Issue 9 - The Falcon Flyer
Issue 9 - The Falcon Flyer
Issue 9 - The Falcon Flyer
Volume XIII, Issue IX 21401 SE Falcon Way Kent, WA April 30, 2010
2 Meet the
The Falcon Flyer
• There is a bulletproof
tie that can stop a 9mm
it’s got great support, great kids; it’s just a fantastic Paulson said that the success of the team truly
Daniel Tadeo community.” relies on the players getting together to do what Paul-
Copy Editor Paulson is prepared to make pivotal changes. son says.
It was officially announced on April 21 that Chris “We’re going to institute a culture of accountability Aside from football, Paulson will become part of
Paulson of Mount Rainier High School will succeed where kids are going to be held to a certain standard, the teaching staff. “The position that was posted was
Shepard as the new head coach. Last December, the hopefully that translates to success on the field,” said [for] social studies and technology, so he’ll probably
Paulson. be teaching some of those classes,” said Rick. There
administration chose to remove Mike Shepard as
For the past two years, Paulson was the head is still no word on what specific classes.
head coach. Shortly thereafter, they began a search
coach of the Mount Rainier Rams, accumulating an According to the 2010 Parent and Player Hand-
for his replacement.
overall record of 8-11, an improvement from their book, the program is structured towards building an
Paulson stood out amongst the ten applicants who
previous record of two wins in the years prior to his intimately unified and school-spirited team. Their
applied, Athletic Director Bruce Rick said, “There
arrival. mission statement provides 20 reasons why the pro-
were a lot of things. One was just his energy, the en-
“I live in the Kentlake area,” said Paulson on his gram is unique, many of which benefit the school.
thusiasm, [and] his philosophy about how the entire
motive for a change in venue. “I think Kentlake’s One example is reason 11, which states that “the team
program should be structured.”
the place where [I] can just stay at for a really long will take part in the annual ‘Beautify Kentlake’ event,
More importantly, his take on the idea of a “differ-
time.” where players will help civic leaders with landscap-
ent approach” was exactly what the administration
After analyzing some game film, Paulson said that ing, clean-up, and generally sprucing up our commu-
was looking for. “The bottom line [was] the fact that
some of the players that stood out were juniors Tyler nity.”
he didn’t see it as a football team,” said Rick, “he saw
Jewett, Nick Kramlich, and sophomore Austin Per- When asked whether it would be uncomfortable to
it as a program, developing the student athletes as teach or coach knowing that Shepard is in the build-
well-rounded individuals and not football players.” “He seemed like a pretty nice guy,” said Pernell. ing, Paulson said, “No, not at all. He’s a great guy and
“I’m excited,” said Paulson, “I can’t even tell you “He’s really organized and has his stuff together, so I respect everything he did at Kentlake…I’d love to
how excited I am to go to a place like Kentlake. I think we’ll have a really good season next year.” have a working relationship with him.”
Paulson’s Record
When their friends Brad (Mark Ruffalo) and Haley that moment on, they find themselves embroiled in
(Kristen Wiig) announce that they will be getting a something they never imagined possible.
divorce, the Fosters decide to change it up. Phil takes The film is full of hysterical lines that cause an
Claire to a new trendy restaurant where seating is eruption of laughter from the audience. To compliment
Photo by
The Falcon Flyer 11
Too late for a 24 movie?
Brian Benshoof Sutherland who has logged almost
200 hours as this federal agent. Each
family members, quit, rehired, fired, ‘Day 6’ was possibly the worst season
took on a new identity, rehired, invaded ever, pulling all of the same punches as
Staff Reporter episode is cast in real time, so an embassy, tortured and brought a seasons past.
