area of safety valves cal-
ence of the Surveyor to a pressure not higher than culated as stated in [3.2.2] may need to be increased to
1,03 times the design pressure the satisfaction of the Society, unless suitable devices
safety valves are to be so constructed that their set- limiting the flow of steam in the heating coils are pro-
ting may not be increased in service and their spring vided.
may not be expelled in the event of failure. In addi-
3.2.4 Other requirements
tion, safety valves are to be provided with simple
means of lifting the plug from its seat from a safe Access arrangement
position in the boiler or engine room a) Boilers are to be provided with openings in sufficient
where safety valves are provided with means for reg- number and size to permit internal examination, clean-
ulating their relieving capacity, they are to be so fit- ing and maintenance operations. In general, all pressure
ted that their setting cannot be modified when the vessels which are part of a boiler with inside diameter
valves are removed for surveys. exceeding 1200 mm, and those with inside diameter
exceeding 800 mm and length exceeding 2000 mm, are
c) Safety valve fitting on boiler to be provided with access manholes.
the safety valves of a boiler are to be directly con- b) Manholes are to be provided in suitable locations in the
nected to the boiler and separated from other valve shells, headers, domes, and steam and water drums, as
bodies applicable. The net (actual hole) dimension of ellipti-
where it is not possible to fit the safety valves cal or similar manholes is to be not less than
directly on the superheater headers, they are to be 300 mm x 400 mm. The net diameter of circular man-
mounted on a strong nozzle fitted as close as practi- holes (actual hole) cannot be less than 400 mm. The
cable to the superheater outlet. The cross-sectional edges of manholes are to be adequately strengthened to
area for passage of steam through restricted orifices provide compensation for vessel openings.
of the nozzles is not to be less than 1/2 the aggregate c) In pressure vessels which are part of a boiler and are not
area of the valves, calculated according to [3.2.2] a) covered by the requirement in item a) above, or where
safety valve bodies are to be fitted with drain pipes an access manhole cannot be fitted, at least the follow-
of a diameter not less than 20 mm for double valves, ing openings are to be provided, as far as practicable:
and not less than 12 mm for single valves, leading to head holes, minimum dimensions:
the bilge or to the hot well. Valves or cocks are not 220 mm x 320 mm (320 mm diameter if circular)
to be fitted on drain pipes. handholes, minimum dimensions: 87 mm x 103 mm
d) Exhaust pipes sight holes, minimum diameter: 50 mm.
the minimum cross-sectional area of the exhaust d) Sight holes may only be provided when the arrangement
pipes of safety valves which have not been experi- of manholes, head holes, or handholes is impracticable.
mentally tested is not to be less than C times the
e) Covers for manholes and other openings are to be made
aggregate area A (see [3.2.2], a) for definition of C
of ductile steel, dished or welded steel plates or other
and A)
approved design. Grey cast iron may be used only for
the cross-sectional area of the exhaust manifold of small openings, such as handholes and sight holes, pro-
safety valves is to be not less than the sum of the vided the design pressure p does not exceed 1 MPa and
areas of the individual exhaust pipes connected to it the design temperature T does not exceed 220C.
silencers fitted on exhaust manifolds are to have a f) Covers are to be of self-closing internal type. Small
free passage area not less than that of the manifolds opening covers of other type may be accepted by the
the strength of exhaust manifolds and pipes and Society on a case by case basis.
associated silencers is to be such that they can with- g) Covers of the internal type are to have a spigot passing
stand the maximum pressure to which they may be through the opening. The clearance between the spigot
subjected, which is to be assumed not less than 1/4 and the edge of the opening is to be uniform for the
of the safety valve setting pressure whole periphery of the opening and is not to exceed
in the case that the discharges from two or more 1,5 mm.
valves are led to the same exhaust manifold, provi- h) Closing devices of internal type covers, having dimen-
sion is to be made to avoid the back pressure from sions not exceeding 180 mm x 230 mm, may be fitted
the valve which is discharging influencing the other with a single fastening bolt or stud. Larger closing
valves devices are to be fitted with at least two bolts or studs.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 51

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

i) Covers are to be designed so as to prevent the disloca- Feed check valves

tion of the required gasket by the internal pressure. Only
a) Each fired boiler supplying steam to essential services is
continuous ring gaskets may be used for packing.
to be fitted with at least two feed check valves con-
Fittings nected to two separate feed lines. For unfired steam gen-
erators a single feed check valve may be allowed.
a) In general, cocks and valves are to be designed in
accordance with the requirements in Ch 1, Sec 10. b) Feed check valves are to be secured directly to the
boiler or to an integral economiser. Water inlets are to
b) Cocks, valves and other fittings are to be connected be separated. Where, however, feed check valves are
directly or as close as possible to the boiler shell. secured to an economiser, a single water inlet may be
c) Cocks and valves for boilers are to be arranged in such a allowed provided that each feed line can be isolated
way that it can be easily seen when they are open or without stopping the supply of feed water to the boiler.
closed and so that their closing is obtained by a clock- c) Where the economisers may be bypassed and cut off
wise rotation of the actuating mechanism. from the boiler, they are to be fitted with pressure-limit-
Boiler burners ing type valves, unless the arrangement is such that
excessive pressure cannot occur in the economiser
Burners are to be arranged so that they cannot be with- when cut off.
drawn unless the fuel supply to the burners is cut off.
d) Feed check valves are to be fitted with control devices
Allowable water levels operable from the stokehold floor or from another
appropriate location. In addition, for water tube boilers,
a) In general, for water tube boilers the lowest permissible
at least one of the feed check valves is to be arranged so
water level is just above the top row of tubes when the
as to permit automatic control of the water level in the
water is cold. Where the boiler is designed not to have
fully submerged tubes, when the water is cold, the low-
est allowable level indicated by the manufacturer is to e) Provision is to be made to prevent the feed water from
be indicated on the drawings and submitted to the Soci- getting in direct contact with the heated surfaces inside
ety for consideration. the boiler and to reduce, as far as possible and neces-
sary, the thermal stresses in the walls.
b) For fire tube boilers with combustion chamber integral
with the boiler, the minimum allowable level is to be at Drains
least 50 mm above the highest part of the combustion Each superheater, whether or not integral with the
chamber. boiler, is to be fitted with cocks or valves so arranged
that it is possible to drain it completely.
c) For vertical fire tube boilers the minimum allowable
level is 1/2 of the length of the tubes above the lower Water sample
tube sheet.
a) Every boiler is to be provided with means to supervise
Steam outlets and control the quality of the feed water. Suitable
a) Each boiler steam outlet, if not serving safety valves, arrangements are to be provided to preclude, as far as
integral superheaters and other appliances which are to practicable, the entry of oil or other contaminants which
have permanent steam supply during boiler operation, is may adversely affect the boiler.
to be fitted with an isolating valve secured either b) For this purpose, boilers are to be fitted with at least one
directly to the boiler shell or to a standpipe of substan- water sample cock or valve. This device is not to be
tial thickness, as short as possible, and secured directly connected to the water level standpipes.
to the boiler shell.
c) Suitable inlets for water additives are to be provided in
b) The number of auxiliary steam outlets is to be reduced each boiler.
to a minimum for each boiler. Marking of boilers
c) Where several boilers supply steam to common mains, a) Each boiler is to be fitted with a permanently attached
the arrangement of valves is to be such that it is possible plate made of non-corrosive metal, with indication of
to positively isolate each boiler for inspection and main- the following information, in addition to the identifica-
tenance. In addition, for water tube boilers, non-return tion marks (name of manufacturer, year and serial num-
devices are to be fitted on the steam outlets of each ber):
the design pressure
d) Where steam is used for essential auxiliaries (such as the design temperature
whistles, steam operated steering gears, steam operated
electric generators, etc.) and when several boilers are the test pressure and the date of the test.
fitted on board, it is to be possible to supply steam to b) Markings may be directly stamped on the vessel if this
these auxiliaries with any one of these boilers out of does not produce notches having an adverse influence
operation. on its behaviour in service.
e) Each steam stop valve exceeding 150 mm nominal c) For lagged vessels, these markings are also to appear on
diameter is to be fitted with a bypass valve. a similar plate fitted above the lagging.

52 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

3.3 Thermal oil heaters and thermal oil 3.3.5 Equipment of the expansion, storage and
installation drain tanks
For the equipment to be installed on expansion, storage and
3.3.1 General drain tanks, see Ch 1, Sec 10, [13].

a) The following requirements apply to thermal oil heaters 3.3.6 Marking

in which organic liquids (thermal oils) are heated by oil
fired burners, exhaust gases or electricity to tempera- Each thermal oil heater and other pressure vessels which
tures below their initial boiling point at atmospheric are part of a thermal oil installation are to be fitted with a
pressure. permanently attached plate made of non-corrosive metal,
with indication of the following information, in addition to
b) Thermal oils are only to be used within the limits set by the identification marks (name of manufacturer, year and
the manufacturer. serial number):

c) Means are to be provided for manual operation. How- Heaters

ever, at least the temperature control device on the oil
- maximum allowable heating power
side and flow monitoring are to remain operative even
in manual operation. - design pressure

d) Means are to be provided to take samples of thermal oil. - maximum allowable discharge temperature
- minimum flow rate
3.3.2 Thermal oil heater design
- liquid capacity
a) Heaters are to be so constructed that neither the sur-
faces nor the thermal oil becomes excessively heated at Vessels
any point. The flow of the thermal oil is to be ensured by - design pressure
forced circulation.
- design temperature
b) The surfaces which come into contact with the thermal
oil are to be designed for the design pressure, subject to - capacity.
the minimum pressure of 1 MPa.

c) Copper and copper alloys are not permitted.

3.4 Special types of pressure vessels

d) Heaters heated by exhaust gas are to be provided with 3.4.1 Seamless pressure vessels (bottles)
inspection openings at the exhaust gas intake and out-
Each bottle is to be marked with the following information:
name or trade name of the manufacturer
e) Oil fired heaters are to be provided with inspection
openings for examination of the combustion chamber. serial number
The opening for the burner may be considered as an type of gas
inspection opening, provided its size is sufficient for this
purpose. capacity

f) Heaters are to be fitted with means enabling them to be test pressure

completely drained. empty weight
g) Thermal oil heaters heated by exhaust gas are to be fit- test stamp.
ted with a permanent system for extinguishing and cool-
ing in the event of fire, for instance a pressure water 3.4.2 Steam condensers
spraying system.
a) The water chambers and steam spaces are to be fitted
3.3.3 Safety valves of thermal oil heaters with doors for inspection and cleaning.

Each heater is to be equipped with at least one safety valve b) Where necessary, suitable diaphragms are to be fitted
having a discharge capacity at least equal to the increase in for supporting tubes.
volume of the thermal oil at the maximum heating power.
c) Condenser tubes are to be removable.
During discharge the pressure may not increase above 10%
over the design pressure. d) High speed steam flow, where present, is to be pre-
vented from directly striking the tubes by means of suit-
3.3.4 Pressure vessels of thermal oil heaters able baffles.

The design pressure of all vessels which are part of a ther- e) Suitable precautions are to be taken in order to avoid
mal oil system, including those open to the atmosphere, is corrosion on the circulating water side and to provide
to be taken not less than 0,2 MPa. an efficient grounding.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

3.5 Other pressure vessels 4 Design and construction -

Fabrication and welding
3.5.1 Safety valves arrangement
a) General:
pressure vessels which are part of a system are to be
4.1 General principles
provided with safety valves, or equivalent devices, if
they are liable to be isolated from the system safety 4.1.1 Base materials
devices. This provision is also to be made in all
cases in which the vessel pressure can rise, for any a) These requirements apply to boilers and pressure vessels
reason, above the design pressure made of steel of weldable quality.

in particular, air pressure vessels which can be iso- b) Fabrication and welding of vessels made of other mate-
lated from the safety valves ensuring their protection rials are to be the subject of special consideration.
in normal service are to be fitted with another safety
device, such as a rupture disc or a fusible plug, in 4.1.2 Welding
order to ensure their discharge in case of fire. This
device is to discharge to the open a) Weldings are to be performed in accordance with weld-
safety devices ensuring protection of pressure ves- ing procedures approved by the Society.
sels in normal service are to be rated to operate
before the pressure exceeds the maximum working b) Manual and semi-automatic welding is to be performed
pressure by more than 5% by welders qualified by the Society.

where two or more pressure vessels are intercon- c) The conditions under which the welding procedures,
nected by a piping system of adequate size so that welding equipment and welders operate are to corre-
no branch of piping may be shut off, it is sufficient to spond to those specified in the relevant approvals or
provide them with one safety valve and one pressure qualifications.
gauge only.
d) Both ordinary and special electric arc welding processes
b) Heat exchangers
are covered in the following requirements.
Special attention is to be paid to the protection against
overpressure of vessels, such as heat exchangers, which
4.1.3 Cutting of plates
have parts that are designed for a pressure which is
below that to which they might be subjected in the case a) Plates are to be cut by flame cutting, mechanical
of rupture of the tubular bundles or coils contained machining or a combination of both processes. For
therein and that have been designed for a higher pres- plates having a thickness less than 25 mm, cold shearing
sure. is admitted provided that the sheared edge is removed
by machining or grinding for a distance of at least one
3.5.2 Other requirements
quarter of the plate thickness with a minimum of 3 mm.
a) Access arrangement
b) For flame cutting of alloy steel plates, preheating is to be
The access requirements for boilers stated in [3.2.4] are
also applicable for other pressure vessels. carried out if necessary.

b) Corrosion protection c) The edges of cut plates are to be examined for lamina-
Vessels and equipment containing media that might tions, cracks or any other defect detrimental to their use.
lead to accelerated corrosion are to be suitably pro-
tected. 4.1.4 Forming of plates
c) Marking: a) The forming processes are to be such as not to impair
each pressure vessel is to be fitted with a perma- the quality of the material. The Society reserves the right
nently attached plate made of non-corrosive metal, to require the execution of tests to demonstrate the suit-
with indication of the following information, in ability of the processes adopted. Forming by hammering
addition to the identification marks (name of manu- is not allowed.
facturer, year and serial number):
b) Unless otherwise justified, cold formed shells are to
- the design pressure
undergo an appropriate heat treatment if the ratio of
- the design temperature internal diameter after forming to plate thickness is less
- the test pressure and the date of the test than 20. This heat treatment may be carried out after
markings may be directly stamped on the vessel if
this does not produce notches having an adverse c) Before or after welding, hot formed plates are to be nor-
influence on its behaviour in service malised or subjected to another treatment suitable for
for smaller pressure vessels the indication of the their steel grade, if hot forming has not been carried out
design pressure only may be sufficient. within an adequate temperature range.

54 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

d) Plates which have been previously butt-welded may be b) The transparent element of level indicators is to be
formed under the following conditions: made of glass, mica or other appropriate material.
Hot forming
c) Level indicators are to be located so that the water level
After forming, the welded joints are to be subjected is readily visible at all times. The lower part of the trans-
to X-ray examination or equivalent. In addition, parent element is not to be below the safety water level
mechanical tests of a sample weld subjected to the defined by the builder.
same heat treatment are to be carried out.
d) Level indicators are to be fitted either with normally
Cold forming
closed isolating cocks, operable from a position free
Cold forming is only allowed for plates having a from any danger in case of rupture of the transparent
thickness not exceeding: element or with self-closing valves restricting the steam
- 20 mm for steels having minimum ultimate ten- release in case of rupture of this element.
sile strength Rm between 360 N/mm2 and
410 N/mm2 5.1.4 Pressure control devices
- 15 mm for steels having Rm between 460 N/mm2 a) Each boiler is to be fitted with a steam pressure gauge so
and 510 N/mm2 as well as for steels 0,3Mo, arranged that its indications are easily visible from the
1Mn0,5Mo, 1Mn0,5MoV and 0,5Cr0,5Mo. stokehold floor. A steam pressure gauge is also to be
Cold forming is not allowed for steels 1Cr0,5Mo and provided for superheaters which can be shut off from
2,25Cr1Mo. the boiler they serve.
Weld reinforcements are to be carefully ground b) Pressure gauges are to be graduated in units of effective
smooth prior to forming. pressure and are to include a prominent legible mark for
A proper heat treatment is to be carried out after the pressure that is not to be exceeded in normal ser-
forming, if the ratio of internal diameter to thickness vice.
is less than 36, for steels: 460 N/mm2, 510 N/mm2,
0,3Mo, 1Mn0,5Mo, 1Mn0,5MoV and 0,5Cr0,5Mo. c) Each pressure gauge is to be fitted with an isolating
After forming, the joints are to be subjected to X-ray
examination or equivalent and to a magnetic parti- d) Double front boilers are to have a steam pressure gauge
cle or liquid penetrant test. arranged in each front.

4.2 Fabrication and welding 5.1.5 Temperature control devices

4.2.1 The design and procedure for fabrication and weld- Each boiler fitted with a superheater is to have an indicator
ing are to comply with NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3, [4]. or recorder for the steam temperature at the superheater

5 Design and construction - Control 5.1.6 Automatic shut-off of oil fired boilers
and monitoring
a) Each burner is to be fitted with a flame scanner designed
to automatically shut off the fuel supply to the burner in
5.1 Boiler control and monitoring system the event of flame failure. In the case of failure of the
flame scanner, the fuel to the burner is to be shut off
5.1.1 Local control and monitoring
Means to effectively operate, control and monitor the oper-
ation of oil fired boilers and their associated auxiliaries are b) A low water condition is to automatically shut off the fuel
to be provided locally. The functional condition of the fuel, supply to the burners. The shut-off is to operate before
feed water and steam systems and the boiler operational the water level reaches a level so low as to affect the
status are to be indicated by pressure gauges, temperature safety of the boiler and no longer be visible in the gauge
indicators, flow-meter, lights or other similar devices. glass. Means are to be provided to minimise the risk of
shut-off provoked by the effect of roll and pitch and/or
5.1.2 Emergency shut-off transients. This shut-off system need not be installed in
Means are to be provided to shut down boiler forced draft auxiliary boilers which are under local supervision and
or induced draft fans and fuel oil service pumps from out- are not intended for automatic operation.
side the space where they are located, in the event that a
fire in that space makes their local shut-off impossible. c) Forced draft failure is to automatically shut off the fuel
supply to the burners.
5.1.3 Water level indicators
d) Loss of boiler control power is to automatically shut off
a) Each boiler is to be fitted with at least two separate
the fuel supply to the burners.
means for indicating the water level. One of these
means is to be a level indicator with transparent ele-
5.1.7 Alarms
ment. The other may be either an additional level indi-
cator with transparent element or an equivalent device. Any actuation of the fuel-oil shut-off listed in [5.1.6] is to
Level indicators are to be of an approved type. operate a visual and audible alarm.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 55

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

5.2 Pressure vessel instrumentation 6.2 Boilers

5.2.1 6.2.1 Thermal expansion

a) Pressure vessels are to be fitted with the necessary Means are to be provided to compensate thermal expansion
devices for checking pressure, temperature and level, of boilers.
where it is deemed necessary.
6.2.2 Minimum distance of boilers from vertical
b) In particular, each air pressure vessel is to be fitted with bulkheads and fuel tanks
a local manometer. a) The distance between boilers and vertical bulkheads is
to be not less than the minimum distance necessary to
5.3 Thermal oil heater control and monitoring provide access for inspection and maintenance of the
structure adjacent to the boiler.
5.3.1 Local control and monitoring b) In addition to the requirement in a), the distance of boil-
Suitable means to effectively operate, control and monitor ers from fuel oil tanks is to be such as to prevent the
the operation of oil fired thermal oil heaters and their asso- possibility that the temperature of the tank bulkhead
ciated auxiliaries are to be provided locally. The functional may approach the flash point of the oil.
condition of the fuel, thermal oil circulation, forced draft c) In any event, the distance between a boiler and a verti-
and flue gas systems is to be indicated by pressure gauges, cal bulkhead is not to be less than 450 mm.
temperature indicators, flow-meter, lights or other similar
devices. 6.2.3 Minimum distance of boilers from double bottom
a) Where double bottoms in way of boilers may be used to
5.3.2 Flow control and monitoring
carry fuel oil, the distance between the top of the dou-
a) A flow indicator of the thermal oil is to be provided. ble bottom and the lower metal parts of the boilers is
b) The flow detection is to be representative of the flow in not to be less than:
each heated element. 600 mm, for cylindrical boilers
c) The flow detection is not to be based on a measurement 750 mm, for water tube boilers.
of the pressure-drop through the heating element. b) The minimum distance of vertical tube boilers from
d) Oil fired or exhaust gas heaters are to be provided with double bottoms not intended to carry oil may be
a flow monitor limit-switch. If the flow rate falls below a 200 mm.
minimum value the firing system is to be switched off
6.2.4 Minimum distance of boilers from ceilings
and interlocked.
a) A space sufficient for adequate heat dissipation is to be
5.3.3 Manual control provided on the top of boilers.
At least the temperature control device on the oil side and b) Oil tanks are not permitted to be installed in spaces
flow monitoring are to remain operative in manual opera- above boilers.
6.2.5 Installation of boilers on engine room flats
5.3.4 Leakage monitoring Where boilers are installed on an engine room flat and are
Oil tanks are to be equipped with a leakage detector which, not separated from the remaining space by means of a
when actuated, shuts down and interlocks the thermal oil watertight bulkhead, a coaming of at least 200 mm in
firing system. If the oil fired heater is on stand-by, the start- height is to be provided on the flat. The area surrounded by
ing of the burner is to be blocked if the leakage detector is the coaming may be drained into the bilge.
6.2.6 Drip trays and gutterways
Boilers are to be fitted with drip trays and gutterways in way
5.4 Control and monitoring requirements of burners so arranged as to prevent spilling of oil into the
5.4.1 For control and monitoring requirements of steam
boilers and oil fired thermal oil heaters, see Ch 2, Sec 13. 6.2.7 Hot surfaces
Hot surfaces with which the crew are likely to come into
6 Arrangement and installation contact during operation are to be suitably guarded or insu-
lated. See Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.7.1].
6.1 Foundations 6.2.8 Registers fitted in the smoke stacks of oil fired
6.1.1 For boilers and pressure vessels bolting down to their Where registers are fitted in smoke stacks, they are not to
foundations, see Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.1]. Where necessary, they obstruct more than two thirds of the cross-sectional area of
are also to be secured to the adjacent hull structures by suit- gas passage when closed. In addition, they are to be pro-
able ties. vided with means for locking them in open position when
Where chocks are required to be fitted between the boilers the boiler is in operation and for indicating their position
and their foundations, they are to be of cast iron or steel. and degree of opening.

56 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

6.3 Pressure vessels 7.3 Hydrostatic tests

6.3.1 Safety devices on multiple pressure vessels 7.3.1 General

Where two or more pressure vessels are interconnected by Hydrostatic tests of all class 1, 2 and 3 pressure vessels are
a piping system of adequate size so that no branch of piping to be witnessed by the Surveyor with the exception of mass
may be shut off, it is sufficient to provide them with one produced pressure vessels which are built under the condi-
safety valve and one pressure gauge only. tions stated in [7.2.2].

7.3.2 Testing pressure

6.4 Thermal oil heaters
a) Upon completion, pressure parts of boilers and pressure
vessels are to be subjected to a hydraulic test under a
6.4.1 In general, the requirements of [6.2] for boilers are pressure pt defined as a function of the design pressure p:
also applicable to thermal oil heaters.
pt = 1,5 p where p 4 MPa

7 Material test, workshop inspection pt = 1,4 p + 0,4 where 4 MPa < p 25 Mpa
and testing, certification Pt = p + 10,4 where p > 25 MPa

b) The test pressure may be determined as a function of a

7.1 Material testing pressure lower than p; however, in such case, the setting
and characteristics of the safety valves and other over-
7.1.1 General pressure protective devices are also to be determined
and blocked as a function of this lower pressure.
Materials, including welding consumables, for the construc-
tions of boilers and pressure vessels are to be certified by c) If the design temperature exceeds 300C, the test pres-
the material manufacturer in accordance with the appropri- sure pt is to be as determined by the following formula:
ate material specification. K 100
p t = 1 ,5 --------- p
7.1.2 Boilers, other steam generators, and oil fired
and exhaust gas thermal oil heaters where:

In addition to the requirement in [7.1.1], testing of materials p : Design pressure, in MPa

intended for the construction of pressure parts of boilers, K100 : Permissible stress at 100C, in N/mm2
other steam generators, oil fired thermal oil heaters and
exhaust gas thermal oil heaters is to be witnessed by the K : Permissible stress at the design temperature,
Surveyor. in N/mm2.
d) Consideration is to be given to the reduction of the test
7.1.3 Class 1 pressure vessels and heat exchangers pressure below the values stated above where it is nec-
In addition to the requirement in [7.1.1], testing of materials essary to avoid excessive stress. In any event, the gen-
intended for the construction of class 1 pressure parts of eral membrane stress is not to exceed 90% of the yield
pressure vessels and heat exchangers is to be witnessed by stress at the test temperature.
the Surveyor. e) Economisers which cannot be shut off from the boiler in
any working condition are to be submitted to a hydrau-
This requirement may be waived at the Societys discretion
lic test under the same conditions as the boilers.
for mass produced small pressure vessels (such as accumu-
lators for valve controls, gas bottles, etc.). f) Economisers which can be shut off from the boiler are to
be submitted to a hydraulic test at a pressure determined
as a function of their actual design pressure p.
7.2 Workshop inspections
7.3.3 Hydraulic test of boiler and pressure vessel
7.2.1 Boilers and individually produced class 1 and accessories
class 2 pressure vessels
a) Boilers and pressure vessel accessories are to be tested
The construction, fitting and testing of boilers and individu- at a pressure pt which is not less than 1,5 times the
ally produced class 1 and class 2 pressure vessels are to be design pressure p of the vessels to which they are
attended by the Surveyor, at the builder's facility. attached.

7.2.2 Mass produced pressure vessels b) The test pressure may be determined as a function of a
pressure lower than p; however, in such case, the setting
Construction of mass produced pressure vessels which are and characteristics of the safety valves and other over-
type approved by the Society need not be attended by the pressure protective devices are also to be determined
Surveyor. and blocked as a function of this lower pressure.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 57

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

7.3.4 Hydraulic test procedure 7.3.5 Hydraulic tests of condensers

a) The hydraulic test specified in [7.3.1] is to be carried out Condensers are to be subjected to a hydrostatic test at the
after all openings have been cut out and after execution following test pressures:
of all welding work and of the heat treatment, if any. The
steam space: 0,1 MPa
vessel to be tested is to be presented without lagging,
paint or any other lining and the pressure is to be main- water space: maximum pressure which may be devel-
tained long enough for the Surveyor to proceed with a oped by the pump with closed discharge valve
complete examination. increased by 0,07 MPa. However, the test pressure is not
to be less than 0,2 MPa. When the characteristics of the
b) Hydraulic tests of boilers are to be carried out either
pump are not known, the hydrostatic test is to be carried
after installation on board, or at the manufacturers
out at a pressure not less than 0,35 MPa.
plant. Where a boiler is hydrotested before installation
on board, the Surveyor may, if deemed necessary,
request to proceed with a second hydraulic test on 7.4 Certification
board under a pressure at least equal to 1,1 p. For this
test, the boiler may be fitted with its lagging. However, 7.4.1 Certification of boilers and individually
the Surveyor may require this lagging to be partially or produced pressure vessels
entirely removed as necessary. Boilers and individually produced pressure vessels of
c) For water tube boilers, the hydraulic test may also be classes 1, 2 and 3 are to be certified by the Society in accor-
carried out separately for different parts of the boiler dance with the procedures stated in Part A, according to
upon their completion and after heat treatment. For Tab 10.
drums and headers, this test may be carried out before
drilling the tube holes, but after welding of all appendi- 7.4.2 Mass produced pressure vessels
ces and heat treatment. When all parts of the boiler Small mass produced pressure vessels of classes 1, 2 and 3
have been separately tested and following assembly the may be accepted provided they are type approved by the
boiler is to undergo a hydraulic test under a pressure of Society in accordance with the procedures stated in Part A,
1,25 p. according to Tab 10.

Table 10 : Pressure vessel certification

Drawing / Calculation Material testing Hydraulic test

Manufacturer The Society Manufacturer The Society Manufacturer The Society
witness +
1 X review X X witness
workshop inspection
2 X review X review X witness
3 X X review X witness
Note 1: Certificates of the Manufacturer and the Society to be issued for all cases for pressure vessels covered by the Rules of the

58 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 4


1 General 1.1.6 Simultaneous operation of oil burning

equipment and internal combustion
1.1 The operation of oil burning equipment in spaces contain-
ing other items of plant with a high air consumption, e.g.
1.1.1 Scope internal combustion engines or air compressors, must not
The oil firing equipment of automatically and semi-auto- be impaired by variations in the air pressure.
matically controlled main and auxiliary boilers and thermal
oil heaters is subject to the rule requirements in [2].
2 Oil firing equipment for boilers and
The oil burners of hot water generators, oil-fired heaters and thermal oil heaters
small heating appliances which are located in the engine
room or in spaces containing equipment important to the
operation of the machinery are subject to the rule require- 2.1 Preheating of fuel oil
ments specified under [3].
2.1.1 For the preheating of fuel oil any source may be used
In addition, the following general requirements of this Sec- provided that it can be cut off immediately if the need arises
tion are mandatory for all installations and appliances. and provided that it can be adequately controlled when in
operation. Preheating with open flame is not allowed.
1.1.2 Documents for review / approval
Where fuel oil is heated exclusively by thermal energy from
A sectional drawing of each type of burner together with a
the boiler, it must be possible to heat the boiler from cold
description of its mode of operation and circuit diagrams of
with fuel needing no preheating.
the electrical control system are to be submitted to the Soci-
ety for review / approval. Equipment covered by [3] is gen- After the oil firing equipment has been shut down, the heat
erally not subject to verification of drawings. retained in the preheater shall not cause an excessive tem-
perature rise in the fuel oil.
1.1.3 Approved fuels
The preheating temperature is to be selected so as to avoid
See Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.6] foaming or the formation of vapour from water contained in
the fuel oil. Also, it may not give rise to harmful effects due
1.1.4 Control and monitoring to oil vaporization and the carbonization of the heating sur-
For control and monitoring requirements, see Ch 1, Sec 3, faces.
[5.4]. Temperature or viscosity control must be automatic. For
monitoring purposes, a thermometer or viscosimeter is to be
1.1.5 Boiler equipment and burner arrangement fitted to the fuel oil pressure line in front of the burners.
Oil burners are to be designed, fitted and adjusted in such a Should the oil temperature or viscosity deviate above or
manner as to prevent flames from causing damage to the below the permitted limits, this must be signalled by an
boiler surfaces or tubes which border on the combustion alarm system.
space. Boiler parts which might otherwise suffer damage
When a change is made from heavy to light oil, the latter
are to be protected by refractory lining.
may not be passed through the heater or be excessively
The firing system shall be so arranged as to prevent flames heated.
from blowing back into the boiler or engine room and shall
The dimensional and constructional design of pressurized
allow unburnt fuel to be safely drained.
fuel oil preheaters is subject to the rules set out in Ch 1, Sec
Observation holes and openings in the burner registers for 3, [2].
the insertion of ignition torches are to be arranged and
Besides a temperature controller, electrically heated contin-
closed off by sliding or rotating flaps in such a way that any
uous-flow heaters are to be equipped with a safety thermal
danger to the operators from flame blowbacks is avoided.
The functioning of explosion doors or rupture disks may not
endanger personnel or important items of equipment in the
2.2 Pumps, pipelines, valves and fittings
boiler room.
Fuel leaking from potential leak points is to be safely col- 2.2.1 Fuel oil service pumps may be connected only to the
lected in oiltight trays and drained away. fuel system.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 59

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 4

Pipelines must be permanently installed and joined by oilt- 2.4 Design and construction of burners
ight welds, oiltight threaded connections of approved
design or with flanged joints. Flexible pipes may be used 2.4.1 For the purpose of these Rules, the following defini-
only immediately in front of the burner or to enable the tions apply:
burner to swivel. They must be installed with adequate
bending radii and must be protected against undue heating. a) Fully automatic oil burners
For non-metallic flexible pipes and expansion compensa-
tors, see Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.6]. Fully automatic oil burners are burners equipped with
automatic igniters, automatic flame monitors and auto-
Suitable devices, e.g. relief valves, must be fitted to prevent matic controls so that the ignition, flame monitoring and
any excessive pressure increase in the fuel oil pump or pres- burner start-up and shutdown are effected as a function
surized fuel lines. of the controlled variable without the intervention of
operating personnel.
By means of a hand-operated, quick-closing device it must
be possible to isolate the fuel supply to the burners from the b) Semi-automatic oil burners
pressurized fuel lines.
Semi-automatic oil burners are burners equipped with
automatic igniters, automatic flame monitors and auto-
2.3 Safety equipment matic controls. Burner start-up is initiated manually.
Shutdown may be initiated manually. Burner shutdown
2.3.1 Interlocks or control systems must be provided to is not followed by automatic re-ignition.
ensure that safety functions are performed in the correct
sequence when the burners are started up or shut down. c) Manually operated oil burners

Each installation must be equipped with an automatic Manually operated oil burners are burners where every
quick-closing device. This must not release the oil supply to ignition sequence is initiated and carried through by
the burners on start-up and must interrupt the oil supply hand. The burner is automatically monitored and shut
during operation if one of the following faults occurs: down by the flame monitor and, where required by the
safety system, by limiters. Re-starting can only be car-
failure of the required pressure of the atomizing ried out directly at the burner and by hand.
medium (steam and compressed-air atomizers)
d) Safety period
failure of the oil pressure needed for atomization (pres-
sure atomizers), or The safety period is the maximum permitted time during
which fuel oil may be supplied to the combustion space
insufficient rotary speed of spinning cup (rotary atomiz- in the absence of a flame.
The type and design of the burner and its atomizing and air
failure of combustion air supply turbulence equipment must ensure virtually complete com-
actuation of limit switches (e.g. for water level or tem- bustion.
perature) Oil burners must be so designed and constructed that per-
actuation of flame monitor sonnel cannot be endangered by moving parts. This applies
particularly to blower intake openings. The latter must also
failure of control power supply be protected to prevent the entry of drip water.
failure of induced-draught fan or insufficient opening of Oil burners are to be so constructed that they can be
exhaust gas register retracted or pivoted out of the operating position only when
burner retracted or pivoted out of position. the fuel oil supply has been cut off. The high-voltage igni-
tion system must be automatically disconnected when this
Each installation must be shut down automatically and occurs. A catch is to be provided to hold the burner in the
secured if: swung out position.

a flame does not develop within the safety period fol- Steam atomizers must be fitted with appliances to prevent
lowing start-up (see [2.4]) fuel oil entering the steam system.

the flame is extinguished during operation and an Where dampers or similar devices are fitted in the air sup-
attempt to restart the burner within the safety period is ply duct, care must be taken to ensure that air for purging
unsuccessful, or the combustion space is always available unless the oil sup-
ply is positively interrupted.
limit switches are actuated.
Where an installation comprises several burners supplied
Oil firing equipment with electrically operated components with combustion air by a common fan, each burner must be
must also be capable of being shut down by an emergency fitted with a shutoff device (e.g. a flap). Means must be pro-
switch located outside the space in which the equipment is vided for retaining the shutoff device in position and its
installed. position must be indicated.

60 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 4

Every burner must be equipped with an igniter. The ignition 2.7 Emergency operation
operation is to be initiated immediately following purging.
In the case of low-capacity burners of monobloc type (per- 2.7.1 Should the automatic control and monitoring systems
manently coupled oil pump and blower impeller) ignition malfunction, the safety appliances may be by-passed only
may begin with start-up of the burner unless the latter is by means of a key-operated switch. An effort should be
located in the roof of the chamber. made to ensure that safety functions, e.g. limiter responses,
can be individually by-passed.
Every burner is to be equipped with a safety device for
flame monitoring. This appliance must comply with the fol- The flame monitoring system must remain operative even
lowing safety periods on burner start-up or when the flame during emergency operation.
is extinguished in operation:
2.8 Testing
on start-up 5 seconds

in operation 1 second. 2.8.1 The fitted installation is to be subjected to operational

testing including, in particular, determination of the purging
Where this is justified, longer safety periods may be permit- time required prior to burner start-up. Satisfactory combus-
ted for burners with an oil throughput of up to 30 kg/h. tion at all load settings and the reliable operation of the
Steps must be taken to ensure that the safety period for the safety equipment are to be checked. Following installation,
main flame is not prolonged by the action of the igniter (e.g. the pressurized fuel oil system is to be subjected to a pres-
pilot burners). sure and tightness test; see Ch 1, Sec 10, [20].

2.5 Purging of combustion chamber and 3 Oil burners for hot water generators
flues, exhaust gas ducting oil fired heaters and small heating
2.5.1 The combustion chamber and flues are to be ade-
quately purged with air prior to every burner start-up. On 3.1 Atomizer burners
manually operated equipment, a warning sign is to be
mounted to this effect. 3.1.1 Fully and semi-automatic atomizer burners must
meet the requirements of recognized standards or must be
A threefold renewal of the total air volume of the combus-
recognized as equivalent. Adequate purging by means of a
tion spaces and the flue gas ducts up to the funnel inlet is
fan must be ensured prior to each ignition effected by the
considered sufficient. Normally purging shall be performed
controls. In general, a purging period of at least 5 seconds
with the total flow of combustion air for at least 15 seconds.
may be deemed sufficient. Where the flue gas ducting is
It shall, however, in any case be performed with at least
unfavorable, the purging time is to be extended accordingly.
50% of the volume of combustion air needed for the maxi-
mum rating of the burner system. Electrical components and their type of enclosure must
comply with Part C, Chapter 2, Rules for Electrical Installa-
By-passes and dead corners in the exhaust gas ducting are tions. High-voltage igniters must be adequately protected
to be avoided. against unauthorized interference.
Dampers in uptakes and funnels should be avoided. Any Where dampers or similar devices are mounted in the air
dampers which may be fitted must be so installed that no oil supply line, care must be taken to ensure that air is avail-
supply is possible when the cross-section of the purge line able in all circumstances for purging the combustion space.
is reduced below a certain minimum value. The position of
Pivoted oil burners must be so constructed that they can be
the damper must be indicated at the boiler control platform.
swivelled out only after the fuel oil has been cut off. The
Where an induced-draught fan is fitted, an interlocking sys- high-voltage ignition equipment must likewise be discon-
tem must prevent start-up of the burner equipment before nected when this happens.
the fan has started. A corresponding interlocking system is The plant must also be capable of being shut down by
also to be provided for any covers which may be fitted to means of an emergency switch located outside the space in
the funnel opening. which the plant is installed.

2.6 Electrical equipment 3.2 Evaporation burners

2.6.1 Electrical controls, safety appliances and their types 3.2.1 The burner design (e.g. dish or pot-type burner) must
of enclosure must comply with the provisions of Part C, ensure that the combustion of the fuel oil is as complete as
Chapter 2, Rules for Electrical Installations. possible at all load settings. At the maximum oil level and
with all possible angles of inclination of the vessel (see Ch
Safety appliances and flame monitors must be self-monitor- 1, Sec 1), no fuel oil may spill from the combustion vessel
ing and must be connected in such a way as to prevent the or its air holes. Parts of the equipment important for the
supply of oil in the event of a break in the circuitry of the operation, monitoring and cleaning of the plant must be
automatic oil burning system. readily accessible.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 61

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 4

Burners must be fitted with regulators ensuring a virtually Oil-fired heaters must comply with the requirements of rec-
constant flow of fuel oil at the selected setting. A safety ognized standards and be tested and approved accordingly,
device is required to prevent the oil in the combustion ves- or must be recognized as equivalent. Control and safety
sel from rising above the maximum permitted level. The equipment must ensure the safe and reliable operation of
regulators must function reliably despite all movements and the burner despite all movements and inclinations of the
inclinations of the vessel. vessel.
Smoke tubes and uptakes must have a cross-section at least
Burners are normally to be equipped with a blower to equal to that of the flue pipe on the heater and must follow
ensure a sufficient supply of combustion air. Should the as direct a path as possible. Horizontal flue spans are to be
blower fail, the oil feed must be cut off automatically. Heat- avoided. Funnel (stack) outlets are to be fitted with safety
ing equipment with burners not supplied by a blower may appliances (e.g. Meidinger discs) to prevent downdraughts.
only be installed and operated in the spaces mentioned in
[1.1] provided a supply of air adequate to maintain trouble- 3.4 Small oil-fired heaters for heating air
free combustion is guaranteed.
3.4.1 Depending on their mode of operation, the require-
ments set out in [3.1] to [3.3] apply in analogous manner to
3.3 Oil fired burners these units.
Equipment which does not entirely meet the requirements
3.3.1 Oil-fired heaters having an evaporation burner with- of the standards mentioned can be allowed provided that its
out blower may be installed in the spaces mentioned in functional safety is assured by other means, e.g. by the
[1.1] only if their thermal capacity does not exceed explosion-proofing of the combustion chamber and exhaust
42000 kJ/h. They may only be operated, however, if items ducts.
of equipment with a high air consumption such as internal Heating ducts are to be competently installed in accor-
combustion engines or air compressors do not draw air dance with the manufacturer's installation and operating
from the same space. Compliance is to be ensured by an instructions, and reductions in cross-section, throttling
appropriate directive in the operating instructions and by a points and sharp bends are to be avoided so as not to incur
warning sign fixed to such heaters. Attention is also to be the danger of the equipment overheating. A thermostatic
drawn to the danger of blowbacks when the burner is reig- control must shut the appliance down in the event of over-
nited in the hot heater. heating.

62 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 5


1 General In the case of hydraulic systems, the material used for pipes
as well as for pressure vessels is also to be tested.
1.1 Scope
3 Design and equipment
1.1.1 The Rules contained in this Section apply to bow
anchor windlasses, stern anchor windlasses and wire rope
windlasses. For anchors, chains and ropes, see Rules for 3.1 Type of drive
Equipment in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4.
3.1.1 Windlasses are normally to be driven by an engine
which is independent of other deck machinery. The piping
1.2 Certification
systems of hydraulic windlass engines may be connected to
1.2.1 Windlasses are to be of an approved type in compli- other hydraulic systems provided that this is permissible for
ance with Articles: the latter.
[2], for materials Manual operation as the main driving power can be
[3], for design and equipment allowed for anchors with a weight up to 250 kg.
[4], for testing.
3.2 Overload protection
1.3 Documents to be submitted
3.2.1 For protection of the mechanical parts in the case of
1.3.1 For each type of anchor windlass, general and sec- the windlass jamming, an overload protection (e.g. slip cou-
tional drawings, circuit diagrams of the hydraulic and elec- pling, relief valve) is to be fitted to limit the maximum
trical systems and detail drawings of the main shaft, cable torque of the drive engine (see [3.13]). The setting of the
lifter and brake are to be submitted to the Society for overload protection is to be specified (e.g. in the operating
review. instructions)

1.3.2 A description of the anchor windlass including the

proposed overload protection and other safety devices is
3.3 Clutches
likewise to be submitted.
3.3.1 Windlasses are to be fitted with disengageable
1.3.3 Where an anchor windlass is to be reviewed for sev- clutches between the cable lifter and the drive shaft. In an
eral strengths and types of chain cable, the calculation relat- emergency case, hydraulic or electrically operated clutches
ing to the maximum braking torque is to be submitted and must be capable of being disengaged by hand.
proof furnished of the power and hauling-in speed in accor-
dance with [3.13.1] corresponding to all the relevant types 3.4 Braking equipment
of anchor and chain cable.
3.4.1 Windlasses must be fitted with cable lifter brakes
2 Materials which are capable of holding a load equal to 80% of the
nominal breaking load of the chain. In addition, where the
2.1 Approved materials gear mechanism is not of selflocking type, a device (e.g.
gearing brake, lowering brake, oil hydraulic brake) is to be
2.1.1 The provisions contained in NR216 Materials and fitted to prevent paying out of the chain should the power
Welding are to be applied as appropriate to the choice of unit fail while the cable lifter is engaged.
3.5 Pipes
2.2 Testing of materials
3.5.1 For the design and dimensions of pipes, valves, fit-
2.2.1 The material of components which are stressed by the tings and hydraulic piping systems, etc. See Ch 1, Sec 10.
pull of the chain when the cable lifter is disengaged (main
shaft, cable lifter, brake bands, brake spindles, brake bolts,
tension strap) must possess mechanical characteristics in 3.6 Cable lifters
conformity with NR216 Materials and Welding. Evidence of
3.6.1 Cable lifters shall have at least five snugs.
this may take the form of a certificate issued by the steel-
maker which contains details of composition and the results For cable lifters used for studless chains, the requirements of
of the tests prescribed in NR216 Materials and Welding. EN 14874 can be applied.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 63

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 5

3.7 Windlass as warping winch where:

d : Diameter of anchor chain, in mm.

3.7.1 Combined anchor and mooring winches may not be
subjected to excessive loads even when the maximum pull
is exerted on the warping rope. 3.13.2 The nominal output of the power units must be such
that the conditions specified above can be met for 30 min-
utes without interruption. In addition, the power units must
3.8 Electrical equipment be capable of developing a maximum torque equal to
1,5 times the rated torque for at least two minutes at a cor-
3.8.1 The electrical equipment is to comply with Part C, respondingly reduced lifting speed.
Chapter 2.

3.13.3 At the maximum torque specified in [3.13.2], a

3.9 Hydraulic equipment short-time overload of up to 20% is allowed in the case of
internal combustion engines.
3.9.1 Tanks forming part of the hydraulic system are to be
fitted with oil level indicators. 3.13.4 An additional reduction gear stage may be fitted in
The lowest permissible oil level is to be monitored. order to achieve the maximum torque.

Filters for cleaning the operating fluid are to be located in

3.13.5 With manually operated windlasses, steps are to be
the piping system.
taken to ensure that the anchor can be hoisted at a mean
speed of 0,033m/s with the pull specified in [3.13.1]. This is
3.10 Wire rope windlass to be achieved without exceeding a manual force of 150 N
applied to a crank radius of about 350 mm with the hand
3.10.1 The rope drum diameter must be at least 14 times crank turned at about 30 rev./min.
the required rope diameter.
The drive of the windlass must be capable of being uncou- 3.14 Design of transmission elements
pled to the rope drum.
The rope end fastening of the windlass must break if the 3.14.1 The basis for the design of the load-transmitting
wire rope has to be released. components of windlasses are the anchors and chain cables
specified in the rules for Equipment (see Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4).
Rope drums shall be provided with flanges whose outer
diameter extend above the top layer of the rope by at least
2,5 times rope diameter unless the rope is prevented from 3.14.2 The cable lifter brake is to be so designed that the
overriding the flange by a spooling device or other means. anchor and chain can be safely stopped while paying out
the chain cable.

3.11 Chain stoppers

3.14.3 The dimensional design of those parts of the wind-
lass which are subjected to the chain pull when the cable
3.11.1 Where a chain stopper is fitted, it is to be able to
lifter is disengaged (cable lifter, main shaft and braking
withstand a pull of 80% of the chain breaking load.
equipment, bedframe and deck fastening) is to be based on
Where no chain stopper is fitted, the windlass must be able a theoretical pull equal to 80% of the nominal breaking
to withstand a pull of 80% of the chain breaking load. The load specified in NR216 Materials and Welding for the
caused stress in the loaded parts of the windlass may not chain in question. The design of the main shaft is to take
exceed 90% of the yield strength of the respective parts and account of the braking forces, and the cable lifter brake
the windlass brake is not allowed to slip. shall not slip when subjected to this load.

3.12 Connection with deck 3.14.4 The design of all other windlass components is to be
based upon a force acting on the cable lifter pitch circle and
3.12.1 The windlass, the foundation and the stoppers have equal to 1,5 times the nominal pull specified in [3.13.1].
to be connected efficiently and safely to the deck.
3.14.5 At the theoretical pull, the force exerted on the
3.13 Driving power brake handwheel shall not exceed 500 N.

3.13.1 Depending on the grade of the chain cable, wind- 3.14.6 The total stresses applied to components must be
lasses must be capable of exerting the following nominal below the minimum yield point of the materials used.
pulls, in N, at a speed of at least 0,15 m/s:
Z1 = 28 d2 for grade Q1 3.14.7 The foundations and pedestals of windlasses and
chain stoppers must be adequate designed to withstand the
Z2 = 32 d2 for grade Q2 forces and loads as specified in [3.11.1].

64 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 5

4 Testing in the manufacturers works p : Maximum allowable working pressure or pres-

sure at which the relief valves open, in bar
For working pressures above 200 bar, the test
4.1 Testing of driving engines pressure need not exceed p + 100.
For pressure testing of pipes, their valves and fittings, and
4.1.1 The power units are required to undergo test on a test also of hose assemblies, see Ch 1, Sec 10, [20].
stand. The relevant works test certificates are to be pre-
sented at the time of the final inspection of the windlass. Tightness tests are to be performed on components to which
this is appropriate.
For electric motors, see Rules for rotating machines in Ch 2,
Sec 3. 4.3 Final inspection and operational testing
Hydraulic pumps are to be subjected to pressure and opera-
4.3.1 After finishing manufacture, windlasses are required
tional tests.
to undergo final inspection and operational testing at twice
the nominal pull in the presence of the Societys Surveyor.
4.2 Pressure and tightness tests The hauling-in speed is to be verified with continuous
application of the nominal pull. During the tests, particular
4.2.1 Pressure components are to undergo a pressure test at attention is to be given to the testing and, where necessary,
pressure: setting of braking and safety equipment.
Where manufacturing works does not have adequate facili-
pST = 1,5 p ties, the aforementioned tests including the adjustment of
where: the overload protection can be carried out on board the
vessel. In these cases, functional testing in the manufac-
pST : Test pressure, in bar turers works is to be performed under no-load conditions.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 65

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6


1 General 1.2.2 Data

The data listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted with the docu-
ments required in [1.2.1].
1.1 Application
1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of this 2 Design of gears - Determination of
Section apply to: the load capacity
reduction and/or reverse gears intended for propulsion
plants with a transmitted power of 220 kW and above 2.1 General
other reduction and step-up gears with a transmitted
2.1.1 The determination of the load capacity is to be per-
power of 110 kW and above.
formed in compliance with:
Additional requirements for gears fitted to vessels having NR 467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, [2], for cylindrical gears
additional class notation Ice are given in Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1. NR 467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, [3], for bevel gears.

1.2 Documentation to be submitted 2.2 Application factor KA

1.2.1 Documents 2.2.1 The application factor KA accounts for dynamic over-
Before starting construction, all plans, specifications and cal- loads from sources external to the gearing. The values of KA
culations listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted to the Society. are given in Tab 3.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted for gearing

Item Status of the

Description of the document (2)
No review (1)
1 A Constructional drawings of shafts and flanges
2 A Constructional drawings of pinions and wheels, including:
a) specification and details of hardening procedure:
core and surface mechanical characteristics
diagram of the depth of the hardened layer as a function of hardness values
b) specification and details of the finishing procedure:
finishing method of tooth flanks (hobbing, shaving, lapping, grinding, shot-peening)
surface roughness for tooth flank and root fillet
tooth flank corrections (helix modification, crowning, tip-relief, end-relief), if any
grade of accuracy according to ISO 1328-1 1997
3 A Shrinkage calculation for shrunk-on pinions, wheels rims and/or hubs with indication of the minimum and
maximum shrinkage allowances
4 A Calculation of load capacity of the gears
5 A / I (3) Constructional drawings of casings
6 A Functional diagram of the lubricating system, with indication of:
specified grade of lubricating oil
expected oil temperature in service
kinematic viscosity of the oil
7 A Functional diagram of control, monitoring and safety systems
8 I Longitudinal and transverse cross-sectional assembly of the gearing, with indication of the type of clutch
9 I Data form for calculation of gears
10 I Detailed justification of material quality used for gearing calculation (ML, MQ, or ME according to ISO 6336-5)
(1) Submission of the drawings may be requested:
for review, shown as A in the Table
for information, shown as I in the Table.
(2) Constructional drawings are to be accompanied by the specification of the materials employed including the chemical composition, heat
treatment and mechanical properties and, where applicable, the welding details, welding procedure and stress relieving procedure.
(3) A for welded casing, I otherwise.

66 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6

Table 2 : Data to be submitted for gearing the hardness of the pinion teeth is to exceed that of the
corresponding wheel. For this purpose, the minimum
Item No Description of the data tensile strength of the pinion material is to exceed that
of the wheel by at least 15%.
1 Type of driving and driven machines and, if
provided, type of flexible coupling b) The minimum tensile strength of the core is not to be
2 Maximum power transmitted by each pinion in less than:
continuous running and corresponding rotational
750 N/mm2 for case-hardened teeth
speed, for all operating conditions, including
clutching-in 800 N/mm2 for induction-hardened or nitrided
3 Modules of teeth for pinion and wheels teeth.

4 Pressure angle and helix angle

3.2 Teeth
5 Tooth profiles of pinions and wheels together with
tip diameters and fillet radii
3.2.1 Manufacturing accuracy
6 Operating centre distance
a) Mean roughness (peak-to-valley) of shaved or ground
7 Addendum of the cutting tool teeth is not to exceed 4 m.
8 Common face width, operating pitch diameter
b) Wheels are to be cut by cutters with a method suitable
9 Data related to the bearings: for the expected type and quality. Whenever necessary,
type, characteristics and designed service life the cutting is to be carried out in a temperature-con-
of roller bearings trolled environment.
materials and clearances of plain bearings
position of each gear in relation to its bearings 3.2.2 Tooth root
10 Torsional vibration data (inertia and stiffness) Teeth are to be well faired and rounded at the root. The fillet
radius at the root of the teeth, within a plane normal to the
Table 3 : Values of KA teeth, is to be not less than 0,25 times the normal module
Type of installation KA Profile-grinding of gear teeth is to be performed in such a
Main gears Diesel hydraulic coupling 1,05 way that no notches are left in the fillet.
(propulsion) engine
elastic coupling 1,30
with: 3.2.3 Tooth tips and ends
other type of coupling 1,50
a) All sharp edges on the tips and ends of gear teeth are to
Turbine 1,05 be removed after cutting and finishing of teeth.
Electric motor 1,05
b) Where the ratio b/d exceeds 0,3, the ends of pinion and
Auxiliary Diesel hydraulic coupling 1,00 wheel are to be chamfered to an angle between 45 and
gears engine 60 degrees. The chamfering depth is to be at least equal
elastic coupling 1,20
with: to 1,5 times the normal module (mn).
other type of coupling 1,40
Electric motor 1,00 3.2.4 Surface treatment
a) The hardened layer on surface-hardened gear teeth is to
3 Design and construction - except be uniform and extended over the whole tooth flank
tooth load capacity and fillet.
b) Where the pinions and the toothed portions of the
3.1 Materials wheels are case-hardened and tempered, the teeth
flanks are to be ground while the bottom lands of the
3.1.1 General teeth remain only case-hardened. The superficial hard-
a) Forged, rolled and cast materials used in the manufac- ness of the case-hardened zone is to be at least equal to
turing of shafts, couplings, pinions and wheels are to 56 C Rockwell units.
comply with the requirements of NR216 Materials and c) Where the pinions and the toothed portions of the
Welding. wheels are nitrided, the hardened layer is to comply
b) Materials other than steels will be given special consid- with Tab 4.
eration by the Society. d) The use of other processes of superficial hardening of
the teeth, such as flame hardening, will be given special
3.1.2 Steels for pinions and wheel rims consideration, in particular as regards the values to be
a) Steels intended for pinions and wheels are to be adopted for the endurance limit for contact stress (her-
selected considering their compatibility in service. In zian pressure) H,lim and the endurance limit for tooth
particular, for through-hardened pinion / wheel pairs, root bending stress FE.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 67

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6

Table 4 : Characteristics of the hardened layer 3.3.4 Bolting

for nitrided gears Where rims and hubs are joined together through bolted
side plates or flanges, the assembly is to be secured by:
Minimum thickness tight fit bolts, or
Minimum hardness
Type of steel of hardened layer,
(HV) bolts and tight fit pins.
in mm (1)
500 The nuts are to be suitably locked by means other than
Nitrided steel 0,6 welding.
(at 0,25 mm depth)
Other steels 0,3 450 (surface)
3.4 Shafts and bearings
(1) Depth of the hardened layer where the hardness is
reduced to the core hardness. 3.4.1 General
When the grinding of nitrided teeth is performed, the Shafts and their connections, in particular flange couplings
depth of the hardened layer to be taken into account is and shrink-fits connections, are to comply with the provi-
the depth after grinding. sions of Ch 1, Sec 7.

3.3 Wheels and pinions 3.4.2 Pinion and wheel shafts

The minimum diameter of pinion and gear wheel shafts is
3.3.1 General not to be less than the value dS, in mm, given by the follow-
ing formula:
Wheel bodies are to be so designed that radial deflections
1 1
and distortions under load are prevented, so as to ensure a 2 2
6 1 3

d S = 10 ,2 + ---------------- T
28000 170000
satisfactory meshing of teeth. R S ,min
+ ----------------------------- M
412 + R s ,min -----------------4
1 Kd
3.3.2 Welding where:
a) Where welding is employed for the construction of RS,min : Minimum yield strength of the shaft material, in
wheels, the welding procedure is to be submitted to the N/mm2
Society for approval. Welding processes and their qualifi- T : Nominal torque transmitted by the shaft, in Nm
cation are to comply with NR216 Materials and Welding. M : Bending moment on the shaft, in Nm
b) Stress relieving treatment is to be performed after weld- Kd : Coefficient having the following values:
ing. for solid shafts: Kd = 0
for hollow shafts, Kd is equal to the ratio of
c) Examination of the welded joints is to be performed by
means of magnetic particle or dye penetrant tests to the the hole diameter to the outer shaft diameter.
satisfaction of the Surveyor. Suitable arrangements are to Where Kd 0,3, Kd may be taken equal to 0.
be made to permit the examination of the internal side Note 1: The values of dS, T and M refer to the cross-section of the
of the welded joints. shaft concerned.
As an alternative to the above formula, the Society may
3.3.3 Shrink-fits accept direct strength calculations considering static and
fatigue stresses occurring simultaneously and assuming
a) The shrink-fit assembly of:
safety factors for the material employed of at least:
rim and wheel body, and 1,5 in respect of the yield strength
wheel body and shaft, 2,0 in respect of the alternating bending fatigue limit.

is to be designed with a safety factor against slippage of 3.4.3 Quill shafts

not less than 2,8 c where: The minimum diameter of quill shafts subject to torque only
c : Coefficient equal to: is not to be less than the value dQS, in mm, given by the fol-
lowing formula:
1,0 for gears driven by turbines or elec- 1
tric motors
d QS = 7 ,65 + ---------------- -----------------4
27000 T 3

R S ,min 1 K d
1,0 for gears driven by diesel engines
through a hydraulic, electromagnetic or with:
high elasticity coupling RS,min , Kd: As defined in [3.4.2].
1,2 in the other cases. 3.4.4 Bearings
Note 1: The manufacturer is to ensure that the maximum torque a) Thrust bearings and their supports are to be so designed
transmitted during the clutch engagement does not exceed the as to avoid detrimental deflections under load.
nominal torque by more than 20%.
b) Life duration of bearings is not to be less than
b) The shrink-fit assembly is to take into account the ther- 40 000 hours. Shorter durations may be accepted on the
mal expansion differential between the shrunk-on parts basis of the actual load time distribution, and subject to
in the service conditions. the agreement of the owner.

68 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6

3.5 Casings one of the pumps mentioned in a) may be a spare pump

ready to be connected to the reduction gear lubricating
3.5.1 General oil system, provided disassembling and reassembling
operations can be carried out on board in a short time.
Manufacturers are to build gear casings of sufficient stiffness
such that misalignment, external loads and thermal effects 3.6.3 Filtration
in all service conditions do not adversely affect the overall
tooth contact. a) Forced lubrication systems are to be fitted with a device
which efficiently filters the oil in the circuit.
3.5.2 Welded casings b) When fitted to gears intended for propulsion machinery
or machinery driving electric propulsion generators,
a) Carbon content of steels used for the construction of
such filters are to be so arranged that they can be easily
welded casings is to comply with the provisions of cleaned without stopping the lubrication of the
NR216 Materials and Welding. machines.
b) The welded joints are to be so arranged that welding
and inspection can be performed satisfactorily. They are 4 Installation
to be of the full penetration type.

c) Welded casings are to be stress-relieved after welding. 4.1 General

3.5.3 Openings 4.1.1 Manufacturers and building yards are to take care
directly that stiffness of gear seating and alignment condi-
Access or inspection openings of sufficient size are to be
tions of gears are such as not to adversely affect the overall
provided to permit the examination of the teeth and the
tooth contact and the bearing loads under all operating
structure of the wheels.
conditions of the vessel.

3.6 Lubrication 4.2 Fitting of gears

3.6.1 General 4.2.1 Means such as stoppers or fitted bolts are to be

arranged in the case of gears subject to propeller thrust.
a) Manufacturers are to take care of the following points:
However, where the thrust is transmitted by friction and the
reliable lubrication of gear meshes and bearings is relevant safety factor is not less than 2, such means may be
ensured: omitted.

- over the whole speed range, including starting,

stopping and, where applicable, manoeuvring 5 Certification, inspection and testing
- for all angles stated in Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.4]
5.1 General
in multi-propellers plants not fitted with shaft brakes,
provision is to be made to ensure lubrication of 5.1.1 General
gears likely to be affected by windmilling.
a) Inspection and testing of shafts and their connections
b) Lubrication by means other than oil circulation under (flange couplings, hubs, bolts, pins) are to be carried out
pressure will be given special consideration. in accordance with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 7, [4].
b) For inspection of welded joints of wheels, refer to
3.6.2 Pumps
a) Gears intended for propulsion or other essential services
are to be provided with: 5.2 Workshop inspection and testing
one main lubricating pump, capable of maintaining
a sufficient lubrication of the gearbox in the whole 5.2.1 Testing of materials
speed range, and Chemical composition and mechanical properties are to be
tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of
one standby pump independently driven of at least
NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 3 for the follow-
the same capacity.
ing items:
b) In the case of: pinions and wheel bodies
gears having a transmitted power not exceeding rims
375 kW, or
plates and other elements intended for propulsion gear
multi-engines plants, casings of welded construction.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 69

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6

5.2.2 Testing of pinion and wheel forgings 5.2.5 Meshing test

a) Mechanical tests of pinions and wheels are to be carried a) A tooth meshing test is to be performed in the presence
out in accordance with: of the Surveyor. This test is to be carried out at a load
sufficient to ensure tooth contact, with the journals
NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 3, [5.6] for located in the bearings according to the normal running
normalised and tempered or quenched and tem- conditions. Before the test, the tooth surface is to be
pered forgings coated with a thin layer of suitable coloured compound.
NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 3, [5.7] for b) The results of such test are to demonstrate that the tooth
surface-hardened forgings. contact is adequately distributed on the length of the
b) Non-destructive examination of pinion and wheel forg- teeth. Strong contact marks at the end of the teeth are
ings is to be performed in accordance with NR216 not acceptable.
Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 3, [5.8]. c) A permanent record of the tooth contact is to be made
for the purpose of subsequent checking of alignment fol-
5.2.3 Balancing test lowing installation on board.
Rotating components, in particular gear wheel and pinion d) For type approved cylindrical gears, with a power not
shaft assemblies with the coupling part attached, are to greater than 375 kW and a cast casing, the above
undergo a static balancing test. required workshop meshing test could be waived at the
Surveyor satisfaction.
Where n2d 1,5109, gear wheel and pinion shaft assem-
blies are also to undergo a dynamic balancing test. 5.2.6 Hydrostatic tests
a) Hydraulic or pneumatic clutches are to be hydrostati-
5.2.4 Verification of cutting accuracy cally tested before assembly to 1,5 times the maximum
Examination of the accuracy of tooth cutting is to be per- working pressure of the pumps.
formed in the presence of the Surveyor. Records of mea- b) Pressure piping, pumps casings, valves and other fittings
surements of errors, tolerances and clearances of teeth are are to be hydrostatically tested in accordance with the
to be submitted at the request of the Surveyor. requirements of Ch 1, Sec 10, [20].

