Kalash Sthapana Vidhi
Kalash Sthapana Vidhi
Kalash Sthapana Vidhi
Touch the place of earth under the Kalasha by hand and read the following
Mantra -
Drop soil and barley on the place of Kalasha and read the following Mantra -
Lift the Kalasha gently and put it on the same place and read the following
Mantra -
Leave one rupee coin in the Kalasha and read the following Mantra -
Leave all medicines including Haldi in Kalasha and read the following Mantra -
10. Kalasha Sthapana Mantra-10
Leave seven types clay in Kalasha and read the following Mantra -
Offer leaves of mango tree, banyan tree, Peepal or fig tree to Kalasha and
read the following Mnatra -
Keep the pot full of barley or rice on Kalasha and read the following Mantra -
15. Kalasha Sthapana Mantra-15
Install Varun Deva while offering Akshat and read the following Mantra -
One should chant the following Mantra to invoke Varun Deva by showing
Avahan Mudra (Avahan Mudra is formed by joining both palms and folding
both thumbs inwards).
Perform Shri Varun Deva Pujan with Chandan, Akshata, Pushpa, Dhoop,
Deep, Naivedhya etc. while chanting following Mantras.
Prarthana Mantra ( )
At last pray to Kalasha Devata having folded hands while chanting following