DR Safi
DR Safi
DR Safi
Economics is the term derived from a Greek word, OIKOS (a house) and
NEMEIN ( to manage ) which in effect meant managing a household using
limited funds available in the most economical manner possible.
Four Important definitions are,
Wealth definition of Adam Smith - Father of Economics
Science of Material Welfare definition of Alfred Marshall
Scarcity definition of Lionel Robbins
Growth definition of Paul Samuelson
Adam Smith defined economics as a science, which studies the nature and causes
of wealth of nations.
Criticism on wealth - Many philosophers like Dickens, Ruskin, Carlyle and
Mathew Arnold strongly criticised the wealth definition. They said that the
science which concentrates only on the study of wealth is a Selfish Science,
Mundane Science, Bastard Science, Bread and butter Science, The
Science of getting riches, the gospel of mammon (song of the devil), a
science of illth and not wealth etc. These philosophers were highly critical of
the wealth definition because they at that time were highly influenced by the
religious sentiments and spiritual values. They considered that mere
acquisition of wealth is not the object of all human activity and they looked at
acquiring wealth with great contempt.
Defects of wealth - Stress in the wealth definition is only on acquiring wealth. But
in reality the human life and activity consists of other considerations like love,
affection, charity, social obligation, family obligation etc. Wealth is only a
means and not an end to human activity. End of human activity is his welfare
i.e. welfare of man. Wealth definition did not include the services of various
professionals like teachers, doctors, veterinarians, lawyers etc.
Alfred marshal (1819) defines economics as: "Political economy, or Economics is
a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life; it examines that part of
individual and social action which is most closely connected with the
attainment and the use of material requisites of wellbeing."
Marshal defined there is a shift of emphasis from wealth to human welfare. In his
view wealth is not an end by itself, it is the means to promote the economic
well being of the people. The term ordinary business of life denotes among
various people and groups of society.
Lionel Robbins (1931), defined economics as the science which studies human
behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have
alternative uses.
Resources are limited, but scarcity definition has not taken into account the
possibility of improving resources due to scientific and technological
Scarcity definition is silent about the role of resources towards human welfare.
Problems can arise not necessarily due to scarcity of resources but also due to
abundance. For example more production of eggs and milk than the demand
will bring down the price to such an extent that even the production cost may
not be met.
Scarcity definition does not discuss about employment, economic growth,
determination of value or price etc.
Paul Samuelson defined "Economics is the study of how men and society choose
with or without the use of money, to employ scarce productive resources which
could have alternative uses to produce various commodities over time and
distribute them for consumption now and in the future among various people
and groups of society
It is the creation of utilities and values. This part of subject deals with economics
of agents or factors of production i.e. land, labour, capital or organisations,
earning wealth for the purpose of satisfaction of human wants.
Marshal makes a distinction between two types of things i.e. material things and
immaterial things.
It is the act of obtaining the desired object from some one by offering something
in return.
Goods produced are not for self-consumption alone. They are primarily for sale.
They are sold in market where buyers buy the commodities and sellers sell the
commodities in particular price.
Thus the process of buying and selling put together constitute exchange.
Public Finance
Studies that how the Government gets money and how it spends money. Hence in
public finance, taxation, interest structure, Public expenditure etc., are dealt.
Micro economics
It is also called as Price Theory. Price theory explains the composition, or
allocation, of total production- why more of some things is produced than of
The word Micro means a millionth part. When we speak of microeconomics or
the micro approach, what we mean is that it is some small part or component
of the whole economy that we are analysing.
Thus, micro economic theory studies the economic behaviour of individual
decision - making units such as consumers, resource owners and business
Macro economics
It is also called as Income Theory. Income theory explains the level of total
production and why the level rises and falls.
Macro - economics is concerned with aggregates and averages of the entire
economy, such as national income, aggregate output, total employment, total
consumption, savings and investment, aggregate demand, aggregate supply,
general level of prices, etc.,
It studies the behaviour of economic system as a whole or all the decision making
unit combined together.
Economics is both positive and normative science. Positive science deals with
things as they are. Hence it says what it is. Eg. The feed unit is sick.
The normative science makes distinction between right and wrong of a thing.
It prescribes what it should be. Positive science describes while normative science
o This method insists on the examination of facts and then laying down
general principles.
Modern economist use both methods and consider that induction and deduction
are both needed for scientific thought as the right and left foot are needed for
walking which of the two methods is to be used in particular situation depends
upon the nature of inquiry the material on hand and stage at which inquiry has
The deductive method seems to be more suitable in the field of pure theory and
inductive method for formulating practical policies
Each economy is a system in which the production and distribution of goods are
organised around people's wants.
There are three important alternative economic systems functioning in the world.
They are,
o Capitalist economy
o Socialist economy
o Mixed economy
Capitalist economy
Socialist economy
Mixed economy
2. Common Terms
To know the meaning of common terms like consumption, wants, goods, wealth,
value, price, income and utility.
To explore the classification and charcteristics of wants
To understand the different types of goods.
To illustrate the types of income, wealth and utility
World is at work, the farmers plough their land, factory workers control
machines, feed them with raw materials and transform into manufacture
Buyers and sellers are busy, thus economic activities are circling around.
People want to earn money. They need money to satisfy their wants relating to
food, clothing, shelter and other necessities and luxuries.
Thus wants make people to work, i.e. wants give rise to various kinds of economic
This is the starting point of all economic activities for the existence of human
Goods and wants that satisfy our wants are to be produced.They are produced
with the help of available resources in nature.
The resources that can be used for the production of goods and services are not
available in plenty. They are scarce. Hence the economic problems arise.
The responsible factors for emergence of economic problems are
o The existence of human wants
o Scarcity of available resources
Thus the sign of economics wonders around wants, efforts, and satisfaction
Necessaries are goods that are essential for human existence and to maintain our
Goods, which are used for our existence, are called necessaries for existence and
goods that we use to improve our efficiency are called necessaries for
E.g. Nutritive food. Goods, which are used out of habit or long established
customs and conventions, are called as conventional necessaries. Eg. Tea,
Comforts are goods that lead to easy living and make our life pleasant.
They also improve our efficiency, but improvement in efficiency is not in a
proportion to the money spending on them .eg. Car, Refrigerator, etc.
Luxuries are goods and services, which are generally non- essential and very
They do not improve the efficiency of the people.
It is just meant for increasing the prestige of a person. Eg. Diamond ornaments
Wants differ in importance. Some wants are more urgent and others are less
urgent wants.
For a hungry person wants for food is more urgent than anything else.
The most urgent wants takes the first position with satisfaction and the less
Classification of Goods
Goods can be classified into
Free goods
Air we breath has utility for us. So it is a commodity. For the use of this
commodity we do not pay any price.
Such goods are called free goods. Free goods are available in plenty and not in
Economic goods
Egg can be seen and felt by touch. Such goods are called material or visible goods.
Copy write of books or services of a doctor can be sold for money but they cannot
be seen or felt, such types of goods are immaterial or invisible goods.
We use goods like egg, pen etc. which satisfy our wants directly. They are called
consumer goods.
We use goods like machine to produce other goods. They do not satisfy our wants
Such goods are called producer goods or capital goods or investment goods.
Goods, which decay quickly, are known as perishable goods. Eg. Milk.
Goods which lasts for long period are called durable goods. Eg. Incubator,
milking machine, etc.
Competitive goods
Production of one good must be forgone in order to produce more of other good.
For example for a given level of maize, one has to give up a certain level of
piggery production in place of increasing broiler production.
Supplementary goods
Substitute goods
If price of one good falls with consequent increase in demand for it, the demand
for other related good decreases and can act as substitute for the first one. Soya
can be substituted for maize in feed ration.
Complementary goods
If production of one good causes the increased production of another goods. For
example a legume in rotation increase the production of grain crops in
alternate years
It refers to the state of economic goods at a particular time, i.e. goods which are
not transferable are not included. E.g. personal skill and ability.
However, it may not be true while calculating wealth of a country, which may
include the skill and ability of its citizens.
Classification of Wealth
The value is expressed in terms of money it is called price. Eg. A pack of rice.
Income is the remuneration paid to the service rendered by factors of production.
Utility means capacity to satisfy wants, i.e. want satisfying power of a commodity.
Total utility may be defined as the total satisfaction derived from the
consumption of all the goods or services at the disposal of the consumer, i.e.
aggregate utilities derived.
Different types of utilities are
Form utility
Form utility is added when the processor of the goods (such as milk, paddy and
oilseeds) transforms the material into finished products ready for consumption
(such as cheese, rice and edible oil respectively).
In doing so, he adds form utility to the raw products, i.e. form utility is created by
the processing functions.
Time utility
Time utility is added when products are stored from the time of production to the
time of consumption.
Time utility is created by the operations like storage in ware houses and godowns.
Place utility
Possession utility
Possession utility is added to the product when its ownership is transferred to the
final consumer.
Thus, all the institutions and agents in the marketing chain which enable transfer
of ownership are contributing to possession utility
It is a reward for land and refers to that part of payment by a tenant which is
made only for use of land i.e free gift of nature.
It is defined as an oral
or written contract outlining how a tenant and landlord
will do business and share income, provide for expenses, improve the land and
determine business program, practices and compensation for demage to the
land or termination of lease.
It is of five types in order of risk and return to the tenant.
1. Cash lease - Direct cash payment at end of year
2. Flexible cash lease - Hybrid of cash and crop share.
3. Crop share lease - sharing only crop not cash deal
4. Livestock share lease - Sharing livestock and its income.
5. Labour share lease - Giving way for landlord to acquire extra labour and
suitable for young farmer without enough capital.
Labour means any exertion of mind or body undertaken for a monetary consideration.
Any work done for the sake of pleasure does not fall under labour in economic
sense. Wage is known as reward of labour.
Characteristics of labour
Labour is perishable
o A day without work in workers life is lost forever. He cannot
store his labour and deliver it later.
Labour has a poor bargaining power
o As labour is perishable, they accept even low wages.
Labour is inseparable from labourers
o Labour is an integral part of the labourers personality.
Supply of labour changes very slowly
o Supply of labour cannot be curtailed at once even if wages fall
because the labourers must earn their subsistence.
o It also takes time for children to grow up or people to get trained
in order to increase the supply of labour.
o Labour is not so mobile as capital It happens due to differences
in language, environment, habit etc.
It is a reward for labour. It means payment made for services of labour. It may be
defined as a sum of money paid under contract by an employer to a worker for
his physical or mental service rendered.
It is of two type namely nominal wage and real wage.
Determinants of wages are efficiency, existence of non-competing groups, ability
of learning trade, social acceptance, hazardous and dangerous occupation,
bargaining power.
Nominal Wage
o It is a wage paid or received in terms of money.
Real Wage
o It is not money wage but rather it represents that part of standard of living
of labourer.
o It includes purchasing power of money and constitutes subsidiary earning,
extra work without extra payment, regularity or irregularity of
employment, condition of work, future prospect, etc.
Characteristics of capital
It is man - made and its supply is therefore, within the control of man.
It involves the element of time as it renders its services over a period of
time. Therefore payment to capital is calculated in terms of so much per
cent per annum.
Production of wealth with the aid of capital has been called the round
about process of production.
Labour can produce more with aid of capital than it was without it.
Since capital is productive, there is demand for capital.
People look forward to getting an income by accumulating capital.
Hence capital is prospective.
Functions of capital
It is a reward or payment for capital use. Capital may be a free or floating capital .
It is of two types ie. Gross interest and Net interest.
Gross interest is the total payment which debtor pays to the creditor.
Net or pure interest is the payment only for the services of capital as such or for
the money borrowed.
Gross interest include net interest, insurance against risk, wage for management,
return for inconvenience
Organisation combines the other factors of production. Viz. Land, labour and
capital and decides on what to produce.
A special skill is required to combine factors of production and accomplish the
difficult task of production.
This task is undertaken by organiser or entrepreneur. Profit is known as reward
of management.
Types of Organisation
Sole proprietor
This is the oldest form of entrepreneurial organisation. Even today, from the
point of view of numbers, small firms predominate, such one person firms
range from farmer, shop keeper and small factory-owner who employ other
workers and may even own many separate units.
Nevertheless, all these businesses have the same characteristic of being owned
and controlled by a single person.
It is this person's task to make all decisions regarding the policy of the firm and it
is he alone who takes the profit, bears the brunt of any losses made.
A large amount of capital is available when persons combine together into a
Normally not more than twenty (ten in case of a banking) may so join.
Each partner provides a part of capital required and shares the profit on an
agreed basis.
Some kinds of business could not be conducted on a small scale, and these have
to start as joint stock companies, either sponsored by some important interests
or else developed as subsidiaries of existing large firms.
The advantages are limited liability, continuity, and availability of capital and
ease of expansion.
Co - operative societies
They are a form of organisation where people work together or business people
on the basis of natural benefit.
It is a voluntary organisation designated to promote economic interests of its
members. Members have equal right.
Co-operative society has the motto of "each for all and all for each".
A company undertaken and run by the local, state and central government are
called as public sector undertaking or a company.
To promote people's welfare, government directly undertakes economic activities.
Public undertakings have been started with the following reasons,
o To bring about rapid economic development.
o Benefits of development are shared by all the people and.
o Inability of private sectors to find huge amount of capital needed to take
up large projects
It contributes 5.4 per cent to the total GDP and 27 per cent to the GDP from
agriculture and allied activities engaging 30 million small producers raising
one or two cow or buffaloe.
It is of special importance and a main source of family income in the arid and
semi-arid regions of the country.
In the arid and semi-arid regions, the contribution of livestock to agricultural
GDP is as high as 70 per cent and 40 per cent, respectively.
The sector has excellent forward and backward linkages, which promote many
industries and increase the incomes of vulnerable groups such as agricultural
labourers and small and marginal farmers.
In 2005-06, livestock sector produced 97.1 million tonnes of milk, 46.2 billion
eggs, 44.9 million kg of wool and around 2.31 million tonnes of meat from
organized sector.
All India Summary Reports of the 17th Livestock Census released in July 2006
points out that India possesses the largest livestock populations in the world
after Brazil.
It accounts for about 56 per cent of the worlds buffalo population and 14 per cent
of the cattle population.
It ranks first in respect of buffalo and second in respect of cattle population,
second in goat population and third in respect of sheep in the world
Poultry sector, with total value of output exceeding Rs.26,000 crore and
providing direct and indirect employment to over three million people,
produced around 1.9 MT of chicken-meat in 2005.
Between the 1970 and 2006, the annual per capita availability of eggs has
quadrupled from 10 to 41, while the corresponding increase in chicken meat
has been even faster from 146 grams to 1.6 kgs.
While Indias share of world trade in poultry and poultry products continues to
be very small, in the last decade the value of such exports has increased from
Rs.11 crore in 1993-94 to Rs. 326 crore in 2005-06.
Exports of products, such as live poultry, eggs, hatching eggs, frozen eggs, egg
powder and poultry meat, to countries including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Middle East, Japan, Denmark, Poland, USA and Angola augurs well for the
Uninterrupted supplies of feed as well as preparedness for external shocks such
as avian influenza (Box 8.1) are critical for the continued robust growth of this
India ranks first in the world in milk production, which rose from 17 MT in 1950-
51 to around 100 MT by 2006-07.
Per capita availability of milk has also increased from 112 grams in 1968-69 to
230 grams per day in 2005-06 with ever increasing human population and is
expected to reach about 245 grams per day in 2006-07.
Presently, about 1.13 lakh village level co-operative societies spread over 265
districts in the country form part of the National Milk Grid.