70 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7


1 General 2 Design and construction

1.1 Application 2.1 Materials

2.1.1 General
1.1.1 This Section applies to shafts, couplings, clutches and The use of other materials or steels having values of tensile
other shafting components transmitting power for main pro- strength exceeding the limits given in [2.1.2], [2.1.3] and
pulsion. [2.1.4] will be considered by the Society in each case.
For shafting components in engines, gears and thrusters, see
2.1.2 Shaft materials
Ch 1, Sec 2 and Ch 1, Sec 6, and Ch 1, Sec 12, respec-
tively. Where shafts may experience vibratory stresses close per-
missible stresses for transient operation (see Ch 1, Sec 9),
For propellers, see Ch 1, Sec 8. the materials are to have a specified minimum ultimate ten-
sile strength Rm of 500 N/mm2. Otherwise materials having
For vibrations, see Ch 1, Sec 9.
a specified minimum ultimate tensile strength Rm of
Additional requirements for navigation in ice are given in 400 N/mm2 may be used.
Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1. For use in the following formulae in this Section, Rm is lim-
ited as follows:
1.2 Documents for review for carbon and carbon manganese steels, Rm is not
exceed 760 N/mm2
1.2.1 The Manufacturer is to submit to the Society the doc- for alloy steels, Rm is not to exceed 800 N/mm2
uments listed in Tab 1 for review. for propeller shafts, Rm is not to exceed 600 N/mm2 (for
Plans of power transmitting parts and shaft liners listed in carbon, carbon manganese and alloy steels).
Tab 1 are to include the relevant material specifications.
Where materials with greater specified or actual tensile
strengths than the limitations given above are used, reduced
Table 1 : Documents for review shaft dimensions are not acceptable when derived from the
formulae given in this Section.
No Document (drawings, calculations, etc.)
2.1.3 Couplings, flexible couplings, hydraulic
1 Shafting arrangement (1) couplings
2 Thrust shaft Non-solid forged couplings and stiff parts of elastic cou-
3 Intermediate shafts plings subjected to torque are to be of forged or cast steel,
or nodular cast iron.
4 Propeller shaft
Rotating parts of hydraulic couplings may be of grey cast
5 Shaft liners, relevant manufacture and welding pro- iron, provided that the peripheral speed does not exceed
cedures, if any
6 Couplings and coupling bolts
2.1.4 Coupling bolts
7 Flexible couplings (2)
Coupling bolts are to be of forged, rolled or drawn steel.
8 Sterntube
In general, the value of the tensile strength of the bolt mate-
9 Details of sterntube glands rial RmB is to comply with the following requirements:
10 Oil piping diagram for oil lubricated propeller shaft R m RmB 1,7 R m
R mB 1000 N/mm2.
11 Shaft alignment calculation, see also [3.3]
2.1.5 Shaft liners
(1) This drawing is to show the entire shafting, from the
main engine coupling flange to the propeller. The loca- Liners are to be of metallic corrosion resistant material com-
tion of the thrust block, and the location and number of plying with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials
shafting bearings (type of material and length) are also and Welding and with the approved specification, if any; in
to be shown. the case of liners fabricated in welded lengths, the material
(2) The Manufacturer of the elastic coupling is also to submit is to be recognised as suitable for welding.
all data necessary to enable the stresses to be evaluated. In general, they are to be manufactured from castings.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 71

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7

For small shafts, the use of liners manufactured from pipes F : Factor for type of propulsion installation:
instead of castings may be considered.
F = 90 for intermediate and thrusts shafts in
Where shafts are protected against contact with riverwater turbine installations, diesel installations with
not by metal liners but by other protective coatings, the hydraulic (slip type) couplings and electric
coating procedure is to be approved by the Society. propulsion installations or by electric motors
F = 94 for all other diesel installation and all
2.1.6 Sterntubes
propeller shafts
Sterntubes are to comply with the requirements of Pt B, Ch
6, Sec 2, [4.5]. k : Factor for the particular shaft design features,
see Tab 2

2.2 Shafts - Scantling n : Speed of rotation of the shaft, in revolution per

minute, corresponding to power P
2.2.1 General P : Maximum continuous power of the propulsion
The provisions of this sub-article apply to propulsion shafts machinery, in kW, for which the classification is
such as an intermediate and propeller shafts of traditional requested
straight forged design and which are driven by rotating
Rm : Specified minimum tensile strength of the shaft
machines such as diesel engines, turbines or electric motors.
material, in N/mm2, see [2.1.2].
For shafts that are integral to equipment, such as for gear
boxes, podded drives, electrical motors and/or generators, The diameter of the propeller shaft located forward of the
thrusters, turbines and which in general incorporate particu- inboard stern tube seal may be gradually reduced to the
lar design features, additional criteria in relation to accepta- corresponding diameter required for the intermediate shaft
ble dimensions have to be taken into account. For the shafts using the minimum specified tensile strength of the propel-
in such equipment, the provisions of this sub-article apply ler shaft in the formula and recognising any limitations
only to shafts subject mainly to torsion and having tradi- given in [2.1.2].
tional design features. Other shafts will be given special Note 2: Transitions of diameters are to be designed with either a
consideration by the Society. smooth taper or a blending radius equal to the change in diameter.

2.2.2 Alternative calculation methods

2.3 Liners
Alternative calculation methods may be considered by the
Society. Any alternative calculation method is to include all
2.3.1 General
relevant loads on the complete dynamic shafting system
under all permissible operating conditions. Consideration is Metal liners or other protective coatings approved by the
to be given to the dimensions and arrangements of all shaft Society are required where propeller shafts are not made of
connections. corrosion-resistant material.

Moreover, an alternative calculation method is to take into Metal liners are generally to be continuous; however, dis-
account design criteria for continuous and transient operat- continuous liners, i.e. liners consisting of two or more sepa-
ing loads (dimensioning for fatigue strength) and for peak rate lengths, may be accepted by the Society on a case by
operating loads (dimensioning for yield strength). The case basis, provided that:
fatigue strength analysis may be carried out separately for
different load assumptions they are fitted in way of all supports
the shaft portion between liners, likely to come into
2.2.3 Shafts diameters contact with sea water, is protected with a coating of
The diameter of intermediate shafts, thrust shafts and pro- suitable material with characteristics, fitting method and
pellers shafts is not to be less than that determined from the thickness approved by the Society.
following formula:
2.3.2 Scantling
P 560
- -----------------------
d = F k ----------------------------- The thickness of metal liners fitted on propeller shafts or on
n ( 1 Q 4 ) R m + 160
intermediate shafts inside sterntubes is to be not less than
where: the value t, in mm, given by the following formula:
d : Minimum required diameter, in mm 75d
t = -----------------------
Q : Factor equal to di /do , where: d + 1000

di : Actual diameter of the shaft bore, in where:

mm (to be taken as 0 for solid shafts) d : Actual diameter of the shaft, in mm.
do : Outside diameter of the shaft, in mm
Between the sternbushes, the above thickness t may be
Note 1: Where di 0,4 do, Q may be taken equal to 0. reduced by 25%.

72 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7

Table 2 : Values of factor k

Thrust shafts
Intermediate shafts with Propeller shafts
external to engines

between forward end of

integral coupling flange

in way of bearing when

a roller bearing is used

forward stern tube seal

cylindrical connection

aft most bearing and

straight sections and

key fitted propellers

tapered connection

fitted propellers (7)

flange mounted or
shrink fit coupling

longitudinal slots

on both sides of

keyless taper
thrust collar
radial hole

(3) (4)

(3) (4)





1,00 1,00 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,20 1,10 1,10 1,22 1,26 1,15
(1) The fillet radius is to be in accordance with the provisions of [2.5.1].
(2) k values refer to the plain shaft section only. Where shafts may experience vibratory stresses close to permissible stresses for
continuous operation, an increase in diameter to the shrink fit diameter is to be provided, e.g. a diameter increase of 1 to 2%
and a blending radius as described in Note 2 of [2.2.3].
(3) At a distance of not less than 0,2 do from the end of the keyway the shaft diameter may be reduced to the diameter calculated
with k = 1,0.
(4) Keyways are to be in accordance with the provisions of [2.5.5].
(5) Diameter of the radial bore is not to exceed 0,3 do.
(6) Subject to limitations as /do < 0,8 and di/do < 0,8 and e/do > 0,1 where:
: Slot length, in mm
e : Slot width, in mm.
The end rounding of the slot is not to be less than e/2. An edge rounding should preferably be avoided as this increases the
stress concentration slightly.
The k value is valid for 1, 2, 3 slots, i.e. with slots at, respectively, 360 degrees, 180 degrees and 120 degrees apart.
(7) Applicable to the portion of the propeller shaft between the forward edge of the aftermost shaft bearing and the forward face of
the propeller hub (or shaft flange), but not less than 2,5 times the required diameter.

2.4 Stern tube bearings However, the minimum length of the bearing is to be
not less than 1,5 times its actual inner diameter.
2.4.1 Oil lubricated aft bearings of antifriction metal Where the material has proven satisfactory testing and
operating experience, consideration may be given to an
a) The length of bearings lined with white metal or other
increased bearing pressure.
antifriction metal and with oil glands of a type approved
by the Society is to be not less than twice the rule diam- 2.4.3 Water lubricated aft bearings of lignum vitae
eter of the shaft in way of the bearing. or antifriction metal
b) The length of the bearing may be less than that given in Where the bearing comprises staves of wood (known as
(a) above, provided the nominal bearing pressure is not "lignum vitae") or is lined with antifriction metal, the length
more than 0,8 N/mm2, as determined by static bearing of the bearing is to be not less than 4 times the rule diame-
reaction calculations taking into account shaft and pro- ter of the shaft in way of the bearing.
peller weight, as exerting solely on the aft bearing, 2.4.4 Water lubricated aft bearings of synthetic
divided by the projected area of the shaft. materials
However, the minimum bearing length is to be not less a) Where the bearing is constructed of synthetic materials
than 1,5 times its actual inner diameter. which are approved by the Society for use as water lubri-
cated sternbush bearings, such as rubber or plastics, the
2.4.2 Oil lubricated aft bearings of synthetic rubber, length of the bearing is to be not less than 4 times the
reinforced resin or plastics material rule diameter of the shaft in way of the bearing.
a) For bearings of synthetic rubber, reinforced resin or plas- b) For a bearing design substantiated by experimental data
tics material which are approved by the Society for use to the satisfaction of the Society, consideration may be
as oil lubricated sternbush bearings, the length of the given to a bearing length less than 4 times, but in no
bearing is to be not less than twice the rule diameter of case less than 2 times, the rule diameter of the shaft in
the shaft in way of the bearing. way of the bearing.

b) The length of the bearing may be less than that given in 2.4.5 Grease lubricated aft bearings
(a) above provided the nominal bearing pressure is not The length of grease lubricated bearings is generally to be
more than 0,6 N/mm2, as determined according to not less than 4 times the rule diameter of the shaft in way of
[2.4.1], item b). the bearing.

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2.4.6 Oil or grease lubrication system c) Non-solid forged flange couplings and associated keys
a) For oil lubricated bearings, provision for oil cooling is to are to be of a strength equivalent to that of the shaft.
be made. They are to be carefully fitted and shrunk on to the
A gravity tank is to be fitted to supply lubricating oil to shafts, and the connection is to be such as to reliably
the sterntube; the tank is to be located above the full resist the vibratory torque and astern pull.
load waterline.
d) For couplings of intermediate and thrust shafts and for
Oil sealing glands are to be suitable for the various sea the forward coupling of the propeller shaft having all fit-
water temperatures which may be encountered in ser- ted coupling bolts, the coupling bolt diameter in way of
vice. the joining faces of flanges is not to be less than the
b) Grease lubricated bearings will be specially considered value dB, in mm, given by the following formula:
by the Society. d 3 ( R m + 160 ) 0 ,5
d B = 0 ,65 -------------------------------------
n B D C R mB
2.4.7 Water circulation system
For water lubricated bearings, means are to be provided to where:
ensure efficient water circulation. In the case of bearings
d : Rule diameter of solid intermediate shaft, in
lined with lignum vitae of more than 400 mm in diameter
mm, taking into account the ice strengthen-
and bearings lined with synthetic materials, means for
ing requirements of Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1, where
forced water circulation are to be provided. In the case of
bearings of synthetic materials, water flow indicators or
pump outlet pressure indicators are to be provided. nB : Number of fitted coupling bolts
The water grooves on the bearings are to be of ample sec- DC : Pitch circle diameter of coupling bolts, in
tion such as to ensure efficient water circulation and be mm
scarcely affected by wear-down, particularly for bearings of
the plastic type. Rm : Value of the minimum tensile strength of
intermediate shaft material taken for calcu-
The shut-off valve or cock controlling the water supply is to lation of d, in N/mm2
be fitted direct to the stuffing box bulkhead or in way of the
water inlet to the sterntube, when this is fitted forward of RmB : Value of the minimum tensile strength of
such bulkhead. coupling bolt material, in N/mm2. Where, in
compliance with [2.1.1], the use of a steel
2.5 Couplings having RmB in excess of the limits specified
in [2.1.4] is allowed for coupling bolts, the
2.5.1 Flange couplings value of RmB to be introduced in the formula
is not exceed the above limits.
a) Flange couplings of intermediate and thrust shafts and
the flange of the forward coupling of the propeller shaft e) Flange couplings with non-fitted coupling bolts may be
are to have a thickness not less than 0,2 times the rule accepted on the basis of the calculation of bolt tighten-
diameter of the solid intermediate shaft and not less ing, bolt stress due to tightening, and assembly instruc-
than the coupling bolt diameter calculated for a tensile tions.
strength equal to that of the corresponding shaft.
To this end, the torque based on friction between the
The fillet radius at the base of solid forged flanges is to mating surfaces of flanges is not to be less than 2,8 times
be not less than 0,08 times the actual shaft diameter. the transmitted torque, assuming a friction coefficient
The fillet may be formed of multi-radii in such a way for steel on steel of 0,18 (see Note 1). In addition, the
that the stress concentration factor will not be greater bolt stress due to tightening in way of the minimum
than that for a circular fillet with radius 0,08 times the cross-section is not to exceed 0,8 times the minimum
actual shaft diameter. yield strength (ReH), or 0,2 proof stress (Rp 0,2), of the bolt
For non-solid forged flange couplings, the above fillet
radius is not to cause a stress in the fillet higher than that Transmitted torque has the following meanings:
caused in the solid forged flange as above.
For main propulsion systems powered by diesel
Fillets are to have a smooth finish and are not to be engines fitted with slip type or high elasticity cou-
recessed in way of nuts and bolt heads. plings, by turbines or by electric motors: the mean
b) Where the propeller is connected to an integral propeller transmitted torque corresponding to the maximum
shaft flange, the thickness of the flange is to be not less continuous power P and the relevant speed of rota-
than 0,25 times the rule diameter of the aft part of the tion n, as defined under [2.2.3].
propeller shaft. The fillet radius at the base of the flange For main propulsion systems powered by diesel
is to be not less than 0,125 times the actual diameter. engines fitted with couplings other than those men-
The strength of coupling bolts of the propeller boss to tioned in (a): the mean torque above increased by
the flange is to be equivalent to that of the aft part of the 20% or by the torque due to torsional vibrations,
propeller shaft. whichever is the greater.

74 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

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Note 1: The value 2,8 may be reduced to 2,5 in the following 2.5.4 Flexible couplings
cases: a) The scantlings of stiff parts of flexible couplings sub-
vessels having two or more main propulsion shafts jected to torque are to be in compliance with the
when the transmitted torque is obtained, for the whole
requirements of [2].
functioning rotational speed range, as the sum of the nomi- b) For flexible components, the limits specified by the
nal torque and the alternate torque due to the torsional Manufacturer relevant to static and dynamic torque,
vibrations, calculated as required in Ch 1, Sec 9. speed of rotation and dissipated power are not to be
2.5.2 Shrunk couplings c) Where all the engine power is transmitted through one
Non-integral couplings which are shrunk on the shaft by flexible component only (vessels with one propulsion
means of the oil pressure injection method or by other engine and one shafting only), the flexible coupling is to
means may be accepted on the basis of the calculation of be fitted with a torsional limit device or other suitable
shrinking and induced stresses, and assembly instructions. means to lock the coupling should the flexible compo-
nent break.
To this end, the force due to friction between the mating
surfaces is not to be less than 2,8 times the total force due to In stiff transmission conditions with the above locking
the transmitted torque and thrust. device, a sufficiently wide speed range is to be pro-
vided, free from excessive torsional vibrations, such as
The value 2,8 above may be reduced to 2,5 in the cases to enable safe navigation and steering of the vessel. As
specified in Note 1 of [2.5.1]. an alternative, a spare flexible element is to be provided
on board.
The values of 0,14 and 0,18 will be taken for the friction
coefficient in the case of shrinking under oil pressure and 2.5.5 Propeller shaft keys and keyways
dry shrink fitting, respectively.
a) Keyways are in general not to be used in installations
In addition, the equivalent stress due to shrinkage deter- with a barred speed range.
mined by means of the von Mises-Hencky criterion in the b) Keyways on the propeller shaft cone are to have well
points of maximum stress of the coupling is not to exceed rounded corners, with the forward end faired and pref-
0,8 times the minimum yield strength (ReH), or 0,2% proof erably spooned, so as to minimize notch effects and
stress (Rp0,2), of the material of the part concerned. stress concentrations.
The transmitted torque is that defined under item e) of When these constructional features are intended to
[2.5.1]. obtain an extension of the interval between surveys of
the propeller shaft in accordance with the relevant pro-
For the determination of the thrust, see Ch 1, Sec 8, [3.1.2]. visions of Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [4.6], they are to be in com-
pliance with Fig 1.
2.5.3 Other couplings Different scantlings may be accepted, provided that at
Types of couplings other than those mentioned in [2.5.1] least the same reduction in stress concentration is
and [2.5.2] will be specially considered by the Society. ensured.

Figure 1 : Details of forward end of propeller shaft keyway

0,2 d o
t r

do A-A



r 0,0125 d o
r1 < r2< r 3


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The fillet radius at the bottom of the keyway is to be not material used and the limits prescribed by the Manufac-
less than 1,25% of the actual propeller shaft diameter at turer. The slope in the aft stem tube bearing should normally
the large end of the cone. not exceed 50% of the bearing clearance. The alignment is
The edges of the key are to be rounded. to be checked on board by the Shipyard by a suitable mea-
surement method.
The distance from the large end of the propeller shaft
cone to the forward end of the key is to be not less than
20% of the actual propeller shaft diameter in way of the 4 Material tests, workshop inspection
large end of the cone. and testing, certification
Key securing screws are not to be located within the first
one-third of the cone length from its large end; the 4.1 Material and non-destructive tests,
edges of the holes are to be carefully faired.
workshop inspections and testing
c) The sectional area of the key subject to shear stress is to
be not less than the value A, in mm2, given by the fol- 4.1.1 Material tests
lowing formula: Shafting components are to be tested by the Manufacturer
d3 in accordance with Tab 3 and in compliance with the
A = 0 ,4 -------- requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
d PM
where: 4.1.2 Hydrostatic tests
d : Rule diameter, in mm, of the intermediate Parts of hydraulic couplings, clutches of hydraulic reverse
shaft calculated in compliance with [2.2.3], gears and control units, hubs and hydraulic cylinders of
assuming Rm = 400 N/mm2 controllable pitch propellers, including piping systems and
dPM : Actual diameter of propeller shaft at mid- associated fittings, are to be hydrostatically tested to
length of the key, in mm. 1,5 times the maximum working pressure.
Sterntubes, when machine-finished, and propeller shaft lin-
2.6 Monitoring ers, when machine-finished on the inside and with an over-
thickness not exceeding 3 mm on the outside, are to be
2.6.1 General hydrostatically tested to 0,2 N/mm2.
The requirements of Ch 2, Sec 13 apply.
Table 3 : Material tests
3 Arrangement and installation Shafting component Material tests (1)
1) Coupling (separate from shafts) all
3.1 General
2) Propeller shafts all
3.1.1 The installation is to be carried out according to the 3) Intermediate shafts all
instructions of the component Manufacturer or approved
documents, when required. 4) Thrust shafts all
5) Cardan shafts (flanges, crosses, all
3.1.2 The installation of sterntubes and/or associated non- shafts, yokes)
shrunk bearings is subject to approval of procedures and
materials used. 6) Sterntubes all
7) Sterntube bushes and other shaft all
3.1.3 The joints between liner parts are not to be located in bearings
way of supports and sealing glands.
8) Propeller shaft liners all
Metal liners are to be shrunk on to the shafts by pre-heating
or forced on by hydraulic pressure with adequate interfer- 9) Coupling bolts or studs all
ence; dowels, screws or other means of securing the liners 10) Flexible couplings (metallic parts all
to the shafts are not acceptable. only)
11) Thrust sliding-blocks (frame only) all
3.2 Protection of propeller shaft against
(1) Mechanical properties and chemical composition.
3.2.1 The propeller shaft surface between the propeller and 4.2 Certification
the sterntube, and in way of propeller nut, is to be suitably
4.2.1 Testing certification
protected in order to prevent any entry of river water, unless
the shaft is made of austenitic stainless steel. Societys certificates (C) (see NR216 Materials and Welding,
Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.1]) are required for material tests of com-
ponents in items 1 to 5 of Tab 3.
3.3 Shaft alignment
Works certificates (W) (see NR216 Materials and Welding,
3.3.1 The alignment of the propulsion machinery and shaft- Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.3]) are required for hydrostatic tests of
ing and the spacing and location of the bearings are to be components indicated in [4.1.2], other than those for which
such as to ensure that the loads are compatible with the Societys certificates (C) are required.

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1 General AE : Expanded blade area, i.e. area enclosed by

the connection line between the end points
of the developed and additionally straight-
1.1 Application ened sections
1.1.1 Propulsion propellers AO : Disc area calculated by means of the pro-
peller diameter
This Section applies to propellers of any size and type
intended for propulsion. They include fixed and controllable B : Developed area ratio with B = AD /AO
pitch propellers, including those ducted in fixed nozzles. b) Rake and rake angle
Propellers for vessels with ice strengthening, are addition- h : Rake is the horizontal distance between the
ally subject to provisions of Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.3]. line connecting the blade tip to the blade
root and the vertical line crossing the pro-
1.1.2 Exclusions peller axis in the same point where the pro-
longation of the first line crosses it, taken in
The requirements of this Section do not apply to propellers
correspondence of the blade tip. Aft rakes
and impellers in rotating or bow and stern thrusters, which
are considered positive, fore rakes are con-
are covered in Ch 1, Sec 12.
sidered negative.
Rake angle is the angle at any point between the tangent
1.2 Definitions to the generating line of the blade at that point and a
vertical line passing at the same point. If the blade gen-
1.2.1 Solid propeller erating line is straight, there is only one rake angle; if it
A solid propeller is a propeller (including hub and blades) is curved there are an infinite number of rake angles.
cast in one piece. c) Skew angle at tip of blade
1.2.2 Built-up propeller : Skew angle at the tip of blade, i.e. the angle
on the projected blade plane between a line
A built-up propeller is a propeller cast in more than one starting at the centre of the propeller axis
piece. In general, built up propellers have the blades cast and tangent to the blade midchord line and
separately and fixed to the hub by a system of bolts and a line also starting at the centre of the pro-
studs. peller axis and passing at the outer end of
this midchord line as measured.
1.2.3 Controllable pitch propellers
d) Skewed propellers
Controllable pitch propellers are built-up propellers which
include in the hub a mechanism to rotate the blades in Skewed propellers are propellers whose blades have a
order to have the possibility of controlling the propeller skew angle other than 0.
pitch in different service conditions. e) Highly skewed propellers and very highly skewed pro-
1.2.4 Nozzle highly skewed propellers are propellers having
A nozzle is a circular structural casing enclosing the propel- blades with skew angle between 25 and 50
ler. very highly skewed propellers are propellers having
blades with skew angle exceeding 50.
1.2.5 Ducted propeller
f) Leading and trailing edges
A ducted propeller is a propeller installed in a nozzle. LE : Leading edge of a propeller blade, i.e. the
edge of the blade at side entering the water
1.2.6 Geometry of propeller
while the propeller rotates
For all geometrical definitions, see Fig 1.
TE : Trailing edge of a propeller blade, i.e. the
a) Blade area and area ratio edge of the blade opposite to the leading
AP : Projected blade area, i.e. projection of the edge.
blade area in the direction of the propeller 1.2.7 Rake angle
Rake angle is the angle at any point between the tangent to
AD : Developed blade area, i.e. area enclosed by the generating line of the blade at that point and a vertical
the connection line between the end points line passing at the same point. If the blade generating line is
of the cylindrical profile sections turned in straight, there is only one rake angle; if it is curved there are
the propeller plane an infinite number of rake angles (see Fig 1).

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Figure 1 : Description of propeller







1.2.8 Skew angle 1.2.10 Highly skewed propellers and very highly
skewed propellers
Skew angle is the angle between a ray starting at the centre
of the propeller axis and tangent to the blade midchord line Highly skewed propellers are propellers having blades with
skew angle exceeding 25. Very highly skewed propellers
and a ray also starting at the centre of the propeller axis and
are propellers having blades with skew angle exceeding 50.
passing at the blade tip (see Fig 1).
1.2.11 Leading edge
1.2.9 Skewed propellers
The leading edge of a propeller blade is the edge of the
Skewed propellers are propellers whose blades have a skew blade at side entering the water while the propeller rotates
angle other than 0. (see Fig 1).

78 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 8

1.2.12 Trailing edge 2 Design and construction

The trailing edge of a propeller blade is the edge of the
blade opposite the leading edge (see Fig 1). 2.1 Materials
1.2.13 Blade developed area 2.1.1 Normally used materials for propeller hubs
Blade developed area is the area of the blade surface and blades
expanded in one plane. a) Tab 3 indicates the minimum tensile strength Rm (in
N/mm2), the density (in kg/dm3) and the material fac-
1.2.14 Developed area ratio
tor f of normally used materials.
Developed area ratio is the ratio of the total blade devel-
oped area to the area of the ring included between the pro- b) Common bronze, special types of bronze and cast steel
peller diameter and the hub diameter. used for the construction of propeller hubs and blades
are to have a minimum tensile strength of 400 N/mm2.
1.3 Documents for review c) Other materials are subject of special consideration by
the Society following submission of full material specifi-
1.3.1 Solid propellers cation.
The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for solid
Table 3 : Normally used materials
propellers intended for propulsion.
for propeller blades and hub
All listed plans are to be constructional plans complete with
all dimensions and are to contain full indication of types of Material Rm f
materials employed. Common bronze 400 8,3 7,6
Table 1 : Documents for review of solid propellers Manganese bronze 440 8,3 7,6
Nickel-manganese bronze 440 8,3 7,9
No A/ I (1) Item
Aluminium bronze 590 7,6 8,3
1 A Sectional assembly
Steel 440 7,9 9,0
2 A Blade and hub details
3 I Rating (power, rpm, etc.) 2.1.2 Materials for studs
4 A Data and procedures for fitting propeller to In general, steel (preferably nickel-steel) is to be used for
the shaft manufacturing the studs connecting steel blades to the hub
of built-up or controllable pitch propellers, and high tensile
(1) A : To be submitted for review
brass or stainless steel is to be used for studs connecting
I : To be submitted for information. bronze blades.

1.3.2 Built-up and controllable pitch propellers

2.2 Solid propellers - Blade thickness
The documents listed in Tab 2, as applicable, are to be sub-
mitted for built-up and controllable pitch propellers 2.2.1
intended for propulsion.
a) The maximum thickness t0.25, in mm, of the solid propel-
Table 2 : Documents for review/approval ler blade at the section at 0,25 radius from the propeller
of built-up and controllable pitch propellers axis is not to be less than that obtained from the follow-
ing formula:
No A/ I (1) Item 0 ,5
D 3
1 ,5 .10 6 ..M T + 51.. ---------- .B.l.N .h
1 A/ I Same documents requested for solid pro- 100
pellers t 0 ,25 = 3 ,2 f -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
l z Rm
2 A Blade bolts and pre-tensioning procedures
3 I Pitch corresponding to maximum propeller where:
thrust and to normal service condition f : Material factor as indicated in Tab 3
4 A Pitch control mechanism =D/H
5 A Pitch control hydraulic system H : Mean pitch of propeller, in m. When H is
(1) A : To be submitted for review not known, the pitch at 0,7 radius from the
I : To be submitted for information. propeller axis H0,7 may be used instead of H
D : Propeller diameter, in m
1.3.3 Very highly skewed propellers and propellers MT : Continuous transmitted torque, in kN.m;
of unusual design
where not indicated, the value given by the
For very highly skewed propellers and propellers of unusual following formula may be assumed for MT:
design, in addition to the documents listed in Tab 1 and
M T = 9 ,55 ----
Tab 2, as applicable, a detailed hydrodynamic load and P
stress analysis is to be submitted (see [2.4.3]). N

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 8

P : Maximum continuous power of propulsion H0,7 : Pitch at 0,7 radius from the propeller axis, in
machinery, in kW m. The pitch to be used in the formula is the
N : Rotational speed of the propeller, in rev/min actual pitch of the propeller when the pro-
peller develops the maximum thrust
: Density of blade material, in kg/dm3, as
indicated in Tab 3 l0,35 : Expanded width of blade section at 0,35
radius from propeller axis, in mm.
B : Developed area ratio
b) The maximum thickness t0,6 , in mm, of the solid propel-
h : Rake, in mm
ler blade at the section at 0,6 radius from the propeller
l : Expanded width of blade section at 0,25 axis is not to be less than that obtained from the formula
radius from propeller axis, in mm in [2.2.1] b), using the value of l0,35 in lieu of l.
z : Number of blades
c) The radius at the blade root is to be at least 3/4 of the
Rm : Minimum tensile strength of blade material, minimum thickness required in that position. As an
in N/mm2. alternative, constant stress fillets may also be consid-
b) The maximum thickness t0,6 , in mm, of the solid propel- ered. When measuring the thickness of the blade, the
ler blade at the section at 0,6 radius from the propeller increased thickness due to the radius of the fillet at the
axis is not to be less than that obtained from the follow- root of the blade is not to be taken into account.
ing formula: d) As an alternative to the above formulae, a detailed
3 0 ,5 hydrodynamic load and stress analysis carried out by
1 ,5 .10 6 . 0 ,6 .M T + 18 ,4 .. ---------- .B.l.N .h
D 2
the propeller designer may be considered by the Soci-
t 0 ,6 = 1 ,9 f --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ety, on a case by case basis. The safety factor to be used
l 0 ,6 z R m in this analysis is not to be less than 8 with respect to the
ultimate tensile strength of the propeller blade material
where: Rm.
0,6 = D / H0,6
2.3.2 Flanges for connection of blades to hubs
H0,6 : Pitch at 0,6 radius from the propeller axis, in m
a) The diameter DF, in mm, of the flange for connection to
l0,6 : Expanded width of blade section at 0,6 the propeller hub is not to be less than that obtained
radius from propeller axis, in mm. from the following formula:
c) The radius at the blade root is to be at least 3/4 of the DF = DC + 1,8 dPR
minimum thickness required in that position. As an where:
alternative, constant stress fillets may also be consid-
ered. When measuring the thickness of the blade, the DC : Stud pitch circle diameter, in mm
increased thickness due to the radius of the fillet at the dPR : Diameter of studs.
root of the blade is not to be taken into account. If the b) The thickness of the flange is not to be less than 1/10 of
propeller hub extends over 0,25 radius, the thickness the diameter DF.
calculated by the formula in a) is to be compared with
the thickness obtained by linear interpolation of the 2.3.3 Connecting studs
actual blade thickness up to 0,25 radius. a) The diameter dPR , in mm, at the bottom of the thread of
d) As an alternative to the above formulae, a detailed the studs is not to be less than obtained from the follow-
hydrodynamic load and stress analysis carried out by ing formula:
the propeller designer may be considered by the Soci- 3 0 ,5
ety, on a case by case basis. The safety factor to be used 4 ,6 .10 7 . 0 ,7 .M T + 0 ,88 .. ----- D
- .B.l 0 ,35 .N 2 .h 1
in this analysis is not to be less than 8 with respect to the d PR = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ultimate tensile strength of the propeller material Rm. n PR z D C R m ,PR

2.3 Built-up propellers and controllable where:

pitch propellers h1 : h1 = h + 1,125 DC
nPR : Total number of studs in each blade
2.3.1 Blade thickness
Rm,PR : Minimum tensile strength of stud material,
a) The maximum thickness t0,35 , in mm, of the blade at the in N/mm2.
section at 0,35 radius from the propeller axis is not to be
less than that obtained from the following formula: b) The studs are to be tightened in a controlled manner
such that the tension on the studs is approximately 60-
0 ,5
D 3 70% of their yield strength.
1 ,5 .10 . 0, 7 .M T + 41. ---------- B.l 0 ,35 .N h
6 2
t 0 ,35 = 2 ,7 f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c) The shank of studs may be designed with a minimum
l 0 ,35 z R m diameter equal to 0,9 times the root diameter of the
where: d) The studs are to be properly secured against uninten-
0,7 = D / H0,7 tional loosening.

80 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 8

2.4 Skewed propellers 2.5 Ducted propellers

2.4.1 Skewed propellers 2.5.1 The minimum blade thickness of propellers with
The thickness of skewed propeller blades may be obtained wide tip blades running in nozzles is not to be less than the
by the formulae in [2.2] and [2.3.1], as applicable, provided values obtained by the applicable formula in [2.2] or
the skew angle is less than 25. [2.3.1], increased by 10%.

2.4.2 Highly skewed propellers

2.6 Features
a) For solid and controllable pitch propellers having skew
angles between 25 and 50, the blade thickness, in 2.6.1 Blades and hubs
mm, is not to be less than that obtained from the follow-
ing formulae: a) All parts of propellers are to be free of defects and are to
be built and installed with clearances and tolerances in
1) for solid propellers: accordance with sound marine practice.
t S 0 ,25 = t 0 ,25 ( 0 ,92 + 0 ,0032 ) b) Particular care is to be taken with the surface finish of
2) for built-up and controllable pitch propellers: the blades.
t S 0 ,35 = t 0 ,35 ( 0 ,9 + 0 ,004 ) 2.6.2 Controllable pitch propellers pitch control
3) for all propellers: system
t S 0 ,6 = t 0 ,6 ( 0 ,74 + 0 ,0129 0 ,0001 )
a) Where the pitch control mechanism is operated hydrau-
lically, two independent, power-driven pump sets are to
t S 0 ,9 = t 0 ,6 ( 0 ,35 + 0 ,0015 )
be fitted. For propulsion plants up to 220 kW, one
where: power-driven pump set is sufficient provided that, in
tS0,25 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of skewed pro- addition, a hand-operated pump is fitted for controlling
peller blade at the section at 0,25 radius the blade pitch.
from the propeller axis b) Pitch control systems are to be provided with an engine
t0,25 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of normal room indicator showing the actual setting of the blades.
shape propeller blade at the section at 0,25 Further blade position indicators are to be mounted on
radius from the propeller axis, obtained by the bridge and in the engine control room, if any.
the formula in [2.2.1] c) Suitable devices are to be fitted to ensure that an altera-
tS0,35 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of skewed pro- tion of the blade setting cannot overload the propulsion
peller blade at the section at 0,35 radius plant or cause it to stall.
from the propeller axis
d) Steps are to be taken to ensure that, in the event of fail-
t0,35 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of normal ure of the control system, the setting of the blades:
shape propeller blade at the section at 0,35
does not change, or
radius from the propeller axis, obtained by
the formula in [2.3.1] assumes a final position slowly enough to allow the
tS0,6 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of skewed pro- emergency control system to be put into operation.
peller blade at the section at 0,6 radius from e) Controllable pitch propeller systems are to be equipped
the propeller axis with means of emergency control enabling the control-
t0,6 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of normal lable pitch propeller to operate should the remote con-
shape propeller blade at the section at 0,6 trol system fail. This requirement may be complied with
radius from the propeller axis, obtained by by means of a device which locks the propeller blades
the formula in [2.2.1] in the ahead setting.
tS0,9 : Maximum thickness, in mm, of skewed pro-
peller blade at the section at 0,9 radius from 3 Arrangement and installation
the propeller axis
: Skew angle. 3.1 Fitting of propeller on the propeller shaft
b) As an alternative, highly skewed propellers may be
accepted on the basis of a stress analysis, as stated in 3.1.1 General
[2.4.3] for very highly skewed propellers. a) Screw propeller hubs are to be properly adjusted and fit-
ted on the propeller shaft cone.
2.4.3 Very highly skewed propellers
b) The forward end of the hole in the hub is to have the
For very highly skewed propellers, the blade thickness is to
edge rounded to a radius of approximately 6 mm.
be obtained by the Manufacturer, using a stress analysis
according to a calculation criteria accepted by the Society. c) In order to prevent any entry of river water under the
The safety factor to be used in this direct analysis is not to liner and onto the end of the propeller shaft, the
be less than 9 with respect to the ultimate tensile strength of arrangement of Fig 2 is generally to be adopted for
the propeller blade material, Rm. assembling the liner and propeller boss.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 81

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 8

Figure 2 : Example of sealing arrangement






d) The external stuffing gland is to be provided with a sea- C : Coefficient equal to:
water resistant rubber ring preferably without joints. The 1,0 for turbines, geared diesel engines,
clearance between the liner and the internal air space of electrical drives and direct-drive reciprocat-
the boss is to be as small as possible. The internal air ing internal combustion engines with a
space is to be filled with an appropriate protective mate- hydraulic, electromagnetic or high elasticity
rial which is insoluble in sea water and non-corrodible coupling
or fitted with a rubber ring.
1,2 for diesel engines having couplings
e) All free spaces between the propeller shaft cone, pro- other than those specified above
peller boss, nut and propeller cap are to be filled with a The Society reserves the right to increase the
material which is insoluble in sea water and non-cor- value of C if the shrinkage needs to absorb an
rodible. Arrangements are to be made to allow any air extremely high pulsating torque
present in these spaces to withdraw at the moment of
T : Temperature of hub and propeller shaft mate-
filling. It is recommended that these spaces be tested
rial, in C, assumed for calculation of pull-up
under a pressure at least equal to that corresponding to
length and push-up load
the immersion of the propeller in order to check the
tightness obtained after filling. V : Vessel speed at P power, in km/h
S : Continuous thrust developed for free running
f) For propeller keys and key area, see Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.5].
vessel, in N
3.1.2 Shrinkage of keyless propellers sF : Safety factor against friction slip at 35C
The meaning of the symbols used in the present require- : Half taper of propeller shaft (for instance: for
ment is as follows: taper = 1/15, = 1/30)
: Coefficient of friction between mating surfaces
A : 100% theoretical contact area between propel-
ler boss and shaft, as read from plans and disre- p35 : Surface pressure between mating surfaces, in
garding oil grooves, in mm2 N/mm2, at 35C
pT : Surface pressure, in N/mm2, between mating
dPM : Diameter of propeller shaft at the mid-point of
surfaces at temperature T
the taper in the axial direction, in mm
p0 : Surface pressure between mating surfaces, in
dH : Mean outer diameter of propeller hub at the
N/mm2, at 0C
axial position corresponding to dPM, in mm
pMAX : Maximum permissible surface pressure, in
K = dH / dPM N/mm2, at 0C
F : Tangential force at interface, in N d35 : Push-up length, in mm, at 35C
MT : Continuous torque transmitted, in N.m; where dT : Push-up length, in mm, at temperature T
not indicated, MT may be assumed as indicated dMAX : Maximum permissible pull-up length, in mm, at
in [2.2.1] 0C

82 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 8

WT : Push-up load, in N, at temperature T g) The safety factor sF against friction slip at 35C is not to
be less than 2,8, under the combined action of torque
ID : Equivalent uni-axial stress in the boss according and propeller thrust, based on the maximum continuous
to the von Mises-Hencky criterion, in N/mm2 power P for which classification is requested at the cor-
responding speed of rotation N of the propeller, plus
P : Coefficient of linear expansion of shaft material, pulsating torque due to torsionals.
in mm/(mmC)
h) For the oil injection method, the coefficient of friction
M : Coefficient of linear expansion of boss material, is to be 0,13 in the case of bosses made of bronze, brass
in mm/(mmC) or steel. For other methods, the coefficient of friction
will be considered in each case by the Society.
EP : Value of the modulus of elasticity of shaft mate-
i) The maximum equivalent uni-axial stress in the boss at
rial, in N/ mm2
0C, based on the von Mises-Hencky criterion, is not to
EM : Value of the modulus of elasticity of boss mate- exceed 70% of the minimum yield strength (ReH), or
rial, in N/ mm2 0,2% proof stress (Rp0,2), of the propeller material, based
on the test piece value. For cast iron, the value of the
P : Poissons ratio for shaft material above stress is not to exceed 30% of the nominal tensile
M : Poissons ratio for boss material
j) For the formulae given below, the material properties
RS,MIN : Value of the minimum yield strength (ReH), or indicated in the following items are to be assumed:
0,2% proof stress (Rp 0,2), of propeller boss mate-
Modulus of elasticity, in N/mm2:
rial, in N/mm2.
Cast and forged steel: E = 206000
For other symbols not defined above, see [2.2].
Cast iron: E = 98000
In the case of keyless shrinking of propellers, the following Type Cu1 and Cu2 brass: E = 108000
requirements apply:
Type Cu3 and Cu4 brass: E = 118000
a) The manufacturer is to submit together with the required Poissons ratio:
constructional plans specifications containing all ele-
Cast and forged steel: = 0,29
ments necessary for verifying the shrinkage. Tests and
checks deemed necessary for verifying the characteris- All copper based alloys: = 0,33
tics and integrity of the propeller material are also to be Coefficient of linear expansion in mm/(mmC)
Cast and forged steel and cast iron: = 12,0106
b) Moreover, the manufacturer is to submit an instruction All copper based alloys: = 17,5106
handbook, in which all operations and any precautions
k) For shrinkage calculation the formulae in the following
necessary for assembling and disassembling the propel-
items, which are valid for the ahead condition, are to be
ler, as well as the values of all relevant parameters, are
applied. They will also provide a sufficient margin of
to be specified. A copy, endorsed by the Society, is to be safety in the astern condition.
kept on board each vessel where the propeller is
installed. Minimum required surface pressure at 35C:

sF S F -2 0 ,5
- s F + 2 + B ----
c) The formulae and other provisions below do not apply p 35 = -------

AB S 2
to propellers where a sleeve is introduced between shaft
and boss or in the case of hollow propeller shafts. In where:
such cases, a direct shrinkage calculation is to be sub-
B = 2 sF2 2
mitted to the Society.
Corresponding minimum pull-up length at 35C:
d) The taper of the propeller shaft cone is not to exceed
p 35 d PM 1
------ --------------
- + M + --------------P
1/15. 1 K2 + 1
d 35 = ----------------
2 EM K 2 1 EP
e) Prior to final pull-up, the contact area between the mat-
Minimum pull-up length at temperature T (T<35C):
ing surfaces is to be checked and is not to be less than
70% of the theoretical contact area (100%). Non-con- d PM
d T = d 35 + -------- ( M P ) ( 35 T )
tact bands extending circumferentially around the boss 2
or over the full length of the boss are not acceptable. Corresponding minimum surface pressure at tem-
perature T:
f) After final push-up, the propeller is to be secured by a
nut on the propeller shaft. The nut is to be secured to the d
p T = p 35 ------T-
shaft. d 35

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 83

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 8

Minimum push-up load at temperature T: 4.1.2 Built-up propellers and controllable pitch
W T = Ap T ( + )
In addition to the requirement in [4.1.1], materials for studs
Maximum permissible surface pressure at 0C: and for all other parts of the mechanism transmitting torque
0 ,7R S ,MIN ( K 2 1 ) are to be tested in the presence of the Surveyor.
p MAX = -----------------------------------------------
( 3K 4 + 1 ) 0 ,5
4.2 Testing and inspection
Corresponding maximum permissible pull-up length
at 0C: 4.2.1 Controllable pitch propellers
p MAX The complete hydraulic system for the control of the con-
d MAX = d 35 ----------
p 35 trollable pitch propeller mechanism is to be hydrotested at a
pressure equal to 1,5 times the design pressure. The proper
Tangential force at interface:
operation of the safety valve is to be tested in the presence
2000CM of the Surveyor.
F = -------------------------T
d PM
4.2.2 Balancing
Continuous thrust developed for free running vessel; Finished propellers are to be statically balanced in accor-
if the actual value is not given, the value, in N, cal- dance with the specified ISO 484 tolerance class. However,
culated by one of the following formulae may be for built-up and controllable pitch propellers, the required
considered: static balancing of the complete propeller may be replaced
P by an individual check of blade weight and gravity centre
S = 950 ----
V position.
P Refer also to NR216 Materials and welding, Ch 3, Sec 1,
S = 57, 3 10 3 -------------
HN [3.8.4.].

4 Testing and certification 4.3 Certification

4.3.1 Certification of propellers
4.1 Material tests Propellers having the characteristics indicated in [1.1.1] are
to be individually tested and certified by the Society.
4.1.1 Solid propellers
Material used for the construction of solid propellers is to be 4.3.2 Mass produced propellers
tested in accordance with the requirements of NR216 Mate- Mass produced propellers may be accepted within the
rials and Welding in the presence of the Surveyor. framework of the type approval program of the Society.

84 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 9


1 General 2.1.3 Condition of components

Systems are to be designed considering the following condi-

1.1 Application tions, as deemed necessary by the Manufacturer:

engine: cylinder malfunction

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the shafting
of the following installations: flexible coupling: possible variation of the stiffness or
damping characteristics due to heating or ageing
propulsion systems with prime movers developing
220 kW or more vibration damper: possible variation of the damping
other systems with internal combustion engines devel-
oping 110 kW or more and driving auxiliary machinery
intended for essential services. 2.2 Modifications of existing plants
1.1.2 Exemptions
2.2.1 Where substantial modifications of existing plants,
The requirements of this Section may be waived in cases such as:
where satisfactory service operation of similar installations
is demonstrated. change of the running speed or power of the engine

replacement of an important component of the system

2 Design of systems in respect of (propeller, flexible coupling, damper) by one of different
characteristics, or
connection of a new component,
2.1 Principle
are carried out, new vibration analysis is to be submitted for
2.1.1 General
a) Special consideration shall be given by Manufacturers
to the design, construction and installation of propul- 3 Torsional vibrations
sion machinery systems so that any mode of their vibra-
tions shall not cause undue stresses in these systems in
3.1 Documentation to be submitted
the normal operating ranges.

b) Calculations are to be carried out for the configurations 3.1.1 Calculations

of the system likely to have influence on the torsional
vibrations. Torsional vibration calculations are to be submitted for the
various configurations of the plants, showing:
c) Where deemed necessary by the Manufacturer, axial
and/or bending vibrations are to be investigated. the equivalent dynamic system used for the modelling
of the plant, with the indication of:
2.1.2 Vibration levels - inertia and stiffness values for all the components of
Systems are to have torsional, bending and axial vibrations the system
both in continuous and in transient running acceptable to
the Manufacturers, and in accordance with the require- - outer and inner diameters and material properties of
ments of this Section. the shafts

Where vibrations are found to exceed the limits stated in the natural frequencies
this Section, the builder of the plant is to propose corrective the values of the vibratory torques or stresses in the
actions, such as:
components of the system for the most significant criti-
operating restrictions, provided that the owner is cal speeds and their analysis in respect of the Rules and
informed, or other acceptance criteria

modification of the plant. the possible restrictions of operation of the plant.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 85

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 9

3.1.2 Particulars to be submitted h) for torsional vibration dampers:

The following particulars are to be submitted with the tor- the manufacturer and type
sional vibration calculations: the permissible heat dissipation
a) for turbines, multi-engine installations or installations the damping coefficient
with power take-off systems: the inertial and stiffness properties, as applicable
description of the operating configurations i) for propellers:
load sharing law between the various components the type of propeller: ducted or not ducted
for each configuration
the number of propellers of the vessel
b) for installations with controllable pitch propellers: the the number of blades
power/rotational speed values resulting from the combi-
nator operation the excitation and damping data, if available
j) for electric motors, generators and pumps: the drawing
c) for prime movers: the service speed range and the mini-
of the rotating parts, with their mass moment of inertia
mum speed at no load
and main dimensions.
d) for internal combustion engines:
manufacturer and type 3.2 Definitions, symbols and units
nominal output and rotational speed 3.2.1 Definitions
mean indicated pressure a) Torsional vibration stresses referred to in this Article are
the stresses resulting from the alternating torque corre-
number of cylinders
sponding to the synthesis of the harmonic orders con-
V angle cerned.
firing angles b) The misfiring condition of an engine is the malfunction
of one cylinder due to the absence of fuel injection
bore and stroke (which results in a pure compression or expansion in
excitation data, such as the polynomial law of har- the cylinder).
monic components of excitations
3.2.2 Symbols, units
nominal alternating torsional stress considered for
The main symbols used in this Article are as follows:
crankpin and journal
: Torsional vibration stress, as defined in [3.2.1],
Note 1: The nominal alternating torsional stress is part of the basic
in N/mm2
data to be considered for the assessment of the crankshaft.
It is defined in NR467, Part C, Chapter 1. 1 : Permissible stress due to torsional vibrations for
continuous operation, in N/mm2
e) for turbines:
2 : Permissible stress due to torsional vibrations for
nominal output and rotational speed
transient running, in N/mm2
power/speed curve and range of operation Rm : Tensile strength of the shaft material, in N/mm2
number of stages, and load sharing between the CR : Material factor, equal to:
R m + 160
main excitation orders for each rotating disc 18
structural damping of shafts d : Minimum diameter of the shaft, in mm
external damping on discs (due to the fluid) CD : Size factor of the shaft, equal to:

f) for reduction or step-up gears: the speed ratio for each 0,35 + 0,93 d0,2
step N : Speed of the shaft for which the check is carried
out, in rev/min
g) for flexible couplings:
Nn : Nominal speed of the shaft, in rev/min
the maximum torque
NC : Critical speed, in rev/min
the nominal torque
: Speed ratio, equal to N/Nn
the permissible vibratory torque C : Speed ratio factor, equal to:
the permissible heat dissipation 3 2 2 for < 0,9
the relative damping 1,38 for 0,9 < 1,05
the torsional dynamic stiffness / transmitted torque Ck : Factor depending on the stress concentration
relation where relevant factor of the shaft design features given in Tab 1.

86 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 9

Table 1 : Values of Ck factor

Thrust shafts
Intermediate shafts with Propeller shafts
external to engines

where a roller bearing is used

keyless fitted propellers (4)

cylindrical connection (2)
integral coupling flanges

key fitted propellers (4)

tapered connection (2)
shrink-fit couplings (1)

of aft most bearing and

in way of axial bearing

forward stern tube seal

between forward end
longitudinal slot (3)
straight sections and

flange mounted or
as a thrust bearing
of thrust collar
splined shafts

on both sides
radial hole


1,00 1,00 0,60 0.45 0.50 0.30 0,80 0,85 0,85 0,55 0,55 0.80
(1) Ck values refer to the plain shaft section only. Where shafts may experience vibratory stresses close to the permissible stresses
for continuous operation, an increase in diameter to the shrink fit diameter is to be provided, e.g. a diameter increase of 1 to 2%
and a blending radius as described in Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.1].
(2) Keyways are to be in accordance with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.5].
(3) Subject to limitations as /do < 0,8 and di/do < 0,8 and e/do> 0,10, where:

: Slot length, in mm
e : Slot width, in mm
di, do : As per Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.2.3].
The Ck value is valid for 1, 2 and 3 slots, i.e. with slots at, respectively, 360 degrees 180 degrees and 120 degrees apart.
(4) Applicable to the portion of the propeller shaft between the forward edge of the aftermost shaft bearing and the forward face of
the propeller hub (or shaft flange), but not less than 2,5 times the required diameter.
Note 1: Higher values of Ck factor based on direct calculations may also be considered.
Note 2: The determination of Ck factor for shafts other than those given in this Table will be given special consideration by the Society.

3.3 Calculation principles d) The calculations are to take into account other possible
sources of excitation, as deemed necessary by the Man-
3.3.1 Method ufacturer. Electrical sources of excitations, such as static
frequency converters, are to be detailed. The same
a) Torsional vibration calculations are to be carried out
applies to transient conditions such as engine start up,
using a recognised method.
reversing, clutching in, as necessary.
b) Where the calculation method does not include har-
monic synthesis, attention is to be paid to the possible e) The natural frequencies are to be considered up to a
superimposition of two or more harmonic orders of dif- value corresponding to 15 times the maximum service
ferent vibration modes which may be present in some speed. Therefore, the excitations are to include har-
restricted ranges. monic orders up to the fifteenth.

3.3.2 Scope of the calculations 3.3.3 Criteria for acceptance of the torsional
vibration loads under normal firing conditions
a) Torsional vibration calculations are to be carried out
considering: a) Torsional vibration stresses in the various shafts are not
normal firing of all cylinders, and to exceed the limits defined in [3.4]. Higher limits cal-
culated by an alternative method may be considered,
misfiring of one cylinder. subject to special examination by the Society.
b) Where the torsional dynamic stiffness of the coupling The limit for continuous running 1 may be exceeded
depends on the transmitted torque, two calculations are only in the case of transient running in restricted speed
to be carried out: ranges, which are defined in [3.4.5]. In no case are the
one at full load, and torsional vibration stresses to exceed the limit for tran-
one at the minimum load expected in service. sient running 2.

c) For installations with controllable pitch propellers, two Propulsion systems are to be capable of running contin-
calculations are to be carried out: uously without restrictions at least within the speed
range between 0,8 Nn and 1,05 Nn. Transient running
one for full pitch condition, and may be considered only in restricted speed ranges for
one for zero pitch condition. speed ratios 0,8.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 87

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 9

Auxiliary machinery is to be capable of running contin- 3.4.4 Transmission shafting for generating sets and
uously without restrictions at least within the range other auxiliary machinery
between 0,95 Nn and 1,10 Nn. Transient running may be The torsional vibration stresses in the transmission shafting
considered only in restricted speed ranges for speed for generating sets and other auxiliary machinery, such as
ratios 0,95. pumps or compressors, are not to exceed the following lim-
b) Torsional vibration levels in other components are to its:
comply with the provisions of [3.5]. for continuous running: 1 = 0,90 CR CD
for transient running: 2 = 5,4 1
3.3.4 Criteria for acceptance of torsional vibration
loads under misfiring conditions
3.4.5 Restricted speed ranges
a) The provisions of [3.3.3] related to normal firing condi-
a) Where the torsional vibration stresses exceed the limit
tions also apply to misfiring conditions.
1 for continuous running, restricted speed ranges are to
Note 1: For propulsion systems operated at constant speed, be imposed which are to be passed through rapidly.
restricted speed ranges related to misfiring conditions may be
accepted for speed ratios > 0,8. b) The limits of the restricted speed range related to a criti-
cal speed Nc are to be calculated in accordance with
b) Where calculations show that the limits imposed for
the following formula:
certain components may be exceeded under misfiring
conditions, a suitable device is to be fitted to indicate 16 N c ( 18 ) N
----------------- N --------------------------------c
the occurrence of such conditions. 18 16
c) Where the resonance curve of a critical speed is
3.4 Permissible limits for torsional vibration obtained from torsional vibration measurements, the
stresses in crankshaft, propulsion restricted speed range may be established considering
shafting and other transmission shafting the speeds for which the stress limit for continuous run-
ning 1 is exceeded.
3.4.1 General
d) Where restricted speed ranges are imposed, they are to
a) The limits provided below apply to steel shafts. For be crossed out on the tachometers and an instruction
shafts made of other material, the permissible limits for plate is to be fitted at the control stations indicating that:
torsional vibration stresses will be determined by the
the continuous operation of the engine within the
Society after examination of the results of fatigue tests
considered speed range is not permitted
carried out on the material concerned.
this speed range is to be passed through rapidly.
b) These limits apply to the torsional vibration stresses as
defined in [3.2.1]. They relate to the shaft minimum sec- e) When restricted speed ranges are imposed, the accuracy
tion, without taking account of the possible stress con- of the tachometers is to be checked in such ranges as
centrations. well as in their vicinity.
f) Restricted speed ranges in one-cylinder misfiring condi-
3.4.2 Crankshaft tions of single propulsion engine vessels are to enable
a) Where the crankshaft has been designed in accordance safe navigation.
with NR467, Part C, Chapter 1, the torsional vibration
stresses in any point of the crankshaft are not to exceed 3.5 Permissible vibration levels in
the following limits:
components other than shafts
for continuous running: 1 = N
for transient running: 2 = 1,7 N , 3.5.1 Gears
where N is the nominal alternating torsional stress on a) The torsional vibration torque in any gear step is not to
which the crankshaft scantling is based (see Note 1 of exceed 30% of the torque corresponding to the
[3.1.2]). approved rating throughout the service speed range.

b) Where the crankshaft has not been designed in accor- Where the torque transmitted at nominal speed is less
dance with NR467, Part C, Chapter 1, the torsional than that corresponding to the approved rating, higher
vibration stresses in any point of the crankshaft are not torsional vibration torques may be accepted, subject to
to exceed the following limits: special consideration by the Society.

for continuous running: 1 = 0,55 CR CD C b) Gear hammering induced by torsional vibration torque
reversal is not permitted throughout the service speed
for transient running: 2 = 2,3 1 range, except during transient running at speed ratios
3.4.3 Intermediate shafts, thrust shafts and propeller
shafts Where calculations show the existence of torsional
The torsional vibration stresses in any intermediate, thrust vibration torque reversals for speed ratios > 0,3, the
and propeller shafts are not to exceed the following limits: corresponding speed ranges are to be identified by
appropriate investigations during river trials and consid-
for continuous running: 1 = CR Ck CD C
ered as restricted speed ranges in accordance with
for transient running: 2 = 1,7 1 Ck 0,5 [3.4.5].

88 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 9

3.5.2 Generators 3.5.4 Dampers

a) In the case of alternating current generators, the tor-
a) Torsional vibration dampers are to be such that the per-
sional vibration amplitude at the rotor is not to exceed
missible power loss recommended by the manufacturer
2,5 electrical degrees at service rotational speed
is not exceeded throughout the service speed range.
under full load working conditions.
b) Vibratory inertia torques due to torsional vibrations and b) Dampers for which a failure may lead to a significant
imposed on the rotating parts of the generator are not to vibration overload of the installation will be the subject
exceed the values MA, in N.m, calculated by the follow- of special consideration.
ing formulae, as appropriate:
for 0,95 1,10: MA = 2,5 MT 3.6 Torsional vibration measurements
for 0,95: MA = 6,0 MT
where: 3.6.1 General
MT : Mean torque transmitted by the engine a) The Society may require torsional vibration measure-
under full load running conditions, in N.m ments to be carried out under its attendance in the fol-
Note 1: In the case of two or more generators driven by lowing cases:
the same engine, the portion of MT transmitted to
each generator is to be considered. where the calculations indicate the possibility of
: Speed ratio defined in [3.2.2]. dangerous critical speeds in the operating speed
3.5.3 Flexible couplings
where doubts arise as to the actual stress amplitudes
a) Flexible couplings are to be capable of withstanding the
or critical speed location, or
mean transmitted torque and the torsional vibration
torque throughout the service speed range, without where restricted speed ranges need to be verified.
exceeding the limits for continuous operation imposed
by the manufacturer (permissible vibratory torque and b) Where measurements are required, a comprehensive
power loss). report including the analysis of the results is to be sub-
mitted to the Society.
Where such limits are exceeded under misfiring condi-
tions, appropriate restrictions of power or speed are to
be established. 3.6.2 Method of measurement
b) Flexible couplings fitted in generating sets are also to be When measurements are required, the method of measure-
capable of withstanding the torques and twist angles ment is to be submitted to the Society for approval. The type
arising from transient criticals and short-circuit currents. of measuring equipment and the location of the measure-
Start up conditions are also to be checked. ment points are to be specified.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 89

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10


1 General 1.3.2 Pressures

a) Maximum allowable working pressure, PB, in bar (for-

1.1 Scope and application mula symbol: pe,zul )

1.1.1 These Rules apply to piping systems, including valves, This is the maximum allowable internal or external
fittings and pumps, which are necessary for the operation of working pressure for a component or piping system with
the main propulsion plant together with its auxiliaries and regard to the materials used, piping design require-
equipment. They also apply to piping systems used in the ments, the working temperature and undisturbed opera-
operation of the vessel whose failure could directly or indi- tion.
rectly impair the safety of vessel or cargo, and to piping sys-
tems which are dealt with in other Sections of the Rules. b) Nominal pressure, PN, in bar
Cargo pipelines on vessels for the carriage of chemicals in This is the term applied to a selected pressure tempera-
bulk are additionally subject to the provisions of Pt D, Ch 3, ture relation used for the standardization of structural
Sec 3 to Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 6. components. In general, the numerical value of the
Cargo pipelines on vessels for the carriage of liquefied gases nominal pressure for a standardized component made
in bulk are additionally subject to the provisions of Pt D, of the material specified in the standard will correspond
Ch 3, Sec 2. to the maximum allowable working pressure PB at
c) Test pressure, PP, in bar (formula symbol: pp )
a) General requirements applying to all piping systems are
contained in Articles: This is the pressure to which components or piping sys-
[2] for their design and construction tems are subjected for testing purposes.
[3] for the welding of steel pipes d) Design pressure, PR, in bar (formula symbol: pC )
[4] for the bending of pipes
This is the maximum allowable working pressure PB for
[5] for their arrangement and installation which a component or piping system is designed with
[20] for their certification, inspection and testing. regard to its mechanical characteristics. In general, the
design pressure is the maximum allowable working
b) Specific requirements for vessel piping systems and
pressure at which the safety equipment will interfere
machinery piping systems are given in Articles [6] to
(e.g. activation of safety valves, opening of return lines
of pumps, operating of overpressure safety arrange-
ments, opening of relief valves) or at which the pumps
1.2 Documentation to be submitted will operate against closed valves.