If there was ever an award for that in an entire day 24 hours corrupted President to justice, witnessed In fact, the show has lost so much
being a bodacious awesome manly, have passed, just like in a nuclear bomb detonation, captured popularity, when asked “What do you
frickin’ hero, it would have the reality. So commercials are by the Chinese, rescues, rehired, saved think of 24?” many students replied
following requirements. used to kill dead time such the President, been infected with “Well, it’s a very nice number.” With the
You need to take a punch, as characters traveling nuclear material, retired, rehired, lost series ending, will Bauer finally retire
or 50 for that matter, a car or being debriefed. In his girlfriend for good? For us
battery connected to your Day’s 1-6 all events to a Russian “Fox has con.rmed there fans, the answer
toes and chest, being cut by took place in CTU assassin, and if fortunately
a Middle Eastern terrorist Field Office in Los spread in- will be a 24 movie in the no. Fox has
who splashes vodka on your Angeles. The past between had confirmed there
wounds, and being shot at two days have the crap kicked 2012. Of course, the time will be a 24
taken place on out of him movie in the
on a regular for a movie may have 2012. Of course,
regularly for an entire day.
You need to deal well with the east coast,
authority, disarm nuclear bombs, one in Washington
D.C. and the other
basis. Also, he
has been seen
passed.” the time for a
movie may have
and most importantly, you need to
be prepared to sacrifice for your in the heart of New eating food passed. With
country. York City. once, and never been reported to use the each ‘tick’ of the electronic clock the
There is only one man who is still Each ‘Day’ there is a bathroom. shows popularity has decreased, and the
qualifies for this award. Walkter situation in progress Starting in 2001, 24 is respectably ‘average-movie-goer’ may be somewhat
PPK wielding Counter Terrorist that posses dire the most action packed and mind- confused upon Bauer’s history. With
Unit (CTU) agent Jack Bauer, importance, either racing show in recent years. Here I no doubt his old connections will be
the most dedicated son-of-a- an assassination should state that I am more than just resurrected (except that the majority
gun you will ever encounter. attempt or a nuclear an avid 24 watcher, I’m a diehard fan. are literally dead.)
As the sole survivor from attempt. Fox announced that this season of 24 Until Jack hits the big screens though,
season 1 (or day as true fans say) Throughout the will be the last. The problem is show I will spend the remaining four Monday’s
Photo by series Bauer has lost rating have dropped in previous years. of 24 tuned into Fox.
Bauer is portrayed by Kiefer
Four men in a hot tub were never so entertaining unfolding before your permanently scarred eyes. This is awesome. Combined with Rob Corddry (with the part
Brendan Cescon the type of humor where swearing is expected, violence of “friend that always gets them into trouble”)
Copy Editor anticipated, and naked women run free like horses on and Craig Robinson (who plays
the plains- all the proper ingredients to a the “sensitive black man”) they
Hot tubs are multipurpose utilities commonly found beasty man-movie. form a crazy clan of careless
in hotels, wealthy residences, and hot tub stores. They One of comrades committed to
are often used for a process known as “tubbing,” creating the crudest craze ever
where an individual will sit in the hot conceived of. They succeed
tub nude (or almost nude) undoubtedly.
motionless for days on end. Hot Tub is rated R,
Other uses for these clever and rightly so. It features
contraptions include male nudity, drugs, obscene
bonding, female bonding, language, strong sexual
male/female bonding, male/ content, graphic violence,
female/female bonding, or explicit sexual references,
reproduction. However, a and just sex in general.
newly proposed use has been It is not a family movie,
theorized by the film industry: or really a date movie
Time Travel. This, at least, is either. It is even hard
the premise of Hot Tub Time to watch with other
Machine, a movie about four guys guys (although besides
who accidentally get transported being alone, that is
to the 80s via hot tub (with a little your best choice).
help from Chevy Chase, who plays b y im Hopefully the volume
an uncompassionate repairman). of your laughter will
The movie is basically a override the extreme
combination of The Hangover, Back awkwardness between you and your
to the Future, and a Bob Saget stand- ine. buds. It will make you laugh, and it might make you
up comedy routine. Because of this, e Mach
H o t Tub Tim the most cry (not because of sad parts, but more so because of
b in
the plot was predictable and crude. li n ’ in a hot tu shocking aspects of this the unnecessarily close shot of male buttocks). Either
en ch il
Needless to say, I laughed my cuss off e a n d a half m film, however, is John Cusack’s deviation way though I would not pass it. Not many movies are
both times I watched it. Few movies T from his normal caring, likeable, pleasant, “nice guy” as steamy as this one.
can get away with as much cliché as this one did, but it persona (like in Grace is Gone, Martian Child, Must
pulled it off well. So much happens in every minute of Love Dogs, Say Anything, Better Off Dead, etc…)
the film that it is impossible to get bored, since your and molds into a much fowler, self-loathing cretin
mind is trying to comprehend the madness that is that seems too obscene for a Cusack character. This is
• Dress cut makes for • Camisole subtly raises
“peek-a-boo bra.” neckline.
