1970s 2d6 Retro Rules

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1970s 2d6


1970s 2d6 RETRO RULES
[For Cepheus Engine]
by Paul Elliott
[email protected]

Copyright 2017 Zozer Games

Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are trademarks of Jason Flynn Kemp

The Vehicle combat rules were inspired by Andy Slacks article Vehicle Combat in
White Dwarf 43 (July 1983).

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All of the text in this document is designated as Open Gaming Content, except for
the trademarks Cepheus Engine and Zozer Games.

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Standards & Assumptions Page 3
Task Checks Page 3
Combat Resolution Page 4
Melee Combat Page 6
Gun Combat Page 8
Throwing Weapons Page 9
Wounding and Death Page 10
Vehicles Page 11
Legal Page 12
Zozer Games soon-to-be-released book HOSTILE is a science-fiction setting that
harkens back to the early 80s and late 70s, and so it seems fitting to offer the
referee and players a set of roleplaying rules which do the same. Whilst Cepheus
Engine is a sophisticated rules-set that seems able to cope with almost every
eventuality, the rules for task resolution and combat that follow are directly inspired
by the very first set of 2D6 SF roleplaying rules from 1977. They allow for much
faster play, but at the cost of less detail. Use them as an option. Unless specified
here, use the weapon stats from Cepheus Engine.


The effects of characteristics have no influence on the bearing of skill checks. The
1970s rules use either skill checks (where a skill is required) or characteristic checks
(where a characteristic is required). We can theorise that characteristics did play a
part in how easily or quickly the character learnt his skill, but his skill today (say in
Gun Combat) stands at 1 or 2 or whatever, and represents a combination of many
factors, not just training.

Skill Checks
Skill checks are almost identical to those
made in Cepheus Engine. Roll 8+ for
success, add in a relevant skill as a
positive DM and apply a penalty based on
the difficulty of the task. The standard
difficulty levels are Routine (+2), Average
(0), Difficult (-2), Very Difficult (-4) and
Formidable (-6). Rolls should never be
made for easy tasks that give a modifier
of +3 or higher, assume an automatic
success and save some time. The use of
Effects from Cepheus Engine can be
implemented if desired, but only where
that would be useful.

Characteristic Checks
With such an abbreviated skill list as we find in settings like HOSTILE, there will be
times when no skill suggests itself for the resolution of a problem. The players may
come up with a solution, or the referee may instead ask for a suitable characteristic
check, such as using Int to notice a tampered lock, or Soc to get a meeting with the
marshals office, or Edu to recognise a certain chemical is a lethal poison, etc. Roll
10+ for success, and add of the relevant characteristic as a DM, Always round
down, as this allows even characters with a 15 in the relevant characteristic to fail a
roll. Resist the temptation to throw in penalties for difficulty since this will soon mean
that many characters are being denied any chance of success at all, even the
remotest chance.

The biggest change comes with combat resolution, and particularly with the
abandonment of an initiative mechanic. This sophisticated, fair and realistic system
from Cepheus Engine which determines who acts when, slows combat down
significantly. The 1970s rules option replaces it with simultaneous actions, something
that is super-fast to play out, although it does need a fair and careful hand from the
referee. But first we need to determine who has the initiative at the start of any
conflict, and for that we must look at Surprise.

Often it will be obvious at the start of a conflict who is aware of who, at other times
the dice must decide. Each side in the conflict rolls 1D6 to determine who has the
element of surprise. The winner must have rolled 3 higher than their opponent.
Obviously, using this system, sometimes no-one will gain surprise (both sides are
aware of one another and the normal combat procedure may progress). When a
group (either the player characters or the referees NPCs or wild animals) have
surprise they can either:

1) Avoid any contact and let the NPCs

go on their way, or

2) Attack with impunity (an ambush),

until the ambushed group realize
they are being attacked, at which
point the standard combat
procedure needs to be followed.
Silenced shots and attacking in a
vacuum will all help in retaining the
element of surprise, but one of the
ambushed group is likely to see his
comrade drop this occurs on a
2D6 roll of 7+. Should this happen,
all of the attackers still get their
shot or blow, since we are using
simultaneous combat (see below).
The advantage of having surprise,
of course, is that the opponent
cannot fight back and if engaged in
melee, cannot parry.

