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The key takeaways are that this handbook provides information to aid electronic warfare and radar systems engineers in estimating capabilities of systems. It covers topics such as electronic warfare, radar systems, and related technical terms.

This handbook is designed to aid electronic warfare and radar systems engineers in making general estimations regarding capabilities of systems.

Some of the topics covered in this handbook include electronic warfare, radar systems, microwave components, antennas, and signal processing.


2013 Fourth Edition

Electronic Warfare
and Radar Systems
Engineering Handbook

A Comprehensive Handbook for

Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineers

Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Point Mugu, California

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release.

Fourth Edition

Electronic Warfare and

Radar Systems Engineering Handbook

Avionics Department





public release.
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division


This handbook is designed to aid electronic warfare and radar systems engineers in
making general estimations regarding capabilities of systems. This handbook is sponsored
by the NAVAIR Director of Electronic Warfare/Combat Systems Department. This fourth
edition updates technical information in Sections 3-7 and 3-8 from previous editions.

This document was reviewed for technical accuracy by Dr. Andrew Chen.

Approved by Under authority of

EW/Combat Systems Department RDML, U.S. Navy
30 September 2013 Commander

Released for publication by

Director for Research and Engineering

NAWCWD Technical Publication 8347

Published by ..................................................................... Technical Communication Office

Collation ....................................................................................... Cover, 226 leaves, + Tabs
Previously published as NAWCWPNS TS 92-78 (1st through 3rd Edition) .....4,040 paper
First Edition ........................................................................................................... 105 paper
Second Edition ............................................................................................................500 paper
Third Edition ....................................................................................................... 1,000 paper
Fourth Edition ............................................................................... 100 paper, 500 electronic
Form Approved
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01-10-2013 Technical publication 1 January 2012 30 September 2013


Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook (U) N/A


Avionics Department N/A

Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
575 I Avenue, Suite 1 (Code 450000E) NAWCWD TP 8347
Point Mugu, California 93042





Approved for public release.


(U) This handbook is designed to aid electronic warfare and radar systems engineers in making general estimations regarding
capabilities of systems. This handbook is sponsored by the NAVAIR Director of Electronic Warfare / Combat Systems Department.


Aircraft Dynamics, Antenna, Data Transfer Busses, Electro-Optics and Infrared, Ethernet, Internet Protocol, Maneuverability,
Microwave Components, Polarization, Radar Equations, Radiation Patterns, Receiver Characteristics, Receiver Sensitivity, Receiver
Tests, Radio Frequency Components, RS-232 Interface, RS-422 Balanced Voltage Interface, RS-485 Interface, Transmission Control
a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18


ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................................. 1-1

Constants, Conversions, and Characters ...................................................................................... 2-1
Mathematical Notation.................................................................................................................. 2-2
Frequency Spectrum ..................................................................................................................... 2-3
Decibel (dB) .................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Duty Cycle .................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Doppler Shift................................................................................................................................. 2-6
Electronic Formulas ..................................................................................................................... 2-7
Missile and Electronic Equipment Designations .......................................................................... 2-8
Radar Horizon / Line of Sight ....................................................................................................... 2-9
Propagation Time / Resolution ................................................................................................... 2-10
Modulation .................................................................................................................................. 2-11
Transforms / Wavelets ................................................................................................................ 2-12

Antenna Introduction / Basics ....................................................................................................... 3-1
Polarization ................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Radiation Patterns ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Frequency / Phase Effects of Antennas......................................................................................... 3-4
Antenna Near Field ....................................................................................................................... 3-5
Radiation Hazards ......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA) ............................................................................ 3-7
Fractal Antennas ....................................................................................................................................... 3-8

Field Intensity and Power Density ................................................................................................ 4-1
Power Density .............................................................................................................................. 4-2
One-Way Radar Equation / RF Propagation ................................................................................. 4-3
Two-Way Radar Equation (Monostatic) ....................................................................................... 4-4
Alternate Two-Way Radar Equation ............................................................................................ 4-5
Two-Way Radar Equation (Bistatic) ............................................................................................ 4-6
Jamming to Signal (J/S) Ratio - Constant Power [Saturated] Jamming........................................ 4-7
Burn-Through / Crossover Range ................................................................................................. 4-8
Support Jamming .......................................................................................................................... 4-9
Jamming to Signal (J/S) Ratio - Constant Gain (Linear) Jamming............................................. 4-10
Radar Cross Section (RCS) ......................................................................................................... 4-11
Emission Control (EMCON) ..................................................................................................... 4-12
EW Jamming Techniques ........................................................................................................... 4-13


RF Atmospheric Absorption / Ducting ......................................................................................... 5-1
Receiver Sensitivity / Noise .......................................................................................................... 5-2
Receiver Types and Characteristics .............................................................................................. 5-3
Radar Modes ................................................................................................................................. 5-4
General Radar Display Types ....................................................................................................... 5-5
IFF - Identification - Friend or Foe ............................................................................................... 5-6
Receiver Tests ............................................................................................................................... 5-7
Signal Sorting and Direction Finding ........................................................................................... 5-8

Microwave Waveguides and Coaxial Cable ................................................................................. 6-1
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) / Reflection Coefficient
Return Loss / Mismatch Loss ............................................................................................ 6-2
Microwave Coaxial Connectors .................................................................................................... 6-3
Power Dividers and Directional Couplers .................................................................................... 6-4
Attenuators / Filters / DC Blocks .................................................................................................. 6-5
Terminations / Dummy Loads ...................................................................................................... 6-6
Circulators and Diplexers ............................................................................................................. 6-7
Mixers and Frequency Discriminators ......................................................................................... 6-8
Detectors ....................................................................................................................................... 6-9
RF / Microwave Amplifiers ........................................................................................................ 6-10
Signal Generation ....................................................................................................................... 6-11
Digital Processing Components .................................................................................................. 6-12
Microwave Measurements .......................................................................................................... 6-13

ELECTRO-OPTICS AND IR .................................................................................................................... 7-1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7-1.1
Optical Spectrum ....................................................................................................................... 7-1.1
Radiometric Quantities and Terminology .................................................................................. 7-1.2
Photometric Quantities............................................................................................................... 7-1.3
Basic Principles.......................................................................................................................... 7-1.4
Basic Radiant Power Relationships ........................................................................................... 7-1.5
Infrared Source Characteristics ................................................................................................ 7-1.10
Atmospheric Transmission ...................................................................................................... 7-1.14
EO Components and Sensors ................................................................................................... 7-1.16
IR Threats to Aircraft and Their Countermeasures .................................................................. 7-1.30
IRCM ....................................................................................................................................... 7-1.36
Lasers ....................................................................................................................................... 7-1.38
Fiber Optics.............................................................................................................................. 7-1.41
Laser Safety .................................................................................................................................. 7-2


Free Fall / Aircraft Drag ............................................................................................................... 8-1
Mach Number and Airspeed vs Altitude....................................................................................... 8-2
Maneuverability ........................................................................................................................... 8-3
EMP / Aircraft Dimensions .......................................................................................................... 8-4


Data Busses ................................................................................................................................... 9-1
RS-232 Interface ........................................................................................................................... 9-2
RS-422 Balanced Voltage Interface ............................................................................................. 9-3
RS-485 Interface ........................................................................................................................... 9-4
IEEE-488 Interface Bus (HP-IB/GP-IB) ...................................................................................... 9-5
MIL-STD-1553 & 1773 Data Bus ................................................................................................ 9-6
Ethernet ......................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol ....................................................................... 9-8

GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................ 10-1


a Acceleration or atto (10-18 multiplier) AFOTEC Air Force Operational T&E Center
A Ampere, Area, Altitude, Angstrom A/G Air-to-Ground
(), Antenna Aperture, or Aerial AGB Autonomous Guided Bomb
A-799 No evidence of failure report AGC Automatic Gain Control
A/A, A-A, AA Air-to-Air or Anti-Aircraft AGI Auxiliary General Intelligence
AA-() Air-to-Air missile number () (Intelligence-gathering Ship)
AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery AGL Above Ground Level
AAAA Army Aviation Association of AGM Air-to-Ground Missile
America AGS Angle Gate Stealer
AAED Advanced Airborne Expendable AHWS Advanced Helicopter Weapons
Decoy System
AAM Air-to-Air Missile AI Artificial Intelligence, Air Intercept, or
AARGM Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Airborne Interceptor
Missile AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and
AAW Anti-Air Warfare Astronautics
A-BIT Automatic Built-in-Test AIC Air Intercept Control
ABM Air Breathing Missile or Anti-ballistic AIM Air Intercept Missile
Missile AIRLANT Commander, U.S. Naval Air Forces,
A/C Aircraft (also acft.) Atlantic Fleet
AC Alternating Current AIRPAC Commander, U.S. Naval Air Forces,
ACA Associate Contractor Agreement or Pacific Fleet
Airspace Coordination Area AJ Anti-jamming or Anti-Jam
ACAT Acquisition Category A-Kit Aircraft wiring kit for a system
ACC Air Combat Command (includes cabling, racks, etc. excluding
ACCB Aircraft Configuration Control Board WRAs)
Acft Aircraft (also A/C) ALC Air Logistics Center
ACLS Aircraft Carrier Landing System AM Amplitude Modulation
ACM Advanced Cruise Missile or Air AMD Aircraft Maintenance Department
Combat Maneuvering AMES Advanced Multiple Environment
ACQ Acquisition Simulator
ACS Antenna Coupler Set AMLV Advanced Memory Loader/Verifier
ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Amp Amplifier
Demonstration AMRAAM Advanced, Medium-Range, Air-to-Air
A/D Analog to Digital Missile
ADM Advanced Development Model ANSI American National Standards Institute
ADP Automatic Data Processing or ANT Antenna
Advanced Development Program Ao Operational Availability
AEA Airborne Electronic Attack AO Acousto-Optical
AEC Aviation Electronic Combat (Army) AOA Angle of Arrival, Angle of Attack, or
AEGIS Automatic Electronic Guided Intercept Analysis of Alternatives (similar to
System COEA)
AEL Accessible Emission Limit AOC Association of Old Crows
AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array (Professional EW Society) or Award
AEW Airborne Early Warning of Contract
AF Antenna Factor, Air Force, or Audio AOT Angle Only Track, Angle Off Tail, or
Frequency Acquisition-on-Target
AFB Air Force Base or Airframe Bulletin APC Amphenol Precision Connector or
AFC Automatic Frequency Control or Armored Personnel Carrier
Airframe Change APN Aircraft Procurement, Navy
AFIPS Automated Financial Information APO Armed Forces (or Army or Air) Post
Processing System Office, Acquisition Program Office

APU Auxiliary Power Unit B Bandwidth (also BW) or Magnetic
AR Anti-reflection or Aspect Ratio inductance
ARM Anti-radiation Missile BAFO Best and Final Offer
ARO After Receipt of Order BAU Bus Adapter Unit
A/S, A-S, AS Air-to-Surface BC Bus Controller
ASC Air Systems Command BDA Battle Damage Assessment
ASCM Anti-ship Cruise Missile BDI Battle Damage Indication
ASE Aircraft Survivability (or Survival) BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
Equipment, Allowable Steering Error, BI Background Investigation
or Automatic Support Equipment BIFF Battlefield Identification, Friend, or
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit Foe
ASK Amplitude Shift Keying BIT Built-in-Test, Binary Digit or
ASM Air-to-Surface Missile Battlefield Information Technology
ASO Aviation Supply Office BITE Built-in-Test Equipment
A-Spec System Specification BIU Bus Interface Unit
ASPJ Airborne Self-Protection Jammer B-Kit Avionics Black Box WRAs
ASPO Avionics Support (also Systems) B/N Bombardier/Navigator
Project Office (also Officer) BNC Bayonet Navy Connector
ASR Advanced Special Receiver or BOA Basic Ordering Agreement
Airport/Airborne Surveillance Radar BOL Swedish chaff dispenser in a launcher
ASRAAM Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air BPF Band Pass Filter
Missile BPS Bits Per Second
ASTE Advanced Strategic and Tactical BUMED Bureau of Medicine (Navy)
Expendables BUNO Bureau Number (aircraft)
ASW Anti-submarine Warfare BUR Bottom Up Review
ATA Advanced Tactical Aircraft BVR Beyond Visual Range
ATARS Advanced Tactical Air BW Beamwidth (referring to an antenna)
Reconnaissance System or sometimes Bandwidth
ATC Air Traffic Control BWA Backward Wave Amplifier
ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration BWO Backward Wave Oscillator
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
ATEDS Advanced Technology Expendables
and Dispenser Systems
ATF Advanced Tactical Fighter (F-22) c Speed of Light = 3x108 meters/sec =
ATIMS Airborne Turret Infrared Measurement 1.8x1012 furlongs per fortnight or 1.8
System or Airborne Tactical terafurlongs per fortnight, or centi
Information Management System (10-2) multiplier
ATIRCM Advanced Threat Infrared C Electron Charge, Coulomb,
Countermeasures Capacitance, Celsius, Centigrade,
ATP Acceptance Test Procedure Confidential, Roman numeral for 100,
ATR Autonomous Target Recognition, or a programming language (also C+
Airborne Transportable Rack, and C++)
Atlantic Test Range C2 Command and Control
ATRJ Advanced Threat Radar Jammer C3 (C4) Command, Control, Communications
AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network (and Computers)
AUX Auxiliary C3I (C4I) Command, Control, Communications,
avdp. Avoirdupois (system of measures) (Computers) and Intelligence
Avg Average CAD Computer-Aided Design
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System CAE Computer-Aided Engineering
AZ Azimuth (also Az) CAG Carrier Air Group
CAGE Commercial and Government Entry
CAIV Cost as an Independent Variable
CAL Calibration

CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing or CJ Coherent Jamming
Constant Addressable Memory CLC Command Launch Computer
CAO Competency Aligned Organization or cm Centimeter
Contract Administrative Officer CM Countermeasures or Configuration
CAP Combat Air Patrol Management
CAS Close Air Support or Calibrated CMC Command Mission Computer or
Airspeed Commandant Marine Corps
CASS Consolidated Automated Support CMDS Countermeasure Dispensing System
System CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide
CAT Catapult or Cockpit Automation Semiconductor
Technology CMP Configuration Management Plan
CB Citizens Band (also see Seabee) CMWS Common Missile Warning System
CBD Commerce Business Daily CNAF Commander, Naval Air Forces
CBIT Continuous Built-in-Test CNAL Commander, Naval Air Forces
CBO Congressional Budget Office Atlantic ( also COMNAVAIRLANT)
CCA Circuit Card Assembly CNAP Commander, Naval Air Forces Pacific
CCB Configuration Control Board (also COMNAVAIRPAC)
CCD Charge Coupled Device CNI Communications, Navigation, and
CCM Counter-Countermeasures Identification
CCN Contract Change Number or CO Commanding Officer, Contracting
Configuration Change Notice Officer, Change Order, or Carbon
CCU Cockpit Control Unit Monoxide
cd Candela (SI unit of luminous COB Close of Business
intensity) COCOM Combatant Command
CD Compact Disk or Control and Display COEA Cost and Operational Effectiveness
CDC Combat Direction Center Analysis
CDR Critical Design Review COG Center of Gravity or Cognizant
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List COMM Communications
CE Conducted Emission COMSEC Communications Security
CECOM Communications and Electronics CONSCAN Conical Scanning Radar
Command (Army) CONUS Continental United States
CEESIM Combat Electromagnetic Environment CO-OP Cooperative (countermeasures)
Simulator COR Contracting Officers Representative
CEP Circular Error Probability CORPORAL Collaborative On-Line
CFA Cognizant Field Activity Reconnaissance
CFAR Constant False Alarm Rate Provider/Operationally Responsive
CFE Contractor Furnished Equipment Attack Link
CG Center of Gravity, Commanding Cos Cosine
General, Command Guidance, or COSRO Conical-Scan on Receive Only
Cruiser COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CI Configuration Item (hardware/software)
CIA Central Intelligence Agency CP Circularly Polarized (antenna), Central
CIC Combat Information Center (now Processor, or Command Post
called CDC) CPS Computer or Control Power Supply
CID Combat Identification or Charge (depends on application)
Injection Device CPU Central Processing Unit
CILOP Conversion in Lieu of Procurement CRC Originally Chemical Rubber
CINC Commander in Chief Company, now published reference
CIP Capital Improvement Program books by CRC Press
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CRFM Coherent RF Memory
(11 of 15 former Soviet Union CRISD Computer Resources Integrated
territories except Estonia, Georgia, Support Document
Latvia, and Lithuania) CRLCMP Computer Resources Life Cycle
CIWS Close-In Weapon System Management Plan

CRO Countermeasures Response DDI Digital Display Indicator
Optimization DDS Direct Digital Synthesizers
CRT Cathode Ray Tube or Combat Rated DECM Deceptive Electronic Countermeasures
Thrust (afterburner) (also Defensive ECM)
CSAR Combat Search and Rescue deg Degree
Crypto Cryptographic DEMVAL Demonstration Validation (also
CS Conducted Susceptibility DEM/VAL)
CSC Commodity Software Change DET Detachment
CSCI Computer Software Configuration DF Direction Finding
Item DFT Discrete Fourier Transform
C-Spec Product Specification DI Data Item
CSS Contractor Support Services DIA Defense Intelligence Agency or
CTR Chesapeake Test Range Diameter
CV Aircraft Carrier DID Data Item Description
CVN Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasures
CVR Crystal Video Receiver DJ Deceptive Jamming
CW Continuous Wave or Chemical D-Level Depot Level Maintenance
Warfare DM Data Management (also manager)
CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure DMA Direct Memory Address or Defense
CWI Continuous Wave Illuminator Mapping Agency
CY Calendar Year DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DNA Defense Nuclear Agency, Does Not
Apply, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DOA Direction of Arrival
d Distance, Diameter, or deci (10-1 DOD or DoD Department of Defense
multiplier) DoDISS DoD Index of Specifications and
D Distance, Diameter, Electron Standards
displacement, Detectivity, Doppler, DOM Depth of Modulation
Density, or Roman numeral for 500 DON Department of the Navy
da deca (100 multiplier) DOS Disk Operating System
D/A Digital-to-Analog DOT&E Director, Operational Test &
DAB Defense Acquisition Board Evaluation
DAC Digital to Analog Converter or Dept DPRO Defense Plant Representative Office
of Army Civilian DRB Defense Review Board
DAR Defense Acquisition Regulation DRFM Digital RF Memory
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects DSARC Defense Systems Acquisition (and)
Agency Review Council
DB Database DSN Defense Switching Network
dB Decibel DSO Dielectrically Stabilized Oscillator
dBc dB referenced to the Carrier Signal DSP Digital Signal Processor
dBi Decibel antenna gain referenced to an D-Spec Process Specification
isotropic antenna DT (&E) Development or Developmental Test
dBm Decibel referenced to the power of (and Evaluation)
one milliwatt DTC Design to Cost
DBOF Defense Business Operations Fund DTE Data Terminal Equipment
dBsm Decibel value of radar cross section DTO Digitally Tuned Oscillator or Defense
referenced to a square meter Technology Objectives
dBW Decibel referenced to the power of DTRMC Defense (or DoD) Test Recourse
one watt Management Center
DC Direct Current, Discrete Circuit, or
District of Columbia
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DCS Direct Commercial Sales or
Distributed Control System

e Electron charge or base of natural EMS Electromagnetic Susceptibility,
logarithms (2.71828...) Electromagnetic Spectrum
E Electric Field Intensity or Strength, EMV Electromagnetic Vulnerability
Energy, East, or Exa (1018 multiplier) EO Electro-Optic, Electro-Optical, or
E3 Electromagnetic Environmental Engineering Order
Effects EOB Electronic Order of Battle or Expense
EA Electronic Attack (similar to older Operating Budget
term of ECM) EOCM Electro-Optic Countermeasures
EC Electronic Combat EOF Electro-Optical Frequency (300 to 3 x
ECAC Electromagnetic Compatibility 107 GHz)
Analysis Center (DOD), now Joint EP Electronic Protection (similar to older
Spectrum Center terms of ECCM and DECM)
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures EPA Environmental Protection Agency
(similar to newer term of EP) EPROM Electrically Programmable Read-only
ECL Emitter Coupled Logic Memory
ECM Electronic Countermeasures (similar ERAM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
to newer term of EA) (also Protection) Requirements and
ECN Engineering Change Notice Assessment Manual
ECO Engineering Change Order ERP Effective Radiated Power
ECP Engineering Change Proposal or ES Electronic Surveillance (similar to
Egress Control Point older term of ESM)
ECR Electronic Combat Range (China ESD Electrostatic Discharge
Lake) or Electronic Combat & ESM Electronic Support Measures (similar
Reconnaissance to newer term of ES)
ECS Environmental Control System ESSM Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile
ECSEL Electronic Combat Simulation and ET Electronics Technician
Evaluation Laboratory ETI Elapsed Time Indicator
ECU Electronic Control Unit ETIRMS EW Tactical Information and Report
EDM Engineering Development Model Management System
EED Electro-Explosive Device ETR Estimated Time to Repair
EEPROM Electrically Erasable/Programmable EVM Earned Value Management
Read-only Memory EW Electronic Warfare , Early Warning,
EHF Extremely High Frequency [30 to 300 or Expeditionary Warfare
GHz] EWBM EW Battle Management
EIA Electronic Industries Associates EWDS EW Data Systems
EID Emitter Identification Data EWIA EW Intelligence Analysis
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated power EWIR Electronic Warfare Integration &
EL Elevation (also El) Reprogramming (USAF database)
ELF Extremely Low Frequency [3 Hz to 3 EWMP Electronic Warfare Master Plan
kHz] EWO Electronic Warfare Officer
ELINT Electronics Intelligence EWRL Electronic Warfare Reprogrammable
ELNOT Emitter Library Notation Library (USN)
EM Electromagnetic EWSI EW Systems Integration
E-Mail Electronic Mail EWSSA EW Software Support Activity
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EXP Expendable Countermeasure
EMCAB EMC Advisory Board
EMCON Emission Control
EMD Engineering and Manufacturing
Development f femto (10-15 multiplier), Frequency
EME Electromagnetic Environment (also F), or lens f number
EMI Electromagnetic Interference F Frequency (also f), Force, Farad,
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Faraday Constant, Female, Fahrenheit,
EMR Electromagnetic Radiation Noise Figure, Noise Factor or
Friendly on RWR display

F2T2EA Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, g Gravity (also G)
Assess (targeting of hostile forces) G Universal Gravitational Constant (also
F/A Fighter/Attack K), Giga (109 multiplier),
FAA Federal Aviation Administration Conductance, or Gain
FAC Forward Air Controller G&A General and Administrative (expense)
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations or GaAs Gallium Arsenide
False Alarm Rate GACIAC Guidance and Control Information
fc Footcandle (unit of illuminance) Analysis Center (DoD)
FCA Functional Configuration Audit gal Gallon
FCR Fire Control Radar GAO General Accounting Office
FDR Frequency Domain Reflectometry GBU Guided Bomb Unit
FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area GCA Ground Controlled Approach
FET Field-Effect Transistor GCI Ground Control Intercept
FEWC Fleet EW Center GENSER General Service
FFT Fast Fourier Transform GEN-X Generic Expendable
FIFO First In / First Out GFE Government Furnished Equipment
FIPR Federal Information Processing GHz GigaHertz
Resources GI Government Issue
fl fluid GIDEP Government Industry Data Exchange
FLAK AAA Shrapnel, from the German Program
Flieger Abwher Kanone (AAA gun GIG Global Information Grid
that fires fast and furiously) GIGO Garbage In / Garbage Out
FLIR Forward Looking Infrared GOCO Government Owned Contract
FLPS Flightline Payload Simulator Operated
FLT Flight GOFO General Officer / Flag Officer
FM Frequency Modulation or Failure GP General Purpose
Mode GPI Ground Plane Interference
FME Foreign Material Exploitation GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis GPS Global Positioning System
FMS Foreign Military Sale(s) GSE Ground Support Equipment
FOC Full Operational Capability
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FORCECAP Force Combat Air Patrol h hours, hecto (102 multiplier), Planks
FOT&E Follow-On Test and Evaluation constant, or height (also H)
FOTD Fiber Optic Towed Device H Height (also h), Henry (Inductance),
FOUO For Official Use Only or Irradiance
FOV Field of View HARM High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile
FPA Focal Plane Array HAWK Homing All the Way Killer
fps feet per second HDBK Handbook
FRACAS Failure, Reporting, Analysis, and HDF High Duty Factor
Corrective Actions System HE High Explosive
FRB Failure Review Board HEF High Energy Frequency (3x107 to
FRD Functional Requirements Document 3x1014 GHz)
FSD Full Scale Development HEL High Energy Laser
FSED Full Scale Engineering Development HELO Helicopter
FSK Frequency Shift Keying HERF Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation
FSU Former Soviet Union to Fuel
ft Feet or Foot HERO Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation
FTC Fast Time Constant to Ordnance
FTD Foreign Technology Division (USAF) HERP Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation
FWD Forward to Personnel
FY Fiscal Year hex hexadecimal
HF High Frequency [3 - 30 MHz]
HIL or HITL Hardware-in-the-Loop

HOJ Home-On-Jam I-Level Intermediate Level of Repair (also
HOL Higher Order Language I Level)
HPF High-Pass Filter ILS Integrated Logistic Support,
HP-IB Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus Instrument Landing System, or Inertial
HP-IL Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop Locator System
HPM High Powered Microwave ILSMT Integrated Logistic Support
HPRF High Pulse Repetition Frequency Management Team
hr hour IM Intermodulation or Item Manager
HSDB High Speed Data Bus IMA Intermediate Maintenance Activity
HUD Heads-Up Display in Inch
HV High Voltage INEWS Integrated Electronic Warfare System
H/W Hardware INS Inertial Navigation System
HWCI Hardware Configuration Item INT Intensity
HWIL Hardware-in-the-loop IO Information Operations
Hz Hertz (Cycles per second) I/O Input/Output
IOC Initial Operational (also Operating)
IOT&E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
i current (also I) IPO International Projects (Program)
I Current (also i), Intensity, Irradiance, Office
Intermediate, or Roman Numeral for IPR In-Progress/Process Review
One IPT Integrated Product (also Program)
IA Information Assurance Team
IADS Integrated Air Defense System IR Infrared
I&Q In-Phase and Quadrature IR&D Independent Research and
IAS Indicated Airspeed Development
IAW In Accordance With IRCM Infrared Countermeasures
IBIT Initiated Built-in-Test IRDS Infrared Detecting System
IBU Interference Blanker Unit IREXP IR Expendables
IC Integrated Circuit IRIG-B Inter-range Instrumentation Group B
ICD Interface Control Document IRLS Infrared Line Scanner
Initial Capabilities Document IRS Interface Requirements Specification,
ICMD Improved Countermeasure Dispenser IR Suppression or Internal Revenue
ICNIA Integrated Communication, Service
Navigation, Identification Avionics IRST Infrared Search and Track
ICS Inverse Conical Scan or ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
Intercommunications System (aircraft) ISO Derived from the Greek isos
ICW In Compliance With meaning equal, the official title is
ID Identification International Organization for
IDA Institute For Defense Analysis Standardization
IDECM Integrated Defensive Electronic ISP Integrated Support Plan
Countermeasures Intelligence Support Plan
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic ISR Interference to Signal Ratio (also I/S)
Engineers ITU International Telecommunications
IF Intermediate Frequency Union
IFF Identification Friend-or-Foe IV&V Independent Validation and
IFM Instantaneous Frequency Verification
Measurement IW Information Warfare
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IG Inspector General
IIR Imaging Infrared

J Jamming, Radiance, Current Density, JTCG/AS Joint Technical Coordinating Group
or Joules for Aircraft Survivability
JAAS Joint Architecture for Aircraft JTCG/ME Joint Technical Coordinating Group
Survivability for Munitions Effectiveness
JAFF Jammer (illuminating) Chaff JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution
JAG Judge Advocate General System
JAMS Jamming Analysis Measurement JV or J/V Joint Venture
JARS Jamming Aircraft & Radar Simulation
JASSM Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
JAST Joint Advanced Strike Technology k kilo (103 multiplier) or Boltzmann
JATO Jet Assisted Takeoff or JAmmer Constant
Technique Optimization K Kelvin, Cathode, Universal
JC2WC Joint Command and Control Warfare gravitational constant (also G), or
Center (now JIOWC) Luminous efficacy
JCTD Joint Concept Technology KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed
Demonstration kg kilogram
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff or Joint Spectrum kHz KiloHertz
Center (formerly ECAC) KIA Killed in Action
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition KIAS Knots Indicated Air Speed
JEACO Joint Electronic Attack and km Kilometer
Compatibility Office KSLOC Thousand Source Lines of Code
JED Journal of Electronic Defense (software)
(Published by the Association of Old kt Knot (nautical miles per hour)
Crows) kW Kilowatt
JEM Jet Engine Modulation
JETS Joint Emitter Targeting System
JEWC Joint EW Conference or Joint EW
Center (then JC2WC & now JIOWC) l length (also L) or liter
JEWEL Joint Electronic Warfare Effects L Length (also l), Loss, inductance,
Laboratory Luminance, or Roman Numeral for
JIOWC Joint Information Operations Warfare fifty
Command LADAR Laser Detection and Ranging (i.e.,
JMEM Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual laser radar)
JMR Jammer LAN Local Area Network
JOVIAL Julius Own Version of International LANTIRN Low Altitude Navigation & Targeting
Algorithmic Language (Air Force Infrared for Night
computer programming language) LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated
JPATS Joint Primary Aircraft Training Emission of Radiation
System LAT Latitude (0-90 N or S from equator)
J/S Jamming to Signal Ratio lbs pounds
JSF Joint Strike Fighter LCC Life Cycle Cost(s)
JSGCC Joint Services Guidance and Control LCD Liquid Crystal Display or Lowest
Committee Common Denominator
JSIR Joint Spectrum Interference LCP or LHCP Left-hand Circular Polarization
Resolution (signal interference portion LDF Low Duty Factor
of MIJI) LDS Laser Detecting Set
JSOW Joint Stand-Off Weapon (AGM- LED Light-Emitting Diode
154A) LEX Leading Edge Extension
JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar LGB Laser Guided Bomb
System LF Low Frequency [30 - 300 kHz]
JTA Jammer Threat Analysis LIC Low Intensity Combat or Laser
JTAT JATO Techniques Analysis and Intercept Capability

LISP List Processing (A programming M&S Modeling and Simulation
language used in artificial intelligence) MASER Microwave Amplification by
LLL Low Light Level (as in LLL TV) Simulated Emission of Radiation
lm lumen (SI unit of luminous flux) MATE Modular Automatic Test Equipment
ln Natural Logarithm MAW Missile Approach Warning system
LO Local Oscillator or Low Observable (also MAWS) or Marine Aircraft
LOA Letter of Agreement (or Acceptance) Wing
LOB Line of Bearing (see also AOA) MAX Maximum or Maximum aircraft power
LOG Logarithm to the base 10 (also log) or (afterburner)
Logistician MBFN Multiple Beam Forming Network
LONG Longitude (0-180 E or W from MC Mission Computer
Greenwich, U.K.) MCIOC Marine Corps Information Operations
LOR Level of Repair Center
LORA Level of Repair Analysis MCP Micro-Channel Plate
LORAN Long Range Navigation MDF Mission Data File
LORO Lobe on Receive Only MDI Multiple Display Indicator or Miss
LOS Line-of-Sight Distance Indicator
LPAR Large Phased-Array Radar MDG Mission Data Generator
LPD Low Probability of Detection MDS Minimum Discernible Signal or
LPF Low Pass Filter Minimum Detectable Signal
LPI or LPOI Low Probability of Intercept MDU Multipurpose Display Unit
LPRF Low Pulse Repetition Frequency MF Medium Frequency (300 kHz to 3
LR Lethal Range MHz)
LRA Line Replaceable Assembly MFD Multifunction (video) Display
LRF Laser Rangefinder MG Missile Guidance
LRIP Low Rate Initial Production MHz MegaHertz (106 Hz)
LRU Line Replaceable Unit MIA Missing in Action
LSA Logistic Support Analysis MIC Microwave Integrated Circuit or
LSAR Logistic Support Analysis Record Management Information Center
LSB Least Significant Bit MICRON 10-6 meter
LSI Large Scale Integration MiG Mikoyan-Gurevich (Soviet aircraft
LSO Landing Signal Officer manufacturer)
LSSO Laser System Safety Officer MIGCAP MiG Combat Air Patrol
LTBB Look Through Blanking Bus MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, &
LWIR Long Wave Infrared Interference (also see JSIR)
LWR Laser Warning Receiver mil One-thousandth of an inch
lx Lux (SI unit of illuminance) MIL Military power (100%, no afterburner)
LZ Landing Zone or Military
MILCON Military Construction
MILSPEC Military Specification
MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and
m milli (10-3 multiplier), meter, or Issue Procedure(s)
electron mass MIMIC Microwave Monolithic Integrated
M Mega (106 multiplier), Male, Mach Circuit (also MMIC)
number, or Roman numeral for 1,000 MIN Minimum
MA Missile Alert or Missile Active Mincon Minimal Construction
MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detection (also MIPPLE RWR display switching between
Detector) ambiguous emitters
MADD Microwave Acoustic Delay Device MIPS Millions of (Mega) Instructions Per
MAF Maintenance Action Form Second
MAG Marine Aircraft Group or Magnetic ML Missile Launch
MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force MLC Main Lobe Clutter
MANPADS Man-portable Air Defense System MLV Memory Loader Verifier
MLVS Memory Loader Verifier Set

mm Millimeter n nano (10-9 multiplier) or number of
MM Man Month elements
MMIC Microwave Monolithic Integrated N Noise, Newton (force), Radiance,
Circuit (also MIMIC) North, or No
MMW Millimeter Wave (40 GHz or higher n/a Not Applicable (also N/A)
per IEEE, but commonly used down to NA Numerical Aperture
30 GHz) NADEP Naval Aviation Depot
MOA Memorandum of Agreement NASA National Aeronautics and Space
MOE Measure of Effectiveness Administration
MOM Methods of Moments (also MoM) or NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Metal-Oxide-Metal NATOPS Naval Air Training and Operating
MOP Modulation on Pulse or Measure of Procedures Standardization
Performance NAV Navigation
MOPS Million Operations Per Second NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command (also
MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity, NAVAIRSYSCOM)
Military Occupational Specialty, NavMPS Naval Mission Planning System
Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, or NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command (also
Measure of Suitability NAVSEASYSCOM)
MOSAIC Modeling System for Advanced NAWCAD Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft
Investigation of Countermeasures Division
MOU Memorandum of Understanding NAWCWD Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons
MPD Multi-Purpose Display or Microwave Division
Power Device NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
MPE Maximum Permissible Exposure NCTR Non-Cooperative Target Recognition
mph Miles per Hour NDI Non-Developmental Item or Non
MPLC Multi-Platform Launch Controller Destructive Inspection
MPM Microwave Power Module NEI Noise Equivalent Power
MPPS Million Pulses Per Second NEMP Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse
MPRF Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency NEOF No Evidence of Failure
mr or mrad Milliradian NEP Noise Equivalent Power
MRC Maintenance Requirement Card or NF Noise Figure or Noise Factor (also F)
Medium Range CAP NFO Naval Flight Officer
MREs Meals Ready to Eat NGJ Next Generation Jammer
ms Milliseconds NIOC Navy Information Operations
MSB Most Significant Bit Command
MSI Multi-Sensor (also Source) NIPO Navy International Program Office
Integration, Management Support NIR Near Infrared
Issues, or Medium Scale Integration nm nanometer or Nautical Mile (also NM
MSIC Missile and Space Intelligence Center or NMI)
MSL Mean Sea Level (altitude) or Missile NM or NMI Nautical Mile (also nm)
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures NMCI Navy Marine Corps Intranet
MTI Moving Target Indicator (or NNWC Naval Network Warfare Command
Indication) NOHD Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance
MTTR Mean Time To Repair NORAD North American Air Defense
MUXBUS Multiplex Bus Command
MVS Minimum Visible Signal NPG or NPGS Naval Post Graduate School
mw Microwave NRE Non-Recurring Engineering
mW Milliwatt NRL Naval Research Laboratory
MWIR Mid Wave Infrared NRZ Non Return to Zero
MWS Missile Warning Set NSA National Security Agency
MY Man Year nsec or ns Nanosecond
NSN National Stock Number
NSWC Naval Surface Weapons Center
nt Nit (SI unit of luminance)

NUWC Naval Undersea Warfare Center p pico (10-12 multiplier) or page
NVG Night Vision Goggles P Power, Pressure, or Peta (1015
NWIP Naval Warfare Information multiplier)
Publication P3I Pre-Planned Product Improvement
NWP Naval Warfare Publication Pa Pascal (pressure)
PA Public Address or Program Analyst
PBIT Periodic Built-in-Test
PC Pulse Compression, Personal
O Optical Computer, or Photoconductive
OADR Originating Agencys Determination PCA Physical Configuration Audit
Required PCM Pulse Code Modulation
OAG Operational Advisory Group Pd Probability of Detection
O&MN Operations and Maintenance, Navy PD Pulse Doppler
(also O&M,N) PDI PD Illuminator or Post Detection
OBE Overtaken (Overcome) By Events Integration
OCA Offensive Counter Air PDP Plasma Display Panel
OEWTPS Organizational Electronic Warfare PDQ Pretty Darn [sic] Quick
Test Program Set PDR Preliminary Design Review
OFP Operational Flight Program PDW Pulse Descriptor Word
OJT On-the-Job Training PEL Personnel Exposure Limits
O-Level Organizational Level of Repair (also PEM Photoelectromagnetic
O Level) PEO Program Executive Officer
OMA Organizational Maintenance Activity pf Power Factor or Pico Farads
OMB Office of Management and Budget PFA Probability of False Alarm
OMEGA Optimized Method for Estimating PGM Precision Guided Munition
Guidance Accuracy (VLF Navigation ph Phot (unit of illuminance)
System) Ph Probability of Hit
ONR Office of Naval Research pi Greek letter
OOK On-Off Keying Pi Probability of Intercept (also POI)
OPEVAL Operational Evaluation PID Positive Identification
OPM Office of Personnel Management PIN Personal Identification Number
OPSEC Operational Security PIP Product Improvement Plan or
OPTEVFOR Operational Test and Evaluation Force Predicted Intercept Point
OR Operational Requirement or Pixel Picture Element
Operationally Ready Pk Probability of Kill or Peak
ORD Operational Requirements Document PLSS Precision Location Strike System
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense PM Phase Modulation or Program
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act Manager
OSIP Operational Safety Improvement PMA Program (also Project) Manager, Air
Program PMAWS Passive Missile Approach Warning
OSM Operating System Memory or SMA System
connector made by Omni-Spectra PMS Program Manager, Ship
OSRB Operational Software Review Board PMT Photomultiplier Tube
OT (&E) Operational Test (and Evaluation) PMW Program Manager, Warfare
OTD Operational Test Director P-N Positive to Negative Junction (also
OTH Over the Horizon p-n)
OTH-B Over-the-Horizon Backscatter PN or P/N Part Number
OTH-R Over-the-Horizon Radar POC Point of Contact
OTH-T Over-the-Horizon Targeting POET Primed Oscillator Expendable
OTRR Operational Test Readiness Review Transponder
OUSD Office of the Under Secretary of POI Probability of Intercept (also PI)
Defense POL Polarization
oz ounce POM Program Objective Memorandum

POP Pulse-on-Pulse or Product RCVR Receiver
Optimization Program RDT&E Research, Development, Test, &
POST Passive Optical Seeker Technology Evaluation
(Stinger missile) RDY Ready
PPI Plan Position Indicator RE Radiated Emissions
PPS Pulses Per Second REC Receive
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency RET Return
PRI Priority or Pulse Repetition Interval RF Radio Frequency
PROM Programmable Read-only Memory RFEXP RF Expendables
PRR Production Readiness Review or RFI Radio Frequency Interference, Ready-
Pulse Repetition Rate For-Issue, or Request for Information
PRT Pulse Repetition Time RFP Request for Proposal
Ps Probability of Survival RFQ Request for Quotation
Ps & Qs Pints and Quarts (small details) RFSS Radio Frequency Simulation System
PSK Phase-shift Keying (Army)
PUPS Portable Universal Programming RGPO Range Gate Pull Off
System RGS Range Gate Stealer
PV Photovoltaic RGWO Range Gate Walk Off (see RGPO)
pw or PW Pulse Width RHAW Radar Homing and Warning Receiver
PWB Printed Wiring Board or Radar Homing All the Way
RHAWS Radar Homing and Warning System
RINT Radiation Intelligence
RIO Radar Intercept Officer
q electron charge RM Radar Mile
Q Quantity Factor (figure of merit), rms or RMS Root Mean Square
Quadrature, aerodynamic pressure, or RNG Range
Charge (coulomb) ROC Required Operational Capability
QA Quality Assurance ROE Rules of Engagement
QC Quality Control ROI Return on Investment
QED Quod Erat Demonstradum (end of ROM Read-only Memory or Rough Order of
proof)(Satirically quite easily done) Magnitude
QML Qualified Manufacturer Listing ROR Range Only Radar or Rate of Return
QPL Qualified Parts List (financial)
QRC Quick-Reaction Capability ROT Rate of Turn
QRD Quick Reaction Demonstration ROWG Response Optimization Working
QRT Quick-Reaction test Group
RPG Receiver Processor Group
RPM Revolutions per Minute
RPT Repeat
r or R Radius or Range RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle
R Resistance, Reliability, or Roentgen RRT Rapid Reprogramming Terminal (a
rad Radian type of MLVS)
R&D Research and Development RS Radiated Susceptibility or Remote
RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging Station
RADHAZ Radiation Hazard RSDS Radar Signal Detecting Set
RAM Random Access Memory, Radar RSO Range Safety Officer or Receiver, Set-
Absorbing Material, Rolling Airframe on
Missile, or Reliability, Availability, RST Receiver Shadow Time
and Maintainability RT Remote Terminal, Termination
R&M Reliability and Maintainability Resistance, or Receiver/Transmitter
RAT Ram Air Turbine (also R/T)
RBOC Rapid Blooming Offboard Chaff RUG Radar Upgrade
RCP or RHCP Right-hand Circular Polarization RWR Radar Warning Receiver
RCS Radar Cross Section Rx Receive

s, S, or sec seconds SIRFC Suite of Integrated RF
S Signal Power, Surface Area, Secret, Countermeasures
Electrical conductance (siemens), SJ Support Jamming
South, Scattering (as in S-parameters), S/J Stand-In Jamming or Signal to
or Seconds Jamming Ratio
SA Situational Awareness, Semi-Active, SL Side lobe or Sea Level (also S.L.)
Spectrum Analyzer, or Surface-to-Air SLAM Standoff Land Attack Missile
(also S/A or S-A) SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar
SA-() Surface-to-Air missile number () SLC Side Lobe Clutter
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers SLOC Source Lines of Code or Sea Lines of
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile Communication
SA-N-() Naval Surface-to-Air missile number SM Statute Mile (also sm) or Standard
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar, Special Missile
Access Required, Semi-Active Radar, SMA Scheduled Maintenance Action or
Search and Rescue, or Specific Sub-Miniature A connector
Absorption Rate SMC Sub-Miniature C connector
SATS Semi-Active Test System SME Subject Matter Expert
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave SML Support Material List
SBIR Small Business Innovative Research SMS Stores Management Set or Status
SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information Monitoring System
SCIF Sensitive Compartmented Information S/N or SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Facility SNORT Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research
SCN Specification Change Notice Track
SCR Software Change Request SNTK Special Need to Know
SCP Software Change Proposal SOF Safety of Flight
SCRB Software Configuration Review Board SOJ Stand-off Jammer
SCUD Soviet short-range surface-to-surface SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging
missile SOO Statement of Objectives
SE Support Equipment (replacing SOW)
SDLM Standard Depot Level Maintenance SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SDI Strategic Defense Initiative SORO Scan-on-Receive Only
SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defense SOS Save Our Ship (distress call with
(pronounced seed or C add) easy Morse code, i.e. )
SEAL Sea-Air-Land (Navy special forces) SOW Statement of Work (being replaced by
sec seconds (also S or s) SOO)
SECDEF Secretary of Defense SPAWAR Space and Naval Warfare Systems
SEI Specific Emitter Identification Command
SEMA Special Electronic Mission Aircraft SPEC Specification
SERD Support Equipment Recommendation SPIRITS Spectral Infrared Imaging of Targets
Data and Scenes
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers SPO System Program Office
Europe (NATO military command) SPY Radar on an AEGIS ship
SHF Super High Frequency (3 to 30 GHz) sq Square
SI Special Intelligence or System sr Steradian
International (Units) SRA Shop Replaceable Assembly
SIF Selective Identification Feature SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SIGINT Signals Intelligence SRB Software Review Board
SIJ Stand-In Jamming (also S/J) SRBOC Super Rapid Blooming Offboard
SIM Simulation Chaff
sin Sine SRD Systems Requirements Document
SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne SRS Software Requirements Specification
Radio System SRU Shop Replaceable Unit
SIRCM Suite of IR Countermeasures

SSA Software (also Special or System) TAD Threat Adaptive Dispensing,
Support Activity, Source Selection Temporary Additional (also Active)
Activity, or Solid State Amplifier Duty, or Tactical Air Direction
SSB Single Side Band T&E Test & Evaluation
SSI Small Scale Integration TALD Tactical Air Launched Decoy
SSJ Self Screening Jamming TAMPS Tactical Automated Mission Planning
SSM Surface-to-Surface Missile System
SSRO Sector Scan Receive Only TAR Target Acquisition Radar or Training
SSW Swept Square Wave Administrative Reserve
S&T Science and Technology TAS True Airspeed
STANAG Standardization Agreement (NATO) TBA To Be Announced
STAR System Threat Assessment Report TBD To Be Determined
stat Statute TBMD Theater Ballistic Missile Defense
STBY Standby TD Technical Directive (also Director)
STC Sensitivity Time Control, Short Time TDD Target Detection Device
Constant or SHAPE Technical Center TDM Time Division Multiplexing
STD Software Test Description, Standard, TE Transverse Electric
or Sexually Transmitted Disease TEA Technology Exchange Agreement
STE Standard Test Equipment TEAMS Tactical EA-6B Mission Support
STOVL Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing TECHEVAL Technical Evaluation
STP Software Test Plan, or Standard TEL Transporter Erector Launcher
Temperature and Pressure (0C at 1 TEM Transverse Electromagnetic
atmosphere) TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
STR Software (also System) Trouble TEMPEST Not an acronym. Certification of
Report reduced electromagnetic radiation for
STT Single Target Track security considerations
STU Secure Telephone Unit TENA Training Enabling Architecture
SUBSAM Subsurface-to-Air Missile TERPES Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance
SUT System Under Test Processing and Evaluation System
S/W Software (also SW) TGT Target
SWAP Size, Weight, And Power TIM Technical Interchange Meeting
SWC Scan With Compensation TM Telemetry, Transverse Magnetic, or
SWM Swept Wave Modulation Technical Manual
SYSCOM Systems Command TMD Theater Missile Defense
TNC Threaded Navy Connector
TOA Time of Arrival
TOJ Track on Jam
t Time (also T) TOO Target of Opportunity (HARM
T Time (also t), tera (1012 multiplier), operating mode)
Temperature, or Telsa TOR Tentative (also Tactical) Operational
TA Target Acquisition or Terrain Requirement or Time of Receipt
Avoidance TOS Time on Station
TAAF Test, Analyze, and Fix TOT Time on Target
TAC Tactical Air Command (now ACC) TOW Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked,
TACAIR Tactical Aircraft Wire-guided
TACAMO Take Charge and Move Out (airborne TPI Test Program Instruction
strategic VLF communications relay TPS Test Program Set or Test Pilot School
system) TPWG Test Plan Working Group
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation TQM Total Quality Management
TACDS Threat Adaptive Countermeasures T/R Transmit / Receive
Dispensing System TRB Technical Review Board
TACTS Tactical Aircrew Combat Training TRD Test Requirements Document
System TREE Transient Radiation Effects on

TRF Tuned Radio Frequency v Volts (also V), Velocity (also V or vt)
TRR Test Readiness Review V Volts (also v), Velocity (also v or vt),
TS Top Secret Volume, or Roman Numeral for five
TSS Tangential Sensitivity VA Veterans Administration, Volt-
TSSAM Tri-Service Standoff Attack Weapon Amperes
TT Target Track VAQ Prefix for Navy tactical EW squadron
TTI Time To Impact/Intercept V&V Validation and Verification
TTG Time-to-Go VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic Vdc or VDC Volts Direct Current
TTR Target Tracking Radar VDT Video Display Terminal
TV Television VECP Value Engineering Change Proposal
TVC Thrust Vector Control VF Prefix for Navy fighter squadron
TWS Track While Scan or Tail Warning VFO Variable Frequency Oscillator
System VFR Visual Flight Rules
TWSRO Track While Scan on Receive Only VGPO Velocity Gate Pull Off
TWT Traveling Wave Tube VGS Velocity Gate Stealer
TWTA Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier VGWO Velocity Gate Walk Off
Tx Transmit VHF Very High Frequency (30 - 300 MHz)
TYCOM Type Commander VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
VID Visual Identification
VLF Very Low Frequency (3 to 30 kHz)
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
u or micron / micro (10-6 multiplier) VLSIC Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit
U Unclassified, Unit, or Unknown (on VMAQ Prefix for Marine Tactical EW
RWR display) Squadron
UAS Unmanned Aerial System VP Prefix for Navy patrol squadron
UAV Unmanned (also uninhabited) Air (or VQ Prefix for Navy special mission
Aerial) Vehicle (usually reconnaissance) squadron
UCAV Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle (new VRAM Video Random Access Memory
USAF term for UAV) VS or vs Velocity Search or Versus (also vs.)
UDF User Data File V/STOL Vertical/Short Take-off and Landing
UDFG User Data File Generator (also VSTOL)
UDM User Data Module vt Velocity (also V or v)
UHF Ultra High Frequency (300 MHz to 3 VTOL Vertical Takeoff and Landing
GHz) VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
ULF Ultra Low Frequency (3 to 30 Hz) VVA Voltage Variable Attenuator
m Micrometer
UN United Nations
UNK Unknown (also U)
UPC Unique Planning Component W Watts, Weight, or West
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply W&T Warning & Targeting
us or s Microseconds WARM Wartime Reserve Mode
U.S. United States wb Weber (magnetic flux)
USA United States of America or United WBS Work Breakdown Structure
States Army WC Waveguide, circular
USAF United States Air Force WFT Windowed Fourier Transform
USMC United States Marine Corps WGIRB Working Group on Infrared
USN United States Navy Background
UTA Uninhabited Tactical Aircraft WORM Write Once Read Many [times]
UUT Unit Under Test (Refers to optical disks)
UV Ultraviolet WOW Weight on/off Wheels (also WonW or
WPN Weapons Procurement, Navy or

WR Waveguide, rectangular
WRA Weapon Replaceable Assembly
WRD Waveguide, rectangular double ridged
WSSA Weapons System Support Activity
WVR Within Visual Range

x Multiplication symbol
X Reactance, Experimental,
Extraordinary, Roman Numeral for
ten, or X axis
X-EYE Cross Eye
X-POL Cross Polarization
XMIT Transmit
XMTR Transmitter

Y Yes or Y-Axis
YAG Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet
yd Yard
YIG Yttrium-Iron Garnet

Z Impedance, Zenith, or Z-Axis

1xLR, 2xLR One (or two or three etc.) Times

Lethal Range
1v1 or 1-v-1 One versus One (Aerial engagement)

2D Two Dimension

3D Three Dimension
3M Navy Maintenance and Material
Management System


Constants, Conversions, and Characters .................................................................................................... 2-1

Mathematical Notation............................................................................................................................... 2-2
Frequency Spectrum .................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Decibel (dB) ............................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Duty Cycle ................................................................................................................................................. 2-5
Doppler Shift.............................................................................................................................................. 2-6
Electronic Formulas ................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Missile and Electronic Equipment Designations ....................................................................................... 2-8
Radar Horizon / Line of Sight .................................................................................................................... 2-9
Propagation Time / Resolution ................................................................................................................ 2-10
Modulation ............................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Transforms / Wavelets ............................................................................................................................. 2-12

This page intentionally left blank.



Symbol Meaning
Prefix Symbol Multiplier Proportional
exa E 1018 ~ Roughly equivalent
peta P 1015 Approximately
tera T 1012 Nearly equal
giga G 109 = Equal
mega M 106 Identical to, defined as
kilo k 103 Not equal
hecto h 102 >> Much greater than
deka da 101 > Greater than
deci d 10-1 Greater than or equal to
centi c 10-2
<< Much less than
milli m 10-3
< Less than
micro 10-6
Less than or equal to
nano n 10-9
pico p 10-12
femto f 10-15 Degrees
atto a 10-18 Minutes or feet
Seconds or inches


1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) 1 foot/sec (fps) 0.59 knot (kt)*
1 foot (ft) = 30.48 cm = 0.3048 m
0.68 stat. mph
1 yard (yd) 0.9144 meter
1.1 kilometers/hr
1 meter (m) 39.37 inches
1000 fps 600 knots
1 kilometer (km) 0.54 nautical mile
0.62 statute mile 1 kilometer/hr 0.54 knot

1093.6 yards (km/hr) 0.62 stat. mph

3280.8 feet 0.91 ft/sec

1 statute mile 0.87 nautical mile 1 mile/hr (stat.) 0.87 knot

(sm or stat. mile) 1.61 kilometers (mph) 1.61 kilometers/hr
= 1760 yards 1.47 ft/sec
= 5280 feet
1 knot* 1.15 stat. mph
1 nautical mile 1.15 statute miles 1.69 feet/sec
(nm or naut. mile) 1.852 kilometers 1.85 kilometer/hr
2025 yards
0.515 m/sec
6076 feet *A knot is 1 nautical mile per hour.
1 furlong = 1/8 mi (220 yds)


1 kilogram (kg) 2.2 pounds (lbs)

1 gallon 3.78 liters
1 pound 0.45 Kg
231 cubic inches = 16 ounce (oz)
0.1335 cubic ft 1 oz = 437.5 grains
4 quarts 1 carat 200 mg
8 pints 1 stone (U.K.) 6.36 kg
NOTE: These are the U.S. customary (avoirdupois) equivalents,

the troy or apothecary system of equivalents, which differ
1 fl ounce 29.57 cubic centimeter (cc) markedly, was used long ago by pharmacists.
or milliliters (ml)

1 in3 16.387 cc
1 H.P. = 33,000 ft-lbs/min
= 550 ft-lbs/sec
746 Watts
1 sq meter 10.76 sq ft 2,545 BTU/hr
(BTU = British Thermal Unit)
1 sq in 645 sq millimeters (mm)
= 1,000,000 sq mil 1 BTU 1055 Joules
1 mil = 0.001 inch 778 ft-lbs

1 acre = 43,560 sq ft 0.293 Watt-hrs


CONVERSIONS 1 year = 365.2 days
OCTAVES 1 fortnight = 14 nights
F = (9/5) C + 32 (2 weeks)
N Octaves = Freq to Freq x 2N
C = (5/9)( F - 32) 1 century = 100 years
i.e., One octave would be 2 to 4 GHz
Two Octaves would be 2 to 8 GHz K = C + 273.16 1 millennium = 1,000 years
Three octaves would be 2 to 16 GHz F = (9/5)( K - 273) + 32
C = K - 273.16 NUMBERS
K = (5/9)( F - 32) + 273 1 decade = 10
DECADES 1 Score = 20
N Decades = Freq to Freq x 10N
1 Billion = 1 x 109 (U.S.)
i.e., One decade would be 1 to 10 MHz
(thousand million)
Two decades would be 1 to 100 MHz
= 1 x 1012 (U.K.)
Three decades would be (million million)
1 to 1,000 MHz


km: Divide 3 into the number of seconds which have elapsed between seeing the flash and hearing the noise.
miles: Multiply 0.2 times the number of seconds which have elapsed between seeing the flash and hearing the noise.
Note: Sound vibrations cause a change of density and pressure within a media, while electromagnetic waves do not.
An audio tone wont travel through a vacuum but can travel at 1,100 ft/sec through air. When picked up by a
microphone and used to modulate an EM signal, the modulation will travel at the speed of light.

Physical Constant Quoted Value S* SI unit Symbol
23 -1
Avogadro constant 6.0221367 x 10 36 mol NA

Bohr magneton 9.2740154 x 10-24 31 JT-1 B

Boltzmann constant 1.380658 x 10-23 12 JK-1 k(=R NA)

Electron charge 1.602177 33 x 10-19 49 C -e

Electron specific charge -1.758819 62 x 1011 53 Ckg-1 -e/me

Electron rest mass 9.1093897 x 10-31 54 kg me

Faraday constant 9.6485309 x 10 29 Cmol-1 F

Gravity (Standard Acceleration) 9.80665 or 0 m/sec2 g

32.174 ft/sec2

Josephson frequency to voltage ratio 4.8359767 x 1014 0 HzV-1 2e/hg

Magnetic flux quantum 2.06783461 x 10 61 Wb o

Molar gas constant 8.314510 70 Jmol-1K-1 R

Natural logarithm base 2.71828 - dimensionless e

Newtonian gravitational constant 6.67259 x 10-11 85 m3kg-1s-2 G or K

Permeability of vacuum 4 x 10-7 d H/m o

Permittivity of vacuum 8.8541878 x 10-12 d F/m o

Pi 3.141592654 dimensionless
Planck constant 6.62659 x 10 40 Js h
Planck constant/2 1.05457266 x 10-34 63 Js h(=h2)

Quantum of circulation 3.63694807 x 10-4 33 Jskg-1 h/2me

Radius of earth (Equatorial) 6.378 x 106 or m

3963 miles

Rydberg constant 1.0973731534 x 107 13 m-1 R

Speed of light 2.9979246 x 108 1 ms-1 c

Speed of sound 331.4 - ms-1 -

(dry air @ std press & temp)

Standard volume of ideal gas 22.41410 x 10-3 19 m3mol-1 Vm

Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67051 x 10-8 19 WK-4 m-2

* S is the one-standard-deviation uncertainty in the last units of the value, d is a defined value.
(A standard deviation is the square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of the possible deviations)

The speed of EM radiation through a
2.9979246 x 108 m/sec 3 x 108 m/sec
substance such as cables is defined by the
299.79 m/sec 300 m/sec following formula:
V = c/(rr)1/2
3.27857 x 108 yd/sec 3.28 x 108 yd/sec Where: r = relative permeability
r = relative permittivity
5.8275 x 108 NM/hr 5.8 x 108 NM/hr The real component of r = dielectric
constant of medium.
1.61875 x 105 NM/sec 1.62 x 105 NM/sec
EM propagation speed in a typical cable
9.8357105 x 108 ft/sec 1 x 109 ft/sec might be 65-90% of the speed of light in a
9.8357105 x 102 ft/sec 1 x 103 ft/sec


Sea Level (CAS/TAS) 36,000 ft* (TAS) (CAS) IN VARIOUS MEDIUMS
1230 km/hr Decreases 1062 km/hr 630 km/hr Substance Speed (ft/sec)
Vacuum Zero
765 mph Linearly 660 mph 391 mph
Air 1,100
665 kts To 573 kts 340 kts Fresh Water 4,700
* The speed remains constant until 82,000 ft, when it increases linearly to 1215 km/hr (755 mph,
656 kts) at 154,000 ft. Also see Section 8-2 for discussion of Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) and True Salt Water 4,900
Airspeed (TAS) and a plot of the speed of sound vs. altitude. Glass 14,800
Steel 20,000

Decimal Binary Hex Decimal Binary Hex Decimal Binary Hex
1 00001 01h 11 01011 0Bh 21 10101 15h
2 00010 02h 12 01100 0Ch 22 10110 16h
3 00011 03h 13 01101 0Dh 23 10111 17h
4 00100 04h 14 01110 0Eh 24 11000 18h
5 00101 05h 15 01111 0Fh 25 11001 19h
6 00110 06h 16 10000 10h 26 11010 1Ah
7 00111 07h 17 10001 11h 27 11011 1Bh
8 01000 08h 18 10010 12h 28 11100 1Ch
9 01001 09h 19 10011 13h 29 11101 1Dh
10 01010 0Ah 20 10100 14h 30 11110 1Eh

When using hex numbers it is always a good idea to use h as a suffix to avoid confusion with decimal


Both the following methods must use long division. Method one computes the digits from right
to left while method two works from left to right.

Method one: To convert a decimal number above 16 to hex, divide the number by 16, then
record the integer resultant and the remainder. Convert the remainder to hex and write this down - this

will become the far right digit of the final hex number. Divide the integer you obtained by 16, and again
record the new integer result and new remainder. Convert the remainder to hex and write it just to the left
of the first decoded number. Keep repeating this process until dividing results in only a remainder. This
will become the left-most character in the hex number ( i.e., to convert 60 (decimal) to hex we have 60/16
= 3 with 12 remainder). 12 is C (hex) - this becomes the right most character. Then 3/16=0 with 3
remainder. 3 is 3 (hex). This becomes the next (and final) character to the left in the hex number, so the
answer is 3C.

Method two: Use table of powers to work the digits from left to right:

For example: Here is your Decimal Number - 9379

Step 1 - Set up your chart:

65536 4096 256 16 1
164 163 162 161 160

Step 2 - Look in the table for the highest divisible number in the chart.
9379 / 4096 = 2 (the left-most Hex digit)
Must use long division to calculate the remainder (1187)

Step 3 - Divide the remainder with its highest divisible number in the chart:
1187 / 256 = 4 (the next digit to the right)
Must use long division to calculate the remainder (163)

Step 4 - Divide the remainder with its highest divisible number in the chart:
163 / 16 = 10 (or A from table L-1) (the next digit to the right)
Must use long division to calculate the remainder (3)

Step 5 - The remainder will not divide: remainder = 3 (the right-most Hex digit)
65536 4096 256 16 1
164 163 162 161 160
2 4 A 3


To convert a hex number to decimal, multiply each hex digit converted to decimal by the decimal
equivalent of the hex power represented and add the results.

For example: Here is your Hex Number - 24A3

Step 1 - Set up your chart:

4096 256 16 1
163 162 161 160

Step 2 - Place the numbers in a table:
4096 256 16 1
163 162 161 160
2 4 A 3

Step 3 - Multiply the Hex number times the power value:

2 x 4096 = 8192
4 x 256 = 1024
A(10) x 16 = 160
3x1 = 3

Step 4 - Add up your values:

Decimal value is 9379

Case Greek Case Greek
English English
Alphabet Alphabet
Upper Lower Equivalent Upper Lower Equivalent
Name Name
alpha a N v nu n
B beta b xi x
gamma g O o omicron o
delta d pi p
E epsilon e P rho r
Z zeta z sigma s
H eta e T tau t
, theta th upsilon u
I iota i phi ph
K kappa k X chi ch
lambda l psi ps
M mu m omega o


Symbol Name Use

alpha space loss, angular acceleration, or absorptance
beta 3 dB bandwidth or angular field of view [radians]
Gamma reflection coefficient
gamma electric conductivity, surface tension, missile velocity vector angle, or gamma ray
Delta small change or difference
delta delay, control forces and moments applied to missile, or phase angle
epsilon emissivity [dielectric constant] or permittivity [farads/meter]
eta efficiency or antenna aperture efficiency
Theta angle of lead or lag between current and voltage
or theta azimuth angle, bank angle, or angular displacement
Lambda acoustic wavelength or rate of energy loss from a thermocouple
lambda wavelength or Poisson Load Factor
mu micro 10 -6 [micron], permeability [henrys/meter], or extinction coefficient [optical region]

v nu frequency
pi 3.141592654+
rho charge/mass density, resistivity [ohm-meter], VSWR, or reflectance
Sigma algebraic sum
sigma radar cross section [RCS], Conductivity [1/ohm-meter], or Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Tau VSWR reflection coefficient
tau pulse width, atmospheric transmission, or torque
Phi magnetic/electrical flux, radiant power [optical], or Wavelets smooth function [low pass filter]
phi phase angle, angle of bank, or beam divergence [optical region]
Psi time-dependent wave function or Wavelets detail function [high pass filter]
psi time-independent wave function, phase change, or flux linkage [weber]
Omega Ohms [resistance] or solid angle [optical region]. Note: inverted symbol is conductance [mhos]
omega carrier frequency in radians per second


A - alpha J - juliett S - sierra 1
B - bravo K - kilo T - tango 2
C - charlie L - lima U - uniform 3
D - delta M - mike V - victor 4
E - echo N - november W - whiskey 5
F - foxtrot O - oscar X - x-ray 6
G - golf P - papa Y - yankee 7
H - hotel Q - quebec Z - zulu 8
I - india R - romeo 0 9

Note: The International Maritime Organization agreed to officially stop Morse code use by February 1999, however
use may continue by ground based amateur radio operators. (The U.S. Coast Guard discontinued its use in 1995.)



a a =a y x+y log (xy) = log x + log y
sin x = cos (x-90)
a /a =a y x-y log (x/y) = log x - log y
cos x = -sin (x-90)
(ax)y = axy log (xN) = N log x
tan x = sin x / cos x = 1 / cot x
a0 = 1 If z = log x then x = 10z
sin2 x + cos2 x = 1
Example: Examples: log 1 = 0
log 1.26 = 0.1 ; log 10 = 1
x 1 1 1
= x x- 2 = x(1- 2 ) = x 2 = x if 10 log N = dB#,
x then 10(dB#/10) = N

A radian is the angular measurement of an arc which has an arc length equal to the radius of the
given circle, therefore there are 2 radians in a circle. One radian = 360/2 = 57.296....

Note: All integrals should have an arbitrary
Assume: a = fixed real #; u, v & w are functions of x constant of integration added, which is left off for
d(a)/dx = 0 ; d(sin u)/dx = du(cos u)/dx
Assume: a = fixed real #; u, & v are functions of x

d(x)/dx = 1 ; d(cos v)/dx = -dv(sin v)/dx adx = ax and a f(x)dx = af(x)dx

d(uvw)/dx = uvdw/dx + vwdu/dx + uwdv/dx +...etc (u +v)dx = udx + vdx ; exdx = ex

(sin ax)dx = -(cos ax)/a ; (cos ax)dx = (sin ax)/a

Period of input Period of input

Differentiating Circuit larger than RC
smaller than RC
Square dv
Vin Vout= - RC dt 0
Input -
Integrating Circuit Increasing rep rate reduces amplitude
+ of triangular wave.(DC offset unchanged)
Vout = - RC
Vin C v dt

- 0


The radar and EW communities generally accept some commonly used notation for the various
parameters used in radar and EW calculations. For instance, P is almost always power and G is
almost always gain. Textbooks and reference handbooks will usually use this notation in formulae and

A significant exception is the use of for space loss. Most textbooks do not develop the radar
equation to its most usable form as does this reference handbook, therefore the concept of just isnt

Subscripts are a different matter. Subscripts are often whatever seems to make sense in the
context of the particular formula or equation. For instance, power may be P, PT, Pt, or maybe P1.
In the following list, generally accepted notation is given in the left hand column with no subscripts.
Subscripted notation in the indented columns is the notation used in this handbook and the notation often
used in the EW community.

= Space loss
1 = One way space loss, transmitter to receiver
2 = Two way space loss, xmtr to target (including radar cross section) and back to the rcvr
1t = One way space loss, radar transmitter to target, bistatic
1r = One way space loss, target to radar receiver, bistatic

Other notation such as tm may be used to clarify specific losses, in this case the space loss
between a target and missile seeker, which could also be identified as 1r.

A = Antenna aperture (capture area)

Ae = Effective antenna aperture
= Angstrom

B = Bandwidth (to 3dB points)

BIF = 3 dB IF bandwidth of the receiver (pre-detection)
BJ = Bandwidth of the jamming spectrum
BMHz = 3 dB bandwidth in MHz
BN = Equivalent noise bandwidth, a.k.a. B
BV = 3 dB video bandwidth of the receiver (post-detection) (Subscript V stands for video)
BF = Bandwidth reduction factor (jamming spectrum wider than the receiver bandwidth)
BW = Beamwidth (to 3 dB points)

c = Speed of Light

f = Frequency (radio frequency)

fc = Footcandle (SI unit of illuminance)
fD = Doppler frequency
fR = Received frequency
fT = Transmitted frequency

G = Gain
Gt = Gain of the transmitter antenna
Gr = Gain of the receiver antenna
Gtr = Gain of the transmitter/receiver antenna (monostatic radar)
GJ = Gain of the jammer
GJA = Gain of the jammer antenna
GJT = Gain of the jammer transmitter antenna
GJR = Gain of the jammer receiver antenna
G = Gain of reflected radar signal due to radar cross section

h = Height or Planks constant

hradar = Height of radar
htarget = Height of target

J = Jamming signal (receiver input)

J1 = Jamming signal (constant gain jammer)
J2 = Jamming signal (constant power jammer)
J/S = Jamming to signal ratio (receiver input)

k = Boltzmann constant
K1,2,3,4 = Proportionality constants, see Sections 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, and 4-1 respectively.

= Lambda, Wavelength or Poisson factor

L = Loss (due to transmission lines or circuit elements)

N = Receiver equivalent noise input (kToB)

NF = Noise figure

P = Power
Pd = Probability of detection
PD = Power density
PJ = Power of a jammer transmitter
Pn = Probability of false alarm
Pr = Power received
Pt = Power of a transmitter

R = Range (straight line distance)

R1 = Bistatic radar transmitter to target range
R2 = Bistatic radar target to receiver range
RJ = Range of jammer to receiver (when separate from the target)
RNM = Range in nautical miles

= Sigma, radar cross section (RCS)

S = Signal (receiver input)

SR = Radar signal received by the jammer
Smin = Minimum receiver sensitivity

t = Time
tint = Integration time
tr = Pulse Rise Time
= Pulse Width

V = Velocity
Vr = Radial velocity

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Figure 1, which follows, depicts the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and some of the
commonly used or known areas. Figure 2 depicts the more common uses of the microwave spectrum.
Figure 3 shows areas of the spectrum which are frequently referred to by band designations rather than by

Section 7-1 provides an additional breakdown of the EO/IR spectrum.

To convert from frequency (f) to wavelength () and vice versa, recall that f = c/, or = c/f;
where c = speed of light.

3x10 8 3x10 5 300 0.3 3x10 8 3x10 5 300 0.3

meter or f Hz f kHz f MHz f GHz
f Hz f kHz f MHz f GHz meter meter meter meter

Some quick rules of thumb follow:

Wavelength in cm = 30 / frequency in GHz
For example: at 10 GHz, the wavelength = 30/10 = 3 cm

Wavelength in ft = 1 / frequency in GHz
For example: at 10 GHz, the wavelength = 1/10 = 0.1 ft

Figure 1. Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum.

Figure 2. The Microwave Spectrum.


20 30 100 200 300 500 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 30 40 60 80100 200 300 400
12 18 27


VHF UHF L S C X K*u K K*a V W Sub-MM

HF Millimeter

9 (UHF) 10 (SHF)
7 (HF) 8 (VHF) 11 (EHF) 12


* "u" stands for unabsorbed or under K; "a" stands for absorption region or above K

Figure 3. Frequency Band Designations.

See Section 7, Figure 1 for a more detailed depiction of the UV and IR spectrum.


The Decibel is a subunit of a larger unit called the bel. As originally used, the bel represented the
power ratio of 10 to 1 between the strength or intensity i.e., power, of two sounds, and was named after
Alexander Graham Bell. Thus a power ratio of 10:1 = 1 bel, 100:1 = 2 bels, and 1000:1 = 3 bels. It is
readily seen that the concept of bels represents a logarithmic relationship since the logarithm of 100 to the
base 10 is 2 (corresponding to 2 bels), the logarithm of 1000 to the base 10 is 3 (corresponding to 3 bels),
etc. The exact relationship is given by the formula

Bels = log(P2/P1) [1]

where P2/P1 represents the power ratio.

Since the bel is a rather large unit, its use may prove inconvenient. Usually a smaller unit, the
Decibel or dB, is used. 10 decibels make one bel. A 10:1 power ratio, 1 bel, is 10 dB; a 100:1 ratio,
2 bels, is 20 dB. Thus the formula becomes

Decibels (dB) = 10 log(P2/P1) [2]

The power ratio need not be greater than unity as shown in the previous examples. In equations [1]
and [2], P1 is usually the reference power. If P2 is less than P1, the ratio is less then 1.0 and the resultant
bels or decibels are negative. For example, if P2 is one-tenth P1, we have

bels = log(0.1/1) = -1.0 bels

and dB = 10 log(0.1/1) = -10 dB.

It should be clearly understood that the term decibel does not in itself indicate power, but rather is a
ratio or comparison between two power values. It is often desirable to express power levels in decibels
by using a fixed power as a reference. The most common references in the world of electronics are the
milliwatt (mW) and the watt. The abbreviation dBm indicates dB referenced to 1.0 milliwatt. One
milliwatt is then zero dBm. Thus P1 in equations [1] or [2] becomes 1.0 mW. Similarly, the abbreviation
dBW indicates dB referenced to 1.0 watt, with P2 being 1.0 watt, thus one watt in dBW is zero dBW or
30 dBm or 60 dBW. For antenna gain, the reference is the linearly polarized isotropic radiator, dBLI.
Usually the L and/or I is understood and left out.

dBc is the power of one signal referenced to a carrier signal, i.e., if a second harmonic signal at
10 GHz is 3 dB lower than a fundamental signal at 5 GHz, then the signal at 10 GHz is -3 dBc.


The logarithmic characteristic of the dB makes it very convenient for expressing electrical power
and power ratios. Consider an amplifier with an output of 100 watts when the input is 0.1 watts
(100 milliwatts); it has an amplification factor of

P2/P1 = 100/0.1 = 1000

or a gain of:
10 log(P2/P1) = 10 log(100/0.1) = 30 dB.

(notice the 3 in 30 dB corresponds to the number of zeros in the power ratio)

The ability of an antenna to intercept or transmit a signal is expressed in dB referenced to an
isotropic antenna rather than as a ratio. Instead of saying an antenna has an effective gain ratio of 7.5, it
has a gain of 8.8 dB (10 log 7.5).

A ratio of less than 1.0 is a loss, a negative gain, or attenuation. For instance, if 10 watts of power
is fed into a cable but only 8.5 watts are measured at the output, the signal has been decreased by a
factor of
8.5/10 = .85
or 10 log(.85) = -0.7 dB.

This piece of cable at the frequency of the measurement has a gain of -0.7 dB. This is generally
referred to as a loss or attenuation of 0.7 dB, where the terms loss and attenuation imply the negative
sign. An attenuator which reduces its input power by factor of 0.001 has an attenuation of 30 dB. The
utility of the dB is very evident when speaking of signal loss due to radiation through the atmosphere. It
is much easier to work with a loss of 137 dB rather than the equivalent factor of 2 x 10-14.

Instead of multiplying gain or loss factors as ratios we can add them as positive or negative dB.
Suppose we have a microwave system with a 10 watt transmitter, and a cable with 0.7 dB loss connected
to a 13 dB gain transmit antenna. The signal loss through the atmosphere is 137 dB to a receive antenna
with an 11 dB gain connected by a cable with 1.4 dB loss to a receiver. How much power is at the
receiver? First, we must convert the 10 watts to milliwatts and then to dBm:

10 watts = 10,000 milliwatts

10 log (10,000/1) = 40 dBm
40 dBm - 0.7 dB + 13 dB - 137 dB + 11 dB - 1.4 dB = -75.1 dBm.

-75.1 dBm may be converted back to milliwatts by solving the formula:

mW = 10(dBm/10)

giving: 10(-75.1/10) = 0.00000003 mW

Voltage and current ratios can also be expressed in terms of decibels, provided the resistance
remains constant. First we substitute for P in terms of either voltage, V, or current, I. Since P=VI and
V=IR we have:

P = I2R = V2/R

Thus for a voltage ratio we have: dB = 10 log[(V22/R)/(V12/R)] = 10 log(V22/V12)

= 10 log(V2/V1)2 = 20 log(V2/V1)

Like power, voltage can be expressed relative to fixed units, so one volt is equal to 0 dBV or 120 dBV.

Similarly for current ratio: dB = 20 log(I2/I1)

Like power, amperage can be expressed relative to fixed units, so one amp is equal to 0 dBA or
120 dBA.

Decibel Formulas (where Z is the general form of R, including inductance and capacitance)
When impedances are equal: dB = 10 log 2 = 20 log 2 = 20 log 2
P1 E1 I1
P E2 Z1 I2 Z2
When impedances are unequal: dB = 10 log 2 = 20 log = 20 log
P1 E1 Z 2 I1 Z1


Solution of radar and EW problems requires the determination of logarithms (base 10) to calculate
some of the formulae. Common four function calculators do not usually have a log capability (or
exponential or fourth root functions either). Without a scientific calculator (or math tables or a Log-Log
slide rule) it is difficult to calculate any of the radar equations, simplified or textbook. The following
gives some tips to calculate a close approximation without a calculator.

Voltage or Voltage or
DB Power Ratio DB Power Ratio
Current Ratio Current Ratio
0 1.00 1.00 10 10.0 3.16
0.5 1.12 1.06 15 31.6 5.62
1.0 1.26 1.12 20 100 10
1.5 1.41 1.19 25 316 17.78
2.0 1.58 1.26 30 1,000 31.6
3.0 2.00 1.41 40 10,000 100
4.0 2.51 1.58 50 105 316
5.0 3.16 1.78 60 106 1,000
6.0 3.98 2.00 70 107 3,162
7.0 5.01 2.24 80 108 10,000
8.0 6.31 2.51 90 109 31,620
9.0 7.94 2.82 100 1010 105

For dB numbers which are a multiple of 10 If the power in question is not a multiple of ten, then some
estimation is required. The following tabulation lists
An easy way to remember how to convert dB values
some approximations. Some would be useful to
that are a multiple of 10 to the absolute magnitude of memorize.
the power ratio is to place a number of zeros equal to
that multiple value to the right of the value 1. DB RULES OF THUMB
40 dB = 10,000 : 1 (for power)
Multiply Multiply
Current / Voltage By Power By:
Minus dB moves the decimal point that many places
if +dB if -dB dB if +dB if -dB
to the left of 1.
1 1 0 1 1
-40 dB = 0.0001 : 1 (for power)
1.12 0.89 1 1.26 0.8
1.26 0.79 2 1.58 0.63
For voltage or current ratios, if the multiple of 10 is
1.4 0.707 3 2 0.5
even, then divide the multiple by 2, and apply the above
2.0 0.5 6 4 0.25
rules. 40 dB = 100 : 1 (for voltage)
2.8 0.35 9 8 0.125
-40 dB = 0.01 : 1
3.16 0.316 10 10 0.1
4.47 0.22 13 20 0.05
10 0.1 20 100 0.01
100 0.01 40 10,000 0.0001

You can see that the list has a repeating pattern, so by remembering just three basic values such
as one, three, and 10 dB, the others can easily be obtained without a calculator by addition and subtraction
of dB values and multiplication of corresponding ratios.

Example 1:
A 7 dB increase in power (3+3+1) dB is an increase of (2 x 2 x 1.26) = 5 times whereas
A 7 dB decrease in power (-3-3-1) dB is a decrease of (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.8) = 0.2.

Example 2: Assume you know that the ratio for 10 dB is 10, and that the ratio for 20 dB is 100
(doubling the dB increases the power ratio by a factor of ten), and that we want to find some intermediate

We can get more intermediate dB values by adding or subtracting one to the above, for example,
to find the ratio at 12 dB we can:

work up from the bottom; 12 = 1+11 so we have 1.26 (from table) x 12.5 = 15.75
alternately, working down the top 12 = 13-1 so we have 20 x 0.8 (from table) = 16

The resultant numbers are not an exact match (as they should be) because the numbers in the
table are rounded off. We can use the same practice to find any ratio at any other given value of dB (or
the reverse).


Power in absolute units can be expressed by using dBW dBm POWER dBW
1 Watt (or 1 milliwatt) as the reference power in the 120 90 1 MW 60
denominator of the equation for dB. We then call it dBW or 90 60 1 kW 30
dBm. We can then build a table such as the adjoining one. 80 50 100 W 20
70 40 10 W 10
From the above, any intermediate value can be found 60 30 1 W (1000 mW) 0
using the same dB rules and memorizing several dB values for 50 20 100 mW -10
determining the absolute power, given 48 dBm power output, 40 10 10 mW -20
we determine that 48 dBm = 50 dBm - 2 dB so we take the 33 3 2 mW -27
32 2 1.58 mW -28
value at 50 dB which is 100W and divide by the value 1.58
31 1 1.26 mw -29
(ratio of 2 dB) to get: 30 0 1 mW -30

100 watts/1.58 = 63 W or 63,291 mW.

Because dBW is referenced to one watt, the Log of the power in watts times 10 is dBW. The
Logarithm of 10 raised by any exponent is simply that exponent. That is: Log(10) 4 = 4. Therefore, a
power that can be expressed as any exponent of 10 can also be expressed in dBW as that exponent times
10. For example, 100 kW can be written 100,000 watts or 105 watts. 100 kW is then +50 dBW. Another
way to remember this conversion is that dBW is the number of zeros in the power written in watts times
10. If the transmitter power in question is conveniently a multiple of ten (it often is) the conversion to
dBW is easy and accurate.

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Duty cycle (or duty factor) is a measure of the fraction of the time a radar is transmitting. It is
important because it relates to peak and average power in the determination of total energy output. This,
in turn, ultimately affects the strength of the reflected signal as well as the required power supply capacity
and cooling requirements of the transmitter.

Although there are exceptions, most radio frequency (RF) measurements are either continuous
wave (CW) or pulsed RF. CW RF is uninterrupted RF such as from an oscillator. Amplitude modulated
(AM), frequency modulated (FM), and phase modulated (PM) RF are considered CW since the RF is
continuously present. The power may vary with time due to modulation, but RF is always present.
Pulsed RF, on the other hand, is bursts (pulses) of RF with no RF present between bursts. The most
general case of pulsed RF consists of pulses of a fixed pulse width (PW) which come at a fixed time
interval, or period, (T). For clarity and ease of this discussion, it is assumed that all RF pulses in a pulse
train have the same amplitude. Pulses at a fixed interval of time arrive at a rate or frequency referred to as
the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of so many pulse per second. Pulse repetition interval (PRI) and
PRF are reciprocals of each other.

PRF = 1/T = 1/PRI [1]

Power measurements are classified as either peak pulse power, Pp, or average power, Pave. The
actual power in pulsed RF occurs during the pulses, but most power measurement methods measure the
heating effects of the RF energy to obtain an average value of the power. It is correct to use either value
for reference so long as one or the other is consistently used. Frequently it is necessary to convert from P p
to Pave, or vice versa; therefore the relationship between the two must be understood. Figure 1 shows the
comparison between Pp and Pave.

Figure 1. RF Pulse Train.

The average value is defined as that level where the pulse area above the average is equal to area
below average between pulses. If the pulses are evened off in such a way as to fill in the area between
pulses, the level obtained is the average value, as shown in Figure 1 where the shaded area of the pulse is
used to fill in the area between pulses. The area of the pulse is the pulse width multiplied by the peak
pulse power. The average area is equal to the average value of power multiplied by the pulse period.

Since the two values are equal:

Pave x T = Pp x PW [2]
Pave/Pp = PW/T [3]
Using [1]
Pave/Pp = PW/T = PW x PRF = PW/PRI = duty cycle [4]

(note that the symbol represents pulse width (PW) in most reference books)

The ratio of the average power to the peak pulse power is the duty cycle and represents the
percentage of time the power is present. In the case of a square wave the duty cycle is 0.5 (50%) since the
pulses are present 1/2 the time, the definition of a square wave.

For Figure 1, the pulse width is 1 unit of time and the period is 10 units. In this case the duty
cycle is:
PW/T = 1/10 = 0.1 (10%).

A more typical case would be a PRF of 1,000 and a pulse width of 1.0 microseconds. Using [4],
the duty cycle is 0.000001 x 1,000 = 0.001. The RF power is present one-thousandth of the time and the
average power is 0.001 times the peak power. Conversely, if the power were measured with a power
meter which responds to average power, the peak power would be 1,000 time the average reading.

Besides expressing duty cycle as a ratio as obtained in equation [4], it is commonly expressed as
either a percentage or in decibels (dB). To express the duty cycle of equation [4] as a percentage,
multiply the value obtained by 100 and add the percent symbol. Thus a duty cycle of 0.001 is also 0.1%.

The duty cycle can be expressed logarithmically (dB) so it can be added to or subtracted from
power measured in dBm/dBW rather than converting to, and using absolute units.

Duty cycle (dB) = 10 log(duty cycle ratio) [5]

For the example of the 0.001 duty cycle, this would be 10 log(0.001) = -30 dB. Thus the average
power would be 30 dB less than the peak power. Conversely, the peak power is 30 dB higher than the
average power.

For pulse radars operating in the PRF range of 0.25-10 kHz and PD radars operating in the PRF
range of 10-500 kHz, typical duty cycles would be:
Pulse ~ 0.1 - 3% = 0.001 - .03 = -30 to -15 dB
Pulse Doppler ~ 5 - 50% = 0.05 - .5 = -13 to -3 dB
Continuous Wave ~ 100% = 1 = 0 dB

Intermediate Frequency Bandwidths of typical signals are:

Pulse 1 to 10 MHz
Chirp or Phase coded pulse 0.1 to 10 MHz
CW or PD 0.1 to 5 kHz

PRF is usually subdivided into the following categories: Low 0.25-4 kHz; Medium 8-40 kHz;
High 50-300 kHz.


Doppler is the apparent change in wavelength (or frequency) of an electromagnetic or acoustic

wave when there is relative movement between the transmitter (or frequency source) and the receiver.

Summary RF Equation for the Two-Way (radar) case Summary RF Equation for the One-Way (ESM) case
2( V Xmtr + V Tgt ) f Xmt V Xmtr or Rec f Xmt
f Rec = f Xmt + f D = f Xmt + f Rec = f Xmt + f D = f Xmt +
c c

Rules of Thumb for two-way signal travel

(divide in half for one-way ESM signal measurements)
At 10 GHz, fD
35 Hz per Knot
19 Hz per km/Hr
67 Hz per m/sec
61 Hz per yd/sec
20 Hz per ft/sec

To estimate fD at other frequencies, multiply these by:

f Xmt (GHz)


The Doppler effect is shown in Figure 1. In everyday life this effect is commonly noticeable when
a whistling train or police siren passes you. Audio Doppler is depicted, however Doppler can also affect the
frequency of a radar carrier wave, the PRF of a pulse radar signal, or even light waves causing a shift of
color to the observer.

