10 Operation Count Numerical Linear Algebra

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Operation Count; Numerical

Linear Algebra

10.1 Introduction

Many computations are limited simply by the sheer number of required

additions, multiplications, or function evaluations. If floating-point oper-
ations are the dominant cost then the computation time is proportional
to the number of mathematical operations. Therefore, we should practice
counting. For example, a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 involves two additions and three
multiplications, because the square also requires a multiplication, but the
equivalent formula a0 + (a1 + a2 x)x involves only two multiplications and
two additions.
More generally, aN xN + ... + a1 x + a0 involves N additions and N +
(N 1) + ... + 1 = N (N + 1)/2 multiplications, but (aN x + ... + a1 )x + a0
only N multiplications and N additions. Both require O(N ) operations,
but the first takes about N 2 /2 flops for large N , the latter 2N for large
N . (Although the second form of polynomial evaluation is superior to
the first in terms of the number of floating-point operations, in terms of
roundoff it may be the other way round.)
Multiplying two N N matrices obviously requires N multiplications
and N 1 additions for each element. Since there are N 2 elements in
the matrix this yields a total of N 2 (2N 1) floating-point operations, or
about 2N 3 for large N , that is, O(N 3 ).
A precise definition of the order of symbol O is in place (Big-O
notation). A function is of order xp if there is a constant c such that
the absolute value of the function is no larger than cxp for sufficiently
large x. For example, 2N 2 + 4N + log(N ) + 7 1/N is O(N 2 ). With

Chapter 10 63

this definition, a function that is O(N 6 ) is also O(N 7 ), but it is usually

implied that the power is the lowest possible. The analogous definition
is also applicable for small numbers, as in chapter 7. More generally, a
function is of order g(x) if |f (x)| c|g(x)| for x > x0 .
An actual comparison of the relative speed of floating-point opera-
tions is given in table 8-I. According to that table, we do not need to
distinguish between addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but divi-
sions take somewhat longer.

10.2 Slow and fast method for the determinant of a

It is easy to exceed the computational ability of even the most powerful
computer. Hence methods are needed that solve a problem quickly. As
a demonstration we calculate the determinant of a matrix. Doing these
calculations by hand gives us a feel for the problem. Although we are
ultimately interested in the N N case, the following 3 3 matrix serves
as an example:
1 1 0
A = 2 1 1
1 2 5
One way to evaluate a determinant is Cramers rule, according to
which the determinant can be calculated in terms of the determinants
of submatrices. Cramers rule using the first row yields det(A) = 1
(5 + 2) 1 (10 1) + 0 (4 + 1) = 7 9 = 2. For a matrix of
size N this requires calculating N subdeterminants, each of which in
turn requires N 1 subdeterminants, and so on. Hence the number of
necessary operations is O(N !).
A faster way of evaluating the determinant of a large matrix is to
bring the matrix to upper triangular or lower triangular form by linear
transformations. Appropriate linear transformations preserve the value
of the determinant. The determinant is then the product of diagonal
elements, as is clear from the previous definition. For our example the
transforms (row22row1) row2 and (row3+row1) row3 yield zeros
64 Lessons in Computational Physics

in the first column below the first matrix element. Then the transform
(row3+3row2) row3 yields zeros below the second element on the

1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 2 5 0 3 5 0 0 2

Now, the matrix is in triangular form and det(A) = 1 (1) 2 = 2.

An N N matrix requires N such steps; each linear transformation in-
volves adding a multiple of one row to another row, that is, N or fewer
additions and N or fewer multiplications. Hence this is an O(N 3 ) proce-
dure. Therefore calculation of the determinant by bringing the matrix to
upper triangular form is far more efficient than either of the previous two
methods. For say N = 10, the change from N ! to N 3 means a speedup
of very roughly a thousand. This enormous speedup is achieved through
a better choice of numerical method.

10.3 Non-intuitive operation counts in linear alge-

We all know how to solve a linear system of equations by hand, by ex-
tracting one variable at a time and repeatedly substituting it in all re-
maining equations, a method called Gauss elimination. This is essentially
the same as we have done above in eliminating columns. The following
symbolizes the procedure again on a 4 4 matrix:

**** **** **** ****
**** *** *** ***
**** *** ** **
**** *** ** *
Stars indicate nonzero elements and blank elements are zero. Eliminating
the first column takes about 2N 2 floating-point operations, the second
column 2(N 1)2 , the third column 2(N 2)2 , and so on. This yields a
total of about 2N 3 /3 floating-point operations. (One way to see that is
to approximate the sum by an integral, and the integral of N 2 is N 3 /3.)
Chapter 10 65

time (seconds)

Figure 10-1: Execution time of a pro-
gram solving a system of N linear equa-
tions in N variables. For comparison,
3 4
10 the dashed line shows an increase propor-
problem size N tional to N 3 .