1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 as well as the addi-

tional documents listed in Tab 2 are also to be submitted. 1.3.3 Design temperature

The design temperature, T in C, of a piping system is the

1.3 Definitions maximum temperature of the medium inside the system.

1.3.1 Piping and piping systems 1.3.4 Flammable oils

a) Piping includes pipes and their connections, flexible
Flammable oils include fuel oils, lubricating oils, thermal
hoses and expansion joints, valves and their actuating
oils and hydraulic oils.
systems, other accessories (filters, level gauges, etc.) and
pump casings.
b) Piping systems include piping and all the interfacing 1.4 Class of piping systems
equipment such as tanks, pressure vessels, heat
exchangers, pumps and centrifugal purifiers, but do not 1.4.1 Piping systems are subdivided into two classes,
include boilers, turbines, internal combustion engines denoted as class II and class III, for the purpose of accep-
and reduction gears. tance of materials, selection of joints, heat treatment, weld-
Note 1: The equipment other than piping is to be designed in ing, pressure testing and the certification of fittings. These
accordance with the relevant Sections of Part C, Chapter 1. classes are defined in Tab 3.

90 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Item No I/A (1) Document (2)

1 A Drawing showing the arrangement of the river chests and vessel side valves
2 A Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems (in and outside machinery spaces), including calculation for the
bilge main, bilge branch lines and bilge pumps capacity as per Rule requirements
3 A Specification of the central priming system intended for bilge pumps, when provided
4 A Diagram of the drinking water, scuppers and sanitary discharge systems
5 A Diagram of the air, sounding and overflow systems
6 A Diagram of cooling systems (river water and fresh water)
7 A Diagram of fuel oil system
8 A Drawings of the fuel oil tanks not forming part of the vessels structure
9 A Diagram of the lubricating oil system
10 A Diagram of the thermal oil system
11 A Diagram of the hydraulic systems intended for essential services or located in machinery spaces
12 A Diagram of steam system, including safety valve exhaust and drain pipes
13 For high temperature steam pipes:
A stress calculation note
I drawing showing the actual arrangement of the piping in three dimensions
14 A Diagram of the boiler feed water and condensate system
15 A Diagram of the compressed air system
16 A Diagram of the hydraulic and pneumatic remote control systems
17 A Diagram of the remote level gauging system
18 A Diagram of the exhaust gas system
19 A Diagram of drip trays and gutterway draining system
20 A Arrangement of the ventilation system
21 A Drawings and specification of valves and accessories
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

Table 2 : Additional documents to be submitted

Item No I/A (1) Document

1 I Nature, service temperature and pressure of the fluids
2 A Material, external diameter and wall thickness of the pipes
3 A Type of the connections between pipe lengths, including details of the weldings, where provided
4 A Material, type and size of the accessories
5 A Capacity, prime mover and, when requested, location of the pumps
6 A Constructional drawings of independent tanks showing the height of the overflow and air pipe above the
tank top
7 A For plastic pipes:
the chemical composition
the physical and mechanical characteristics in function of temperature
the characteristics of inflammability and fire resistance
the resistance to the products intended to be conveyed
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

Table 3 : Class of piping systems

Medium conveyed by the piping system Pipe class II Pipe class III
Toxic media
Flammable media heated above the flash point
Flammable media having a flash point below 60C all not applicable
Liquefied gases
Corrosive media
Steam, thermal oil PR 16 and T 300 PR 7 and T 170
Liquid fuels PR 16 and T 150 PR 7 and T 60
Cargo pipelines for tankers all all
Open-ended pipelines (without shutoff), e.g. drains, venting pipes,
all all
overflow lines and boiler blowdown lines
Other media (1) PR 40 and T 300 PR 16 and T 200
(1) Including water, air, gases, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil.
Note 1: Design pressure PR, in bar and Design temperature T, in C.

2 General requirements for design and b) Materials for class II piping systems are to be manufac-
tured and tested in accordance with the appropriate
requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
c) Materials for class III piping systems are to be manufac-
2.1 General principles tured and tested in accordance with the requirements of
acceptable national or international standards or speci-
2.1.1 Piping systems are to be constructed and manufac- fications.
tured on the basis of standards generally used in vessel
building. d) Mechanical characteristics required for metallic materi-
als are specified in NR216 Materials and Welding.
2.1.2 Welded connections instead of detachable connec-
tions should be used for pipelines carrying toxic media and 2.2.3 Use of plastics
inflammable liquefied gases. Plastic pipes may be used after special approval by the Soci-
2.1.3 Expansion in piping systems due to heating and shift-
ing of their suspensions caused by deformation of the vessel Pipes, connecting pieces, valves and fittings made of plastic
are to be compensated by bends, compensators and flexible materials are to be subjected by the manufacturer to a con-
pipe connections. The arrangement of suitable fixed points tinuous Society-approved quality control.
is to be taken into consideration Pipe penetrations through watertight bulkheads and decks
as well as through fire divisions are to be approved by the
2.2 Materials Society. Plastic pipes are to be continuously and perma-
nently marked with the following particulars:
2.2.1 General manufacturers marking

Materials to be used in piping systems are to be suitable for standard specification number
the medium and the service for which the piping is
outside diameter and wall thickness of pipe
intended. See Tab 4.
year of manufacture.
Table 4 : Medium limit temperature
Valves and connecting pieces made of plastic must, as a
minimum requirement, be marked with the manufacturer's
Material Medium limit temperature
marking and the outside diameter of the pipe.
Copper and aluminium brass 200C
Copper nickel alloys 300C 2.3 Pipe minimum wall thickness
High-temperature bronze 230C
2.3.1 The pipe thicknesses given in Tab 6 to Tab 10 are the
assigned minimum thicknesses, where:
2.2.2 Use of metallic materials
da : Outside diameter of pipe, in mm
a) Metallic materials are to be used in accordance with
Tab 5. t : Wall thickness, in mm.

92 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

Table 5 : Conditions of use of metallic materials

Material design Particular conditions of use
temperature (1)
Carbon and
III, II 400 (2) Class II pipes are to be seamless drawn pipes (3)
carbon-manganese steels

Copper and not to be used in fuel oil systems, except for class III pipes of a
III, II 200 diameter not exceeding 25 mm not passing through fuel oil tanks
aluminium brass
not to be used for boiler blow-down valves and pieces for
Copper-nickel III, II 300 connection to the shell plating
pipes made of copper and copper alloys are to be seamless
Special high temperature
III, II 260
resistant bronze

Stainless steel III, II 300 Austenitic stainless steel is not to be used for sea water systems

Spheroidal graphite cast III, II (4) 350 minimum elongation is not to be less than 12% on a gauge length
iron of 5,65 S0,5, where S is the actual cross-sectional area of the test
not to be used for boiler blow-down valves and pieces for
connection to the shell plating
Grey cast iron III 220 Grey cast iron is not to be used for the following systems:
II (5) boiler blow-down systems and other piping systems subject to
shocks, high stresses and vibrations
bilge lines in tanks
parts of scuppers and sanitary discharge systems located next to
the hull below the freeboard deck or for passengers ships below
the bulkhead deck
ship side valves and fittings
valves fitted on the collision bulkhead
valves fitted to fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks under static
pressure head
class II fuel oil systems and thermal oil systems
Aluminium and III, II 200 Aluminium and aluminium alloys are not to be used on the following
aluminium alloys systems:
flammable oil systems
sounding and air pipes of fuel oil tanks
fire-extinguishing systems
bilge system in boiler or machinery spaces or in spaces contain-
ing fuel oil tanks or pumping units
scuppers and overboard discharges except for pipes led to the
bottoms or to the shell above the freeboard deck or fitted at their
upper end with closing means operated from a position above the
freeboard deck
boiler blow-down valves and pieces for connection to the shell
(1) Maximum design temperature is not to exceed that assigned to the class of piping.
(2) Higher temperatures may be accepted if metallurgical behaviour and time dependent strength (ultimate tensile strength after
100 000 hours) are in accordance with national or international standards or specifications and if such values are guaranteed
by the steel manufacturer.
(3) Pipes fabricated by a welding procedure approved by the Society may also be used.
(4) Use of spheroidal cast iron for class I piping systems will be given special consideration by the Society.
(5) Use of grey cast iron is not allowed when the design pressure exceeds 1,3 MPa.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 93

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

2.4 Thickness of pressure piping Table 7 : Steel pipes for CO2 systems

2.4.1 Calculation of the thickness of pressure pipes t (mm)

a) The thickness t, in mm, of pressure pipes is to be deter- da (mm) Between bottles Between master
mined by the following formula but, in any case, is not and master valves valves and nozzles
to be less than the minimum thickness given in Tab 6 to up to 26,9 3,2 2,6
Tab 10. from 48,3 4,0 3,2
t0 + b + c from 60,3 4,5 3,6
t = ---------------------- from 76,1 5,0 3,6
1 ----------
100 from 88,9 5,6 4,0
where: from 101,6 6,3 4,0
from 114,3 7,1 4,5
b : Thickness reduction due to bending defined
from 127,8 8,0 4,5
in [2.4.3], in mm
from 139,7 8,0 5,0
c : Corrosion allowance defined in [2.4.4], in from 168,3 8,8 5,6
a : Negative manufacturing tolerance percent- Table 8 : Copper and copper alloy pipes
Copper pipes Copper alloy pipes
a = 10 for copper and copper alloy pipes,
cold drawn seamless steel pipes and steel da (mm) t (mm) da (mm) t (mm)
pipes fabricated according to a welding up to 12,2 1,0 up to 22,0 1,0
procedure approved by the Society from 14,0 1,5 from 25,0 1,5
a = 12,5 for hot laminated seamless steel from 44,5 2,0 from 76,0 2,0
from 60,0 2,5 from 108,0 2,5
a is subject to special consideration by
from 108,0 3,0 from 219,0 3,0
the Society in the other cases
from 159,0 3,5
t0 : Coefficient, in mm, equal to:
pC da Table 9 : Stainless steel pipes
t 0 = -------------------------
20Ke + p C
da (mm) t (mm)
0 - 50 1,7
pC : Design pressure, in bar, defined in [1.3.2]
54 - 70 2,0
da : Pipe external diameter, in mm
73 -140 2,1
K : Permissible stress defined in [2.4.2]
141 -220 2,8
e : Weld efficiency factor:
270 -280 3,4
e = 1 for seamless pipes and pipes fabri-
320 -360 4,0
cated according to a welding procedure
approved by the Society 400 - 460 4,2
e is specially considered by the Society 500 - 560 4,8
for the other welded pipes, depending Note 1: A different thickness may be considered by the Soci-
on the service and the manufacture pro- ety on a case by case basis, provided that it complies with
cedure. recognised standards.

b) The thickness thus determined does not take into Table 10 : Aluminium and aluminium alloy pipes
account the particular loads to which pipes may be sub-
jected. Attention is to be drawn in particular to the case da (mm) t (mm)
of high temperature and low temperature pipes. 0 - 10 1,5
Table 6 : Steel pipes 12 - 38 2,0
43 - 57 2,5
da (mm) t (mm) da (mm) t (mm) 76 - 89 3,0
up to 10,2 1,6 from 114,3 3,2 108 - 133 4,0
from 13,5 1,8 from 133,0 3,6 159 - 194 4,5
from 20,0 2,0 from 152,4 4,0
219 - 273 5,0
from 48,3 2,3 from 177,8 4,5
from 70,0 2,6 from 244,5 5,0 above 273 5,5
from 88,9 2,9 from 298,5 5,6 Note 1: A different thickness may be considered by the Soci-
ety on a case by case basis, provided that it complies with
Note 1: For systems where carbon dioxide is stored at ambi- recognised standards.
ent temperature, see Tab 7. Note 2: For river water pipes, the minimum thickness is not
Note 2: For steel pipes located inside tanks, see also [5.2.3]. to be less than 5 mm.

94 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

2.4.2 Permissible stress Rm,20 : Minimum tensile strength of the material at

a) The permissible stress K is given in: ambient temperature (20C), in N/mm2
Re : Minimum yield strength or 0,2% proof stress
Tab 11 for carbon and carbon-manganese steel pipes
at the design temperature, in N/mm2
Tab 12 for alloy steel pipes, and R : Average stress to produce rupture in
Tab 13 for copper and copper alloy pipes, 100000 h at design temperature, in N/mm2
as a function of the temperature. Intermediate values A : Safety factor to be taken equal to:
may be obtained by interpolation. 1,6 when Re and sR values result from
tests attended by the Society
b) Where, for carbon steel and alloy steel pipes, the value
of K is not given in Tab 11 or Tab 12, it is to be taken 1,8 otherwise
equal to: : Average stress to produce 1% creep in
100000 h at design temperature, in N/mm2.
R m ,20 R e R
K = min ----------- , -----, ------, c) The permissible stress values adopted for materials other
2 ,7 A A
than carbon steel, alloy steel, copper and copper alloy
where: will be specially considered by the Society.

Table 11 : Permissible stress K for carbon and carbon-manganese steel pipes

Specified minimum Design temperature (C)

tensile strength (N/mm2) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 410 420 430 440 450
320 107 105 99 92 78 62 57 55 55 54 54 54 49
360 120 117 110 103 91 76 69 68 68 68 64 56 49
410 136 131 124 117 106 93 86 84 79 71 64 56 49
460 151 146 139 132 122 111 101 99 98 85 73 62 53
490 160 156 148 141 131 121 111 109 98 85 73 62 53

Table 12 : Permissible stress K for alloy steel pipes

Specified minimum Design temperature (C)

Type of steel
tensile strength (N/mm2) 50 100 200 300 350 400 440 450 460 470
1Cr1/2Mo 440 159 150 137 114 106 102 101 101 100 99
2 1/4Cr1Mo annealed 410 76 67 57 50 47 45 44 43 43 44
2 1/4Cr1Mo normalised
490 167 163 153 144 140 136 130 128 127 116
and tempered below 750C
2 1/4Cr1Mo normalised
490 167 163 153 144 140 136 130 122 114 105
and tempered above 750C
1/2Cr 1/2Mo 1/4V 460 166 162 147 120 115 111 106 105 103 102

Specified minimum Design temperature (C)

Type of steel
tensile strength (N/mm2) 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570
1Cr1/2Mo 440 98 97 91 76 62 51 42 34 27 22
2 1/4Cr1Mo annealed 410 42 42 41 41 41 40 40 40 37 32
2 1/4Cr1Mo normalised
490 106 96 86 79 67 58 49 43 37 32
and tempered below 750C
2 1/4Cr1Mo normalised
490 96 88 79 72 64 56 49 43 37 32
and tempered above 750C
1/2Cr 1/2Mo 1/4V 460 101 99 97 94 82 72 62 53 45 37

Table 13 : Permissible stress K for copper and copper alloy pipes

Specified minimum Design temperature (C)

Material (annealed)
tensile strength (N/mm2) 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Copper 215 41 41 40 40 34 27,5 18,5
Aluminium brass 325 78 78 78 78 78 51 24,5
Copper-nickel 95/5
275 68 68 67 65,5 64 62 59 56 52 48 44
and 90/10
Copper-nickel 70/30 365 81 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 65,5 64 62

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 95

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

2.4.3 Thickness reduction due to bending where:

a) Unless otherwise justified, the thickness reduction b due d1 : External diameter of the branch pipe
to bending is to be determined by the following formula: da , t0 : As defined in [2.4.1].
da t0 Note 1: This requirement may be dispensed with for Tees provided
b = -----------
2 ,5 with a reinforcement or extruded.
: Bending radius measured on the centre line
2.5 Pipe connections
of the pipe, in mm 2.5.1 Dimensions and calculation
d a , t0 : As defined in [2.4.1]. The dimensions of flanges and bolting are to comply with
b) When the bending radius is not given, the thickness recognized standards.
reduction is to be taken equal to:
2.5.2 Pipe connections
b = t0 / 10
The following pipe connections may be used:
c) For straight pipes, the thickness reduction b is to be
fully penetrating butt welds with/without provision to
taken equal to 0.
improve the quality of the root
2.4.4 Corrosion allowance socket welds with suitable fillet weld thickness and pos-
The values of corrosion allowance c are given for steel pipes sibly in accordance with recognized standards
in Tab 14 and for non-ferrous metallic pipes in Tab 15. screw connections of approved type.

2.4.5 Tees For the use of these pipe connections, see Tab 16.
As well as complying with the provisions of [2.4.1] to Screwed socket connections and similar connections are
[2.4.4], the thickness tT of pipes on which a branch is not permitted for pipes of classes II and III. Screwed socket
welded to form a Tee is not to be less than that given by the connections are allowed only for subordinate systems (e.g.
following formula: sanitary and hot-water heating systems) operating at low
pressures. Screwed pipe connections and pipe coupling
t T = 1 + -----1 t 0 may be used subject to special approval.
d a
Table 15 : Corrosion allowance
Table 14 : Corrosion allowance for steel pipes for non-ferrous metal pipes

Corrosion Corrosion
Piping system allowance Piping material (1) allowance
(mm) (mm) (2)
Superheated steam 0,3 Copper 0,8
Saturated steam 0,8 Brass 0,8
Steam coils in cargo tanks and liquid fuel tanks 2,0 Copper-tin alloys 0,8
Feed water for boilers in open circuit systems 1,5 Copper-nickel alloys with less than 10% of Ni 0,8
Feed water for boilers in closed circuit systems 0,5 Copper-nickel alloys with at least 10% of Ni 0,5
Blow-down systems for boilers 1,5 Aluminium and aluminium alloys 0,5
Compressed air 1,0 (1) The corrosion allowance for other materials will be
Hydraulic oil 0,3 specially considered by the Society. Where their resis-
tance to corrosion is adequately demonstrated, the cor-
Lubricating oil 0,3 rosion allowance may be disregarded.
Fuel oil 1,0 (2) In cases of media with high corrosive action, a higher
Thermal oil 1,0 corrosion allowance may be required by the Society.

Fresh water 0,8 Table 16 : Pipe connections

River water 3,0
Cargo systems for oil tankers 2,0 Types of connections Pipe class
Cargo systems for vessels carrying liquefied gases 0,3
Welded butt-joints with
Note 1: For pipes passing through tanks, an additional II, III
special provisions for root side
corrosion allowance is to be considered in order to account
Welded butt-joints without all
for the external corrosion. II, III
special provisions for root side
Note 2: The corrosion allowance of pipes efficiently protected
against corrosion may be reduced by no more than 50%. Welded sockets III
Note 3: When the corrosion resistance of alloy steels is see [2.5.2]
adequately demonstrated, the corrosion allowance may be Screwed sockets for subordinate < 50
disregarded. systems

96 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

Steel flanges may be used under considering the allowed e) Low pressure hose assemblies and compensators
pressures and temperatures as stated in the corresponding
standards. Hose assemblies or compensators which are suitable for
use in systems with predominant static load characteris-
Flanges made of non-ferrous metals may be used in accor- tics.
dance with the relevant standards and within the limits laid
down in the approvals. Flanges and brazed or welded col- f) Maximum allowable working pressure respectively
lars of copper and copper alloys are subject to the following nominal pressure of hose assemblies and compensators
The maximum allowable working pressure of high pres-
a) welding neck flanges according to standard up to 200C sure hose assemblies is the maximum dynamic internal
or 300C for all pipe classes pressure permitted to be imposed on the components.
b) loose flanges with welding collar; as for item a)
The maximum allowable working pressure respectively
c) plain brazed flanges: only for pipe class III up to a nom- nominal pressure for low pressure hose assemblies and
inal pressure of 16 bar and a temperature of 120C. compensators is the maximum static internal pressure
Approved pipe couplings are permitted in the following permitted to be imposed on the components.
piping systems outside engine rooms:
g) Test pressure
bilge and ballast systems
For non-metallic high pressure hose assemblies the test
fuel and oil systems
pressure is 2 times the maximum allowable working
fire extinguishing and deck washing systems pressure.
cargo oil pipes
For non-metallic low pressure hose assemblies and
air, filling and sounding pipes compensators the test pressure is 1,5 times the maxi-
sanitary drain pipes mum allowable working pressure or 1,5 times the nomi-
nal pressure.
drinking water pipes.
For metallic hose assemblies and compensators the test
These couplings may only be used inside machinery spaces
pressure is 1,5 times the maximum allowable working
if they have been approved by the Society as flame-resis-
pressure or 1,5 times the nominal pressure.
The use of pipe couplings is not permitted in: h) Burst pressure
fuel and seawater lines inside cargo spaces For non-metallic as well as metallic hose assemblies
bilge lines inside fuel tanks and ballast tanks. and compensators the burst pressure is to be at least
4 times the maximum allowable working pressure or
4 times the nominal pressure. Excepted hereof are non-
2.6 Hose assemblies and compensators metallic hose assemblies and compensators with a max-
imum allowable working pressure or nominal pressure
2.6.1 Scope
of not more than 20 bar. For such components the burst
The following Rules are applicable for hose assemblies and pressure has to be at least three times the maximum
compensators made of non-metallic and metallic materials. allowable working pressure or three times the nominal
Hose assemblies and compensators made of non-metallic pressure.
and metallic materials may be used according to their suit-
ability in fuel-, lubricating oil-, hydraulic oil-, bilge-, bal- 2.6.3 Requirements
last-, fresh water cooling-, river water cooling-, compressed
air-, auxiliary steam, exhaust gas and thermal oil systems. a) Hoses and compensators used in the systems mentioned
in [2.6.1] are to be of approved type.
2.6.2 Definitions
b) Manufacturers of hose assemblies and compensators
a) Hose assemblies consist of metallic or non-metallic must be recognized by the Society.
hoses completed with end fittings ready for installation.
b) Compensators consist of bellows with end fittings as c) Hose assemblies and compensators including their cou-
well as anchors for absorption of axial loads where plings are to be suitable for media, pressures and tem-
angular or lateral flexibility is to be ensured. End fittings peratures they are designed for.
may be flanges, welding ends or approved pipe unions.
d) The selection of hose assemblies and compensators is to
c) Burst pressure is the internal static pressure at which a be based on the maximum allowable working pressure
hose assembly or compensator will be destroyed. of the system concerned. A pressure of 5 bar is to be
considered as the minimum working pressure.
d) High pressure hose assemblies and compensators
Hose assemblies or compensators which are suitable for e) Hose assemblies and compensators for the use in fuel-,
use in systems with predominant dynamic load charac- lubricating oil-, hydraulic oil-, bilge- and river water sys-
teristics. tems are to be flame-resistant.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 97

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

2.6.4 Installations 2.7.4 Change-over devices in piping systems in which a

a) Non-metallic hose assemblies shall only be used at possible intermediate position of the device could be dan-
locations where they are required for compensation of gerous in service must not be used.
relative movements. They shall be kept as short as possi-
ble under consideration of the installation instructions 2.8 Outboard connections
of the hose manufacturer.
2.8.1 Outboards are to be made of steel or appropriate
b) The minimum bending radius of installed hose assem- non-brittle material.
blies shall not be less than specified by the manufactur-
ers. 2.8.2 Valves may only be mounted on the vessel's side by
c) Non-metallic hose assemblies and compensators are to means of reinforcing flanges or thick-walled connecting
be located at visible and accessible positions. pipes.
d) In fresh water systems with a working pressure 5 bar 2.8.3 Vessel's side valves shall be easily accessible. Water
and in charging and scavenging air lines, hoses may be inlet and outlet valves must be capable of being operated
fastened to the pipe ends with double clips. from above the floor plates. Cocks on the vessel's side must
e) Where hose assemblies and compensators are installed be so arranged that the handle can only be removed when
in the vicinity of hot components they must be provided the cock is closed.
with approved heat-resistant sleeves.
2.8.4 Where a discharge pipe is connected to the vessel's
2.6.5 Vessel cargo hoses hull below the bulkhead deck, the wall gross thickness of
Vessel cargo hoses for cargo-handling on chemical tankers the pipe sections extending between the shell and the near-
and gas tankers shall be type approved. est shutoff device is to be equal to that of the shell plating in
way of the connection, but need not exceed 8 mm.
Mounting of end fittings is to be carried out only by
approved manufacturers. 2.8.5 Outboard connections are to be fitted with shutoff
Vessel cargo hoses are to be subjected to final inspection at valves.
the manufacturer under supervision of a Societys Surveyor
as follows: 2.9 Remote controlled valves
visual inspection
2.9.1 Scope
hydrostatic pressure test with 1,5 times the maximum These Rules apply to hydraulically, pneumatically or electri-
allowable working pressure or 1,5 times the nominal cally operated valves in piping systems and sanitary dis-
pressure. The nominal pressure shall be at least 10 bar charge pipes.
measuring of the electrical resistance between the end
fittings. The resistance shall not exceed 1 k. 2.9.2 Construction
Remote controlled bilge valves and valves important to the
2.6.6 Marking safety of the vessel are to be equipped with an emergency
Hose assemblies and compensators must be permanently operating arrangement.
marked with the following particulars:
2.9.3 Arrangement of valves
manufacturer's mark or symbol
The accessibility of the valves for maintenance and repair-
date of manufacturing ing is to be taken into consideration.
type Valves in bilge lines and sanitary pipes must always be
nominal diameter accessible.
maximum allowable working pressure respectively Bilge lines valves and control lines are to be located as far
nominal pressure as possible from the bottom and sides of the vessel.
test certificate number and sign of the responsible Soci- The requirements stated hereabove also apply here to the
ety inspection. location of valves and control lines.
Where remote controlled valves are arranged inside the bal-
2.7 Shutoff devices last tanks, the valves should always be located in the tank
adjoining that to which they relate.
2.7.1 Shutoff devices must comply with a recognized stan- Remote-controlled valves mounted on high and wing fuel
dard. Valves with screwed-on covers are to be secured to tanks must be capable of being closed from outside the
prevent unintentional loosening of the cover. compartment in which they are installed.
2.7.2 Hand-operated shutoff devices are to be closed by Where remote controlled valves are arranged inside cargo
turning in the clockwise direction. tanks, valves should always be fitted in the tank adjoining
that to which they relate. A direct arrangement of the
2.7.3 Indicators are to be provided showing the remote controlled valves in the tanks concerned is allowed
open/closed position of valves unless their position is only if each tank is fitted with two suction lines each of
shown by other means. which is provided with a remote controlled valve.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

2.9.4 Control stands 2.11 Protection of piping systems against

The control devices of remote controlled valves are to be overpressure
arranged together in one control stand.
2.11.1 The following piping systems are to be fitted with
The control devices are to be clearly and permanently iden- safety valves to avoid unallowable overpressures:
tified and marked. piping systems and valves in which liquids can be
It must be recognized at the control stand whether the enclosed and heated
valves are open or closed. piping systems which may be exposed in service to
pressures in excess of the design pressure.
In the case of bilge valves and valves for changeable tanks,
the closed position is to be indicated by limit-position indi- Safety valves must be capable of discharging the medium at
cators approved by the Society as well as by visual indica- a maximum pressure increase of 10%. Safety valves are to
tors at the control stand. be fitted on the low pressure side of reducing valves.

On passenger vessels, the control stand for remote con- 2.11.2 Air escaping from the pressure-relief valves of the
trolled bilge valves is to be located outside the machinery pressurised air tanks installed in the engine rooms shall be
spaces and above the bulkhead deck. led from the pressure-relief valves to the open air.

2.9.5 Power units

2.12 Independent tanks
Power units are to be equipped with at least two indepen-
dent sets for supplying power for remote controlled valves. 2.12.1 General
These requirements for scantling apply to steel tanks not
The energy required for the closing of valves which are not
forming part of the vessels structure. Scantling of tanks not
closed by spring power is to be supplied by a pressure accu-
made of steel will be given special consideration.
The meaning of the symbols used in this sub-article is as fol-
Pneumatically operated valves can be supplied with air lows:
from the general compressed air system.
s : Stiffener spacing, in m
Where the quick-closing valves of fuel tanks are closed pST : Testing pressure defined in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 4,
pneumatically, a separate pressure accumulator is to be pro- [5], to be determined in way of the calculation
vided. This is to be of adequate capacity and is to be point (see Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 4, [5.1])
located outside the engine room. Filling of this accumulator
b : for horizontal stiffeners: b = 1,0
by a direct connection to the general compressed air system
is allowed. A non-return valve is to be arranged in the filling for other stiffeners: b = 1,2
connection of the pressure accumulator. S : for horizontal stiffeners: b = 1,0
The accumulator is to be provided either with a pressure for other stiffeners: b = 1,4
control device with a visual and acoustic alarm or with a
hand-compressor as a second filling appliance. 2.12.2 Net thickness of plating

The hand-compressor is to be located outside the engine The net thickness, in mm, of plating of tanks not forming
room. part of the vessels structure is not to be less than t1 nor than
t2 derived from the following:
2.9.6 After installation on board, the entire system is to be t1 = 2,5
subjected to an operational test.
t 2 = s p ST

2.10 Pumps 2.12.3 Scantlings of ordinary stiffeners

For tanks not forming part of the vessels structure, the net
2.10.1 Displacement pumps must be equipped with suffi- section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sectional area
ciently dimensioned relief valves without shutoff to prevent
ASh , in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners are not to be less than:
any excessive overpressure in the pump housing.
w = 0,55 b pST s 2
2.10.2 Rotary pumps must be capable of being operated
ASh = 0,045 S pST s
without damage even when the delivery line is closed.

2.10.3 Pumps mounted in parallel are to be protected 3 Welding of steel piping

against overloading by means of non-return valves fitted at
the outlet side. 3.1 General

2.10.4 Pumps for essential services are subject to adequate 3.1.1 Welding of steel pipes is to comply with applicable
pressure and running tests. requirements of NR467, Pt C, Ch 10.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

4 Bending of pipes b) After hot bending performed outside the temperature

range specified in [4.2.4], a subsequent new heat treat-
ment in accordance with Tab 18 is required for all
4.1 Application
4.1.1 This Article applies to pipes made of: c) After cold bending at a radius lower than 4 times the
alloy or non-alloy steels external diameter of the pipe, a heat treatment in accor-
copper and copper alloys. dance with Tab 18 is required.

4.2 Bending process Table 17 : Heat treatment temperature

4.2.1 General Thickness of Stress relief

The bending process is to be such as not to have a detri- Type of steel thicker part treatment
(mm) temperature (C)
mental influence on the characteristics of the materials or
on the strength of the pipes. C and C-Mn steels t 15 (1) (2) 550 to 620
0,3 Mo t 15 (1) 580 to 640
4.2.2 Bending radius
Unless otherwise justified, the bending radius measured on 1 Cr 0,5 Mo t8 620 to 680
the centreline of the pipe is not to be less than: 2,25 Cr 1 Mo
any (3) 650 to 720
twice the external diameter for copper and copper alloy 0,5 Cr 0,5 Mo V
pipes (1) Where steels with specified Charpy V notch impact
three times the external diameter for cold bent steel properties at low temperature are used, the thickness
pipes. above which post-weld heat treatment is to be applied
may be increased, subject to the special agreement of
4.2.3 Acceptance criteria the Society.
a) The pipes are to be bent in such a way that, in each (2) For C and C-Mn steels, stress relieving heat treatment
transverse section, the difference between the maximum may be omitted up to 30 mm thickness, subject to the
and minimum diameters after bending does not exceed special agreement of the Society.
10% of the mean diameter; higher values, but not (3) For 2,25Cr 1Mo and 0,5Cr 0,5Mo V grade steels, heat
exceeding 15%, may be allowed in the case of pipes treatment may be omitted for pipes having thickness
which are not subjected in service to appreciable bend- lower than 8 mm, diameter not exceeding 100 mm and
ing stresses due to thermal expansion or contraction. service temperature not exceeding 450C.

b) The bending is to be such that the depth of the corruga-

tions is as small as possible and does not exceed 5% of Table 18 : Heat treatment after bending
their length.
Heat treatment and
Type of steel
4.2.4 Hot bending temperature (C)
a) In the case of hot bending, all arrangements are to be C and C-Mn Normalising 880 to 940
made to permit careful checking of the metal tempera- 0,3 Mo Normalising 900 to 940
ture and to prevent rapid cooling, especially for alloy
steels. 1Cr-0,5Mo Normalising 900 to 960

b) Hot bending is to be generally carried out in the temper- Tempering 640 to 720
ature range 850C-1000C for all steel grades; however, 2,25Cr-1Mo Normalising 900 to 960
a decreased temperature down to 750C may be
Tempering 650 to 780
accepted during the forming process.
0,5Cr-0,5Mo-0,25V Normalising 930 to 980
4.3 Heat treatment after bending Tempering 670 to 720

4.3.1 Copper and copper alloy

Copper and copper alloy pipes are to be suitably annealed
5 Arrangement and installation of
after cold bending if their external diameter exceeds piping systems
50 mm.

4.3.2 Steel
5.1 General
a) After hot bending carried out within the temperature
5.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, piping and pumping sys-
range specified in [4.2.4], the following applies:
tems covered by the Rules are to be permanently fixed on
for C, C-Mn and C-Mo steels, no subsequent heat board vessel.
treatment is required
for Cr-Mo and C-Mo-V steels, a subsequent stress 5.1.2 Piping systems must be adequately identified accord-
relieving heat treatment in accordance with Tab 17 ing to their purpose. Valves are to be permanently and
is required. clearly marked.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

5.1.3 Piping systems are to be so arranged that they can be 5.3.3 Passage through the collision bulkhead
completely emptied, drained and vented. Piping systems in A maximum of two pipes may pass through the collision
which the accumulation of liquids during operation could bulkhead below the main deck, unless otherwise justified.
cause damage must be equipped with special drain Such pipes are to be fitted with suitable valves operable
arrangements. from above the main deck. The valve chest is to be secured
at the bulkhead inside the fore peak. Such valves may be fit-
5.2 Location of tanks and piping system ted on the after side of the collision bulkhead provided that
components they are easily accessible and the space in which they are
fitted is not a cargo space.
5.2.1 Flammable oil systems
An indicator is to show whether these valves are open or
Location of tanks and piping system components conveying shut.
flammable fluids under pressure is to comply with [5.9].

5.2.2 Piping systems with open ends 5.4 Independence of lines

Attention is to be paid to the requirements for the location
of open-ended pipes on board vessels having to comply 5.4.1 As a general rule, bilge and ballast lines are to be
with the provisions of [5.5]. entirely independent and distinct from lines conveying liq-
uid cargo, lubricating oil and fuel oil, with the exception of:
5.2.3 Pipe lines located inside tanks pipes located between collecting boxes and pump suc-
a) The passage of pipes through tanks, when permitted, tions
normally requires special arrangements such as rein- pipes located between pumps and overboard discharges
forced thickness or tunnels, in particular for:
pipes supplying compartments likely to be used alterna-
bilge pipes tively for ballast, fuel oil or liquid or dry cargoes, pro-
ballast pipes vided such pipes are fitted with blind flanges or other
scuppers and sanitary discharges appropriate change-over devices, in order to avoid any
air, sounding and overflow pipes
fuel oil pipes.
5.5 Prevention of progressive flooding
b) Junctions of pipes inside tanks are to be made by weld-
ing or flange connections. 5.5.1 In order to comply with the subdivision and damage
stability requirements, provision is to be made to prevent
5.2.4 Piping and electrical apparatus any progressive flooding of a dry compartment served by
As far as possible, pipes are not to pass near switchboards any open-ended pipe, in the event that such pipe is dam-
or other electrical apparatus. If this requirement is impossi- aged or broken in any other compartment by collision or
ble to satisfy, gutterways or masks are to be provided wher- grounding.
ever deemed necessary to prevent projections of liquid or
steam on live parts. 5.5.2 For this purpose, if pipes are situated within assumed
flooded compartments, arrangements are to be made to
5.3 Passage through bulkheads or decks ensure that progressive flooding cannot thereby extend to
compartments other than those assumed to be flooded for
5.3.1 General each case of damage. However, the Society may permit
For vessels other than dry cargo vessels, see also the addi- minor progressive flooding if it is demonstrated that its
tional requirements for the relevant service notations. effects can be easily controlled and the safety of the vessel
is not impaired.
5.3.2 Penetration of watertight bulkheads or decks
and fire divisions 5.6 Provision for expansion
a) Where penetrations of watertight bulkheads or decks
and fire divisions are necessary for piping and ventila- 5.6.1 General
tion, arrangements are to be made to maintain the Piping systems are to be so designed and pipes so fixed as
watertight integrity and fire integrity. to allow for relative movement between pipes and the ves-
b) Lead or other heat sensitive materials are not to be used sels structure, having due regard to the:
in piping systems which penetrate watertight subdivi- temperature of the fluid conveyed
sion bulkheads or decks, where deterioration of such
systems in the event of fire would impair the watertight coefficient of thermal expansion of the pipes material
integrity of the bulkhead or decks. deformation of the vessels hull.
c) Where bolted connections are used when passing
through watertight bulkheads or decks, the bolts are not 5.6.2 Fitting of expansion devices
to be screwed through the plating. Where welded con- All pipes subject to thermal expansion and those which,
nections are used, they are to be welded on both sides due to their length, may be affected by deformation of the
of the bulkhead or deck. hull, are to be fitted with expansion pieces or loops.

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5.7 Supporting of the pipes f) Where flexible hoses or an expansion joint are intended
to be used in piping systems conveying flammable fluids
5.7.1 General that are in close proximity of heated surfaces, the risk of
Unless otherwise specified, the fluid lines referred to in this ignition due to failure of the hose assembly and subse-
Section are to consist of pipes connected to the vessel's quent release of fluids is to be mitigated, as far as practi-
structure by means of collars or similar devices. cable, by the use of screens or other similar protection,
to the satisfaction of the Society.
5.7.2 Arrangement of supports g) The adjoining pipes are to be suitably aligned, sup-
Shipyards are to take care that: ported, guided and anchored.
a) the arrangement of supports and collars is to be such h) Isolating valves are to be provided permitting the isola-
that pipes and flanges are not subjected to abnormal tion of flexible hoses intended to convey flammable oil
bending stresses, taking into account their own mass, or compressed air.
the metal they are made of, and the nature and charac- i) Expansion joints are to be protected against over exten-
teristics of the fluid they convey, as well as the contrac- sion or over compression.
tions and expansions to which they are subjected
j) Where they are likely to suffer external damage, flexible
b) heavy components in the piping system, such as valves, hoses and expansion joints of the bellows type are to be
are to be independently supported. provided with adequate protection.

5.8 Valves, accessories and fittings 5.8.4 Thermometers

Thermometers and other temperature-detecting elements in
5.8.1 General fluid systems under pressure are to be provided with pock-
Cocks, valves and other accessories are generally to be ets built and secured so that the thermometers and detect-
arranged so that they are easily visible and accessible for ing elements can be removed while keeping the piping
manoeuvring, control and maintenance. They are to be under pressure.
installed in such a way as to operate properly.
5.8.5 Pressure gauges
5.8.2 Valves and accessories Pressure gauges and other similar instruments are to be fit-
ted with an isolating valve or cock at the connection with
In machinery spaces and tunnels, the cocks, valves and
the main pipe.
other accessories of the fluid lines referred to in this Section
are to be placed: 5.8.6 Nameplates
above the floor, or a) Accessories such as cocks and valves on the fluid lines
when this is not possible, immediately under the floor, referred to in this Section are to be provided with name-
provided provision is made for their easy access and plates indicating the apparatus and lines they serve
control in service. except where, due to their location on board, there is no
doubt as to their purpose.
5.8.3 Flexible hoses and expansion joints b) Nameplates are to be fitted at the upper part of air and
a) Flexible hoses and expansion joints are to be in compli- sounding pipes.
ance with [2.6]. They are to be installed in clearly visi-
ble and readily accessible locations. 5.9 Additional arrangements for flammable
b) The number of flexible hoses and expansion joints is to fluids
be kept to minimum.
5.9.1 General
c) In general, flexible hoses and expansion joints are to be
All necessary precautions are to be taken to reduce fire risks
limited to a length necessary to provide for relative
from flammable liquids, such as:
movement between fixed and flexibly mounted items of
machinery/equipment or systems. drips
leaks under pressure
d) The installation of a flexible hose assembly or an expan-
sion joint is to be in accordance with the manufacturer's overflow
instructions and use limitations, with particular atten- hydrocarbon accumulation in particular under lower
tion to the following: floors
orientation discharges of oil vapours during heating
end connection support (where necessary) soot or unburnt residue in smoke stacks or exhaust
avoidance of hose contact that could cause rubbing
and abrasion Unless otherwise specified, the requirements in [5.9.3] apply
minimum bend radii. to:
e) Flexible hose assemblies or expansion joints are not to fuel oil systems, in all spaces
be installed where they may be subjected to torsion lubricating oil systems, in machinery spaces
deformation (twisting) under normal operating condi- other flammable oil systems, in locations where means
tions. of ignition are present.

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5.9.2 Prohibition of carriage of flammable oils in b) Drip trays with adequate drainage to contain possible
forepeak tanks leakage from flammable fluid systems are to be fitted:
Fuel oil, lubricating oil and other flammable oils are not to under independent tanks
be carried in forepeak tanks or tanks forward of the collision under burners
under purifiers and any other oil processing equip-
5.9.3 Prevention of flammable oil leakage ignition ment
a) As far as practicable, the piping arrangement in the under pumps, heat exchangers and filters
flammable oil systems shall comply generally with the under valves and all accessories subject to oil leakage
following: surrounding internal combustion engines.
The conveying of flammable oils through accommo- c) The coaming height of drip trays is to be appropriate for
dation and service spaces is to be avoided. Where it the service and not less than 75 mm.
is not possible, the arrangement may be subject to
d) Where drain pipes are provided for collecting leakages,
special consideration by the Society, provided that
they are to be led to an appropriate drain tank.
the pipes are of a material approved having regard
to the fire risk. e) The draining system of the room where thermal fluid
heaters are fitted, as well as the save all of the latter, are
The pipes are not to be located immediately above
not to allow any fire extension outside this room.
or close to the hot surfaces (exhaust manifolds,
silencers, steam pipelines, boilers, etc.), electrical 5.9.5 Drain tank
installations or other sources of ignition. Otherwise,
a) The drain tank is not to form part of an overflow system
suitably protection (screening and effective drainage
and is to be fitted with an overflow alarm device.
to the safe position) is to be provided to prevent of
spraying or leakage onto the sources of ignition. b) In vessels required to be fitted with a double bottom,
Parts of the piping systems conveying heated flam- appropriate precautions are to be taken when the drain
tank is constructed in the double bottom, in order to
mable oils under pressure exceeding 1,8 bar are to
avoid flooding of the machinery space where drip trays
be placed above the platform or in any other posi-
tion where defects and leakage can readily be are located, in the event of accidentally running
observed. The machinery spaces in way of such
parts are to be adequately illuminated. 5.9.6 Valves
b) No flammable oil tanks are to be situated where spillage All valves and cocks forming part of flammable oil systems
or leakage therefrom can constitute a hazard by falling are to be capable of being operated from readily accessible
on: positions and, in machinery spaces, from above the working
hot surfaces, including those of boilers, heaters, platform.
steam pipes, exhaust manifolds and silencers
5.9.7 Level switches
electrical equipment
Level switches fitted to flammable oil tanks are to be con-
air intakes tained in a steel or other fire-resisting enclosure.
other sources of ignition.
c) Parts of flammable oil systems under pressure exceeding 6 Bilge systems
1,8 bar such as pumps, filters and heaters are to comply
with the provisions of item b) above. 6.1 Application
d) Pipe connections, expansion joints and flexible parts of
6.1.1 This Article does not apply to bilge systems of non-
flammable oil lines are to be screened or otherwise suit-
propelled vessels. See [19].
ably protected to avoid, as far as practicable, oil spray or
oil leakages onto hot surfaces, into machinery air 6.1.2 The equipment of vessels with oil-separating facilities
intakes, or on other sources of ignition. is to conform to applicable Societys Rules.
e) Any relief valve or air vent cock fitted within the flam-
mable liquid systems is to discharge to a safe position, 6.2 Principle
such as an appropriate tank.
6.2.1 General
f) Appropriate means are to be provided to prevent undue
opening (due to vibrations) of air venting cocks fitted on An efficient bilge pumping system shall be provided, capa-
equipment or piping containing flammable liquid under ble of pumping from and draining any watertight compart-
pressure. ment other than a space permanently appropriated for the
carriage of fresh water, water ballast, fuel oil or liquid cargo
5.9.4 Provisions for flammable oil leakage and for which other efficient means of pumping are to be
containment provided, under all practical conditions.
a) Tanks used for the storage of flammable oils together Bilge pumping system is not intended at coping with water
with their fittings are to be so arranged as to prevent ingress resulting from structural or main river water piping
spillages due to leakage or overfilling. damage.

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6.2.2 Availability of the bilge system 6.3.3 Prevention of communication between spaces
Independence of the lines
The bilge system is to be able to work while the other essen-
tial installations of the vessel, especially the fire-fighting a) Bilge lines are to be so arranged as to avoid inadvertent
flooding of any dry compartment.
installations, are in service.
b) Bilge lines are to be entirely independent and distinct
6.2.3 Bilge and ballast systems from other lines except where permitted in [5.4].

The arrangement of the bilge and ballast pumping system c) In vessels designed for the carriage of flammable or
toxic liquids in enclosed cargo spaces, the bilge pump-
shall be such as to prevent the possibility of water passing
ing system is to be designed to prevent the inadvertent
from the river and from water ballast spaces into the cargo
pumping of such liquids through machinery space pip-
and machinery spaces, or from one compartment to
ing or pumps.

Provisions shall be made to prevent any deep tank having 6.4 Draining of cargo spaces
bilge and ballast connections being inadvertently flooded
from the river when containing cargo, or being discharged 6.4.1 General
through a bilge pump when containing water ballast. a) Cargo holds are to be fitted with bilge suctions con-
nected to the bilge main.
6.3 Design of bilge systems b) Drainage arrangements for cargo holds likely to be used
alternatively for ballast, fuel oil or liquid or dry cargoes
6.3.1 General are to comply with [7.1].
c) Drainage of enclosed cargo spaces intended to carry
a) The bilge pumping system is to consist of pumps con-
dangerous goods shall be provided in accordance with
nected to a bilge main line so arranged as to allow the Part D, Chapter 3.
draining of all spaces mentioned in [6.2.1] through
bilge branches, distribution boxes and bilge suctions, 6.4.2 Vessels without double bottom
except for some small spaces where individual suctions
a) In vessels without double bottom, bilge suctions are to
by means of hand pumps may be accepted as stated in
be provided in the holds:
[6.6.3] and [6.7.5].
at the aft end in the centreline where the rise of floor
b) If deemed acceptable by the Society, bilge pumping exceeds 5
arrangements may be dispensed with in specific com- at the aft end on each side in other cases.
partments provided the safety of the vessel is not
impaired. b) Additional suctions may be required if, due to the par-
ticular shape of the floor, the water within the compart-
ment cannot be entirely drained by means of the
6.3.2 Number and distribution of bilge suctions
suctions mentioned in item a) above.
a) Draining of watertight spaces is to be possible, when the
vessel is on an even keel and either is upright or has a 6.4.3 Vessels with double bottom
list of up to 5, by means of at least: a) In vessels with double bottom, bilge suctions are to be
provided in the holds on each side aft. Where the dou-
two suctions at each side in machinery spaces, ble bottom plating extends from side to side, the bilge
including one branch bilge suction and one direct suctions are to be led to wells located at the wings.
suction Where the double bottom plating slopes down to the
centreline by more than 5, a centreline well with a suc-
one suction in other spaces.
tion is also to be provided.
See also [6.5.4]. b) If the inner bottom is of a particular design, shows dis-
continuity or is provided with longitudinal wells, the
b) Bilge suctions are to be arranged as follows: number and position of bilge suctions will be given spe-
wing suctions are generally to be provided except in cial consideration by the Society.
the case of short and narrow compartments when a
6.4.4 Vessels with holds over 30 m in length
single suction ensures effective draining in the above
conditions In holds greater than 30 m in length, bilge suctions are to be
provided in the fore and aft ends.
in the case of compartments of unusual form, addi-
tional suctions may be required to ensure effective 6.4.5 Draining of cargo spaces, other than ro-ro
draining under the conditions mentioned in item a). spaces, intended for the carriage of motor
vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own
c) In all cases, arrangements are to be made such as to propulsion
allow a free and easy flow of water to bilge suctions. See Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [2.2].

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

6.5 Draining of machinery spaces 6.6 Draining of dry spaces other than cargo
holds and machinery spaces
6.5.1 General
6.6.1 General
The bilges of every main and essential auxiliary machinery
spaces shall be capable of being pumped as follows: a) Except where otherwise specified, bilge suctions are to
through the bilge suctions connected to the main bilge be branch bilge suctions, i.e. suctions connected to a
system, and bilge main.

through one direct suction connected to the largest b) Draining arrangements of tanks are to comply with the
independent bilge pump and having a diameter not less provisions of [7].
than that of the main bilge pipe.
6.6.2 Fore and after peaks
Where all main and essential auxiliary machinery are
Where the peak tanks are not connected to the ballast sys-
located in a single watertight space, the bilge suctions are to
tem, separate means of pumping are to be provided. Where
be distributed and arranged in accordance with the provi-
sions of [6.5.4]. the after peak terminates at the engine room, it may be
drained to the engine room bilge through a pipe fitted with
a shutoff valve. Similar emptying of the fore peak into an
6.5.2 Branch bilge suction
adjoining space is not permitted.
The branch bilge suction is to be connected to the bilge
main. 6.6.3 Spaces above peak tanks

These spaces may either be connected to the bilge system

6.5.3 Direct suction
or be pumped by means of hand-operated bilge pumps.
The direct suction is to be led direct to an independent Spaces above the after peak may be drained to the machin-
power bilge pump and so arranged that it can be used inde- ery space, provided that the drain line is fitted with a self-
pendently of the main bilge line. closing shutoff valve at a clearly visible and easily accessi-
ble position. The drain pipes shall have an inside diameter
The use of ejectors for pumping through the direct suction of at least 40 mm.
will be given special consideration.
6.6.4 Cofferdams and void spaces
6.5.4 Number and distribution of suctions in
propulsion machinery spaces Bilge pumping arrangements are to be provided for coffer-
dams and void spaces.
a) In propulsion machinery spaces:

where the bottom of the space, bottom plating or top 6.6.5 Chain lockers
of the double bottom slope down to the centreline
Chain lockers may be connected to the main bilge system
by more than 5, bilge suctions are to include at
or drained by a hand pump. Draining to the fore peak tank
least two centreline suctions, i.e. one branch bilge
suction and one direct suction is not permitted.

where the bottom of the space is horizontal or

slopes down to the sides and in all passenger ves-
6.7 Bilge pumps
sels, bilge suctions are to be so arranged that the
bilges can be completely pumped even under disad- 6.7.1 Number of bilge pumps
vantageous trim conditions.
Vessels with a propulsion power of up to 225 kW must have
b) Where the propulsion machinery space is located aft, one bilge pump, which may be driven from the main
suctions are normally to be provided on each side at the engine. Where the propulsion power is greater than
fore end and, except where not practicable due to the 225 kW, a second bilge pump driven independently of the
shape of the space, on each side at the aft end of the main propulsion plant must be provided.
6.7.2 Use of ejectors
c) In electrically propelled vessels, provision is to be made
to prevent accumulation of water under electric genera- One of the pumps may be replaced by a hydraulic ejector
tors and motors. connected to a high pressure water pump and capable of
ensuring the drainage under similar conditions to those
6.5.5 Monitoring obtained with the other pump.

For monitoring of level of machinery space bilges, see Ch 2, On passenger vessels, the pump supplying the ejector is not
Sec 13. to be used for other services.

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6.7.3 Use of other pumps for bilge duties b) The isolation of any bilge pump for examination, repair
a) Other pumps may be used for bilge duties, such as fire, or maintenance is to be made possible without imped-
general service, sanitary service or ballast pumps, pro- ing the operation of the remaining bilge pumps.
vided that:
they meet the capacity requirements 6.8 Size of bilge pipes
suitable piping arrangements are made
6.8.1 The following apply to vessels other than tankers.
pumps are available for bilge duty when necessary.
The inside diameter of bilge pipes is not to be less than
b) The use of bilge pumps for fire duty is to comply with 35 mm nor than the values derived from following formu-
the provisions of Ch 3, Sec 4. lae:
6.7.4 Capacity of independent pumps a) Main bilge pipes:
a) The minimum capacity of the main pump is not to be d 1 = 1, 5 ( B + D )L + 25
less than:
Q1 = 6,103 d12 b) Branch bilge pipes:

where: d 2 = 2, 0 ( B + D ) + 25
Q1 : Minimum capacity of the main pump, in where:
d1 : Inside diameter of main bilge pipe, in mm
d1 : Internal diameter, in mm, of the main bilge
pipe as defined in [6.8.1]. d2 : Inside diameter of branch bilge pipe, in mm
b) The minimum capacity of the second pump is not to be L : Rule length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2
less than: B : Breadth, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2
Q2 = 6,103 d22 D : Depth, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2
where: : Length of the watertight compartment, in m.
Q2 : Minimum capacity of the second pump, in
The branch bilge pipe diameter may be taken not greater
m3/h than the diameter of the main bilge pipe.
d2 : Internal diameter, in mm, of the branch
bilge pipe as defined in [6.8.1].
6.9 Bilge accessories
c) If the capacity of one of the pumps is less than the Rule
capacity, the deficiency may be compensated by an 6.9.1 Screw-down non-return valves
excess capacity of the other pump; as a rule, such defi-
a) Accessories are to be provided to prevent intercommu-
ciency is not permitted to exceed 30% of the Rule
nication of compartments or lines which are to remain
segregated from one another:
Note 1: This provision does not apply to passenger vessels.
on the pipe connections to bilge distribution boxes
6.7.5 Choice of the pumps on the suctions of pumps which also have connec-
a) Bilge pumps are to be of the self-priming type. Centrifu- tions from the river or from compartments normally
gal pumps are to be fitted with efficient priming means, intended to contain liquid
unless an approved priming system is provided to on flexible bilge hose connections
ensure the priming of pumps under normal operating
conditions. at the open end of bilge pipes passing through deep
b) Ballast and general service pumps may be accepted as
independent power bilge pumps if fitted with the neces- in the discharge pipe of the pump, where the direct
sary connections to the bilge pumping system. suction is connected to a centrifugal pump which
can also be used for cooling water, ballast water or
c) For compartments of small sizes, hand pumps operable
fire extinguishing.
from a position located above the load waterline are
acceptable. b) Screw-down and other non-return valves are to be of a
recognised type which does not offer undue obstruction
6.7.6 Connection of power pumps to the flow of water.
a) Bilge pumps and other power pumps serving essential
services which have common suction or discharge are 6.9.2 Mud boxes
to be connected to the pipes in such a way that: In machinery spaces, termination pipes of bilge suctions are
compartments and piping lines remain segregated in to be straight and vertical and are to be led to mud boxes so
order to prevent possible intercommunication arranged as to be easily inspected and cleaned.
the operation of any pump is not affected by the The lower end of the termination pipe is not to be fitted with
simultaneous operation of other pumps. a strum box.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

6.9.3 Strum boxes 7 Ballast systems

a) In compartments other than machinery spaces, the open
ends of bilge suction pipes are to be fitted with strum 7.1 Design of ballast systems
boxes or strainers having holes not more than 10 mm in
diameter. The total area of such holes is to be not less 7.1.1 Independence of ballast lines
than twice the required cross-sectional area of the suc- Ballast lines are to be entirely independent and distinct
tion pipe. from other lines except where permitted in [5.4].

b) Strum boxes are to be so designed that they can be 7.1.2 Prevention of undesirable communication
cleaned without having to remove any joint of the suc- between spaces or with the river
tion pipe. Ballast systems in connection with bilge systems are to be
so designed as to avoid any risk of undesirable communica-
tion between spaces or with the river.
6.10 Bilge piping arrangement
7.1.3 Alternative carriage of ballast water or other
6.10.1 Passage through double bottom liquids and dry cargo
compartments Holds and deep tanks designed for the alternative carriage
Bilge pipes are not to pass through double bottom compart- of water ballast, fuel oil or dry cargo are to have their filling
ments. If such arrangement is unavoidable, the parts of bilge and suction lines provided with blind flanges or appropriate
pipes passing through double bottom compartments are to change-over devices to prevent any mishandling.
have reinforced thickness as per Tab 14 for steel pipes.
7.2 Ballast pumping arrangement
6.10.2 Passage through deep tanks
7.2.1 Filling and suction pipes
The parts of bilge pipes passing through deep tanks a) All tanks including aft and fore peak and double bottom
intended to contain water ballast, fresh water, liquid cargo tanks intended for ballast water are to be provided with
or fuel oil are normally to be contained within pipe tunnels. suitable filling and suction pipes connected to special
Alternatively, such parts are to have reinforced thickness, as power driven pumps of adequate capacity.
per Tab 14 for steel pipes, and are to be made either of one
piece or several pieces assembled by welding, by reinforced b) Small tanks used for the carriage of domestic fresh water
flanges or by devices deemed equivalent for the application may be served by hand pumps.
considered; the number of joints is to be as small as possi- c) Suctions are to be so positioned that the transfer of river
ble. These pipes are to be provided at their ends in the holds water can be suitably carried out in the normal operat-
with non-return valves. ing conditions of the vessel. In particular, two suctions
may be required in long compartments.
6.10.3 Provision for expansion
7.2.2 Pumps
Where necessary, bilge pipes inside tanks are to be fitted At least two power driven ballast pumps are to be provided,
with expansion bends. Sliding joints are not permitted for one of which may be driven by the propulsion unit. Sanitary
this purpose. and general service pumps may be accepted as indepen-
dent power ballast pumps.
6.10.4 Pipe connections Bilge pumps may be used for ballast water transfer provided
A direct suction from the engine room must be connected that:
to the largest of the specified bilge pumps. Its diameter shall they meet the capacity requirements
not be less than that of the main bilge pipe. suitable piping arrangements are made
However, the direct suction in the engine room need be fit- pumps are available for bilge duty when necessary.
ted with only one screw-down non-return valve.
7.2.3 Passage of ballast pipes through tanks
Where the direct suction is connected to a centrifugal pump If not contained in pipe tunnels, the ballast steel pipes pass-
which can also be used for cooling water, ballast water or ing through tanks intended to contain fresh water, fuel oil or
fire extinguishing, a screw-down non-return valve is to be liquid cargo are:
fitted in the discharge pipe of the pump. to have reinforced thickness, as per Tab 14
Connections used for bilge pipes passing through tanks are to consist either of a single piece or of several pieces
to be welded joints or reinforced flange connections. assembled by welding, by reinforced flanges or by
devices deemed equivalent for the application consid-
6.10.5 Access to valves and distribution boxes ered
to have a minimal number of joints in these lines
All distribution boxes and manually operated valves in con-
nection with the bilge pumping arrangement shall be in to have expansion bends in these lines within the tank,
positions which are accessible under ordinary circum- where needed
stances not to have slip joints.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

7.2.4 Ballast valves and piping arrangements 8.2 Scuppers and sanitary discharges
a) Ballast tank valves
8.2.1 Application
Valves controlling flow to ballast tanks are to be
arranged so that they remain closed at all times except a) This sub-article applies to:
when ballasting. Where butterfly valves are used, they scuppers and sanitary discharge systems, and
are to be of a type able to prevent movement of the discharges from sewage tanks.
valve position due to vibration or flow of fluids.
b) Discharges in connection with machinery operation are
b) Remote control valves dealt with in [2.8].
Remote control valves, where fitted, are to be arranged
so that they close and remain closed in the event of loss 8.2.2 For scuppers and overboard discharges materials and
of control power. The valves may remain in the last scantlings, see Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 7, [6].
ordered position upon loss of power, provided that there
8.2.3 Sewage and grey water discharges
is a readily accessible manual means to close the valves
upon loss of power. The requirements specified below are general and should
apply to any vessel fitted with sewage and grey water piping
Remote control valves are to be clearly identified as to
the tanks they serve and are to be provided with posi-
tion indicators at the ballast control station. a) Except otherwise specified, the sewage (or black water)
8 Drinking water, scuppers and drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets
and urinals
sanitary discharges
drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick
bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers
8.1 Drinking water systems located in such premises
8.1.1 Drinking water tanks drainage from spaces containing living animals, or
a) Scantlings of drinking water tanks forming part of the other waste waters when mixed with the drainages
vessels structure are to comply with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5. defined above.
Scantlings of independent drinking water tanks are to b) Grey water means other sanitary discharges which are
comply with [2.12]. not sewage.
b) Drinking water tanks shall not share walls with other c) In general, sewage systems should be of a design which
tanks. will avoid the possible generation of toxic and flamma-
ble gases (such as hydrogen sulphide, methane, ammo-
c) Pipes which do not carry drinking water shall not be nia) during the sewage collection and treatment.
routed through drinking water tanks. Additional means of protection is to be suitable ventila-
d) Air and overflow pipes of drinking water tanks are to tion of the pipework and tanks.
comply with [9]. They may not be connected to other d) Drain lines from the hospital area should be, as far as
pipes and may not be routed through tanks which do practicable, separated from other discharges and fitted
not contain drinking water. the upper openings of air to the drain collector at the lowest level.
and overflow pipes are to be protected against the entry
of insects. e) Sewage and grey water may be collected into storage
tanks together or separately, either for holding prior to
e) Sounding pipes must terminate at a sufficient height transfer to a treatment unit, or for later discharge. Any
above the deck and may not be laid through tanks tank used for holding sewage shall comply with the fol-
which contain other media than water. lowing:
8.1.2 Drinking water piping suitable air pipes shall be fitted, leading to the open
a) Drinking water piping may not be connected to piping
systems carrying other media and may not be laid design and configuration of those tanks should be
through tanks not containing drinking water. such as to facilitate the effective drainage and flush-
ing of the tanks
b) The supply of drinking water into tanks other than drink-
ing water tanks, e.g. expansion tanks of engine fresh suitable means for flushing of the tanks shall be pro-
water cooling systems, must take place through open vided
funnels or devices to prevent flow-back. such tanks are to be efficiently protected against cor-
c) The filling connections of drinking water tanks are to be
placed at a sufficient height above the deck and must be tanks shall have a means to indicate visually the
capable of being closed. amount of its content
suitable means for emptying sewage tanks through
8.1.3 Drinking water pumps the standard discharge connection to reception
Separate drinking water pumps are to be provided for drink- facilities shall be provided. Ballast and bilge pumps
ing water systems. are not be used for that purpose.