Figure 1. Doppler Frequency Creation From Aircraft Engine Noise.

How do we know the universe is expanding?

Answer: The color of light from distant stars is shifted to red (see Section 7-1: higher or lower
frequency means Doppler shift is stretched, i.e., expanding).

A memory aid might be that the lights from a car (going away) at night are red (tail lights)!

Doppler frequency shift
is directly proportional to
velocity and a radar system can
therefore be calibrated to
measure velocity instead of (or
along with) range. This is done
by measuring the shift in
frequency of a wave caused by
an object in motion (Figure 2).
* Transmitter in motion
* Reflector in motion
* Receiver in motion
* All three

For a closing relative velocity:

* Wave is compressed
* Frequency is increased

For an opening relative velocity: Figure 2. Methods of Doppler Creation.

* Wave is stretched
* Frequency is decreased

To compute Doppler frequency we note that velocity is range rate; V = dr/dt

For the reflector in motion case,

you can see the wave compression effect
in Figure 3 when the transmitted wave
peaks are one wavelength apart. When
the first peak reaches the target, they are
still one wavelength apart (point a).

When the 2nd peak reaches the

target, the target has advanced according
to its velocity (vt) (point b), and the first
reflected peak has traveled toward the
radar by an amount that is less than the
original wavelength by the same amount
(vt) (point c).
Figure 3. Doppler Compression Equivalent to Variable
As the 2nd peak is reflected, the
Phase Shift.
wavelength of the reflected wave is 2(vt)
less than the original wavelength (point d).

The distance the wave travels is twice the target range. The reflected phase lags transmitted
phase by 2x the round trip time. For a fixed target the received phase will differ from the transmitted
phase by a constant phase shift. For a moving target the received phase will differ by a changing phase

For the closing target shown in Figure 3, the received phase is advancing with respect to the
transmitted phase and appears as a higher frequency.

Doppler is dependent
upon closing velocity, not
actual radar or target velocity
as shown in Figure 4.

For the following

equations (except radar
mapping), we assume the
radar and target are moving
directly toward one another to
simplify calculations (if this
is not the case, use the
velocity component of one in
the direction of the other in Figure 4. Doppler Depends Upon Closing Velocity.
the formulas).

For the case of a moving reflector, doppler frequency is proportional to 2x the transmitted frequency:
Higher rf = higher doppler shift
fD = (2 x VTarget)(f/c)
Speed of Light
Likewise, it can be shown that for other cases, the following Conversions
relationships hold: ***
c 2.9979 x 108 m/sec
For an airplane radar with an airplane target (The all three c 5.8275 x 108 nm/hr (knots)
moving case, aircraft radar transmitter, target, and aircraft radar c 9.8357 x 108 ft/sec
fD = 2(VRadar + VTarget)(f/c)

For the case of a semi-active missile receiving signals (Also all three moving)
fD = (VRadar + 2VTarget +VMissile)(f/c)

For the airplane radar with a ground target (radar mapping) or vice versa.
fD = 2(VRadar Cos Cos)(f/c), Where and are the radar scan azimuth and depression angles.

For a ground based radar with airborne target - same as previous using target track crossing angle and
ground radar elevation angle.

For the ES/ESM/RWR case where only the target or receiver is moving (One-way Doppler
fD = VReceiver or Target (f/c)

Note: See Figure 4 if radar and target are not moving directly towards or away from one another.

Figure 5 depicts
the results of a plot of the
above equation for a
moving reflector such as
might be measured with a
ground radar station
illuminating a moving

It can be used for

the aircraft-to-aircraft
case, if the total net
closing rate of the two
aircraft is used for the
speed entry in the figure.

It can also be used

for the ES/ESM case
(one-way doppler
measurements) if the Figure 5. Two-Way Doppler Frequency Shift.
speed of the aircraft is
used and the results are divided by two.


(1) If a ground radar operating at 10 GHz is tracking an airplane flying at a speed of 500 km/hr tangential
to it (crossing pattern) at a distance of 10 km, what is the Doppler shift of the returning signal?

Answer: Since the closing velocity is zero, the Doppler is also zero.

(2) If the same aircraft turns directly toward the ground radar, what is the Doppler shift of the returning

Answer: 500 km/hr = 270 kts from Section 2-1. From Figure 4 we see that the Doppler frequency is
about 9.2 KHz.

(3) Given that a ground radar operating at 7 GHz is Doppler tracking an aircraft 20 km away (slant range)
which is flying directly toward it at an altitude of 20,000 ft and a speed of 800 ft/sec, what amount of
VGPO switch would be required of the aircraft jammer to deceive (pull) the radar to a zero Doppler

Answer: We use the second equation from the bottom of page 2-6.3 which is essentially the same for this
application except a ground radar is tracking an airplane target (vs. an airplane during ground mapping),
so for our application we use a positive elevation angle instead of a negative (depression) angle.

fD = 2(Vr Cos Cos )(f/c), where is the aircraft track crossing angle and is the radar elevation angle.

Since the aircraft is flying directly at the radar, = 0; the aircraft altitude = 20,000 ft = 6,096 meters.

Using the angle equation in Section 2-1, sin = x/r = altitude / slant range, so:
= sin-1 (altitude/slant range) = sin-1 (6,096 m / 20,000 m) = 17.7

FD = 2(800 ft/sec Cos 0 Cos 17.7)(7x109 Hz / 9.8357 x 109 ft/sec) = 10,845 Hz

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Ohms Law Formulas for D-C Circuits. E = IR = = PR P = I 2 R = EI = E

Ohms Law Formulas for A-C Circuits and Power Factor.

P PZ 2
E = IZ = = P = I 2 Z cos = IE cos = E
I cos cos Z

In the above formulas is the angle of lead or lag between current and voltage and cos = P/EI = power
factor or pf.
Active power (in watts) R
pf = = Pover E I pf =
Apparent power (in volt - amps) Z

Note: Active power is the resistive power and equals the equivalent heating effect on water.

Voltage/Current Phase Rule of Thumb Remember ELI the ICE man

ELI: Voltage (E) comes before (leads) current (I) in an inductor (L)
ICE: Current (I) comes before (leads) Voltage (E) in a capacitor (C)

Resistors in Series Rtotal = R1 + R2 = R3 + ...

Two Resistors in Parallel R1 R 2

Rt =
R1 + R 2
Resistors in Parallel, General Formula 1
Rtotal =
1 1 1
+ + + ...
R1 R2 R3

Resonant Frequency Formulas *Where in the second formula f is in kHz and L and C are in
1 159.2 * 1 25,330 * 1 25,330 *
f= , or f = L = 2 2 , or L = C = 2 2 , or C =
2 LC 4 f C 4 f L
2 2
LC f C f L

Conductance 1 R
G= (for D - C circuit) G= 22
(for A - C circuit)
R R +X

1 1
Reactance Formulas XC= C= X L = 2 fL L= X L
2 f C 2 f X C 2 f

Impedance Formulas Z = R2 + ( X L - X C )2 (for series circuit)

Z= (for R and X in parallel)
2 2
R +X

Q or Figure of Merit Q = X L or X C

Frequency Response

Sinusoidal Voltages and Currents

Effective value = 0.707 x peak value

[Also known as Root-Mean Square (RMS) value]

Half Cycle Average value = 0.637 x peak

Peak value = 1.414 x effective value

Effective value = 1.11 x average value

Three-phase AC Configurations
(120 phase difference between each voltage)
If the connection to a three phase AC configuration is
miswired, switching any two of the phases will put it back in
the proper sequence.
Electric power for ships commonly uses the delta
configuration, while commercial electronic and aircraft applications commonly use the wye

Color Code for House Wiring: PURPOSE: Color Code for Chassis Wiring:
Black or red HOT Red
White NEUTRAL (Return) White
Green or bare GROUND Black

Color Code for Resistors: First and second band: Third band Fourth band
(and third band # of zeros if not gold/silver) Multiplier Tolerance
0 Black 5 Green .1 Gold 5% Gold
1 Brown 6 Blue .01 Silver 10% Silver
2 Red 7 Violet 20% No color
3 Orange 8 Gray
4 Yellow 9 White

The third color band indicates number of zeros to be added after figures given by first two color
bands. But if third color band is gold, multiply by 0.1 and if silver multiply by 0.01. Do not confuse with
fourth color-band that indicates tolerance. Thus, a resistor marked blue-red-gold-gold has a resistance of
6.2 ohms and a 5% tolerance.


Missiles are designated with three letters from the columns below plus a number (i.e., AIM-7M)
Suffixes (M in this case) indicate a modification.
First Letter Second Letter Third Letter
Launch Environment Mission Symbols Vehicle Type
A Air D Decoy M Guided Missile
B Multiple E Special electronic N Probe (non-orbital instruments)
C Coffin G Surface attack R Rocket (without installed or
H Silo stored I Intercept, aerial remote control guidance)
L Silo launched Q Drone
M Mobile T Training
P Soft Pad U Underwater attack
R Ship W Weather
U Underwater

U.S. military electronic equipment is assigned an identifying alphanumeric designation that is

used to uniquely identify it. This system is commonly called the AN designation system, although its
formal name is the Joint Electronics Type Designation System (JETDS). The letters AN preceding the
equipment indicators formerly meant Army/Navy, but now are a letter set that can only be used to
indicate formally designated DOD equipment. The first three letters following the AN/ indicate
Platform Installation, Equipment Type, and Equipment Function, respectively. The appropriate meaning
is selected from the lists below. The letters following the AN designation numbers provide added
information about equipment. Suffixes (A, B, C, etc.) indicate a modification. The letter (V) indicates
that variable configurations are available. The letter (X) indicates a development status. A parenthesis ( )
without a number within it indicates a generic system that has not yet received a formal designation, e.g.,
AN/ALQ( ). Quite often the () is pronounced bow legs since they look like the shape of cowboy legs.

First Letter Second Letter Third Letter

Platform Installation Equipment Type Function or Purpose
A Piloted aircraft A Invisible light, heat radiation B Bombing
B Underwater mobile, C Carrier C Communications
submarine D Radiac D Direction finder, reconnaissance
D Pilotless carrier F Photographic and/or surveillance
F Fixed ground G Telegraph or teletype E Ejection and/or release
G General ground use I Interphone and public address G Fire control or searchlight directing
K Amphibious J Electromechanical or inertial wire H Recording and/or reproducing
M Mobile (ground) covered K Computing
P Portable K Telemetering M Maintenance and/or test assemblies
S Water L Countermeasures N Navigation aids
T Ground, transportable M Meteorological Q Special or combination of purposes
U General utility N Sound in air R Receiving, passive detecting
V Vehicular (ground) P Radar S Detecting and/or range and
W Water surface and Q Sonar and underwater sound bearing, search
underwater R Radio T Transmitting
combination S Special or combinations of types W Automatic flight or remote control
Z Piloted-pilotless T Telephone (wire) X Identification and recognition
airborne vehicle V Visual and visible light Y Surveillance and control
combination W Armament
X Facsimile or television
Y Data Processing

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There are limits to the reach of

radar signals. At the frequencies
normally used for radar, radio waves
usually travel in a straight line. The
waves may be obstructed by weather or
shadowing, and interference may come
from other aircraft or from reflections
from ground objects (Figure 1).

As also shown in Figure 1, an

aircraft may not be detected because it is
below the radar line which is tangent to
the earths surface.

Some rules of thumb are:

Range (to horizon):

Figure 1. Radar Horizon and Shadowing.
R NM = 1.23 hradar with h in ft

Range (beyond horizon / over earth curvature):

R NM = 1.23 hradar + htarget with h in ft

In obtaining the radar

horizon equations, it is common
practice to assume a value for the
Earths radius that is 4/3 times the
actual radius. This is done to
account for the effect of the
atmosphere on radar propagation.
For a true line of sight, such as
used for optical search and rescue,
the constant in the equations
changes from 1.23 to 1.06.

A nomograph for
determining maximum target range
is depicted in Figure 2. Although
an aircraft is shown to the left, it
could just as well be a ship, with
radars on a mast of height h.
Any target of height (or altitude)
H is depicted on the right side.

See also Section 5-1 on

ducting and refraction, which may Figure 2. Earth Curvature Nomograph.
increase range beyond these

This data was expanded in
Figure 3 to consider the maximum
range one aircraft can detect another
aircraft using:

R NM = 1.23 hradar + htarget

(with h in feet)

It can be used for surface

targets if Htarget = 0. It should be
noted that most aircraft radars are
limited in power output, and would
not detect small or surface objects at
the listed ranges.

Figure 4 depicts the Figure 3. Aircraft Radar vs. Aircraft Target Maximum Range.
maximum range that a ship height
antenna can detect a zero height object (i.e., rowboat).

Figure 4. Ships Radar Horizon With Target on the Surface.

In this case H = 0, and the general equation becomes: Rmax (NM) = 1.23 hr

Where hr is the height of the radar in feet.

Figure 5 depicts the same for aircraft radars. It should be noted that most aircraft radars are
limited in power output, and would not detect small or surface objects at the listed ranges.

Figure 5. Aircraft Radar Horizon With Target on the Surface.

Other general rules of thumb for surface targets/radars are as follows:

For Visual SAR: For ESM:

RVisual(NM) = 1.05 Acft Alt in ft RESM (NM) = 1.5 Acft Alt in ft

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1. ROUND TRIP RANGE: R = with t = time to reach target
Rules of Thumb
In one sec round trip time, a The time it takes to travel to
wave travels to and from an and from an object at a
object at a distance of: distance of:
150 m 1 m 0.0067 sec
164 yd 1 yd 0.006 sec
500 ft 1 ft 0.002 sec
0.08 NM 1 NM 12.35 sec
0.15 km 1 km 6.7 sec

2. ONE WAY RANGE: R = ct with t = time to reach target

Time Distance Traveled Distance Time it Takes

1 milli sec (ms) 165 NM 1 NM 6.18 sec
1 micro sec (s) 1000 ft 1 km 3.3 sec
1 nano sec (ns) 1 ft 1 ft 1 nsec

Normally a radar measures distance to
the target by measuring time from the last
transmitted pulse. If the inter-pulse period (T)
is long enough that isnt a problem as shown in
A to the right. When the period is shortened,
the time to the last previous pulse is shorter
than the actual time it took, giving a false
(ambiguous) shorter range (figure B).

Rules of Thumb
RNM 81Pms
RKm 150Pms
Where Pms is PRI in milliseconds


Rules of Thumb
500 ft per microsecond of pulse width
500 MHz IF bandwidth provides 1 ft of resolution.


The atmosphere limits the accuracy to 0.1 ft

The natural limit for resolution is one RF cycle.

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Modulation is the process whereby some characteristic of one wave is varied in accordance with
some characteristic of another wave. The basic types of modulation are angular modulation (including
the special cases of phase and frequency modulation) and amplitude modulation. In missile radars, it is
common practice to amplitude modulate the transmitted RF carrier wave of tracking and guidance
transmitters by using a pulsed wave for modulating, and to frequency modulate the transmitted RF carrier
wave of illuminator transmitters by using a sine wave.

Frequency Modulation (FM) - As

shown in Figure 1, an unmodulated RF signal in
the time domain has only a single spectral line
at the carrier frequency (fc) in the frequency
domain. If the signal is frequency modulated,
as shown in Figure 2 (simplified using only two
changes), the spectral line will correspondingly Figure 1. Unmodulated RF Signal.
shift in the frequency domain. The bandwidth
can be approximated using Carsons rule:
BW = 2(f + fm), where f is the peak deviation
of the instantaneous frequency from the carrier TIME DOMAIN PLOT FREQUENCY DOMAIN
RF Carrier = 10 GHz
and fm is the highest frequency present in the 10 GHz 10.5 GHz
e.g. e.g.
9.5 GHz

modulating signal. There are usually many

more spikes in the frequency domain than 9.5 10 10.5 Freq
depicted. The number of spikes and shape of Occurs
Occurs Occurs GHz
from from
the frequency domain envelope (amplitude) are t1 t2 t3 t4 t3 to t 4 t 1 to t 2 t 2 to t 3

based on the modulation index . The

Figure 2. RF Signal With Frequency Modulation.
modulation index is related to the same two
factors used in Carsons rule. A high f means a higher modulation index with many more spikes
spread across a wider bandwidth.

Amplitude Modulation (AM) -

If the signal in Figure 1 is amplitude
modulated by a sinewave as shown in
Figure 3, sidebands are produced in the
frequency domain at Fc FAM. AM
other than by a pure sine wave will
cause additional sidebands normally at
Fc nFAM, where n equals 1, 2, 3, 4,
Figure 3. Sinewave Modulated RF Signal.
Pulse modulation is a special
case of AM wherein the carrier
frequency is gated at a pulsed rate.
When the reciprocal of the duty cycle
of the AM is a whole number,
harmonics corresponding to multiples
of that whole number will be missing,
e.g., in a 33.33% duty cycle, AM wave
will miss the 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.
harmonics, while a square wave or
Figure 4. Square Wave Modulated RF Signal (50% Duty Cycle).

50% duty cycle triangular wave will miss the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. harmonic, as shown in Figure 4. It has
sidebands in the frequency domain at Fc nFAM, where n = 1, 3, 5, etc. The amplitude of the power level
follows a sine x / x type distribution.
Figure 5 shows the pulse width (PW) in the time domain which defines the lobe width in the
frequency domain (Figure 6). The width of the main lobe is 2/PW, whereas the width of a side lobe is
1/PW. Figure 5 also shows the pulse repetition interval (PRI) or its reciprocal, pulse repetition frequency
(PRF), in the time domain. In the frequency domain, the spectral lines inside the lobes are separated by
the PRF or 1/PRI, as shown in Figures 7 and 8. Note that Figures 7 and 8 show actual magnitude of the
side lobes, whereas in Figure 4 and 6, the absolute value is shown.

The magnitude of each spectral component for a rectangular pulse can be determined from the
following formula:
sin (n / T ) = pulse width (PW)
an = 2A where : and A = Amplitude of rectangula r pulse [1]
T n / T T = period (PRI)

Figure 6. Sidelobes Generated by Pulse

Figure 5. Pulse Width and PRI/PRF Waveforms. Modulation (Absolute Value).

Figure 7 shows the spectral lines for a square wave 50% duty cycle), while Figure 8 shows the
spectral lines for a 33.33% duty cycle rectangular wave signal.

Figure 7. Spectral Times for a Square Wave Figure 8. Spectral Lines for a 33.3% Duty Cycle.
Modulated Signal.

Figure 9 shows that for square wave

AM, a significant portion of the component
modulation is contained in the first few
harmonics which comprise the wave. There are
twice as many sidebands or spectral lines as there
are harmonics (one on the plus and one on the
minus side of the carrier). Each sideband
represents a sine wave at a frequency equal to the Figure 9. Square Wave Consisting of Sinewave
difference between the spectral line and fc. Harmonics.

A figure similar to Figure 9 can be created for any rectangular wave. The relative amplitude of
the time domain sine wave components are computed using equation [1]. Each is constructed such that at
the midpoint of the pulse the sine wave passes through a maximum (or minimum if the coefficient is
negative) at the same time. It should be noted that the first harmonic created using this formula is NOT
the carrier frequency, fc, of the modulated signal, but at Fc FAM.

While equation [1] is for rectangular waves only, similar equations can be constructed using
Fourier coefficients for other waveforms, such as triangular, sawtooth, half sine, trapezoidal, and other
repetitive geometric shapes.

PRI Effects - If the PW remains constant but PRI increases, the number of sidelobes remains the
same, but the number of spectral lines gets denser (move closer together) and vice versa (compare
Figures 7 and 8). The spacing between the spectral lines remains constant with constant PRI.

Pulse Width (PW) Effects - If the PRI remains constant, but the PW increases, then the lobe
width decreases and vice versa. If the PW approaches PRI, the spectrum will approach one lobe, i.e., a
single spectral line. The spacing of the lobes remains constant with constant PW.

RF Measurements - If the receiver bandwidth is smaller than the PRF, the receiver will respond to
one spectral line at a time. If the receiver bandwidth is wider than the PRF but narrower than the
reciprocal of the PW, the receiver will respond to one spectral envelope at a time.

Jet Engine Modulation (JEM)

Section 2-6 addresses the Doppler shift in a

transmitted radar signal caused by a moving target.
The amount of Doppler shift is a function of radar
carrier frequency and the speed of the radar and
target. Moving or rotating surfaces on the target
will have the same Doppler shift as the target, but
will also impose AM on the Doppler shifted return
(see Figure 10). Reflections off rotating jet engine
compressor blades, aircraft propellers, ram air
turbine (RAT) propellers used to power aircraft
pods, helicopter rotor blades, and protruding
surfaces of automobile hubcaps will all provide a
chopped reflection of the impinging signal. The
reflections are characterized by both positive and
negative Doppler sidebands corresponding to the
blades moving toward and away from the radar
respectively. Figure 10. Doppler Return and JEM.
Therefore, forward/aft JEM does not vary
with radar carrier frequency, but the harmonics contained in the sidebands are a function of the PRF of
the blade chopping action and its amplitude is target aspect dependent, i.e., blade angle, intake/exhaust
internal reflection, and jet engine cowling all effect lateral return from the side. If the aspect angle is too
far from head-on or tail-on and the engine cowling provides shielding for the jet engine, there may not be
any JEM to detect. On the other hand, JEM increases when you are orthogonal (at a right angle) to the
axis of blade rotation. Consequently for a fully exposed blade as in a propeller driven aircraft or
helicopter, JEM increases with angle off the boresight axis of the prop/rotor.

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Transform Analysis

Signal processing using a transform analysis for calculations is a technique used to simplify or
accelerate problem solution. For example, instead of dividing two large numbers, we might convert them
to logarithms, subtract them, then look-up the anti-log to obtain the result. While this may seem a three-
step process as opposed to a one-step division, consider that long-hand division of a four digit number by
a three digit number, carried out to four places requires three divisions, 3-4 multiplications, and three
subtractions. Computers process additions or subtractions much faster than multiplications or divisions,
so transforms are sought which provide the desired signal processing using these steps.

Fourier Transform

Other types of transforms include the Fourier

transform, which is used to decompose or separate a waveform
into a sum of sinusoids of different frequencies. It transforms
our view of a signal from time based to frequency based.
Figure 1 depicts how a square wave is formed by summing
certain particular sine waves. The waveform must be
continuous, periodic, and almost everywhere differentiable.
The Fourier transform of a sequence of rectangular pulses is a
series of sinusoids. The envelope of the amplitude of the
coefficients of this series is a waveform with a Sin X/X shape.
For the special case of a single pulse, the Fourier series has an
infinite series of sinusoids that are present for the duration of
the pulse.
Figure 1. Harmonics.
Digital Sampling of Waveforms

To process a signal digitally,

we need to sample the signal
frequently enough to create a
complete picture of the signal.
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
may be used in this regard. Samples
are taken at uniform time intervals as
shown in Figure 2 and processed. Figure 2. Waveform Sampling.

If the digital information is

multiplied by the Fourier coefficients, a
digital filter is created as shown Figure 3.
If the sum of the resultant components is
zero, the filter has ignored (notched out)
that frequency sample. If the sum is a
relatively large number, the filter has
passed the signal. With the single sinusoid
shown, there should be only one resultant.
(Note that being zero and relatively large

Figure 3. Digital Filtering.

may just mean below or above
the filters cutoff threshold.)

Figure 4 depicts the

process pictorially: The
vectors in the figure just
happen to be pointing in a
cardinal direction because the
strobe frequencies are all
multiples of the vector (phasor)
rotation rate, but that is not
normally the case. Usually the
vectors will point in a number
of different directions, with a
resultant in some direction
other than straight up.

In addition, sampling
normally has to taken at or
above twice the rate of interest Figure 4. Phasor Representation.
(also known as the Nyquist rate), otherwise ambiguous results may be obtained. Figure 4 is under-
sampled (for clarity) and consequently does not depict typical filtering.

Fast Fourier Transforms

One problem with this type of processing is the large number of additions, subtractions, and
multiplications which are required to reconstruct the output waveform. The Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
was developed to reduce this problem. It recognizes that because the filter coefficients are sine and
cosine waves, they are symmetrical about 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees. They also have a number of
coefficients equal either to one or zero, and duplicate coefficients from filter to filter in a multibank
arrangement. By waiting for all of the inputs for the bank to be received, adding together those inputs for
which coefficients are the same before performing
multiplications, and separately summing those combinations
of inputs and products which are common to more than one
filter, the required amount of computing may be cut

The number of computations for a DFT is on the

order of N squared.

The number of computations for a FFT when N is

a power of two is on the order of N log2 N.

For example, in an eight filter bank, a DFT would

require 512 computations, while an FFT would only require
56, significantly speeding up processing time.

Figure 5. Windowed Fourier


Windowed Fourier Transform

The Fourier transform is continuous, so a windowed Fourier transform (WFT) is used to analyze
non-periodic signals as shown in Figure 5. With the WFT, the signal is divided into sections (one such
section is shown in Figure 5) and each section is analyzed for frequency content. If the signal has sharp
transitions, the input data is windowed so that the sections converge to zero at the endpoints. Because a
single window is used for all frequencies in the WFT, the resolution of the analysis is the same (equally
spaced) at all locations in the time-frequency domain.

The FFT works well for signals with smooth or uniform frequencies, but it has been found that
other transforms work better with signals having pulse type characteristics, time-varying (non-stationary)
frequencies, or odd shapes.

The FFT also does not distinguish sequence or timing information. For example, if a signal has
two frequencies (a high followed by a low or vice versa), the Fourier transform only reveals the
frequencies and relative amplitude, not the order in which they occurred. So Fourier analysis works well
with stationary, continuous, periodic, differentiable signals, but other methods are needed to deal with
non-periodic or non-stationary signals.

Wavelet Transform

The Wavelet transform has been

evolving for some time. Mathematicians
theorized its use in the early 1900s. While the
Fourier transform deals with transforming the
time domain components to frequency domain
and frequency analysis, the wavelet transform
deals with scale analysis, that is, by creating
mathematical structures that provide varying
time/frequency/amplitude slices for analysis.
This transform is a portion (one or a few cycles)
of a complete waveform, hence the term

The wavelet transform has the ability to

identify frequency (or scale) components,
simultaneously with their location(s) in time.
Additionally, computations are directly
proportional to the length of the input signal. Figure 6. Wavelet Transform.
They require only N multiplications (times a
small constant) to convert the waveform. For
the previous eight filter bank example, this would be about twenty calculations, vice 56 for the FFT.

In wavelet analysis, the scale that one uses in looking at data plays a special role. Wavelet
algorithms process data at different scales or resolutions. If we look at a signal with a large window,
we would notice gross features. Similarly, if we look at a signal with a small window, we would notice
small discontinuities as shown in Figure 6. The result in wavelet analysis is to see the forest and the
trees. A way to achieve this is to have short high-frequency fine scale functions and long low-frequency
ones. This approach is known as multi-resolution analysis.

For many decades, scientists have wanted more appropriate functions than the sines and cosines
(base functions) which comprise Fourier analysis, to approximate choppy signals. (Although Walsh
transforms work if the waveform is periodic and stationary). By their definition, sine and cosine
functions are non-local (and stretch out to infinity), and therefore do a very poor job in approximating
sharp spikes. But with wavelet analysis, we can use approximating functions that are contained neatly in
finite (time/frequency) domains. Wavelets are well-suited for approximating data with sharp

The wavelet analysis procedure is to adopt a wavelet prototype function, called an analyzing
wavelet or mother wavelet. Temporal analysis is performed with a contracted, high-frequency version
of the prototype wavelet, while frequency analysis is performed with a dilated, low-frequency version of
the prototype wavelet. Because the original signal or function can be represented in terms of a wavelet
expansion (using coefficients in a linear combination of the wavelet functions), data operations can be
performed using just the corresponding wavelet coefficients as shown in Figure 7.

If one further chooses the

best wavelets adapted to the data, or
truncates the coefficients below some
given threshold, the data is sparsely
represented. This sparse coding
makes wavelets an excellent tool in
the field of data compression. For
instance, the FBI uses wavelet coding
to store fingerprints. Hence, the
concept of wavelets is to look at a
signal at various scales and analyze it Figure 7. Wavelet Filtering.
with various resolutions.

Analyzing Wavelet Functions

Fourier transforms deal with

just two basis functions (sine and
cosine), while there are an infinite
number of wavelet basis functions.
The freedom of the analyzing
wavelet is a major difference
between the two types of analyses
and is important in determining the
results of the analysis. The wrong
wavelet may be no better (or even
far worse than) than the Fourier
analysis. A successful application
presupposes some expertise on the
part of the user. Some prior
knowledge about the signal must
generally be known in to select the
most suitable distribution and adapt Figure 8. Sample Wavelet Functions.
the parameters to the signal. Some

of the more common ones are shown in Figure 8. There are several wavelets in each family, and they
may look different than those shown. Somewhat longer in duration than these functions, but significantly
shorter than infinite sinusoids is the cosine packet shown in Figure 9.

Wavelet Comparison With Fourier Analysis

While a typical Fourier transform provides frequency content information for samples within a
given time interval, a perfect wavelet transform records the start of one frequency (or event), then the start
of a second event, with
amplitude added to or
subtracted from, the base event.

Example 1.

Wavelets are especially

useful in analyzing transients
or time-varying signals. The
input signal shown in Figure 9
consists of a sinusoid whose
frequency changes in stepped
increments over time. The
power of the spectrum is also
shown. Classical Fourier
analysis will resolve the
frequencies but cannot provide
any information about the
times at which each occurs.
Wavelets provide an efficient
means of analyzing the input Figure 9. Sample Wavelet Analysis.
signal so that frequencies and
the times at which they occur can be resolved. Wavelets have finite duration and must also satisfy
additional properties beyond those normally associated with standard windows used with Fourier
analysis. The result after the wavelet transform is applied is the plot shown in the lower right. The
wavelet analysis correctly resolves each of the frequencies and the time when it occurs. A series of
wavelets is used in example 2.

Example 2.

Figure 10 shows the

input of a clean signal, and one
with noise. It also shows the
output of a number of filters
with each signal. A 6 dB S/N
improvement can be seen from
the d4 output. (Recall from
Section 4.3 that 6 dB
corresponds to doubling of
detection range.) In the filter
cascade, the HPFs and LPFs
are the same at each level. The
wavelet shape is related to the
HPF and LPF in that it is the
impulse response of an
Figure 10. Example 2 Analysis Wavelet.
infinite cascade of the HPFs
and LPFs. Different wavelets have different HPFs and LPFs. As a result of decimating by 2, the number
of output samples equals the number of input samples.

Wavelet Applications

Some fields that are making use of wavelets are: astronomy, acoustics, nuclear engineering,
signal and image processing (including fingerprinting), neurophysiology, music, magnetic resonance
imaging, speech discrimination, optics, fractals, turbulence, earthquake-prediction, radar, human vision,
and pure mathematics applications.

See Andrew Bruce, David Donoho, and Hong-Ye Gao, Wavelet Analysis, IEEE Spectrum,
Vol. 33 No. 10, October 1996.


Antenna Introduction / Basics .................................................................................................................... 3-1

Polarization ................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Radiation Patterns ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Frequency / Phase Effects of Antennas...................................................................................................... 3-4
Antenna Near Field .................................................................................................................................... 3-5
Radiation Hazards ...................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA) ......................................................................................... 3-7
Fractal Antennas ........................................................................................................................................ 3-8

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Rules of Thumb:

1. The power gain of an antenna with losses, excluding input impedance Where BW and are the elev & az
mismatch, is given by: another is : beamwidths in degrees.
= Efficiency For approximat ing an antenna pattern with :
G 2 Where A = Physical aperture area G=
X (1) A rectangle; X = 41253, typical = 0.7

= wavelength BW BW (2) An ellipsoid; X = 52525, typical = 0.55

2. Directive gain of rectangular X-Band Aperture

G = 1.4 LW Where: Length (L) and Width (W) are in cm

3. Power gain of Circular X-Band Aperture

G = d2 Where: d = antenna diameter in cm
= aperture efficiency

4. Directive gain of an imaginary isotropic antenna radiating in a

uniform spherical pattern is one (0 dB).

5. Antenna with a 20 degree beamwidth has approximately a 20 dB

directive gain.

6. 3 dB beamwidth is approximately equal to the angle from the peak

of the power to the first null (see figure at right).
7. Parabolic Antenna Beamwidth: BW =
Where: BW = antenna beamwidth; = wavelength; d = antenna diameter.
The antenna equations which follow relate to Figure 1 as
a typical antenna. In Figure 1, BW is the azimuth beamwidth and
BW is the elevation beamwidth. Beamwidth is normally
measured at the half-power or -3 dB point of the main lobe unless
otherwise specified. See Glossary.

The gain or directivity of an antenna is the ratio of the

radiation intensity in a given direction to the radiation intensity
Figure 1. Antenna Aperture.
averaged over all directions.

Quite often directivity and gain are used interchangeably and it sometimes leads to overly
optimistic antenna performance estimations. The difference is that directivity is based solely on antenna
pattern shape estimation where antenna losses such as dielectric, ohmic resistance, and polarization
mismatch are neglected. If these losses are included in the antenna gain calculations, the antenna gain is
then referred to as the power gain. Moreover, if additional impedance mismatch or VSWR losses are
included in the antenna system gain estimation, the antenna gain calculations are then referred to as the
realized gain. However, using directive gain (or directivity) calculations is very convenient in practice for a
first order idealized antenna performance estimation.

Normalizing a radiation pattern by the integrated total power yields the directivity of the antenna.
This concept in shown in equation form by:
4P ( , ) 0 < 360
D ( , ) = 10 Log [1]

P in ( , ) Sin d d 0 < 180

Where D(,) is the directivity in

dB, and the radiation pattern power in a
specific direction is Pd(,), which is
normalized by the total integrated
radiated power. Another important
concept is that when the angle in which
the radiation is constrained is reduced, the
directive gain goes up. For example,
using an isotropic radiating source, the
gain would be 0 dB by definition (Figure
2(a)) and the power density (Pd) at any
given point would be the power in (Pin)
divided by the surface area of the
imaginary sphere at a distance R from the
source. If the spacial angle was
decreased to one hemisphere (Figure
2(b)), the power radiated, Pin, would be
the same but the area would be half as Figure 2. Notional Representation of Directive Antenna Gain.
much, so the gain would double to 3 dB.
Likewise if the angle is a quarter sphere, (Figure 2(c)), the gain would be 6 dB. Figure 2(d) shows a pencil
beam. The gain is independent of actual power output and radius (distance) at which measurements are

Real antennas are different,

however, and do not have an ideal
radiation distribution. Energy varies
with angular displacement and losses
occur due to sidelobes. However, if
we can measure the pattern, and
determine the beamwidth we can use
two (or more) ideal antenna models to
approximate a real antenna pattern as
shown in Figure 3.

Assuming the antenna pattern

is uniform, the gain is equal to the area
of the isotropic sphere (4r2) divided Figure 3. Antenna Beamwidth.
by the sector (cross section) area.

Area of Sphere
G= [2]
Area of Antenna pattern
It can be shown that:
4 4 BW az = Azmith beamwidth in radians
G or where : [3]
BW az BW el (radians) BW el = Elevation beamwidth in radians

From this point, two different models are presented:

(1) Approximating an antenna pattern using an elliptical area, and

(2) Approximating an antenna pattern using a rectangular area.

Approximating the antenna pattern as an elliptical area:

Area of ellipse = a b = [ (r sin )/2 ][ (r sin )/2 ]= ( r2 sin sin )/4

Area of Sphere 4 16
G= = (4 r 2 ) 2 =
Area of Antenna pattern r sin sin sin sin

For small angles, sin = in radians, so:

16 16 16 360 360 52525 52525 [4]
G= = = or
sin sin (radians) 2 2 (degrees) BW BW (degrees)

The second term in the equation above is very close to equation [3].

For a very directional radar dish with a beamwidth of 1 and an average efficiency of 55%:

Ideally: G = 52525, or in dB form: 10 log G =10 log 52525 = 47.2 dB

With efficiency taken into account, G = 0.55(52525) = 28888, or in log form: 10 log G = 44.6 dB

Approximating the antenna pattern as a rectangular area:

a = r sin , b = r sin , area = ab = r2 sin sin

Area of Sphere 4 r2 4
G= = 2 =
Area of Antenna pattern r sin sin sin sin

For small angles, sin = in radians, so:

The second term in the equation above is identical to equation [3].

4 4 4 360 360 41253 41253

G= = = = or [5]
sin sin (radians) 2 2 (degrees) BW BW (degrees)

Converting to dB, G max (dB) = 10 Log with BW and BW in degrees [6]

For a very directional radar dish with a beamwidth of 1 and an average efficiency of 70%:
Ideally (in dB form): 10 log G =10 log 41253 = 46.2 dB.
With efficiency taken into account, G = 0.7(41253) = 28877, or in log form: 10 log G = 44.6 dB

Comparison between elliptical
and rectangular areas for
antenna pattern models:
By using the rectangular model
there is a direct correlation
between the development of
gain in equation [5] and the ideal
gain of equation [3]. The
elliptical model has about one
dB difference from the ideal
calculation, but will yield the
same real antenna gain when
appropriate efficiencies are

The upper plot of Figure 4

shows the gain for an ideal Figure 4. Antenna Sector Size vs. Gain.
antenna pattern using the
elliptical model. The middle
plot shows the gain for an ideal antenna using the rectangular model. The lower plot of Figure 4 shows the
gain of a typical real antenna (rectangular model using an efficiency of 70% or elliptical model using an
efficiency of 47%).

Gain as a function of :
When = 0, each wave source in Figure 5 is in phase
with one another and a maximum is produced in that

Conversely, nulls to either side of the main lobe will

occur when the waves radiating from the antenna
cancel each other. The first null occurs when there is
a phase difference of /2 in the wave fronts
emanating from the aperture. To aid in visualizing
what happens, consider each point in the antenna
aperture, from A to C in Figure 5, as a point source
of a spherical wave front. If viewed from infinity,
the electromagnetic waves from each point interfere
with each other, and when, for a particular direction,
in Figure 5, each wave source has a corresponding Figure 5. Directional Gain vs. Wavelength.
point that is one-half wavelength out of phase, a null
is produced in that direction due to destructive

In Figure 5, the wave emanating from point A is out of phase with the wave from point B by one-half of a
wavelength. Hence, they cancel. Similarly, a point just to the right of point A cancels with a point just to
the right of point B, and so on across the entire aperture. Therefore, the first null in the radiation pattern is
given by:

Sin = /L and, in radians, = /L (for small angles) [7]

As the angle off boresight is increased beyond the first null, the intensity of the radiation pattern rises then
falls, until the second null is reached. This corresponds to a phase difference of two wavelengths between
the left and right edges of the aperture. In this case, the argument proceeds as before, except now the
aperture is divided into four segments (point A canceling with a point halfway between A and B, and so on).

The angle is the angle from the center (maximum) of the radiation pattern to the first null. The null-to-null
beam width is 2. Generally, we are interested in the half-power (3 dB) beamwidth. It turns out that this
beamwidth is approximately one-half of the null-to-null beamwidth, so that:

BW3 dB ()(2) = /L [8]

Therefore, beamwidth is a function of the antenna dimension L and the wavelength of the signal. It can
be expressed as follows: Note: for circular antennas, L in the following equations = diameter

Bw(az) = /LAz eff and BW(el) = /LEl eff [9]

Substituting the two variations of equation [9] into equation [3] and since LAz eff times LEl eff = Ae (effective
capture area of the antenna), we have:

4 4 Laz Lel 4 Ae
G = = [10]
BW BW (radians) 2 2

Note: Equation is approximate since aperture efficiency isnt included as is done later in equation [12].

The efficiency (discussed later) will reduce the gain by a factor of 30-50%, i.e. real gain = .5 to .7 times
theoretical gain.

Unity Gain Antenna.

If a square antenna is visualized and G=1, Ae = 2 / 4. When a dimension is greater than 0.28 (~ ) it is
known as an electrically large antenna, and the antenna will have a gain greater than one (positive gain
when expressed in dB). Conversely, when the dimension is less than 0.28 (~ )(an electrically small
antenna), the gain will be less than one (negative gain when expressed in dB). Therefore, a unity gain
antenna can be approximated by an aperture that is by .

Beamwidth as a Function of Aperture Length

It can be seen from Figure 5, that the wider the antenna aperture (L), the narrower the beamwidth will be for
the same . Therefore, if you have a rectangular shaped horn antenna, the radiation pattern from the wider
side will be narrower than the radiation pattern from the narrow side.


The Antenna Efficiency, , is a factor which includes all reductions from the maximum gain. can be
expressed as a percentage, or in dB. Several types of loss must be accounted for in the efficiency, :

(1) Illumination efficiency which is the ratio of the directivity of the antenna to the directivity
of a uniformly illuminated antenna of the same aperture size,
(2) Phase error loss or loss due to the fact that the aperture is not a uniform phase surface,
(3) Spillover loss (Reflector Antennas) which reflects the energy spilling beyond the edge of
the reflector into the back lobes of the antenna,

(4) Mismatch (VSWR) loss, derived from the reflection at the feed port due to impedance
mismatch (especially important for low frequency antennas), and
(5) RF losses between the antenna and the antenna feed port or measurement point.

The aperture efficiency, a, is also known as the illumination factor, and includes items (1) and (2) above; it
does not result in any loss of power radiated but affects the gain and pattern. It is nominally 0.6-0.8 for a
planer array and 0.13 to 0.8 with a nominal value of 0.5 for a parabolic antenna, however can vary
significantly. Other antennas include the spiral (.002-.5), the horn (.002-.8), the double ridge horn
(.005-.93), and the conical log spiral (.0017-1.0).

Items (3), (4), and (5) above represent RF or power losses which can be measured. The efficiency varies
and generally gets lower with wider bandwidths. Also note that the gain equation is optimized for small
angles - see derivation of wavelength portion of equation [7]. This explains why efficiency also gets lower
for wider beamwidth antennas.


Effective capture area (Ae) is the product of the physical aperture area (A) and the aperture efficiency () or:

2 G [11]
Ae = A =


The Gain of an antenna with losses is given by:

= Aperture Efficiency
4A [12]
G= Where A = Physical aperture area
= wavelength

Note that the gain is proportional to the aperture area and inversely proportional to the square of the
wavelength. For example, if the frequency is doubled, (half the wavelength), the aperture could be
decreased four times to maintain the same gain.


Antenna size and beamwidth are also related by the beam factor defined by:

Beam Factor = (D/)(Beamwidth) where D = antenna dimension in wavelengths.

The beam factor is approximately invariant with antenna size, but does vary with type of antenna aperture
illumination or taper. The beam factor typically varies from 50-70.


The aperture illumination or illumination taper is the variation in amplitude across the aperture. This
variation can have several effects on the antenna performance:

(1) reduction in gain,

(2) reduced (lower) sidelobes in most cases, and
(3) increased antenna beamwidth and beam factor.

Tapered illumination occurs naturally in reflector antennas due to the feed radiation pattern and the
variation in distance from the feed to different portions of the reflector. Phase can also vary across the
aperture which also affects the gain, efficiency, and beamwidth.


Solving equation [12] in dB, for a circular antenna with area D2/4, we have:

10 Log G = 20 Log (D/) + 10 Log () + 9.94 dB; where D = diameter [13]

This data is depicted in the nomograph of Figure 6. For example, a six foot diameter antenna operating at
9 GHz would have approximately 44.7 dB of gain as shown by the dashed line drawn on Figure 6. This
gain is for an antenna 100% efficient, and would be 41.7 dB for a typical parabolic antenna (50% efficient).

Figure 6. Antenna Gain Nomograph.

An example of a typical antenna (with losses) showing the variation of gain with frequency is depicted in
Figure 7, and the variation of gain with antenna diameter in Figure 8. The circle on the curves in Figure 7
and 8 correspond to the Figure 6 example and yields 42 dB of gain for the 6 ft dish at 9 GHz.

Example Problem: If the two antennas in the drawing are welded together, how much power will be
measured at point A? (Line loss L1 = L2 = 0.5, and 10log L1 or L2 = 3 dB)

Multiple choice:
A. 16 dBm b. 28 dBm c. 4 dBm d. 10 dBm e. < 4 dBm


The antennas do not act as they normally would since the antennas are operating in the near field. They act
as inefficient coupling devices resulting in some loss of signal. In addition, since there are no active
components, you cannot end up with more power than you started with. The correct answer is
e. < 4 dBm.

10 dBm - 3 dB - small loss -3 dB = 4 dBm - small loss

If the antennas were separated by 5 ft and were in the far field, the antenna gain could be used with space
loss formulas to calculate (at 5 GHz): 10 dBm - 3 dB + 6 dB - 50 dB (space loss) + 6 dB -3 dB = -34 dBm (a
much smaller signal).

Figure 7. Gain of a Typical 6-Foot Dish Antenna (With Losses).

Figure 8. Gain of a Typical Dish at 9 GHz (With Losses).

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Table 1 shows the theoretical ratio of power transmitted between antennas of different
polarization. These ratios are seldom fully achieved due to effects such as reflection, refraction, and other
wave interactions, so some practical ratios are also included.

Table 1. Polarization Loss for Various Antenna Combinations.

Transmit Ratio of Power Received to Maximum Power

Receive Antenna Theoretical Practical Horn Practical Spiral
Polarization Ratio in as Ratio in as Ratio in as
Polarization dB Ratio dB Ratio dB Ratio
Vertical Vertical 0 dB 1 * * N/A N/A
Vertical Slant (45 or 135) -3 dB * * N/A N/A
Vertical Horizontal - dB 0 -20 dB 1/100 N/A N/A
Vertical Circular (right-hand or left-hand) -3 dB * * * *
Horizontal Horizontal 0 dB 1 * * N/A N/A
Horizontal Slant (45 or 135) -3 dB * * N/A N/A
Horizontal Circular (right-hand or left-hand) -3 dB * * * *
Circular (right-hand) Circular (right-hand) 0 dB 1 * * * *
Circular (right-hand) Circular (left-hand) - dB 0 -20 dB 1/100 -10 dB 1/10
Circular (right or left) Slant (45 or 135) -3 dB * * * *
* Approximately the same as theoretical.
Note: Switching transmit and receive antenna polarization will give the same results.

The polarization of
an electromagnetic wave is
defined as the orientation of
the electric field vector.
Recall that the electric field
vector is perpendicular to
both the direction of travel
and the magnetic field vector.
The polarization is described
by the geometric figure traced Figure 1. Polarization Coordinates.
by the electric field vector
upon a stationary plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation, as the wave travels through that plane.
An electromagnetic wave is frequently composed of (or can be broken down into) two orthogonal
components as shown in Figure 1. This may be due to the arrangement of power input leads to various
points on a flat antenna, or due to an interaction of active elements in an array, or many other reasons.

The geometric figure traced by the sum of the electric field vectors over time is, in general, an
ellipse as shown in Figure 2. Under certain conditions the ellipse may collapse into a straight line, in which
case the polarization is called linear.

In the other extreme, when the two components are of equal magnitude and 90 out of phase, the
ellipse will become circular as shown in Figure 3. Thus linear and circular polarization are the two special
cases of elliptical polarization. Linear polarization may be further classified as being vertical, horizontal, or

Figure 2 depicts plots of the E field vector while varying the relative amplitude and phase angle of its
component parts.

Figure 2. Polarization as a Function of Ey / Ex Ratio and Phase Angle.
Adopted from J.D. Kraus, Antennas, 2nd ed., Figure 2-37

For a linearly polarized antenna, the

radiation pattern is taken both for a co-polarized
and cross polarized response. The polarization
quality is expressed by the ratio of these two
responses. The ratio between the responses must
typically be great (30 dB or greater) for an
application such as cross-polarized jamming.
For general applications, the ratio indicates
system power loss due to polarization mismatch.
For circularly polarized antennas, radiation
patterns are usually taken with a rotating linearly
polarized reference antenna. The reference
antenna rotates many times while taking
measurements around the azimuth of the antenna
that is being tested. The resulting antenna
pattern is the linear polarized gain with a cyclic
ripple. The peak-to-peak value is the axial ratio,
and represents the polarization quality for a
circular polarized antenna. The typical RWR Figure 3. Circular Polarization E Field.
antenna has a maximum 3 dB axial ratio within
45 of boresight.
For any antenna with an aperture area, as the aperture is rotated, the viewed dimension along the
axis remains constant, while the other viewed dimension decreases to zero at 90 rotation. The axial ratio of
an antenna will get worse as the antenna is rotated off boresight because the field contribution from the axial
component will remain fairly constant and the other orthogonal component will decrease with rotation.

The sense of antenna polarization is defined from a viewer positioned behind an antenna looking in
the direction of propagation. The polarization is specified as a transmitting, not receiving antenna
regardless of intended use.

We frequently use hand rules to describe the

sense of polarization. The sense is defined by which
hand would be used in order to point that thumb in the
direction of propagation and point the fingers of the
same hand in the direction of rotation of the E field
vector. For example, referring to Figure 4, if your thumb
is pointed in the direction of propagation and the rotation
is counterclockwise looking in the direction of travel,
then you have left hand circular polarization.

Optics people view an aperture from the front

and therefore use the opposite reference.

The polarization of a linearly polarized horn Figure 4. Left Hand Polarization.

antenna can be directly determined by the orientation of
the feed probe, which is in the direction of the E-field.

In general, a flat surface or sphere will reflect a linearly polarized wave with the same polarization
as received. A horizontally polarized wave may get extended range because of water and land surface
reflections, but signal cancellation will probably result in holes in coverage. Reflections will reverse the
sense of circular polarization.

If the desired antenna is used for receiving a direct transmission as shown in Figure 5, the same
polarization sense (specified if transmitting) is required for maximum signal reception in this situation. Buy
two right-hand or two left-hand circularly polarized antennas for this case. When you procure antennas,
remember that the polarization is specified as if transmitting, regardless of intended use.

Wave propagation between two identical antennas is analogous to being able to thread a nut from
one bolt to an identical opposite facing bolt.

Figure 5. Same Circular Polarization.

If the desired antenna is used for a receiving a wave with a single or odd number of reflections, such as a
bistatic radar where separate antennas are used for transmit and receive as shown in Figure 6, then
opposite circularly polarized antennas would be used for maximum signal reception. In this case buy
antennas of opposite polarization sense (one left hand and one right hand).

Figure 6. Opposite Circular Polarization.

In a corner reflector, waves reflect twice before returning to the receiver as shown in Figure 7, consequently
they return with the same sense as they were transmitted. In this case (or any even number of reflections)
buy antennas of the same polarization sense.

Figure 7. Circular Polarization With Corner Reflector.

An aircraft acts as both a corner reflector and a normal reflector so the return has mixed
polarization. Most airborne radars use the same antenna for transmitting and receiving in order to receive
the corner reflections and help exclude receipt of reflections from rain (single polarization reversal),
however in doing so there is about a 5-9 dB loss from the ideal receiver case. It should be noted that the
return from raindrops is attenuated by approximately 20 dB.


The radiation pattern is a graphical depiction of the relative field strength transmitted from or
received by the antenna. Antenna radiation patterns are taken at one frequency, one polarization, and one
plane cut. The patterns are usually presented in polar or rectilinear form with a dB strength scale. Patterns
are normalized to the maximum graph value, 0 dB, and a directivity is given for the antenna. This means
that if the side lobe level from the radiation pattern were down -13 dB, and the directivity of the antenna was
4 dB, then the sidelobe gain would be -9 dB.

Figures 1 to 14 on the pages following depict various antenna types and their associated
characteristics. The patterns depicted are those which most closely match the purpose for which the given
shape was intended. In other words, the radiation pattern can change dramatically depending upon
frequency, and the wavelength to antenna characteristic length ratio. See Section 3-4. Antennas are
designed for a particular frequency. Usually the characteristic length is a multiple of /2 minus 2-15%
depending on specific antenna characteristics.

The gain is assumed to mean directional gain of the antenna compared to an isotropic radiator
transmitting to or receiving from all directions.

The half-power (-3 dB) beamwidth is a measure of the directivity of the antenna.

Polarization, which is the direction of the electric (not magnetic) field of an antenna is another
important antenna characteristic. This may be a consideration for optimizing reception or jamming.

The bandwidth is a measure of how much the frequency can be Bandwidth

varied while still obtaining an acceptable VSWR (2:1 or less) and minimizing
% Ratio
losses in unwanted directions. See Glossary, Section 10.
5 1.05 : 1
A 2:1 VSWR corresponds to a 9.5 dB (or 10%) return loss - see Section 6-2. 10 1.11 : 1
20 1.22 : 1
Two methods for computing antenna bandwidth are used: 30 1.35 : 1
40 1.50 : 1
FU - F L 50 1.67 : 1
Narrowband by %, B = (100) , where FC = Center frequency 60 1.85 : 1
FC 67 2:1
Broadband by ratio, B = F U 100 3:1
FL 120 4:1
133 5:1
An antenna is considered broadband if FU / FL > 2. The table at the 150 7:1
right shows the equivalency of the two, however the shaded values are not 160 9:1
normally used because of the aforementioned difference in 163 10 : 1

Should there be ever a need to express bandwidth of an antenna in one or the other alternative
formats, a conversion between the two narrowband and broadband bandwidth quantities can be easily
calculated using the following relationships:

Calculate broadband ratio Bbb given narrowband B%,

Bbb = (200 + B%)/(200 B%) [1]

Calculate narrowband B% given broadband ratio Bbb,

B% = 200 * (Bbb 1)/( Bbb + 1) [2]

For an object that experiences a plane wave, the resonant mode is achieved when the dimension of
the object is n/2, where n is an integer. Therefore, one can treat the apertures shown in the following figure
as half wave length dipole antennas for receiving and reflecting signals. More details are contained in
Section 8-4.

The following lists antenna types by page number. The referenced page shows frequency limits,
polarizations, etc.

Type Page Type Page

4 arm conical spiral 3-3.6 log periodic 3-3.8
alford loop 3-3.4 loop, circular 3-3.4
aperture synthesis 3-3.8 loop, alford 3-3.4
array 3-3.8 loop, square 3-3.4
axial mode helix 3-3.5 luneberg lens 3-3.9
biconical w/polarizer 3-3.6 microstrip patch 3-3.9
biconical 3-3.6 monopole 3-3.3
cavity backed circuit fed slot 3-3.5 normal mode helix 3-3.5
cavity backed spiral 3-3.9 parabolic 3-3.7
circular loop 3-3.4 patch 3-3.9
conical spiral 3-3.5 reflector 3-3.10
corner reflector 3-3.9 rhombic 3-3.3
dipole array, linear 3-3.8 sinuous, dual polarized 3-3.6
dipole 3-3.3 slot, guide fed 3-3.9
discone 3-3.4 slot, cavity backed 3-3.9
dual polarized sinuous 3-3.6 spiral, 4 arm conical 3-3.6
guide fed slot 3-3.9 spiral, conical 3-3.5
helix, normal mode 3-3.5 spiral, cavity backed 3-3.5
helix, axial mode 3-3.5 square loop 3-3.4
horn 3-3.7 vee 3-3.3
linear dipole array 3-3.8 yagi 3-3.8

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics
Polarization: Linear
Z Vertical as shown
MONOPOLE Elevation:
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth
Z 45 deg x 360 deg

Typical Gain: 2-6 dB at best

Bandwidth: 10% or 1.1:1

Y Y Frequency Limit
Lower: None
Ground Plane
Upper: None

X Remarks: Polarization changes to

X horizontal if rotated to horizontal

Polarization: Linear
Z Vertical as shown
/2 DIPOLE Elevation:
Z Typical Half-Power Beamwidth
Y 80 deg x 360 deg

Typical Gain: 2 dB

L = /2 Bandwidth: 10% or 1.1:1

Y Azimuth: Frequency Limit
Y Lower: None
Upper: 8 GHz (practical limit)
Remarks: Pattern and lobing changes
significantly with L/f. Used as a gain
X reference < 2 GHz.

Figure 1. Monopole and Dipole Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics
Polarization: Linear
Vertical as shown
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth
Z 60 deg x 60 deg
Elevation &
Azimuth: Typical Gain: 2 to 7 dB

Bandwidth: "Broadband"

Y Y Frequency Limit
Lower: 3 MHz
Upper: 500 MHz (practical limits)

X Remarks: 24KHz versions are known to

exist. Terminations may be used to
reduce backlobes.

RHOMBIC Polarization: Linear

Vertical as shown

Z Typical Half-Power Beamwidth

60 deg x 60 deg
Elevation &
Azimuth: Typical Gain: 3 dB

Bandwidth: "Broadband"
Frequency Limit
Lower: 3 MHz
Upper: 500 MHz
X Remarks: Termination resistance
used to reduce backlobes.

Figure 2. Vee and Rhombic Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics
CIRCULAR LOOP Elevation: Polarization: Linear
(Small) Horizontal as shown
Y Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
80 deg x 360 deg

Azimuth: Typical Gain: -2 to 2 dB

Y Bandwidth: 10% or 1.1:1

Frequency Limit:
Lower: 50 MHz
Upper: 1 GHz

Elevation: Polarization: Linear
SQUARE LOOP Horizontal as shown
(Small) Z Y
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
100 deg x 360 deg

/4 Typical Gain: 1-3 dB

/4 Azimuth:
Y Bandwidth: 10% or 1.1:1
Frequency Limit:
Lower: 50 MHz
X Upper: 1 GHz

Figure 3. Circular Loop and Square Loop Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

DISCONE Elevation: Z
Polarization: Linear
Vertical as shown
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Y 20-80 deg x 360 deg

Typical Gain: 0-4 dB

Y Azimuth: Bandwidth: 100% or 3:1

Frequency Limit:
Lower: 30 MHz
Upper: 3 GHz

ALFORD LOOP Elevation: Z

Polarization: Linear
Horizontal as shown
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Y 80 deg x 360 deg

Typical Gain: -1 dB

Y Azimuth: Bandwidth: 67% or 2:1

Frequency Limit:
Lower: 100 MHz
X Upper: 12 GHz

Figure 4. Discone and Alford Loop Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics
Polarization: Circular
AXIAL MODE HELIX Left hand as shown
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Elevation & 50 deg x 50 deg
dia/ spacing
/4 Azimuth
Typical Gain: 10 dB

Bandwidth: 52% or 1.7:1

Frequency Limit
Lower: 100 MHz
Upper: 3 GHz
Remarks: Number of loops >3

Z Polarization:
NORMAL MODE HELIX Elevation: Circular - with an ideal pitch to
diameter ratio.
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
60 deg x 360 deg

Azimuth: Typical Gain: 0 dB

Bandwidth: 5% or 1.05:1

Frequency Limit
Lower: 100 MHz
X Upper: 3 GHz

Fi 5
Figure 5. Axial Mode Helix and Normal Mode Helix Antenna Characteristics.
Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

SPIRAL (Flat Helix) Polarization: Circular
Left hand as shown
Elevation & Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Azimuth 60 deg x 90 deg
Typical Gain: 2-4 dB
Y Bandwidth: 160% or 9:1

Frequency Limit:
Lower: 500 MHz
X Upper: 18 GHz

P ola ri zatio n: Circular
Z Left ha nd a s shown

Elevation & Typica l H alf-P o we r Be am w idth:

Azimuth 60 deg x 60 deg
Typica l G ain : 5 -8 dB
Y Y B andw id th: 1 20% or 4 :1
Frequ ency L im it:
Low er: 50 MHz
X U pper: 1 8 GHz

Figure 6. Cavity Backed Spiral and Conical Spiral Antenna Characteristics.

Figure 7. Dual Polarized Sinuous Antenna Characteristics and 4 Arm Conical Spiral.
Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

Elevation: Polarization: Linear,
Vertical as shown
Y Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
20-100 deg x 360 deg

Typical Gain: 0-4 dB

Y Y Bandwidth: 120% or 4:1

Frequency Limit:
Lower: 500 MHz
X Upper: 40 GHz

Elevation: Z Polarization: Circular,

Direction depends on polarization
Z Y Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
20-100 deg x 360 deg

Typical Gain: -3 to 1 dB
Y Bandwidth: 100% or 3:1
Frequency Limit:
Lower: 2 GHz
Upper: 18 GHz

Figure 8. Biconical and Biconical With Polarizer Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

HORN Elevation: Polarization: Linear

Z Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:

Y 40 deg x 40 deg

3 dB beamwidth = 56 /dz Typical Gain: 5 to 20 dB

dz Bandwidth:
If ridged: 120% or 4:1
Y Azimuth: Y If not ridged: 67% or 2:1
Frequency Limit:
X Lower: 50 MHz
X Upper: 40 GHz
3 dB beamwidth = 70 /dx

HORN W / POLARIZER Polarization: Circular,
Elevation: Depends on polarizer
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
40 deg x 40 deg

Typical Gain: 5 to 10 dB

Y Bandwidth: 60% or 2:1

Frequency Limit:
Lower: 2 GHz
Upper: 18 GHz

Fi 9
Figure 9. Horn and Horn w/Polarizer Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

PARABOLIC (Prime) Polarization:

Takes polarization of feed
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
1 to 10 deg
Elevation &
Azimuth Typical Gain: 20 to 30 dB

Y Bandwidth: 33% or 1.4:1

limited mostly by feed
Frequency Limit:
Lower: 400 MHz
X Upper: 13+ GHz

PARABOLIC Polarization:
Takes polarization of feed
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Elevation & 1 to 10 deg
Typical Gain: 20 to 30 dB
Y Y Bandwidth: 33% or 1.4:1

Cassegrain Frequency Limit:

Lower: 400 MHz
X Upper: 13+ GHz

Figure 10. Parabolic (Prime) and Parabolic Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics
Polarization: Linear
YAGI Horizontal as shown
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth
Elevation: 50 deg X 50 deg

Typical Gain: 5 to 15 dB
Bandwidth: 5% or 1.05:1
Frequency Limit:
Lower: 50 MHz
X Upper: 2 GHz

Polarization: Linear
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Z 60 deg x 80 deg

Y Typical Gain: 6 to 8 dB
Bandwidth: 163% or 10:1

Frequency Limit:
Y Azimuth: Lower: 3 MHz
Y Upper: 18 GHz
Remarks: This array may be formed
X X with many shapes including dipoles or
toothed arrays.

Figure 11. Yagi and Log Periodic Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics
Elevation: Polarization: Element dependent
(Corporate Feed)
Z Vertical as shown
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
Related to gain
Typical Gain: Dependent on
number of elements
Y Bandwidth: Narrow
Frequency Limit:
Lower: 10 MHz
X Upper: 10 GHz

Z All characteristics dependent on
Elevation &
Remarks: Excellent side-looking,
Y Y ground mapping where the aircraft is a
moving linear element.

Figure 12. Linear Dipole Array and Aperture Synthesis Antenna Characteristics.

Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

CAVITY BACKED Polarization: Linear, vertical as shown

CIRCUIT FED SLOT Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
( and Microstrip Patch ) 80 deg x 80 deg
Elevation &
Z Azimuth Typical Gain: 6 dB

Bandwidth: Narrow

Frequency Limit: Lower: 50 MHz

Y Upper: 18 GHz
Remarks: The feed line is sometimes
separated from the radiator by a
dialetric & uses capacititive coupling.
X Large conformal phased arrays can be
made this way.

Polarization: Linear,
Elevation: Typical Half-Power Beamwidth
Z Elevation: 45-50
Y Azimuth: 80

Typical Gain: 0 dB

Azimuth: Bandwidth: Narrow

Y Frequency Limit:
Lower: 2 GHz
Upper: 40 GHz
X X Remarks: Open RF Waveguide

Figure 13. Cavity Backed Circuit Fed Slot and Guide Fed Slot Antenna Characteristics.
Antenna Type Radiation Pattern Characteristics

Z Typical Half-Power Beamwidth

40 deg x variable
Elevation: (Z-Y) Typical Gain: 10 dB above feed
Azimuth: (X-Y)
Bandwidth: Narrow
Y Dependent upon feed emitter
Frequency Limit
Lower: 1 GHz
Upper: 40 GHz
X Remarks: Typically fed with a dipole
or colinear array.

LUNEBURG LENS Feed dependent
Z Typical Half-Power Beamwidth:
System dependent
Elevation &
Azimuth Typical Gain: System dependent

Bandwidth: Narrow
Y Frequency Limit
Lower: 1 GHz
Upper: 40 GHz
Remarks: Variable index dielectric

Figure 14. Corner Reflector and Luneburg Lens Antenna Characteristics.

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The radiation patterns of the antennas presented in the previous section are for antenna geometries
most commonly used. The antenna should be viewed as a matching network that takes the power from a
transmission line (50 ohm, for example), and matches it to the free space impedance of 377 ohms. The
most critical parameter is the change of VSWR with frequency. The pattern usually does not vary much
from acceptable to the start of unacceptable VSWRs (> 2:1). For a given physical antenna geometric size,
the actual radiation pattern varies with frequency.

The antenna pattern depicted in Figure 1 is for the dipole pictured in Section 3-3. The maximum
gain is normalized to the outside of the polar plot and the major divisions correspond to 10 dB change. In
this example, the dipole length (in wavelengths) is varied, but the same result can be obtained by changing
frequency with a fixed dipole length. From the figure, it can be seen that side lobes start to form at 1.25
and the side lobe actually has more gain than the main beam at 1.5. Since the radiation pattern changes
with frequency, the gain also changes.

Figure 1. Frequency Effects.

Figure 2 depicts phase/array effects, which are yet another method for obtaining varied radiation
patterns. In the figure, parallel dipoles are viewed from the end. It can be seen that varying the phase of the
two transmissions can cause the direction of the radiation pattern to change. This is the concept behind
phased array antennas. Instead of having a system mechanically sweeping the direction of the antenna
through space, the phase of radiating components is varied electronically, producing a moving pattern with
no moving parts. It can also be seen that increasing the number of elements further increases the directivity
of the array. In an array, the pattern does vary considerably with frequency due to element spacing
(measured in wavelengths) and the frequency sensitivity of the phase shifting networks.

Figure 2. Phase / Array Effects*.

* Note: Assuming Figure 2 depicts x-y plane antenna pattern cross section, to achieve the indicated array
patterns using dipole antennas, the dipole antenna elements must be aligned with the z-axis.

Two antennas that warrant special consideration are the phased array and the Rotman bootlace type
lens. Both of these antennas find wide application in EW, RADAR, and Communications. The phased
array will be described first.


The linear phased array with equal spaced elements is easiest to analyze and forms the basis for most
array designs. Figure 3 schematically illustrates a corporate feed linear array with element spacing d.

It is the simplest and is
still widely used. By controlling
the phase and amplitude of
excitation to each element, as
depicted, we can control the
direction and shape of the beam
radiated by the array. The phase
excitation, (n), controls the
beam pointing angle, o, in a
phased array. To produce a
broadside beam, o=0, requires
phase excitation, (n)=0. Other
scan angles require an
excitation, (n) = nkd sin(o),
for the nth element where k is
the wave number (2/). In this Figure 3. Corporate Fed Phased Array.
manner a linear phased array can
radiate a beam in any scan direction, o, provided the element pattern has sufficient beamwidth. The
amplitude excitation, An, can be used to control beam shape and sidelobe levels. Often the amplitude
excitation is tapered in a manner similar to that used for aperture antennas to reduce the sidelobe levels.
One of the problems that can arise with a phased array is insufficient bandwidth, since the phase shift
usually is not obtained through the introduction of additional path length. However, it should be noted that
at broadside the corporate feed does have equal path length and would have good bandwidth for this scan

The linear array described above would yield a narrow fan

beam in the plane normal to the plane containing the array and scan
direction, with the narrow beamwidth in the plane of the array. To
obtain a pencil beam it would be necessary to array several of these
linear arrays in such a manner resulting in a planar array of radiating
elements. A problem associated with all electronic scanning is
beam distortion with scan angle. Figure 4 illustrates this
phenomenon. It results in spread of the beam shape with a
concomitant reduction in gain. This effect is known as scan loss.
For an ideal array element, scan loss is equal to the reduction in
aperture size in the scan direction which varies as cos , where is Figure 4. Beam Distortion.
the scan angle measured from the planar array normal.

When elements are spaced greater than /2 apart, grating lobes are possible when scanning. As the
beam is scanned further from broadside, a point is reached at which a second symmetrical main lobe is
developed at the negative scan angle from broadside. This condition is not wanted because antenna gain is
immediately reduced by 3 dB due to the second lobe. Grating lobes are a significant problem in EW
applications because the broad frequency bandwidth requirements mean that at the high end of the
frequency band, the elements may be spaced greater than /2. Therefore in order to avoid grating lobes over
a large frequency bandwidth, element spacing must be no greater than /2 at the highest frequency of

There are many other factors to consider with a phased array such as coning, where the beam curves
at large scan angles, and mutual coupling between elements that affect match and excitation. Excessive

mutual coupling will invariably result in blind scan angles where radiation is greatly attenuated. These
issues will not be covered in detail here.

Of interest is the gain of the array which is given by:

Array Gain = G e ( ) A(n) e j (n) e j n k d sin Where each element is as described in Section 3-4.

Ge() is the element gain which in this case has been taken the same for all elements. Note that if
we set A(n)=1, and (n)=0, then at broadside where sin() = 0, the gain would be (N Ge). This represents
the maximum gain of the array, which typically will not exceed n, and is a familiar figure. It should be
noted that in practical array design, the element pattern characteristics are greatly influenced by mutual
coupling and that the characteristic of elements at the edge of the array can deviate significantly from those
near the center.


Another method of
feeding an array of elements is
to use a lens such as the
Rotman (rhymes with rotten)
Bootlace type shown in
Figure 5. The lens consists of a
parallel plate region (nowadays
microstrip or stripline
construction) and cables of
specified length connecting the
array of elements to the parallel
plate region. The geometry of
the lens and the cable lengths
are designed so that all ray
paths traced from a beam port
on the right side to its
associated wavefront on the Figure 5. Rotman Bootlace Lens.
left array port side, are equal.
This tailoring of the design is accomplished at three focus points (beam ports 1, 4, and 7 in Figure 5).
Departure from perfect focus at intermediate beam ports is negligible in most designs.

The Rotman lens provides both true time delay phase shift and amplitude taper in one lens
component. The true time delay is one of the distinct advantages of the lens over the phase shifted array
since that makes it independent of frequency. To understand how the taper is obtained requires knowledge
of the parallel plate region. For a stripline design the unit would consist of a large flat plate-like center
conductor sandwiched between two ground planes, and having a shape much like that of the plan view
outline shown in Figure 5 with individual tapered launchers (connectors) attached to each beam port and
array port. If the antenna is in the receive mode, the energy intercepted on the array port side can be
controlled by the angle subtended by the tapered sections of the connector (launcher) much like a larger
antenna would intercept a larger portion of energy from free space.

Unlike the phased array with its fine beam steering, the Rotman lens provides only a distinct set of
beams. Fine steering is obtained by combining beams either equally or unequally to form intermediate
beams. As can be seen in Figure 6, this results in a broader beam with less gain but lower side lobes than the
primary beams.

High transmit power can be obtained using a Rotman lens by placing a low power amplifier
between each lens output port and its antenna. In this case a separate Rotman lens would have to be used for

Figure 6. Primary and Intermediate Beam Formation in Lens Arrays.

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As noted in the sections on RF propagation and the radar equation, electromagnetic radiation
expands spherically (Figure 1) and the power density at a long range (R) from the transmitting antenna is:

Pt G t
PD = [1]
4 R 2

When the range is large, the spherical surface of uniform power density appears flat to a receiving
antenna which is very small compared to the surface of the sphere. This is why the far field wave front is
considered planar and the rays approximately parallel. Also, it is apparent that at some shorter range, the
spherical surface no longer appears flat, even to a very small receiving antenna.

The planer, parallel ray approximation is valid for distances greater than the distance where the
phase error is 1/16 of a wavelength or 22.5 degrees. This distance is given by

2 D2
R ff = where is the wavelength and D is the largest dimension of the transmit antenna. [2]

Antenna measurements made at distances greater than R ff generally result in negligible pattern error.
Distances less than R ff is termed the near-field.

If the same size antenna is used for multiple frequencies, Rff will increase with increasing
frequency. However, if various size antennas are used for different frequencies and each antenna is
designed with D as a function of (/2 to 100), then Rff will vary from c/2f to 20000c/f. In this case Rff will
decrease with increasing frequency. For example: a 10 antenna at 3 GHZ has a D of 100 cm and
corresponding Rff of 20 m, while a 10 antenna at 30 GHz has a D of 10 cm and corresponding Rff of 2 m.

While the above analogy provides an

image of the difference between the near and
far fields, the relationship must be defined as a
characteristic of the transmitting antenna.

Actual antennas, of course, are not

ideal point source radiators but have physical
dimensions. If the transmitting antenna placed
at the origin of Figure 1 occupies distance D
along the Z-axis and is boresighted along the
Y-axis ( = 90), then the geometry of point P
on the sphere is represented in two dimensions
by Figure 2. For convenience, the antenna is
represented by a series of point sources in an

Figure 1. Spherical Radiation to Point P from an Ideal

Point Source.

When point P is close to the antenna,
as in Figure 2, then the difference in distance
of the two rays r and R taken respectively from
the center of the antenna and the outer edge of
the antenna varies as point P changes.

Derivation of equation [2] is given as


From Figure 2, the following applies:

r2 = z2 + y2 [3]

z = r cos [4]
Figure 2. Near Field Geometry of Point P for a
y = r sin and [5] Non-Ideal Radiator With Dimension D.

R = y 2 + (z - z )2 = y 2 + z 2 - 2zz + (z )2 [6]

Substituting [3] and [4] into [6] R = r 2 + [-2(r cos )z + (z )2 ] [7]

which puts point P into spherical coordinates.

Equation [7] can be expanded by the binomial theorem which for the first three terms, reduces to:

(z )2 sin 2
R = r - z cos + + ....... [8]

In the parallel ray approximation for far field calculations (Figure 3) the third term of [8] is

The distance where the far field begins (Rff) (or where the near field ends) is the value of r when the
error in R due to neglecting the third term of equation [8], equals 1/16 of a wavelength.

Rff is usually calculated on boresight, so = 90 and the second term of equation [8] equals zero
(Cos 90 = 0), therefore from Figure 3, where D is the antenna dimension, Rff is found by equating the third
term of [8] to 1/16 wavelength.

(z ) sin 2
2 R ff 16

Sin = Sin 90 = 1 and z = D/2 so: 2 =
2 R ff 16
16(D/2 )2 2 D 2
R ff = = [9]

Equation [9] is the standard calculation of far field given in all references.

Besides [9] some general rules of thumb for far field conditions are:

r >> D or r >>

If the sphere and point P are a very great distance from the antenna, then the rays are very nearly
parallel and this difference is small as in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Far Field Parallel Ray Approximation for Calculations.

For reference purposes, a simplified alternative method to derive minimum far field distance
approximation for an antenna or an antenna array with aperture size d is presented in Figure 4 without the
need to resort to the spherical coordinate system and the Binomial Theorem. This approach illustrates a
simple application of the Pythagorean Theorem. The PFF symbol represents an arbitrary point in the far
field at antenna boresight. Refer to relevant quantities shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Alternative Geometry for Far Field Estimation.

From Figure 4, the distance r is the maximum propagation path difference across a given antenna
aperture endpoint locations. Expressing this propagation path difference in terms of a wavelength provides
means to derive an equation for generalized far field range relationship. Note a slight change of notation
between Figures 3 and 4. A derivation of results already shown in Equations [2] & [9] is given as follows.
From Figure 4, the following applies:

(R + r)2 = (d/2)2 + R2 [10]

Collecting terms and cancelling,

2Rr + r2 = d2/4 [11]

Simplifying with a noted valid assumption,

2Rr d2/4, since r << R [12]

Solving for r (see Figure 4)

r d2/(8R) [13]

For far field condition assume r /16. Substituting r in terms of lambda,

/16 r d2/(8R) PFF 2d2/ [14]

As shown, Equation [14] represents the same result as Equation [9] derived earlier.

The power density within the near field varies as a function of the type of aperture illumination and
is less than would be calculated by equation [1]. Thus, in the antenna near field there is stored energy. (The
complex radiation field equations have imaginary terms indicating reactive power.) Figure 5 shows
normalized power density for three different illuminations.

Curve A is for reference only and shows how power density would vary if it were calculated using
equation [1].

Curve B shows power density variations on axis for an antenna aperture with a cosine amplitude
distribution. This is typical of a horn antenna in the H-plane.

Curve C shows power density variations on axis for a uniformly illuminated antenna aperture or
for a line source. This is typical of a horn antenna in the E-plane.

Curve D shows power density variations on axis for an antenna aperture with a tapered
illumination. Generally the edge illumination is approximately -10 dB from the center illumination and is
typical of a parabolic dish antenna.

Point E For radiation safety purposes, a general rule of thumb for tapered illumination is that the
maximum safe level of 10 mW/cm2 (~200 V/m) is reached in the near field if the level at Rff reaches
0.242 mW/cm2 as can be verified by computing the power density at point E in Figure 5. (10 mW/cm2 at
point E extrapolates to 0.242 mW/cm2 [16 dB lower] at R=Rff , or Y axis value =1). Figure 1 in Section 3-6
depicts more precise values for radiation hazard exposure.

Point F Far Field Point. At distances closer to the source than this point (near field), the power
density from any given antenna is less than that predicted using Curve A. At farther distances, (far field)
power densities from all types of antennas are the same.

Figure 5. Antenna Near-Field On-Axis Power Density (Normalized)

for Various Aperture Illuminations.


When free space measurements are performed at a known distance from a source, it is often
necessary to know if the measurements are being performed in the far field. As can be seen from Curve A
on Figure 5, if the distance is halved (going from 1.0 to 0.5 on the Y axis), the power density will increase
by 6 dB (going from 0 to 6 dB on the X axis). Each reduction in range by results in further 6 dB increases.
As previously mentioned, Curve A is drawn for reference only in the near field region, since at distances
less than Rff the power density increases less than 6 dB when the range is halved. In the far field, all curves
converge and Equation [1] applies.

When a measurement is made in free space, a good check to ensure that is was performed in the far
field is to repeat the measurement at twice the distance. The power should decrease by exactly 6 dB.
A common error is to use 3 dB (the half power point) for comparison. Conversely, the power measurement
can be repeated at half the distance, in which case you would look for a 6 dB increase, however the assumed
extrapolation conclusion is not as certain, because the first measurement could have been made in the far
field, and the second could have been made in the near field.

Care must be exercised in using the 2d2/ far field measurement criterion. For antennas with moderate
sidelobe levels (>-25 dB) pattern errors are negligible and the error in directivity is less than 0.1 dB and this
measurement distance suffices in most cases. However low sidelobe antennas require longer measurement
distances. For example, maintaining a 1 dB or less sidelobe error for a linear array with a -40 dB sidelobe
level requires a measurement distance of 6d2/. (1). This corresponds to criterion for r in Equation [14] to
be changed from r /16 to r /48 or 7.5 deg.

[1] R. C. Hansen. Measurement Distance Effects on Low Sidelobe Patterns, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, Vol. AP-32, No. 6, June 1984.


Radiation Hazard (RADHAZ) describes the hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels,

electronic hardware, ordnance, and personnel. In the military these hazards are segregated as follows:

1) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel (HERP)

2) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO)
3) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel (HERF)

The current industrial specifications for RADHAZ are contained in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 which
was used as a reference to create the combined Navy regulation NAVSEA OP3565 / NAVAIR 16-1-529.
Volume I contains HERP and HERF limits - its current version is REV 5. Volume II (REV 6) covers
HERO. These limits are shown in Figure 1 although all values have been converted to average power

OP 3565 specifies
HERO RADHAZ levels at
frequencies below 1 GHz in peak
value of electric field strength
(V/m), while levels above
200 MHz are specified in
average power density
(mW/cm2) - note the overlapping
frequencies. Since Figure 1
depicts power density as the
limits, you must convert the
average values to peak field
strength for use at lower
frequencies. Also many
applications of EMC work such
as MIL-STD-461 use limits
based on the electric (E) field
strength in volts/meter.
Remember that P=E2/R, and
from Section 4-2, we note that
R=377 for free space. It can
also be shown that the magnetic Figure 1. Radiation Hazards to Personnel and Ordnance.
field strength (H field in
Amps/meter) = I/m where I=E/R. Dont forget that RMS = 0.707 Peak. With the units of PD in mW/cm2, E
in V/m, and H in A/m, then PD (mW/cm2) = E2 / 3770 = 37.7 H2. It should thus be noted that a 100 times
increase in power (mW/cm2) is only a 10 times increase in V/m.

The potential dangers to ordnance and fuels are obvious because there could be an explosive chain
reaction by exploding; consequently, these limits are generally lower than personnel limits. There are
three HERO categories. The HERO limit 2 is for HERO unsafe or unreliable explosive devices with
exposed wires arranged in optimum (most susceptible) receiving orientation. This usually occurs during
the assembly/disassembly of ordnance, but also applies to new/untested ordnance until proven safe or
susceptible. The HERO limit 1 is for HERO susceptible ordnance fully assembled undergoing normal
handling and loading operations. HERO safe ordnance requires no RF radiation precautions. A list of
which specific ordnance (by NALC) falls into each category can be found in OP 3565 along with specific
frequency restrictions for each piece of ordnance. For example, all missiles of one variety are susceptible

(HERO 1 limits), while another missile has both susceptible and safe variants (with no RADHAZ limits).
Other ordnance may be HERO unsafe (HERO 2 limits).

The danger of HERP occurs

because the body absorbs radiation and
significant internal heating may occur
without the individuals knowledge
because the body does not have internal
sensation of heat, and tissue damage may
occur before the excess heat can be
dissipated. As shown in Figure 1, the
current restricted limit is for individuals
more than 55 tall because they have more
body mass. In other words, all people
may be exposed to the lower limit, but
only persons taller than 55 may be
exposed to the higher limit of 10 mW/cm2.

NAVSEA OP 3565 will be

updated in the future to be compatible
with DoD INST 6055.11 dated Feb 21,
1995 which supersedes it. The personnel
radiation levels in Figures 2 and 3 were
taken from the new release of DoD INST
6055.11. Figure 2. Lower Frequency HERP from DoD INST 6055.11.
Unlike the existing restricted limit of NAVSEA OP 3565 discussed above, in the revised DoD
instruction for personnel radiation hazards, a different approach to exposure was taken.

Figure 3. Radiation Hazards to Personnel from DoD INST 6055.11.

Two maximum hazard limits are defined;

1) Controlled Environments - where personnel are aware of the potential danger of RF exposure
concurrently with employment, or exposure which may occur due to incidental transient passage
through an area, and;
2) Uncontrolled Environments - A lower maximum level where there is no expectation that higher
levels should be encountered, such as living quarters.

These Personnel Exposure Limits (PELs) are based on a safety factor of ten times the Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR) which might cause bodily harm. The term PEL is equivalent to the terms
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) and Radio Frequency Protection Guides (RFPG) in other

There are several exceptions to the max limits in Figs 2 and 3 (in some cases higher levels are

High Power Microwave (HPM) system exposure in a controlled environment, which has a
single pulse or multiple pulses lasting less than 10 seconds, has a higher peak E-Field limit of
200 kV/m.
EMP Simulation Systems in a controlled environment for personnel who are exposed to
broad-band (0.1 MHz to 300 GHz) RF are limited to a higher peak E-Field of 100 kV/m.
The given limits are also increased for pulsed RF fields. In this case the peak power density per
pulse for pulse durations < 100 msec and no more than 5 pulses in the period is increased to:
PELPulse = PEL x TAVG / 5 x Pulse Width, and the peak E-field is increased to 100 kV/m. If
there are more than 5 pulses or they are greater than 100 msec, a time averaged PD should not
exceed that shown in Figure 3.
A rotating or scanning beam likewise reduces the hazard, so although an on-axis hazard might
exist, there may be none with a moving beam. The power density may be approximated with:
PDscan = PDfixed (2 x Beam Width / scan angle)
Many other special limitations also apply, such as higher limits for partial body exposure, so if
in doubt, read the DoD Inst 6055.11 in detail. Field measurements may be measured in
accordance with IEEE C95.3-1991.

The PELs listed in Figures 2 and 3 were selected for an average RF exposure time at various
frequencies. In a controlled environment, this averaging time was selected as 6 minutes for 0.003 to
15,000 MHz. If the exposure time is less than 6 minutes, then the level may be increased accordingly.
Similar time weighted averages apply to uncontrolled environments, but it varies enough with frequency
such that DoD INST 6055.11 should be consulted.

NAVSEA OP 3565 contains a list of Navy avionics which transmit RF as well as radars along with
their respective hazard patterns. Special training is required for individuals who work in areas which emit
RF levels which exceed the uncontrolled levels. Warning signs are also required in areas which exceed
either the controlled or uncontrolled limits.

Although E-Field, H-Field, and power density can be mathematically converted in a far-field plane
wave environment, the relations provided earlier do not apply in the near field, consequently the E- or
H-field strength must be measured independently below 100 MHz. It should be noted that the
specifications in NAVSEA OP 3565 for lower frequency HERO limits are listed as peak E-field values,
whereas lower RF limits in DoD INST 6055.11 on HERP are in average (RMS) E-field values. Upper

frequency restrictions are based on average (RMS) values of power density in both regulations except for
certain circumstances.

HERF precautions are of more general concern to fuel truck operators. However, some general
guidelines include:

Do not energize a transmitter (radar/comm) on an aircraft or motor vehicle being fueled or on

an adjacent aircraft or vehicle.
Do not make or break any electrical, ground wire, or tie down connector while fueling.
Radars able to illuminate fueling areas with a peak power density of 5 W/cm2 should be shut
For shore stations, antennas radiating 250 watts or less should be installed at least 50 ft from
fueling areas (at sea 500 watts is the relaxed requirement).
For antennas which radiate more than 250 watts, the power density at 50 ft from the fueling
operation should not be greater than the equivalent power density of a 250 watt transmitter at
50 ft.


Scanning phased arrays employing electronically controlled phase shifters (e.g., PiN diode, ferrite)
have been used in high power radar applications since the early 1960s. These are planar arrays and
generally use a corporate type feed structure to array rows of elements in one dimension of the array and use
an analogous feed to array the rows in the orthogonal dimension of the array, resulting in a single feed point.
A high power RF transmitter, usually employing some sort of liquid cooling, is used to excite the array.
This architecture is cumbersome and difficult to package and the high power transmitter is a single point of
failure for the system.

The maturation of solid state transmit/receive modules (T/R) using Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)
technology or more recently Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology has made AESAs a practical reality. The
T/R modules consist of a low noise amplifier (LNA) for the receive function and a solid state high power
amplifier (SSPA) for realization of the transmit function. The T/R module may also contain the necessary
phase control elements for beam scanning. A generic 8-element AESA for one dimension is shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Eight Element AESA.