That makes everyone • Light jacket or car-
uncomfortable digan adds color and
• Cinching the belt too texture, while allow-
tight might make your ing you to adjust for
waist smaller, but cor- the weather
sets were so two cen- • Outfit is now both
comfortable and styl-
turies ago
• Too much skin
Euro-pop invades Seattle smooth vocals and classical with an alternative twist With their unique sound so fine-tuned, Muse
Jordan Middleton
Staff Reporter was also a fan favorite in the midst of the show. seems a delightful contradiction,
Bellamy, strutting the stage in a pair of neon as their music is best when
April 2, 2010, six o’clock, the Key Arena in Seattle blue skinny jeans, kept the energy performed live. Unlike
was surrounded with a sea of eager and very wind- level on high with so many artists these
blown Muse fans. Inside the Arena, vendors stocked his almost days, Muse doesn’t rely
up the concessions and booths were stacked with childish on the magic of studio
everything from Muse tee shirts, dog tags and CD’s to enthusiasm. recording to sound
official Muse underwear. Fans huddled in clusters of One moment, their best. The stage is
umbrellas and raincoats, bracing the ice cold wind and however, he simply their element.
on-again-off-again rain. Some boasted everything from cooled down Contrary to listening
Muse tattoos to home-made Muse buttons, others had enough to to their albums, when
spent days venturing to the Emerald city from eastern croon out a few Muse takes the stage
Washington and even Idaho to see the British music tunes such as they add a certain
phenomena live in concert. None were disappointed. ‘Hate This and twist to most of their
The band, hailing from Teignmouth, England, is I’ll Love You’ tracks, adding a
comprised of Mathew Bellamy (lead vocals, guitar), while playing flare to guitar solos
Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocals, and on his or playing certain
excellent harmonica player) and Dominic Howard songs acoustically
(drums and percussion). Their music is an for a more
illustrious blend of alternative, classical, emotional effect.
electronic and heavy metal that The overall
comes alive when Muse takes the experience of
stage. Known for their high- Muse is greatly
energy performances, I amplified when
had high expectations listened to live.
for the concert. Before
y awmu
All which were Photo b disappearing into
met and some the night, the
certainly band left fans
exceeded. so unruffled
After seven at the
o’clock thought
finally of leaving
r o l l e d that they
around, h e l d
and every out for
patron not one,
shuffled but two
in to their encores.
seats after The first
purchasing was met
s o m e with much
official Muse enthusiasm
merchandise, as they rocked
the light dimmed out to their hit
and the opening band ‘Hysteria’ that
took the stage. Silversun before the lights could
Pickups, a popular switch on, the audience
band based in Los Angeles, was so wild the band came
started the show with favorites back onstage for one last song.
like ‘Substitution’ and ‘Panic Switch’, Photo by Wolstenholme, an accomplished
finishing their set with their hit single ‘The harmonica player, played a smoldering
Royal We’. Although well received, the real excitement intro to the final song of the night, a song beloved
began when the first audible notes of Muse’ title track to any Muse fanatic: Knights of Cydonia. With my
‘Resistance’ echoed in the Arena. piano which lit up with each note (think of a piano ears thoroughly blown out and everyone around me
The success of Muse’ latest album, The Resistance, crossed with Lite Brite’s). Other visual treats were in sounding like screaming chipmunks, I left not only
was apparent with their impressive reception. The store as strobe lights and lime green lasers (epileptics satisfied with the music, but with the overall visuals
album, which dropped September 15, 2009, topped beware) lit up the entire venue, in perfect synch with and performance. Muse is the only band that I, an avid
album chart in over nineteen countries around the the music. Three columns on stage lit up like flat concert-goer, can truly say sounds better live than
world. ‘Uprising’ was the first single off the album and screens with images that corresponded with the music recorded, period. For anyone in the mood for a night
features a music video complete with evil teddy bears or images that were there just to make you wonder of raucous, high-energy insanity, keep a sharp eye out
terrorizing a post apocalyptic looking town. Following (such as the flashing image of a woman savoring a bite for the next time they roll around to Seattle, or pick up
the first single was Undisclosed Desires, a blend of of hamburger). one of their CD’s. You won’t regret it.
