Pressure Relief and Regulating Valves: Applications
Pressure Relief and Regulating Valves: Applications
Pressure Relief and Regulating Valves: Applications
Pressure Limiting and Regulating Relief Direct acting pressure limiting relief valves are fast acting
Cartridges and should be used to:
Sun pressure limiting and regulating relief cartridges are Protect fixed displacement pumps and directional control
normally closed pressure control elements designed to maintain valves when pump output flow in intermittently blocked.
a constant pressure differential between port 1 (inlet) and port 2 Limit pressure overshoot associated with pressure compen-
(outlet) when oil flows through the valve. Sun Hydraulics relief sated pumps.
valves are all fully adjustable over a wide range of operating Protect hydraulic actuators (both cylinders and motors) from
pressures up to and including 5000 psi (350 bar) (6000 psi [420 shock pressures associated with starting and stopping high
bar] intermittent). (Air piloted versions have lower pressure inertia loads.
ranges). Prior to shipping, all Sun relief valves are factory Pilot operated [two stage] pressure regulating relief valves
pressure set with a flow of 4 gpm (16 L/min). have lower pressure override characteristics than direct oper-
NOTE: All Sun two port relief cartridges (except reliefs used to ated valves, although they are not as fast acting. They incorpo-
control pilot flow) are functionally interchangeable (i.e. same flow rate a mechanism to protect the orifice leading to the second
path and same cavities for a given frame size.) stage, from oil borne contamination. They should be used to:
Maintain a constant pressure by modulating continuous,
variable flow over a wide adjustment range.
DESIGN CONCEPTS AND FEATURES Utilizes a seated design which makes the valve suitable for
use in load holding applications.
Two Port Direct Acting Differential Area Pressure Fast opening and closing (2 ms typical response time).
Limiting Relief Cartridges RD*A Insensitivity to varying oil temperature and oil-borne
The performance parameters optimized in Suns unique RD*A
differential area relief valves are: Reliable cold oil closing and exceptional hot oil stability (no
Relatively flat pressure rise (especially at high end of spring
range.) Rugged, robust, construction withstands high pressure
shocks or back pressure.
High flow capacity (25 to 200 gpm [100 to 800 L/min])
relative to physical size (comparable to piloted operated Not suitable where frequent pressure adjustment is re-
valves). quired, as they are difficult to adjust under pressure.
Low hysteresis (reseats at 90% of valve setting) and very
NOTE: See General Relief Valve Notes 1, 2, and 4 on page 5.
low leakage (10 drops/min at reseat).
Two Port Pilot Operated Pressure Regulating direct acting differential area relief valves. They offer less
Relief Cartridges - RP*C sensitivity to contaminants, have lower shut off leakage, and
are more stable.
Suns RP*C balanced piston, two stage, pressure regulating NOTE: See General Relief Valve Note 1 on page 5.
cartridge valves that are optimized to maintain a constant
pressure variable flow. Performance parameters include:
Two Port Pilot Operated Kick-Down Relief
Low hysteresis (+/-1%) and low spool leakage (leakage is Cartridges RQ*B
frame size dependant and varies fro 2-5 in.3/min. per 1000
psi [32-82 cc/min per 70 bar], from port 1 to port 2 or port 2 Suns RQ*B balanced piston kick-down relief cartridges act like
to port 1.) a circuit breaker in an electrical system; they will self-vent and
Exceptional stability. shift completely open approximately 25 ms after the pressure
Very flat pressure override curve resulting in little pressure setting is attained. All flow needs to stop in order to reset the
change over a wide variation in flow. valve; they are intended to be used either on the actuator side of
a directional valve or after the pump in systems where it is
Easy to adjust under pressure.
practical to shut off the pump. Performance parameters of Suns
Typical response time of 10 ms.
kickdown relief valves include:
Can be sensitive to oil-borne contamination.
Accurate trigger point (valve setting).
NOTE: See General Relief Valve Notes 1, 2 and 5 on page 5.
At nominal full flows, pressure drop is very low, reducing
heat generation. (Approximately 50 psi [3,5 bar] for RQEB
Two Port Pilot Operated Pressure Regulating at 10 gpm [40 L/min].)
Relief Cartridges RP*S Low spool leakage in closed mode (before reaching trigger
point) from port 1 to port 2 (leakage is frame size
Suns RP*S balanced poppet, two stage, pressure regulating dependant and varies from 2-5 in.3/min per 1000 psi [32-82
cartridges have similar features to the RP*C series except a cc/min per 70 bar], from port 1 to port 2 or port 2 to port 1.)
poppet replaces the spool in the main stage. The modified Once opened, the valve can only be reset by stopping all
performance parameters include: flow through the valve. Reversing the directional valve or
shutting off the pump will reset the valve.