Electronically scanned phased array designs with decade bandwidths have been reported in the
open literature for many years. However those reported are only lab versions and none have been
implemented in a fielded system. In addition, the high average power requirement, particularly for EW
systems, calls for the use of GaN SSPA technology and this, in conjunction with the dense array packaging
requirement, poses severe heat dissipation/cooling issues.

AESAs for EW applications impose design considerations vastly different from an AESA for radar.
In contradistinction with high peak power radar applications (e.g., AN/APG79), the high average power
large duty factors (sometimes CW) requirements for EW impose severe design requirements and
constraints for the wide bandwidth AESA. Incorporation of an AESA in airborne environment, with its
concomitant restrictive volume, further exacerbates design constraints.

The heat dissipation problem is of major concern in modern high power AESAs. Due to the
behavior of microwave transistor amplifiers, the power added efficiency (PAE) of a TR module transmitter
is typically a relatively small fraction of the total prime power consumption. As a result, an AESA will
dissipate a lot of heat, which must be extracted. The reliability of GaAs and GaN MMIC chips improves if
the RF amplifier system operates at reduced temperatures. Traditional air cooling used in most established
avionic hardware is ill suited to the high packaging density of an AESA. As a result modern AESAs are
predominantly liquid cooled. A typical liquid cooling system will use pumps to drive the coolant through
channels in the cooling plenum of the array, and then route it to a heat exchanger. In comparison, with a
conventional air cooled fighter radar, the AESA will be more reliable but will require more electrical power
and more cooling infrastructure, and typically can produce much higher average transmit power.


AESAs add many capabilities of their own to those of the Passive Electronically Steered Array
(PESAs). Among these are: the ability to form multiple beams, to scan without mechanical steering, to use
each transmit/receive module for different roles concurrently, like radar detection, and, more importantly,
their multiple wave and scanning frequencies create multiple difficulties for traditional, correlation-type
radar detectors.


Radar systems work by sending out a signal and then listening for its echo off distant objects. Each
of these paths, to and from the target, is subject to the inverse square law of propagation. That means that a
radars received energy drops with the fourth power of distance, which is why radar systems require high
powers, often in the megawatt range, to be effective at long range.

The radar signal being sent out is a simple radio signal, and can be received with a simple radio
receiver. It is common to use such a receiver in the targets, normally aircraft, to detect radar broadcasts.
Unlike the radar unit, which must send the pulse out and then receive its reflection, the targets receiver
does not need the reflection and thus the signal drops off only as the square of distance. This means that the
receiver is always at an advantage over the radar in terms of range. It will always be able to detect the signal
long before the radar can see the targets echo. Since the position of the radar is extremely useful
information in an attack on that platform, this means that radars generally must be turned off for lengthy
periods if they are subject to attack; this is common on ships, for instance.

Turning that received signal into a useful display is the purpose of the RWR. Unlike the radar,
which knows which direction it is sending its signal, the receiver simply gets a pulse of energy and has to
interpret it. Since the radio spectrum is filled with noise, the receivers signal is integrated over a short
period of time, making periodic sources like a radar add up and stand out over the random background.
Typically RWRs store the detected pulses for a short period of time, and compare their broadcast frequency
and pulse repetition frequency against a database of known radars. The rough direction can be calculated
using a rotating antenna, or similar passive array, and combined with symbology indicating the likely
purpose of the radar - airborne early warning, surface to air missile, etc.

This technique is much less useful against AESA radars. Since the AESA can change its frequency
with every pulse, and generally does so using a pseudo-random sequence, integrating over time does not
help pull the signal out of the background noise. Nor does the AESA have any sort of fixed pulse repetition
frequency, which can also be varied and thus hide any periodic brightening across the entire spectrum.
Traditional RWRs suffered significantly decreased effectiveness against AESA radars.


Jamming is likewise much more difficult against an AESA. Traditionally, jammers have operated
by determining the operating frequency of the radar and then broadcasting a signal on it to confuse the
receiver as to which is the real pulse and which is the jammers. This technique works as long as the radar
system cannot easily change its operating frequency. When the transmitters were based on klystron tubes
this was generally true, and radars, especially airborne ones, had only a few frequencies to choose among.
A jammer could listen to those possible frequencies and select the one to be used to jam.

Since an AESA could change its operating frequency with every pulse, and spread the frequencies
across a wide band even in a single pulse, jammers are much less effective. Although it is possible to send
out broadband white noise against all the possible frequencies, this means the amount of energy being sent
at any one frequency is much lower, reducing its effectiveness. In fact, AESAs can then be switched to a
receive-only mode, and use these powerful jamming signals instead to track its source, something that
required a separate receiver in older platforms.

AESA radars can be much more difficult to detect, and so much more useful in receiving signals
from the targets, that they can broadcast continually and still have a very low chance of being detected.
This allows such radar systems to generate far more data than traditional radar systems, which can only
receive data periodically, greatly improving overall system effectiveness.


Since each element in an AESA is a powerful radio receiver, active arrays have many roles besides
traditional radar. One use is to dedicate several of the elements to reception of common radar signals,
eliminating the need for a separate radar warning receiver. The same basic concept can be used to provide
traditional radio support, and with some elements also broadcasting, form a very high bandwidth data link.

AESAs are also much more reliable than either a PESA or older designs. Since each module
operates independently of the others, single failures have little effect on the operation of the system as a
whole. Additionally, the modules individually operate at lower powers and voltages so the need for a large
high-voltage power supply is eliminated.

Replacing a mechanically scanned array with a fixed AESA mount can help reduce an aircrafts
overall RCS, but some designs (such as the Eurofighter Typhoon) forgo this advantage in order to combine
mechanical scanning with electronic scanning and provide a wider angle of total coverage.

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The term fractal, which means broken or irregular fragments, was originally coined by
B.B. Mandelbrot [1] to describe a family of complex shapes that possess self-similarity in their geometrical
structure. In-depth studies of the patterns of nature provided inspiration for the development of fractal
geometry where it has been used to model numerous natural objects. Recent advances in the antenna art
have led to the application of fractal geometry instead of convention Euclidean geometric concepts to the
design of wide bandwidth, low profile, compact antennas.

A fractal antenna is an antenna that uses a fractal, self-similar design to maximize the length, or
increase the perimeter (on inside sections or the outer structure), of material that can receive or transmit
electromagnetic radiation within a given total surface area or volume. The earliest published reference to
use of the term fractal radiators and fractal antennas to refer to fractal shaped antenna elements appeared
May 1994 [2].

Such fractal antennas are also referred to as multilevel and space filling curves, but the key aspect
lies in their repetition of a motif over two or more scale sizes, or iterations. For this reason, fractal
antennas are very compact, multiband or wideband, and have useful applications in many commercial and
military systems.

A good example of a fractal antenna as a space-filling curve is in the form of a Minkowski Island
(Figure 1). Here, each line of copper is just a small fraction of a wavelength [3].

A fractal antennas response differs markedly from traditional antenna designs, in that it is capable
of operating with good-to-excellent performance at many different frequencies simultaneously. Normally
standard antennas have to be cut for the frequency for which they are to be used and thus the standard
antennas only work well at that frequency. This makes the fractal antenna an excellent design for wideband
and multiband applications.

Figure 1. An Example of a Fractal Antenna: a Space-Filling

Curve Called a Minkowski Island.

Antenna elements (as opposed to antenna arrays) made from self-similar shapes were first created
by Nathan Cohen, then a professor at Boston University, starting in 1995 [4]. Cohens efforts with a variety

of fractal antenna designs were first published in 1995 (thus the first scientific publication on fractal
antennas), and a number of patents have been issued from the 1995 filing priority of invention. Most
allusions to fractal antennas make reference to these fractal element antennas.

Many fractal element antennas use the fractal structure as a virtual combination of capacitors and
inductors. This makes the antenna have so that it has many different resonances that can be selected and
adjusted by choosing the proper fractal design. Electrical resonances may not be directly related to a
particular scale size of the fractal antenna structure. The physical size of the antenna is unrelated to its
resonant or broadband performance. The general rule of antenna length being near target frequency
wavelength does not apply itself in the same way with fractal antennas.

This complexity arises because the current on the structure has a complex arrangement caused by
the inductance and self capacitance. In general, although their effective electrical length is longer, the
fractal element antennas are physically smaller.

Fractal element antennas are shrunken compared to conventional designs and do not need
additional components. In general, the fractal dimension of a fractal antenna is a poor predictor of its
performance and application. Not all fractal antennas work well for a given application or set of
applications. Computer search methods, optimization algorithms, and antenna simulations are commonly
used to identify which fractal antenna designs best meet the need of the application.

Although the first validation of the technology was published as early as 1995 [4] recent
independent studies show advantages of the fractal element technology in real-life applications, such as
radio frequency identification and cell phones.

A different and also useful attribute of some fractal element antennas is their self-scaling aspect. In
1999, it was discovered that self-similarity was one of the underlying requirements to make antennas
invariant (same radiation properties) at a number or range of frequencies. Previously, under Rumseys
Frequency Independent Antenna Principle, it was believed that antennas had to be defined by angles for this
to be true; the 1999 analysis [5], based on Maxwells equations, showed this to be a subset of the more
general set of self-similar conditions. Hence fractal antennas offer a closed-form and unique insight into a
key aspect of electromagnetic phenomena to wit the invariance property of Maxwells equations.

Antenna tuning units are typically not required on fractal antennas due to their wide bandwidth and
complex resonance. However, if a transmitting antenna has deep nulls in its response or has
electromagnetic structural issues that require equalization then an antenna tuning unit should be used.

In addition to their use as antennas, fractals have also found application in other antenna system
components including loads, counterpoises, and ground planes. Confusion by those who claim grain of
rice-sized fractal antennas arises, because such fractal structures serve the purpose of loads and
counterpoises, rather than bona fide antennas.

Fractal inductors and fractal tuned circuits (fractal resonators) were also discovered and invented
simultaneously with fractal element antennas. An emerging example of such is in metamaterials. A recent
report demonstrates using close-packed fractal resonators to make the first wideband metamaterial
invisibility cloak at microwave frequencies [6]. Fractal filters (a type of tuned circuit) are another
example of fractal geometry in microwave componentry.

As fractals can be used as counterpoises, loads, ground planes, and filters, all parts that can be
integrated with antennas, they are considered parts of some antenna systems and thus are discussed in the
context of fractal antennas.


[1] B. B. Mandelbrot. The Fractal Geometry of Nature. New York, W. H. Freeman, 1983.

[2] D. H. Wemer. Fractal Radiators, Proceedings of the 4th Annual 1994 IEEE Mohawk
Valley~Section Dual-Use Technologies and Applications Conference, Volume I, SUNY Institute of
Technology at UticalRomc, New York, 23-26 May 1994, pp. 478-482.

[3] J. P. Gianvittorio and Y. Rahmat-Samii. Fractal Antennas: A Novel Antenna Miniaturization

Technique, and Applications, Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 44, No. 1,
February 2002, pp. 20-36.

[4] N. Cohen. Fractal Antennas, Communications Quarterly, Vol. 9, Summer 1995.

[5] R. Hohlfeld and N. Cohen. Self-Similarity and the Geometric Requirements for Frequency
Independence in Antenna, Fractals, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1999, pp. 7984.

[6] D. Schurig, J. J. Mock, B. J. Justice, S. A. Cummer, J. B. Pendry, A. F. Starr, and D. R. Smith.

Metamaterial Electromagnetic Cloak at Microwave Frequencies, Science, Vol. 314, No. 5801,
10 November 2006, pp. 977-980. Published online 19 October 2006 [DOI:10.1126/science.1133628].

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Field Intensity and Power Density ............................................................................................................. 4-1

Power Density ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
One-Way Radar Equation / RF Propagation .............................................................................................. 4-3
Two-Way Radar Equation (Monostatic) .................................................................................................... 4-4
Alternate Two-Way Radar Equation.......................................................................................................... 4-5
Two-Way Radar Equation (Bistatic).......................................................................................................... 4-6
Jamming to Signal (J/S) Ratio - Constant Power [Saturated] Jamming..................................................... 4-7
Burn-Through / Crossover Range .............................................................................................................. 4-8
Support Jamming ....................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Jamming to Signal (J/S) Ratio - Constant Gain [Linear] Jamming .......................................................... 4-10
Radar Cross Section (RCS) ...................................................................................................................... 4-11
Emission Control (EMCON) .................................................................................................................. 4-12
EW Jamming Techniques ........................................................................................................................ 4-13

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Sometimes it is necessary to know the actual field intensity or power density at a given distance from
a transmitter instead of the signal strength received by an antenna. Field intensity or power density
calculations are necessary when estimating electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects, when determining
potential radiation hazards (personnel safety), or in determining or verifying specifications.

Field intensity (field strength) is a general term that usually means the magnitude of the electric field
vector, commonly expressed in volts per meter. At frequencies above 100 MHZ, and particularly above one
GHz, power density (PD) terminology is more often used than field strength.
Power density and field intensity are related by equation [1]:

2 2 2
E = E = E
PD = [1]
Z 0 120 377

where PD is in W/m2, E is the RMS value of the field in volts/meter and 377 ohms is the characteristic
impedance of free space. When the units of PD are in mW/cm2, then PD (mW/cm2) = E2/3,770.

Conversions between field strength and power density when the impedance is 377 ohms, can be
obtained from Table 1. It should be noted that to convert dBm/m2 to dBV/m add 115.76 dB. Sample
calculations for both field intensity and power density in the far field of a transmitting antenna are in
Section 4-2 and Section 4-8. Refer to chapter 3 on antennas for the definitions of near field and far field.

Note that the / term before m, m2, and cm2 in Table 1 mean per, i.e., dBm per m2, not to be
confused with the division sign which is valid for the Table 1 equation P=E2/Zo. Remember that in order to
obtain dBm from dBm/m2 given a certain area, you must add the logarithm of the area, not multiply. The
values in the table are rounded to the nearest dBW, dBm, etc. per m2 so the results are less precise than a
typical handheld calculator and may be up to dB off.


Coaxial cabling typically has input impedances of 50, 75, and 93, (2) with 50 being the most
common. Other types of cabling include the following: TV cable is 75 (coaxial) or 300 (twin-lead), audio
public address (PA) is 600, audio speakers are 3.2 (4), 8, or 16.

In the 50 case, power and voltage are related by:

2 2
P = E = E = 50 I 2 [2]
Z 0 50
Conversions between measured power, voltage, and current where the typical impedance is 50 ohms
can be obtained from Table 2. The dBA current values are given because frequently a current probe is used
during laboratory tests to determine the powerline input current to the system.


In performing measurements, we must take into account an impedance mismatch between

measurement devices (typically 50 ohms) and free space (377 ohms).

Table 1. Conversion Table - Field Intensity and Power Density.
PD = E2/Z0 (Related by free space impedance = 377 ohms)

E 20 log 106 (E) PD 10 Log PD

Watts/cm2 dBW/cm2 mW/cm2 dBm/cm2 dBm/m2
(Volts/m) (dBV/m) (watts/m2) (dBW/m2)
7,000 197 130,000 +51 13 +11 13,000 +41 +81
5,000 194 66,300 +48 6.6 +8 6,630 +38 +78
3,000 190 23,900 +44 2.4 +4 2,390 +34 +74
4,000 186 10,600 +40 1.1 0 1,060 +30 +70
1,000 180 2,650 +34 .27 -6 265 +24 +64
700 177 1,300 +31 .13 -9 130 +21 +61
500 174 663 +28 .066 -12 66 +18 +58
300 170 239 +24 .024 -16 24 +14 +54
200 166 106 +20 .011 -20 11 +10 +50
100 160 27 +14 .0027 -26 2.7 +4 +44
70 157 13 +11 1.3x10-3 -29 1.3 +1 +41
50 154 6.6 +8 6.6x10-4 -32 .66 -2 +38
30 150 2.4 +4 2.4x10-4 -36 .24 -6 +34
20 146 1.1 +0 1.1x10-4 -40 .11 -10 +30
10 140 .27 -6 2.7x10-5 -46 .027 -16 +24
7 137 .13 -9 1.3x10-5 -49 .013 -19 +21
5 134 .066 -12 6.6x10-6 -52 66x10-4 -22 +18
3 130 .024 -16 2.4x10-6 -56 24x10-4 -26 +14
2 126 .011 -20 1.1x10-6 -60 11x10-4 -30 +10
1 120 .0027 -26 2.7x10-7 -66 2.7x10-4 -36 +4
0.7 117 1.3x10-3 -29 1.3x10-7 -69 1.3x10-4 -39 +1
0.5 114 6.6x10-4 -32 6.6x10-8 -72 66x10-4 -42 -2
0.3 110 2.4x10-4 -36 2.4x10-8 -76 24x10-4 -46 -6
0.2 106 1.1x10-4 -40 1.1x10-8 -80 11x10-4 -50 -10
0.1 100 2.7x10-5 -46 2.7x10-9 -86 2.7x10-6 -56 -16
70x10-3 97 1.3x10-5 -49 1.3x10-9 -89 1.3x10-6 -59 -19
50x10-3 94 6.6x10-6 -52 6.6x10-10 -92 66x10-8 -62 -22
30x10-3 90 2.4x10-6 -56 2.4x10-10 -96 24x10-8 -66 -26
20x10-3 86 1.1x10-6 -60 1.1x10-10 -100 11x10-8 -70 -30
10x10-3 80 2.7x10-7 -66 2.7x10-11 -106 2.7x10-8 -76 -36
7x10-3 77 1.3x10-7 -69 1.3x10-11 -109 1.3x10-8 -79 -39
5x10-3 74 6.6x10-8 -72 6.6x10-12 -112 66x10-10 -82 -42
3x10-3 70 2.4x10-8 -76 2.4x10-12 -116 24x10-10 -86 -46
2x10-3 66 1.1x10-8 -80 1.1x10-12 -120 11x10-10 -90 -50
1x10-3 60 2.7x10-9 -86 2.7x10-13 -126 2.7x10-10 -96 -56
7x10-4 57 1.3x10-9 -89 1.3x10-13 -129 1.3x10-10 -99 -59
5x10-4 54 6.6x10-10 -92 6.6x10-14 -132 66x10-12 -102 -62
3x10-4 50 2.4x10-10 -96 2.4x10-14 -136 24x10-12 -106 -66
2x10-4 46 1.1x10-10 -100 1.1x10-14 -140 11x10-12 -110 -70
1x10-4 40 2.7x10-11 -106 2.7x10-15 -146 2.7x10-12 -116 -76
7x10-5 37 1.3x10-11 -109 1.3x10-15 -149 1.3x10-12 -119 -79
5x10-5 34 6.6x10-12 -112 6.6x10-16 -152 66x10-14 -122 -82
3x10-5 30 2.4x10-12 -116 2.4x10-16 -156 24x10-14 -126 -86
2x10-5 26 1.1x10-12 -120 1.1x10-16 -160 11x10-14 -130 -90
1x10-5 20 2.7x10-13 -126 2.7x10-17 -166 2.7x10-14 -136 -96
7x10-6 17 1.3x10-13 -129 1.3x10-17 -169 1.3x10-14 -139 -99
5x10-6 14 6.6x10-14 -132 6.6x10-18 -172 66x10-16 -142 -102
3x10-6 10 2.4x10-14 -136 2.4x10-18 -176 24x10-16 -146 -106
2x10-6 6 1.1x10-14 -140 1.1x10-18 -180 11x10-16 -150 -110
1x10-6 0 2.7x10-15 -146 2.7x10-19 -186 2.7x10-16 -156 -116

NOTE: Numbers in table rounded off.


To account for the impedance difference, the antenna factor (AF) is defined as: AF=E/V, where E is
field intensity which can be expressed in terms taking 377 ohms into account and V is measured voltage
which can be expressed in terms taking 50 ohms into account. Details are provided in Section 4-12.


To account for the impedance difference, the antennas effective capture area term, Ae relates free
space power density PD with received power, Pr, i.e. Pr = PD Ae. Ae is a function of frequency and antenna
gain and is related to AF as shown in Section 4-12.


Section 4-2 provides sample calculations using power density and power terms from Tables 1 and 2,
whereas Section 4-12 uses these terms plus field intensity and voltage terms from Table 1 and Table 2. Refer
the examples in Section 4-12 for usage of the conversions while converting free space values of power density
to actual measurements with a spectrum analyzer attached by coaxial cable to a receiving antenna.

Conversion Between Field Intensity (Table 1) and Power Received (Table 2).

Power received (watts or milliwatts) can be expressed in terms of field intensity (volts/meter or
v/meter) using equation [3]:

2 2
E c
Power received ( P r ) = G [3]
480 2 f 2

or in log form: 10 log Pr = 20 log E + 10 log G - 20 log f + 10 log (c2/4802) [4]

Then 10 log Pr = 20 log E1 + 10 log G - 20 log f1 + K4 [5]

c2 conversions (Watts to mW)

Where K 4 = 10 log
480 as required (volts to v) (Hz to MHz or GHz)
2 2

The derivation of equation [3] follows: Values of K4 (dB)

2 2
PD= E /120 Eq [1], Section 4-1, terms (v /) Pr E1 f1 (Hz) f1 (MHz) f1 (GHz)
Ae = G/4 2
Eq [8], Section 3-1, terms (m ) Watts volts/meter 132.8 12.8 -47.2
(dBW) v/meter 12.8 -107.2 -167.2
Pr = PDAe Eq [2], Section 4-3,
mW volts/meter 162.8 42.8 -17.2
terms (W/m2)(m2)
(dBm) v/meter 42.8 -77.2 -137.7
Pr = (E2/120)(2G/4) terms (v2/m2)(m2)
= c /f Section 2-3, terms (m/sec)(sec)

Pr = (E2/4802)(c 2 G/f 2) which is equation [3]

terms (v2/m2)(m2/sec2)(sec2) or v2/ = watts

Table 2. Conversion Table - Volts to Watts and dBA.
(Px = Vx2/Z - Related by line impedance of 50 )

Volts dBV dBV Watts dBW dBm dBA

700 56.0 176.0 9800 39.9 69.9 142.9
500 53.9 173.9 5000 37.0 67.0 140.0
300 49.5 169.5 1800 32.5 62.5 135.5
200 46.0 166.0 800 29.0 59.0 132.0
100 40.0 160.0 200 23.0 53.0 126.0
70 36.9 156.9 98 19.9 49.9 122.9
50 34.0 154.0 50 17.0 47.0 120.0
30 29.5 149.5 18 12.5 42.5 115.5
20 26.0 146.0 8 9.0 39.0 112.0
10 20.0 140.0 2 3.0 33.0 106.0
7 16.9 136.9 0.8 0 29.9 102.9
5 14.0 134.0 0.5 -3.0 27.0 100.0
3 9.5 129.5 0.18 -7.4 22.5 95.6
2 6.0 126.0 0.08 -11.0 19.0 92.0
1 0 120.0 0.02 -17.0 13.0 86.0
0.7 -3.1 116.9 9.8 x 10-3 -20.1 9.9 82.9
0.5 -6.0 114.0 5.0 x 10-3 -23.0 7.0 80.0
0.3 -10.5 109.5 1.8 x 10-3 -27.4 2.6 75.6
0.2 -14.0 106.0 8.0 x 10-4 -31.0 -1.0 72.0
0.1 -20.0 100.0 2.0 x 10-4 -37.0 -7.0 66.0
.07 -23.1 96.9 9.8 x 10-5 -40.1 -10.1 62.9
.05 -26.0 94.0 5.0 x 10-5 -43.0 -13.0 60.0
.03 -30.5 89.5 1.8 x 10-5 -47.4 -17.7 55.6
.02 -34.0 86.0 8.0 x 10-6 -51.0 -21.0 52.0
.01 -40.0 80.0 2.0 x 10-6 -57.0 -27.0 46.0
7 x 10-3 -43.1 76.9 9.8 x 10-7 -60.1 -30.1 42.9
5 x 10-3 -46.0 74.0 5.0 x 10-7 -63.0 -33.0 40.0
3 x 10-3 -50.5 69.5 1.8 x 10-7 -67.4 -37.4 35.6
2 x 10-3 -54.0 66.0 8.0 x 10-8 -71.0 -41.0 32.0
1 x 10-3 -60.0 60.0 2.0 x 10-8 -77.0 -47.0 26.0
7 x 10-4 -64.1 56.9 9.8 x 10-9 -80.1 -50.1 22.9
5 x 10-4 -66.0 54.0 5.0 x 10-9 -83.0 -53.0 20.0
3 x 10-4 -70.5 49.5 1.8 x 10-9 -87.4 -57.4 15.6
2 x 10-4 -74.0 46.0 8.0 x 10-10 -91.0 -61.0 12.0
1 x 10-4 -80.0 40.0 2.0 x 10-10 -97.0 -67.0 6.0
7 x 10-5 -84.1 36.9 9.8 x 10-11 -100.1 -70.1 2.9
5 x 10-5 -86.0 34.0 5.0 x 10-11 -103.0 -73.0 0
3 x 10-5 -90.5 29.5 1.8 x 10-11 -107.4 -77.4 -4.4
2 x 10-5 -94.0 26.0 8.0 x 10-12 -111.0 -81.0 -8.0
1 x 10-5 -100.0 20.0 2.0 x 10-12 -117.0 -87.0 -14.0
7 x 10-6 -104.1 16.9 9.8 x 10-13 -120.1 -90.1 -17.1
5 x 10-6 -106.0 14.0 5.0 x 10-13 -123.0 -93.0 -20.0
3 x 10-6 -110.5 9.5 1.8 x 10-13 -127.4 -97.4 -24.4
2 x 10-6 -114.0 6.0 8.0 x 10-14 -131.0 -101.0 -28.0
1 x 10-6 -120.0 0 2.0 x 10-14 -137.0 -107.0 -34.0
7 x 10-7 -124.1 -3.1 9.8 x 10-15 -140.1 -110.1 -37.1
5 x 10-7 -126.0 -6.0 5.0 x 10-15 -143.0 -113.0 -40.0
3 x 10-7 -130.5 -10.5 1.8 x 10-15 -147.4 -117.4 -44.4
2 x 10-7 -134.0 -14.0 8.0 x 10-16 -151.0 -121.0 -48.0
1 x 10-7 -140.0 -20.0 2.0 x 10-16 -157.0 -127.0 -54.0


Radio Frequency (RF) propagation is defined as the travel of electromagnetic waves through or along
a medium. For RF propagation between approximately 100 MHz and 10 GHz, radio waves travel very much
as they do in free space and travel in a direct line of sight. There is a very slight difference in the dielectric
constants of space and air. The dielectric constant of space is one. The dielectric constant of air at sea level is
1.000536. In all but the highest precision calculations, the slight difference is neglected.

From chapter 3, Antennas, an isotropic radiator is a theoretical, lossless, omnidirectional (spherical)

antenna. That is, it radiates uniformly in all directions. The power of a transmitter that is radiated from an
isotropic antenna will have a uniform power density (power per unit area) in all directions. The power density
at any distance from an isotropic antenna is simply the transmitter power divided by the surface area of a
sphere (4R2) at that distance. The surface area of the sphere increases by the square of the radius, therefore
the power density, PD, (watts/square meter) decreases by the square of the radius.

Power density from Pt where : Pt = Transmitter Power

= PD = [1]
an isotropic antenna 4 R 2 R = Range From Antenna (i.e., radius of sphere)

Pt is either peak or average power depending on how PD is to be specified.

Radars use directional antennas to channel most of the radiated power in a particular direction. The
Gain (G) of an antenna is the ratio of power radiated in the desired direction as compared to the power
radiated from an isotropic antenna, or:

Maximum radiation intensity of actual antenna

Radiation intensity of isotropic antenna with same power input

The power density at a distant point from a radar with an antenna gain of Gt is the power density from
an isotropic antenna multiplied by the radar antenna gain.

Pt G t
Power density from radar, PD = [2]
4 R 2
Pt is either peak or average power depending on how PD is to be specified.

Another commonly used term is effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), where EIRP = Pt Gt.
ERP is also used but EIRP is preferred because it specifically defines the type of reference antenna as

A receiving antenna captures a portion of this power determined by its effective capture Area (Ae).
The received power available at the antenna terminals is the power density times the effective capture area
(Ae) of the receiving antenna.

e.g., If the power density at a specified range is one microwatt per square meter and the antennas
effective capture area is one square meter then the power captured by the antenna is one microwatt.

For a given receiver antenna size the capture area is constant no matter how far it is from the
transmitter, as illustrated in Figure 1. Also notice from Figure 1 that the received signal power decreases by
1/4 (6 dB) as the distance doubles. This is due to the R2 term in the denominator of equation [2].

Figure 1. Power Density vs. Range.
Sample Power Density Calculation - Far Field
(Refer to Section 3-5 for the definition of near field and far field)

Calculate the power density at 100 feet for 100 watts transmitted through an antenna with a gain of

Given: Pt = 100 watts Gt = 10 (dimensionless ratio) R = 100 ft

This equation produces power density in watts per square range unit.

Pt G t = (100 watts) (10) = 0.0080 watts/ 2

PD = ft
4 R 2 4 (100 ft )2

For safety (radiation hazard) and EMI calculations, power density is usually expressed in milliwatts
per square cm. Thats nothing more than converting the power and range to the proper units.

100 watts = 1 x 102 watts = 1 x 105 mW

100 feet = 30.4785 meters = 3047.85 cm.

Pt G t = ( 10 mW) (10) = 0.0086 mW/ 2

PD = cm
4 R 2 4 (3047.85cm )2

However, antenna gain is almost always given in dB, not as a ratio. Its then often easier to express
EIRP in dBm.

Pt watts 100
Pt (dBm) = 10 Log = 10 Log = 50 dBm
1 mW .001
G t (dB) = 10 Log = 10 Log (10) = 10 dB

EIRP (dBm) = Pt (dBm) + Gt (dB) = 50 + 10 = 60 dBm

To reduce calculations, the graph in Figure 2 can be used. It gives EIRP in dBm, range in feet and
power density in mW/cm2. Follow the scale A line for an EIRP of 60 dBm to the point where it intersects the
100 foot range scale. Read the power density directly from the A-scale x-axis as 0.0086 mW/cm2 (confirming
our earlier calculations).

Figure 2. Power Density vs. Range and EIRP.

Example 2

When antenna gain and power (or EIRP) are given in dB and dBm, it is necessary to convert back to
ratios in order to perform the calculation given in equation [2]. Use the same values as in example 1 except
for antenna gain.

Suppose the antenna gain is given as 15 dB: Gt (dB) = 10 Log (Gt)

G t (dB) 15
Therefore : G t = 10 10

= 10 10 = 31.6228

Pt G t ( 10 mW) (31.6228)
PD = = = 0.0271 mW/ cm2
4 R 2 4 (3047.85 )2

Follow the 65 dBm (extrapolated) EIRP line and verify this result on the A-scale X-axis.

Example 3 - Sample Real Life Problem

Assume we are trying to

determine if a jammer will damage
the circuitry of a missile carried
onboard an aircraft and we cannot
perform an actual measurement.
Refer to the diagram at the right.

Given the following:

Jammer power: 500 W (Pt = 500)

Jammer line loss and antenna gain:

3 dB (Gt = 2)

Missile antenna diameter: 10 in

Missile antenna gain: Unknown

Missile limiter protection (maximum antenna power input): 20 dBm (100mW) average and peak.

The power density at the missile antenna caused by the jammer is computed as follows:

Pt G t 500W (2)
PD = = = 8.56W/ m2
4 R 4 [(10ft)(.3048m/ft) ]
2 2

The maximum input power actually received by the missile is either:

Pr = PD Ae (if effective antenna area is known) or

Pr = PD Gm2/4 (if missile antenna gain is known)

To cover the case where the missile antenna gain is not known, first assume an aperture efficiency of 0.7 for
the missile antenna (typical). Then:

Pr = PD A = 8.56 W/m2 ()[ (10/2 in)(.0254 m/in) ] 2 (0.7) = 0.3 watts

Depending upon missile antenna efficiency, we can see that the power received will be about 3 times
the maximum allowable and that either better limiter circuitry may be required in the missile or a new location
is needed for the missile or jammer. Of course if the antenna efficiency is 0.23 or less, then the power will
not damage the missiles receiver.

If the missile gain were known to be 25 dB, then a more accurate calculation could be performed.
Using the given gain of the missile (25 dB= numeric gain of 316), and assuming operation at 10 GHz
( = .03m)

Pr = PD Gm 2 / 4 = 8.56 W/m2 (316)(.03)2/ 4 = .19 watts (still double the allowable tolerance)


The one-way (transmitter to receiver) radar equation is derived in this section. This equation is most
commonly used in RWR, communications, or ESM type of applications. The following is a summary of the
important equations explored in this section:


Peak Power at
Pt G t Ae 4 Ae
Receiver Input, P r (or S) = P D Ae = 4 2 and Antenna Gain, G =
R 2
G 2
or : Equivalent Area, Ae =
So the one-way radar equation is : Values of K1 (in dB)
* Range f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
c2 c
S (or P r ) = Pt t r 2 = Pt G t G r 2
( Note : = ) (units) K1 = K1 =
(4R ) (4f R ) f NM 37.8 97.8
* keep , c, and R in the same units km 32.45 92.45
m -27.55 32.45
On reducing to log form this becomes: yd -28.33 31.67
10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 20log f R + 20log (c/4) ft -37.87 22.13
or in simplified terms:
10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 1 (in dB) Note: Losses due to antenna
polarization and atmospheric
Where: 1 = one-way free space loss = 20log (f1R) + K1 (in dB) and:
absorption (Sections 3-2 &
K1 = 20log [(4/c)(Conversion factors if units if not in m/sec, m, and Hz)] 5-1) are not included in any of
Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for these these equations.
calculations, always combine any transmission line loss with antenna

Recall from Section 4-2 that the power

density at a distant point from a radar with an antenna
gain of Gt is the power density from an isotropic
antenna multiplied by the radar antenna gain.

Power density from radar, P D =

Pt G t [1]
4 R 2

If you could cover the entire spherical

segment with your receiving antenna you would
theoretically capture all of the transmitted energy.
You cant do this because no antenna is large enough.
(A two degree segment would be about a mile and Figure 1. Power Density vs. Range.
three-quarters across at fifty miles from the

A receiving antenna captures a portion of this power determined by its effective capture Area (Ae).
The received power available at the antenna terminals is the power density times the effective capture area
(Ae) of the receiving antenna.

For a given receiver antenna size the capture area is constant no matter how far it is from the
transmitter, as illustrated in Figure 1. This concept is shown in the following equation:
Peak Power at Receiver input,

PR (or S) = PDAe =
Pt G t Ae which is known as the one-way (beacon) equation [2]
4 R 2

In order to maximize energy transfer between an antenna and transmitter or receiver, the antenna size
should correlate with frequency. For reasonable antenna efficiency, the size of an antenna will be greater than
/4. Control of beamwidth shape may become a problem when the size of the active element exceeds several

The relation between an antennas

effective capture area (Ae) or effective aperture
and its Gain (G) is:

4 Ae
Antenna Gain, G = [3]
G 2
or : Equivalent Area, Ae = [4]

Since the effective aperture is in units

of length squared, from equation [3], it is seen
that gain is proportional to the effective
aperture normalized by the wavelength. This Figure 2. Capture Area vs. Frequency.
physically means that to maintain the same
gain when doubling the frequency, the area is reduced by 1/4. This concept is illustrated in Figure 2.

If equation [4] is substituted into equation [2], the following relationship results:

2 2
Peak Power at Receiver Input = S (or P R ) = Pt t 2 r 2 = Pt t r 2 [5]
(4 ) R (4R )

This is the signal calculated one-way from a transmitter

to a receiver. For instance, a radar application might be to
determine the signal received by a RWR, ESM, or an ELINT
receiver. It is a general purpose equation and could be applied
to almost any line-of-sight transmitter to receiver situation if the
RF is higher than 100 MHZ.

Values of K1 (dB)
The free space travel of radio waves can, of course, be blocked, Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
reflected, or distorted by objects in their path such as buildings, flocks of (units) K1 = K1 =
birds, chaff, and the earth itself. NM 37.8 97.8
km 32.45 92.45
As illustrated in Figure 1, as the distance is doubled the received m -27.55 32.45
signal power decreases by 1/4 (6 dB). This is due to the R2 term in yd -28.33 31.67
equation [5]. ft -37.87 22.13

To illustrate this, blow up a round balloon and draw a square on the

side of it. If you release air so that the diameter or radius is decreased by
1/2, the square shrinks to 1/4 the size. If you
further blow up the balloon, so the diameter or
radius is doubled, the square has quadrupled in

The one-way free space loss factor (1),

(sometimes called the path loss factor) is given by
the term (4R2)(4/2) or (4R /)2. As shown in
Figure 3, the loss is due to the ratio of two factors
(1) the effective radiated area of the transmit
antenna, which is the surface area of a sphere
(4R2) at that distance (R), and (2) the effective
capture area (Ae) of the receive antenna which has
a gain of one. If a receiving antenna could
capture the whole surface area of the sphere, there
would be no spreading loss, but a practical
antenna will capture only a small part of the
spherical radiation. Space loss is calculated using
isotropic antennas for both transmit and receive, Figure 3. Concept of One-Way Space Loss.
so 1 is independent of the actual antenna. Using
Gr = 1 in equation [11] in Section 3-1, Ae = 2/4.
Since this term is in the denominator of 1, the higher the frequency (lower ) the more the space loss. Since
Gt and Gr are part of the one-way radar equation, S (or Pr) is adjusted according to actual antennas as shown in
the last portion of Figure 3. The value of the received signal (S) is:


S (or P R ) = P t G t G2 r = P t G t G r

(4 ) R 2 (4 )

To convert this equation to dB form, it is rewritten as:

10 Log (S or Pr) 10 Log (Pt Gt Gr) 20 Log [7]
4 f R

Since = c / f, equation [7] can be rewritten as:

10 Log (S or Pr) = 10 Log(Pt Gt Gr) - 1 [8]

4 f R
Where the one-way free space loss, 1, is defined as: 1 = 20 Log * [9]

The signal received equation in dB form is: 10log (Pr or S) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 1 [10]

The one-way free space loss, 1, can be given in terms of a variable and constant term as follows:

4f R [11]
1 = 20 Log = 20 Log f 1 R + K 1 (in dB)

The value of f1 can be either in MHz or GHz as shown with commonly used units of R in the
adjoining table.

where K 1 = 20 Log (Conversio n units if not in m/ sec , m, and Hz)

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations, always combine any
transmission line loss with antenna gain.

A value for the one-way free space loss (1) can be obtained from:

(a) The One-way Free Space Loss graph (Figure 4). Added accuracy can be obtained using the
Frequency Extrapolation graph (Figure 5)

(b) The space loss nomograph (Figure 6 or 7)

(c) The formula for 1, equation [11].


Find the value of the one-way free space loss, 1, for an RF of 7.5 GHz at 100 NM.

(a) From Figure 4, find 100 NM on the X-axis and estimate where 7.5 GHz is located between
the 1 and 10 GHz lines (note dot). Read 1 as 155 dB. An alternate way would be to read the
1 at 1 GHz (138 dB) and add the frequency extrapolation value (17.5 dB for 7.5:1, dot on
Figure 5) to obtain the same 155 dB value.

(b) From the nomogram (Figure 6), the value of 1 can be read as 155 dB (Note the dashed line).

(c) From the equation 11, the precise value of 1 is 155.3 dB.

Remember, 1 is a free space value. If there is atmospheric attenuation because of absorption of RF

due to certain molecules in the atmosphere or weather conditions etc., the atmospheric attenuation is in
addition to the space loss (refer to Section 5-1).

Figure 4. One-Way Free Space Loss.

Figure 5. Frequency Extrapolation.

Figure 6. One-Way Space Loss Nomograph for Distances Greater Than 10 Nautical Miles.

Figure 7. One-Way Space Loss Nomograph for Distances Less Than 10 Nautical Miles.

Figure 8 is the visualization of the losses occurring in one-way radar equation. Note: To avoid
having to include additional terms, always combine any transmission line loss with antenna gain. Losses due
to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption also need to be included.

Figure 8. Visualization of One-Way Radar Equation.


The one-way radar (signal strength) equation [5] is rearranged to calculate the maximum range Rmax
of RWR/ESM receivers. It occurs when the received radar signal just equals Smin as follows:

1 1 1
rc Pt G t Ae 2
Rmax Pt G t 2G r or Pt G t G
2 2 2 2

or [12]
(4 ) S min (4f ) S min 4 S min

In log form:

20log Rmax = 10log Pt + 10log Gt - 10log Smin - 20log f + 20log(c/4) [13]

and since K1 = 20log{4/c times conversion units if not in m/sec, m, and Hz}
(Refer to Section 4-3 for values of K1).

10log Rmax = [ 10log Pt + 10log Gt - 10log Smin - 20log f - K1] (keep Pt and Smin in same units) [14]

M dB
If you want to convert back from dB, then Rmax 10 , where M dB is the resulting number in the
brackets of equation 14.

From Section 5-2, Receiver Sensitivity / Noise, Smin is related to the noise factor S:

Smin = (S/N)min (NF)KToB [15]

The one-way RWR/ESM range equation becomes:

1 1 1

Rmax Pt G t G r 2 2 2
2 2
Pt G t G r c Pt G t Ae [16]
or or
(4 ) (S/N )min (NF) KT o B (4f ) (S/N )min (NF) KT o B 4 (S/N )min (NF) KT o B
2 2


As shown in equation [12] Smin-1 Rmax2. Therefore, -10 log Smin 20 logRmax and the following
table results:

% Range Increase: Range + (% Range Increase) x Range = New Range

i.e., for a 6 dB sensitivity increase, 500 miles +100% x 500 miles = 1,000 miles
Range Multiplier: Range x Range Multiplier = New Range
i.e., for a 6 dB sensitivity increase 500 miles x 2 = 1,000 miles

dB Sensitivity % Range Range dB Sensitivity % Range Range

Increase Increase Multiplier Increase Increase Multiplier
+ 0.5 6 1.06 10 216 3.16
1.0 12 1.12 11 255 3.55
1.5 19 1.19 12 298 3.98
2 26 1.26 13 347 4.47
3 41 1.41 14 401 5.01
4 58 1.58 15 462 5.62
5 78 1.78 16 531 6.31
6 100 2.0 17 608 7.08
7 124 2.24 18 694 7.94
8 151 2.51 19 791 8.91
9 182 2.82 20 900 10.0


As shown in equation [12] Smin-1 Rmax2. Therefore, -10 log Smin 20 logRmax and the following
table results:

% Range Decrease: Range - (% Range decrease) x Range = New Range

i.e., for a 6 dB sensitivity decrease, 500 miles - 50% x 500 miles = 250 miles
Range Multiplier: Range x Range Multiplier = New Range
i.e., for a 6 dB sensitivity decrease 500 miles x .5 = 250 miles

dB Sensitivity % Range Range dB Sensitivity % Range Range
Decrease Decrease Multiplier Decrease Decrease Multiplier
- 0.5 6 0.94 -10 68 0.32
- 1.0 11 0.89 - 11 72 0.28
- 1.5 16 0.84 - 12 75 0.25
-2 21 0.79 - 13 78 0.22
-3 29 0.71 - 14 80 0.20
-4 37 0.63 - 15 82 0.18
-5 44 0.56 - 16 84 0.16
-6 50 0.50 - 17 86 0.14
-7 56 0.44 - 18 87 0.13
-8 60 0.4 - 19 89 0.11
-9 65 0.35 - 20 90 0.10

Example of One-Way Signal Strength: A 5 (or 7) GHz radar has a 70 dBm signal fed through a 5 dB loss
transmission line to an antenna that has 45 dB gain. An aircraft that is flying 31 km from the radar has an aft
EW antenna with -1 dB gain and a 5 dB line loss to the EW receiver (assume all antenna polarizations are the

Note: The respective transmission line losses will be combined with antenna gains, i.e.:

-5 +45 = 40 dB, -5 - 1 = -6 dB, -10 + 5 = -5 dB.

(1) What is the power level at the input of the EW receiver?

Answer (1): Pr at the input to the EW receiver = Transmitter power - xmt cable loss + xmt
antenna gain - space loss + rcvr antenna gain - rcvr cable loss.

Space loss (from Section 4-3) @ 5 GHz = 20 log f R + K1 = 20 log (5x31) + 92.44 = 136.25 dB.

Pr = 70 + 40 - 136.25 - 6 = -32.25 dBm @ 5 GHz (Pr = -35.17 dBm @ 7 GHz since 1 = 139.17 dB)

(2) If the received signal is fed to a jammer with a gain of 60 dB, feeding a 10 dB loss
transmission line which is connected to an antenna with 5 dB gain, what is the power level from the
jammer at the input to the receiver of the 5 (or 7) GHz radar?

Answer (2): Pr at the input to the radar receiver = Power at the input to the EW receiver+
Jammer gain - jammer cable loss + jammer antenna gain - space loss + radar rcvr antenna gain - radar rcvr
cable loss. Therefore:

Pr = -32.25 + 60 - 5 - 136.25 + 40 = -73.5 dBm @ 5 GHz. (Pr = -79.34 dBm @ 7 GHz

since 1 = 139.17 dB and Pt = -35.17 dBm).

This problem continues in Sections 4-4, 4-7, and 4-10.

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In this section the radar equation is derived from the one-way equation (transmitter to receiver) which
is then extended to the two-way radar equation. The following is a summary of the important equations to be
derived here:


Peak power at the Pt G t G r
c2 Note : = c/f and = RCS 
radar receiver input is: Pr = = Pt G t G r 4
(4 ) R
3 4
(4 ) f R
3 2
* keep or c, , and R in the same units

On reducing the above equation to log form we have:

10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + 10log - 20log f - 40log R - 30log 4 + 20log c

or in simplified terms: 10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - 21 (in dB)

Note: Losses due to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption (Sections 3-2 and 5-1) are not included in these

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f 1 + K2 (in dB) One-way free space loss, 1 = 20log (f 1 R) + K1 (in dB)

K2 Values K1 Values Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz

(dB) RCS () f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz (dB) (units) K1 = K1 =
(units) K2 = K2 = NM 37.8 97.8
m2 -38.54 21.46 Km 32.45 92.45
ft2 -48.86 11.14 m -27.55 32.45
yd -28.33 31.67
ft -37.87 22.13

Figure 1 illustrates the

physical concept and equivalent
circuit for a target being illuminated
by a monostatic radar (transmitter
and receiver co-located). Note the
similarity of Figure 1 to Figure 3 in
Section 4-3. Transmitted power,
transmitting and receiving antenna
gains, and the one-way free space
loss are the same as those described
in Section 4-3. The physical
arrangement of the elements is
different, of course, but otherwise
the only difference is the addition of
the equivalent gain of the target
RCS factor.

Figure 1. The Two-Way Monostatic Radar Equation Visualized.

From Section 4-3, One-Way Radar Equation / RF Propagation, the power in the receiver is:

Received Signal Pt G t G r 2
= [1]
at Target (4R )2

4 Ae
From equation [3] in Section 4-3: Antenna Gain , G = [2]

Similar to a receiving antenna, a radar target also intercepts a portion of the power, but reflects
(reradiates) it in the direction of the radar. The amount of power reflected toward the radar is determined by
the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the target. RCS is a characteristic of the target that represents its size as
seen by the radar and has the dimensions of area () as shown in Section 4-11. RCS area is not the same as
physical area. But, for a radar target, the power reflected in the radars direction is equivalent to re-radiation
of the power captured by an antenna of area (the RCS). Therefore, the effective capture area (Ae) of the
receiving antenna is replaced by the RCS ().

4 Reflected Signal G 4
Gr = [3] so we now have: = Pt t 2 2 [4]
2 from target (4R )

The equation for the power reflected in the radars direction is the same as equation [1] except that Pt
Gt, which was the original transmitted power, is replaced with the reflected signal power from the target, from
equation [4]. This gives:

Reflected Signal Received Back G 4 G

2 2
= Pt t 2 2 x r 2 [5]
at Input to Radar Receiver (4R ) (4R )

If like terms are cancelled, the two-way radar

equation results. The peak power at the radar
receiver input is:

Pt G t G r =
Pr = Pt G t G r 4
(4 ) R3 4
(4 ) f R
3 2

* Note: =c/f and = RCS. Keep or c, , and R in

the same units.
On reducing equation [6] to log form we have:

10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + 10log - 20log f - 40log R - 30log 4 + 20log c [7]

Target Gain Factor

If Equation [5] terms are rearranged instead of cancelled, a recognizable form results:

2 4 2
S (or P r ) = ( Pt G t G r )

2 2
(4R ) (4R )

In log form:

4 [9]
10 log [S (or P r )] = 10 log Pt + 10 log G t + 10 log G r + 20 log + 10 log 2 + 20 log
4R 4R

The fourth and sixth terms can each be recognized as -, where is the one-way free space loss factor
defined in Section 4-3. The fifth term containing RCS () is the only new factor, and it is the Target Gain

In simplified terms the equation becomes:

10log [S (or Pr)] = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - 21 (in dB) [10]

Where 1 and G are as follows:

From Section 4-3, equation [11], the space loss in dB is given by:
4f R 4 [11]
1 = 20 log
c = 20 log f 1 R + K 1 where K 1 = 20 log c (Conversion units if not in m / s ec , m, and Hz)

* Keep c and R in the same units. The

table of values for K1 is again presented here for One-way free space loss, 1 = 20log (f 1R) + K1 (in
completeness. The constant, K1, in the table dB)
includes a range and frequency unit conversion
factor. K1 Values Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
(dB) (units) K1 = K1 =
While its understood that RCS is the NM 37.8 97.8
antenna aperture area equivalent to an
Km 32.45 92.45
isotropically radiated target return signal, the
target gain factor represents a gain, as shown in m -27.55 32.45
the equivalent circuit of Figure 1. The Target yd -28.33 31.67
Gain Factor expressed in dB is G as shown in ft -37.87 22.13
equation [12].

4 4 f 2
G = 10 log 2 = 10 log = 10 log + 20 log f 1 + K 2 (in dB) [12]

4 Frequency and RCS (Hz to MHz or GHz )2

where : K 2 = 10 log 2
(meters to feet )2
c conversions as required

The Target Gain Factor (G) is a composite of RCS, frequency, and dimension conversion factors
and is called by various names: Gain of RCS, Equivalent Gain of RCS, Gain of Target Cross Section,
and in dB form Gain-sub-Sigma.

If frequency is given in MHz and RCS () is in m2, the formula for G is:

2 2

sec 2 1x 10
G = 10 log + 20 log f 1 + 10 log 4 8
sec [13]
3 x 10 m

or: G = 10 log + 20 log f 1 - 38.54 (in dB) [14]

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f 1 + K2 (in


K2 Values
(dB) RCS () f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
(units) K2 = K2 =
m 2
-38.54 21.46
ft 2
-48.86 11.14

For this example, the constant K2 is -38.54 dB. K2 values for various area and frequency and
frequency units are summarized in the adjoining table.

In the two-way radar equation, the one-way free space loss factor (1) is used twice, once for the
radar transmitter to target path and once for the target to radar receiver path. The radar illustrated in Figure 1
is monostatic so the two path losses are the same and the values of the two 1s are the same.

If the transmission loss in Figure 1 from Pt to Gt equals the loss from Gr to Pr, and Gr = Gt, then
equation [10] can be written as:

10log [S or Pr] = 10log Pt + 20log Gtr - 21 + G (in dB) [15]

The space loss factor (1) and the target gain factor (G) include all the necessary unit conversions so
that they can be used directly with the most common units. Because the factors are given in dB form, they are
more convenient to use and allow calculation without a calculator when the factors are read from a chart or

Most radars are monostatic. That is, the radar transmitting and receiving antennas are literally the
same antenna. There are some radars that are considered monostatic but have separate transmitting and
receiving antennas that are co-located. In that case, equation [10] could require two different antenna gain
factors as originally derived:

10log [S or Pr] = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 21 + G (in dB) [16]

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations, always combine any transmission
line loss with antenna gain.

Figure 2 is the visualization of the path losses occurring with the two-way radar equation. Note: to
avoid having to include additional terms, always combine any transmission line loss with antenna gain.
Losses due to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption also need to be included.

Figure 2. Visualization of Two-Way Radar Equation.


The Radar Equation is often called the Radar Range Equation. The Radar Range Equation is
simply the Radar Equation rewritten to solve for maximum Range. The maximum radar range (Rmax) is the
distance beyond which the target can no longer be detected and correctly processed. It occurs when the
received echo signal just equals Smin.

The Radar Range Equation is then:

1 1 1
Pt G t G r 2 4 Pt G t G r c 2 ] 4 Pt G t Ae 4
Rmax or or [17]
(4 ) S min (4 ) f S min (4 ) S min
3 3 2 2

The first equation, of the three above, is given in Log form by:

40log Rmax 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + 10log - 10log Smin - 20log f - 30log 4 + 20log c [18]

As shown previously, Since K1 = 20log [(4/c) times conversion units if not in m/sec, m, and Hz], we have:

10log Rmax [10log P + 10log G + 10log G + 10log - 10log S
t t r min - 20log f 1 - K1 - 10.99 dB] [19]

If you want to convert back from dB, then One-way free space loss, 1 = 20log (f 1R) + K1 (in

M dB
Rmax 40 K1 Values Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
(dB) (units) K1 = K1 =
Where M dB is the resulting number within the
NM 37.8 97.8
brackets of equation 19.
Km 32.45 92.45
m -27.55 32.45
From Section 5-2, Receiver Sensitivity / Noise, yd -28.33 31.67
Smin is related to the noise factors by:
ft -37.87 22.13

S min = (S/N )min (NF) kT 0 B [20]

The Radar Range Equation for a tracking radar (target continuously in the antenna beam) becomes:

1 1 1

Rmax Pt G t G r 4 Pt G t G r c 4 Pt Gt Ae 4
2 2

or or [21]
(4 ) (S/N )min (NF) kT 0 B (4 ) f (S/N )min (NF) kT o B (4 ) (S/N )min (NF) kT o B
3 3 2 2

Pt in equations [17], [19], and [21] is the peak power of a CW or pulse signal. For pulse signals these
equations assume the radar pulse is square. If not, there is less power since Pt is actually the average power
within the pulse width of the radar signal. Equations [17] and [19] relate the maximum detection range to
Smin, the minimum signal which can be detected and processed (the receiver sensitivity). The bandwidth (B)
in equations [20] and [21] is directly related to Smin. B is approximately equal to 1/PW. Thus a wider pulse
width means a narrower receiver bandwidth which lowers Smin, assuming no integration.

One cannot arbitrarily change the receiver bandwidth, since it has to match the transmitted signal.
The widest pulse width occurs when the signal approaches a CW signal (see Section 2-11). A CW signal
requires a very narrow bandwidth (approximately 100 Hz). Therefore, receiver noise is very low and good
sensitivity results (see Section 5-2). If the radar pulse is narrow, the receiver filter bandwidth must be
increased for a match (see Section 5-2), i.e. a 1 s pulse requires a bandwidth of approximately 1 MHz. This
increases receiver noise and decreases sensitivity.

If the radar transmitter can increase its PRF (decreasing PRI) and its receiver performs integration
over time, an increase in PRF can permit the receiver to pull coherent signals out of the noise thus reducing
S/Nmin thereby increasing the detection range. Note that a PRF increase may limit the maximum range due to
the creation of overlapping return echoes (see Section 2-10).

There are also other factors that limit the maximum practical detection range. With a scanning radar,
there is loss if the receiver integration time exceeds the radars time on target. Many radars would be range
limited by line-of-sight/radar horizon (see Section 2-9) well before a typical target faded below Smin. Range
can also be reduced by losses due to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption (see Sections 3-2
and 5-1).

Two-Way Radar Equation (Example)

Assume that a 5 GHz radar has a 70 dBm (10 kilowatt) signal fed through a 5 dB loss transmission
line to a transmit/receive antenna that has 45 dB gain. An aircraft that is flying 31 km from the radar has an
RCS of 9 m2. What is the signal level at the input to the radar receiver? (There is an additional loss due to
any antenna polarization mismatch but that loss will not be addressed in this problem). This problem
continues in Sections 4-3, 4-7, and 4-10.

Starting with: 10log S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - 21 (in dB)

We know that: 1 = 20log f R + K1 = 20log (5x31) + 92.44 = 136.25 dB

and that: G = 10log + 20log f1 + K2 = 10log 9 + 20log 5 + 21.46 = 44.98 dB (see Table 1)
(Note: The aircraft transmission line losses (-5 dB) will be combined with the antenna gain
(45 dB) for both receive and transmit paths of the radar)

So, substituting in we have: 10log S = 70 + 40 + 40 + 44.98 - 2(136.25) = -77.52 dBm @ 5 GHz

The answer changes to -80.44 dBm if the tracking radar operates at 7 GHz provided the antenna gains
and the aircraft RCS are the same at both frequencies.

1 = 20log (7x31) + 92.44 = 139.17 dB, G = 10log 9 + 20log 7 + 21.46 = 47.9 dB (see Table 1)

10log S = 70 + 40 + 40 + 47.9 - 2(139.17) = -80.44 dBm @ 7 GHz

Table 1. Values of the Target Gain Factor (G) in dB for Various Values of Frequency and RCS.

Frequency RCS - Square meters

(GHz) 0.05 5 9 10 100 1,000 10,000
0.5 GHz 2.44 22.42 24.98 25.44 35.44 45.44 55.44
1 GHz 8.46 28.46 31.0 31.46 41.46 51.46 61.46
5 GHz 22.44 42.44 44.98 45.44 55.44 65.44 75.44
7 GHz 25.36 45.36 47.9 48.36 58.36 68.36 78.36
10 GHz 28.46 48.46 51.0 51.46 61.46 71.46 81.46
20 GHz 34.48 54.48 57.02 57.48 67.48 77.48 87.48
40 GHz 40.50 60.48 63.04 63.5 73.5 83.5 93.5
Note: Shaded values were used in the examples.


As shown in equation [17] Smin-1 Rmax4. Therefore, -10 log Smin 40 logRmax and the table
below results:

% Range Increase: Range + (% Range Increase) x Range = New Range

i.e., for a 12 dB sensitivity increase, 500 miles +100% x 500 miles = 1,000 miles
Range Multiplier: Range x Range Multiplier = New Range
i.e., for a 12 dB sensitivity increase 500 miles x 2 = 1,000 miles

Table 2. Effects of Sensitivity Increase.

dB Sensitivity % Range Range dB Sensitivity % Range Range

Increase Increase Multiplier Increase Increase Multiplier
+ 0.5 3 1.03 10 78 1.78
1.0 6 1.06 11 88 1.88
1.5 9 1.09 12 100 2.00
2 12 1.12 13 111 2.11
3 19 1.19 14 124 2.24
4 26 1.26 15 137 2.37
5 33 1.33 16 151 2.51
6 41 1.41 17 166 2.66
7 50 1.50 18 182 2.82
8 58 1.58 19 198 2.98
9 68 1.68 20 216 3.16


As shown in equation [17] Smin-1 Rmax4 Therefore, -10 log Smin 40 logRmax and the table
below results:

% Range Decrease: Range - (% Range Decrease) x Range = New Range

i.e., for a 12 dB sensitivity decrease, 500 miles - 50% x 500 miles = 250 miles

Range Multiplier: Range x Range Multiplier = New Range

i.e., for a 12 dB sensitivity decrease 500 miles x 0.5 = 250 miles

Table 3. Effects of Sensitivity Decrease.

dB Sensitivity % Range Range dB Sensitivity % Range Range

Decrease Decrease Multiplier Decrease Decrease Multiplier
- 0.5 3 0.97 -10 44 0.56
- 1.0 6 0.94 - 11 47 0.53
- 1.5 8 0.92 - 12 50 0.50
-2 11 0.89 - 13 53 0.47
-3 16 0.84 - 14 55 0.45
-4 21 0.79 - 15 58 0.42
-5 25 0.75 - 16 60 0.40
-6 29 0.71 - 17 62 0.38
-7 33 0.67 - 18 65 0.35
-8 37 0.63 - 19 67 0.33
-9 40 0.60 - 20 68 0.32


In this section the same radar equation factors are grouped differently to create different constants
as is used by some authors.


Peak power at the Pt Gt G r = Pt G t G rsigma c * ( Note : = c and is RCS )
2 2
radar receiver Pr = [1]
input is: (4 )3 R4 (4 )3 f 2 R4 f
* Keep or c, , and R in the same units. On reducing the above equation to log form we have:
or: 10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 2 (in dB)

Where: 2 = 20log f 1R2 - 10log + K3 , and K3 = -10log c2/(4)3

Losses due to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption (Sections 3-2 and 5-1) are not included in these equations
K3 Values:
(dB) Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
Units in m2 in m2 in ft2 in ft2
NM 114.15 174.15 124.47 184.47
km 103.44 163.44 113.76 173.76
m -16.56 43.44 -6.24 53.76
yd -18.1 41.9 -7.78 52.22
ft -37.2 22.8 -26.88 33.12

In the last section, we had the basic radar equation given as equation [6] and it is repeated as
equation [1] in the table above.

In Section 4-4, in order to maintain the concept and use of the one-way space loss coefficient, 1, we
didnt cancel like terms which was done to form equation [6] there. Rather, we regrouped the factors of
equation [5]. This resulted in two minus 1 terms and we defined the remaining term as G, which accounted
for RCS (see equation [8] & [9]).

Some authors take a different approach, and instead develop an entirely new single factor 2, which is
used instead of the combination of 1 and G.

If equation [1] is reduced to log form, (and noting that f = c/) it becomes:

10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 20log (f R2) + 10log + 10log (c2/(4)3) [2]

We now call the last three terms on the right minus 2 and use it as a single term instead of the two
terms 1 and G. The concept of dealing with one variable factor may be easier although we still need to
know the range, frequency, and radar cross section to evaluate 2. Additionally, we can no longer use a
nomograph like we did in computing 1 and visualize a two-way space loss consisting of two times the one-
way space loss, since there are now 3 variables vs. two.

Equation [2] reduces to:

10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr - 2 (in dB) [3]

Where 2 = 20log (f 1R2) - 10log + K3 and where f 1 is the MHz or GHz value of frequency and
K3 = -10log (c2/(4)3) + 20log (conversion for Hz to MHz or GHz)+ 40log (range unit conversions if not in
meters) - 20log (RCS conversions for meters to feet)

The values of K3 are given in the table above.

Comparing equation [3] to equation [10] in Section 4-4, it can be seen that 2 = 21 - G.


The following table contains a summary of the equations developed in this section.


Peak power at the Pt G t G r
c2 Note : = c/f and = RCS
Pr = = P t G t G r 2
(4 ) RTx R Rx (4 ) f RTx R Rx * keep or c, , and R in the same units
3 2 2 3 2 2
radar receiver input is:

On reducing the above equation to log form we have:

10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + 10log - 20log f + 20log c - 30log 4 - 20log RTx - 20log RRx

or in simplified terms: 10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - Tx - Rx (in dB)

Where Tx corresponds to transmitter to target loss and Rx corresponds to target to receiver loss.

Note: Losses due to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption (Sections 3-2 and 5-1) are not included in these

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f 1 + K2 (in dB) One-way free space loss, Tx or Rx = 20log (f 1RTx or Rx) + K1 (in dB)

K2 Values K1 Values Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz

(dB) RCS () f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz (dB) (units) K1 = K1 =
(units) K2 = K2 = NM 37.8 97.8
m2 -38.54 21.46 Km 32.45 92.45
ft2 -48.86 11.14 m -27.55 32.45
yd -28.33 31.67
ft -37.87 22.13


There are also true bistatic radars

- radars where the transmitter and
receiver are in different locations as is
depicted in Figure 1. The most
commonly encountered bistatic radar
application is the semi-active missile.
The transmitter is located on, or near, the
launch platform (surface or airborne), and
the receiver is in the missile which is
somewhere between the launch platform
and the target.

The transmitting and receiving

antennas are not the same and are not in
the same location. Because the target-to-
radar range is different from the target-to-
missile range, the target-to-radar and
target-to-missile space losses are Figure 1. Bistatic Radar Visualized.

The peak power at the radar receiver input is:

Pt G t G r =
c2 c
Pr = P t G t G r 2
( Note : = and = RCS) [1]
(4 ) RTx R 2Rx
3 2
(4 ) f RTx R Rx
3 2 2
Keep or c, , and R in the same units.

On reducing the above equation to log form we have:

10log Pr = 10log Pt +10log Gt +10log Gr +10log - 20log f +20log c - 30log 4 - 20log RTx - 20log RRx [2]

or in simplified terms:

10log Pr = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - Tx - Rx (in dB) [3]

Where Tx corresponds to transmitter to target loss and Rx corresponds to target to receiver loss, or:

Tx = 20log(f 1TTx) + K1 (in dB) and Rx = 20log(f 1TRx) + K1 (in dB)

with K1 values provided on page 4-6.1 and with f 1 being the MHz or GHz value of frequency.

Therefore, the difference between monostatic and bistatic calculations is that two s are calculated
for two different ranges and different gains may be required for transmit and receive antennas.

To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations, always combine any transmission
line loss with antenna gain.

As shown in Figure 2, it should also be noted that the bistatic RCS received by the missile is not
always the same as the monostatic RCS. In general, the targets RCS varies with angle. Therefore, the
bistatic RCS and monostatic RCS will be equal for receive and transmit antennas at the same angle to the
target (but only if all three are in a line, as RCS also varies with elevation angle).

Figure 2. Bistatic RCS Varies.


The following table contains a summary of the equations developed in this section.

JAMMING TO SIGNAL (J/S) RATIO (MONOSTATIC) * Keep R and in same units

J/S = (Pj Gja4 R2) / (Pt Gt ) (ratio form)* or: Target gain factor, (in dB)
G = 10log + 20log f 1 + K2
10log J/S = 10logPj + 10logGja - 10logPt - 10logGt - 10log* + 10.99 dB + 20logR* K2 Values (dB):
Note (1): Neither f nor terms are part of these equations RCS () f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
(units) K2= K2=
If simplified radar equations developed in previous sections are used:
m2 -38.54 21.46
ft2 -48.86 11.14
10log J/S = 10logPj + 10logGja - 10logPt - 10logGt - G + 1 (in dB)
Note (2): the 20log f 1 term in -G cancels the 20log f 1 term in 1
One-way free space loss (dB)
RTx is the range from the radar transmitter to the target. See note (1). 1 or Tx =
20log (f 1 R) + K1
J/S = (Pj Gja4 RTx ) / (Pt Gt ) (ratio form) * or:
K1 Values (dB):
10log J/S = 10logPj + 10logGja - 10logPt - 10logGt - 10log* + 10.99 dB + 20logRTx* Range f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
(units) K1 = K1 =
If simplified radar equations developed in previous sections are used: see note (2).
NM 37.8 97.8
km 32.45 92.45
10log J/S = 10logPj + 10logGja - 10logPt - 10logGt - G + Tx (in dB) m -27.55 32.45
ft -37.87 22.13

This section derives the J/S ratio from the one-way range equation for J and the two-way range
equation for S, and deals exclusively with active (transmitting) Electronic Attack (EA) devices or systems.
Furthermore, the only purpose of EA is to prevent, delay, or confuse the radar processing of target

By official definition, EA can be either Jamming or Deception. This may be somewhat confusing
because almost any type of active EA is commonly called jamming, and the calculations of EA signal in the
radar compared to the target signal in the radar commonly refer to the jamming-to-signal ratio (J-to-S
ratio). Therefore this section uses the common jargon and the term jammer refers to any EA transmitter,
and the term jamming refers to any EA transmission, whether Deception or Concealment.

Jamming: Official jamming should more aptly be called Concealment or Masking. Essentially,
Concealment uses electronic transmissions to swamp the radar receiver and hide the targets. Concealment
(Jamming) usually uses some form of noise as the transmitted signal. In this section, Concealment will be
called noise or noise jamming.

Deception: Deception might be better called Forgery. Deception uses electronic transmissions to
forge false target signals that the radar receiver accepts and processes as real targets.

J designates the EA signal strength whether it originates from a noise jammer or from a deception

Basically, there are two different
methods of employing active EA against
hostile radars:

Self Protection EA
Support EA

For most practical purposes, Self

Protection EEA is usually Deception and
Support EA is usually noise jamming. As the
name implies, Self Protection EA is EA that is
used to protect the platform that it is on. Self
Protection EA is often called self screening
jamming, Defensive EA or historically
Deception ECM. The top half of Figure 1
shows self-screening jamming.
Figure 1. Self Protection and Escort Jamming.
The bottom half of Figure 1 illustrates
escort jamming which is a special case of support jamming. If the escort platform is sufficiently close to the
target, the J-to-S calculations are the same as for self protection EA.

Support EA is electronic
transmissions radiated from one platform
and is used to protect other platforms or
fulfill other mission requirements, like
distraction or conditioning. Figure 2
illustrates two cases of support jamming
protecting a striker - stand-off jamming
(SOJ) and stand-in jamming (SIJ). For SOJ
the support jamming platform is maintaining
an orbit at a long range from the radar -
usually beyond weapons range. For SIJ, a
remotely piloted vehicle is orbiting very
close to the victim radar. Obviously, the
jamming power required for the SOJ to
screen a target is much greater than the
jamming power required for the SIJ to
Figure 2. Support Jamming. screen the same target.

When factoring EA into the radar equation, the quantities of greatest interest are J-to-S and Burn-
Through Range.

J-to-S is the ratio of the signal strength of the jammer signal (J) to the signal strength of the target
return signal (S). It is expressed as J/S and, in this section, is always in dB. J usually (but not always) must
exceed S by some amount to be effective, therefore the desired result of a J/S calculation in dB is a positive
number. Burn-through Range is the radar to target range where the target return signal can first be detected
through the jamming and is usually slightly farther than crossover range where J=S. It is usually the range
where the J/S just equals the minimum effective J/S (See Section 4-8).

The significance of J-to-S is sometimes misunderstood. The effectiveness of EA is not a direct
mathematical function of J-to-S. The magnitude of the J-to-S required for effectiveness is a function of
the particular EA technique and of the radar it is being used against. Different EA techniques may very well
require different J-to-S ratios against the same radar. When there is sufficient J-to-S for effectiveness,
increasing it will rarely increase the effectiveness at a given range. Because modern radars can have
sophisticated signal processing and/or EP capabilities, in certain radars too much J-to-S could cause the
signal processor to ignore the jamming, or activate special anti-jamming modes. Increasing J-to-S (or the
jammer power) does, however, allow the target aircraft to get much closer to the threat radar before burn-
through occurs, which essentially means more power is better if it can be controlled when desired.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the signal S is CW or PD and the Jamming J is amplitude modulated, then the J
used in the formula has to be reduced from the peak value (due to sin x/x frequency distribution). The amount
of reduction is dependent upon how much of the bandwidth is covered by the jamming signal. To get an
exact value, integrals would have to be taken over the bandwidth. As a rule of thumb however:
If the frequency of modulation is less than the BW of the tracking radar reduce J/S by 10 Log (duty cycle).
If the frequency of modulation is greater than the BW of the tracking radar reduce J/S by 20 Log(duty cycle).

For example; if your jamming signal is square wave chopped (50% duty cycle) at a 100 Hz rate while
jamming a 1 kHz bandwidth receiver, then the J/S is reduced by 3 dB from the maximum. If the duty cycle
was 33%, then the reduction would be 4.8 dB. If the 50% and 33% duty cycle jamming signals were chopped
at a 10 kHz (vice the 100 Hz) rate, the rule of thumb for jamming seen by the receiver would be down 6 dB
and 9.6 dB, respectively, from the maximum since the 10 kHz chopping rate is greater than the 1 kHz receiver


Figure 3 is radar jamming visualized. The Physical concept of Figure 3 shows a monostatic radar that
is the same as Figure 1, Section 4-4, and a jammer (transmitter) to radar (receiver) that is the same as Figure
3, Section 4-3. In other words, Figure 3 is simply the combination of the previous two visual concepts where
there is only one receiver (the radars).

Figure 3. Radar Jamming Visualized.

The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4 applies to jamming monostatic radars with either self protect
EA or support EA. For self protect (or escort) vs. a monostatic radar, the jammer is on the target and the radar
receive and transmit antennas are collocated so the three ranges and three space loss factors (s) are the

Figure 4. Monostatic Radar EA Equivalent Circuit.

J-S Ratio (Monostatic) - The ratio of the power received (Pr1 or J) from the jamming signal transmitted
from the target to the power received (Pr2 or S) from the radar skin return from the target equals J/S.

P j G ja G r
From the one way range equation in Section 4-3: P r 1 or J = [1]
(4R )2

Pt G t G r
From the two way range equation in Section 4.4: P r 2 or S = [2]
(4 )3 R4

J P j G ja G r 2 (4 ) R4 P j G ja 4 R 2

so = = (ratio form) [3]

S Pt G t G r 2 (4R)2 Pt G t
* Keep R and in the same units.

On reducing the above equation to log form we have:

10log J/S = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log + 10log 4 + 20log R [4]

or 10log J/S = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log + 10.99 dB + 20log R [5]

Note: Neither f nor terms are part of the final form of equation [3] and equation [5].

J/S Calculations (Monostatic) Using a One Way Free Space Loss - The simplified radar equations
developed in previous sections can be used to express J/S.

From the one way range equation Section 4-3:

10log (Pr1 or J) = 10log Pj + 10log Gja + 10log Gr - 1 (in dB) [6]

From the two way range equation in Section 4.4:

10log (Pr2 or S) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - 21 (in dB) [7]

10log (J/S) = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - G + 1 (in dB) [8]

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations, always combine any
transmission line loss with antenna gain. The 20log f 1 term in -G cancels the 20log f 1 term in 1.

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f 1 + K2 One-way free space loss, 1 = 20log (f 1R) + K1
(in dB) (in dB)
K1 Values Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
K2 Values (dB) (units) K1 = K1 =
(dB) RCS () f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz NM 37.8 97.8
(units) K2 = K2 = km 32.45 92.45
m2 -38.54 21.46 m -27.55 32.45
ft2 -48.86 11.14 yd -28.33 31.67
ft -37.87 22.13


The semi-active missile illustrated in

Figure 5 is the typical bistatic radar which would
require the target to have self protection EA to
survive. In this case, the jammer is on the target
and the target to missile receiver range is the
same as the jammer to receiver range, but the
radar to target range is different. Therefore, only
two of the ranges and two of the s (Figure 6.)
Figure 5. Bistatic Radar.
are the same.

In the following equations:

Tx = The one-way space loss from the radar transmitter to the target for range RTx
Rx = The one-way space loss from the target to the missile receiver for range RRx

Like the monostatic radar, the bistatic jamming and reflected target signals travel the same path from
the target and enter the receiver (missile in this case) via the same antenna. In both monostatic and bistatic
J/S equations this common range cancels, so both J/S equations are left with an RTx2 or 20 log RTx term.
Since in the monostatic case RTx = RRx and Tx = Rx , only R or 1 is used in the equations. Therefore, the

bistatic J/S equations [11], [13], or [14] will work for monostatic J/S calculations, but the opposite is only true
if bistatic RTx and Tx terms are used for R or 1 terms in monostatic equations [3], [5], and [8].

The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 6 applies to jamming bistatic radar. For self protect (or escort)
vs. a bistatic radar, the jammer is on the target and the radar receive and transmit antennas are at separate
locations so only two of the three ranges and two of the three space loss factors (s) are the same.

Figure 6. Bistatic Radar EA Equivalent Circuit.

J-to-S Ratio (Bistatic) When the radars transmit antenna is located remotely from the receiving antenna
(Figure 6), the ratio of the power received (Pr1 or J) from the jamming signal transmitted from the target to the
power received (Pr2 or S) from the radar skin return from the target equals J/S. For jammer effectiveness J
normally has to be greater than S.

P j G ja G r
From the one way range equation in Section 4-3: P r 1 or J = (RJx = RRx) [9]
(4 R Rx )2
Pt G t G r
From the two way range equation in Section 4.4: P r 2 or S = [10]
(4 )3 RTx2 2
R Rx
J P j G ja G r 2 (4 ) RTx R Rx P j G ja 4 RTx
2 2 2
so = = (ratio form) [11]
Pt G t G r (4 R Rx ) Pt G t
S 2

* Keep R and in the same units.

On reducing the above equation to log form we have:

10log J/S = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log + 10log 4 + 20log RTx [12]

or 10log J/S = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log + 10.99 dB + 20log RTx [13]

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations, always combine any
transmission line loss with antenna gain. Neither f nor terms are part of the final form of equation [11]
and equation [13].

Bistatic J/S Calculations (Bistatic) Using a One Way Free Space Loss - The simplified radar equations
developed in previous sections can be used to express J/S.

From the one way range equation in Section 4-3:

10log (Pr1 or J) = 10log Pj + 10log Gja + 10log Gr - Rx (all factors dB) [14]

From the two way range equation in Section 4-4:

10log (Pr2 or S) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - Tx - Rx (all factors dB) [15]

10log (J/S) = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - G + Tx (all factors dB) [16]

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations, always combine any
transmission line loss with antenna gain. The 20log f 1 term in -G cancels the 20log f 1 term in 1.

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f 1 + K2 One-way free space loss

(in dB) Tx or Rx = 20log f 1RTx or Rx + K1 (in dB)
K2 Values K1 Values Range f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz
(dB) RCS () f 1 in MHz f 1 in GHz (dB) (units) K1 = K1 =
(units) K2 = K2 = NM 37.8 97.8
m2 -38.54 21.46 km 32.45 92.45
ft2 -48.86 11.14 m -27.55 32.45
yd -28.33 31.67
ft -37.87 22.13

Saturated J/S (Monostatic) Example (Constant Power Jamming)

Assume that a 5 GHz radar has a 70 dBm signal fed through a 5 dB loss transmission line to an
antenna that has 45 dB gain. An aircraft is flying 31 km from the radar. The aft EW antenna has -1 dB gain
and a 5 dB line loss to the EW receiver (there is an additional loss due to any antenna polarization mismatch
but that loss will not be addressed in this problem). The aircraft has a jammer that provides 30 dBm saturated
output if the received signal is above -35 dBm. The jammer feeds a 10 dB loss transmission line which is
connected to an antenna with a 5 dB gain. If the RCS of the aircraft is 9 m2, what is the J/S level received by
the tracking radar?

Answer: The received signal at the jammer is the same as the example in Section 4-3, i.e. answer (1) =
-32.3 dBm @ 5 GHz. Since the received signal is above -35 dBm, the jammer will operate in the saturated
mode, and equation [5] can be used. (See Section 4-10 for an example of a jammer in the linear region.)

10log J/S = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log + 10.99 dB + 20log R

Note: the respective transmission line losses will be combined with antenna gains,
i.e. -5 + 45 = 40 dB & -10 +5 = -5 dB.

10log J/S = 30 - 5 - 70 - 40 - 9.54 + 10.99 + 89.8 = 6.25 dB @ 5 GHz*

* The answer is still 6.25 dB if the tracking radar operates at 7 GHz provided the antenna gains and the
aircraft RCS are the same at both frequencies.

In this example, there is inadequate jamming power at each frequency if the J/S needs to be 10 dB or
greater to be effective. One solution would be to replace the jammer with one that has a greater power output.
If the antenna of the aircraft and the radar are not the proper polarization, additional power will also be
required (see Section 3-2).


The burn-through equations are derived in this section. These equations are most commonly used in
jammer type of applications. The following is a summary of the important equations explored in this section:

J/S CROSSOVER RANGE (MONOSTATIC) (J = S) * Keep Pt & Pj in same units

Keep R and in same units
RJ=S = [ (Pt Gt ) / (Pj Gja 4) ]1/2 (dB Ratio) K1 Values (dB):
Range f1 in MHz in GHz
or 20 log RJ=S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - 10.99 dB (units) K1 = K1 =
m -27.55 32.45
If simplified radar equations already converted to dB are used: ft -37.87 22.13
20 log RJ=S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - K1 - 20log f 1 ( dB)
Target gain factor
The radar to target range where the target return signal (S) can first be detected
through the EA (J). G = 10log + 20log f1+K2
RBT = [ (Pt Gt Jmin eff) / (Pj Gja 4 S) ]1/2 (dB Ratio)
K2 Values (dB):
or 20logRBT = 10logPt + 10logGt + 10log - 10logPj - 10logGja + 10log(Jmin eff/S) - 10.99 RCS () f1 in MHz in GHz
If simplified radar equations already converted to dB are used: (units) K2 = K2 =
20log RBT = 10logPt + 10logGt + G - 10logPj - 10logGja - K1 + 10log(Jmin eff/S) - 20log f 1(in dB)* m2 -38.54 21.46
f 1 is MHz or GHz value of frequency ft2 -48.86 11.14


RTx is the range from the radar transmitter to the target and is different from RRx which is the range from
the target to the receiver. Use Monostatic equations and substitute RTx for R


To present the values of J and

S, (or J/S) over a minimum to
maximum radar to target range of
interest, equation [1], Section 4-7.
which has a slope of 20 log for J vs.
range and equation [2], Section 4-7,
which has a slope of 40 log for S vs.
range are plotted. When plotted on
semi-log graph paper, J and S (or J/S)
vs. range are straight lines as
illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 is a sample graph - it

cannot be used for data.

The crossing of the J and S

lines (known as crossover) gives the
range where J = S (about 1.29 NM),
and shows that shorter ranges will
produce target signals greater than the
jamming signal.
Figure 1. Sample J and S Graph.
The point where the radar
power overcomes the jamming signal
is known as burn-through. The crossover point where J = S could be the burn-through range, but it usually
isnt because normally J/S > 0 dB to be effective due to the task of differentiating the signal from the jamming
noise floor (see receiver sensitivity section). For this example, the J/S required for the EA to be effective is
given as 6 dB, as shown by the dotted line. This required J/S line crosses the jamming line at about 2.8 NM
which, in this example, is the burn-through range.

In this particular example, we have:

Pt = 80 dBm Gt = 42 dB
Pj = 50 dBm Gja = 6 dB
= 18 m2 f = 5.9 GHz (not necessary for all calculations)

A radar can be designed with higher than necessary power for earlier burn-through on jamming
targets. Naturally that would also have the added advantage of earlier detection of non-jamming targets as

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for the following

calculations, always combine any transmission line loss with antenna gain.


To calculate the crossover range or burn-through range the J/S equation must be solved for range.
From equation [3], Section 4-7:

J P j G ja 4 R 2 Pt G t J
= (ratio form) Solving for R: R = [1]
S Pt G t P j G ja 4 S

BURN-THROUGH RANGE (MONOSTATIC) - Burn-through Range (Monostatic) is the radar to target

range where the target return signal (S) can first be detected through the jamming (J). It is usually the range
when the J/S just equals the minimum effective J/S.

Pt G t J min eff
R BT = (burn-through range) [2]
P j G ja 4 S

or in dB form, (using 10log 4 = 10.99 dB):

20log RBT = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log - 10log Pj - 10log Gja + 10log (Jmin eff/S) - 10.99 dB [3]

RANGE WHEN J/S CROSSOVER OCCURS (MONOSTATIC) - The crossover of the jammers
20 dB/decade power line and the skin return signals 40 dB/decade power line of Figure 1 occurs for the case
where J = S in dB or J/S=1 in ratio. Substituting into equation [1] yields:

Pt G t
R(J = S) = (Crossover range) [4]
P j G ja 4

or in dB form:
20log RJ=S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - 10.99 dB [5]

Note: keep R and in same units in all equations.



The other crossover burn-through range formulas can be confusing because a frequency term is
subtracted (equations [6], [7] and [8]), but both ranges are independent of frequency. This subtraction is
necessary because when J/S is calculated directly as previously shown, 2 or (c/f)2 terms canceled, whereas in
the simplified radar equations, a frequency term is part of the G term and has to be cancelled if one solves for
R. From equation [8], Section 4-7:

10log J/S = 10log Pj + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - G + 1 (factors in dB)

or rearranging: 1 = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja + 10log (J/S)

from Section 4-4: 1 = 20log f 1R1 + K1 or 20log R1 = 1 - K1 - 20log f 1

then substituting for 1:

20log R1 = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - K1 + 10log (J/S) - 20log f 1 (in dB) [6]

EQUATION FOR BURN-THROUGH RANGE (MONOSTATIC) - Burn-through occurs at the range when
the J/S just equals the minimum effective J/S. G and K1 are as defined on page 4-8.1.

20log RBT = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - K1 + 10log (Jmin eff/S) - 20log f 1 (in dB) [7]


The J/S crossover range occurs for the case where J = S, substituting into equation [6] yields:

20log RJ=S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - K1 - 20log f 1 (factors in dB) [8]


Bistatic J/S crossover range is the radar-to-target range when the power received (S) from the radar
skin return from the target equals the power received (J) from the jamming signal transmitted from the target.
As shown in Figure 6, Section 4-7, the receive antenna that is receiving the same level of J and S is remotely
located from the radars transmit antenna. Bistatic equations [11], [13], and [14] in Section 4-7 show that J/S
is only a function of radar to target range, therefore J/S is not a function of wherever the missile is in its flight
path provided the missile is in the antenna beam of the targets jammer. The missile is closing on the target at
a very much higher rate than the target is closing on the radar, so the radar to target range will change less
during the missile flight.

It should be noted that for a very long range air-to-air missile shot, the radar to target range could
typically decrease to 35% of the initial firing range during the missile time-of-flight, i.e. A missile shot at a
target 36 NM away, may be only 12 NM away from the firing aircraft at missile impact.

Figure 2 shows both the
jamming radiated from the target and
the power reflected from the target as
a function of radar-to-target range.
In this particular example, the RCS is
assumed to be smaller, 15 m2 vice 18
m2 in the monostatic case, since the
missile will be approaching the target
from a different angle. This will not,
however, always be the case.

In this plot, the power

reflected is:
Pt G t 4
P ref =
(4R )2

Substituting the values given

previously in the example on
page 4-8.1, we find that the crossover
point is at 1.18 NM (due to the Figure 2. Bistatic Crossover and Burnthrough.
assumed reduction in RCS).


To calculate the radar transmitter-to-target range where J/S crossover or burn-through occurs, the J/S
equation must be solved for range. From equation [11] in Section 4-7:

J P j G ja 4 RTx
= (ratio form)
S Pt G t

Pt G t J
Solving for RTx: RTx = [9]
P j G ja 4 S

Bistatic equation [10] is identical to monostatic equation [1] except RTx must be substituted for R and a
bistatic RCS () will have to be used since RCS varies with aspect angle. The common explanations will not
be repeated in this section.

BURN-THROUGH RANGE (BISTATIC) - Burn-through Range (Bistatic) occurs when J/S just equals the
minimum effective J/S. From equation [9]:

Pt G t J min eff
RTx(BT) = (ratio form) [10]
P j G ja 4 S

or in dB form:

20log RTx(BT) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log - 10log Pj - 10log Gja + 10log (Jmin eff/S) - 10.99 dB [11]

If using the simplified radar equations (factors in dB):

20log RTx(BT) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - K1 + 10log (Jmin eff/S) - 20log f 1 [12]
Where G and K1 are defined on page 4-8.1


The crossover occurs when J = S in dB or J/S = 1 in ratio.