The Falcon Flyer
Cyrus flick fails to fulfill potential back home to New York, Ronnie spends a good deal of dramatic, which may also be in part to a somewhat
Yasmin Abubakar the summer ignoring her father. During this time, she amateur script. Hearing Cyrus yell daddy in an almost
Student Life Editor meets a local boy by the name of Will Blakelee, played childish way made for a strangely awkward moment.
by Hemsworth in his first starring role in a major film. Oddly enough, it was Sparks who actually co-wrote the
Nicholas Sparks is known for novels that follow As the summer wears on, Ronnie finds her attitude script and although he wrote a best-selling novel, his
the themes of love and tragedy. With such books as towards her dad changing and realizes that she was turn as a screenwriter was not as successful. Cyrus
A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Dear John wrong all along about the reasons why her father was also unable to show the proper emotion at the
and most recently, The Last Song, Sparks has made left. Those familiar with Sparks’ work know that his right times, remaining dry-eyed and merely sniffling
a name for himself by writing stories that appeal to novels usually have tragic twists. The Last Song is no loudly when tears should have been streaming down
a mostly female audience. Several of Sparks’ novels different. The surprise here is that Steve is terminally her cheeks. Although Cyrus was the star of the film, the
have made their way onto the big screen. This is true ill with stomach cancer, which was a major factor in screen stealer in this movie had to be Bobby Coleman,
for his newest book The Last Song. Starring Miley why he wanted his kids to visit. Upon learning of her who played Ronnie’s younger brother Jonah. Coleman
Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth and Greg Kinnear, it is the father’s illness, Ronnie decides to stay with him until may be remembered for his lead role in the movie
story of a girl’s evolving relationship with her father his death a few months later. Martian Child. Coleman played his character with
and the unexpected romance she finds on a summer As with most book to movie adaptations, The Last such emotion and intensity that he easily surpassed
vacation that she never wanted to take. Song left a lot to be desired. Without reading the Cyrus’ underwhelming performance.
Cyrus plays Ronnie Miller, a seventeen year old story, it may have been more appealing; however the It is difficult to be truly satisfied with any movie
girl whose mother sends her and her ten year old problem lies not only in the plot but also with the adaptation of a book. Sometimes Hollywood gets it
brother Jonah to Wilmington, North Carolina to visit acting. Hemsworth and Kinnear, hold their own, right and sometimes they miss the mark. Unfortunately
their estranged father, Steve, played by Kinnear. Steve portraying their characters as true to the book as is for director Julie Anne Robinson, The Last Song was
and Ronnie’s mother Kim, played by Kelly Preston in possible. Cyrus on the other hand seems lacking in the far from being as noteworthy as it could have been.
a minor role, had gotten a divorce three years earlier acting department. Having had her own TV show for
and since that time Ronnie refused to speak with her several years, Cyrus is not new to acting, though her
father, believing that he had abandoned the family with performance in The Last Song may suggest otherwise.
no good reason. Angry and wanting desperately to go At times Cyrus’ portrayal of Ronnie appeared over
Hypnotist show brings about side-splitting laughter
speaking nonsense to audience members or to suddenly realize that they were Ker-
Jordan Middleton mit the frog. Other highlights included volunteers believing that Caine was missing
Staff Reporter the back half of his pants as he attempted to seat himself on their laps.