Slightly higher hysteresis (+/- 2%). Do not use in load holding applications.
Pressure override curve greater than RP*C balanced piston
valve, but lower than RD*A direct acting relief. NOTE: See General Relief Valve Note 1 on page 4.
Seated poppet design achieves very low leakage (10 drops/
min at reseat); valve is suitable for use in load holding Two Port Air Controlled Pilot Operated Pressure
applications. Regulating Relief Cartridges - RP*D
Exceptional stability [no oscillation].
Poppet design almost eliminates cavitation erosion that can Suns RP*D balanced piston relief valves use compressed air
occur in manifolds adjacent to the valve discharge holes. over a diaphragm instead of an adjustable spring to provide
remote control of the valve pressure setting. Performance
NOTE: See General Relief Valve Notes 1, 2, and 4 on page 5. parameters/features include:
NOTE: See General Relief Valve Note 1 on page 5. Sequence relief valves provide a separate drain (port 3 or vent
to atmosphere) for the adjustment spring chamber.
Venting or blocking the pilot flow from port 3, such as Three Port Pilot Operated Bypass Compensator
with a 2-way valve (See Figure 2), will affect the main flow (with Relief) Cartridges RV*B
from port 1 to port 2, causing the valve to either Suns RV*B balanced piston, two stage, relief cartridges use the
vent (open) or block (close at the main relief setting), main section of the valve as a bypass compensator for an
respectively. With spring ranges of 3000 psi (210 bar) and external fixed/variable orifice (such as a needle valve).
below, and atmospheric pressure at port 3, pressure at port
1 will be 40-75 psi (2,5-5 bar) at half the valves rated flow. Port 3 is connected to the outlet, or load side, of the orifice,
and port 1 is connected to the inlet side (See Figure 3).
NOTE: See General Relief Valve note 3 on Page 5.
The valve bypasses flow to tank (port 2) at work load
Three Port Pilot Operated Soft Start Vented pressure plus the compensator pressure drop. The resulting
Relief Cartridges RV*T function is a pressure compensated bypass flow control.
If outlet or work pressure rises to the maximum pressure
Suns RV*T balanced poppet, two stage, vented, soft-start setting, the valve then acts as a system relief valve.
pressure regulating cartridges provide a remote pilot port (port 3) Pressure at port 2 (bypass) is directly additive to the
between the main piston and pilot. General performance maximum pressure setting sensed at port 3 (sense). Also, if
characteristics, including the extended ramp time with almost no pressure at port 2 exceeds work pressure (at port 3) plus
overshoot, are the same as RP*T two port valves described bypass compensator pressure differential, pressure
prior. Other performance parameters include: compensation of orifice will cease.
Venting or blocking the pilot flow from port 3, such as
with a 2-way valve (See Figure 2), will affect the main flow Sun RV*B bypass compensator with
from port 1 to port 2, causing the valve to either relief function
vent (open) or block (close with a ramp to the main relief
setting), respectively. With spring ranges of 3000 psi (210
bar) and below, and atmospheric pressure at port 3,
pressure at port 1 will be 125-200 psi (9-14 bar) at half the
valves rated flow.
When blocking the vent port, the valve will ramp from a
lower threshold pressure, less than 200 psi (14 bar), and
have a ramp time of 500-700 ms.
Port 3 control pilot flow varies between 10 and 20 in.3/min
(0,16-0,33 L/min), depending on frame size.
This valve, working in conjunction with a Sun soft-shift
solenoid valve as the vent (port 3) control valve (See Figure
2), can provide an effective shock free load and unload in
hydraulic systems.
Figure 3. This drawing is not a real circuit and
RV*A/S Vented Relief (or RV*T Soft Relief) is intended for description only.
Fast response (2 ms) Medium response (10 ms) Medium response (7 ms)
Low hysteresis (8-10%) Lowest hysteresis (1%) Low hysteresis (2-3%)
Low over/under shoot Potential for higher over/under shoot Potential for higher over/under shoot
Moderate pressure override Low pressure override Slightly higher pressure override
Low leakage (10 drops/min) Some internal leakage (2-5 in.3/min.) Low leakage (10 drops/min)
Difficult to adjust under pressure Easy to adjust under pressure Easy to adjust under pressure