Nectar of Instruction: Write The Correct Choice(s) For The Following Questions
Nectar of Instruction: Write The Correct Choice(s) For The Following Questions
Nectar of Instruction: Write The Correct Choice(s) For The Following Questions
Nectar of Instruction
Write the correct choice(s) for the following questions
Q.1 What is the name of the commentary on NOI written by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur?
Q.2 What is the name of the eight verses left behind by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
A) Take initiation B) Chant mantras C) Memorize Sanskrit texts D) Control ones mind and senses
Q.5) The verse on the 9 processes of Devotional service was spoken by whom?
Q.6) Where did Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu make the animals chant and dance in ecstasy?
Q 7) When Srila Rupa Goswami retired from government service, what portion of his lifes savings was
used for Krishnas service?
A) Building hospitals B) Distributing Holy Name C) Feeding the poor D) Opening educational
Q 10)Which of the following Sanskrit phrases means to follow the regulative principles of Vaidhi Bhakti
Q3) Give the 2 defintions of Tapasya (one given by SP and other by SBSST)
Q4) Explain the 2 kinds of urges of the mind and how to control it
Q7) What are the 3 types of energies of the Lord and accordingly, what are the 2 different categories of
human beings
Q10) Explain Jana-sangas and what categories of association should be avoided (Text 2 purport)
Q13) What is Bhakti and what is not Bhakti as per Text 3 Purport
Q20) What are the benefits of having 6 loving exchanges with devotees?