The Performing Arts Center was occupied with falcons all eager to be amazed echnical difficulties aside, and Caine had the whole PAC rolling with laughter by
at the hypnotist show on April 15th. After paying ten dollars admission and hav- the end. The volunteers were seated once more after Dr. Feel Good helped usher
ing hands stamped with a rocket stamp, students waited patiently for the show to them from their dazed stupor. Caine, in his final act, promised the volunteers that
begin. Shuffling into seats in groups of three or so, friends greeted friends as the it was up to them if they remember anything about the show. Although, for some of
excitement brewed. Behind the audience, however, the tech crew toiled anxiously the volunteers, forgetting what transpired might be a blessing. Skeptic or steadfast
at their post. Pressed for time, they tried to fix whatever technical difficulty that believer in hypnosis, the hypnotist show was a night of comedy and mysticism.
held up the show’s start for over half an hour.
Even after all glitches were taken care of, there was still a pre-show spectacle be-
fore the hypnotist took the stage. Senior Jener DaSilva grabbed the mic and, whip-
ping out a homemade sign, creatively asked his sweetheart to prom. This seemed
to tide over the restless crowd long enough.
Finally, with the tech crew ready, accomplished hypnotist Michael Caine, aka
Dr. Feel Good, began the show. Calling a variety of students to the stage for what
seemed a preliminary round of hypnosis, the soothing relaxation music began as
the volunteers took their seats onstage. After a few minutes of deep breathing and
listening to Caine’s pleasing baritones, most of the falcons seemed quite subdued.
But even after his command to ‘sleep!’ several students left the stage disappointed.
The remainders, however, were, unsurprisingly, all seniors.
This did not bode well for skeptics in the audience, such as sophomore Jake
Sumpter, who scoffed at the idea of hypnosis. “Of course it’s fake, just like that
Cirque du Soleil,” said Sumpter. Despite some skepticism, everyone at least en-
joyed the comedic aspect of the show. Watching the volunteers begin to smell a foul
stench at Caine’s command was rather amusing, but what truly added to the whole
experience was Caine’s agreeable sense of humor. Caine had appropriate comedic
timing as well as clear respect for all participants involved in his shenanigans.
Among the volunteers was senior Auric Kaur, who hardly remembers a bit of
what transpired while under Caine’s hypnosis. “All I remember was his voice… say-
ing to take ten steps into… relaxation.” Kaur said. “And that every time we heard
the audience laugh, to be more relaxed.” Seniors were also subject to such games Photo by Jordan Middleton
as having certain words such as ‘politics’ or ‘Muppets’ cause them to run around Seniors Nikole Weber and Jener DaSilva look dazed and confused at the hypnotist show.
16 StudentLife
The Falcon Flyer
Haley Herbig waltzes her way to the top
McKenna Herron
Staff Reporter
Haley Herbig is a ninth grader who has ning dancers incorporating different types of
found her passion in this category. She took dances. The second is for the more advanced
up dancing about a year ago and has climbed dancers, Herbig’s position, with partners that
higher than many of her peers and at a much are professional dancers. The last part is the
faster pace as well. In about fourteen months, professionals putting on shows. “I really like
Haley has grown from a beginner to a tough it because we get to dance with and meet all
competitor and successfully reached the high the professionals. They’re really cool,” said
dancing levels. “I used to play volleyball,” said Herbig.
Herbig, “but, honestly, it doesn’t even com- Herbig has already won many awards in the
pare. I love dancing. Everyone in my family short amount of time that she has been com-
was really surprised, too; none of us stick with peting and has been told she’s a very talented
anything. They’re really impressed that I’ve dancer. Herbig recalled her favorite award
been able to keep go- and although it may not
ing for this long and
improve so much.”
