Quetzol: Supreme War Captain

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M 30mm !

QUETZOL ! Availability: Character. Counts as a Supreme War Captain for availability.

BIO-ENHANCED: When this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, this model may permanently gain
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL +1 MV, +1 HP, increase its AR Stat by 2, or give all melee attacks +2 PW. This model may gain this benet multiple
[1] Kukulkan Scepter 8 6x2 0 - times, but may only increase each stat once per game.
Brutal BLEED: When this attack hits a Living model place a Bleed Counter on that model. During the Lingering Effects
4 Decapitate
Phase a model with a Bleed Counter must roll a d20. On a result of 11 or greater, the affected model loses 1 HP. If
a 10 or lower is rolled remove the Bleed Counter. A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time.
BRUTAL: The Parry special ability may not be used against this attack.
AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL COMMAND(x): (x) is how many times per game Command may be used. Once per activation, if this model is not
3 [1] Tecpatl Blade 8 8 0 - squadlinking, it may spend 1 AP to have a friendly model that has not activated this round and is within 8 inches
Bleed activate after them. That model may squadlink. Models activated by Command cannot use Command this round.
CONDUCTION: The model with the highest AR value hit by this attack suffers an additional power multiplier
to the attacks PW. In the case of a tie for highest AR, the attacking model decides who suffers the additional
18 AG#3 AS RF PW RN MAL DECAPITATE: If this attack critically hits it gains ED(2) for that attack. If it already has ED(x) then (x) is increased
[1] Gauntlet Beam 7 1 7 ST 20 by (+1) for that attack.
Conduction EXTREME DAMAGE (ED)(x): (x) represents the amount of HP lost by a failed AR Save caused by this attack.
LIFE DRAIN: If an enemy model is killed within 1 inch of this model, this model may make a PS Check. If the
check is successful, it gains 1 Bio-Energy Counter. Only 1 PS Check may be made when a model is killed,
3 Special Abilities regardless of the number of models with Life Drain within 1 inch.
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
Bio-Enhanced Technomancy (1) TECHNOMANCY(x): This model can cast Kukulkani Rituals. See the Kukulkani Faction Document for more
Command(2) Tough as Nails information.
18 Life Drain TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
Never Panic

SUPREME WAR CAPTAIN M 30mm [1]1000 110

BIO-ENHANCED: When this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, this model may permanently gain
+1 MV, +1 HP, increase its AR Stat by 2, or give all melee attacks +2 PW. This model may gain this benet multiple
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL times, but may only increase each stat once per game.
[1] Macuahuitl 7 4x2 0 - COMMAND(x): (x) is how many times per game Command may be used. Once per activation, if this model is not
4 Decapitate squadlinking, it may spend 1 AP to have a friendly model that has not activated this round and is within 8 inches
activate after them. That model may squadlink. Models activated by Command cannot use Command this round.
[1] Gauntlet Strike 7 6 0 -
Stun NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
4 TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL CONDUCTION: The model with the highest AR value hit by this attack suffers an additional power multiplier
18 [1] Gauntlet Beam 6 1 7 ST 20 to the attacks PW. In the case of a tie for highest AR, the attacking model decides who suffers the additional
Conduction multiplier.

DECAPITATE: If this attack critically hits it gains ED(2) for that attack. If it already has ED(x) then (x) is increased
by (+1) for that attack.
3 Special Abilities EXTREME DAMAGE (ED)(x): (x) represents the amount of HP lost by a failed AR Save caused by this attack.
STUN: A model hit by this attack gains a Stun Counter. At the beginning of that models next activation, it
Command (1) immediately loses 1 AP, and then the Stun Counter is removed. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any
16 Never Panic time.
Tough as Nails

M 30mm [1]1000 65
WAR PRIEST AURA OF DEATH: At the beginning of the Preparation Phase this model gains 1 Bio-Energy Counter. Only 1
model in your force may use this ability per round. See that models appropriate Faction Document for more on
Bio-Energy Counters.
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL BLEED: When this attack hits a Living model place a Bleed Counter on that model. During the Lingering Effects
[1] Tecpatl Blade 6 4 0 - Phase a model with a Bleed Counter must roll a d20. On a result of 11 or greater, the affected model loses 1 HP. If
3 Bleed a 10 or lower is rolled remove the Bleed Counter. A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time.

COMMAND(x): (x) is how many times per game Command may be used. Once per activation, if this model is not
squadlinking, it may spend 1 AP to have a friendly model that has not activated this round and is within 8 inches
4 activate after them. That model may squadlink. Models activated by Command cannot use Command this round.

ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds.

Your life for Kukulkan!
LIFE DRAIN: If an enemy model is killed within 1 inch of this model, this model may make a PS Check. If the
16 check is successful, it gains 1 Bio-Energy Counter. Only 1 PS Check may be made when a model is killed,
regardless of the number of models with Life Drain within 1 inch.
Special Abilities MASTER OF DEATH: At the start of the Preparation Phase, this model gains 1 Bio-Energy Counter. See the
3 Aura of Death Never Panic models appropriate Faction Document for more on Bio-Energy Counters.
Command(1) Technomancy (3) NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
Enviro Filters
TECHNOMANCY(x): This model can cast Kukulkani Rituals. See the Kukulkani Faction Document for more
16 Life Drain information.
Master of Death
2 Devoted Priest (6)

L 40mm [1] 500 85

BIO-ENHANCED: When this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, this model may permanently gain
+1 MV, +1 HP, increase its AR Stat by 2, or give all melee attacks +2 PW. This model may gain this benet multiple
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL times, but may only increase each stat once per game.
[2] Talons 6 4x2 0 -
CRUSH: During this models activation, if this attack hits, all further attack rolls made with this attack against
3 Crush
the same target automatically succeed, unless a malfunction is rolled. These automatic hits may not be Parried.

EMPOWER: This attack receives a cumulative +1 power multiplier each time it is used after the rst. This
additional power multiplier lasts until the end of the Lingering Effects Phase
[1] Mask Discharge 6 * 8 8 19 ENTROPIC: This attacks rate of re is equal to this models current HP.
Empower ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds.
16 Stun PUSH: When this model is selected as part of a squadlink all models in that squadlink may gain 1 additional AP,
which must be spent on movement. If this is done these models cannot make attacks that activation.
Special Abilities NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
3 Bio-Enhanced
STUN: A model hit by this attack gains a Stun Counter. At the beginning of that models next activation, it
Enviro Filters immediately loses 1 AP, and then the Stun Counter is removed. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any
Push time
16 Never Panic

2 Warriors, Honored Dead (6)

H 80mm [1]1000 185
BRUTAL: The Parry special ability may not be used against this attack.
CONDUCTION: The model with the highest AR value hit by this attack suffers an additional power multiplier
[1] Bite 8 8 RE - to the attacks PW. In the case of a tie for highest AR, the attacking model decides who suffers the additional
Brutal multiplier.
3 ED(2)
EXTREME DAMAGE (ED)(x): (x) represents the amount of HP lost by a failed AR Save caused by this attack.

6 [1] Wing Blades 6 1 6x2 Arc -

[1] Bio-Discharge 6 1 8 10 20
3 Conduction

Special Abilities
14 See Card B

COATLAI H 80mm [1]1000 185

AEROBATICS: This model does not have to pay the additional AP to Jump and may treat all areas of a terrain
piece with the Levels keyword as having the Climbable keyword. Reduce the PW of any falling damage this model
suffers by 2.
Special Abilities BIO-ENHANCED: When this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, this model may permanently gain
3 Aerobatics +1 MV, +1 HP, increase its AR Stat by 2, or give all melee attacks +2 PW. This model may gain this benet multiple
times, but may only increase each stat once per game.
Cause Panic CAUSE PANIC: When a model becomes engaged with this model that model makes a PS Check. On a failure, it
gains a Panic Counter.
6 Gliding Deployment
Gravitics GLIDING DEPLOYMENT: Do not deploy this model at the start of the game. During any Preparation Phase after
Round 1 you may deploy this model. When deployed, choose a point on the battleeld and roll scatter, placing
Never Panic this model on that point. If a models nal deployment point is off the battleeld they will deploy at the point on
the battleeld nearest to the edge. If the models nal deployment point is on another model place them with
18 Tough as Nails their base touching the model closest to the nal deployment point. Models that have Gliding Deployment and
Vault share a Squadlink(x) value may deploy using 1 Scatter Roll, placing the rst model on this point and the rest
within 4 inches.
GRAVITICS: This model can never be Knocked Back, Knocked Prone, or Pulled. Ranged attacks against this
3 model suffer -2 AS. This model never suffers damage from falling.
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
14 VAULT: Once per activation, this model may spend 1 AP to immediately move their MV value, ignoring terrain
as well as intervening models. If this move results in charge, this model gains and additional +1 AS and +1 PW
to the charge attack.