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f) Air pipes from the sewage and grey water systems are to n : Navigation coefficient defined in Pt B, Ch 3,
be independent of all other air pipes and to be led to the Sec 1, [5.2]
outside of the vessel, away from any air intake. Such
T : Draught, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2
pipes should not terminate in areas to which personnel
have frequent access and should be clear of any sources AP : Increase of air pipe height, in m
of ignition.
for pipes with closing devices:
g) The overboard discharges shall be located as far from
AP = 0,15
river water inlets as possible, seen in the direction of
travel. In general, the sewage outlets should be located for pipes without closing devices:
below loadline.
AP = max (0,15 ; 0,39 n)
h) The sewage and grey water discharge lines are to be fit-
ted at the vessels' side with screw-down valve and non- 9.1.4 Construction of air pipes
return valve.
Where tanks are filled by pumping through permanently
The non-return valve may be omitted where the open inlets installed pipelines, the inside cross-section of the air pipes
of the sanitary discharge are situated sufficiently high above must equal at least 125% that of the corresponding filling
the bulkhead deck and the pipe wall thicknesses are equal pipe.
to that of the vessels shell.
9.1.5 Special arrangements for air pipes of
flammable oil tanks
9 Air, sounding and overflow pipes Air pipes of lubricating oil storage tanks may terminate in
the engine room. Air pipes of the lubricating oil storage
9.1 Air pipes tanks which forming part of the vessel's shell are to termi-
nate in the engine room casing above the bulkhead deck.
9.1.1 Principle It is necessary to ensure that no leaking oil can spread on to
heated surfaces where it may ignite.
Air pipes are to be fitted to all tanks, double bottoms, coffer-
dams, tunnels and other compartments which are not fitted The air pipes of lubricating oil tanks, gear and engine crank-
with alternative ventilation arrangements, in order to allow shaft casings shall not be led to a common line.
the passage of air or liquid so as to prevent excessive pres-
sure or vacuum in the tanks or compartments, in particular 9.1.6 Other arrangements for air pipes
in those which are fitted with piping installations.
Air pipes are to be laid vertically. Air pipes passing through
cargo holds are to be protected against damage.
9.1.2 Number and position of air pipes
Cofferdams and void spaces with bilge connections must be
a) Air pipes are to be so arranged and the upper part of
provided with air pipes terminating above the open deck.
compartments so designed that air or gas likely to accu-
mulate at any point in the compartments can freely
evacuate. 9.2 Sounding pipes
b) Air pipes are to be fitted opposite the filling pipes and/or
9.2.1 Principle
at the highest parts of the compartments, the vessel
being assumed to be on an even keel. a) Sounding devices are to be fitted to tanks intended to
contain liquids as well as to all compartments which are
c) Where only one air pipe is provided, it is not to be used not readily accessible at all times, i.e. void spaces, cof-
as a filling pipe. ferdams and bilges (bilge wells).

9.1.3 Height of air pipes b) For compartments normally intended to contain liquids,
the following systems may be accepted in lieu of sound-
Their open ends are to be so arranged as to prevent the free ing pipes:
entry of water in the compartment.
a level gauge of an approved type efficiently pro-
The height dAP, in m, of air pipes above the deck is to be tected against shocks, or
such that: a remote level gauging system of an approved type,
provided an emergency means of sounding is avail-
zAP max (T + n / 1,7 ; zLE ) + AP
able in the event of failure affecting such system.
where: c) The internal diameter of sounding pipes is not to be less
zAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the top of air pipe than 32 mm. Where sounding pipes pass through refrig-
erated spaces, or through the insulation of refrigerated
zLE : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the lower end (above spaces in which the temperature may be below 0C,
deck) of air pipe their internal diameter is to be at least 60 mm.

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9.2.2 General arrangement For this purpose, overflow pipes are to be led to a high
As far as possible, sounding pipes are to be laid straight and enough point above the deepest load waterline or, alter-
are to extend as near as possible to the bottom of the tank. natively, non-return valves are to fitted where necessary.

Sounding pipes which terminate below the deepest load d) Arrangements are to be made so that a compartment
waterline are to be fitted with self-closing shutoff devices. cannot be flooded from the river water through the over-
Such sounding pipes are only permissible in spaces which flow in the event of another compartment connected to
are accessible at all times. All other sounding pipes are to the same overflow main being bilged. To this end, the
be extended to the open deck. The sounding pipe openings openings of overflow pipes discharging overboard are as
must always be accessible and fitted with watertight clo- a rule to be placed above the deepest load waterline
sures. and are to be fitted where necessary with non-return
valves on the plating, or, alternatively, overflow pipes
Sounding pipes of tanks are to be provided close to the top from tanks are to be led to a point above the deepest
of the tank with holes for equalizing the pressure. load waterline.
A striking pad is to be fitted under every sounding pipe. e) Where tanks alternately containing fuel oil and ballast
Where sounding pipes are connected to the tanks over a lat- water are connected to a common overflow system,
eral branch pipe, the branch-off under the sounding pipe is arrangements are to be made to prevent the ballast
to be adequately reinforced. water overflowing into the tanks containing fuel oil and
9.2.3 Sounding pipes for fuel and lubricating oil
tanks 9.3.3 Overflow tanks
Where sounding pipes cannot be extended above the open a) Overflow tanks are to be fitted with an air pipe comply-
deck, they must be provided with self-closing shutoff ing with [9.1] which may serve as an overflow pipe for
devices as well as with self-closing test valves. the same tank. When the vent pipe reaches a height
The openings of sounding pipes must be located at a suffi- exceeding the design head of the overflow tank, suitable
cient distance from boilers, electrical equipment and hot means are to be provided to limit the actual hydrostatic
components. head on the tank.

Sounding pipes shall not terminate in accommodation or Such means are to discharge to a position which is safe
service spaces. They are not to be used as filling pipes. in the opinion of the Society.
b) An alarm device is to be provided to give warning when
9.3 Overflow pipes the oil reaches a predetermined level in the tank, or
alternatively, a sight-flow glass is to be provided in the
9.3.1 Principle overflow pipe to indicate when any tank is overflowing.
Such sight-flow glasses are only to be placed on vertical
Overflow pipes are to be fitted to tanks:
pipes and in readily visible positions.
which can be filled by pumping and are designed for a
hydrostatic pressure lower than that corresponding to 9.3.4 Specific arrangements for construction of
the height of the air pipe, or overflow pipes
where the cross-sectional area of air pipes is less than a) The internal diameter of overflow pipes is not to be less
that prescribed in [9.1.4]. than 50 mm.
b) In each compartment which can be pumped up, the
9.3.2 Design of overflow systems
total cross-sectional area of overflow pipes is not to be
a) Overflow pipes are to be led: less than 1,25 times the cross-sectional area of the cor-
either outside, or responding filling pipes.

in the case of fuel oil or lubricating oil, to an over- c) The cross-sectional area of the overflow main is not to
flow tank of adequate capacity or to a storage tank be less than the aggregate cross-sectional area of the
having a space reserved for overflow purposes. two largest pipes discharging into the main.

b) Overflows from service tanks are generally to be led d) Where overflow sight glasses are provided, they shall be
back either to the fuel bunkers, or to an overflow tank of in a vertically dropping line on readily visible position,
appropriate capacity. fitted with adequate protection from mechanical dam-
age and well lit.
c) Where tanks containing the same or different liquids are
connected to a common overflow system, the arrange- The overflow sight glasses are not to be used in fuel oil
ment is to be such as to prevent any risk of: systems.

intercommunication between the various tanks due Use of the overflow sight glasses in lubricating oil sys-
to movements of liquid when emptying or filling, or tems may be accepted provided that:
due to the inclination of the vessel they are so designed that oil does not impinge on
overfilling of any tank from another assumed the glass
flooded due to hull damage. the glass is to be of heat resisting quality.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

10 Water cooling systems 10.4.3 Water coolers

For fresh water coolers forming part of the vessel's shell
10.1 Application plating and for special outboard coolers, provision must be
made for satisfactory deaeration of the cooling water.
10.1.1 This Article applies to cooling systems using the fol-
lowing cooling media:
10.5 Control and monitoring
river water
fresh water. 10.5.1 For control and monitoring of water cooling systems
Lubricating oil and air cooling systems will be given special of diesel engines, see Ch 2, Sec 13, Tab 1.
11 Fuel oil systems
10.2 Principle
10.2.1 River water and fresh water cooling systems are to 11.1 Application
be so arranged as to maintain the temperature of the cooled
media (lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, charge air, etc.) for pro- 11.1.1 Scope
pulsion machinery and essential equipment within the This Article applies to all fuel oil systems supplying any kind
manufacturers recommended limits during all operations, of installation.
including starting and manoeuvring, under the inclination
The fuel oils used on board are to comply with Ch 1, Sec 1,
angles and the ambient conditions specified in Ch 1, Sec 1.

10.3 Design of river water cooling systems 11.1.2 For fuel oil supply equipment forming part of:
10.3.1 River chest diesel engines: see Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.4.2]
Each river chest is to be provided with an air pipe which boilers and thermal oil heaters: see Ch 1, Sec 4.
can be shutoff and which must extend above the bulkhead
deck (see Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.12], for definition). The
inside diameter of the air pipe must be compatible with the 11.2 Fuel oil tanks
size of the river chests and shall not be less than 30 mm.
11.2.1 Liquid fuel oil must be carried in oiltight tanks
Where compressed air is used to blow through river chests,
which may either form part of the hull or must be solidly
the pressure shall not exceed 2 bar.
connected with the vessels hull.
10.3.2 Intake valves
11.2.2 Fuel oil tanks provided in the machinery space are
Two valves are to be provided for main propulsion plants:
not to be located above the boilers nor in places where they
one valve at the water inlet secured: are likely to reach a high temperature, unless special
- directly on the shell plating, or arrangements are provided with the agreement of the Soci-
- on river chest built on the shell plating, with scant- ety.
lings in compliance with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.2]
one valve at the cooler inlet. 11.2.3 Where a cargo space is adjacent to a fuel oil bun-
ker/tank which is provided with heating system, the fuel oil
The cooling water pumps of important auxiliaries should be bunker/tank boundaries are to be adequately heat insulated.
connected to the river chests over separate valves.
11.2.4 Arrangements are to be made to restrict leaks
10.3.3 Filters
through the bulkheads of liquid fuel tanks adjacent to the
The suction lines of cooling water pumps for main engines cargo space.
are to be fitted with filters which can be cleaned in service.
11.2.5 Gutterways are to be fitted at the foot of bunker
10.4 Design of fresh water cooling systems bulkheads, in the cargo space and in the machinery space
in order to facilitate the flow of liquid due to eventual leaks
10.4.1 General towards the bilge suctions.
Fresh water cooling systems are to be designed according to
the applicable requirements of [10.3]. The gutterways may however be dispensed with if the bulk-
heads are entirely welded.
10.4.2 Expansion tanks
The fresh water cooling system is to be provided with 11.2.6 Where ceilings are fitted on the tank top or on the
expansion tanks located at a sufficient height. The tanks are top of deep tanks intended for the carriage of fuel oil, they
to be fitted with a filling connection, a water level indicator are to rest on grounds 30 mm in depth so arranged as to
and an air pipe. A venting shall connect the highest point of facilitate the flow of liquid due to eventual leaks towards
the cooling water common pipe to the expansion tank. the bilge suctions.
In closed circuits, the expansion tanks are to be fitted with The ceilings may be positioned directly on the plating in the
overpressure/underpressure valves. case of welded top platings.

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11.2.7 Tanks and fuel pipes are to be so located and The low level alarm shall be fitted at a height which enables
equipped that fuel cannot spread either inside the vessel or the vessel to reach a safe location in accordance with the
on deck and cannot be ignited by hot surfaces or electrical class notation without refilling the service tank.
equipment. Tanks are to be fitted with air and overflow Sight glasses and oil gauges fitted directly on the side of the
pipes to prevent excessive pressure (see [9]). tank and round glass oil gauges are not permitted.
If tanks are interconnected, the cross section of the connect-
Sounding pipes of fuel tanks may not terminate in accom-
ing pipe shall be at least 1,25 times the cross section of the
modation nor shall they terminate in spaces where the risk
filler neck.
of ignition of spillage from the sounding pipes might arise.
11.2.8 Fuel supply
The fuel supply is to be stored in several tanks so that, even
11.4 Attachment of mountings and fittings to
in event of damage to one tank, the fuel supply will not be fuel tanks
entirely lost (at least 1 storage tank and 1 service/settling
11.4.1 Only appliances, mountings and fittings forming
part of the fuel tank equipment may generally be fitted to
11.2.9 Location tank surfaces.
The location of fuel oil tanks is to be in compliance with Pt 11.4.2 Valves and pipe connections are to be attached to
B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1], particularly as regards the installation strengthening flanges welded to the tank surfaces. Holes for
of cofferdams, the separation between fuel oil tanks or bun- attachment bolts must not be drilled in the tank surfaces.
kers and other spaces of the vessel. Instead of strengthening flanges, short, thick pipe flange
No fuel oil tanks may be located forward of the collision connections may be welded into the tank surfaces.
11.5 Filling and delivery system
11.2.10 Scantlings
Scantlings of fuel oil tanks forming part of the vessels struc- 11.5.1 The filling of fuels is to be effected from the open
ture are to comply with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5. deck through permanently installed lines.
Scantlings of independent fuel oil tanks are to comply with
[2.12]. 11.6 Tank filling and suction systems
11.6.1 Fuel pumps are to be equipped with emergency
11.3 Fuel tank fittings and mountings stops.
11.3.1 For fuel filling and suction systems see [11.5]. For 11.6.2 Filling and suction lines must be fitted with remote
air, overflow and sounding pipes, see [9]. controlled shutoff valves.
The open ends of air pipes and overflow pipes leading to
the deck shall be provided with a protecting screen. 11.6.3 The emergency stops and the remote-controlled
shutoff valves must be capable of being operated from a
11.3.2 Service tanks are to be so arranged that water and permanently accessible open deck and protected from
residues can settle out despite the movement of the vessel. unauthorized use.

11.3.3 Free discharge and drainage lines must be fitted 11.6.4 Air and sounding pipes shall not be used to fill fuel
with self-closing shutoff valves. tanks.

11.3.4 Tank gauges 11.6.5 The inlet openings of suction pipes must be located
above the drain pipes.
The following tank gauges are permitted:
sounding pipes 11.6.6 Service tanks of up to 50 litres capacity mounted
oil level indicating devices directly on diesel engines need not be fitted with remote
controlled shutoff valves.
oil gauges with flat glasses and self-closing shutoff
valves at the connections to the tank and protected
against external damage.
11.7 Pipe layout

For fuel storage tanks, the provision of sounding pipes is suf- 11.7.1 Fuel lines may not pass through tanks containing
ficient. Such sounding pipes need not be fitted to tanks feedwater, drinking water or lubricating oil.
equipped with oil level indicating devices which have been
11.7.2 Fuel lines may not be laid in the vicinity of hot
type-tested by the Society.
engine components, boilers or electrical equipment. The
Fuel service tank supplying the main propulsion unit, number of detachable pipe connections is to be limited.
important auxiliaries and the driving engines for bow Shutoff valves in fuel lines shall be operable from above the
thruster are to be fitted with visual and audible low level floor plates in machinery spaces.
alarm which has been approved by the Society.
Glass and plastic components are not permitted in fuel sys-
See also Ch 2, Sec 13. tems.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

11.7.3 Shutoff valves in fuel return (spill) lines to tanks may 12.3 Tank fittings and mountings
be permitted, ensuring that return line to the tanks under
normal operating conditions will not be blocked. 12.3.1 Oil level glasses are to be connected to the tanks by
means of self-closing shutoff valves.
11.8 Filters
12.4 Capacity and construction of tanks
11.8.1 Fuel supply lines to continuously operating engines
are to be fitted with duplex filters with a changeover cock or 12.4.1 Lubricating oil circulating tanks should be suffi-
with self-cleaning filters. By-pass arrangements are not per- ciently large to ensure that the dwelling time of the oil is
mitted. long enough for the expulsion of air bubbles, the settling
out of residues etc. The tanks must be large enough to hold
at least the lubricating oil contained in the entire circulation
11.9 Control and monitoring system.
11.9.1 See Ch 2, Sec 13. 12.4.2 Measures, such as the provision of baffles or limber
holes are to be taken to ensure that the entire contents of
12 Lubricating oil systems the tank remain in circulation. Limber holes should be
located as near the bottom of the tank as possible. Lubricat-
ing oil drain pipes from engines are to be submerged closed
12.1 Application to the tank bottom at their outlet ends. Suction pipe connec-
tions should be placed as far as is practicable from oil drain
12.1.1 Scope pipes so that neither air nor sludge can be sucked up irre-
This Article applies to lubricating oil systems serving all spective of the inclination of the vessel.
kind of installations (e.g., diesel engines, turbines, reduction
gears, clutches), for lubrication purposes. 12.4.3 Lubricating oil drain tanks are to be equipped with
vent pipes in compliance with [9].
12.1.2 For lubricating oil supply equipment forming part
of: 12.5 Lubricating oil piping
diesel engines: see Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.4.3]
12.5.1 Lubricating oil systems are to be constructed to
reduction gears and clutches: see Ch 1, Sec 6. ensure reliable lubrication over the whole range of speed
and during run-down of the engines and to ensure adequate
12.2 Lubricating oil tank heat transfer.

12.2.1 Lubricating oil must be carried in oiltight tanks 12.5.2 Priming pumps
which may either form part of the hull or must be solidly Where necessary, priming pumps are to be provided for
connected with the vessels hull. supplying lubricating oil to the engines.

12.2.2 Lubricating oil tanks and their fittings shall not be

12.6 Lubricating oil pumps
located directly above engines or exhaust pipes.
12.6.1 The suction connections of lubricating oil pumps
12.2.3 Lubricating oil tanks and pipes are to be so located are to be located as far as possible from drain pipes.
and equipped that lubricating oil cannot spread either
inside the vessel or on deck and cannot be ignited by hot
surfaces or electrical equipment. Tanks are to be fitted with 12.7 Filters
air and overflow pipes to prevent excessive pressure (see
12.7.1 Change-over duplex filters or automatic back-flush-
ing filters are to be mounted in lubricating oil lines on the
12.2.4 The location of lubricating oil tanks is to be in com- delivery side of the pumps.
pliance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1], particularly as regards
the installation of cofferdams, the separation between lubri- 13 Thermal oil systems
cating oil tanks and other spaces of the vessel.
No lubricating oil tanks may be located forward of the colli- 13.1 General
sion bulkhead.
13.1.1 Thermal oil systems shall be installed in accordance
12.2.5 Scantlings of lubricating oil tanks forming part of the with applicable provisions of Ch 1, Sec 3.
vessels structure are to comply with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5.
13.1.2 Thermal oil must be carried in oiltight tanks which
Scantlings of independent lubricating oil tanks are to com- may either form part of the hull or must be solidly con-
ply with [2.12]. nected with the vessels hull.
12.2.6 Control and monitoring 13.1.3 Thermal oil tanks and their fittings shall not be
See Ch 2, Sec 13. located directly above engines or exhaust pipes.

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13.1.4 Thermal oil tanks and pipes are to be so located and 13.4.6 Pipe penetrations through bulkheads and decks are
equipped that thermal oil cannot spread either inside the to be insulated against conduction of heat.
vessel or on deck and cannot be ignited by hot surfaces or
electrical equipment. Tanks are to be fitted with air and 13.4.7 The venting is to be so arranged that air/oil mixtures
overflow pipes to prevent excessive pressure (see [9]). can be carried away without danger.

13.1.5 The location of thermal oil tanks is to be in compli-

13.5 Testing
ance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1], particularly as regards the
installation of cofferdams, the separation between thermal 13.5.1 Tightness and operational tests
oil tanks and other spaces of the vessel.
After installation, the entire arrangement is to be subjected
No thermal oil tanks may be located forward of the colli- to tightness and operational testing under the supervision of
sion bulkhead. the Society.

13.2 Pumps 13.5.2 Hydraulic tests

For hydraulic tests, see [20].
13.2.1 Circulating pumps
At least two circulating pumps are to be provided, of such a
capacity as to maintain a sufficient flow in the heaters with 13.6 Equipment of thermal oil tanks
any one pump out of action.
13.6.1 For the equipment of thermal oil tanks, see Ch 1,
However, for circulating systems supplying non-essential Sec 3, [3.3].
services, one circulating pump only may be accepted.

13.2.2 Transfer pumps 14 Hydraulic systems

A transfer pump is to be installed for filling the expansion
tank. 14.1 General
13.2.3 The pumps are to be so mounted that any oil leak- 14.1.1 Scope
age can be safely disposed of.
The Rules contained in this Article apply to hydraulic power
13.2.4 For emergency stopping, see Ch 3, Sec 2, [2.1]. installations used, for example, to operate closing appli-
ances in the vessels shell, landing ramps and hoists. The
13.3 Valves Rules are to be applied in analogous manner to vessels
other hydraulic systems.
13.3.1 Only valves made of ductile materials may be used.
14.1.2 Hydraulic oil must be carried in oiltight tanks which
13.3.2 Valves shall be designed for a nominal pressure of may either form part of the hull or must be solidly con-
PN 16. nected with the vessels hull.

13.3.3 Valves are to be mounted in accessible positions. 14.1.3 Hydraulic oil tanks and their fittings shall not be
located directly above engines or exhaust pipes.
13.3.4 Non-return valves are to be fitted in the pressure
lines of the pumps. 14.1.4 Hydraulic oil tanks and pipes are to be so located
and equipped that hydraulic oil cannot spread either inside
13.3.5 Valves in return pipes are to be secured in the open
the vessel or on deck and cannot be ignited by hot surfaces
or electrical equipment. Tanks are to be fitted with air and
overflow pipes to prevent excessive pressure (see [9]).
13.4 Piping
14.1.5 The location of thermal oil tanks is to be in compli-
13.4.1 The material of the sealing joints is to be suitable for ance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1], particularly as regards the
permanent operation at the design temperature and resistant installation of cofferdams, the separation between thermal
to the thermal oil. oil tanks and other spaces of the vessel.
13.4.2 Provision is to be made for thermal expansion by an No Hydraulic oil tanks may be located forward of the colli-
appropriate pipe layout and the use of suitable compensa- sion bulkhead.
14.1.6 Scantlings of hydraulic oil tanks forming part of the
13.4.3 The pipe lines are to be preferably connected by vessels structure are to comply with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5.
means of welding. The number of detachable pipe connec- Scantlings of independent hydraulic oil tanks are to comply
tions is to be minimized. with [2.12].
13.4.4 The laying of pipes through accommodation, public
or service spaces is not permitted. 14.2 Dimensional design
13.4.5 Pipelines passing through cargo holds are to be 14.2.1 For the design of pressure vessels, see Ch 1, Sec 3,
installed in such a way that no damage can be caused. [2], for the dimensions of pipes, see [2.4].

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14.3 Materials 14.4.2 Pipes

a) The pipes of hydraulic systems are to be installed in
14.3.1 Approved materials such a way as to ensure maximum protection while
remaining readily accessible.
Components fulfilling a major function in the power trans-
mission system shall normally be made of steel or cast steel b) Pipes are to be installed at a sufficient distance from the
in accordance with NR216 Materials and Welding. The use vessels shell. As far as possible, pipes should not pass
of other materials is subject to special agreement with the through cargo spaces. The piping system is to be fitted
Society. with relief valves to limit the pressure to the maximum
allowable working pressure.
Cylinders are preferably to be made of steel, cast steel or c) Pipes are to be so installed that they are free from stress
nodular cast iron (with a predominantly ferritic matrix). and vibration.
Pipes are to be made of seamless or longitudinally welded d) The piping system is to be fitted with filters for cleaning
steel tubes. the hydraulic fluid.

The pressure-loaded walls of valves, fittings, pumps, motors, e) Equipment is to be provided to enable the hydraulic sys-
tem to be vented.
etc., are subject to the requirements of [20].
f) The hydraulic fluids must be suitable for the intended
14.3.2 Testing of materials ambient and service temperatures.

The materials of pressure casings and pressure oil lines must g) Where the hydraulic system includes accumulators, the
possess mechanical characteristics in conformity with accumulator chamber must be permanently connected
to the safety valve of the associated system. The gas
NR216 Materials and Welding. Evidence of this may take
chamber of the accumulators shall only be filled with
the form of a certificate issued by the steelmaker which con-
inert gases. Gas and hydraulic fluid are to be separated
tains details of composition and the results of the tests pre-
by accumulator bags, diaphragms or similar devices.
scribed in NR216 Materials and Welding.
14.4.3 Oil level indicators
14.4 Design and equipment Tanks within the hydraulic system are to be equipped with
oil level indicators.
14.4.1 Control An alarm located in the wheelhouse is to fitted for the low-
est permissible oil level.
a) Hydraulic systems may be supplied either from a com-
mon power station or from a number of power stations, 14.4.4 Hose lines
each serving a particular system.
Hose assemblies comprise hoses and their fittings in a fully
b) Where the supply is from a common power station and assembled and tested condition.
in the case of hydraulic drives whose piping system is High pressure hose assemblies are to be used if necessary
connected to other hydraulic systems, a second pump for flexible connections. These hose assemblies must meet
set is to be provided. the requirements of [2.6] or an equivalent standard. The
hose assemblies must be properly installed and suitable for
c) Hydraulic systems shall not be capable of being initi- the relevant operating media, pressures, temperatures and
ated merely by starting the pump. The movement of the environmental conditions. In systems important to the
equipment is to be controlled from special operating safety of the vessel and in spaces subjected to a fire hazard,
stations. The controls are to be so arranged that, as soon the hose assemblies are to be flame-resistant or to be pro-
as they are released, the movement of the hoist ceases tected correspondingly.

d) Local controls, inaccessible to unauthorized persons,

14.5 Testing in manufacturers works
are to be fitted. The movement of hydraulic equipment
14.5.1 Testing of power units
should normally be visible from the operating stations. If
the movement cannot be observed, audible and/or The power units of hydraulic systems are required to
visual warning devices are to be fitted. In addition, the undergo test on a test stand. The relevant works test certifi-
cates are to be presented at time to the final inspection of
operating stations are then to be equipped with indica-
the hydraulic system.
tors for monitoring the movement of the hoist.
For electric motors, see Ch 2, Sec 3.
e) In or immediately at each power unit (ram or similar)
used to operate equipment which moves vertically or Hydraulic pumps are to be subjected to pressure and opera-
rotates about a horizontal axis, suitable precautions tional tests in compliance with [20.4.6].
must be taken to ensure a slow descent following a pipe Tightness tests are to be performed on components to which
rupture. this is appropriate.

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15 Steam systems 16.1.3 Feedwater pumps are to be used only for feeding
15.1 Laying out of steam systems
16.2 Capacity of feed water pumps
15.1.1 Steam systems are to be so installed and supported
that expected stresses due to thermal expansion, external 16.2.1 Where two feedwater pumps are provided, the
loads and shifting of the supporting structure under both capacity of each is to be equivalent to at least 1,25 times the
normal and interrupted service conditions will be safely maximum permitted output of all the connected steam pro-
compensated. ducers.

15.1.2 Steam lines are to be so installed that water pockets 16.2.2 Where more than two feedwater pumps are
will be avoided. installed, the capacity of all other feedwater pumps in the
event of the failure of the pump with the largest capacity is
15.1.3 Means are to be provided for the reliable drainage to comply with the requirements of [16.2.1].
of the piping system.
16.2.3 For continuous flow boilers the capacity of the feed-
15.1.4 Pipe penetrations through bulkheads and decks are water pumps is to be at least 1,0 time the maximum steam
to be insulated to prevent heat conduction. output.

15.1.5 Steam lines are to be effectively insulated to prevent

16.3 Delivery pressure of feedwater pumps
heat losses.
At points where there is a possibility of contact, the surface 16.3.1 Feedwater pumps are to be so laid out that the deliv-
temperature of the insulated steam systems may not exceed ery pressure can satisfy the following requirements:
80C. the required capacity according to [16.2]] is to be
Wherever necessary, additional protection arrangements achieved against the maximum allowable working pres-
against unintended contact are to be provided. sure of the steam producer
The surface temperature of steam systems in the pump the safety valves must have a capacity equal 1,0 times
rooms of tankers may nowhere exceed 220C. the approved steam output at 1,1 times the allowable
It is to be ensured that the steam lines are fitted with suffi- working pressure.
cient expansion arrangements. The resistances to flow in the piping between the feedwater
Where a system can be entered from a system with higher pump and the boiler are to be taken into consideration. In
pressure, the former is to be provided with reducing valves the case of continuous flow boilers the total resistance of
and relief valves on the low pressure side. the boiler must be taken into account.
Welded connections in steam systems are subject to the
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding. 16.4 Power supply to feedwater pumps
16.4.1 For electric drives, a separate lead from the com-
15.2 Steam strainers mon bus-bar to each pump motor is sufficient.
15.2.1 Wherever necessary, machines and apparatus in
steam systems are to be protected against foreign matter by 16.5 Feedwater systems
steam strainers.
16.5.1 General
Feedwater systems may not pass through tanks which do not
15.3 Steam connections
contain feedwater.
15.3.1 Steam connections to equipment and pipes carrying
16.5.2 Feedwater systems for boilers
oil, e.g. steam atomizers or steam out arrangements, are to
be so secured that fuel and oil cannot penetrate into the a) Each boiler is to be provided with a main and an auxil-
steam systems. iary feedwater systems.
b) Each feedwater system is to be fitted with a shutoff valve
16 Boiler feedwater and circulating and a check valve at the boiler inlet. Where the shutoff
valve and the check valve are not directly connected in
arrangement, condensate series, the intermediate pipe is to be fitted with a drain.
recirculation c) Each feedwater pump is to be fitted with a shutoff valve
on the suction side and a screw-down non-return valve
16.1 Feed water pumps on the delivery side. The pipes are to be so arranged that
each pump can supply each feedwater system.
16.1.1 At least two feedwater pumps are to be provided for
each boiler installation. d) Continuous flow boilers need not to be fitted with the
valves required in item b) provided that the heating of
16.1.2 Feedwater pumps are to be so arranged or equipped the boiler is automatically switched off should the feed-
that no backflow of water can occur when the pumps are at water supply fail and that the feedwater pump supplies
a standstill. only one boiler.

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16.6 Boiler water circulating systems c) Where compressed air is necessary to restore propul-
sion, the arrangements for bringing main and auxiliary
16.6.1 Each forced-circulation boiler is to be equipped machinery into operation are to have capacity such that
with two circulating pumps powered independently of each the starting energy and any power supplies for engine
other. Failure of the circulating pump in operation is to be operation are available within 30 minutes.
signalled by an alarm. The alarm may only be switched off
d) Where the compressed air is necessary for the air whis-
if a circulating pump is started or when the boiler firing is
tle or other safety services, it is to be available from two
shut down.
compressed air receivers. At least one of them is to be
16.6.2 The provision of only one circulating pump for each starting air receiver for main engines. The separate con-
boiler is sufficient if: nection, dedicated for this purpose, is to be provided
directly from the compressed air main.
a common stand-by circulating pump is provided which
can be connected to any boiler, or
17.3 Design of starting air systems
the burners of oil-fired auxiliary boilers are so arranged
that they are automatically shut off should the circulat- 17.3.1 Air supply for starting the main and auxiliary
ing pump fail and the heat stored in the boiler does not engines
cause any unacceptable evaporation of the water pres-
ent in the boiler. a) The total capacity of the compressed air available for
starting purpose is to be sufficient to provide, without
replenishment, not less than 12 consecutive starts alter-
16.7 Condensate recirculation nating between ahead and astern of each main engine
of the reversible type, and not less than 6 consecutive
16.7.1 The condensate of all heating systems used to heat
starts of each main non-reversible type engine con-
oil (fuel, lubricating, cargo oil etc.) is to be led to conden-
nected to a controllable pitch propeller or other device
sate observation tanks. These tanks are to be fitted with air
enabling the start without opposite torque.
The number of starts refers to the engine in cold and
ready-to-start condition (all the driven equipment that
17 Compressed air systems cannot be disconnected is to be taken into account).
A greater number of starts may be required when the
17.1 Application engine is in warm running condition.
17.1.1 This Article applies to compressed air systems At least 3 consecutive starts is to be possible for each
intended for essential services, and in particular to: engine driving electric generators and engines for other
starting of engines purposes. The capacity of a starting system serving two
or more of the above specified purposes is to be the sum
control and monitoring. of the capacity requirements.
b) For multi-engine propulsion plants, the capacity of the
17.2 Principle
starting air receivers is to be sufficient to ensure at least
17.2.1 General 3 consecutive starts per engine. However, the total
capacity is not to be less than 12 starts and need not
a) As a rule, compressed air systems are to be so designed exceed 18 starts.
that the compressed air delivered to the consumers:
Regardless of the above, for any other specific installa-
is free from oil and water, as necessary
tion the number of starts may be specially considered by
does not have an excessive temperature. the Society and depending upon the arrangement of the
b) Compressed air systems are to be so designed as to pre- engines and the transmission of their output to the pro-
vent overpressure in any part of the systems. pellers in each particular case.

17.2.2 Availability 17.3.2 Number and capacity of air compressors

a) Compressed air systems are to be so designed that, in a) Where main and auxiliary engines are arranged for start-
the event of failure of one air compressor or one air ing by compressed air, two or more air compressors are
receiver intended for starting, control purposes or other to be fitted with a total capacity sufficient to supply
essential services, the air supply to such services can be within one hour the quantity of air needed to satisfy the
maintained. The filling connections of the compressed provisions of [17.3.1] charging the receivers from atmo-
air receivers shall be fitted with a non-return valve. spheric pressure. This capacity is to be approximately
equally divided between the number of compressors fit-
b) The compressed air system for starting the main and
ted, excluding the emergency compressor fitted in pur-
auxiliary engines is to be arranged so that the necessary
suance of item c) below.
initial charge of starting air can be developed on board
vessel without external aid. If, for this purpose, an emer- b) At least one of the compressors is to be independent of
gency air compressor or an electric generator is the engines for which starting air is supplied and is to
required, these units are to be powered by a hand-start- have a capacity of not less than 50% of the total
ing oil engine or a hand-operated compressor. required in item a).

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c) Where, for the purpose of [17.2.2], an emergency air 17.5.2 Automatic controls
compressor is fitted, this unit is to be power driven by
Automatic pressure control is to be provided for maintain-
internal combustion engine, electric motor or steam
ing the air pressure in the air receivers within the required
Suitable hand starting arrangement or independent elec-
trical starting batteries may be accepted. In the case of
small installations, a hand-operated compressor of
17.6 Arrangement of compressed air piping
approved capacity may be accepted. systems

17.3.3 Number and capacity of air receivers 17.6.1 Prevention of overpressure

a) Where main engines are arranged for starting by com- Suitable pressure relief arrangements are to be provided for
pressed air, at least two air receivers are to be fitted of all systems.
approximately equal capacity and capable of being
used independently. 17.6.2 Air supply to compressors
b) The total capacity of air receivers is to be sufficient to a) Provisions are to be made to reduce to a minimum the
provide without replenishment the number of starts entry of oil into air pressure systems.
required in [17.3.1]. When other users such as auxiliary
b) Air compressors are to be located in spaces provided
engine starting systems, control systems, whistle, etc.
with sufficient ventilation.
are connected to the starting air receivers, their air con-
sumption is also to be taken into account.
17.6.3 Air treatment and draining
Compressed air receivers are to comply with the
requirements of Ch 1, Sec 3. a) Provisions are be made to drain air pressure systems.

b) Efficient oil and water separators, or filters, are to be

17.4 Design of air compressors provided on the discharge of compressors, and drains
are to be installed on compressed air pipes wherever
17.4.1 Prevention of excessive temperature of deemed necessary.
discharged air
Air compressors are to be so designed that the temperature 17.6.4 Lines between compressors, receivers and
of discharged air cannot exceed 95C. For this purpose, the engines
air compressors are to provided where necessary with: All discharge pipes from starting air compressors are to be
suitable cooling means lead directly to the starting air receivers, and all starting
pipes from the air receivers to main or auxiliary engines are
fusible plugs or alarm devices set at a temperature not to be entirely separate from the compressor discharge pipe
exceeding 120C. system.

17.4.2 Prevention of overpressure 17.6.5 Protective devices for starting air mains
a) Air compressors are to be fitted with a relief valve com- Non-return valves and other safety devices are to be pro-
plying with [2.11]. vided on the starting air mains of each engine in accor-
b) Means are to be provided to prevent overpressure wher- dance with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1.1].
ever water jackets or casings of air compressors may be
subjected to dangerous overpressure due to leakage 18 Exhaust gas systems
from air pressure parts.
c) Water space casings of intermediate coolers of air com-
18.1 General
pressors are to be protected against any overpressure
which might occur in the event of rupture of air cooler
tubes. 18.1.1 Application
This Article applies to:
17.4.3 Provision for draining
exhaust gas pipes from engines
Air compressors are to be fitted with a drain valve.
smoke ducts from boilers.

17.5 Control and monitoring of compressed 18.1.2 Principle

air systems
Exhaust gas systems are to be so designed as to:
17.5.1 Monitoring limit the risk of fire
For diesel engines starting system, alarms and safeguards
prevent gases from entering manned spaces
are to be provided for compressed air systems in accor-
dance with Ch 2, Sec 13, Tab 1. prevent water from entering engines.

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18.2 Design of exhaust systems 18.3.2 Provision for draining

a) Drains are to be provided where necessary in exhaust
18.2.1 Limitation of exhaust line surface temperature systems, and in particular in exhaust ducting below
a) Exhaust gas pipes and silencers are to be either water exhaust gas boilers, in order to prevent water flowing
cooled or efficiently insulated where: into the engine.
b) Where exhaust pipes are water cooled, they are to be so
their surface temperature may exceed 220C, or
arranged as to be self-draining overboard.
they pass through spaces of the vessel where a tem-
perature rise may be dangerous. 18.3.3 Silencers
Engine silencers are to be so arranged as to provide easy
b) The insulation of exhaust systems is to comply with the
access for cleaning and overhaul.
provisions of Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.7.1].

18.2.2 Limitation of pressure losses 19 Bilge systems for non propelled

Exhaust gas systems are to be so designed that pressure vessels
losses in the exhaust lines do not exceed the maximum val-
ues permitted by the engine or boiler manufacturers. 19.1 Bilge system in vessels having no
source of electrical power
18.2.3 Intercommunication of engine exhaust gas
lines or boiler smoke ducts 19.1.1 General
a) Exhaust gas from different engines is not to be led to a Where there is no source of electrical power on board,
common exhaust main, exhaust gas boiler or econo- hand pumps are to be provided, in sufficient number and so
miser, unless each exhaust pipe is provided with a suit- positioned as to permit an adequate drainage of all the
able isolating device. compartments of the vessel.

b) Smoke ducts from boilers discharging to a common fun- 19.1.2 Arrangement of the bilge system
nel are to be separated to a height sufficient to prevent The bilge system is to comply with one of the following
smoke passing from a boiler which is operating to a arrangements:
boiler out of action.
a) at least one pump is provided for each compartment
18.2.4 Boilers designed for alternative oil firing and b) at least two pumps connected to a bilge main are to be
exhaust gas operation provided. The main is to have branch pipes allowing the
Where boilers are designed for alternative oil firing and draining of each compartment through at least one suc-
exhaust gas operation, the exhaust gas pipe from the engine tion.
is to be fitted with an isolating device and safety arrange-
19.1.3 Hand pumps
ments to prevent the starting of the fuel oil burning units if
the isolating device is not in the closed position. a) Hand pumps are to be capable of being operated from
positions above the load waterline and are to be readily
18.2.5 Exhaust gas pipe terminations accessible at any time.

a) Where exhaust pipes are led overboard close to the load b) Hand pump suction lift is to be well within the capacity
waterline, means are to be provided to prevent water of the pump.
from entering the engine or the vessel.
19.1.4 Size of bilge pipes
b) Where exhaust pipes are water cooled, they are to be so The size of bilge pipes is to be determined in compliance
arranged as to be self-draining overboard. with [6.8].

18.2.6 Control and monitoring 19.2 Bilge system in vessels having a source
A high temperature alarm is to be provided in the exhaust of electrical power
gas manifolds of thermal oil heaters to detect any outbreak
of fire. 19.2.1 General
On board non propelled vessels having a source of electri-
18.3 Arrangement of exhaust piping systems cal power, mechanical pumps are to be provided for drain-
ing the various compartments of the vessel.
18.3.1 Provision for thermal expansion The Society may waive the requirements of this sub-article
for vessels not intended to carry passengers complying with
a) Exhaust pipes and smoke ducts are to be so designed
that any expansion or contraction does not cause abnor-
mal stresses in the piping system, and in particular in 19.2.2 Arrangement of the bilge system
the connection with engine turboblowers.
The bilge system is to comply with the provisions of [6.3] to
b) The devices used for supporting the pipes are to allow [6.6] applicable to the spaces concerned, except that direct
their expansion or contraction. suction need not be provided.

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19.2.3 Bilge pumps 20.4.2 Pressure tests of piping before assembly on

The number and capacity of the bilge pumps are to comply
with the relevant requirements of [6.7]. All class II pipes as well as steam lines, feedwater pressure
pipes, compressed air and fuel lines having a design pres-
19.2.4 Size of bilge pipes sure PR greater than 3,5 bar together with their associated
fittings, connecting pieces, branches and bends, after com-
The size of bilge pipes is to comply with the relevant
pletion of manufacture but before insulation and coating, if
requirements of [6.8].
this is provided, shall be subjected to a hydraulic pressure
test in the presence of the Surveyor at the following value of
20 Certification, inspection and testing pressure:
of piping systems pp = 1,5 pC

20.1 Application
pC : Design pressure defined in [2.4.1].
20.1.1 This Article defines the certification and workshop
inspection and testing programme to be performed on: Where for technical reasons it is not possible to carry out
complete hydraulic pressure tests on all sections of piping
the various components of piping systems before assembly on board, proposals are to be submitted for
the materials used for their manufacture. approval to the Society for testing the closing lengths of pip-
ing, particularly in respect of closing seams.
On board testing is dealt with in Ch 1, Sec 15.
When the hydraulic pressure test of piping is carried out on
board, these tests may be conducted in conjunction with
20.2 Type tests the tests required under [20.4.3].

20.2.1 Type tests of flexible hoses and expansion Pressure testing of pipes with a nominal diameter less than
joints 15 mm may be omitted at the Society's discretion depend-
ing on the application.
a) For the flexible hoses or expansion joints which are to
comply with [2.6], relevant type approval tests are to be 20.4.3 Pressure tests of piping after assembly on
carried out on each type and each size. board
b) The flexible hose or an expansion joint subjected to the In general, all pipe systems are to be tested for leakage
tests is to be fitted with their connections. under operational conditions. If necessary, special tech-
niques other than hydraulic pressure tests are to be applied.
c) Type approval tests are to be carried out in accordance
In particular the following applies:
with applicable requirements of NR467, Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10. heating coils in tanks and fuel lines must be tested to not
less than 1,5 PB but in no case less than 4 bar
20.3 Testing of materials liquefied gas process piping systems are to be leak
tested (by air, halides, etc.) to a pressure depending on
20.3.1 The proof of the quality of materials for pipe class II the leak detection method applied.
is to be in the form of an inspection certificate according to
EN 10.204 3.1 or equivalent. For this purpose, the manufac- 20.4.4 Hydrostatic tests of valves
turer of the material must have been accepted by the Soci-
ety. The following valves are to be subjected in the manufac-
turer's works to a hydraulic pressure test in the presence of
20.3.2 For components in pipe class III a works certificate a Society Surveyor:
issued by the manufacturer of the material is sufficient.
a) valves of pipe class II to 1,5 PR
20.3.3 Welded joints in pipelines of class II are to be tested b) valves mounted on the vessel's side not less than 5 bar.
in accordance with NR216 Materials and Welding.
The valves specified under items a) and b) shall also
undergo a tightness test at 1,0 times the nominal pressure.
20.4 Hydrostatic testing of piping systems
and their components For the valves of steam boilers, see Ch 1, Sec 3, [3.2].

20.4.1 General 20.4.5 Hydrostatic tests of fuel oil bunkers and tanks
not forming part of the vessels structure
Pneumatic tests are to be avoided wherever possible.
Where such testing is absolutely necessary in lieu of the Fuel oil bunkers and tanks not forming part of the vessels
hydraulic pressure test, the relevant procedure is to be sub- structure are to be subjected to a hydrostatic test in compli-
mitted to the Society for acceptance prior to testing. ance with Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3.

120 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10

20.4.6 Hydrostatic tests of pumps and compressors 20.4.7 Hydrostatic test of flexible hoses and
expansion joints
Cylinders, covers and casings of pumps and compressors Hose assemblies and compensators are to be subjected in
are to be subjected to a hydrostatic test under a pressure at the manufacturer's works to a pressure test in accordance
least equal to the test pressure pp, in bar determined by the with [2.6.2] under the supervision of the Society.
following formulae:
20.5 Testing of piping system components
pp = 1,5 pe,zul where pe,zul 200
during manufacturing
pp = pe,zul + 100 where pe,zul > 200
20.5.1 Pumps
Bilge and fire pumps are to undergo a performance test.

pe,zul : Maximum allowable working pressure, in bar, 20.6 Inspection and testing of piping
as defined in [1.3.2]. systems
Tightness tests are to be performed on components to which 20.6.1 The inspections and tests required for piping sys-
this is appropriate. tems and their components are summarized in Tab 19.

Table 19 : Inspection and testing at works for piping systems and their components

Tests for the materials (2) Inspections and tests for the product (2)

Item (1) Tests Type of During Type of

required material manufacturing product
(3) certificate (4) (NDT) certificate (4)
class II C (5) [20.4.2] C (5)
Raw pipes [20.3] [3] (6)
class III W [20.4.3] W
class II C (5) C (5)
Valves and
fittings class III, ND > 100 [20.3] C (5) [3] (6) [20.4.4] C (5)
class III, ND 100 W W
Flexible hoses and expansion joints [20.3] C (5) [20.4.7] C (5)
when belonging to a
[20.3] W C (5)
class II piping system
bilge and fire pump [20.3] W C (5)
feed pumps for main boilers [20.3] C (5) [3] (6) (8) C (5)
forced circulation pumps
[20.3] C (5) C (5)
Pumps and for main boilers
compressors within when belonging to one of
piping systems the following class III piping
covered by Sections systems if design pressure
of Part C, Chapter 1 exceeds 3,5 bar:
(7) boiler feed water or [20.3] W C (5)
forced circulating
fuel oil or other
flammable oil
compressed air
when belonging to other
class III piping systems
(1) ND = Nominal diameter of the pipe, valve or fitting, in mm.
Class of pipping systems is to be determined in accordance with [1.4].
(2) [x.y.z] = test required, as per referent regulation. In general, the material are to comply with [2.2]
(3) where required by the table, material tests are to be carried out for the components subject to pressure, such as valve body, pump
and compressor casings, etc. They are also to be carried out for the assembling bolts of feed water pumps and forced circulating
pumps serving main boilers. Requirements for material testing are detailed in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 2.
(4) C = class inspection certificate ; W = works certificate.
(5) or alternative type of certificate, depending on the Survey Scheme. See Part A.
(6) if of welded construction.
(7) for other pumps and compressors, see additional Rules relevant for related system.
(8) for main parts, before assembling.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 121

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11


1 General gear systems are also to comply with the requirements of:
Ch 1, Sec 15, as regards tests on board
1.1 Application Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, as regards the rudder and the rudder
1.1.1 Scope
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of this Section
apply to the steering gear systems of all mechanically pro- 1.2 Documentation to be submitted
pelled vessels, and to the steering mechanism of thrusters
used as means of propulsion. 1.2.1 Documents to be submitted for all steering
1.1.2 Cross references Before starting construction, all plans and specifications
In addition to the those provided in this Section, steering listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted to the Society for review.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted for steering gear

Item Status of the

Description of the document (2)
No review (1)
1 I Assembly drawing of the steering gear including sliding blocks, guides, stops and other similar components
2 I General description of the installation and of its functioning principle
3 I Operating manuals of the steering gear and of its main components
4 I Description of the operational modes intended for steering in normal and emergency conditions
5 A For hydraulic steering gear, the schematic layout of the hydraulic piping of power actuating systems,
including the hydraulic fluid refilling system, with indication of:
the design pressure
the maximum working pressure expected in service
the diameter, thickness, material specification and connection details of the pipes
the hydraulic fluid tank capacity
the flashpoint of the hydraulic fluid
6 I For hydraulic pumps of power units, the assembly longitudinal and transverse sectional drawings and the
characteristic curves
7 A Assembly drawings of the rudder actuators and constructional drawings of their components, with, for hydrau-
lic actuators, indication of:
the design torque
the maximum working pressure
the relief valve setting pressure
8 I Constructional drawings of the relief valves for protection of the hydraulic actuators, with indication of:
the setting pressure
the relieving capacity
9 A Diagrams of the electric power circuits
10 A Functional diagram of control, monitoring and safety systems including the remote control from the
navigating bridge, with indication of the location of control, monitoring and safety devices
11 A Constructional drawings of the strength parts providing a mechanical transmission of forces to the rudder stock
(tiller, quadrant, connecting rods and other similar items), with the calculation notes of the shrink-fit connections
12 I/A For azimuth thrusters used as steering means, the specification and drawings of the steering mechanism and,
where applicable, documents 2 to 6 and 8 to 11 above
(1) Submission of the drawings may be requested:
for review, shown as A; for information, shown as I.
(2) Constructional drawings are to be accompanied by the specification of the materials employed and, where applicable, by the
welding details and welding procedures.

122 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

1.3 Definitions 1.4 Symbols

1.3.1 Steering gear control system 1.4.1 The following symbols are used for strength criteria of
Steering gear control system is the equipment by which steering gear components:
orders are transmitted from the navigation bridge to the V : Maximum ahead service speed, in km/h, with
steering gear power units. Steering gear control systems the vessel on maximum load waterline; this
comprise transmitters, receivers, hydraulic control pups and value is not to be taken less than 8 km/h
their associated motors, motor controllers, piping and
ds : Rule diameter of the rudder stock in way of the
tiller, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
1.3.2 Main steering gear [3.1.1] and calculated with a material factor
Main steering gear is the machinery, rudder actuators, steer- k1 = 1. For conical coupling, ds is to be taken as
ing gear power units, if any, and ancillary equipment and specified in Fig 1
the means of applying torque to the rudder stock (e.g. tiller dse : Actual diameter of the upper part of the rudder
or quadrant) necessary for effecting movement of the rudder stock in way of the tiller, in mm (in the case of a
for the purpose of steering the vessel under normal service tapered coupling, this diameter is measured at
conditions. the base of the assembly)

1.3.3 Steering gear power unit TR : Rule design torque of the rudder stock given, in
kN.m, by the following formula:
Steering gear power unit is:
3 6
in the case of electric steering gear, an electric motor T R = 13 ,5 d s 10
and its associated electrical equipment TE : For hand emergency operation, design torque
in the case of electrohydraulic steering gear, an electric due to forces induced by the rudder, in kN.m,
motor and its associated electrical equipment and con- given by the following formula:
nected pump
V E + 3, 704 2
in the case of other hydraulic steering gear, a driving T E = 0 ,62 ---------------------------
- TR
V + 3, 704
engine and connected pump.
1.3.4 Auxiliary steering gear
VE = 0,5 V
Auxiliary steering gear is the equipment other than any part
of the main steering gear necessary to steer the vessel in the TG : For main hydraulic or electrohydraulic steering
event of failure of the main steering gear but not including gear, torque induced by the main steering gear
the tiller, quadrant or components serving the same pur- on the rudder stock when the pressure is equal
pose. to the setting pressure of the relief valves pro-
tecting the rudder actuators
1.3.5 Power actuating system Note 1: For hand-operated main steering gear, the following
Power actuating system is the hydraulic equipment pro- value is to be used: TG = 1,25 TR
vided for supplying power to turn the rudder stock, com- TA : For auxiliary hydraulic or electrohydraulic steer-
prising a steering gear power unit or units, together with the
ing gears, torque induced by the auxiliary steer-
associated pipes and fittings, and a rudder actuator. The
ing gear on the rudder stock when the pressure
power actuating systems may share common mechanical
is equal to the setting pressure of the relief
components, i.e. tiller, quadrant and rudder stock, or com-
valves protecting the rudder actuators
ponents serving the same purpose.
Note 2: For hand-operated auxiliary steering gear, the follow-
1.3.6 Rudder actuator ing value is to be used: TA = 1,25 TE
Rudder actuator is the component which directly converts TG : For steering gear which can activate the rudder
hydraulic pressure into mechanical action to move the rud- with a reduced number of actuators, the value
der. of TG in such conditions

1.3.7 Maximum ahead service speed Figure 1 : Boss dimensions

Maximum ahead service speed is the greatest speed which
the vessel is designed to maintain in service at the deepest

1.3.8 Maximum astern speed


Maximum astern speed is the speed which it is estimated

the vessel can attain at the designed maximum astern power
at the deepest draught.

1.3.9 Maximum working pressure

Maximum working pressure is the maximum expected pres-
sure in the system when the steering gear is operated to ds
comply with the provisions of [2.2.1] item b).

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 123

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

: Normal stress due to the bending moments and 2.2.2 Auxiliary steering gear
the tensile and compressive forces, in N/mm2 The auxiliary steering gear is to be:
: Tangential stress due to the torsional moment
a) of adequate strength and sufficient to steer the vessel at
and the shear forces, in N/mm2
navigable speed and capable of being brought speedily
a : Permissible stress, in N/mm2 into action in an emergency

c : Combined stress, determined by the following b) operated by power where necessary to meet the require-
formula: ments of item a).

2 2
c = + 3 2.2.3 Hand operation

R : Value of the minimum specified tensile strength Manual operation is acceptable for rudder stock diameters
of the material at ambient temperature, in up to 150 mm calculated for torsional loads in accordance
N/mm2 with Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.1.1].

Re : Value of the minimum specified yield strength Not more than 30 turns of the handwheel shall be necessary
of the material at ambient temperature, in to put the rudder from one hard over position to the other.
N/mm2 Taking account of the efficiency of the system, the force
required to operate the handwheel should generally not
Re : Design yield strength, in N/mm2, determined by exceed 200 N.
the following formulae:
where R 1,4 Re : Re = Re 2.3 Control of the steering gear
where R < 1,4 Re : Re = 0,417 (Re + R)
2.3.1 Control of the main steering gear
a) Control of the main steering gear is to be provided on
2 Design and equipment the wheelhouse.
b) Where the main steering gear is arranged in accordance
2.1 Number of steering gears with [2.4.2], two independent control systems are to be
provided, both operable from the wheelhouse. This
2.1.1 Unless expressly provided otherwise, every vessel is does not require duplication of the steering wheel or
to be provided with main steering gear and auxiliary steer- steering lever.
ing gear to the satisfaction of the Society.
Each steering gear must be able to operate the rudder for its 2.3.2 Control of the auxiliary steering gear
own and independent of the other. The society may agree to a) Control of the auxiliary steering gear is to be provided
components being used jointly by the main and auxiliary on the wheelhouse, in the steering gear compartment or
steering gear. in another suitable position.
b) If the auxiliary steering gear is power operated, its con-
2.2 Strength, performance and power trol system is also to be independent of that of the main
operation of the steering gear steering gear.

2.2.1 Main steering gear

2.4 Availability
The main steering gear and rudder stock are to be:
a) of adequate strength and capable of steering the vessel 2.4.1 Arrangement of main and auxiliary means for
at maximum ahead service speed, which is to be dem- actuating the rudder
onstrated The main steering gear and the auxiliary means for actuat-
ing the rudder are to be arranged so that a single failure in
b) capable of putting the rudder over from 35 on one side
one will not render the other inoperative.
to 35 on the other side with the vessel at its deepest
draught and running ahead at maximum ahead service
2.4.2 Omission of the auxiliary steering gear
speed and, under the same conditions, from 35 on
either side to 35 on the other side in not more than Where the main steering gear comprises two or more iden-
28 seconds tical power units, auxiliary steering gear need not be fitted,
provided that the main steering gear is capable of operating
c) operated by power where necessary to fulfil the require- the rudder:
ments of item b), and
a) as required in [2.2.1], item b), while operating with all
d) so designed that they will not be damaged at maximum power units
astern speed; however, this design requirement need not
be proved by trials at maximum astern speed and maxi- b) as required in [2.2.2], item a), while any one of the
mum rudder angle. power units is out of operation.

124 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

2.4.3 Hydraulic power supply 3.1.2 Materials and welds

Hydraulic power installations supplying steering gear may a) All steering gear components transmitting mechanical
also supply other equipment at the same time provided that forces to the rudder stock (such as tillers, quadrants, or
the operation of the steering gear is not affected by: similar components) are to be of steel or other approved
a) the operation of this equipment, or ductile material complying with the requirements of
b) any failure of this equipment or of its hydraulic supply NR216 Materials and Welding. In general, such material
piping. is to have an elongation of not less than 12% and a ten-
sile strength not greater than 650 N/mm2.
3 Design and construction b) The use of grey cast iron is not permitted, except for
redundant parts with low stress level, subject to special
3.1 Mechanical components consideration by the Society. It is not permitted for cyl-
3.1.1 General c) The welding details and welding procedures are to be
a) All steering gear components and the rudder stock are submitted for review/approval.
to be of sound and reliable construction to the satisfac-
tion of the Society. d) All welded joints within the pressure boundary of a rud-
der actuator or connecting parts transmitting mechani-
b) Any non-duplicated essential component is, where cal loads are to be of full penetration type or of
appropriate, to utilise anti-friction bearings, such as ball equivalent strength.
bearings, roller bearings or sleeve bearings, which are to
be permanently lubricated or provided with lubrication 3.1.3 Scantling of components
The scantling of steering gear components is to be deter-
c) The construction is to be such as to minimise local con- mined considering the design torque MT and the permissi-
centration of stress. ble value a of the combined stress, as given in:
d) All steering gear components transmitting mechanical
Tab 2 for components which are protected against over-
forces to the rudder stock, which are not protected
loads induced by the rudder
against overload by structural rudder stops or mechani-
cal buffers, are to have a strength at least equivalent to Tab 3 for components which are not protected against
that of the rudder stock in way of the tiller. overloads induced by the rudder.

Table 2 : Scantling of components protected against overloads induced by the rudder

Conditions of use of the components MT a

Normal operation TG if TG 1,25 TR : a = 1,25 0
if 1,25 TR < TG < 1,50 TR : a = 0 TG /TR
if TG 1,50 TR : a = 1,50 0
where 0 = 0,55 Re
Normal operation, with a reduced number of TG if TG 1,25 TR : a = 1,25 0
if 1,25 TR < TG < 1,50 TR : a = 0 TG /TR
if TG 1,50 TR : a = 1,50 0
where 0 = 0,55 Re
Emergency operation achieved by hydraulic or
min (TR ; 0,8 TA ) 0,69 Re
electrohydraulic steering gear
Emergency operation, with a reduced number of
min (TR ; 0,8 TG ) 0,69 Re
Emergency operation achieved by hand TE 0,69 Re

Table 3 : Scantling of components not protected against overloads induced by the rudder

Conditions of use of the components MT a

Normal operation TR 0,55 Re
Normal operation, with a reduced number of actuators min (TR ; 0,8 TG ) 0,55 Re
Emergency operation achieved by hydraulic or electrohydraulic steering gear min (TR ; 0,8 TA ) 0,69 Re
Emergency operation, with a reduced number of actuators min (TR ; 0,8 TG ) 0,69 Re
Emergency operation achieved by hand TE 0,69 Re

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 125

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

3.1.4 Tillers, quadrants and rotors c) Keys are to satisfy the following provisions:
a) The scantling of the tiller is to be determined as follows: the key is to be made of steel with a yield stress not
less than that of the rudder stock and that of the tiller
the depth H0 of the boss is not to be less than 0,75 ds
boss or rotor without being less than 235 N/mm2
the radial thickness of the boss in way of the tiller is the width of the key is not to be less than 0,25 dS
not to be less than the greater of:
the thickness of the key is not to be less than 0,10 dS
0, 3 d s 235
---------- the ends of the keyways in the rudder stock and in
R e the tiller (or rotor) are to be rounded and the keyway
0, 25 d s root fillets are to be provided with small radii of not
less than 5% of the key thickness.
the section modulus of the tiller arm in way of the
d) Bolted tillers and quadrants are to satisfy the following
end fixed to the boss is not to be less than the value
Zb , in cm3, calculated from the following formula:
the diameter of the bolts is not to be less than the
0 ,147 d L R
value db , in mm, calculated from the following for-
Z b = ------------------------s- ---- -----e
1000 L Re mula:
where: TR 235
- ----------
d b = 153 ---------------------------------
L : Distance from the centreline of the rud- n ( b + 0 ,5d se ) R eb
der stock to the point of application of where:
the load on the tiller (see Fig 2)
n : Number of bolts located on the same
L : Distance between the point of applica- side in respect of the stock axis (n is not
tion of the above load and the root sec- to be less than 2)
tion of the tiller arm under consideration b : Distance between bolts and stock axis,
(see Fig 2) in mm (see Fig 3)
the width and thickness of the tiller arm in way of Reb : Yield stress, in N/mm2, of the bolt mate-
the point of application of the load are not to be less rial
than one half of those required by the above formula
the thickness of each of the tightening flanges of the
in the case of double arm tillers, the section modu- two parts of the tiller is not to be less than the fol-
lus of each arm is not to be less than one half of the lowing value:
section modulus required by the above formula.
n ( b 0, 5 D e ) R eb
b) The scantling of the quadrants is to be determined as 1, 85 d b ------------------------------------------ -------

H0 Re
specified in a) for the tillers. When quadrants having
two or three arms are provided, the section modulus of where:
each arm is not to be less than one half or one third, De : External boss diameter, in mm (average
respectively, of the section modulus required for the til- value)
ler. in order to ensure the efficient tightening of the cou-
Arms of loose quadrants not keyed to the rudder stock pling around the stock, the two parts of the tiller are
may be of reduced dimensions to the satisfaction of the to bored together with a shim having a thickness not
Society, and the depth of the boss may be reduced by less than the value j, in mm, calculated from the fol-
10%. lowing formula:
j = 0,0015 dS
Figure 2 : Tiller arm
Figure 3 : Bolted tillers

n bolts db

d se


126 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

e) Shrink-fit connections of tiller (or rotor) to stock are to 1,25 times the maximum working pressure to be
satisfy the following provisions: expected under the operational conditions considered,
the safety factor against slippage is not to be less taking into account any pressure which may exist in the
than: low pressure side of the system.
- for keyed connections: 1 b) The power piping for hydraulic steering gear is to be
arranged so that transfer between units can be readily
- for keyless connections: 2
the friction coefficient is to be taken equal to:
c) Arrangements for bleeding air from the hydraulic system
- in the case of hydraulic fitting: 0,15 for steel and are to be provided, where necessary.
0,13 for spheroidal graphite cast iron
d) The hydraulic piping system, including joints, valves,
- in the case of dry shrink fitting: 0,17
flanges and other fittings, is to comply with the require-
the combined stress according to the von Mises cri- ments of Ch 1, Sec 10, [14], unless otherwise stated.
terion, due to the maximum pressure induced by the
shrink fitting and calculated in way of the most 3.2.2 Materials
stressed points of the shrunk parts, is not to exceed
a) Ram cylinders, pressure housings of rotary vane type
80% of the yield stress of the material considered
actuators, hydraulic power piping, valves, flanges and
Note 1: Alternative stress values based on FEM calculations may fittings are to be of steel or other approved ductile mate-
also be considered by the Society.
the entrance edge of the tiller bore and that of the
rudder stock cone are to be rounded or bevelled. b) In general, such material is to have an elongation of not
less than 12% and a tensile strength not greater than
3.1.5 Piston rods 650 N/mm2.
The scantling of the piston rod is to be determined taking Grey cast iron may be accepted for valve bodies and
into account the bending moments, if any, in addition to redundant parts with low stress level, excluding cylin-
compressive or traction forces and is to satisfy the following ders, subject to special consideration.
3.2.3 Isolating valves
a) C a
Shut-off valves, non-return valves or other appropriate
devices are to be provided to:
C : Combined stress as per [1.4.1]
comply with the availability requirements of [2.4]
a : Permissible stress as per [3.1.3]
keep the rudder steady in position in case of emergency.
b) In respect of the buckling strength:
In particular, for all vessels with non-duplicated actuators,
------------2 F c + --------- 0 ,9 a
4 8M isolating valves are to be fitted at the connection of pipes to
D 2 D2
the actuator, and are to be directly fitted on the actuator.
3.2.4 Flexible hoses
D2 : Piston rod diameter, in mm
a) Flexible hoses may be installed between two points
FC : Compression force in the rod, in N, when it
where flexibility is required but are not to be subjected
extends to its maximum stroke
to torsional deflection (twisting) under normal opera-
M : Possible bending moment in the piston rod, tion. In general, the hose is to be limited to the length
in N.mm, in way of the fore end of the cylin- necessary to provide for flexibility and for proper opera-
der rod bearing tion of machinery.
= + (2 )0,5 b) Hoses are to be high pressure hydraulic hoses according
with: to recognised standards and suitable for the fluids, pres-

sures, temperatures and ambient conditions in question.
2 Re
= 0, 0072 ------S2 ---------
D 235 c) They are to be of a type approved by the Society.