“When you go out there be the fanciest it defi-
nitely has the most sen-
Latin and ballroom it’s like you’re on top timental value. “It was
dancing began to take my very first one which
place in Herbig’s life
of the world.” happened to take place
when she first discov- - Haley Herbig at my first competition.
ered a form of dance I got this trophy, it was
called Lindy Hop. “I plastic, but I remember
really liked it and just had to be apart of it,” everything so clearly so that’s probably my fa-
said Herbig. Her grandfather was also an elite vorite award,” said Herbig.
dancer. He won a jitterbug championship in Herbig says that she plans on continuing
the 1950s. with this throughout her life. She said that
Latin and ballroom dancing is an all-year she has made so many friends so far and is
requirement for Herbig and involves plenty constantly introduced to fascinating people
of dedication. Herbig practices two or more and dancers. Aside from her friendships, she
hours a week at the Clips Dance Studio and loves the exhilaration of dancing. “I love being
is also expected to keep up on her own time. out on the floor. When you go out there, it’s
Juggling schoolwork, social life, and dancing like you’re on top of the world. It’s amazing,
is a full time job for this student. Herbig de- I mean, everything about it is just indescrib-
scribed their competitions with three separate able,” said Herbig. Herbig hopes to climb even
parts. There are amateur, pro am, and profes- higher with ballroom dancing and sees herself Photo Curtesy of Haley Herbig
sional dancers. The first part consists of begin- very successful in the future. Haley Herbig dances the waltz with her professional partner.
Zhelezniak. Ievgenii Zhelezniak. Yes, it sounds just as it is spelled. There is more to this
sophomore than just an unpronounceable name. Born in Ukraine and moving here when
he was 12, Ievgenii (or Eugene as he goes by) is known throughout the halls for being pos-
sibly the most advanced student to date.
Known by some as “the Ukrainian Einstein of today” Zhelezniak spends after school
hours in the math rooms reading ahead, writing the ‘warm-ups’ and teaching those strug-
gling to complete Algebra. “I am just trying to help out,” said Zhelezniak. He is one bad
man with a mean calculator.
Zhelezniak said his favorite part of math was “busting out his calculator an infinity
amount of times a day.” He also has taken a liking to pi. “I like knowing how stuff works.
It intrigues me,” said Zhelezniak. After school Zhelezniak is the best source for last minute
cramming and trying to figure out how a number can be imaginary. “He’s always here,
Eugene is my most devoted student,” said math teacher Virginia Milam.
Despite his reputation in the math department, chemistry and physics have grasped
Zhelezniak’s attention as well. Zhelezniak also is known for his strides to go beyond what
is required. For example, a simple health project transformed into a 55 minute presenta-
tion with Microsoft-worthy brochures and jam-packed with information on arteries, coro-
naries, and the circulatory system.
Of course, school is not the only thing Zhelezniak is interested in. “I enjoy hanging out
with friends, playing basketball and pickle-ball and watching movies,” said Zhelezniak.
Photo by Kaitlyn Miklancic This monster mastermind is not to be ignored. Maybe come finals time he could prove
Eugene Zhelezniak diligently works on a chemistry problem. to be a major help.
Anime fans stay true to their passion supernatural drama, to shockingly adult content.
Cynthiann Heckelsmiller The settings span everywhere from past legends of
Co Editor-in-Chief Japanese culture, to futuristic dystopias. Storylines
The French may have invented the word, the are often more complex and abstract than Ameri-
Japanese originated the art form, but it is American can animated features. They typically center on am-
teens who took anime and turned it into the sub- biguous characters, and themes of nature, war, and
culture phenomenon it is today. Borrowed from the love. The most popular name in anime is undoubt-
French l’animé, anime is simply classified as the edly Hayao Miyazaki. The famed filmmaker has
Japanese style of cartooning. produced such classics as Totoro, Spirited Away,
For the Anime Club, defining anime is less clean- Princess Mononoke, and the recent Ponyo. “Any-
cut, and more of an art. Words are thing that comes out of your imagi-
not enough for this close-knit group “Anything that nation can be anime,” said O’Neal.
