Art Organisational Culture Perspective
Art Organisational Culture Perspective
Art Organisational Culture Perspective
By Bob Waisfisz
itim International
unfold, aimed at integration within the group Culture as enabler
and at establishing successful relations with
the outside world. The way in which this Let us now go back to the definition of culture.
happens differs per group. Determinant factors Next to the definition given above, we can
include the personality or personalities of the define culture as an enabler or a hindrance
pioneer(s)r and the way in which internal group when making things happen. Thus culture
processes and interaction with the outside may either support the highest productivity
world materialise. possible or it may hinder realisation of the
highest productivity possible. After all, how
In the definition of culture adopted from sophisticated technology may be and how
Geert Hofstede the word relate figures high capital intensity may be, if employees
prominently. (Culture defines the way people dont use resources in an effective way, or
in an organisation relate.) The word worse if they try to frustrate realization of
relate has been used because culture is more optimal results, then sophisticated technology
than just behavior. In other words: Culture and a lot of capital goods are of no avail. The
reflects itself on different levels of work reality. same is true whether we look at efficiency,
The onion of Geert Hofstede presented on the innovation or any other goal management
first page is one way to classify different levels wants to realise.
of culture.
You may have noticed a certain contradiction.
To look at Organisational Culture one has to Culture has been defined as the way people
use a more differentiated picture of culture: in an organisation relate to each other, to
their work and to the outside world. One can
therefore say that culture describes the way
things are. At the same time culture has been
defined as an enabler or a hindrance, which
is not the same. In the latter case culture is
defined as a force that either contributes or
hinders realization of a state of affairs.
More precisely, if we take the definition of
Geert Hofstede, organisational culture will
tell us whether e.g. the highest productivity
possible will be realized. When culture is
defined as an enabler, culture will tell us
whether it will contribute to the realization of
the highest productivity possible, but if and
how such contribution will indeed take place
remains a question mark.
The difference between the picture above and This contradiction is caused by the fact that
the one on the first page is that the onion has one we dont live in an ideal world. There is nothing
extra layer and some of the levels have gotten wrong with the definition defined by Geert
different names. This onion is visualising the Hofstede, but the problem is that we are not
different levels that together form practices. able to measure culture hundred percent
accurately. At least two reasons can be given
The outer ring, representing symbols, can be why this is so:
changed most easily. To change beliefs will cost
the biggest effort.
itim International
1. Models present a simplification of reality, About the Author
yet without the help of models it is hard to talk
and think in a meaningful way about complex Bob Waisfisz, the Hague
reality. in the Netherlands,
is the founder of itim
2. Respondents and/or observers describing international.
work reality are subjective. It is the challenge
to avoid socially desirable answers as much Itim provides companies the
as possible and to ensure that observers are cultural competence needed
as little biased as possible. One can, however, to optimize performance worldwide. He is
never be sure that subjectivity has been specialized in advising companies and supra-
avoided all together when describing culture. national organisations in how to be more
effective both nationally and internationally.
These two reasons are creating noise when He is experienced in translating international
describing cultures. Because of this it is wise to and global strategies and policies into practical
describe culture, in its operational form, as an consequences for management. Since 1985, he
enabler or a hindrance. has been working in this field with a variety of
Fortune top 1000 companies. Bob has worked
in and with public and private organisations in
_______________________________________ 85 countries on all continents.
Cultures and Organizations; Software of
the Mind, by Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan
Hofstede, ISBN 0-07-143959-5
Recommended Reading
++ The Hofstede Model on Strategy Culture
and Change
++ Change management
More Information
itim International
Appendix 1
The function of organizational culture:
There are no good or bad cultures. Organisational cultures are functional or dysfunctional depend-
ing on who we want to be.
Culture only exists by comparison. Culture has no meaning by itself. The Hofstede Model is a tool of
analysis to assist us in realizing our objectives in the best possible way.
D1: Means versus goal oriented; We identify with the how versus we identify with the
what (Health risks versus effectiveness)
D2: Internally versus externally driven; We know what is best for the client or we dont need
to care about them versus we do whatever the client wants
D5: Open versus closed systems; Newcomers are welcome versus they first have to proof
D6: Employee versus work oriented; Management takes co-responsibility for the welfare of
their people versus management believes that if they dont put their people under pressure
nothing will happen
D8: Degree to which people identify with their organisation; from low to high
Please note that combinations of dimensions will define well known topics, e.g. D1 and D2
together define process versus result orientation and D1 and D5 together define open versus
closed communication.
Learn more on the relationship between strategy, context and culture from the Organisational
Cultural App. You can find it through the next link:
itim International