Served in a military career +1
Leader or Tactics skill +1
Recon skill +1
In a vehicle -1
PCs/NPCs number 8+ -1
Animal life numbering 10+ -1
Animal is a Pouncer +1

2D6 Encounter At what range does the encounter
Range take place? Often this is evident
1 Melee (3m or less) from the situation at band, but if
2 Short (3-12m) random determination is required,
3 Melee (3m or less) then use the following 1970s
4 Medium (13-50m) system. Roll 2D6 on the
5 Short (3-12m) encounter range table, to the left,
6 Short (3-12m) adding in the relevant terrain DM.
7 Medium (13-50m)
8 Long (51-250m)
9 Medium (13-50m)
10 Very Long (251-500m)
11 Long(51-250m)
12 Very Long (251-500m)
13 Very Long (251-500m)

Terrain Type DM

Interior, Ship, Building -5

City -4
Underwater -1
Swamp, Marsh -1
Jungle, Forest -
Sea Surface +2
Hills, Rough Land +2
Arctic +2
Mountains, Plains +3
Open +3
Desert +4

Movement and Time
Characters and most ground-dwelling animals move at Speed 1 (6m) per round.
Most can increase their speed to a run, and for all humans and many animals this will
be Speed 2 (12m) per round. Some fast creatures run at Speed 3 (18m) per round,
see Cepheus Engine rules on animal encounters for more detail on this. We measure
time just as in Cepheus Engine, in 6-second combat rounds.

Simultaneous Combat
Few roleplaying game systems today employ simultaneous combat, but it is a fast
and effective way of adjudicating who acts when. Actually, we call it simultaneous
combat, but it is in fact a two-tier system. Melee combat is resolved first, followed by
all firearms and ranged combat, the reason for this will become clear later. All those
PCs who wish to attempt melee combat should do so, followed by any NPCs or
animals that wish to do so. All of the dice results and wounds are determined and
then described by the referee. After this, any PC who wishes to engage in ranged or
firearms combat should do so, followed by any NPC. All of the dice results and
wounds are determined and then described by the referee. The players may find that
two characters shoot one another, or stab one another, and the referee should let
this stand, it happens enough in the real world to cause us little concern.

Melee attacks are resolved first to give them an edge. Should a guard with a shotgun
walk around a corner straight into a character who is trying to disable a lock, that
guard has a choice. Does he raise his gun and try to shoot the character, waiting
until after the melee phase? Or does he participate in the melee phase and use his
gun as a club? If he were an infantryman, he might even have a bayonet on his rifle
with which he could make effective melee attacks. If he waits to shoot, however, he
gives the burglar a free melee attack which may result in him being injured and
suffer a penalty, or even disarmed.

Roll 8+ to hit a target in melee combat. Use the following DMs:

Str 9+ +1
Str 5- -1
Unskilled -3
Attackers Blade Cbt skill + level
Defenders Blade Cbt skill - level
Weakened Blow -1
Drawing weapon same round -3

Weakened Blows
A character is able to make a number of melee attacks equal to End without
becoming fatigued. After that point, all subsequent melee attacks are made as
Weakened Blows with a -1 to hit. Wounds to Endurance suffered during the melee
do not alter this value, although wounds suffered before the encounter certainly do.
After the fight is over, a few minutes out of combat will remove the Weakened Blows

A victim being attacked in melee by someone with a weapon can automatically try to
parry those attacks. This is represented in the 70s Retro Rules by applying the
victims Blade Combat skill as a penalty DM to the attackers chance to hit. If the
attacker is using his bare hands in a brawling attack, then the defender can apply his
Brawling skill as a penalty DM to the attackers chance to hit.

An unarmed brawling attack can be used to either inflict 1D damage to the victim, or
it can be used to grab the victim for some other effect (the player decides before the
dice are thrown). Decide whether to:

Throw the Victim Inflicts 1 point of damage, plus the attackers Str (rd down)
Drag the Victim Drag up to the attackers Str (rd down) in one combat
Disarm the Victim Force him to drop his weapon; if the attacker makes a Str roll
he gets to take the weapon for himself.
Hold the Victim Hold him immobile; until the grapplers attention is diverted, at
which point he can attempt to break-away with a Str roll.

Roll 8+ to hit a target in ranged combat. Use the following DMs:
Dex 9+ +1
Dex 5- -1
Unskilled -3
Attackers Gun Cbt skill + level
Over Optimum Range -2
Over Twice the Optimum Range -4
Close Range (Under 3 meters) +2
Target Dodging (Under 50m) -2
(Over 50m) -4
In Partial Hard Cover -2
Autofire 4 rd burst X2
Autofire 10 rd burst X3
Shotgun (full length) within 20m 4D6 +1
within 40m 2D6 +1
over 40m 1D6 -2
Shotgun (sawn-off) within 10m 4D6 +1
within 20m 2D6 -
over 20m 1D6 -2
Drawing/Unslinging gun same round -3

Guns and Range Firearm Optimum

Weapon ranges are kept simple in the Range
1970s Retro Rules. Every gun has an Revolver 15m
Optimum Range and this range is used on Auto Pistol 15m
the DM table to establish hit probabilities. Body Pistol 8m
The table here gives the Optimum Ranges Snub Pistol 8m
of most common firearms. Shotgun 40m
Shotgun (sawn off) 20m
Shotguns Rifle 200m
Shotguns often fire shot that spreads as it Carbine 150m
leaves the barrel, increasing the chance to Auto Rifle 200m
hit. Also, as the shot disperses, the Assault Rifle 150m
potential damage of that attack reduces. Accelerator Rifle 100m
Because of this a shotgun gains a +1 at Advanced Combat Rifle 150m
half Optimum range and does 4D6 Gauss Rifle 250m
damage. Within Optimum range it does SMG 50m
2D6 damage and it inflicts 1D6 over Laser Pistol 15m
Optimum range. Shortened or sawn-off Laser Carbine 150m
shotguns have commensurately shorter Laser Rifle 250m
ranges. The damage for shotguns as well as all of the factored range DMs are
included in a special section on the table of to hit Die Modifiers (above).