Pt G t
RTx(J = S) = (ratio) [13]
P j G ja 4

or in log form:

20log RTx(J=S) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - 10.99 dB [14]

If simplified equations are used (with G and K1 as defined on page 4-8.1) we have:

20log RTx(J=S) = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + G - 10log Pj - 10log Gja - K1 - 20log f 1 (factors in dB) [15]

Note: keep R and in same units in all equations.


Unless you are running a large scale computer simulation that includes maneuvering, antenna
patterns, RCS, etc., you will seldom calculate the variation in J/S that occurs during a semi-active missiles
flight. Missiles dont fly straight lines at constant velocity. Targets dont either - they maneuver. If the
launch platform is an aircraft, it maneuvers too. A missile will accelerate to some maximum velocity above
the velocity of the launch platform and then decelerate.

The calculation of the precise variation of J/S J/S (dB)
J/S during a missile flight for it to be effective (dB)
requires determination of all the appropriate velocity
vectors and ranges at the time of launch, and the At Launch: 29 n/a
accelerations and changes in relative positions
during the fly out. In other words, its too much Intercept Type At 2 sec. to Intercept:
work for too little return. The following are AAM Head-on: 23 -6
simplified examples for four types of intercepts.
SAM Incoming Target: 25 -4
In these examples, all velocities are constant, and are AAM Tail Chase: 29 0
all along the same straight line. The missile velocity
SAM Outbound Target: 35 +6
is 800 knots greater than the launch platform
velocity which is assumed to be 400 kts. The missile
launch occurs at 50 NM.

For the AAM tail chase, the range from the radar to the target remains constant and so does the J/S.
In these examples the maximum variation from launch J/S is 6 dB. That represents the difference in the
radar to target range closing at very high speed (AAM head on) and the radar to target range opening at
moderate speed (SAM outbound target). The values shown above are examples, not rules of thumb, every
intercept will be different.

Even for the simplified linear examples shown, graphs of the J and S will be curves - not straight
lines. Graphs could be plotted showing J and S vs. radar to target range, or J and S vs. missile to target range,
or even J/S vs. time of flight. If the J/S at launch is just barely the minimum required for effectiveness, and
increasing it is difficult, then a detailed graph may be warranted, but in most cases this isnt necessary.

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The following table contains a summary of equations developed in this section:


Target gain factor,
G = 10Log + 20Log f 1 + K2 (in dB)
J/S = (Pj Gja 4 RTx4) / (Pt Gt [BWJ/BWR] RJx2) (ratio form)* K2 Values (dB):
RCS () f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
10log J/S = 10log Pj - 10log[BWJ/BWR] + 10log Gja - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log + (units) K2 = K2 =
10.99 dB + 40log RTx - 20log RJx * m2 -38.54 21.46
ft2 -48.86 11.14
or if simplified radar equations are used:
10log J/S = 10log Pj - BF + 10log Gja - jx - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - G + 21 (in dB)*
SIDE LOBE JAMMING TO SIGNAL (J/S) RATIO (For SOJ/SIJ) One-way free space loss,
1 or Tx = 20Log(f1R) + K1 (in dB)
J/S = (Pj Gja Gr(SL) 4 RTx4) / (Pt Gt Gr(ML) [BWJ/BWR] RJx2) (ratio form)* K1 Values (dB):
Range f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
10log J/S = 10log Pj - BF + 10log Gja + 10log Gr(SL) - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log Gr(ML) +
(units) K1 = K1 =
10.99 dB - 10log + 40log RTx - 20log RJx *
NM 37.8 97.8
or if simplified radar equations are used (in dB)*: Km 32.45 92.45
m -27.55 32.45
10log J/S = 10logPj - BF + 10logGja + 10logGr(SL) - jx - 10logPt - 10logGt- 10logGr(ML)- G + 21 yd -28.33 31.67
RJx Range from the support jammer transmitter to the radar receiver ft -37.87 22.13
RTx Range between the radar and the target
BF 10 Log of the ratio of BWJ of the noise jammer to BWR of the radar receiver * Keep R and in same units
Gr(SL) Side lobe antenna gain
Gr(ML) Main lobe antenna gain
JX One way free space loss between SOJ transmitter and radar receiver
1 One way space loss between the radar and the target

Support jamming adds a few

geometric complexities. A SOJ platform
usually uses high gain, directional
antennas. Therefore, the jamming
antenna must not only be pointed at the
victim radar, but there must be alignment
of radar, targets, and SOJ platform for the
jamming to be most effective. Two cases
will be described, main lobe-jamming
and side-lobe jamming. Figure 1. Radar Antenna Pattern.

Support jamming is usually applied against search and acquisition radars which continuously scan
horizontally through a volume of space. The scan could cover a sector or a full 360. The horizontal antenna
pattern of the radar will exhibit a main lobe and side lobes as illustrated in Figure 1. The target is detected
when the main lobe sweeps across it. For main lobe jamming, the SOJ platform and the target(s) must be
aligned with the radars main lobe as it sweeps the target(s).

For side lobe jamming, the SOJ platform may be aligned with one or more of the radars side lobes
when the main lobe sweeps the target. The gain of a radars side lobes are many tens of dB less (usually more
than 30 dB less) than the gain of the main lobe, so calculations of side lobe jamming must use the gain of the
side lobe for the radar receive antenna gain, not the gain of the main lobe. Also, because many modern radars

employ some form of side lobe blanking or side lobe cancellation, some knowledge of the victim radar is
required to predict the effectiveness of side lobe jamming.

All radar receivers are frequency

selective. That is, they are filters that allow
only a narrow range of frequencies into the
receiver circuitry. Deceptive EA, by
definition, creates forgeries of the real signal
and, ideally, are as well matched to the radar
receiver as the real signal. On the other
hand, noise jamming probably will not
match the radar receiver bandwidth
characteristics. Noise jamming is either spot
jamming or barrage jamming. As illustrated
in Figure 2, spot jamming is simply
narrowing the bandwidth of the noise
jammer so that as much of the jammer
power as possible is in the radar receiver
bandwidth. Barrage jamming is using a
wide noise bandwidth to cover several radars Figure 2. Noise Jamming.
with one jammer or to compensate for any
uncertainty in the radar frequency. In both cases some of the noise power is wasted because it is not in the
radar receiver filter.

In the past, noise jammers were often described as having so many watts per MHz. This is nothing
more than the power of the noise jammer divided by the noise bandwidth. That is, a 500 watt noise jammer
transmitting a noise bandwidth of 200 MHz has 2.5 watts/MHz. Older noise jammers often had noise
bandwidths that were difficult, or impossible, to adjust accurately. These noise jammers usually used manual
tuning to set the center frequency of the noise to the radar frequency. Modern noise jammers can set on the
radar frequency quite accurately and the noise bandwidth is selectable, so the noise bandwidth is more a
matter of choice than it used to be, and it is possible that all of the noise is placed in the victim radars

If, in the example above, the 500 watt noise jammer were used against a radar that had a 3 MHz
receiver bandwidth, the noise jammer power applicable to that radar would be:

3 MHz x 2.5 watts/MHz = 7.5 watts _ 38.75 dBm [1]

The calculation must be done as shown in equation [1] - multiply the watts/MHz by the radar
bandwidth first and then convert to dBm. You cant convert to dBm/MHz and then multiply. (See derivation
of dB in Section 2-4)

An alternate method for dB calculations is to use the bandwidth reduction factor (BF).

The BF is: BF dB = 10 Log [2]

where: BWJ is the bandwidth of the noise jammer, and BWR is the bandwidth of the radar receiver.

The power of the jammer in the jamming equation (PJ) can be obtained by either method. If
equation [1] is used then PJ is simply 38.75 dBm. If equation [2] is used then the jamming equation is written
using (PJ - BF). All the following discussion uses the second method. Whichever method is used, it is
required that BWJ BWR. If BWJ < BWR, then all the available power is in the radar receiver and equation
[1] does not apply and the BF = 0.

Note: To avoid having to include additional terms for the following

calculations, always combine any transmission line loss with antenna


The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3 applies to main lobe jamming by a stand-off support aircraft
or a stand-in RPV. Since the jammer is not on the target aircraft, only two of the three ranges and two of the
three space loss factors (s) are the same. Figure 3 differs from the J/S monostatic equivalent circuit shown
in Figure 4 in Section 4-7 in that the space loss from the jammer to the radar receiver is different.

Figure 3. Main Lobe Stand-Off / Stand-In EA Equivalent Circuit.

The equations are the same for both SOJ and SIJ. From the one way range equation in
Section 4-3, and with inclusion of BF losses:
P j G ja G r 2 BW R
P r 1 or J = [3]
(4 R Jx )2 BW J

Pt G t G r
From the two way range equation in Section 4.4: P r 2 or S = [4]
(4 ) RTx
3 4

J P j G ja G r 2 (4 ) RTx BW R P j G ja 4 RTx BW R
3 4 4
so = = (ratio form) [5]
S Pt G t G r 2 (4 R Jx )2 BW J Pt G t R Jx BW J

Note: Keep R and in the same units. Converting to dB and using 10 log 4 = 10.99 dB:

10log J/S = 10log Pj -10log [BWj/BWR] +10log Gja -10log Pt -10log Gt - 10log + 10.99 dB +40log RTx -20log RJx [6]

If the simplified radar equation is used, the free space loss from the SOJ/SIJ to the radar receiver is
Jx, then equation [7] is the same as monostatic equation [6] in Section 4-7 except Jx replaces , and the
bandwidth reduction factor [BF] losses are included:

10log J = 10log Pj - BF + 10log Gja + 10log Gr - Jx (factors in dB) [7]

Since the free space loss from the radar to the target and return is the same both ways, Tx = Rx = 1,
equation [8] is the same as monostatic equation [7] in Section 4-7.

10log S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr + G - 21 (factors

in dB) [8]

and 10log J/S = 10log Pj - BF + 10log Gja - Jx - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - G + 21 (factors in dB) [9]

Notice that unlike equation [8] in Section 4-7, there are two different s in [9] because the signal paths
are different.


The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4. It differs from Figure 3, (main lobe SOJ/SIJ) in that the
radar receiver antenna gain is different for the radar signal return and the jamming.

Figure 4. Side Lobe Stand-Off / Stand-In EA Equivalent Circuit.

To calculate side lobe jamming, the gain of the radar antennas side lobes must be known or
estimated. The gain of each side lobe will be different than the gain of the other side lobes. If the antenna is
symmetrical, the first side lobe is the one on either side of the main lobe, the second side lobe is the next one
on either side of the first side lobe, and so on. The side lobe gain is GSLn, where the n subscript denotes side
lobe number: 1, 2, ..., n.

The signal is the same as main lobe equations [4] and [8], except Gr = Gr(ML)

Pt G t G r(ML)

P r 2 or S = (ratio form) [10]

(4 ) RTx
3 4

If simplified radar equations are used:

10log S = 10log Pt + 10log Gt + 10log Gr(ML) + G - 21 (factors in dB)

The jamming equation is the same as main lobe equations [3] and [7] except Gr = Gr(SL):

P j G ja G r(SL) BW R
J= [11]
(4 R Jx )2 BW J

10log J = 10log Pj - BF + 10log Gja + 10log Gr(SL) - Jx (factors in dB) [12]

so J P j G ja G r(SL) 4 RTx4
BW R [13]
= (ratio form)
Pt G t G r(ML) R Jx BW J

Note: keep R and in same units. Converting to dB and using 10log 4 = 10.99 dB:

10log J/S = 10logPj - BF + 10logGja + 10logGr(SL) - 10logPt - 10logGt - 10logGr(ML) - 10log + 10.99 dB + 40logRTx - 20logRJx
(factors in dB) [14]

If simplified radar equations are used:

10log J/S = 10log Pj - BF + 10log Gja + 10log Gr(SL) - Jx - 10log Pt - 10log Gt - 10log Gr(ML) - G + 21 [15]
(in dB)

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J G ja(Rx) G j G ja(Tx) 2 G ja(Rx) G j G ja(Tx) c 2
= = (ratio form)
S 4 4 f 2 Target gain factor,
Gja(Rx) = The Gain of the jammer receive antenna G = 10log + 20log f1 + K2 (dB)
Gj = The gain of the jammer
Gja(Tx) = The Gain of the jammer transmit antenna
or: K2 Values (dB):
10log J/S = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - 10log (4/2) RCS () f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
(units) K2 = K2 =
or if simplified radar equations developed in previous sections are m2 -38.54 21.46
used: ft2 -48.86 11.14
10log J/S = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - G (dB)

* Keep and in same units. Note: = c/f


Same as the monostatic case except G will be different since RCS () varies with aspect angle.

Since the jammer on the

target is amplifying the received
radar signal before transmitting it
back to the radar, both J and S
experience the two way range
loss. Figure 1 shows that the
range for both the signal and
constant gain jamming have a
slope that is 40 dB per decade.
Once the jammer output reaches
maximum power, that power is
constant and the jamming slope
changes to 20 dB per decade
since it is only a function of one
way space loss and the J/S
equations for constant power
(saturated) jamming must be

Normally the constant

gain (linear) region of a repeater Figure 1. Sample Constant Gain / Constant Power Graph.
jammer occurs only at large distances from the radar and the constant power (saturated) region is reached
rapidly as the target approaches the radar. When a constant gain jammer is involved it may be necessary to
plot jamming twice - once using J from the constant power (saturated) equation [1] in Section 4-7 and once
using the constant gain (linear) equation [4], as in the example shown in Figure 1.


Most jammers have a constant power output - that is, they always transmit the maximum available
power of the transmitter (excepting desired EA modulation). Some jammers also have a constant gain (linear)
region. Usually these are coherent repeaters that can amplify a low level radar signal to a power that is below
the level that results in maximum available (saturated) power output. At some radar to target range, the input
signal is sufficiently high that the full jammer gain would exceed the maximum available power and the
jammer ceases to be constant gain and becomes constant power.

To calculate the power output of a constant gain jammer where:

SRj = The Radar signal at the jammer input (receive antenna terminals)
Gja(Rx) = The Gain of the jammer receive antenna
Gj = The gain of the jammer
Tx = The one-way free space loss from the radar to the target
PjCG = The jammer constant gain power output
Pj = The maximum jammer power output
LR = The jammer receiving line loss; combine with antenna gain Gja(Rx)

From equation [10], Section 4-3, calculate the radar power received by the jammer.

10log SRj = 10log Pt + 10log Gt - Tx + 10log Gja(Rx) (factors in dB) [1]

The jammer constant gain power output is: 10log PjCG = 10log SRj + 10log Gja [2]

and, by definition: PjCG Pj [3]


The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2 is different from the constant power equivalent circuit in
Figure 4 in Section 4-7. With constant gain, the jamming signal experiences the gain of the jammer and its
antennas plus the same space loss as the radar signal.

Figure 2. Jammer Constant Gain EA Equivalent Circuit (Monostatic).

To calculate J, the one way range equation from Section 4-3 is used twice:

Pt G t G ja(Rx) G j G ja(Tx) G r
2 2
J= [4]
(4R )2 (4R )2

Pt G t G r
From the two way range equation in Section 4-4: S= [5]
(4 )3 R4

J G ja(Rx) G j G ja(Tx) 2
Terms cancel when combined: = Keep and in same units [6]
S 4

Or in dB form: 10log J/S = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - 10log (4/2) [7]

Since the last term can be recognized as minus G from equation [10] in Section 4-4, where the target
gain factor, G = 10log (4/2) = 10log (4 f 2/c2), it follows that:

10log J/S = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - G (factors in dB) [8]

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f1 + K2 (in dB)

K2 Values
(dB) RCS () f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
(units) K2 = K2 =
m2 -38.54 21.46
ft2 -48.86 11.14


The bistatic equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3 is different from the monostatic equivalent circuit
shown in Figure 2 in that the receiver is separately located from the transmitter, RTx RRx or RJx and G will
be different since the RCS () varies with aspect angle.

Figure 3. Jammer Constant Gain EA Equivalent Circuit (Bistatic).

To calculate J, the one way range equation from Section 4-3 is used twice:

Pt G t G ja(Rx) G j G ja(Tx) G r
2 2
J= (RJx = RRx) [9]
(4 RTx )2 (4 R Rx )2

From the two way range equation in Section 4-4: S = Pt G t 3G r


( is bistatic RCS) [10]
(4 ) RTx R Rx
2 2

J G ja(Rx) G j G ja(Tx) 2
Terms cancel when combined: = Keep and in same units [11]
S 4

Or in dB form: 10log J/S = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - 10log (4/2) [12]

Since the last term can be recognized as minus G from equation [10] in Section 4-4, where the target gain
factor, G = 10log (4/2) = 10log (4f 2/c2 ), it follows that:

10log = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - G (factors in dB) [13]

Target gain factor, G = 10log + 20log f1 + K2 (in dB)

K2 Values
(dB) RCS () f1 in MHz f1 in GHz
(units) K2 = K2 =
m2 -38.54 21.46
ft2 -48.86 11.14

Linear J/S (Monostatic) Example (Linear Power Jamming)

Assume that a 5 GHz radar has a 70 dBm signal fed through a 5 dB loss transmission line to an
antenna that has 45 dB gain. An aircraft that is flying 31 km from the radar has an aft EW antenna with -1 dB
gain and a 5 dB line loss to the EW receiver (there is an additional loss due to any antenna polarization
mismatch but that loss will not be addressed in this problem). The received signal is fed to a jammer with a
gain of 60 dB, feeding a 10 dB loss transmission line which is connected to an antenna with 5 dB gain.

If the RCS of the aircraft is 9 m2, what is the J/S level received at the input to the receiver of the
tracking radar?

10log J/S = 10log Gja(Rx) + 10log Gj + 10log Gja(Tx) - G

G = 10log + 20log f1 + K2 = 10log 9 + 20log 5 + 21.46 = 44.98 dB

Note: The respective transmission line losses will be combined with antenna gains,
i.e. -1 -5 = -6 dB and -10 + 5 = -5 dB

10log J/S = -6 + 60 - 5 - 44.98 = 4.02 dB @ 5 GHz

The answer changes to 1.1 dB if the tracking radar operates at 7 GHz provided the antenna gains and
aircraft RCS are the same at both 5 and 7 GHz.

G = 10log 9 + 20log 7 + 21.46 = 47.9 dB

10log J/S = -6 + 60 - 5 - 47.9 = 1.1 dB @ 7 GHz

Separate J (-73.5 dBm @ 5 GHz and -79.34 dBm @ 7 GHz) and S (-77.52 dBm @ 5 GHz and
-80.44 dBm @ 7 GHz) calculations for this problem are provided in Sections 4-3 and 4-4, respectively.
A saturated gain version of this problem is provided in Section 4-7.

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Radar cross section is the measure of a targets ability to reflect radar signals in the direction of the
radar receiver, i.e. it is a measure of the ratio of backscatter power per steradian (unit solid angle) in the
direction of the radar (from the target) to the power density that is intercepted by the target.

The RCS of a target can be viewed as a

comparison of the strength of the reflected signal
from a target to the reflected signal from a perfectly
smooth sphere of cross sectional area of 1 m2 as
shown in Figure 1.

The conceptual definition of RCS includes

the fact that not all of the radiated energy falls on the
target. A targets RCS () is most easily visualized as
the product of three factors:

= Projected cross section x Reflectivity x


RCS() is used in Section 4-4 for an equation Figure 1. Concept of Radar Cross Section.
representing power reradiated from the target.

Reflectivity: The percent of intercepted power reradiated (scattered) by the target.

Directivity: The ratio of the power scattered back in the radars direction to the power that would
have been backscattered had the scattering been uniform in all directions (i.e. isotropically).

Figures 2 and 3 show that RCS does

not equal geometric area. For a sphere, the
RCS, = r2, where r is the radius of the

The RCS of a sphere is independent of

frequency if operating at sufficiently high
frequencies where <<Range, and <<
radius (r). Experimentally, radar return
reflected from a target is compared to the
radar return reflected from a sphere which
has a frontal or projected area of one square
meter (i.e. diameter of about 44 in). Using
the spherical shape aids in field or
laboratory measurements since orientation
or positioning of the sphere will not affect
radar reflection intensity measurements as a Figure 2. RCS vs. Physical Geometry.
flat plate would. If calibrated, other sources
(cylinder, flat plate, or corner reflector, etc.) could be used for comparative measurements.

To reduce drag during tests, towed spheres of 6, 14, or 22 diameter may be used instead of the
larger 44 sphere, and the reference size is 0.018, 0.099, or 0.245 m2 respectively instead of 1 m2. When

smaller sized spheres are used for tests you may be operating at or near where ~radius. If the results are then
scaled to a 1 m2 reference, there may be some perturbations due to creeping waves. See the discussion at the
end of this section for further details.

Figure 3. Backscatter From Shapes.

In Figure 4, RCS patterns

are shown as objects are rotated
about their vertical axes (the arrows
indicate the direction of the radar

The sphere is essentially the

same in all directions.

The flat plate has almost no

RCS except when aligned directly
toward the radar.

The corner reflector has an

RCS almost as high as the flat plate
but over a wider angle, i.e., over Figure 4. RCS Patterns.
60. The return from a corner
reflector is analogous to that of a flat plate always being perpendicular to your collocated transmitter and

Targets such as ships and aircraft often have many effective corners. Corners are sometimes used as
calibration targets or as decoys, i.e. corner reflectors.

An aircraft target is very complex. It has a
great many reflecting elements and shapes. The RCS of
real aircraft must be measured. It varies significantly
depending upon the direction of the illuminating radar.

Figure 5 shows a typical RCS plot of a jet

aircraft. The plot is an azimuth cut made at zero
degrees elevation (on the aircraft horizon). Within the
normal radar range of 3-18 GHz, the radar return of an
aircraft in a given direction will vary by a few dB as
frequency and polarization vary (the RCS may change
by a factor of 2-5). It does not vary as much as the flat

As shown in Figure 5, the RCS is highest at the

aircraft beam due to the large physical area observed by
the radar and perpendicular aspect (increasing
reflectivity). The next highest RCS area is the nose/tail Figure 5. Typical Aircraft RCS.
area, largely because of reflections off the engines or
propellers. Most self-protection jammers cover a field of view of +/- 60 degrees about the aircraft nose and
tail, thus the high RCS on the beam does not have coverage. Beam coverage is frequently not provided due to
inadequate power available to cover all aircraft quadrants, and the side of an aircraft is theoretically exposed
to a threat 30% of the time over the average of all scenarios.

Typical radar cross sections are as follows: Missile 0.5 sq m; Tactical Jet 5 to 100 sq m; Bomber 10
to 1000 sq m; and ships 3,000 to 1,000,000 sq m. RCS can also be expressed in decibels referenced to a
square meter (dBsm) which equals 10 log (RCS in m2).

Again, Figure 5 shows that these values can vary dramatically. The strongest return depicted in the
example is 100 m2 in the beam, and the weakest is slightly more than 1 m2 in the 135/225 positions. These
RCS values can be very misleading because other factors may affect the results. For example, phase
differences, polarization, surface imperfections, and material type all greatly affect the results. In the above
typical bomber example, the measured RCS may be much greater than 1000 square meters in certain
circumstances (90, 270).


If each of the range or power equations that have an RCS () term is evaluated for the significance of
decreasing RCS, Figure 6 results. Therefore, an RCS reduction can increase aircraft survivability. The
equations used in Figure 6 are as follows:

Pt G t G r Therefore, R4 or 1/4 R
Range (radar detection):
Pr =
(4 ) R 4
From the 2-way range equation in Section 4-4:

Range (radar burn-through): 2 Pt G t Therefore, R 2 or 1/2 R

The crossover equation in Section 4-8 has: P j G j 4

Power (jammer): Equating the received signal return (Pr) in the two way range equation to the
received jammer signal (Pr) in the one way range equation, the following relationship results:

Pt G t G r = P j G j G r
2 2

Pr =
(4 ) R 4 (4R )
3 2


Therefore, Pj or Pj

Note: jammer transmission line loss is combined with the jammer antenna gain to obtain Gt.

Figure 6. Reduction of RCS Affects Radar Detection, Burn-through, and Jammer Power.

Example of Effects of RCS Reduction - As shown in Figure 6, if the RCS of an aircraft is reduced to 0.75
(75%) of its original value, then (1) the jammer power required to achieve the same effectiveness would be
0.75 (75%) of the original value (or -1.25 dB). Likewise, (2) If Jammer power is held constant, then burn-
through range is 0.87 (87%) of its original value (-1.25 dB), and (3) the detection range of the radar for the
smaller RCS target (jamming not considered) is 0.93 (93%) of its original value (-1.25 dB).


Figure 7 shows the different regions applicable for computing the RCS of a sphere. The optical
region (far field counterpart) rules apply when 2r/ > 10. In this region, the RCS of a sphere is
independent of frequency. Here, the RCS of a sphere, = r2. The RCS equation breaks down primarily due

to creeping waves in the area where ~2r. This area is known as the Mie or resonance region. If we were
using a 6 diameter sphere, this frequency would be 0.6 GHz. (Any frequency ten times higher, or above
6 GHz, would give expected results). The largest positive perturbation (point A) occurs at exactly 0.6 GHz
where the RCS would be 4 times higher than the RCS computed using the optical region formula. Just
slightly above 0.6 GHz a minimum occurs (point B) and the actual RCS would be 0.26 times the value
calculated by using the optical region formula. If we used a one meter diameter sphere, the perturbations
would occur at 95 MHz, so any frequency above 950 MHz (~1 GHz) would give predicted results.


The initial RCS assumptions presume that we are operating in the optical region (<<Range and
<<radius). There is a region where specular reflected (mirrored) waves combine with back scattered
creeping waves both constructively and destructively as shown in Figure 8. Creeping waves are tangential to
a smooth surface and follow the shadow region of the body. They occur when the circumference of the
sphere ~ and typically add about 1 m2 to the RCS at certain frequencies.

= [r2][7.11(kr)4]

where: k = 2/

MIE (resonance)
= 4r2 at Maximum (point A)
= 0.26r2 at Minimum (pt B)

= r2
(Region RCS of a sphere is
independent of frequency)

Figure 7. Radar Cross Section of a Sphere.

Figure 8. Addition of Specular and Creeping Waves.


When EMCON is imposed, RF emissions must not exceed -110 dBm/meter2 at one nautical mile. It
is best if systems meet EMCON when in either the Standby or Receive mode versus just the Standby mode
(or OFF). If one assumes antenna gain equals line loss, then emissions measured at the port of a system must
not exceed -34 dBm (i.e. the stated requirement at one nautical mile is converted to a measurement at the
antenna of a point source - see Figure 1). If antenna gain is greater than line loss (i.e. gain 6 dB, line loss
3 dB), then the -34 dBm value would be lowered by the difference and would be -37 dBm for the example.
The opposite would be true if antenna gain is less.

Figure 1. EMCON Field Intensity / Power Density Measurements.

To compute the strength of emissions at the antenna port in Figure 1, we use the power density
equation (see Section 4-2)

Pt G t PtGt = PD (4R2)
PD = [1] or rearranging [2]
4 R 2

Given that PD = -110 dBm/m2 = (10)-11 mW/m2, and R = 1 NM = 1852 meters.

PtGt = PD (4R2) = (10-11mW/m2)(4)(1852m)2 = 4.31(10)-4 mW = -33.65 -34 dBm

at the RF system antenna as given.

or, the equation can be rewritten in Log form and each term multiplied by 10:
10log Pt + 10log Gt = 10log PD + 10log (4R2) [3]

Since the m2 terms on the right side of equation [3] cancel, then:

10log Pt + 10log Gt = -110 dBm + 76.35 dB = -33.65 dBm -34 dBm as given in Figure 1.

If MIL-STD-461B/C RE02 (or MIL-STD-461D RE-102) measurements (see Figure 2) are made on
seam/connector leakage of a system, emissions below 70 dBV/meter which are measured at one meter will
meet the EMCON requirement. Note that the airframe provides attenuation so portions of systems mounted
inside an aircraft that measure 90 dBV/meter will still meet EMCON if the airframe provides 20 dB of
shielding (note that the requirement at one nm is converted to what would be measured at one meter from a
point source).

The narrowband emission limit shown in Figure 2 for RE02/RE102 primarily reflect special concern
for local oscillator leakage during EMCON as opposed to switching transients which would apply more to the
broadband limit.

Figure 3. MIL-STD-461 Narrowband Radiated Emissions Limits.

Note that in MIL-STD-461D, the narrowband radiated emissions limits were retitled RE-102 from the
previous RE-02 and the upper frequency limit was raised from 10 GHz to 18 GHz. The majority of this
section will continue to reference RE02 since most systems in use today were built to MIL-STD-461B/C.

For the other calculation involving leakage (to obtain 70 dBV/m) we again start with: P D =
Pt G t
4 R 2
and use the previous fact that: 10log (PtGt) = -33.6 dBm = 4.37x10-4 mW (see Section 2-4).

The measurement is at one meter so R2 = 1 m2

4.37x 10 -4
we have: mW/ m2 = .348x 10 -4 mW/ m2 = - 44.6 dBm/ m2 = P D @ 1 meter

Using the field intensity and power density relations (see Section 4-1)

E = P D Z = 3.48x 10-8 377 = 36.2x 10-4 V/m

Changing to microvolts (1V = 106 V) and converting to logs we have:

20 log (E) = 20 log (106 x 36.2x10-4) = 20 log (.362x104) = 71.18 dBV/m 70 dBV/m as given in
Figure 1.

Some Words of Caution

A common error is to only use the one-way free space loss coefficient 1 directly from Figure 6,
Section 4-3 to calculate what the output power would be to achieve the EMCON limits at 1 NM. This is
incorrect since the last term on the right of equation [3] (10 Log(4R2)) is simply the Log of the surface area
of a sphere - it is NOT the one-way free space loss factor 1. You cannot interchange power (watts or dBW)
with power density (watts/m2 or dBW/m2).

The equation uses power density (PD), NOT received power (Pr). It is independent of RF and
therefore varies only with range. If the source is a transmitter and/or antenna, then the power-gain product (or
EIRP) is easily measured and its readily apparent if 10log (Pt Gt) is less than -34 dBm. If the output of the
measurement system is connected to a power meter in place of the system transmission line and antenna, the
-34 dBm value must be adjusted. The measurement on the power meter (dBm) minus line loss (dB) plus
antenna gain (dB) must not be higher than -34 dBm.

However, many sources of radiation are through leakage, or are otherwise inaccessible to direct
measurement and PD must be measured with an antenna and a receiver. The measurements must be made at
some RF(s), and received signal strength is a function of the antenna used therefore measurements must be
scaled with an appropriate correction factor to obtain correct power density.

RE-02 Measurements

When RE-02 measurements are made, several different antennas are chosen dependent upon the
frequency range under consideration. The voltage measured at the output terminals of an antenna is not the
actual field intensity due to actual antenna gain, aperture characteristics, and loading effects. To account for
this difference, the antenna factor is defined as:

AF = E/V [4]

where E = Unknown electric field to be determined in V/m (or V/m)

V = Voltage measured at the output terminals of the measuring antenna

For an antenna loaded by a 50 line (receiver), the theoretical antenna factor is developed as follows:

PD Ae = Pr = V2/R = Vr2/50 or Vr = 50 PDAe

From Section 4-3 we see that Ae = Gr2/4, and from Section 4-1, E2 = 377 PD therefore we have:

E 377 P D 9.73
AF = = = [5]
V 50 P D ( 2 G r / 4 ) G r
Reducing this to decibel form we have:
9.73 [6]
20 log AF = 20 log E - 20 log V = 20 log with in meters and Gain numeric ratio (not dB)

This equation is plotted in Figure 3.

Since all of the equations in this section were developed using far field antenna theory, use only the
indicated region.

Figure 3. Antenna Factor vs. Frequency for Indicated Antenna Gain.

In practice the electric field is measured by attaching a field intensity meter or spectrum analyzer with
a narrow bandpass preselector filter to the measuring antenna, recording the actual reading in volts and
applying the antenna factor.

20log E = 20log V + 20log AF [7]

Each of the antennas used for EMI measurements normally has a calibration sheet for both gain and
antenna factor over the frequency range that the antenna is expected to be used. Typical values are presented
in Table 1.

Table 1. Typical Antenna Factor Values.

Frequency Range Antenna(s) Used Antenna Factor Gain(dB)

14 kHz - 30 MHz 41 rod 22-58 dB 0-2
20 MHz - 200 MHz Dipole or Biconical 0-18 dB 0 - 11
200 MHz - 1 GHz Conical Log Spiral 17-26 dB 0 - 15
1 GHz - 10 GHz Conical Log Spiral or Ridged Horn 21-48 dB 0 - 28
1 GHz - 18 GHz Double Ridged Horn 21-47 dB 0 - 32
18 GHz - 40 GHz Parabolic Dish 20-25 dB 27 - 35

The antenna factor can also be developed in terms of the receiving antennas effective area. This can
be shown as follows:

E 377 P D 2.75
AF = = = [8]
V 50 P D Ae Ae

Or in log form:
20 log AF = 20 log E - 20 log V = 20 log [9]

While this relation holds for any antenna, many antennas (spiral, dipole, conical etc.) which do not
have a true frontal capture area do not have a linear or logarithmic relation between area and gain and in
that respect the parabolic dish is unique in that the antenna factor does not vary with frequency, only with
effective capture area. Consequently a larger effective area results in a smaller antenna factor.

A calibrated antenna would be the first choice for making measurements, followed by use of a
parabolic dish or standard gain horn. A standard gain horn is one which was designed such that it closely
follows the rules of thumb regarding area/gain and has a constant antenna factor. If a calibrated antenna,
parabolic dish, or standard horn is not available, a good procedure is to utilize a flat spiral antenna (such as
the AN/ALR-67 high band antennas). These antennas typically have an average gain of 0 dB (typically -4 to
+4 dB), consequently the antenna factor would not vary a lot and any error would be small.


Suppose that we want to make a very general estimation regarding the ability of a system to meet
EMCON requirements. We choose to use a spiral antenna for measurements and take one of our samples at
4 GHz. Since we know the gain of the spiral is relatively flat at 4 GHz and has a gain value of approximately
one (0 dB) in that frequency range. The antenna is connected to a spectrum analyzer by 25 feet of RG9 cable.
We want to take our measurements at 2 meters from the system so our setup is shown as follows:

Our RG9 cable has an input impedance of 50, and a loss of 5 dB (from Figure 5, Section 6-1).

First, lets assume that we measure -85 dBm at the spectrum analyzer and we want to translate this
into the equivalent strength at 1 NM. Our power received by the antenna is: Pr = -85 dBm + 5 dB line loss =
-80 dBm

also PD = Pr/Ae and Ae = G2/4 = (G/4)(c/f)2 = (1/4)(3x108/4x109)2 = 4.47x10-4 m2

in log form: 10 Log PD = 10 Log Pr - 10 Log Ae = -80 dBm + 33.5 = -46.5 dBm/m2
at our 2 meter measuring point

To convert this to a value at 1 NM, we use

Pt Gt = PD@1 nm 4R12 = PD@2 m 4R22 and we solve for PD@1 nm

in log form after cancelling the 4 terms:

10 Log PD@1 nm = 10 Log PD@2 m + 10 Log (R2m/R1nm)2 = -46.5 dBm/m2 - 59.3 dB = -105.8 dBm/m2
which is more power than the maximum value of -110 dBm/m2 specified.

If we are making repetitive measurement as we might do when screening an aircraft on the flight line
with numerous systems installed, or when we want to improve (reduce) the leakage on a single system by
changing antennas, lines, connectors, or EMI gaskets or shielding, this mathematical approach would be
unnecessarily time consuming since it would have to be repeated after each measurement. A better approach
would be to convert the -110 dBm/m2 value at 1 NM to the maximum you can have at the measuring
instrument (in this case a spectrum analyzer), then you could make multiple measurements and know
immediately how your system(s) are doing. It should be noted that -90 to -100 dBm is about the minimum
signal level that can be detected by a spectrum analyzer, so you couldnt take measurements much further
away unless you used an antenna with a much higher gain.

In order not to exceed EMCON, the power density must not exceed -110 dBm/m2 at 1 NM, which is
10 mW/m2.

Pt Gt = PD@1 nm 4R12 = PD@2 m 4R22

we solve for PD@2 m = 10-11(1852m)2/(2m)2 = 8.57 x 10-6 mW/m2 = -50.7 dBm/m2

Well be using a spectrum analyzer, so we want to compute what the maximum power or voltage may

Method 1 - Using the Power Density Approach

Using logs/dB and the values of PD@2 m and Ae determined previously:

10 Log Pr = 10 Log PD + 10 Log Ae = -50.7 - 33.5 = -84.2 dBm

taking line loss into account we have: -84.2 - 5 dB = - 89.2 dBm as the maximum measurement reading.

If we wanted to calculate it in volts, and take into account our line impedance we would have the following:

Pr = PD Ae = V2/R = V2/50 also Ae = G2/4 so solving for V we have:

G 2 G c
1 3x 108

V = P D r R = PD r R = 8.57x 10 - 9
50 = 1.38x 10- 5 volts (before line loss)
4 4 f 4 4x 10
since our line loss is 5 dB, we have -5 dB = 20 Log V2/V1. Solving for V2 we get 7.79x10-6 volts or -89 dBm
as a maximum at our measurement device input. We can see immediately that our value of -85 dBm that we
measured on the previous page would not meet specifications, and neither would any signal with more power
than -89 dBm.

Method 2 - Using the Antenna Factor Approach

Starting with the same value of power density that we obtained above (8.57x10-9 W/m2), we find the
field intensity from Table 1, Section 4-1 to be approximately 65 dBv/m. Also from Figure 3 in this section,
AF = 43 dB @ 4 GHz (by calculating with equation [6], the exact value is 42.3 dB).

From equation [6]:

20log V = 20log E - 20log AF
20log V = 65 - 43 = 22 dBv/m.

Since dBv/m = 20 log (V)(106) = 20 log V + 20 log 106 = 20 log V + 120, we see that to get an
answer in dBv we must subtract 120 from the dBv/m value so: VdB = 22 - 120 = -98dBv. We then subtract
our line loss (-5 dB) and we have:

V = -98 - 5 = -103 dBv = 17 dBv = 7.1x10-6 volts

using the fact that P = V2/R and for the input line R = 50, P = 1x10-12 W = -120 dBW = -90 dBm

Although this method is just as accurate as that obtained using method 1, the values obtained in
Table 1, Section 4-1, and Figure 3 must be interpolated, and may not result in values which are as precise as
the appropriate formulas would produce.

Sample Problem: What is the approximate transmit power from a receiver?

A. 1 nanowatt (nW) F. 100 W K. 10 W

B. 10 nW G. 1 milliwatt (mW) L. 100 W
C. 100 nW H. 10 mW M. 1 kilowatt (kW)
D. 1 microwatt (W) I. 100 mW N. 10 kW
E. 10 W J. 1 watt (W) O. 100 kW

The question may seem inappropriate since a receiver is supposedly a passive device which only
receives a signal. If the receiver was a crystal video receiver as shown in Section 5-3, it wouldnt transmit
power unless a built-in-test (BIT) signal was injected after the antenna to periodically check the integrity of
the microwave path and components. The potential exists for the BIT signal to leak across switches and
couple back through the input path and be transmitted by the receivers antennas.

If the receiver uses a local oscillator (LO) and a mixer to translate the signal to an intermediate
frequency (IF) for processing (such as a superhet shown in Section 5-3), there is the potential for the CW LO
signal to couple back through the signal input path and be transmitted by the receivers antenna. Normally a
mixer has 20 dB of rejection for the reverse direction. In addition, the LO may be further attenuated by
receiver front end filters.

In both cases, the use of isolators described in Section 6-7 could be used to further attenuate any
signals going in the reverse direction, i.e. back to the antenna. A good receiver design should ensure that any
RF leakage radiated by the receiver will not exceed the EMCON level.

In answer to the initial question, transmit leakage power should be less than -34 dBm (0.4 W) to
meet EMCON. Therefore, the real answer may be A, B, or C if EMCON is met and could be D
through possibly G if EMCON is not met.



Electronic jamming is a form of Electronic Attack where jammers radiate interfering signals toward
an enemys radar, blocking the receiver with highly concentrated energy signals. The two main technique
styles are noise techniques and repeater techniques. The three types of noise jamming are spot, sweep, and
barrage. Repeater techniques can be further subdivided into categories as shown in Figure 1.

ECM Type Generation

Jamming Deception Active Passive

(Concealment) (Forgery) (Transmitting) (Reflection)

Figure 1. EA Repeater Technique Divisions.


ASWM is synonymous with A-SWM. Asynchronous indicates that the waveform is free running -
also see SSWM. A swept wave modulation is essentially a swept amplitude modulation (SAM). It is a
waveform that is swept between two frequencies that are usually chosen to bracket a radars passive angle
scanning rate. The modulation amplitude can be either down modulated or On-Off Keyed (OOK). The down
modulated shape can be square wave, rectangular wave, linear (e.g. a sine wave), or a combination. The OOK
modulated shape can be square wave or rectangular wave.

multiple frequencies at once by in the receiver from
a single jammer. The 100% to 14%
advantage is that multiple reduces J/S by RADAR 3dB
frequencies can be jammed

simultaneously; however, the J/S 8.6 dB
jamming effect can be limited RADARS

because this requires the

jammer to spread its full power Figure 2. Barrage Jamming.
between these frequencies. So
the more frequencies being jammed, the less effectively each is jammed.


(1) A self-screening or support EA technique that causes angle errors in tracking radars and sensing
errors in jamming suppression EP systems of surveillance radars by radiating a signal that is orthogonally
polarized to the principal polarization of the victim radar. (2) A technique used against monopulse and other
passive lobe tracking radars. Requires a strong jam-to-signal ratio or the skin echo will show up in the pattern


A means whereby a missile guidance receiver utilizes the self-screening target jamming signal to
develop angular steering information so that the missile can home on that target.


Jamming at the image frequency of the radar receiver. Barrage jamming is made most effective by
generating energy at both the normal operating and image frequency of the radar. Image jamming inverts the
phase of the response and is thereby useful as an angle deception technique. Not effective if the radar uses
image rejection.


One method of Target

confusing a radar operator or Target Return - Off Boresight
fire control radar system is to
A A True
B D Error
provide erroneous target C

bearings. This is C

accomplished by first sensing A

the radar antenna or antenna Target Return - Tight Tracking On Boresight Zero
dipole scan rate and then
modulating repeater amplifier C

gain so that the weapons ICS ECM Signal

system will fire at some

bearing other than the true
target bearing.
Real Target
Target Return Plus ICS ECM Signal

The jamming to Error

signal ratio for effective


coverage of the true target. False Target

Usually on the order of zero Figure 3. Inverse Con Scan.

dB (J/S=1).


A modulation technique in which the output varies in a straight line (linear) manner with the input
(modulating) waveform. This is different from a discontinuous (On-Off) modulation. Typically the
modulating waveform is a ramp or triangular wave but could also be a sine wave modulating input.


Predicting the future location of a target (to track) requires that the radar look at areas where the target
is not located. When this scanning is accomplished with the radiated beam, large angle targets such as chaff
clouds can create complete radar white-out. RWR indications can be obtained before actual target lock-on.
These problems can be overcome by scanning only the receiving antennas and using a separate transmitting
antenna pointed only at the target.

In a LORO system, a transmitting antenna emits a few exploratory pulses along a direction obtained
from an acquisition radar. These exploratory pulses are the acquisition mode of the TTR. That is, in its
acquisition mode the small beamed TTR must scan the large location segment provided by the acquisition
radar. In radars equipped with Fast Time Constant, the return pulse is applied to a differentiator of extremely
short time constant. When the pulse is received, it is cut-off on the leading edge and only that portion is fed
to the computer. This allows the radar to effectively track on the leading edge of the target. FTC does not
improve the range resolution but it can prevent any countermeasures aft of the target which are in the same
resolution cell as the target (such as chaff) from interfering with the radar receiver.

The receiving antennas scan their sector for the target return due to these exploratory pulses; as the
power centroid is located, the center of the receiving pattern is brought onto the target. The transmitting
antenna, which is slaved to the receiving antenna, is then pointing directly at the desired target and only that
target is radiated during tracking. This approach allows a very small radiated beam, but the resolution cell of
the system is still that of the receiving antenna.

The transmission of noise-like

signals in the target systems radar receiver

bandpass. At low power levels, noise
jamming has the characteristics of receiver
noise and can be mistaken by the radar
operator as a problem with the radar. The TARGET RANGE/TIME
object of noise jamming is to introduce a
disturbing signal into the hostile electronic RANGE GATED NOISE
equipment so that the actual signal is NOISE TIMEGATE
obscured by the interference. The victim of

this disturbance might be a radar receiver, a

communications network, or a data link.

See also Barrage Jamming and TARGET

Spot Jamming.
Figure 4. Noise Jamming.


On-Off Modulation is any modulation which switches rapidly between two states. This definition
includes pulse radar operation.

On-Off Keying (OOK) is the envelope modulation of a jamming signal with a rectangular wave. The
modulation rate and duty cycle are adjusted commensurate with the victim radars processing time constants.
These can be related to AGC time constants, logic time-outs, data sampling cycles, or any other data
processing response times.

An important distinction must be made between the terms On-Off Keying and Blinking. While both
terms involve envelope modulations that turn a jamming signal on and off, the term OOK is used as the
envelope modulation of a single jamming signal, and the term blinking is used as the tactical application of
OOK involving two or more cooperative jamming platforms.


A controlled, noise-like, pulse pattern repeated in synchronism with the victim radar pulse repetition
frequency. Synonymous with quasi-noise jamming.

Target Current RF
Dead Band

- f +

Figure 5. Random Dual Line.


RDL is a coherent repeater technique that is essentially the same as velocity noise (VN), narrow band
noise (NBN), and pseudo random noise (PRN) except that no false Doppler frequencies are stepped directly
over the target return. The objective is to prevent the momentary additions of the EA signal and target signal
that might highlight the presence of a coherent return.


A dynamic False Target Jamming technique program to create multiple realistic targets of varying
size and distance from the jamming plane.


Once a tracking radar

has detected a target, it will RGPO Pulse Motion
place range gates to either side J > ~ 6dB
S J=
of it. Range gates essentially Radar PRI S
blank out all signals which RGPO Pulse
originate from ranges outside a Radar Pulse
narrow window, substantially
increasing the signal-to-noise
ratio and protecting the radar Target Range Target Range Target Range
against unsynchronized jamming
pulses. The radar concentrates
on a short range interval which
encloses the targets location, Radar Range Gate
and it no longer looks out for
other targets. This state is
known as lock-on. But range
gates can be stolen, and it is Figure 6. Range Gate Pull Off.
the objective of the Range Gate
Pull-Off (RGPO) technique to break lock and escape from out of the window.

RGPO works as follows:

Upon detection (or assumption) that a tracking radar has locked on, the on-board jammer is switched
on and starts to work in a couple of phases:

1. First, a sample of the illuminating pulse signal is taken and the radars pulse repetition frequency
(PRF) is determined. This sample is amplified and retransmitted simultaneously when further pulses
are received. The aircraft actually highlights itself on the radar screen. The jamming power is
steadily increased, and this continues until the replica is much stronger than the echo from the aircraft
skin return. At this time, the sensitivity of the tracking radars receiver is usually reduced in order to
avoid overload. This causes the skin echo vanishes below the noise floor.

2. Another replica is transmitted after each of the dummy skin echoes. The power of the second
replica is increased while the dummy is made weaker.

3. Next, the tracker has locked on to the delayed replica, whereas the skin return has decreased into the
noise. With respect to each of the radars pulses, the replica is now being delayed by small, but
increasing amounts of time. The range gates, of course, follow the dummy target which appears to be
receding. This continues until the range gates have been moved away from the targets real position.
The result is that the radar is tracking a phantom target and the skin return is being blanked out by
the range gates.

4. Finally, the jammer is switched off and leaves the radar with just nothing but noise inside the window
between its range gates. Break-lock was successfully achieved and the tracking radar needs to

switch back into a search or acquisition mode and loses time. The whole cycle will start again if the
target is still within range and is reacquired.

As described above, RGPO creates only false targets which appear at greater ranges than the real
target because the deceptive signal is transmitted after the skin echo. However, if the victim radars PRF is
constant then the time of incidence of the next radar pulse can be calculated and jamming pulses can be
placed such that false targets at closer ranges are also produced.


Scintillation is not an EA technique by itself, it is an implementation of an EA technique.

Scintillation is simply superimposing a small, pseudo random amplitude modulation on the EA signal to
make it appear more realistic to a manual operator.


Occurs when a jammer SPOT JAMMING

focuses all of its power on a RADAR 3dB BANDWIDTH

single frequency. While this Reducing jamming

in the receiver from
would severely degrade the JAMMER 3dB BANDWIDTH
100% to 85%

ability to track on the jammed reduces J/S by JAMMER POWER

frequency, a frequency agile 0.7 dB. DENSITY SPECTRUM

radar would hardly be affected RADAR SIGNAL

because the jammer can only J/S 0.7 dB 
jam one frequency. While
multiple jammers could Figure 7. Spot Jamming.
possibly jam a range of
frequencies, this would consume a great deal of resources to have any effect on a frequency-agile radar, and
would probably still be ineffective


This happens when a jammers full power is shifted from one frequency to another. While this has
the advantage of being able to jam multiple frequencies in quick succession, it does not affect them all at the
same time, and thus limits the effectiveness of this type of jamming. Although, depending on the error
checking in the receiver(s) this can render a wide range of receivers effectively useless.


The OOK frequency is linearly varied in a sawtooth fashion between preset frequency limits while the
duty factor is held constant.


A swept wave modulation.2 (SWM.2) is essentially a swept amplitude modulation (SAM). It is a

waveform that is swept between two frequencies that are usually chosen to bracket a radars passive angle
scanning rate. SWM can be either Synchronous Swept Wave Modulation.2-; (S-SWM) or Asynchronous
Swept Wave Modulation.2-; (A-SWM.2-;). The modulation amplitude can be either down modulated or
On-Off Keyed (OOK). The down modulating shape can be square wave, rectangular wave, linear (e.g. a sine
wave), or a combination. The OOK modulating shape can be square wave or rectangular wave.

Typical Linear SWM Modulation

25% of PERIOD



Figure 8. Typical Linear SWM Modulation.

30% of PERIOD


Figure 9. Rectangular SWM.


SSWM is synonymous with S-SWM. S-SWM and A-SWM are essentially the same except that
asynchronous means that the waveform is free running and synchronous means that when a radar scan or
TWS beam can be detected, the modulation waveform is synchronized to the detected beam. For
programming purposes A-SWM sets sweep limits and rate by frequency (Hz), while S-SWM sets them by
period (mSec).

Active Con-Scan radars will not have a detectable modulation if the target is being tightly tracked in
the center of the beam. Therefore, a SWM can jog the tracking sufficiently to detect the modulation and
allowing subsequent synchronization of the SWM waveform.

Signal Time
The technique of shifting or
walking EA pulses off target. Many angle
jamming techniques are effective. Radars
Angle Gates
Tracker Boresight


Either Fixed Or
Walking Pulse
VFT is a pseudo-random false
Doppler target concealment technique. It is
designed for use against radars that acquire
Doppler targets with a bank of contiguous
narrow band filters. A false Doppler target is Combined Signals
programmed to remain in a Doppler filter Received by Radar
long enough for the radar processing to
declare it a valid target return, but not long
enough for the radar processing to establish Radars
tracking. Angle Gates
Tracker Boresight
(Induced Error)
The false Doppler target is then
switched to the next pseudo-randomly Figure 10. TWS Jamming.
selected frequency and repeated. It is
intended to overload the radar processing
and/or the operators ability to identify an Nine False Targets Target
(Number 5 Acti ve)
actual target. In the illustration, the VFTs
6 9 7 2 8 3 5 1 4
jump around in the indicated numerical order.

Doppler F ilter Ban k

- f +

Figure 11. Velocity False Targets.

S > ~ 6dB
This is a method of VGPO Motion
capturing the velocity gate of a
Doppler radar and moving it away
from the skin echo. Similar to the J
RGPO, but used against CW or Target Doppler =
VGPO Motion S
Doppler velocity tracking radar
systems. The CW or pulse doppler
frequency, which is amplified and
retransmitted, is shifted in - Doppler Frequency +
frequency (velocity) to provide an
apparent rate change or Doppler Figure 12. Velocity Gate Pull Off.


Tar get Current RF
VN is a coherent repeater
technique. The objective is to
create noise centered on a coherent
radars RF, with a noise bandwidth
that is close to, or less than, the
radars bandwidth and conceal the
target, or destroy target signal
coherency. VN is generated by
pseudo randomly stepping a
frequency over the victim radars
bandwidth. The dashed RF lines
represent possible frequencies and
the solid line represents the
frequency currently active. - f +


Figure 13. Velocity Noise.

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RF Atmospheric Absorption / Ducting ...................................................................................................... 5-1

Receiver Sensitivity / Noise ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
Receiver Types and Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 5-3
Radar Modes .............................................................................................................................................. 5-4
General Radar Display Types .................................................................................................................... 5-5
IFF - Identification - Friend or Foe ............................................................................................................ 5-6
Receiver Tests ............................................................................................................................................ 5-7
Signal Sorting and Direction Finding ........................................................................................................ 5-8

This page intentionally left blank.


Signal losses are associated with each stage of signal processing in both the transmitting and
receiving portions of the system. The transmitting losses include power transmission efficiency, waveguide
and antenna losses, and duplexer losses. In the receiver, losses include antenna, waveguide, RF amplifier,
mixer, and IF amplifier.

In addition to these losses, energy traveling through the atmosphere suffers from atmospheric
attenuation caused primarily by absorption by the gasses. For lower frequencies (below 10 GHz), the
attenuation is reasonably predictable. For high frequencies in the millimeter wave range, the attenuation not
only increases, but becomes more dependent upon peculiar absorbing characteristics of H2O, O2, and the like.

Figure 1 shows the areas of peak absorption in the millimeter wave spectrum. Figure 2 shows how
the intensity of precipitation can affect atmospheric attenuation.

Figure 1. Atmospheric Absorption of Millimeter Waves.

Figure 2. Atmospheric Attenuation.

Ducting is an increase in range that an electromagnetic wave will travel due to a temperature
inversion of the lower atmosphere (troposphere) as shown in Figure 3. The temperature inversion forms a
channel or waveguide (duct) for the waves to travel in, and they can be trapped, not attenuating as would be
expected from the radar equation. Ducting may also extend range beyond what might be expected from
limitations of the radar horizon (see Section 2-9).

The ducting phenomena is frequency sensitive. The thicker the duct, the lower the minimum trapped

Figure 3. Ducting.

A similar occurrence takes place with ionospheric refraction, however the greatest increase in range
occurs in the lower frequencies. This is familiar to amateur radio operators who are able to contact
counterparts around the world.



Sensitivity in a receiver is normally taken as the minimum input signal (Smin) required to produce a
specified output signal having a specified signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and is defined as the minimum signal-to-
noise ratio times the mean noise power, see equation [1]. For a signal impinging on the antenna (system
level) sensitivity is known as minimum operational sensitivity (MOS), see equation [2]. Since MOS includes
antenna gain, it may be expressed in dBLi (dB referenced to a linear isotropic antenna). When specifying the
sensitivity of receivers intended to intercept and process pulse signals, the minimum pulse width at which the
specified sensitivity applies must also be stated. See the discussion of post-detection bandwidth (BV) in
Section 5-2 for significance of minimum pulsewidth in the receiver design.

Smin = (S/N)minkToB(NF) receiver sensitivity (black box performance parameter) [1]

or MOS = (S/N)minkToB(NF)/G system sensitivity i.e. the receiver is connected to an antenna [2]
(transmission line loss included with antenna gain)

where: S/Nmin = Minimum signal-to-noise ratio needed to process (vice just detect) a signal
NF = Noise figure/factor
k = Boltzmanns Constant = 1.38 x 10-23 Joule/K
To = Absolute temperature of the receiver input (Kelvin) = 290K
B = Receiver Bandwidth (Hz)
G = Antenna/system gain

We have a lower MOS if temperature, bandwidth, NF, or S/Nmin decreases, or if antenna gain
increases. For radar, missile, and EW receivers, sensitivity is usually stated in dBm. For communications and
commercial broadcasting receivers, sensitivity is usually stated in micro-volts or dBv. See Section 4-1.

There is no standard definition of sensitivity level. The term minimum operational sensitivity (MOS)
can be used in place of Smin at the system level where aircraft installation characteristics are included. The
black box term minimum detectable signal (MDS) is often used for Smin but can cause confusion because a
receiver may be able to detect a signal, but not properly process it. MDS can also be confused with minimum
discernable signal, which is frequently used when a human operator is used to interpret the reception results.
A human interpretation is also required with minimum visible signal (MVS) and tangential sensitivity
(discussed later). To avoid confusion, the terms Smin for black box minimum sensitivity and MOS for
system minimum sensitivity are used in this section. All receivers are designed for a certain sensitivity level
based on requirements. One would not design a receiver with more sensitivity than required because it limits
the receiver bandwidth and will require the receiver to process signals it is not interested in. In general, while
processing signals, the higher the power level at which the sensitivity is set, the fewer the number of false
alarms which will be processed. Simultaneously, the probability of detection of a good (low-noise) signal
will be decreased.

Sensitivity can be defined in two opposite ways, so discussions can frequently be confusing. It can be
the ratio of response to input or input to response. In using the first method (most common in receiver
discussions and used herein), it will be a negative number (in dBm), with the more negative being better
sensitivity, e.g., -60 dBm is better than -50 dBm sensitivity. If the second method is used, the result will be
a positive number, with higher being better. Therefore the terms low sensitivity or high sensitivity can be
very confusing. The terms Smin and MOS avoid confusion.


The Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N) (a.k.a. SNR) in a receiver is the signal power in the receiver divided
by the mean noise power of the receiver. All receivers require the signal to exceed the noise by some amount.
Usually if the signal power is less than or just equals the noise power it is not detectable. For a signal to be
detected, the signal energy plus the noise energy must exceed some threshold value. Therefore, just because
N is in the denominator doesnt mean it can be increased to lower the MOS. S/N is a required minimum ratio,
if N is increased, then S must also be increased to maintain that threshold. The threshold value is chosen high
enough above the mean noise level so that the probability of random noise peaks exceeding the threshold, and
causing false alarms, is acceptably low.

Figure 1 depicts the concept of required S/N. It can be seen that the signal at time A exceeds the S/N
ratio and indicates a false alarm or target. The signal at time B is just at the threshold, and the signal at time C
is clearly below it. In the sample, if the temperature is taken as room temperature (To = 290K), the noise
power input is -114 dBm for a one MHz bandwidth. Normally S/Nmin may be set higher than S/N shown in
Figure 1 to meet false alarm specifications.

Figure 1. Receiver Noise Power at Room Temperature.

The acceptable minimum Signal-to-Noise ratio (or think of it as Signal above Noise) for a receiver
depends on the intended use of the receiver. For instance, a receiver that had to detect a single radar pulse
would probably need a higher minimum S/N than a receiver that could integrate a large number of radar
pulses (increasing the total signal energy) for detection with the same probability of false alarms. Receivers
with human operators using a video display may function satisfactorily with low minimum S/N because a
skilled operator can be very proficient at picking signals out of a noise background. As shown in Table 1, the
setting of an acceptable minimum S/N is highly dependent on the required characteristics of the receiver and
of the signal.

Table 1. Typical Minimum S/N Required.

Skilled Auto- Auto-detection with Amplitude, AOA Phase AOA Amplitude
Operator Detection TOA, and Frequency Measurements Interferometer Comparison
3 to 8 dB 10 to 14 dB 14 to 18 dB 14 to 18 dB 16 to 24 dB

A complete discussion of the subject would require a lengthy dissertation of the probability and
statistics of signal detection, which is beyond the scope of this handbook, however a simplified introduction
follows. Lets assume that we have a receiver that we want a certain probability of detecting a single pulse
with a specified false alarm probability. We can use Figure 2 to determine the required signal-to-noise ratio.


If we are given that the desired probability of detecting a single pulse (Pd) is 98%, and we want the
false alarm rate (Pn) to be no more than 10-3, then we can see that S/N must be 12 dB (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Nomograph of Signal-to-Noise (S/N) Ratio as a Function of Probability of Detection (Pd) and
Probability of False Alarm Rate (Pn).


From Section 4-3, the one way signal strength from a transmitter to a receiver is:
S (or P R ) = Pt t 2 r 2
(4 ) R

For calculations involving receiver sensitivity the S can be replaced by Smin. Since Smin = (S/N)min
kToB(NF), given by equation [1], the one-way radar equation can be solved for any of the other variables in
terms of receiver parameters. In communication, radar, and electronic warfare applications, you might need
to solve for the maximum range (Rmax) where a given radar warning receiver could detect a radiated signal
with known parameters. We would then combine and rearrange the two equations mentioned to solve for the
following one-way equation:

Pt G t G r
2 2
Rmax or Pt G t G r c or Pt G t Ae [3]
(4 ) (S/N )min k T o B (NF)
(4f ) (S/N )min k T o B (NF)
4 (S/N )min k T o B (NF)

We could use standard room temperature of 290 K as To, but NF would have to be determined as
shown later.

In this calculation for receiver Rmax determination, Pt, Gt, and are radar dependent, while Gr, S/Nmin,
NF, and B are receiver dependent factors.

Equation [3] relates the maximum detection range to bandwidth (B). The effects of the measurement
bandwidth can significantly reduce the energy that can be measured from the peak power applied to the
receiver input. Additional bandwidth details are provided in Sections 4-4, 4-7, and in other parts of this


Thermal noise is spread more or less uniformly over the entire frequency spectrum. Therefore the
amount of noise appearing in the output of an ideal receiver is proportional to the absolute temperature of the
receiver input system (antenna etc) times the bandwidth of the receiver. The factor of proportionality is
Boltzmanns Constant.

Mean noise power of ideal receiver = kToB = PN (Watts)

Mean noise power of a real receiver = (NF)kToB (Watts)

The convention for the temperature of To is set by IEEE standard to be 290K, which is close to
ordinary room temperature. So, assuming To = 290K, and for a bandwidth B = 1 Hz, kToB = 4x10-21 W =
-204 dBW = -174 dBm.

For any receiver bandwidth, multiply 4x10-21 W by the bandwidth in Hz, or if using dB;

10 log kToB = -174 dBm + 10 Log (actual BW in Hz) or -114 dBm + 10 Log (actual BW in MHz)

and so on, as shown by the values in Table 2. Table 2. Sample Noise Power Values (kToB).
Bandwidth Watts dBW dBm
Typical values for maximum sensitivity of Ratio (dB)
receivers would be: 1 Hz 0 4x10-21 -204 -174
1 kHz 30 4x10-18 -174 -144
RWR -65 dBm 1 MHz 60 4x10-15 -144 -114
Pulse Radar -94 dBm 1 GHz 90 4x10-12 -114 -84
CW Missile Seeker -138 dBm

If antenna contributions are ignored (see note in Table 4) for a CW receiver with a 4 GHz bandwidth,
the ideal mean noise power would be -174 dBm + 10 Log(4x109) = -174 dBm + 96 dB = -78 dBm. A skilled
operator might only be able to distinguish a signal 3 dB above the noise floor (S/N=3 dB), or -75 dBm. A
typical radar receiver would require a S/N of 3 to 10 dB to distinguish the signal from noise, and would
require 10 to 20 dB to track. Auto tracking might require a S/N of approximately 25 dB, thus, a receiver may
only have sufficient sensitivity to be able to identify targets down to -53 dBm. Actual pulse receiver
detection will be further reduced due to sin x/x frequency distribution and the effect of the measurement
bandwidth as discussed in Sections 4-4 and 4-7. Integration will increase the S/N since the signal is coherent
and the noise is not.

Noise Bandwidth

Equivalent Noise Bandwidth (BN) - Set by minimum pulse width or maximum modulation bandwidth
needed for the system requirements. A choice which is available to the designer is the relationship of pre- and
post-detection bandwidth. Pre-detection bandwidth is denoted by BIF, while post-detection is denoted BV,
where V stands for video. The most affordable approach is to set the post-detection filter equal to the
reciprocal of the minimum pulse width, then choose the pre-detection passband to be as wide as the
background interference environment will allow. Recent studies suggest that pre-detection bandwidths in
excess of 100 MHz will allow significant loss of signals due to pulse-on-pulse conditions. Equations [4]
and [5] provide BN relationships that dont follow the Table 3 rules of thumb.

Table 3. Rules of Thumb for BN a.k.a. B (Doesnt apply for S/N between 0 and 10 to 30 dB).
S/N out Linear Detector Square Law Detector
High S/N ( >15 to 20 dB ) BN = BV ( > 20 to 30 dB ) BN = 4 BV ( > 10 to 15 dB )
Low S/N (< 0 dB) 2 2
B N = ( 2 B IF BV - BV ) / 4 (S/N )out B N = (2 B IF BV - BV ) / (S/N )out

For a square law detector: (1)

( 2 B IF / BV ) - 1
B N = BV 2 + 4 + [4]
(S/N )out

At high (S/N)out, the 1/(S/Nout) term goes to zero and we have: B N = BV [ 2 + 4 ] = 4 BV

At low (S/N)out, the 1/(S/Nout) term dominates, and we have:

( 2 B IF / BV ) - 1 2 B IF BV - BV 2
B N = BV =
(S/N )out (S/N )out

For a linear detector: (1)

BV + 1 2
H ( 2 B IF - BV )
BN = BV 4 BV +

2 4 (S/N )out

H is a hypergeometric (statistical) function of (S/N)in

H = 2 for (S/N)in << 1

H = 1 for (S/N)in >> 1

At high (S/N)out, the 1/(S/Nout) term goes to zero and we have: B N =

BV + 1
BV (4 BV ) = BV
2 4

At low (S/N)out, the 1/(S/Nout) term dominates, and we have:

2 2
1 BV H ( 2 B IF - BV ) = 2 B IF BV - BV
BN =
4 (S/N )out 4 (S/N )out

Note (1): From Klipper, Sensitivity of Crystal Video Receivers With RF Pre-amplification, The Microwave Journal, August 1965.


Required IF Bandwidth for Matched Filter Applications:

1 B IF = Pre - detection RF or IF bandwidth

B IF = Where :
PW min PW min = Specified minimum pulse width =

Matched filter performance gives maximum probability of detection for a given signal level, but:
(1) Requires perfect centering of signal spectrum with filter bandwidth, (2) Time response of matched pulse
does not stabilize at a final value, and (3) Out-of-band splatter impulse duration equals minimum pulse width.
As a result, EW performance with pulses of unknown frequency and pulse width is poor.

Required Video Bandwidth Post - Detection 0.35

BV = Where : BV = Post - detection bandwidth
Traditiona l " Rule of Thumb" PW min

Some authors define BV in terms of the minimum rise time of the detected pulse, i.e., BV = (0.35 to
0.5)/tr min, where tr = rise time.


2 to 3 1
B IF = and BV =
PW min PW min

The pre-detection bandwidth is chosen based upon interference and spurious generation concerns.
The post-detection bandwidth is chosen to match the minimum pulse width. This allows (1) Half
bandwidth mistuning between signal and filter, (2) Half of the minimum pulse width for final value
stabilization, and (3) The noise bandwidth to be matched to the minimum pulse width. As a result, there is
(1) Improved EW performance with pulses of unknown frequency and pulse width, (2) Measurement of in-
band, but mistuned pulses, and (3) Rejection of out-of-band pulse splatter.


Electrical noise is defined as electrical energy of random amplitude, phase, and frequency. It is
present in the output of every radio receiver. At the frequencies used by most radars, the noise is generated
primarily within the input stages of the receiver system itself (Johnson Noise). These stages are not
inherently noisier than others, but noise generated at the input and amplified by the receivers full gain greatly
exceeds the noise generated further along the receiver chain. The noise performance of a receiver is described

by a figure of merit called the noise figure (NF). The term noise factor is synonymous, with some authors
using the term factor for numeric and figure when using dB notation. (The notation Fn is also
sometimes used instead of NF.) The noise figure is defined as:

Noise output of actual receiver N Noise output of actual receiver N out

NF = = out or in dB : 10 Log = 10 log
Noise output of ideal receiver GN in Noise output of ideal receiver GN in

A range of NF values is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Typical Noise Figure / Factor Value. Decimal dB

Passive lossy network (RF transmission line, attenuator, etc.) Same as reciprocal of Same as dB
Example: 20 dB attenuator (gain = 0.01) gain value ex: 100 value ex: 20
Solid State Amplifier (see manufacturers specifications) 4 6
Traveling Wave Tube (see manufacturers specifications) 10 to 100 10 to 20
Antennas (Below 100 MHz, values to 12 dB higher if pointed 1.012 to 1.4 0.05 to 1.5
at the sun)
Note: Unless the antenna is pointed at the sun, its negligible NF can be ignored.
Antenna gain is not valid for NF calculations because the noise is received in the near

An ideal receiver generates no noise internally. The only noise in its output is received from external
sources. That noise has the same characteristics as the noise resulting from thermal agitation in a conductor.
Thermal agitation noise is caused by the continuous random motion of free electrons which are present in
every conductor. The amount of motion is proportional to the conductors temperature above absolute zero.
For passive lossy networks, the noise factor equals the loss value for the passive element:

Where L = Ratio Value of Attenuation

NF = out = =L i.e. For a 3 dB attenuator, G = 0.5 and L = 2
G N in 1 kTB
NF = 2 and 10 log NF = 3 dB

A typical series of cascaded amplifiers is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Noise Factors for Cascaded Amplifiers (NFCA).

Loss (negative gain) can be used for the gain value of attenuators or transmission line loss, etc to
calculate the noise out of the installation as shown in the following equation:

B 2 ( NF 2 - 1) + B 3 ( NF 3 - 1) + B 4 ( NF 4 - 1) + . . . . [6]
N out = N in G NF CA = k T B1 ( G1 G 2 G 3 . . . ) NF 1 + (ratio form)
B1 G 1 B1 G 1 G 2 B1 G 1 G 2 G 3

If the bandwidths of the amplifiers are the same, equation [6] becomes:

NF 2 - 1 NF 3 - 1 NF 4 - 1 [7]
N out = N in G NF CA = k T B ( G1 G 2 G 3 . . .) NF 1 + + + + . . . . (ratio form)
G1 G 1 G 2 G! G 2 G 3

Pre-amplifier Location Affects Receiver Input Noise

As shown in Figure 4, if a 2 to 12 GHz receiver

installation doesnt have enough sensitivity, it is best to
install an additional amplifier closer to the antenna
(case 1) instead of closer to the receiver (case 2). In both
cases, the line loss (L) and the amplifier gain (G) are the
same, so the signal level at the receiver is the same. For
case 1, S1 = Pin + G - L. In case 2, S2 = Pin - L + G, so S1
= S2. The noise generated by the passive transmission
line when measured at the receiver is the same in both
cases. However, the noise generated inside the amplifier,
when measured at the receiver input, is different.
Figure 4. Pre-Amp S/N.
For this example, case 2 has a noise level at the input to the receiver which is 19.7 dB higher than
case 1 (calculations follow later).

Table Case 1 Gain Case 1 NF Table Case 2 Gain Case 2 NF

5a Amp L Amp L 5b L Amp L Amp
dB 25 -20 6* 20 dB -20 25 20 6*
ratio 316.2 0.01 4* 100 ratio 0.01 316.2 100 4*

* Amplifier NF value from Table 4.

Using equation [3] and the data in Tables 5a and 5b, the noise generated by the RF installation is
shown in Tables 6a and 6b (the negligible noise contribution from the antenna is the same in both cases and is
not included) (also see notes contained in Table 4):

Table 6a. Case 1 Table 6b. Case 2

100 - 1 4 -1
G(NF) = 316.2 (0.01) 4 + = 13.64 G(NF) = 0.01 (316.2) 100 + = 1264.8
316.7 0.01
10 log G(NF) = 11.34 dB 10 log G(NF) = 31 dB
Noise at receiver:
Nout 1 = -74 dBm + 11.34 dB = -62.7 dBm Nout 2 = -74 dBm + 31 dB = -43 dBm

Nout 2 - Nout 1 = 19.7 dB. The input noise of -74 dBm was calculated using 10 log (kTB), where B = 10 GHz.

Note that other tradeoffs must be considered: (1) greater line loss between the antenna and amplifier
improves (decreases) VSWR as shown in Section 6-2, and (2) the more input line loss, the higher the input
signal can be before causing the pre-amplifier to become saturated (mixing of signals due to a saturated
amplifier is addressed in Section 5-7).

Combining Receive Paths Can Reduce Sensitivity

If a single aircraft receiver processes both forward and aft signals as shown in Figure 5, it is desirable
to be able to use the receivers full dynamic range for both directions. Therefore, one needs to balance the
gain, so that a signal applied to the aft antenna will reach the receiver at the same level as if it was applied to
the forward antenna.

Figure 5. Example of Pre-Amplifier Affecting Overall Gain / Sensitivity.

Common adjustable preamplifiers can be installed to account for the excessive transmission line loss.
In this example, in the forward installation, the level of the signal at the receiver is the same as the level
applied to the antenna. Since the aft transmission line has 5 dB less attenuation, that amount is added to the
preamplifier attenuator to balance the gain. This works fine for strong signals, but not for weaker signals.
Because there is less loss between the aft preamplifier and the receiver, the aft noise dominates and will limit
forward sensitivity. If the bandwidth is 2-12 GHz, and if port A of the hybrid is terminated by a perfect 50
load, the forward noise level would be -65.3 dBm. If port B is terminated, the aft noise level would be
-60.4 dBm. With both ports connected, the composite noise level would be -59.2 dBm (convert to mw, add,
then convert back to dBm). For this example, if the aft preamplifier attenuation value is changed to 12 dB,
the gain is no longer balanced (7 dB extra loss aft), but the noise is balanced, i.e., forward = -65.6 dBm, aft =
-65.3 dBm, and composite -62.4 dBm. If there were a requirement to see the forward signals at the most
sensitive level, extra attenuation could be inserted in the aft preamplifier. This would allow the forward noise
level to predominate and result in greater forward sensitivity where it is needed. Calculations are provided in
Tables 7 and 8.

Table 7. Summary of Gain and NF Values for Figure 5 Components.

Aft Fwd
RF Line
RF RF Line
Amp Attn Amp & RF Line Amp Attn Amp
Line & hybrid
dB -7 15 -5 10 -13 -2 15 0 10 -23
ratio 0.2 31.6 0.32 10 0.05 0.63 31.6 0 10 0.005
dB 7 6 5 6 13 2 6 0 6 23
NF ratio 5 4 3.16 4 20 1.585 4 0 4 200

Aft NF = 22.79 therefore 10 log NF = 13.58 dB. Input noise level = -74 dBm + 13.58 dB = -60.42 dBm -60.4 dBm
Fwd NF = 7.495 therefore 10 log NF = 8.75 dB. Input noise level = -74 dBm + 8.75 dB = -65.25 dBm -65.3 dBm
The composite noise level at the receiver = -59.187 dBm -59.2 dBm.

Table 8. Effect of Varying the Attenuation (shaded area) in the Aft Preamplifier Listed in Table 7.
Aft Attn Aft Attn Aft Fwd Composite Min Signal Aft Fwd
NF Gain Noise Noise Noise Received *** Input Input
0 dB 0 dB -55.8 dBm -65.3 dBm -55.4 dBm -43.4 dBm -48.4 dBm -43.4 dBm
5 -5 -60.4 -65.3 -59.2 -47.2 * -47.2 * -47.2 *
10 -10 -64.4 -65.3 -61.8 -49.8 -44.8 -49.8
12 -12 -65.6 ** -65.3 ** -62.4 -50.4 -43.4 -50.4
15 -15 -67.1 -65.3 -63.1 -51.1 -41.1 -51.1

* Gain Balanced ** Noise Balanced *** S/N was set at 12 dB


Tangential sensitivity (TSS) is the point

where the top of the noise level with no signal
applied is level with the bottom of the noise level
on a pulse as shown in Figure 6. It can be
determined in the laboratory by varying the
amplitude of the input pulse until the stated
criterion is reached, or by various approximation
formulas. Figure 6. Tangential Sensitivity.

The signal power is nominally 81 dB above the noise level at the TSS point. TSS depends on the
RF bandwidth, the video bandwidth, the noise figure, and the detector characteristic.

TSS is generally a characteristic associated with receivers (or RWRs), however the TSS does not
necessarily provide a criterion for properly setting the detection threshold. If the threshold is set to TSS, then
the false alarm rate is rather high. Radars do not operate at TSS. Most require a more positive S/N for track
(> 10 dB) to reduce false detection on noise spikes.


When all factors effecting system sensitivity are considered, the designer has little flexibility in the
choice of receiver parameters. Rather, the performance requirements dictate the limit of sensitivity which can
be implemented by the EW receiver.

1. Minimum Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N) - Set by the accuracy which you want to measure signal
parameters and by the false alarm requirements.

2. Total Receiver Noise Figure (NF) - Set by available technology and system constraints for RF front
end performance.

3. Equivalent Noise Bandwidth (BN) - Set by minimum pulse width or maximum modulation
bandwidth needed to accomplish the system requirements. A choice which is available to the designer is the
relationship of pre- (BIF) and post-detection (BV) bandwidth. The most affordable approach is to set the post-
detection filter equal to the reciprocal of the minimum pulse width, then choose the pre-detection passband to
be as wide as the background interference environment will allow. Recent studies suggest that pre-detection
bandwidths in excess of 100 MHz will allow significant loss of signals due to pulse-on-pulse conditions.

4. Antenna Gain (G) - Set by the needed instantaneous FOV needed to support the system time to
intercept requirements.

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Besides the considerations of noise and noise figure, the capabilities of receivers are highly dependent
on the type of receiver design. Most receiver designs are trade-offs of several conflicting requirements. This
is especially true of the Electronic Support Measures (ESM) receivers used in Electronic Warfare.

This section consists of a figure and tables that provide a brief comparison of various common ESM
receiver types. Figures 1 and 2 show block diagrams of common ESM receivers. Table 1 is a comparison of
major features of receivers. Table 2 shows the receiver types best suited for various types of signals and
Tables 3 and 4 compare several direction of arrival (DOA) and emitter location techniques. Table 5 shows
qualitative and quantitative comparisons of receiver characteristics.

Figure 1. Common ESM Receiver Block Diagrams.

Figure 2. Common ESM Receiver Block Diagrams (Continued).

Table 1. Comparison of Major Features of Receivers.

Receiver Advantages Disadvantages Principal Applications

No frequency resolution
Wideband Simple, inexpensive, instantaneous,
Poor sensitivity and Poor RWR
crystal video High POI in frequency range
simultaneous signal performance
Tuned RF Simple, Frequency measurement Slow response time Option in RWR, Frequency
Crystal Video Higher sensitivity than wideband Poor POI measurement in hybrid
Shipboard ESM,
Relatively simple
Cannot sort simultaneous signals Jammer power
IFM Frequency resolution
Relatively poor sensitivity management, SIGINT
Instantaneous, high POI
Narrow-band High sensitivity Slow response time SIGINT equipment
scanning Good frequency resolution Poor POI Air and ship ESM
Superhet Simultaneous signals dont interfere
Poor against frequency agility Analysis part of hybrid
Wide-band Spurious signals generated Shipboard ESM
Better response time and POI
Superhet Poorer sensitivity Tactical air warning
Wide bandwidth, Near instantaneous, High complexity, cost; Lower SIGINT equipment
Moderate frequency resolution reliability; limited sensitivity Jammer power management
High complexity,
Near instantaneous, SIGINT equipment
Limited bandwidth
Microscan Good resolution and dynamic range, Applications for fine freq
No pulse modulation information
Good simultaneous signal capability analysis over wide range
Critical alignment
Near instantaneous, Good resolution,
Acousto-optic Good simultaneous signal capability High complexity; new technology
Good POI
Note: The Microscan receiver is also known as a compressive receiver

Table 2. Receiver Types vs. Signal Types.

Signal Receiver Type

Wide-Band TRF Crystal Narrow-Band Wide-Band Acousto-
Type Crystal Video Video
Superhet Superhet
Channelized Microscan
Special Yes, but
Special design
CW design for interferes with Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
for CW
CW pulsed reception
Pulsed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes, but wont
No No No recognize as No Yes Yes Yes
same source
Yes, doesnt
Frequency Yes (within depending
measure No Yes No Yes Yes
Agile passband) on readout
No/Yes, No/Yes,
PRI depending
Yes Yes Yes depending on Yes Yes imprecision
Agile on readout
scan rate in TOA
Yes, within No/Yes, Yes No/Yes, Yes
Chirped acceptance No Yes depending on Yes (reduced depending on (reduced
BW BW sensitivity) scan rate sensitivity)
Yes, within No/Yes, Yes Yes
Spread Yes (reduced
acceptance No Yes No depending (reduced (reduced
Spectrum sensitivity)
BW on BW sensitivity) sensitivity)

Table 3. Direction of Arrival Measurement Techniques.

Amplitude Comparison Phase Interferometer

Typically 4 to 6 Equal Spaced Antenna 2 or more RHC or LHC Spirals in Fixed
Sensor Configuration
Elements for 360 Coverage Array
bW C dB
DF Accuracy 24 S DF ACC
2 d cos
(Gaussian Antenna Shape)
DF Accuracy Decrease Antenna BW; Decrease Amplitude Increase Spacing of Outer Antennas;
Improvement Mistrack; Increase Squint Angle Decrease Phase Mistrack
Typical DF Accuracy 3 to 10 rms 0.1 to 3 rms
Sensitivity to High Sensitivity; Mistrack of Several dB Relatively Insensitive; Interferometer Can
Multipath/Reflections Can Cause Large DF Errors be Made to Tolerate Large Phase Errors
Reflection Free Area; Real Estate for
Platform Constraints Locate in Reflection Free Area
Array; Prefers Flat Radome
Crystal Video; Channelizer; Acousto-Optic;
Applicable Receivers Superheterodyne
Compressive; Superheterodyne
CdB= Amplitude Monopulse Ratio in dB S= Squint Angle in degrees BW= Antenna Beamwidth in degrees

Table 4. Emitter Location Techniques.

Advantages Disadvantages
Non-instantaneous location

Inadequate accuracy for remote

Triangulation Single Aircraft

Not forward looking

Single Aircraft Accuracy degrades rapidly at low
Instantaneous location possible Function of range
Very complex, diverse systems
Very high precision
required, at least 3 aircraft

Time Difference of High quality receivers, DME (3 sites)

Can support weapon delivery position
Arrival very wideband data link
(Pulsed signals)
Very high performance control
Very rapid, can handle short on-time
processor; requires very high
reliability subsystems

Table 5. Qualitative Comparison of Receivers. (From NRL Report 8737)

Receiver Type
Feature Wide-Band TRF Crystal Narrow-Band Wide-Band
IFM Channelized Microscan Acousto-optic
Crystal Video Video Superhet Superhet
Very Very
Analysis Narrow Narrow Moderate Wide Wide Moderate
wide wide
Frequency Very Very
Fair Good Poor Fair Good Good
Resolution poor good
Poor Poor
Fair/ Very Fair/ Very
Sensitivity (No preamp) (No preamp) Fair Good
good good good good
Fair (preamp) Fair (preamp)
Dynamic Fair/ Very
Fair Good Fair Good Fair Poor
Range good good
Speed of Very Very Very Very
Slow Slow Fast Fast
Acquisition Fast Fast Fast Fast
Short pulse
Width Good Good Good Good Good Fair Fair
Retention of
Signal Fair/ Fair/
Fair Fair Poor Good Good Poor
Character- good good
Poor/ Fair/ Fair/ Fair/
to Exotic Poor Good Poor Good
fair good good good
Poor (high Fair/good,
High signal Fair
false alarm Fair/ depending on
Density Good Poor (depending Good Poor
rate from good architecture
Performance on BW)
background) & processing
Simultaneous Fair
Signal Poor Poor Good (depending Good Good Good
Capability on BW)
Simple signal
Moderate Moderate Low-high
Processing processing
depending on depending on Moderate Moderate Moderate depending on Complex
Complexity complex data
application application architecture
Immunity Poor/ Poor/
Poor Fair Good Good Good Good
to Jamming Fair Fair
Power Low/ Moderate/
Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate
Requirements Moderate High
0.5-4 (0.5-18
RF Range 0.15-18 channelized
octave >0.5 to 40 <0.01 to 40 0.5 to 18 0.5 to 60 <0.5 to 8
(GHz) separate and down
~2 GHz
As high as
Max Multi- Multi- without 0.5 to 2
desired with
Instantane- octave octave degradation, depending
equivalent 50 MHz 500 MHz 1 GHz
ous Analysis (to 17.5 (1 octave 17.5 GHz on PW
reduction in
Bandwidth GHz) per unit) with limitation
Measurement Measurement
Frequency accuracy no accuracy no 0.5 to 3
5-10 MHz 0.5% to 1% 1 MHz 10 KHz 1 MHz
Accuracy better than better than MHz
analysis BW analysis BW

Receiver Type
Feature Wide-Band TRF Crystal Narrow-Band Wide-Band
IFM Channelized Microscan Acousto-optic
Crystal Video Video Superhet Superhet
CW to 4 ns
CW to ~20 ns CW to 100 ns CW to 30 ns
Pulse Width CW to CW to with 500 CW to 250 CW to
(depending with 20 MHz (depending
Range 50 ns 50 ns MHz ns 0.5 s
on resolution) resolution on resolution)
~400 MHz 10-125 MHz
Frequency 100-500 0.5 to 1
(no better 25 MHz 1 MHz <0.1 MHz (less with 1 MHz
Resolution MHz MHz
than BW) freq vernier)
-40 to -50 Better -40 (no
-80, 500
Sensitivity (no preamp) than -80 preamp) -90, 1 MHz -70, 10-50 -90, 5-10
MHz -70 to -80
(dBm) -80 (with with -75 (preamp) BW MHz BW MHz BW
preamp) preamp 4 GHz BW
Dynamic 70 70-80 90 60 50-80 40-60 25-35
Range (dB)
.12 s 0.3 s 0.5 ms
Tuning 1.0 s
- 50 ms - (200 MHz - LO scan (integration
Time (1 octave)
band) time time)
Signal ID
100 ns 50 ms 2-10 ms ~0.1 s - 2.10 ms ~1 s -
<20 (octave 1309-200
Minimum 35
20 (with unit) for 0.5
Weight 30 60-75 (tuner 25 29-55
processor) 65-75 (full to 18 GHz
(lb) only)
coverage) coverage
Sm/Moderate Large
Size / Small Moderate
Small 600-1000 Moderate 4000-8000 Moderate Small
Minimum 300 Several
375 ~100 1500-3000 (0.5-18 GHz 1200-2000 800-1900
Volume (in) (w/processor) thousand
miniaturized coverage
100 (with 350 to 1200
Minimum ~50 150
processor) 60 (without for 0.5 to
Power (octave 150 (tuner 70-80 200
<10 without processor) 18 GHz
(W) unit) only)
processor coverage
Low/ Moderate/ Moderate/ Moderate/ Low/
Cost Low Moderate High
Moderate High High High Moderate

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Typical Radar modes are listed below in the general functional category for which they were
designed. Not all of these modes are applicable to all radars and certain radars have additional modes.