The Grid links the milk producers throughout India with consumers in over 700
towns and cities smoothing the seasonal and regional variations in the
availability of milk, and ensuring a remunerative price to the producers and a
reasonable price for quality milk and milk products to the consumers.
Under Integrated Dairy Development Project, 73 projects with an outlay of
Rs.407.58 crore and spread over 25 States and 1 UT have been approved.
Cumulative expenditure incurred up to end-March 2006 was Rs.274.33 crore.
By end-March 2006, the programme had benefited 10.56 lakh farmers through
16,469 village-level dairy cooperative societies procuring 13.6 lakh litres of
milk per day
Activities allied to agriculture viz. animal husbandry, fisheries and forestry have
the potential for providing significant employment opportunities to rural and
urban population.
Allied activities provide supplementary occupation to the people besides
contributing to Gross State Domestic Product.
Dependence on the agricultural sector for supporting livelihood is well known
while the allied sectors offer scope for absorbing surplus labour from the
agricultural sector.
The allied sector has the potential for putting the State's rural economy on a
higher growth trajectory
Total livestock population of the State which stood at 259.39 lakhs in 1997 had
increased by 1.01 per cent when compared to the previous 1994 census.
However, the total livestock population in the State as per the provisional figures
of the Livestock Census 2004 was at 249.42 lakhs, recording a marginal
decline of 3.85 per cent over that of 1997 census.
The bovine (cattle and buffaloe) population in the State had witnessed a steady
decline between 1982 and 2004.
While sheep population showed signs of variation, the goat population had
steadily increased during the reference period.
The poultry population at 865.91 lakhs in 2004 had recorded an increase of
137.16 per cent over the previous census.
The State ranks second in poultry population in the country and accounts for 17.7
per cent of the total poultry population in India. The details are given below.
Among buffaloe population the share of the murrah and graded was 32.08 per
cent while indigenous buffaloes accounted for a higher share of 67.92 per cent.
The per capita availability of milk per day which witnessed a marginal increase
from 209 gms, in 2003-04 to 210 gms. In 2004-05 improved further to 234
gms in 2005-06.
Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producer's Federation procured milk through a
chain of Primary Cooperative Societies numbering 7431 in 2004-05 and 7701
in 2005-06 in the State.
Figure 1
The milk production by societies rose by 5.6 per cent from 23.96 lakh litres per
day (LLPD) in 2004-05 to 25.09 LLPD in 2005-06.
The procurement price per litre of buffaloe milk and cow milk was at Rs.22.00
and Rs.20.00respectively.
These societies procured more than 35 per cent of the total milk produced in the
State. The quantity of milk sold had improved from 20.53 LLPD in 2004-05 to
21.59 LLPD in 2005-06 Milk Production (lakh tonnes).
Per capita daily requirement 220 gram, (Figures in brackets indicates percentage
change over the previous year)
Milk Yield
Gains from the White Revolution is reflected in the steady increase in average
yield during the period 2002-03 to 2005-06.
The breeding policy, animal health care and fodder development together
contributed to this achievement.
Average daily yield of milk from exotic and crossbred cows had improved from
6.244 kgs. in 2004-05 to 6.272 kgs in 2005-06.
Average daily milk yield of indigenous cows rose from 2.680 kgs. in 2004-05 to
2.734 kgs in 2005-06. Thus, there had been an overall improvement in the
yield rate of cows.
Average daily yield of milk from buffaloe marginally declined from 4.200 kgs in
2004-05 to 4.161 kgs. in 2005-06.
Livestock health care prevents loss of lives and helps to improve productivity.
Livestock Development Programmes like Kalnadai Padhukappu Thittam is
being implemented in the State.
Livestock rearers get proper medical facilities at their doorsteps. The number of
animals treated in the State rose by 8.7 per cent from 186.15 lakhs in 2004-05
to 202.41 lakhs in 2005-06.
Vaccination and deworming done put together had increased from 426.60 lakhs
in 2004-05 to 635.92 lakhs in 2005-06.
Veterinary health services like vaccination and deworming and breeding coverage
like artificial insemination are provided to livestock in remote villages through
Mobile Veterinary Units (55 Nos.) in the State.
The details of animal health care service provided are given below.
To ensure supply of good quality and hygienic meat to consumers, 123 registered
slaughter houses have been established and the animals like sheep, goat, cattle,
buffaloe and pig were slaughtered in these houses.
Number of animals slaughtered in these centres rose by 19.4 per cent from 26.29
lakhs in 2004-05 to 31.40 lakhs in 2005-06.
Sheep and goat accounted for 94.4 per cent of the total animals slaughtered in the
Meat production had gone up by 17.3 per cent from 425.44 lakh kgs. in 2004-05
to 499.11 lakh kgs. in 2005-06.
c Cattle 0.71 1.03
d Buffaloes 0.50 0.55
e Pig 0.13 0.16
Total 26.29 31.40
3 Meat Production ( lakh kgs.)
a Mutton 123.50 171.74
b Chevon 166.34 171.80
c Beef 72.14 86.09
d Cara Beef 58.70 63.33
e Pork 4.76 6.15
Total 425.44 499.11
Poultry Extension Centres, acts as demonstration farms and provide training to
poultry rearers.
The Government organises widespread immunisation campaigns against the
diseases like Ranikhat.
Poultry rearing has become a commercial activity in the districts of Namakkal,
Salem, Erode and Coimbatore.
Namakkal district has become an egg basket and accounts for 65 per cent of the
total egg production in the State and is a major foreign exchange earner too.
Tamil Nadu is one of the leading States in egg production and export.
The eco-friendly backyard poultry rearing is practised along with commercial
poultry farming in the State.
The egg production in the State which improved from 3784 million numbers in
2003-04 to 6395 million numbers in 2004-05 and then marginally declined to
6223 million numbers in 2005-06.
Consequently the per capita availability of egg per annum has declined from 102
numbers in 2004-05 to 97 numbers in 2005-06.
A central-state shared poultry development programme (80 : 20) is being
implemented in the Poultry Farm at Kattupakkam with a total outlay of
Rs.74.69 lakhs and at District Livestock Farm, Hosur with a total outlay of
Rs.85.00 lakhs.
Growth of the livestock and poultry industry depends on reliable and cost
effective supply of fodder and feed.
The uncertainties of agriculture and rising prices of feed affect the viability of
such activities.
Supply of green fodder is constrained by limited availability of land. However,
total land available for grazing in the State is only 1.13 lakh hectares.
In addition, 16.99 lakh hectares of common property resources and 16.20 lakh
hectares of open forest area are available for grazing.
For Livestock Sector in Jammu and Kashmir http://www.jkanimalhusbandry.net/
For Livestock Sector in West Bangal
For Livestock Sector in Megalaya http://megahvt.gov.in/
For Livestock Sector in Nagaland http://vetyngl.nic.in/
For Livestock Sector in Assam
For Livestock Sector in Mizoram
6. Demand Projection of Livestock Produce
Information regarding the future demand is essential for both new firms and
those planning to expand the scale of their production.
It is much more important where large-scale production is being planned and
where production involves a long gestation period.
Information regarding future demand is essential also for the existing firms to
avoid under or over-production.
Accordingly they will have to acquire inputs both men and material, plan their
production, advertise the product and organize sales channels.
The firms are hence required to estimate the future demand.
As per capita incomes rise in Third World countries, the demand for livestock
products - meat, milk, and eggs - not only rises faster than that for cereals in
these countries but also more rapidly than demand for livestock products in
the developed countries.
This in turn influences the demand for cereals and other staple foods used as
livestock feed.
Livestock production is also an important source of income and employment in
the rural sector; it helps to meet equity objectives by contributing cash income
to small farmers in the Third World.
Besides providing draft power and manure, livestock in developing countries
convert many agricultural wastes and by-products into food. Finally, livestock
products contribute to export earnings.
Livestock sector plays a significant role in the welfare of rural population of India.
Of the total households in the rural area, about 73 per cent own livestock.
More importantly, small and marginal farmers account for three quarters of
these households.
Income from livestock production accounts for 15-40 per cent of the total farm
households income in different states. Thus, an increase in demand for
livestock products, can be a major factor in raising the income and living
standards of the rural households.
In the low-income countries, the demand for livestock products is more elastic
than the demand for cereals.
This implies that with the rise in per capita income, the demand for livestock
products would rise faster in the third world countries.
The demand projections for livestock products corresponding to 5 per cent GDP
growth rate, generally regarded as closer to the realistic situation.
The estimated consumption in the year 1993 was of 45.02 million tonnes milk,
0.78 million tonnes mutton and goat meat, 0.49 million tonnes beef and
buffalo meat and 0.25 million tonnes chicken and 0.54 million tones eggs.
In the year 2020, the demand would reach 147.26 million tonnes for milk, 12.72
million tonnes for mutton and goat meat, 1.15 million tones for beef and
buffalo meat, 0.81 million tones for chicken and 2.58 million tonnes eggs.
During 1993-2020, the average growth rate (weighted) for the total domestic
demand of milk has been found to be 4.9%.
It is 13.7% for mutton and goat meat, 3.5% for beef & buffalo meat, 4.8% for
chicken and 6.2% for eggs.
These growth rates indicate that the meat industry has bright prospects in the
Techniques of forecasting are many but the choice of a suitable method is a
matter of experience and expertise.
To a large extent, it also depends on the nature of the data available for the
In economic forecasting, the classical methods use the historical data in rather
rigorous statistical manner for making the future projection.
Various methods of forecasting demand may be grouped under the following
o Survey methods
o Market studies and experiments
o Statistical or analytical methods and
o Other methods
Survey Methods
Studies and experiments are carried out in consumers behaviour under actual,
though controlled, market condition.
This method is known in common parlance as market experiment method. This
method has the following serious disadvantages.
o Experimental methods are very expensive and not affordable by small
o Forceful generalization with a high degree of reliability from too small
sample size.
o Results of controlled experiments are questionable in application to the
uncontrolled long-term condition of market.
o Changes in socio-economic conditions, political changes, natural
calamities may invalidate the results.
Statistical Methods
Statistical methods utilize historical (time-series) data and cross-section data for
estimating long term demand.
These methods are considered to be superior techniques of demand estimation
o Element of subjectivity in this method is minimum.
o Method of estimation is scientific.
o Estimation is based on theoretical relationship between dependent and
independent variables.
o Estimates are relatively more reliable and estimation involves smaller
o Frequently used statistical methods for demand projections are
Trend projection method which involves both graphical and fitting
trend equation.
Regression method.
There are several other methods used depending on the availability of data,
purpose and technical competence of forecaster.
These methods include the end-use method, econometric methods like
Barometric Forecasting, Delphi Technique, Box-Jenkins method, moving
average method, etc
It accounts for 97.1 million tones in 2005-06 with 65 per cent of the total value of
livestock output.
Though India is the worlds top milk producer, the percapita milk availability
remains low at 241 grams per day (Economic Survey 2005-06) which is lower
the minimum requirement of 250 grams per day as recommended by Indian
Council of Medical Research.
The demand for milk is estimated to be 191.3 Mt by 2020 assuming the growth
rate of the economy at 5 per cent per annum.
The milk supply projection have indicated a defit of 52.7 Mt by 2020.
The impact of Agreement on Agriculture under globalization process has made
the Indian dairy industry to face several challenges, including structural
changes in production and trade patterns.
India has one of the largest livestock economies in the world sharing 53 per cent
of world buffaloes, 20 per cent of goats, 15 per cent of cattle, four per cent each
of chicken and sheep and one per cent of pigs.
Livestock production in India is predominantly supported with family labour and
nearly 73 per cent of farms own livestock for draught and production of milk,
meat and mutton.
Fifty per cent of the draught power in farms is provided by cattle and 25 per cent
by buffaloes.
In Tamil Nadu, according to 1994 livestock census, cattle account for 35 per cent,
buffaloes 11 per cent, sheep and goats 45 per cent and pigs around two per
During the past 30 years ending 1992, cattle population has grown annually at
0.3 per cent, buffaloes 1.4 per cent, goats 2.2 per cent, and poultry 4.4 per cent.
In the recent five years, however, in white cattle, exotic and cross breeds have
increased by 64 per cent whereas the indigenous cattle population has declined
by 12 per cent, and black cattle has gone down by 6.3 per cent.
Small farms, with less than two hectares in size hold 56 per cent of bovines and
62 per cent of small animals.
Income from livestock is around one-third of farm income and approximately
one-tenth of state domestic income.
In fact, the livestock generates continuous cash flow, unlike that of crops with
seasonal incomes by harvests, which introduce certain degree of stability in
income and employment to farm households.
The demand for livestock products has been increasing mainly due to changes in
per capita income, in population, in dietary habits, and market structure.
Prospectively, the world bank estimates the demand for livestock products in the
year 2020 as, (in million tones)
The demand has been projected at an overall growth of 5.5 per cent annually in
GNP while the supply assumes its determinants would be stable over the last
ten years.
One could note that excepting milk all other products would be excess in supply.
In actuals, there would be a supply gap of 216 million tones which needs to be
The status of livestock development at the close of the current millennium
indicates the existence of a small number of large capital intensive and market
oriented livestock and poultry farms.
The state and parastatals have contributed significantly to the organization and
growth of dairy farms whereas private entrepreneurship and investment have
shown the way poultry development could be.
There are a number of issues one could identify for future actions.
The focus is thus on productivity, trade and empowerment through structural,
technological, market and institutional changes.
Livestock in India is the endeavor of large number of small growers and they are
low productive across all species.
They are scattered across the country and depended very much on livestock for
employment, income and continuous cash flows.
Low capital output ratios and high employment absorption render the sector as a
vehicle for rural transformation with high income and employment growth.
However, they reflect low productivity warranting investment and technology
in massive scale.
A system of incentives for adoption of technology for higher productivity would
immediately suggest a set of subsidies and insurance.
Subsidies for livestock production, processing and marketing are mostly indirect
and invisible.
They come through poverty alleviation and rural employment programmes.
Focus could be on institutional susbsidies, on the lines of Self Help Group
support programmes, to get small livestock farmers get organized with seed
money to support activities in production and processing.
Disease control and hygiene are the major problems of livestock sector.
Particular, India can not enter the world market as suppliers of livestock products
unless and until the country becomes disease free for the relevant products.
The annual loss due to foot and mouth disease, in terms of milk, is estimated to
be in the order of Rs. 1252 crores in foreign exchange and another Rs.1650-
Rs.1873 crores as loss of domestic supplies.
In addition, loss due to permanent disabilities, death etc., amounts to Rs.1800
Disease management is thus most crucial and the state can not leave this vital
task to the private trade as disease prevention and control are in the public
domain and form the public good for which little can be expected from market
driven private agencies
This exercise provides an opportunity to make use of the formulas uniting FV,PV,
i and n in the context of planning livestock production.
The Problem
You live in a state called Tamil Nadu and are employed by the Livestock Project
Analysis and Planning Section (LPAPS) of the ministry of agriculture as a
Livestock Planning Officer (LPO).
Your office is based in the capital, Chennai, where together with the other
livestock planning officers you are faced with the following problem. The year
is 2008.
The Minister of Animal Husbandry has just given a speech, making promises as
to the future contribution of the countrys traditional livestock sector to the
countrys consumption of meat and milk products.
The next 5 year plan is due to start in 2010, and he has stated that by the year,
2015, the countrys traditional cattle producers will make it possible to
o reduce countrys beef imports to one quarter of their present level
o reduce the countrys imports of milk and milk products to half their
present level (in terms of raw milk equivalent).
o Increase average per capita consumption of beef by 50%.
o Needless to say, you were not consulted before the Minister made his
speech, and as good civil servants you are now in the position of
o trying to work out whether it is possible to fulfil his promises
o trying to work out reasonable targets for livestock production and a
reasonable strategy for achieving these.