of students. To explain, half of the Thursday club meetings are a
group rushed advisor Mark Gaul’s
comes out of chance for anime-enthusiasts to
white board, armed with pens like your imagina- come together. “It’s popular among
katanas. The Pikachu-squeaking of those who want to appreciate Japa-
the markers blended with the chat-
tion can be nese culture,” said O’Neal. Mem-
ter of the artists. When they stepped anime.” bers and non-members alike are
back, senior Niki Rogers tried to invited to meetings. “We basically
explain the differences between
- Holly O’Neal watch anime, play word games, and
American and Japanese cartooning. have drawing contests,” said fresh-
“It’s more realistic, in a cartoonish way,” she said, man Matt Shepard.
motioning between her drawing of the footballish Though to club members, the culture of anime is
American icon, Stewie Griffin, and a club-mate’s an intensely interesting endeavor, to those outside
wide-eyed anime. “It’s a subtle difference.” the club, it is often termed “weird.” “In America, it’s
Despite layman’s belief, there is more to anime considered nerdy,” said O’Neal. “[They] equate it
than Pokemon, Digimon, and Sailor Moon. It is a to Star Trek.” Despite some discrimination, anime
veritable culture with its own legends, heroes, fash- fans remain hard core. Proudly, they show their de-
ions, books, music, and language. The artwork’s votion in clothing and the occasional cat-ear head-
style is both stylized and diverse. There are anime band. It is not so much a need to stand out, as it
for children, like Totoro and Pokemon. “Personally, is an expression of their interests. The nerd label
I got into it when Pokemon cards were popular,” slides off like water on a duck’s back. “I’m not re-
Artwork by Holly O’Neal
said club president Holly O’Neal. Anime grows with ally bothered by it,” said O’Neal. “I don’t care what
its followers, melding from adventure comedy, to people think.” An example of an amine drawing.
Go See The Play
The Falcon Flyer 19
20 Sports
The Falcon Flyer
Fastpitch Photo by Megan Rogers
Judo entlake
Spring Sports
Tennis Photo by Michaela Mandala
Photo by Michaela Mandala
The Falcon Flyer
Tennis team serves up a new year
Erin Hunt
Staff Reporter
In most students’ lives, tennis balls have made an ap-
pearance at one time or another. For many, it may be chuck-
ing the green ball for a family pet or throwing it at younger sib-
lings. However, occasionally, tennis balls are actually put to use
for what they were originally intended; playing tennis. With the
girl’s tennis season, the Lady Falcons are racketing their way to
Senior captain Christine Rushton said, “We didn’t do so great
last year. We had strong individual players but not so much as a
team. This year is looking unexpectedly better.” Not only is this
likely to be a strong season, it should also carry into next year.
According to sophomore Kara Ikeda, “We are motivated and have
a good base of players [this year]. Also, there are only a couple
seniors so we’re going to move up with almost the
same team next year.” Coach Debo-
rah Raghubeer said, “We have
a very, very young team.
There is learning involved and also
a lot of team learning, like how to compete as a
team and individually.” Raghubeer also points out that she
believes the team will be able to compete at a higher level this
Another difference this year is a key to many teams; good
chemistry. Rushton said, “In past years we’ve had really bad situ-
ations [concerning team chemistry] – a lot of negativity.” She
also points out how challenging it is to have a team atmosphere
in tennis since the sport is either individual or partners. “But this
year,” said Rushton, “everyone is positive and excited to play.
We’ll see as the season progresses whether good team chemistry
will help everyone perform better individually.” Other girls on
the team seem to agree with their captain that the team aspect is
a plus this year. Sophomore Kimmy Williams said, “My favorite
part of tennis is the people because everyone is friendly and fun
to be around.” The girls also do team bonding together, which
Ikeda said “is a great way to get to know each other.” Besides the
relaxation of being around enjoyable people, tennis itself adds to
tension relief. Ruston said, “[My favorite part of tennis] is hitting
a really good power shot that blows right by your opponent – it’s
awesome. It’s a really nice stress reliever too.”
Hopefully, with the combination of chemistry and a strong
group of players, the tennis team will finish with success. Rush-
ton optimistically said, “We’ve never sent anyone from the girl’s Photos by Michaela Mandala
team to state, but it is possible this year.”
