Rubric Sample

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Popsicle Stick House Rubric

4 3 2 1 Score
Built a popsicle
stick house
Popsicle stick
containing all One of the basic Two or more
house includes
basic house attribute or part basic attributes
House the basic house
attributes such of the popsicle of the popsicle
Attributes attributes but
as roof, stick house is stick house are
they are not very
windows, walls, missing. not present.
doors and all
their details.
Student built a Put no effort at
Student created popsicle stick Completed the all in combining
a well-structured house that can task in building a and constructing
popsicle stick stand on its own popsicle stick the parts of the
house that is but the structures house but parts popsicle stick
sturdy and can are not sturdy of it are falling house and
stand on its own. enough and leans apart. cannot stand up
a little. on its own.
The entire house
A lot of splatter
is painted neatly Organized
is seen through
(no splatter spots arrangement of
the paint of the Put no effort at
are visible) popsicle sticks but
parts. Very all into painting.
Fine and some spots of
Neatness streaky and lazy Popsicle sticks
organized splatter are visible
paint job. used are broken
arrangement of through the parts.
Arrangement of and disjointed.
popsicle sticks Some sloppy paint
popsicle sticks is
are present. spots.
a little messy.
Student included Student included Student included Student included
advanced details details that make minimal details no details and
that really make their popsicle to make their popsicle stick
their popsicle stick house popsicle stick house is not very
stick house interesting to look house interesting interesting to
interesting to at. to look at. look at.
look at.
One or two Quite a bit of the
aspects of house design of the
Did not copy a appear to be house is copied House design is a
design of a house borrowed from from another direct copy from
seen elsewhere elsewhere. source. somewhere else.
Assessment of Student
Learning 2

Prepared by:
Alexander James U. Pascua

Submitted to:
Prof. Litz Reyes

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