Terrain avoidance - A mode in which the radar is set at a fixed depression angle and short range to
continuously sweep the ground area directly in front of the aircraft in order to avoid mountains. This is
particularly useful during flight into unfamiliar territory when clouds, haze, or darkness obscure visibility.

Ground mapping - A mode in which the radar uses a variety of techniques to enhance ground
features, such as rivers, mountains, and roads. The mode is unlike air-to-air modes where ground return is
rejected from the display.

Precision velocity update / Doppler navigation - A mode in which the radar again tracks ground
features, using Doppler techniques, in order to precisely predict aircraft ground speed and direction of motion.
Wind influences are taken into account, such that the radar can also be used to update the aircraft inertial
navigation system.


Pulse search - Traditional pulse techniques are used to accurately determine range, angle, and speed
of the target. Limitations are easy deception by enemy jamming, and less range when compared to other

Velocity search - A high PRF Pulse Doppler waveform is used for long range detection primarily
against nose aspect targets, giving velocity and azimuth information. Although velocity search can work
against tail-on targets, the Doppler return is weaker, consequently the maximum detection range is also much
less. When the target is in the beam (flying perpendicular to the fighter), the closure (Doppler) is the same as
ground return and target return is almost zero.

Track While Scan (TWS) - A system that maintains an actual track on several aircraft while still
searching for others. Since the radar is sharing its computing time between targets, the accuracy is less
precise than for a single target track (STT) mode of operation.

Raid assessment - A mode in which the radar has an STT on a single target, but is routinely driven off
by a small amount in order to determine if multiple aircraft exists in the immediate vicinity of the target

Single-Target-Track (STT) (including air combat maneuvering modes) - Highly precise STT modes
are used to provide the most accurate information to the fire control computer so that accurate missile or gun
firing can be accomplished. The fire control radar continuously directs energy at the target so that the fired
missile locates and tracks on the reflected energy from the target. Air combat maneuvering modes are
automatic modes in which the radar has several sweep patterns fixed about the aircraft axis, such that little or
no work is required of the pilot in order to lock up a target.


Weapons delivery - A mode in which ground features are tracked, and particular emphasis is placed
on determining range to the ground target, angle of dive, weapons ballistic tables, and aircraft speed.

Surveillance/tracking of ground forces/targets - Similar to the above with emphasis on multiple

ground features and less on weapons delivery data.

Reconnaissance - A specific navigational mode to aid in identifying specific targets.


ASW - Navigational techniques specializing in specific search patterns to aid in detection of enemy


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) - A form of radar that uses the relative motion between an antenna
and its target region, to provide coherent-signal variations, in order to obtain finer spatial resolution than is
possible with conventional beam-scanning means. SAR is usually implemented by mounting a single beam-
forming antenna on a moving platform such as an aircraft from which a target scene is repeatedly illuminated
with pulses of radio waves at wavelengths anywhere from a meter down to millimeters. The many echo
waveforms received successively at the different antenna positions are coherently detected and stored and
then post-processed together to resolve elements in an image of the target region.

Over-The-Horizon Radar (OTHR) - uses the refraction of high frequency radiation through the
ionosphere in order to detect targets beyond the line-of-sight. The complexities of the ionosphere can
produce multipath propagation, which may result in multiple resolved detections for a single target. When
there are multipath detections, an OTHR tracker will produce several spatially separated tracks for each
target. Information conveying the state of the ionosphere is required in order to determine the true location of
the target and is available in the form of a set of possible propagation paths, and a transformation from
measured coordinates into ground coordinates for each path. Since may be no other information as to how
many targets are in the surveillance region, or which propagation path gave rise to which track, there is a joint
target and propagation path association ambiguity which must be resolved using the available track and
ionospheric information.


There are two types of radar displays in common use today.


Raw video displays are simply oscilloscopes that display the detected and amplified target return
signal (and the receiver noise). Raw video displays require a human operator to interpret the various target
noise and clutter signals.

On the left hand display of Figure 1, an operator could readily identify three targets and a ghost (a
ghost is a phony target that usually fades in and out and could be caused by birds, weather, or odd temporary
reflections - also referred to as an angel). Target 3 is a weak return and hidden in the noise - an operator can
identify it as a target by the mouse under the rug effect of raising the noise base line.


Synthetic video displays use a computer to clean up the display by eliminating noise and clutter and
creating its own precise symbol for each target.

On the right hand display target 1 comes and goes because it is barely above the receiver noise level -
notice that it is quite clear on the raw video. Target 3 wasnt recognized by the computer because its too far
down in the noise. The computer validated the ghost as a target. The ghost might be a real target with glint or
ECM characteristics that were recognized by the computer but not the operator.

Figure 1. Radar Display Types.


They generally use either a PPI or a sector PPI display as shown in Figure 2. PPI displays can be
either raw video or synthetic video.

PPI scope (plan position indicator).

Polar plot of direction and distance.
Displays all targets for 360 degrees.

Sector PPI scope.

Polar plot of direction and distance.
Displays all targets within a specific sector.
Origin may be offset so that your radar position may be off the scope.


Usually use some combination of A, B, C, or E scope displays. There are many other types of
displays that have been used at one time or another - including meters - but those listed here are the most
common in use today.

Figure 2. Common Radar Displays.


Target signal amplitude vs. range or velocity.

Displays all targets along pencil beam for selected range limits.

Displays tracking gate. Usually raw video. Some modern radars have raw video a-scopes as
an adjunct to synthetic video displays.

Must be used with a separate azimuth and elevation display of some sort.

Also called a range scope (R-Scope).


Range vs. azimuth or elevation. Displays targets within selected limits.

Displays tracking gate. May be raw or synthetic video.

Surface radars usually have two. One azimuth/one elevation which can result in confusion
with multiple targets.


Azimuth vs. elevation. Displays targets within selected limits of az and el.

Displays tracking gate. May display bulls-eye or aim dot.

May have range indicator inserted typically as a marker along one side. Usually synthetic

Pilots eye view and very common in modern fighter aircraft heads up displays for target
being tracked.

Could be used in any application where radar operator needs an aiming or cross hair
view like a rifle scope.


Elevation vs. Range similar to a B-scope, with elevation replacing azimuth.

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Originated in WWII for just that purpose - a way for our secondary radars to identify U.S. aircraft
from enemy aircraft by assigning a unique identifier code to U.S. aircraft transponders.

The system is considered a secondary radar system since it operates completely differently and
independently of the primary radar system that tracks aircraft skin returns only, although the same CRT
display is frequently used for both.

The system was initially intended to distinguish between enemy and friend but has evolved such that
the term IFF commonly refers to all modes of operation, including civil and foreign aircraft use.

There are five major modes of operation currently in use by military aircraft plus two sub-modes.

Mode 1 is a non-secure low cost method used by ships to track aircraft and other ships.
Mode 2 is used by aircraft to make carrier controlled approaches to ships during inclement
Mode 3 is the standard system also used by commercial aircraft to relay their position to ground
controllers throughout the world for air traffic control (ATC).
Mode 4 is secure encrypted IFF (the only true method of determining friend or foe) Military
Mode 5 provides a cryptographically secured version of Mode S and ADS-B GPS position.
(military only). Mode 5 is divided into two levels. Both are crypto-secure with Enhanced
encryption, Spread Spectrum Modulation, and Time of Day Authentication. Level 1 is similar to
Mode 4 information but enhanced with an Aircraft Unique PIN. Level 2 is the same as Mode 5
level one but includes additional information such as aircraft position and other attributes
Mode C is the altitude encoder (military and civilian).
Mode S provides multiple information formats to a selective interrogation. Typically aircraft
are assigned a unique 24-bit Mode S address. The Mode S address is partitioned and a group of
address ranges are allocated to each country. Some countries change the assigned address for
security reasons, and thus it might not be a unique address. (military and civilian)

The non-secure codes are manually set by the pilot but assigned by the air traffic controller.

A cross-band beacon is used, which simply means that the interrogation pulses are at one frequency
and the reply pulses are at a different frequency. 1030 MHz and 1090 MHz is a popular frequency pair used
in the U.S.

The secondary radar transmits a series of selectable coded pulses. The aircraft transponder receives
and decodes the interrogation pulses. If the interrogation code is correct, the aircraft transponder transmits a
different series of coded pulses as a reply.

The advantage of the transponder is that the coded pulses squawked by the aircraft transponders
after being interrogated might typically be transmitted at a 10 watt ERP, which is much stronger than the
microwatt skin return to the primary radar. Input power levels may be on the order of several hundred watts.

The transponder antenna is low gain so that it can receive and reply to a radar from any direction.

An adjunct to the IFF beacon is the altitude encoding transponder known as mode C - all commercial
and military aircraft have them, but a fair percentage of general aviation light aircraft do not because of cost.
The number of transponder installations rises around many large metropolitan areas where they are required
for safety (easier identification of aircraft radar tracks).

Air traffic control primary radars are similar to the two-dimensional search radar (working in azimuth
and range only) and cannot measure altitude.

The expanded display in figure 1 is typical of an air traffic control IFF response. The aircraft was
told to squawk a four digit number such as 4732. The altitude encoded transponder provides the aircraft
altitude readout to the ground controllers display along with the coded response identifying that particular

Figure 1. IFF Transponder.

In addition to systems with active electronic data interchange between airborne and ground
equipment, some military surveillance systems can provide targeting in tactical applications. The
development of automated techniques for use against ground targets is typically referred to as Automatic
Target Recognition (ATR). When used against air targets, it is typically referred to as Non-Cooperative
Target Recognition (NCTR). The requirements for radar target recognition are complex since typical targets
have background clutter and often multiple targets types exist.


Two tone and spurious response (single signal) receiver tests should be performed on EW and radar
receivers to evaluate their spurious free dynamic range. A receiver should have three ranges of performance:
(1) protection from damage, (2) degraded performance permitted in the presence of a strong interfering
signal(s) and no degradation when only a strong desired signal is present, and (3) full system performance.

The original MIL-STD-461A design requirement and its companion MIL-STD-462 test requirement
specified four receiver tests. These standards allowed the interfering signal(s) to be both inband and out of
band, which is meaningful for design and test of EW receivers, however inband testing generally is not
meaningful for narrowband communications receivers. These standards were difficult to follow and had to be
tailored to properly evaluate the EW and radar system. MIL-STD-461B/C still allowed the interfering
signal(s) to be both inband and out of band but deleted the single signal interference test (CS08 Conducted
Susceptibility test). MIL-STD-461D/-462D leave the pass/fail criteria entirely up to what is listed in the
individual procurement specification. It also places all interfering signals out of band, redesignates each test
number with a number 100 higher than previously used, and combines CS08 as part of CS104.
Therefore, to provide meaningful tests for EW and radar systems, the procurement specification must specify
the three ranges of performance mentioned in the beginning of this section and that the tests are to be
performed with the interfering signal(s) both inband and out of band. The four tests are as follows (listed in
order of likelihood to cause problems):

Test Name MIL-STD-461A MIL-STD-461D

Undesired, Single signal interference test CS08 Part of CS104
Desired with undesired, two signal interference tests CS04 CS104
Two signal intermodulation test CS03 CS103
Two signal cross modulation test CS05 CS105

The rest of this section explains the application of these tests and uses the names of the original
MIL-STD-461A tests to separate the tests by function.


A directional coupler used

backwards (as shown here in Figure 1)
is an easy way to perform two signal
tests. The CW signal should be applied
to the coupling arm (port B) since the
maximum CW signal level is -10 dBm.
The pulse signal should be applied to
the straight-through path (port C) since
the maximum pulse level is +10 dBm
peak. These power levels are Figure 1. Receiver Test Setup When Antenna Can Be Removed.
achievable with standard laboratory
signal generators, therefore one doesnt have to resort to using amplifiers which may distort the signals.
Always monitor the output signal to verify spectrally pure signals are being applied to the test unit. This can
be accomplished by another directional coupler used in the standard configuration. Dissimilar joints or
damaged or corroded microwave components can cause mixing. This can also result if the two signal
generators are not isolated from one another. Therefore, even if a directional coupler is used to monitor the

signal line, it is still advisable to directly measure the input to the receiver whenever there is a suspected
receiver failure. This test does not need to be performed in an EMI shielded room and is more suitable for a
radar or EW lab where the desired signals are readily available.

If the receivers antenna is active or

cannot be removed, a modified test as
shown in Figure 2 should be performed.
The monitoring antenna which is connected
to the spectrum analyzer should be the
same polarization as the antenna for the
receiver being tested. Amplifiers may be
required for the F1 and F2 signals. It is
desirable to perform this test in an anechoic Figure 2. Receiver Test Setup When Antenna Is Active.
chamber or in free space.

In the following discussion of CS08, CS04, CS03, and CS05 tests, it is assumed that when the receive
light illuminates, the receiver identifies a signal that matches parameters in the User Data File (UDF) or pre-
programmed list of emitter identification parameters. If a receiver is different, the following procedures will
have to be appropriately tailored. If the UDF does not have entries for very low level signals in the 10% and
90% regions of each band, complete testing is not possible. Most problems due to higher order mixing
products and adjacent band leakage are only evident in these regions. In the following tests, the lowest level
where the receive light is constantly on is used to identify the minimum receive level. If a receiver has a
receive level hysteresis or other idiosyncrasy, then using a 50% receive light blinking indicator may be more
appropriate. Whatever technique is appropriate, it should be consistently used during the remainder of the
test. The maximum frequency for testing is normally 20 GHz. If a millimeter wave receiver is being tested,
the maximum frequency should be 110 GHz.


MIL-STD-461B/C (EMI design requirements) deleted this test. MIL-STD-461D allows a single
signal test as part of CS104 (CS04) but specifies it as an out of band test. The original CS08 inband and out
of band test is still needed and is the most meaningful test for wide band EW receivers which have a
bandwidth close to an octave. This test will find false identification problems due to 1) lack of RF
discrimination, 2) higher order mixing problems, 3) switch or adjacent channel/band leakage, and 4) cases
where the absence of a desired signal causes the receiver to search and be more susceptible. In this latter case,
a CS04 two signal test could pass because the receiver is captured by the desired signal, whereas a CS08 test
could fail. Examples of the first three failures are as follows.


A 2 to 4 GHz receiver which uses

video detection (e.g., crystal video) and
doesnt measure RF is used for this example.
This receiver assumes that if the correct Pulse
Repetition Interval (PRI) is measured, it is
from a signal in the frequency band of
interest. Three cases can cause false
identification. Refer to Figure 3.

(1) Region A&C. The 2 to 4 GHz

band pass filter will pass strong signals in Figure 3. Frequency Areas in a Sample 2-4 GHz
regions A&C. If they have the correct PRI, Receiver.
they will also be identified.

(2) Region B. Any other signal besides the desired signal in the 2 to 4 GHz region that has the
correct PRI will also be identified as the signal of interest.

(3) Region D. Band pass filters with poor characteristics tend to pass signals with only limited
attenuation at frequencies that are three times the center frequency of the band pass filter. If these signals
have the correct PRI, they will be incorrectly identified.

High duty cycle signals (CW or pulse doppler) in regions A, B, C, and D may overload the processing
of signals, saturate the receiver, or desensitize the receiver. This case is really a two signal CS04 test failure
and will be addressed in the CS04 section.


A receiver measuring the carrier frequency of each pulse

(i.e., instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM)) and the PRI is used
for this example. False signal identification can occur due to higher
order mixing products showing up in the receiver pass bands. These
unwanted signals result from harmonics of the input RF mixing with
harmonics of the Local Oscillator (LO). Refer to Figures 4 and 5.
Figure 4. Low Side Mixing.
Mixers are nonlinear devices and yield the sum, difference, and
the original signals. Any subsequent amplifier that is saturated will
provide additional mixing products.

If a 8.5 GHz signal with a 1 kHz PRI is
programmed to be identified in the UDF, measurements are
made at the 2.5 GHz Intermediate Frequency (IF), i.e., RF-
LO = IF = 8.5-6 = 2.5 GHz.

The same 2.5 GHz signal can result from an RF

signal of 9.5 GHz due to mixing with the second harmonic
of the LO i.e., 2 X 6 - 9.5 = 2.5 GHz. This signal will be
substantially attenuated (approximately 35 dB) when
compared to the normal IF of 9.5 - 6 = 3.5 GHz. If the
receiver has filters at the IF to reduce the signal density and
a filter has minimum insertion loss at 2.5 GHz and
maximum insertion loss at 3.5 GHz, then only the low level
2.5 GHz signal will be measured and assumed to be due to a
8.5 GHz input signal whereas the input is really at 9.5 GHz. Figure 5. Low Side Mixing Results.

Spurious intermodulation products can also result from

high side mixing, but generally the suppression of undesired
signals is greater. In this case, the LO is at a frequency higher
than the RF input. This is shown in Figures 6 and 7.

Table 1. Intermodulation As previously

Product Suppression. mentioned, the amplitude of
intermodulation products is Figure 6. High Side Mixing.
Harmonic of greatly reduced from that of
LO RF Suppression the original signals. Table 1
1 1 0 shows rule of thumb
1 2 P-41 approximate suppression
1 3 2P-28 (reduction), where P =
2 1 -35 PRF(dBm) - PLO(dBm). As can
2 2 P-39 be seen, the strength of the LO
2 3 2P-44 is a factor. The higher the LO
3 1 -10 power, the more negative the
3 2 P-32
suppression becomes.
3 3 2P-18
4 1 -35
4 2 -39 If one assumes the
5 1 -14 maximum RF power for full
5 3 2P-14 system performance is +10
6 1 -35 dBm and the LO power level is
6 2 P-39 +20 dBm, then P = -10 dB Figure 7. High Side Mixing Byproducts.
7 1 -17 minimum. Therefore in this
7 3 2P-11 example, the 3RF-2LO mixing product would be 2P - 44 = - 20 - 44 =
Courtesy Watkins-Johnson -64 dB when compared to the desired mixing product.

The use of double mixing, as shown in Figure 8, can significantly reduce unwanted signals but it is
more expensive. For a 8 GHz signal in, one still generates a 2 GHz IF but by mixing up, then down,
unwanted signals are not generated or significantly suppressed.

Figure 8. Double Mixing.

Some of these problems can be corrected by:

(1) always having LOs on the high side versus low side of the input RF (but this is more

(2) using double mixing

(3) software programming the receiver to measure for the potential stronger signal when a weak
signal is measured in a certain IF region, and

(4) improved filtering of the LO input to the mixer and the output from the mixer.


If the same receiver discussed in example 2 had additional bands (Figure 9) and used a switch at the
IF to select individual bands, a strong signal in an adjacent band could be inadvertently measured because:

(1) the switch, which may have 80 dB of isolation when measured outside the circuit, may only have
35 dB isolation when installed in a circuit because of the close proximity of input and output lines,

(2) the strong signal in one band may have the same IF value that is being sought in an adjacent band,

(3) the additional parameters such as PRI may be the same.

As shown in Figure 9, assume
that in band 2 we are looking for a
4.5 GHz signal that has a PRI of 1 kHz.
Measurements are made at an IF of
3.5 GHz since LO-RF = IF = 8-4.5 =
3.5 GHz. If a 6.5 GHz signal is applied
to band 3, its IF also equals 3.5 since
LO-RF = 10-6.5 = 3.5 GHz. If this is a
strong signal, has a PRI of 1 kHz, and
there is switch leakage, a weak signal
will be measured and processed when the
switch is pointed to band 2. The receiver
measures an IF of 3.5 GHz and since the
switch is pointed to band 2, it scales the
measured IF using the LO of band 2 i.e.,
LO-IF = RF = 8-3.5 = 4.5 GHz. Figure 9. Multi Band Receiver With Common IF.
Therefore, a 4.5 GHz signal is assumed
to be measured when a 6.5 GHz signal is applied. Similarly this 6.5 GHz signal would appear as a weak
3.5 GHz signal from band 1 or a 9.5 GHz signal from band 4.

In performing this test it is important to map the entries of the UDF for each band i.e., show each
resulting IF, its PRI, and the sensitivity level that the receive light is supposed to illuminate, i.e., if a test in
one band used a PRI corresponding to a PRI in another band where the receive threshold is programmed to
not be sensitive this will negate the effectiveness of a cross coupling test. Mapping the UDF will facilitate
applying a strong signal to one band using the PRI of a desired signal in an adjacent band.


Assume that the receiver band is 2

to 4 GHz as shown in Figure 10. Pick the
UDF entry that has the greatest sensitivity.
UDF #1 entry is for a 3.05 GHz signal with
a PRI of 1 kHz. If the test signal is set for
the UDF #1 PRI, a receive light will also
occur at the frequencies of UDF #2 if it also
has the same PRI (this is not a test failure).
If adjacent bands dont also have entries
with the same PRI, then the test should be
repeated for the band being tested with at
least one of the adjacent band PRI values. Figure 10. Receiver Band With Multiple UDF Entries.

(1) Set the receiver or jammer to the receive mode, verify it is working for UDF #1 and record
Po, the minimum signal level where the receive light is constantly on.

(2) Raise this signal to its maximum specified level for full system performance. If a maximum level
is not specified, use +10 dBm peak for a pulse signal or -10 dBm for a CW signal.

(3) Tune this strong RF signal outside the UDF #1 range and record any RF frequency where the
receive light comes on. If another inband UDF has the same PRI, this is not a failure.

(4) This test is performed both inband and out of band. Out of band tests should be performed on the
high end to five times the maximum inband frequency or 20 GHz, whichever is less, and on the low end to
IF/5 or 0.05 F0, whichever is less, unless otherwise specified. The out of band power level is +10 dBm peak
for a pulse signal or -10 dBm for a CW signal, unless otherwise specified.

(5) If a receive light comes on when it is not supposed to, record the RF and reduce the power level
to where the receive light just stays on constantly. Record this level P1. The interference rejection level is
P1-P0= PIR

(6) Repeat this test for each type of signal the receiver is supposed to process, i.e., pulse, PD,
CW, etc.


The intent is for a weak desired signal to be received in the presence of an adjacent CW signal. The
desired signal is kept tuned at minimal power level and a strong unmodulated signal is tuned outside the UDF
region. Radar and EW receivers without preselectors are likely to experience interference when this test is
performed inband. Receivers with nonlinear devices before their passive band pass filter, or filters that
degrade out of band, are likely to experience susceptibility problems when this test is performed out of band.

Tests performed inband - An unmodulated CW signal is used. If the receiver is supposed to handle
both pulsed and CW signals, this test is performed inband. If the pulse receiver is supposed to desensitize in
order to only process pulse signals above the CW level, then only this limited function is tested inband i.e.,
normally the levels correspond, if a CW signal of -20 dBm is present, then the receiver should process pulse
signals greater than -20 dBm.


(1) As shown in Figure 11, initially

the pulse signal is tuned to F0 and the
minimum receive level P0 is recorded, i.e.,
minimum level where the receive light is
constantly on.

(2) The pulse signal is raised to the

maximum specified level for full system
performance and tuned on either side of F0 to
find the frequencies on both sides (FHigh and
FLow) where the receive light goes out. If a
maximum pulse power level is not specified, Figure 11. CS04 Test Signals.
then +10 dBm peak is used. In some receivers
FL and FH are the band skirts.

(3) The pulse signal is returned to the level found in step 1. A CW signal at the maximum specified
CW power level for full system performance is tuned above FH and below FL. If a maximum CW power level
is not specified, then -10 dBm is used. Anytime the receive light is lost, the tuned CW RF value is recorded.
The CW signal should be turned off to verify that the pulse signal can still be received in the absence of

interference. If the pulse signal is still being received, then the interfering CW signal should be reapplied and
decreased to the lowest power level where the receive light stays on constantly. Record this level P1. The
interference rejection level is P1 - P0 = PIR.

(4) Out of band tests should be performed to five times the maximum inband frequency or 20 GHz,
whichever is less, and on the low end to IF/5 or 0.05 F0, whichever is less, unless otherwise specified. The
out of band CW power level is -10 dBm unless otherwise specified.

Failures - Out of band test

(1) If a non-linear device such as a limiter is placed before a band pass filter, a strong out of band
signal can activate the limiter and cause interference with the inband signal. The solution is to place
all non-linear or active devices after a passive band pass filter.

(2) Band pass filters with poor characteristics tend to pass signals with only limited attenuation at
frequencies that are three times the center frequency of the band pass filter. Passage of a CW or high
duty cycle signal that is out of band may desensitize or interfere with the processing of a weak inband


This two signal interference test places a pulse signal far enough away (f) from the desired UDF
frequency (F0) that it wont be identified. A CW signal is initially placed 2f away. If an amplifier is
operating in the saturated region, these two signals will mix and produce sum and difference signals.
Subsequent mixing will result in a signal at the desired UDF frequency F0 since F1 - (F2-F1) = F0. These two
signals are raised equally to strong power levels. If no problem occurs, the CW signal is tuned to the upper
inband limit and then tuned out of band. A similar test is performed below F0.


(1) Set the receiver or jammer to

the receive mode. Verify it is working at a
desired signal frequency, (F0), and record
the minimum signal level i.e., lowest level
where the receive light is constantly on
(record this level P0).

(2) The modulated signal is raised

to the maximum specified level for full
system performance and tuned on either
side of F0 to find the frequency F1 on both
Figure 12. Initial CS03 Test Signal.
sides where the receive light goes out. If a
maximum power level is not specified,
+10 dBm peak is used. The difference between F1 and F0 is f as shown in Figure 12.

(3) As shown in Figure 13, a pulse
signal is tuned to F1 and a CW signal is
tuned to F2 where F2 = F1 + f on the high
side. The power level of the two signals is
initially set to P0 and raised together until
the maximum specified levels for full system
performance are reached. If maximum
power levels are not specified, then
+10 dBm peak is used for the pulse signal
and -10 dBm is used for the CW signal.
Whenever the receive light comes on, the
two signals should be turned off individually
to verify that the failure is due to a
combination of the two signals versus (1) a
Figure 13. CS03 Testing Signal.
single signal (CS08) type failure or
(2) another inband UDF value has been
matched. If the failure is due to the two signal operation, then the power level (P1 and P2) of F1 and F2 should
be recorded. If P1=P2, the intermodulation rejection level is P1-P0=PIM. If P1P2, it is desirable to readjust
them to be equal when the receive light just comes on.

(4) Once the F1 + F2 signals are raised to the maximum power test levels described in step 3 without a
failure, then F2 is tuned to the upper limit of the band. F2 should also be tuned out of band to five times the
maximum inband frequency or 20 GHz whichever is less unless otherwise specified. The out of band power
level is -10 dBm unless otherwise specified. Whenever the receive light comes on, F2 should be turned off to
verify that the failure is due to a two signal test. If it is, turn F2 back on and equally drop the power levels of
F1 and F2 to the lowest level where the receive light just comes on. Record the power levels (P1 and P2).

(5) Step 3 is repeated where F1 is f below F0 and F2=F1-f. Step 4 is repeated except F2 is tuned to
the lower limit of the band. F2 should also be tuned out of band down to 0.1 F0, unless otherwise specified.

(6) Normally if a failure is going to occur it will occur with the initial setting of F1 and F2. Care must
be taken when performing this test to ensure that the initial placements of F1 and F2 do not result in either of
the signals being identified directly.

As shown in Figure 14, if F1 was placed at

3.2 GHz it would be identified directly and if F2 was
placed at 3.4 GHz it would be identified directly.
Whereas, if F1 was at 3.1 GHz and F2 was at 3.2 GHz
neither interfering signal would be identified directly but
their intermodulation may result in an improper
identification at F0. Later when F2 is tuned higher, the Figure 14. Sample UDF Entries.
receive light will come on around 3.4 GHz and 3.6 GHz.
This is not a test failure just a case of another inband UDF value being matched.


This two signal interference test places a

weak CW signal where the receiver is programmed
for a pulse signal and tunes a strong pulse signal
elsewhere. As shown in Figure 15, when an
amplifier is saturated, lower level signals are
suppressed. When an amplifier is operated in the
linear region all signals receive the rated linear gain.
In this test the pulse signal will cause the amplifier to
kick in and out of saturation and modulate the weak
CW signal. The receiver may measure the
modulation on the CW signal and incorrectly identify
it as a pulse signal.

Figure 15. Cross Modulation Example.


(1) Initially the pulse signal is

tuned to F0 and the minimum power level P0
where the receive light is constantly on is

(2) As shown in Figure 16, the

signal is raised to the maximum specified
level for full system performance for a pulse
signal and tuned on either side of F0 to find
the frequencies on both sides, (FHigh and
FLow) where the receive light goes out. If a
maximum pulse power level is not
specified, then +10 dBm peak is used. Figure 16. Initial CS05 Test Signals.

(3) The pulse signal from step 2 is turned off and a second signal is placed at F0. It is a CW
signal that is 10 dB stronger than the peak power level (P0) measured is step 1. The receive light should
not come on.

(4) As shown in Figure 17, the strong pulse signal of step 2 is turned back on and tuned above FH and
then tuned below FL. Out of band tests should be performed to the maximum RF of the system + maximum
IF or 20 GHz whichever is less and on the low end to the minimum RF of the system minus the maximum IF,
unless otherwise specified.

(5) If a receive light occurs, turn
off the weak CW signal since the failure
may be due to the tuned pulsed signal, i.e., a
CS08 failure or another inband UDF value
has been matched.

If the light extinguishes when the

weak CW signal is turned off, then turn the
signal back on, reduce the value of the high
level pulse signal until the minimum level is
reached where the light stays on constantly.
Record this level as P1.
Figure 17. Final CS05 Test Signals.
The cross modulation rejection level
is P1-P0-10 dB = PCM.

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As shown in Figure 1, signal processing is basically a problem of signal detection, emitter parameter
measurement and correlation, emitter sorting, identification, and operator notification.

Figure 1. Signal Processing Steps.

The ultimate goal of this processing is to classify radar signals by their unique characteristics and to
use this data to identify enemy radars operating in the environment, determine their location or direction,
assess their threat to friendly forces, and display this information to the operator.

While not all electronic support measures (ESM) or radar warning receiver (RWR) systems perform
every step in this process, each completes some of them. For example, ESM systems seldom initiate direct
CM action, while RWRs sometimes do. Also ESM systems frequently record electronic data for future use,
but few RWRs do. ESM systems place more emphasis on accurate emitter location and hence direction
finding capabilities, while RWRs usually give a rough estimate of position/distance.

The typical emitter characteristics that an ESM system can measure for a pulse radar include the
following data:

1. Radio Frequency (RF)

2. Amplitude (power)
3. Direction of Arrival (DOA) - also called Angle of Arrival (AOA)
4. Time of Arrival (TOA)
5. Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI)
6. PRI type
7. Pulse Width (PW)
8. Scan type and rate
9. Lobe duration (beam width)

However, this list is not comprehensive. Other emitter parameters are available which may be
necessary to characterize the threat system.

More sophisticated ESM systems can measure additional parameters, such as PRI modulation
characteristics, inter- and intra-pulse Frequency Modulation (FM), missile guidance characteristics
(e.g., pattern of pulse spacing within a pulse group), and Continuous Wave (CW) signals.

Still other parameters which can describe an electromagnetic wave but are currently not commonly
used for identification include polarization and phase. However, as threat emitters begin to use this data more
frequently to avoid jamming the more important they may become in identifying signals.

Some of the emitter characteristics which describe an electromagnetic wave are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Information Content of an Electromagnetic Wave.

Table 1 illustrates the relative importance of several measured parameters during various stages of
signal processing.

Table 1. Importance of Emitter Parameters During Signal Processing.

Pulse Train Emitter Intercept

De-interleavement Identification Correlation
Frequency 2 2 2
Amplitude 1 0 1
Angle of Arrival 2 0 2
TOA 0 0 1
PRI 2 2 2
PRI type 2 2 2
PW 2 1 1
Scan rate and type 0 2 1
Lobe Duration 0 1 1
0 Not Useful 1 Some Use 2 Very Useful

Some emitter parameters can be measured using a single pulse; these parameters are referred to as
monopulse parameters. The monopulse parameters include RF, PW, DOA, amplitude and TOA. RF can be
determined on a pulse-by-pulse basis by receivers that can measure frequency. Frequency is very useful for
emitter identification since most radars operate at a single frequency. Most real-time systems measure pulse
width instead of pulse shape because the latter is much more difficult to characterize mathematically.
Unfortunately, the apparent pulse width can be severely distorted by reflections, and consequently, its
usefulness for emitter identification is limited. DOA cannot be used for emitter identification, but is excellent
for sorting signals. A number of ESM systems use both frequency and DOA information to distinguish the
new signals from the old (that is, known) ones. Amplitude also cannot be used for emitter identification.
However, it can be used for sorting and for gross distance estimation using precompiled emitters effective
radiated power. Moreover, amplitude in conjunction with TOA can be used to determine the emitters scan

Other emitter parameters such as PRI, guidance and scan characteristics can be determined only by
analyzing a group of pulses. All these parameters are useful for emitter identification; unfortunately, they
require time for data collection and analysis, and call for sophisticated signal processing algorithms.

The problem of signal recognition in real-time is complicated by two factors: modulation of the
signals and the very high pulse densities expected in the environment. Complex modulations (for example,
inter-pulse RF modulation, intra-pulse RF modulation and agile Pulse Repetition Frequencies (PRFs)) present
a significant pattern recognition problem for a number of ESM systems. It is expected that during some
missions, hundreds of emitters will be transmitting simultaneously in the same vicinity. Wide-open
antenna/receiver combination systems may have to cope with up to a million PPS. Even narrow-band
receivers can expect data rates up to 100,000 PPS. At these rates, a single modern computer cannot be
expected to process all the pulses, derive the characteristics for all emitters and identify the emitters in
real-time. Other factors which encumber signal recognition include missing pulses, atmospheric noise and
multiple reflections of pulses.

Present RWRs are designed primarily to cope with stable emitters. A stable emitter is one whose
frequency and pulse repetition interval (PRI) remain relatively constant from pulse to pulse. The future threat
will move steadily away from the stable emitter towards agile emitters which vary their frequency and PRI
characteristics. The first change in this direction is towards the patterned agile emitter which varies its pulse
and frequency parameters in accordance with a specific pattern. Examples of patterned agile emitters are MTI
radars which use staggered PRFs, pulse Doppler radars which change frequency and PRF on a block-to-block

basis, and certain frequency-agile radars whose transmitter frequency is mechanically modulated in a
systematic pattern (e.g., spin-tuned magnetron). The next step in this evolution is towards truly agile emitters
which change their frequency and PRF in a random manner on a pulse-to-pulse basis. One tempering factor
in this evolution is that radars which process Doppler must maintain a constant frequency for at least two
consecutive pulses.

In addition to agile frequency and PRI parameters, the future threat will be composed of a number of
high-PRF pulsed Doppler, burst-frequency, CW, pulse-compression, agile-beam, and LPI radars, which use
pseudo-noise waveforms. This conglomeration of radar types will cause a high signal density which must be
segmented into a manageable data stream by the use of both frequency and spatial filtering in the RWR.
While frequency and PRI are good parameters for sorting present-day non-agile emitters, they are poor or
useless parameters for sorting agile emitters.

Angle of arrival is generally regarded as the best initial sorting parameter because it cannot be varied
by the emitter from pulse to pulse.


Direction finding (DF) systems provide several important functions in modern EW systems. We have
already discussed the importance of measuring the emitters bearing, or angle of arrival (AOA), as an
invariant sorting parameter in the deinterleaving of radar signals and in separating closely spaced
communication emitters. In addition, the conservation of jamming power in power-managed ECM systems
depends on the ability of the associated ESM system to measure the direction to the victim emitter. A
function which is becoming increasingly important in defense suppression and weapon delivery systems
involves locating the emitters position passively. This can be accomplished from a single moving platform
through successive measurements of the emitters angular direction, or from multiple platforms which make
simultaneous angular measurements.

The emitter identification function requires identifying and associating consecutive pulses produced
by the same emitter in angle of arrival (AOA) and frequency. The AOA is a parameter which a hostile emitter
cannot change on a pulse-to-pulse basis. However, to measure the AOA of pulses which overlap in the time
domain first requires them to be separated in the frequency domain. The advanced ESM receivers which
accomplish this function must operate over several octaves of bandwidth while providing RMS bearing
accuracies on the order of at least 2 degrees with high POI and fast reaction time in dense signal

There are basically three methods, depicted in
Figure 3, which allow the passive location of stationary
ground-based emitters from airborne platforms.

These are:

1. The azimuth triangulation method where the

intersection of successive spatially displaced
bearing measurements provides the emitter

2. The azimuth/elevation location technique, which

provides a single-pulse instantaneous emitter
location from the intersection of the measured
azimuth/elevation line with the earths surface.

3. The time difference of arrival (TDOA), or

precision emitter location system (PELS) method,
which measures the difference in time of arrival
of a single pulse at three spatially remote

Additional methods include:

1. Phase rate of change, which is similar to Figure 3. Passive Emitter Location Techniques.
triangulation, except it makes calculations using
the phase derivative.

2. Angle distance techniques, where the distance from the emitter is derived from the signal strength (with
known threat characteristics).

3. RF Doppler processing, which measures Doppler changes as the aircraft varies direction with
respect to the target radar.

The relative advantages and disadvantages of each are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Emitter Location Techniques.

Advantages Disadvantages
Non-Instantaneous Location;
Triangulation Single Aircraft Inadequate Accuracy for Remote Targeting;
Not Forward Looking
Single Aircraft
Accuracy Degrades Rapidly at Low Altitude;
Azimuth/Elevation Instantaneous Location
Function of Range
Very Complex, At Least 3 Aircraft; High Quality
Very High Precision
Receivers; DME (3 Sites);
Can Support Weapon Very Wideband Data Link;
Time Difference of
Delivery Position Very High Performance Control Processor;
Arrival (Pulsed
Signals) Requires Very High Reliability Subsystems.
Very Rapid, Can Handle Requires common time reference and correlation
Short On-Time Threat operation for non-pulse signals.

The triangulation method has the advantage of using a single aircraft, and its accuracy is greatest for a
long baseline and the broadside geometry. The accuracy degenerates as the aircraft heading line approaches
the boresight to the emitter.

The azimuth/elevation technique also has the advantage of using a single aircraft, but suffers from the
difficultness of making an accurate elevation measurement with limited vertical aperture and in the presence
of multipath effects.

The TDOA technique requires multiple aircraft and is complex, but has high potential accuracy. The
determination of the location of the site involves the solution of at least two simultaneous second order
equations for the intersection of two hyperbolas which represent T2 - T1 = Constant #1 and T3 - T2 = Constant
#2. This method can be used to obtain a fix for an emitter which radiates only a single pulse.


Several of the above DF measurements require AOA determination. Threat AOA measurements are
also required to inform the aircrew in order to position the aircraft for optimal defense.

As shown in Figure 4, angle-of-arrival measuring systems fall into three main system categories of:

1. Scanning beam
2. Amplitude comparison or Simultaneous-multiple-beam
3. Phased Interferometer techniques

Figure 4. Angle-of-Arrival Measurement Techniques.

Scanning Beam

The mechanically scanning beam, or spinner, requires only a single receiver and also exhibits high
sensitivity due to the use of a directive antenna. The disadvantage is that the spinner usually exhibits slow
response because it must rotate through the coverage angle (e.g., 360 degrees) to ensure that it intercepts an
emitter. Also, if the emitter uses a scanning directional antenna, both beams must point at each other for
maximum sensitivity, which is a low probability occurrence. Both of these effects cause the mechanically
scanning beam technique to have a low probability of intercept (POI).

Amplitude Comparison

The two primary techniques used for direction finding are the amplitude-comparison method and the
interferometer or phase-comparison method. The phase-comparison method generally has the advantage of
greater accuracy, but the amplitude-comparison method is used extensively due to its lower complexity and
cost. Regardless of which technique is used, it should be emphasized that the ultimate rms angular accuracy
is given by:

k B where B is the antennas angular beamwidth, or interferometer lobe width,

SNR and SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio.

Thus, phase interferometers that typically use very widebeam antennas require high signal-to-noise
ratios to achieve accurate angle-of-arrival measurements. Alternately, a multi-element array antenna can be
used to provide relatively narrow interferometer lobes, which require modest signal-to-noise ratios.

Virtually all currently deployed radar warning receiving (RWR) systems use amplitude-comparison
direction finding (DF). A basic amplitude-comparison receiver derives a ratio, and ultimately angle-of-arrival
or bearing, from a pair of independent receiving channels, which utilize squinted antenna elements that are
usually equidistantly spaced to provide an instantaneous 360 coverage. Typically, four or six antenna
elements and receiver channels are used in such systems, and wideband logarithmic video detectors provide
the signals for bearing-angle determination. The monopulse ratio is obtained by subtraction of the detected
logarithmic signals, and the bearing is computed from the value of the ratio.

Amplitude comparison RWRs typically use broadband cavity-backed spiral antenna elements whose
patterns can be approximated by Gaussian-shaped beams. Gaussian-shaped beams have the property that the
logarithmic output ratio slope in dB is linear as a function of angle of arrival. Thus, a digital look-up table
can be used to determine the angle directly. However, both the antenna beamwidth and squint angle vary
with frequency over the multi-octave bands used in RWRs. Pattern shape variations cause a larger pattern
crossover loss for high frequencies and a reduced slope sensitivity at low frequencies. Partial compensation
of these effects, including antenna squint, can be implemented using a look-up table if frequency information
is available in the RWR. Otherwise, gross compensation can be made, depending upon the RF octave band

Typical accuracies can be expected to range from 3 to 10 degrees rms for multi-octave frequency
band amplitude-comparison systems which cover 360 degrees with four to six antennas.

The four-quadrant amplitude-comparison DF systems employed in RWRs have the advantage of

simplicity, reliability, and low cost. Usually, only one antenna per quadrant is employed which covers the 2
to 18 GHz band. The disadvantages are poor accuracy and sensitivity, which result from the broad-beam
antennas employed. Both accuracy and sensitivity can be improved by expanding the number of antennas
employed. For example, expanding to eight antennas would double the accuracy and provide 3 dB more gain.
As the number of antennas increases, it becomes appropriate to consider multiple-beam-forming antennas
rather than just increasing the number of individual antennas. The geometry of multiple-beam-forming
antennas is such that a conformal installation aboard an aircraft is difficult. Therefore, this type of installation
is typically found on naval vessels or ground vehicles where the space is available to accommodate this type
of antenna.

Simultaneous-multiple-beam (amplitude comparison)

The simultaneous-multiple-beam system uses an antenna, or several antennas, forming a number of

simultaneous beams (e.g., Butler matrix or Rotman lens), thereby retaining the high sensitivity of the scanning
antenna approach while providing fast response. However, it requires many parallel receiving channels, each
with full frequency coverage. This approach is compatible with amplitude-monopulse angular measuring
techniques which are capable of providing high angular accuracy.

A typical example of a multiple-beam antenna is a 16-element circular array developed as part of a

digital ESM receiver. This system covers the range from 2 to 18 GHz with two antenna arrays (2 to 7.5 GHz
and 7.5 to 18 GHz), has a sensitivity of -55 to -60 dBm and provides an rms bearing accuracy of better than
1.7 degrees on pulsewidths down to 100 ns.

Phased Interferometer Techniques

The term interferometer generally refers to an array type antenna in which large element spacing
occurs and grating lobes appear.

Phase interferometer DF systems are utilized when accurate angle-of-arrival information is required.
They have the advantage of fast response, but require relatively complex microwave circuitry, which must
maintain a precise phase match over a wide frequency band under extreme environmental conditions. When
high accuracy is required (on the order of 0.1 to 1), wide baseline interferometers are utilized with ambiguity
resolving circuitry. The basic geometry is depicted in Figure 5, whereby a plane wave arriving at an angle is
received by one antenna earlier than the other due to the difference in path length.

The time difference can be expressed as a

phase difference:

= = 2a(f/c) = 2 (d sin )/,

where is the angle of arrival,

d is the antenna separation, and
is the wavelength in compatible units.

The unambiguous field of view (FOV) is given

by = 2 sin-1 (/2d), which for /2 spacing results in
180 coverage. This spacing must be established for the
highest frequency to be received.

Interferometer elements typically use broad

antenna beams with beamwidths on the order of 90.
This lack of directivity produces several adverse effects.
First, it limits system sensitivity due to the reduced
antenna gain. Secondly, it opens the system to
interference signals from within the antennas broad Figure 5. Phase Interferometer Principle.
angular coverage. The interference signals often include
multipath from strong signals which can limit the accuracy of the interferometer.

In an interferometer, the locus of points that produce the same time or phase delay forms a cone.
The indicated angle is the true azimuth angle multiplied by the cosine of the elevation angle. The error in
assuming the incident angle to be the azimuth angle is negligible for signals near the antennas boresight. At
45 azimuth and 10 elevation, the error is less than 1, increasing to 15 for both at 45. Two orthogonal
arrays, one measuring the azimuth angle and the other the elevation angle can eliminate this error. For targets
near the horizon, the depression angle is small, thereby requiring only horizontal arrays.

The rms angular accuracy of an interferometer in radians is given by:

where = /(dcos) is the separation between adjacent nulls.

= / ( SNR ),

For a two-element interferometer, the spacing (d) must be /2 or less to provide unambiguous, or
single lobe 90, coverage. This, in effect, sets a wide interferometer (or grating) lobe which must be split

by a large factor to achieve high accuracy. This, in turn, imposes a requirement for high SNR to achieve the
large beam-splitting factor. For example, if 0.1 accuracy is required from an unambiguous two-element
interferometer, then a SNR of about 50 dB is required to achieve this accuracy. This may be difficult to
achieve considering the inherently low sensitivity of an interferometer system.

When high accuracy is required from an interferometer system, it is usual to employ separations
greater than /2. The increased separation sets up a multi-grating-lobe structure through the coverage angle
which requires less SNR to achieve a specified accuracy. For example, a two-element interferometer with
16 spacing would set up a 33-grating-lobe structure (including the central lobe) throughout the 90
coverage angle. Within each of the 33 grating lobes, it would only require a SNR on the order of 20 dB to
achieve 0.1 accuracy. However, there would be 33 ambiguous regions within the 90 angular coverage
and also 32 nulls (where the phase detector output is zero), about which the system would be insensitive to an
input signal. The ambiguities could be resolved by employing a third antenna element with /2 spacing,
which would provide an accuracy on the order of 3 with 20 dB SNR. This accuracy is sufficient to identify
which of the 33 lobes contains the signal. Providing coverage in the null regions requires additional antenna

Interferometers employing multiple antenna elements are called multiple-baseline interferometers. In

a typical design, the receiver consists of a reference antenna and a series of companion antennas. The spacing
between the reference element and the first companion antenna is /2; other secondary elements are placed to
form pairs separated by 1, 2, 4, and 8 wavelengths. The initial AOA is measured unambiguously by the
shortest-spaced antenna pair. The next greatest spaced pair has a phase rate of change which is twice that of
the first, but the information is ambiguous due to there being twice as many lobes as in the preceding pair.
A greater phase rate of change permits higher angular accuracy while the ambiguity is resolved by the
previous pair. Thus, the described multiple-baseline interferometer provides a binary AOA measurement
where each bit of the measurement supplies a more accurate estimate of the emitters AOA.

Harmonic multiple-baseline interferometers use elements which are spaced at 2n/2, with n = 0, 1, 2,
3. In nonharmonic interferometers, no pair of antennas provides a completely unambiguous reading over the
complete field of view. For example, the initial spacing in the nonharmonic interferometer might be , while
the next companion element spacing is 3/2. Ambiguities are resolved by truth tables, and hence the accuracy
is set by the spacing of the widest baseline antenna pair. Nonharmonic interferometers have been
implemented over 9:1 bandwidths (2 to 18 GHz) with rms accuracies from 0.1 to 1 and with no ambiguities
over 90. The principal advantage of the nonharmonic over the harmonic interferometer is the increased
bandwidth for unambiguous coverage.

Interferometer DF accuracy is determined by the widest baseline pair. Typical cavity-backed spirals,
track to 6 electrical degrees, and associated receivers track to 9, resulting in an rms total of 11. At a typical
16 dB SNR, the rms phase noise is approximately 9 electrical degrees. For these errors and an emitter angle
of 45, a spacing of 25 is required for 0.1 rms accuracy while a spacing of 2.5 is needed for 1 accuracy.
For high accuracy, interferometer spacings of many feet are required. In airborne applications, this usually
involves mounting interferometer antennas in the aircrafts wingtips.

The characteristics of typical airborne amplitude comparison and phase interferometer DF systems are
summarized in Table 3. The phase interferometer system generally uses superheterodyne receivers which
provide the necessary selectivity and sensitivity for precise phase measurements.

Table 3. Direction of Arrival Measurement Techniques.

Amplitude Comparison Phase Interferometer

Typically 4 to 6 Equispaced Antenna 2 or more RHC or LHC Spirals in
Sensor Configuration
Elements for 360 Coverage Fixed Array

2BW C dB (Gaussian
DF Accuracy 24S DFACC =
2d cos
Decrease Antenna BW Increase Spacing of Outer
DF Accuracy Antennas;
Decrease Amplitude Mistrack
Increase Squint Angle Decrease Phase Mistrack
Typical DF Accuracy 3 to 10 rms 0.1 to 3 rms
Sensitivity to High Sensitivity Relatively Insensitive;
Multipath/ Mistrack of Several dB Can Cause Interferometer Can Be Made to
Reflections Large DF Errors Tolerate Large Phase Errors
Reflection Free Area;
Platform Constraints Locate in Reflection Free Area Real Estate For Array;
Prefers Flat Radome
Crystal Video; Channelizer; Acousto-
Applicable Receivers Superheterodyne
Optic; Compressive; Superheterodyne

CdB = Amplitude Monopulse Ratio in dB

S = Squint Angle in degrees
BW = Antenna Beamwidth in degrees

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Microwave Waveguides and Coaxial Cable .............................................................................................. 6-1

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) / Reflection Coefficient
Return Loss / Mismatch Loss.......................................................................................................... 6-2
Microwave Coaxial Connectors ................................................................................................................. 6-3
Power Dividers and Directional Couplers ................................................................................................. 6-4
Attenuators / Filters / DC Blocks ............................................................................................................... 6-5
Terminations / Dummy Loads ................................................................................................................... 6-6
Circulators and Diplexers .......................................................................................................................... 6-7
Mixers and Frequency Discriminators ...................................................................................................... 6-8
Detectors .................................................................................................................................................... 6-9
RF / Microwave Amplifiers ..................................................................................................................... 6-10
Signal Generation..................................................................................................................................... 6-11
Digital Processing Components ............................................................................................................... 6-12
Microwave Measurements ....................................................................................................................... 6-13

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In general, a waveguide consists of a

hollow metallic tube of arbitrary cross section
uniform in extent in the direction of propagation.
Common waveguide shapes are rectangular,
circular, and ridged. The rectangular waveguide
has a width a and height b as shown in Figure 1.
Commonly used rectangular waveguides have an
aspect ratio b/a of approximately 0.5. Such an
aspect ratio is used to preclude generation of
field variations with height and their attendant
unwanted modes. Waveguides are used
principally at frequencies in the microwave
range; inconveniently large guides would be Figure 1. The Rectangular Waveguide.
required to transmit radio-frequency power at
longer wavelengths. In the X-Band frequency
range of 8.2 to 12.4 GHz, for example, the U.S. standard rectangular waveguide, WR-90, has an inner width
of 2.286 cm (0.9 in.) and an inner height of 1.016 cm (0.4 in.).

In waveguides the electric and magnetic fields are confined to the space within the guides. Thus no
power is lost to radiation. Since the guides are normally filled with air, dielectric losses are negligible.
However, there is some I2R power lost to heat in the walls of the guides, but this loss is usually very small.

It is possible to propagate several modes of

electromagnetic waves within a waveguide. The physical
dimensions of a waveguide determine the cutoff frequency for
each mode. If the frequency of the impressed signal is above
the cutoff frequency for a given mode, the electromagnetic
energy can be transmitted through the guide for that particular
mode with minimal attenuation. Otherwise the
electromagnetic energy with a frequency below cutoff for that
particular mode will be attenuated to a negligible value in a
relatively short distance. This grammatical use of cutoff
frequency is opposite that used for coaxial cable, where cutoff
frequency is for the highest useable frequency. The dominant
mode in a particular waveguide is the mode having the lowest
cutoff frequency. For rectangular waveguide this is the TE10
mode. The TE (transverse electric) signifies that all electric
fields are transverse to the direction of propagation and that
no longitudinal electric field is present. There is a
Figure 2. TE Modes.
longitudinal component of magnetic field and for this reason
the TEmn waves are also called Hmn waves. The TE
designation is usually preferred. Figure 2 shows a graphical depiction of the E field variation in a waveguide
for the TE10, TE20, and TE30 modes. As can be seen, the first index indicates the number of half wave loops
across the width of the guide and the second index, the number of loops across the height of the guide - which
in this case is zero. It is advisable to choose the dimensions of a guide in such a way that, for a given input
signal, only the energy of the dominant mode can be transmitted through the guide. For example, if for a
particular frequency, the width of a rectangular guide is too large, then the TE20 mode can propagate causing a
myriad of problems. For rectangular guides of low aspect ratio the TE20 mode is the next higher order mode

and is harmonically related to the cutoff frequency of the TE10 mode. It is this relationship together with
attenuation and propagation considerations that determine the normal operating range of rectangular

The discussion on circular waveguides will not be included because they are rarely used in the EW
area. Information regarding circular waveguides can be found in numerous textbooks on microwaves.


Rectangular waveguides are commonly used for power transmission at microwave frequencies. Their
physical dimensions are regulated by the frequency of the signal being transmitted. Table 1 tabulates the
characteristics of the standard rectangular waveguides. It may be noted that the number following the EIA
prefix WR is in inside dimension of the widest part of the waveguide (i.e., WR90 has an inner dimension
of 0.90).


Another type of waveguide commonly used in

EW systems is the double ridge rectangular waveguide.
The ridges in this waveguide increase the bandwidth of
the guide at the expense of higher attenuation and lower
power-handling capability. The bandwidth can easily
exceed that of two contiguous standard waveguides.
Introduction of the ridges mainly lowers the cutoff
frequency of the TE10 mode from that of the unloaded
guide, which is predicated on width alone. The reason
for this can easily be explained when the field
configuration in the guide at cutoff is investigated. At Figure 3. Double Ridge Waveguide.
cutoff there is no longitudinal propagation down the
guide. The waves simply travel back and forth between the side walls of the guide. In fact the guide can be
viewed as a composite parallel plate waveguide of infinite width where the width corresponds to the direction
of propagation of the normal guide. The TE10 mode cutoff occurs where this composite guide has its lowest-
order resonant frequency. This occurs when there is only one E field maximum across the guide which occurs
at the center for a symmetrical ridge. Because of the reduced height of the guide under the ridge, the effective
TE10 mode resonator is heavily loaded as though a shunt capacitor were placed across it. The cutoff
frequency is thus lowered considerably. For the TE20 mode the fields in the center of the guide will be at a
minimum. Therefore the loading will have a negligible effect. For guides of proper aspect ratio, ridge height,
and ridge width, an exact analysis shows that the TE10 mode cutoff can be lowered substantially at the same
time the TE20 and TE30 mode cutoffs are raised slightly. Figure 3 shows a typical double ridged waveguide
shape and Table 2 shows double ridged waveguide specifications. In the case of ridged waveguides, in the
EIA designation, (WRD350 D36) the first D stands for double ridged (S for single ridged), the 350 is the
starting frequency (3.5 GHz), and the D36 indicates a bandwidth of 3.6:1. The physical dimensions and
characteristics of a WRD350 D24 and WRD350 D36 are radically different. A waveguide with a MIL-W-
23351 dash number beginning in 2 (i.e., 2-025) is a double ridge 3.6:1 bandwidth waveguide. Likewise a 1-
is a single ridge 3.6:1, a 3- is a single ridge 2.4:1, and a 4- is a double ridge 2.4:1 waveguide.

Figure 4 shows a comparison of the frequency /attenuation characteristics of various waveguides.
The attenuation is based on real waveguides which is higher than the theoretical values listed in Tables 1
and 2. Figure 5 shows photographs of waveguides with some common connectors. Figure 6 shows
attenuation characteristics of various RF coaxial cables.

Figure 4. Attenuation vs. Frequency for a Variety of Waveguides and Cables.

Table 1. Rectangular Waveguide Specifications.

Freq Freq Power Insertion Dimensions (Inches)

Waveguide JAN WG MIL-W-85 Material Range Cutoff (at 1 Atm) Loss
Size Desig Dash # Outside Wall
(GHz) (GHz) CW Peak (dB/100ft) Thickness
WR284 RG48/U 1-039 Copper 2.60 - 2.08 45 7650 .742-.508 3.000x1.500 0.08
RG75/U 1-042 Aluminum 3.95 36 1.116-.764
WR229 RG340/U 1-045 Copper 3.30 - 2.577 30 5480 .946-.671 2.418x1.273 0.064
RG341/U 1-048 Aluminum 4.90 24 1.422-1.009
WR187 RG49/U 1-051 Copper 3.95 - 3.156 18 3300 1.395-.967 1.000x1.000 0.064
RG95/U 1-054 Aluminum 5.85 14.5 2.097-1.454
WR159 RG343/U 1-057 Copper 4.90 - 3.705 15 2790 1.533-1.160 1.718x0.923 0.064
RG344/U 1-060 Aluminum 7.05 12 2.334-1.744
WR137 RG50/U 1-063 Copper 5.85 - 4.285 10 1980 1.987-1.562 1.500x0.750 0.064
RG106/U 1-066 Aluminum 8.20 8 2.955-2.348
WR112 RG51/U 1-069 Copper 7.05 - 5.26 6 1280 2.776-2.154 1.250x0.625 0.064
RG68/U 1-072 Aluminum 10.0 4.8 4.173-3.238
WR90 RG52/U 1-075 Copper 8.2 - 6.56 3 760 4.238-2.995 1.000x0.500 0.05
RG67/U 1-078 Aluminum 12.4 2.4 6.506-4.502
WR75 RG346/U 1-081 Copper 10.0 - 7.847 2.8 620 5.121-3.577 0.850x0.475 0.05
RG347/U 1-084 Aluminum 15.0 2.2 7.698-5.377
WR62 RG91/U 1-087 Copper 12.4 - 9.49 1.8 460 6.451-4.743 0.702x0.391 0.04
RG349/U 1-091 Aluminum 18.0 1.4 9.700-7.131
WR51 RG352/U 1-094 Copper 15.0 - 11.54 1.2 310 8.812-6.384 0.590x0.335 0.04
RG351/U 1-098 Aluminum 22.0 1 13.250-9.598
WR42 RG53/U 1-100 Copper 18.0 - 14.08 0.8 170 13.80-10.13 0.500x0.250 0.04
WR34 RG354/U 1-107 Copper 2.0 - 17.28 0.6 140 16.86-11.73 0.420x0.250 0.04
WR28 RG271/U 3-007 Copper 26.5 - 21.1 0.5 100 23.02-15.77 0.360x0.220 0.04

Double ridge waveguide - SMA jack

Standard waveguide - 7 mm

Figure 5. Waveguides With Some Common Connections.

Table 2. Double Ridge Rectangular Waveguide Specifications.

Waveguide MIL-W-
23351 Material
Cutoff (at 1 Atm)
Dimensions (Inches)
Size Dash # (GHz) (GHz) CW Peak (dB/ft) A B C D E F
WRD250 Alum 2.60 - 2.093 24 120 0.025 1.655 0.715 2 1 0.44 0.15
Brass 7.80 0.025
Copper 0.018
Silver Al 0.019
WRD350 4-029 Alum 3.50 - 2.915 18 150 0.0307 1.48 0.688 1.608 0.816 0.37 0.292
D24 4-303 Brass 8.20 0.0303
4-031 Copper 0.0204
WRD475 4-033 Alum 4.75 - 3.961 8 85 0.0487 1.09 0.506 1.19 0.606 0.272 0.215
D24 4-034 Brass 11.00 0.0481
4-035 Copper 0.0324
WRD500 2-025 Alum 5.00 - 4.222 4 15 0.146 0.752 0.323 0.852 0.423 0.188 0.063
D36 2-026 Brass 18.00 0.141
2-027 Copper 0.095
WRD650 Alum 6.50 - 5.348 4 25 0.106 0.720 0.321 0.820 0.421 0.173 0.101
Brass 18.00 0.105
Copper 0.07
WRD750 4-037 Alum 7.50 - 6.239 4.8 35 0.0964 0.691 0.321 0.791 0.421 0.173 0.136
D24 4-038 Brass 18.00 0.0951
4-039 Copper 0.0641
WRD110 4-041 Alum 11.00 - 9.363 1.4 15 0.171 0.471 0.219 0.551 0.299 0.118 0.093
D24 4-042 Brass 26.50 0.169
4-043 Copper 0.144
WRD180 4-045 Alum 18.00 - 14.995 0.8 5 0.358 0.288 0.134 0.368 0.214 0.072 0.057
D24 4-046 Brass 40.00 0.353
4-047 Copper 0.238

Figure 6. Attenuation vs. Frequency for a Variety of Coaxial Cables.

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When a transmission line is terminated with an impedance, ZL, that is not equal to the characteristic
impedance of the transmission line, ZO, not all of the incident power is absorbed by the termination. Part of
the power is reflected back so that phase addition and subtraction of the incident and reflected waves creates a
voltage standing wave pattern on the transmission line. The ratio of the maximum to minimum voltage is
known as the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and successive maxima and minima are spaced by 180

VSWR = E max = E i E r
where Emax = maximum voltage on the standing wave
E min E i - E r Emin = minimum voltage on the standing wave
Ei = incident voltage wave amplitude
Er = reflected voltage wave amplitude

The reflection coefficient, , is defined as Er/Ei and in general, the termination is complex in value, so
that will be a complex number.

Z L - ZO
Additionally we define: = The refection coefficient, , is the absolute value of the
Z L + ZO
magnitude of . If the equation for VSWR is solved for the reflection coefficient, it is found that:

Reflection VSWR - 1 1+
= = | |= Consequently, VSWR =
Coefficient VSWR + 1 1-

The return loss is related through the following equations:

Return VSWR - 1
= 10 log Pi = - 20 log E r = - 20 log = - 20 log
Loss Pr Ei VSWR + 1

Return loss is a measure in dB of the ratio of Return % Power /

VSW Reflection Mismatch
power in the incident wave to that in the reflected R
Loss Voltage
Coefficient Loss (dB)
wave, and as defined above always has a positive (dB) Loss
value. For example if a load has a Return Loss of 1 0/0 0 0.000
1.15 23.1 0.49 / 7.0 0.07 .021
10 dB, then 1/10 of the incident power is reflected.
1.25 19.1 1.2 / 11.1 0.111 .054
The higher the return loss, the less power is actually 1.5 14.0 4.0 / 20.0 0.200 .177
lost. 1.75 11.3 7.4 / 27.3 0.273 .336
1.9 10.0 9.6 / 31.6 0.316 .458
Also of considerable interest is the 2.0 9.5 11.1 / 33.3 0.333 .512
2.5 7.4 18.2 / 42.9 0.429 .880
Mismatch Loss. This is a measure of how much the 3.0 6.0 25.1 / 50.0 0.500 1.25
transmitted power is attenuated due to reflection. It 3.5 5.1 30.9 / 55.5 0.555 1.6
is given by the following equation: 4.0 4.4 36.3 / 60.0 0.600 1.94
4.5 3.9 40.7 / 63.6 0.636 2.25
5.0 3.5 44.7 / 66.6 0.666 2.55
Mismatch Loss = -10 log (1 -2) 10 67.6 / 81.8 0.818 4.81
20 0.87 81.9 / 90.5 0.905 7.4
For example, an antenna with a VSWR of 100 0.17 96.2 / 98.0 0.980 14.1
.000 100 / 100 1.00
2:1 would have a reflection coefficient of 0.333, a
mismatch loss of 0.51 dB, and a return loss of * Divide % Voltage loss by 100 to obtain
(reflection coefficient)

9.54 dB (11% of your
transmitter power is reflected
back). In some systems this
is not a trivial amount and
points to the need for
components with low VSWR.

If 1000 watts
(60 dBm/ 30 dBW) is applied
to this antenna, the return loss
would be 9.54 dB.
Therefore, 111.1 watts would
be reflected and 888.9 watts
(59.488 dBm/29.488 dBW)
would be transmitted, so the
mismatch loss would be
0.512 dB.

Transmission line
attenuation improves the
Figure 1. Reduction of VSWR by Attenuation.
VSWR of a load or antenna.
For example, a transmitting
antenna with a VSWR of 10:1 (poor) and a line loss of 6 dB would measure 1.5:1 (okay) if measured at the
transmitter. Figure 1 shows this effect.

Therefore, if you are interested in determining the performance of antennas, the VSWR should always
be measured at the antenna connector itself rather than at the output of the transmitter. Transmit cabling will
load the line and create an illusion of having a better antenna VSWR. Transmission lines should have their
insertion loss (attenuation) measured in lieu of VSWR, but VSWR measurements of transmission lines are
still important because connection problems usually show up as VSWR spikes.

Historically VSWR was measured by probing the transmission line. From the ratio of the maximum
to minimum voltage, the reflection coefficient and terminating impedance could be calculated. This was a
time consuming process since the measurement was at a single frequency and mechanical adjustments had to
be made to minimize coupling into circuits. Problems with detector characteristics also made the process less
accurate. The modern network analyzer system sweeps very large frequency bandwidths and measures the
incident power, Pi, and the reflected power, Pr. Because of the considerable computing power in the network
analyzer, the return loss is calculated from the equation given previously, and displayed in real time.
Optionally, the VSWR can also be calculated from the return loss and displayed real time.

If a filter is needed on the output of a jammer, it is desirable to place it approximately half way
between the jammer and antenna. This may allow the use of a less expensive filter, or a reflective filter vs. an
absorptive filter.

Special cases exist when comparing open and shorted circuits. These two conditions result in the
same VSWR and zero dB return loss even though there is a 180 phase difference between the reflection
coefficients. These two conditions are used to calibrate a network analyzer.


For high-frequency operation, the average circumference of a coaxial cable must be limited to about
one wavelength in order to reduce multimodal propagation and eliminate erratic reflection coefficients, power
losses, and signal distortion.

Except for the sexless APC-7 connector, all other connectors are identified as either male (plugs)
which have a center conductor that is a probe or female (jacks) which have a center conductor that is a
receptacle. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish them as some female jacks may have a hollow center pin
which appears to be male, yet accepts a smaller male contact.

An adapter is an approximately zero loss interface between two connectors and is called a barrel when
both connectors are identical. A number of common of coaxial connectors are described below, however
other special purpose connectors exist, including blind mate connectors where spring fingers are used in place
of threads to obtain shielding (desired connector shielding should be at least 90 dB).

APC-2.4 (2.4mm) - The 50 APC-2.4 (Amphenol Precision Connector-

2.4 mm) is also known as an OS-50 connector. It was designed to operate at
extremely high microwave frequencies (up to 50 GHz).
APC-3.5 (3.5mm) - The APC-3.5 connector provides repeatable connections
and has a very low VSWR. Either the male or female end of this 50
connector can mate with the opposite type of SMA connector. The APC-3.5
connector can work at frequencies up to 34 GHz. 2.4 mm jack - 3.5 mm jack

APC-7 (7mm) - The APC-7 was developed by HP, but has been improved
and is now manufactured by Amphenol. The connector provides a coupling
mechanism without male or female distinction and is the most repeatable
connecting device used for very accurate 50 measurement applications.
Its VSWR is extremely low up to 18 GHz. Other companies have 7mm
series available.
7mm - 3.5mm plug

BNC (OSB) - The BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman or Bayonet Navy

Connector) was originally designed for military system applications during
World War II. The connector operates best at frequencies up to about
4 GHz; beyond that it tends to radiate electromagnetic energy. The BNC BNC male plug (above)
can accept flexible cables with diameters of up to 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) and
characteristic impedance of 50 to 75 . It is now the most commonly used
connector for frequencies under 1 GHz. Other names the BNC has picked
up over the years include: Baby Neill-Concelman, Baby N connector,
British Naval Connector, and Bayonet Nut Connector

BNC female jack

C Plug (top)

C - The C (Concelman) coaxial connector is a medium size, older type

constant 50 impedance. It has a bayonet (twist and lock) connection. It is
larger than the BNC, but about the same as Type N. It has a frequency
range of 0-11 GHz

SC (OSSC) - The SC type connector is a screw version of the C


C jack (bottom)

SMA (OSM/3mm) - The SMA (Sub-Miniature A) connector was originally

designed by Bendix Scintilla Corporation, but it has been manufactured by
the Omni-Spectra division of M/ACOM (as the OSM connector) and many
other electronic companies. It is a 50 threaded connector. The main SMA Plug (above)
application of SMA connectors is on components for microwave systems.
The connector normally has a frequency range to 18 GHz, but high
performance varieties can be used to 26.5 GHz.

SMA Jack

SSMA (OSSM) - The SSMA is a microminiature version of the SMA. It is

also 50 and operates to 26.5 GHz with flexible cable or 40 GHz with
semi-rigid cable.

SSMA jack - BNC jack

SMC (OSMC) - The SMC (Sub-Miniature C) is a 50 or 75 connector
that is smaller than the SMA. The connector can accept flexible cables with
diameters of up to 3.17 mm (0.125 in.) for a frequency range of up to
7-10 GHz. SMC Plug - SMA Jack
(Some call this a SMC
Jack, even though it has a
female connector)

SMB (OSMB) - The SMB is like the SMC except it uses quick disconnect SMB Plug (above)
instead of threaded fittings. It is a 50 / 75 connector which operates to
4 GHz with a low reflection coefficient and is useable to 10 GHz.

SMB Jack

TNC (OST) - The TNC (Threaded Neill-Concelman or threaded Navy

Connector) is merely a threaded BNC. The function of the thread is to stop
radiation at higher frequencies, so that the connector can work at frequencies
up to 12 GHz (to 18 GHz when using semi-rigid cable). It can be 50 or
75 .

For size comparison here is a SMA plug - TNC plug

TNC Plug (above)

TNC Jack

Type N (OSN) - The 50 or 75 Type N (Navy) connector was originally
designed for military systems during World War II and is the most popular
measurement connector for the frequency range of 1 to 11 GHz. The
precision 50 APC-N and other manufacturers high frequency versions
operate to 18 GHz.

For size comparison here is a picture of Type N plug - TNC jack

N Plug (above)

N Jack

Note: Always rotate the movable coupling nut of the plug, not the cable or fixed connector, when
mating connectors. Since the center pin is stationary with respect to the jack, rotating the jack puts torque on
the center pin. With TNC and smaller connectors, the center pin will eventually break off.

An approximate size comparison of these connectors is depicted below (not to scale).

Large ======================== Medium ============================ Small

SC 7mm N TNC/BNC 3.5mm SMA 2.4mm SSMA SMC

Figure 1 shows the frequency range of several connectors.

Figure 1. Frequency Range of Microwave Connectors.


A directional coupler is a passive device

which couples part of the transmission power by
a known amount out through another port, often
by using two transmission lines set close enough
together such that energy passing through one is
coupled to the other. As shown in Figure 1, the
device has four ports: input, transmitted, coupled,
and isolated. The term main line refers to the
section between ports 1 and 2. On some Figure 1. Directional Coupler.
directional couplers, the main line is designed for
high power operation (large connectors), while the coupled port may use a small SMA connector. Often the
isolated port is terminated with an internal or external matched load (typically 50 ohms). It should be pointed
out that since the directional coupler is a linear device, the notations on Figure 1 are arbitrary. Any port can
be the input, (as in Figure 3) which will result in the directly connected port being the transmitted port,
adjacent port being the coupled port, and the diagonal port being the isolated port.

Physical considerations such as internal load on the isolated port will limit port operation. The
coupled output from the directional coupler can be used to obtain the information (i.e., frequency and power
level) on the signal without interrupting the main power flow in the system (except for a power reduction - see
Figure 2). When the power coupled out to port three is half the input power (i.e., 3 dB below the input power
level), the power on the main transmission line is also 3 dB below the input power and equals the coupled
power. Such a coupler is referred to as a 90 degree hybrid, hybrid, or 3 dB coupler. The frequency range for
coaxial couplers specified by manufacturers is that of the coupling arm. The main arm response is much
wider (i.e., if the spec is 2-4 GHz, the main arm could operate at 1 or 5 GHz - see Figure 3). However it
should be recognized that the coupled response is periodic with frequency. For example, a /4 coupled line
coupler will have responses at n/4 where n is an odd integer.

Common properties desired for all directional couplers are wide operational bandwidth, high
directivity, and a good impedance match at all ports when the other ports are terminated in matched loads.
These performance characteristics of hybrid or non-hybrid directional couplers are self-explanatory. Some
other general characteristics will be discussed below.


The coupling factor is defined as: Coupling factor (dB) = - 10 log P 3

where P1 is the input power at port 1 and P3 is the output power from the coupled port (see Figure 1).

The coupling factor represents the primary property of a directional coupler. Coupling is not
constant, but varies with frequency. While different designs may reduce the variance, a perfectly flat coupler
theoretically cannot be built. Directional couplers are specified in terms of the coupling accuracy at the
frequency band center. For example, a 10 dB coupling 0.5 dB means that the directional coupler can have
9.5 dB to 10.5 dB coupling at the frequency band center. The accuracy is due to dimensional tolerances that
can be held for the spacing of the two coupled lines. Another coupling specification is frequency sensitivity.
A larger frequency sensitivity will allow a larger frequency band of operation. Multiple quarter-wavelength
coupling sections are used to obtain wide frequency bandwidth directional couplers. Typically this type of
directional coupler is designed to a frequency bandwidth ratio and a maximum coupling ripple within the
frequency band. For example a typical 2:1 frequency bandwidth coupler design that produces a 10 dB

coupling with a 0.1 dB ripple would, using the previous accuracy specification, be said to have 9.6 0.1 dB
to 10.4 0.1 dB of coupling across the frequency range.


In an ideal directional coupler, the

main line loss port 1 to port 2 (P1 - P2) due
to power coupled to the coupled output port

Insertion loss (dB) = 10 log 1 - P3

The actual directional coupler loss

will be a combination of coupling loss,
Figure 2. Coupling Insertion Loss.
dielectric loss, conductor loss, and VSWR
loss. Depending on the frequency range,
coupling loss becomes less significant above 15 dB coupling where the other losses constitute the majority of
the total loss. A graph of the theoretical insertion loss (dB) vs. coupling (dB) for a dissipationless coupler is
shown in Figure 2.


Isolation of a directional coupler can be defined as the difference in signal levels in dB between the
input port and the isolated port when the two output ports are terminated by matched loads, or:

Isolation (dB) = - 10 log P 4


Isolation can also be defined between the two output ports. In this case, one of the output ports is
used as the input; the other is considered the output port while the other two ports (input and isolated) are
terminated by matched loads.

Consequently: Isolation (dB) = - 10 log P 3


The isolation between the input and the isolated ports may be different from the isolation between the
two output ports. For example, the isolation between ports 1 and 4 can be 30 dB while the isolation between
ports 2 and 3 can be a different value such as 25 dB. If both isolation measurements are not available, they
can assumed to be equal. If neither are available, an estimate of the isolation is the coupling plus return loss
(see VSWR section). The isolation should be as high as possible. In actual couplers the isolated port is never
completely isolated. Some RF power will always be present. Waveguide directional couplers will have the
best isolation.

If isolation is high, directional couplers
are excellent for combining signals to feed a
single line to a receiver for two-tone receiver
tests. In Figure 3, one signal enters port P3 and
one enters port P2, while both exit port P1. The
signal from port P3 to port P1 will experience
10 dB of loss, and the signal from port P2 to port
P1 will have 0.5 dB loss. The internal load on the
isolated port will dissipate the signal losses from
port P3 and port P2. If the isolators in Figure 3 are
neglected, the isolation measurement (port P2 to
port P3) determines the amount of power from the Figure 3. Two-Tone Receiver Tests.
signal generator F2 that will be injected into the
signal generator F1. As the injection level increases, it may cause modulation of signal generator F1, or even
injection phase locking. Because of the symmetry of the directional coupler, the reverse injection will happen
with the same possible modulation problems of signal generator F2 by F1. Therefore the isolators are used in
Figure 3 to effectively increase the isolation (or directivity) of the directional coupler. Consequently the
injection loss will be the isolation of the directional coupler plus the reverse isolation of the isolator.


Directivity is directly related to Isolation. It is defined as:

Directivity (dB) = - 10 log P4 = - 10 log P4 + 10 log P3

P3 P1 P1

where: P3 is the output power from the coupled port and P4 is the power output from the isolated port.

The directivity should be as high as possible. Waveguide directional couplers will have the best
directivity. Directivity is not directly measurable, and is calculated from the isolation and coupling
measurements as:

Directivity (dB) = Isolation (dB) - Coupling (dB)


The hybrid coupler, or 3 dB directional coupler, in which the two outputs are of equal amplitude takes
many forms. Not too long ago the quadrature (90 degree) 3 dB coupler with outputs 90 degrees out of phase
was what came to mind when a hybrid coupler was mentioned. Now any matched 4-port with isolated arms
and equal power division is called a hybrid or hybrid coupler. Today the characterizing feature is the phase
difference of the outputs. If 90 degrees, it is a 90 degree hybrid. If 180 degrees, it is a 180 degree hybrid.
Even the Wilkinson power divider which has 0 degrees phase difference is actually a hybrid although the
fourth arm is normally imbedded.

Applications of the hybrid include monopulse comparators, mixers, power combiners, dividers,
modulators, and phased array radar antenna systems.


This terminology defines the power difference in dB between the two output ports of a 3 dB hybrid.
In an ideal hybrid circuit, the difference should be 0 dB. However, in a practical device the amplitude balance
is frequency dependent and departs from the ideal 0 dB difference.


The phase difference between the two output ports of a hybrid coupler should be 0, 90, or 180 degrees
depending on the type used. However, like amplitude balance, the phase difference is sensitive to the input
frequency and typically will vary a few degrees.

The phase properties of a 90 degree hybrid coupler can be used to great advantage in microwave
circuits. For example in a balanced microwave amplifier the two input stages are fed through a hybrid
coupler. The FET device normally has a very poor match and reflects much of the incident energy. However,
since the devices are essentially identical the reflection coefficients from each device are equal. The reflected
voltage from the FETs are in phase at the isolated port and are 180 different at the input port. Therefore, all
of the reflected power from the FETs goes to the load at the isolated port and no power goes to the input port.
This results in a good input match (low VSWR).

If phase matched lines are used for an

antenna input to a 180 hybrid coupler as shown
in Figure 4, a null will occur directly between the
antennas. If you want to receive a signal in that
position, you would have to either change the
hybrid type or line length. If you want to reject a
signal from a given direction, or create the
difference pattern for a monopulse radar, this is a
good approach.

Figure 4. Balanced Antenna Input.


Both in-phase (Wilkinson) and quadrature (90)

hybrid couplers may be used for coherent power divider
applications. The Wilkinsons power divider has low
VSWR at all ports and high isolation between output ports.
The input and output impedances at each port is designed to
be equal to the characteristic impedance of the microwave
system. A typical power divider is shown in Figure 5.
Ideally, input power would be divided equally between the
output ports. Dividers are made up of multiple couplers,
and like couplers, may be reversed and used as multiplexers.
The drawback is that for a four channel multiplexer, the
output consists of only 1/4 the power from each, and is
relatively inefficient. Lossless multiplexing can only be Figure 5. Power Divider.
done with filter networks.

Coherent power division was first accomplished by means of simple Tee junctions. At microwave
frequencies, waveguide tees have two possible forms - the H-Plane or the E-Plane. These two junctions split
power equally, but because of the different field configurations at the junction, the electric fields at the output
arms are in-phase for the H-Plane tee and are anti-phase for the E-Plane tee. The combination of these two
tees to form a hybrid tee allowed the realization of a four-port component which could perform the vector sum
() and difference () of two coherent microwave signals. This device is known as the magic tee.


Since hybrid circuits are bi-directional, they can be used to split up a signal to feed multiple low
power amplifiers, then recombine to feed a single antenna with high power as shown in Figure 6. This
approach allows the use of numerous less expensive and lower power amplifiers in the circuitry instead of a
single high power TWT. Yet another approach is to have each solid state amplifier (SSA) feed an antenna
and let the power be combined in space or be used to feed a lens which is attached to an antenna. (See
Section 3-4.)

Figure 6. Combiner Network.

Sample Problem:

If two 1 watt peak unmodulated RF carrier signals at 10 GHz are received, how much peak power
could one measure?

A. 0 watts

B. 0.5 watts

C. 1 watt

D. 2 watts

E. All of these

The answer is all

of these as shown
in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Sine Waves Combined Using Various Phase Relationships.



An attenuator is a passive microwave component which, when inserted in the signal path of a system,
reduces the signal by a specified amount. They normally possess a low VSWR which makes them ideal for
reducing load VSWR in order to reduce measurement uncertainties. They are sometimes used simply to
absorb power, either to reduce it to a measurable level, or in the case of receivers to establish an exact level to
prevent overload of following stages.

Attenuators are classified as either fixed or variable and either reflective or non-reflective. The fixed
and variable attenuators are available in both waveguide and coaxial systems. Most of the receivers under
20 GHz use coaxial type attenuators.


The performance characteristics of a fixed attenuator are:

1. input and output impedances

2. flatness with frequency
3. average and peak power handling capability
4. temperature dependence


The variable attenuator can be subdivided into two kinds: step attenuator and continuously variable
attenuator. In a step attenuator, the attenuation is changed in steps such as 10 dB, 1 dB or 0.5 dB. In a
continuously variable attenuator, the attenuation is changed continuously and a dial is usually available to
read the attenuation either directly or indirectly from a calibration chart.

For a variable attenuator, additional characteristics should be considered, such as:

1. amount or range of attenuations

2. insertion loss in the minimum attenuation position
3. incremental attenuation for step attenuator
4. accuracy of attenuation versus attenuator setting
5. attenuator switching speed and switching noise.


A reflective attenuator reflects some portion of the input power back to the driving source. The
amount reflected is a function of the attenuation level. When PIN diodes are zero or reverse biased, they
appear as open circuits when shunting a transmission line. This permits most of the RF input power to travel
to the RF output. When they are forward biased, they absorb some input, but simultaneously reflect some
back to the input port. At high bias current, most RF will be reflected back to the input resulting in a high
input VSWR and high attenuation.


The VSWR of a non-reflective (absorptive) PIN diode attenuator remains good at any attenuation
level (bias state). This is accomplished by configuring the diodes in the form of a Pi network that remains
matched for any bias state or by use of a 90 hybrid coupler to cancel the waves reflected to the input



Microwave filters are one of the most important components in receivers. The main functions of the
filters are: (1) to reject undesirable signals outside the filter pass band and (2) to separate or combine signals
according to their frequency. A good example for the latter application is the channelized receiver in which
banks of filters are used to separate input signals. Sometimes filters are also used for impedance matching.
Filters are almost always used before and after a mixer to reduce spurious signals due to image frequencies,
local oscillator feedthrough, and out-of-frequency band noise and signals. There are many books which are
devoted to filter designs. There are many kinds of filters used in microwave receivers, so it is impossible to
cover all of them.

If a filter is needed on the output of a jammer, it is desirable to place it approximately half way
between the jammer and antenna vs. adjacent to either. The transmission line attenuation improves the
VSWR of the filter at the transmitter. This may allow use of a less expensive filter, or use of a reflective filter
vs. an absorptive filter.

A filter is a two-port network which will pass and reject signals according to their frequencies. There
are four kinds of filters according to their frequency selectivities. In the examples that follow, fL = low
frequency, fM = medium frequency, and fH = high frequency. Their names reflect their characteristics, and
they are:

1. A low-pass filter which passes the low frequency signals below a predetermined value as shown
in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Low-Pass Filter.

2. A high-pass filter which passes the high frequency signals above a predetermined value as in
Figure 2.

Figure 2. High-Pass Filter.

3. A band-pass filter which passes signals between two predetermined frequencies as shown in
Figure 3.

Figure 3. Band-Pass Filter.

A band-pass filter with different skirt slopes on the two sides of the pass band is sometimes referred
to as an asymmetrical filter. In this filter the sharpness of the rejection band attenuation is significantly
different above and below the center frequency. One additional note regarding band-pass filters or filters in
general, their performance should always be checked in the out-of-band regions to determine whether or not
they possess spurious responses. In particular they should be checked at harmonics of the operating

4. A band reject filter (sometimes referred to as a bandstop or notch filter) which rejects signals
between two predetermined frequencies such as high power signals from the aircrafts own radar
as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Band-Reject Filter.

In general, filters at microwave frequencies are composed of resonate transmission lines or waveguide
cavities that, when combined, reflect the signal power outside the filter frequency pass band and provide a
good VSWR and low loss within the frequency pass band. As such, specifications for filters are maximum
frequency, pass band loss, VSWR, and rejection level at a frequency outside of the pass band. The trade-offs
for filters are a higher rejection for a fixed frequency pass band or a larger frequency pass band for a fixed
rejection, which requires a filter with more resonators, which produce higher loss, more complexity, and
larger size.


DC Blocks are special connectors which have a capacitor

(high pass filter) built into the device. There are three basic types:

1. INSIDE - The high pass filter is in series with the

center conductor as shown in Figure 5. DC is blocked
on the center conductor.
Figure 5. Inside DC Block.
2. OUTSIDE - The high pass filter is in series with the
cable shield as shown in Figure 6.

3. INSIDE/OUTSIDE - A high pass arrangement is connected to both the inner and outer

DC Blocks are ideal for filtering DC, 60 Hz, and 400 Hz from the RF line.

In general, capacitors with a large value of capacitance do

not have the least loss at microwave frequencies. Also, since
capacitance is proportional to size, a large size produces more
capacitance with more inductance. Because of these reasons, D.C.
blocks are typically available with a high pass frequency band
starting in the region of 0.1 to 1 GHz.
Figure 6. Outside DC Block.