Once triangular form is reached, the value of one variable is known

and can be substituted in all other equations, and so on. These substitu-
tions require only O(N 2 ) operations. A count of 2N 3 /3 is less than the
approximately 2N 3 operations for matrix multiplication. Solving a linear
system is faster than multiplying two matrices!
During Gauss elimination the right-hand side of a system of linear
equations is transformed along with the matrix. Many right-hand sides
can be transformed simultaneously, but they need to be known in ad-
Inversion of a square matrix can be achieved by solving a system with
N different right-hand sides. Since the right-hand side(s) can be carried
along in the transformation process, this is still O(N 3 ). Given Ax = b,
the solution x = A1 b can be obtained by multiplying the inverse of A
with b, but it is not necessary to invert a matrix to solve a linear system.
Solving a linear system is faster than inverting and inverting a matrix is
faster than multiplying two matrices.
We have only considered efficiency. It is also desirable to avoid di-
viding by too small a number or to optimize roundoff behavior or to
introduce parallel efficiency. Since the solution of linear systems is an im-
portant and ubiquitous application, all these issues have received detailed
attention and elaborate routines are available.
Figure 10-1 shows the actual time of execution for a program that
solves a linear system of N equations in N variables. First of all, note the
tremendous computational power of computers: Solving a linear system
in 1000 variables, requiring about 600 million floating point operations,
takes less than one second. (Using my workstation bought around 2010
66 Lessons in Computational Physics

and Matlab, I can solve a linear system of about 3500 equations in one
second. Matlab automatically took advantage of all 4 CPU cores.) The
increase in computation time with the number of variables is not as ideal
as expected from the operation count, because time is required not only
for arithmetic operations but also for data movement. For this particular
implementation the execution time is larger when N is a power of two.
Other wiggles in the graph arise because the execution time is not exactly
the same every time the program is run.

Table 10-I shows the operation count for several important problems.
Operation count also goes under the name of computational cost or
computational complexity (of an algorithm).

problem operation memory

count count
Solving system of N linear
O(N 3 ) O(N 2 )
equations in N variables
Inversion of N N matrix O(N 3 ) O(N 2 )
Inversion of tridiagonal
O(N ) O(N )
N N matrix
Sorting N real numbers O(N log N ) O(N )
Fourier transform of N
O(N log N ) O(N )
equidistant points
Table 10-I: Order counts and required memory for several important problems
solved by standard algorithms.

A matrix where most elements are zero is called sparse. An example

is the tridiagonal matrix: A tridiagonal matrix has the following shape:
Chapter 10 67

. . . . . . . . .

A sparse matrix, where most elements are zero, can be solved with appro-
priate algorithms, much faster and with less storage than a full matrix.
For example, a tridiagonal system of equations can be solved with O(N )
effort, not O(N 2 ) but O(N ), as compared to O(N 3 ) for the a matrix.
The ratio of floating-point operations to bytes of main memory ac-
cessed is called the arithmetic intensity. Large problems with low arith-
metic intensity are limited by memory bandwidth, while large problems
with high arithmetic intensity are floating point limited. For example, a
matrix transpose has an arithmetic intensity of zero, matrix addition of
double precision numbers 1/(3 8) (very low), and naive matrix multi-
plication 2N/24 (high).

10.4 Data locality

Calculations may not be limited by FLOPs/second but by data move-
ment; hence we may also want to keep track of and minimize access
to main memory. For multiplication of two N N matrices, simple row
times column multiplication involves 2N memory pulls for each of the N 2
output elements. If the variables are 8-byte double precision numbers,
then the arithmetic intensity is (2N 1)/(8(2N +1)) 1/8 FLOPs/byte.
Hence the bottleneck may be memory bandwidth.
Tiled matrix multiplication: Data traffic from main memory can be
reduced by tiling the matrix. The idea is to divide the matrix into m m
tiles small enough that they fit into a fast (usually on-chip) memory. For
each pair of input tiles, there are 2m2 movements out of and m2 into the
(slow) main memory. In addition, the partial sums, which will have to be
stored temporarily in main memory, have to be brought in again for all
68 Lessons in Computational Physics

but the first block; that is about another m2 of traffic per tile. For each
output tile, we have to go through N/m pairs of input tiles. In total,
this amounts to (N/m)3 4m2 = 4N 3 /m memory movements, or 4N/m for
each matrix element, versus 2N for the naive method. This reduces data
access to the main memory and turns matrix multiplication into a truly
floating point limited operation.
There are enough highly-optimized matrix multiplication routines around
that we never have to write one on our own, but the same concept
grouping of data to reduce traffic to main memorycan be applied to
various problems with low arithmetic intensity.

Recommended Reading: Golub & Van Loan, Matrix Computations is

a standard work on numerical linear algebra.

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