Research For Industry
Research For Industry
Research For Industry
DOI 10.1007/s13203-011-0001-3
2 Appl Petrochem Res (2012) 1:12
production is vast and the need for up to date information to Advantages of publishing in Applied Petrochemical
avoid duplication of effort is acute. Technology reviews of Research
areas that are pertinent to petrochemical production are
welcomed. For example, sources of propylene, ethylene There are some specific advantages of publishing in
polymerization technology, overview of lubricants, etc. Applied Petrochemical Research, which is an open access
(b) The breadth of topics in petrochemical research journal made possible by the generous sponsorship by the
naturally dilutes the research effort in any one field com- King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology (KACST)
pared to that in fuels refining. It is not always clear whether in Saudi Arabia:
a specific direction of investigation is viable. Although it is (a) The author retains copyright on the manuscript. The
customary to report only on successes in research, we hope material may therefore be freely duplicated and distributed.
to also attract scientifically reasoned reports on failed (b) The journal is provided free of charge and no sub-
petrochemical applications. scription is needed. The readership is consequently not
(c) Unlike energy applications, where non-carbon energy restricted.
sources (e.g. hydroelectric and nuclear power) can be (c) Publication is managed by Springer. Manuscripts are
employed as alternatives to carbon-based fuels, petro- professionally typeset to the same standard as all other jour-
chemicals are by definition based on carbon. Around 10% nals published by Springer. The journal is also automatically
of current global fossil fuel (i.e. carbon) consumption included in journal packages supplied to libraries, thereby
is directed towards petrochemical production and most ensuring wide dissemination and promotion of the work.
petrochemicals are produced from conventional crude oil. (d) It is an international journal. Manuscripts are subject
Sustainability is clearly an important issue and different to full peer-review and the journal is indexed by major
pathways for the production of petrochemicals may have scientific databases and search engines.
to be developed to ensure sustainability. More carbon-
efficient petrochemical production from crude oil, as well as Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis-
petrochemical production other carbon-based feed materi- tribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
als (e.g. biomass, coal, waste, natural gas) is of interest. author(s) and source are credited.