Maintenance Training Manual: BAE146AVRO 146RJ

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Maintenance Training Manual

Course AVRO RJ B1B2


This document is to be used for training purposes only. Under no circumstances it supersedes or replaces any official information published by the
The information contained herein is proprietary to Swiss Aviation Training Ltd. (SAT) and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of SAT, and shall not
be reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part, or used for any purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of SAT.
BAE146AVRO 146 RJ Maintenance Training Manual

We are the customers first choice for any training solution we provide.

Educational Mission Statement

We plan our instruction carefully and adhere to internal and external specifications and deadlines.

We make achievement expectations clear. Performance checks reflect the covered learning contents and are fairly evaluated and discussed.

Our instruction is performance- and goal-oriented , which assures successful learning.

We continuously create links to the working practice and to the current situation in the industry. The necessary competencies are imparted in
a structured and transparent way.

We build the instruction methodically, didactically and diverse and we care about the individual needs of the students.

We treat our students respectfully . Irregularities are solved in a solution oriented way.

We scrutinize our work continuously and are conscious of our function as role model. We conduct our activity with enthusiasm and meet the
students needs with sympathetic consideration.

We improve our performance by continuous training, technically and methodically. Self initiative for internal and external information
exchange is promoted.

We act as reliable partners and communicate efficiently and clearly

Revision: September 2012 Swiss Aviation Training Ltd. FOR TRAINING ONLY
Issue: 01 Reproduction prohibited

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