As usual, if it all goes wrong, you will be blamed, so it is important that you make
clear recommendations to the Minister, indicating what he can safely promise,
in your opinion, and what type of measures will be needed to ensure that these
promises become reality.
Also, as usual the information is needed yesterday (if not last week) so you have
to make use of the information available at the moment in your office .
The majority of Tamil Nadu's cattle (over 99%) are kept by traditional producers,
under an extensive management system.
A few experimental dairy herds can be found on the outskirts of Chennai, and
there is also a small fattening unit, but this is also virtually at an experimental
phase. For the time being, production goals and plans have to be based on the
traditional cattle producers.
The cattle population in according to the 2005 census was 1.773 million.
The 2008 vaccination returns indicate a current population of about 2.1
A detailed survey of herds has come up with the following data.
o Offtake rate
The offtake rate for the whole herd is 10 %, 40 % are old cows,
having an average carcass weight of 100kg each and 60% are
adult males, having an average carcass weight of 175 kg each.
o Milk production
About 23% of the national herd consists of cows in milk, the average
annual milk yield is 275 litres per cow in milk.
Information About Meat and Milk Imports
The figures for 2008 are not available yet, but 2007 meat imports were of 1,700
tonnes of beef, 131,200 tonnes of milk equivalent (imported milk and milk
products in terms of their equivalent in raw cows milk)
o (1 metric tonne = 1000kg)
Imports of animal products have been increasing at about 5 % per year in recent
The human population of Tamil Nadu was 6,346,281 according to the 2001
census. The annual growth rate for the next decade was estimated at 3.1%.
Suggested Steps for Solving the Problem and Coming up with Suitable
o Calculate the % annual growth rate expected from the traditional herd
using the estimated results form the 2005 and 2008 cattle population
o Treat 2008 as your year 0 and work out what local beef and milk
production was, what was imported and what consumption per head of
the human population was.
o Now look at your Ministers promises and work out what these require,
in terms of growth rates of local production.
o Compare them to the quantities that would be produced and required if
current levels of productivity and growth continue unchanged.
o Then, if you think the Ministers promises can be fulfilled, indicate how
(in terms of productivity improvements, changes in offtake rates,
carcass weights etc.). If not, indicate what you think might be
reasonable goals.
Very briefly, what types of projects do you think would be needed to achieve these
Utility is a subjective term like pain or joy which can only be felt and which
cannot be measured. Suppose a person starts eating egg one after another.
The first egg gives him great pleasure. By the time he takes the second it gives
him less satisfaction as the second egg is meeting with a less urgent want.
The satisfaction of the third will be lesser than of second, that of the fourth is
lesser than that of the third and so on.
The additional or incremental satisfaction i.e. the marginal utility with every
successive unit of egg will go on decreasing till it drops down to zero.
If the consumer is forced to take more, the satisfaction becomes negative and the
utility changes to dis-utility.
Marginal utility (MU) is defined as the change in total utility (TU) resulting from
unit change in consumption of commodity per unit time.
Total Utility curve increases at beginning and reaches maximum and decline
eventually with increase in quantity of goods consumed.
Marginal utility slopes downward from left to right.
It reaches zero when total utility reaches maximum and becomes negative if more
of goods consumed after that.
It shows as the quantity of goods consumed increases marginal utility decreases.
It is notable point that marginal utility is zero when total utility is maximum
"The additional benefit which a person derives from a given increase of his stock
of a thing diminishes with every increase in stock that he already has."
Taste and income of the consumer remains the same.
Commodity is consumed in suitable size and in suitable time.
There is no change in fashion.
This technique has been developed by the modern economists J.R.Hicks and
R.G.D.Allen for the analysis of demand.
Indifference schedule
Indifference schedule I
III 3 11
IV 4 8
V 5 6
VI 6 5
Assume a person has the choice of spending a part of his resources on two
commodities, meat and eggs.
The above table shows various combinations of meat and eggs, which give the
consumer the same level of satisfaction.
Since all combination of meat and eggs give the consumer the same level of
satisfaction, the consumer is indifferent whether he gets the first or last of the
two commodities.
The figures in the above table, if plotted on a graph give the Indifference curve.
While the Indifference schedule is the tabular statement of different
combinations of two commodities yielding the same level of satisfaction,
Indifference curve depicts the same on a graph.
An Indifference curve may therefore defined as the locus of various combinations
of two commodities which yield the same total satisfaction to the consumer. This
curve is also known as Iso-utility curve (Iso means same).
Indifference map
Indifference schedule II
Meaning of Demand
Demand in economics is the desire for something plus the willingness and ability
to pay a certain price in order to possess it.
Demand schedule
Law of demand
A greater quantity of a commodity is demanded at a lower price and a smaller
quantity is demanded at a higher price.
This inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded is called as "Law
of demand".
There are two reasons why demand curve slopes downwards (or why people buy
more when the price falls).
o Consumer is able and willing to buy more of a good when its price falls.
Because, a fall in the price of a good is equivalent to an increase in the
income of the consumer, i.e. with the commodity being cheaper, the
consumers real income increases which can be used for purchasing
some more units of the commodity. This is called as income effect.
o If the price of a good falls, it tends to be substituted wholly or partly for
other commodities raising the quantity demanded of this good. This is
called as substitution effect.
The income and substitution effects combine to increase the ability
and willingness of the consumer to buy more of the commodity
whose price has fallen
The demand curve instead of sloping downwards may rise upwards when there is
an increase in price showing that more quantity would be demanded when the
price rises. (Click here to view graph)
This tendency was first observed by Sir Robert Giffen in 19th Century.
Hence this exceptional process is called Giffen paradox.
The reason for such exceptional behaviour may be
Fear of scarcity of goods in future
Possession of a goods conferring distinction in the society.
Thus the quantity demanded of a commodity is determined jointly by all these
factors indicated.
Changes in any one ortwo or more of these factors listed above would become the
causes for the changes in demand
Demand changes simply because of a change in price. (Click here to view graph)
Though the consumer's demand schedule is fixed, he is solely led by price.
He simply goes up and down in the same curve.
Consumer demand
It refers to the quantity demanded for a good at a defined time period, in a
defined geographical area, in a defined marketing environment by a particular
The determinants of consumer demand can be expressed as follows.
Market demand
9. Elasticity of demand
It is defined as relative
responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to
the percentage change in its price.
Proportional method
Suppose price of an egg falls from Rs. 1.25 to Re.1 and as a result, the demand
rises from 10 to 15 eggs, then price elasticity of demand (Ep)
This indicates that for one- percent decreases in price, there would be 2.5%
increase in the quantity demanded.
In total outlay method, from the changes in the total expenditure made on a good
as a result of changes in its price, the price elasticity of demand for the good is
But with this method, we can know only whether the elasticity is equal to one,
greater than one or lesser than one and we cannot precisely work out the
coefficient of elasticity.
If the total expenditure made on the good remains the same, when the price of a
commodity consumed changes, the elasticity of demand is equal to one.
Because, the total expenditure made on the good can remain the same, only when
the proportional change in the quantity demanded is equal to the proportional
change in price.
When the total expenditure made on the good increases as a result of a fall in
price or when the total expenditure decreases as a result of a rise in price, then
the price elasticity of demand will be greater than one.
When the total expenditure decreases as a result of a fall in price or when the
total expenditure increases as a result of a rise in price, then the price elasticity
of demand will be less than one.
Consider the following table, which gives quantity demanded of milk at various
Quantity demanded increases from 50 litres to 60 litres and total outlay increases
from Rs. 725 to Rs. 855, when the price decreases from Rs. 4.50 to Rs. 4.25 i.e.
the quantity demanded increases so much that the total outlay on milk
increases indicating thereby that elasticity of demand is greater than one at
these prices.
When the price falls from Rs. 4.00 to Rs. 3.75, the quantity demanded increases
from 75 to 80 litres so that total outlay remains the same at Rs. 300.
This shows that price elasticity of demand is unity. When the price of milk further
falls from Rs. 3.75 to Rs. 3.50 and then to Rs. 3.25, total outlay spent on milk
decreases in spite of the increase in the quantity demanded.
Thus, the elasticity of demand for milk at these prices is less than unity.
Geometrical method
Income elasticity of demand
o Elastic Demand: When the coefficient of elasticity of demand exceeds
one, the demand is elastic. That is the percentage change in quantity
demanded is more than that of the price. (Click to view graph)
o Inelastic demand: When the coefficient of elasticity of demand is less
than one the demand is called inelastic. That is the percentage change in
quantity demanded is less than that of price. (Click to view graph)
o Unitary elastic demand: When the coefficient of elasticity of demand is
equal to one the demand is said to be unitary elastic. That is percentage
change in quantity demanded is equal to that of price. (Click to view
o Perfectly elastic demand: When the coefficient of elasticity of demand is
infinite the demand is said to be perfectly elastic. i.e. when the quantity
demanded changes even when the price level remains static, the
demand is said to be perfectly elastic. (Click to view graph)
o Perfectly inelastic demand: When the coefficient of elasticity of demand
is zero, the demand is said to be perfectly inelastic. When the change in
price does not result in change in quantity demanded, the demand is
said to be perfectly inelastic. (Click to view graph)
Nature of commodity
Availability of substitutes at ruling market price
Number of possible substitute uses. E.g. Plastics
Proportion of income spent on the good.
Period of time / range of commodity use.
Possibility of new purchasers / consumption pattern.
Proportion of market supplied at ruling price.
The 19th century statistician Engel noticed that any additional income is tended to
be spent more on luxuries and non essentials than on essentials and his
observation is commonly known as Engels law which can be postulated as
The proportion of personal expenditure devoted to necessities decreases as
income rises. It can be illustrated with the help of following figure.
The Engels law represented diagrammatically illustrates that expenditure on
food and clothes form a larger proportion of total expenditure of people with
low incomes than of those with higher incomes. (Click to view graph)
Practical Importance
Theoretical economics
Business decision
Super market: When it cuts the price of a good the supermarket expects
a considerable expansion in demand by winning customers from
retailers selling at a higher prices.
Monopolists: A monopolist looks at the demand schedule for his good
and fixes the quantity and thus the price at which he makes profit.This
is because he is not faced with the perfectly elastic demand curve.
Government policy
No.of eggs Price (Rs) Total Cost Total utility Marginal utility Consumer's surplus
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) = (4 - 3)
1 25 25 100 -- 75
2 25 50 175 75 125
3 25 75 225 50 150
4 25 100 250 25 150
Consumer is prepared to pay OMPD for four eggs but as a buyer in the
market, he pays only OMPK.
Hence the consumer's surplus is given by OMPD - OMPK = DKP
(selected area)
Other things remaining constant (ceteris paribus), the higher the price of a
commodity, the larger will be the quantity supplied and lower the price the
smaller will be the quantity supplied.
In mathematical terms supply is an increasing function of price.
Determinants of supply
Price of the commodity when price of a commodity increases, its supply also
Price of a related commodity When price of a good increases , supply of its
substitute declines e.g. mutton and chicken.
Cost of inputs of production When cost of raw materials increases, supply
State of technology Improvement in technology lower the cost of production
and increases the supply.
Factors outside the economic sphere like flood, drought, fire etc.
Tax and subsidy Higher taxation will decrease the supply and granting
subsidies will raise the supply.
It measures the rate at which the quantity supplied changes due to changes in
Suppose the price of an egg rises from Rs. 1.00 to Rs. 2 and as a result the supply
increases from 10 to 30 eggs.
Different types of elasticity of supply
11.Cost Concepts Principles of Fixed and Variable cost
Production costs
Variable costs
An input is a variable input if its quantity can be varied during the period of
production and the costs associated with variable inputs are called variable
Variable costs vary with the level of production.
These costs will not be incurred in the absence of production.
E.g., seed, tractor fuel, repairs, feed, fertilizer cost, etc.
Labour if hired on daily basis, interest on current investment, hired machines
and other services are also included in variable costs.
Total costs
Total costs of production will include both fixed and variable costs.
Cash costs are incurred when resources are purchased and used immediately in
the production process.
Cash costs result from purchases of non-durable inputs such as fertilisers, fuel,
oil, and casual labour which do not last more than one production process.
Opportunity cost
Production of output requires input, which cost money, and therefore there exist
a relationship between output and cost.
Total cost curve or cost function represents the functional relationship between
output and total cost.
Cost function can be presented
o Arithmetically (tabular form)
o Geometrically (graphic form)
o Algebraically (equation form)
Tabular form
5 10 4 14
9 10 6 16
13 10 8 18
17 10 10 20
22 10 12 22
Graphic form
Algebraic form
Total fixed cost (TFC) is represented by a straight line parallel to X-axis and it remains
unchanged for all output levels in a time period.
TVC-is zero, when output is zero. It increases as output increases. The shape of TVC
curve depends on the shape of the production function.
TC is the sum of TFC and TVC. When no variable output is added, TC is equal to TFC.
The TC curve is shaped exactly like the TVC curve, but is placed above the total variable
cost by the units of total fixed cost. (Click to view graph)
Opportunity cost
The income which an output can earn in the next best alternative use.
Physical risks
Destruction of the product itself and are due to fire, accident, rain etc.
Risk attached to such natural hazards is often transferred to institutions (Insurance
companies) that specialize in assuming such risk.
Unit costs are
o Average Fixed Cost (AFC),
o Average Variable Cost (AVC),
o Average Total Cost or Average Cost (ATC or AC)
o Marginal Cost (MC).
These unit costs are more important than total costs in decision making process. Plotting
these, we get unit cost curves. (Click to view graph)
Average Fixed Cost is worked out by dividing Total Fixed Cost by the amount of output.
It is fixed cost/unit of output. AFC will vary for each level of output.
As output increases, AFC continues to decline. When output is zero, AFC=TFC. AFC
always slopes downwards regardless of production function.
AFC = TFC /Output
Average Variable Cost is calculated by dividing Total Variable Cost by the amount of
AVC decreases, reaches a minimum and increases thereafter. AVC cannot be computed
when output is zero.
AVC = TVC / Output
Marginal Cost
Marginal Cost is the change in Total Cost in response to a unit increase in output.
It is found out by dividing change in total cost (or total variable cost because TFC is not
going to change) by change in output.
MC curve decreases first, reaches its minimum point and then raises upwards and passes
through AVC and AC (ATC) at their minimum points.
In other words, AVC and AC will slope downwards and keep falling as long as MC is
below them
Shut-Down Point
Long run
Long run is a period oftime during which the quantities of all factors, both
variable and fixed, can be adjusted.
Break Even Unit Cost Curve
Short run
Short run is a period of time, within which the firm can vary its output by varying
only the amount of variable factors such as labour and raw materials.
Fixed factors such as capital, equipment, top management personnel cannot be
AVC * 1/AP
Therefore, AVC is inversely related to AP, i.e., when AP increases, AVC decreases.
When AP is maximum, AVC attains its minimum point and when AP decreases,
AVC increases.
As on a production function, AP measures the efficiency of variable input, for cost
curves AVC provides the same measure.
12.Theory of Production
In constant returns, each additional unit of variable input produces an equal amount of
additional product. i.e., The amount of product increases by the same magnitude for
each additional unit of input.
However, this is not a very common relationship in Animal Husbandry but may be
possible in other industries. (Value of each Unit of input Rs. 1500)
Input (X) Unit variable cost /AP
0 - - -
The table and the graph show that every equal increase in the input results in a constant
increase in the output and hence, the given production function is known as a constant
marginal returns function giving a straight line production curve (TP curve) which is
having the same slope throughout its entire range
In this case, every additional or marginal unit of input adds more and more to the total
product than the previous unit. i.e., addition to total product is at an increasing rate.
