Bramble Cocktail
Bramble Cocktail
Bramble Cocktail
By George Sinclair.
The Bramble is a cocktail that has seen its way onto almost every UK cocktail
bars menu, And although a correct recipe is not always used, it is still a
testament to its excellence, of both flavour, and memorable naming, that others
are continually trying to improve its simple formula.
I have to be honest here, although I worked with Mr. Bradsell, I never actually
asked him the story behind the Brambles creation, so I haven't actually verified
whether the story is 100% true, regarding the mid 1980s timeframe, and
The recipe that I will first list, for the Bramble, was the one that I was taught by
Dick Bradsell himself, while working with him at Match; I state this as there is
another recipe making the rounds, which I don't think is taken directly from Dick.
It is probably just another example of people trying to "improve" this modern
Build over crushed ice, in a whisky glass. Stir, then pour over ¾ shot of cremé
de mûre; garnish with a lemon slice and two raspberries.
And that is the way Dick Bradsell showed me how to make them, simple and
quick to make. The only complaints were used to get about them were from
British customers with a dislike for glasses filled with ice.
Some fellows choice to use a different recipe than that which is listed above, and
that recipe is generally the same as that which follows:
50ml Gin.
25ml Fresh Lemon Juice.
½ shot sugar syrup
Build over crushed ice, in a tall glass. Stir, then pour over 1 shot of cremé de
mûre; garnish with a lemon slice and a blackberry.
Some bartenders even shake the gin, lemon and sugar with ice, and then strain
it over the crushed ice. And do not even think about pouring frozen gin, as
dilution of the crushed ice is a key part of this drink. As the drink melts, the taste
changes; It is not meant to be wickedly strong, but should be seen as an
amiable tipple, something to ruminate over, rather than just bracing yourself for
The Garnish.
The keen-eyed will notice that the second, "other", recipe for the Bramble
couples the blackberry liqueur with a Blackberry as a garnish. However, Dick
Bradsell insists that the garnish of choice, his choice as the creator of the drink,
is two raspberries and a slice of lemon.
The Fix.
Listed in Jerry Thomas' bartenders guide (1862), and subsequently copied by Leo
Engel in his work, the Fix is the forefather of the Bramble. As a category, the Fix
is regarded as being dead, however it would seem that it in fact lives on, as the
Gin Fix.
If the Raspberry Syrup were to be floated onto the top of the drink, during the
preparation of this recipe, then I would say that it would be a dead-ringer for a
Bramble. London dry gin would be preferred rather than the malty taste of
Hollands Gin (aka. Jenever).
This is exactly the same as the Bramble, except that Canadian whiskey is used
instead of Gin; This recipe dates from at least the 1960s. Did Dick Bradsell take
the CBF and swap in the Gin? To be frank, it doesn't really matter. A modern
Classic was born and for this we should be thankful, and good luck ordering a
"Canadian Blackberry Fix" in a bar.
The Bramble is a smart combination of a good, simple recipe with a good simple
Tequila Bramble.
1 ½ shots Tequila
¾ shot fresh lime juice
½ shot sugar syrup
Build over crushed ice, in a whisky glass. Stir, then pour over ¾ shot of cremé
de cassis (blackcurrent liqueur); garnish with a lemon slice and two raspberries.
The Tequila Bramble was recommended to me, in preference to the regular Gin-
type Bramble, by my friend Lynnford Jones, and was described by he as being
better balanced, and more flavourfull. Its a great drink, I should try to remember
it in future, when drinking in cocktail bars. Note how lime is used instead of
lemon, this is because the lime compliments the flavours of the tequila and
blackberry liqueur better, and you don't need a better reason than that in a
culinary artform like cocktail-making.
Tip: Try to choice a dark liqueur, as one of the points of the Bramble is that the
berry-flavoured liqueur should cascade down through the crushed ice, as it is
served. When done right it is very pleasing, visually.
The problems that I have with the above recipe, used by Diego Garcia, is that it
is not the same balance as the original recipe created by Dick Bradsell, as well as
the method of preparation being more long-winded than Dick would go for.
However, if Diego is happy with it, and more importantly, his customers are
happy with the recipe, then it is, of course, fine.
When floating/ drizzling/ lacing the Creme de Mure onto the top of the Bramble,
it is recommended that you first insert the drinking straws, as the straws mess
up the cascading effect of the liqueur passing down through the crushed ice.