= 0,48 + 0,5 + 0,1 0,5 d) The burst pressure of hoses is to be not less than four
times the design pressure.
S : Length, in mm, of the maximum unsup-
ported reach of the cylinder rod. 3.2.5 Relief valves
a) Relief valves shall be fitted to any part of the hydraulic
3.2 Hydraulic system system which can be isolated and in which pressure can
be generated from the power source or from external
3.2.1 General forces. The setting of the relief valves shall not exceed
a) The design pressure for calculations to determine the the design pressure. The valves shall be of adequate size
scantlings of piping and other steering gear components and so arranged as to avoid an undue rise in pressure
subjected to internal hydraulic pressure shall be at least above the design pressure.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 127

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

b) The setting pressure of the relief valves is not to be less 4.1.3 Equivalent rudder stock diameter
than 1,25 times the maximum working pressure. Where the rudders are served by a common actuating sys-
c) The minimum discharge capacity of the relief valve(s) is tem, the diameter of the rudder stock referred to in [2.2.1] is
not to be less than the total capacity of the pumps which to be replaced by the equivalent diameter d obtained from
can deliver through it (them), increased by 10%. Under the following formula:
such conditions, the rise in pressure is not to exceed
10% of the setting pressure. In this respect, due consid-
d = 3 j
eration is to be given to the foreseen extreme ambient j
conditions in relation to oil viscosity.
3.2.6 Hydraulic oil reservoirs dj : Rule diameter of the upper part of the rudder
Hydraulic power-operated steering gear shall be provided stock of each rudder in way of the tiller, exclud-
with a low level alarm for each hydraulic fluid reservoir to ing strengthening for navigation in ice.
give the earliest practicable indication of hydraulic fluid
leakage. Audible and visual alarms shall be given on the 4.2 Synchronisation
wheelhouse and in the machinery space where they can be
readily observed. 4.2.1 General

3.2.7 Hydraulic pumps A system for synchronising the movement of the rudders is
to be fitted by, either:
a) Hydraulic pumps are to be type tested in accordance
with the provisions of [7.1.1]. a mechanical coupling, or

b) Special care is to be given to the alignment of the pump other systems giving automatic synchronising adjust-
and the driving motor. ment.

3.2.8 Filters 4.2.2 Non-mechanical synchronisation

a) Hydraulic power-operated steering gear shall be pro- Where the synchronisation of the rudder motion is not
vided with arrangements to maintain the cleanliness of achieved by a mechanical coupling, the following provi-
the hydraulic fluid taking into consideration the type sions are to be met:
and design of the hydraulic system. a) the angular position of each rudder is to be indicated in
b) Filters of appropriate mesh fineness are to be provided the wheelhouse
in the piping system, in particular to ensure the protec- b) the rudder angle indicators are to be independent from
tion of the pumps each other and, in particular, from the synchronising
3.3 Electrical systems c) in case of failure of the synchronising system, means are
to be provided for disconnecting this system so that
3.3.1 General steering capability can be maintained or rapidly
For electrical systems of the main steering gear and the aux- regained.
iliary steering gear, see Ch 2, Sec 8.
5 Design and construction -
3.4 Alarms and indications
Requirements for vessels equipped
3.4.1 For alarms and indications, see Ch 2, Sec 13. with thrusters as steering means

4 Design and construction - 5.1 Principle

Requirements for vessels equipped
5.1.1 General
with several rudders
The main and auxiliary steering gear referred to in [2] may
consist of thrusters of the following types:
4.1 Principle
azimuth thrusters
4.1.1 General water-jets
In addition to the provisions of Articles [2] and [3], vessels cycloidal propellers,
equipped with two or more aft rudders are to comply with
the provisions of the present Article. complying with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 12, as far as
4.1.2 Availability
Where the vessel is fitted with two or more rudders, each 5.1.2 Actuation system
having its own actuation system, the latter need not be Thrusters used as steering means are to be fitted with a main
duplicated. actuation system and an auxiliary actuation system.

128 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

5.1.3 Control system 6.2 Rudder actuator installation

Where the steering means of the vessel consists of two or
more thrusters, their control system is to include a device 6.2.1
ensuring an automatic synchronisation of the thruster rota- a) Rudder actuators are to be installed on foundations of
tion, unless each thruster is so designed as to withstand any strong construction so designed as to allow the transmis-
additional forces resulting from the thrust exerted by the sion to the vessel structure of the forces resulting from
other thrusters. the torque applied by the rudder and/or by the actuator,
considering the strength criteria defined in [3.1.3] and
5.2 Use of azimuth thrusters [6.3.1]. The structure of the vessel in way of the founda-
tions is to be suitably strengthened.
5.2.1 Azimuth thrusters used as sole steering
b) Where the rudder actuators are bolted to the hull, the
grade of the bolts used is not to be less than 8.8. Unless
Where the vessel is fitted with one azimuth thruster used as the bolts are adjusted and fitted with a controlled tight-
the sole steering means, this thruster is to comply with ening, strong shocks are to be fitted in order to prevent
[2.2.1], except that: any lateral displacement of the rudder actuator.
a) the main actuation system is required to be capable of a
rotational speed of at least 0,4 RPM and to be operated 6.3 Locking equipment
by power where the expected steering torque exceeds
1,5 kNm 6.3.1 Steering gear systems are to be equipped with a lock-
b) the auxiliary actuation system is required to be capable ing system effective in all rudder positions.
of a rotational speed of at least 0,1 RPM and to be oper- For hydraulic plants shutoff valves directly at the cylinder
ated by power where the expected steering torque are accepted instead.
exceeds 3 kNm.

5.2.2 Azimuth thrusters used as auxiliary steering 6.4 Rudder angle indication
6.4.1 The rudder position must be clearly indicated in the
Where the auxiliary steering gear referred to in [2.2.2] con-
wheelhouse and at all steering stations. Where the steering
sists of one or more azimuth thrusters, at least one such
gear is operated electrically or hydraulically, the rudder
thruster is to be capable of:
angle must be signalled by a device (rudder position indica-
steering the vessel at maximum ahead service speed tor) which is actuated either by the rudder stock itself or by
being brought speedily into action in case of emergency parts which are rigidly connected to it.

having a rotational speed of at least 0,4 RPM. 6.4.2 The rudder position at any moment must also be indi-
cated at the steering gear itself.
The auxiliary actuation system referred to in [5.1.2] need
not be fitted.
6.5 Piping
5.2.3 Omission of the auxiliary actuation system
Where the steering means of the vessel consists of two inde- 6.5.1 The pipes of hydraulic steering gear systems are to be
pendent azimuth thrusters or more, the auxiliary actuation installed in such a way as to ensure maximum protection
system referred to in [5.1.2] need not be fitted provided while remaining readily accessible.
that: Pipes are to be installed at a sufficient distance from the
the thrusters are so designed that the vessel can be vessels shell. As far as possible, pipes should not pass
steered with any one out of operation through cargo spaces.
the actuation system of each thruster complies with Pipes are to be so installed that they are free from stress and
[5.2.1], item b). vibration.

6.5.2 The pipes of main and auxiliary steering gear systems

5.3 Use of water-jets are normally to be laid independently of each other. With
the Societys consent, the joint use of pipes for the main and
5.3.1 The use of water-jets as steering means will be given
auxiliary steering gear systems may be permitted.
special consideration by the Society.
In such cases the design pressure for pipes and joints shall
be 1,3 times the maximum permissible working pressure.
6 Arrangement and installation
6.5.3 No other power consumers may be connected to the
6.1 General hydraulic steering gear drive unit. Where there are two
independent drive units such a connection to one of the two
6.1.1 The steering gear are to be so installed that they are systems is however acceptable if the consumers are con-
accessible at all times and can be maintained without diffi- nected to the return line and may be disconnected from the
culty. drive unit by means of an isolating device.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11

6.6 Overload protections 7.2 Testing of materials

7.2.1 Components subject to pressure or
6.6.1 Mechanical rudder stops
transmitting mechanical forces
a) The steering gear is to be provided with strong rudder a) Materials of components subject to pressure or transmit-
stops capable of mechanically stopping the rotation of ting mechanical forces, specifically:
the rudder at an angle slightly greater than its maximum cylindrical shells of hydraulic cylinders, rams and
working angle. Alternatively, these stops may be fitted piston rods
on the vessel to act on another point of the mechanical tillers, quadrants
transmission system between the rudder actuator and
rotors and rotor housings for rotary vane steering
the rudder blade. These stops may be built in with the
actuator design.
hydraulic pump casings
b) The scantlings of the rudder stops and of the compo- and hydraulic accumulators, if any,
nents transmitting to the vessels structure the forces are to be duly tested, including examination for internal
applied on these stops are to be determined for the defects, in accordance with the requirements of NR216
greater value of the torques TR or TG . Materials and Welding.
Where TG 1,5TR , the rudder stops are to be fitted b) A works certificate may be accepted for low stressed
between the rudder actuator and the rudder stock, parts, provided that all characteristics for which verifica-
unless the rudder stock as well as all the components tion is required are guaranteed by such certificate.
transmitting mechanical forces between the rudder
actuator and the rudder blade are suitably strengthened. 7.2.2 Hydraulic piping, valves and accessories
Tests for materials of hydraulic piping, valves and accesso-
ries are to comply with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 10,
6.6.2 Rudder angle limiters
a) Power-operated steering gear is to be provided with pos-
itive arrangements, such as limit switches, for stopping 7.3 Inspection and tests during
the gear before the rudder stops are reached. These manufacturing
arrangements are to be synchronised with the gear itself
and not with the steering gear control. 7.3.1 Components subject to pressure or
transmitting mechanical forces
b) For power-operated steering gears and where the rudder a) The mechanical components referred to in [7.2.1] are to
may be oriented to more than 35 at very reduced be subjected to appropriate non-destructive tests. For
speed, it is recommended to fit a limit system 35 for full hydraulic cylinder shells, pump casings and accumula-
speed. A notice is to be displayed at all steering wheel tors, refer to Ch 1, Sec 3, [7].
stations indicating that rudder angles of more than 35
are to be used only at very reduced speed. b) Defects may be repaired by welding only on forged
parts or steel castings of weldable quality. Such repairs
are to be conducted under the supervision of the Sur-
6.6.3 Relief valves
veyor in accordance with the applicable requirements
Relief valves are to be fitted in accordance with [3.2.5]. of NR216 Materials and Welding.

7.3.2 Hydraulic piping, valves and accessories

6.6.4 Buffers
Hydraulic piping, valves and accessories are to be
Buffers are to be provided on all vessels fitted with mechan- inspected and tested during manufacturing in accordance
ical steering gear. They may be omitted on hydraulic gear with Ch 1, Sec 10, [20].
equipped with relief valves or with calibrated bypasses.
7.4 Inspection and tests after completion
7 Certification, inspection and testing 7.4.1 Hydrostatic tests
a) Hydraulic cylinder shells and accumulators are to be
7.1 Testing of power units subjected to hydrostatic tests according to the relevant
provisions of Ch 1, Sec 3, [7].
7.1.1 The power units are required to undergo test on a test b) Hydraulic piping, valves and accessories and hydraulic
stand. The relevant works test certificates are to be pre- pumps are to be subjected to hydrostatic tests according
sented at the time of the final inspection of the steering gear. to the relevant provisions of Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].

For electric motors, see Ch 2, Sec 3. 7.4.2 Onboard tests

After installation on board the vessel, the steering gear is to
Hydraulic pumps are to be subjected to pressure and opera- be subjected to the tests detailed in Ch 1, Sec 15, [3.7].
tional tests. Where the drive power of the hydraulic pump is
50 kW or more, these tests are to be carried out in presence 7.4.3 River trials
of a Society Surveyor. For the requirements of river trials, refer to Ch 1, Sec 15.

130 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 12


1 General 1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 Thruster
1.1 Application A thruster is a propeller installed in a revolving nozzle or in a
special transverse tunnel in the vessel, or a water-jet. A
1.1.1 Thrusters developing power equal to 110 kW thruster may be intended for propulsion, manoeuvring and
or more steering or any combination thereof. Propulsion propellers in
The requirements of this Section apply to the following fixed nozzles are not considered thrusters (see Ch 1, Sec 8,
types of thrusters developing power equal to 110 kW or [1.1.1]).
1.2.2 Transverse thruster
transverse thrusters intended for manoeuvring
A transverse thruster is an athwartship thruster developing a
thrusters intended for propulsion and steering. thrust in a transverse direction for manoeuvring purposes.

Thrusters intended for propulsion and steering of vessels 1.2.3 Azimuth thruster
with ice strengthening are to comply with the additional An azimuth thruster is a thruster which has the capability to
requirements of Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.3]. rotate through 360 in order to develop thrust in any direc-
Transverse thrusters intended for manoeuvring of vessels
with an ice class notation are required to comply with the 1.2.4 Water-jet
additional requirement Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1, [5.3.1] only. A water-jet is equipment constituted by a tubular casing (or
duct) enclosing an impeller. The shape of the casing is such
1.1.2 Thrusters developing power less than 110 kW as to enable the impeller to produce a water-jet of such
Thrusters of less than 110 kW are to be built in accordance intensity as to give a positive thrust. Water-jets may have
with sound marine practice and tested as required in [3.2] means for deviating the jet of water in order to provide a
to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. steering function.

Table 1 : Plans to be submitted for athwartship thrusters and azimuth thrusters

No A/I (1) ITEM

General requirements for all thrusters
1 I General arrangement of the thruster
2 A Propeller, including the applicable details mentioned in Ch 1, Sec 8
3 A Bearing details
4 A Propeller and intermediate shafts
5 A Gears, including the applicable details mentioned in Ch 1, Sec 6
Specific requirements for transverse thrusters
6 A Structure of the tunnel showing the materials and their thickness
7 A Structural equipment or other connecting devices which transmit the thrust from the propeller to the tunnel
8 A Sealing devices (propeller shaft gland and thruster-tunnel connection)
9 A For the adjustable pitch propellers: pitch control device and corresponding monitoring system
Specific requirements for rotating and azimuth thrusters
10 A Structural items (nozzle, bracing, etc.)
11 A Structural connection to hull
12 A Rotating mechanism of the thruster
13 A Thruster control system
14 A Piping systems connected to thruster
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 12

Table 2 : Plans to be submitted for water-jets

No A/I (1) ITEM

1 I General arrangement of the water-jet
2 A Casing (duct) (location and shape) showing the materials, the thicknesses and the forces acting on the hull
3 A Details of the shafts, flanges, keys
4 I Sealing gland
5 A Bearings
6 A Impeller
7 A Steering and reversing buckets and their control devices as well as the corresponding hydraulic diagrams
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.

Table 3 : Data and documents to be submitted for athwartship thrusters, azimuth thrusters and water-jets

No A/I (1) ITEM

1 I Rated power and revolutions
2 I Rated thrust
3 A Material specifications of the major parts, including their physical, chemical and mechanical properties
4 A Where parts of thrusters are of welded construction, all particulars on the design of welded joints, welding
procedures, heat treatments and non-destructive examinations after welding
5 I Where applicable, background information on previous operating experience in similar applications
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.

1.3 Thrusters intended for propulsion 2.1.2 Other thruster components

For the requirements relative to materials intended for other
1.3.1 In general, at least two azimuth thrusters are to be fit- parts of the thrusters, such as gears, shaft, couplings, etc.,
ted in vessels where these are the sole means of propulsion. refer to the applicable parts of the Rules.
Single azimuth thruster installations will be specially con-
sidered by the Society on a case by case basis.
2.2 Transverse thrusters and azimuth
This requirement also applies to water-jets.
1.4 Documentation to be submitted 2.2.1 Prime movers
1.4.1 Plans to be submitted for athwartship a) Diesel engines intended for driving thrusters are to com-
thrusters and azimuth thrusters ply with the applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 2.
For thrusters developing power equal to 110 kW or more, b) Electric motors intended for driving thrusters and their
the plans listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. feeding systems are to comply with the requirements of
Ch 2, Sec 3. In particular:
1.4.2 Plans to be submitted for water-jets
The plans listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted. provisions are to be made to prevent starting of the
motors whenever there are insufficient generators in
1.4.3 Additional data to be submitted operation
The data and documents listed in Tab 3 are to be submitted intermittent duty thrusters will be the subject of spe-
by the manufacturer together with the plans. cial consideration by the Society.

2.2.2 Propellers
2 Design and Construction
a) For propellers of thrusters intended for propulsion, the
2.1 Materials requirements of Ch 1, Sec 8, [2.5] apply.
b) For propellers of thrusters intended for manoeuvring
2.1.1 Propellers only, the requirements of Ch 1, Sec 8, [2.5] also apply,
For requirements relative to material intended for propel- although the increase in thickness of 10% does not need
lers, see Ch 1, Sec 8, [2.1.1]. to be applied.

132 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 12

2.2.3 Shafts c) For steerable thrusters, the equivalent rudder stock

a) For propeller shafts of thrusters intended for propulsion, diameter is to be calculated in accordance with the
the requirements of Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.2.3] apply. requirements of Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1.

b) For propellers of thrusters intended for manoeuvring 2.2.6 Transverse thruster tunnel
only, the minimum diameter dS of the shaft, in mm, is
a) The thickness of the tunnel is not to be less than the
not to be less than the value obtained by the following
adjacent part of the hull.
1/3 b) Special consideration will be given by the Society to
d S = [ ( C M T ) 2 + ( D M ) 2 ] 1 / 6 ----------------4
1 Q tunnels connected to the hull by connecting devices
other than welding.
MT : Maximum transmitted torque, in Nm; 2.2.7 Electrical supply for steerable thrusters
where not indicated, MT may be assumed The generating and distribution system is to be designed in
equal to: MT = 9550 (P/N) such a way that the steering capability of the thruster can be
maintained or regained within a period of 45 seconds, in
the event of single failure of the system, and that the effec-
P : Maximum power of the thruster tiveness of the steering capability is not reduced by more
prime mover, in kW than 50% under such conditions. Details of the means pro-
N : Rotational speed of the propel- vided for this purpose are to be submitted to the Society.
ler, in rev/min
M : Bending moment, in Nm, at the shaft sec- 2.3 Water-jets
tion under consideration
C : Coefficient equal to: 2.3.1 Shafts
The diameter of the shaft supporting the impeller is not to
C = 10 ,2 + ---------------- be less than the diameter d2, in mm, obtained by the follow-
ing formula:
D : Coefficient equal to:
P 1/3
d 2 = 100fh ---- ----------------4
170000 N 1 Q
D = ------------------------------
412 + R S ,MIN
RS, MIN : Minimum yield strength of the shaft mate- where:
rial, in N/mm2 P : Power, in kW
Q : Coefficient equal to: N: : Rotational speed, in rpm
for solid shafts: Q = 0 f : Calculated as follows:
for hollow shafts: Q = the ratio between 1/3
f = -----------------------
the diameter of the hole and the external R m + 160
diameter of the shaft. If Q 0,3, Q may
be assumed equal to 0. where Rm is the ultimate tensile strength of the
The above diameter dS is to be increased by 10% in the case shaft material, in N/mm2
of keyed connection to the propeller in way of key. h: : h = 1,00 when the shaft is only transmitting
torque loads, and when the weight and
2.2.4 Gears thrust of the propeller are totally supported
a) Gears of thrusters intended for propulsion are to be in by devices located in the fixed part of the
accordance with the applicable requirements of Ch 1, thruster
Sec 6, applying the safety factors for propulsion gears. h = 1,22 where the impeller is fitted with
b) Gears of thrusters intended for manoeuvring only are to key or shrink-fitted.
be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Q : As defined in [2.2.3].
Ch 1, Sec 6, applying the safety factors for auxiliary
gears. The shafts are to be protected against corrosion by means of
either a continuous liner or an oil-gland of an approved
2.2.5 Nozzles and connections to hull for azimuth type, or by the nature of the material of the shaft.
2.3.2 Guide vanes, shaft support
a) For the requirements relative to the nozzle structure, see
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [8]. a) Guide vanes and shaft supports, if any, are to be fitted in
accordance with direction of flow. Trailing and leading
b) The scantlings of the nozzle connection to the hull and
edges are to be fitted with rounded profiles.
the welding type and size will be specially considered
by the Society, which reserves the right to require b) Fillet radius are generally not be less than the maximum
detailed stress analysis in the case of certain high power local thickness of concerned element.Fatigue strength
installations. calculation is to be submitted.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 12

2.3.3 Stator and impellers 2.4.2 Alarm and monitoring equipment

a) Design is to take into account the loads developed in For alarm and monitoring, see Ch 2, Sec 13.
free going conditions and also in peculiar manoeuvres
like crash stop. 3 Testing and certification
b) Tip clearance is to take into account vibratory behav-
iours, displacements and any other expansion mode in 3.1 Material tests
all operating conditions of the water jet.
3.1.1 Propulsion and steering thrusters
c) Fillet radii are generally not to be less than the maxi-
mum local thickness of concerned element. All materials intended for parts transmitting torque and for
propeller/impeller blades are to be tested in accordance
d) There is to be no natural frequency of stator blades or with the requirements of Ch 1, Sec 8, [4.1] in the presence
rotor blades in the vicinity of the excitation frequencies of a Surveyor.
due to hydrodynamic interaction between stator blades
and rotor blades. Calculations are to be submitted for 3.1.2 Transverse thrusters
maximum speed and any currently used speed. Material testing for parts of athwartship thrusters does not
need to be witnessed by a Surveyor, provided full test
2.3.4 Nozzle and reversing devices reports are made available to him.
Design of nozzle and reversing devices are to take into
account the loads developed in all operating conditions of 3.2 Testing and inspection
the water jet, including transient loads.
3.2.1 Thrusters
2.3.5 Steering performance
Thrusters are to be inspected as per the applicable require-
Steering performance and emergency steering availability ments in Ch 1, Sec 8, [4.2].
are to be at least equivalent to the requirements in Ch 1, Sec
11, [5.2] and Ch 1, Sec 11, [5.3]. 3.2.2 Prime movers
Prime movers are to be tested in accordance with the
2.4 Alarm, monitoring and control systems requirements applicable to the type of mover used.

2.4.1 Steering thruster controls 3.3 Certification

a) Controls for steering are to be provided from the wheel-
house, the machinery control station and locally. 3.3.1 Certification of thrusters
Thrusters are to be individually tested and certified by the
b) Means are to be provided to stop any running thruster at
each of the control stations.
c) A thruster angle indicator is to be provided at each 3.3.2 Mass produced thrusters
steering control station. The angle indicator is to be Mass produced thrusters may be accepted within the frame-
independent of the control system. work of the type approval program of the Society.

134 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 13



1 General 2.1.3 There may be a number of separate installations on

board. A single installation may not be used to serve
accommodation areas separated by a hold or a fixed tank.
1.1 Application
2.1.4 No part of a liquefied gas installation shall be located
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to perma- in the engine room.
nently installed domestic liquefied gas installations on ves-
sels. 2.2 Gas receptacles
1.1.2 Exceptions to these Rules are possible where they are 2.2.1 Only receptacles with an approved content of
permitted by the statutory Regulations in force in the area of between 5 and 35 kg are permitted.
service. In principle, in the case of passenger vessels, the use of
receptacles with a larger content may be approved
1.2 General provisions
2.2.2 The gas receptacles must be permanently marked
1.2.1 On vessels intended to carry dangerous goods, lique- with the test pressure.
fied gas installations are to comply also with the require-
ments dealing with fire and naked light developed in the 2.3 Supply unit
different sections of Part D, Chapter 3.
2.3.1 Supply units shall be installed on deck in a freestand-
1.2.2 Liquefied gas installations consist essentially of a sup- ing or wall cupboard located outside the accommodation
ply unit comprising one or more gas receptacles, and of one area in a position such that it does not interfere with move-
or more reducing valves, a distribution system and a num- ment on board. They shall not, however, be installed against
ber of gas-consuming appliances. the fore or aft bulwark plating. The cupboard may be a wall
cupboard set into the superstructure provided that it is gas-
1.2.3 Such installations may be operated only with com- tight and can only be opened from outside the superstruc-
mercial propane. ture. It shall be so located that the distribution pipes leading
to the gas consumption points are as short as possible.
1.3 Documents for review 2.3.2 No more receptacles may be in operation simultane-
ously than are necessary for the functioning of the installa-
1.3.1 Diagrammatic drawings including the following tion. Several receptacles may be in operation only if an
information are to be submitted for review by the Society: automatic reversing coupler is used. Up to four receptacles
service pressure may be in operation per installation. The number of recep-
tacles on board, including spare receptacles, shall not
size and nature of materials for piping
exceed six per installation.
capacity and other technical characteristics for accesso-
ries 2.3.3 Up to six receptacles may be in operation on passen-
ger vessels with galleys or canteens for passengers. The
generally, all information allowing the verification of the
number of receptacles on board, including spare recepta-
requirements of the present Section.
cles, shall not exceed nine per installation.

2 Gas installations 2.3.4 The pressure reducer, or in the case of two-stage

reduction the first pressure reducer, shall be fitted to a wall
in the same cupboard as the receptacles.
2.1 General
2.3.5 Supply units shall be so installed that any leaking gas
2.1.1 Liquefied gas installations shall be suitable through- can escape from the cupboard into the open without any
out for use with propane and shall be built and installed in risk of it penetrating inside the vessel or coming into contact
accordance with best practice. with a source of ignition.

2.1.2 A liquefied gas installation may be used only for 2.3.6 Cupboards shall be constructed of fire-resistant mate-
domestic purposes in the accommodation and the wheel- rials and shall be adequately ventilated by apertures in the
house, and for corresponding purposes on passenger ves- top and bottom. Receptacles shall be placed upright in the
sels. cupboards in such a way that they cannot be overturned.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 135

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 13

2.3.7 Cupboards shall be so built and placed that the tem- 2.6.5 Flexible pipes and their joints shall be able to with-
perature of the receptacles cannot exceed 50C. stand any stresses which may occur under normal operating
conditions on board. They shall be unencumbered and fit-
ted in such a way that they cannot be heated excessively
2.4 Pressure reducers and can be inspected over their entire length.

2.4.1 Gas-consuming appliances may be connected to

receptacles only through a distribution system fitted with
2.7 Distribution system
one or more reducing valves to bring the gas pressure down 2.7.1 It shall be possible to shut off the entire distribution
to the utilization pressure. The pressure may be reduced in system by means of a valve which is at all times easily and
one or two stages. All reducing valves shall be set perma- rapidly accessible.
nently at a pressure determined in accordance with [2.5].
2.7.2 Each gas-consuming appliance shall be supplied by a
2.4.2 The final pressure reducers shall be either fitted with separate branch of the distribution system, and each branch
or immediately followed by a device to protect the pipe shall be controlled by a separate closing device.
automatically against excess pressure in the event of a mal-
functioning of the reducing valve. It shall be ensured that in 2.7.3 Valves shall be fitted at points where they are pro-
the event of a breach in the airtight protection device any tected from the weather and from impact.
leaking gas can escape into the open without any risk of it
penetrating inside the vessel or coming into contact with a 2.7.4 An inspection joint shall be fitted after each pressure
source of ignition; if necessary, a special pipe shall be fitted reducer. It shall be ensured using a closing device that in
for this purpose. pressure tests the pressure reducer is not exposed to the test
2.4.3 The protection devices and vents shall be protected
against the entry of water. 2.8 Gas-consuming appliances
2.8.1 The only appliances that may be installed are pro-
2.5 Pressure pane-consuming appliances equipped with devices that
effectively prevent the escape of gas in the event of either
2.5.1 Where two-stage reducing systems are used, the the flame or the pilot light being extinguished.
mean pressure shall be not more than 2,5 bar above atmo-
spheric pressure. 2.8.2 Appliances shall be so placed and connected that
they cannot overturn or be accidentally moved and as to
2.5.2 The pressure at the outlet from the last pressure avoid any risk of accidental wrenching of the connecting
reducer shall be not more than 0,05 bar above atmospheric pipes.
pressure, with a tolerance of 10%.
2.8.3 Heating and water-heating appliances and refrigera-
tors shall be connected to a duct for evacuating combustion
2.6 Piping and flexible tubes gases into the open air.

2.6.1 Pipes shall consist of fixed steel or copper tubing, in 2.8.4 The installation of gas-consuming appliances in the
compliance with requirements of Ch 1, Sec 10. wheelhouse is permitted only if the wheelhouse is so con-
structed that no leaking gas can escape into the lower parts
However, pipes connecting with the receptacles shall be of the vessel, in particular through the control runs leading
high-pressure flexible tubes or spiral tubes suitable for pro- to the engine room.
pane. Gas-consuming appliances may be connected by
means of suitable flexible tubes not more than 1 m long. 2.8.5 Gas-consuming appliances may be installed in sleep-
ing quarters only if combustion takes place independently
2.6.2 Pipes shall be able to withstand any stresses or corro- of the air in the quarters.
sive action which may occur under normal operating condi-
2.8.6 Gas-consuming appliances in which combustion
tions on board and their characteristics and layout shall be
depends on the air in the rooms in which they are located
such that they ensure a satisfactory flow of gas at the appro-
priate pressure to the gas-consuming appliances. shall be installed in rooms which are sufficiently large.

2.6.3 Pipes shall have as few joints as possible. Both pipes 3 Ventilation system
and joints shall be gastight and shall remain gastight despite
any vibration or expansion to which they may be subjected. 3.1 General

2.6.4 Pipes shall be readily accessible, properly fixed and 3.1.1 In rooms containing gas-consuming appliances in
protected at every point where they might be subject to which combustion depends on the ambient air, fresh air
impact or friction, particularly where they pass through shall be supplied and combustion gases evacuated by
steel bulkheads or metal walls. The entire outer surface of means of ventilation apertures of adequate dimensions,
steel pipes shall be treated against corrosion. with a clear section of at least 150 cm2 per aperture.

136 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 13

3.1.2 Ventilation apertures shall not have any closing 4.2.4 Pipes situated between the closing device, referred to
device and shall not lead to sleeping quarters. in [2.7.4], of the single pressure reducer or the final pres-
sure reducer and the controls of the gas-consuming appli-
3.1.3 Evacuation devices shall be so designed as to ensure ance:
the safe evacuation of combustion gases. They shall be reli-
leak test at a pressure of 0,15 bar above atmospheric
able in operation and made of non-flammable materials.
Their operation shall not be affected by the ventilators.
4.2.5 In the tests referred to in [4.2.2] item b), [4.2.3] and
4 Tests and trials [4.2.4], the pipes are deemed gastight if, after sufficient time
to allow for normal balancing, no fall in the test pressure is
4.1 Definition observed during the following 10 minutes.

4.1.1 A piping shall be considered gastight if, after suffi- 4.2.6 Receptacle connectors, piping and other fittings sub-
cient time has elapsed for thermal balancing, no drop in the jected to the pressure in the receptacles, and joints between
test pressure is noted during the following 10 minutes. the reducing valve and the distribution pipe:
tightness test, carried out with a foaming substance, at
4.2 Testing conditions the operating pressure.

4.2.1 The completed installation shall be subjected to tests 4.2.7 All gas-consuming appliances shall be brought into
defined in [4.2.2] to [4.2.8]. service and tested at the nominal pressure to ensure that
combustion is satisfactory with the regulating knobs in the
4.2.2 Medium-pressure pipes between the closing device, different positions.
referred to in [2.7.4], of the first reducing device and the
Flame failure devices shall be checked to ensure that they
valves fitted before the final pressure reducer:
operate satisfactorily.
a) pressure test, carried out with air, an inert gas or a liquid
at a pressure 20 bar above atmospheric pressure 4.2.8 After the test referred to in [4.2.7], it shall be verified,
b) gastightness test, carried out with air or an inert gas at a in respect of each gas-consuming appliance connected to a
pressure 3,5 bar above atmospheric pressure. flue, whether, after five minutes operation at the nominal
pressure, with windows and doors closed and the ventila-
4.2.3 Pipes at the utilization pressure between the closing tion devices in operation, any combustion gases are escap-
device, referred to in [2.7.4], of the single pressure reducer ing through the damper.
or the final pressure reducer and the valves fitted before the If there is a more than momentary escape of such gases, the
gas-consuming appliances: cause shall immediately be detected and remedied. The
tightness test, carried out with air or an inert gas at a appliance shall not be approved for use until all defects
pressure of 1 bar above atmospheric pressure. have been eliminated.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 137

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 14


1 General 2.1.2 Approved materials

a) Turbocharger materials are to fulfil the requirements
imposed by the operating conditions of the individual
1.1 Application components. In the choice of materials, account is to be
taken of effects such as creep, thermal fatigue, oxidation
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to turbocharg- and corrosion to which individual components are sub-
ers fitted on the diesel engines listed in Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.1.1] ject when in service. Evidence of the suitability of the
items a), b) and c) having a power of 1000 kW and above. materials is to be supplied to the Society in the form of
details of their chemical and mechanical properties and
1.1.2 Turbochargers not included in [1.1.1] are to be of the heat treatment applied. Where composite materi-
designed and constructed according to sound marine prac- als are used, their method of manufacture is to be
tice and delivered with the works certificate (W) relevant to described.
the bench running test as per [4.3.3] and the hydrostatic test
b) Turbine blades are to be built of corrosion and heat-
as per [4.3.4].
resistant materials.

1.1.3 In the case of special types of turbochargers, the Soci-

ety reserves the right to modify the requirements of this Sec-
2.2 Design
tion, demand additional requirements in individual cases
2.2.1 The requirements of NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 5, [2.3]
and require that additional plans and data be submitted.
are to be complied with, as far as applicable, at the Soci-
etys discretion.
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
2.3 Monitoring
1.2.1 The Manufacturer is to submit to the Society the doc-
uments listed in Tab 1. 2.3.1 General
The general requirements given in Ch 2, Sec 13 apply.

2 Design and construction

3 Arrangement and installation
2.1 Materials 3.1 General
2.1.1 The requirements of [2.1.2] are to be complied with, 3.1.1 The arrangement and installation are to be such as to
as far as applicable, at the Societys discretion. avoid any unacceptable load on the turbocharger.

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No I/A (1) Document

1 A Longitudinal cross-sectional assembly with main dimensions
2 A Rotating parts (shaft, wheels and blades)
3 A Details of blade fixing
4 A Technical specification of the turbocharger including the maximum operating conditions (maximum permissible
rotational speed and maximum permissible temperature)
5 A Material specifications for the main parts, including their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, values of
tensile strength, average stress to produce creep, resistance to corrosion and heat treatments
6 I Operation and service manual
(1) A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.
Note 1: Plans mentioned under items Nos 2 and 3 are to be constructional plans with all main dimensions and are to contain any
necessary information relevant to the type and quality of the materials employed. In the case of welded rotating parts, all relevant
welding details are to be included in the above plans and the procedures adopted for welding or for any heat treatments will be sub-
ject to approval by the Society.

138 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 14

4 Type tests, material tests, workshop 4.3.3 Bench running test

Each turbocharger is to undergo a mechanical running test
inspection and testing, certification
at the bench for 20 minutes at maximum rotational speed at
room temperature.
4.1 Type tests Subject to the agreement of the Society, the duration of the
running test may be reduced to 10 minutes, provided that
4.1.1 Turbochargers as per [1.1.1] admitted to an alterna- the Manufacturer is able to verify the distribution of defects
tive inspection scheme are to be type approved. found during the running tests on the basis of a sufficient
number of tested turbochargers.
The type test is to be carried out on a standard unit taken For Manufacturers who have facilities in their works for test-
from the assembly line and is to be witnessed by the Sur- ing turbochargers on an engine for which they are intended,
veyor. Normally, the type test is to consist of a hot gas run- the bench test may be replaced by a test run of 20 minutes
ning test of one hours duration at the maximum permissible at overload (110% of the maximum continuous output) on
speed and maximum permissible temperature. After the test such engine.
the turbocharger is to be opened up and examined. Where turbochargers are admitted to an alternative inspec-
tion scheme, the Society may accept a bench test carried
For Manufacturers who have facilities for testing the turbo- out on a sample basis.
charger unit on an engine for which the turbocharger is to
be type approved, replacement of the hot running test by a 4.3.4 Hydrostatic tests
test run of one hours duration at overload (110% of the The cooling spaces of turbochargers are to be hydrostati-
rated output) may be considered. cally tested at a test pressure of 4 bar or 1,5 times the maxi-
mum working pressure, whichever is the greater.

4.2 Material tests 4.4 Certification

4.2.1 Material tests (mechanical properties and chemical 4.4.1 Type Approval Certificate and its validity
composition) are required for shafts and rotors, including Subject to the satisfactory outcome of the type tests speci-
blades (see [4.4.2] as regards the certificate required). fied in [4.1], the Society will issue to the turbocharger Man-
ufacturer a Type Approval Certificate valid for all
turbochargers of the same type.
4.3 Workshop inspections and testing
4.4.2 Testing certification
a) Turbochargers admitted to an alternative inspection
4.3.1 Overspeed test
All wheels (impellers and inducers), when machine-finished A statement, issued by the Manufacturer, is required cer-
and complete with all fittings and blades, are to undergo an tifying that the turbocharger conforms to the one type
overspeed test for at least 3 minutes at one of the following tested. The reference number and date of the Type
test speeds: Approval Certificate are also to be indicated in the state-
a) 20% above the maximum speed at room temperature Works certificates (W) (see NR216 Materials and Weld-
ing, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.3]) are required for material tests
b) 10% above the maximum speed at the maximum work-
as per [4.2] and for works trials as per [4.3].
ing temperature.
b) Turbochargers not admitted to an alternative inspection
If each forged wheel is individually controlled by an scheme
approved nondestructive examination method no over- Societys certificates (C) (see NR216 Materials and
speed test may be required except for wheels of type test Welding, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.1]) are required for the
unit. bench running test as per [4.3.3] and the overspeed test
as per [4.3.1], as well as for material and hydrostatic
4.3.2 Balancing tests as per [4.2] and [4.3.4].
Works certificates (W) (see NR216 Materials and Weld-
Each shaft and bladed wheel, as well as the complete rotat- ing, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.3]) may be accepted for material
ing assembly, is to be dynamically balanced by means of tests, in place of the Societys certificates, for turbo-
equipment which is sufficiently sensitive in relation to the chargers fitted on diesel engines having a cylinder diam-
size of the rotating part to be balanced. eter of 300 mm or less.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 139

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 15


1 General 2.2 River trials

2.2.1 Scope of the tests

1.1 Application River trials are to be conducted after the trials at the moor-
ings and are to include:
1.1.1 This Section covers onboard tests, both at the moor-
a) demonstration of the proper operation of the main and
ings and during river trials. Such tests are additional to the
auxiliary machinery, including monitoring, alarm and
workshop tests required in the other Sections of this Chap-
safety systems, under realistic service conditions
b) check of the propulsion capability when one of the
essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative
1.2 Purpose of onboard tests
c) detection of dangerous vibrations by taking the neces-
sary readings when required
1.2.1 Onboard tests are intended to demonstrate that the
main and auxiliary machinery and associated systems are d) checks either deemed necessary for vessel classification
functioning properly, in respect of the criteria imposed by or requested by the interested parties and which are
the Rules. The tests are to be witnessed by a Surveyor. possible only in the course of navigation.

2.2.2 Exemptions
1.3 Documentation to be submitted Exemption from some of the river trials may be considered
by the Society in the case of vessels having a sister vessel for
1.3.1 A comprehensive list of the onboard tests intended to which the satisfactory behavior in service is demonstrated.
be carried out by the shipyard is to be submitted to the Soci-
ety. Such exemption is, in any event, to be agreed upon by the
interested parties and is subject to the satisfactory results of
For each test, the following information is to be provided: trials at the moorings to verify the safe and efficient opera-
tion of the propulsion system.
scope of the test

parameters to be recorded. 3 Onboard tests for machinery

2 General requirements for onboard 3.1 Conditions of river trials

tests 3.1.1 Degree of loading of vessels and convoys
During navigation tests, vessels intended to carry goods
2.1 Trials at the moorings shall be loaded to at least 70% of their tonnage and load-
ing, distributed in such a way as to ensure an horizontal
attitude as far as possible.
2.1.1 Trials at the moorings are to demonstrate the:

a) satisfactory operation of the machinery 3.1.2 Power of the machinery

a) The power developed by the propulsion machinery in
b) quick and easy response to operational commands the course of the river trials is to be as close as possible
to the power for which classification has been
c) protection of the various installations, as regards:
requested. In general, this power is not to exceed the
the protection of mechanical parts maximum continuous power at which the weakest com-
ponent of the propulsion system can be operated. In
the safeguards for personnel cases of diesel engines, it is not to exceed the maximum
continuous power for which the engine type concerned
d) accessibility for cleaning, inspection and maintenance. has been reviewed/approved.
Where the above features are not deemed satisfactory and b) Where the rotational speed of the shafting is different
require repairs or alterations, the Society reserves the right from the design value, thereby increasing the stresses in
to require the repetition of the trials at the moorings, either excess of the maximum allowable limits, the power
wholly or partly, after such repairs or alterations have been developed in the trials is to be suitably modified so as to
carried out. confine the stresses within the design limits.

140 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 15

3.1.3 Determination of the power and rotational 3.2.5 Astern trials

Where the stopping manoeuvre required in [3.2.4] is car-
a) The rotational speed of the shafting is to be recorded in ried out in standing water, it shall be followed by a naviga-
the course of the river trials, preferably by means of a tion test while going astern.
continuous counter.
The ability of the machinery to reverse the direction of
b) In general, the power is to be determined by means of thrust of the propeller in sufficient time, and so to bring the
torsiometric readings, to be effected with procedures vessel to rest within reasonable distance from maximum
and instruments deemed suitable by the Society. ahead service speed, shall be demonstrated and recorded.
As an alternative, for reciprocating internal combustion
engines, the power may be determined by measuring 3.2.6 Capacity of taking evasive action
the fuel consumption and on the basis of the other oper- Vessels and convoys shall be able to take evasive action in
ating characteristics, in comparison with the results of good time. That capacity shall be proven by means of eva-
bench tests of the prototype engine. sive manoeuvres carried out within a test area as referred to
Other methods of determining the power may be con- in [3.2.3].
sidered by the Society on a case by case basis.
3.2.7 Turning capacity
Vessels and convoys not exceeding 86 m in length or
3.2 Navigation and manoeuvring tests
22,90 m in breadth shall be able to turn in good time.
3.2.1 General That turning capacity may be replaced by the stopping
capacity referred to in [3.2.4].
Vessels shall display adequate navigability and manoeu-
vrability. Self-propelled vessels shall meet the requirements The turning capacity shall be proven by means of turning
set out in [3.2.2] to [3.2.7]. manoeuvres against the current.

3.2.2 Navigation tests

3.3 Tests of diesel engines
Navigability and manoeuvrability shall be checked by
means of navigation tests. Compliance with the require- 3.3.1 General
ments of [3.2.4] to [3.2.7] shall, in particular, be examined.
a) The scope of the trials of diesel engines may be
The Society may dispense with all or part of the tests where expanded in consideration of the special operating con-
compliance with the navigability and manoeuvrability ditions, such as towing, trawling, etc.
requirements is proven in another manner.
b) Where the machinery installation is designed for special
fuels, the ability of engines to burn such fuels is to be
3.2.3 Test area
The navigation tests referred to in [3.2.2] shall be carried
out on areas of waterways that have been designated by the 3.3.2 Main propulsion engines driving fixed
Society. propellers
Those test areas shall be situated on a stretch of flowing or River trials of main propulsion engines driving fixed propel-
standing water that is if possible straight, at least 2 km long lers are to include the following tests:
and sufficiently wide and is equipped with highly-distinc-
a) operation at rated engine speed n0 for at least 2 hours
tive marks for determining the position of the vessel.
b) operation at engine speed corresponding to normal con-
It shall be possible for the Surveyor to plot the hydrological
tinuous cruise power for at least 1 hour
data such as depth of water, width of navigable channel and
average speed of the current in the navigation area as a c) operation at engine speed n = 1,032 n0 for 30 minutes
function of the various water levels.
d) operation at minimum load speed
3.2.4 Stopping capacity e) starting and reversing manoeuvres
Vessels and convoys shall be able to stop facing down- f) operation in reverse direction of propeller rotation at a
stream in good time while remaining adequately manoeu- minimum engine speed of n = 0,7 n0 for 10 minutes
g) tests of the monitoring, alarm and safety systems
Where the vessels are not longer than 86 m and not wider
than 22,90 m, the stopping capacity mentioned above may h) for engines fitted with independently driven blowers,
be replaced by turning capacity. emergency operation of the engine with the blowers
The stopping capacity shall be proven by means of stopping
manoeuvres carried out within a test area as referred to in Note 1: The test in c) is to be performed only where permitted by
[3.2.3] and turning capacity by turning manoeuvres in the engine adjustment.
accordance with [3.2.7]. Note 2: The test in f) may be performed during the dock or sea trials.

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Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 15

3.3.3 Main propulsion engines driving controllable 3.5.2 Check of the tooth contact
pitch propellers or reversing gears
a) Prior to the river trials, the tooth surfaces of the pinions
a) The scope of the sea trials for main propulsion engines
and wheels are to be coated with a thin layer of suitable
driving controllable pitch propellers or reversing gears is
coloured compound.
to comply with the relevant provisions of [3.3.2].
b) Engines driving controllable pitch propellers are to be Upon completion of the trials, the tooth contact is to be
tested at various propeller pitches. inspected. The contact marking is to appear uniformly
distributed without hard bearing at the ends of the teeth
3.3.4 Engines driving generators for propulsion and without preferential contact lines.
River trials of engines driving generators for propulsion are
The tooth contact is to comply with Tab 1.
to include the following tests:
a) operation at 100% power (rated power) for at least b) The verification of tooth contact at sea trials by methods
2 hours other than that described above will be given special
consideration by the Society.
b) operation at normal continuous cruise power for at least
1 hour c) In the case of reverse and/or reduction gearing with sev-
c) operation at 110% power for 30 minutes eral gear trains mounted on roller bearings, manufac-
tured with a high standard of accuracy and having an
d) operation in reverse direction of propeller rotation at a
input torque not exceeding 20000 Nm, the check of the
minimum engine speed 70% of the nominal propeller
tooth contact may be reduced at the Societys discre-
speed for 10 minutes
e) starting manoeuvres
Such a reduction may also be granted for gearing which
f) tests of the monitoring, alarm and safety systems.
has undergone long workshop testing at full load and for
Note 1: Test d) may be performed during the dock or sea trials. which the tooth contact has been checked positively.
Note 2: Tests a) to f) are to be performed at rated speed with a con-
stant governor setting. The powers refer to the rated electrical pow- In any case, the teeth of the gears are to be examined by
ers of the driven generators. the Surveyor after the river trials. Subject to the results,
additional inspections or re-examinations after a speci-
3.3.5 Engines driving auxiliaries fied period of service may be required.
a) Engines driving generators or important auxiliaries are
to be subjected to an operational test for at least Table 1 : Tooth contact for gears
2 hours. During the test, the set concerned is required to
operate at its rated power for at least 1 hour.
Percentage of tooth contact
b) It is to be demonstrated that the engine is capable of Heat treatment
and machining across the whole of the tooth
supplying 100% of its rated power and, in the case of face width working depth
onboard generating sets, account is to be taken of the
times needed to actuate the generators overload protec- Quenched and tempered,
70 40
tion system. cut
Quenched and tempered,
3.4 Test of air starting system for main and shaved or ground 90 40
auxiliary engines Surface-hardened

3.4.1 The capability of the starting air system to charge the

air receivers within one hour from atmospheric pressure to 3.6 Tests of main propulsion shafting and
a pressure sufficient to ensure the number of starts required propellers
in Ch 1, Sec 10, [17.3.1] for main and auxiliaries engines is
to demonstrated. 3.6.1 Shafting alignment
Where alignment calculations are required to be submitted
3.5 Tests of gears in pursuance of Ch 1, Sec 7, [3.3.1], the alignment condi-
tions are to be checked on board as follows:
3.5.1 Tests during river trials
During the river trials, the performance of reverse and/or a) Shafting installation and intermediate bearing position,
reduction gearing is to be verified, both when running before and during assembling of the shafts
ahead and astern.
optical check of the relative position of bushes after
In addition, the following checks are to be carried out:
check of the bearing and oil temperature
check of the flanged coupling parameters (gap and
detection of possible gear hammering, where required
by Ch 1, Sec 9, [3.5.1]
test of the monitoring, alarm and safety systems. check of the centring of the shaft sealing glands.

142 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 15

b) Engine (or gearbox) installation, with floating vessel c) Heating coils in oil fuel tanks or in liquid cargo tanks
and fuel pipes are to be subjected, after fitting on board,
check of the engine (or gearbox) flanged coupling
to a hydraulic test under a pressure not less than
parameters (gap and sag)
1,5 times the design pressure, with a minimum of
check of the crankshaft deflections before and after 4 bars.
the connection of the engine with the shaft line, by
measuring the variation in the distance between 3.7.2 Leak tests
adjacent webs in the course of one complete revolu-
tion of the engine. Except otherwise permitted by the Society, all piping sys-
Note 1: The vessel is to be in the loading conditions defined in the
tems are to be leak tested under operational conditions after
alignment calculations. completion on board.

c) Load on the bearings

3.7.3 Functional tests
check of the intermediate bearing load by means of
During the river trials, piping systems serving propulsion
jack-up load measurements
and auxiliary machinery, including the associated monitor-
check of the bearing contact area by means of coat- ing and control devices, are to be subjected to functional
ing with an appropriate compound. tests at the nominal power of the machinery. Operating
parameters (pressure, temperature, consumption) are to
3.6.2 Shafting vibrations comply with the values recommended by the equipment
Torsional vibration measurements are to be carried out manufacturer.
where required by Ch 1, Sec 9. The type of the measuring
equipment and the location of the measurement points are 3.7.4 Performance tests
to be specified.
The Society reserves the right to require performance tests,
3.6.3 Bearings such as flow rate measurements, should doubts arise from
the functional tests.
The temperature of the bearings is to be checked under the
machinery power conditions specified in [3.1.2].
3.8 Tests of steering gear
3.6.4 Stern tube sealing gland
The stern tube oil system is to be checked for possible oil 3.8.1 General
leakage through the stern tube sealing gland.
a) The steering gear is to be tested during the river trials
under the conditions stated in [3.1] in order to demon-
3.6.5 Propellers
strate, to the Surveyors satisfaction, that the applicable
a) For controllable pitch propellers, the functioning of the requirements of Ch 1, Sec 11 are fulfilled.
system controlling the pitch from full ahead to full
astern position is to be demonstrated. It is also to be b) For controllable pitch propellers, the propeller pitch is
checked that this system does not induce any overload to be set at the maximum design pitch approved for the
of the engine. maximum continuous ahead rotational speed.

b) The proper functioning of the devices for emergency c) If the vessel cannot be tested at the deepest draught,
operations is to be tested during the river trials. alternative trial conditions will be given special consid-
eration by the Society. In such case, the vessel speed
3.7 Tests of piping systems corresponding to the maximum continuous number of
revolutions of the propulsion machinery may apply.
3.7.1 Hydrostatic tests of piping after assembly on
board 3.8.2 Tests to be performed
a) When the hydrostatic tests of piping referred to in Ch 1, Tests of the steering gear are to include at least:
Sec 10, [20.4.2] and Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4.3] are carried
out on board, they may be carried out in conjunction a) functional test of the main and auxiliary steering gear
with the leak tests required in [3.7.2]. with demonstration of the performances required by
Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.3]
b) Low pressure pipes, such as bilge or ballast pipes are to
be tested, after fitting on board, under a pressure at least b) test of the steering gear power units, including transfer
equal to the maximum pressure to which they can be between steering gear power units
subjected in service. Moreover, the parts of such pipes
which pass, outside pipe tunnels, through compart- c) test of the isolation of one power actuating system,
ments for ballast water, fresh water, fuel or liquid cargo, checking the time for regaining steering capability
are to be fitted before the hydraulic test of the corre-
sponding compartments. d) test of the hydraulic fluid refilling system

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 143

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 15

e) test of the alternative power supply 4 Inspection of machinery after river

f) test of the steering gear controls, including transfer of trials
controls and local control
4.1 General
g) test of the means of communication between the navi-
gation bridge, the engine room and the steering gear 4.1.1
a) For all types of propulsion machinery, those parts which
h) test of the alarms and indicators have not operated satisfactorily in the course of the river
trials, or which have caused doubts to be expressed as
i) where the steering gear design is required to take into to their proper operation, are to be disassembled or
account the risk of hydraulic locking, a test is to be per- opened for inspection.
formed to demonstrate the efficiency of the devices Machinery or parts which are opened up or disassem-
intended to detect this. bled for other reasons are to be similarly inspected.
Note 1: Tests d) to i) may be carried out either during the mooring b) Should the inspection reveal defects or damage of some
trials or during the river trials. importance, the Society may require other similar
Note 2: For small vessels, the Society may accept departures from machinery or parts to be opened up for inspection.
the above list, in particular to take into account the actual design c) An exhaustive inspection report is to be submitted to the
features of their steering gear. Society.
Note 3: Azimuth thrusters are to be subjected to the above tests, as
far as applicable. 4.2 Diesel engines
3.9 Tests of windlasses
a) In general, for all diesel engines, the following items are
to be verified:
3.9.1 The working test of the windlass is to be carried out
in the presence of a Surveyor. the deflection of the crankshafts
the cleanliness of the lubricating oil filters.
3.9.2 The anchor equipment is to be tested during river tri- b) In the case of propulsion engines for which power tests
als. As a minimum requirement, this test is required to dem- have not been carried out in the workshop, some parts,
onstrate that the conditions specified in Ch 1, Sec 5, [3.13] agreed upon by the interested parties, are to be disas-
can be fulfilled. sembled for inspection after the river trials.

144 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Part C
Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapter 2



















November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 145

146 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014
Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 Application 2.1.3 A general circuit diagram of the electrical plant

showing the basic configuration of the power distribution
system with details of the power ratings of generators, con-
1.1 General verters, transformers, storage batteries and all major con-
1.1.1 The requirements of this Chapter apply to electrical
installations on vessels. In particular, they apply to the com-
2.1.4 Cable layout or tabulated list of cables showing cable
ponents of electrical installations for:
sections and types as well as generator and consumer loads
primary essential services (currents).
secondary essential services
essential services for special purposes connected with 2.1.5 Circuit diagrams for:
vessels specifically intended for such purposes (e.g. main switchgear installations
cargo pumps on tankers, cargo refrigerating systems, air emergency switchgear installations (where applicable)
conditioning systems on passenger vessels)
spaces with an explosion hazard with details of installed
services for habitability.
The other parts of the installation are to be so designed as lighting system
not to introduce any risks or malfunctions to the above ser-
vices. navigation light system
electrical propulsion plants, where applicable.
1.2 References to other regulations and
2.1.6 Circuit diagrams of control, alarm and monitoring
installations, where applicable, such as:
1.2.1 Besides these Rules, electrical equipment shall meet alarm systems
a standard approved by the Society, such as IEC and EN.
fire alarm systems
1.2.2 When referred to by the Society, publications by the tank level indicators, alarms, shut-off facilities
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or other gas detector systems
internationally recognised standards, are those currently in
force at the date of agreement for vessel classification. emergency shut-off facilities
watertight door control systems
2 Documents to be submitted computer systems
communication systems
2.1 Documents
propulsion system.
2.1.1 The drawings and documents listed in [2.1.2] to
[2.1.8] are to be submitted to the Society for review in suffi- 2.1.7 Steering gear circuit diagrams with details of the
ciently good time to enable them to be reviewed and made drive, control and monitoring systems. The steering gear
available to the Building Yard and the Surveyor by the time includes lateral thrust propellers, active rudder equipment
the manufacture or installation of the electrical equipment etc.
2.1.8 Installation plan
Where non-standard symbols are used in circuit and wiring
diagrams, a legend explaining the symbols is to be pro- The plan is to provide details of the exact location of the
vided. switchboard, the size of service passageways, distances
from bulkheads and frames etc.
All documents for review shall bear the yard number and
the name of the shipbuilder.
3 Definitions
The Society reserves the right to call for additional docu-
ments and drawings should those stipulated in [2.1.2] to
[2.1.8] prove insufficient for an assessment of the plant. 3.1 Essential services

2.1.2 Details of the nature and extent of the electrical 3.1.1 Essential services are defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1,
installations including the power balance (electrical bal- [1.2.5]. They are subdivided in primary and secondary
ance). essential services.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 147

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1

3.2 Primary essential services 3.3.2 Services for habitability are those intended for mini-
mum comfort conditions for people on board.
3.2.1 Primary essential services are those which need to be Examples of equipment for maintaining conditions of habit-
in continuous operation to maintain propulsion and steer- ability:
Examples of equipment for primary essential services:
steering gear
domestic refrigeration
actuating systems for controllable pitch propellers
mechanical ventilation
scavenging air blowers, fuel oil supply pumps, lubricat-
ing oil pumps and cooling water pumps for main and sanitary and fresh water
auxiliary engines and turbines necessary for the propul- electric generators and associated power sources sup-
sion plying the above equipment.
azimuth thrusters which are the sole means for propul-
sion/steering with lubricating oil pumps, cooling water 3.4 Earthing
electrical equipment for electric propulsion plant with 3.4.1 The earth connection to the general mass of the hull
lubricating oil pumps and cooling water pumps of the vessel in such a manner as will ensure at all times an
electric generators and associated power sources sup- immediate discharge of electrical energy without danger.
plying the above equipment
hydraulic pumps supplying the above equipment 3.5 Emergency condition
control, monitoring and safety devices/systems for 3.5.1 A condition under which any services needed for
equipment for primary essential services normal operational and habitable conditions are not in
speed regulators dependent on electrical energy for working order due to failure of the main source of electrical
main or auxiliary engines necessary for propulsion. power.

The main lighting system for those parts of the vessel nor-
mally accessible to and used by personnel and passengers 3.6 Hazardous areas
is also considered (included as) a primary essential service.
3.6.1 Areas in which an explosive atmosphere is or may be
expected to be present in quantities such as to require spe-
3.3 Secondary essential services cial precautions for the construction, installation and use of
electrical apparatus.
3.3.1 Secondary essential services are those services which
need not necessarily be in continuous operation. Note 1: An explosive gas atmosphere is a mixture with air, under
atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form of
Examples of equipment for secondary essential services: gas, vapour or mist, in which, after ignition, combustion spreads
thrusters throughout the unconsumed mixture.

starting air and control air compressors

3.6.2 Hazardous areas are classified in zones based upon
bilge pumps the frequency and the duration of the occurrence of explo-
fire pumps and other fire-extinguishing medium pumps sive atmosphere.
ventilation fans for engine rooms 3.6.3 Hazardous areas for explosive gas atmosphere are
services considered necessary to maintain dangerous classified in the following zones:
cargo in a safe condition
Zone 0: an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere
navigation lights, aids and signals is present continuously or is present for long periods
internal safety communication equipment Zone 1: an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere
fire detection and alarm systems is likely to occur in normal operation
electrical equipment for watertight closing appliances Zone 2: an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere
electric generators and associated power supplying the is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it does
above equipment occur, is likely to do only infrequently and will exist for
a short period only.
hydraulic pumps supplying the above equipment
control, monitoring and safety for cargo containment 3.7 Certified safe-type equipment
control, monitoring and safety devices/systems for 3.7.1 Certified safe-type equipment is electrical equipment
equipment for secondary essential services of a type for which a national or other appropriate authority
has carried out the type verifications and tests necessary to
cooling system of environmentally controlled spaces certify the safety of the equipment with regard to explosion
windlasses. hazard when used in an explosive gas atmosphere.

148 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1

3.8 Limited explosion risk electrical 4.1.2 Vibrations

apparatus Electrical machines and appliances shall be so constructed
and installed that they will not be damaged by the vibra-
3.8.1 Limited explosion risk electrical apparatus means:
tions and shaking occurring in normal shipboard service.
an electrical apparatus which, during normal operation,
does not cause sparks or exhibits surface temperatures The natural frequencies of foundations, fastenings and sus-
which are above the required temperature class, includ- pensions for machines, appliances and electrical compo-
ing e.g.: nents (including those inside appliances) shall not lie within
- three-phase squirrel cage rotor motors the frequency range 5 - 100 Hz.
- brushless generators with contactless excitation If, for reasons of design, the natural frequency has unavoid-
- fuses with an enclosed fuse element ably to lie within the aforementioned frequency range, the
- contactless electronic apparatus, or accelerations are to be sufficiently damped to exclude the
an electrical apparatus with an enclosure protected likelihood of malfunctions or damage.
against water jets (degree of protection IP55) which dur-
ing normal operation does not exhibit surface tempera- 4.2 Quality of power supply
tures which are above the required temperature class.
4.2.1 All the electrical appliances used on board shall be
4 General design requirements so designed and constructed that they remain serviceable
despite the voltage and frequency variations occurring in
4.1 Environmental conditions normal onboard service. Unless otherwise specified, con-
siderations may be based on the variations shown in Tab 3.
4.1.1 Inclinations - Ambient conditions
All electrical machinery, appliances, cables and accessories Networks or sub-networks with greater voltage variations
are to be selected, designed and constructed for satisfactory may be approved for consumers intended for operation with
performance under the conditions stated in Tab 1 and Tab 2. greater variations.

Where other conditions are likely (e.g. in the case of non-

Table 3 : Voltage and frequency variations
European waters) proper account shall be taken of these.