In actual practice, the cases of purely increasing returns are rarely available.(Value of
one unit of input Rs 500). (Click here to view graph)
Shape of the curve will go steeper and steeper with added inputs
If increasing amounts of one input are added to a production process while all other
inputs are kept constant, the amount of output added per unit of variable input will
eventually start decreasing.
In this type each additional unit of input add less and less to the total product than the
previous unit. Diminishing marginal product exist.
This function exists in almost every practical situation in livestock production. .(Value of
one unit of input Rs 500) (Click here to view graph)
0 50 - - -
Elasticity of production
A production function with an elasticity of 1 indicate constant returns and the elasticity
of more than one and less than one imply increasing and diminishing returns,
Short run refers to a period of time in which the supply of certain inputs (e.g.
plant, building and machines, etc.) is fixed or inelastic.
In short run, therefore, production of a commodity can be increased by
increasing the use of variable inputs, like labour and raw materials.
They do not refer to any fixed time period. While in some industries short term
may be a matter of a few weeks or a few months, in some others (e.g., electric
and power industry), it may mean three or more years.
Long run refers to a period of time in which the supply of all the inputs is elastic,
but not enough to permit a change in technology.
In long run, the availability of even fixed factor increases. Therefore, in long run,
production of commodity can be increased by employing more of both,
variable and fixed, inputs.
Economists use another term, i.e., very long period which refers to a period in
which the technology of production is subject to change.
In the very long run, the production function also changes. The technological
advances mean that a larger output can be created with a given quantity of
Laws of returns state the relationship between the variable input and the output
in the short term.
By definition, certain factors of production (viz., land and capital equipments
such as plant and machinery) are available in short supply during the short
run. Such factors are known as fixed factors.
On the other hand, the factors which are available in unlimited supply even
during the short periods are known as variable factors.
In short run, therefore, the firms can employ a limited or fixed quantity of fixed
factors and an unlimited quantity of the variable factor.
In other words, firms can employ in the short run, varying quantities of variable
inputs against a given quantity of fixed factors. This kind of change in input
combination leads to variation in factor proportions.
The laws which bring out the relationship between varying factor proportions and
output are therefore known as the Law of Variable Proportions, or what is
more popularly known as the Law of Diminishing Returns.
We shall now discuss the relationships between inputs and output under the
condition that both the inputs, capital and labour, are variable factors. This is a
long run phenomenon.
In the long run, supply of both the inputs is supposed to be elastic and firms can
hire larger quantities of both labour and capital. With large employment of
capital and labour, the scale of production changes.
The technological relationship between changing scale of inputs and output is
explained through the production function and isoquant curves techniques.
There are three rules for making production decisions in the short run. They are
o Expected selling price is greater than minimum ATC (or TR greater than
TC). A profit can be made and is maximized by producing where MR =
o Expected selling price is less than minimum ATC but greater than
minimum AVC (or TR is greater than TVC but less than TC). A loss
cannot be avoided but will be minimized by producing at the output
level where MR=MC. The loss will be somewhere between zero and the
total fixed cost.
o Expected selling price is less than minimum AVC (or TR less than TVC).
A loss can not be avoided but is minimized by not producing. The loss
will be equal to TFC.
Application of these rules is as follows. With a selling price equal to MR1, the
intersection of MR and MC is well above ATC, and a profit is being made.
When the selling price is equal to MR2, the income will not be sufficient to cover
total costs but will cover al variable costs, with some left over to pay part of
fixed costs. In this situation, the loss is minimized by producing where
MR=MC, because the loss will be less than TFC.
Selling price should be as low as MR3, income would not even cover variable
costs, and the loss would be minimized by stopping production. This would
minimize the loss at an amount equal to TFC.
There are only two rules for making production decisions in the long run.
o Selling price is greater than ATC (or TR greater than TC). Continue to
produce, because a profit is being made. This profit is maximized by
producing at the point where MR=MC.
o Selling price is less than ATC (or TR less than TC). There will be a
continual loss. Stop production and sell the fixed asset(s), which
eliminate the fixed costs. Money received should be invested in a more
profitable alternative.
This does not mean that assets should be sold the first time a loss is incurred.
Short-run losses will occur when there is a temporary drop in the selling price.
The second long-run rule should be invoked only when the drop in price is
expected to be long lasting or permanent
It is necessary to define the exact mechanism by which a disease can influence
Infectious and parasitic diseases cause diversion of feed resources to growth and
multiplication of causative agents.
Non-infectious disease can affect in a different manner. These disease may cause
direct or indirect effect.
Effect of ingestion
Most infectious and non-infectious diseases cause major effect of reduced feed
intake with rare incidence of increased intake.
Reduced feed intake is often called as anorectic effect. Its effect on feed
conversion efficiency is known as specific effect.
This specific effect is of economic relevance and is of two types.
Since lower production is achieved from same feed intake and efficiency of
production process is adversely affected.
Anorectic effect reduces both intake and output without altering efficiency of
This is an important consideration as variable cost in purchased feed and a fixed
cost in feed and fodder establishment.
Premature Death
Diseased animals may have lower marketing value either due to visible lesions or
due to indirect changes in appearance or body confirmation which make them
less attractive.
This reduced value may be due to changes in the ratio of meat to fat or meat to
Presence of lesions of zoonotic diseases may render animal totally unfit for
consumption from aesthetic point of view.
Some external parasitic diseases cause reduction value of skin/hides to their uses.
Yield of animal products like milk, wool and meat may be reduced by disease.
Quality of these products may also be reduced in term of change in milk
composition (in mastitis) and change in wool quality.
In case of yield reduction, price of commodity will fall and livestock producer will
suffer. But in case of quality change, consumer will suffer the loss.
Dung is used as cooking fuel in most developing countries, apart from using it as
Disease which cause high metabolic rate will indirectly influence rumen
metabolism by reducing the supply of dung.
Feed conversion efficiency is the ultimate measure of influence of disease on the
production process, but its measure require accurate measurement of feed
intake which is possible only under controlled feeding.
In grazing system, it is reasonable to take changes in feed as an adequate
indication of change in feed conversion efficiency when comparing diseased
and disease free animals kept under identical condition.
If less progeny born, fewer animals are available as herd replacement or for sale
to market products.
Thus not only livestock sale income reduced but also management flexibility for
herd improvement will be curtailed.
It will lead to the purchase of breeding animals with all the additional risks that
For example, liver fluke and other gastro-intestinal parasites have been shown to
affect reproductive performance in ewes.
In cattle, bovine leucosis and ephemeral fever have been reported to affect
Major direct effect on human welfare is through reduced supply of high quality
animal protein to young children and adolescents.
Thus animal diseases reduce their nutritional value.
Animals are source of supply of traction power and dung material in most
developing countries.
Further, they are sources of products like wool, hair, hide, feather, fur etc., used
for clothing, decoration, manufacture of utensils. Animal disease may cause
reduced supply of these products.
Another effect of animal disease which are zoonotic is to cause disease in human
as well as the animal population, thus amplifying their impact.
In most countries animals serve functions far beyond the utilization roles.
In our country, cow is considered as saint and buffaloe is considered as vehicle of
Emedharmaraja (God for killing).
Animal Welfare
It requires large number of farms because of the extent of variation in controlled
factors between farms.
There are standard economic techniques which should be used to describe and
summarize the outcome of economic studies.
The most common ones are partial budgeting, cost-benefit analysis and decision
The focus of economic studies must be on estimating the benefit of action against
a disease rather than just on the economic impact of the presence of a disease.
Although it is not possible to get all of the economic data using other analytical
procedures of which computer modeling is among the most useful .
There are standard economic procedures to include an evaluation of risk of each
of alternative course of action.
A rational approach to provision of health care requires that the product and
welfare significance rather than pathological severity of the disease should be
the measuring yardstick for livestock.
In this way health and production issue can be brought together for the benefit of
livestock producer and equally of the consumer.
14.Livestock Business
Livestock business includes both livestock and its products under business
Livestock generally includes all domestic animals which are meant for human
It includes primary activities of rearing all kinds of animals for food and other
Business of livestock and its products encomposes various activities involved in
directing the resources from point of production to consumption point. It
includes various forms of utilities.
Livestock business includes all operation involved in movement of animals, raw
materials and the effect of such operation on livestock farmer, middlemen /
traders, butchers and consumers.
Livestock business comprises all activities, agencies and policies involved in the
procurements of all inputs by livestock producers and movement of livestock
and its products from livestock farmers to consumers.
Livestock business is the link between livestock farmers and non-farm sectors.
Further it includes organization of all material supply to processing of finished
products, their demand and policy relating to farm products.
Livestock business in a broader sense is concerned with livestock and its products
by farmers / traders and of inputs required by them in production of these
animals and their products. This subject of livestock business includes product
marketing as well as input marketing.
Livestock rearing is a age old practice even before existence of agricultural
farming with seed.
Traditionally nomadic farmer reared their livestock wherever the feed and water
were available.
Now days modern animal husbandry activities attract usage of more scientific
knowhow on breeding, feeding and animal health care. Modern practices are
more input intensive.
Thus the scope of livestock business includes both input and output trading.
These are subject mater of livestock marketing includes marketing function,
agencies / traders, channels, efficiency and costs, price spread, market
integration, production surplus, government policy and research, training and
market statistics.
Business of livestock products is a complex process.
It includes all the functions and processes involved in the movement of produce
from livestock farmers to consumers.
Neither producers nor consumers of livestock products are located at one place.
They are spread all over the country.
Time wise, too, the production and consumption of livestock products do not
Moreover, farm products are produced in a form which is different from the one
in which they are consumed. They move in different ways and at different
places and times.
The number and type of functions, the cost of performing these functions, the
margins or profits of those who perform these functions, and the competition
in the trade all these vary from commodity to commodity, from time to time
and from place to place.
Marketed surplus is the actual quantity marketed in the market by the producer.
Marketable surplus is the quantity which can be delivered by the producer to the
market after his on-farm consumption. It represents the excess quantity
affordable to the market and it creates the market for certain commodity.
Marketable surplus is expressed as follows
o M=Q-C
Where M - Marketable surplus.
Q - Out put ( Old stock + Current stock)
C - On-farm consumption
To understand this concept at farm level, the following example may be
A farmer has two cows each yielding 25 litres daily. His family composition is with
his wife and two children. Adult members of his family consume 500ml of milk
daily. But each of his children consumes 750 ml daily. What is his marketable
His marketable surplus = 2*25- (0.500*2 +0.750*2) = 47.5 litres daily
Producers Surplus
Producers surplus is the quantity of produce which is, or can be, made available
by the livestock farmers to the nonfarm population.
Producers surplus is of two types:
o Marketable surplus
o Marketed surplus
Marketable surplus
MS = P C Where,
MS = Marketable surplus
P = Total production and
C = Total requirements (family consumption, farm needs,
payment to labour, landlord and payment for social and religious
Marketed surplus
Farmers may substitute one product for another product either for
family consumption purpose and the variation in prices.
Marketed surplus may be equal to marketable surplus when
farmer neither retains more nor less than his requirement. This
holds true for perishable commodities of the average farmer
16.Concept of Market
Meaning of Market
Concepts of marketing
Sales concept and marketing concept are clearly distinct from each other.
Sales concept
Starts with the firm's existing products and considers the task as one of
using selling and promotion to stimulate a profitable sales.
Marketing concept
o Starts with firm's existing and potential consumers and their needs; it
plans a coordinated set of products and programmes to serve these needs;
and it hopes to build its profits on creating meaningful value satisfactions.
o In the words of Philip Kotler, the marketing concept is a customer
orientation backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer
satisfaction and long-run customer welfare as the key to satisfying
organizational goals.
o Integrated marketing means an intelligent adaptation and coordination of
four P's viz., Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
Price should be made consistent with quality.
The channels of distribution made consistent with price and quality
The promotion made consistent with channels, price and product
o To achieve this type of integration, many companies have created product
managers and market managers.
Here, the marketing process starts with the consumer and ends, with the
After knowing consumer needs and wants, appropriate products and services are
developed and demand for these products and services is stimulated and
created by implementing suitable promotional polices.
Then the said demand is satisfied through an optimum distribution strategy.
Finally, by organizing appropriate marketing information system, feedback is
collected and in the light of this information, appropriate changes are initiated
so as to adopt the marketing elements to the changing situation in the market
Marketing would make the producers capable of producing marketable products
by providing them with standards, with quality demands and with
specifications for their products.
Marketing is the most easily accessible, "multiplier" of managers and
entrepreneurs in an "underdeveloped" growth area and they are the critical
needs of these countries.
Marketing can covert latent demand into effective demand. It cannot by itself,
create purchasing power, but it can uncover and channel all the purchasing
power that exists. So it can create conditions for higher level of economic
activity in the developing countries.
Marketing in a developing country is the 'developer of standards' for product and
services as well as of conduct, integrity, reliability, foresight and of concern for
the basic long-range impact of decisions on the customer, supplier, economy
and the society.
Whether the economy developed or developing is immaterial as far as marketing
is concerned because the basic functions of marketing (buying, selling,
transporting , storing, grading, financing, risk bearing and marketing
information ) and the utilities (Time, Place and possession utilities)created by
them are a necessity for any social system.
Marketing provides wide employment opportunity
17.Classification of Market
Markets can be classified on the basis of nature of commodity, time and nature of
business, area, nature of competition etc.
On the basis of the place of location or operation, markets are of the following
Village market
Primary markets
These markets are located in big towns near the centres of production of
In these markets, a major part of the produce is brought for sale by the
producer-farmers themselves.
Transactions in these markets usually take place between the
producers/farmers and traders.
Terminal market
Seaboard Markets
Markets which are located near the seashore and are meant mainly for
the import and / or export of goods are known as seaboard markets.
These are generally seaport towns.
Examples of these markets in India are Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta and
On the basis of the area from which buyers and sellers usually come for
transactions, markets may be classified into the following four classes
A market in which the buying and selling activities are confined among
the buyers and sellers drawn from the same village or nearby villages.
The village markets exist mostly for perishable commodities in small
lots, e.g., local milk market or vegetable market.
Regional market
A market in which buyers and sellers for a commodity are drawn from a
larger area than the local market.
Regional markets in India usually exist for foodgrains.
National market
World market
A market in which the buyers and sellers are drawn from the whole
world. This is the biggest market from the area point of view.
This market exists in the commodities which have a world-wide demand
and /or supply, such as coffee, machinery, gold, silver, etc.
In recent years many countries are moving towards a regime of liberal
international trade in agricultural produce like raw cotton, sugar, rice
and wheat.
It is expected that the international trade in such commodities will
become free from many restrictions as they exist now.
Short-period markets
Markets which are held only for a day or few hours are called short
period markets.
Products dealt within these markets are of a highly perishable nature,
such as fish, fresh vegetables, and liquid milk.
In these markets, the prices of commodities are governed mainly by the
extent of demand for, rather than by the supply of, the commodity.
Long-period markets
These markets are held for a longer period than the short period
Commodities traded in these markets are less perishable and can be
stored for some time; these are foodgrains and oilseeds.
Prices are governed both by the supply and demand forces.
Secular markets
There are two types of markets on the basis of volume of transactions at a time.
Wholesale market
Retail markets
The markets which are based on the types of transactions in which people are
engaged are of two types
Forward markets
A market in which the purchase and sale of a commodity takes place at
time t but the exchange of the commodity takes place on some specified
date in future i.e., time t+1.