H 50mm [3]1000 120

CONDUCTION: The model with the highest AR value hit by this attack suffers an additional power multiplier
to the attacks PW. In the case of a tie for highest AR, the attacking model decides who suffers the additional
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL multiplier.
[1] Gauntlet 6 5 Arc -
Hobble ENTROPIC: This attacks rate of re is equal to this models current HP.
3 KB(10)
ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds.
AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL HOBBLE: When this attack reduces an enemy unit to 0 HP you may have that model gain a Hobbled Counter
6 [1] Bio-Cannons 6 * 8 12 19 instead of being killed. While a model has a Hobbled Counter it is prone and reduced to 1 AP. If a model with a
BL(1) Conduction Hobbled Counter is ever hit by an attack, that model is killed. If a model with a Hobbled Counter is ever healed,
Entropic remove the Hobbled Counter.

KNOCK BACK (KB)(x): When this attack hits a model, before AR Saves are rolled, roll a d20. If the number rolled
18 AG#3 AS RF PW RN MAL is equal to or under (x) then the model hit is moved directly back d20/2 inches from the attacker and is prone.
[1] Bio-Arc 6 1 8 ST 20 Melee attacks suffer -2 to TN for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to the TN for
Conduction every size larger the attacking model is than the target.

2 NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.

Special Abilities TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
Enviro Filters
14 Never Panic
Tough as Nails
3 Ah Chu Kuk (3)

BALAM M 30mm [4]1000 70

BIO-ENHANCED: When this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, this model may permanently gain
+1 MV, +1 HP, increase its AR Stat by 2, or give all melee attacks +2 PW. This model may gain this benet multiple
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL times, but may only increase each stat once per game.
[2] Claws 5 4 0 - BLEED: When this attack hits a Living model place a Bleed Counter on that model. During the Lingering Effects
Phase a model with a Bleed Counter must roll a d20. On a result of 11 or greater, the affected model loses 1 HP. If
3 a 10 or lower is rolled remove the Bleed Counter. A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time.
ELUSIVE: Ranged attacks against this model suffer double the normal range penalties. This model
[1] Projector Gun * 1 * 10 19 automatically passes the PS Check to Evade.
3 [*] Crippling Shot 6 5x2
GRAVITICS: This model can never be Knocked Back, Knocked Prone, or Pulled. Ranged attacks against this
Hobble model suffer -2 AS. This model never suffers damage from falling.
[*] Killing Shot 6 5x2
14 Bleed HOBBLE: When this attack reduces an enemy unit to 0 HP you may have that model gain a Hobbled Counter
instead of being killed. While a model has a Hobbled Counter it is prone and reduced to 1 AP. If a model with a
[*] Collector Net 8 - Hobbled Counter is ever hit by an attack, that model is killed. If a model with a Hobbled Counter is ever healed,
Pull(14) remove the Hobbled Counter.
3 Special Abilities INFILTRATE: This model is deployed only after all other non-Inltrating models have been deployed. This model
may be deployed anywhere on the battleeld that is at least 12 inches from an enemy deployment zone.
PULL(x): When this attack hits a model, before AR Saves are rolled, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or
14 Gravitics
under (x) then the model hit is moved directly toward this model until it is in base contact or comes in contact
with another model or a terrain piece it cannot cross. Reduce (x) by 2 for every size smaller the attacking model
Inltrate is than the target and increase (x) by 2 for every size larger the attacking model is than the target.

1 Balam (4)
M 30mm [6]1000 35
DEVOTED PRIEST AURA OF DEATH: At the beginning of the Preparation Phase this model gains 1 Bio-Energy Counter. Only 1
model in your force may use this ability per round. See that models appropriate Faction Document for more on
Bio-Energy Counters.
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL BLEED: When this attack hits a Living model place a Bleed Counter on that model. During the Lingering Effects
3 [1] Tecpatl Blade 4 4 0 - Phase a model with a Bleed Counter must roll a d20. On a result of 11 or greater, the affected model loses 1 HP. If
Bleed a 10 or lower is rolled remove the Bleed Counter. A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time.

ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds.

4 LIFE DRAIN: If an enemy model is killed within 1 inch of this model, this model may make a PS Check. If the
check is successful, it gains 1 Bio-Energy Counter. Only 1 PS Check may be made when a model is killed,
regardless of the number of models with Life Drain within 1 inch.
Kukulkan be praised.
12 NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.