Table 1 : Permanent inclination of vessel Variations

Permanent Transient
Angle of inclination (1)
Installations, components General Frequency 5% 10% 5s
Athwartship Fore and aft
Voltage + 6% 20% 1,5s
Main and auxiliary machinery (2) 12 5 10%
(1) Athwartship and fore-and-aft inclinations may occur Battery operation Voltage 20%
(2) Higher angle values may be required depending on
vessel operating conditions. 4.2.2 In equipment with electronic frequency converters,
the voltage waveform may deviate from that specified in Ch
Table 2 : Ambient conditions 2, Sec 2, [5.2.1] provided that measures are taken to ensure
that this does not interfere with the operation of consumers
AIR TEMPERATURE or other equipment such as radio and navigation facilities.
Location, arrangement Temperature range (C) If necessary, converters or similar means should be used for
between 0 and +40 separation from the mains.
In enclosed spaces
(+45 in tropical zone) (1)
On machinery components, boilers 4.2.3 Harmonic distortion
according to specific
In spaces subject to higher or The total harmonic distortion shall be less than or equal to
local conditions
lower temperatures 5%.
between 20 and +40
On exposed decks
(+45 in tropical zone)
4.3 Materials

WATER TEMPERATURE 4.3.1 The materials used for the construction of electrical
Coolant Temperature (C) machines, cables and appliances shall be resistant to moist
air and oil vapours. They shall not be hygroscopic and shall
River water or, if applicable, river up to +25 in general
water at charge air coolant inlet be flame-retardant. The dimensions of minimum creep dis-
up to +32 in tropical zone
tances and air clearances are to conform to IEC 60664-1 or
(1) Different temperatures may be accepted by the Society EN 60664-1. Relaxations may be allowed for installations
in the case of vessels intended for restricted service. up to 50 V.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 149

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 4 : Minimum degrees of protection

Minimum type of protection (in accordance with IEC Publication 60529)

Type of space Switchboards,

Measuring Installation Lamp
Generators Motors Transformers consoles, Switchgear
instruments material fittings
distribution boards
Service spaces,
IP 22 IP 22
machinery and IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 44 IP 22
(1), (2) (1), (2)
steering gear spaces
Refrigerated holds IP 44 IP 44 IP 44 IP 55 IP 55
Cargo holds IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55
Storage battery, paint
IP 44 (3)
storage and lamp
and (EX)
Ventilating trunks
IP 44 IP 55
Exposed deck,
IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55
steering stations on IP 55
(4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
open deck
Closed wheelhouse IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22
Accommodation and IP 20
IP 22 IP 20
public rooms IP 55 (5)
Sanitary facilities
and commissary IP 44 IP 44 IP 44 IP 55 IP 44
(1) IP 12 for appliances generating a large amount of heat.
(2) Where the class of protection is not provided by the appliance itself, the site at which it is installed must have the level of pro-
tection stated in the Table.
(3) Electrical appliance of certified safety, e.g. in accordance with IEC Publication 60079 or EN 50014-50020.
(4) IP 56 for appliances subject to flooding.
(5) Where laid behind ceiling.

4.4 Protective measures 4.4.3 Protection against electric shock: indirect

4.4.1 Protection against shock and water Electrical appliances shall be made in such a way that per-
The type of protection or enclosure of every machine and sons are protected against dangerous contact voltages even
every other item or equipment shall be compatible with the in the event of an insulation failure.
site where it is installed. The particulars in Tab 4 are mini- For this purpose, the construction of the appliances shall
mum requirements. incorporate one of the following protective measures:
Protective earthing (see [4.4.4])
4.4.2 Protection against electric shock: direct
contact Protective insulation (double insulation)
Protection against direct contact includes all the measures Operation at very low voltages presenting no danger
designed to protect persons against the dangers arising from even in the event of a fault.
contact with live parts of electrical appliances. Live parts
The additional usage of Residual Current Protective Devices
are deemed to be conductors and conductive parts of appli-
ances which are live under normal operating conditions. is allowed except for steering and propulsion plant.

Electrical appliances shall be so designed that the person 4.4.4 Protective earthing
cannot touch or come dangerously close to live parts, in Metal casings and all metal parts accessible to touch which
way of the determined operation. are not live in normal operation but may become so in the
Protection against direct contact may be dispensed with in event of a fault are to be earthed except where their mount-
the case of equipment using safety voltage. ing already provides a conductive connection to the vessel's
In service spaces, live parts of the electrical appliances shall
remain protected against accidental contact when doors Special earthing may be dispensed with in the case of:
and covers which can be opened without a key or tool are a) metal parts insulated by a non-conductor from the dead
opened for operation purposes. or earthed parts

150 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1

b) bearings of electrical machines which are insulated to 4.4.6 Explosion protection: hazardous areas, zone 1
prevent currents flowing between them and the shaft These areas include e.g.:
c) electrical equipment whose service voltage does not paint rooms
exceed 50 V.
storage battery rooms
Where machines and equipment are earthed to the hull via
their mountings, care is to be taken to ensure good conduc- areas with machinery, tanks or piping for fuels with a
tivity by clean metal contact faces at the mounting. Where flash point 60C, or inflammable gases, see [4.4.10]
the stipulated earth is not provided via the mountings of ventilation trunks.
machinery and equipment, a special earthing conductor is
to be fitted for this purpose. Areas subject to explosion hazard zone 1 also include
For the earthing of metal sheaths, armouring and cable tanks, vessels, heaters, pipelines etc. for liquids or fuels with
braiding, see Ch 2, Sec 12, [15.1.4]. a flash point > 60C, if these liquids are heated to a temper-
ature higher than 10C below their flash point.
Protection shall be provided by an additional cable, an
additional lead or an additional core in the power cable. Electrical equipment shall not be installed or operated in
areas subject to explosion hazard, with the exception of
Metal cable armouring may not be used as an earthing con- explosion-protected equipment of a type suitable for ship-
ductor. board use. Electrical equipment is deemed to be explosion-
A conductor normally carrying current may not be used protected, if they are manufactured to a recognized stan-
simultaneously as an earthing conductor and may not be dard such as IEC 60079 publications or EN 50014-50020,
connected with the latter by a common connection to the and if they have been tested and approved by a testing
vessel's hull. authority recognized by the Society. Notes and restrictions
at the certificate have to be observed.
The cross-section of the earthing conductor shall be at least
in accordance with Tab 5. Certified safe type equipment listed in Tab 6 is permitted.

The connections of earthing conductors to the metal parts to Cables in hazardous areas zone 0 and zone 1 shall be
be earthed and to the vessel's hull are to be made with care armoured or screened, or run inside a metal tube.
and are to be protected against corrosion.
Table 6 : Certified safe type equipment
Electrical equipment in the area subject to explosion hazard
is in every case to be fitted with an earthing conductor irre- Intrinsic safety Ex i
spective of the type of mounting used.
Flameproof enclosure Ex d
Table 5 : Cross-section of earthing conductors Pressurized apparatus Ex p
Increased safety Ex e
Minimum cross-section
Cross-section of earthing conductor (mm2) Special type of protection Ex s
of main
Earthing conductor Earthing conductor Oil immersion Ex o
(mm2) incorporated separated Encapsulation Ex m
in the cable from the cable
Sand filled Ex q
equal to the main
0,5 up to 4 4
4.4.7 Explosion protection: extended hazardous
equal to the main equal to the main areas, zone 2
> 4 up to 16
conductor conductor
Areas directly adjoining zone 1 lacking gastight separation
> 16 up to 35 16 16 from one another are allocated to zone 2.
equal to the half equal to the half For equipment in these areas protective measures are to be
> 35 up to 120
main conductor main conductor taken which, depending on the type and purpose of the
> 120 70 70 facility, could comprise e.g.:
use of explosion-protected facilities, or
4.4.5 Explosion protection: hazardous areas, zone 0
use of facilities with type Ex n protection, or
These areas include for instance the insides of tanks and
piping with a combustible liquid with a flash point 60C, use of facilities which in operation do not cause any
or inflammable gases. sparks and whose surfaces, which are accessible to the
open air, do not attain any unacceptable temperatures,
For electrical installations in these areas the permitted or
equipment that may be fitted is:
facilities which in a simplified way are overpressure-
intrinsically safe circuits Ex ia
encapsulated or are fumetight-encapsulated (minimum
equipment specially approved for use in this zone by a protection type IP 55) and whose surfaces do not attain
test organisation recognised by the Society. any unacceptable temperatures.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 151

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1

4.4.8 Explosion protection: electrical equipment in 5 Supply systems and characteristics

paint rooms
of the supply
In the above-mentioned rooms (zone 1) and in ventilation
ducts supplying and exhausting these areas, electrical
equipment shall be of certified type as defined in [4.4.6] 5.1 Supply systems
and comply at least with II B, T3.
5.1.1 As a general principle, systems listed in [5.1.2] to
Switches, protective devices and motor switchgear for elec-
[5.1.4] are permitted.
trical equipment in these areas shall be of all-poles switch-
able type and shall preferably be fitted in the safe area.
5.1.2 For direct current and single-phase alternating cur-
Doors to paint rooms have to be gastight with self-closing rent:
devices without holding back means.
a) two conductors, one of which is earthed
4.4.9 Protective measures in the case of ignitable
b) single conductors with hull return, restricted to systems
of limited extent (e.g. starting equipment of internal
Only lighting fittings with IP 55 protection, as a minimum combustion engines and cathodic corrosion protection)
requirement, may be used in areas where ignitable dusts
may be deposited. c) two conductors insulated from the vessel's hull.

In continuous service, the surface temperature of horizontal 5.1.3 For 3-phase alternating current:
surfaces and surfaces inclined up to 60 to the horizontal
shall be at least 75 K below the glow temperature of a 5 mm a) four conductors with earthed neutral and no hull return
thick layer of the dust.
b) three conductors insulated from the hull
4.4.10 Explosion protection: Pipe tunnels
c) three conductors with hull as neutral conductor, how-
All equipment and devices in pipe tunnels containing fuel ever, not in final subcircuits.
lines or adjoining fuel tanks shall be permanently installed
irrespective of the flash point of the fuels. Where pipe tun- 5.1.4 Other systems have to be approved by the Society in
nels directly adjoin tanks containing combustible liquids each case.
with a flash point 60C, e.g. in ore or oil carriers, or
where pipes inside these tunnels convey combustible liq-
uids with a flash point 60C, all the equipment and 5.1.5 Systems using the hull as neutral conductor are not
devices in pipe tunnels shall be certified explosion-pro- permitted:
tected in accordance with [4.4.6] (zone 1).
a) on tankers (see Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 3, [8] and Pt D, Ch 3,
Sec 2, [8])
4.4.11 Amount of electrical facilities
b) on floating craft or vessels whose hull can be disman-
Amount and ignition protection of approved electrical
equipment in zone 0, zone 1 and zone 2 may be restricted
in the different areas where they are used. The relevant cur- The power supply lines from one barge to another in pusher
rent construction Rules have to be observed for this reason. tug trains shall be insulated on all poles.

4.4.12 Explosion protection for vessels for the

carriage of dangerous goods 5.2 Characteristics of the supply
Regarding hazardous areas and approved electrical equip-
ment on vessels for the carriage of dangerous goods, see 5.2.1 General
Part D, Chapter 3. The use of standard voltages and frequencies is recom-
4.4.13 Batteries room
Generators may have rated voltages up to 5% higher than
See Ch 2, Sec 5.
the rated voltage of the consumers.

4.4.14 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

5.2.2 Maximum voltages
Where necessary, appropriate measures shall be taken to
avoid interference due to electromagnetic energy. The operating voltages indicated in Tab 7 may not be
This applies especially to radio equipment and electronic
appliances (e.g. self-steering gear for river navigation). In special installations (e.g. radio equipment and ignition
equipment) higher voltages are permitted subject to compli-
Details are contained in IEC 60533. ance with the necessary safety measures.

152 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 7 : Maximum permissible operating voltages

Maximum permissible operating voltage

Type of installation
DC 1-phase AC 3-phase AC
Power and heating installations including the relevant sockets 250 V 250 V 500 V
Lighting, communications, command and information installations including the
250 V 250 V
relevant sockets
Sockets intended to supply portable devices used on open decks or within narrow
or damp metal lockers, apart from boilers and tanks:
in general 50 V (1) 50 V (1)
where a protective circuit-separation transformer only supplies one appliance 250 V (2)
where protective-insulation (double insulation) appliances are used 250 V 250 V
where 30 mA default current circuit breakers are used 250 V 500 V
Mobile power consumers such as electrical equipment for containers, motors,
blowers and mobile pumps which are not normally moved during service and
whose conducting parts which are open to physical contact are grounded by means
250 V 250 V 500 V
of a grounding conductor that is incorporated into the connecting cable and which,
in addition to that grounding conductor, are connected to the hull by their specific
positioning or by an additional conductor
Sockets intended to supply portable appliances used inside boilers and tanks 50 V (1) 50 V (1)
(1) Where that voltage comes from higher voltage networks galvanic separation shall be used (safety transformer).
(2) All of the poles of the secondary circuit shall be insulated from the ground.

6 Type approvals a) generators, power 50 kW/kVA

b) electrical machines, power 50 kW/kVA
6.1 General
c) transformers, power 50 kW/kVA
6.1.1 The installations, equipment and assemblies men- d) storage batteries
tioned in [6.1.5] are subject to mandatory type approval.
e) storage battery chargers, power 2 kW
6.1.2 Type tests shall be carried out in the presence of Soci-
ety's Surveyor either in the manufacturer's works or, by f) switchgear
agreement, in suitable institutions. g) cables and insulated wires
6.1.3 Type tests are carried out according to the Societys h) control, monitoring, alarm and safety systems
Rules for approval of equipment.
i) power electronics, power 50 kW/kVA
6.1.4 Type tested installations, apparatuses and assemblies j) computer systems: class 3, class 4 and class 5.
shall be used within the scope of valid construction Rules
only. The suitability for the subject application shall be
ensured. 6.2 Exceptions

6.1.5 Installations, equipment and assemblies 6.2.1 Instead of the stipulated type approvals in well-
subject to type approval founded cases routine tests in the presence of a Surveyor
The following installations, equipment and assemblies are may be carried out. An agreement with the Society prior to
subject to type approval: testing is required.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 153

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 2



1 General requirements A table is to be compiled listing all the installed electrical

consumers together with their individual power ratings:

1.1 a) Account is to be taken of the full power rating of those

consumers permanently required for the operation of
1.1.1 Every power supply system on vessels shall comprise the vessel.
at least one main and one auxiliary power source. b) The installed capacity of consumers kept in reserve is to
be listed. The consumption of those consumers which
2 Power source operate only following the failure of a unit of the same
kind need not be included in the calculation.
c) The aggregate power consumption of all consumers
2.1 Design
intermittently connected to the supply is to be multi-
plied by a common simultaneity factor and the result
2.1.1 The power source may take the form of:
added to the sum of the permanently connected con-
a) Two diesel sets sumers.
Special restrictions for the supply of steering gear sys- The simultaneity factor may be applied only once in the
tems are given in Ch 2, Sec 8, [1.4.8]. course of the calculation.

b) One diesel set and one power supply battery (in accor- Consumers with a relatively high power consumption, such
dance with item c)) as the drive units of bow thrusters, are to be included in the
calculation at their full rating even though they may be used
c) One generator driven by the main propulsion unit (shaft only intermittently.
generator) is accepted as a main source provided a
power supply battery is installed as the auxiliary source. The sum of the loads represented by items a) and c), with
due allowance for the battery charging capacity, is to be
This design may be accepted if, in all sailing and used when deciding the generator rating.
manoeuvring conditions, including propeller being
stopped, this generator is not less effective and reliable Unless some other standby capacity such as a floating bat-
than an independent generating set. tery is available, some spare capacity is to be designed into
the system to cover short-lived peak loads like those caused
The power supply battery shall be capable of supplying by the automatic start-up of large motors.
essential consumers for at least 30 minutes automati-
cally and without intermediate recharging.
4 Emergency power source on
It shall be possible to recharge the battery with the
passenger vessels
means available on board even when the main engine is
stationary, e.g. by using charging generators (lighting
dynamos) driven by auxiliary machinery or by shore 4.1 General
power via a battery charger.
4.1.1 For emergency power source on passenger vessels,
d) Other energy generating systems can be permitted by see Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 6, [5.3].
the Society.

5 Generator ratings control

3 Power balance
5.1 DC generators
3.1 Power requirements
5.1.1 The following may be used to supply DC shipboard
3.1.1 A power balance for main and emergency system for networks:
the electrical plant shall be furnished as proof that the rating
of the power source (generator, battery, solar panels, etc.) is regulated single or 3-phase AC generators connected to
sufficient. a rectifier
compound-wound generators
The power requirements are to be determined for day/night
running service and emergency supply, if any. shunt generators with automatic voltage regulator.

154 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 2

5.1.2 Generators shall be designed so that, even with the 5.2.2 Conditions
battery disconnected, their voltage characteristic and har-
Under balanced load conditions, 3-phase alternators and
monic content remain within the prescribed limits over the
their exciters are required to meet the following conditions:
whole load range and they themselves suffer no damage.
They should be so designed that a short circuit at the termi- a) Steady conditions
nals produces a current not less than three times the rated
current. They shall be able to withstand the sustained short- When the alternator is operated with the associated
circuit current for 1 second without suffering damage. prime mover, the voltage shall not deviate from the
Exemptions from these requirements may be granted sub- rated value by more than 2,5% from no-load up to the
ject to proof in each instance that the selective disconnec- rated output and at the rated power factor after the tran-
sient reactions have ceased. For this purpose the prime
tion of short circuits in the vessel's network is assured at
mover shall be set to its rated speed at rated output.
even lower sustained short-circuit currents, possibly in con-
junction with a parallel-connected power supply battery. b) Transient control conditions
The regulator characteristic of the generators shall ensure With the generator running at rated speed and rated
that connected power supply batteries are without fail fully voltage, the voltage shall not deviate below 85% or
charged over the whole load range and overcharging is above 120% of its rated value as the result of the sudden
avoided. connection or disconnection of balanced loads with a
specified current and power factor. It shall regulate
within the limits stated in item a) in not more than
5.2 Single and 3-phase AC generators 1,5 seconds. Under test conditions, the generator may
in this connection be driven at practically constant
5.2.1 Generator design speed, e.g. by a suitable electric motor.

The apparent output of 3-phase generators shall be rated Unless the client specifies particular load changes, the
such that no unacceptable voltage dips occur in the ship- above requirements are to be satisfied under the follow-
board supply as a result of the starting currents affecting ing conditions:
normal operation. On no account may the start-up of the
the idling generator, excited to its rated voltage, is to
motor with the greatest starting current give rise to an
be suddenly connected to a load equal to 60% of its
undervoltage causing consumers already in service to cut
rated current with a (lagging) power factor not
greater than 0,4
The waveform of the no-load phase-to-phase voltage should once steady-state control conditions have been
be sinusoidal as far as possible. The deviation from the sinu- attained, the load is to be suddenly disconnected.
soidal fundamental wave should at no time be greater than
5% in relation to the peak value of the fundamental wave. c) Sustained short-circuit current

The root-mean-square (r.m.s.) values of the phase voltage The sustained short-circuit current at a single, two or 3-
with symmetrical loading shall not vary from each other by phase terminal short shall not be less than three times
the rated current. The generator and its exciter shall be
more than 0,5%.
able to carry the sustained short-circuit current for a
If the neutral points of generators running in parallel are period of one second without suffering damage.
connected, the waveforms of the phase voltages should Exemptions from these requirements may be granted
coincide as nearly as possible. The use of generators of the subject to proof in each instance that the selective dis-
same type is recommended. As a general principle, it is connection of short circuits in the vessels network is
necessary to ensure that the equalizing current determined assured at even lower sustained short-circuit currents.
by the harmonic content does not exceed 20% of the rated
current of the machine with the lowest capacity. 5.2.3 Three-phase AC generators for parallel
The generators and their exciters are to be so designed that
for two minutes the generator can be loaded with 150% of Where generators of the same output are run in parallel
its rated current with an inductive power factor of 0,5 while with the active load shared equally, the reactive power of
approximately maintaining the rated voltage. Generators each machine shall not deviate from its percentage share by
may suffer no damage as a result of a short-circuit and the more than 10% relative to its rated reactive power.
short circuits which may occur in the supply network in
Where the generators differ in output, the deviation from
later service. The design shall take account of the short time
the proportional share within the aforementioned load
delay of the generator switches which is necessary to the
range shall not exceed the smaller of the following values,
selectivity of the system and during which the short-circuit
assuming proportionally equal sharing of the active load:
current is sustained.
a) 10% of the rated reactive power of the largest machine
With voltage-regulated generators it is necessary to ensure
that an input data failure cannot lead to unacceptable high b) 25% of the rated reactive power of the smallest
terminal voltages. machine.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 155

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 2

6 Generator prime movers 6.3 Cyclic irregularity

6.3.1 The permissible cyclic irregularity is to be agreed
6.1 Design and control upon between the prime mover and generator manufactur-
ers. The following is to be ensured:
6.1.1 The design and control of generator prime movers are a) faultless parallel operation of 3-phase generators
to conform to Ch 1, Sec 2.
b) regular or irregular load variations shall not give rise to
fluctuations in active power output exceeding 10% of
6.2 Parallel operation the rated output of the machine concerned
c) practically non-flicker lighting at all working speeds.
6.2.1 The governing characteristics of prime movers in the
case of single or 3-phase alternator sets of the same output
operating in parallel shall ensure that, over the range from
7 Special rules
20% to 100% of the total active power, the share of each
machine does not deviate from its proportionate share by 7.1 General
more than 15% of its rated active power.
7.1.1 Notwithstanding the conditions set out above, other
Where the units are differently rated, the deviation from the speed and control characteristics may be approved for gen-
proportionate share within the load range stated shall not erators with outputs of up to 10 kW (kVA) provided that
exceed the lesser of the following values: troublefree operation remains assured.
a) 15% of the rated active power of the largest machine Where generators are backed up by floating batteries it is
necessary to ensure that the absence of the battery voltage
b) 25% of the rated active power of the smallest machine. cannot damage the generators and controllers.

156 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3


1 Construction 2 Testing of electrical machines

1.1 General 2.1 Workshop certificates

2.1.1 For generators and electrical motors with rated power
1.1.1 Unless otherwise stated in the following Rules, all less than 50 kVA or 50 kW, which have not been tested in
motors and generators shall conform to a standard accepted the presence of a Surveyor, workshop certificates are to be
by the Society. submitted.

1.1.2 In conjunction with the protective equipment to be

2.2 Scope of tests
provided, generators shall be capable of withstanding the
dynamic and thermal stresses produced by a short circuit. 2.2.1 Temperature rise test (heat test)
All machines are to be so designed and constructed that the
a) A heat test shall be performed until the steady-state tem-
permissible temperature rises stated in Tab 1 are not
perature corresponding to the required mode of opera-
tion is reached. The steady-state temperature pass for
The insulation classes have to correspond to the ratings IEC reached when the temperature rises by not more than
60085. 2 K per hour.
Machines with separate cooling fans, air filters and heat
In the case of laminated insulations, the highest temperature
exchangers shall be tested together with this equipment.
permitted for each individual insulating material shall not
The heat run shall be completed with the determination
be exceeded.
of the temperature rise. The maximum permissible val-
All windings shall be effectively protected against the ues shown in Tab 1 shall not be exceeded.
effects of moist or salty air and oil vapours. b) An extrapolation of the measured values to the discon-
On DC machines, the commutating pole windings are to be nection time (t = 0) is not necessary if the reading takes
connected symmetrically to the armature, wherever possi- place within the following periods:
ble. Anti-interference capacitors are to be connected up to 50 kVA/kW 30 s
directly to the armature terminals. Anti-interference capaci- over 50 up to 200 kVA/kW 90 s
tors on generators shall have built-in cutouts. over 200 up to 5000 kVA/kW 120 s
c) Heat tests on machines of identical construction made
1.1.3 The carbon brushes shall be compatible with the slip- not more than 3 years previously can be recognized.
ring and commutator materials and, in the case of the latter,
The referenced temperature rise shall be at least 10%
with the commutating conditions.
lower than that listed in Tab 1.
The working position of the brushholder is to be clearly The following tests shall be carried out at approximately
marked. normal operating temperatures.

1.1.4 The terminals shall be located in an easily accessible 2.2.2 Load characteristics
position and shall be dimensioned to suit the cross-section On generators the voltage and on motors the speed is mea-
of the cables to be connected. The terminals are to be sured as a function of the applied load.
clearly marked.
2.2.3 Overload test
The class of protection shall match that of the machine and
a) For generators:
shall be at least IP 44.
1,5 times the rated current for two minutes
Exceptions to this Rule may be permitted for machines with b) For standard motors:
a working voltage of 50 V or less.
1,6 times the rated torque for 15 seconds. During the test,
the motor speed may not drop below its pull out speed
1.1.5 The manufacturer shall provide every generator and
motor with a name and data plate containing the machine's c) For windlass motors:
serial number and all essential operating data. 1,6 times the rated torque for 2 minutes. Overload tests
already performed on motors of identical construction
1.1.6 Commutators, sliprings and, wherever possible, may be recognized.
windings shall be easily accessible for the purposes of The current of the operating stage corresponding to
inspection, maintenance and repair. On larger machines twice the rated torque shall be measured and indicated
with plain bearings it shall be possible to check the air gap. on the rating plate.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 157

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 1 : Permitted temperature-rises of air cooled machines at an ambient temperature of 40C

(difference values in K)

Method of Insulation class

N Machinery component
measurement (1) A E B F (2) H (2)
1 AC windings of machines R 60 75 80 105 125
2 Commutator windings R 60 75 80 105 125
3 Field windings of AC and DC machines with DC excitation,
R 60 75 80 105 125
other than those specified under 4
4 a) Field windings of synchronous machines with cylindri-
cal rotors having DC excitation winding, embedded in R 90 110 130
slots except synchronous induction motors
b) Stationary field windings of DC machines having more
R 60 75 80 105 125
than one layer
c) Low-resistance field windings of AC and DC machines
R 60 75 80 100 120
and compensation windings of DC machines having
more than one layer
d) Single-layer field windings of AC and DC machines with
R 60 80 90 110 130
exposed bare or varnished metal surfaces and single-
layer compensation windings of DC machines
5 Permanently short-circuited, insulated windings Th 60 75 80 100 120
6 Permanently short-circuited, uninsulated windings The temperature rises of these parts shall in no case reach such
values that there is a risk of injury to any insulation or other
7 Iron cores and other parts not in contact with windings material on adjacent parts or to the item itself
8 Iron cores and other parts in contact with windings Th 60 75 80 100 120
9 Commutators and slip rings, open or closed Th 60 70 80 90 110
10 measured in the lower bearing shell
Plain bearings 50
or in the oil sump after shutdown
11 Roller bearings 50
measured in the lubrication nipple
Roller bearings with bore or near the outer bearing seat
special grease
12 Surface temperature Reference 40 (3)
(1) R = resistance method
Th = thermometer method.
(2) The values may need correction in the case of high-voltage AC windings.
(3) Higher temperature rises may be expected on electrical machines with insulation material for high temperatures. Where parts of
such machinery may be accidentally touched and there is a risk of burns (above 80C), the Society reserves the right to request
means of protection, such as a handrail, to prevent accidental contacts.

2.2.4 Short-circuit test on 3-phase AC generators It shall be applied for one minute for each single test.
a) On all synchronous generators, the steady short-circuit The voltage test shall be carried out between the wind-
current shall be determined with the exciter unit in ings and the machine housing, the machine housing
operation (see Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.2.2], item c). being connected to the windings not involved in the
test. This test shall be performed only on new, fully
b) A short-circuit withstand test may be demanded:
assembled machines fitted with all their working parts.
to determine the reactances The test voltage shall be a practically sinusoidal AC volt-
if there is any concern regarding mechanical and age at system frequency.
electrical strength.
The maximum anticipated no-load voltage or the maxi-
Synchronous generators which have undergone a short- mum system voltage is to be used as reference in deter-
circuit withstand test shall be thoroughly examined after mining the test voltage.
the test for any damage.
b) Any repetition of the voltage test which may be neces-
2.2.5 High-voltage test (winding test) sary shall be performed at only 80% of the nominal test
a) The test voltage shall be as shown in Tab 2. voltage specified in Tab 2.

158 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 2 : Test voltages for the winding test

Test voltage (r.m.s) dependent on rated voltage U

N Machine or machinery component
of the subject winding, in V
1 Insulated windings of rotating machines of output less than 1 kW 2U + 500
(kVA), and of rated voltages less than 100 V with the exception of
those in items 3 to 6
2 Insulated windings of rotating machines with the exception of those 2U + 1000, with a minimum of 1500
in item 1 and items 3 to 6
3 Separately excited field windings of DC machines 1000 + twice the maximum excitation voltage but not
less than 1500
4 Field windings of synchronous generators, synchronous motors and rotary phase converters:
a) Rated field voltage
up to 500 V 10 times the rated voltage, with a minimum of 1500
over 500 V 4000 + twice rated field voltage
b) When a machine is intended to be started with the field wind- 10 times the rated field voltage, minimum 1500,
ing short-circuited or connected across a resistance of value maximum 3500
less than ten times the resistance of the winding
c) When a machine is intended to be started either with the field 1000 + twice the maximum value of the r.m.s. voltage,
winding connected across a resistance of value equal to or which can occur under the specified starting conditions,
more than ten times the resistance of the winding, or with the between the terminals of the field winding, or in the
field windings on open-circuit with or without a field dividing case of a sectionalized field winding between the termi-
switch nals of any section, with a minimum of 1500
5 Secondary (usually rotor) windings of induction motors or synchronous induction motors if not permanently short-circuited
(e.g. if intended for rheostatic starting)
a) For non-reversing motors or motors reversible from standstill 1000 + twice the open-circuit standstill voltage as mea-
only sured between slip rings or secondary terminals with
rated voltage applied to the primary windings
b) For motors to be reversed or braked by reversing the primary 1000 + four times the open circuit secondary voltage as
supply while the motor is running defined in item 5 a)
6 Exciters
a) Apart from the exceptions in b) and c) as for the windings to which they are connected
b) Exception 1: Exciters of synchronous motors (including syn- twice rated exciter voltage + 1000, with a minimum of
chronous induction motors) if connected to earth or discon- 1500
nected from the field windings during starting
c) Exception 2: Separately excited field windings of exciters as under item 3

2.2.6 Overspeed test 2.2.7 Measurement of insulation resistance

As proof of mechanical strength, a two minute overspeed Measurement of insulation resistance is to be performed,
test is to be carried out as follows: wherever possible, on the machine at service temperature at
the end of the test schedule. The test is to be carried out
a) For generators with their own drive: using a DC voltage of at least 500 V. The minimum insula-
at 1,2 times the rated speed tion resistance shall be not less than 1 Megohm.

b) For generators coupled to the main propulsion system: 2.3 Testing in the presence of a Surveyor
at 1,25 times the rated speed
2.3.1 All electrical machines are to be tested at the manu-
c) For constant-speed motors: facturer's works. When test procedure is not specified,
requirements of IEC 60034 apply.
at 1,2 times the no-load speed
d) For variable-speed motors: 2.3.2 All generators and electrical motors with an output of
50 kVA or 50 kW and over are to be of type approved and
at 1,2 times the maximum no-load speed tested at the manufacturer's works in the presence of a Sur-
e) For motors with series characteristics:
The Society reserves the right to stipulate that a works test
at 1,2 times the maximum speed shown on the name be performed on new types of machines which are to be
plate, but at least at 1,5 times the rated speed. installed for the first time on a vessel with class or where
The overspeed test may be dispensed with in the case of there are special grounds for specifying such a test.
squirrelcage induction motors. Individual tests may be replaced by type tests.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 159

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 4


1 General

1.1 General requirements 1.1.3 Power transformers have to be tested according to IEC
1.1.1 Transformers are to be installed in well ventilated
locations or spaces. Transformers with exposed live parts Transformers with a power rating of 50 kVA or more are to
are to be installed in special spaces accessible only to the undergo a test at the manufacturer's works in the presence
responsible personnel. The installation of liquid-cooled of a Surveyor.
transformers requires the Society's special approval.
Individual tests may be replaced by One's Own Responsi-
1.1.2 As a general principle, the primary and secondary bility Test made by the manufacturer.
windings of transformers are to be separated electrically. For
the adjustment of the secondary voltage, taps are to be pro- 1.1.4 The manufacturer is to fit to transformers/reactors a
vided corresponding to 2,5% of the rated voltage. name and date plate containing the serial number of the
Starting transformers are excepted from this rule. unit and all essential operating data.

160 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 5


1 General The installation of batteries in the accommodation area, in

cargo holds and wheelhouses is not permissible. Gastight
batteries can be seen as an exception, e.g. in case of inter-
1.1 Application nal power source of emergency lighting fittings.

1.1.1 These regulations apply to permanently installed stor- 4.1.2 Storage batteries are not to be installed in locations
age batteries.w< where they are exposed to unacceptably high or low tem-
peratures, spray or other effects liable to impair their ser-
1.1.2 Only storage batteries suitable for vessels usage can viceability or reduce their life essentially. They are to be
be used. installed in such a way, that adjacent equipment is not dam-
aged by the effects of escaping electrolyte vapours.
1.1.3 Storage batteries have to be in compliance with and
tested according to recognised standards, e.g.: 4.1.3 Lead-acid batteries and alkaline storage batteries are
not to be installed in the same room or in the immediate
IEC 60896-11 or IEC 60896-21,22, for Lead-acid batter- vicinity of each other.
IEC 60622, IEC 60623 or IEC 62259, for Nickel-Cad- 4.1.4 Measures are to be taken to prevent storage batteries
mium batteries. from shifting. The braces used shall not impede ventilation.

4.1.5 For the installation of storage batteries the total power

2 Design and construction of cells of associated charger has to be considered.
The charging power is to be calculated from the maximum
2.1 General current of the battery charger and the rated voltage of the
2.1.1 Cells shall be so designed that they retain their nor- For automatic IU-charging, the charging power may be cal-
mal operation at inclination of up to 15 and no electrolyte culated as stated under [6.3].
leaks out at inclination of up to 40. Cells should be com-
bined in cabinets, containers or racks if the weight of single 5 Battery room equipment
cells allows this.
The weight of a battery or battery element shall not exceed 5.1 General requirements
100 kg.
5.1.1 Only explosion protected lamps, switches, fan
motors and space heating appliances shall be installed in
3 Data plate and operation Battery Rooms. The following minimum requirements shall
instructions be observed:
explosion group II C
3.1 General requirements temperature class T 1.

3.1.1 Each battery or battery element shall be marked with Other electrical equipment is permitted only with the spe-
maker's name and type of battery, containing all relevant cial approval of the Society.
data for operation. 5.1.2 Where leakage is possible, the inner walls of Battery
rooms, cabinets and containers shall be protected against
3.1.2 For each type of battery an operation manual shall be the injurious effects of the electrolyte.
delivered. It shall contain all informations for proper main-
tenance and operation.
6 Ventilation
4 Installation and location 6.1 General requirements

4.1 General requirements 6.1.1 All battery installations in rooms, cabinets and con-
tainers shall be constructed and ventilated in such a way as
4.1.1 Storage batteries are to be installed in such a way that to prevent the accumulation of ignitable gas mixtures.
they are accessible for cell replacement, inspection, testing, Gastight NiCd-, NiMH- or Li- batteries may not be venti-
topping-up and cleaning. lated.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 5

6.2 Batteries installed in switchboards Table 1 : Minimum cross-sections of ventilation ducts

charging power up to 0,2 kW
Calculation based on battery charging power
6.2.1 Lead batteries with charging power up to 0,2 kW may (automatic IU- charging)
be installed without separation to the switchgear, if: Minimum cross-section, in cm
a) the batteries are of valve regulated type (VRL), provided Battery Lead battery
charging power Lead battery Nickel-
with solid electrolyte, and solid
(W) fluid Cadmium
b) the switchboards are not closed completely (IP 2X will electrolyte battery
be suitable), and
P < 500 40 60 80
c) the charger is an automatic IU-charger with a maximum
continuous charging voltage of 2,3 V/cell and rated 500 P < 1000 60 80 120
power is limited on 0,2 kW. 1000 P < 1500 80 120 180
1500 P < 2000 80 160 240
6.3 Ventilated spaces, battery charging
power up to 2 kW 2000 P < 3000 80 240
6.3.1 Batteries with charging power up to 2 kW may be P 3000 forced ventilation
installed in ventilated cabinets or containers arranged itself
in ventilated rooms (except in rooms according to [4.1.1] 6.4 Ventilated rooms, battery charging
and [4.1.2]). The unenclosed installation (IP 12) in well ven- power more than 2 kW
tilated positions in machinery spaces is permitted. The
charging power P, in W, for automatic IU-charging should 6.4.1 If the charging power of batteries exceeds 2 kW, it
be calculated as follows: has to be installed either in closed cabinets, containers or a
P=UI battery room to be ventilated to the open deck. Lead batter-
ies up to 3 kW still may be ventilated by natural ventilation.
Battery rooms are to exhaust to open deck area. It should be
U : Rated battery voltage, in V used forced ventilation.
I : Charging current, in A: Doors to battery rooms have to be gastight with self-closing
for Pb-batteries: I = 8 C / 100 devices without holding back means.
for NiCd-batteries: I = 16 C / 100
C : Rated battery capacity, in Ah. 6.5 Ventilation requirements
Battery's gassing voltage shall not be exceeded. If several 6.5.1 Ventilation inlet and outlet openings shall be so
battery sets are be used, the sum of charging power has to arranged to ensure that fresh air flows over the surface of
be calculated. the storage battery.
The room free air volume V, in m3, should be calculated The air inlet openings shall be arranged below and air outlet
depending on battery size, as follows: openings shall be arranged above.
V = 2,5 Q If batteries are installed in several floors, the free distance
between them shall be at least 50 mm.
Q : Air quantity, in m3/h, equal to: Devices which obstruct the free passage of air, e.g. fire
dampers and safety screens, shall not be mounted in the
Q = 0,25 f I n ventilation inlet and outlet ducts. If necessary, weathertight
n : Number of battery-cells in series connection closures shall be carried out otherwise.
f : Taken equal to: Air ducts for natural ventilation shall lead to the open deck
f = 0,03 for lead batteries (VRL) with solid directly. Openings shall be at least 0,9 m above the cabinet/
electrolyte container. The inclination of air ducts shall not exceed 45
from vertical.
f = 0,11 for batteries with fluid electrolyte
If several battery sets will be installed in one room, the sum
6.6 Forced ventilation
of air quantity shall be calculated.
The air ducts for natural ventilation shall have a cross-sec- 6.6.1 If natural ventilation is not sufficient or required
tion A, in cm2, as follows, assuming an air speed of 0,5 m/s: cross-sections of ducts according to Tab 1 are too big,
forced ventilation shall be provided. The air quantity Q
A = 5,6 Q
shall be calculated according to [6.3]. The air speed shall
The required minimum cross-sections of ventilation ducts not exceed 4 m/s.
are shown in Tab 1. Where storage batteries are charged automatically, with
Small air ducts and dimensions of air inlet and outlet open- automatic start of the fan at the beginning of the charging,
ings should be calculated based on lower air speed arrangements shall be made for the ventilation to continue
( 0,5m/s). for at least 1 h after completion of charging.

162 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 5

Wherever possible, forced ventilation exhaust fans shall be 8.1.3 Starting internal combustion engines with the vessel's
used. The fan motors shall be either explosion-proof and supply battery is permitted only in emergencies.
resistant to electrolyte or, preferably, located outside of the
endangered area. 8.1.4 Wherever possible storage batteries used for starting
and preheating internal combustion engines are to be
The fan impellers shall be made of a material which does
located close to the machines.
not create sparks on contact with the housing, and dissi-
pates static charges.
The ventilation systems shall be independent of the ventila- 9 Rating of storage battery chargers
tion systems serving other rooms.
Air ducts for forced ventilation shall be resistant to electro- 9.1 General requirements
lyte and shall lead to the open deck.
9.1.1 Charging equipment shall be so rated that discharged
storage batteries can be charged to 80% of their rated
7 Warning signs capacity within a period not greater than 15 hours without
exceeding the maximum permissible charging currents.
7.1 General Only automatic chargers shall be used with charging char-
acteristic adapted to the type of batteries.
7.1.1 At doors or openings of battery rooms, cabinets or
containers warning notices have to be mounted drawing If consumers are simultaneously supplied during charging,
attention to the explosion hazard in those areas and that the maximum charging voltage shall not exceed 120% of
smoking and handling of open flames are prohibited. the rated voltage. The power demand of the consumers
shall be considered for the selection of the chargers.
8 Starter batteries
9.2 Tests on chargers
8.1 General requirements 9.2.1 Battery chargers are to be subjected to tests in manu-
8.1.1 Storage batteries for starting internal combustion facturers work in accordance with Tab 2.
engines shall be designed to have sufficient capacity for at Type tests are the tests to be carried out on a prototype char-
least six starting operations in 30 minutes without interme- ger or the first of a batch of chargers, and routine tests are
diate recharging. the tests to be carried out on subsequent chargers of a par-
ticular type.
8.1.2 Starter batteries shall be capable of being recharged
with the means available on board and may only be used to 9.2.2 Battery chargers with rating power of 2 kW upwards
start engines and supply energy to the monitoring systems have to be tested in manufacturers work in the presence of
allocated to them. the Societys Surveyor.

Table 2 : Tests to be carried out on battery chargers

N Tests Type test (1) Routine test (2)

1 Examination of the technical documentation, as appropriate, and visual inspection (3)
including check of earth continuity
2 Functional tests (current and voltage regulation, quick, slow, floating charge, alarms) X X
3 Temperature rise measurement X
4 Insulation test (dielectric strength test and insulation resistance measurement) X X
(1) Type test on prototype battery charger or test on at least the first batch of battery chargers.
(2) The certificates of battery chargers routine tested are to contain the manufacturers serial number of the battery charger which
has been type tested and the test result.
(3) A visual examination is to be made of the battery charger to ensure, as far as practicable, that it complies with technical docu-

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 6


1 Subdivision of the distribution Table 1 : Maximum number of lighting points

Maximum number of
lighting points
1.1 General up to 55 V 10
from 56 V to 120 V 14
1.1.1 Consumers are to be arranged in sections or con- from 121 V to 250 V 24
sumer groups. The following main groups are to be supplied
separately: 3.1.2 Plug sockets (outlets) are to be connected to separate
circuits wherever possible.
lighting circuits
Final subcircuits for lighting in accommodation spaces may,
power plants as far as practicable, include socket outlets.
In that case, each socket outlet counts for 2 lighting points.
heating plants

navigation, communication, command and alarm sys- 3.1.3 In main machinery spaces and other important ser-
tem. vice spaces and control stations, the lighting shall be sup-
plied by at least two different circuits.
The lamps are to be so arranged that adequate lighting is
2 Hull return maintained even if one of the circuits fails.

2.1 General 4 Navigation lights and signal lamps

2.1.1 In systems using hull return, the final subcircuits for 4.1 General
space heating and lighting are to be insulated on all poles.
4.1.1 The switchboard for navigation lights and signal
The earth for the hull return connection is to be formed by lamps shall be mounted in the wheelhouse and shall be
connecting the earth busbar in the main or subsidiary distri- supplied by a separate cable from the main switchboard, if
bution board to the vessel's hull. The earth connection shall no change-over to a separate feeder is provided.
be located in an easily accessible position so that it can eas-
ily be tested and disconnected for the purpose of testing the 4.1.2 Navigation light, each shall be individually supplied,
insulation of the circuit. Earth connections shall be at least protected and controlled from the navigation lights switch-
equal in cross-section of the supply leads. Bare leads may board.
not be used. Casings and their retaining bolts may not be
used for the earth return or for connecting the return lead to 4.1.3 The navigation lights switchboard may be enlarged to
the vessel's hull. The connecting surface of the cable lug provide connections for other signal lamps. No other con-
shall be metallically clean. The cable lug is to be tinned. sumers may be connected to this switchboard.
The terminal screws are to be made of brass and are to be
4.1.4 A number of locally grouped signal lamps may be
compatible with the cable cross-sections. The smallest per-
jointly supplied, controlled and monitored provided that
missible size is M 6. the monitoring system indicates or signals the failure of
even one such lamp.
3 Final subcircuits 4.1.5 The switchboard is to be fitted with a device which
indicates or signals the extinction of a navigation light.
Where pilot lamps are used as indicators, special precau-
3.1 General
tions shall be taken to ensure that the navigation light is not
extinguished if the pilot lamp burns out.
3.1.1 Final lighting subcircuits and plug socket circuits
within the accommodation and day rooms are to be fitted 4.1.6 Navigation lights shall be designed for the standard
with fuses rated for not more than 16 A. The load on each voltages: 24 V, 110 V or 220 V.
lighting subcircuit shall not exceed 10 A.
4.1.7 The voltage at the lamp socket shall not permanently
The number of lighting points supplied by a final sub-circuit deviate by more than 5% above or below the standard volt-
shall not exceed the numbers given in Tab 1. ages mentioned in [4.1.6].

164 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 6

5 Shore connection In order to prevent contact with live parts, plug-type shore
connectors are to be designed as appliance connectors
comprising a coupler plug mounted on board and a coupler
5.1 General socket supplied from the shore, as indicated in Fig 1.

5.1.1 Shore line terminal containers are to be connected to With a connecting voltage of more than 50 V a provision is
the main switchboard by a permanently laid cable. to be made for connecting the vessel's hull to earth. The
connection point shall be marked.
5.1.2 Consequences of mooring breaks on the shore con-
On vessels with DC-power system with hull return the neg-
nection are to be considered. It shall not lead to critical
ative pole of the shore side power source shall be con-
damages on the installation.
nected to the vessel's hull.

5.2 Connection equipment 5.2.3 The main switchboard is to be equipped with an indi-
cator showing whether the shore connection cable is live.
5.2.1 The shore connection is to be protected at the main
switchboard by a switch or contactor with control switch 5.2.4 Instruments shall be available for comparing the
and fuses or a power circuit breaker with overload protec- polarity of a DC power supply or the phase sequence of a 3-
tion. Switch, contactor or power circuit breaker are to be phase power supply from the shore with that of the vessel's
interlocked with the generator circuit in such a way as to network. The installation of a phase change overswitch is
prevent the vessel's generator operating in parallel with the recommended.
shore mains.

5.2.5 The following details are to be given on a data plate

5.2.2 When using plug-type shore connectors with a cur-
in the shore line terminal box:
rent rating of more than 16 A, an interlocking (mechanical
or electrical) with a switching device is to be provided kind of current, rated voltage and frequency for alternat-
ensuring that a connection / disconnection is not possible ing current
when the plug is "live".
the concerning measures are to be taken for the shore
In mechanical interlocking, a mechanical lock ensures that
the switch associated with the socket is closed only when
the plug has been fully engaged and the plug can be dis-
connected only when the switch is opened again. Electrical 5.2.6 To reduce the load on the terminals, the shore line is
interlocking is achieved by supplying the coil of an to be provided with a tension relief device.
upstream contactor by means of additional wires and pilot
contacts throughout the circuit. Short-circuit protection at 5.2.7 Only flexible, oil-resistant and flame retardant cables
the connection can then be dispensed with. are to be used as feeder cables.

Figure 1 : Shore connection

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 165

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 6

6 Power supply to other vessels connection can only be made in the dead condition. Where
a connecting line carrying a voltage of more than 50 V is
wrenched out of its connector, it shall immediately be deen-
6.1 General
ergized by a forcing circuit. The same applies to a rupture of
6.1.1 A separate junction box is to be provided in the case the connecting cable.
of supplying power to other vessels. The branch is to be fit-
Vessel hulls have to be conductively connected.
ted with fuses and an on-load switch or with a power circuit
breaker with overcurrent and short-circuit protection. Facilities have to be provided to allow this.
Where voltages of more than 50 V and/or currents of more
than 16 A are transmitted, it is necessary to ensure that the Connecting cable suspensions shall be tension-relieved.

166 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 7


1 Switchboards 1.1.11 The smallest permissible cross-section for wiring

inside the switchboard, including measuring wires and con-
trol lines, is generally 0,5 mm2. Smaller cross-sections are
1.1 General rules allowed only in automation and telecommunication equip-
ment and for data bus/data cables. Lines without fuse pro-
1.1.1 Switchboards shall contain all the gear, switches,
tection from the main busbar to fuses and protective
fuses and instruments necessary for operating and protect-
switches shall be as short as possible not longer than 1 m.
ing the generators and main power distribution systems.
They may not be laid and fastened together with other lines.
They shall be clearly, easily and safely accessible for the
purposes of maintenance, repair or renewal. Shunt circuits within the switchboard shall be laid sepa-
rately from other lines and shall generally not be protected
1.1.2 Built-in gear, instruments and operating equipment by fuses.
are to be indelibly marked. The current ratings of fuses and Important control lines shall be laid and protected in such a
the response values of protective devices are to be indi- way they cannot be damaged by arcing due to switching
cated. operations or, as far as possible, short-circuits.

1.1.3 The replacement of fuse elements shall be possible 1.1.12 It shall be possible to observe meters and indicators
without removing panels or covers. Different voltages and and to operate the switchgear from the front of the switch-
types of current are to be clearly indicated. board with the doors closed.

1.1.4 Where switchgear or fuses carrying a voltage of more 1.1.13 Operating handles shall generally not be located
than 50 V are located behind doors, the live parts of appli- less than 300 mm above floor level. The operating handles
ances mounted on the door (switches, pilot lights, instru- of generator switches are to be located at a distance of at
ments) shall be protected against being touched by accident least 800 mm from the floor.
(see Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4]).
1.2 Installation of switchboards
1.1.5 Busbars and bare connections shall be made of cop-
per. Even under adverse operating conditions, their temper- 1.2.1 Switchboards are to be installed in easily accessible
ature rise may not exceed 40C. Busbars are to be fastened and adequately ventilated spaces in which no flammable
and secured in such a way that they are able to withstand gases can gather. They are to be protected against water and
the mechanical stresses produced by the greatest possible mechanical damage.
short-circuit currents. Switchboards on the floorplates over the bilges shall be
closed from below.
1.1.6 All screwed joints and connections are to be secured
against spontaneous loosening. Screws up to M 4 size may Pipes and air trunks are to be so arranged that any leakage
be secured with lacquer or enamel. does not endanger the switchgear. Where the routing of
pipes and trunks close to switchboards cannot be avoided,
1.1.7 With the exception of the connections between they are to have no flanged or screwed joints in this section.
switchgear and outgoing terminals, switchboards may only Cabinets and recesses for housing switchboards shall be
contain lines with cross-sections of up to 50 mm2. If larger made of non-combustible material (see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.12]
cross-sections are required, a main busbar system is to be for definition) or shall be protected by a metal or other fire-
provided for connecting generators and consumers. proof lining. The doors of cabinets and recesses are to bear
a notice drawing attention to the switchboard installed
1.1.8 The power feed for the control of consumers is to be therein. A service passageway at least 0,6 m wide is to be
picked up on the consumer side downstream of the main provided in front of switchboards.
fuses. Exceptions will be permitted only in special cases.
1.2.2 A service passageway of not less than 0,5 m behind
1.1.9 Where fuses and switches are used, the sequence the switchboard is called for only when required by its con-
shall be busbar - fuse - switch. struction or maintenance.

1.1.10 Neutral conductors in 3-phase systems shall have at 1.2.3 In the case of voltages over 50 V, insulating gratings
least half the cross-section of the outer conductors. For line or mats shall be placed behind the switchboards and in
cross-sections of up to 16 mm2, neutral conductors shall front of their control sides. No live parts may be mounted
have the full cross-section of the outer conductors. Equal- on the front side of switchboards.
izer lines for 3-phase alternator exciters shall be designed to Parts located to the rear of an open switchboard and carry-
carry half the exciting current of the largest alternator and ing voltages of more than 50 V shall be protected against
shall be laid separately from other lines. contact up to a height of 0,3 m.

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1.3 Distribution boards 1.5.4 High-voltage test

High-voltage test is to be performed for a period of one
1.3.1 The Rules set out in [1.1] apply in analogous manner. minute at the test voltage shown in Tab 1.
1.3.2 Where a number of distribution boards are supplied Measuring instruments and other ancillary equipment may
via a common feeder cable without intermediate protec- be disconnected during the test.
tion, the busbars and the connecting terminals shall be
Table 1 : Test voltages for main circuits
dimensioned to withstand the total load.
Rated insulation voltage Ui Test voltage A.C. (r.m.s)
1.3.3 Distribution circuits shall be protected in accordance
(V) (V)
with [3.1] and [3.9] against damage due to short-circuit and
overload. Final subcircuits with fuses rated at more than Ui 60 1000
63 A shall be fitted with on-load switches. On-load 60 < Ui 300 2000
switches may be dispensed with in final subcircuits with 300 < Ui 690 2500
fuses rated up to 63 A provided that each connected con-
sumer can be disconnected by a switch located nearby. 1.5.5 Insulation resistance measurement
Insulation resistance measurement is to be performed using
1.3.4 Distribution boards for the supply of mobile consum- at least 500 V DC. For the purpose of this test, large switch-
ers, e.g. container plug sockets shall be individually sup- boards may be divided into a number of test sections. The
plied from the distribution board and shall be individually insulation resistance of each section shall be at least 1 M.
fused and individually disconnectable.
A pilot light or voltmeter is to be provided to show whether 2 Switchgear
the distribution board is live.

1.3.5 Motor switchgear shall be accessible for the purposes 2.1 General
of inspection and repair without the need to disconnect
other important circuits. 2.1.1 As a general principle, switchgear shall be type
approved, designed and constructed in accordance with
Mechanical devices, ammeters or indicator lights shall standard IEC, EN or to other standards recognized by the
show whether the motor is switched on. Society.
Motor switchgear units or their control switches are nor-
mally to be located close to their respective motors. Where 2.2 Selection of switchgear
for operational reasons they are placed out of sight of the
motor, personnel working on the motor shall be provided 2.2.1 Switchgear is to be selected not merely by reference
with means of protecting themselves against the unauthor- to its rated current but also on the basis of its thermal and
ized switching on of the motor. dynamic strength and its making and breaking capacity.
Motors shall be disconnected on all poles as a matter of On-load breakers shall be designed to carry at least the
principle. rated current of the series-connected fuse.
Circuit breakers shall act on all live conductors simultane-
1.4 Switchboard design assessment ously. It shall be clearly apparent whether the breaker is in
the open or closed position.
1.4.1 The design assessment of switchboards may be car-
Installation switches in lighting systems up to 16 A are
ried out:
exempted from this rule.
either for a specific unit (DA), or
using type approval procedure (TA). 2.3 Power circuit breaker

1.5 Switchboard testing 2.3.1 Power circuit breakers are to be provided with trip-
free release. Their rated making and breaking capacity shall
1.5.1 Before being installed on board, every switchboard be sufficient to make or break short-circuit currents at the
together with all its equipment is to be subjected to tests at installation site.
the manufacturers works.
2.4 Fuses
1.5.2 A test at the manufacturer's works in the presence of
a Society Surveyor is to be carried out on main switch- 2.4.1 The fuse elements or cartridges shall have an
boards for a connected generator output of more than enclosed fusion space. They shall be made of a ceramic
100 kW/kVA, and on all switchboards for emergency gener- material or a material recognized by the Society as equiva-
ator sets. The Society reserves the right to call for a works lent. The fuse element shall be embedded in a heat-absorb-
test on other switchboards where there are special reasons ing material.
for this.
2.4.2 It shall be possible to replace the fuse elements or
1.5.3 Operational test cartridges without exposing the attendant to the danger of
As far as possible, the proper operation of the equipment is touching live components or suffering burns. Where grip-
to be checked in accordance with the design. type fuses are used, a detachable grip is permissible.

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3 Switchgear, protective and b) The generator switches shall be fitted with undervoltage
protection which prevents the contact assemblies from
monitoring equipment
closing when the generator is deenergized. If the voltage
drops to between 70% and 35% of the rated voltage, the
3.1 General generator switch shall open automatically. Undervolt-
age trips shall have a short time delay matched to the
3.1.1 Generators, power consumers and circuits shall be
short-circuit trip called for in [3.2.1], item b).
protected in each one of their non-earthed poles or conduc-
tors against damage due to overload or short-circuit. In c) A synchronizing device is to be fitted. Where automatic
insulated DC and single-phase AC circuits and in insulated synchronizing equipment is fitted, provision shall also
3-phase circuits with balanced load, the overload protec- be made for manual independent synchronization.
tion may be dispensed with in one conductor.
d) In the case of parallel operating generators with individ-
3.1.2 The protective devices are to be coordinated in such ual output rating of more than 50 kVA, protection is to
a way that, in the event of a fault, only the defective circuit be provided against the effects of paralleling the genera-
is disconnected and the supply to the sound circuits is tors when in phase opposition.
For example, the following may be used for this pur-
3.1.3 All non-earthed poles shall be connected and discon- pose:
nected simultaneously. In earthed systems, lines are to contain a reactor which limits to a permissible degree the
neither switches nor fuses in their earthed pole or conductor. electrical and mechanical stresses arising from faulty
synchronization. It is to be disconnected when the
3.2 Equipment for 3-phase AC generators generator switch is closed, or

3.2.1 Switchgear and protective devices for individual a synchronizing interlock which allows the genera-
operation 3-phase AC generators are to be provided with 3- tor switch to cut in only up to an angular deviation
pole power circuit breakers with delayed-action overcurrent of 45 (electrical) maximum, and also blocks the
trip and short-delayed short-circuit trip to obtain selectivity. connection in case of too large a difference fre-
This protective equipment is to be designed as follows: quency. The permissible difference frequency
depends on the characteristics of the generator
a) The overload trip, which is to be set at an overcurrent of
switch and its drive and shall not generally exceed
between 10% and 50%, shall open the power circuit
1 Hz.
breaker with a maximum time delay of two minutes.
A setting of more than 50% overcurrent may be
approved if required by the operating conditions and 3.3 Equipment for DC generators
compatible with the generator or primemover design.
3.3.1 Switchgear and protective devices for
b) The short-circuit trip is to be set at an overcurrent of
individual operation
more than 50% but less than the sustained short-circuit
current. It shall operate with a short delay of up to about a) DC generators are generally to be provided with power
500 ms adjusted to suit the selectivity of the system. circuit breakers with delayed-action overcurrent trip and
c) On generators rated at less than 50 kVA, fuses and con- short-delayed short-circuit trip to obtain selectivity. The
tactors or on-load switches may be used provided that switchgear and protective devices are to conform to
the requirements of a) and b) are satisfied in an analo- [3.2.1] (for individual operation) with the difference that
gous manner. For this purpose the contactors shall also the short-circuit trip is to have a short time delay of up to
have a delayed drop-out. 200 ms.
The contactors are to be designed for at least twice the b) A polarity-reversing facility, if necessary.
rated generator current.
3.3.2 Switchgear and protective devices for parallel
3.2.2 Switchgear and protective devices for parallel operation
The following equipment is to be provided in addition to The following equipment is to be provided in addition to
the switchgear and protective devices specified in [3.2.1]. the switchgear and protective devices specified in [3.3.1]:
a) 3-phase AC generators rated at 50 kVA and above shall a) DC generators equipped for parallel operation with
be provided with reverse-power protection with a time each other or with a storage battery shall be fitted with
delay of 2 to 5 seconds. reverse-current protection with no-delay action or with
The protective device shall be selected and adjusted to a short delay of up to 1 second.
suit the characteristics of the prime mover. Reference The protective device shall be selected and adjusted to
values for the setting are 4% to 10% of the rated current suit the characteristics of the prime mover. Reference
for diesel-driven generators. The protection should, values for the setting are 4% to 10% of the rated output
wherever possible, be set to 50% of the prime mover for diesel-driven generators.
trailing power. A voltage drop to 60% of the rated volt-
age shall not render the reverse-power protection inef- b) Undervoltage protection as described in [3.2.2], item b)
fective within the specified range. for parallel operation.

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c) In the case of compound-wound generators, the power may be used for more than one circuit. The rated currents
circuit breaker shall be provided with an equalizer cir- are to be marked on the instrument scales, or on a separate
cuit contact assembly which, on making, closes simulta- panel in the case of multi-circuit instruments with change-
neously with, or in advance of, the contacts of the over switch. The rated service values are to be marked in
power circuit breaker and, on breaking, opens simulta- red on the scales of all instruments.
neously with, or after, the contacts of the power circuit Appropriate digital means of measuring and monitoring
breaker, and is designed to carry at least half the rated equipment is acceptable taking into account above men-
current. tioned scales for voltage, current, power and frequency
3.4 Special rules
3.6.2 Generator measuring and monitoring
3.4.1 On-load switches, power circuit breakers and, gener-
ally speaking, reverse-current cutouts can be dispensed a) Each DC generator is to be provided with:
with in the case of generators with outputs of up to 10 kW 1 voltmeter
(kVA) and a voltage of 50 V or less which, because of their
1 ammeter
control equipment, do not need to be subjected to switch-
ing operations in service. Further exemptions may be 1 blue pilot light (generator live).
allowed depending on the design of the equipment. Where circuit breakers are used, the following addi-
tional lights are to be provided:
3.5 Disconnection of non-essential consumers 1 green pilot light (circuit breaker closed)
1 red pilot light (circuit breaker open).
3.5.1 It is recommended that a device be installed which,
when the generator reaches its rated output, emits a warn- b) Battery
ing signal after about 5 s and automatically cuts off consum- 1 centre zero ammeter.
ers whose temporary disconnection will not jeopardize the
safety of the vessel and its machinery installation. The dis- c) Bus-bar
connection of the loads may be effected in one or more 1 voltmeter.
steps. The automatic disconnection of non-essential con-
d) Each 3-phase AC generator is to be provided with:
sumers is mandatory on larger passenger vessels and on
vessels with automated engine operation. 1 voltmeter, where necessary capable of switching
to the other generators

3.6 Measuring and monitoring equipment 1 ammeter, connectable to each phase conductor
1 wattmeter (active power meter) for generators with
3.6.1 The measuring error of switchboard instruments may outputs of 50 kVA and over
not exceed 1,5% of the scale terminal value. Directionally 1 frequency meter, where necessary capable of
sensitive instruments are to be used for DC generators and switching to the other generators
storage batteries.
Pilot lights as specified in item a) for DC generator.
The scale of voltmeters shall cover at least 120% of the
rated voltage, that of ammeters at least 130% of the maxi- 3.6.3 Special rules
mum amperage to be expected in continuous operation. Instead of the ammeter and the blue pilot light specified in
Ammeters are to be designed to avoid damage due to motor item b), a charging pilot light may be provided for installa-
starting currents. tions with an output of up to 10 kW/kVA and a voltage
50 V.
The scale of watt meters shall cover at least 120% of the
rated power. For generators operating in parallel, the scale
3.6.4 Protection of generator monitoring and
shall also cover at least 12% of the reverse power. In the control circuits
case of power meters with only one current path, the mea-
surement shall be performed in the same phase on all gen- The following circuits are to be supplied by the generator
erators. Where the total power input to all consumers direct and are to be individually fused (using fusible cutouts):
connected to one phase reaches more than 10% of the out- generator protective relay and generator switch under-
put of the smallest alternator, the power meters shall be voltage trip
equipped with multiple movements to register also the
measuring instruments
unbalanced load on the outer conductors.
synchronizing equipment
Frequency meters are to be capable of registering deviations
pilot lights
of down to 5 Hz from the rated frequency.
speed adjuster
The main switchboard (main distribution board) is to be
provided with ammeters for major consumers, unless these electrical generator switch drive
are mounted at the consumers themselves. One instrument automatic power supply system (measuring voltage).