Sometimes even on the specified date in the future (t+1), there may not
be any exchange of the commodity.
Instead, the differences in the purchase and sale prices are paid or
General markets
Specialized markets
Perfect markets
The prices are uniform at any one place over periods of time, plus
or minus the cost of storage from one period to another;
The prices of different forms of a product are uniform, plus or
minus the cost of converting the product from one form to
Imperfect market
Monopoly market
Duopoly market
Oligopoly market
A market in which there are more than two but still a few sellers
of a commodity is termed as an oligopoly market. A market
having a few (more than two) buyers is known as oligopsony
Monopolistic competition
Different prices prevail for the same basic product. Examples of
monopolistic competition faced by farmers may be drawn from
the input markets.
For examples, they have to chose between various makes of
insecticides, pumpsets, fertilizers and equipments.
On the basis of the type of goods dealt in, market may be classified into the
following categories
Commodity markets
A market which deals in goods and raw materials, such as wheat, barley,
cotton, fertilizer, seed, etc., are termed as commodity markets. Specific
commodities are bought and sold in these markets.
These may either be production goods or consumption goods. In such
markets, transactions of specialized commodities take place.
E.g. Mumbai cotton market, Punjab wheat market etc.
Produce exchange
Produce exchanges are the big and well organized markets for
raw produce like wheat, cotton, jute etc. and are found in cities or
developed industrial centres of a country.
One exchange deals in one specialized product.
Typical examples of such exchanges are the wheat exchange,
Cotton exchange and Jute exchange.
Bullion Market
Capital markets
Capital market is responsible for meeting the financial requirements of
big industrial and commercial concerns.
Capital is required at every stage of business which comes from the
money market, stock exchange and foreign exchange.
Money market
On the basis of the stage of marketing, markets may be classified into two
Producing markets
Consuming markets
Markets which collect the produce for final disposal to the consuming
population are called consumer markets.
Such markets are generally located in areas where production is
inadequate, or in thickly populated urban centres.
Based on the extent of public intervention, markets may be placed in any one of
the following two classes
Regulated markets
Unregulated markets
These are the markets in which business is conducted without any set
rules and regulations.
Traders frame the rules for the conduct of the business and run the
These markets suffer from many ills, ranging from unstandardised
charges for marketing functions to imperfections in the determination
of prices.
Urban market
Rural market
The word rural market usually refers to the demand originating from
the rural population.
There is considerable difference in the nature of embedded services
required with a farm product between urban and rural demands.
Black Market
In black markets, scarce commodities are sold at a very high price not
openly but in a secret manner.
The situation arises on account of excess of demand over limited supply.
Black market is an anti-social activity which gives way to black money.
Black money, hidden money or unaccounted money then passes into the
money market where it is invested in different trades and business
The interest and profits so earned on the unaccounted money go on
accumulating, till it attracts attention of the income tax authorities.
Markets can also be classified on the basis of as to whom the marketing margins
Over the years, there has been a considerable increase in the producers or
consumers co-operatives or other organizations handling marketing of various
Though private trade still handles bulk of the trade in farm products, the co-
operative marketing has increased its share in the trade of some agricultural
commodities like milk, fertilizers, sugarcane and sugar.
In the case of marketing activities undertaken by producers or consumers co-
operatives, the marketing margins are either negligible or shared amongst
their members
Short- Run Equilibrium price and output under perfect competition
Show the determination of short run equilibrium price and output under perfect
In this figure, we show the average cost curve (AC) and marginal cost curve (MC) of the
firm, together with its demand curve. We said that the demand curve is also the average
revenue curve is also the average revenue curve and the marginal revenue curve of the
firm, in a perfectly competitive market.
The firm is in equilibrium at point E where MR = MC, i.e., MC curve intersects the MR
curve at the point E. The equilibrium price is OP and equilibrium output is OQ.
Profit per unit of output is the difference between average revenue or price and average
cost. Average revenue or price is QE or OP. Average cost is QS.
Therefore, profit per unit of output is ES. Total profit earned the firm will be equal to
LPxES. Thus, the total profit earned the firm is PESL.
Figure shows the abnormal loss of a firm, where prevailing market price of the product is
such that the price line average and marginal revenue curves lies below the average
In the figure, the equilibrium price and output are determined when MC interest MR at
point E. OQ is the equilibrium output and OP is the equilibrium price.
QE is the average revenue and NQ is the average cost. Since average revenue or price
(QE) is less than average cost (NQ), the loss per unit of output is equal to NE and total
loss will be equal to PENM. This is known as abnormal loss.
Hence, the conditions of firms equilibrium under perfect competition are:
o MC=MR = Price
o MC curve must cut MR curve from below
Figure shows that E is the equilibrium point, where MC curve cuts the MR curve from
OQ is the equilibrium level of output and OP is the equilibrium price level.
AC curve is tangent to the AR curve at the point E, Where the firm incurs normal profit,
when P=AR = MR = AC =MC.
Normal profits (Click here to view the graph for "Short-Run Equilibrium with Normal
Just as land has rent, labour wages, capital rate of interest, the reward for entrepreneur,
under perfect competition, is normal profit.
Thus, normal profits are the remuneration for the entrepreneur, under perfect
Normal profits are those profits which are not large enough to attract any new
entrepreneur into the business nor are they small enough to make the existing
entrepreneurs quit the business
First condition for equilibrium of a firm is that marginal cost must be equal to
marginal revenue and the condition is that marginal cost curve should cut the
marginal revenue curve from below.
The condition is that average revenue or price should equal average cost. In the
short run there is abnormal profits quit business.
This period of entry and by firms is by itself long run. The industry attains
equilibrium when AR or Price = AC.
Price is also equal to marginal cost and revenue. Shows that point E is the long
run equilibrium output.
Forced sale
Superfluous middlemen
between him and the consumer and naturally share of the consumer's price
received by the producer is reduced.
Many state governments have not so far prescribed grades and standards for
many livestock products.
A good number of farmers have little knowledge of grading their produce and
usually mix up good and bad quality product into a single lot which secures
them a lower price for their produce in the market.
There is general inadequacy of good storage facilities both in urban as well as in
rural areas.
The indigenous methods of storage adopted in village do not adequately protect
the produce.
As a result, physical losses go on increasing if the period of storage is lengthened.
Variability in Output
Seasonality in production
Much of farm production is highly seasonal. The production varies from one
season of the year to another.
Hence, storage facilities must be made ready to hold the product until it is
This seasonality in production thus, raises costs of marketing through demand
storage facilities.
The seasonal variability in production of items like milk, egg, butter etc is not as
acute as it used to be years ago.
The widespread use of rapid transportation and refrigeration has tendered to
reduce the seasonality.
Raw materials
Farm out put which mainly sold in the farm of raw materials is used subsequently
for processing.
Sugarcane is to be converted into sugar, oils seeds into oil, animals in to meat,
wool in to cloth before all these are used for consumption.
Hence the raw materials produced by the farmers are to be processed at once
stage or the other before final consumption.
The differences in variety, colour, palatability, nutritive value, size, quality etc. of
the products are the other determinants of a good market for these products
Selling of perishable products like fruits, vegetables, and livestock products (milk, meat,
and egg) require fast movement of the commodities from the producers to the ultimate
Non-Perishable Goods
Non-perishable goods are goods that can be used again and again in the process of
production. They are tangible goods that normally survive many uses. They don't loose
their utility or shape after their first use.
They continue to provide utility over a long period of time, of course their utility over a
long period diminishes in value and utility.
Example factory buildings, machines and equipment are durable. Refrigerators, machine
tools and clothing are non perishable.
Nonperishable goods normally require more personal selling and services command a
higher margin and require more seller guarantees.
The perishable goods as used for the smaller period of time are not having any
Whereas the Non perishable goods (Radio, TV, Refrigerator) are usually provided with
guarantee period.They can classified as M
Industrial goods - Milking Parlour, Feed Mill, Machines in Automobile industry, etc
Marketers have four alternative ways for growth in sales and profits
o Market penetration
o Market development
o Product development and
o Product diversification.
21.Marketing Functions
Marketing can be studied through any one of the following four approaches.
o Functional approach
o Institutional approach
o Commodity approach
o Behavioural system or decision making approach.
Functional approach
Here the entire marketing process is broken down into many functions.
A marketing function may be defined as a specialized activity performed in
accomplishing the marketing process.
The marketing functions are classified into three
Exchange Functions
Physical functions
Facilitating functions
Risk bearing
Market intelligence
Risk bearing
Market intelligence
Institutional approach
Commodity approach
In this approach, specific commodities are selected and they are followed through
from the producer to the consumer.
For e.g., When we study marketing of milk, we will have to begin by examining
the sources of supply, volume and nature of demand, different marketing
functions involved etc.
Buying and selling are the complimentary functions, around which all marketing
efforts revolve and they are basic to the entire marketing process and these two
are known as exchange functions which are involved in the transfer of
ownership of goods.
Physical functions
Storage and
Risk bearing
A standard specifies what basic quality a product must have to be consistent with
the established characteristics.
Standards are set with regard to the shape, size, colour, flavour, composition,
weight etc.
Grading is the act of separating goods into different lots according to established
Purpose of grading is to establish a common language easily understood by
buyers and sellers as the basis of judging the quality of the product in relation
to its price.
Grading and standardization also help to cater to the special tastes and liking of
different section of buyers.
It is one of the most important functions of the modern marketing system. This
function is primarily concerned with making goods available at the proper
place resulting in creating place utility of the products.
Transporting is necessary not only to provide the goods to the consumers in time,
but also to find remunerative markets at far away places.
An efficient transport system enables the goods to reach the markets far and wide
without losing the precious time.
Special type of transport is highly essential for the transportation of livestock
E.g. Refrigeration facility is essential for the transportation of milk and meat.
It is the process of holding and preserving goods. Storage creates time utility
whereby goods are made more useful.
Farm products are stored to make them available throughout the year to balance
the periods of plenty and periods of scarcity.
Reasons for storing farm products:
o To even out the seasonal factor in production
o To lengthen the shelf life of the farm products which are mostly
o To improve the quality as well as the value of the products
Risk Bearing
It is accepting the possibility of loss when marketing a product.
Physical risks
Physical risks are those results in the destruction of the product itself
and are due to fire, accident, rain etc.
Risk attached to such natural hazards is often transferred to institutions
(Insurance companies) that specialize in assuming such risk.
Market risks
Market risks are those which occur due to the changes in product prices
and changes in consumer demand for the products.
Market risks can be reduced through accurate forecasting and market
Marketing Information
Recurrent information
Monitored information
Requested information
Functions of Marketing Information System (MKIS):
Marketing Intelligence
Marketing Cost
It is the actual expense incurred in buying goods and services from producers to
ultimate consumer.
It is the difference between final price paid by consumer for a commodity and
price received by the primary producer.
It includes assembling charges, handling charges, transport and storage cost,
processing cost, profit margin to different intermediaries, etc.
Market Spread
Marketing Channel
Marketing channel can be defined as path through which a product moves from
producer to consumer.
There are mainly tow types of marketing channel i.e Organized and Unorganized.
Organized marketing channel involve participation of government institution or
co-operative federation e.g Tamil Physical risks are those results in the
destruction of the product itself and are due to fire, accident, rain etc. Tamil
Nadu Co-operative Milk producer's Federation. It is basically a service motive
organization where consumer price will not have any violent fluctuation.
Unorganized marketing channel has many participation of private traders having
profit motive e.g. Private milk vendors.
1. Consumer distribution
2. Product characteristics
3. Characteristics of consumer
4. New marketing technologies
5. Changes in management
6. Changes in policies of government
7. Cost requirement
Value chain
22.Marketing Opportunities
Companies must look internally for strength and weakness and externally to the
environment for opportunities and threats. Most opportunities and threats
evolves from
o Changes in the demographic, economic, political, legal and cultural
o Change in the competitive environment, such as a technological break
through by a computer.
o Events that may or may not be under the company's control such as
strike by the work force or a serious fire in an industrial plant.
New market opportunities are determined by discovering customer
groups with unmet needs.
The new market opportunities arise for a variety of reasons in
industrialized societies. One is geographical mobility.
People live where they did not live before and thus create new
The aggressive business firms recognize these new markets and
builds new super markets, new discount houses etc.
Another source of new market is social mobility.
As people become more educated and acquire more sophisticated
social environment their interest change frequently resulting in
markets for new products.
Yet another cause of new market is psychic mobility, when people
change the conception of themselves and their environment
along with physical and social mobility
Broadly, a buying decision involves the following steps/stages
o Decision that there is a need for a product
o Pre-purchase search about its relevant particulars
o Analyzing the importance of different factors involved (i.e.) price,
utility, durability and the like,
o Weighing the pros and cons of alternative products
o Selection of the best available product in the context
o Use of the product and
o Post use review
There are 5 different roles that persons play in a buying decision process.
o Initiator: The person who first suggests or thinks of buying the
particular product.
o Influencer: A person who explicitly /implicitly carries some influence on
the final decision.
o Decider: A person who ultimately determines any part or the whole of
the buying decision -Whether/What/ How/ When/ Where to buy?
o Buyer: The person who makes the actual purchase.
o User: The person (s) who consume or use the product or services
To look at the various guidelines for export of livestock and livestock products
India is known for its livestock wealth and ranks high among the nations having
bovine population.
However, despite having huge livestock population, India stands insignificant in
the world trade of livestock products.
The recent concerted efforts made by the government in the era of liberalization
after opening up of the national economy to the international market have
certainly boosted Indias export trade of livestock products to newer heights.
The dairy industry of India is already at a take-off stage and the entry of the
corporate sector following the liberalized policies of government is bound to
complement the efforts of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) to
usher in a white revolution.
The most important achievement of the dairy industry is the near-self sufficiency
in milk production.
Nonetheless, the possibility of India emerging as a potential exporter of various
livestock products will largely depend on Indias own ability to exploit her
potential in this sector and generate exportable surplus of these commodities,
aside her competitive strength in the world market.
Livestock products include meat and meat products of different types that
comprise fresh, chilled and frozen meat as well as tissue or organs of poultry, pig,
sheep and goat.
It also consists of egg and egg powder; milk and milk goods; pet foods of animal
origin and embryos, ova or semen of cows, sheep and goats.
No livestock product may be imported into India without a valid sanitary import
Animal Fodder 413.5 499.4 668.5 818.5 1227.7 12941.37
and Feed
Leather 5343.1 6142.1 6587.9 8730.6 10330.2 9735.2
Raw Wool and 6127.7 4979.9 4969.4 4686.8 6339.3 8957.3
Animal Hair
All Groups 12212.5 12060.7 14058.5 14789.4 18313.2 32620.97
Source - Directorate General of Statistics&Commercial Intelligence, Calcutta , (DGCIS,
Calcutta )
All live-stock products shall be imported into India subject to the following
conditions, namely:
No live-stock product shall be imported into India without a valid sanitary import
permit issued under clause (3).
All applications for a permit to import consignments by land, air or sea shall be
made in either Form A (Application For Permit To Import Live-Stock Products
For Personal Consumption) Or Form B(For Trading / Marketing ) whichever is
relevant, and sent in triplicate to the Joint Secretary, Trade Division,
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India .
o The sanitary import permit shall be issued for import of livestock
products if, after a detailed import risk analysis, the concerned
authorities are satisfied that the import of the consignment will not
adversely affect the health of the animal and human populations of this
o The import risk analysis shall be conducted by the concerned officers of
the Department on the basis of internationally recognised scientific
principles of risk analysis and the analysis shall be conducted with
reference to the specific product and the disease situation prevailing in
the exporting country vis-a-vis the disease situation in India .
o The issue of permits shall be refused if the results of the import risk
analysis show that there is a risk of the specific product bringing in one
or more specific diseases, which are not prevalent in the country and
which could adversely affect the health and safety of the human and
animal populations of this country.
o The import permit shall lay down the specific conditions that will have
to be fulfilled in respect of the consignment, including pre-shipment
certifications and quarantine checks.
o The permit shall also specify the post-import requirements with regard
to quarantine inspections, sampling and testing.
o The import permit issued under this clause shall be valid for a period of
six months, but can be extended by the concerned authority for a further
period of six months, on request from the importer and for reasons to
be recorded in writing.