Fastpitch hits on successful season to this season with strong talent and a The team knows that winning the have at least two players for each posi-
Megan Rogers determined attitude that just might be battle to state will not be an easy one. tion so we’re pretty well stacked.” After
Photographer what the team needs to get back to state. When asked about the toughest com- the performances during their last three
“We have a really great group of kids and petitors Weber said, “Kentwood might games, the team looks like their ready
Fastpitch has high hopes for this on- I think they’re really motivated because be one of our biggest rivals and TJ; TJ is for anything. “We played really good.
coming season. With a record of 16-7 last year pretty good, Even when we were down we still came
last season, the Falcons are hoping for we didn’t they beat back and got a lot of runs. We beat one
redemption. Senior captain Nikole We- make it to “…we didn’t make it [to state] last us last year. of the better teams [Lake Washington]
ber said, “…we didn’t make it [to state] state af- And Ken- 10-6,” said Robinson. For the most part
last year, but I know we can.” ter being
year, but I know we can.” tridge I the Falcons have been playing fairly
The team is led by senior captain We- there six -Nikole Weber would say a flawlessly. “We just need to not give up
ber and junior captain Jessie Richard- years and little bit, but unearned runs and extra outs and play
son. They seem to be shaping up into a the fact not as bad.” solid defense by completing routine
force to be reckoned with. “[The team] is I think last year we came up a little So far the Falcons have been off to plays,” said sophomore Alexis Engman.
looks good. […] I really like what I see short, usually we’re a state ready type a good start going 7-1 league and 11-1 Show the team your support by going
as far as the attitude and the effort and I of team and I think the kids have been non league. Freshman Alligha Robin- out to the field and believing in them as
think that we need to just keep working trying really hard in the off season and son said, “I think that we’ll have a pretty much as they believe in themselves. “
hard,” said head coach Greg Kaas. they’re looking to get some revenge,” good season […] we have one of the best […] everybody supports each other and
The players have a lot to look forward said Kaas. pitchers [Weber] in the league and we believes we can do it,” said Engman.
22 Sports
The Falcon Flyer
Judo members, few but fierce strongest judo programs for years, hav-
Jacob Langholz ing had multiple state attendees such
Staff Reporter as Caitlyn Johnston in the 2008-2009
“Hyughh...Whump!” is the sound of Despite the smaller number of ath-
an opposing judo member hitting the letes, the program is still relatively suc-
floor after a powerful throw. Judo is a cessful. This is in part due to the men-
sport comprised of the concept, and art, tality of the program. “It’s all just about
of getting the defeating the
opponent to enemy. If
This mar-
“If you can’t take a you lose, you
are going to
a hit, judo isn’t your hurt. A lot,”
said Morse.
large amount “One of our
of strength,
sport. You have to main goals
is to crush
and most of
all, self con- be tough.” the enemy,
in fact that
trol. Senior is the main
and captain
David Morse
-David Morse goal,”
said, “[Judo] essence this
is basically just learning the best way is the goal of most competitive sports,
to beat your enemy while fighting him.” however in judo, this takes on a new
Each round does not last long, which re- meaning. The goal is to actually smash
quires each athlete to think as quickly as the opponent into the floor and keep
they can. In the end, the victor is the one them there.
who can think best on their feet. There is an occupational hazard to the
One of the main issues of judo is the sport. It is not against the rules to hurt
enrollment, as not too many people are the opponent. “That is probably my fa-
aware of it or understand what it entails. vorite part,” said Morse, “just throwing
Morse said, “We have a lot of good up a guy down to the ground as hard as I
and coming athletes, I think they will can and hearing him go ‘ughh…’ is one
be pretty good, but they still have some of the most satisfying feelings that I get.
stuff to learn.” This is one of the tough- It is one of the main reasons that I enjoy
er parts of any sport, finding members the sport so much.”
who are passionate and dedicated to the Judo is a challenging sport. It takes
sport. Fortunately, judo has a number real athletes. “If you can’t take a hit, judo
Photo by Michaela Mandala of these dedicated members. isn’t your sport. You have to be tough,”
Judo participants use throws to upset their opponents and win matches. In fact, Kentlake has had one of the said Morse.
A sure
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