A termination is a one-port device with an impedance that matches the characteristic impedance of a
given transmission line. It is attached to a certain terminal or port of a device to absorb the power transmitted
to that terminal or to establish a reference impedance at that terminal. Important parameters of a termination
are its VSWR and power handling capacity. In a receiver, terminations are usually placed at various
unconnected ports of components such as hybrid and power dividers to keep the VSWR of the signal path
low. It is extremely important that the isolated port in a directional coupler and the unused port of a power
divider (i.e., only three ports of a four-way power divider are used) be properly terminated. All of the design
considerations of directional couplers and power dividers are based on the fact that all ports are terminated
with matched loads. If an unused port is not properly terminated, then the isolation between the output ports
will be reduced which may severely degrade the performance of the receiver.

A termination is the terminology used to refer to a low power, single terminal device intended to
terminate a transmission line. Similar devices designed to accommodate high power are generally termed
dummy loads.


Terminations are employed to terminate unconnected ports on devices when measurements are being
performed. They are useful as dummy antennas and as terminal loads for impedance measurements of
transmission devices such as filters and attenuators.

The resistive elements in most terminations are especially fabricated for use at microwave
frequencies. Two types are commonly employed: (1) resistive film elements, and (2) molded resistive tapers.
The resistive film is very thin compared to the skin depth and normally very short relative to wavelength at
the highest operating frequency. The molded taper consists of a dissipative material evenly dispersed in a
properly cured dielectric medium. Both forms of resistive elements provide compact, rugged terminations
suitable for the most severe environmental conditions with laboratory stability and accuracy.

Terminations should be properly matched to the characteristic impedance of a transmission line. The
termination characteristics of primary concern are:

a. operating frequency range d. VSWR

b. average power handling capability e. size
c. operating temperature range f. weight

Many microwave systems employ directional couplers which require terminations on at least one
port, and most have various modes of operation or test where terminations are needed on certain terminals.

A matched termination of a generalized transmission line is ideally represented by an infinite length

of that line having small, but non-zero loss per unit length so that all incident energy is absorbed and none is

Standard mismatches are useful as standards of reflection in calibrating reflectometer setups and other
impedance measuring equipment. They are also used during testing to simulate specific mismatches which
would be encountered on the terminals of components once the component is installed in the actual system.

The following table shows common mismatches with the impedance that can provide the mismatch.

Common Mismatches (ZO = 50 )

Ratio ZL (higher) ZL (lower)
1.0 : 1 50 (matched) 50 (matched)
1.25 : 1 62.5 40
1.50 : 1 75 33.3
2.00 : 1 100 25


A dummy load is a high power one port device intended to terminate a transmission line. They are
primarily employed to test high power microwave systems at full power capacity. Low power coaxial loads
are generally termed terminations and typically handle one watt or less.

Most radars or communications systems have a dummy load integrated into them to provide a non-
radiating or EMCON mode of operation, or for testing (maintenance).

Three types of dissipative material are frequently employed in dummy loads: (1) lossy plastic,
(2) refractory, and (3) water.

The lossy plastic consists of particles of lossy material suspended in plastic medium. This material
may be designed to provide various attenuations per unit length but is limited as to operating temperature. It
is employed primarily for low power applications.

The refractory material is a rugged substance that may be operated at temperatures up to 1600F. It is
virtually incapable of being machined by ordinary means but is often fabricated through diamond wheel
grinding processes. Otherwise material must be fired in finished form. Such material is employed in most
high power applications.

The dissipative properties of water are also employed for dummy load applications. Energy from the
guide is coupled through a leaky wall to the water which flows alongside the main guide. Water loads are
employed for extremely high power and calorimetric applications.

While dummy loads can operate over full waveguide bands, generally a more economical unit can be
manufactured for use over narrower frequency ranges.

The power rating of a dummy load is a complex function dependent upon many parameters, including
average and peak power, guide pressure, external temperature, guide size, air flow, and availability of
auxiliary coolant. The average and peak powers are interrelated in that the peak power capacity is a function
of the operating temperature which in turn is a function of the average power.


A microwave circulator is a nonreciprocal ferrite device

which contains three or more ports. The input from port n will come
out at port n + 1 but not out at any other port. A three-port ferrite
junction circulator, usually called the Y-junction circulator, is most
commonly used. They are available in either rectangular waveguide
or strip- line forms. The signal flow in the three-port circulator is
assumed as 12, 23, and 31 as shown in Figure 1.

If port 1 is the input, then the signal will come out of port 2;
in an ideal situation, no signal should come out of port 3 which is
called the isolated port. The insertion loss of the circulator is the
loss from 1 to 2, while the loss from 1 to 3 is referred to as isolation.
A typical circulator will have a few tenths of a dB insertion loss
Figure 1. Symbolic Expression for a
from port 1 to 2 and 20 dB of isolation from port 1 to 3 for coaxial
Y-Junction Circulator.
circulators (30 dB or more for waveguide circulators). When the
input is port 2, the signal will come out of port 3 and port 1 is the
isolated port. Similar discussions can be applied to port 3.

Since circulators contain magnets, they should not be mounted near ferrous metals
since the close proximity of metals like iron can change the frequency response.

As shown in Figure 2, if one port of a circulator is

loaded, it becomes an isolator, i.e., power will pass from ports
one to two, but power reflected back from port two will go to
the load at port three versus going back to port one.

As shown in Figure 3 this circulator is made into a

diplexer by adding a high pass filter to port two. Frequencies
from port one that are below 10 GHz will be reflected by port
two. Frequencies above 10 GHz will pass through port two. At
the 10 GHz crossover frequency of the diplexer, a 10 GHz signal
Figure 2. Isolator From A Circulator.
will be passed to both ports two and three but will be half
power at each port. Diplexers or triplexers (one input and three
output bands), must be specifically designed for the application.

Figure 3. Diplexer From A Circulator.

Another useful
device is the 4-port Faraday
Rotator Circulator shown
symbolically in Figure 4.
These waveguide devices
handle very high power and
provide excellent isolation
properties. It is useful when
measurements must be made
during high power
application as shown. A
water load is used to absorb
the high power reflections
so that a reasonable power
level is reflected to the
receiver or measurement

The Maximum Input

Power to a Measurement Figure 4. Faraday Rotator Circulator.
Device - The ideal input to a
measurement device is in the 0 to 10 dBm (1 to 10 mW) range. Check manufacturers specification for
specific maximum value.

If the RF transmission lines and their

components (antenna, hybrid, etc.) can support the
wider frequency range, circulators could be used to
increase the number of interconnecting RF ports from
two as shown in Figure 5, to four as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 7 shows an alternate configuration using
diplexers which could actually be made from circulators
as shown previously in Figure 3.
Figure 5. Low Band Configuration.

Figure 7. Alternate Low/High Band

Figure 6. Low/High Band Configuration. Configuration.


Mixers are used to convert a signal from one frequency to another. This is done by combining the
original RF signal with a local oscillator (LO) signal in a non-linear device such as a Schottky-barrier diode.

The output spectrum includes:

The original inputs, LO and RF

All higher order harmonics of LO and RF
The two primary sidebands, LO RF (m,n = 1)
All higher order products of mLO nRF (where m,n are integers)
A DC output level

The desired output frequency, commonly called the intermediate frequency (IF), can be either the
lower (LO-RF) or upper (LO+RF) sideband. When a mixer is used as a down converter, the lower sideband is
the sideband of interest.

A microwave balanced mixer makes use of the 3 dB hybrid to divide and recombine the RF and LO
inputs to two mixing diodes. The 3 dB hybrid can be either the 90 or 180 type. Each has certain
advantages which will be covered later. The critical requirement is that the LO and RF signals be distributed
uniformly (balanced) to each mixer diode.

Figure 1 is a typical balanced mixer block diagram. The mixer diodes are reversed relative to each
other; the desired frequency (IF) components of each diode are then in-phase while the DC outputs are
positive and negative respectively.

The two diode outputs are summed in a tee where the DC terms cancel and only the desired IF
component exists at the IF port.

Figure 1. Mixer Block Diagram.

Other types of mixers exist, including the double-balanced mixer, and the Ortho-Quad (quadrature
fed dual) mixer. The relative advantages and disadvantages of each of the four types are summarized in
Table 1.

Table 1. Mixer Comparison.

Conversion LO/RF Harmonic Dynamic IF

Mixer Type VSWR 1
Loss 2 Isolation 3 Suppression 4 Range Bandwidth
90 Hybrid good lowest poor poor-fair high wide
180 Hybrid poor low good good high wide
Double- poor low Very good very good high extremely
Balanced -excellent wide
Ortho Quad good low very good fair high wide

(1) Poor = 2.5:1 typical; Good = 1.3:1 typical
(2) Conversion loss: lowest: 5-7 dB typical; Low 7-9 dB typical
(3) Poor: 10 dB typical; Good: 20 dB typical; Very Good: 25-30 dB typical; Excellent: 35-40 dB typical
(4) Poor: partial rejection of LO/RF even harmonics
Fair: slightly better
Good: can reject all LO even harmonics
Very Good: can reject all LO and RF even harmonics

Used in various circuits, mixers can act as modulators, phase detectors, and frequency discriminators.

The phase discriminators can serve as a signal processing network for systems designed to monitor
bearing, polarization, and frequency of AM or FM radiated signals.

A frequency discriminator
uses a phase discriminator and adds a
power divider and delay line at the
RF input as shown in Figure 2. The
unknown RF signal A is divided
between a reference and delay path.
The differential delay (T) creates a
phase difference () between the two
signals which is a linear function of Figure 2. Frequency Discriminator.
frequency (f) and is given by =

When the two output signals are fed to the horizontal and vertical input of an oscilloscope, the
resultant display angle will be a direct function of frequency.


A detector is used in receiver circuits

to recognize the presence of signals. Typically
a diode or similar device is used as a detector.
Since this type of detector is unable to
distinguish frequency, they may be preceded
by a narrow band-pass filter.

A typical simplistic circuit is shown in

Figure 1. Typical Diode Detector Circuit.
Figure 1.

To integrate a pulse radar signal, we can add

capacitance to the circuit in parallel with the output
load RL to store energy and decrease the bleed rate.
Figure 2 shows a typical input/output waveform
which detects the envelope of the pulse radar signal.
From this information pulse width and PRF
characteristics can be determined for the RWR UDF

Figure 2. Demodulated Envelope Output.

When the diode is reverse biased, very little

current passes through unless the reverse breakdown
voltage is exceeded. When forward biased and after
exceeding the cut-in voltage, the diode begins to
conduct as shown in Figure 3. At low voltages, it first
operates in a square law region. Detectors operating in
this region are known as small signal type. If the
voltage is higher, the detector operates in a linear
region, and is known as the large signal type.

Figure 3. Diode Electrical Characteristics.

The power/voltage characteristics for a typical
diode detector is shown in Figure 4.

Square Law Detector

In the square law region, the output voltage Vo

is proportional to the square of the input voltage Vi,
thus Vo is proportional to the input power.

Vo = nVi2 = nPi or Pi Vo
Where n is the constant of proportionality
Figure 4. Diode Power/Voltage Characteristic.

Linear Detector

In the linear detection region, the output voltage is given by:

Vo = mVi and since P=V2/R, Pi Vo2

Where m is the constant of proportionality

Log Detector Amplifier

Another type of detector arrangement is the

Log detector amplifier circuit shown in Figure 5. It is
formed by using a series of amplifiers and diode
detectors. Due to the nature of the amplifier/diode
characteristics, the output voltage is related to the
power by:

Pi 10pVo + q Figure 5. Log Detector.

Where p and q are constants of proportionality

The Log detector has good range, but is hampered by large size when compared to a single diode

Pulse Width Measurements

If the pulse width of a signal was specified at the one-half power point, the measurements of the
detected signal on an oscilloscope would vary according to the region of diode operation. If the region of
operation is unknown, a 3 dB attenuator should be inserted in the measurement line. This will cause the
power to decrease by one-half. The (temporary) peak amplitude on the oscilloscope becomes the amplitude
reference point for measuring the pulse width when the external 3 dB attenuator is removed.

These voltage levels for half power using the three types of detectors are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Detector Characteristics.

Square Law Linear Log

Output Voltage When
A very small value.
Input Power is
0.5 Vin 0.707 Vin ~ 0.15 Vin for typical
reduced by Half (3
5 stage log amplifier
Sensitivity & Good sensitivity Less sensitivity Poorest sensitivity
Dynamic Range Small dynamic range Greater dynamic range Greatest dynamic range
(to 80 dB)

Also see the Microwave Measurements section subsection entitled Half Power or 3 dB Measurement Point.

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An amplifier is one of the most essential and ubiquitous elements in modern RF and microwave
systems. Fundamentally, an amplifier is a type of electronic circuit used to convert low-power signals into
ones of significant power. The specific requirements for amplification are as varied as the systems where they
are used. Amplifiers are realized using a wide range of different technologies, and are available in many form
factors. While the performance of an amplifier can be measured by wide range of attributes, several important
ones include: gain, power added efficiency (PAE), input and output return loss, 1-dB compression point
(P1dB), stability, linearity, intermodulation distortion, and noise figure.

Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs)

A traveling-wave tube (TWT) is a specialized vacuum tube used in electronics to amplify radio
frequency (RF) signals to very high power. A TWT is a component of an electronic assembly known as a
traveling-wave tube amplifier (TWTA), often pronounced Tweet-uh. While trades between these
parameters exist, modern TWTAs are capable of providing very high gains (>50 dB), multiple octaves of
bandwidth, high efficiency, and output powers that range from tens to thousands of watts. Pulsed TWTAs
can reach even higher output powers. Figure 1 presents a simplified diagram of a helix-type TWT.

Figure 1. Cutaway view of a helix TWT.

(1) Electron gun; (2) RF input; (3) Magnets; (4) Attenuator;
(5) Helix coil; (6) RF output; (7) Vacuum tube; (8) Collector.
Reproduced from Wikipedia.

The device is an elongated vacuum tube with an electron gun (a heated cathode that emits electrons)
at one end. A solenoid coil wrapped around the tube creates a magnetic field which focuses the electrons into
a beam, which then passes down the middle of a wire helix that stretches the length of the tube, finally
striking a collector at the other end. An input signal is coupled into the helix near the emitter, is amplified by
the electron beam as it travels down the length of the tube, and the amplified signal is coupled to an external
port near the collector.

The helix, which acts as a RF transmission line, delays the signal to near the same propagation speed
as the electron beam. The speed at which the electromagnetic wave travels down the tube can be varied by
changing the number or diameter of the turns in the helix. While propagating along the tube, the EM wave
interacts with the electron beam. Since the electromagnetic wave effectively propagates slower than the
electron beam, the electrons bunch up and modulate the input signal, giving up energy in the process - an
effect known as velocity modulation. Thus, the traveling wave progressively grows in amplitude as it
propagates down the tube towards the collector.

Figure 2 features a photo of a high voltage power supply and TWT.

Figure 2. TWTA Including High Voltage Power Supply (top) and TWT (bottom).

Historically, TWTAs have been used in satellite transponders, radars, and in electronic warfare and
self-protection systems. Recently, with the advent of wideband, high power solid-state amplifier solutions,
however, TWTAs are slowly being replaced due to the higher reliability of their solid state counterparts.

Microwave Power Modules (MPMs)

A Microwave Power Module (MPM) is a hybrid solution between solid-state and vacuum tube
electronics, which aims to take advantage of the best features of both technologies. They feature a solid-state
pre-amplifier, miniaturized TWTA, and a high-density power supply, all integrated into a unit much more
compact and lightweight than the traditional TWTA. While MPMs generally dont provide as much power as
their larger TWTA counterparts, their lighter weight, compact form factor, and relaxed power supply
requirements (often 28 VDC or 270 VDC) enable use in applications where a TWTA would not be possible.

Similar to TWTAs, MPMs are capable of providing very high gains (>50 dB), multiple octaves of
bandwidth, high efficiency. Typical power levels range from tens to hundreds of watts, with ~1 kW
capability for pulsed MPMs.

Figure 3. 40W Ka-band MPM With Components Identified.
Image from IEEE Magazine, December 2009, page 42.

They have found applications in phased array antennas, lower-power radar transmitters, satellite
communications, EW systems, and UAVs.

Solid State

Solid-state electronics, including amplifiers, are built entirely from solid materials and in which the
electrons, or other charge carriers, are confined entirely within the solid material. The building material is
most often a crystalline semiconductor. Solid-state power amplifiers, or SSPAs, are fabricated on many
different semiconductor technologies, some of which include GaAs, GaN, InP, SiGe, CMOS. A photo of a
GaN SSPA is presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Typical SSPA. Note the GaN die and external impedance matching networks.

In general, SSPAs are heralded as having a higher reliability than TWTAs. While high power SSPAs
are available on the market, achieving high efficiency has been a challenge as many amplifier stages often
need to be combined to meet to achieve power levels in the tens to hundreds of watts. Multi-stage designs
increase size, weight, and power (SWAP) and decrease PAE (due to ohmic losses in the combining networks),
which is one reason why TWTs and MPMs still provide excellent alternatives for medium to high power

Below is a table that attempts to compare and contrast different solid-state technologies in the context
of microwave networks and amplifiers. It is by no means complete, but provides a general overview.

Table 1. Comparison Between Different Semiconductor Process Technologies.

Technology Advantages Disadvantages

Not a good overall microwave
Silicon Cheapest substrate due to CPU substrate
variants industry Results in lossy, high noise figure, low
(CMOS, Can be fabricated with nanometer power components
SiGe) accuracy Crystal is fragile
Junction temperatures limited to ~110C
High performance at low voltage Less mature, niche fabrication
Indium Good thermal stability houses
Phosphide Results in high efficiency PAs, Brittle, fragile material
Variants particularly at lower operating voltage Higher cost than GaAs
(InP/InGaP) Extremely low noise figure Low breakdown voltage not good for
Useful through W-band and beyond high power
Most mature, widespread technology
Many transistor variants (MESFET,
Gallium High noise figure, Noise figure and
High reliability
Arsenide power performance
Fairly low cost (but more than silicon)
variants Difficult to summarize - depends on
Great microwave substrate
(GaAs) transistor type used
Low loss, high r.
16-20V breakdown possible
Junction temperatures up to 150C
Up to 10x the power density of GaAs
High breakdown voltage (100V Currently more expensive than GaAs,
possible) but costs are decreasing
Results in high efficiency, high Difficult to fabricate
Nitride (GaN)
frequency, wide bandwidth PAs High power density leads to thermal
Can operate hotter than GaAs, Si, or challenges


Signal generators, also known variously as function generators, RF and microwave signal generators,
pitch generators, arbitrary waveform generators, digital pattern generators or frequency generators are
electronic devices that generate repeating or non-repeating electronic signals (in either the analog or digital
domains). They are generally used in designing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing electronic or electro-
acoustic devices; though they often have artistic uses as well.

There are many different types of signal generators, with different purposes and applications (and
at varying levels of expense); in general, no device is suitable for all possible applications.

Analog Signal Generators

RF signal generators are

capable of producing CW (continuous
wave) tones. The output frequency can
usually be tuned anywhere in their
frequency range. Many models offer
various types of analog modulation,
either as standard equipment or as an
optional capability to the base unit.
This could include AM, FM, M
(phase modulation) and pulse
modulation. Another common feature
is a built-in attenuator which makes it possible to vary the signals output power. Depending on the
manufacturer and model, output powers can range from -135 to +30 dBm. A wide range of output power is
desirable, since different applications require different amounts of signal power. For example, if a signal has
to travel through a very long cable out to an antenna, a high output signal may be needed to overcome the
losses through the cable and still have sufficient power at the antenna. But when testing receiver sensitivity, a
low signal level is required to see how the receiver behaves under low signal-to-noise conditions.

RF signal generators are required for servicing and setting up analog radio receivers, and are used for
professional RF applications.

Arbitrary Waveform Generator

An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) is a piece of electronic test equipment used to generate
electrical waveforms. These waveforms can be either repetitive or single-shot (once only) in which case some
kind of triggering source is required (internal or external). The resulting waveforms can be injected into a
device under test and analyzed as they progress through the device, confirming the proper operation of the
device or pinpointing a fault in the device.

Unlike function generators, AWGs can generate any arbitrarily defined wave shape as their output.
The waveform is usually defined as a series of waypoints (specific voltage targets occurring at specific
times along the waveform) and the AWG can either jump to those levels or use any of several methods to
interpolate between those levels.

Because AWGs synthesize the waveforms using (baseband) digital signal processing techniques, their
maximum frequency is usually limited to no more than a few gigahertz (~10 GHz being the latest state-of-the-
art in 2012).

A major difficulty in generating non-repetitive waveforms at higher frequencies with AWGs is the
large amount of data required to describe high-frequency baseband signals. For example, a 20 gigasample/sec
arbitrary waveform with 8 bits of resolution requires 20 GB of data to represent every 1 second of signal,
regardless of that signals nature. Generating such large digital data streams and delivering them to the DAC
in the AWG is an increasingly difficult problem as DAC upper frequencies continue to grow.

AWGs, like most signal generators, may also contain an attenuator, various means of modulating the
output waveform, and often contain the ability to automatically and repetitively sweep the frequency of the
output waveform (by means of a voltage-controlled oscillator) between two operator-determined limits. This
capability makes it very easy to evaluate the frequency response of a given electronic circuit.

AWGs can operate as conventional function generators. These would include standard waveforms
such as sine, square, ramp, triangle, noise, and pulse. Some units include additional built-in waveforms such
as exponential rise and fall times, sinx/x, cardiac. Some AWGs allow users to retrieve waveforms from a
number of digital and mixed-signal oscilloscopes. Some AWGs may display a graph of the waveform on
their screen - a graph mode. Some AWGs have the ability to generate a pattern of words from multiple bit
output connector to simulate data transmission, combining the properties of both AWGs and digital pattern

One feature of direct digital synthesizer (DDS) based arbitrary waveform generators is that their
digital nature allows multiple channels to be operated with precisely controlled phase offsets or ratio-related
frequencies. This allows the generation of polyphase sine waves, I-Q constellations, or simulation of signals
from geared mechanical systems such as jet engines. Complex channel-channel modulations are also

Vector Signal Generators

Modern vector signal generators

can be seen as a hybrid of the arbitrary
waveform generator and the analog
signal generator, combining a lower-
bandwidth AWG with analog
upconversion, allowing a moderate-
bandwidth (~100 MHz, circa 2012)
digital signal to be upconverted to any
frequency (~50 GHz typically upper
frequency typically).

With the advent of digital

communications systems, it is no longer
possible to adequately test these systems with traditional analog signal generators. This has led to the
development of vector signal generators, also known as digital signal generators. These signal generators are
capable of generating digitally-modulated radio signals that may use any of a large number of digital
modulation formats such as QAM, QPSK, FSK, BPSK, and OFDM. In addition, since modern commercial
digital communication systems are almost all based on well-defined industry standards, many vector signal

generators can generate signals based on these standards. Examples include GSM, W-CDMA (UMTS),
CDMA2000, LTE, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), and WiMAX (IEEE 802.16). In contrast, military communication
systems such as JTRS, which place a great deal of importance on robustness and information security,
typically use very proprietary methods. To test these types of communication systems, users will often create
their own custom waveforms and download them into the vector signal generator to create the desired test

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The goal of DSP is usually to measure, filter and/or compress continuous real-world analog signals.
The first step is usually to convert the signal from an analog to a digital form, by sampling and then digitizing
it using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which turns the analog signal into a stream of numbers.
However, often, the required output signal is another analog output signal, which requires a digital-to-analog
converter (DAC). Even if this process is more complex than analog processing and has a discrete value range,
the application of computational power to digital signal processing allows for many advantages over analog
processing in many applications, such as error detection and correction in transmission as well as data
compression. With the increasing bandwidth and dynamic range of ADC and digital components, common
analog RF signal processing operations such as filtering, threshold detection, and pulse compression are being
carried out in the digital domain. Additionally new capabilities such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR), digital
RF memory (DRFM), and space-time adaptive processing (STAP) are wholly enabled by the increasing
power of digital processing components.

Analog-to-Digital Converter

An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is a device that converts a

continuous quantity to a discrete time digital representation. An ADC may also provide an isolated
measurement. The reverse operation is performed by a digital-to-analog converter (DAC).

Typically, an ADC is an electronic device that converts an input analog voltage or current to a digital
number proportional to the magnitude of the voltage or current. However, some non-electronic or only
partially electronic devices, such as rotary encoders, can also be considered ADCs.


The resolution of the converter indicates the number of discrete values it can produce over the range
of analog values. The values are usually stored electronically in binary form, so the resolution is usually
expressed in bits. In consequence, the number of discrete values available, or levels, is a power of two. For
example, an ADC with a resolution of 8 bits can encode an analog input to one in 256 different levels, since
28 = 256. The values can represent the ranges from 0 to 255 (i.e. unsigned integer) or from 128 to 127
(i.e., signed integer), depending on the application.

Resolution can also be defined electrically, and expressed in volts. The minimum change in voltage
required to guarantee a change in the output code level is called the least significant bit (LSB) voltage. The
resolution Q of the ADC is equal to the LSB voltage. The voltage resolution of an ADC is equal to its overall
voltage measurement range divided by the number of discrete values:

where M is the ADCs resolution in bits and EFSR is the full scale voltage range (also called span).

EFSR is given by

where VRefHi and VRefLow are the upper and lower extremes, respectively, of the voltages that can be coded.

Normally, the number of voltage intervals is given by

where M is the ADCs resolution in bits.

That is, one voltage interval is assigned in between two consecutive code levels.

A typical 3 bit (28 = 8-level) coding scheme is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. An 8-level (3 bit) ADC Coding Scheme.


Assume input signal x(t) = A cos(t), A = 5V

Full scale measurement range = -5 to 5 volts
ADC resolution is 8 bits: 28 - 1 = 256 - 1 = 255 quantization levels (codes)
ADC voltage resolution, Q = (5 V [-5] V) / 255 = 10 V / 255 0.039 V 39 mV.

In practice, the useful resolution of a converter is limited by the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that
can be achieved for a digitized signal. An ADC can resolve a signal to only a certain number of bits of
resolution, called the effective number of bits (ENOB). One effective bit of resolution changes the signal-to-
noise ratio of the digitized signal by 6 dB, if the resolution is limited by the ADC. If a preamplifier has been
used prior to A/D conversion, the noise introduced by the amplifier can be an important contributing factor
towards the overall SNR.


An ADC has several sources of errors. Quantization error and (assuming the ADC is intended to be
linear) non-linearity are intrinsic to any analog-to-digital conversion. There is also a so-called aperture error
which is due to a clock jitter and is revealed when digitizing a time-variant signal (not a constant value).

These errors are measured in a unit called the least significant bit (LSB). In the above example of an
eight-bit ADC, an error of one LSB is 1/256 of the full signal range, or about 0.4%.

Sampling Rate

The analog signal is continuous in time and it is necessary to convert this to a flow of digital values.
It is therefore required to define the rate at which new digital values are sampled from the analog signal. The
rate of new values is called the sampling rate or sampling frequency of the converter.

A continuously varying band limited signal can be sampled (that is, the signal values at intervals of
time T, the sampling time, are measured and stored) and then the original signal can be exactly reproduced
from the discrete-time values by an interpolation formula. The accuracy is limited by quantization error.
However, this faithful reproduction is only possible if the sampling rate is higher than twice the highest
frequency of the signal. This is essentially what is embodied in the Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem.


Usually, for economy, signals are sampled at the minimum rate required, with the result that the
quantization noise introduced is white noise spread over the whole pass band of the converter. If a signal is
sampled at a rate much higher than the Nyquist frequency and then digitally filtered to limit it to the signal
bandwidth there are the following advantages:

Digital filters can have better properties (sharper roll-off, phase) than analog filters, so a sharper anti-
aliasing filter can be realized and then the signal can be down-sampled giving a better result
A 20-bit ADC can be made to act as a 24-bit ADC with 256 oversampling
The signal-to-noise ratio due to quantization noise will be higher than if the whole available band had
been used. With this technique, it is possible to obtain an effective resolution larger than that
provided by the converter alone.
The improvement in SNR is 3 dB (equivalent to 0.5 bits) per octave of oversampling which is not
sufficient for many applications. Therefore, oversampling is usually coupled with noise shaping.
With noise shaping, the improvement is 6L+3 dB per octave where L is the order of loop filter used
for noise shaping. e.g. - a 2nd order loop filter will provide an improvement of 15 dB/octave.

Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) perform the inverse function of the ADC. As such, the
aforementioned principles of accuracy, resolution, sampling and oversampling, etc. apply equivalently.

Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by the

customer or designer after manufacturinghence field-programmable. The FPGA configuration is
generally specified using a hardware description language (HDL), similar to that used for an application-
specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Circuit diagrams were previously used to specify the configuration, as they
were for ASICs, but this is increasingly rare. FPGAs can be used to implement any logical function that an
ASIC could perform. The ability to update the functionality after shipping, partial re-configuration of a
portion of the design and the low non-recurring engineering costs relative to an ASIC design (notwithstanding
the generally higher unit cost), offer advantages for many applications.

FPGAs contain programmable logic components called logic blocks, and a hierarchy of
reconfigurable interconnects that allow the blocks to be wired togethersomewhat like many (changeable)
logic gates that can be inter-wired in (many) different configurations. Logic blocks can be configured to
perform complex combinational functions, or merely simple logic gates like AND and XOR. In most FPGAs,
the logic blocks also include memory elements, which may be simple flip-flops or more complete blocks of

FPGAs are becoming increasingly more popular for implementing RF signal processing functions
such as signal compression (matched filtering), channel selection, modulation / demodulation, etc.


Measurement Procedures

Calculate your estimated power losses before attempting to perform a measurement. The ideal input
to a measurement device is in the 0 to 10 dBm (1 to 10 mW) range.

Linearity Check

To verify that a spectrum measurement is accurate and signals are not due to mixing inside the
receiver, a linearity check should be performed, i.e., externally insert a 10 dB attenuator - if measurements are
in the linear region of the receiver, all measurements will decrease by 10 dB. If the measurements decrease
by less than 10 dB, the receiver is saturated. If the measurements disappear, you are at the noise floor.

Half-Power or 3 dB Measurement Point

To verify the half power point of a pulse width measurement on an oscilloscope, externally insert a
3 dB attenuator in the measurement line, and the level that the peak power decreases to is the 3 dB
measurement point (Note: you cannot just divide the peak voltage by one-half on the vertical scale of the

VSWR Effect on Measurement

Try to measure VSWR (or reflection coefficient) at the antenna terminals. Measuring VSWR of an
antenna through its transmission line can result in errors. Transmission lines should be measured for insertion
loss not VSWR.

High Power Pulsed Transmitter Measurements

When making power measurements on a high power pulsed transmitter using a typical 40 dB
directional coupler, an additional attenuator may be required in the power meter takeoff line, or the power
sensor may be burnt out.

For example, assume we have a 1 megawatt transmitter, with PRF = 430 pps, and PW = 13 s.
Further assume we use a 40 dB directional coupler to tap off for the power measurements. The power at the
tap would be:

10 log(Pp) - 10 log(DC) - Coupler reduction =

10 log(109mW) - 10 log(13x10-6)(430) - 40 dB =

90 dBm - 22.5 dB - 40 dB = 27.5 dBm (too high for a power meter)

Adding a 20 dB static attenuator to the power meter input would give us a value of 7.5 dBm or
5.6 mW, a good level for the power meter.

High Power Measurements With Small Devices

When testing in the presence of a high power radar, it is normally necessary to measure the actual
field intensity. The technique shown in Figure 4, in Section 6-7, may not be practical if the measurement
device must be small. An alternate approach is the use of a rectangular waveguide below its cutoff frequency.
In this manner, the antenna waveguide provides sufficient attenuation to the frequency being measured so
it can be coupled directly to the measurement device or further attenuated by a low power attenuator. The
attenuation of the waveguide must be accurately measured since attenuation varies significantly with


ELECTRO-OPTICS AND IR .................................................................................................................... 7-1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7-1.1
Optical Spectrum ....................................................................................................................... 7-1.1
Radiometric Quantities and Terminology .................................................................................. 7-1.2
Photometric Quantities............................................................................................................... 7-1.3
Basic Principles.......................................................................................................................... 7-1.4
Basic Radiant Power Relationships ........................................................................................... 7-1.5
Infrared Source Characteristics ................................................................................................ 7-1.10
Atmospheric Transmission ...................................................................................................... 7-1.14
EO Components and Sensors ................................................................................................... 7-1.16
IR Threats to Aircraft and Their Countermeasures .................................................................. 7-1.30
IRCM ....................................................................................................................................... 7-1.36
Lasers ....................................................................................................................................... 7-1.38
Fiber Optics.............................................................................................................................. 7-1.41

Laser Safety ............................................................................................................................................... 7-2

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The development of infrared countermeasures and the evaluation of their performance against
threat missiles is a broad, complex technical field. Much of the detailed information about the threats to
be countered and the characteristics of the countermeasures themselves is understandably sensitive,
beyond the limitations of this document. More detailed information can be requested, provided the
requesting organization has the necessary clearance and need to know. Such requests will be considered
on a case-by-case basis. Information will be provided only upon written concurrence of the controlling
Government organization.

There are many electro-optical (EO) electronic warfare (EW) systems, which are analogous to
radio frequency (RF) EW systems. These EO EW systems operate in the optical portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Electro-optics (EO), as the name implies, is a combination of electronics and
optics. By one definition EO is the science and technology of the generation, modulation, detection and
measurement, or display of optical radiation by electrical means. Most infrared (IR) sensors, for example,
are EO systems. In the popularly used term EO/IR, the EO is typically used to mean visible or laser
systems. The use of EO in this context is a misnomer. Actually, almost all EO/IR systems are EO
systems as defined above. Another often-used misnomer is referring to an EO spectrum. EO systems
operate in the optical spectrum, which is from 0.01 to 1000 micrometers. EO systems include, but are not
limited to, lasers, photometry, infrared, and other types of visible, and UV imaging systems.

Within the broad field of Electronic Warfare, electro-optical systems are prevalent for
communication systems and offensive and defensive applications. Lasers have been used extensively for
weapons guidance purposes, warhead fuzing applications, targeting systems and other offensive weapons
related purposes. Understanding electro-optical and radiometric principles and sensors is critical to the
development of vehicle survivability systems. These principles range from signature reduction and
camouflage to active countermeasure systems such as lamp-based and laser jammers to passive threat
warning systems and expendable flare decoys.

Although military systems operate in many portions of the electro-optical spectrum, the infrared
is of paramount importance for remote detection systems and weapons applications. Missile seekers,
Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) systems, and Infrared Search and Track Systems all operate in the
infrared portion of the spectrum.


The optical spectrum is that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from the extreme ultraviolet
(UV) through the visible to the extreme IR. Figure 1 shows the optical spectrum in detail. The end points
of the optical spectrum are somewhat arbitrary.

IR spectrum terminology has also varied through the years, with near (near visible), or short-
wavelength infrared (SWIR) being on the high frequency end. Then as frequency decreases the spectrum
is followed by intermediate or mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR), then far or long-wavelength IR
(LWIR), and finally extreme IR.

Figure 1. Optical Spectrum.


The common terms used to describe optical radiation are the source parameters of power, radiant
emittance (older term) or radiant exitance (newer term), radiance, and radiant intensity. They refer to
how much radiation is given off by a body. The parameter measured by the detector (or collecting
object/surface) is the irradiance. Any of these quantities can be expressed per unit wavelength in which
case the subscript is changed from e (meaning energy derived units) to and the term is then called
Spectral ...X..., i.e. Ie is radiant intensity, while I is spectral radiant intensity. These quantities in terms
of currently preferred Systme International dUnits (SI units) are defined in Table 1.

Table 1. Radiometric SI Units.

Symbol Name Description Units

Q Radiant Energy J (joules)
e Radiant Power (or flux) Rate of transfer of radiant energy W (watts)
Me Radiant Exitance Radiant power per unit area W m-2
emitted from a surface
Le Radiance Radiant power per unit solid angle W m-2sr-1
per unit projected area
Ie Radiant Intensity Radiant power per unit solid angle W sr-1
from a point source
Ee Irradiance Radiant power per unit area W m-2
incident upon a surface
X Spectral ...X.. (Quantity) per unit wavelength interval (Units) nm-1 or m-1
Where X is generalized for each unit on a per wavelength basis; for example, L would be called
spectral radiance instead of radiance.

In common usage, irradiance is expressed in units of Watts per square centimeter and
wavelengths are in m instead of nanometers (nm). Other radiometric definitions are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Other Radiometric Definitions.

Symbol Name Description Units

Absorptance1 = (*) absorbed / (*) incident numeric
Reflectance = (*) reflected / (*) incident numeric
Transmittance = (*) transmitted / (*) incident numeric
Emissivity = (*) of specimen / numeric
(*) of blackbody @ same temperature
Where (*) represents the appropriate quantity Q, , M, E, or L
Note (1) Radiant absorptance should not be confused with absorption coefficient.


Whereas the radiometric quantities e, Me, Ie, Le, and Ee have meaning throughout the entire
electromagnetic spectrum, their photometric counterparts v, Mv, Iv, Lv, and Ev are meaningful only in the
visible spectrum (0.38 m thru 0.78 m).

The standard candle was redefined as the new candle or candela (cd). One candela is the
luminous intensity of 1/60th of 1 cm2 of the projected area of a blackbody radiator operating at the
temperature of the solidification of platinum (2045 K). By definition, the candela emits one lumen (lm)
per steradian.

Table 3 displays the photometric quantities and units. These are used in dealing with optical
systems such as aircraft television camera systems, optical trackers, or video recording.

Table 3. Photometric SI Units.

Symbol Name Description Units

Qv Luminous energy lumen sec (lm s)
F or v Luminous flux Rate of transfer of lumen (lm)
or Luminous Power luminant energy
Mv Luminous Exitance Luminant power per unit area lm m-2
or flux density emitted from a surface
(formerly luminous emittance)
Lv Luminance Luminous flux per unit solid nit (nt) or
(formerly brightness) angle per unit projected area candela / m2
or lm/srm2
Iv Luminous Intensity Luminous power per unit solid candela (cd)
(formerly candlepower) angle from a point source or lm/sr
Ev Illuminance Luminous power per unit area lux or lx
(formerly illumination) incident upon a surface or lm/m2
K Luminous efficacy K= v / e lm / w

Table 4 displays conversion factors for commonly used illuminance quantities.

Table 4. Illuminance Conversion Units.

Lux (lx) Footcandle (fc) Phot (ph)

1 lux (lm m ) = 1 0.0929 1 x 10-4
1 footcandle (lm ft-2) = 10.764 1 0.001076
1 phot (lm cm-2) = 1 x 104 929 1


The processes of absorption,

reflection (including scattering), and
transmission account for all incident radiation
in any particular situation, and the total must
add up to one in order that energy be

+ + = 1, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Radiation Incident on a Body.
If a material is opaque (no
transmission), then: absorption + reflection = 1

In addition to the above processes, optical (including IR) radiation interacts with matter the same
as radiation in any other part of the spectrum, including:

1. Diffraction around edges

2. Emission from matter by conversion from another form of energy
3. Interference constructive and destructive
4. Refraction bends when passing between two media with different
propagation speeds (Snells Law)
5. Scattering when interacts with particles whose size approaches length of the wave
6. Polarized - electric field is partially polarized by reflection from dielectric


Of significance to many terms and units in radiometric calculations is the solid angle. Figure 3 is
a pictorial depicting the relationship of area, distance, and solid angle. By definition, the ratio of area on
the surface of a sphere to the square of distance (the radius) is the unit less parameter solid angle, or
steradian in the SI system of units. Solid angle is usually abbreviated as sr or given the Greek letter, .
The steradian is a dimensionless quantity in radiometric calculations.

Figure 3. Solid Angle.

A sphere contains a solid angle of 4 steradians; a hemisphere contains 2 steradians, and so on.
The area is a curved surface, but in most applications, the solid angles are sufficiently small that the area
can be approximated as a plane. Also, for small angles, the solid angle in steradians is approximately
equal to the product of two plane angles in radians.


IR wavelengths are typically expressed in m, visible wavelengths in m or nm, and UV

wavelengths in nm or angstroms. Table 5 lists conversion factors for converting from one unit of
wavelength to another. The conversion is from column to row. For example, to convert from m to nm,
multiply the value expressed in m by 103. IR wavelengths are also sometimes expressed in a frequency-
like unit called wavenumbers or inverse centimeters. A wavenumber value can be found by dividing
10,000 by the wavelength expressed in m. For example, 2.5 m converts to a wavenumber of 4000 or
4000 inverse centimeters (cm-1).

Table 5. Wavelength Conversion Units.

From -> Angstroms - Nanometers - nm Micrometers - m

Multiply by
To get
Angstroms - 1 10 104
Nanometers - nm 10-1 1 103
Micrometers - m 10-4 10-3 1


Radiant intensity is the most commonly used term to describe the radiant power of a source per
unit solid angle. Radiant Intensity offers the advantage of being a source term, like radiance, that is not
related to the size of the radiating source. In practice, radiant intensity is a derived term and is not
directly measurable. If the Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV), which represents the smallest optical
resolution element of a remote sensor, subtends an angle smaller than the size of the radiating source, the

sensor responds directly to radiance. If the IFOV of the sensor subtends an angle larger than the radiating
source, the sensor responds to irradiance. The relationship among radiant intensity, radiance, and
irradiance is shown in the following equation:

I = ED2 = E = LA = LD 2


I = Intensity. Radiant intensity is the target source power per unit solid angle, in Watts/steradian.

E = Irradiance. Irradiance is the received power density in Watts/cm2 incident on a distant

sensor. Irradiance is the quantity measured or detected by a distant sensor where the target
is not spatially resolved (i.e., where the target subtends an angle smaller than the resolution
or field of view of the instrument.)

L = Radiance. Radiance is the intensity per unit area of source, in W/cm2/steradians. Radiance is
the quantity measured by a camera or imaging system, where the target is optically resolved
(i.e., where the target subtends an angle much greater than the resolution or instantaneous
field of view of the imager.)

A = Area. Area is the cross-sectional or projected area of the target in cm2.

D = Distance. Distance between the target and sensor in cm.

= Solid angle subtended by the target in steradians. Solid angle appears directly or indirectly in
many infrared quantities. The solid angle subtended by a source is the ratio of the source
area to the square of distance.

All remote sensors receive energy from a source through an atmospheric path. The atmosphere
attenuates the propagation of energy due to scattering, absorption, and molecular rotation and vibration,
depending on the wavelengths involved. The atmosphere itself also radiates. All incident energy on a
remote sensor, except as received under vacuum conditions, is detected through the atmosphere. The
term apparent is applied to a radiometric quantity to acknowledge the presence of atmospheric effects. A
remote sensor, responding the radiance of a source over an atmospheric path, responds to apparent

Real sensors do not respond uniformly to energy. Sensors have non-uniform spectral and spatial
response due to many factors, including detector and optical characteristics. All energy received by the
detector is spectrally weighted by the spectral response of the instrument. The term effective is applied to
acknowledge the non-uniform response of the instrument.

Outside of a vacuum, all radiation incident on a remote sensor is attenuated by atmospheric

effects such as scattering and absorption. Where the atmosphere absorbs, it also emits. Path radiance is
the term applied to the contribution of the atmospheric path to the received radiation. The term apparent
is applied to radiometric quantities to acknowledge the influence of the atmosphere on the received


Radiant power that is emitted or reflected from a source is distributed across multiple dimensions
or domains. The three domains that are most important to radiometric applications are spectral (Figure 4),
spatial (Figure 5), and temporal (Figure 6). Knowing how the radiant power from a source is distributed
across each domain is important to understanding performance of an EW system, whether it be a sensor, a
weapon, or a countermeasure.

2 . 0 0 E - 0 1Domain

1 .8 0 E -0 1
L( )
1 .6 0 E -0 1
Spectral Radiance (W/cm2/sr/micron)

1 .4 0 E -0 1

1 .2 0 E -0 1

1 .0 0 E -0 1

8 .0 0 E -0 2

6 .0 0 E -0 2

4 .0 0 E -0 2

2 .0 0 E -0 2

0 .0 0 E + 0 0
1 .5 2 .0 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 4 .0 4 .5 5 .0 5 .5

W a v e le n g th (m ic ro n s )

In the spectral domain, radiation is distributed as a function of wavelength (or
wavenumber). Radiation from solid materials is distributed as a continuum in
accordance with Plancks formula. The graph above shows the spectral distribution
of radiation from a 600 degree Celsius blackbody after passage through the
atmosphere. Radiation from gases appears at specific wavelength lines
corresponding to molecular resonances.

Figure 4. Sample Spectral Distribution of a Solid Material.

Spatial Domain 9.00E+03
L( x , y )

5.40E+03 S16

1 2
3 4
5 6 S7

7 8
9 10
11 12 S4
13 14
15 16
17 18 S1
19 20

In the spatial domain, radiation is distributed as a function of angle, position, size,

shape, or orientation. The graph above shows the radiance of a circular target as
viewed by an imaging system.

Figure 5. Sample Spatial Distribution of a Circular Target Image.

Temporal Domain

L(t )
Radiance (W/sr/cm /sec)

Time (seconds)
In the temporal domain, radiation is distributed as a function of time (or frequency).
Most IR target sources, such as aircraft and ground vehicles, change slowly with time
and can be considered steady state for measurement purposes. However, IR
countermeasures systems and devices, such as jammers and decoy flares, have high
frequency content that must be considered in their design and effectiveness

Figure 6. Sample Temporal Distribution of a Modulated Source.

All electro-optical sensors have some sensitivity to how radiation is distributed across the different
domains. This sensitivity or response takes the following forms:

1. Spectral response:
a. May be broad in the case of a radiometer or imager, or narrow in the case of a
spectrometer where response takes the form of resolution.
b. Spectral response is chosen to exploit particular spectral features of interest in a target.
c. Non-uniformity of spectral response can have a significant effect on the performance of

2. Spatial response:
a. May be broad in the case of a radiometer or spectrometer, where spatial response takes
the form of sensitivity across the sensors FOV. In the case of an imager, the spatial
response may be narrow because spatial response takes the form of the resolution or
b. Required spatial resolution is defined by the size and radiant power of the source, the
distance between the source and the target, and by the sensitivity of the sensor.
c. Non-uniformity of spatial response can have a significant effect on the performance of
d. Response to radiation from the background within the FOV is primarily a spatial
response issue and can be significant to sensor performance.

3. Temporal response:
a. Takes the form of bandwidth or, in the case of a digital system, of sampling frequency.
b. Unlike spectral and spatial response, temporal response includes the response time of the
detector and all of the electronics, data transfer time, and processing time for a sensor.
c. Non-uniformity across a region is usually not a concern. Temporal response is usually
uniform for target frequencies that fall well below the low-pass or Nyquist breakpoints.

Sensors respond to received radiant power by integrating the power distribution in each domain
under the corresponding response curve. Sensors respond in multiple domains, so output is proportional
to a multi-dimensional, weighted integral. Figure 7 illustrates response-weighting, or convolution, of
radiation with instrument response in the spectral domain. The concept applies equally in the spatial

Response Weighting in the Spectral Domain

L( )
Source Spectral

R R ( )

Product curve

R( ) L( )d L( ) R ( )
0 Area

Non-uniform sensor response across a domain distorts the distribution of received radiant
power by weighting the radiation at some wavelengths differently than others. Instrument
output is proportional to the integral of this weighted product, which makes instrument
response shape an embedded part of both the measurement and the calibration. Some
consequences of non-uniform response are:
Two different sources with identical power, but different distributions will
produce different measurement values.
If two different sources (such as the calibration and the target) have similar
relative power distributions, the relative weighting by the instrument will be the
same for both sources, so the shape and degree of non-uniformity has little or no
effect. This will be discussed in more detail later as a key strategy in calibration
to reduce measurement uncertainty.

Figure 7. Response-Weighting in the Spectral Domain.

The consequence of instrument output being proportional to multiple weighted integrals is that
the characteristics of the instrument affect the measured value in ways that cannot be easily extracted or
corrected. Understanding non-uniformity in sensor response is critical to understanding performance and
evaluating the effectiveness of the system.



Reflectance is generally categorized as either specular (mirror-like) or diffuse (scattered by

reflection from a rough surface). Most surfaces exhibit both types of reflection, but one typically
dominates. Reflections from smooth surfaces are specular. Reflectance is a unitless quantity between
zero and one that is the ratio of reflected power to the incident power. Reflectance varies with angle from
the normal and with wavelength.

Diffuse reflectors scatter incident radiation broadly. Johann Heinrich Lambert described an ideal
diffuse reflector in which the intensity of reflected rays is distributed as a cosine of the angle from the
normal, regardless of the angles of the arriving incident rays. Such a surface is described as Lambertian.
The same relationship applies to a diffuse source. If the source is perfectly diffuse, the radiance is
independent of the viewing angle because the projected area of the source also varies as a cosine function
of the angle from normal.

While no surface is perfectly diffuse, standard paint on most aircraft, for example, is near enough
for at least a first approximation. Significant effort has gone into measuring and describing surface
properties of military vehicles to support modeling and simulation activities. Bidirectional Reflectance
Distribution Function (BRDF) is defined as the ratio of the reflected radiance to the incident irradiance at
a wavelength, .

The BRDF provides a complete description of the reflectance properties of a surface.

Measurements of BRDF are made in specially equipped optical laboratories. For aircraft, a typical use of
BRDF data is in computer models that predict the reflections of the earth and sun from the aircraft
fuselage and wings.


Emissivity is a unitless quantity that is a measure of the efficiency of a surface as an absorber or

emitter. Emissivity is expressed as a number between 0.0 and 1.0. According to Kirchoffs Law, for an
opaque object in thermal equilibrium, i.e., no net heat transfer, the emissivity equals the absorptance. In
other words, a perfect emitter is also a perfect absorber. This ideal emitter is known as a blackbody. A
surface with an emissivity of 1.0 emits the maximum radiation that Plancks Law allows. A body for
which the emissivity is constant with wavelength but less than 1.0 is commonly known as a graybody.
Plancks equation is typically expressed for an ideal blackbody emitter, but multiplying the blackbody
expression by the emissivity term expresses the spectral distribution of power for a graybody.

Electromagnetic (EM) radiation, including infrared radiation, can be characterized by amplitude,

frequency (or wavelength), coherency, and polarization properties. Amplitude refers to the magnitude of
the electromagnetic wave. Coherency refers to the degree in which the electromagnetic waves maintain a
constant phase difference, both spatially and temporally. Polarization is a description of the orientation of
the waves propagation perpendicular to the direction of travel. Like all electromagnetic radiation,
infrared radiation travels as an EM field with the propagation velocity of the speed of light in a vacuum,
and slower through air and other dielectrics. , Infrared radiation also exhibits both wave and particle
properties. Which property is used depends on the application: Waves are used for applications
involving propagation and geometrical optics, while particles (photons) are used for most detector

applications. The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength (hc/) where h is the
Plancks constant, and c is the speed of light.

Infrared radiation also interacts with matter in a variety of ways:

Reflects wave is reflected from a surface.

Refracts direction of wave bends when passing between two transparent media with
different propagation speeds.
Scatters when interacts with particles whose size approaches the wavelength of the
Diffracts around edges of an obstruction.
Interferes constructively and destructively.
Absorbs when absorbed by matter, radiation is (usually) converted into heat energy.
Emits radiation is emitted from matter by conversion from another form of energy.
Transmitted propagates through a transparent medium (or vacuum).

Planks Law:

Infrared is directly related to the heat radiated from matter. Anything with a temperature above
absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius) radiates in the infrared. Plancks Law, discovered by German
Physicist Max Planck, mathematically describes the distribution of radiant power across the spectrum for
a given temperature. The form presented below calculates source radiance in Watts/sr/cm2/:

C1 Where: C1 = 2c2h = 3.7415 x 10E+04 W cm-2

L =
C2 = ch/k = 1.4389E+04 K
5 e T - 1
c = speed of light; h = Planks constant; k = Boltzmanns constant
With in and T in Kelvin (= C + 273.15)

The behavior of Plancks curve with temperature is fundamental to every infrared detection
scenario. Figure 8 shows Plancks equation for a single temperature. The shape of this curve resembles a
wave of water, with a steep rise in power on the short wavelength side of the peak and a tail off on the
long wavelength side.

Figure 8. Temperature Effects and Power Distribution.

When temperature increases, two significant changes in power distribution occur and are
governed by the following two relationships:

Stefan-Boltzmann Law:

The total power under the curve increases proportionally to the fourth power of the temperature.
According to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the total radiant emittance (power) of a blackbody is:

= 2k 3 = 5.67 x 10-12 Watts cm- 2 K -4

2 5 4
M = T4 Where:
15 c h
and T is in Kelvin

This is Planks radiation law integrated over all values of .

Weins Displacement Law

The peak emission translates toward shorter wavelengths.

Weins displacement law takes the derivative of the Planks law equation to find the wavelength
for maximum spectral exitance (emittance) at any given temperature:

max = 2897.8 / T where T = temperature is in Kelvin

The surface of the sun radiates with a spectral distribution like that of a 5900 Kelvin source. In
accordance with Weins Law, the wavelength at which the radiation for a 5900 Kelvin source peaks is
approximately 490 nanometers. The maximum sensitivity of the day-adapted human eye (photopic)
occurs at about 555 nanometers, which happens to be in a highly transparent region of the atmosphere. In
other words, the temperature of our sun and the transmission of our atmosphere are conveniently matched

to the response of the human eye. Figure 9 shows the relationship between the response of the human eye
and the spectral distribution of solar irradiance.

Figure 9. Power Distribution of the Sun Related to the Human Eye.

Unlike other electromagnetic radiation, the peak radiation from objects at the temperature of the
earth, and of humans, vehicles, aircraft, etc., lies at infrared wavelengths. This makes the infrared portion
of the spectrum militarily important.

For detection of an object, whether it is with the human eye or with an electro-optical sensor, it is
not where the maximum emissions occur in the spectrum that is important. It is where the maximum
difference between the target and background lies that is most significant.

The absolute signature of a source or target is the power radiated and reflected by the target
without influence from background radiation. Absolute signature can be measured with an instrument
such as an imaging camera at close range, producing highly resolved IR imagery. The difference between
radiation from a target and its background is its contrast. Contrast is the target signature relative to a
specific background. Contrast irradiance is the quantity detected by any remote sensor or missile.
Contrast varies greatly with background conditions.

Figure 10 shows several different types of source distributions encountered by infrared sensors.
Most targets of military interest are a complex combination of spectral contributions from a variety of
sources. For example, the signature of an aircraft can typically be described by the contributions from
airframe, hot engine parts, and plume.

Figure 10. Spectral Distribution of Various Targets.


The radiation emitted or reflected from the targets and backgrounds must pass through the
intervening atmosphere before reaching the detection system. The radiation is absorbed and re-emitted by
molecular constituents of the atmosphere and scattered into and out of the path by various aerosol

Figure 11 reveals the presence of atmospheric windows, i.e. regions of reduced atmospheric
attenuation. IR detection systems are designed to operate in these windows. Combinations of detectors
and spectral bandpass filters are selected to define the operating region to conform to a window to
maximize performance and minimize background contributions.

Figure 11. Atmospheric Transmission Over 1 NM Sea Level Path.

The molecules that account for most of the absorption in the IR region are water, carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide, ozone, carbon monoxide, and methane. Figure 12 shows an expanded view of the infrared
portion of the spectrum.

Figure 12. Transmittance of Atmosphere Over 1 NM Sea Level Path (Infrared Region).

The transmission in a window is greatly dependent on the length and characteristics of the path.
As path length increases, absorption gets deeper and broader. Water vapor also has a significant effect
overall on transmission through the atmosphere. High relative humidity attenuates transmission at all
optical wavelengths.

Since water vapor

generally decreases with
altitude, transmission generally
increases and path length
becomes the determining
factor. However, path length
does not affect transmission of
all wavelengths the same.

The altitude effects on

transmittance are shown in
Figure 13.

A great deal of work

has gone into developing high
fidelity atmospheric models.
One of the most commonly
used tools is MODTRAN
(MODerate Resolution Figure 13. Transmittance at Various Altitudes.
Atmospheric TRANsmission).
MODTRAN models atmospheric propagation of EM radiation from 0.2 to 100 um. MODTRAN was
developed by Spectral Sciences Inc. and the United States Air Force Research Laboratory.


Almost all IR instruments, missiles, search systems, etc. have similar functional components.
Basic components typically include:

Optics - Reflective or refractive lenses to:

o Collect radiation. Irradiance (power density) is increased by collecting radiation over a
large area and focusing down to a small area.
o Form or focus an image that will be used to extract information about the target.

Filter(s) - Spectral and spatial filters to distinguish target from background and to extract
o Target information.
o Spectral filters restrict sensitive wavelength range.
o A spatial filter separates image information by features such as size or position.

Detector - A transducer to convert received radiation to an electrical signal for processing.

Electronics - Used to amplify and condition the detector signal and perform some action, such
as controlling a servo for tracking and guidance or recording the received information. In
addition to the above, the optical head may also contain a window to protect the electronics and
an output unit consisting of indicators or displays.

Windows / Domes / Lens Materials

For most applications of EO systems in EW the detection system is protected from the
environment by a window or dome of optically transmissive material. The window operates both as a
weather seal and, in some cases, helps to define the spectral response region of the system. In some cases
the window functions as a lens.

IR energy interacts with matter in ways we associate with light (reflection, refraction, and
transmission). Lower energy of IR photons results in different optical properties than light. For example:

Glass and water are not transparent to wavelengths longer than about 3 microns.
Silicon and germanium are highly transparent to infrared radiation, but are opaque to visible

Transmission bands of representative window or lens materials are shown in Figure 14. The end
points depicted are for the 10% transmission wavelengths. Not shown in Figure 14 are the various UV
transmissive glasses such as Pyrex, Corex, and Vycor or Amorphous Material Transmitting IR radiation
(AMTIR) which are various combinations of Ge-As-Se (AMTIR-1), As-Se (AMTIR-2, 4, & 5), Ge-Sb-Se
(AMTIR-3), As-S (AMTIR-6).

Figure 14. Transmission of Selected Window / Lens Materials.

Objective Lens

The objective lens is the first optical element in a lens in a typical sensor or missile seeker. The
objective lens serves two main functions:

Collect radiation (i.e., multiply irradiance (power density) by collecting over a large area and
focusing onto a small area)
Form an image of the target scene onto a filter and detector array.

Lens Types

Lenses for the IR can be either refractive or reflective. Refractive optics are straight through
lenses, with the light never making large bends as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Refractive Lens.

A common reflective design used in many missiles is the Cassegrain. The Cassegrain design
shown in Figure 16 is compact in size for its focal length.

Figure 16. Cassegrain Lens.

Optical Filters

Filters may be divided into two major categories: (1) spectral and (2) spatial.

Most optical radiation detectors have a wider sensitivity band than desired for the particular
application. Spectral filters restrict sensitive wavelength range. Reasons for filtering include:
enhancement of target-to-background contrast, avoidance of unwanted plume emissions and/or
atmospheric absorption regions, and extraction and measurement of target spectral features.

To further define the system sensitivity, band interference filters or absorption filters are used.
An absorption filter is a bulk material with a sharp cut-on or cut-off in its transmission characteristic. A
cut-on and a cut-off filter can be combined to make a bandpass filter. By selecting absorption
characteristics of absorption filters combined with the response of a detector, the desired system response
can be obtained. An interference filter is composed of dielectric coatings on an appropriate substrate
combined in such a way to produce cut-on, cut-off, or bandpass filters. Interference filters allow more
control of the final response characteristics and smaller elements. See Figure 17.

Figure 17. Spectral Bandpass Filter.

Most spectral filters are of the thin-film interference type. Layers of dielectric material are
vacuum deposited on a substrate window material. Typical substrate materials in IR are sapphire, silicon,
and germanium. Thickness of deposited layers designed to have constructive interference to pass desired
radiation at desired wavelengths and destructive interference to block undesired wavelengths Besides
spectral filters, EO system optics often have antireflection (or AR) coatings to eliminate or greatly reduce
unwanted reflections between optical elements.

A spatial filter separates information in a scene image by features such as size or position. Spatial
filters take a variety of forms. Some common types and their functions include:

Field stop: limits an instruments field of view. Blocks unwanted sources (such as sun) outside
nominal field of view.
Mechanical modulator or chopper.
Reticle: A mechanical modulator used in many missile designs. Usually discriminates against
extended sources (such as background) in favor of point target sources and provides target
directional information from modulation phase.

Detector Coolers

Many IR detectors have to be cooled for proper operation. Most systems use closed-cycle coolers
or thermoelectric coolers. Thermoelectric coolers use the Peltier effect, which produces a reduced
temperature by passing a d-c current through a thermoelectric junction. Multi-stage coolers can cool a
detector down to below 200K. Closed-cycle coolers typically are of the Stirling cycle design and utilize
the expansion of a gas (helium) to cool a cold finger attached to the detector. These generally operate at
liquid nitrogen temperature (77K).


A detector is a transducer that transforms electromagnetic radiation into a form, which can be
more easily detected. In the detectors of interest to EW the electromagnetic radiation is converted into an
electrical signal. In some systems the signal is processed entirely within the system to perform its
function. In others the signal is converted to a form to allow the human eye to be used for the final
detection and signal analysis.

Detectors are transducers than convert optical radiation into electrons. The physical effects by
which electromagnetic radiation is converted to electrical energy are divided into two categories: photon
effects and thermal effects. EW systems primarily use detectors dependent on photon effects. These
effects can be divided into internal photo effects and external photo effects.

The external photo effect is known as photoemission. In the photoemissive effect, photons
impinging on a photocathode drive electrons from its surface. These electrons may then be collected by
an external electrode and the photocurrent thus obtained is a measure of the intensity of the received

Internal photoeffects of interest are the photoconductive effect and the photovoltaic effect. In the
photoconductive effect, absorbed photons cause an increase in the conductivity of a semiconductor. The
change is detected as a decrease in the resistance in an electrical circuit. In the photovoltaic effect,
absorbed photons excite electrons to produce a small potential difference across a p-n junction in the
semiconductor. The photovoltage thus produced may be amplified by suitable electronics and measured

Thermal detectors respond directly to heat. Examples of these devices include bolometers,
thermopiles, and pyroelectric detectors. The pyroelectric effect is an example of the thermal effect. The
pyroelectric effect is a change in polarization in a crystal due to changes in temperature. Radiation falling
on such a crystal is detected by observing the change in polarization as a build up of surface charge due to
local heating. When coated with a good black absorber, the crystal will be sensitive to a wide band of

Figure 18 shows the spectral sensitivity range of typical detectors using these effects.

Figure 18. Spectral Range of Various Detectors.

Detector Types

Photoconductive detectors operate as resistors in a circuit. The resistance of the detector changes
as the radiation incident on its surface changes. For EW applications, the most photoconductive detector
types include: Indium Antimonide (InSb), which can also be operated in photovoltaic mode; Gallium
Arsenide (GaAs); Lead Sulfide (PbS); and Lead Selenide (PbSe).

Photovoltaic detectors, the most common detectors used in modern EW and military sensor
applications, produce a voltage that is proportional to the incident radiation. Common examples of
photovoltaic detectors are Indium Antimonide (InSb) and Mercury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTe). Both
of these detector types offer high sensitivity when cryogenically cooled.

Diode phototubes and photomultipliers are commonly used detectors for UV systems including
many operational missile-warning systems. These types of tubes offer the advantage of operating
uncooled which can significantly reduce the complexity of a sensor system and offer increased reliability.
Most of the modern IR sensors require cooled detectors. InSb, for example, requires cooling to 77 Kelvin
to achieve the necessary sensitivity. Depending on the application, HgCdTe can be operated at somewhat
higher temperature conditions.

A Photoelectromagnetic (PEM) detector has a junction that generates a current when exposed to
light in a magnetic field.

Some detectors (such as InSb) have multiple modes of operation, including: Photoconductive
(PC), Photovoltaic (PV), or Photoelectromagnetic (PEM) modes of operation.

Detector Parameters and Figures of Merit

The important parameters in evaluating a detector are the spectral response, time constant, the
sensitivity, and the noise figure.

The spectral response determines the portion of the spectrum to which the detector is sensitive.

The time constant is a measure of the speed of response of the detector. It is also indicative of
the ability of the detector to respond to modulated radiation. When the modulation frequency is equal to
one over the time constant, the response has fallen to 70.7 % of the maximum value. The time constant is
related to the lifetime of free carriers in photoconductive and photovoltaic detectors and to the thermal
coefficient of thermal detectors. The time constant in photoemissive devices is proportional to the transit
time of photoelectrons between the photocathode and anode.

The sensitivity of a detector is related to its responsivity. The responsivity is the ratio of the
detected signal output to the radiant power input. For photoconductive and photovoltaic detectors the
responsivity is usually measured in volts per watt -- more correctly, RMS volts per RMS watt. However,
the sensitivity of a detector is limited by detector noise. Responsivity, by itself, is not a measure of
sensitivity. Detector sensitivity is indicated by various figures of merit, which are analogous to the
minimum detectable signal in radar. Such a quantity is the noise equivalent power (NEP). The NEP is a
measure of the minimum power that can be detected. It is the incident power in unit bandwidth, which
will produce a signal voltage equal to the noise voltage. That is, it is the power required to produce a
signal-to-noise ratio of one when detector noise is referred to unit bandwidth. The units of NEP are
usually given as watts, but more correctly, are watts/Hz or wattssec .

Another figure of merit is the noise equivalent irradiance (NEI). The NEI is defined as the
radiant power per unit area of the detector required to produce a signal-to-noise ratio of one. The units of
NEI are watts per square centimeter.

Noise equivalent power (NEP) is the radiant power required to produce a signal to noise ratio of
one for a detector. Detectivity (D) of a detector is defined as the reciprocal of the NEP. The units of D
are watts -1sec -. A higher value of detectivity indicates an improvement in detection capability. Since
D depends on detector area, an alternate figure of merit, known as D-star (D*). D* is the detectivity
measured with a bandwidth of one hertz and reduced to a responsive area of one square centimeter. The
units of D* are cmwatts -1sec -. D* is the detectivity usually given in detector specification sheets.
Typical spectral detectivity characteristics for various detectors are shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Spectral Detectivity of Various Detectors.

Besides the NEI mentioned above, the quantum efficiency of the photocathode is also a figure of
merit for photoemissive devices. Quantum efficiency is expressed as a percent -- the ratio of the number
of photoelectrons emitted per quantum of received energy expressed as a percent. A quantum efficiency
of 100 percent means that one photoelectron is emitted for each incident photon.

There are other figures of merit for television cameras. The picture resolution is usually
described as the ability to distinguish parallel black and white lines and is expressed as the number of line
pairs per millimeter or TV lines per picture height. The number of pixels in the scene also defines the
quality of an image. A pixel, or picture element, is a spatial resolution element and is the smallest
distinguishable and resolvable area in an image. CCD cameras with 512 x 512 elements are common.

Another resolution quantity is the gray scale, which is the number of brightness levels between black and
white a pixel can have.

Noise in Detectors

The performance of a detector is limited by noise. The noise is the random currents and voltages
that compete with or obscure the signal or information content of the radiation. Five types of noise are
most prominent in detectors: (1) thermal, (2) temperature, (3) shot, (4) generation-recombination, and
(5) 1/f noise.

Thermal noise, also known as Johnson noise or Nyquist noise, is electrical noise due to random
motions of charge carriers in a resistive material.

Temperature noise arises from radiative or conductive exchange between the detector and its
surroundings, the noise being produced by fluctuations in the temperature of the surroundings.
Temperature noise is prominent in thermal detectors.

Shot noise occurs due to the discreetness of the electronic charge. In a photoemissive detector
shot noise is due to thermionic emission from the photocathode. Shot noise also occurs in photodiodes
and is due to fluctuations in the current through the junction.

Generation-recombination noise is due to the random generation and recombination of charge

carriers (holes and electrons) in semiconductors. When the fluctuations are caused by the random arrival
of photons impinging upon the detector, it is called photon noise. When it is due to interactions with
phonons (quantized lattice vibrations), it is called generation-recombination noise. Johnson noise is
predominant at high frequencies, shot noise predominates at low frequencies, and generation-
recombination and photon noise are predominant at intermediate frequencies.

As the name implies, 1/f noise has a power spectrum that is inversely proportional to frequency.
It is dominant at very low frequencies. In photoemissive detectors it is called flicker noise and has been
attributed to variation in the emission from patches of the photocathode surface due to variation in the
work function of the surface. In semiconductors 1/f noise is also called modulation noise. Here it is
apparently due to surface imperfections and ohmic contacts (which are a form of surface imperfection).

Infrared Spectral Region and Features of Interest

Different portions of the infrared spectrum are common for particular applications. The reasons
for the selection of a specific window are often sensitive and beyond the scope of this document, but
selections are typically based on several key considerations:

Target characteristics such as size and spectral distribution of signature.

Background radiance and clutter.
Atmospheric effects (transmission, path radiance, scintillation, etc.).
Distinguishing characteristics between natural and man-made sources.

Table 6 describes some of the types of characteristics that are prevalent in the short-wavelength
(SWIR) infrared (0.7 to 3.0 microns), mid-wavelength (MWIR) infrared (3.0 to 6.0 microns) and long-

wavelength (LWIR) infrared (7.0 to 14.0 microns) along with some types of systems that operate in these

Table 6. Infrared Features, Regions, and Types of Systems.

Dominant natural source: Sun
Near or Short Atmospheric:
Wave IR Transmission: High
(SWIR) Path radiance: Scattered sunlight
Dominant aircraft IR component: Sunlit airframe
Anti-aircraft threat: Vehicle-launched SAM

Dominant natural source: Sun

Transmission: High transmission windows between H2O and
Mid-wave IR CO2 absorption
(MWIR) Path radiance: Scattered sunlight below 3 microns
Thermal at longer than 3 microns
Dominant aircraft IR component: Engine hot parts and plume
Anti-aircraft threat: All AAMs and SAMs

Dominant natural source: Earth

Far or Long- Transmission: High
wave IR Path radiance: Low: small thermal emission from ozone
(LWIR) Dominant aircraft IR component: Airframe direct emission and terrestrial
Anti-aircraft threat: Airborne IRST. No anti-aircraft missiles

Sensors and Detection

Figure 20 shows a generalized

detection problem. On the left of the
diagram are the radiation sources - the sun,
background, and the target of interest. In
the middle is the intervening atmosphere,
which attenuates the radiation as it travels
to the detection system shown on the right
of the diagram.

Figure 21 shows the basic

relationships that are critical to detection
of a target in the infrared. The figure is
based on a generalized aircraft, but the
principles apply whether the target is in
fact an aircraft against a sky background Figure 20. Generalized Detection Problem.
or a ground vehicle being viewed from
above against a terrain background. At detection, most targets are unresolved. The sensors ability to
detect the target against background in this case is driven primarily by noise equivalent irradiance.

Figure 21. Detection of a Target with a Remote Sensor.

Each of the equations shown in Figure 21 in reality has atmospheric effects and attenuation due to
transmission losses and contributes to path radiance. Just as the power distribution of the target and
background vary with wavelength, atmospheric effects are also spectrally selective.

Figure 22 shows the roll off of irradiance as a function of range for two different aircraft.
Detection occurs at the point of intersection with the sensors noise equivalent irradiance. In the case of
threat missiles, there is often a signal-to-noise threshold required for launch of the missile to ensure target
quality prior to launch. The product of noise equivalent irradiance and the threshold for these systems is
known typically as the minimum trackable irradiance (MTI). This is the figure used to calculate detection
range for such systems.

In an effort to simplify calculations, band average atmospheric transmission values are often
applied during analysis of detection scenarios. The target itself is non-uniformly distributed as a function
of wavelength, and the atmospheric effect is non-uniform, so this approach is mathematically incorrect
since it pulls a non-constant term out of an integral. The degree of error introduced by the band average
approach depends on the spectral distribution of the source and the overall transmission of the band in
question, but caution should be applied when applying band averages. All calculations involving
atmospheric propagation should be done spectrally and then integrated to provide the in-band value.

Contrast Apparent Irradiance (W/cm2)

Aircraft 1
Aircraft 2
Threat B MTI

Threat A MTI

Aircraft 1 Acquisition Slant Range

Aircraft 1 Acquisition
Range for Threat B Aircraft 2 Acquisition Range for Threat A Aircraft 2 Acquisition
Range for Threat B Range for Threat A

Figure 22. Detection Range Calculation.

Sensor Characterization

As described in a previous section, the output of every sensor is proportional to an integral of the
received radiation weighted by the instruments response function in that domain. Every sensor responds
to radiation in accordance with the characteristics of the sensor and its components.

Characterization quantifies the sensors response shape. Knowledge of response shape is

essential to the design of a sensor and understanding its performance in with changing ambient conditions
and against various types of targets in real environments.


Calibration of a sensor, which describes its response to known input sources, and characterization
of the sensor would ideally be the same process. Ideally, the absolute instrument response would be
mapped over a domain with a traceable standard laboratory source that was tunable across the range of
interest. In the spectral domain, for example, this would require a tunable monochromater whose output
beam provided a level of spectral irradiance traceable to a radiation standard and that also had a

cryogenically-cooled background source. The result would be an absolute spectral response function in
units of output reading per unit radiance (or irradiance) as a function of wavelength.

In practice, it is sufficient and more practical to separate the characterization and calibration
processes, so characterization determines only the relative response shape rather than absolute.
Calibration then incorporates the results of the shape characterization to determine the absolute
instrument response. Both, however, are important to understanding performance of a sensor.

Characterization uses a variety of different methods and sources to map relative response shapes.
The response curve is then normalized and this normalized curve is used in the later derivation of the
calibration coefficients. Different normalizations, such as normalization to an average value, are possible,
but the convention throughout most of the measurement community today is to normalize response curves
to unity at the peak.

When the contributions of all the components are combined into one curve, the result is then peak
normalized and this, now unitless, curve is used in the calibration calculations.


Sensor calibration, which is the process of relating the known input power to the output of a
sensor, requires the use of standard sources, typically National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) traceable blackbodies and various other laboratory equipment such as collimators which make all
of the rays coming from the source parallel to each other, thus representing a source at infinity. Figure 23
is a pictorial illustration of the calibration of a sensor.

Knowninput Sensor (voltsordigital


Figure 23. Sensor Calibration Relates Input Power to Output.

Calibration of a sensor usually involves two major steps. Responsivity is the change in output of
the sensor to changing input. For a sensor that responds linearly, for example, responsivity represents the
slope of the curve when source radiance or incident irradiance is plotted against output voltage or counts
for a digitized system. Figure 24 represents a calibration curve for a sensor that has a linear change in
output over its dynamic range with changing input power. The slope of the curve is the m in the linear
equation. Not all sensors respond linearly with power. Higher order response coefficients are common,
especially for bolometers and infrared focal plane array sensors operated at short integration times. For
these the process of determining the response of the instrument is the same, the curve just yields higher
order terms.


x-intercept (-b/m) is
determined by L mx b
electrical offset and
instrument internal
radiation sources.
Input Radiance, L

Output reading, x
y-intercept, (b) is often a (counts)
negative radiance
number that varies with
time and ambient

Figure 24. Calibration of a Sensor to Determine Responsivity and Offset.

For most electro-optical sensors, the responsivity does not change with ambient temperature. In
other words, the non-constant terms in the calibration equation, whether it is linear or higher order, do not
change with changes in temperature. Over time, however, as detectors decay, responsivity decreases.
This would show itself on the Figure 24 as an increase in the slope value, i.e., higher input power is
required for the same output as the detector becomes less responsive.


Offset is another important parameter for instrument calibration. For any real (non-ideal)
instrument, the response curve does not pass through zero. There are several reasons for this; one being
that except in a complete vacuum, zero radiance does not exist. Additionally, contributions from detector
noise and radiation from the optical elements in the lens, which cause the offset to drift with changes in
ambient temperature, contribute to the offset term. Some amount of offset is designed into the system as
well. All electronic circuits have some amount of DC drift. To prevent clipping of the signal if this drift
should go below the lower limit of the analog-to-digital converter, the bottom end level is adjusted up
to some offset level. The consequence of this offset voltage is the addition of a y-intercept term (b),
which also must be quantified by the calibration if the sensor is a laboratory instrument. For a sensor that
is used for contrast detection, the intercept value is unimportant since it subtracts out in the contrast


Sensitivity for a sensor is determined to a large extent by the noise level in the detector output.
For focal plane array detector, pixel-to-pixel non-uniformity also limits the sensitivity of the system since

detection is determined by contrast with surrounding pixels. In practice, at least for cooled infrared
sensors, detection is typically limited by background and not noise limits.

Instrument Response Uniformity and Non-Uniformity Correction

In reality, all sensors exhibit non-uniform response in all of the domains referenced previously.
For example, in the spatial domain, the raw output of an infrared focal plane array detector exhibits pixel-
to-pixel offset differences and response differences across the field-of-view. The response change is the
result of two primary factors. Since each pixel is essentially a unique detector, it exhibits unique response
because of manufacturing tolerances, slight differences in crystal structure, etc. Additionally, most
electro-optical sensors implement an aperture or field stop in the case of infrared sensors, that limits the
radiation that can reach the detector outside of the sensors desired field-of-view. Radiation entering at
angles off of normal to the detector shows a cosine roll-off in incident power. The result is a reduction in
responsivity for pixels that are radially separated from the center of the detector. For the majority of
systems, an optical gain correction can be applied to compensate for the change in response. The typical
method involves using an extended blackbody source that fills the FOV of the sensor. Reference images
are collected with the source at two temperatures that are well separated across the sensors dynamic
range. This process is typically called a 2-point correction. Actual temperature is unimportant. Slope
corrections can be determined for each pixel. The result is a gain map that can be stored in the sensor
electronics that can be applied to each image to correct for the non-uniform spatial response across the
detector array. Pixel-to-pixel offset maps can be determined using one of the same reference images.
Pixel slope and offset corrections are typically derived as normalized quantities relative to a center pixel,
average of center pixels, or maximum value. The application of the correction maps to the images is
commonly referred to as non-uniformity correction. Figure 25 shows the transition from a raw image
to a non-uniformity corrected image.

Figure 25. Non-Uniformity Correction of a Mid-IR Image.

Bad Pixel Replacement

Focal plane arrays have pixels that are either unresponsive or responsive outside of useful limits.
Figure 25 shows some of the bad pixels that appear as small black spots in an image from an InSb IRFPA
imager. Bad pixels can be identified during laboratory calibration or with a sensor mounted reference
source. There are many approaches to replacement of bad pixels and the best approach often depends on
the sensor characteristics and its application. One common approach is simply to replace the pixel with
the average of its nearest neighbors.


IR guided missiles are the largest single cause for aircraft losses since the start of the 1991 Gulf
war. All missiles designed within the last 20 years have counter-countermeasures circuitry. Every
missile can be defeated with IR countermeasures given time to develop and test devices and techniques,
but many missiles have not been exploited and the variety and complexity of the different designs present
formidable challenges to the US countermeasure community.

The IR signature of any aircraft has three main components:

Engine exhaust plumes

Engine hot parts (tailpipe, etc)
Airframe (aerodynamic heating & reflection from sun, earth, etc)

Infrared guided missiles modulate the signal produced by the aircraft in contrast with its
background. Previous generations of missiles used reticles to produce signal waveforms that would
provide spatial and temporal information from which signal processing could produce trackable

IR Missile Operation

Aircraft (or any other object) can be intercepted using several different types of guidance. The
simplest type is pure pursuit, where the missile is always pointed directly at the target location. This is
not aerodynamically efficient since the missile would follow a longer (curving) flight path when
following a crossing target.

Most missile guidance systems are designed to lead the target so that intercept occurs at the point
where the target will be at the time the missile arrives. This requires that the missile fly a course so the
relative bearing to the target stays constant (constant line of sight angle). The LOS angle is determined
by missile speed relative to the target (higher closing speed = smaller angle). The size of the angle isnt
important; only that it be constant (zero line of sight rate) as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Missile Proportional Navigation.

This intercept course (proportional navigation) requires that the missile have two separate servo
loops: (1) a target tracker and (2) a wing control servo to control direction of flight

For a missile to guide to its intended target, it needs a tracker, which contains the
following elements:

Optics to collect and focus IR from target.

Gimbals to allow movement to point the optics.
Gyro stabilization to isolate optics from missile body.
Detector to convert the received IR to electrical signal.
Stabilization (gyro) to isolate from missile body.
A method to determine target direction to enable closed-loop tracking.
A method to distinguish the target from natural background.

The target tracker is the window into the missiles guidance through which it can be
deceived by countermeasures.

The problem of determining target direction with a single detector was solved by forming an
image of the target scene onto the center of a reticle disk that spun with the optics. Unlike, for example,
the reticle in a rifle telescope that superimposes cross hairs, the reticle in a missile acts as a kind of shutter
that blocks the passage of IR through part of the reticle and allows IR to pass through the other part. A
target image falling on the opaque portion is blocked and produces no detector signal. A target image
falling on the transparent portion is passed on to the detector. When the reticle is spun, IR from a target
off center is alternately passed and blocked, resulting in amplitude modulation (AM). The phase of this
modulation relative to a spin reference is used to tell target direction from center. A closed servo loop
moves the optics to keep the target centered on the reticle. This is depicted in Figure 27.

Image a

Opaque Sector Time
Masks Target Return



Figure 27. Basic Reticle Design.

Target trackers have another problem: The aircraft target must be distinguished from natural
background sources, such as sunlit clouds and terrain. To solve this, they look for features in the spectral,
spatial, and temporal domains where the target is different from background.

Temporal: There is no difference. Neither clouds nor aircraft signature are time varying.
Spectral: Some difference. Choice of wavelength band yields helpful differences between target
and background, but this is not sufficient by itself.
Spatial: The most viable option. Aircraft are smaller than clouds and terrain. Background
radiation can be greatly reduced by spatial filtering.

If half of the reticle is made with opaque spokes, then some irradiance from targets with small
images (such as aircraft) will be modulated more completely and generate a stronger signal at a faster
modulating rate than large images (clouds) as shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. IR Seeker Design for Background Discrimination.

The past figure and the following two figures (29 and 30) depict a spin-scan reticle used on the
early Sidewinder designs. After the detector preamp, signal goes through a narrow bandpass filter to
improve S/N. The AM waveform is then rectified and filtered. Target direction is determined from AM
envelope phase.

Figure 29. Spin Scan Seeker.

Figure 30. Spin Scan Waveforms for Off-Center Target.

Spin-scan has the following characteristics that are important to countermeasures:

The tracker loop drives to null the signal to zero. This occurs when the target is on the
optical axis and the target image is at the center of the reticle.
If the target is off-center, an AM carrier error signal is generated, where the phase of
the modulation envelope indicates the target direction.

With spin scan, the missile is always looking at the target. This vulnerability to jammers led to
the next evolution in target trackers: conical scan.

Conical scan borrows concept from early fire-control radars, which used a nutating feed horn. A
con scan tracker is shown in Figure 31. With con scan:

The secondary mirror of the Cassegrain is canted so the field of view seen by the detector
sweeps out a pattern of overlapping circles.
A target image at boresight falls near the edge of the reticle instead of center.
Reticle pattern is same all the way around. (Usually tapered spokes.)

Modulation of target near boresight is FM rather than AM. This allows tighter tracking.
For larger angles off boresight, the target image falls outside the FOV of the detector for
part of the scan. The modulation then becomes AM.

Figure 31. Conical Scan Tracker.

In the con scan tracker, as the missile instantaneous field of view nutates about a target on
boresite, (moving through positions at t1 through t5 shown in Figure 32), the apparent position of a target
image on the reticle sweeps out the circular pattern shown.

Figure 32. Image on a Con Scan Reticle: Target at Boresite.

If the target is off boresight as shown in Figure 33, the detector receives a signal of
varying pulse widths.

Figure 33. Image on a Con Scan Reticle: Target off Boresite.

The waveform produced by a target on boresite is a constant amplitude carrier at the reticle
chopping frequency as shown in Figure 34. A target slightly off boresite produces a constant amplitude
carrier that is frequency modulated at spin frequency.

Figure 34. Conical Scan Seeker Output.

A target further off boresite leaves the missile field of view during part of the scan, producing an
amplitude-modulated waveform similar to that of a spin scan tracker. The important difference is that
with a spin scan tracker, the target never leaves the missile field of view. With con scan, the target may
fall outside the missile FOV at certain times during the scan. Because con-scan trackers do not
necessarily view the target continuously, they can have high resistance to jammers.

Other types of seeker scan patterns now exist. The Rosette scan pattern shown in Figure 35 is
one such example. It has an even higher resistance to countermeasures.

Detector FOV


Figure 35. Rosette Scan Pattern.

Imaging arrays of detectors without reticles are newer yet. They may be classified as either
staring (every pixel sees the entire scene), or scanning arrays, where the optics plays a role in determining
which pixels are exposed to optical / IR radiation.



Figure 36 shows a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet aircraft dispensing IRCM flares from its internal
flare dispensers. IRCM have been the staple of countermeasures protection for military aircraft more than
four decades. Flares are designed to transfer the track of an attacking infrared missile by exhibiting
characteristics that confuse the tracking and guidance algorithms built into the missile. Modern missiles
incorporate Counter-Countermeasures (CCM) capabilities including hardware configurations, circuitry,
and logic to help identify countermeasures and reject them from processing. CCM capabilities can be
based on spectral, spatial, and temporal features of the target scene. As missiles continue to improve in
their sensitivity, range, maneuverability, and CCM capabilities, flares continue to evolve in order to keep
pace with the evolving threat.

Figure 36. Navy F/A-18E Aircraft Dispensing IRCM Flares.

Over the years the Navy has fielded many flare types including the MJU-2/B, MJU-8, MJU-32,
MJU-38, MJU-27, MJU-49, and many other improved versions of these flares and other types as well.
IRCM flares continue to be the prevailing countermeasure for military aircraft protection by offering cost
effective and robust protection.

Dispenser Systems

Most Navy fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft are equipped with countermeasures dispenser
systems. These systems are critical to the survivability of the aircraft in a hostile threat environment.
Modern dispensers such as the AN/ALE-47 offer high reliability and substantial programming capability
that allows flare dispenses to be tailored for maximum protection of the host aircraft type. AN/ALE-47 is
highly integrated into the aircraft over the 1553 data buses. The dispenser can incorporate information
from several aircraft systems including missile-warning systems to improve its responses to threats and
provide vital situational awareness to the aircrew.

Impulse Cartridges

IRCM flares are dispensed from the aircraft flare dispensers with electrically initiated impulse
cartridges. Impulse cartridges incorporate energetic materials within a small confined canister. Upon
application of a voltage to the electrical leads, a bridge wire in contact with the energetic materials burns
through, igniting the propellant materials. The expanding gases push the flare from its case, held captive
in the aircraft dispenser. Impulse cartridges for Navy use have been designed to withstand the extreme
electro-magnetic environments encountered around aircraft carriers and other combat ships. Examples of
impulse cartridges include the CCU-63 and CCU-136.