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3.6.5 Earth fault indication 3.9 Circuit protection

Every non-earthed primary or secondary system is to be
equipped with devices for checking the insulation resis- 3.9.1 Every distribution circuit shall be protected against
tance against vessel's hull. damage due to overloads and short circuits by means of
multi-pole power circuit breakers or fuses in accordance
Where filament lamps are used as indicators, their power with [3.8]. Final subcircuits supplying power to a consumer
input may not exceed 15 W. The lamps may be earthed only fitted with its own overload protection may be provided
during testing by means of a pushbutton switch. with only short-circuit protection at the feed point. Under
An insulation monitoring system may be dispensed with in continuous service conditions fuses for this purpose may be
the case of secondary circuits such as control circuits. two stages higher than for the rated service of the consumer
in question; for short-period and intermittent service, the
3.6.6 Insulation monitoring equipment rated current of the fuse may not be greater than 160% of
the rated consumer current. The corresponding switches are
Where insulation monitoring devices are used, they shall
to be designed for the rated amperage of the fuse.
provide a continuous indication of the insulation resistance
and shall trip an alarm if the insulation resistance of the net- For steering gear circuits see Ch 2, Sec 8, [1]. Automatic
work drops below 100 per volt of the network voltage. cutouts and protective motor switches shall, where neces-
sary, be backed up by the series-connected fuses specified
With a full earth fault the measuring current may not
by the manufacturer. In the case of important consumers,
exceed 30 mA.
automatic cutouts without selectively staggered disconnect-
ing delay may not be arranged in series.
3.7 Transformer protection

3.7.1 The windings of transformers shall be protected 3.10 Storage battery protection
against short circuit and overload by multi-pole power cir-
cuit breakers or by fuses and on-load switches in accor- 3.10.1 Batteries, except starter batteries, shall be provided
dance with the above Rules. Transformers for parallel with short-circuit protection situated near the batteries, but
operation shall be fitted with isolating switches on the sec- not in battery's cabinet or container. Emergency batteries
ondary side. supplying essential services may only be provided with
short-circuit protection sufficient for their cables. The value
Overload protection primary side may be dispensed with of the fuses may be two stages higher than the correspond-
where it is protected on the secondary side. ing values for the rated cable current shown in Ch 2, Sec 12,
Tab 3 and Ch 2, Sec 12, Tab 4, column 3, or of power circuit
3.8 Motor protection breakers with suitably adjusted short-circuit protection.

3.8.1 Motors rated at more than 1 kW shall be individually

3.11 Protection of measuring instruments,
protected against overloads and short circuits.
pilot lights and control circuits
For steering gear motors see Ch 2, Sec 8, [1].
It is permissible to provide common short-circuit protection 3.11.1 Indicators, measuring instruments and pilot lights
for a motor and its own individual supply cable. are to be protected by fuses. Pilot lights with operating volt-
age over 24 V are to be fused separately from control cir-
The protective devices shall be suited to the particular oper- cuits in every case so that a short circuit in the lamp does
ating modes of the motors concerned and shall provide reli- not cause failure of the control circuits. Pilot lights con-
able thermal protection in the event of overloads. nected via short-circuit-proof transformers may be fused
If the current-time characteristic of the overload protection jointly with control circuits.
is not compatible with the starting characteristics of a
motor, the overload protection may be disabled during start- 3.12 Exciter circuits
up. The short-circuit protection shall remain operative.
The switchgear of motors whose simultaneous restarting on 3.12.1 Exciter circuits and similar circuits whose failure
restoration of the voltage after a power failure might endan- might endanger the operation of essential systems may not
ger the operation of the installation shall be fitted with a be protected, or may be protected only against short circuits.
facility which:
interrupts the circuit in response to a voltage drop or 3.13 Emergency disconnecting switches
power failure and prevents automatic restarting, or
causes the motor to start up again automatically without 3.13.1 Oil burner equipment, fuel pumps, boiler fans, sep-
any inadmissible starting current on restoration of the arators, machinery space and pump room ventilators shall
voltage. Where necessary, the automatic restarting of a be provided with an individual emergency disconnecting
number of motors is to be staggered in time. switch located at a central position outside the machinery
space unless other means are available for rapidly interrupt-
The undervoltage protection shall work reliable between ing the fuel and air supply outside the room in which the
70% and 35% of the rated voltage. equipment is installed.

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4 Control and starting equipment 4.2 Hand-operated controllers, resistors

4.2.1 The temperatures of handles and other parts which
4.1 Operating direction of handwheels and have to be touched in order to operate equipment may not
levers exceed the following values in service:
metal parts: 50C
4.1.1 Handwheels and levers of starters and drum control- insulating material: 60C.
lers not intended for reversing are to be arranged to turn Resistor casings whose temperature is liable to exceed 60C
clockwise for starting the motors. Motor speed and genera- are to be so mounted that they cannot be touched by acci-
tor voltage control is to be so effected that clockwise rota- dent.
tion increases the speed/voltage. The linear movement of The temperature rise of the air flowing from the casing may
handles upwards or to the right shall produce the same not exceed 165C in the case of resistors integral to starters
effect as clockwise rotation. and controllers or 190C for separately mounted resistors.

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1 Steering gear 1.4 System requirements

1.1 General requirements 1.4.1 Basically, systems may be differentiated as follows:

a) hydraulically driven main steering gear with electrohy-

1.1.1 As a general principle, two steering gears, as con-
draulic auxiliary steering gear
structionally independent as possible, are to be provided,
i.e.: b) electrohydraulic main steering gear comprising two
1 main and 1 auxiliary steering gear system equivalent rudder drives
2 main steering gear systems. c) hydraulic main and auxiliary steering gear systems.

1.2 Definitions 1.4.2 Electrical and electrohydraulic power unit shall be sup-
plied via separate cable. The necessary fuse junctions and
1.2.1 Main steering gear system switchgear devices are to be housed in separate switch con-
The main steering gear system comprises all the system tainers. If installed together in switchboards, they are to be
components needed to steer the vessel under normal design suitably isolated from the feeder panels of other consumers.
1.4.3 The systems are to be so designed that each drive unit
1.2.2 Auxiliary steering gear system can be put into operation either individually or jointly from
The auxiliary steering gear system generally comprises the wheelhouse. The feed for the remote control of the
equipment which, if the main steering gear system malfunc- motor switchgear shall be taken from the appropriate sup-
tions, is able to assume its duty with reduced or equal ply fuse.
1.4.4 Where a system is supplied from a battery, a voltage
1.3 Design features monitor is to be fitted which acts with a time delay to trip a
visual and audible alarm signal on the bridge if the supply
1.3.1 In general, all parts of main and auxiliary steering voltage drops more than 10%.
gears shall be designed in conformity with Ch 1, Sec 11.
1.4.5 If the auxiliary steering gear is supplied from a bat-
1.3.2 The rated output of the electrical machinery is to be tery, the latter shall be capable of sustaining the supply for
related to the maximum torque of the steering gear. For 30 minutes without intermediate recharging.
hydraulic steering gears, the rated output of the drive motors
is to be determined by reference to the maximum pump 1.4.6 The changeover from the main to the auxiliary steering
delivery against the maximum pressure produced by the gear system shall be able to be effected within 5 seconds.
steering gear (safety valve setting) with due allowance for
pump efficiency. 1.4.7 Following a power failure, the steering gear drive sys-
The stalling torque of the motor shall equal at least tems shall automatically re-start as soon as the power sup-
1,6 times the rated torque. ply is restored.
Steering gear drive units shall comply at least with the fol-
lowing modes of operation: 1.4.8 If the steering gear is operated only by electrically
driven power units or electrohydraulic power units, then at
a) Steering gears with intermitted power demand least one of the power units or rudder drives shall, in the
S 6: 25% for converters and motors of electrohydraulic event of failure of the vessel's network, be automatically
steering gears supplied by a battery until an auxiliary diesel set has been
started and has taken over the power supply.
S 3: 40% for motors of electromechanical steering gears
b) For steering gears with a constant power demand the The battery is not required, in case that the standby auxil-
machines are to be designed for continuous service S 1. iary diesel set starts automatically and takes over the power
supply within 5 seconds after black-out.
1.3.3 With power-driven steering gears, the auxiliary drive
shall be largely independent of the main drive so that a fail- 1.4.9 Installations other than that described require the
ure in one system does not render the other one inoperative. Society's special approval.

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1.5 Protective equipment 1.6.4 In addition, 3-phase AC systems are to be provided

with yellow indicator light signalling overload and phase
1.5.1 The control circuits and motors of steering gear sys- failure.
tems are to be protected against short circuits only.
The phase failure monitor may be dispensed with if the sys-
tem is supplied exclusively via power circuit breakers. The
1.5.2 Where fuses are used, their rated current is to be two
overload alarm may be dispensed with for drive systems
stages higher than that corresponding to the rated current of
used exclusively for inching duty. The alarm may also be
the motors. However, in the case of motors for intermittent
combined with other steering gear alarms.
service, the value shall not be greater than 160% of their
rated current. Where bimetallic relays are used to signal overloading of
the motors, these are to be set at 0,7 times the rated current
1.5.3 Where power circuit breakers are used, their short- of the motor.
circuit quick release device shall be set at not more than
10 times the rated current of the electric drive motor.
1.7 Rudder control
Thermal trips are to be disabled or are to be set to twice the
rated current of the motor.
1.7.1 It shall be possible to control the main and auxiliary
1.5.4 Control circuits shall be fused for at least twice the steering gears from the main steering station.
maximum circuit current rating. The controls are to be so arranged that the rudder angle
They are to be located on the load side of the main fuse of cannot be altered unintentionally.
the electrical drive concerned.
1.7.2 Where more than one power drive is installed, the
1.5.5 The protective devices are to be coordinated in such wheelhouse is to be provided with at least two mutually
a way that in the event of a fault, only the defective circuit is independent steering gear control systems.
disconnected while the supply to the intact circuits is main-
Separate cables and lines are to be provided for these con-
trol systems.
All non-earthed poles are to be fitted with fuses and are to
be connected and disconnected simultaneously. The mutual independence of the steering gear control sys-
tems may not be impaired by the fitting of additional equip-
1.5.6 On relays and magnetic valves rectifiers or capacitors ment such as autopilot systems.
in parallel are to be fitted to quench arcs.
1.7.3 A common selector switch is to be provided for
switching from one control system to another.
1.6 Indicating and monitoring equipment

1.6.1 As a general principle, separate indicators or moni- 1.8 Auto pilot systems
tors, as appropriate, are to be provided which respond to
the operative/inoperative state of the control circuits, a drop 1.8.1 An indicator light showing that the auto pilot is oper-
in potential below the supply voltage (in the case of battery ative has to be installed.
supply) and an inadmissible fall in the hydraulic oil level in
the compensating tank. A failure of the control voltage and a deviation of the rated
rpm of the gyro shall trip a visual and audible alarm.
1.6.2 A failure of the control voltage and any departure
The auto pilot system and its associated alarms have to be
from the limit values prescribed for safe operation shall trip
supplied separately from each other.
a visual and audible signal in the wheelhouse. It shall be
possible to cancel the audible signal. The cancellation of an
audible alarm shall not prevent the signalling of a fault 1.9 Rudder angle indicator
affecting the other working parts of the steering gear sys-
tems. 1.9.1 The actual position of the rudder shall be clearly indi-
cated in the wheelhouse and at every steering station. In the
1.6.3 Operative signals and alarms: case of electrical or hydraulic control systems, the rudder
a) 1 green indicator light each for the main and auxiliary angle shall be indicated by a device (rudder angle transmit-
steering gears (or for each main steering gear, where ter) which is independent of the control system and actu-
applicable) showing that the equipment is operative ated either by the rudderstock itself or by parts rigidly
connected to it.
b) 1 red indicator light for the main and auxiliary steering
gears to signal a failure or a fault The system shall have a separate power supply and the indi-
cation shall be continuous.
c) 1 red indicator light responding to a drop in potential of
10% below the rated network voltage. The signal Additionally installed transmitters for position indicators of
response is to be subjected to a time delay in order to autopilot systems shall have a separate power supply and
bridge voltage dips caused by starting operations (where shall be electrically isolated from the above mentioned sys-
a system is supplied by a battery). tem.

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2 Lateral thrust propellers and active 2.3 Monitoring

rudder systems
2.3.1 The wheelhouse is to be equipped with the monitors
2.1 General and indicators described in [2.3.2] to [2.3.6].

2.1.1 The short-circuit protection of the supply is to con- 2.3.2 A blue indicator light signalling that the system is
form to [1.5].

2.2 Drives
2.3.3 A yellow indicator light for signalling an overload.
2.2.1 Active rudder systems are to be rated for continuous
service. 2.3.4 Depending on the type of system, further indicators
Lateral thrust propeller systems are to be rated in accor- are to be provided for signalling operational level and the
dance with the vessel's operating conditions, but at least for desired direction of movement of the vessel.
short-term duty (S 2 - 30 min).
Lateral thrust propellers and active rudder systems are to be 2.3.5 The controls of lateral thrust propeller systems shall
protected against short circuits and overloads. The overload take the form of pushbuttons or levers. The operating direc-
protection is to be so designed that in the event of an overload tion shall correspond to the desired direction of movement
a warning is first given followed by a reduction of the output or
of the vessel. The electrical control system shall be fed from
the shutdown of the system should the overload persist.
the supply to the main drive.
Motors for short-term duty shall be monitored for critical
winding temperature. An exceeding of temperature limits
shall be alarmed. If the maximum permissible temperature 2.3.6 Where fuses are used for short-circuit protection, a
is reached the output shall be automatically reduced or the phase monitor shall ensure that the system cannot be
motor shall be switched off. started up in the event of a phase failure.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 175

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 9


1 General 2.4 Electrical equipment of heaters

2.4.1 Only heating elements with sheathed or ceramic-

encased coils may be used.

1.1.1 The use of portable, unsecured heating and cooking To prevent the build-up of heat leading to excessive temper-
appliances is not permitted except for appliances which are ature rises, every heater is to be equipped with thermal pro-
under constant supervision when in use, e.g. soldering tection which interrupts the current as soon as the
irons, flat irons and appliances where special precautions maximum permissible heater temperature is exceeded.
are taken to prevent the build-up of heat to ignition temper-
Automatic restarting shall be prevented.
ature (e.g. electric cushions and blankets).

1.1.2 The installation and use of electric heaters is not 2.4.2 Self regulating material in heating elements may be
allowed in spaces where easily flammable gases or vapours dispensed with.
may accumulate or in which ignitable dust may be depos-
ited. 2.4.3 The operating switches shall disconnect all live con-
ductors when in the off position. The off position and the
positions for the various operating levels shall be clearly
2 Space heaters
marked on the switches.

2.1 Arrangement of heaters 2.4.4 Every space heater shall normally be connected to a
separate circuit. However, a number of small space heaters
2.1.1 No hooks or other devices on which clothing can be may be connected to a common circuit provided that their
hung may be fitted above heaters without temperature limi- total current input does not exceed 16 A.

2.1.2 Where heaters are fitted in the bulkhead lining, a 3 Oil and water heaters
trough made of non-combustible material (see Ch 3, Sec 1,
[2.12] for definition) shall be mounted behind each heater
in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of heat 3.1 General
behind the lining.
3.1.1 See Ch 1, Sec 3.
2.1.3 Only waterproof heaters according to IEC 60335 may
be used in washrooms, bathrooms and other damp spaces
as well as in machinery spaces.
4 Electric ranges and cooking
2.2 Enclosures
4.1 Cooking plates
2.2.1 Heater enclosures are to be so designed that no
objects can be deposited on them and air can circulate 4.1.1 Only enclosed-type cooking plates may be used.
freely round the heating elements.

4.2 Switches
2.3 Thermal design of heaters
4.2.1 The switches of the individual cooking plates shall
2.3.1 Electrical space heaters are to be so designed that, at
disconnect all live conductors when in the off position. The
an ambient temperature of 20C, the temperature of the
outer jacket or cover and the temperature of the air flowing switch steps shall be clearly marked.
from the heater do not exceed 95C. Switches and other control elements shall be so fitted that
For the maximum permissible temperature of control com- they are not exposed to radiant heat from the cooking plates
ponents and their immediate vicinity, see Ch 2, Sec 7, or heating elements. The maximum permissible temperature
[4.2.1]. limits specified in Ch 2, Sec 7, [4.2.1] are applicable.

176 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 10


1 General 3.1.3 Heat-resistant leads are to be used for the internal

wiring of lamp-holders.

1.1 3.1.4 Metal lighting fixtures shall be fitted with an earthing

screw in the casing or base. All metal parts inside a lighting
1.1.1 Lighting installations are to be designed in compli- fixture are to be conductively connected to each other.
ance with the following requirements:
The connecting terminals shall be directly fastened to the
Ch 2, Sec 1, [5.2], for voltages and frequencies lighting fixture.
Ch 2, Sec 6, [3.1], for final subcircuits
3.1.5 Every lighting fixture shall be permanently marked
Ch 2, Sec 6, [4.1], for navigation lights
with the maximum permissible wattage of the lamps to be
Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.2], Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.3] and Ch 2, Sec fitted.
1, [4.4.5] to Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.12], for explosion proof-
4 Mounting of lighting fixtures
For additional requirements regarding lighting installations
on passenger vessels, see Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 6, [5.4].
4.1 General

2 Design of lighting installations 4.1.1 All lighting fixtures are to be mounted in such a way
that combustible structural elements such as wood etc. will
not be ignited by the heat produced and the lighting fixtures
themselves are not exposed to damage.
2.1.1 The number of lamps and their distribution shall be
4.1.2 In bathrooms and shower rooms lighting fixtures shall
such as to ensure satisfactory illumination.
be mounted in accordance with IEC.
2.1.2 In machinery and service spaces, service passage-
ways, cargo holds and commissary spaces, lighting fixtures 5 Lighting in cargo holds
are to be provided which are sufficiently robust for this
application. The lighting fixtures shall be fitted with impact
resistant covers. 5.1 General

2.1.3 Wherever possible, separate circuits are to be pro- 5.1.1 Where a lighting system is permanently installed,
vided for plug sockets. each final subcircuit or each section is to be equipped with
switches having clearly marked settings or with pilot lamps
2.1.4 The use of normal shore type light fittings is permitted showing whether the system is switched on. The switches
in accommodation, day rooms and commissary spaces pro- are to be located outside the holds in positions where they
vided that they comply with Article [3]. are only accessible to authorized personnel.
The lighting fixtures are to be fitted with sufficiently robust
3 Design of lighting fixtures wire guards or impact-resistant covers.
Their method of mounting is to ensure that they cannot be
3.1 damaged while work is in progress.
For explosion protection see also Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.5] to Ch
3.1.1 Lighting fixtures shall have a base which reflects and 2, Sec 1, [4.4.12].
dissipates the heat produced by the light source. The
mountings used shall provide a gap of at least 5 mm to
allow cooling air to circulate between the base of the fixture 6 Lighting of engine rooms
and a combustible surface to which it is fastened.
Lighting likely to be exposed to more than ordinary risk of 6.1 General
mechanical damage shall be protected against such damage
or to be of a special robust construction. 6.1.1 The lighting equipment of engine rooms is to be dis-
tributed on two or more circuits so that there still remains
3.1.2 The temperature of lighting fixtures should not sufficient lighting to enable work to continue if there is fail-
exceed 60C where they can be touched easily. ure of a circuit.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 177

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11


1 Design and mounting 2.1.3 Where a vessel is provided with sockets for a variety
of distribution systems differing in voltage or frequency, use
is to be made of sockets and plugs which cannot be con-
1.1 fused in order to ensure that an appliance cannot be con-
nected to a socket belonging to the wrong system.
1.1.1 Installation appliances shall be adequately protected
against mechanical damage and shall be made of corro- 2.1.4 Plug connections shall conform to the required class
sion-resistant materials. of enclosure irrespective of whether or not the plug is in or
Where appliances with casings of brass or other copper
alloys are fixed to aluminium surfaces, they shall be insu- 2.1.5 Wherever possible, appliances are to be so designed
lated from the latter to protect them against corrosion. and mounted that the plugs are inserted from below.

1.1.2 The cable entries of the appliances shall be of a size 2.1.6 Apart from the sockets standardized and specifically
compatible with the cables to be connected and shall be approved for use in shipbuilding practice, accommodation
selected to suit the type of cable concerned. and day rooms may also be provided with sockets designed
for use on shore provided that they are mounted in a dry
1.1.3 The space inside appliances shall be sufficient to position.
enable insulated conductors to be connected without hav- 2.1.7 Only sockets with a permissible operating voltage in
ing to make sharp bends. Corners, edges and projections accordance with Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 7 are allowed in wash-
shall be well rounded. rooms and bathrooms. No sockets or switches may be fitted
in shower cubicles, shower cabinets or close to bathtubs.
1.1.4 Mobile appliances are to be provided with means of Exempted from this rule are razor sockets with an isolating
relieving tension in the cable so that the conductors are not transformer.
subjected to tensile load.
2.1.8 Switches shall simultaneously connect and disconnect
1.1.5 Terminals, screws and washers shall be made of brass all the non-earthed conductors of a circuit. Single-pole dis-
or another corrosion-resistant material. connection is permitted only in the accommodation area for
the switches of lighting circuits not carrying more than 16 A.

2 Plug connections and switches 2.1.9 No plug connections are normally to be provided in
cargo holds.
2.1 Where power sockets are essential in special cases, e.g. for
supplying power to refrigerated containers, they are to be
supplied from their own subdistribution boards with fused
2.1.1 The live contact components of sockets (outlets) and
outlet switches which can be centrally disconnected and
plugs shall be so enclosed that they cannot be touched
are located outside the cargo holds.
under any circumstances, even during insertion of the plug.
The subdistribution boards shall be provided with devices
2.1.2 The sockets for amperages over 16 A shall be inter- indicating when they are live and which outlets are con-
locked with a switch in such a way that the plug can be nei- nected/disconnected.
ther inserted nor withdrawn as long as the socket contact Sockets may only be installed at locations which give ade-
sleeves are live. quate protection against mechanical damage.

178 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12


1 General Table 1 : Correction factors for cables

in higher ambient temperatures
1.1 Maximum permissible Ambient temperature
conductor operating
1.1.1 All electrical cables used on board are to be of type temperature 40C 45C 50C 60C 70C
approved. As a general principle, the use of the types of
cables and wires according to IEC 60092 is permitted. In 60C see Tab 3 1,00 0,87 0,71
addition, equivalent cables and lines may be approved by 85C see Tab 4 1,00 0,94 0,89 0,74 0,57
the Society.
2.4 Movable connections
1.1.2 Except for lighting and space heating, only cables
with multi-strand conductors are to be used. 2.4.1 Machines or equipment mounted on rubber or spring
vibration absorbers are to be connected via cables or wires
1.1.3 The voltage rating of a cable may not be less than the with sufficient flexibility.
rated working voltage of the relevant circuit.
Mobile equipment is in all cases to be supplied by heavy,
In insulated distribution systems the outer conductor volt- flame-retardant and oil-resistant rubber-sheathed flexible
age of the system is to be deemed to be the rated voltage of cords such as HO7RN-F-CENELEC HD 22 or equivalent.
the cable between a conductor and the vessel's hull,
because in the event of a fault, e.g. outer conductor shorting For working voltages above 50 V, the movable connecting
to earth, this voltage may occur for a prolonged period cables or wires for non-double-insulated equipment shall
between an intact outer conductor and the vessel's hull. include an earthed conductor, which is to be specifically
In spaces in the accommodation area, lightweight flexible
2 Choice of cables
cords are also permitted.

2.1 Temperatures
3 Determination of conductor cross-
2.1.1 In positions liable to be subjected to high ambient sections
temperatures, only cables whose permissible temperature is
at least 10 K above the maximum ambient temperature to 3.1 General requirements
be expected may be used. A correction factor is to be
applied to the permissible loading (see Tab 1). 3.1.1 The sizes of cables and wires are to conform to the
Cables on diesel engines, heaters etc. liable to be exposed details in Tab 3 and Tab 4, unless other conductor cross-
to high temperatures are to be routed so that they are pro- sections are necessitated by the permissible voltage drop for
tected against excessive external heating. If this is not possi- particular equipment items (see [3.1.3]) or by the elevated
ble, oil-resistant cables with high heat resistance are to be ambient temperature or by a special permissible working
used. Cables not previously used are to be submitted to the temperature (see also [3.2.1]). See Tab 1 for the correction
Society for approval before installation. factor.

3.1.2 Parallel cables may be calculated with the sum of

2.2 Fire resistance their permissible loads and may be fused in common pro-
vided that the current is equally shared between all the par-
2.2.1 Cables and insulated wires shall be flame-retardant
allel cables.
(IEC 60332) and self-extinguishing.
In every case, only cables of the same cross-sectional area
and length shall be used as parallel cables.
2.3 Cable sheaths
3.1.3 The cross-section of cables and wires is to be deter-
2.3.1 On open decks, in damp or wet rooms, in service mined not only by reference to the permissible current load
rooms and wherever condensation or harmful vapours (oil but also according to the permissible voltage drop. The volt-
vapours) may occur, only cables with impermeable sheaths age drop between the main switchboard and the most unfa-
resistant to the environmental influences may be used. vourable point of the system under consideration may not
PVC (polyvinyl chloride), CSP (chlorosulphonated polyeth- exceed 5% for lighting or 7% for power and heating cir-
ylene) and PCP (polychloroprene) sheaths are deemed to cuits. In the case of transient loads, caused for example by
fall into this category, although they are unsuitable for long- start-ups, it is necessary to ensure that the voltage drop in
term immersion in liquids. the cable does not occasion any malfunction of the system.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 179

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

Table 2 : Current rating of cables with a maximum permissible conductor temperature of 60C
at an ambient temperature of 40C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nominal Short time service Short time service
Continuous service
cross-section of S 2 = 30 min. S 2 = 60 min.
the copper Max. permissible Rated fuse Max. permissible Rated fuse Max. permissible Rated fuse
conductor (mm2) current (A) current (A) current (A) current (A) current (A) current (A)
Single-core cables
1,0 9 10 10 10 10 10
1,5 14 16 15 15 15 15
2,5 19 20 20 20 20 20
4 26 25 28 25 28 25
6 34 36 36 36 36 36
10 46 50 49 50 49 50
16 62 63 66 63 66 63
25 82 80 87 80 87 80
35 101 100 108 100 107 100
50 126 125 136 160 134 160
70 156 160 171 160 165 160
95 189 160 217 224 202 200
120 219 224 251 250 234 224
150 251 250 294 300 271 250
185 287 250 353 315 311 300
240 337 315 420 371
300 388 355 500 435
Two-core cables
1,0 8 6 9 10 9 10
1,5 11 10 12 16 12 16
2,5 17 16 18 20 18 20
4 22 20 23 25 23 25
6 29 25 31 25 31 25
10 39 36 41 36 41 36
16 53 50 60 63 56 63
25 70 63 83 80 75 80
Three or four-core cables
1,0 6 6 7 10 7 10
1,5 9 10 10 10 10 10
2,5 14 16 15 16 15 16
4 18 20 19 20 19 20
6 24 25 25 25 25 25
10 32 36 36 36 34 36
16 43 36 50 50 46 50
25 57 50 70 63 60 63
35 71 63 88 80 75 80
50 89 80 115 100 100 100
70 109 100 151 125 125 125
95 132 125 194 200 161 160
120 153 160 234 225 161 200
5 to 24-core cables 1,5 mm2
5 8 6
7 7 6
10 6 6
12 6 6
14 6 6
16 6 6
19 5 4
24 5 4

180 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

Table 3 : Current rating of cables with a maximum permissible conductor temperature of 85C
at an ambient temperature of 40C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nominal Short time service Short time service
Continuous service
cross-section of S 2 = 30 min. S 2 = 60 min.
the copper Max. permissible Rated fuse Max. permissible Rated fuse Max. permissible Rated fuse
conductor (mm2) current (A) current (A) current (A) current (A) current (A) current (A)
Single-core cables
1,0 17 16 18 16 18 20
1,5 22 20 23 20 23 20
2,5 30 25 32 25 32 36
4 40 36 42 36 42 50
6 52 50 55 50 55 63
10 72 63 76 63 76 80
16 96 100 102 100 102 100
25 127 125 135 125 135 160
35 157 160 168 160 166 224
50 196 200 212 224 208 250
70 241 224 264 300 255 300
95 292 300 327 315 311 315
120 338 315 387 362
150 389 400 455 420
185 443 425 532 481
240 522 500 650 574
300 600 630 765 672
Two-core cables
1,0 14 10 15 16 15 16
1,5 19 20 20 20 20 20
2,5 26 25 28 25 28 25
4 34 36 36 36 36 36
6 44 36 47 50 47 50
10 61 63 65 63 65 63
16 82 80 93 100 87 100
25 108 100 127 125 115 125
Three or four-core cables
1,0 12 10 13 16 13 16
1,5 15 16 16 16 16 16
2,5 21 20 22 25 22 25
4 28 25 30 36 30 36
6 36 36 38 36 38 36
10 50 50 56 63 53 50
16 67 63 75 80 71 63
25 89 80 110 100 96 80
35 110 100 138 125 120 100
50 137 125 178 160 153 125
70 169 160 235 224 194 160
95 205 200 300 300 250 250
120 237 224 365 315 296 300
5 to 24-core cables 1,5 mm2
5 13 10
7 11 10
10 10 10
12 10 10
14 9 6
16 9 6
19 8 6
24 8 6

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 181

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

3.2 Minimum cross-sections 5 Cable laying

3.2.1 The minimum cross-section of permanently laid

5.1 General
cables and wires in power, heating, lighting systems and
control circuits for power plants shall be 1,0 mm2; in con-
5.1.1 Cables from generators and all cables going out from
trol circuits of safety systems 0,75 mm2; in automation and
the main or emergency switchboard up to the distribution
telecommunication equipment 0,5 mm2; in telecommuni- boards or the power consumers themselves shall be laid
cation systems not relevant to the safety of the vessel and for undivided and in a single length. The same applies to all
data bus/data cables 0,2 mm2. connecting cables in essential systems. Exemptions are sub-
ject to the Society's express approval (e.g. for vessel exten-
Within accommodation and day rooms, flexible leads with sions or barrier containers at the movable cable loop below
a conductor cross-section of 0,75 mm2 and over may also the wheelhouse).
be used for the mobile connection of appliances with a cur-
rent input of up to 6 A. For elastically mounted machinery and equipment, ade-
quate freedom of movement shall be ensured by compensa-
tion bends.
3.3 Hull return conductors
5.1.2 In DC systems without hull return multi-core cables
3.3.1 See Ch 2, Sec 6, [2.1] are to be used for the smaller cross-sections. When using
single-core cables for large cross-sections, the outgoing and
return lines shall be laid as close as possible to each other
3.4 Protective earth wires over their entire length to avoid stray magnetic fields.

3.4.1 See Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.4] 5.1.3 In 3-phase systems without hull return, 3-core cables
are to be used for 3-phase connections; and 4-core cables
are to be used for circuits with charged neutral. The use of a
3.5 Neutral conductors of 3-phase systems
3-core cable and a separate neutral conductor is only per-
missible if the current in the latter does not exceed 20 A.
3.5.1 The cross-section of neutral conductors of 3-phase
systems is to equal at least half that of the outer conductors.
5.1.4 In single or 3-phase AC systems, single-core cables
Where the cross-section of the outer conductors is 16 mm2 carrying a current above 20 A are to be avoided. If such a
or less, the cross-section of the neutral conductor shall method of installation cannot be avoided, the measures to
equal that of the outer conductors. be taken are to be agreed with the Society.

5.1.5 Cables whose maximum permissible temperature of

4 Cable overload protection
the conductor differ by more than 5 K from each other may
be laid in a common bundle only if the permissible loadings
4.1 General requirements of the lowest-capacity type are taken as the basis for all
4.1.1 All cables and wires with the exception of hull return,
neutral and earthing conductors are to be fitted with fuses in 5.1.6 Should it be impossible to use multi-core cables in
accordance with [5.1.3] in single or 3-phase AC systems
accordance with Tab 2 and Tab 3.
because of the connection difficulties associated with high
power ratings, approval may be given for the laying of sin-
4.1.2 Where protection is afforded by power circuit break- gle-core cables and wires subject to compliance with spe-
ers with overcurrent and short-circuit trip, the overcurrent cial requirements which are to be agreed with the Society in
trip is to be set in accordance with the maximum permissi- each case.
ble current loads shown in Tab 2 and Tab 3. The short-cir-
cuit trip shall be set to 4-6 times the indicated amperages. 5.1.7 Tab 2 indicates the minimum internal radius of curva-
ture of cable bends according to the type and outside diam-
For short-circuit protection, see also Ch 2, Sec 7, [3.9].
eter of the cable concerned.

4.1.3 The exciter conductors of DC motors and DC genera-

Table 4 : Minimum internal radius of curvature
tors operating in parallel may not be fitted with fuses except
in the case of special installations. The exciter conductors of
Outer diameter D Cables without metal Cables with metal
individually connected DC generators and 3-phase syn- of cable (mm) sheath or braid sheath or braid
chronous machines may be fused only where there are spe-
D 25 4D 6D
cial grounds for doing so, e.g. where the cables are run
through several of the vessel's main vertical zones. D > 25 6D 6D

182 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

6 Cable runs 10 Laying of cables and wires in

conduits or enclosed metal ducts
6.1 General
6.1.1 Cable runs are to be so selected that cables can, 10.1 General
wherever possible, be laid in straight lines and are not
exposed to mechanical damage. Continuous cable runs 10.1.1 Conduits and ducts shall be smooth on the inside
shall not be routed along the shell plating and its frames. and shall have ends shaped to avoid damaging the cable
covering or sheath. They are to be provided with drainage
6.1.2 Sources of heat such as boilers, hot pipes etc. shall be holes measuring at least 10 mm in diameter.
by-passed to avoid exceeding the permissible end tempera-
Bores and bending radii shall be such as to enable the
ture of the cable conductors. Where this is not possible, the
cables to be inserted without difficulty.
cables are to be shielded from radiant heat.

6.1.3 Where, for safety reasons, an installation is provided 10.1.2 Cables may only occupy up to a maximum of 40%
with double feeder cables, these are to be laid as far apart of the clear cross-section of conduits and ducts, the aggre-
as possible. gate cross-section of the cables being the sum of the indi-
vidual cross-sections calculated from the cable diameters.
Cable runs are to be protected against corrosion.
10.1.3 Extensive cable ducts and conduits are to be fitted
7 Fastening of cables and wires with inspection and draw containers.

7.1 General 11 Laying in non-metallic conduits and

7.1.1 Cables are to be fastened to trays or carriers. Individ- ducts
ually run cables are to be fixed with clips.
11.1 general
7.1.2 Cables and wires are to be fastened with clips, straps
or bindings made of galvanized steel strip, copper or brass
11.1.1 The conduits or ducts shall be made of flame-retar-
dant material.
Other established fastenings approved by the Society may
also be used.
Cadmium coated or galvanized steel screws and galvanized
12 Bulkhead and deck penetrations
clips or fastenings of other suitable materials are to be used
for fixing cables to aluminium surfaces. 12.1 General
Clips used for mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cables
shall be made of copper alloy if in electrical contact with 12.1.1 Where cables pass through bulkheads or decks, the
the cable-sheath. cable penetrations shall not impair the mechanical strength,
watertightness or fire resistance of the bulkheads and decks
8 Tension relief
12.1.2 Cable lead-throughs in watertight bulkheads or
8.1 General decks are to take the form of individual gland-type lead-
throughs or, in the case of cable bundles, collective lead-
8.1.1 Cables are to be fastened in such a way that any ten- throughs of a type approved by the Society. Sealing may be
sile loads are kept within the permissible limits. This is par- effect with casting resins or elastic plugs.
ticularly applicable to cables with a small cross-section and
to those installed in vertical trays or vertical ducts. If casting resin is used, the cables shall be run and encased
in the resin over a length of at least 150mm inside the lead-
9 Protection against mechanical
13 Cables laid in refrigerated spaces
9.1 General
13.1 General
9.1.1 Cables in cargo holds, on deck and in locations
where they are particularly exposed to the danger of 13.1.1 Cables may be laid neither in nor directly upon the
mechanical damage, including especially cables laid up to thermal insulation of these spaces. They are to be installed
a height of 500 mm above floor, are to be provided with on perforated metal plates or spacing clips clear of the cov-
additional protection in form of sheaths or ducts. ering of the insulating layer. Excepted from this are individ-
Cable coverings are to be conductively connected to the ual cables with plastic outer sheathing, which may be laid
vessel's hull. directly on the insulation covering.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 183

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

14 Cable laying to wheelhouses using 15.1.2 Junction and distribution containers shall be located
extending cable feeds (moveable in easily accessible positions and shall be clearly marked.
cable loops)
15.1.3 As a general principle, only one circuit shall be led
through any one box. Should it be necessary to lead a larger
14.1 General
number of circuits through one box, the terminals are to be
14.1.1 The following points are to be specially considered so arranged that similar circuits are adjacent to each other.
when selecting and laying the cables for variable-height The terminals for dissimilar systems or for systems with dif-
wheelhouse and control platforms: ferent working voltages are to be separated from each other
choice of cable types possessing the necessary flexibility by partitions. All terminals are to be clearly and indelibly
and resistance to oil and to high and low temperatures marked. A terminal connection diagram is to be mounted
(e.g. HO7RN-F) on the box cover.
use of increased bending radii at locations subject to
severe mechanical loads 15.1.4 It is necessary to effect the continuous conductive
cable attachment using metal cable straps or clips connection of all metal cable sheaths, particularly inside
suitable protection against mechanical damage. cable distribution and junction containers.

Metal cable sheaths, armouring, screening and shielding

15 Cable junctions and branches
shall normally be conductively connected to the vessel's
hull at both ends. In the case of single-core cables in single
15.1 General
phase AC systems, only one end is to be earthed. The earth-
15.1.1 Branches from cables and wires may only be made ing at one end only of cables and wires in electronic sys-
inside containers. tems is recommended.

184 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 13



1 General recognizability and constancy of the parameter settings,

limiting and actual values

1.1 Application compatibility of the measuring, open and closed loop

controls and monitoring systems with the process and
1.1.1 This Section sets out requirements for the control, its special requirements
monitoring, alarm and safety systems necessary to operate immunity of system elements to reactive effects in over-
essential equipment for vessel's propulsion, steering and all system operation
non-critical behaviour in the event of power failure, res-
toration and of faults
1.2 Definitions
unambiguous operation
1.2.1 The following definitions apply: maintainability, the ability to recognize faults and test
Alarm indicator: indicator which gives a visible and/or
audible warning upon the appearance of one or more reproducibility of values.
faults to advise the operator that his attention is required
1.3.3 Automatic interventions shall be provided where
Alarm system: system intended to give a signal in the
damage cannot be avoided by manual intervention.
event of abnormal running condition
Control station: group of control and monitoring devices 1.3.4 If dangers to persons or the safety of the vessel arising
by means of which an operator can control and verify from normal operation or from faults or malfunctions in
the performance of equipment machinery or plant, or in control, monitoring and measur-
Control system: system by which an intentional action is ing systems, cannot be ruled out, safety devices or safety
exerted on an apparatus to attain given purposes measures are required.

Instrumentation: sensor or monitoring element 1.3.5 If dangers to machinery and systems arising from
Local control: control of an operation at a point on or faults or malfunctions in control, monitoring and measuring
adjacent to the controlled switching device systems cannot be ruled out, protective devices or protec-
tive measures are required.
Monitoring system: system designed to observe the cor-
rect operation of the equipment by detecting incorrect 1.3.6 Where mechanical systems or equipment are either
functioning (measure of variables compared completely or partly replaced by electric / electronic equip-
with specified value) ment, the requirements relating to mechanical systems and
Safety system: system intended to limit the consequence electric/electronic equipment shall be met accordingly.
of failure and is activated automatically when an abnor-
mal condition appears 1.4 Design and construction
Remote control: control from a distance of apparatus by
means of an electrical or other link. 1.4.1 Machinery alarm systems, protection and safety sys-
tems, together with open and closed loop control systems
for essential equipment shall be constructed in such a way
1.3 Planning and design that faults and malfunctions affect only the directly involved
function. This also applies to measuring facilities.
1.3.1 The design of safety measures, open and closed loop
controls and monitoring of equipment must limit any poten-
1.4.2 For machinery and systems which are controlled
tial risk in the event of breakdown or defect to a justifiable
remotely or automatically, control and monitoring facilities
level of residual risk.
must be provided to permit independent manual operation.
1.3.2 Where appropriate, the following basic requirements Manual operation shall override all remote and automatical
shall be observed: control.
compatibility with the environmental and operating
1.4.3 In the event of disturbances automatically switched
off plants shall not be released for restarting until having
compliance with accuracy requirements been manually unlocked.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 13

1.5 Application of computer systems Deviations from this requirement may be allowed for
redundant equipment where this would entail no risk to
1.5.1 If computer systems are used, Ch 2, Sec 16 has to be human life and where vessel safety would not be compro-
observed. mised.

2.2.2 Safety systems shall be assigned to systems which

1.6 Maintenance need protection.

1.6.1 Access must be provided to systems to allow mea- 2.2.3 Where safety systems are provided with overriding
surements and repairs to be carried out. Facilities such as arrangements, these shall be protected against unintentional
simulation circuits, test jacks, pilot lamps etc. are to be pro- operation. The actuation of overriding arrangements shall
vided to allow functional checks to be carried out and faults be indicated and recorded.
to be located.
2.2.4 The monitored open-circuit principle shall be used
1.6.2 The operational capability of other systems shall not for safety systems. Alternatively, the closed circuit principle
be impaired as a result of maintenance procedures. shall be applied where the provisions of national Regula-
tions demand it. (e.g. boiler and oil fired systems).
1.6.3 Where the replacement of circuit boards in equip- Equivalent monitoring principles are permitted. Faults, and
ment which is switched on may result in the failure of com- also the tripping of safety systems shall be indicated by an
ponents or in the critical condition of systems, a warning alarm and recorded.
sign must be fitted to indicate the risk.
2.2.5 Safety systems shall be designed for preference using
1.6.4 Circuit boards and plug-in connections must be pro- conventional technology (hard wired).
tected against unintentional mixing up. Alternatively they
must be clearly marked to show where they belong to. 2.2.6 The power supply shall be monitored and loss of
power shall be indicated by an alarm and recorded.

2 Machinery control and monitoring The power supply to the safety system is to be maintained
installations for at least 15 minutes following a possible failure of the
vessel's general supply network. Separate provision shall be
made for this.
2.1 Safety devices
2.2.7 Safety systems are to perform the following functions
2.1.1 The design of safety devices shall be as simple as pos- when hazard limits are reached:
sible and must be reliable and inevitable in operation. a) temporary adaptation of operation to the remaining pos-
Proven safety devices which are not depending on a power sibilities (slow down or signal to reduce power)
source are to be preferred.
b) protection of machinery and boilers from critical operat-
2.1.2 The suitability and function of safety devices must be ing conditions (shutdown or signal to shut down).
demonstrated in the given application. Within certain limits, safety systems provide redundancy for
the alarm system.
2.1.3 Safety devices shall be designed so that potential
faults such as, for example, loss of voltage or a broken wire
shall not create a hazard to human life, vessel or machinery. 2.3 Open loop control

These faults and also the tripping of safety devices shall be 2.3.1 Main engines and essential equipment shall be pro-
signalled by an alarm. vided with effective means for the control of its operation.
All controls for essential equipment shall be independent or
2.1.4 The adjustment facilities for safety devices shall be so designed that failure of one system does not impair the
designed so that the last setting can be detected. performance of other systems, see also [1.3.2].

2.1.5 Where auxiliary energy is needed for the function of 2.3.2 Control equipment must have built-in protection fea-
safety devices, this has to be monitored and a failure has to tures where incorrect operation would result in serious
be alarmed. damage or in the loss of essential functions.

2.3.3 The consequences of control commands must be

2.2 Safety systems indicated at the respective control station.

2.2.1 Safety systems shall be independent of open and 2.3.4 Controls shall correspond with regard to their posi-
closed loop control and alarm systems. Faults in one system tion and direction of operation to the system being con-
shall not affect other systems. trolled respective to the direction of motion of the vessel.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 13

2.3.5 It shall be possible to control the essential equipment Where this cannot be achieved, for example due to the
at or near to the equipment concerned. noise level, additional optical signals, e.g. flashing lights
must be installed.
2.3.6 Where controls are possible from several control sta-
tions, the following shall be observed: 2.5.5 Transient faults which are self-correcting without
Competitive commands shall be prevented by suitable intervention shall be memorized and indicated by optical
interlocks. The control station in operation must be rec- signals which shall only disappear when the alarm has been
ognizable as such. acknowledged.

Taking over of command shall only be possible with the

2.5.6 Alarm systems shall be designed according to the
authorization of the user of the control station which is
closed-circuit principle or the monitored open circuit prin-
in operation.
ciple. Equivalent monitoring principles are permitted.
Precautions shall be taken to prevent changes to desired
values due to a change-over in control station. 2.5.7 The power supply shall be monitored and a failure
shall cause an alarm. Test facilities are required for the
2.3.7 Open loop control for speed and power of main operation of light displays.
engines are subject to mandatory type testing.
The alarm system shall be supplied from the main power
source and shall have battery support for at least 15 min-
2.4 Closed loop control utes.

2.4.1 Closed loop control shall keep the process variables

2.5.8 Alarms are to be given at manned location in the
under normal conditions within the specified limits.
machinery control position, if any, or in the wheelhouse
and are to take the form of individual visual displays and
2.4.2 Closed loop controls must maintain the specified
collective audible signals. The audible alarm shall sound
reaction over the full control range. Anticipated variations
throughout the whole machinery space, at manned location
of the parameters must be considered during the planning.
in the machinery control position and at the wheelhouse. If
this cannot be ensured because of the noise level, addi-
2.4.3 Defects in a control loop shall not impair the function tional visual alarms such as flash signals shall be installed.
of operationally essential control loops.
Simultaneously with a collective alarm signal, an acknowl-
2.4.4 The power supply of operationally essential control edgeable audible alarm shall be given at manned location
loops shall be monitored and power failure must be sig- in the machinery control position and in the wheelhouse
nalled by an alarm. which, following acknowledge, shall be available for further
signals. It must be possible to stop audible signals indepen-
2.4.5 Closed loop control for speed and power of main dently of acknowledging the visual signal. Acknowledge-
engines are subject to mandatory type testing. ment of optical alarms shall only be possible where the fault
has been indicated as an individual signal and a sufficient
overview of the concerned process is been given.
2.5 Alarm systems

2.5.1 Alarm systems shall indicate unacceptable deviations 2.5.9 Where the alarm system contents individual visual
from operating figures optically and audibly. The operative displays in the machinery space, the visual fault signals in
state of the system is to be indicated in the wheelhouse and the wheelhouse may be arranged in at least three groups as
on the equipment. collective alarms in accordance with their urgency, if this is
necessary due to the scope of the plant:
2.5.2 Alarm delays shall be kept within such time limits Group 1: alarms signalling faults which require immedi-
that any risk to the monitored system is prevented if the ate shutdown of the main engine (red light)
limit value is exceeded.
Group 2: alarms signalling faults which require a reduc-
2.5.3 Optical signals shall be individually indicated. The tion in power of the main engine (red light)
meaning of the individual indications must be clearly iden-
Group 3: alarms signalling faults which do not require
tifiable by text or symbols.
Group 1 or Group 2 measures (yellow light).
If a fault is indicated, the optical signal must remain visible
until the fault has been eliminated. It must be possible to 2.5.10 Pressure alarms may in general not be delayed by
distinguish between an optical signal which has been more than 2 s. Level alarms are to be delayed sufficiently to
acknowledged and one that has not been acknowledged. ensure that the alarm is not tripped by brief fluctuations in
2.5.4 It must be possible to acknowledge audible signals.
The acknowledgement of an alarm shall not inhibit an 2.5.11 A failure of the power supply or disconnection of
alarm which has been generated by new causes. Alarms the system shall not alter the limit value settings at which a
must be discernible under all operating conditions. fault is signalled.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 13

2.5.12 The fault signalling systems of main engines with 2.7.7 An overload limitation facility is to be provided for
engine-driven pumps are to be so designed that variations the propulsion machinery.
in operating parameters due to manoeuvres do not trip the
alarm. 2.7.8 It must be possible to stop the propeller thrust from
the wheelhouse independently of the remote control sys-
2.5.13 It is recommended that input devices approved by tem.
the Society should be used.
2.7.9 Following emergency manual shutdown or automatic
2.5.14 It is recommended that the alarm signals should be shutdown of the main propulsion plant, a restart shall only
automatically suppressed when the main engine and auxil- be possible via the stop position of the command entry.
iaries are taken out of service.
2.7.10 The failure of the remote control system and of the
2.6 Integration of systems for essential control power shall not result in any sudden change in the
equipment propulsion power nor in the speed and direction of rotation
of the propeller. In individual cases, the Society may
2.6.1 The integration of functions of independent equip- approve other failure conditions, whereby it is assumed
ment shall not decrease the reliability of the single equip- that:
there is no increase in vessel's speed
2.6.2 A defect in one of the subsystems (individual module, there is no course change
unit or subsystem) of the integrated system shall not affect
the function of other subsystems. no unintentional start-up processes are initiated.

2.6.3 Any failure in the transfer of data of autonomous sub- Local control must be possible from local control positions.
systems which are linked together shall not impair their The local control positions are to be independent from
independent function. remote control of propulsion machinery and continue to
operate 15 minutes after a blackout.
2.6.4 Essential equipment must also be capable of being
operated independently of integrated systems. 2.7.11 The failure of the remote control system and of the
control power is to be signalled by an alarm.
2.7 Control of machinery installations
2.7.12 Wheelhouse and engine room are to be fitted with
indicators indicating that the remote control system is oper-
2.7.1 Machinery installations are to be equipped with
ative. The wheelhouse and the machinery space are to be
monitoring equipment as detailed in Tab 1.
provided with indicators showing:
2.7.2 The remote control shall be capable to control speed, propeller speed and direction of rotation
direction of thrust, and as appropriate torque or propeller
pitch without restriction under all navigating and operating pitch of controllable pitch propeller.
2.7.13 Remote control systems for main propulsion plants
2.7.3 Single lever control is to be preferred for remote con- are subject to mandatory type approval.
trol systems. Lever movement shall be in accordance to the
desired course of the vessel. Commands entered into the 2.7.14 The transfer of control between the wheelhouse and
remote control system from the wheelhouse must be recog- machinery space shall be possible only in the machinery
nizable at all control stations. area.

2.7.4 The remote control system shall carry out commands

2.7.15 It shall be ensured that control is only possible from
which are ordered, including emergency manoeuvres, in
one control station at any time. Transfer of command from
accordance with the propulsion plant manufacturer's speci-
one control station to another shall only be possible when
the respective control levers are in the same position and
Where critical speed ranges are incorporated, their quick when a signal to accept the transfer is given from the
passing is to be guaranteed and a reference input within selected control station. A display at each control station
them have to be inhibited. shall indicate whether the control station in question is in
2.7.5 With each new command, stored commands must be
erased and replaced by the new input. 2.7.16 Each local control position, including partial control
(e.g. local control of controllable pitch propellers or
2.7.6 In the case of set speed stages, a facility must be pro- clutches) is to be provided with means of communication
vided to change the speed in the individual stages. with the remote control position.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 13

Table 1 : Control of machinery installations

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = Very high, L = Low Monitoring
I = Individual alarm, G = Group alarm
Indication Indication Shut
Identification of system parameter Alarms wheelhouse
local wheelhouse down
Engine speed All engines x
Engine power > 220kW HH x G x
Shaft revolution indicator x
Lubricating oil pressure L x G
Lubricating oil temperature H x G
Fresh cooling water system inlet pressure (2) L x G
Fresh cooling water system outlet temperature (2) H x G
Fuel oil temperature for engines running on HFO L x G
Exhaust gas temperature (single cylinder when the dimensions permit) x
Starting air pressure L x G x
Charge air pressure x
Control air pressure x
Exhaust gas temperature at turbocharger inlet/outlet x
(where the dimensions permit)
Manual emergency stop of propulsion x x x (3)
Fault in the electronic governor x x G
Tank level x
Lubricating oil temperature x
Lubricating oil pressure x
Engine speed All engines x
Engine power > 220 kW HH x G x
Low pressure cooling water system (2) L x G
Fresh cooling water system outlet temperature (2) H x G
Lubricating oil pressure L x G
Fault in the electronic governor x x G
Engine speed All engines x
Engine power > 220 kW HH x G x
Low pressure cooling water system (2) L x G
Fresh cooling water system outlet temperature (2) H x G
Direction of propulsion x
Lubricating oil pressure L x G
Lubricating oil temperature x
Fault in the electronic governor x x G
Propulsion remote control ready x
Pitch control x
Earth fault (when insulated network) x x G
Main supply power failure x x G

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 13

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = Very high, L = Low Monitoring
I = Individual alarm, G = Group alarm
Indication Indication Shut
Identification of system parameter Alarms wheelhouse
local wheelhouse down
Fuel oil level in service tank or tanks supplying directly services L x G
essential for safety or navigation
Rudder angle indicator x x
Level of each hydraulic fluid L x I x
Indication that electric motor of each power unit is running x x
Failure of rate of turn control x I x
Overload failure x x I x
Phase failure x x I x
Loss of power supply x x I x
Loss of control supply x x I x
Water level L+H x
LL x
Circulation stopped (when forced circulation boiler) x x
Flame failure x x
Temperature in boiler H
Steam pressure HH x x
Thermal fluid temperature heater outlet H x x (5)
Thermal fluid pressure pump discharge H x x
Thermal fluid flow through heating element L x
LL x (5)
Expansion tank level L x
LL x (6)
Expansion tank temperature H
Forced draft fan stopped x x
Burner flame failure x x
Flue gas temperature heater outlet H
HH x (6)
Fire detection x x
Fire manual call point x x
Automatic fixed fire extinguishing system activation, if fitted x x
Level of machinery space bilges/drain wells x x
Alarm system power supply failure x x x
(1) Group of alarms are to be detailed in the machinery space or control room (if any).
(2) A combination of level indication/alarm in expansion tank and indication/alarm cooling water temperature can be considered
as equivalent with consent of the Society.
(3) Openings of clutches can, with the consent of the Society, be considered as equivalent.
(4) Exemptions can be given for diesel engines with a power of 50 kW and below.
(5) Shut-off of heat input only.
(6) Stop of fluid flow and shut-off of heat input.

190 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 14


1 General 3.1.4 Electrical charges in power electronic modules must

drop to a voltage of less than 50 V in a period of less than
5 s after disconnection from the mains supply. Should lon-
1.1 ger periods be required for discharge, a warning label is to
be affixed to the appliance.
1.1.1 For power electronics in electrical propulsion plants,
see Ch 2, Sec 15. 3.1.5 If the replacement of plug-in printed circuit boards
while the unit is in operation can cause the destruction of
components or the uncontrolled behaviour of drives, a cau-
2 Construction tion label must be notifying to this effect.

2.1 General 3.1.6 The absence of external control signals, e.g. due to a
circuit break, shall not cause a dangerous situation.
2.1.1 The rules set out in Ch 2, Sec 1 and Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 8
3.1.7 Control-circuit supplies are to be safeguarded against
are to be observed, wherever applicable.
unintended disconnection, if this could endanger or dam-
age the plant.
2.1.2 Each power-electronics system shall be provided with
separate means for disconnection from the mains. 3.1.8 It is necessary to ensure that, as far as possible, faults
In the case of consumers up to a nominal current of 315 A do not cause damage in the rest of the system, or in other
the combination fuse-contactor may be used. In all other static converters.
cases a circuit breaker shall be provided on the mains side.
3.1.9 Special attention shall be paid to the following
2.1.3 Equipment shall be readily accessible for purposes of
measurement and repair. Devices such as simulator circuits, mutual interference of static converters connected to the
test sockets, indicating lights, etc. are to be provided for same busbar system
functional supervision and fault location. voltage distortion and reacting to other consumers
selection of the ratio between the subtransient reactance
2.1.4 Control and alarm electronics must be galvanically of the system and the commutating reactance of the
separated from power circuits. static converter
consideration of reactions from rectifier installations on
2.1.5 External pulse cables are to be laid twisted in pairs
the commutation of DC machines
and screened, and kept as short as possible.
influence by harmonics and high-frequency interfer-
3 Rating and design
Where filter circuits and capacitors are used for reactive
current compensation, attention is to be paid to the:
3.1 General
reaction on the mean and peak value of the system volt-
age in case of frequency fluctuations
3.1.1 Mains reactions of power electronics facilities shall
be taken into consideration in the planning of the overall inadmissible effects on the voltage regulation of genera-
installation, see Ch 2, Sec 4, [1] and Ch 2, Sec 8, [1]. tors.

3.1.2 Rectifier systems must guarantee secure operation 4 Cooling

even under the maximum permissible voltage and fre-
quency fluctuations, see Ch 2, Sec 4, [1]. In the event of
unacceptably large frequency and/or voltage variations in
4.1 General
the supply voltage, the system must shut-off or remain in a 4.1.1 Natural cooling is preferred.
safe operating condition.
4.1.2 The safety in operation shall be proved for liquid
3.1.3 The semiconductor rectifiers and the associated fuses cooling and forced cooling.
shall be so selected that their load current is at least 10%
less than the limit current determined in accordance with 4.1.3 An impairment of cooling shall not result in unac-
the coolant temperature, the load and the mode of opera- ceptable overtemperatures, an overtemperature alarm shall
tion. be provided.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 14

5 Control and monitoring shall be rendered on the tests carried out. Essential equip-
ment from 50 kW/kVA upwards shall be tested in the pres-
ence of a Societys Surveyor.
5.1 General
5.1.1 Control, adjustment and monitoring must ensure that 7.2 Extent of routine tests
the permissible operating values of the facilities are not
exceeded. 7.2.1 Voltage test
Prior to the start of the operational tests a high-voltage test
6 Protection equipment shall be carried out. The RMS value of the alternating test
voltage is:
6.1 General
U = 2 Un + 1000 V 2000 V
6.1.1 Power electronic equipment shall be protected
duration: 1 minute
against exceeding of their current and voltage limits.
For protective devices, it must be ensured that upon actuat- where:
ing: Un : Maximum nominal voltage, in V, between any
the output will be reduced or defective part-systems will two points on the power electronics device.
be selectively disconnected
For this purpose, switchgear in power circuits shall be
drives will be stopped under control bridged, and the input and output terminals of the power
the energy stored in components and in the load circuit electronics devices and the electrodes of the rectifiers shall
cannot have a damaging effect, when switching off. be electrically connected with each other. The test voltage
shall be applied between the input/output terminals or
6.1.2 Special semiconductor fuses shall be monitored.
between the electrodes and:
After tripping the equipment has to be switched off, if this is
necessary for the prevention of damage. Activating of a the cabinet
safety device shall trigger an alarm. the mains connection side, if the power electronics
6.1.3 Equipment without fuses is permissible if a short cir- device is electrically isolated from the mains.
cuit will not lead to the destruction of the semiconductor
components. 7.2.2 Test of insulation resistance
Following the voltage test, the insulation resistance shall be
7 Tests measured at the same connections as for the voltage test.
The measurement shall be performed at a voltage of at least
500 V DC. The resistance shall be at least 1 k/V.
7.1 General
7.1.1 Power electronics assemblies shall be individually 7.2.3 Operational test
tested at the manufacturer's works. A Works Test Report The function shall be demonstrated as far as possible.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 15


1 General 2.3 Propulsion motors

2.3.1 The propulsion motors must also conform to the
1.1 requirements of Ch 2, Sec 1 to Ch 2, Sec 13.

1.1.1 A vessel has an electrical main propulsion plant if the 2.3.2 The effects of the harmonics of currents and voltages
main drive to the propeller is provided by at least one elec- is to be taken into consideration for the design of the pro-
trical propulsion motor. pulsion motors.

1.1.2 If a propulsion plant has only one propulsion motor 2.3.3 The winding insulation shall be designed to with-
and the vessel has no additional propulsion system which stand the overvoltages which may arise from manoeuvres
ensures sufficient propulsive power, this plant shall be so switching operations.
structured that following a fault in the static converter or in
2.3.4 Machines with forced ventilation shall be so dimen-
the regulation- and control system at least a limited propul-
sioned that in case of ventilation failure a limited operation
sion capability remains.
is still possible. Versions deviating from this principle
1.1.3 Auxiliary propulsion plants are additionally propul- require an agreement with the Society.
sion systems. 2.3.5 Electrical propulsion motors must be able to with-
stand without damage a short circuit at their terminals and
1.1.4 The engines driving the generators for the electrical
in the system under rated operating conditions until the pro-
propulsion plant are main engines. Motors driving the pro-
tection devices respond.
peller shaft are propulsion motors.

1.1.5 If electrical main propulsion plants are supplied from 3 Static converter installations
the vessel's general mains, this Section applies also to the
generators and the associated switchgear. For auxiliary pro- 3.1
pulsion plants, the requirements of this Section are to be
met correspondingly. 3.1.1 Power-electronic equipment must also conform to the
requirements of Ch 2, Sec 14.
2 Drives 3.1.2 Static converters must be designed for the load to be
expected under all operating and manoeuvring conditions,
2.1 Basis for dimensioning including overloads and short circuits.

