20 September 2007 (20.09.2007) : (19) World Intellectual Property Organization
20 September 2007 (20.09.2007) : (19) World Intellectual Property Organization
20 September 2007 (20.09.2007) : (19) World Intellectual Property Organization
(30) Priority Data: (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, fo r every
668/DEL/2006 10 March 2006 (10.03.2006) IN kind o f regional protection available). ARIPO (BW, GH,
(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US). COUN ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
[IN/IN]; Anusandhan Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL,
WO 2007/105233
010 (IN).A2 PT, RO, SE, SI, SR, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CO, Cl, CM,
GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
(72) Inventors; and
(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only). BORDOLOI, Declaration under Rule 4.17:
Manobjyti [IN/IN]; Natural Products Chemistry Division, o f inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat 785 006, Assam
(IN). ROY, Dipak, Kumar [IN/IN]; Natural Products Published:
Chemistry Division, Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat without international search report and to be republished
785 006, Assam (IN). upon receipt o f that report
(74) Agent: DHAWAN, Ramesh, Chander; Lall Lahiri & Sal- For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid
hotra, Plot No. B-28, Sector-32, Institutional Area, Gur- ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin
gaon 122 001, Haryana (IN). ning o f each regular issue o f the PCT Gazette.
WO 2007/105233
(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to an improved process for the preparation of 4,5,6-substituted 3,4-dihydropyrim-
idin-2-ones and their 2-thioxo analogues wherein substitution at 4,5 and 6 is selected from the group consisting of H, alkyl, aryl,
cycloalkyl, alkyl or aryl carboxylate group, polyhydroxy alkyl and polyhydroxy aryl catalyzed by tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate and
silver triflate.
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
5 The present invention relates to an improved process for the
IDreparation of 4,5,6-substituted 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-ones and their 2-thioxo
analogues. Particularly, the present invention relates to a process for the
preparation of 4, 5, 6-substituted 3, 4-dihydropyrimidin-2-ones and their 2-
thioxo analogues catalyzed by tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate and silver triflate.
io More particularly, the present invention relates to a process for the
production of potential bioactive 4,5,6-substituted 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-ones
and their 2-thioxo analogues wherein substitution at 4,5 and 6 is selected
from the group consisting of H, alkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, alkyl or aryl carboxylate
group, polyhydroxy alkyl and polyhydroxy aryl,.
also possible which makes the process simple and economic. In earlier
inventions, the production of potential bioactive 4,5,6-trisubstituted 3,4-
dihydropyrimidin-2-ones and their 2-thioxo analogues wherein substitution at
4,5 and 6 may be alkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, alkyl or aryl carboxylate group,
5 polyhydroxy alkyl, polyhydroxy aryl, etc. of the general formula 1 are
described as follows:
Michael Brands et al have reported synthesis and pharmacological
evaluation of Pyrimidinone Antibioticsantibiotic TAN 1057 active against a
number of Gram-positive bacteriae. (Michael Brands et al, Bioorganic &
10 Medicinal Chemistry Letters 13 (2003) 2641-2645).
C. Oliver Kappe has reviewed various 4-Aryldihydropyrimidines via the
Biginelli Condensation to Aza-Analogs of Nifedipine-Type Calcium Channel
Modulators (C. Oliver Kappe Molecules 1998, 3, 1 - 9).
Kappe, C.O. et al has reported the synthesis of monastrol by
15 microwave-promoted three-component Biginelli condensation. Monastrol is a
new anti-cancer drug which inhibits mitotic kinin Eg5. (Kappe, C.O., Shishkin,
O.V., Uray, G., Verdino, P., Tetrahedron, Mar 2000).
B Lagu et al have reported the synthesis of furo 3,4-
dihydropyrimidinones as selective a-1a-receptor antagonists (Biorganic &
20 Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2000, 10(2), 175-178).
M Brands et al has reported the synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidine
based antistaphilococcal antibiotics (Biorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,
Thus compounds of these class, that is, 4,5,6-substituted 3,4-
25 dihydropyrimidin-2-ones and their 2-thioxo analogues are important and
useful as biologically active and hence related to human health commercially.
Reference may be made to the report of the synthesis of 3,4-
dihydropyrimidin-2-ones and their 2-thioxo analogues wherein these
compounds were synthesized by catalysis of costly, hazardous, strongly
30 acidic, difficult to handle and the use environmentally toxic solvents are
(1) C.O.Kappe et al. Dec 2000, (http://www.unibas.ch/mdpi/ecsoc-
(2) Sabhita et al Tetrahedron Letters, 2003, 44(34), 6497-6499).
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
analogues of formula 1,
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
mixed thoroughly with 70 mg of tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate and few drops
30 of acetonitrile in a conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with
microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction
product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
with ethanol to get 246 mg (95%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-
phenyl-1, 2,3,4-tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
A mixture of 53 mg of benzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 50 mg acetyl
acetone were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate in
15 conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at
2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was
precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol
to get 106mg (93%) of pure product compound 5.
A mixture of 53 mg of benzaldehyde, 38 mg of thiourea and 50 mg
acetylacetone were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV) chloride
pentahydrate in conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with
25 microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the. reaction
product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
with ethanol to get 109 mg (89%) of pure product 6.
A mixture of 61 mg of meta hydroxybenzaldehyde, 40 mg of thiourea and 65
mg acetoacetic acid ethyl ester were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV)
chloride pentahydrate in conical flask and the content of the flask was
irradiated with microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then
35 the reaction product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and
crystallization with ethanol to get 134 (92%) of pure product 2.