TECHNOMANCY(x): This model can cast Kukulkani Rituals. See the Kukulkani Faction Document for more
Special Abilities information.
3 Aura of Death
Enviro Filters
Life Drain
14 Never Panic
Technomancy (1)

1 Devoted Priest (6)

M 30mm [6] 250 45

ELUSIVE: Ranged attacks against this model suffer double the normal range penalties. This model
automatically passes the PS Check to Evade.
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL HOBBLE: When this attack reduces an enemy unit to 0 HP you may have that model gain a Hobbled Counter
3 [2] Claws 3 3 0 - instead of being killed. While a model has a Hobbled Counter it is prone and reduced to 1 AP. If a model with a
Hobbled Counter is ever hit by an attack, that model is killed. If a model with a Hobbled Counter is ever healed,
remove the Hobbled Counter.

[1] Atlatl 6 1 7 12

3 Special Abilities


1 Harvester (6)

L 40mm [4]1000 100

BIO-ENHANCED: When this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, this model may permanently gain
+1 MV, +1 HP, increase its AR Stat by 2, or give all melee attacks +2 PW. This model may gain this benet multiple
times, but may only increase each stat once per game.
[1] Heavy Macuahuitl 8 8 0 - BRUTAL: The Parry special ability may not be used against this attack.
3 Brutal
Decapitate DECAPITATE: If this attack critically hits it gains ED(2) for that attack. If it already has ED(x) then (x) is increased
by (+1) for that attack.
6 ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds
The guns arent working! EXTREME DAMAGE (ED)(x): (x) represents the amount of HP lost by a failed AR Save caused by this attack. .
THE GUNS ARENT WORKING!!! NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
16 -Wasteland Warrior TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
Special Abilities
3 Bio-Enhanced
Enviro Filters
Never Panic
15 Tough as Nails

3 Honor Guard (4)

M 30mm [4]1000 75
HONORED DEAD CAUSE PANIC: When a model becomes engaged with this model that model makes a PS Check. On a failure, it
gains a Panic Counter.
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL ENTROPIC: This attacks rate of re is equal to this models current HP.
[2] Talons 3 4 0 -
ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds.
NON-LIVING: This model does not have the Living special ability, and may never gain Panic Counters.

POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used against enemy models this model is engaged with. These
6 AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL attacks never gain PW bonuses for charging, ganging-up, or any abilities that modify the PW of melee attacks.
[1]Skull Gaze 8 * 4x2 SP 20 TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
16 Point Blank

Special Abilities
3 Cause Panic
Enviro Filters
14 Tough as Nails

2 Honored Dead (4)

M 30mm [6] 250 35
HOBBLE: When this attack reduces an enemy unit to 0 HP you may have that model gain a Hobbled Counter
instead of being killed. While a model has a Hobbled Counter it is prone and reduced to 1 AP. If a model with a
Hobbled Counter is ever hit by an attack, that model is killed. If a model with a Hobbled Counter is ever healed,
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL remove the Hobbled Counter.
3 [1] War Club 5 3x2 0 -
Hobble KNOCK PRONE (KP)(x): When this attack hits a model, before AR Saves are rolled, roll a d20. If the number
KP(8) rolled is equal to or under (x) then the model hit is prone. Melee attacks suffer -2 to the TN for every size smaller
the attacking model is than the target and +2 to the TN for every size larger the attacking model is than the
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
We bring the glory of Kukulkan!
14 -Kukulkani Warriors

Special Abilities
3 Never Panic


1 Warrior (6)

CABRAKAN G 80mm [1]1000 200

! Availability: 1 / 1000. Force must include at least 3 Devoted Priest.

[2] Heavy Macuahuitl 6 8 RE - BRUTAL: The Parry special ability may not be used against this attack.
Brutal CAUSE PANIC: When a model becomes engaged with this model that model makes a PS Check. On a failure, it
3 Decapitate
gains a Panic Counter.
CAUTERIZE: HP lost by this attack may never be healed.
ED(2) DECAPITATE: If this attack critically hits it gains ED(2) for that attack. If it already has ED(x) then (x) is increased
by (+1) for that attack.
8 AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL ENTROPIC: This attacks rate of re is equal to this models current HP.
EXTREME DAMAGE (ED)(x): (x) represents the amount of HP lost by a failed AR Save caused by this attack.
[1] Array of Skulls 7 * 2x2 8 20 ENVIRO FILTERS: This model ignores Smoke Clouds.
Cauterize GRAVITICS: This model can never be Knocked Back, Knocked Prone, or Pulled. Ranged attacks against this
model suffer -2 AS. This model never suffers damage from falling.
20 Entropic
NON-LIVING: This model does not have the Living special ability, and may never gain Panic Counters.
RITUAL ENGINE: This model may not be the target of Kukulkani Rituals. While this model is on the battleeld,
each time an enemy model is killed within 8 inches, give this model a Skull Counter. Models with Ritual Engine
Special Abilities have multiple versions, and an associated Stat Card linked to how many Skull Counters it currently possesses.
3 Cause Panic Spotter Use the Stat Card associated with the highest number of Skull Counters this model currently possesses.
SPOTTER: Enemy models may not be deployed within 8 inches of this model.
Enviro Filters Tough as Nails TOUGH AS NAILS: This model does not lose an additional HP for rolling a critical failure on an AR Save.
Gravitics Tracking TRACKING: Before deployment, this models owner may choose any 1 enemy model with the Inltrate Special
Ability. That model loses the Inltrate special ability.
16 Non-Living
Ritual Engine