All livestock products shall be imported into India through the seaports or
airports located at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, where the Animal
Quarantine and Certification Services Stations are located.
o On arrival at the entry point, the livestock product shall be inspected by
the Officer-in-charge of the Animal Quarantine and Certification
Services Station or any other veterinary officer duly authorised by the
Department Of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, wherever required, in
accordance with the specific conditions laid down in the sanitary import
permit and with general guidelines issued by the Department of Animal
Husbandry and Dairying from time to time.
o After inspection and testing, where-ever required, the concerned
quarantine or veterinary authority shall accord quarantine clearance for
the entry of the livestock product into India or, if required in public
interest, order its destruction or its return to the country of origin.
o Where ever disinfection or any other treatment is considered necessary
in respect of any livestock product , the importer shall, on his own or at
his cost through an agency approved by the Department of Animal
Husbandry and Dairying, arrange for disinfection or other treatment of
the consignment, under the supervision of a duly authorised quarantine
or veterinary officer.
It shall be the responsibility of the importer.
o To bring the livestock product to the concerned Animal Quarantine &
Certification Services Station, or to the place of inspection, disinfection
or treatment or testing as directed by the Quarantine or veterinary
officer duly authorized on this behalf;
o To open, repack and load into or unload from the Animal Quarantine
Station and seal the consignment; and
o To remove them after inspection and treatment or testing, according to
the directions of the Quarantine or veterinary officer duly authorized by
the Department.
The Central Government may, in public interest, relax any of the onditions
specified under this Schedule relating to the permit in relation to the import of
any live-stock product
1997-98 to 2002-03
( Rs.million)
Broad Groups 1997-98 1998- 1999- 2000- 2001-02 2002-03
99 2000 01
Livestock 13.3 47.5 58.9 76.3 90.41 62.82
Meat and Edible Meat 8022.9 7721.3 7964.3 14568.6 11828.4 13575.5
Dairy and Poultry 1155.5 859 1142.9 2081.6 3524.8 3567
Products and Honey
Animal Fodder and 653.06 671.5 418 543.6 973.2 322.41
Leather 11006 11292.7 10384.1 17455.7 21971.4 24705.4
Raw Wool and Animal 64.11 63 38.7 34.2 18.8 22.8
All Groups(Total) 20914.87 20655 20006.9 34760 38407.01 42255.93
Source - Directorate General of Statistics&Commercial Intelligence, Calcutta , (DGCIS,
Calcutta )
The following are the documents required for the processing of the
Shipping Bill:
The formats presented for the Shipping Bill are as given below:
Commercial invoice
Issued by the seller for the full realisable amount of goods as per trade
The import and export of the cattle/ buffalo germplasm is under restricted list
and is allowed against the license issued by Directorate General of Foreign
Trade, Ministry of Commerce on the recommendation of this Department.
Introduction of temperate dairy breeds in the country for cross-breeding
indigenous non -descript cattle has been accepted for quite some time now.
In pursuance to this, the need has been felt by number of State Governments/
Organisations to import exotic germplasm to produce the quality cross-bred
With the extension of the breeding programme and the artificial breeding
network, a surge in the demand for the exotic germplasm is also expected.
There is a definite demand for the germplasm of Indian breeds of cattle and
buffalo, in South America, South Asia and other countries. Keeping in view our
responsibility towards conservation of the rich diversity, it is important to
broadly categorize the germplasm of cattle and buffalo meant for breeding
purposes and further for the export purposes.
Imposing a complete ban on the export of Indigenous germplasm because of
conservation concern would actually be counterproductive.
Such a ban will only encourage the flow of germplasm through illegal trade and in
a country with such huge land border it will be impossible to control such flow
through illegal trade.
It can be used for the up gradation of the indigenous stock.
o Accordingly, it has been felt that some guidelines should be put in place
for processing such applications for import and export of germplasm.
o Interim Guidelines for export /import of bovine germplasm
Screening Committee
o All the applications for the import of germplasm will be
examined. by .the Department of Animal Husbandrx Dairying
and Fisheries (DAD F).
Veterinary Certificates
o The imports should be regulated as per the provision of Livestock
Importation Act, 1898 amended from time to time and as per the
protocols/ veterinary certificates
Order of import
o For import of germplasm, the order of preference should be
frozen semen, frozen embryos, and live animals, which shall be
based on the assessment of the domestic requirement of bulls
and bull mothers and their availability in the country.
Standards for Import of Germplasm
o Semen from progeny tested sires with +ve sire indices/breeding
values (with reliability of> 85%) should only be allowed for
o The selection criterion for milk fat should be a minimum of3.5%
in HF and 5% in Jersey. 6.2 Semen should be procured from the
bulls with daughters average lactation yield ( in 305 days) above
9000 liters in HF and 6000 liters in Jersey.
o Bulls should be improver for type charactersli ke uddera nd feet
o Donor bull should be free from genetic disorders like bovine
leukocyte adhesion disease (BLAD), deficiency of uridine mono-
phosphate synthetase (DUMPS), citrulinemia (deficiency of
argino-succinate synthetasea) and Factor XI
o Embryos should be procured from the donor dams -HF with
minimum lactation yield of'l 000 Its with minimum of 3,5% fat.
Sire should be progeny tested with sire indices/breeding value of
higher order (with reliability of> 85%).
o Embryos should be procured from the donor dams- Jersey with
o lactation yield of 7000 Its with minimum of 5% fat. Sire should
be progeny tested with sire indices/breeding value of higher
order (with reliability of> 85%),
o In case of import of indigenous germplasm, average of top 20%
of genetic
o material on current animal register of the exporting country shall
be considered for import.
o Import of germplasm of other exotic breeds will be allowed only
for experimental purpose subject to condition that the semen is
from progeny tested.
o For import of live animals/ Semen! Embryos of other bovine
breeds, the DADF shall consider and recommend case-to-case
24.Guidelines for export of bovine germplasm
Export of live animals (bovine) and bovine germplasm will be permitted for
breeding purposes only.
The export of germplasm will be allowed subject to the fulfillment of following
o For export of'germplasm, order '"of preference should be frozen semen,
frozen embryos and lastly live animals.
o Animal should conform to breed characteristics.
o Milk production records of breed averages will be considered during
export of live animals.
o However elite animals (top 20% of the production level) of each breed
having best milk product(on level should not be exported.
o The export component should not exceed 5% of animals of the
concerned breed estimated as qualified for export per year.
o However, export of lIve anImals of some of the Indigenous breeds
categonsed as threatened/ endangered shall not be allowed.
o Countries which are interested in importing bovine germplasm (live
o semen, ova, embryo and gonads) will provide their import policy
documents and health protocols to Govt. of India.
o The exporting agency from India will comply with the rules and
regulations as intimated by DADF.
o The export of germplasm (semen, ova & embryos) of all the breeds may
only be permitted to only those countries, which are willing to have
similar arrangements on reciprocal basis.
o The health certificate requested by the importing authorities will be
provided by the registered Veterinarian authorized by DADF.
o Exporting agency/ State Government will keep the detailed data on the
exported animals and shall regularly inform DADF.
o For export of Embryo/ ova, the collection and processing techniques as
stipulated under section 3.3 Appendix to and micro-
manipulation of the Bovine Embryos at Appendix to of
the DIE Terrestrial Anima1.Health code (2005). as amended from time
to time may be adhered to. ..
o Similarly the collection and processing procedure of semen as per
section 3.2,Appendix to of the DIE Terrestrial Animal
Health code (2005) as amended from time to time may be complied.
o The animals with National Institute/NDDB, registered animals with
CHRS or State Government or Livestock Development Boards, shall be
eligible for Consideration for export of germ-plasm.
o Preferential treatment shall be given to the SAARC countries in terms of
the number of animals and breeds to be exported especially from
Central Cattle Breeding Farms (CCBFs). .
Although India is a world leader in the production of Dairy Animal Products.
India's exports of Animal products has increased from 1266333.38 MT with the
value of Rs. 4109.93 Crores in 2006-07 to 2101759.49 MTwith the value of
Rs.5104.63 Crores in 2007-08.
Indias exports of poultry products has increased from Rs. 318.17 Crores in 2006-
07 to Rs 441.09 Crores in 2007-08.
Birds, eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked constitute the largest segment
with about 50% share. Processed egg products accounted for about 48% of the
India's export of Buffalo meat and sheep/goat meat products reached 483478.29
MT and 8908.72 MT with the value of Rs. 3549.78 Crores and Rs. 134.10
Crores during 2007-08.
Frozen bovine meat dominated the exports with a contribution of over 97%. The
demand for bovine meat in international market has sparked a sudden
increase in the meat exports from India. The main markets for Indian bovine
meat are Malaysia, Philippines, Mauritius, and Gulf countries.
Concentrated Dairy products such as skimmed milk continues to be the largest
item of export, which together accounts for nearly 78% of net milk and milk
products exports during the year 2006-07.
The exports of Dairy Products reached. 69415.44 MT with the value of Rs.866.58
Crores in 2007-08 as against Rs. 434.58 Crores in 2006-07.
On the other hand butter, butter oil, ghee and other milk fat together accounted
for just over 10% of the net milk and milk product exports from India during
India s exports of Processed Meat and Natural honey attained 1245.47 MT and
12231.19 MT with the value of Rs. 12.96 Crores and Rs. 93.30 Crores in 2007-
Buffalo Meat
There are 24 meat processing plants including 13, hundred percent export
oriented units who are mainly engaged in export of meat products.
In the last one-year three new export oriented units of buffalo meat processing
have been approved and are reportedly under implementation.
In addition, there are few animal casing units engaged in collecting cleaning,
grading and exporting sheep and goat and cattle guts .
The individual products under this sub-head are as below:
o Carcasses Of Bovine Animals(Fresh)
o Meat Of Bovine Animals With Bone (Fresh)
o Boneless Meat Of Bovine Animals (Fresh)
o Carcasses Of Bovine Animals (Frozen)
o Meat Of Bovine Animals With Bon (Frozen)
o Boneless Meat Of Bovine Animals (Frozen )
Areas of Production
The major areas for Buffalo Meat production are Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh ,
Uttar Pradesh
Indias export of Buffalo (bovine) meat has increased from Rs. 3213.75
Crores in 2006-07 to Rs 3549.78 Crores in 2007-08 .
Quantity in MT
Animal 552.74 1,263.98 1,125.82 1,751.33 435.97 950.65
Processe 1,359.68 944.84 745.36 724.01 860.69 712.60
d Meat
Areas of Production
Rajasthan, Jammu, Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Hilly regions of North and
Eastern Himalays are the Indian regions with maximum livestock population.
The individual products under this sub-head are as below.
o Carcasses Of Lamb (Fresh)
o Carcasses Of Sheep (Fresh)
o Meat Of Sheep With Bone (Fresh)
o Boneless Meat Of Sheep (Fresh)
o Carcasses Of Lamb (Frozen)
o Carcasses Of Sheep (Frozen)
o Meat Of Sheep With Bone (Frozen)
o Boneless Meat Of Sheep (Frozen)
India Facts and Figures
o The world production of Sheep meat was 8.89 million tones and Goat
meat was 5.14 million tones in 2007.
o India ranked seventh in sheep and second in goat meat production.
o Indias export of sheep/goat meat has been increased from Rs. 65.87
Crores in 2006-07 to Rs.134.10 Crores in 2007-08 .
Major Export Destinations (2007-08)
o Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Germany, Oman
Poultry Products
Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in India
today. While the production of agricultural crops has been rising at a rate of 1.5
to 2 percent per annum, that of eggs and broilers has been rising at a rate of 8
to 10 percent per annum.
As a result, India is now the world's fifth largest egg producer and the eighteenth
largest producer of broilers.
The Potential in the sector is due to a combination of factors - growth in per
capita income, a growing urban population and falling real poultry prices.
Poultry meat is the fastest growing component of global meat demand, and India,
the world's second largest developing country, is experiencing rapid growth in
its poultry sector.
In India, poultry sector growth is being driven by rising incomes and a rapidly
expanding middle class, together with the emergence of vertically integrated
poultry producers that have reduced consumer prices by lowering production
and marketing costs.
Integrated production, market transition from live birds to chilled and frozen
products, and policies that ensure supplies of competitively priced corn and
soybeans are keys to future poultry industry growth in India. There are number
of small poultry dressing plants in the country.
These plants are producing dressed chickens. In addition to these plants, there
are five modern integrated poultry processing plants producing dressed
chicken, chicken cut parts and other chicken products. These plants will
manufacture egg powder and frozen egg-yolk for export.
Areas of Production
Over all, Tamil Nadu counts for maximum egg production. In Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad is the city with maximum poultry and hatcheries.
Besides the state of Andhra Pradesh, Vishakhapatnam, Chittoor, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and North
Eastern States are the major egg contributors
The individual products under this sub-head are as below
o Live Poultry <=85 Gram
o Other Live Poultry <=185 Gram
o Live Poultry > 185 Gram
o Other Live Poultry >185 Gram
o Edible Poultry Meat (Fresh)
o Edible Poultry Meat (Frozen)
o Other Poultry Meat Not Cut In Pieces
o Cuts & Offals Excluding Livers
o Eggs In Shell
o Other Eggs
o Egg Yolks Dried
o Other Egg Yolks
o Eggs Not In Shell (Dried/Cooked)
o Eggs Not In Shell (Frozen/Preserved)
o India Facts and Figures
o Indias export of poultry products has increased from Rs. 318.17 Crores
in 2006-07 to Rs 441.09 Crores in 2007-08 .
Major Export Destinations (2007-08)
o Kuwait, Afghanistan, Oman, Japan, Denmark.
Dairy Products
India now has indisputably the world's biggest dairy industryat least in terms of
milk production; last year India produced close to 100 million tonnes of milk,
15% more than the US and three times as much as the much-heralded new
growth champ, China.
Appropriately, India also produces the biggest directory or encyclopaedia of any
world dairy industry.
The dairy sector in the India has shown remarkable development in the past
decade and India has now become one of the largest producers of milk and
value-added milk products in the world.
The individual products under this sub-head are as below
Areas of Production
Bangladesh, UAE, Egypt, China, Algeria
Animal Casing
India, being a country with numerous states and vast area , has resources for
production of animal casings of high quality with excellent calibration and
shining colour .
This makes India one of the major exporter of animal casing in the world.
Animal products including the products or animal casing like Bladders and
Stomachs of Animals, Casings of Other animals, Cattle Casings, Guts for
Animal Casings, Sheep Casings etc.
The individual products under this sub-head are as below
o Cattle Casings
o Sheep Casings
o Casings of other animals
o Guts for animal casings
o Bladders and stomach of animals
Indias export of Animal Casing products has reached to Rs 6.84 Crores in 2007-
Processed Meat
The total processing capacity in India is over 1 million tons per annum, of which
40-50 percent is utilized. India exports more than 500,000 tons of meat,
mostly buffalo meat.
Indian buffalo meat is witnessing strong demand in international markets due to
its lean character and near organic nature.