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
A mixture of 70 mg of p-chlorobenzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 65 mg
acetoacetic acid ethyl ester were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV)
5 chloride pentahydrate in conical flask and the content of the flask was
irradiated with microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then
the reaction product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and
crystallization with ethanol to get 143mg (97%) of pure product 7.
A mixture of 70 mg of p-chlorobenzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 50 mg
acetyl acetone were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV) chloride
pentahydrate in conical flask and the content of the flaskwas irradiated with
microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction
15 product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
with ethanol to get 126 mg (95%) of pure product 8.
A mixture of 70 mg of p-chlorobenzaldehyde, 49 mg of thiourea and 65
20 mg acetoacetic acid ethyl ester were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV)
chloride pentahydrate in conical flask and the content of the flask was
irradiated with microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then
the reaction product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and
crystallization with ethanol to get 144 mg (93%) of pure product 9.
A mixture of 106 mg of p-methoxybenzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 65 mg
ethylacetoacetate were mixed thoroughly with 35 mg of tin (IV) chloride
pentahydrate in conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with
30 microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction
product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
with ethanol to get 273 mg (94%) of pure product 10.
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
mixed thoroughly with 51 mg of silver triflate and few drops of acetonitrile in a
conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at
5 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was
precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol
to get 251 mg (97%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl~2-oxo-4-phenyl-1, 2,3,4-
tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
io EXAMPLE 11:
A mixture of 53 mg of benzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 50 mg
acetylacetone were mixed thoroughly with 26 mg of silver triflate in conical
flux and the content of the flux was irradiated with microwave at 2.45 GHz for
3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was precipitated out
15 with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol to get 108mg
(95%) of pure product compound 5.
A mixture of 70 mg of p-chlorobenzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 50 mg
20 acetyl acetone were mixed thoroughly with 26 mg of silver triflate in conical,
flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at 2.45 GHz
for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was precipitated out
with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol to get 127 mg
(96%) of pure product 8.
A mixture of 106 mg of p-methoxybenzaldehyde, 39 mg of urea and 65 mg
ethylacetoacetate were mixed thoroughly with 51 mg of silver triflate in conical
flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at 2.45 GHz
30 for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was precipitated out
with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol to get 273 mg
(94%) of pure product 10.
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
A mixture of 61 mg of metahydroxybenzaldehyde, 40 mg of thiourea and 65
mg acetoacetic acid ethyl ester were mixed thoroughly with 26 mg of silver
triflate in conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with
5 microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction
product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
with ethanol to get 134 (92%) of pure product 2.
io 106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
mixed thoroughly with 70 mg of tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate and few drops
of acetonitrile in a conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with
microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction
product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
15 with ethanol to get 245 mg (95%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-
phenyl-1, 2,3,4-tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
20 mixed thoroughly with 70 mg of tin (IV). chloride pentahydrate and few drops
of acetonitrile in a conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with
microwave at 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction
product was precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
with ethanol to get 246 mg (95%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-
25 phenyl-1, 2,3,4-tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
mixed thoroughly with 51 mg of silver triflate and few drops of acetonitrile in a
conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at
2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was
precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol
to get 250 mg (97%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-phenyl-1, 2,3,4-
tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxyIate 3.
106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
mixed thoroughly with 51 mg of silver triflate and few drops of acetonitrile in a
conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at
15 2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was
precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol
to get 251 mg (97%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-phenyl-1, 2,3,4-
tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
20 EXAMPLE 20:
106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea and 130mg ethyl acetoacetate were
mixed thoroughly with 51 mg of silver triflate and few drops of acetonitrile in a
conical flask and the content of the flask was irradiated with microwave at
2.45 GHz for 3 minutes with 60% power. Then the reaction product was
25 precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol
to get 251 mg (97%) of pure product methyl 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-phenyl-1, 2,3,4-
tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
30 A mixture of 106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea, 130 mg ethyl
acetoacetate and 51 mg of silver triflate was dissolved in acetonitrile in a
round-bottomed flask and refluxed for 8 hours. Then the reaction mixture was
cooled and precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization
WO 2007/105233 PCT/IN2007/000103
5 A mixture of 106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea, 100 mg acetyl acetone
and 51 mg of silver triflate was dissolved in acetonitrile in a round-bottomed
flask and refluxed for 8 hours. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and
precipitated out with water followed by filtration and crystallization with ethanol
to get 209 mg (92%) of pure product 5.
A solution of 106 mg of benzaldehyde, 78 mg of urea, 130 mg ethyl
acetoacetate and 70 mg of tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate in acetonitrile was
placed in a round bottomed flask-and refluxed for 8 hours. Then the reaction
15 mixture was cooled and precipitated out with water followed by filtration and
crystallization with ethanol to get 243 mg (94%) of pure product methyl 6-
methyl-2-oxo-4-phenyI-1, 2,3,4-tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-carboxylate 3.
.106 mg of benzaldehyde, 76 mg of thiourea, 130 mg ethyl acetoacetate and
70 mg of tin (IV) chloride pentahydrate was dissolved in acetonitrile in a
conical flask and the content of the refluxed for 8 hours. Then the reaction
mixture was cooled and product was precipitated out with water followed by
25 filtration and crystallization with ethanol to get 251 mg (91%) of pure product
methyl 6-methyl-2-thioxo-4-phenyl-1, 2,3,4-tetrahydro-5-pyrimidine-
carboxylate 4.
WO 2007/105233 P C T /IN 2007/000103
El= GMa, alkyl or aryl
Rj= H 1 A lijia ra is rI
Ej= H1 waiyl
Ej= OorS
R= H1 ABqi or aiyl
Ei,= H1 A lljia r aryl