G 80mm * *
3+ Skull Counters
REGENERATION: When this model activates, or at the start of the Lingering Effects Phase, it heals 1 HP. This
model may only heal 1 HP per round from Regeneration. This model is not killed when reduced to 0 HP, instead,
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL give it a Dying Counter. Models with a Dying Counter are prone, may not spend AP, and all attacks on them gain
[2] Heavy Macuahuitl 8 8 RE - +2 AS and +2 PW. If a model with a Dying Counter ever loses HP, that model is killed. If a model with a Dying
3 Brutal Counter ever gains HP, remove the Dying Counter. When this model loses a Dying Counter, it may immediately
Decapitate stand up for no AP cost.
[1] Array of Skulls 7 * 4x2 8 20
20 Entropic

Special Abilities
3 Cause Panic Ritual Engine
Enviro Filters Spotter
Gravitics Tough as Nails
16 Non-Living Tracking

G 80mm * *
6+ Skull Counters
REGENERATION: When this model activates, or at the start of the Lingering Effects Phase, it heals 1 HP. This
model may only heal 1 HP per round from Regeneration. This model is not killed when reduced to 0 HP, instead,
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL give it a Dying Counter. Models with a Dying Counter are prone, may not spend AP, and all attacks on them gain
[2] Heavy Macuahuitl 10 10 RE - +2 AS and +2 PW. If a model with a Dying Counter ever loses HP, that model is killed. If a model with a Dying
3 Brutal Counter ever gains HP, remove the Dying Counter. When this model loses a Dying Counter, it may immediately
Decapitate stand up for no AP cost.
[1] Array of Skulls 7 * 6x2 8 20
20 Entropic

Special Abilities
3 Cause Panic Ritual Engine
Enviro Filters Spotter
Gravitics Tough as Nails
16 Non-Living Tracking

G 80mm * *
9+ Skull Counters BLIND: When this attack hits a model, place a Blind Counter on that model. Models with a Blind Counter suffer a
-2 AS and double all range penalties they suffer. Blind Counters are removed at the end of a models activation. A
model may only have 1 Blind Counter at any time.
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL CONDUCTION: The model with the highest AR value hit by this attack suffers an additional power multiplier
[2] Heavy Macuahuitl 10 10x2 RE - to the attacks PW. In the case of a tie for highest AR, the attacking model decides who suffers the additional
3 Brutal multiplier.
ED(2) FORTITUDE: When this model is reduced to 0 HP, it is not immediately killed and removed from play. If this
model activates while at 0 HP it is killed and removed from play at the end of that activation.
AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL HORRIBLE DEATH: If a model is killed by this attack, all enemy models within 4 inches receive a Panic Counter.
[1] Array of Skulls 7 2 7x2 ST - INSTIGATE: Friendly non-Character models within 8 inches of this model gain +2 AS to all melee attacks.
20 Entropic REGENERATION: When this model activates, or at the start of the Lingering Effects Phase, it heals 1 HP. This
model may only heal 1 HP per round from Regeneration. This model is not killed when reduced to 0 HP, instead,
give it a Dying Counter. Models with a Dying Counter are prone, may not spend AP, and all attacks on them gain
Special Abilities +2 AS and +2 PW. If a model with a Dying Counter ever loses HP, that model is killed. If a model with a Dying
3 Cause Panic Non-Living Counter ever gains HP, remove the Dying Counter. When this model loses a Dying Counter, it may immediately
Enviro Filters Regeneration stand up for no AP cost.
Fortitude Ritual Engine
Gravitics Spotter
16 Instigate Tough as Nails

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