Unlike cow slaughter, there is no social taboo in killing buffalo for meat. Goat and
lamb meat are relatively small segments where local demand is outstripping
The production levels in these two categories have been almost constant at
950,000 tons with annual exports of less than 10,000 tons.
The recent trend in India is to establish large abattoirs-cum-meat processing
plants with the latest technology.
India has already established ten state-of-art mechanized abattoirs-cum-meat
processing plants in various states based on slaughtering buffaloes and sheep.
These plants are environmentally friendly, where all the slaughterhouse
byproducts are utilized in the production of meat-cum-bone meal, tallow, bone
chips and other value-added products. Several more are under construction.
The plants follow all the sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures required by the
International Animal Health code of World Organization for Animal Health
(O.I.E.). These plants mostly produce buffalo meat for export.
India is becoming a major buffalo meat producing country and will be a main
player in the international market with additional establishment of the state-
of-art-abattoirs cum meat processing plants.
Areas of Production
India export of Processed Meat productionhas increased from Rs. 7.13 Crores in
2006-07 to Rs.12.96 Crores in 2007-08 and from 860.69 Qty (Mt) in 2006-07
to 1245.47 Qty (Mt) in 2007-08.
25.Resource Management
Promotion of the welfare of the people is one of the major objectives of the
modern livestock farming. For the attainment of this objective the state attach
high priority on their economic development.
The economic development in turn depends on human, natural and financial
resources. Since in most of the developing countries these resources are not
available in abundance, every care should be taken to make proper use of these
resources to obtain best possible results.
Hence the management of various types of resources assumes special importance
in the developing countries.
Material or the natural resources also play an important role in the economic
development of a country.
Effective managementof natural or material resources is of prime importance.
Requirement of materials
Type of the material to
be used in the production process is generally determined
by the production department (engineering dept.) of the company, since it has
necessary knowledge and equipment to check the real physical characteristics.
Usually the top management does this. It depends how highly integrated and the
diversified the company is.
Advantages of Making
Advantges of Buying
Source selection
Procurement activity also includes effective communication with the user and
other services department as also with the supplier.
Frequently, however materials management procedures require direct
communication and discussions between the user and the supplier for
technical reasons.
The heart of the industrial management function is the procurement circle, which
may be depicted as shown below
Financial resources
Resources are the inputs we give to the enterprise. Land, labour and capital are
the basic resources. Any form of the capital can be considered as the financial
Share Capital
A Company issues shares of its capital to raise the fund for its business.
This is done at the time of incorporation of the company and also
subsequently as and when the need arises.
There are two types of share capital
o Preference capital
o Equity capital
Capital of the company is called the share capital. Those who acquire
shares are called as the shareholders.
They are the owners of the company. Shareholders cannot withdraw any
part of the capital except under appropriate legal customeric provisions.
Shareholders can transfer shares held by them to other persons.
When large amount of money is required which cannot be obtained from a single
source small amounts are borrowed from large number of people. This is done
by issuing debentures/bonds.
Each debenture has a face value which is the amount supposed to be borrowed
from the debenture holder.
Rate of interest, date of issue and date of maturity are indicated on the
Based on the purpose and duration of the borrowings agricultural credits may be
divided into
o Short term credit: Loan for paying wages, hiring labour, purchasing
feeds, seeds and fertilizers. They are payable out of the income of the
next immediate harvest.
o Medium term loan: Comparatively bigger loans required for the
purchase of cattle, pump sets, implements etc., spanning 2-7 years for
repayment. Repayment cannot be made at the next harvest.
o Long term credit: Still larger sums to purchase land, wells, etc., It will
take many years to repay.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (typically abbreviated GATT) was the outcome
of the failure of negotiating governments to create the International Trade Organization
GATT was formed in 1947 and lasted until 1994, when it was replaced by the World
Trade Organization during the final round of negotiations in early 1990s.
The history of the GATT can be divided into three phases:
o The first, from 1947 until the Torquay Round , largely concerned which
commodities would be covered by the agreement and freezing existing tariff
o A second phase, encompassing three rounds, from 1959 to 1979, focused on
reducing tariffs.
o The third phase, consisting only of the Uruguay Round from 1986 to 1994,
extended the agreement fully to new areas such as intellectual property, services ,
capital , and agriculture . Out of this round the WTO was born.
World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing
with the rules of trade between nations.
At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the worlds
trading nations and ratified in their parliaments.
The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers who
conduct their business
In 1993 the GATT was updated (GATT 1994) to include new obligations upon its
One of the most significant changes was the creation of the World Trade Organization
(WTO). The 75 existing GATT members and the European Communities became the
founding members of the WTO on 1 January 1995.
The other 52 GATT members rejoined the WTO in the following two years (the last being
Congo in 1997).
Since the founding of the WTO and 21 new non-GATT members have joined, 29 are
currently negotiating membership. There are a total of 153 member countries in the
Whereas GATT was a set of rules agreed upon by nations, the WTO is an institutional
body. The WTO expanded its scope from traded goods to trade within the service sector
and intellectual property rights .
Although it was designed to serve multilateral agreements, during several rounds of
GATT negotiations (particularly the Tokyo Round) plurilateral agreements created
selective trading and caused fragmentation among members. WTO arrangements are
generally a multilateral agreement settlement mechanism of GATT.
The WTOs Agriculture Agreement was negotiated in the 198694 Uruguay Round and is
a significant first step towards fairer competition and a less distorted sector.
It includes specific commitments by WTO member governments to improve market
access and reduce trade-distorting subsidies in agriculture.
These commitments are being implemented over a six year period (10 years for
developing countries) that began in 1995.
Participants have agreed to initiate negotiations for continuing the reform process one
year before the end of the implementation period, i.e. by the end of 1999.
These talks have now been incorporated into the broader negotiating agenda set at the
2001 Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar.
WTO members agreed to initiate negotiations for continuing the agricultural trade
reform process one year before the end of the implementation period, i.e. by the end of
These talks began in early 2000 under the original mandate of Article 20 of the
Agriculture Agreement.
At the November 2001 Doha Ministerial Conference, the agriculture negotiations became
part of the single undertaking in which virtually all the linked negotiations were to end
by 1 January 2005.
Tariff Barriers
Tariff is a set of proportion of the price of good to increase the price at the border of
importing countries. Aim of levying tariff is to stimulate in import-competing industries
and depressing demand by reducing imports. This is needed to safeguard the domestic
producer. It is specified in money term per unit in the form of excise and custom duties.
This is of two type ie. optimum tariff and prohibitive tariff.
o Optimum tariff - Tariff which maximizes country's welfare.
o Prohibitive tariff - It is the increased level of tariff when there is no trade.
Tariff rate Quota (TRQ) - is two tiered tariff structure where minimum access quantity is
charged a low tariff (within quota tariff) while imports above minim access quota are
charged higher tariff (out of quota tariff) which experience prohibitive tariff.
Special Safeguard Clause (SSC) provides imposition of additional import duty if import
exceeds their average of three preceding years by no more than 5% or if CIF import price
of shipment falls below 90% of average reference price.
Non-Tariff Barriers
Changes in the form of fees for loading and unloading important products, port charges,
custom processing fees, consular charges to imports are in the form of non-tariff
other specific type of non-tariff barriers are technical barrier to trade (TBT) and sanitary
and phyto-sanitary (SPS) measure.
TBT covers all technical regulations, voluntary standards and conformity assessment
procedures. Many TBT can result in unnecessary costs increase to exporters.
TBT measures focus on ensuring imported products satisfy domestic taxes, preferences
and requirements with respect to quality, safety or appropriate consideration of
environmental concern during manufacturing, processing and or shipment of product.
SPS covers all measures whose purpose is to protect human or animal health from food
borne risks, human health from animal or plant carried diseases.
Remedy for this barrier is to harmonise such requirements or standards within union
Break-even point
Service charge = How much one gets by selling an individual unit of output.
Break-even point nearer to the origin indicates less loss and more profit zones.
Break-even point away from the origin indicates more and more loss zone and
less and less profit zone.
Nearness of Break even point to the origin also indicates whatever the farmer is
producing is market worthwhile.
Due to this the farmer will recoup his investment even by producing less number
of units of output.
Break even point away from the origin indicates to recoup the investment the
farmer has to produce larger number of units of output which is an indication
that whatever the farmer is producing is not so market worthwhile.
Find out the break even point of a sheep herd with following information.
o Total fixed cost =Rs.10000, Number of sheep =100. Variable cost of
production = Rs.60000, Gross return =Rs.100000
o Break Even point or output= 10000/{(100000/100)-(60000/100)}= 25
Shut down point is the output level corresponding to minimum point of average
variable cost.
A farmer must produce at least this amount so that he will be able to cover the
variable cost of production.
If the total revenue curve goes below this point, it is better to close the business
instead of incurring losses. So this point is called as Shut down point.
28. Accounting
Accounting provides protection to business properties from unjustified and
unwarranted use.
Accounting helps in ascertaining the net profit earned or loss suffered on account
of carrying the business.
This is done by keeping a proper record of revenues and expenses of a particular
The profit and loss account is prepared at the end of a period and if the amount of
revenue for the period is more than the expenses incurred in earning that
revenue, then it is said to be a profit. In case the expenditure exceeds the
revenue, there is said to be a loss.
Profit and loss account will help the management, investors, creditors, etc. in
knowing whether running the business is remunerative or not.
The profit and loss account gives the amount of profit or loss made by the
business during a particular period. However it is not enough.
The businessman must know about his financial position i.e, where he stands:
what he owes and what he owns? This objective is served by the balance sheet
or position statement.
The balance sheet is a statement of assets and liabilities of the business on a
particular date.
Accounting these days has taken upon itself the task of collection, analysis and
reporting of information at the required points of time to the required levels of
the authority in order to facilitate rational decision making.
The American Accounting Association has defined accounting as the process of
identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit
informed judgements and decisions by users of the information
This is the basic function of accounting. It is essentially concerned with ensuring
that all business transactions of financial character are recorded in an orderly
Recording is done in the book- journal.
It is concerned with the systematic analysis of the recorded data, with a view to
group transactions or entries of one nature at one place.
The work of classification is done in the book
termed as ledger.
Accounting records only those transactions and events in terms of money which
are of financial character.
Transactions which are not of a financial character are not recorded in the books
of account.
o management accounting.
Financial Accounting
Cost Accounting
Management Accounting
Tangible assets
These are assets having physical existence like cash, furniture, land, building etc.
Intangible assets
These are assets with no physical existence. But, their possession gives rise to
some benefits to owners. E.g. Goodwill, Patents, Trademarks, etc.
These denote the amounts, which a business owes to others (other than the
proprietor/s) on different accounts such as;
o Loan from bank
o Loan from other persons,
o Creditors for goods supplied
o Creditors for services rendered to the business, etc.
Liabilities are also called creditors equity i.e., Creditors claims on assets.
Capital = Assets - Liabilities
Accounting equation
It is a mathematical form of saying that in any business the total assets always
equal to owners equity + creditors equity.
Balance sheet
One who owes debt or money is a debtor, i.e., one who owes money to a business
is a debtor.
It is the value of the cash or goods withdrawn by the owner or proprietor for his
personal or domestic purposes or use. It is opposite of capital.
Sales of products, merchandise (goods for sales and services) earnings by way of
interest, rents, wages, salaries, commission, etc., are revenues.
Revenue is the gross money receipts which increases owners equity (capital) on
one hand and also the assets (cash or account receivables) on the other hand.
Income is the money or moneys equivalent earned or accrued during an
accounting period increasing the total of previously existing net assets (net
worths) and arising from the sales and rentals of any types of goods or services.
Example: When goods of Rs.10,000/- are sold to Rs.15,000/-, the sum of
Rs.15,000/- is the revenue, whereas Rs.5,000/- is earned over and above the
original asset value of Rs.10,000/- is the income. Similarly the receipts and
amounts receivable for services rendered like rent, wages, salary, interest,
commission, dividend, etc. are income.
It is the work performed by the business to get revenue or the work obtained
from others by spending for the same.
Thus, rendering the service results in income and receiving service results in
o Credit transaction: It is the transaction wherein cash is neither received
nor paid at the time of transaction, but involves exchange on credit or
o Non cash transaction: is one where the question of receipt of cash or
payment of cash does not arise at all. Eg. Depreciation, return of goods,
The various books wherein transactions of varied nature of a business are entered
are the books of account.
Gross profit
Difference between selling price and the costprice of the goods is the gross
earning or gross profit of the businessman.
Gross loss
Surplus remains after charging against gross profit all expenses including
depreciation and other provisions properly attributable to the normal activities
of the particular group.
These are symbols used while recording transactions. Debit (Dr) refers to the
receiving account and credit (Cr) to giving account.
If any benefit is received or a person is a receiver of benefit the receiving or
receivers account is said to be debited.
If benefit is given or a person is a giver of benefit, the giving account or givers
account is said to be credited.
A manager gets things done through other people. These people (human
resources) use material resources such as land, money, machinery,
equipments, materials, etc.It is the responsibility
of managers to ensure that the employees utilize these resources in optimum
There is minimum wastages of resources and maximum returns on investment
made in resources.
Similarly an enterprise spends considerable amount of money on acquit ion,
training, remuneration, motivation etc., of its employee.
Unless the employee work with devotion, their performance will be poor. They
will not make effective utilization of material resources.
Therefore, the effective utilization of human resources is even more important.
Management is said to be effective, of when enterprise is utilizing its human and
natural resources effectively to achieve its objectives.
But at the same time it does not mean that human resources should be utilized
only as a resources.
Employees are human being with emotions and aspirations of their own.
It is also the duty of management to treat employees with dignity and sense of
Personnel management
Identification of work
Identificationand classification of work enables managers to concentrate
attention on important works, to avoid duplication of work and to avoid
overlapping or wastage of efforts.
While identifying and classifying works, management must ensure that
o All necessary works are performed
o There is no unnecessary duplication in performing activities and
o Different workers are performed in a co-ordinated manner.
Work Study
Methods Study
This can be defined asthe systematic procedure for analysing the existing
methods of doing work including the various human movements involved in it
with the main objective of evolving the best or the most economical methods of
doing the work.
Procedure adopted can be categorized stage by stage as follows:
o Selection of the work to be studied
o Collection of data and recording of the relevant facts about the existing
o Critical examination of the data collected
o Development of most practical, economic and effective method, having
due regard to all contingents circumstances.
o Installation of the new methods and maintaining it by regular routine
Work Measurement
This is the technique of assessing the time content of the work performed by an
The technique involves the determination of the proper time required for the
work and so popularly known as time study.
Optimization of labour input
Optimization of labour in the actual sense means to obtain the most efficient or
optimum use of labour.
Labour must be confined with the other factors of production and cannot be
discussed in isolation.
Proper labour management policy will depend on particular farming situation.
According to Alfred Marshall " labour is any exertion of mind or body undergone
partly or wholly with a view to earning some good or other than pleasure
derived directly from work.
o Labour is not a commodity
o Labour is inseparable from the labourer
o Labour is more perishable than any other commodity
o Labour is less mobile
o Supply of labour is independent of its demand
o It is difficult to calculate the cost of production of labour
o Labourer sells his service and not himself
o Labourer does not have same bargaining power as their employers
o Labourer is not a machine - have ones own liking , feelings , wishes,
thoughts etc.,
o Labourers differ in efficiency
Types of Labour
Hired/Casual - Seasonal
o For special jobs
Temporary - Skilled
o Unskilled
Permanent - Skilled (e.g. Milkers, Clerks,)
o Unskilled (eg.workers, attendants)
The top and middle management is considered to be the upper level management
and first level managers are referred as supervisors (lower level management).