3.1.3 If static converters are separately cooled, the plant

2.1.1 The electrical machinery and plants must, in accor-
must be capable to continue operation at reduced power
dance with their service and operating conditions, be
level if the cooling system fails.
designed for short periods of overload and for the effect of
manoeuvres. 3.1.4 The circuits for main power supply and exciter equip-
ment must be supplied directly from the switchboard and
2.1.2 The lubrication of machinery and shafting shall be shall be separate for each motor and each winding.
designed to be adequate for the entire speed range of rota-
tion in both directions including towing. 3.1.5 Exciter circuits whose failure can endanger the opera-
tion shall only be protected against short circuit.
2.2 Main engines 3.1.6 The static converters must be easily accessible for
inspection, repair and maintenance.
2.2.1 The main engines must also conform to the require-
ments of Part C, Chapter 1, Machinery and systems.
4 Control stations
2.2.2 The diesel governors must allow safe operation over
the whole speed range and under all running and manoeu- 4.1
vring conditions, this for both, single operation and parallel
operation. 4.1.1 Should the remote control system fail, local operation
must be possible. Changeover must be possible within a
2.2.3 The main engines shall be so constructed that under reasonably short time. This operation can be made, e.g.
the consideration of the plant conception they can absorb from the control cabinet of the propulsion plant. Voice
the reverse power arising during reversing manoeuvres. communication with the bridge shall be provided.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 15

4.1.2 The main control station on the bridge shall be pro- 7.1.5 The following additional protection equipment shall
vided with an emergency stop device independent of the be provided:
operating elements of the main control system. Also an where drives uncontrolled can be mechanically
emergency stop device in the engine room shall be pro- blocked, they must be provided with protection devices
vided. which prevents damage to the plant
overspeed protection
4.1.3 All operating functions shall be made logical and
simple, to prevent maloperation. The operating equipment protection against overcurrent and short circuit
shall be clearly arranged and marked accordingly. differential protection and earth fault monitoring for
propulsion motors with an output of more than
4.1.4 A defect in a system for synchronizing or in a position 1500 kW.
equalization device for control operating levers of several
control stations shall not result in the failure of the remote 7.1.6 The actuation of protection, reducing and alarm
control from the main control position. devices shall be indicated optically and audibly. The alarm
condition must remain recognizable even after switching-
5 Vessels mains

8 Measuring, indicating, monitoring
and alarms equipment
5.1.1 It must be possible to connect and disconnect gener-
ators without interrupting the propeller drive. 8.1 General
5.1.2 If a power management system is available, the auto- 8.1.1 Failures in measuring, monitoring and indicating
matic stop of main engines during manoeuvring shall be equipment must not cause a failure of control and regulat-
prevented. ing.

6 Control and regulating 8.2 Measuring equipment and indicators

8.2.1 Propulsion motors and generators shall be provided
6.1 with at least the measuring equipment and indicators at
control stations in compliance with [8.2.2] and [8.2.3].
6.1.1 If computer systems are used, the requirements of Ch
2, Sec 16 shall be observed. 8.2.2 The following equipment shall be provided at local
control station:
6.1.2 An automatic power limitation of the propulsion
motors must ensure that the vessel mains will not be over- ammeter and voltmeter for each supply and each load
loaded. component
ammeter and voltmeter for each exciter circuit
6.1.3 The reverse power during reversing or speed-reduc- revolution indicator for each shaft
ing manoeuvres shall be limited to the acceptable maxi-
plant ready for switching on
mum values.
plant ready for operation
plant disturbed
7 Protection of the plant
power reduced
control from the bridge
control from local control station.
7.1.1 Automatic stop of the propulsion plant, which
impairs the vessel's manoeuvring capability, shall be limited 8.2.3 The following equipment shall be provided at main
to such failures which would result in serious damage control station on the bridge:
within the plant. revolution indicator per shaft
indication of the power remaining available for the pro-
7.1.2 Protection devices must be set to such values that pulsion plant in relation to the total available vessel's
they do not respond to overload occurring during normal main power; the indication of remaining power may be
operation, e.g. while manoeuvring. omitted in the case of power management system
plant ready for switching on
7.1.3 Defects in reducing and stopping devices shall not
impair the limited operation in accordance with [1.1.2]. plant ready for operation
plant disturbed
7.1.4 In the event of failure of an actual or reference value power reduced
it shall be ensured that the propeller speed does not
request to reduce
increase unacceptably, the propulsion will be not reversed
or dangerous operating conditions arise. The same applies control from the bridge
to failure of the power supply for control and regulating. control from the local control station.

194 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 15

8.3 Monitoring equipment 10 Testing and trials

8.3.1 Abnormal values of the different parameters of the
following equipment should trigger an alarm which has 10.1 General
been signalled optically and audibly:
a) monitoring of the ventilators and temperatures of the 10.1.1 A quality assurance plan has to be submitted to the
cooling air for forced-ventilation of machines, trans- Society.
formers and static converters
b) monitoring of the flow rate and leakage of coolants of 10.1.2 Tests of machines, static converters, switchgear,
machines and static converters with closed cooling sys- equipment and cables shall be carried out at the maker's
tems works in accordance with applicable requirements of Ch 2,
Sec 1 to Ch 2, Sec 14.
c) instead of the monitoring of air flow and flow rate (items
a) and b)) of machines and transformers, winding-tem- 10.1.3 Shaft material for generators and propulsion
perature monitoring can be provided motors
d) for machines above 1500 kW, temperature monitoring
Tests of steel and Iron materials, shall be made by a shaft
for the stator windings and the bearings
material test as for vessel's shafting.
e) pressure or flow monitoring for the lubricating oil of
friction bearings (except in the case of ring) 10.1.4 The testing of other important forgings and castings
f) insulation resistance in the case of unearthed networks. for electrical main propulsion plants, e.g. rotors and pole
shoe bolts, shall be agreed with the Society.
8.4 Power reduction
8.4.1 In the case abnormal operating power may be auto-
10.2 Tests after installation
matically reduced, this information is to be indicated at the
propulsion control position. 10.2.1 Newly-constructed or enlarged plants require test-
ing and trials on board.
9 Cables and cable installation The scope of the trials is to be agreed with the Society.

9.1 General 10.2.2 Dock trial

For scope and extent of dock trials, see Ch 2, Sec 17,
9.1.1 The cable network for electrical propulsion plants
must comply with the requirements of Ch 2, Sec 12. If there
is more than one propulsion unit, the cables of any one unit
10.2.3 River trial
shall, as far as is practicable, be run over their entire length
separately from the cables of the other units. For river trial programme, see Ch 2, Sec 17, [4.2].

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 195

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 16


1 General 2.1.4 The assignment of a computer system to a corre-

sponding requirement class is made under the maximum
possible extent of direct damage to be expected.
1.1 Scope
2.1.5 In addition to the technical measures stated in this
1.1.1 These Rules apply additionally, if computers are used section also organizational measures may be required if the
for tasks essential to the safety of the vessel, cargo, crew or risk increases. These measures shall be agreed with the
passengers and are subject to classification. Society.

1.2 References to other Rules and 2.2 Risk parameters

2.2.1 The following aspects may lead to assignment to a
1.2.1 IEC 61508 or EN 61508 Functional safety of electrical/ different requirement class, see Tab 1.
electronic/ programmable electronic safety related systems.
a) Dependence on the type and size of vessel:
1.3 Requirements applicable to computer number of persons endangered
systems transportation of dangerous goods

1.3.1 Computer systems shall fulfill the requirements of the vessels speed.
process under normal and abnormal operating conditions. b) Presence of persons in the endangered area with regard
The following shall be considered: to duration respectively frequency:
danger to persons rarely
environmental impact often
endangering of technical equipment very often
usability of computer systems at all times.
operability of all equipment and systems in the process.
c) Averting of danger
1.3.2 If process times for important functions of the system To evaluate the possibility of danger averting, the fol-
to be supervised are shorter than the reaction times of a lowing criteria shall be considered:
supervisor and therefore damage cannot be prevented by operation of the technical equipment with or with-
manual intervention, means of automatic intervention shall out supervision by a person
be provided.
temporal investigation into the processing of a con-
1.3.3 Computer systems shall be designed in such a way dition able to cause a damage, the alarming of the
that they can be used without special previous knowledge. danger and the possibilities to avert the danger.
Otherwise, appropriate assistance shall be provided for the d) Probability of occurrence of the dangerous condition
This assessment is made without considering the avail-
able protection devices.
2 Requirement classes
Probability of occurrence:

2.1 General requirements very low

2.1.1 Computer systems are assigned, on the basis of a risk
relatively high.
analysis, to requirement classes as shown in Tab 1. This
assignment shall be accepted by the Society. Tab 2 gives e) Complexity of the system:
examples for such an assignment.
integration of various systems
2.1.2 The assignment is divided into five classes consider- linking of functional features.
ing the extent of the damage caused by an event.
2.2.2 The assignment of a system into the appropriate
2.1.3 Considered is only the extent of the damage directly requirement class shall be agreed on principle with the
caused by the event, but not any consequential damage. Society.

196 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 16

Table 1 : Definition of requirement classes

Extent of damage
Requirement class
Effects on persons Effects on the environment Technical damage
1 none none insignificant
2 slight injury insignificant minor
3 serious, irreversible injury significant fairly serious
4 loss of human life critical considerable
5 much loss of human life catastrophic loss

Table 2 : Examples of assignment Table 3 : Program and data protection measures in

into requirement classes relation to the requirement class (examples)

Requirement Requirement
Examples Program/Data memory
class class

1 Supporting systems for maintenance 1 Protection measures are recommended

Systems for general administrative tasks e.g. diskette, magnetic disk etc.
Information and diagnostic systems 2 Protection against unintentional/unauthorised
2 Off line cargo computers
e.g. buffered RAM etc.
Navigational instruments
Machinery alarm and monitoring systems 3 Protection against unintentional/unauthorised
Tank capacity measuring equipment modification and loss of data
e.g. EEPROM etc.
3 Controls for auxiliary machinery
Speed governors 4 No modifications by the user possible
On line cargo computers, networked e.g. EPROM etc.
(bunkers, draughts, etc.) 5 No modifications possible
Remote control for main propulsion e.g. ROM etc.
Fire detection systems
Fire extinguishing systems
Computer systems shall be protected against unintentional
Integrated monitoring and control systems
or unauthorized modification of programs and data.
Control systems for tank and fuel
Rudder control systems For large operating systems and programs, other storage
Course control systems media such as hard disks may be used by agreement.
Machinery protection systems/ equipment
Significant modifications of program contents and system
4 Burner control systems for boilers and thermal specific data, as well as a change of version, shall be docu-
oil heater mented and must be retraceable.
Electronic injection systems
For systems of requirement class 4 and 5 all modifications,
5 Systems where manual intervention to avert the modifications of parameters too, shall be submitted for
danger in the event of failure or malfunction is
review / approval.
no longer possible and the extent of damage
under requirement class 5 can be reached The examples of program and data protection shown in
Tab 3 may be supplemented and supported by additional
measures in the software and hardware, for example:
2.3 Measures required to comply with the
requirement class user name, identification number
code word for validity checking, key switch
2.3.1 The measures to comply with the requirements of
assignment of authorizations in the case of common use
classes 4 and 5 may require for computer equipment and
of data/withdrawal of authorizations for the change or
conventional equipment a separation or for the computer erasing of data
equipment a redundant, diversified design.
coding of data and restriction of access to data, virus
protection measures
2.3.2 Protection against modification of programs
and data recording of workflow and access operations.
The measures required depend on the requirement class Note 1: A significant modification is a modification which influ-
and the system configuration (see Tab 3). ences the functionality and/or safety of the system.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 197

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 16

3 System configuration executable code

database contents and structures
3.1 General requirements bitmaps for graphic displays
logic programs in PALs
3.1.1 The technical design of a computer system is given by
its assignment to a requirement class. The measures listed microcode for communication controllers.
below for example, graded according to the requirements of
the respective requirement class, shall be ensured. 3.4.2 The manufacturer shall prove that a systematic proce-
dure is followed during all the phases of software develop-
3.1.2 For functional units, evidence shall be proved that the ment.
design is self-contained and produces no feedback.
3.4.3 After drafting the specification, the test scheduling
3.1.3 The computer systems must be fast enough to per- shall be made (listing the test cases and establishment of the
form autonomous control operations and to inform the user software to be tested and the scope of testing). The test
correctly and carry out his instructions in correct time under schedule lays down when, how and in what depth testing
all operating conditions. shall be made.

3.1.4 Computer systems shall monitor the program execu- 3.4.4 The quality assurance measures and tests for the pro-
tion and the data flow automatically and cyclically e.g. by duction of software and the punctual preparation of the
means of plausibility tests, monitoring of the program and documentation and tests must be retraceable.
data flow over time.
3.4.5 The version of the Software with the relevant date and
3.1.5 In the event of failure and restarting of computer sys- release have to be documented and shall be recognizable of
tems, the process shall be protected against undefined and the assignment to the particular requirement class.
critical states.
3.5 Data communication links
3.2 Power supply
3.5.1 The reliability of data transmission shall be suitable
3.2.1 The power supply shall be monitored and failures for the particular application and the requirement class and
shall be indicated by an alarm. specified accordingly.

3.2.2 Redundant systems shall be separately protected 3.5.2 The architecture and the configuration of a network
against short circuits and overloads and shall be selectively shall be suitable for the particular requirement class.
3.5.3 The data communication link shall be continuously
self-checking, for detection of failures on the link itself and
3.3 Hardware for data communication failure on the nodes.

3.3.1 The design of the hardware shall be clear for easy 3.5.4 When the same data communication link is used for
access to interchangeable parts for repairs and mainte- two or more essential functions, this link shall be redun-
nance. dant.

3.3.2 Plug-in cards and plug-in connections shall be appro- 3.5.5 Switching between redundant links shall not disturb
priately marked to protect against unintentional transposi- data communication or continuous operation of functions.
tion or, if inserted in an incorrect position, shall not be
destroyed and not cause any malfunctions which might 3.5.6 To ensure that data can be exchanged between vari-
cause a danger. ous systems, standardized interfaces shall be used.

3.3.3 For integrated systems, it is recommended that sub- 3.5.7 If approved systems are extended, proof of trouble
systems be electrically isolated from each other. free operation of the complete system shall be provided.

3.3.4 Computers shall preferably be designed without

3.6 Integration of systems
forced ventilation. If forced ventilation of the computers is
necessary, it shall be ensured that an alarm is given in the 3.6.1 The integration of functions of independent systems
case of an unacceptable rise of temperature. shall not decrease the reliability of a single system.

3.4 Software 3.6.2 A defect in one of the subsystem of the integrated sys-
tem shall not affect the functions of other subsystems.
3.4.1 Examples of software are:
3.6.3 A failure of the transfer of data between connected
operating systems
autarkic subsystems shall not impair their independent
application software functions.

198 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 16

3.7 User interface 3.10 Graphical user interface

3.7.1 The handling of a system shall be designed for ease of 3.10.1 Information shall be presented clearly and intelligi-
understanding and user-friendliness and shall follow ergo- bly according to its functional significance and association.
nomic standards. Screen contents shall be logically structured and their repre-
sentation shall be restricted to the data which is directly rel-
3.7.2 The status of the computer system shall be recogniz-
evant for the user.

3.7.3 Failure or shutdown of sub-systems or functional 3.10.2 When general purpose graphical user interfaces are
units shall be indicated by an alarm and displayed at every employed, only the functions necessary for the respective
operator station. process shall be available.

3.7.4 For using computer systems, a general comprehensi- 3.10.3 Alarms shall be visually and audibly presented with
ble user guide shall be provided. priority over other information in every operating mode of
the system; they shall be clearly distinguishable from other
3.8 Input devices information.

3.8.1 The feedback of control commands shall be indi-

4 Testing of computer systems

3.8.2 Dedicated function keys shall be provided for fre- 4.1 General
quently recurring commands. If multiple functions are
assigned to keys, it shall be possible to recognize which of
the assigned functions are active. 4.1.1 Computer systems of requirement class 3 and higher
are subject to mandatory type approval.
3.8.3 Operator panels located on the bridge shall be indi-
vidually illuminated. The lighting must be adapted non- 4.1.2 Evidence, tests and assessments of computer systems
glare to the prevailing ambient conditions. have to be carried out in accordance to the requirement
3.8.4 Where equipment operations or functions may be
changed via keyboards, appropriate measures shall be pro- 4.1.3 By the use of demonstrably service-proven systems
vided to prevent an unintentional operation of the control and components, the extent of the evidence and tests
devices. required may be adapted by agreement.
3.8.5 If the operation of a key is able to cause dangerous
operating conditions, measures shall be taken to prevent the 4.1.4 If other proofs and tests are provided by the manufac-
execution by a single action only, such as: turer which are of an equivalent nature, they may be recog-
use of a special key lock
use of two or more keys. 4.1.5 The test schedule of system testing has to be specified
and submitted before the hardware and software test will be
3.8.6 Competitive control interventions shall be prevented carried out.
by means of interlocks. The control station in operation
shall be indicated as such.
4.1.6 Modifications after completed tests which have influ-
ence on the functionality and/or the safety of the system
3.8.7 Controls shall correspond with regard to their posi-
have to be documented and retested in accordance to the
tion and direction of operation to the controlled equipment.
requirement class.

3.9 Output devices

4.2 Tests in the manufacturer's work
3.9.1 The size, colour and density of text, graphic informa-
tion and alarm signals displayed on a visual display unit 4.2.1 Following tests shall be carried out in the manufac-
shall be such that it may be easily read from the normal turers works:
operator position under all lighting conditions.
function tests
3.9.2 Information shall be displayed in a logical priority.
operating conditions simulation
3.9.3 If alarm messages are displayed on colour monitors, fault simulation
the distinctions in the alarm status shall be ensured even in
the event of failure of a primary colour. simulation of the application environment.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 17


1 General Unless already required in the Rules for construction, the

tests to be performed shall be agreed with the Society's Sur-
veyor in accordance with the specific characteristics of the
subject equipment.
1.1.1 The tests are divided into:
3.1.2 Generators
tests during construction A test run of the generator sets shall be conducted under
tests during commissioning normal operating conditions, and shall be reported on
tests during trial voyages. appropriate form.

3.1.3 Storage batteries

2 Tests during construction The following shall be tested:
a) installation of storage batteries
b) ventilation of battery rooms, cupboards/containers, and
2.1.1 During the period of construction of the vessel, the cross-sections of ventilation ducts
installations shall be checked for conformity with the docu- c) storage-battery charging equipment
ments reviewed/approved by the Society and with the Rules
d) the required caution labels and information plates.
for construction.
3.1.4 Switchgear
2.1.2 Test certificates for tests which have already been per-
formed shall be presented to the Surveyor on request. The following items shall be tested under observance of:
a) accessibility for operation and maintenance
2.1.3 Protective measures
b) protection against the ingress of water and oil from
a) protection against foreign bodies and water ducts and pipes in the vicinity of the switchboards, and
b) protection against electric shock, such as protective sufficient ventilation
earthing, protective separation or other measures as c) equipment of main and emergency switchboards with
stated in Ch 2, Sec 1 insulated handrails, gratings and insulating floor cover-
c) measures of explosion protection. ings
d) correct settings and operation of protection devices and
2.1.4 Testing of the cable network
Inspection and testing of cable installation and cable rout-
The Society reserves the right to demand the proof of selec-
ing with regard to:
tive arrangement of the vessel supply system.
a) acceptability of cable routing with regard to:
separation of cable routes 3.1.5 Power electronics
fire safety The following items shall be tested:
reliable supply of emergency consumers (where a) ventilation of the place of installation
applicable) b) function of the equipment and protection devices.
b) selection and fixation of cables
3.1.6 Power plants
c) construction of bulkhead and deck penetrations The following items shall be tested:
d) insulation resistance measurement. a) Motor drives together with the driven machines, which
shall, wherever possible, be subjected to the most
3 Testing during commissioning of the severe anticipated operating conditions
electrical equipment This test shall include a check of the settings of the
motors' short-circuit and overcurrent protection devices
3.1 b) The emergency remote stops of equipment such as
engine room fans and boiler blowers
3.1.1 General c) Closed loop controls, open loop controls and all electric
Proofs are required of the satisfactory condition and proper safety devices.
operation of the main and emergency power supply sys-
tems, the steering gear and the aids of manoeuvring, as well 3.1.7 Control, monitoring and vessel's safety
as of all the other installations specified in the Rules for systems
construction. For these systems operational tests shall be performed.

200 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 17

3.1.8 Electrical propulsion plant 4.2 Electrical propulsion plant

Functioning of the propulsion plant shall be proved by a
dock trial before river trials. 4.2.1 Trial programme
At least the following trials/measurements shall be carried The trial programme shall at least include:
out in the presence of the Society Surveyor:
a) Continuous operation of the vessel at full propulsion
start-up, loading and unloading of the main and propul- load until the entire propulsion plant has reached
sion motors in accordance with the design of the plant steady-state temperatures.
and a check of regulation, control and switchgear
verification of propeller speed variation and all associ- The trials shall be carried out at rated engine speed and
ated equipment with an unchanged governor setting:
verification of protection, monitoring and indicat- at 100% power output (rated power): at least 2 hours
ing/alarm equipment including the interlocks for suffi- with the propeller running astern during the dock
cient functioning test or during the river trial at a minimum speed of at
verification of insulation condition of the main-propul- least 70% of the rated propeller speed: 10 minutes.
sion circuits.
b) Reversal of the plant out of the steady-state condition
3.1.9 Computer systems from full power ahead to full power astern and main-
Regarding scope of tests, see Ch 2, Sec 16. taining of this setting until at least the vessel has lost all
speed. Characteristic values such as speed, system cur-
rents and voltages, and the load sharing of the genera-
4 Testing during trial voyages tors, shall be recorded. If necessary, oscillograms shall
be made
4.1 General
c) Performance of typical manoeuvres
4.1.1 Proof is required that the power supply meets the
d) Checking of the machinery and plant in all operating
requirements under the various operating conditions of the
vessel. All components of the system must function satisfac-
torily under service conditions, i.e. at all main engine e) Checking of the network qualities in the vessel's propul-
speeds and during all manoeuvres. sion network and mains.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 201

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 17

202 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Part C
Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapter 3






November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 203

204 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014
Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1


1 Application b) additional requirements on fire protection, fire detection

and fire extinction on passenger vessels are given in Pt D,
Ch 1, Sec 6, [3]
1.1 General
Passenger vessels assigned additional class notation Fire
1.1.1 This Chapter applies to fire protection, fire detection are also to comply with the requirements of Pt D, Ch 2,
and fire extinguishing equipment. Sec 7
1.1.2 Fire extinguishing systems not dealt with in these c) additional requirements on fire protection, fire detection
Rules are to be in compliance with other applicable Rules and fire extinction on tankers intended for the carriage
of the Society. of dangerous goods are given in the relevant Sections of
Part D, Chapter 3
1.2 Statutory Regulations d) additional requirements on fire protection, fire detec-
tion and fire extinction on dry cargo vessels intended
1.2.1 Where available, statutory Regulations in the operat-
for the carriage of dangerous goods are given in Pt D,
ing area of the vessel (e.g. European directive) are to take
Ch 3, Sec 7
precedence over the requirements of this Chapter.
e) vessels equipped with helicopter facilities are to comply
1.3 Applicable requirements depending on with other applicable Rules of the Society.
vessel type
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
1.3.1 Unless expressly provided otherwise:
a) requirements not referring to a specific vessel type apply 1.4.1 The interested party is to submit to the Society the
to all vessels documents listed in Tab 1.

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No I/A (1) Document

1 A Means of escape and, where required, the relevant dimensioning.
2 A Automatic fire detection systems
3 A Fire pumps and fire main including pumps head and capacity, hydrant and hose locations
4 A Arrangement of fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems (2)
5 A Arrangement of sprinkler systems including the capacity and head of the pumps (2)
6 A Fire control plan
7 A Electrical diagram of the fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
8 A Electrical diagram of the sprinkler systems
9 A Electrical diagram of power control and position indication circuits for fire doors
10 I General arrangement plan
(1) A : to be submitted for review
I : to be submitted for information.
(2) Plans are to be schematic and functional and to contain all information necessary for their correct interpretation and verifica-
tion, such as:
service pressures
capacity and head of pumps and compressors, if any
materials and dimensions of piping and associated fittings
volumes of protected spaces, for gas and foam fire-extinguishing systems
surface areas of protected zones for automatic sprinkler and pressure water-spraying, low expansion foam and powder fire-
extinguishing systems
capacity, in volume and/or in mass, of vessels or bottles containing the extinguishing media or propelling gases, for gas,
automatic sprinkler, foam and powder fire-extinguishing systems
type, number and location of nozzles of extinguishing media for gas, automatic sprinkler, pressure water-spraying, foam
and powder fire-extinguishing systems.
All or part of the information may be provided, instead of on the above plans, in suitable operation manuals or in specifications
of the systems.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 205

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1

1.5 Type approved products above the original temperature, within the time listed
1.5.1 The following materials, equipment, systems or prod-
class "A-60" .......................................... 60 minutes
ucts in general used for fire protection are to be type
approved by the Society, except for special cases for which class "A-30" .......................................... 30 minutes
the acceptance may be given for individual vessels on the class "A-15" .......................................... 15 minutes
basis of suitable documentation or ad hoc tests.
class "A-0" .............................................. 0 minutes
a) fire-resisting and fire-retarding divisions (bulkheads or
decks) and associated doors d) they are so constructed as to be capable of preventing
the passage of smoke and flame to the end of the one-
b) fire dampers hour standard fire test; and
c) hoses
e) the Society required a test of a prototype bulkhead or
d) water spray nozzles deck in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code
e) discharge nozzles (see [2.5]) to ensure that it meets the above require-
ments for integrity and temperature rise.
f) extinguishing agents for fixed fire extinguishing systems
g) portable fire extinguishers 2.2.2 The products indicated in Tab 2 may be installed
h) detection and alarm system. without testing or approval.
Exceptions to these Rules compatible with the statutory
Regulations of the vessels country of registration may be 2.3 B class divisions
agreed with the Society.
2.3.1 "B" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulk-
As regards the granting of type approval, the requirements
heads, decks, ceilings or linings which comply with the fol-
of Part A apply.
lowing criteria:
The Society may request type approval for other materials,
a) they are constructed of approved non-combustible
equipment, systems or products required by the applicable
materials and all materials used in the construction and
provisions for vessels or installations of special types.
erection of "B" class divisions are non-combustible, with
the exception that surface materials may have low flame
2 Definitions spread characteristics
b) they have an insulation value such that the average tem-
2.1 Accommodation spaces perature of the unexposed side will not rise more than
140C above the original temperature, nor will the tem-
2.1.1 Accommodation is a space intended for the use of
perature at any one point, including any joint, rise more
persons normally living on board, including galleys, storage
than 225C above the original temperature, within the
space for provisions, toilets and washing facilities, laundry
time listed below:
facilities, ante-rooms and passageways, but not the wheel-
house. class "B-15" .......................................... 15 minutes
class "B-0" .............................................. 0 minutes
2.2 A class divisions
c) they are so constructed as to be capable of preventing
2.2.1 "A" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulk- the passage of flame to the end of the first half hour of
heads and decks which comply with the following criteria: the standard fire test; and

a) they are constructed of steel or other equivalent material d) the Society required a test of a prototype division in
accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code (see
b) they are suitably stiffened
[2.5]) to ensure that it meets the above requirements for
c) they are insulated with approved non-combustible integrity and temperature rise.
materials such that the average temperature of the unex-
posed side will not rise more than 140C above the 2.3.2 In order to be defined as B class, a metal division is to
original temperature, nor will the temperature, at any have plating thickness not less than 2 mm when constructed
one point, including any joint, rise more than 180C of steel.

Table 2 : Products installed without testing or approval

Classification Product description

Class A-0 bulkhead A steel bulkhead with a scantling not less than the minimum given below:
thickness of plating: 4 mm
stiffeners 60 x 60 x 5 mm spaced 600 mm apart or structural equivalence
Class A-0 deck A steel deck with a scantling not less than the minimum given below:
thickness of plating: 4 mm
stiffeners 95 x 65 x 7 mm spaced 600 mm apart or structural equivalence

206 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1

2.4 Control centre 2.13 Non-combustible material

2.4.1 Control centre is a wheelhouse or an area with a cen- 2.13.1 Non-combustible material is a material which nei-
tre permanently occupied by on-board personnel or crew ther burns nor gives off flammable vapours in sufficient
members containing items such as vessels radio equipment, quantity for self-ignition when heated to approximately
centralised fire alarm equipment, centralised emergency 750C, this being determined in accordance with the Fire
public address system stations, remote controls of doors or Test Procedures Code. Any other material is a combustible
fire dampers, etc. material.

2.13.2 In general, products made only of glass, concrete,

2.5 Fire Test Procedures Code ceramic products, natural stone, masonry units, common
metals and metal alloys are considered as being non-com-
2.5.1 Fire Test Procedures Code means the International
bustible and may be installed without testing and approval.
Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, as adopted
by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO by Resolution
MSC.61 (67), as may be amended by the IMO. 2.14 Not readily ignitable material
2.14.1 Not readily ignitable material means a material
2.6 Galleys which will not give rise to smoke or toxic and explosive
hazards at elevated temperatures (see [2.5]).
2.6.1 Galley is a room with stove or a similar cooking
2.15 Passenger areas
2.7 Lounge 2.15.1 Passenger areas are areas on board intended for pas-
sengers and enclosed areas such as lounges, offices, shops,
2.7.1 Lounge is a room of an accommodation or a passen- hairdressing salons, drying rooms, laundries, saunas, toilets,
ger area. On board passenger vessels, galleys are not washrooms, passageways, connecting passages and stairs
regarded as lounges. not encapsulated by walls.

2.8 Low flame-spread 2.16 Steel or other equivalent material

2.8.1 A low flame-spread means that the surface thus 2.16.1 Steel or other equivalent material means any non-
described will adequately restrict the spread of flame, this combustible material which, by itself or due to insulation
being determined in accordance with the Fire Test Proce- provided, has structural and integrity properties equivalent
dures Code. to steel at the end of the applicable exposure to the stand-
ard fire test (e.g., aluminium alloy with appropriate insula-
2.8.2 Non-combustible materials are considered as low tion).
flame spread. However, due consideration will be given by
the Society to the method of application and fixing. 2.17 Service spaces
2.9 Machinery spaces of category A 2.17.1 Service spaces are those spaces used for galleys,
pantries containing cooking appliances, lockers, mail and
2.9.1 Machinery spaces of category A are defined in Ch 1, specie rooms, store-rooms, workshops other than those
Sec 1, [1.4]. forming part of the machinery spaces, and similar spaces
and trunks to such spaces.
2.10 Machinery spaces
2.18 Stairwell
2.10.1 Machinery spaces are defined in Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.5].
2.18.1 Stairwell is the well of an internal staircase or of a
2.11 Main fire zones lift.

2.11.1 Main fire zones are those sections into which the 2.19 Standard fire test
hull, superstructures and deckhouses are divided by divi-
sions of adequate fire integrity: 2.19.1 A standard fire test is a test in which specimens of
the relevant bulkheads or decks are exposed in a test fur-
the mean length and width of which on any deck does
nace to temperatures corresponding approximately to the
not, in general, exceed 40 m, or
standard time-temperature curve in accordance with the
the area of which on any deck does not exceed 800 m2. test method specified in the Fire Test Procedures Code (see
2.12 Muster areas
2.20 Store room
2.12.1 Muster areas are areas of the vessel which are spe-
cially protected and in which persons muster in the event of 2.20.1 Store room is a room for the storage of flammable liq-
danger. uids or a room with an area of over 4 m2 for storing supplies.

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 207

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 2


1 Probability of ignition 1.5 Protective measures against explosion

1.1 Arrangements for fuel oil, lubrication oil 1.5.1 For protective measures against explosion, see Ch 2,
and other flammable oils Sec 1, [4.4.5] to Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.13].

1.1.1 Limitation in the use of oils as fuel 1.6 Miscellaneous items of ignition sources
See Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.6]. and ignitability
1.1.2 Arrangements for fuel oil
1.6.1 Electric heating appliances
For arrangement of fuel oil, see:
Ch 1, Sec 10, [5]. No hooks or other devices on which clothing can be hung
may be fitted above heaters without temperature limitation.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [11].
Where heaters are fitted in the bulkhead lining, a trough
1.1.3 Arrangements for lubricating oil made of non-combustible material shall be mounted
For arrangement of lubricating oil, see: behind each heater in such a way as to prevent the accumu-
Ch 1, Sec 10, [5]. lation of heat behind the lining.

Ch 1, Sec 10, [12].

1.6.2 Waste receptacles
1.1.4 Arrangements for other flammable oils In principle, all waste receptacles shall be constructed of
See Ch 1, Sec 10. non-combustible materials with no openings in the sides or
1.2 Arrangements for gaseous fuel for
domestic purposes 1.6.3 Insulation of surfaces against oil penetration

In spaces where penetration of oil products is possible, the

1.2.1 Where gaseous fuel is used for domestic purposes the
surface of insulation shall be impervious to oil or oil
arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilisation of
the fuel shall be such that, having regard to the hazards of
fire and explosion which the use of such fuel may entail, the
safety of the vessel and the persons on board is preserved. 2 Fire growth potential
See also Ch 1, Sec 13.

1.2.2 Gaseous fuel systems may only be considered for 2.1 Control of flammable liquid supply
cargo vessels.
2.1.1 Fuel pumps, thermal oil pumps, fan motors and
1.2.3 Storage of the gas bottles is to be located on the open boiler fans are to be equipped with emergency stops. The
deck or in a well ventilated space which opens only to the outlet valves of fuel service tanks must be fitted with
open deck. remotely operated shutoff devices. Emergency stops and
remotely operated shutoff devices must be capable of being
1.3 Installation of boilers operated from permanently accessible open deck and pro-
tected from unauthorized use.
1.3.1 Auxiliary and domestic boilers are to be arranged in
such a way that other equipment is not endangered, even in
the event of overheating. They must, in particular, be placed 2.2 Control of air supply
as far away as possible from fuel tanks, lubricating oil tanks
and hold bulkheads. Oiltight trays are to be located below 2.2.1 Means must be provided for the airtight sealing of
oil-fired boilers. boiler, engine and pump rooms. The air ducts to these
spaces are to be fitted with closing appliances or equivalent
1.4 Insulation of hot surfaces devices made of non-combustible material which can be
closed from the deck. Engine room skylights must also be
1.4.1 See Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.7]. able to be closed from outside.

208 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 2

2.3 Fire protection materials 3 Smoke generation potential and

2.3.1 Use of non-combustible materials
Insulating materials shall be non-combustible, except in 3.1 Paints, varnishes and other finishes
cargo spaces and refrigerated compartments of service
spaces. Vapour barriers and adhesives used in conjunction 3.1.1 Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed
with insulation, as well as insulation of pipe fittings for cold interior surfaces shall not be capable of producing exces-
service systems, need not be of non-combustible materials, sive quantities of smoke and toxic products, this being
but they shall be kept to the minimum quantity practicable determined in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures
and their exposed surfaces shall have low flame-spread Code.
3.1.2 Requirement [3.1.1] only applies to accommodation
Cold service means refrigeration systems and chilled water spaces, service spaces and control stations as well as stair-
piping for air conditioning systems. way enclosures.

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Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3


1 General 1.3.4 At the discretion of the Society, the permissible tem-

perature of operation of heat detectors may be increased to
30C above the maximum temperature in the upper part of
1.1 Minimum number of detectors
engine and boiler rooms.

1.1.1 Where a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system is

1.3.5 All detectors shall be of a type such that they can be
required for the protection of spaces, at least one detector
complying with the requirements given in [1.3] shall be tested for correct operation and restored to normal surveil-
installed in each such space. lance without the renewal of any component.

1.2 Initial and periodical tests 1.4 System control requirements

1.2.1 The function of fixed fire detection and fire alarm sys- 1.4.1 The detection system shall initiate audible and visual
tems required by the relevant Sections of this Chapter shall alarms distinct in both respects from the alarms of any other
be tested under varying conditions of ventilation after instal- system not indicating fire, in the wheelhouse, the accom-
lation. modation and the space to be protected.

1.2.2 The function of fixed fire detection and fire alarm sys-
tems shall be periodically tested to the satisfaction of the 2 Protection of machinery spaces
Society by means of equipment producing hot air at the
appropriate temperature, or smoke or aerosol particles hav-
ing the appropriate range of density or particle size, or other 2.1 Installation
phenomena associated with incipient fires to which the
detector is designed to respond. 2.1.1 A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be
installed in any machinery space:
1.3 Detector requirements a) which is periodically unattended,

1.3.1 Detectors shall be operated by heat, smoke or other b) where the installation of automatic and remote control
products of combustion, flame, or any combination of these systems and equipment has been approved in lieu of
factors. Detectors operated by other factors indicative of continuous manning of the space, or
incipient fires may be considered by the Society provided
that they are no less sensitive than such detectors. Flame c) where the main propulsion and associated machinery
detectors shall only be used in addition to smoke or heat including sources of main electrical supply is provided
detectors. with various degrees of automatic or remote control and
is under continuous manned supervision from a control
1.3.2 Smoke detectors required in all stairways, corridors room.
and escape routes within accommodation spaces shall be
certified to operate before the smoke density exceeds For fire detecting system for unattended machinery spaces,
12,5% obscuration per metre, but not until the smoke den- see also Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 8, [3.2].
sity exceeds 2% obscuration per metre. Smoke detectors to
be installed in other spaces shall operate within sensitivity
limits to the satisfaction of the Society having regard to the 2.2 Design
avoidance of detector insensitivity or oversensitivity.
2.2.1 The fire detection system required in [2.1] shall be so
1.3.3 Heat detectors shall be certified to operate before the designed and the detectors so positioned as to detect rap-
temperature exceeds 78C but not until the temperature idly the onset of fire in any part of those spaces and under
exceeds 54C, when the temperature is raised to those lim-
any normal conditions of operation of the machinery and
its at a rate less than 1C per minute. At higher rates of tem-
variations of ventilation as required by the possible range of
perature rise, the heat detector shall operate within
temperature limits to the satisfaction of the Society having ambient temperatures. Except in spaces of restricted height
regard to the avoidance of detector insensitivity or oversen- and where their use is specially appropriate, detection sys-
sitivity. tems using only thermal detectors are not permitted.

210 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3

3 Protection of accommodation and Consideration shall be given to the installation of special

service spaces purpose smoke detectors within ventilation ducting.

3.1 Smoke detectors in stairways, corridors 3.1.2 Accommodation and service spaces of cargo vessels
and tank vessels shall be protected by a fixed fire detection
and escape route
and fire alarm system and/or an automatic sprinkler, fire
3.1.1 Smoke detectors shall be installed in all stairways, detection and fire alarm system, depending on a protection
corridors and escape routes within accommodation spaces. method adopted.

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Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4


L : Rule length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 1.3 Fire pumps
1.3.1 Pumps accepted as fire pumps
B : Breadth, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.2]
Combined ballast pumps, bilge pumps or other pumps
D : Depth, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.3]. exclusively pumping water may be accepted as fire pumps
and shall be connected to the fire main by means of a non
1 Water supply systems return valve.

1.3.2 Capacity of fire pumps

1.1 General Self-propelled vessels are to be equipped with a power-
driven pump suitable for use as a fire pump.
1.1.1 Vessels shall be provided with fire pumps, fire mains,
The capacity of the fire pump, acting through fire mains and
hydrants and hoses complying with the applicable require-
hoses, must be sufficient to project at least one jet of water
ments of this Article.
to any part of the vessel. This is to be based on a length of
throw of 12 m from a 12 mm diameter nozzle.
1.1.2 Additional requirements for passenger vessels are
given in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 6, [3.6]. The minimum pump capacity must be 10 m3/h.
The pump must have a drive independent of the main pro-
1.1.3 The Society may waive the requirements of this Arti- pulsion unit. On vessels with a gross volume (LBD) of up
cle for non-propelled vessels not intended to carry passen- to 800 m3 or with a propulsive power of up to 350 kW, a
gers wether: bilge pump or cooling water pump coupled to the main
the vessel is part of a specified pushed convoy or side- engine may also be used provided that the propeller shaft-
by-side formation and the fire fighting system of the pro- ing can be disengaged.
pulsion vessel is determined in compliance with the Fire pumps are to be located aft of the forward collision
requirements of this Article considering the pushed con- bulkhead.
voy or side-by-side formation as a single vessel, or
Outboard connections for fire pumps are to be located as
the vessel is fitted with suitable piping systems connect- deep as possible. Pump suction must be safeguarded even
able to the fire fighting system of the propulsion vessel. in lightship condition.

1.2 Fire mains and hydrants 1.4 Fire hoses and nozzles

1.2.1 General 1.4.1 Hoses must be able to be connected to the fire mains
via fire hydrants and quick couplings.
Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat shall not be
used for fire mains and hydrants unless adequately pro- At least two hoses with dual purpose nozzles are to be pro-
tected. The pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the vided. These are to be stowed in hose boxes placed close to
fire hoses may be easily coupled to them. The arrangement the hydrants.
of pipes and hydrants shall be such as to avoid the possibil- Hose boxes are to be properly marked. Hose wrenches are
ity of freezing. Suitable drainage provisions shall be pro- to be provided in every hose box.
vided for fire main piping. Isolation valves shall be installed
for all open deck fire main branches used for purposes other 1.5 Non propelled vessels
than fire fighting.
1.5.1 Where a water fire extinguishing system is provided
Fire mains are to be so arranged that a water jet can at all
on a non propelled vessel, the requirements set out in [1.2]
times be projected to any part of the vessel through a single
and [1.3] are to be applied as appropriate.
length of hose not exceeding 20 m.
Deck-washing lines may be incorporated in the fire extin- 2 Portable fire extinguishers
guishing system.

1.2.2 Number of hydrants 2.1 Extinguishing media and weights of

At least three hydrants are to be provided. charge
For vessels less than 40 m in length, at least two hydrants 2.1.1 Fire extinguishers must have been type approved, or
are to be provided. approved by Authorities.

212 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4

2.1.2 In the case of water and foam extinguishers, the close to each entrance to spaces which are not accessi-
charge shall not be less than 9,0 l and not more than 13,5 l. ble from the accommodation area and which contain
heating, cooking or cooling equipment operated with
2.1.3 The weight of the charge in dry powder extinguishers solid or liquid fuels or with liquefied gas
should be at least 6 kg. The maximum weight of a portable at each entrance to engine rooms
fire extinguisher ready for use shall not exceed 20 kg.
at each entrance to spaces in which oil-fired auxiliary
boilers or heating boilers are installed
2.1.4 The extinguishing agent must be suitable at least for
the class of fire most likely to occur in the space (or spaces) at each entrance to spaces in which materials presenting
for which the fire extinguisher is intended. See Tab 1. a fire hazard are stored
at suitable points below deck in engine rooms and
Table 1 : Classification of extinguishing media boiler rooms such that no position in the space is more
than 10 metres walking distance away from an extin-
Fire class Fire hazard Extinguishing media guisher.
A Solid combustible materi- Water, dry powder,
als of organic nature (e.g. foam 3 Automatic pressure water spraying
wood, coal, fibre materials)
system (sprinkler system)
B Flammable liquids Dry powder, foam,
(e.g. oils, tars, petrol) carbon dioxide
3.1 General
C Gases (e.g. acetylene, Dry powder, carbon
propane) dioxide 3.1.1 Where fitted, automatic pressure water spraying sys-
D Metals (e.g. aluminium, Special dry powder tem shall comply with the provisions of this Article.
magnesium, sodium)
Alternative systems complying with recognized standards
may, subject to review or type approval, be accepted.
2.1.5 On vessels with electrical installations having an
operating voltage greater than 50 V, the extinguishing agent
must also be suitable for fighting fire in electrical equip-
3.2 Pressure water tanks
3.2.1 Pressure water tanks are to be fitted with a safety
valve, connected directly without valves to the water com-
2.1.6 On motor vessels and vessels with oil-fired equip- partment, with a water level indicator that can be shut off
ment, engine rooms and accommodation spaces are to be and is protected against damage, and with a pressure
provided with dry powder extinguishers covering class A, gauge. Furthermore, Ch 1, Sec 3 is to be applied.
class B and class C fires.
3.2.2 The volume of the pressure water tank shall be equiv-
2.1.7 As extinguishing agent, fire extinguishers may con- alent to at least twice the specified pump delivery per
tain neither CO2 nor agents capable of emitting toxic gases minute.
in use.
3.2.3 The tank shall contain a standing charge of fresh
2.1.8 Nevertheless, CO2 extinguishers may be used for gal- water equivalent to at least the specified volume delivered
leys and electrical installations. by the pump in one minute.

2.1.9 Fire extinguishers with charges which are sensitive to 3.2.4 The tank is to be fitted with a connection to enable
frost or heat are to be mounted or protected in such a way the entire system to be refilled with fresh water.
that their effectiveness is guaranteed at all times.
3.2.5 The pressure water tank is to be installed in a frost-
proof space.
2.1.10 Where fire extinguishers are mounted under cover,
the covering must be properly marked.
3.2.6 Means are to be provided for replenishing the air
cushion in the pressure water tank.
2.2 Arrangement of fire extinguishers
3.3 Pressure water spraying pumps
2.2.1 Portable fire extinguishers of appropriate types are to
be provided as follows. 3.3.1 The pressure pumps may only be used for supplying
water to the pressure water-spraying systems.
One portable fire extinguisher is to be provided:

in the wheelhouse 3.3.2 In the event of a pressure drop in the system, the
pump shall start up automatically before the fresh water
close to each entrance from the deck to accommodation charge in the pressure water tank has been exhausted. Suit-
areas able means of testing are to be provided.

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Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4

3.3.3 The system shall be able to spray water at a rate of at 3.7.2 Check valves are to be fitted to ensure that raw water
least 5 l/m2 per minute over an area of at least 75 m2. cannot penetrate into the pressure water tank nor water for
fire extinguishing be discharged overboard through pump
For large rooms to be protected, one of the following provi-
suction lines.
sions shall be complied with, depending on the fire risk
encountered, at the Societys discretion:
3.7.3 Hose connections are to be provided at suitable
the rooms to be protected will be considered without points on the port and starboard sides for supplying the
sprinkler installation for determining the appropriate fire equipment with water from the shore. The connecting
integrity standards to be applied to boundaries valves are to be secured against being opened unintention-
the sprinkler pump capacity will be determined on the ally.
basis of a minimum water rate of 5 l/m2 per minute,
considering the area of the largest room, limited to 3.7.4 Each line leading to a section of the system is to be
280 m2. equipped with an alarm valve (see also [3.9]).

3.3.4 The pump is to be provided with a direct suction con- 3.7.5 Shutoff devices located between the pump delivery
nection at the vessel's side. The shutoff device is to be and the alarm valves are to be secured in the open position.
secured in the open position. A suitable raw water filter is to
be fitted, the mesh size of which is able to prevent coarse
impurities from clogging the nozzles. The pump delivery is 3.8 Spray nozzles
to be fitted with a test valve with connecting pipes, the
cross-section of which is compatible with the pump capac- 3.8.1 The system shall be divided into sections, each with
ity at the prescribed head. no more than 50 spray nozzles.

A sprinkler section may extend only over one main fire

3.4 Location zone or one watertight compartment and may not include
more than two vertically adjacent decks.
3.4.1 Pressure water tanks and pressure water pumps are to
be located outside, and at a sufficient distance from, the
3.8.2 The spray nozzles are to be so arranged in the upper
rooms to be protected.
deck area that a water volume of not less than 5 l/m2 per
minute is sprayed over the area to be protected.
3.5 Water supply
3.8.3 Inside accommodation and service spaces the spray
3.5.1 The system shall be completely charged with fresh nozzles shall be activated within a temperature range from
water when not in operation. 68C to 79C. This does not apply to spaces such as drying
rooms with higher temperatures. Here the triggering tem-
3.5.2 In addition to the water supply to the spraying equip- perature may be up to 30C above the maximum tempera-
ment located outside the spaces to be protected, the system ture in the deck head area.
is also to be connected to the fire main via a screw-down
non-return valve.
3.8.4 The nozzles are to be made of corrosion-resistant
material. Nozzles of galvanized steel are not allowed.
3.5.3 The equipment must be kept permanently under pres-
sure and must be ready at all times for immediate, auto-
matic operation. With the test valve at the alarm valve in the 3.9 Indicating and alarm systems
fully open position, the pressure at the level of the highest
spray nozzles shall still be at least 1,75 bar.
3.9.1 Every spray nozzle section is to be equipped with an
alarm valve which, when a nozzle is opened, actuates a vis-
3.6 Power supply ual and audible alarm at one or more suitable positions, at
least one of which must be permanently manned. In addi-
3.6.1 At least two mutually independent power sources tion, each alarm valve is to be fitted with a pressure gauge
shall be provided for supplying the pump and the automatic and a test valve with an inner diameter corresponding to a
indicating and alarm systems. Each source shall be suffi- spray nozzle.
cient to power the equipment.
3.9.2 At the positions mentioned here above, an automatic
3.7 Piping, valves and fittings indicating device is to be mounted which identifies the
actuated sprinkler section.
3.7.1 Lines between suction connection, pressure water
tank, shore connection and alarm valve are to comply with 3.9.3 The electrical installation must be self-monitoring
the dimensional requirements set out in Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab and must be capable of being tested separately for each sec-
6. Lines shall be effectively protected against corrosion. tion.

214 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4

4 Fixed gas fire extinguishing systems be noticeable in the wheelhouse, the accommodation
spaces and the room to be protected.
4.1 Extinguishing agents
4.4 Piping system
4.1.1 For protection of machinery spaces, the following
extinguishing agents may be used in permanently installed 4.4.1 The extinguishing agent shall be routed to and dis-
fire-fighting systems: tributed in the space to be protected by means of a perma-
nent piping system. Piping installed in the space to be
a) CO2 (carbon dioxide)
protected and the reinforcements it incorporates shall be
b) HFC 227 ea (heptafluoropropane) made of steel. This shall not apply to the connecting noz-
c) IG-541 (52% nitrogen, 40% argon, 8% carbon dioxide) zles of tanks and compensators provided that the materials
used are fire resistant. Piping shall be protected against cor-
d) FK-5-1-12 (dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3-one).
rosion both internally and externally.
4.1.2 Other extinguishing agents are permitted only if
4.4.2 The discharge nozzles shall be so arranged as to
agreed by the Society.
ensure the regular diffusion of the extinguishing agent. In
If other extinguishing agents will be permitted, these fixed particular, the extinguishing agent must also be effective
fire-extinguishing systems are to be type approved by the beneath the floor.
Society as well.
4.4.3 The necessary pipes for conveying fire-extinguishing
4.1.3 The fixed fire-extinguishing systems according to medium into protected spaces shall be provided with con-
[4.1.1] items b) to d) shall be type approved by the Society. trol valves so marked as to indicate clearly the space to
which the pipes are led. Suitable provision shall be made to
4.2 Ventilation, air intake prevent inadvertent release of the medium into the space.
Where a cargo space fitted with a gas fire-extinguishing sys-
4.2.1 Combustion air for the propulsion engines shall not tem is used as a passenger space the gas connection shall
be extracted from rooms that are to be protected by perma- be blanked during such use.
nently installed fire-fighting systems. This shall not apply The pipelines may pass through accommodation spaces
where there are two mutually independent and hermetically providing they are of substantial thickness and their tight-
separated main engine rooms or if next to the main engine ness is verified with a pressure test, after installation, at a
room there is a separate engine room with a bow thruster, pressure head not less than 5 MPa. In addition, pipelines
ensuring that the vessel is able to make way under its own passing through accommodation spaces are to be joined
power in the event of fire in the main engine room. only by welding and are not to be fitted with drains or other
4.2.2 Any forced ventilation present in the room to be pro- openings within such spaces. The pipelines are not to pass
tected shall switch off automatically if the fire-fighting sys- through refrigerated spaces.
tem is triggered.
4.5 Triggering device
4.2.3 There shall be devices available with which all aper-
tures which can allow air to enter or gas to escape from the 4.5.1 Automatically activated fire-extinguishing systems are
room to be protected can be quickly closed. It shall be not permitted.
clearly recognisable whether they are open or closed.
4.5.2 It shall be possible to activate the fire-extinguishing
4.2.4 The air escaping from relief valves in the compressed- system from outside the space to be protected.
air tanks installed in engine rooms shall be conveyed to the
open air. 4.5.3 Triggering devices shall be so installed that they can
be activated in the event of a fire and so that the risk of their
4.2.5 Over- or underpressure resulting from the inflow of breakdown in the event of a fire or an explosion in the
extinguishing agent shall not destroy the components of the space to be protected is reduced as far as possible.
surrounding partitions of the room to be protected. It shall Systems which are not mechanically activated shall be sup-
be possible for the pressure to equalise without danger. plied from two energy sources independent of each other.
These energy sources shall be located outside the space to
4.2.6 Protected rooms shall have a facility for extracting the be protected. The control lines located in the space to be
extinguishing agent and the combustion gases. Such facili- protected shall be so designed as to remain capable of oper-
ties shall be capable of being operated from positions out- ating in the event of a fire for a minimum of 30 minutes. The
side the protected rooms and which would not be made electrical installations are deemed to meet this requirement
inaccessible by a fire within such spaces. If there are perma- if they conform to the IEC 60331-21:1999 standard.
nently installed extractors, it shall not be possible for these
to be switched on while the fire is being extinguished. When the triggering devices are so placed as not to be visi-
ble, the component concealing them shall carry the Fire-
fighting system symbol, each side being not less than
4.3 Fire alarm system
10 cm in length, with the following text in red letters on a
4.3.1 The room to be protected shall be monitored by white ground:
means of an appropriate fire alarm system. The alarm shall FIRE-FIGHTING INSTALLATION

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 215

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4

4.5.4 If the fire-extinguishing system is intended to protect 4.7 Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping
several spaces, it shall comprise a separate and clearly
marked triggering device for each space. 4.7.1 Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping shall conform to
the requirements of the competent authority.
4.5.5 The instructions shall be posted alongside all trigger-
4.7.2 Pressurized tanks shall be installed in accordance
ing devices and shall be clearly visible and indelible. The
with the manufacturer's instructions and in compliance
instructions are to be at least in a language the master can
with other applicable rules of the Society.
read and understand and if this language is not English,
French or German, they are to be at least in English, French 4.7.3 Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping shall not be
or German in addition. installed in the accommodation.
They shall include information concerning:
4.7.4 The temperature of cabinets and storage spaces for
a) the activation of the fire-extinguishing system pressurized tanks shall not exceed 50C.
b) the need to ensure that all persons have left the space to 4.7.5 Cabinets or storage spaces on deck shall be securely
be protected stowed and shall have vents so placed that in the event of a
pressurized tank not being gastight, the escaping gas cannot
c) the correct behaviour of the crew in the event of activa-
penetrate into the vessel. Direct connections with other
tion or diffusion, in particular in respect of the possible
spaces are not permitted.
presence of dangerous substances
d) the correct behaviour of the crew in the event of the fail- 4.8 Quantity of extinguishing agent
ure of the fire-extinguishing system to function properly.
4.8.1 If the quantity of extinguishing agent is intended for
4.5.6 The instructions shall mention that prior to the activa- more than one space, the quantity of extinguishing agent
tion of the fire-extinguishing system, combustion engines available does not need to be greater than the quantity
installed in the space and aspirating air from the space to be required for the largest of the spaces thus protected.
protected shall be shut down.
4.9 Fire extinguishing system operating
4.6 Alarm device with CO2
4.9.1 In addition to the requirements contained in [4.1] to
4.6.1 Permanently fixed fire-extinguishing systems shall be
[4.8], fire-extinguishing systems using CO2 as an extinguish-
fitted with an audible and visual alarm device.
ing agent shall conform to the provisions of [4.9.2] to
4.6.2 The alarm device shall be set off automatically as
soon as the fire-extinguishing system is first activated. The 4.9.2 Tanks of CO2 shall be placed in a gastight space or
alarm device shall function for an appropriate period of cabinet separated from other spaces. The doors of such stor-
time before the extinguishing agent is released; it shall not age spaces and cabinets shall open outwards; they shall be
be possible to turn it off. capable of being locked and shall carry on the outside the
symbol Warning: general danger, not less than 5 cm high
4.6.3 Alarm signals shall be clearly visible in the spaces to and CO2 in the same colour and the same size.
be protected and their access points and be clearly audible
under operating conditions corresponding to the highest 4.9.3 Storage cabinets or spaces for CO2 tanks located
possible sound level. It shall be possible to distinguish them below deck shall only be accessible from the outside. These
clearly from all other sound and visual signals in the space spaces shall have a mechanical ventilation system with
to be protected. extractor hoods and shall be completely independent of the
other ventilation systems on board.
4.6.4 Sound alarms shall also be clearly audible in adjoin-
ing spaces, with the communicating doors shut, and under 4.9.4 The level of filling of CO2 tanks shall not exceed
operating conditions corresponding to the highest possible 0,75 kg/l. The volume of depressurised CO2 shall be taken
sound level. to be 0,56 m3/kg.

4.6.5 If the alarm device is not intrinsically protected 4.9.5 The concentration of CO2 in the space to be pro-
against short circuits, broken wires and drops in voltage, it tected shall be not less than 40% of the gross volume of the
shall be possible to monitor its operation. space. This quantity shall be released within 120 seconds. It
shall be possible to monitor whether diffusion is proceeding
4.6.6 A sign with the following text in red letters on a white correctly.
ground shall be clearly posted at the entrance to any space Where the volume of free air contained in air receivers in
the extinguishing agent may reach: any space is such that, if released in such space in the event
of fire, such release of air within that space would seriously
affect the efficiency of the fixed fire-extinguishing system,
LEAVE THE ROOM AS SOON AS THE the Society shall require the provision of an additional
WARNING SIGNAL SOUNDS (description of the signal) quantity of fire-extinguishing medium.

216 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4

The volume of starting air receivers, converted to free air 4.11.2 Where there are several spaces with different gross
volume, shall be added to the gross volume of the machin- volumes, every space shall be equipped with its own fire-
ery space when calculating the necessary quantity of extin- extinguishing system.
guishing medium. Alternatively, a discharge pipe from the
safety valves may be fitted and led directly to the open air. 4.11.3 Every tank containing IG-541 placed in the space to
be protected shall be fitted with a device to prevent over-
4.9.6 The opening of the tank valves and the opening of the pressure. This device shall ensure that the contents of the
directional valve shall correspond to two different opera- tank are safely diffused in the space to be protected if the
tions. tank is subjected to fire, when the fire-extinguishing system
has not been brought into service.
4.9.7 The appropriate period of time mentioned in [4.6]
shall be not less than 20 seconds. A reliable installation
4.11.4 Each tank shall be fitted with a device for checking
shall ensure the timing of the diffusion of CO2.
the contents.

4.10 Fixed extinguishing system operating 4.11.5 The filling pressure of the tanks shall not exceed
with HFC-227 ea (heptafluoropropane) 200 bar at a temperature of +15C.

4.10.1 In addition to the requirements of [4.1] to [4.8], fire

4.11.6 The concentration of IG-541 in the space to be pro-
extinguishing systems using HFC-227 ea as an extinguish-
tected shall be not less than 44% and not more than 50% of
ing agent shall conform to the provisions of [4.10.2] to
the gross volume of the space. This quantity shall be
released within 120 seconds.
4.10.2 Where there are several spaces with different gross
volumes, each space shall be equipped with its own fire 4.12 Fire extinguishing system operating
extinguishing system. with FK-5-1-12
4.10.3 Every tank containing HFC-227 ea placed in the
space to be protected shall be fitted with a device to pre- 4.12.1 In addition to the requirements of [4.1] to [4.8], fire
vent overpressure. This device shall ensure that the contents extinguishing systems using FK-5-1-12 as an extinguishing
of the tank are safely diffused in the space to be protected if agent shall conform to the provisions [4.12.2] to [4.12.8].
the tank is subjected to fire, when the fire-extinguishing sys-
tem has not been brought into service. 4.12.2 Where there are several spaces with different gross
volumes, each space shall be equipped with its own fire-
4.10.4 Every tank shall be fitted with a device permitting extinguishing system.
control of the gas pressure.
4.12.3 Every tank containing FK-5-1-12 placed in the space
4.10.5 The level of filling of tanks shall not exceed to be protected shall be fitted with a device to prevent over-
1,15 kg/l. The specific volume of unpressurized HFC-227 pressure. This device shall insure that the contents of the
ea shall be taken to be 0,1374 m3/kg. tank are safely diffused in the space to be protected if the
tank is subjected to fire, when the fire-extinguishing system
4.10.6 The volume of HFC-227 ea in the space to be pro- has not been brought into service.
tected shall be not less than 8% of the gross volume of the
space. This quantity shall be released within 10 seconds. 4.12.4 Every tank shall be fitted with a device permitting
control of the gas pressure.
4.10.7 Tanks of HFC-227 ea shall be fitted with a pressure
monitoring device which triggers an audible and visual
alarm in the wheelhouse in the event of an unscheduled 4.12.5 The level of filling of tanks shall not exceed
loss of propellant gas. Where there is no wheelhouse, the 1,00 kg/l. The specific volume of depressurized FK-5-1-12
alarm shall be triggered outside the space to be protected. shall be taken to be 0,0719 m3/kg.

4.10.8 After discharge, the concentration in the space to be 4.12.6 The volume of FK-5-1-12 in the space to be pro-
protected shall not exceed 10,5% (volume). tected shall be not less than 5,5% of the gross volume of the
space. This quantity shall be released within 10 seconds.
4.10.9 The fire-extinguishing system shall not comprise
aluminium parts. 4.12.7 Tanks of FK-5-1-12 shall be fitted with a pressure
monitoring device which triggers an audible and visual
4.11 Fire extinguishing system operating alarm in the wheelhouse in the event of an unscheduled
with IG-541 loss of propellant gas. Where there is no wheelhouse, the
alarm shall be triggered outside the space to be protected.
4.11.1 In addition to the requirements of [4.1] to [4.8], fire
extinguishing systems using IG-541 as an extinguishing 4.12.8 After discharge, the concentration in the space to be
agent shall conform to the provisions of [4.11.2] to [4.11.6]. protected shall not exceed 10,0% (volume).

November 2014 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 217

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 5


1 General b) doors in vertical emergency escape trunks may open out

of the trunk in order to permit the trunk to be used both
for escape and for access.
1.1.1 Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Section, 2.2 Escape arrangements
at least two widely separated and ready means of escape
shall be provided from all spaces or groups of spaces. 2.2.1 Below the lowest open deck the main means of
escape shall be a stairway and the second escape may be a
1.1.2 Lifts shall not be considered as forming one of the trunk or a stairway.
means of escape as required by this Section.
2.2.2 Above the lowest open deck the means of escape
1.1.3 The escape trunk shall have clear dimensions of at shall be stairways or doors to an open deck or a combina-
least 0,6 x 0,6 m. tion thereof.

2 Means of escape from control 2.2.3 Exceptionally the Society may dispense with one of
the means of escape, for crew spaces that are entered only
centres, accommodation spaces and occasionally, if the required escape route is independent of
service spaces watertight doors.

2.1 General requirements 3 Means of escape from machinery

2.1.1 Stairways and ladders shall be so arranged as to pro- spaces
vide ready means of escape from accommodation spaces
and from spaces in which the crew is normally employed, 3.1 Escape arrangements
other than machinery spaces.
3.1.1 Means of escape from each machinery space shall
2.1.2 All stairways in accommodation and service spaces comply with the provisions of [3.1.2] and [3.1.3].
and control stations shall be of steel frame construction
except where the Society sanctions the use of other equiva- 3.1.2 Every engine room and boiler room shall be provided
lent material. with two means of escape as widely separated as possible.
One of the means of escape shall be an emergency exit. If a
2.1.3 Doors in escape routes shall, in general, open in way
skylight is permitted as an escape, it must be possible to
of the direction of escape, except that:
open it from the inside.
a) individual cabin doors may open into the cabins in
order to avoid injury to persons in the corridor when the 3.1.3 In case of engine rooms and boiler rooms of less than
door is opened, and 35 m2 one means of escape may be accepted.

218 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules November 2014

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