Infrared Jammers

Several lamp-based and mechanically modulated jammers have been developed over the years for
protection of aircraft. Examples include the AN/ALQ-144 and AN/ALQ-157, predominantly used on
helicopters and cargo aircraft. These jammers offer some level of protection over a broad field-of-regard
and offer the advantage of continuous operation.

In principle, these jammers produce a modulated signal in the track band of the threat that
corrupts the target tracking pulses in the missile seeker.

Passive Missile Warning Systems

Infrared-guided weapons provide passive attack capabilities against military vehicles. Unlike a
radar-guided weapon that actively emits radiation and tracks the reflected pulses from the target, infrared
weapons track radiation already being emitted from the target. Attacking missiles fly at very high speeds,
and they are exceptionally maneuverable. Missile warning systems must be capable of detecting the
threat, alerting the aircrew, and cueing a countermeasures response within sufficient time to counter the
attacking missile. The time from launch to impact can be very short, making timely detection critical.
Active warning systems have been developed in the past that use Doppler Radar capabilities to detect
missiles, but passive missile warning systems have been preferred because of the desire to minimize
emissions from the aircraft under attack.

Several passive missile-warning systems have been developed over the years for military aircraft.
These systems operate in a variety of different parts of the electro-optical spectrum, but the most common
are ultraviolet and infrared sensor systems. Examples of passive missile warning systems include
AN/AAR-47, AN/AAR-54, AN/AAR-57, AN/AAQ-24 (both passive and active components), and the
Joint and Allied Threat Awareness System (JATAS), currently under development by the Navy. Passive
missile warning sensors continue to improve with advances in detector technologies, particularly with
imaging detectors. These sensors provide excellent angle-of-arrival information, necessary to support
cueing of laser based countermeasures, and advanced processing to detect and declare threat missiles in
cluttered environments.

Laser Countermeasures

Laser-based infrared countermeasures have been in development for many years. Several
systems have been fielded over the past fifteen years including the AN/AAQ-24 system on Air Force
cargo aircraft and helicopters and a derivative system for Marine Corps helicopters.

Although configurations vary, most of these systems incorporate a single multi-band laser or
several single-band lasers that produce modulated waveforms designed to corrupt a missiles guidance
target tracking. The laser optics are located in a tracking gimbal that provides agile and rapid pointing
over a broad field-of-regard. Laser based countermeasures require a relatively high angle of arrival
accuracy from the host aircrafts missile warning sensor. Upon declaration of the threat, the missile
warning system hands-off track to the tracking gimbal and cues the lasers to lase. A tracking camera in
the tracking gimbal with high optical resolution helps to maintain track on the threat missile through the
engagement period.


The word laser comes from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser
system emits light that is generated through a process of stimulated emission. The radiation produced by
a laser exhibits high temporal and spatial coherence. In order to begin the process of stimulated emission,
the lasing medium absorbs the energy from a pump source. The atoms in the lasing medium are excited
to a higher energy state. These atoms will eventually return to their ground state. A large number of
atoms that are excited to higher states create a population inversion. Population inversion describes the
number of atoms in excited state versus the number of atoms in the ground state. In order for the atoms to
return to their ground state, they must release energy. This energy is released in the form of photons.
Energy of a photon is expressed as

E = Energy, generally electron volts (eV)
h = Plancks constant = 4.136 x 10-15 (eVs)
c = speed of light = 2.998 x 108 (m/s)
= wavelength of light in meters

The energy that must be released by the atom to return to the ground state will direct the
wavelength of the photon emitted since h and c are constants. If all the excited atoms released the same
amount of energy to return to their ground state, the released photons would all have the same wavelength

and would be considered fully monochromatic. Most lasers do not emit a single wavelength but a range
of slightly differing wavelengths ().

The lasing medium may be a solid, a gas, liquid, or plasma. Some laser types include gas,
chemical, dye, fiber-based, solid-state and semiconductor lasers. The laser radiation can be output in a
continuous wave (CW) or in a pulsed wave. A continuous wave laser emits light that maintains a steady
amplitude and frequency. A pulse wave will vary in amplitude and is also characterized by the systems
pulse repetition frequency (PRF). The PRF is defined as the number of pulses emitted during a unit of
time. Figure 37 shows the spectral output of several laser types.

The first laser was constructed by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu,
California. This laser was a pulsed, solid-state ruby laser. The ruby laser uses a synthetic ruby crystal as
the lasing medium. A xenon flash lamp is used to excite the atoms in a ruby rod to higher energy levels.
The highly polished and mirrored ends of the rod form a resonant cavity. One end of the rod has a
slightly lower reflectivity. The lamp excitation produces an inverted population of excited atoms, which
are stimulated to relax to lower energy levels releasing their extra energy as photons. Repeated
reflections off the mirrored ends of the rod causes the photons to bounce back and forth through the rod
stimulating further emissions at the same wavelength and phase producing a highly coherent beam, which
finally passes through the lower reflectivity end.

Figure 37. Spectral Lines / Ranges of Available Lasers.

The typical laser rangefinder uses a solid-state laser with a neodymium-YAG crystal lasing at
1.06 m.

Gas lasers can be pulsed or CW. The gas dynamic laser obtains its inverted population through a
rapid temperature rise produced by accelerating the gas through a supersonic nozzle. In chemical lasers
the inversion is produced by a chemical reaction. In the electric discharge laser the lasing medium is

electrically pumped. The gas can also be optically pumped. In an optically pumped gas laser the lasing
medium is contained in a transparent cylinder. The cylinder is in a resonant cavity formed by two highly
reflective mirrors.

Many gas lasers use carbon dioxide as the lasing medium (actually a mixture of CO2 and other
gases). These are the basis for most high energy or high power lasers. The first gas laser was an optically
pumped CW helium-neon laser. The common laser pointer is a helium-neon laser operating at
0.6328 m. The lasing medium is a mixture of helium and neon gas in a gas discharge or plasma tube.

The dye laser is an example of a laser using a liquid for the lasing medium. The lasing medium is
an organic dye dissolved in a solvent such as ethyl alcohol. Dye lasers operate from the near UV to the
near IR, are optically pumped, and are tunable over a fairly wide wavelength range.

Another type of laser is the semiconductor or injection laser, also known as a laser diode. The
junctions of most semiconductor diodes will emit some radiation if the devices are forward biased. This
radiation is the result of energy released when electrons and holes recombine in the junction. There are
two kinds of semiconductor diode emitters: (1) the light emitting diode (LED), which produces incoherent
spontaneous emission when forward biased and which has a broad (800 angstrom) spectral output, and
(2) the laser diode, which maintains a coherent emission when pulsed beyond a threshold current and
which has a narrow spectral width (< 10 angstrom). In the laser diode the end faces of the junction region
are polished to form mirror surfaces. They can operate CW at room temperatures, but pulsed operation is
more common. Figure 38 shows a typical diode laser structure.

Figure 38. Diode Laser Construction.

Fiber lasers use fibers that are doped with rare-earth elements as the pumping medium. These
rare-earth elements include elements such as Erbium (most common), Ytterbium, and Neodymium.
There are other elements such as Thulium that are used for doping purposes. Erbium doped fiber lasers
can emit in the 1.5 to 1.6 micron wavelength, which is important due to eye safety concerns in this part of
the spectrum. Other wavelength emissions for Erbium include 2.7 and 0.55 microns.
Fiber based laser systems are beneficial in many ways. The fiber gain medium is compact
compared to many other types of gain medium and is highly efficient. The fiber gain medium can also be
physically manipulated to save space. Fiber based lasers are able to achieve high output powers. The
gain medium of a fiber laser can extend for several kilometers to achieve these higher power outputs. The
fact that the light is already propagating in a flexible fiber can also allow for system designs that
implement a gain cavity in one location and then deliver the output in another location.

Q-switching is a common means of obtaining short intense pulses from lasers. The Q-switch
inhibits lasing until a very large inverted population builds up. The switch can be active or passive. A
passive Q-switch switches at a predetermined level. An active Q-switch is controlled by external timing
circuits or mechanical motion. The switch is placed between the rod (or lasing medium) and the
100 percent mirror. Figure 39 shows an arrangement using a Pockels cell as an active Q-switch.

Figure 39. Q-Switch Arrangement.

Other methods of obtaining pulsed operation include using pump sources that are pulsed and


Fiber optic cables are the optical analog of RF waveguides. Fiber optic cables are made from
transparent dielectrics. The fiber optic cable acts as an optical waveguide allowing light to propagate
along the length of the fiber by using the principle of total internal reflection. This phenomenon can only
occur under certain conditions relating to the material indices of refraction and the light rays angle of
incidence. Some benefits of fiber optic fiber include low losses, bandwidth, electromagnetic interference
immunity, size, and weight.

Consider the physical construction of a bare optical fiber, depicted in Figure 40. A bare optical
fiber is simply the inner glass core and the surrounding glass sleeve. The core must have a higher index
of refraction than the cladding, n1 > n2. When n1 > n2, light impinging the boundary between the core and
the cladding will totally internally reflect if the incident angle at each reflection is greater than the critical
angle, c. sin c = (n2/ n1)

c t
Core,n1 inc=max

Figure 40. Bare Fiber Optic Cable.

Incident rays on the face of the fiber must intersect at angles less than max for the internal ray, t,
to intersect at c. When rays intersect the front face of the fiber at angles greater than c, they are only
partially reflected in the core and will leak out.

There are many varieties of optical fibers. Optical fibers can either be single mode or multimode.
Single mode fibers are fibers which propagate a single mode down the length of the fiber while
multimode fibers can propagate many modes. Single mode fibers typically have a much smaller core
diameter, typically around 8 to 10 m. Their cladding is usually 125 m. Multimode fibers typically
have core diameters around 62.5 m with 125 m claddings. These diameters can vary depending on the
application. Loss in multimode fibers over a 1 kilometer distance is typically around 1 dB at 1310 nm.
This value will vary some with changes in wavelength. Single mode fibers can maintain the quality of a
light pulse over longer distances than multimode fibers due to modal dispersion effects that occur in
multimode fibers. Typical losses for a single mode fiber over 1 kilometer is approximately .3 dB at
1310 nm. Again, this value will vary some with changes in wavelength. However, multimode fiber is
much less expensive than single-mode and can have a lower connection loss due to the larger core
diameter. Multimode fiber is commonly used in communications.

In addition to single mode or multimode, a fiber can have a step index profile or a graded index
profile. Figure 41 depicts the two profiles. The step index profile maintains a uniform index of refraction
within the core. A graded index profile has a peak index of refraction at the center of the core. The index
of refraction value rolls off from the center to lower values closer to the cladding interface. This profile
assists with the modal dispersion issue found in multimode fiber.

Figure 41. Fiber Profiles for a Single Mode Step Index and a Multimode Graded-Index Fiber.

Most fiber is not used in a bare form and has some additional layers of protection around the
cladding. These layers can include a 250 m buffer with a 900 m PVC tight buffer. Some fiber will
also contain aramid yarn followed by a 3 mm PVC furcation tube. Buffer tubes are often used to assist
with identification and provide damage protection. The outer layers can provide additional isolation from
environmental factors and lower optical crosstalk.

There are also more specialized types of fiber that include polarization maintaining and photonic
crystal fibers. Polarization maintaining fibers are not constructed with a cylindrical core but instead use
elliptical, bow-tie styled cores or stress rods located in the cladding (PANDA style). These are shown in
Figure 42.

Figure 42. Polarization Maintaining Optical Fiber Types.

Polarization maintaining fibers maintain the state of the linearly polarized light propagating
through the fiber. This type of fiber is used when the polarization state of the light cannot vary within a
system. Photonic crystals propagate light by an arrangement of very small and closely spaced air holes
that are maintained throughout the length of the fiber. Applications of photonic crystal fibers are varying
and can be used in fiber lasers, amplifiers, sensors, and telecom.

It is well known that fiber optics has many communication applications; however, improvements
in fiber optic technology have lent themselves to many EO applications. Many EO components are now
fiber based and can interface with the tremendous advancements in fiber-based laser systems as well as
other EO systems. An example of the use of fiber optics in an EW system is the AN/ALE-50 and 55
Fiber-Optic Towed Decoy (FOTD). The FOTD uses fiber optic cabling to communicate with the jammer.

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Lasers are divided into the following classes:

Class 1 Low power / non-hazardous

Class 2/2a Low power / minor controls necessary
Emit less than 1 mW visible CW radiation. Not considered hazardous for
momentary (<0.25 sec) unintentional exposure. Class 2a lasers are those class 2
lasers not intended to be viewed, i.e. supermarket scanners.
Class 3a/3b Medium power / direct viewing hazard / little diffuse reflection hazard.
Class 3a Visible lasers with 1-5 mW power output, invisible lasers, and those having
1-5 times the Accessible Emission Limit (AEL) of class 1 lasers.
Class 3b All other class 3 lasers at all wavelengths which have a power output less than
500 mW.
Class 4 High power / eye & skin hazard / potential diffuse reflection hazard or fire hazard

There are several pertinent instructions and guidelines regarding laser use. They are:

OPNAVINST 5100.27B Navy Laser Hazards Control Program

(which replaced OPNAVINST 5100.27A and SPAWARINST 5100.12B)
MIL-HDBK-828B, Range Laser Safety
ANSI Z136.1-2007, American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers (Parent)

Every Navy command which uses lasers must have a Laser System Safety Officer (LSSO). All
LSSOs must attend a Navy LSSO course.

There are four categories of LSSOs.

Administrative Laser Safety Officer (ALSO)

Technical Laser Safety Officer (TLSO)
Laser Safety Specialist (LSS)
Range Laser Safety Specialist (RLSS)

See OPNAVINST 5100.27B for details of their qualifications and responsibilities.

The hazard ranges of interest are the NOHD for direct viewing of a beam and the r1(safe) or r2(safe)
for viewing a beam reflected off an object such as a wall. These are depicted in Figure 1. The Maximum
Permissible Exposure (MPE) values present laser safety levels as a function of exposure time, laser PRF,
pulse duration, and wavelength. Different tables are used for eye safety while directly viewing a beam,
for viewing a diffusely reflected beam, and for skin exposure.

For repeated pulses the following equation is used to calculate the maximum permissible
exposure (MPE).

MPE(single pulse)
MPE (repeated pulse) = 1/4
( PRF x t e )

Where PRF is the pulse repetition frequency of the laser and te is the exposure duration.

For visible lasers te is usually taken as 1/4 second and for non-visible lasers a value of 10 seconds
is used.

Figure 1 depicts some laser hazard distances.

Figure 1. Laser Hazard Distances.

Range laser safety specialists shall be designated for external operations. Range test plans shall

Permissible aircraft flight paths, and ship or vehicle headings.

Hazard areas to be cleared.
Operational personnel locations.
Types of surveillance to be used to ensure a clear range.
Radio / communications procedures.

During laser operations no portion of the laser beam may extend beyond the controlled target area
unless adequate surveillance can prevent radiation of unprotected areas. Class 3 and class 4 lasers shall
not be directed above the horizon unless coordinated with those responsible for the given airspace (FAA,
Navy, Air Force, etc).

In an industrial environment, warning and hazard signs and lights will be posted, a hazard zone
shall be designated when lasers are in operation, and training shall be provided to operators in the proper
eye and body (skin) protection required. Interlocks to laser operation shall be provided when there is the
possibility of unauthorized personnel entering the hazard area.

Fiber optic cables usually have laser power sources so appropriate warnings or labels need to be
applied to connections or possible breakage points.

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Free Fall / Aircraft Drag............................................................................................................................. 8-1

Mach Number and Airspeed vs. Altitude................................................................................................... 8-2
Maneuverability ........................................................................................................................................ 8-3
EMP / Aircraft Dimensions........................................................................................................................ 8-4

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The purpose of this section is to get an awareness of the distance traveled by a flare or other object
such as a bomb, which is jettisoned or dropped by an aircraft. This will give the reader an appreciation for the
significance of aircraft tactical altitude.

From Newtons second law of motion:

F = moa where: F = Force

mo = Mass of object
a = Acceleration

mo me
and the law of gravitation: F=G 2
English Units SI Units

where: F = Force of attraction lbf Newton

G = universal gravitational constant 3.44x10-8 ft4/lb-sec4 6.67x10-11 m3/kg-sec2
mo, me= Masses (not weight) of object & earth slug kg
r = distance between center of gravity of objects feet meter

Combining the two equations and solving for a:

G me
a= 2
= g , the familiar constant acceleration due to gravity.

Since G and me are fixed and the variation in r (the distance from the earths center) is small except
for satellites, g is considered fixed at 32.2 ft/sec2.

For objects with a constant acceleration (g), it can be shown that:

1 d = distance traveled
d = vi t + gt 2 where vi = Initial velocity
2 t = time
g = acceleration

For a falling object, Figure 1 on the following page may be used to estimate time/distance values.

The upper curve is for an object shot upward with an initial velocity of 50 ft/sec.

The middle curve is for an object shot horizontally with an initial velocity of 50 ft/sec or one that is
a free-falling object dropped with no initial vertical velocity.

The lower curve is for an object with a downward initial velocity of 50 ft/sec.

1) 50 ft/sec is the typical cartridge ejection velocity of a flare/chaff expendable.
2) The top curve actually goes up 39 feet before starting back down, but this is difficult to see due to the
graph scale.
3) This simplification ignores the effects of air drag or tumbling effects on a falling object which will
result in a maximum terminal velocity, with resultant curve straightening.

Figure 1. Object Fall Rate.


Let us assume that we want to know how far a bomb or other object has fallen after 13 seconds if it
had been dropped from an aircraft traveling at 450 kts which was in a 40 dive.

Our initial vertical velocity is: 450 kts (Sin 40) (1.69 ft/sec per knot) = 489 ft/sec downward

d = Vit + gt2 = -489(13) + (-32.2)(13)2 = - 6355 - 2721 = -9,076 ft.

Remember to keep the signs (+/-) of your calculations in agreement with whatever convention you are
using. Gravity pulls downward, so we used a minus sign for acceleration. Also the initial velocity was

In reality, any object may well have reached terminal velocity before the time indicated using the
above formula or Figure 1. In this example, the actual distance determined from ballistics tables would have
been 8,000 ft, which is about 13% less than the above calculation would indicate. The drag characteristics of
the object determine how much shorter the distance will be. In any case, it will not have dropped farther.


Tactical aircraft carry stores in various combinations depending upon the mission. Each store has a
different drag load which affects range. The pilot needs to know the total drag load in order to determine his
aircraft range on a particular mission. Adding up the total drag in pounds of force for wind resistance would
be cumbersome. Therefore, the drag of the stores is compared to a known reference drag (usually the
aircraft), and expressed as a percentage of aircraft drag multiplied by some constant. This ratio is variously
called drag count, drag index, or drag points. For instance, if a missile has 100 pounds of drag and the
reference aircraft drag is 50,000 pounds, the ratio is 100/50,000 = 0.002. Multiply this by a constant of 100
(for example) and the drag index point is 0.2. The pilot only needs to look on a chart to see what the drag
index points are for his stores, add up the drag points, and look on a chart to see what his aircraft range and
best range (or endurance) speed will be.

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MACH NUMBER is defined as a speed ratio, referenced to the speed of sound, i.e.

Velocity of Interest
MACH NUMBER = (at the given atmospheri c conditions ) [1]
Velocity of Sound

Since the temperature and density of air decreases with altitude, so does the speed of sound, hence a
given true velocity results in a higher MACH number at higher altitudes.

AIRSPEED is a term that can be easily confused. The unqualified term airspeed can mean any of the

a. Indicated airspeed (IAS) - the airspeed shown by an airspeed indicator in an aircraft. Indicated
airspeed is expressed in knots and is abbreviated KIAS.

b. Calibrated airspeed (CAS) - indicated airspeed corrected for static source error due to location of
pickup sensor on aircraft. Calibrated airspeed is expressed in knots and is abbreviated KCAS.
Normally it doesnt differ much from IAS.

c. True airspeed (TAS) - IAS corrected for instrument installation error, compressibility error, and errors
due to variations from standard air density. TAS is expressed in knots and is abbreviated KTAS. TAS
is approximately equal to CAS at sea level but increases relative to CAS as altitude increases. At
35,000 ft, 250 KIAS (or KCAS) is approximately 430 KTAS.

IAS (or CAS) is important in that aircraft dynamics (such as stall speed) responds largely to this
quantity. TAS is important for use in navigation (True airspeed wind speed = ground speed).

Figures 1 and 2 depict relations between CAS and TAS for various altitudes and non-standard
temperature conditions. The first graph depicts lower speed conditions, the second depicts higher speeds.

As an example of use, consider the chart on the next page. Assume we are in the cockpit, have read our
IAS from the airspeed indicator, and have applied the aircraft specific airspeed correction to obtain
370 KCAS. We start at point A and go horizontally to our flight altitude at point B (25,000 ft in this
case). To find our Mach, we go down vertically to point C to obtain 0.86 Mach. To get our TAS at our
actual environmental conditions, we go from point B vertically until we hit the Sea Level (S.L.) reference
line at point D, then travel horizontally until we reach our actual outside air temperature (-20C at altitude)
at point E, then go up vertically to read our actual TAS from the scale at point F (535 KTAS). If we
wanted our TAS at standard temperature and pressure conditions, we would follow the dashed lines slanting
upward from point B to point G and read 515 KTAS from the scale. Naturally, we could go into the
graph at any point and go backwards to find CAS from true Mach or TAS.

Figure 3 shows a much wider range of Mach numbers. It contains only TAS and Mach, since aircraft
generally do not fly above Mach 2, but missiles (which dont have airspeed indicators) do. The data on this
graph can be obtained directly from the following formula for use at altitudes of 36,000 ft and below:

Speed of Sound (KTAS) = 29.06 518.7 - 3.57 A Where A = altitude (K ft) [2]

The speed of sound calculated from this formula can be used with the equation on the first page to
obtain Mach number. This equation uses the standard sea level temperature of 59 F and a lapse rate of
-3.57/1000 ft altitude. Temperature stabilizes at -69.7 F at 36,000 ft so the speed of sound stabilizes there at
573 knots. See the last page of this section for a derivation of equation [2].

Figure 1. TAS and CAS Relationship With Varying Altitude and Temperature.

Figure 2. TAS and CAS Relationship With Varying Altitude and Temperature (Continued).

Figure 3. Mach Number vs. TAS Variation With Altitude.

The following is a derivation of equation [2] for the speed of sound:

Given: p = pressure (lb/ft2) T = absolute temperature (Rankine) = F + 459.7

v = specific volume (ft3/lb) w = specific weight (lb/ft3) = 1/v
R = a constant (for air: R = 53.3) = density = w/g = 1/gv v = 1/g

From Boyles law of gasses: pv = RT, therefore we have: p/ = gRT = (32.2)(53.3)T = 1718 T [3]

It can also be shown that: p/ = constant; for air = 1.4 [4]

From the continuity equation applied to a sound wave: AVa = (+dp)A(Va + dVa) [5]

Expanding and dropping insignificant terms gives: dVa = -Va d/ [6]

Using Newtons second law (p + Va/2 = a constant) and taking derivatives: dp = -VadVa

Substituting into [6] gives: Va2 = dp/d [7]

Then taking derivatives of [4] and substituting in [7] gives: V a = [8]

Then using [3] gives: V a = gRT = 1.4(1718)T = 49 T [9]

Using a Standard atmosphere of 59 F @ Sea Level (S.L.) and a lapse rate of -3.57/1000 ft altitude:

ft 3600 sec nm
V a = 49 459.7 + 59 - 3.57 A = 29.06 518.7 - 3.57A which is equation [2]
sec hr 6076 ft


A useful function is to determine how many Gs an aircraft Table 1. G vs. Angle of Bank.
might require to make a given turn without altitude loss. From (No altitude loss)
Newtons laws, F cos = W, where: F = force applied to an aircraft,
W = weight, and = bank angle. By definition Gs is the ratio of the G
force on an object to its weight, i.e., G = F/W = 1/cos .
1.0 0
1.4 45
Simple calculations will show the results presented in Table 1,
2.0 60
to the right.
3.9 75
7.2 82
Given that the average structural limit of an aircraft is about
11.5 85
7 Gs, the maximum bank angle that can be achieved in level (non-
descending) flight is 81.8.

Figure 1 can be used to determine the turn radius and rate-of-turn for any aircraft, given speed and
angle of bank (assuming the aircraft maintains level flight). It may also be used in the reverse context. It
should be noted that not all aircraft can fly at the speeds depicted - they may stall beforehand or may be
incapable of attaining such speeds due to power/structural limitations.

In the example shown on Figure 1, we assume an aircraft is traveling at 300 kts, and decides to make
a 30 angle of bank turn. We wonder what his turn radius is so we can approximate his flight path over the
ground, and what his rate of turn will be. We enter the chart at the side at 300 kts and follow the line
horizontally until we intercept the 30 bank angle for rate of turn line. We then go down vertically to
determine the 2.10/sec rate of turn. To get radius, we continue horizontally to the 30 bank angle for turn
radius line. We can then go down vertically to determine the radius of 13,800 ft.

Figure 1. Aircraft Turn Rate / Radius vs. Speed.

The exact formulas to use are:

1091 tan( ) V
V = Velocity (Knots)
Rate of Turn = Radius of Turn = Where :
V 11.26 tan( ) and = Angle of Bank

Another interesting
piece of information might
be to determine the distance
a typical aircraft might
travel during a maneuver to
avoid a missile.

Figure 2 shows a
birds-eye view of such a
typical aircraft in a level
(constant altitude) turn.

To counter many
air-to-air missiles the pilot
might make a level turn,
however in countering a
SAM, altitude is usually lost Figure 2. Maneuvering Aircraft.
for two reasons: (1) the
direction of maneuvering against the missile may be downward, and (2) many aircraft are unable to maintain
altitude without also losing speed. These aircraft may have insufficient thrust for their given weight or may
be at too high an altitude. The lighter an aircraft is (after dropping bombs/burning fuel), the better the
performance. Likewise, the higher the altitude, the poorer the thrust-to-weight ratio. Maximum afterburner is
frequently required to maintain altitude at maximum G level.

REFERENCE AXES (Roll, Pitch, Yaw)

The rotational or oscillating movement of an

aircraft, missile, or other object about a longitudinal axis is
called roll, about a lateral axis is called pitch, and about a
vertical axis is called yaw as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Reference Axes.


If we want to determine the rate of turn or turn radius more precisely than can be interpolated from
the chart in Figure 1, we use the formulas. For our initial sample problem with an aircraft traveling 300 kts,
in a 30 angle of bank turn, we have:

1091 tan( ) 1091 tan(30)

Rate of Turn = = = 2.1 / sec
V 300
2 2
V 300
Radius of Turn = = = 13,844 ft
11.26 tan( ) 11.26 tan(30)

These are the same results as we determined using Figure 1.

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An aircraft flying in the vicinity of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) acts like a receiving antenna and
picks up EMP radiation in relation to size like a dipole (or half-wavelength dipole). The electromagnetic
pulse spectrum decreases above 1 MHz as shown in Figure 1, so an F-14 aircraft that is an optimum
wavelength antenna at 8 MHz will pick up less EMP voltage than a B-52 or an aircraft with a trailing wire
antenna. A rule of thumb for the voltage picked up is:

VEMP = 8.1 volts/ft times the maximum dimension of the aircraft in feet

This rule of thumb was generated because a single linear relationship between voltage and aperture
seemed to exist and compared favorably with more complex calculations for voltage picked up by various
aircraft when subjected to EMP.

Table 1 shows various aircraft and the frequencies they would be most susceptible to, using f = c/,
where matches the selected aircraft dimension for maximum antenna reception effect. This should be a
design consideration when trying to screen onboard avionics from the effects of EMP.

The following is a partial listing of aircraft types vs. identifying prefix letters (several are used in
Table 1):

A Attack K Tanker T Trainer

B Bomber O Observation U Utility
C Cargo P Patrol V Vertical or Short Takeoff
E Electronic Surveillance Q Special mission and Landing (V/STOL)
F Fighter R Reconnaissance X Experimental
H Helicopter S Anti Sub/Ship Y Prototype

Figure 1. EMP as a Function of Frequency.

Table 1. Aircraft Dimensions and Equivalent Antenna Aperture.

Height Frequency Length Frequency Frequency
Aircraft Span
Mission (ft.) (MHz) (ft.) (MHz) (MHz)
Type (ft.)
A f f/2 A f f/2 A f f/2
ATTACK A-10 14.66 67.05 33.52 53.33 18.43 9.21 57.5 17.1 8.55
ELECTRONIC EA-6B 16.50 59.64 29.82 59.34 16.58 8.29 53.0 18.57 9.29
WARFARE EA-18 16.0 61.47 30.74 60.17 16.35 8.17 44.67 22.02 11.01
FIGHTER F-15 18.4 53.42 26.71 63.75 15.42 7.71 42.8 22.97 11.48
F-16 16.66 59.00 29.5 49.25 19.96 9.98 31.0 31.71 15.85
F/A-18C/D 15.3 64.31 32.16 56.0 17.57 8.79 40.70 24.18 12.09
F/A-18E/F 16 61.47 30.7 60.17 16.34 8.17 44.67 22.02 11.01
F-22 17.75 55.41 27.7 64.17 15.33 7.66 43 22.87 11.43
F-35A 14.2 69.27 34.63 51.4 19.1 9.57 35 28.1 14.05
F-35C 15.5 63.45 31.73 51.4 19.1 9.57 43 22.8 11.43
F-117 12.42 79.15 39.57 65.92 14.91 7.46 43.33 22.69 11.34
ASW P-3C 33.75 29.16 14.58 116.42 8.45 4.23 99.67 9.87 4.94
S-3A 22.75 43.25 21.63 54.34 18.45 9.23 68.67 14.33 7.17
P-8 42.1 23.36 11.68 129.5 7.6 3.8 123.6 7.96 3.98
AEW E-2C 18.4 53.48 26.74 56.50 17.42 8.71 80.58 12.21 6.11
V/STOL AV-8B 11.64 84.45 42.23 46.3 21.23 10.62 30.3 32.44 16.22
V-22 18.1 54.3 27.2 57.3 17.17 8.58 84.5 11.64 5.82
F-35B 15.0 65.6 32.78 51.2 19.2 9.61 35 28.1 14.05
HELICOPTERS AH-1W 14.16 69.46 34.73 58.25 16.89 8.44 48.0 20.49 10.24
UH-1E 12.75 71.18 35.59 52.91 18.60 9.30 44.0 22.36 11.18
U/SH-2 15.41 63.85 31.93 52.5 18.74 9.37 44.0 22.36 11.18
SH-3D 16.42 59.93 29.97 72.67 13.54 6.77 62.00 15.87 7.84
CH-46D 16.75 58.75 29.38 84.34 11.67 5.84 50.0 19.68 9.84
CH-47 18.75 52.45 26.23 99.0 9.94 4.98 60.0 16.39 8.19
CH-53A 24.91 39.50 19.75 88.16 11.16 5.58 72.25 13.62 6.81
SH-60 17.0 57.85 28.93 64.83 15.17 7.59 53.83 18.27 9.14
AH-64 15.25 64.5 32.25 58.25 16.89 8.44 48.0 20.49 10.24
TRANSPORT C-2A 15.92 61.81 30.91 56.6 17.39 8.70 80.58 12.21 6.11
TANKERS KC-130F 38.1 25.83 12.92 97.8 10.06 5.03 132.5 7.43 3.72
SPECIAL EC-13OQ 38.5 25.56 12.78 99.34 9.91 4.96 132.58 7.42 3.71
TRAINER T-2B 14.8 66.49 33.25 38.7 25.43 12.72 37.85 26.00 13.0
T-39D 16.0 61.50 30.75 43.75 22.49 11.25 44.34 22.19 11.10
T-45 13.5 72.86 36.43 39.33 25.0 12.5 30.8 31.93 15.97


Data Busses ................................................................................................................................................ 9-1

RS-232 Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 9-2
RS-422 Balanced Voltage Interface .......................................................................................................... 9-3
RS-485 Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 9-4
IEEE-488 Interface Bus (HP-IB/GP-IB) ................................................................................................... 9-5
MIL-STD-1553 & 1773 Data Bus ............................................................................................................. 9-6
Ethernet ...................................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol .................................................................................... 9-8

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The avionics systems on

aircraft frequently contain general
purpose computer components
which perform certain processing
functions, then relay this
information to other systems.
Some common examples are the
mission computers, the radar
processors, RWRs, and jammers.
Each system is frequently laid out
as shown in Figure 1.

The Input/Output (I/O)

modules will vary in function, but
all serve the same purpose - to
translate the electrical signals from
one protocol to one of another in
order to exchange information. I/O Figure 1. Avionics Block Diagram.
modules are used similarly in
general purpose computers in laboratories to test equipment and/or tie computers together via a local area
network (LAN) to exchange information. Some of the methodologies include a star, ring, or bus type network
(see terminology at the end of this section).

A number of network models exist for describing the functions, interfaces and protocols involved in
network data interchange. Regardless of the descriptive model used, all strive toward the same end and none
actually changes the detailed implementation. Table 1 shows the layer names and the number of layers of
networking models presented in Internet Engineering Task Forces (IETF) Request For Comments (RFCs) and
in common use by textbooks.

Table 1. Some Common Network Architecture Models.

IETF-RFC 1122 Kurose, Forouzan Comer, Kozierok Stallings Cisco Academy

Four layer Five-layer Internet model or TCP/IP 5-layer Five layer Four layer
Internet model TCP/IP protocol suite reference model TCP/IP model Internet model
Application Application Application Application Application
Transport Transport Transport Transport
or transport
Internet Network Internet Internet Internetwork
Data link (Network Network Network
Link Data link
interface) access interface
Physical (Hardware) Physical

These textbooks are secondary sources that may be contrary to the intent of RFC 1122 and other
primary sources such as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model developed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

The OSI Reference Model is a more general description for layered communications and computer
network protocol design. The IETF makes no effort to follow the OSI model although RFCs sometimes refer
to it. The description of the OSI layers is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. OSI Reference Model.

Name Use Misc Example IP Suitte

7 APPLICATION Meaning of data HL7, Modbus Gopher, HTTP, NTP,
SMTP, SNMP, Telnet
Building blocks of data
and encryption
Opening and closing of
NetBIOS, SAP, Half
5 SESSION specific communication NetBIOS, RTP, SAP
Duplex, Simplex, SDP
Determination of data
paths within the network
Data transmission, source, 802.3 (Ethernet), PPP
destination, and checksum 802.11a/b/g/n MAC, FDDI
Voltage levels, signal RS-232, 10Base-T,
connections, wire, or fiber 802.11a/b/g/n Physical

A layer is a collection of conceptually similar functions that provide services to the layer above it and
receives service from the layer below it. On each layer an instance provides services to the instances at the
layer above and requests service from the layer below. For example, a layer that provides error-free
communications across a network provides the path needed by applications above it, while it calls the next
lower layer to send and receive packets that make up the contents of the path. Conceptually two instances at
one layer are connected by a horizontal protocol connection on that layer.

Most networks do not use all layers. For example, RS-232 is only a physical layer. Ethernet is only
layers 1 and 2. TCP/IP is a protocol, not a network, and uses layers 3 and 4 regardless of whether layers 1
and 2 are a telephone line, wireless connection, or 10Base-T Ethernet cable.

Most of the sections in this division discuss the lowest (physical) layer of communication. There are,
however, several more areas of general interest which are included in later sections such as Ethernet and
TCP/IP. These are used in general purpose computers like the desktop PC or lab networks, and are not
commonly used in aircraft.

The typical high-speed data busses on avionics/computers do not operate as fast as the CPU clock
speed, but they are much faster than the interface busses they connect to. There are a number of interface
busses (physical layer in network model) which are widely used by aircraft, avionics systems and test
equipment. The most common include the RS-232, the RS-422, the RS-485, the IEEE-488 (GP-IB/HP-IB)
and the MIL-STD-1553A/B. The MIL-STD-1773 bus is a fiber optic implementation of the 1553 bus and
may be used in the future when technology requires it to reduce susceptibility to emissions or other reasons.

A summary of these more common types follows in Table 3, which includes a brief descriptive
comparison, while a section covering each in more detail is provided later.

Table 3. Summary of Physical Bus Characteristics.

# of Rise Data
Bus Max Length Number of Type Data Rate
Lines(2) Time(3) Format
RS-232C 100 feet max 1 Serial 3-20 150 - 19,200 5- to 8- bit
50 ft at 20k bps baud per sec serial
RS-422 1.2 km(4) 10(5) Serial 3 see figure in <0.1 Tb unspecified
RS-485 unspecified 32 Serial 3 10 MHz <0.3 Tb unspecified
IEEE-488 20 meters 14 Parallel 16 500 kHz 8-bit parallel
HP-IL 100 meters 30 Serial 2 20 k BPS serial
MIL-STD-1553B 300 feet 32(7) Serial 3 1 MHz 100- 20-bit serial
MIL-STD-1773 N/A 300 ns


(1) Max Number of Terminals does not include the bus controller.

(2) Including ground/shield

(3) Tb = time duration of the unit interval at the applicable data signaling rate (pulse width)

(4) Length is function of data signaling rate influenced by the tolerable signal distortion, amount of
longitudinally coupled noise and ground potential difference introduced between the controller and
terminal circuit grounds as well as by cable balance. See RS-422 section for graph.

(5) Physical arrangement of multiple receivers involves consideration of stub line lengths, fail-safe networks,
location of termination resistors, data rate, grounding, etc.

(6) Rate can go up to 1 MHz if special conventions are followed.

(7) Max Number of Terminals includes terminal reserved for broadcast commands.


10BASE-T: Standard Plain Vanilla Ethernet based on Unshielded Twisted Pair wire

10BASE-F: 10Mbps fiber optic Ethernet

100BASE-T: Standard Fast Ethernet based on twisted pair copper wire

ADDRESS: A unique designation for the location of data or the identity of an intelligent device; allows each
device on a single communications line to respond to its own message.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): Pronounced asky. A seven-bit-plus-
parity code established by ANSI to achieve compatibility between data services.

ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION: Asynchronous operation is the use of an independent clock source in

each terminal for message transmission. Decoding is achieved in receiving terminals using clock information
derived from the message.

BAUD: Unit of signaling speed. The speed in baud is the number of discrete events per second. If each
event represents one bit condition, baud rate equals bits per second (BPS). When each event represents more
than one bit, baud rate does not equal BPS.

BIT: Contraction of binary digit: may be either zero or one. A binary digit is equal to one binary decision
or the designation of one or two possible values of states of anything used to store or convey information.

BIT RATE: The number of bits transmitted per second.

BRIDGE: A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI
model, and the term layer 2 switch is very often used interchangeably with bridge. Bridges are similar to
repeaters or network hubs, devices that connect network segments at the physical layer; however, with
bridging, traffic from one network is managed rather than simply rebroadcast to adjacent network segments.

BROADCAST: Operation of a data bus system such that information transmitted by the bus controller or a
remote terminal is addressed to more than one of the remote terminals connected to the data bus.

BUS CONTROLLER: The terminal assigned the task of initiating information transfers on the data bus.

BUS MONITOR: The terminal assigned the task of receiving bus traffic and extracting selected information
to be used at a later time.

BYTE: A binary element string functioning as a unit, usually shorter than a computer word. Eight-bits per
byte are most common. Also called a character.

COMMAND/RESPONSE: Operation of a data bus system such that remote terminals receive and transmit
data only when commanded to do so by the bus controller.

CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check; a basic error-checking mechanism for link-level data transmissions; a
characteristic link-level feature of (typically) bit-oriented data communications protocols. The data integrity
of a received frame or packet is checked by an algorithm based on the content of the frame and then matched

with the result that is performed by a sender and included in a (most often, 16-bit) field appended to the

CROSSOVER CABLE: Cable with transmit/receive pairs reversed so one computer or hub or switch can
link directly to another.

DATA BUS: Whenever a data bus or bus is referred to in MIL-STD-1553B, it shall imply all the hardware
including twisted shielded pair cables, isolation resistors, transformers, etc., required to provide a single data
path between the bus controller and all the associated remote terminals.

DCE (Data Communications Equipment): Devices that provide the functions required to establish,
maintain, and terminate a data-transmission connection; e.g., a modem.

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - permits auto-assignment of temporary IP addresses for new
devices logging in

DNS: Domain Name Server - associates names with IP addresses

DTE (Data Terminal Equipment): Devices acting as data source, data sink, or both.

DUPLEX: Communication traveling between two nodes in both directions

DYNAMIC BUS CONTROL: The operation of a data bus system in which designated terminals are offered
control of the data bus.

EIA (Electronic Industries Association): A standards organization in the U.S.A. specializing in the
electrical and functional characteristics of interface equipment.

FDM (Frequency-Division Multiplexer: A device that divides the available transmission frequency range
into narrower banks, each of which is used for a separate channel.

FDX (Full Duplex): Simultaneous, two-way, independent transmission in both directions (4-wire).

FTP: File Transfer Protocol - the most popular mechanism for bulk movement of files on TCP/IP.

GATEWAY: Device which links Ethernet to dissimilar networks and transfers data at the application layer
level. Interface cards link the PC to Ethernet via the PCI, ISA, PCMCIA, PC/104, or other buses.

GPIB: General Purpose Interface Bus (see section 9-5),

HALF DUPLEX: Operation of a data transfer system in either direction over a single line, but not in both
directions on that line simultaneously.

HANDSHAKING: Exchange of predetermined signals between two devices establishing a connection.

Usually part of a communications protocol.

HPIB / HPIL: Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus / Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop

HUB: The simplest method of redistributing data, are dumb, not interpreting or sorting messages that pass
through them. A hub can be as simple as an electrical buffer with simple noise filtering. It isolates the

impedances of multiple spokes in a star topology. Some hubs also have limited store-and-forward capability.
They indiscriminately transmit data to all other devices, which are still on the same collision domain,
connected to the hubs. They are not assigned MAC addresses or IP addresses.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers): An international professional society that issues
its own standards and is a member of ANSI and ISO.

IP: Internet Protocol portion of TCP/IP. It is a protocol used for communicating data across a packet-
switched network.

IP ADDRESS: Address of a TCP/IP enabled device on an Intranet or Internet in the form, where xxx is an integer between 0 and 255.

LAN: Local Area Network

MAC: Media Access Control - the physical components which disassemble Ethernet message fames

MANCHESTER ENCODING: Digital encoding technique (specified for the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet baseband
network standard) in which each bit period is divided into two complementary halves; a negative-to-positive
(voltage) transition in the middle of the bit period designates a binary 1, while a positive-to-negative
transition represents a 0. The encoding technique also allows the receiving device to recover the
transmitted clock from the incoming data stream (self-clocking).

MESSAGE: A single message is the transmission of a command word, status word, and data words if they
are specified. For the case of a remote terminal to remote terminal (RT to RT) transmission, the message shall
include the two command words, the two status words, and data words.

MODE CODE: A means by which the bus controller can communicate with the multiplex bus related
hardware, in order to assist in the management of information flow.

MODEM (Modulator-Demodulator): A device used to convert serial digital data from a transmitting
terminal to a signal suitable for transmission over a telephone channel, or to reconvert the transmitted signal
to serial digital data for acceptance by a receiving terminal.

MULTIPLEXOR (also Multiplexer): A device used for division of a transmission into two or more
subchannels, either by splitting the frequency band into narrower bands (frequency division) or by allotting a
common channel to several different transmitting devices one at a time (time division).

NETWORK: An interconnected group of nodes; a series of points, nodes, or stations connected by
communications channels; the assembly of equipment through which connections are made between data

NODE: A point of interconnection to a network. Normally, a point at which a number of terminals or tail
circuits attach to the network.

PARALLEL TRANSMISSION: Transmission mode that sends a number of bits simultaneously over
separate lines (e.g., eight bits over eight lines) to a printer. Usually unidirectional.

PHASE MODULATION: One of three ways of modifying a sine wave signal to make it carry
information. The sine wave or carrier has its phase changed in accordance with the information to be

PING: Packet Inter Net Groper - very useful utility which probes for the existence of a TCP/IP host

POLLING: A means of controlling devices on a multipoint line.

PORT: A number in TCP/IP to which services are assigned; e.g. FTP is port 21; SMTP is port 25; HTTP is
port 80.

PROTOCOL: A formal set of conventions governing the formatting and relative timing of message
exchange between two communicating systems.

PULSE CODE MODULATION (PCM): The form of modulation in which the modulation signal is
sampled, quantized, and coded so that each element of information consists of different types or numbers of
pulses and spaces.

REMOTE TERMINAL (RT): All terminals not operating as the bus controller or as a bus monitor.

REPEATER: Buffer which cleans up, strengthens and re-transmits a signal.

ROUTER: Repeater which selectively re-distributes messages based on IP address

SERIAL TRANSMISSION: The most common transmission mode; in serial, information bits are sent
sequentially on a single data channel.

SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol; allows monitoring and management of a network.

SOCKET: Specific instance of an IP address and Port number that represents a single connection between
two applications.

STAR TOPOLOGY: Topology which allows only one device at each end of a wire and requires repeaters
for more than two devices.

STUBBING: Stubbing is the method wherein a separate line is connected between the primary data bus line
and a terminal. The direct connection of stub line causes a mismatch which appears on the waveforms. This
mismatch can be reduced by filtering at the receiver and by using bi-phase modulation. Stubs are often
employed not only as a convenience in bus layout but as a means of coupling a unit to the line in such a
manner that a fault on the stub or terminal will not greatly affect the transmission line operation. In this case,
a network is employed in the stub line to provide isolation from the fault. These networks are also used for
stubs that are of such length that the mismatch and reflection degrades bus operation. The preferred method
of stubbing is to use transformer coupled stubs. The method provides the benefits of DC isolation, increased
common mode protection, a doubling of effective stub impedance, and fault isolation for the entire stub and
terminal. Direct coupled stubs should be avoided if at all possible. Direct coupled stubs provide no DC
isolation or common mode rejection for the terminal external to its subsystem. Further, any shorting fault
between the subsystems internal isolation resistors (usually on the circuit board) and the main bus junction
will cause failure of that entire bus. It can be expected that when the direct stub length exceeds 1.6 feet, that it
will begin to distort the main bus waveforms. Note that this length includes the cable runs internal to a given

SUBSYSTEM: The device or functional unit receiving data transfer service from the data bus.

SWITCH: Repeater which selectively re-distributes messages based on hardware MAC address

SYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION: Transmission in which data bits are sent at a fixed rate, with the
transmitter and receiver synchronized. Synchronized transmission eliminates the need for start and stop bits.

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol - mechanism in TCP/IP that ensures that data arrives intact and in
correct order

TELNET: Standard interface through which a client may access a host as though it were local

TERMINAL: The electronic module necessary to interface the data bus with the subsystem and the
subsystem with the data bus. Terminals may exist as separate units or be contained within the elements of the

TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEXING (TDM): The transmission of information from several signal sources
through one communication system with different signal samples staggered in time to form a composite pulse

UDP: User Datagram Protocol - lower overhead alternative to TCP protocol which does not guarantee
message delivery

WORD: A set of bits or bytes comprising the smallest unit of addressable memory. In MIL-STD-1553B, a
word is a sequence of 16 bits plus sync and parity.



The RS-232 interface is the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard for the interchange of
serial binary data between two devices. It was initially developed by the EIA to standardize the connection of
computers with telephone line modems. The standard allows as many as 20 signals to be defined, but gives
complete freedom to the user. Three wires are sufficient: send data, receive data, and signal ground. The
remaining lines can be hardwired on or off permanently. The signal transmission is bipolar, requiring two
voltages, from 5 to 25 volts, of opposite polarity.


The industry custom is to use an asynchronous word consisting of: a start bit, seven or eight data bits,
an optional parity bit and one or two stop bits. The baud rate at which the word sent is device-dependent.
The baud rate is usually 150 times an integer power of 2, ranging from 0 to 7 (150, 300, 600, ...., 19,200).
Below 150 baud, many system-unique rates are used. The standard RS-232-C connector has 25 pins, 21 pins
which are used in the complete standard. Many of the modem signals are not needed when a computer
terminal is connected directly to a computer, and Figure 1 illustrates how some of the spare pins should be
linked if not needed. Figure 1 also illustrates the pin numbering used in the original DB-25 connector and
that now commonly used with a DB-9 connector normally used in modern computers

Specifying compliance to RS-232 only establishes that the signal levels in two devices will be
compatible and that if both devices use the suggested connector, they may be able to be connected.
Compliance to RS-232 does not imply that the devices will be able to communicate or even acknowledge
each others presence.

Figure 1. Direct-to-Computer RS-232 Interface.

Table 1 shows the signal names, and functions of the RS-232 serial port pinout. Table 2 shows a
complete pin description.

Table 1. RS-232 Serial Port Pinout.

Name Pin Signal Name Function

AA 1 PG This line is connected to the chassis ground of the GPIB-232CV. Since the
Protective GPIB-232CV chassis ground is not connected to earth ground, pin 1
Ground should be connected on both serial devices.
BA 2 TxD This line carries serial data from the GPIB-232CV to the serial host.
Transmit Data
BB 3 RxD This line carries serial data from the serial host to the GPIB-232CV.
Receive Data
CA 4 RTS This signal line is driven by the GPIB-232CV and when asserted indicates
Request to Send that the GPIB-232CV is ready to accept serial data. The GPIB-232CV un-
asserts RTS when it is no longer ready to accept serial data because of a
buffer full condition.
CB 5 CTS This signal line is asserted by the serial host and sensed by the GPIB-
Clear to Send 232CV. When asserted, it indicates that the serial host is ready to accept
serial data. When unasserted, it indicates that data transmission should be
AB 7 SG This line establishes a reference point for all interface voltages.
Signal Ground
CD 20 DTR This signal line is asserted by the GPIB-232CV to signal that it has been
Data Terminal powered on, and is ready to operate.

Table 2. RS-232C Interface Signals.

Pin Description Pin Description PinDescription

1 Protective Ground 10 (Reserved for Data Set Testing) 19 Secondary Request to Send
2 Transmitted Data 11 Unassigned 20 Data Terminal Ready
3 Received Data 12 Sec. Recd. Line Sig. Detector 21 Signal Quality Detector
4 Request to Send 13 Sec. Clear to Send 22 Ring Indicator
5 Clear to Send 14 Secondary Transmitted Data 23 Data Signal Rate Selector
(DTE/DCE Source)
6 Data Set Ready 15 Transmission Signal Element 24 Transmit Signal Element
Timing (DCE Source) Timing (DTE Source)
7 Signal Ground 16 Secondary Received Data 25 Unassigned
(Common Return)
8 Received Line Signal 17 Receiver Signal Element Timing
Detector (DCE Source)
9 (Reserved for Data Set 18 Unassigned

Electrical Characteristics: The RS-232-C specifies the signaling rate between the DTE and DCE, and a digital
signal is used on all interchange circuits. The RS-232 standard specifies that logic 1 is to be sent as a
voltage in the range -15 to -5 V and that logic 0 is to sent as a voltage in the range +5 to +15 V. The
standard specifies that voltages of at least 3 V in amplitude will always be recognized correctly at the receiver
according to their polarity, so that appreciable attenuation along the line can be tolerated. The transfer rate is
rated > 20 kbps and a distance of < 15 m. Greater distance and data rates are possible with good design, but it
is reasonable to assume that these limits apply in practice as well as in theory. The load impedance of the
terminator side of the interface must be between 3000 and 7000 ohms, and not more than 2500 pF.

Table 3, summarizes the functional specifications of the most important circuits.

Table 3. RS-232-C Circuit Definitions.

Name Function

Data Signals
Transmitted Data (BA) DCE Data generated by DTE
Received Data (BB) DTE Data Received by DTE

Timing signals
Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DA) DCE Clocking signal, transitions to ON and OFF occur at center of each signal element
Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DB) DTE Clocking signal, as above; both leads relate to signals on BA
Receiver Signal Element Timing (DD) DTE Clocking signal, as above, for circuit BB

Control Signals
Request to Send (CA) DCE DTE wishes to transmit
Clear to Send (CB) DTE DCE is ready to transmit; response to request to send
Data Set Ready (CC) DTE DCE is ready to operate
Data Terminal Ready (CD) DCE DTE is ready to operate
Ring Indicator (CE) DTE Indicates that DCE is receiving a ringing signal on the communication channel
Carrier Detect (CF) DTE Indicates that DCE is receiving a carrier signal
Signal Quality Detector (CG) DTE Asserted when there is reason to believe there is an error in the received data
Data Signal Rate Selector (CH) DCE Asserted to select the higher of two possible data rates
Data Signal Rate Selector (CI) DTE Asserted to select the higher of two possible data rates

Protective Ground (AA) NA Attached to machine frame and possibly external grounds
Signal Ground (AB) NA Establishes common ground reference for all circuits

Range: The RS-232-C standard specifies that the maximum length of cable between the transmitter and
receiver should not exceed 100 feet. Although in practice many systems are used in which the distance
between transmitter and receiver exceeds this rather low figure. The limited range of the RS-232C standard is
one of its major shortcomings compared with other standards which offer greater ranges within their
specifications. One reason why the range of the RS-232C standard is limited is the need to charge and
discharge the capacitance of the cable connecting the transmitter and receiver.

Mechanical Characteristics: The connector for the RS-232-C is a 25 pin connector with a specific
arrangement of wires. In theory, a 25 wire cable could be used to connect the Data Terminal Equipment
(DTE) to the Data Communication Equipment (DCE). The DTE is a device that is acting as a data source,
data sink, or both, e.g. a terminal, peripheral, or computer. The DCE is a device that provides the functions
required to establish, maintain, and terminate a data-transmission connecting, as well as the signal conversion,
and coding required for communication between data terminal equipment and data circuit; e.g. a modem.
Table 4, shows the complete summary of the RS-232-C, e.g., descriptor, sponsor, data format, etc.

Table 4. Summary of the RS-232-C.

Data Format 5- to 8- bit serial

Transfer Type Asynchronous

Error Optional Parity Bit


Connector 25-pin female connector on DCE; 25-pin male connector on DTE

Length 20 meters

Speed 20 kb/s

Remarks RS-232 is used in the microcomputer world for communications between two DTEs.
The null-modem is included into one or both connecting devices, and/or cable and is
seldom documented. As a result, establishing an RS-232 connection between two
DTEs is frequently a difficult task.


Specifying compliance to RS-422 only establishes that the signal between the specified devices will
be compatible. It does not indicate that the signal functions or operations between the two devices are
compatible. The RS-422 standard only defines the characteristic requirements for the balanced line drivers
and receivers. It does not specify one specific connector, signal names, or operations. RS-422 interfaces are
typically used when the data rate or distance criteria cannot be met with RS-232. The RS-422 standard allows
for operation of up to 10 receivers from a single transmitter. The standard does not define operations of
multiple tri-stated transmitters on a link.

The RS-422-A interfaces between the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communication
Equipment (DCE) or in any point-to-point interconnection of signals between digital equipment. It employs
the electrical characteristics of balanced-voltage digital interface circuits.

The balanced voltage digital interface circuit will normally be utilized on data, timing, or control
circuits where the data signaling rate is up to 10 Mbit/s. While the balanced interface is intended for use at
the higher data signaling rate, it may ( in preference to the unbalanced interface circuit ) generally be required
if any of the following conditions prevail:

The interconnecting cable is too long for effective unbalanced operation.

The interconnecting cable is exposed to an extraneous noise source that may cause an unwanted
voltage in excess of + 1 volt measured differentially between the signal conductor and circuit
common at the load end of the cable with a 50 ohm resistor substituted for the generator.
It is necessary to minimize interference with other signals.
Inversion of signals may be required, i.e. plus to minus MARK may be obtained by inverting the
cable pair.

Applications of the balanced voltage digital interface circuit are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Application of a RS-422 Circuit.

While a restriction on maximum cable length is not specified, guidelines are given later with respect
to conservative operating distances as function of data signaling rate.

For a binary system in which the RS-422-A is designed, the data signaling rate in bit/s and the
modulation in bauds are numerically equal when the unit interval used in each determination is the minimum

Electrical Characteristics:

The balanced voltage digital interface circuit consists of three parts: the generator (G), the balanced
interconnecting cable, and the load. The load is comprised of one or more receivers (R) and an optional cable
termination resistance (RT). The balanced voltage interface circuit is shown in Figure 2.

Environmental Constraints:

Balanced voltage digital interface conforming to this standard will perform satisfactorily at data
signaling rates up to 10 Mbit/s providing that the following operational constraints are satisfied:

The interconnecting cable length is within that recommended for the applicable data signaling
rate (see Figure 3) and the cable is appropriately terminated.
The common mode voltage at the receiver is less than 7 volts (peak). The common mode voltage
is defined to be any uncompensated combination of generator-receiver ground potential
difference, the generator offset voltage (Vos), and longitudinally coupled peak noise voltage
measured between the received circuit ground and cable within the generator ends of the cable
short-circuited to ground.

Figure 2. Balanced Digital Interface Circuit.

Interconnecting Cable Guidelines:

The maximum permissible length of cable separating the generator and the load is a function of data
signaling rate and is influenced by the tolerable signal distortion, the amount of coupled noise and ground
potential difference introduced between the generator and load circuit as well as by cable balance. The curve
of cable length versus signaling rate is given in Figure 3. This curve is based upon using 24 AWG copper,
twisted-pair cable with a capacitance of 52.5 pF/meter terminated in a 100 ohm load. As data signaling rate is
reduced below 90 kbit/s, the cable length has been limited at 1200 meters by the assumed maximum allowable
6 dBV signal loss.

Industry customs are not nearly as well established for RS-422 interfaces as they are for RS-232. The
standard specifies use of the 37-pin D; the 9-pin D is specified for use with the secondary channel. Most
data communications equipment uses the 37-pin D; many computer applications use a 9-pin D only.
Some equipment applications use the 25-pin D defined for RS-232.

Compatibility With Other Interfaces:

Since the basic differential receivers of RS-423-A and RS-422-A are electrically identical, it is
possible to interconnect an equipment using RS-423-A receivers and generators on one side of the interface
with an equipment using RS-422-A generators and receivers on the other side of the interface, if the leads of
the receivers and generators are properly configured to accommodate such an arrangement and the cable is not

This circuit is not intended for interoperation with other interface electrical circuits such as RS-232-C,
MIL-STD-188C, or CCITT (Comite Consultatif Internationale Telegraphique et Telephonique),
recommendations V.28 and V.35. Under certain conditions, the above interfaces may be possible but may
require modification of the interface or equipment; therefore satisfactory operation is not assured and
additional provisions not specified herein may be required.

Figure 3. Data Signaling Rate vs. Cable Length.

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Introduction: The RS-485 is the recommend standard by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) that
specifies the electrical characteristics of generators and receivers that may be employed for the interchange of
binary signals in multipoint interconnection of digital equipments. When implemented within the guidelines,
multiple generators and receivers may be attached to a common interconnecting cable. An interchange
system includes one or more generators connected by a balanced interconnecting cable to one or more
receivers and terminating resistors.

Electrical Characteristics:
The electrical
characteristics that are
specified are measured at
an interconnect point
supplied by the devices
manufacturer. Figure 1
shows an interconnection
application of generators
and receivers having the
electrical parameters
specified. The elements in
the application are:
generators, receivers,
transmission cables, and
termination resistances
(Rt). The loads on the
Figure 1. Multipoint Interconnect Application.
system caused by each
receiver and passive generator shall be defined in terms of unit loads. Each generator can drive up to 32 unit
loads consisting of both receivers and generators in the passive state. The loading caused by receivers and
passive generators on the interconnect must be considered in defining the device electrical characteristics.
Two areas are of concern: the DC load and the AC load characteristics. The DC load is defined as a number
or fractions of unit loads. The AC loading is not standardized but must be considered in the design of a
system using the devices meeting this standard.

General System Configuration: The generators and receivers conforming to the RS-485 standard can operate
with a common mode voltage between -7 volts and +7 volts (instantaneous). The common mode voltage is
defined to be any uncompensated combination of generator-receiver ground potential difference and
longitudinally coupled peak noise voltage measured between the receiver circuit ground and cable with the
generator ends of the cable short circuited to ground, plus the generator offset voltage (Vos).

Grounding Arrangements: Proper operation of the generator and receiver circuits requires the presence of a
signal return path between the circuit grounds of the equipment at each end of the interconnection. The
grounding arrangements are shown in Figure 2. Where the circuit reference is provided by a third conductor,
the connection between circuit common and the third conductor must contain some resistance (e.g.,
100 ohms) to limit circulating currents when other ground connections are provided for safety. Some
applications may require the use of shielded interconnecting cable for EMI or other purposes. The shield
shall be connected to frame ground at either or both ends, depending on the application.

Figure 2. Grounding Arrangements.

Similarity with RS-422-A:

In certain instances, it may be possible to produce generators and receivers that meet the requirements
of both RS-422-A and of RS-485. Table 1 depicts the differences in parameter specifications which exist
between the two documents.

Table 1. Comparison of RS-422-A and RS-485 Characteristics.

Characteristic RS-422-A RS-485

Min. output voltage 2V into 100 ohm 1.5 V into 54 ohms
> 1/2 open circuit V
Ishort to ground 150 mA maximum
Ishort to -7, +12 volts 250 mA peak
trise time < 0.1 tb , 100 ohm load < 0.3 tb , 54 ohm, 50 pF load

Where tb = time duration of the unit interval at the applicable data signaling rate (pulse width).


In the early 1970s, Hewlett-Packard came out with a standard bus (HP-IB) to help support their own
laboratory measurement equipment product lines, which later was adopted by the IEEE in 1975. This is
known as the IEEE Std. 488-1975. The IEEE-488 Interface Bus (HP-IB) or general purpose interface bus
(GP-IB) was developed to provide a means for various instruments and devices to communicate with each
other under the direction of one or more master controllers. The HP-IB was originally intended to support a
wide range of instruments and devices, from the very fast to the very slow.


The HP-IB specification permits up to 15 devices to be connected together in any given setup,
including the controller if it is part of the system. A device may be capable of any other three types of
functions: controller, listener, or talker. A device on the bus may have only one of the three functions active
at a given time. A controller directs which devices will be talkers and listeners. The bus will allow multiple
controllers, but only one may be active at a given time. Each device on the bus should have a unique address
in the range of 0-30. The maximum length of the bus network is limited to 20 meters total transmission path
length. It is recommended that the bus be loaded with at least one instrument or device every 2 meter length
of cable (4 meters is maximum). The use of GP-IB extenders may be used to exceed the maximum permitted
length of 20 meters.


The GP-IB is a bus to which many similar modules can be directly connected, as is shown in
Figure 1. A total of 16 wires are shown in the figure - eight data lines and eight control lines. The bus cables
actually have 24 wires, providing eight additional for shielding and grounds.

Figure 1. IEEE-488 (HP-IB / GP-IB) Bus Configuration.

The GP-IB defines operation of a three-wire handshake that is used for all data transfers on the bus.
The bus operation is asynchronous in nature. The data-transfer rate of the GP-IB is 500 kHz for standard
applications and can go up 1 MHz if special conventions are followed. Each transaction carries 8 bits, the
maximum data bandwidth is on the order of 4 to 8 megabits (1 M byte) per second. The bus is a two way
communications channel and data flows in both directions. Figure 2 illustrates the structure of the GP-IB bus
and identifies the 16 connections of the interconnecting cable.

Figure 2. GP-IB Instrumentation Bus Structure.

The cabling limitations make it a less-than-ideal choice for large separation between devices. These
limitations can be overcome with bus extenders. Those attempting to use bus extenders should be aware that
few extenders are as transparent as claimed. This is especially true in handling of continuous data and
interrupts. In nonextended environments, it provides an excellent means for high-speed computer control of
multiple devices.

The following table shows the various interface functions, the mnemonics and the descriptions.

Table 1. GP-IB Interface Functions.

Interface Function Mnemonic Description

Talker (extended talker) T (TE) Device must be able to transmit
Listener (Extended L (LE) Device must receive commands and data
Source Handshake SH Device must properly transfer a multiline message
Acceptor Handshake AH Device must properly receive remote multiline messages
Remote/Local RL Device must be able to operate from front panel and remote information from bus
Service Request SR Device can asynchronously request service from the controller
Parallel Poll PP Upon controller request, device must uniquely identify itself if it requires service
Device Clear DC Device can be initialized to a predetermined state
Device Trigger DT A device function can be initiated by the talker on the bus
Controller C Device can send addresses, universal commands, address commands, and conduct
Drivers E This code describes the type of electrical drivers in a device

The cabling specifications of the GP-IB interface system permit interconnecting all devices together
in a star or linear configuration. The GP-IB connector is a 24-pin ribbon-type connector.

In summary, Table 2 on this page and the next shows the complete description of the GP-IB data bus.

Table 2. GP-IB Data Bus Description.

IEEE-488, GP-IB, HP-IB, or IEC-625

Descriptor 8-bit parallel, Arbitration Token passing: the Connector 24-pin Amphenol
monodirectional, multi- controller addresses Female connector on
master (token passing) the next controller equipment chassis.
One controller, one SRQ Service request DIO1 1 13 DIO5
talker, several listeners when the controller DIO2 2 14 DIO6
assigns modes DIO3 3 15 DIO7
DIO4 4 16 DIO8
Sponsor Hewlett-Packard Error Parity bit DI07 when
EOI 5 17 REN
handling 7-bit ACSII characters
DAV 6 18 Gnd
Standard IEEE 488, IEC 625 Bus length 15 m NRFD 7 19 Gnd
Address 31 devices Driver Special 24 mA drivers NDAC 8 20 Gnd
space IFC 9 21 Gnd
SRQ 10 22 Gnd
Data format 8-bit parallel Speed 1 MByte/s ATN 11 23 Gnd
Shld 2 24 Gnd
Transfer Write only, talker toward
type listener(s) or commander Remarks The 488 is most commonly
toward all others used for data acquisition of
H-P peripherals.
Timing Handshaken 3-wire References IEEE Computer
broadcast transfer: Society Programmable interfaces
DAV data valid and drivers exist and
NDAC Not data accepted simplify the development of
NRFD Not ready for microprocessor interfaces.


Since introduction of the IEEE-488, technology produced a generation of medium-speed, low-power,

instrumentation which had a need to operate in an automatic test system such as the GP-IB. The HP-IL
(Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop), was introduced to meet this need. The HP-IL is a low-cost, low-power
alternative to the GP-IB system. The HP-IL and GP-IB provide the same basic functions in interfacing
controllers, instruments, and peripherals, but they differ in many other respects. HP-IL is suitable for use in
low-power, portable applications (typically used for interface of battery-power systems). The GP-IB is not
practical to operate from battery power. The HP-IL maximum data rate is 20K bytes per second. This is a
high rate compared to the RS-232C, but much slower than GP-IB. The HP-IL can operate over distances of
up to 100 meters between any two devices. Since it is a loop environment, there is no maximum system cable
restriction. The basic device-addressing scheme allows for up to 30 devices on a loop.

MIL-STD-1553 & 1773 DATA BUS


In recent years, the use of digital techniques in aircraft equipment has greatly increased, as have the
number of avionics subsystems and the volume of data processed by them.

Because analog point-to-point wire bundles are inefficient and cumbersome means of interconnecting
the sensors, computers, actuators, indicators, and other equipment onboard the modern military vehicle, a
serial digital multiplex data bus was developed. MIL-STD-1553 defines all aspects of the bus, therefore,
many groups working with the military tri-services have chosen to adopt it.

The 1553 multiplex data bus provides integrated, centralized system control and a standard interface
for all equipment connected to the bus. The bus concept provides a means by which all bus traffic is available
to be accessed with a single connection for testing and interfacing with the system. The standard defines
operation of a serial data bus that interconnects multiple devices via a twisted, shielded pair of wires. The
system implements a command-response format.

MIL-STD-1553, Aircraft Internal Time-Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus, has

been in use since 1973 and is widely applied. MIL-STD-1553 is referred to as 1553 with the appropriate
revision letter (A or B) as a suffix. The basic difference between the 1553A and the 1553B is that in the
1553B, the options are defined rather than being left for the user to define as required. It was found that when
the standard did not define an item, there was no coordination in its use. Hardware and software had to be
redesigned for each new application. The primary goal of the 1553B was to provide flexibility without
creating new designs for each new user. This was accomplished by specifying the electrical interfaces
explicitly so that compatibility between designs by different manufacturers could be electrically

The Department of Defense chose multiplexing because of the following advantages:

Weight reduction

Some 1553 applications utilize more than one data bus on a vehicle. This is often done, for example,
to isolate a Stores bus from a Communications bus or to construct a bus system capable of interconnecting
more terminals than a single bus could accommodate. When multiple buses are used, some terminals may
connect to both buses, allowing for communication between them.


Multiplexing facilitates the transmission of information along the data flow. It permits the
transmission of several signal sources through one communications system.


The bus is made up of twisted-shielded pairs of wires to maintain message integrity. MIL-STD-1553
specifies that all devices in the system will connect to a redundant pair of buses. This provides a second path
for bus traffic should one of the buses be damaged. Signals are only allowed to appear on one of the two
buses at a time. If a message cannot be completed on one bus, the bus controller may switch to the other bus.
In some applications more than one 1553 bus may be implemented on a given vehicle. Some terminals on
the bus may actually connect to both buses.


There are only three functional modes of terminals allowed on the data bus: the bus controller, the
bus monitor, and the remote terminal. Devices may be capable of more than one function. Figure 1 illustrates
a typical bus configuration.

Figure 1. 1553 Bus Structure.

Bus Controller - The bus controller (BC) is the terminal that initiates information transfers on the
data bus. It sends commands to the remote terminals which reply with a response. The bus will
support multiple controllers, but only one may be active at a time. Other requirements, according
to 1553, are: (1) it is the key part of the data bus system, and (2) the sole control of
information transmission on the bus shall reside with the bus controller.

Bus Monitor - 1553 defines the bus monitor as the terminal assigned the task of receiving bus
traffic and extracting selected information to be used at a later time. Bus monitors are frequently
used for instrumentation.

Remote Terminal - Any terminal not operating in either the bus controller or bus monitor mode is
operating in the remote terminal (RT) mode. Remote terminals are the largest group of bus


The signal is transferred over the data bus using serial digital pulse code modulation.


The type of data encoding used by 1553 is Manchester II biphase.

A logic one (1) is transmitted as a bipolar coded signal 1/0 (in other words, a positive pulse
followed by a negative pulse).
A logic zero (0) is a bipolar coded signal 0/1 (i.e., a negative pulse followed by a positive pulse).

Figure 2. Data Encoding.

A transition through zero occurs at the midpoint of each bit, whether the rate is a logic one or a logic
zero. Figure 2 compares a commonly used Non Return to Zero (NRZ) code with the Manchester II biphase
level code, in conjunction with a 1 MHz clock.


The bit transmission rate on the bus is 1.0 megabit per second with a combined accuracy and long-
term stability of +/- 0.1%. The short-term stability is less than 0.01%.

There are 20 1.0-microsecond bit times allocated for each word. All words include a 3 bit-time sync
pattern, a 16-bit data field that is specified differently for each word type, and 1 parity check bit.


Bus traffic or communications travels along the bus in words. A word in MIL-STD-1553 is a
sequence of 20 bit times consisting of a 3 bit-time sync wave form, 16 bits of data, and 1 parity check bit.
This is the word as it is transmitted on the bus; 1553 terminals add the sync and parity before transmission
and remove them during reception. Therefore, the nominal word size is 16 bits, with the most significant bit
(MSB) first.

There are three types of words: command, status, and data. A packet is defined to have no inter-
message gaps. The time between the last word of a controller message and the return of the terminal status

byte is 4-12 microseconds. The time between status byte and the next controller message is undefined.
Figure 3 illustrates these three formats.

Figure 3. 1553 Word Formats.


Command words are transmitted only by the bus controller and always consist of:

3 bit-time sync pattern

5 bit RT address field
1 Transmit/Receive (T/R) field
5 bit subaddress/mode field
5 bit word count/mode code field
1 parity check bit.


Data words are transmitted either by the BC or by the RT in response to a BC request. The standard
allows a maximum of 32 data words to be sent in a packet with a command word before a status response
must be returned. Data words always consist of:

3 bit-time sync pattern (opposite in polarity from command and status words)
16 bit data field
1 parity check bit.


Status words are transmitted by the RT in response to command messages from the BC and consist

3 bit-time sync pattern (same as for a command word)

5 bit address of the responding RT
11 bit status field
1 parity check bit.

The 11 bits in the status field are used to notify the BC of the operating condition of the RT and subsystem.


Three basic types of information transfers are defined by 1553:

Bus Controller to Remote Terminal transfers

Remote Terminal to Bus Controller transfers
Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal transfers

These transfers are related to the data flow and are referred to as messages. The basic formats of
these messages are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. 1553 Data Message Formats.

The normal command/response operation involves the transmission of a command from the BC to a
selected RT address. The RT either accepts or transmits data depending on the type (receive/transmit) of
command issued by the BC. A status word is transmitted by the RT in response to the BC command if the
transmission is received without error and is not illegal.

Figure 5 illustrates the 1553B Bus Architecture in a typical aircraft.

Figure 5. Typical Bus Architecture.


MIL-STD-1773 contains the requirements for utilizing a fiber optic cabling system as a
transmission medium for the MIL-STD-1553B bus protocol. As such, the standard repeats MIL-STD-1553
nearly word-for-word. The standard does not specify power levels, noise levels, spectral characteristics,
optical wavelength, electrical/optical isolation or means of distributing optical power. These must be
contained in separate specifications for each intended use.

Data encoding and word format are identical to MIL-STD-1553, with the exception that pulses are
defined as transitions between 0 (off) and 1 (on) rather than between + and - voltage transitions since light
cannot have a negative value.

Since the standard applies to cabling only, the bus operates at the same speed as it would utilizing
wire. Additionally, data error rate requirements are unchanged.

Different environmental considerations must be given to fiber optic systems. Altitude, humidity,
temperature, and age affects fiber optics differently than wire conductors. Power is divided evenly at
junctions which branch and connectors have losses just as wire connectors do.



Ethernet was originally developed by Digital, Intel, and Xerox (DIX) in the early 1970s at the Xerox
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). The two primary inventors were Robert Metcalf and David Boggs.

IEEE Project 802 was set up in February 1980 to provide standards for Local Area Network (LAN)
and Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Architecture. The following committees were established:

IEEE 802.1: Standards related to network management.

IEEE 802.2: General standard for the data link layer in the OSI Reference Model. The IEEE divides
this layer into two sub-layers -- the logical link control (LLC) layer and the media access control
(MAC) layer. The MAC layer varies for different network types and is defined by standards IEEE
802.3 through IEEE 802.5.
IEEE 802.3: Defines the MAC layer for bus networks that use CSMA/CD. This is the basis of
what is most commonly referred to as the Ethernet standard.
IEEE 802.4: Defines the MAC layer for token-bus networks.
IEEE 802.5: Defines the MAC layer for token-ring networks.
IEEE 802.6: Standard for Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs).
IEEE 802.7-9 Inactive Standards:
o IEEE 802.7: Broadband local area networks. The working group is currently inactive.
o IEEE 802.8: The Fibre Optic Technical Advisory Group was to create a LAN standard
for fiber optic media used in token passing computer networks like FDDI.
o IEEE 802.9: Integrated Services (IS) LAN Interface at the MAC and Physical Layers.
IEEE 802.10: A standard for security functions that can be used in both LAN and MAN.
IEEE 802.11: Wireless LAN MAC and physical layer
IEEE 802.12: Demand Priority Access Method, Physical Layer and Repeater used in star
topology, 100VG-AnyLAN, etc
IEEE 802.16: Fixed broadband wireless LAN

Ethernet versions 1.0 and 2.0 followed after the original development until the IEEE 802.3 committee
altered the structure of the Ethernet II packet to form the Ethernet 802.3 packet. You will currently see either
Ethernet II (DIX) format or Ethernet 802.3 format being used.

IEEE 802.3 Ethernet uses Manchester Phase Encoding (MPE) for coding the data bits on the outgoing


Ethernet is a family of frame-based computer networking technologies for local area networks
(LANs). The Ether part of Ethernet denotes that the system is not meant to be restricted for use on only one
medium type. Copper cables, fiber cables and even radio waves can be used.

Ethernet is standardized as IEEE 802.3. The combination of the twisted pair versions of Ethernet for
connecting end systems to the network, along with the fiber optic versions for site backbones, is the most

widespread wired LAN technology. It has largely replaced competing LAN standards such as token ring,

Ethernet defines a number of wiring and signaling standards for the Physical Layer of the OSI
networking model, through means of network access at the Media Access Control (MAC) / Data Link Layer,
and a common addressing format. Therefore, Ethernet defines the lower two layers of the OSI Reference
Model (see Data Busses Section intro). Ethernet sometimes implies an attached protocolsuch as TCP/IP,
however TCP/IP really defines the transport and network layers, respectively, of the OSI model.

Ethernet was designed as a broadcast system, i.e. stations on the network can send messages
whenever and wherever they want. All stations may receive the messages, however only the specific station
to which the message is directed responds. To handle simultaneous demands, the system uses Carrier Sense
Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).


When an Ethernet station is ready to transmit, it checks for the presence of a signal on the cable. If no
signal is present then the station begins transmission. However, if a signal is present then the station delays
transmission until the cable is not in use. If two stations detect an idle cable and at the same time transmit
data, then a collision occurs. On a star-wired, unshielded twisted pair (UTP) network, if the transceiver of a
sending station detects activity on both its receive and transmit pairs before it has completed transmitting,
then it decides that a collision has occurred. On a coaxial system, a collision is detected when the DC signal
level on the cable is the same or greater than the combined signal level of the two transmitters. Line voltage
drops dramatically if two stations transmit at the same time and the first station to notice this sends a high
voltage jamming signal around the network as a signal. The two stations involved with the collision quit
transmitting again for a random time interval.

A Collision Domain is that part of the network where each station can see other stations traffic both
unicast and broadcasts. The Collision Domain is made up of one segment of Ethernet coax (with or without
repeaters) or a number of UTP shared hubs. A network is segmented with bridges that create two segments,
or two Collision Domains where a station on one segment cannot see traffic between stations on the other
segment unless the packets are destined for itself. If it can still see all broadcasts on the segmented
network(s), no matter the number of segments, it is a Broadcast Domain.


Figure 1 depicts the structure of the older DIX (Ethernet II) and the now standard 802.3 Ethernet
frames. The numbers above each field represent the number of bytes.

Figure 1. Ethernet Frame.

Preamble field: Establishes bit synchronization and transceiver conditions so that the circuitry
synchs with the received frame timing. The DIX frame has 8 bytes for the preamble rather than 7, as
it does not have a Start Frame Delimiter (or Start of Frame).
Start Frame Delimiter: Sequence 10101011 in a separate field, only in the 802.3 frame.
Destination address: Hardware address (MAC address) of the destination station (usually 48 bits i.e.
6 bytes).
Source address: Hardware address of the source station (must be of the same length as the
destination address, the 802.3 standard allows for 2 or 6 byte addresses, although 2 byte addresses are
never used, N.B. Ethernet II only uses 6 byte addresses).
Type: Specifies the protocol sending the packet such as IP or IPX (only applies to DIX frame).
Length: Specifies the length of the data segment, actually the number of LLC data bytes, (only
applies to 802.3 frame and replaces the Type field).
LLC: Logical Length Control is a data communication protocol layer which provides
multiplexing and flow control mechanisms that make it possible for several network
protocols (IP, IPX) to coexist within a multipoint network and to be transported over the
same network media.
Data: Actual data which is allowed anywhere between 46 to 1500 bytes within one frame.
Pad: Zeros added to the data field to Pad a short data field to 46 bytes (applies to 802.3 frame).
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check to detect errors during transmission (DIX version of FCS).
FCS: Frame Check Sequence to detect errors that occur during transmission (802.3 version of CRC).
This 32-bit code has an algorithm applied to it, which will give the same result as the other end of
the link, provided that the frame was transmitted successfully.

From the above we can see that the maximum 802.3 frame size is 1518 bytes and the minimum size is
64 bytes. Packets that have correct CRCs (or FCSs) but are smaller than 64 bytes are known as Runts.

The hardware address, or MAC address is transmitted and stored in Ethernet network devices in
Canonical format i.e. Least Significant Bit (LSB) first. The expression Little-Endian is used to describe the
LSB format in which Ethernet is transmitted. On the other hand, Token Ring networks and the subset, Fiber

Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks, transmit the MAC address with the Most Significant Bit
(MSB) first, or Big-Endian, This is known as Non-Canonical format. Note that this applies on a byte-by-
byte basis i.e. the bytes are transmitted in the same order, it is just the bits in each of those bytes that are
reversed. The storage of the MAC addresses in Token Ring and FDDI devices however, may sometimes still
be in Canonical format so this can sometimes cause confusion. The reference to, the distribution of MAC
addresses and the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) destinations are always in Canonical format.

The Logical Link Control (LLC) protocol data unit (PDU) is defined in IEEE 802.2 and operates with
802.3 Ethernet as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. LLC Format.

LLC is based on the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) data protocol format. Whereas Ethernet
II (2.0) combines the MAC and the Data link layers restricting itself to connectionless service in the process,
IEEE 802.3 separates out the MAC and Data Link layers. IEEE 802.2 is also required by Token Ring and
FDDI but cannot be used with the Novell Raw format. There are three types of LLC; Type 1, which is
connectionless, Type 2 which is connection-oriented, and Type 3 for Acknowledged Connections.

The Service Access Point (SAP) is used to distinguish between different data exchanges on the same
end station and basically replaces the Type field for the older Ethernet II frame. The Source Service Access
Point (SSAP) indicates the service from which the LLC data unit is sent, and the Destination Service Access
Point (DSAP) indicates the service to which the LLC data unit is being sent. As examples, NetBIOS uses the
SAP address of F0 whilst IP uses the SAP address of 06. The following lists some common SAPs:

00 - Null LSAP
02 - Individual LLC Sublayer Management Function
03 - Group LLC Sublayer Management Function
05 - IBM SNA Path Control (group)

06 - Internet Protocol (IP)
18 - Texas Instruments
42 - IEEE 802.1 Bridge Spanning Tree Protocol
80 - Xerox Network Systems (XNS)
86 - Nestar
AA - SubNetwork Access Protocol (SNAP)
E0 - Novell NetWare
F5 - IBM LAN Management (group)
FE - ISO Network Layer Protocol

The Control Field identifies the type of LLC, of which there are three:

Type 1 - Data (PDUs) shall be exchanged between LLCs without the need for the establishment
of a data link connection. These PDUs shall not be acknowledged, nor shall there be any flow
control or error recovery. This is called Unsequenced Information (UI).
Type 2 Needs data link connection. Uses Information (I) frames and maintains the sequence
numbers during an acknowledged connection-oriented transmission.
Type 3 No data link connection required. Uses Acknowledged Connection (AC) frames in an
acknowledged connectionless service.


With an Ethernet MAC address, the first octet uses only the lowest significant bit as the
Individual/Group (I/G) bit address identifier. If it is zero it indicates the address is individual. If it is one, it
indicates a group address. The Universally or Locally administered (U/L) address bit is the bit of octet 0
adjacent to the I/G address bit. This bit indicates whether the address has been assigned by a local or
universal administrator. Universally administered addresses have this bit set to 0. If this bit is set to 1, the
entire address (i.e., 48 bits) has been locally administered.

The first 3 octets of the MAC address form the Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) assigned by
IEEE to organizations that requires their own group of MAC addresses.


The SNAP protocol was introduced to allow an easy transition to the new LLC frame format for
vendors. SNAP allows older frames and protocols to be encapsulated in a Type 1 LLC header making any
protocol pseudo-IEEE compliant. SNAP is described in RFC 1042. Figure 3 shows how it looks:

Figure 3. Ethernet Frame SNAP-encapsulated in IEEE 802.5 Frame.

It can be seen that it is an LLC data unit (sometimes called a Logical Protocol Data Unit (LPDU)) of
Type 1 (indicated by 03). The DSAP and SSAP are set to AA to indicate that this is a SNAP header coming
up. The SNAP header then indicates the vender via the Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) and the
protocol type via the Ethertype field. In the example above the OUI is 00-00-00 which means that there is an
Ethernet frame. An ethernet type (Ethertype) of 08-00 would indicate Internet IP is the protocol. The official
list of types can be found at IEEE. Although vendors tend to be are moving to LLC1 on the LAN, SNAP still


10Base-5 - largely obsolete, but may still be in use.

Traditionally, Ethernet is used over thick coaxial cable called 10Base-5 (the 10 denotes 10Mbps,
base means that the signal is baseband i.e. takes the whole bandwidth of the cable (so that only one device can
transmit at one time on the same cable), and the 5 denotes 500 m maximum length). The minimum length
between stations is 2.5 m.

The cable is run in one long length forming a Bus Topology. Stations attach to it by way of inline
N-type connections or a transceiver, which is literally screwed into the cable (by way of a Vampire Tap)
providing a 15-pin Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) connection (also known as a DIX connector or a DB-15
connector) for a drop lead connection (maximum of 50 m length) to the station. The segments are terminated
with 50 ohm resistors and the shield grounded at one end only.

The segment could be appended with up to a maximum of 4 repeaters; therefore 5 segments (total
length of 2,460 m) can be connected together. Of the 5 segments only 3 can have devices attached (100 per
segment). This is known as the 5-4-3 rule. A total of 300 devices can be attached on a Thicknet broadcast

10Base-2 dominant for many years

It was common to see the Thick coax used in Risers to connect Repeaters, which in turn provide
Thin Ethernet coaxial connections for runs up to 30 workstations. Thin Ethernet (Thinnet) uses RG-58
cable and is called 10Base-2 (The 2 now denoting 200 m maximum length - strictly speaking this is 185 m).
The minimum length between stations is 0.5 m.

Each station connects to the thinnet by way of a Network Interface Card (NIC), which provides a
BNC (British Naval Connector). At each station the thinnet terminates at a T-piece and at each end of the
thinnet run (or Segment) a 50-ohm terminator is required to absorb stray signals, thereby preventing signal
bounce. The shield is grounded at one end only.

A segment can be appended with other segments using up to 4 repeaters, i.e. 5 segments in total. Two
of these segments however, cannot be tapped; they can only be used for extending the length of the broadcast
domain (to 925 m). What this means is that 3 segments with a maximum of 30 stations on each can give you
90 devices on a Thinnet broadcast domain.