Since the first line management play an important role in the organization their
supervision is also important.
This is carried out by the middle level management - called the "supervisor of the
Middle management is the link between the top management where the policies
are framed and the operators' level.
Division of labour means dividing large tasks into smaller packages of work to be
distributed among several people. This work specialisation allows an employee to
master a task in the shortest time with a minimum skill.
Division of labour
Making of an article is split up into several processes and each process is
entrusted to a separate set of workers. This is known as division of labour.
It is simply a form of specialisation of labour. The division of labour is associated
with efficiency of labour.
There are 3 types of division of labour. They are,
Work is split up into different processes and each worker is assigned a definite
part of the work.
This is the division of labour proper. Ex. Manufacturing of pins, making of bread
Advantages of specialization
Narrow outlook of workers Physical and moral deterioration of workers
Decline in mobility of labour Struggle between workers and employers
Sense of irresponsibility Sense of irresponsibility
The word specialization is frequently used with the division of labour and
essentially both means the same.
Both mean that each unit of the productive input - each person, each piece of
land, and each machine - does only a part of the total production job.
Employing high grade and experienced men for more specialised work is
economical in the long run.
Lightens the workload on each labourer - making him more physically and
mentally acquainted with the job.
Make the worker to be more skilled and increase his efficiency in the job he does.
Streamlining the capital investment in labour by actually knowing the skill and
specialization of the worker.
Management is easier, so also the supervision.
Increase in production is probably the most important advantage.
Time saving .
Doing the work more times make the worker to know the minutes detail which
may instil new ideas for the modification of the product or the process.
Helps to find out the job of ones taste.
Possibility of employing the right man at the right place.
Maximum exploitation of the skill is possible, enabling to produce good quality
Risk of unemployment
Monotony of the work
Monopoly of the power
Brings stratification in the society, creating inequality among the individuals
Profit is stipulated as one is concentrating on one product
Efficiency means the ability to do work so that the productivity is increased with
minimum cost.
Efficiency of labour is a great national asset. The following are some important
factors, which affect efficiency of labour.
Racial qualities
A cool bracing climate is more conducive to work hard than tropical climate.
Hence a labourer in Europe will be more efficient than a labourer in Asia.
Education stimulates and strengthens the right type of instincts and builds up
A technically trained man is naturally more efficient.
Personal qualities
If a worker has a strong physique, is mentally alert and intelligent, his efficiency
will be greater.
Resourcefulness and initiative also increases efficiency.
Labour efficiency also depends on how labour is organised and what quality of
machinery is placed at his disposal.
First-rate work cannot be expected from a third-rate labourer using second-rate
Working hours:
A well-paid worker is generally contended and puts his heart and soul into his
He must also be paid promptly.
Labour organisation:
Social security scheme guaranteeing freedom from want and fear, and
sympathetic state attitude towards labourer will go long way in improving labour
30.Book Keeping
This system recognises that every transaction has a two fold effect.
If someone receives something then either some other person must have given it,
or the first mentioned person must have lost something, or some service etc.
must have been rendered by him
Distinction between double entry system and single entry system is as follows:
Under double entry system both the aspects, i.e., debit and credit, of all the
transactions are recorded. But under single entry system, there is no record of
some transactions, some transactions are recorded only in one of their aspects
whereas some other transactions are recorded in both of their aspects.
Under double entry system, various subsidiary books like sales book, purchases
book, etc. are maintained.
Under single entry system, no subsidiary books except cash book which is also
considered as a part of ledger is maintained.
Under double entry system there is a ledger which contains personal, real and
nominal accounts. But under single entry system, the ledger contains some
personal accounts only.
Under double entry system preparation of trial balance is possible.
It is not possible to prepare a trial balance under the single entry system. Hence,
accuracy of work is uncertain.
Under double entry system, Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance
Sheet are prepared in a scientific manner.
Under single entry system, it is not possible; only a rough estimate of
profit or
loss is made and a Statement of Affairs is prepared which resembles a balance
sheet in appearance but which does not present an accurate picture of the
financial position of the business
Journal is the primary or original book of entry in which all transactions are
recorded in the form of entries.
These entries are entered in the order of their
happening of occurrence in a
chronological order. From these journals, entries are transferred to ledger.
It is a book of final entry wherein the transactions that are finally entered in
Memorandum book or journals are finally entered in ledger.
It is also called the Principal Book of Accounts.
Transactions relating to different persons are recorded separately in the name of
each person in a ledger.
Cash book
This is an account book where only cash transactions i.e., both receipts and
payments of cash are recorded.
Purchase book or Purchase Day book or Daybook of purchase, Bought Daybook,
Invoice book, Credit Purchase book, Purchase journal, Purchases register
This book records only credit purchase of goods in which trends deals.
In this book only credit sales of goods dealt by the traders are entered.
It contains the records of returns of goods purchased by the trader for which no
cash is received.
This happens when the goods are purchased but, the purchased goods are;
o Defective
o Damaged during transit
o Qualities delivered or received may not agree with invoice
o The price charged may be too high
o Goods may have been received quite later
o Substandard
o Terms and conditions may not be suitable
It records the goods returned by customers out of the sales already made and for
which no cash is paid.
Journal Proper
This is the journal in which (this is like miscellaneous journals) those entries are
entered, which cannot be entered in any of the above listed subsidiary journals
or books
Simple cash book is like an ordinary cash account. Its proforma is given below.
Exercise 1:
Dr. Cr.
16,000 ______
8,000 16,000
Cash book is meant for recording all cash transactions. It is a very important
journal of business on account of the following reasons:
o Number of transactions is quite large in every business.
o Chances of fraud being committed regarding cash are higher as
compared to other assets.
o Strict control is, therefore required. Properly maintained cash book
helps in attaining this objective.
o Cash is nerve centre of business. Timely payment to its creditors
increases the reputation of the business.
o Similarly timely payments from its debtors improve the financial
position of the business.
Cash book can be any one of the following types:
o Simple cash book
o Two columnar cash book
o Three columnar cash book
o Multi columnar cash book
o Cash receipts book
o Cash payments book
This type of cash book contains the following three columns on each side:
o Cash column for cash received and cash paid
o Discount column for discount received and discount paid
o Bank column for money deposited and money withdrawn from the bank.
o The proforma of such a Cash book is given below.
Dr. Cr.
Exercise 3
Jan. 1 Cash in hand Rs.1,600 and Bank overdraft Rs.1,000.
7 Discounted a bill for Rs.5,000 at 1 % through Bank.
9 Paid into Bank Rs.1,000.
11 Joginder who owed us Rs.2000 became bankrupt and paid us 50 paise in the
15 Withdrew from Bank for private expenses Rs.100.
20 Received repayment of loan Rs.3,000 and deposited out of it Rs.2,000 in the
Dr. Cr.
Dat Particul L. Dis Ban Cash Dat Particul L. Dis Ban Cash
e ars F c. k e ars F c. k
Jan. To Jan By 1,00
1 Balance 4,95 1,600 1 Balance 0 1,000
b/d 50 0 b/d
7 -- 9
To Bill 1,00 By Bank ( 100 2,00
9 receivable 0 15 C) 0
11 To Cash ___ 20 By 6,85 1,700
(C) _ 3,00 Drawings 0
20 2,00 0
To 50 0 By Bank ( ___
Joginder ___ ___ C) ___ __
_ ___ __ _
To loan _ By 4,70
repaid 4,70 balance 7,95 0
7,95 0 c/d 0 ___
To cash ( 0 ___ ___ __
C) ___ __ _
To 0
o Cash Column, and
o Discount Column
Cash Column is meant for recording cash receipts and payments while discount
column is meant for recording discount received and the discount allowed.
The discount column on the debit side represents the discount allowed while
discount column on the credit side represents the discount received.
Cash column of the cash book serves both the functions of a book as well as an
account but discount column does not serve the function of a discount account.
A separate discount account has to be opened in the ledger in which total debits
and credits from the cash book are posted.
Sometimes, two separate discount accounts are kept in the ledger-one for
discount allowed and the other for discount received.
Dt. Particulars L.F. Discount Cash Dt. Particulars L.F. Discount Cash
Exercise 2
Dr. C
Aug. To Capital 2 10,00 Aug By 5 2,300
1 0 1 Purchases
To Sales _____ 500
3 1,800 2 By
To Naveen _____ Furniture 5 400
7 798 5 _____
To Sales 2 By Office
8 _____ 50 6 equipment 5 100
To balance
Aug b/d 8 By Rent 10
____ By Legal
_ Expenses 15
12,648 By Wages 5
_ By Cartage 700
8,193 By 425
By Suresh
By balance _
32.Classification of Accounts
Transactions in journal are recorded on the basis of rules of debit and credit.
For this purpose, business transactions have been classified into three categories:
o Transactions relating to persons Personal Accounts
o Transactions relating to properties and assets Real Accounts
o Transactions relating to incomes and expenses Nominal Accounts.
Natural Personal A/C Tangible Expenses and Losses
Artificial Personal A/C Intangible Incomes and Gains
Representative personal A/C
Personal Accounts
It includes the accounts of persons with whom the business deals. There are three
The term Natural Persons means persons who are creation of GOD. For e.g.
Rajas account, Kumars account.
Tangible realaccounts are those which relate to such things which can be
touched, felt, measured etc.
E.g. Cash account, building account, furniture account, stock account etc.
Intangible real accounts
These accounts represent such things, which cannot be touched, though they can
be measured in terms of money.
E.g. patients account, good will account etc.
The rule is
o Debit what comes in
o Credit what goes out
E.g. when furniture is purchased for cash, furniture account should be debited
while the cash account should be credited
These accounts are opened in the books to simply explain nature of transactions.
They do not really exist. For e.g. in a business, salary is paid to manager, rent is
paid to landlord, while salary, rent as such do not exist.
The accounts of these items are opened simply to explain how the cash has been
In the absence of such information, it may be difficult for a person concerned to
explain how cash was utilised.
Nominal accounts include accounts of all expenses, losses, incomes and gains.
The examples of such accounts are rent, insurance, dividends, and loss by fire etc.
The rule is
o Debit all expenses and losses
o Credit all gains and incomes
Documents on the basis of the above transactions are recorded in the books of
account are known as source documents.
Examples of source documents are bills, invoices, receipts, cash memos, vouchers
These documents provide written evidence of a transaction or event that has
taken place.
Accounting Equation
Assets = Equities
Equities may be subdivided into two types: the rights of creditors and the rights
of the owners.
The equity of creditors represents debts of the business and are called liabilities.
The equity of the owner is called capital.
o So,
Assets = Liabilities + Capital (or)
Assets Liabilities = Capital.
The Accounting Equation can be understood with the help of following
Transaction 1
Transaction 2
A purchases furniture for cash worth Rs. 2,000. The position of his business will
be as follows:
Transaction 3
Capital and Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Creditor (B) 5,000 Cash(Rs.8000+4000) 12,000
Capital 11,500 Stock of cotton bales 1000
Debtor (P) 1500
Furniture 2000
16,500 16,500
Transaction 4
A withdraws cash of Rs 1,000 and cotton bales of Rs 200 for his personal use.
The amount and the goods withdrawn will decrease relevant assets and As
capital. The position will be now as follows.
The result of applying the system of double entry system may be summarized in
the following rule:
o For every debit there must be equivalent credit and vice versa.
Journal records all daily transactions of a business into the order in which they
A journal is defined as a book containing a chronological record of transactions.
It is the book in which transactions are recorded under the double entry system.
Thus journal is the books, of original record.
The journal does not replace but preceds the ledger.
The process of recording transaction in a journal is termed as Journalising. A
proforma of Journal is given below.
Date: The date on which the transaction was taken place is recorded here.
Particulars: The two aspects of transaction namely debit and credit are recorded
L.F: It means Ledger Folio. The transactions entered in the journal are later on
posted to the ledger.
Debit: In this column the amount to be debited is entered.
Credit: In this column the amount to be credited is shown.
Closing entries are entries passed at the end of accounting year to close different
These entries are passed to close accounts relating to incomes, expenses, gains
and losses.
In other words, these entries are passed to close the different accounts pertaining
to Trading and Profit and Loss account.
The accounts relating to assets and liabilities are not closed but they are carried
forward to next year.
Hence no entries are to be passed regarding those accounts which relate to the
balance sheet.
The principle of passing a closing entry is very simple.
In case an account shows a debit balance, it has to be credited in order to close it.
For e.g. if the Purchases Account is to be closed, the Purchases Account will have
to be credited so that it may be closed because it has a debit balance.
The closing entries are passed in the journal proper
Income statement
In the revenue realized through the sale of following items are included.
A. Operating Receipts
B. Capital Receipts
Breeding stock
Machinery and equipment
Appreciation in the value of assets
Interest and dividends
A. Operating Expenses
Labour charges
Rents and Leases
Seed and Fertilizer
Livestock expenses (Breeding Vet., etc)
Gas Fuels, Oil
Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Telephone)
Marketing and transport expense
Interest on working capital
D. Other expenses
By subtracting the expenses from the receipts Net income for a year can be
o Operating ratio= Total Operating expenses / Gross income
o Fixed ratio = Total Fixed expenses / Gross income
o Gross ratio = Total expenses / Gross income
o Balance sheet indicates the overall position of the business at the every
end of period.
Debit Trading Account with the opening stock, net purchases and their direct
expenses on the goods by transfer of balances from the respective ledger
accounts. Thus, Trading Accounts will be debited with the total cost of the
goods sold and unsold.
Credit the Trading Account for the transfer of net sales from the sales Account.
Since the profit can be found out only in regard to goods sold, the stock at close is
credited to Trading Account on the basis of an Adjusting Journal Entry.
The Profit and Loss (gross) on the Trading Account is transferred to the Profit
and Loss Account by means of a Journal Entry.
Gross Profit or Loss will be brought down from the Trading Account to the Credit
or Debit side respectively of Profit and Loss Account.
Debit the Profit and Loss Account and Credit the various nominal Accounts for
bringing the various expenses of the business proper into the Profit and Loss
Credit the Profit and Loss Account and Debit the various nominal Accounts for
bringing the various business incomes into the Account.
The difference between the two sides of Profit and Loss Account will represent
the Profit or Loss Account and since the Losses and Gains have to be borne by
the proprietor, Profit and Loss Account will be closed by means of credit (net
profit) and a debit (net loss).
It is most important to note that all business expenses other than those
transferred to Trading Account will have to be transferred to the Profit and
Loss Account.
Likewise, all business incomes will have to be brought into profit and Loss
Account after making adjustments and Provisions if any.
The indirect or selling expenses which find a place in profit and Loss Account
after include, among others, the following:
o Unproductive wages, wages and Salaries, Carriage on sales, Carriage
outwards, Freight on sales/ outwards, all office expenses, trade
expenses not accompanied by office expenses, export duties and taxes
other than income tax
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Mr. Kumar for the year ending
31st March 2007.
Stock 1st April, 2006
Sales 50,000
Sales returns 2,89,600
Purchases 9,600
Purchases returns 2,43,000
Freight inwards 3,000
Carriage outwards 4,000
Salaries and wages 6,000
Bank interest paid 30,000
Printing and stationery 2,000
Discount received 7,000
Discount allowed 900
Audit fees 3,000
Insurance premium 600
Trade expenses 2,500
Stock on 31st March 2007 was 70,000
Particulars Rs Rs Particulars Rs Rs
To Stock Opening 2,43,000 50,000 By Sales 2,89,600 2,80,000
and Loss A/C) 3,50,000 56,000
(Transferred to _______
Capital A/c)