A typical 4 round burst of gunfire grants TWO attack rolls on the target at the normal
skill chance. In addition, the gunman gets that same number of attacks on any non-
dodging adjacent targets (this time with a DM of -3). Some autofire weapons are
capable of 10 round bursts they get 3 attacks and get to attack 3 adjacent targets.

AutoFire No. of Attacks On the Adjacent Targets Coming Under

Level Target (DM +0) Fire (DM -3)
Single Shot 1 Attack None
4rd burst 2 Attacks 2 Adjacent Targets
10 rd burst 3 Attacks 3 Adjacent Targets
This ability to hit or threaten adjacent targets simulates both collateral damage as
well as suppressive fire since the target will most likely (should, most likely!) react
by dodging to avoid the chance of being hit by adjacent autofire hits.

To throw a dagger, grenade or anything else, roll 8+ and use the following DMs:

Dex 9+ +1
Dex 5- -1
Attackers Blade Cbt skill (if throwing a blade weapon) + level
Weakened Blow -1

Throwing Grenades
Most daggers, spears, javelins etc. can
be thrown out to 15m. Grenades thrown
in tense situations can reach 10 meters,
plus twice the throwers Str.

Damage and wounding in the 70s Retro Rules are broadly similar to those in the
Cepheus Engine. Follow these steps:

1) Subtract any Armour points from the attack damage

2) Reduce Endurance by the amount left
3) When End is 0, the victim is Wounded
4) If more damage is suffered, reduce Str or Dex appropriately (players choice)
5) When a second characteristic is reduced to 0, the victim is Seriously Wounded
and knocked unconscious for 2D6 minutes.
6) If all three characteristics are reduced to 0, the character is Dead

How Badly Injured Are You?

Guidelines for interpreting the different wound states follow.

Wound Type Effect

Cut or bruised, but unaffected
Minor Injury
Still fighting, but wounded, reduce movement rate to 3m
Wounded per round (half speed).
Knocked out for 2D6 minutes and suffering bleeding or
Seriously other trauma. It doesnt look good.
Dead is dead. Unless you are an android
Medical Attention
More serious wounds require more complex treatment.

Wound Type Attention Required

Minor Injury Gain 1 point of End per hour of rest.
Wounded Routine (+2) Medical roll will add +2 points for that
injury only. DM: -2 if no first aid kit available.

Knocked out for 2D6 minutes, when awakens all

Seriously characteristics at 0 are set to 1. Victim will deteriorate,
Wounded suffering 1D6 damage every hour unless medic makes an
Average (0) Medical roll. DMs: 0 if using advanced
trauma kit, -2 if using a first aid kit, -4 if no medical tools
available. Make this roll every hour until successful, or
the victim dies. If successful, character begins to regain 1
characteristic point per day, or zero per day if not

There are three general classes of vehicle: Softskin, Light Armour and Heavy
Armour. Whilst heavy armor is primarily used on main battle tanks, light armor is
employed on APCs and other quasi-military vehicles.

Roll to hit a vehicle on 8+; use the Gun

Combat DMs.

Heavy Weapons Fire

If firing a heavy weapon, such as a heavy
machine gun, starship weapon, anti-tank
rocket or missile, heavy laser or tank gun,
then replace Gun Combat skill with Heavy
Weapons skill.

Roll 2D6 to determine damage:

2D6 Effect
1-7 No effect No effect
8-9 Minor Damage The vehicle may be disabled and unable to move, or have
its armament disabled.
10-12 Destroyed The vehice explodes. Everyone makes a Dex roll. All
occupants suffer 1-6D6 damage.

Use the following DMs:

Autocannon/Heavy Machine-gun/ -4
Smallarms (see ruling below)
Heavy Armour 0
Light Armour +2
Softskin +4
Vehicle Tech Levels difference applied, in favour of highest TL

Small Arms Fire

This includes most hand weapons, machineguns, grenades, shorguns, anti-personnel
mines, rifles, etc. Roll to hit the vehicle as normal. When a cumulative damage total
is reached during the combat (including small arms fire from any other characters
participating in the battle) then the player gets to make a single roll on the damage
table (above). The Cumulative Damage Scores are:

Softskin 20 points
Light Armour 50 points
Heavy Armour 80 points

After each the battle, or after a roll is made on the damage table, the vehicles total
is re-set to zero.
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User. Cepheus Engine System Reference Document, Copyright 2016 Samardan
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Cepheus Engines 70s 2D6 Retro Rules, Copyright 2017 Zozer Games, author Paul


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