10Base-T Most widespread today

The most common media used in of Ethernet today involves use of Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) or
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP). For instance, Category 5 UTP can be installed in a Star-wired format, with
runs recommended at no greater than 100 m (including patch leads, cable run and flyleads) and Ethernet Hubs
with UTP ports (RJ45) centrally located. It has been found though that runs of up to 150 m are feasible, the
limitations being signal strength. Also, there should be no more than a 11.5 dB signal loss and the minimum
distance between devices is 2.5 m. The maximum delay for the signal in a 10Mbps network is
51.2 microseconds. This comes from the fact that the bit time (time to transmit one bit) is 0.1 microseconds
and that the slot time for a frame is 512 bit times.

In order to connect to Ethernet in this Star Topology, each station has a NIC, which contains an
RJ45 socket which is used by a 4-pair droplead to connect to another nearby RJ45 socket.

Each port on the hub sends a Link Beat Signal which checks the integrity of the cable and devices
attached, a flickering LED on the front of the port of the hub tells you that the link is running fine. The
maximum number of hubs (or, more strictly speaking, repeater counts) that you can have in one segment is
four and the maximum number of stations on one broadcast domain is 1024.

The advantages of the UTP/STP technology are gained from the flexibility of the system, with respect
to moves, changes, fault finding, reliability, and security. The following table shows the RJ45 pin-outs for
RJ45 Pin Function Color
1 Transmit White/Orange stripe
2 Transmit Orange
3 Receive White/Green stripe
4 Blue
5 White/Blue stripe
6 Receive Green
7 White/Brown stripe
8 Brown

If you wish to connect hub to hub, or a NIC directly to another NIC, then the following 10Base-T
crossover cable should be used:

Figure 4. 10Base-T Crossover.

The 4-repeater limit manifests itself in 10/100Base-T environments where the active hub/switch port
is in fact a repeater, hence the name multi-port repeater. Generally, the hub would only have one station per
port but you can cascade hubs from one another up to the 4-repeater limit. The danger here is that you will
have all the traffic from a particular hub being fed into one port so care would need to be taken on noting the
applications being used by the stations involved, and the likely bandwidth that the applications will use.

There is a pre-standard called Lattisnet (developed by Synoptics), which runs 10 MHz Ethernet over
twisted pair but instead of bit synchronization occurring at the sending (as in 10Base-T) the synchronization
occurs at the receiving end.


The 10Base-F standard defines the use of fiber for Ethernet. 10Base-FL describes the standards for
the fiber optic links between stations and repeaters, allowing up to 2 km per segment on multi-mode fiber. It
replaces the 1987 FOIRL (Fiber Optic Inter-Repeater Link), which provides the specification for a fiber optic
Media Attachment Unit (MAU) and other interconnecting components. Two related standards are essentially
dead: 10Base-FB allows up to 2 km per segment (on multi-mode fiber) and is designed for backbone
applications such as cascading repeaters. In addition, there is the 10Base-FP (Passive components) standard

The 10Base-F standard allows for 1024 devices per network.

Fast Ethernet - 100Base-T

Fast Ethernet is the most popular of the newer standards and is an extension to 10Base-T. The 100
denotes 100 Mbps data speed and it uses the same two pairs as 10Base-T and must only be used on
Category 5 UTP cable installations with provision for it to be used on Type 1 STP. The actual data
throughput increases by between 3 to 4 times that of 10Base-T.

Fast Ethernet is specified in 802.3u and uses the same frame formats and CSMA/CD technology as
normal 10Mbps Ethernet. The difference is that the maximum delay for the signal across the segment is
5.12 microseconds instead of 51.2 microseconds. This stems from the fact that the bit time (time to transmit
one bit) is 0.01 microseconds and that the slot time for a frame is 512 bit times. The Inter-Packet Gap (IPG)
for 802.3u is 0.96 microseconds as opposed to 9.6 microseconds for 10Mbps Ethernet.

Whereas 10Base-T uses Normal Link Pulses (NLP) for testing the integrity of the connection,
100Base-T uses Fast Link Pulses (FLP) which are backwardly compatible with NLPs but contain more
information. FLPs are used to detect the speed of the network (e.g. in 10/100 switchable cards and ports).
The distance must not exceed 100 m.

The IEEE uses the term 100Base-X to refer to both 100Base-Tx and 100Base-Fx and the Media-
Independent Interface (MII) allows a generic connector for transceivers to connect to 100Base-Tx, 100Base-
Fx and 100Base-T4 LANs.

There is no such thing as the 5-4-3 rule in Fast Ethernet. All 10Base-T repeaters are considered to be
functionally identical. Fast Ethernet repeaters are divided into two classes of repeater: Class I and Class II. A
Class I repeater has a repeater propagation delay value of 140 bit times, whilst a Class II repeater is 92 bit
times. The Class I repeater (or Translational Repeater) can support different signaling types such as 100Base-
Tx and 100Base-T4. A Class I repeater transmits or repeats the incoming line signals on one port to the other
ports by first translating them to digital signals and then retranslating them to line signals. The translations
are necessary when connecting different physical media (media conforming to more than one physical layer
specification) to the same collision domain. Any repeater with an MII port would be a Class I device. Only
one Class I repeater can exist within a single collision domain, so this type of repeater cannot be cascaded.

A Class II repeater immediately transmits or repeats the incoming line signals on one port to the other
ports: it does not perform any translations. This repeater type connects identical media to the same collision
domain (for example, TX to TX). At most, two Class II repeaters can exist within a single collision domain.

The cable used to cascade the two devices is called and unpopulated segment or IRL (Inter-Repeater Link).
The Class II repeater (or Transparent Repeater) can only support one type of physical signaling.


100Base-T4 was an early implementation of Fast Ethernet. It requires four twisted copper pairs, but
those pairs were only required to be category 3 rather than the category 5 required by TX. One pair is
reserved for transmit, one for receive, and the remaining two will switch direction as negotiated. A very
unusual 8B6T code is used to convert 8 data bits into 6 base-3 digits (the signal shaping is possible as there
are three times as many 6-digit base-3 numbers as there are 8-digit base-2 numbers). The two resulting
3-digit base-3 symbols are sent in parallel over 3 pairs using 3-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM-3).


This little known version of Fast Ethernet is for use over two pairs of Category 3 cable and uses
PAM-5 for encoding. There is simultaneous transmission and reception of data in both pairs and the
electronics uses DSP technology to handle alien signals in adjacent pairs. 100Base-T2 can run up to 100 m
on Category 3 UTP.


100Base-Fx is a version of Fast Ethernet over optical fiber. It uses a 1300 nm near-infrared (NIR)
light wavelength transmitted via two strands of optical fiber, one for receive (RX) and the other for transmit
(TX). Maximum length is 400 meters (1,310 ft) for half-duplex connections (to ensure collisions are
detected) or 2 kilometers (6,600 ft) for full-duplex over multimode optical fiber. Longer distances are
possible when using single-mode optical fiber. 100Base-Fx uses the same 4B5B encoding and NRZI line
code that 100Base-TX does. 100Base-Fx should use the following connectors: SC, straight tip (ST), or media
independent connectors (MIC), with SC being the preferred option. 100Base-Fx is not compatible with
10Base-Fl, the 10 MBit/s version over optical fiber.


100Base-Sx is a version of Fast Ethernet over optical fiber. It uses two strands of multi-mode optical
fiber for receive and transmit. It is a lower cost alternative to using 100Base-Fx, because it uses short
wavelength optics (850 nm) which are significantly less expensive than the long wavelength optics used in
100Base-Fx. 100Base-Sx can operate at distances up to 300 meters (980 ft).

100Base-Sx uses the same wavelength as 10Base-Fl, the 10 MBit/s version over optical fiber. Unlike
100Base-Fx, this allows 100Base-Sx to be backwards-compatible with 10Base-Fl. Because of the shorter
wavelength used and the shorter distance it can support, 100Base-Sx uses less expensive optical components
(LEDs instead of lasers) which makes it an attractive option for those upgrading from 10Base-Fl and those
who do not require long distances.


100Base-Bx is a version of Fast Ethernet over a single strand of optical fiber (unlike 100Base-Fx,
which uses a pair of fibers). Single-mode fiber is used, along with a special multiplexer which splits the
signal into transmit and receive wavelengths. The two wavelengths used for transmit and receive are either
1310/1550 nm or 1310/1490 nm. Distances can be 10, 20, or 40 km.


Based on 802.12 (Hewlett Packard), 100VG-AnyLAN uses an access method called Demand Priority.
The VG stands for Voice Grade as it is designed to be used with Category 3 cable. This is where the
repeaters (hubs) carry out continuous searches around all of the nodes for those that wish to send data. If two
devices cause a contention by wanting to send at the same time, the highest priority request is dealt with
first, unless the priorities are the same, in which case both requests are dealt with at the same time (by
alternating frames). The hub only knows about connected devices and other repeaters so communication is
only directed at them rather than broadcast to every device in the broadcast domain (which could mean 100s
of devices!). This is a more efficient use of the bandwidth. This is the reason why the new standard was
developed as it is not strictly Ethernet. Standard 802.12 is designed to better support both Ethernet and Token

The encoding techniques used are 5B/6B and NRZ. All four pairs of UTP are used. On Cat3 the
longest cable run is 100 m but this increases to 200 m on Cat5. The clock rate on each wire is 30 MHz;
therefore 30 Mbits per second are transmitted on each pair giving a total bit rate of 120 Mbps. Since each
6-bits of data on the line represents 5 bits of real data due to the 5B/6B encoding, the rate of real data being
transmitted is 25 Mbps on each pair, giving a total real data rate of 100 Mbps. For 2-pair STP and fiber, the
bit rate is 120 Mbps on the transmitting pair, for a real data transmission rate of 100 Mbps.

Gigabit Ethernet

Although the functional principles of Gigabit Ethernet are the same as Ethernet and Fast Ethernet i.e.
CSMA/CD and the Framing format, the physical setup is very different. One difference is the slot time. The
standard Ethernet slot time required in CSMA/CD half-duplex mode is not long enough for running over
100 m of copper, so Carrier Extension is used to guarantee a 512-bit slot time.

1000Base-X (802.3z)

The 802.3z committee is responsible for formalizing the standard for Gigabit Ethernet. The 1000
refers to 1 Gbps data speed. The existing Fiber Channel interface standard (ANSI X3T11) is used and allows
up to 4.268 Gbps speeds. The Fiber Channel encoding scheme is 8B/10B.

Gigabit Ethernet can operate in half or full duplex modes and there is also a standard 802.3x which
manages XON/XOFF flow control in full duplex mode. With 802.3x, a receiving station can send a packet to
a sending station to stop it sending data until a specified time interval has passed.

There are three media types for 1000Base-X. 1000Base-Sx, 1000Base-Lx, and 1000Base-Cx.

1000Base-Sx (S is for Short Haul) uses short-wavelength laser (850 nm) over multi-mode fiber.
1000Base-Sx can run up to 300 m on 62.5/125 m multimode fiber and up to 550 m on 50/125 m multimode

1000Base-Lx (L is for Long Haul) uses long wavelength laser (1300 nm) and can run up to 550 m
on 62.5/125 m multi-mode fiber or 50/125 m multi-mode fiber. In addition, 1000Base-Lx can run up to
5 km (originally 3 km) on single-mode fiber using 1310 nm wavelength laser.

1000Base-Cx is a standard for STP copper cable and allows operation up to 25 m over STP cable.

1000Base-T (802.3ab)

Many cable manufacturers are enhancing their cable systems to enhanced Category 5 (Cat 5e)
standards in order to allow Gigabit Ethernet to run at up to 100 m on copper. The Category 6 standard has yet
to be ratified, and is not being pursued very strongly.

In order to obtain the 1000 Mbps data bit rate across the UTP cable without breaking the FCC rules
for emission, all 4 pairs of the cable are used. Hybrid circuits at each end of each pair are used to allow
simultaneous transmission and reception of data (full-duplex) by separating the transmission signal from the
receiving signal. Because some transmission signal still manages to couple itself to the receiving side there is
an additional echo canceller built in, this is called a Near End Crosstalk (NEXT) canceller.

Encoding is carried out with PAM-5.


Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the communication protocol for the

Whereas IP handles lower-level transmissions from computer to computer as a message makes its
way across the Internet, TCP operates at a higher level, concerned only with the two end systems, for example
a Web browser and a Web server. In particular, TCP provides ordered delivery of a stream of bytes from a
program on one computer to another program on another computer. Besides the Web, other common
applications of TCP include e-mail and Internet file transfer like FTP. Among its other management tasks,
TCP controls message size, the rate at which messages are exchanged, and network traffic congestion. Your
computer Internet address is a part of the standard TCP/IP protocol and so is your domain name.

Inside the TCP/IP standard there are several protocols for handling data communication:

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) communication between applications

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) simple communication between applications
IP (Internet Protocol) communication between computers
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for errors and statistics
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for dynamic addressing

TCP: If one application wants to communicate with another via TCP, it sends a communication
request. This request must be sent to an exact address. TCP is responsible for breaking data down into IP
packets before they are sent, and for assembling the packets when they arrive. After a handshake between
the two applications, TCP will set up a full-duplex communication between the two applications. The full-
duplex communication will occupy the communication line between the two computers until it is closed by
one of the two applications. UDP is very similar to TCP, but simpler and less reliable.

IP: IP is responsible for sending the packets to the correct destination. IP does not occupy the
communication line between two computers and hence reduces the need for network lines. Each line can be
used for communication between many different computers at the same time. With IP, messages (or other
data) are broken up into small independent packets and sent between computers via the Internet. IP is
responsible for routing each packet to the correct destination.

When an IP packet is sent from a computer, it arrives at an IP router. The IP router is responsible for
routing the packet to the correct destination, directly or via another router. The path the packet will follow
might be different from other packets in the same communication chain. The router is responsible for the
right addressing, depending on traffic volume, errors in the network, or other parameters.

Each computer must have a unique IP address before it can connect to the Internet. Each IP packet
must also have an address before it can be sent to another computer. TCP/IP uses 32 bits (4 bytes), of four
numbers between 0 and 255, separated by a period, to address a computer. A typical IP address is of the

Domain Names: A name is much easier to remember than a 12 digit number. The names used for
TCP/IP addresses are called domain names. is a domain name. Subdomains are identified by
prefixes to the main domain name (separated by a period). When you address a web site, like the name is translated to a number by a Domain Name System (DNS) Server.
DNS servers are connected to the Internet all over the world. When a new domain name is registered together
with a TCP/IP address, all DNS servers are updated with this information.


DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DHCP is used for allocation of dynamic IP addresses to
computers in a network.

FTP - File Transfer Protocol. FTP takes care of transmission of data files between computers.

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - takes care of the communication between a web server and a web
browser. It is used for sending requests from a web client (a browser) to a web server, returning web content
(web pages) from the server back to the client.

HTTPS - Secure HTTP. HTTPS typically handles credit card transactions and other sensitive data.

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol. The IMAP protocol is used by email programs (like Microsoft
Outlook) just like the POP protocol (discussed below). The main difference between the IMAP protocol and
the POP protocol is that the IMAP protocol will not automatically download all your emails each time your
email program connects to your email server. The IMAP protocol allows you to look through your email
messages at the email server before you download them. With IMAP you can choose to download your
messages or just delete them. This way IMAP is useful if you need to connect to your email server from
different locations, but only want to download your messages when you are back in your office.

NTP - Network Time Protocol. NTP is used to synchronize the time (the clock) between computers.

POP - Post Office Protocol. The POP protocol is used by email programs (like Microsoft Outlook) to retrieve
emails from an email server. If your email program (also called email client), uses POP, all your emails are
downloaded to your computer each time it connects to your email server.

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The SMTP protocol is used for the transmission of e-mails to another
computer. Normally your email is sent to an email server (SMTP server), and then to another server or
servers, and finally to its destination. SMTP can only transmit pure text. It cannot transmit binary data like
pictures, sounds, or movies directly. SMTP uses the MIME protocol to send binary data across TCP/IP

SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP is used for administration of computer networks.


MIME - Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions protocol. Converts binary data to pure text. The MIME
protocol lets SMTP transmit multimedia files including voice, audio, and binary data.

SSL - Secure Sockets Layer. The SSL protocol is used for encryption of data for secure data transmission.


ARP - Address Resolution Protocol. ARP is used by IP to find the hardware address of a computer network
card based on the IP address.

BOOTP - Boot Protocol. BOOTP is used for booting (starting) computers from the network.

ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMP takes care of error-handling in the network.

LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is used for collecting information about users and
e-mail addresses from the internet.

PPTP - Point to Point Tunneling Protocol. PPTP is used for setting up a connection (tunnel) between private

RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. RARP is used by IP to find the IP address based on the
hardware address of a computer network card.

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ACCEPTABLE DEGRADATION - The allowable reduction in system performance. For a fire

control radar, the acceptable degradation is usually expressed as a reduction in range; for example, the
maximum lock-on range might be degraded by 25 percent without loss of essential defense capability.

ACQUISITION - A procedure by which a fire control tracking radar attains initial lock-on. Usually,
the approximate target coordinates are supplied to the tracking radar and it searches a predetermined volume
of space to locate the target.

AEROSOLS - Solid particles dispersed in the atmosphere having resonant size particles with a high
index of refraction. The particles both scatter and absorb visual and laser directed energy so as to cut down
on weapon systems directed by these techniques.

AFC (AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL) - An arrangement whereby the frequency of an

oscillator or the tuning of a circuit is automatically maintained within specified limits with respect to a
reference frequency. A magnetron drifts in frequency over a period of time. The AFC of a radar makes the
local oscillator shift by an equal amount so the IF frequency will remain constant.

AGC (AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL) - A method for automatically obtaining an essentially

constant receiver output amplitude. The amplitude of the received signal in the range gate determines the
AGC bias (a DC voltage) which controls the receiver gain so as to maintain a nearly constant output even
though the amplitude of the input signal changes.

AMPLIFIER - An electronic device used to increase signal magnitude or power. See also GaAs FET
Amplifier, Klystron Amplifier, Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier.

AMPLITUDE MODULATION (AM) - A method of impressing a message upon a carrier signal by

causing the carrier amplitude to vary proportionally to the message waveform.

AMPLITUDE SHIFT KEYING (ASK) - A method of impressing a digital signal upon a carrier signal
by causing the carrier amplitude to take different values corresponding to the different values of the digital

ANGLE JAMMING - ECM technique, when azimuth and elevation information from a scanning fire
control radar is jammed by transmitting a jamming pulse similar to the radar pulse, but with modulation
information out of phase with the returning target angle modulation information.

ANGULAR SEPARATION - This term is frequently used to indicate a protective (from EMI) zone
for a missile. The interfering antenna axis must be separated, throughout the critical portion of the missile
flight, from the missile by the specified angle. The vertex of the angle is at the interference source antenna.


in degrees, between the half-power points
(-3 dB) of an antenna beam. This angle is also
nearly that between the center of the mainlobe
and the first null. The angle is given for both
horizontal and vertical planes unless the beam is
circular. When so indicated, the term may refer to the angular width of the mainlobe between first nulls
[beamwidth between first nulls (BWFN)]. See also Antenna Pattern. The figure illustrates vertical profile for
antenna displaying a 10-degree beamwidth characteristic. The values can vary dramatically with frequency.

ANTENNA CROSS TALK - A measure of undesired power transfer through space from one antenna
to another. Ratio of power received by one antenna to power transmitted by the other, usually expressed in

ANTENNA ISOLATION - The ratio of the power input to one antenna to the power received by the
other. It can also be viewed as the insertion loss from transmit antenna input to receive antenna output to

ANTENNA LOBING - Two lobes are created

that overlap and intercept at -1 to -3 dB. The
difference between the two lobes produces much
greater spatial selectivity than provided by either lobe
alone. (See also Lobe, Antenna.)

ANTENNA NUTATING - An antenna, as

used in automatic-tracking radar systems, consisting of
a parabolic reflector combined with a radiating element
which is caused to move in a small circular orbit about
the focus of the antenna with or without change of polarization. The radiation pattern is in the form of a beam
that traces out a cone centered on the reflector axis. The process is also known as nutating conical scanning.

ANTENNA PATTERN - A cross section of the

radiating pattern (representing antenna gain or loss) in any
plane that includes the origin (source reference point) of
the pattern. Both horizontal and vertical polar plots are
normally used to describe the pattern. Also, termed polar
diagram and radiation pattern.


directional antenna designed that cross sections of the
major lobe are approximately circular, with a narrow beamwidth.

ANTI-CLUTTER CIRCUITS (IN RADAR) - Circuits which attenuate undesired reflections to permit
detection of targets otherwise obscured by such reflections.

APERTURE - In an antenna, that portion of the plane surface area near the antenna perpendicular to
the direction of maximum radiation through which the major portion of the radiation passes. The effective
and/or scattering aperture area can be computed for wire antennas which have no obvious physical area.

A-SCOPE - A cathode-ray oscilloscope used in radar systems to display vertically the signal
amplitude as a function of time (range) or range rate. Sometimes referred to as Range (R)-Scope.

ASYNCHRONOUS PULSED JAMMING - An effective form of pulsed jamming. The jammer

nearly matches the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of the radar; then it transmits multiples of the PRF. It is
more effective if the jammer pulsewidth is greater than that of the radar. Asynchronous pulsed jamming is
similar to synchronous jamming except that the target lines tend to curve inward or outward slightly and
appear fuzzy in the jammed sector of a radar scope.

ATTENUATION - Decrease in magnitude of current, voltage, or power of a signal in transmission

between two points. May be expressed in decibels.



BACKWARD WAVE OSCILLATOR (BWO) - A cross-field device in which an electron stream

interacts with a backward wave on a nonreentrant circuit. This oscillator may be electronically tuned over a
wide range of frequencies, is relatively unaffected by load variations and is stable. BWO is commonly
pronounced be woe.

BALANCED MIXERS - The two most frequently encountered mixer types are single-balanced and
double-balanced. In a double-balanced mixer, four Schottky diodes and two wideband transformers are
employed to provide isolation of all three ports.

BALLISTIC MISSILE - Any missile which does not rely upon aerodynamic surfaces to produce lift
and consequently follows a ballistic trajectory when thrust is terminated.


of frequency discrimination network
designed to pass a band or range of
frequencies and produce attenuation to
all other frequencies outside of the pass
region. The figure illustrates a typical
bandpass filter, incorporating a
bandpass region of (Fh)-(Fl), offering no
rejection (0 dB) to desired signal (Fm)
and much higher rejection to the
adjacent undesired signals Fh, and Fl.
The upper and lower frequencies are usually specified to be the half power (-3 dB) or half voltage points
(-6 dB).

BANDWIDTH - An expression used to define the actual operational frequency range of a receiver
when it is tuned to a certain frequency. For a radar receiver, it is the difference between the two frequencies
at which the receiver response is reduced to some fraction of its maximum response (such as 3 dB, 6 dB, or
some other specified level). The frequencies between which satisfactory performance is achieved. Two
equations are used:
Narrowband by % ( F u F l )(100) ; Broadband by ratio F u
Fc Fl
Where F u = Upper ; F l = lower ; F c = center = ( F u + F l ) 2

See also Receiver Bandwidth and Spectrum Width.

BARRAGE NOISE JAMMING - Noise jamming spread in frequency to deny the use of multiple
radar frequencies to effectively deny range information. Although this is attractive because it enables one
jammer to simultaneously jam several radars of different frequencies, it does have the inherent problem that
the wider the jamming spread, the less jamming power available per radar, i.e. the watts per MHz bandwidth
is low.

BATTERY, MISSILE - A missile battery consists of a missile launcher and its associated missile fire
control systems (such as a MK 11 MOD 0 Missile Launcher and two MK 74 MOD 0 Missile Fire Control

BEACON - A system wherein a transponder in a missile receives coded signals from a shipboard
radar guidance transmitter and transmits reply signals to a shipboard radar beacon receiver to enable a
computer to determine missile position. The missile beacon transmitter and shipboard radar beacon receiver
are tuned to a frequency different from that of the guidance transmitter.

BEAM - See Lobe, antenna. The beam is to the side of an aircraft or ship.

BEAM, CAPTURE - See Capture Beam.

BEAM-TO-BEAM CORRELATION (BBC) - BBC is used by frequency scan radars to reject pulse
jamming and jamming at a swept frequency. Correlation is made from two adjacent beams (pulses). The
receiver rejects those targets (signals) that do not occur at the same place in two adjacent beams.

BEAMWIDTH - See Antenna Beamwidth.

BEAT FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR (BFO) - Any oscillator whose output is intended to be mixed
with another signal to produce a sum or difference beat frequency. Used particularly in reception of CW

BINGO - The fuel state at which an aircraft must leave the area in order to return and land safely.
Also used when chaff/flares reach a preset low quantity and automatic dispensing is inhibited.

BIPOLAR VIDEO - Unrectified (pre-detection) IF (both positive and negative portions of the RF
envelope) signals that arise from the type of detection and console display employed in pulse Doppler and
MTI receivers.

BISTATIC RADAR - A radar using antennas at different locations for transmission and reception.

BLANKING - The process of making a channel, or device non-effective for a certain interval. Used
for retrace sweeps on CRTs or to mask unwanted signals such as blanking ones own radar from the onboard

BOGEY - Unknown air target.

BURN-THROUGH RANGE - The ability of a radar to see through jamming. Usually, described as
the point when the radars target return is a specified amount stronger than the jamming signal (typical values
are 6 dB manual and 20 dB automatic). See Section 4-8.

BUTT LINE - Line used for reference in measurement of left/right location. One of several aircraft
references. See also fuselage station and water line.

CAPTURE BEAM - A wide beam

incorporated in capture transmitters of beam
rider (command guided) missile systems to
facilitate gaining initial control of a missile
immediately after launch. Upon capture, the
system then centers the missile in the narrow
guidance beam. The figure illustrates a
launched missile at point of capture.

CAPTURE TRANSMITTER - A transmitter employing a wide beam antenna to gain initial control of
in-flight missile for the purpose of centering the missile in the guidance transmitter antenna beam. See also
Capture Beam.


radio frequency of the wave upon which
modulations are impressed. Also called
Carrier or fc. See figure at right.

CATCH-22 - A lose-lose situation,

from the book of the same name.

CAVITY - A space enclosed by a conducting surface used as a resonant circuit at microwave

frequencies. Cavity space geometry determines the resonant frequency. A storage area for oscillating
electromagnetic energy.

CENTER FREQUENCY - The tuned or operating frequency. Also referred to as center operating
frequency. In frequency diversity systems, the midband frequency of the operating range. See also Carrier

CHAFF - Ribbon-like pieces of metallic materials or metalized plastic which are dispensed by aircraft
or ships to mask or screen other targets. The radar reflections off the chaff may cause a tracking radar to
break lock on the target. The foil materials are generally cut into small pieces for which the size is dependent
upon the radar interrogation frequency (approximately 1/2 wave length of the victim radar frequency). Being
this length, chaff acts as a resonant dipole and reflects much of the energy back to the radar. Also see
rainbow, rope, stream chaff, and window.

CHANNEL - A frequency or band of frequencies. In guided missile systems, an assigned center

frequency and a fixed bandwidth around it. Designates operating frequency of track radars and
frequency/code assignments of X-band CW illuminators.

CHIRP - A pulse compression technique which uses frequency modulation (usually linear) on pulse


CIRCULARLY POLARIZED JAMMING - The techniques of radiating jamming energy in both

planes of polarization simultaneously. With this method, there is a loss of 3 dB of effective power in either
linear plane, and substantial loss if the opposite sense of circular polarization is used (i.e. left vs. right). See
Section 3-2.

CLUTTER, RADAR - Undesired radar

returns or echoes resulting from man-made or
natural objects including chaff, sea, ground, and
rain, which interfere with normal radar system
observations. The figure illustrates a target being masked by ground clutter

CO-CHANNEL - This term is used to indicate that two (or more) equipments are operating on the
same frequency.

COHERENT - Two signals that have a set (usually fixed) phase relationship.

COINCIDENCE DETECTOR - This radar video process requires more than one hit in a range cell
before a target is displayed. This prevents video interference from pulses coming from another radar, because
such interference is unlikely to occur twice in the same range cell.

COLLIMATION - The procedure of aligning fire control radar system antenna axes with optical line
of sight, thereby ensuring that the radars will provide for correct target illumination and guidance beam

COMMAND CODE - Modulations superimposed upon transmitter carrier signals to provide

electronic instructions to an airborne guided missile or pilotless aircraft. The receiver of the remotely guided
vehicle is preset to accept only a selected transmitter code to eliminate the possibility of the vehicle
responding to commands of extraneous signals. Missile command codes include instructions such as arm,
warhead detonate, and self destruct.

COMMAND GUIDANCE - A guidance system wherein intelligence transmitted to the missile from
an outside source causes the missile to traverse a directed flight path.

CONICAL SCAN - See Antenna, Nutating.


COOPERATIVE COUNTERMEASURES - (CO-OP) Generic term for jamming the same threat
radar from two or more separate platforms that are in the same radar resolution cell.

COUPLING FACTOR - A multiplying factor, expressed in dB, used to express the change in EM
energy intensity from a radar transmitter to a receiver. The factor includes the antenna gains and the loss
(basic transmission loss) caused by the distance between the antennas. The factor will usually be a negative
dB figure (a reduction in intensity) because basic transmission loss is always a large negative value. The
antenna gains may be positive (pointed toward each other) or negative (no main beam interactions).

CROSS MODULATION - Intermodulation caused by modulation of the carrier by an undesired

signal wave.

CROSS POLARIZATION - or Cross Pole, is a monopulse jamming technique where a cross-

polarized signal is transmitted to give erroneous angle data to the radar. The component of the jamming
signal with the same polarization as the radar must be very small.

CW (CONTINUOUS WAVE) - In radar and EW systems this term means that the transmitter is on
constantly; i.e., not pulsed (100% duty cycle). These systems may frequency or phase modulate the
transmitter output. A CW radar has the ability to distinguish moving targets against a stationary background
while conserving spectrum bandwidth compared to pulsed radar requirements. A CW radar extracts accurate
target range-rate data but cannot determine target range.

CWI (CONTINUOUS WAVE ILLUMINATOR) - A surface or aircraft-based CW transmitter

employed in semiactive homing missile systems where the transmitter illuminates the target and the missile
senses the reflected energy. The transmitter also provides a reference signal to the missile rear receiver to
allow determination of range-rate data and target identification. CW transmitter emissions are sometimes
coded corresponding to the associated missile receiver codes to reduce the possibility of the missile
accepting commands of extraneous signals.

DECIBEL (dB) - A dimensionless unit for expressing the ratio of two values of power, current, or
voltage. The number of decibels being equal to: dB = 10 log P2/P1 = 20 log V2/V1 = 20 log I2/I1
Normally, used for expressing transmission gains, losses, levels, and similar quantities. See Section 2-4.

DECEPTION - The deliberate radiation, reradiation, alteration, absorption or reflection of

electromagnetic energy in a manner intended to mislead the enemy interpretation or use of information
received by his electronic systems.

dB - See Decibel, or Decibel Section 2-4.

dBc - Decibels referenced to the carrier signal.

dBi - Decibels referenced to an isotropic radiator. (dBLi indicating linear isotropic radiator is
sometimes used).

dBm - Decibels relative to 1 mW. dBm is calculated by using the ratio of some power (expressed in
mW) to 1 mW. For example, 1 mW is 0 dBm and 10 mW is +10 dBm.

dBsm - Decibel referenced to one square meter.

dBv / dBv - Decibels referenced to one volt or microvolt, i.e. 0 dBv is 1 volt or 120 dBv.

dBW / dBW - Decibels referenced to 1 watt or one microwatt, i.e. 0 dBW is 1 watt or 30 dBm or
60 dBW.

DEMODULATOR - A device employed to separate the modulation signal from its associated carrier,
also called Second Detector. See also Detection.

DESIGNATION - The assignment of a

fire control radar to a specific target by supplying
target coordinate data to the radar system.

DETECTION - Usually refers to the

technique of recovering the amplitude
modulation signal (envelope) superimposed on a
carrier. See figure at right.

DICKE FIX - This type of radar processing occurs in the IF amplifier. A limiter follows a wideband
amplifier, and then the signal goes to a matched filter amplifier. This discriminates against pulses that are too
long (clutter) or too short (interference). The DICKE FIX is a technique that is specifically designed to
protect the receiver from ringing caused by noise, fast-sweep, or narrow pulse jamming. The basic
configuration consists of a broadband limiting IF amplifier, followed by an IF amplifier of optimum
bandwidth. The limit level is preset at approximately the peak amplitude of receiver noise, the bandwidth
may vary from 10 to 20 MHz, depending on the jamming environment. This device provides excellent
discrimination against fast sweep jamming (10-500 MHz), usually something on the order of 20 to 40 dB,
without appreciable loss in sensitivity. However, strong CW jamming will seriously degrade the performance
of the DICKE FIX because the CW signal captures the radar signal in the limiter.

DIELECTRICALLY STABILIZED OSCILLATOR - The DSO uses a dielectric resonator as the

frequency determining element. When the dielectric material is properly selected and used, the variations in
dielectric constant vs. temperature and the dimensions of the resonant structure vs. temperature tend to cancel

out, providing relatively good frequency vs. temperature stability. The DSO offers frequency accuracy and
stability, low power consumption and high reliability. Some of the commonly used materials are barium,
zirconium, or tin tinates. The composition of these materials may be controlled to achieve any frequency
variation with temperature with close tolerances.

DIODE - An electronic device which restricts current flow chiefly to one direction. See also Gunn
diode, IMPATT diode, PIN diode, point contact diode, Schottky barrier diode, step recovery diode, tunnel
diode, varactor diode.

DIODE SWITCH - PIN-diode switches provide state-of-the-art switching in most present-day

microwave receivers. These switches are either reflective or nonreflective in that the former reflect incident
power back to the source when in the isolated state. While both types of switches can provide high isolation
and short transition times, the reflective switch offers multi octave bandwidth in the all shunt diode
configuration, while the non-reflective switch offers an octave bandwidth.

DIPLEX - The simultaneous transmission or reception of two signals using a common feature such as
a single antenna or carrier. Typically, two transmitters operate alternately at approximately the same RF and
using a common antenna. See Section 6-7 for a discussion of diplexers.

DIRECTIONAL COUPLER - A 4-port transmission coupling device used to sample the power
traveling in one direction through the main line of the device. There is considerable isolation (typically
20 dB) to signals traveling in the reverse direction. Because they are reciprocal, the directional coupler can
also be used to directively combine signals with good reverse isolation. The directional coupler is
implemented in waveguide and coaxial configurations. See Section 6-4.

DIRECTIVITY - For antennas, directivity is the maximum value of gain in a particular direction.
(Isotropic point source has directivity = 1). For directional couplers, directivity is a measure (in dB) of how
good the directional coupling is and is equal to the isolation minus the coupling. See Section 6-4.

DISH - A microwave reflector used as part of a radar antenna system. The surface is concave and is
usually parabolic shaped. Also called a parabolic reflector.

DOPPLER EFFECT - The apparent

change in frequency of an electromagnetic wave
caused by a change in distance between the
transmitter and the receiver during
transmission/reception. The figure illustrates the
Doppler increase that would be realized by
comparing the signal received from a target
approaching the radar site to the transmitted
reference signal. An apparent frequency decrease would be noted for targets departing the radar location.
Differences can be calibrated to provide target range-rate data.

DRY RUN - A test run with aircraft/ship armament and/or EW switches off.

DUCTING - The increase in range that an electromagnetic wave will travel due to a temperature
inversion of the atmosphere. The temperature inversion forms a channel or waveguide (duct) for the waves to
travel in, and they can be trapped, not attenuating as would be expected from the radar equation.

DUMMY LOAD (Radio Transmission) - A dissipative but essentially nonradiating substitute device
having impedance characteristics simulating those of the antenna. This allows power to be applied to the

radar transmitter without radiating into free space. Dummy loads are commonly used during EMCON
conditions or when troubleshooting a transmitter at a workbench away from its normal environment.

DUPLEXER - A switching device used in radar to permit alternate use of the same antenna for both
transmitting and receiving.

DUTY CYCLE - The ratio of average power to peak

power, or ratio of pulse length to interpulse period for pulsed
transmitter systems. Interpulse period is equal to the
reciprocal of the pulse repetition rate.
See Section 2-5.

The duty cycle of a radar having a pulse length of 0.3 sec and a PRF of 2000 pulses/sec is computed
as follows:
Interpulse Period, T = PRI = 1/PRF = 500 sec
Pulse length 0.3 sec or Duty Cycle (dB) = 10log(Duty cycle) = -32.2 dB
Duty Cycle = = = 0.0006 (or 0.06%)
Interpulse Period 500 musec

An output tube providing an average power of only 90 watts for such a system would, therefore, provide a
peak power of:

Average Power 90
Peak Power = = = 150,000 W or 52 dBW or 82 dBm
Duty Cycle 0.0006

EFFECTIVE RADIATED POWER (ERP) - Input power to the antenna in watts times the gain ratio
of the antenna. When expressed in dB, ERP is the transmitter power (PT), in dBm (or dBW) plus the antenna
gain (GT) in dB. The term EIRP is used sometimes and reiterates that the gain is relative to an isotropic

EGRESS - Exit the target area.

ELECTROMAGNETIC COUPLING - The transfer of electromagnetic energy from one circuit or

system to another circuit or system. An undesired transfer is termed EMI (electromagnetic interference).

EMC (ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY) - That condition in which electrical/electronic

systems can perform their intended function without experiencing degradation from, or causing degradation to
other electrical/electronic systems. More simply stated, EMC is that condition which exists in the absence of
EMI. See also Intersystem and Intrasystem EMC tests.

EME (ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT) - The total electromagnetic energy in the RF

spectrum that exists at any given location.

EMI (ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE) - Any induced, radiated, or conducted electrical

emission, disturbance, or transient that causes undesirable responses, degradation in performance, or
malfunctions of any electrical or electronic equipment, device, or system. Also synonymously referred to as
RFI (Radio Frequency Interference).

EMI MODEL - Usually a set of equations or logical concepts designed to illustrate the interactions,
the detailed parameters considerations, and mathematical procedures necessary for proper analysis of a given
EMI situation.

EMITTER - Any device or apparatus which emits electromagnetic energy.

EMP (ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE) - The generation and radiation of a very narrow and very
high-amplitude pulse of electromagnetic noise. It is associated with the high level pulse as a result of a
nuclear detonation and with intentionally generated narrow, high-amplitude pulse for ECM applications. In
the case of nuclear detonations, EMP consists of a continuous spectrum with most of its energy distributed
through the low frequency band of 3 KHz to 1 MHz.

ERROR SIGNAL - In servomechanisms, the signal applied to the control circuit that indicates the
degree of misalignment between the controlling and the controlled members. In tracking radar systems, a
voltage dependent upon the signal received from a target whose polarity and magnitude depend on the angle
between the target and the center axis of the scanning beam.


FEET DRY / WET - Aircraft has crossed from water to shore / aircraft has crossed from shore to

FERRET - An aircraft, ship, or vehicle especially equipped for the detection, location, recording, and
analyzing of electromagnetic radiations.

FIELD STRENGTH - The magnitude of a magnetic or electric field at any point, usually expressed in
terms of ampere turns per meter or volts per meter. Sometimes called field intensity and is expressed in
volts/meter or dBv/meter. Above 100 MHz, power density terminology is used more often. See
Section 4-1.

FIRST HARMONIC - The fundamental (original) frequency.

FREQUENCY AGILITY - A radars ability to change frequency within its operating band, usually on
a pulse-to-pulse basis. This is an ECCM technique employed to avoid spot jamming and to force the jammer
to go into a less effective barrage mode.

FREQUENCY AGILITY RADAR - A radar that automatically or semiautomatically tunes through a

discrete set of operating frequencies in its normal mode of operation.

FREQUENCY DIVERSITY RADAR - A radar system technique, employed primarily as an

antijamming feature, where the transmitter output frequency varies randomly from pulse to pulse over a wide
frequency range.

FREQUENCY RANGE - (1) A specifically designated portion of the frequency spectrum; (2) of a
device, the band of frequencies over which the device may be considered useful with various circuit and
operating conditions; (3) of a transmission system, the frequency band in which the system is able to transmit
power without attenuating or distorting it more than a specified amount.

FREQUENCY SHIFT KEYING (FSK) - A form of FM where the carrier is shifted between two
frequencies in accordance with a predetermined code. In multiple FSK, the carrier is shifted to more than two
frequencies. FSK is used principally with teletype communications.

FRUIT - In a radar beacon system, there is a type of interference called FRUIT, caused by
beacon replies to interrogation asynchronous with the observers interrogator. The largest amount of this

interference is received through the sidelobes of the interrogating antenna, but it can become dense enough to
cause false target indications.

FTC (FAST TIME CONSTANT) - An antijam feature employed in radar systems where receiver
circuits may be selected to provide a short time constant to emphasize signals of short duration to produce
discrimination against the low frequency components of clutter.

FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY - Used synonymously for tuned frequency, carrier frequency,

center frequency, output frequency, or operating frequency.

FUSELAGE STATION or just STATION - A reference point (usually the nose of an aircraft) used to
measure or identify fore and aft locations. One of several aircraft location designations - also see butt line and
water line.

GaAs FET AMPLIFIER - Because of their low noise, field-effect transistors are often used as the
input stage of wideband amplifiers. Their high input resistance makes this device particularly useful in a
variety of applications. Since the FET does not employ minority current carriers, carrier storage effects are
eliminated giving the device faster operating characteristics and improved radiation resistant qualities.

GAIN - For antennas, the value of power gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic point source
radiating equally in all directions. Frequently expressed in dB (gain of an isotropic source = 0 dB). The
formula for calculating gain is:

4 P ( , ) P ( , ) = Radiation intensity in given direction

G= ; where
Pin Pin = Power into lossless antenna radiating uniformly in all directions

Note: (1) If radiation efficiency is unity, then gain = directivity i.e. if directivity = 2, then gain = 3 dB, etc.
(2) Interference losses within an array also affect gain
(3) See Section 3-1 for further details

For amplifiers, gain is the ratio of the output power to input power (usually in dB).

GATE (RANGE) - A signal used to select radar echoes corresponding to a very short range
increment. Range is computed by moving the range gate or marker to the target echo; an arrangement which
permits radar signals to be received in a small selected fraction of the time period between radar transmitter

GATING - (1) The process of selecting those portions of a wave which exist during one or more
selected time intervals; (2) the application of a square waveform of desired duration and timing to perform
electronic switching; (3) the application of receiver operating voltages to one or more stages only during that
portion of a cycle of operation when reception is desired. See also Gate (Range).

GCI (GROUND-CONTROLLED INTERCEPT) - Vectoring an interceptor aircraft to an airborne

target by means of information relayed from a ground-based radar site which observes both the interceptor
and the target.

GIGA - A prefix meaning 109 (times a billion). For example, gigahertz (GHz).

GLINT (In Radar) - 1. The random component of target location error caused by variations in the
phase front of the target signal (as contrasted with Scintillation Error). Glint may affect angle, range of

Doppler measurements, and may have peak values corresponding to locations beyond the true target extent in
the measured coordinate. 2. Electronic countermeasures that uses the scintillating, or flashing effect of
shuttered or rotating reflectors to degrade tracking or seeking functions of an enemy weapons system.

GUARDBAND - A frequency band to which no other emitters are assigned as a precaution against
interference to equipments susceptible to EMI in that band.

GUIDANCE, BEAM RIDER - A missile guidance technique which is dependent on the missiles
ability to determine its positions with reference to the center of scan of the guidance radar beam and thus
correct its trajectory on the basis of detected errors.

GUIDANCE CODE - A technique of modulating guidance transmitter carriers with coded pulses
compatible with the receiver code of the missile assigned that system, thus reducing the possibility of the
missile accepting erroneous commands of other transmissions.

GUIDANCE, COMMAND - A guidance system wherein intelligence transmitted to the missile from
an outside source causes the missile to traverse a directed path in space.

GUIDANCE, HOMING, ACTIVE - A system of homing guidance wherein both the transmitter and
receiver are carried within the missile.

GUIDANCE, HOMING, PASSIVE - A form of homing guidance, which is dependent on a missiles

ability to detect energy emitted by the target. Frequently termed Home-On-Jam (HOJ).

GUIDANCE, HOMING, SEMIACTIVE - A system of homing guidance wherein the missile uses
reflected signals from the target which has been illuminated by a source other than within the missile. See
also CWI.

GUIDANCE, INERTIAL - A self-contained system independent of information obtained from

outside the missile, usually using Newtons second law of motion.

GUNN DIODE - The Gunn diode is a transferred electron device which because of its negative
resistance can be used in microwave oscillators or amplifiers. When the applied voltage exceeds a certain
critical value, periodic fluctuations in current occur. The frequency of oscillation depends primarily upon the
drift velocity of electrons through the effective length of the device. This frequency may be varied over a
small range by means of mechanical tuning.

HARMONIC - A sinusoidal component of a periodic wave or quantity having a frequency that is an

integral multiple of the fundamental frequency. For example, a component which is twice the fundamental
frequency is called the second harmonic. (The fundamental is the first harmonic, which is frequently

HERTZ - The unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.

HOME-ON-JAM (HOJ) - See Guidance, Homing, Passive.

HORN ANTENNA - A flared, open-ended section of waveguide used to radiate the energy from a
waveguide into space. Also termed horn or horn radiator. Usually linearly polarized, it will be vertically
polarized when the feed probe is vertical, or horizontally polarized if the feed is horizontal. Circular

polarization can be obtained by feeding a square horn at a 45 angle and phase shifting the vertical or
horizontal excitation by 90.

HYPERABRUPT VARACTOR OSCILLATOR - Due to a non-uniform concentration of N-type

material (excess electrons) in the depletion region, this varactor produces a greater capacitance change in
tuning voltage and a far more linear voltage-vs.-frequency tuning curve. As a result, this device has an
improved tuning linearity and low tuning voltage.

IF (INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY) - The difference frequency resulting from mixing (beating) the
received signal in a superheterodyne receiver with the signal from the local oscillator. The difference
frequency product provides the advantages inherent to the processing (amplification, detection, filtering, and
such) of low frequency signals. The receiver local oscillator may operate either below or above the receiver
tuned frequency. A single receiver may incorporate multiple IF detection.

IF = FLO - FO (for a local oscillator operating above the fundamental)

FO = Received fundamental frequency
FLO = Local oscillator frequency

The simplified block diagram illustrates a typical mixing

procedure employed in radar systems to obtain desired
IF frequencies. The local oscillator is tuned above the
fundamental frequency in this example. It should be
noted that an undesired signal received at the receiver image frequency of 1170 MHz will also produce the
desired 60 MHz IF frequency; this relationship provides the receiver image. See also Image Frequency.

IFF (IDENTIFICATION FRIEND OR FOE) - A system using radar transmission to which equipment
carried by friendly forces automatically responds by emitting a unique characteristic series of pulses thereby
distinguishing themselves from enemy forces. It is the Mode IV for the aircraft transponder. See also

That frequency to which a given
superheterodyne receiver is
inherently susceptible, thereby
rendering such a receiver extremely
vulnerable to EMI at that
frequency. The image frequency is
located at the same frequency
difference (f) to one side of the
local oscillator as the tuned
(desired) frequency is to the other
side. An undesired signal received
at the image frequency by a superheterodyne receiver not having preselection would, therefore, mix (beat)
with the oscillator, produce the proper receiver IF, and be processed in the same manner as a signal at the
desired frequency. See also receiver selectivity.

IMAGE JAMMING - Jamming at the image frequency of the radar receiver. Barrage jamming is
made most effective by generating energy at both the normal operating and image frequency of the radar.

Image jamming inverts the phase of the response and is thereby useful as an angle deception technique. Not
effective if the radar uses image rejection.

IMPATT DIODE - The IMPATT (IMPact Avalanche and Transit Time) diode acts like a negative
resistance at microwave frequencies. Because of this property, Impatt diodes are used in oscillators and
amplifiers. Usually the frequency range is in the millimeter wave region where other solid state devices
cannot compete.

INGRESS - Go into the target area.

INSERTION LOSS - The loss incurred by inserting an element, device, or apparatus in an

electrical/electronic circuit. Normally expressed in decibels determined as 10 log of the ratio of power
measured at the point of insertion prior to inserting the device (P1) to the power measured after inserting the
device (P2). Insertion loss (dB) = 10 log P1/P2.

INTEGRATION EFFECT - Pulse radars usually obtain several echoes from a target. If these echoes
are added to each other, they enhance the S/N ratio, making a weak target easier to detect. The noise and
interference do not directly add from pulse to pulse, so the ratio of target strength to undesired signal strength
improves making the target more detectable. Random noise increases by the square root of the number of
integrations, whereas the signal totally correlates and increases directly by the number of integrations,
therefore the S/N enhancement is equal to the square root of the number of integrations.


INTERFERENCE PARAMETERS - Equipment and propagation characteristics necessary for the

proper evaluation of a given EMI situation.


INTERFERENCE THRESHOLD - The level of interference normally expressed in terms of the I/S
(interference/signal) ratio at which performance degradation in a system first occurs as a result of EMI.

INTERFEROMETER - When two widely spaced antennas are arrayed together, they form an
interferometer. The radiation pattern consists of many lobes, each having a narrow beamwidth. This antenna
can provide good spatial selectivity if the lobe-to-lobe ambiguity can be solved such as using amplitude
comparison between the two elements.

INTERMODULATION - The production, in a nonlinear element (such as a receiver mixer), of

frequencies corresponding to the sums and differences of the fundamentals and harmonics of two or more
frequencies which are transmitted through the element; or, the modulation of the components of a complex
wave by each other, producing frequencies equal to the sums and differences of integral multiples of the
component frequencies of the complex wave.

INTERSYSTEM EMC - EMC between the external electromagnetic environment (EME) and an
aircraft with its installed systems. Generally, only system BIT must operate properly on the carrier deck
while all system functions must operate properly in the operational EME.

INTRASYSTEM EMC - EMC between systems installed on an aircraft, exclusive of an external


INVERSE CON SCAN - One method of confusing a radar operator or fire control radar system is to
provide erroneous target bearings. This is accomplished by first sensing the radar antenna scan rate and then
modulating repeater amplifier gain so the weak portion of the radar signal is amplified by the jammer, while
the strong portion is not, so the weapons systems will fire at some bearing other than the true target bearing.
The angle deception technique is used to break lock on CONSCAN radars.

INVERSE GAIN - Amplification, inverse modulation, and re-radiation of a radars pulse train at the
rotation rate of the radar scan. Deceives a conical scanning radar in angle.

ISOTROPIC ANTENNA - A hypothetical antenna which radiates or receives energy equally in all

I/S RATIO (INTERFERENCE-TO-SIGNAL RATIO) (ISR) - The ratio of electromagnetic

interference level to desired signal level that exists at a specified point in a receiving system. The ratio,
normally expressed in dB, is employed as a tool in prediction of electronic receiving system performance
degradation for a wide range of interference receiver input levels. Performance evaluations compare actual
I/S ratios to minimum acceptable criteria.

JAFF - Expression for the combination of electronic and chaff jamming.

JAMMING - The deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of electromagnetic energy with the
object of impairing the use of electronic devices, equipment, or systems by an enemy.

JATO - JAmmer Technique Optimization group -- Organization coordinates EA technique

development and evaluation efforts in support of naval airborne EA (ALQ-99, USQ-113, ALQ-227,
ALQ-231, ALE-43). The group is run out of PMA-234 and comprised of elements at NAWCWD-Point
Mugu, Johns Hopkins University/ Applied Physics Lab, Naval Research Lab, and NSWC-Crane. Efforts
include M&S, Lab test, ground test, flight test, direct fleet support, and requirements and test support to
development programs.

JINK - An aircraft maneuver which sharply changes the instantaneous flight path but maintains the
overall route of flight. More violent than a weave.

JITTERED PRF - An antijam feature of certain radar systems which varies the PRF consecutively,
and randomly, from pulse to pulse to prevent enemy ECM equipment from locking on, and synchronizing
with, the transmitted PRF. PRF is synonymous with pulse repetition rate (PRR).

JTAT - JATO Techniques Analysis and Tactics -- Analysis documents produced by JATO to advise
EA systems operators on the best ways to employ their systems by region, mission and equipment
configuration. Currently covering ALQ-99 and USQ-113 on EA-6B; ALQ-99 and ALQ-227 on EA-18G, and
ALQ-231 on AV-8B.

KILO - A prefix meaning 103 (times one thousand). For example, kilohertz.

KLYSTRON AMPLIFIER - An electron beam device which achieves amplification by the

conversion of periodic velocity variations into conduction-current modulation in a field-free drift region.
Velocity variations are launched by the interaction of an RF signal in an input resonant cavity and are coupled
out through an RF output cavity. Several variations including reflex and multi cavity klystrons are used.

KLYSTRON, MULTICAVITY - An electron tube which employs velocity modulation to generate or

amplify electromagnetic energy in the microwave region. Since velocity modulation employs transit time of

the electron to aid in the bunching of electrons, transient time is not a deterrent to high frequency operations
as is the case in conventional electron tubes. See also Velocity Modulation.

KLYSTRON, REFLEX - A klystron which employs a reflector (repeller) electrode in place of a

second resonant cavity to redirect the velocity-modulated electrons through the resonant cavity. The repeller
causes one resonant circuit to serve as both input and output, which simplifies the tuning operation. This type
of klystron is well adapted for use as an oscillator because the frequency is easily controlled by varying the
position of the repeller. See also Velocity Modulation.

LEAKAGE - Undesired radiation or conduction of RF energy through the shielding of an enclosed

area or of an electronic device.

LENS, RADAR (MICROWAVE) - The purpose of any such lens is to refract (focus) the diverging
beam from an RF feed into a parallel beam (transmitting) or vice versa (receiving). The polarization is feed


of generating coherent light. The process utilizes a natural molecular (and atomic) phenomenon whereby
molecules absorb incident electromagnetic energy at specific frequencies, store this energy for short but
usable periods, and then release the stored energy in the form of light at particular frequencies in an extremely
narrow frequency-band.

LIMITING - A term to describe that an amplifier has reached its point of saturation or maximum
output voltage swing. Deliberate limiting of the signal is used in FM demodulation so that AM will not also
be demodulated.

LITTORAL - Near a shore.

LOBE, ANTENNA - Various parts of the

antennas radiation pattern are referred to as lobes,
which may be subclassified into major and minor lobes.
The major lobe is the lobe of greatest gain and is also
referred to as the main lobe or main beam. The minor
lobes are further subclassified into side and back lobes
as indicated in the figure to the right. The numbering of
the side lobes are from the main lobe to the back lobe.

LOCAL OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY - An internally generated frequency in a superheterodyne

receiver. This frequency differs from the receiver operating frequency by an amount equal to the IF of the
receiver. The local oscillator frequency may be designed to be either above or below the incoming signal

LOG VIDEO - This receiver process, generally implemented in the IF, compresses the dynamic range
of the signal so both weak and strong signals are displayed without changing the gain setting. Output voltage
can be calibrated in volts/dB of input power.

LONG PULSE MODE - Many pulsed radars are capable of transmitting either long or short pulses of
RF energy. When the long pulses of RF energy are selected manually (or sometimes automatically), the radar
is said to be operating in the long pulse mode. In general, long pulse mode is used to obtain high average

power for long-range search or tracking, and short pulse mode gives low average power for short-range,
high-definition, tracking or search.

LOOSE DEUCE - General term for two aircraft working in mutual support of each other.

LORO (LOBE-ON-RECEIVE-ONLY) - A mode of operation generally consisting of transmitting on

one non-scanning antenna system and receiving the reflected energy on another scanning system (The
receiver could be TWS, Conical, or monopulse).

MACH NUMBER - The ratio of the velocity of a body to the speed of sound in the medium that is
being considered. In the atmosphere, the speed of sound varies with temperature and atmospheric pressure,
hence, so does mach number.

MAGNETIC ANOMALY DETECTOR - A means of detecting changes in the earths magnetic field
caused by the presence of metal in ships and submarines.

MAGNETRON - A magnetron is a thermionic vacuum tube which is constructed with a permanent

magnet forming a part of the tube and which generates microwave power. These devices are commonly used
as the power output stage of radar transmitters operating in the frequency range above 1000 MHz and are
used less commonly down to about 400 MHz. A magnetron has two concentric cylindrical electrodes. On a
conventional magnetron, the inner one is the cathode and the outer one is the anode. The opposite is true for a
coaxial magnetron.

MAGNETRON OSCILLATOR - A high-vacuum tube in which the interaction of an electronic space

charge and a resonant system converts direct current power into ac power, usually at microwave frequencies.
The magnetron has good efficiency, is capable of high power outputs, and is stable.

MATCHED FILTER - This describes the bandwidth of an IF amplifier that maximizes the
signal-to-noise ratio in the receiver output. This bandwidth is a function of the pulsewidth of the signal.

MDS (MINIMUM DETECTABLE/DISCERNIBLE SIGNAL) - The receiver input power level that
is just sufficient to produce a detectable/discernible signal in the receiver output. The detectable term is
interchangeable with Smin and the discernable term is interchangeable with MVS. See Section 5-2.

MEACONING -- A system receiving radio signals and rebroadcasting them (or just transmitting) on
the same frequency to confuse navigation. The meaconing station attempts to cause aircraft to receive
inaccurate range or bearing information.

MEATBALL - Visual light ball seen in Fresnel lens optical landing system (FLOLS) by pilot
during carrier or Navy field landing. Used as a reference to determine if flight path is high or low.

MEGA - A prefix meaning 106 (times one million). For example megahertz (MHz)

MICROVOLT PER METER - A commonly used unit of field strength at a given point. The field
strength is measured by locating a standard receiving antenna at that point, and the microvolts per meter
value is then the ratio of the antenna voltage in microvolts to the effective antenna length in meters. Usually
used below 100 MHz. Above 100 MHz, power density terminology is normally used.

low-noise radio-frequency amplifier. The emission of energy stored in a molecular or atomic system by a
microwave power supply is stimulated by the input signal.

MISS DISTANCE - Used variously in different contexts. The distance from the missile to the
geometric center of the aircraft, or the closest point of approach (CPA) of the missile to any portion of the
aircraft such as the aircraft nose or telemetry pod, etc.

MISSILE SYSTEMS FUNCTIONS - Examples of missile system functions are: acquisition (ability
to lock-on a desired target); tracking of a target; guidance of a missile toward a target; illumination of a
target so that a homing missile can home on the reflected RF illumination; and command signal
transmission to a missile to cause it to arm, to detonate, to commence homing, or to destroy itself.

MIXERS - See Balanced and Schottky Diode Mixers.

MODULATION - The process whereby some

characteristic of one wave is varied in accordance with
some characteristic of another wave. The basic types of
modulation are angle modulation (including the special
cases of phase and frequency modulation) and amplitude
modulation. In missile radars, it is common practice to
amplitude modulate the transmitted RF carrier wave of
tracking and guidance transmitters by using a pulsed wave
for modulating, and to frequency module the transmitted
RF carrier wave of illuminator transmitters by using a sine

MODULATION, AMPLITUDE - This type of modulation changes the amplitude of a carrier wave in
responses to the amplitude of a modulating wave. This modulation is used in radar and EW only as a switch
to turn on or turn off the carrier wave; i.e., pulse is a special form of amplitude modulation.

MODULATION, FREQUENCY - The frequency of the modulated carrier wave is varied in

proportion to the amplitude of the modulating wave and therefore, the phase of the carrier varies with the
integral of the modulating wave. See also Modulation.

MODULATION, PHASE - The phase of the modulated carrier is varied in proportion to the
amplitude of the modulating wave. See also Modulation.

MONOPULSE - (See figure to right) A

type of tracking radar that permits the extracting
of tracking error information from each received
pulse and offers a reduction in tracking errors as
compared to a conical-scan system of similar
power and size. Multiple (commonly four)
receiving antennas or feeds are placed
symmetrically about the center axis and operate
simultaneously to receive each RF pulse
reflected from the target. A comparison of the
output signal amplitude or phase among the four
antennas indicates the location of the target with
respect to the radar beam center line. The output

of the comparison circuit controls a servo system that reduces the tracking error to zero and thereby causes the
antenna to track the target.

MOS (MINIMUM OPERATIONAL SENSITIVITY) - The minimum signal which can be detected
and automatically digitally processed by a radar without human discrimination.

MTI (MOVING TARGET INDICATOR) - This radar signal process shows only targets that are in
motion. Signals from stationary targets are subtracted out of the return signal by a memory circuit.

MULTIPATH - The process by which a transmitted signal arrives at the receiver by at least two
different paths. These paths are usually the main direct path, and at least one reflected path. The signals
combine either constructively or destructively depending upon phase, and the resultant signal may be either
stronger or weaker than the value computed for free space.

MULTIPLEX - Simultaneous transmission of two or more signals on a common carrier wave. The
three types of multiplex are called time division, frequency division, and phase division.

MULTIBAND RADAR - A type of radar which uses simultaneous operation on more than one
frequency band through a common antenna. This technique allows for many sophisticated forms of video
processing and requires any jammer to jam all channels at the same time in order to be effective.

MVS (MINIMUM VISIBLE SIGNAL) - The minimum input pulse signal power level which permits
visibility of the output pulse, such as on a radar A-scope display. This level is determined by initially setting
the input level above the visible detection threshold, and then slowly decreasing the amplitude.

NOISE FIGURE, RECEIVER - A figure of merit (NF or F) of a system given by the ratio of the
signal-to-noise ratio at the input, Si / Ni, divided by the signal-to-noise ratio at the output, So/No. It essentially
expresses the ratio of output noise power of a given receiver to that of a theoretically perfect receiver which
adds no noise.

Si / Ni N
Noise Figure = = o
So / No G Ni

Where So = GSi and G is the gain of the system.

Noise figure is usually expressed in dB and given for an impedance matched condition. Impedance mismatch
will increase the noise figure by the amount of mismatch loss. NF is usually given at room temperature; 17C
or 290K. See Section 5-2.

NOISE JAMMING - A continuous random signal radiated with the objective of concealing the
aircraft echo from the enemy radar. In order for it to be effective, it must have an average amplitude at least
as great as the average amplitude of the radar echo. There are three major categories of noise jamming which
are grouped by how jamming power is concentrated: Spot, barrage, and swept jamming. (See individual

NONCOHERENT - Two signals that have no set phase relationship.

NOTCH - The portion of the radar velocity display where a target disappears due to being notched
out by the zero Doppler filter. If not filtered (notched), ground clutter would also appear on the display. A

notch filter is a narrow band-reject filter. A notch maneuver is used to place a tracking radar on the beam of
the aircraft so it will be excluded.

NULL, ANTENNA PATTERN - The directions of minimum transmission (or reception) of a

directional antenna. See also Lobe, Antenna.

NULL FILL - The nulls in an antenna

pattern may be reduced (filled) by using a
second ancillary (spoiler) antenna whose pattern
is such that it fills in the nulls of the main
antenna pattern.

NUTATION - As applied to current missile system radars, this term refers to the mechanical motion
of an antenna feed to produce a conical scan (fixed polarization) by the main beam of a tracking antenna, thus
providing a means of developing tracking error signals. See also Antenna, Nutating. By analogy, Nutation
also is used to denote the electrical switching of the quadrants of a seeker antenna. See also Interferometer.
The effect is similar to that of a conical scan.
NUTATOR - A motor-driven rotating antenna feed used to produce a conical scan for a tracking
radar. See also Antenna, Nutating. Also, the electrical circuits necessary to effect nonmechanical conical
scans. See also Nutation.
OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS - Limitations on operating procedures in order to prevent
interference between missile systems on a ship or between missile systems in a formation of ships under
operational conditions. These limitations consist of such things as limited frequency bands or channels in
which the radars may be tuned, limited sectors of space into which radar beams may be pointed, limits on
minimum spacing between ships, limits on what codes may be used by radars and missiles on each ship, and
limits on minimum interval between firing of certain missiles.

OSCILLATORS - Devices which generate a frequency. See also Backward Wave, Dielectrically
Stabilized Oscillator, Hyperabrupt Varactor Oscillator, Magnetron Oscillator, Varactor Tuned Oscillator, and
YIG tuned oscillator.

OSCILLATOR, LOCAL - See Local Oscillator Frequency.

PALMER SCAN - Conical scan superimposed on another type of scan pattern - usually a spiral

PARAMETER - A quantity which may have various values, each fixed within the limits of a stated
case or discussion. In the present case, some examples of parameters; would be: radar frequency, limited by
the tuning range of the radar; missile range, limited by the maximum operating range of the missile; or a
missile code, limited by the number of codes available and by the codes that the ship radars are set up to
operate on.

PASSIVE ANGLE TRACKING - Tracking of a target using radiation from the target (such as
jamming), with no radiation from the radar itself. Only angular tracking is possible under these conditions
since no measurement of time of travel of radiation to the target is possible, as is required to obtain target

PC (PULSE COMPRESSION) - The process used in search and tracking pulse radars whereby the
transmitted pulse is long, so as to obtain high average transmitter output power, and the reflected pulse is

processed in the radar receiver to compress it to a fraction of the duration of the transmitted pulse to obtain
high definition and signal strength enhancement. Pulse compression may be accomplished by sweeping the
transmitted frequency (carrier) during the pulse. The returned signal is then passed through a
frequency-dependent delay line. The leading edge of the pulse is therefore delayed so that the trailing edge
catches up to the leading edge to produce effectively a shorter received pulse than that transmitted. Pulse
compression radars are also referred to as CHIRP radars. Other more sophisticated pulse compression
techniques are also possible and are becoming more popular.

PENCIL BEAM - A narrow circular radar beam from a highly directional antenna (such as a
parabolic reflector).

PHASED ARRAY RADAR - Radar using many antenna elements which are combined in a
controlled phase relationship. The direction of the beam can be changed as rapidly as the phase relationships
(usually less than 20 microseconds). Thus, the antenna typically remains stationary while the beam is
electronically scanned. The use of many antenna elements allows for very rapid and high directivity of the
beam(s) with a large peak and/or average power. There is also a potential for greater reliability over a
conventional radar since the array will fail gracefully, one element at a time.

PIN DIODE - A diode with a large intrinsic (I) region sandwiched between the P- and N- doped
semiconducting regions. The most important property of the PIN diode is the fact that it appears as an almost
pure resistance at RF. The value of this resistance can be varied over a range of approximately one-
10,000 ohms by direct or low frequency current control. When the control current is varied continuously, the
PIN diode is useful for attenuating, leveling and amplitude modulation of an RF signal. When the control
current is switched on and off or in discrete steps, the device is useful in switching, pulse modulating, and
phase shifting an RF signal.

POINT CONTACT DIODE - This was one of the earliest semiconductor device to be used at
microwave frequencies. Consisting of a spring-loaded metal contact on a semiconducting surface, this diode
can be considered an early version of the Schottky barrier diode. Generally used as a detector or mixer, the
device is somewhat fragile and limited to low powers.

POLARIZATION - The direction of the electric field (E-field) vector of an electromagnetic (EM)
wave. See Section 3-2. The most general case is elliptical polarization with all others being special cases.
The E-field of an EM wave radiating from a vertically mounted dipole antenna will be vertical and the wave
is said to be vertically polarized. In like manner, a horizontally mounted dipole will produce a horizontal
electric field and is horizontally polarized. Equal vertical and horizontal E-field components produce circular

PORT - The left side of a ship or aircraft when facing the bow (forward)


RADARS - Average power for a pulse radar is the
average power transmitted between the start of one
pulse and the start of the next pulse (because the time
between pulses is many times greater than the pulse
duration time, the average power will be a small
fraction of peak power).

For this example: Peak Power = 1 MW, Pulse Time (t) = 0.5 microsecond, and Interval Between Pulses (T) =
1000 microseconds (1000 pps).

Peak Power = Pwr during pulse time (t) = 1 MW = 106 Watts = 90 dBm.

Avg Power = Average Power During Time (T) = 106 x t/T

= 106 x 0.5/1000 = 0.5 x 103 = 0.5 kilowatt = 57 dBm or 27 dBW

POWER OUTPUT - Power output of a transmitter or transmitting antenna is commonly expressed in

dBW or dBm. One megawatt would be expressed as 60 dBW or 90 dBm:

10 log (1 megawatt / 1 watt) = 10 log (106/100) 10 log (1 megawatt / 1 milliwatt) = 10 log (106/10-3)
= 10 x 6 = 60 dBW = 10 x 9 = 90 dBm

POWER (PEAK) FOR PULSED RADARS - Peak power for a pulsed radar is the power radiated
during the actual pulse transmission (with zero power transmitted between pulses).

POWER FOR CW RADARS - Since the power output of CW transmitters (such as illuminator
transmitters) usually have a duty cycle of one (100%), the peak and average power are the same.

POWER DENSITY - The density of power in space expressed in Watts/meter2, dBW/m2, etc.
Generally used in measurements above 100 MHz. At lower frequencies, field intensity measurements are
taken. See Section 4-1.

PPI-SCOPE - A radar display yielding range and azimuth (bearing) information via an intensity
modulated display and a circular sweep of a radial line. The radar is located at the center of the display.

A device placed ahead of
the mixer in a receiver,
which has bandpass
characteristics such that the
desired (tuned) RF signal,
the target return, is allowed
to pass, and other undesired
signals (including the image frequency) are attenuated.

PROPAGATION - In electrical practice, the travel of waves through or along a medium. The path
traveled by the wave in getting from one point to another is known as the propagation path (such as the path
through the atmosphere in getting from a transmitting antenna to a receiving antenna, or the path through the
waveguides and other microwave devices in getting from an antenna to a receiver).


PULSED DOPPLER (PD) - A type of radar that combines the features of pulsed radars and CW
Doppler radars. It transmits pulses (instead of CW) which permits accurate range measurement. This is an
inherent advantage of pulsed radars. Also, it detects the Doppler frequency shift produced by target range rate
which enables it to discriminate between targets of only slightly different range rate and also enables it to
greatly reduce clutter from stationary targets. See also Doppler Effect.

PULSE LENGTH - Same meaning as Pulsewidth.

PULSE MODULATION - A special case of amplitude modulation wherein the carrier wave is varied
at a pulsed rate. Pulse Modulation - The modulation of a carrier by a series of pulses generally for the
purpose of transmitting data. The result is a short, powerful burst of electromagnetic radiation which can be
used for measuring the distance from a radar set to a target.

PULSE REPETITION FREQUENCY (PRF) - The rate of occurrence of a series of pulses, such as
100 pulses per second. It is equal to the reciprocal of the pulse spacing (T) or PRT. (PRF = 1/T = 1/PRI).
Sometimes the term pulse repetition rate (PRR) is used.

PULSE REPETITION FREQUENCY (PRF) STAGGER - The technique of switching PRF (or PRI)
to different values on a pulse-to-pulse basis such that the various intervals follow a regular pattern. This is
useful in compensating for blind speeds in pulsed MTI radars. Interpulse intervals which differ but follow a
regular pattern.

PULSE REPETITION INTERVAL (PRI) or TIME (PRT) - Time between the beginning of one pulse
and the beginning of the next.

PULSE SPACING - The interval of time between the leading edge of one pulse and the leading edge
of the next pulse in a train of regularly recurring pulses. See also Pulse Repetition Frequency. Also called
the interpulse period.

PULSEWIDTH - The interval

of time between the leading edge of a
pulse and the trailing edge of a pulse
(measured in microseconds for the
short pulses used in radar). Usually
measured at the 3 dB midpoint (50-percent power or 70% voltage level) of the pulse, but may be specified to
be measured at any level. See Section 6-10 for measurement techniques.

QUANTIZE - The process of restricting a variable to a number of discrete values. For example, to
limit varying antenna gains to three levels.

RADAR - Radio detection and ranging.

RADAR CROSS SECTION - A measure of the radar reflection characteristics of a target. It is equal
to the power reflected back to the radar divided by power density of the wave striking the target. For most
targets, the radar cross section is the area of the cross section of the sphere that would reflect the same energy
back to the radar if the sphere were substituted. RCS of sphere is independent of frequency if operating in the
far field region. See Section 4-11.

RADAR RANGE EQUATION - The radar range equation is a basic relationship which permits the
calculation of received echo signal strength, if certain parameters of the radar transmitter, antenna,
propagation path, and target are known.

Pt G t G r

Given: P r = (4 )3 4 (freespace) as the basic two-way radar equation (see Sections 4-4 thru 4-6)

Pr = Peak power at receiver input
= Wavelength of signal (length) = c/f

Pt = Transmitted signal level (power)
R = Range of target to radar (distance)
Gt = Gain of transmitting antenna (dimensionless ratio)
= Radar cross section of target
Gr = Gain of receiving antenna (dimensionless ratio)

In practical use, the radar range equation is often written in logarithmic form, all terms expressed in decibels,
so that the results can be found by simple processes of addition and subtraction. Using the above equation
and = c/f.

10 log Pr = 10 log Pt + 10 log Gt + 10 log Gr + 10 log - 40 log R - 20 log f + 20 log c - 30 log 4

where: f = Signal frequency (cycles {dimensionless}/time) c = Speed of light (length/time)

10 log Pr = 10 log Pt + 10 log Gt + 10 log Gr + G - 21

where 1 and G are factors containing the constants and conversion factors to keep the equations in consistent

Refer to Sections 4-4 through 4-6.

RADAR TRIGGER KILL - see Trigger Kill, Radar.

RADIATION EFFICIENCY - E = Pradiated/Pin (ideal=1)

RADIATION PATTERN - See Antenna Pattern.



RAIL KEEPING - Ability of countermeasures to keep the missile on the launch rail, i.e., prevent

RAINBOW - A technique which applies pulse-to-pulse frequency changing to identifying and

discriminating against decoys and chaff.

RANGE CELL - In a radar, a range cell is the smallest range increment the radar is capable of
detecting. If a radar has a range resolution of 50 yards and a total range of 30 nautical miles (60,000 yds),
there are: 60000/50 = 1,200 range cells.

RANGE GATE - A gate voltage used to select radar echoes from a very short range interval.

RANGE GATE PULL OFF (RGPO) - Deception technique used against pulse tracking radars using
range gates. Jammer initially repeats the skin echo with minimum time delay at a high power to capture the
AGC circuitry. The delay is progressively increased, forcing the tracking gates to be pulled away (walked
off) from the target echo. Frequency memory loops (FMLs), or transponders provide the variable delay.

RANGE RATE - The rate at which a radar target is changing its range with respect to the radar (in
feet per second for example). Note that this rate is not the same as target velocity unless the target is moving
straight toward or straight away from the radar.

RANGE SCOPE - See A-Scope or PPI.


between the limiting frequencies within which
receiver performance in respect to some characteristic
falls within specified limits. (In most receivers this
will be the difference between the two frequencies
where the intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier gain
falls off 3 dB from the gain at the center IF
frequency.) See also Receiver Selectivity.


degree to which a receiver is capable of
differentiating between the desired signal and
signals or interference at other frequencies.
(The narrower the receiver bandwidth, the
greater the selectivity.)

REFLECTION - The turning back (or

to the side) of a radio wave as a result of impinging on any conducting surface which is at least comparable in
dimension to the wavelength of the radio wave.

RESOLUTION - In radar, the minimum separation in angle or in range between two targets which the
radar is capable of distinguishing.

RF (RADIO FREQUENCY) - A term indicating high frequency electromagnetic energy.

RFI (RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE) - Any induced, radiated, or conducted electrical

disturbance or transient that causes undesirable responses or malfunctioning in any electrical or electronic
equipment, device, or system. Same as EMI. Not to be confused with the logistic term ready for issue (also

RING AROUND - A condition in which a repeater jammers total gain, from receiver antenna to
transmitter antenna, exceeds the antenna isolation resulting in the repeater amplifying its own internal noise.
Akin to positive feedback in an amplifier that causes unwanted oscillations.

RING AROUND (RADAR-TO-MISSILE) - The condition where radio frequency interference

signals from a transmitter of one missile radar enter the receiving circuits of a missile under the control of
another missile radar.

RING AROUND (RADAR-TO-RADAR) - The condition where radio frequency interference signals
from a transmitter of one radar enter the receiving circuits of another radar.

ROPE - An element of chaff consisting of a long roll of metallic foil or wire which is designed for
broad, low-frequency response. See Chaff.

R-SCOPE - (RANGE SCOPE) See A-scope or PPI.

SAFETY OF FLIGHT (SOF) TEST - A flight test to verify that a new or modified subsystem will not
cause a major problem with the aircraft, i.e., interference can occur, but will not be such that required

navigational systems will fail or which might potentially cause the loss of an aircraft under all normally
expected weather conditions.

SCAN - To transverse or sweep a sector or volume of airspace with a recurring pattern, by means of a
controlled directional beam from a radar antenna. See also Antenna, nutating.

SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE - The Schottky barrier diode is a simple metal-semiconductor

boundary with no P-N junction. A depletion region between the metal contact and the doped semiconductor
region offers little capacitance at microwave frequencies. This diode finds use as detectors, mixers, and

SCHOTTKY DIODE MIXER - The mixer is a critical component in modern RF systems. Any
nonlinear element can perform the mixing function, but parameters determining optimal mixing are noise
figure, input admittance, and IF noise and impedance. The Schottky diode is particularly effective because of
its low noise figure and nearly square law characteristics.

SCHOTTKY DIODE SWITCH - Standard P-N diodes are limited in switching ability at high
frequencies because of capacitance provided by the minority carriers. The Schottky diode overcomes this
problem by use of the metal-semiconductor junction with inherently low carrier lifetimes, typically less than
100 picoseconds.

SEARCH RADAR - A radar whose prime function is to scan (search) a specified volume of space
and indicate the presence of any targets on some type of visual display, and, in some cases, to provide
coordinates of the targets to a fire control system to assist in target acquisition and tracking.

SEEKER - The seeker consists of circuitry in a homing missile which detects, electronically
examines, and tracks the target; provides data for controlling the flight path of the missile; and provides
signals for destroying the missile or for detonating it at intercept. (The seeker function is similar to that of an

SELF-SCREENING JAMMING (SSJ) - Each aircraft carries its own jamming equipment for its own

SENSITIVITY - The sensitivity of a receiver is taken as the minimum signal level required to
produce an output signal having a specified signal-to-noise ratio. See also Minimum Visible Signal and
Minimum Discernible Signal (MDS).


SENSOR - The receiver portion of a transmitter/receiver pair used to detect and process
electromagnetic energy.

SHIELDING - The physical arrangement of shields for a particular component, equipment, or system,
(A shield is a housing, screen, or other material, usually conducting, that substantially reduces the effect of
electric or magnetic fields on one side of the shield upon devices or circuits on the other side.) Examples are
tube shields, a shielded enclosure or cabinet for a radar receiver, and the screen around a screen room.

SHORT PULSE MODE - See Long Pulse Mode.

SIDEBAND - A signal either above or
below the carrier frequency, produced by the
modulation of the carrier wave by some other
wave. See figure at right

SIDELOBE - See Lobe, Antenna.

SIGNAL STRENGTH - The magnitude

of a signal at a particular location. Units are volts per meter or dBV/m.

SIGNATURE - The set of parameters which describe the characteristics of a radar target or an RF
emitter and distinguish one emitter from another. Signature parameters include the radio frequency of the
carrier, the modulation characteristics (typically the pulse modulation code), and the scan pattern.

SILICON CONTROLLED SWITCH - A P-N-P-N device able to operate at sub-microsecond

switching speeds by the application of gate signals. Because it is a four layer device, this switch is also
known as a tetrode thyristor.

SLANT POLARIZATION - Technique of rotating a linear antenna 45 so it can receive or jam both
horizontal and vertical polarization although there is a 3 dB loss. See Section 3.2.

SOLID STATE STAMO - A stable master oscillator constructed using transistors and other solid
state devices as opposed to vacuum tubes. See also STAMO.

SPECTRUM - The distribution of power versus frequency in an electromagnetic wave. See also
Spectrum Signature Analysis and illustrations under Sideband.

SPECTRUM ANALYZER - An electronic device for automatically displaying the spectrum of the
electromagnetic radiation from one or more devices. A cathode ray tube display is commonly used to display
this power-versus frequency spectrum. For examples of two types of displays, see illustrations under

SPECTRUM SIGNATURE ANALYSIS - The analysis of the electromagnetic radiation from an

electronic device to determine the relative power in each sideband, harmonic, and spurious emission
compared to the carrier frequency. This particular distribution (or spectrum) is peculiar to the device and can
identify this type of device, thereby acting as an identifying signature.

SPECTRUM WIDTH (TRANSMITTER) - The difference between the frequency limits of the band
which contains all the spectrum frequency components of significant magnitude.

SPOILER ANTENNA - An antenna used to change (spoil) the antenna pattern of a second antenna so
as to reduce the nulls in the pattern of the second antenna. See also Null Fill.

SPOKING (RADAR) - Periodic flashes of the rotating radial display. Sometimes caused by mutual

SPOOFING - A type of deception by using an electronic device to transmit a target echo. The
spoofing transmitter must operate at the same frequency and PRF as the radar to be deceived. The radar main
pulse triggers the spoofing transmitter which, after a delay, transmits a false echo.

SPOT JAMMING - Narrow frequency band jamming concentrated against a specific radar at a
particular frequency. The jamming bandwidth is comparable to the radar bandpass. Can deny range and
angle information.

SPURIOUS EMISSION - Electromagnetic radiation transmitted on a frequency outside the

bandwidth required for satisfactory transmission of the required waveform. Spurious emissions include
harmonics, parasitic emissions, and intermodulation products, but exclude necessary modulation sidebands of
the fundamental carrier frequency.

The angular difference
between the axis of the
antenna mainlobe and the
geometric axis of the
antenna reflector, such as
the constant angle
maintained during conical scan as the mainlobe rotates around the geometric axis of the reflector.

STAGGERED PRF - Staggered PRF allows an increase in MTI blind speeds such that no zeros exist
in the velocity response at lower velocities. In a two-period mode, the usual blind speed or occurrence of a
zero in the velocity response is multiplied by a factor which is a function of the ratio of the two repetition

STAMO (STABLE MASTER OSCILLATOR) - A very stable (drift free) oscillatory used to provide
a precise frequency for transmission and for comparison with the reflected radar signal returned to the
receiver, such as in a Doppler radar where a precise difference between transmitted and received signals must
be measured to determine accurately the Doppler frequency.

STAND-FORWARD JAMMING - A method which places the jamming vehicle between the enemy
sensors and attack aircraft.

STAND-IN JAMMING (SIJ) - Similar to stand-forward jamming but usually using an UAV with a
lower powered jammer instead of a jammer aircraft.

STAND-OFF JAMMING (SOJ) - An ECM support aircraft orbits in the vicinity of the intended
target. As the fighter-bomber pilot starts his strike penetration, the ECM aircraft directs jamming against all
significant radars in the area. This technique provides broad frequency band ECM without affecting
performance of the strike aircraft.

STARBOARD - The right side of a ship or airplane when facing the bow (forward).

STC (SENSITIVITY TIME CONTROL) - Gain control that reduces the radar receiver gain for
nearby targets as compared to more distant targets. STC prevents receiver saturation from close-in targets.

STEP RECOVERY DIODE - A charge-controlled switch which ceases current conduction so rapidly
that it can be used to produce an impulse. Cyclic operation of the diode can produce a train of impulses
which when used with a resonant circuit can produce a single frequency output at any harmonic of the pulse

STERADIAN - Unit of solid angle. An entire sphere has 4 steradians.

STREAM CHAFF - Operational technique of dropping large quantities of chaff for a continuous
period of time. This results in a ribbon or stream of returns many miles in lengths on radarscopes. The
penetrating strike force can then use the resulting chaff corridor to mask their penetration.

SUBHARMONIC - A frequency which is an integral submultiple of another frequency. For example,

a sine wave whose frequency is one-third of the frequency of another sine wave is called the third
subharmonic. (3 MHz is the third subharmonic of 9 MHz).

SUPERHETERODYNE RECEIVER - A receiver that mixes the incoming signal with a locally
generated signal (local oscillator) to produce a fixed, low intermediate frequency (IF) signal for amplification
in the IF amplifiers.

SUPPRESSION - Elimination or reduction of any component of an emission, such as suppression of

a harmonic of a transmitter frequency by band rejection filter.

SUPPRESSION OF ENEMY AIR DEFENSES (SEAD) - Activity which neutralizes, destroys, or

temporarily degrades enemy air defense systems by using physical attack or electronic means (SEAD
pronounced seed or C add).

SUSCEPTIBILITY - The degree to which an equipment or a system is sensitive to externally

generated interference.

SWEPT JAMMING - Narrowband jamming which is swept through the desired frequency band in
order to maximize power output. This technique is similar to sweeping spot noise to create barrage jamming,
but at a higher power.

SWITCHES - See also Diode Switch, Silicon Controlled Switch, Schottky Diode Switch.

SYNCHRODYNE - A klystron mixer amplifier stage in a transmitter, where two signal frequencies
are applied as inputs and a single amplified signal is taken out.

TARGET SIZE - A measure of the ability of a radar target to reflect energy to the radar receiving
antenna. The parameter used to describe this ability is the radar cross section of the target. The size (or
radar cross section) of a target, such as an aircraft, will vary considerably as the target maneuvers and presents
different views to the radar. A side view will normally result in a much larger radar cross section than a
head-on view. See also Radar Cross Section.

TERMINAL IMPEDANCE - The equivalent impedance as seen by the transmitter/receiver.

TERRAIN BOUNCE - Term for jamming that is directed at the earths surface where it is reflected
toward the threat radar. Reflected jamming creates a virtual image of the jamming source on the earth as a
target for HOJ missiles.

THERMISTOR - A resistor whose resistance varies with temperature in a defined manner. The word
is formed from the two words thermal and resistor,

THRESHOLD ISR - The interference to signal ratio (ISR) at which the performance of a receiver
starts undergoing degradation. It must be determined by tests.

TRACKING RADAR - A radar whose prime function is to track a radar target and determine the
target coordinates (in range and angular position) so that a missile may be guided to the target, or a gun aimed
at the target.

TRACKING RADAR RECEIVER - These are of two primary types: conical scan and monopulse.
(1) The conical scan system directs the radar signal in a circle around the target. The radar paints this circle
15 to 40 times per second. As the target moves out of the center of this circle, the radar develops aim error
voltages and re-aims the antenna. (2) The monopulse system directs four beams at the target simultaneously.
The target is in the middle of the four beams. If the target is not in the center, the radar return develops an
aim error voltage to re-aim the antenna.

TRACK WHILE SCAN (TWS) RADAR - Although it is not really a tracking radar in the true sense
of the word, it does provide complete and accurate position information for missile guidance. In one
implementation it would utilize two separate beams produced by two separate antennas on two different
frequencies. The system utilizes electronic computer techniques whereby raw datum is used to track an
assigned target, compute target velocity, and predict its future position, while maintaining normal sector scan.
Most aircraft use only a single antenna.

TRADE-OFF TABLES - A set of tables showing the various combinations of two or more variables
that are related in that making one variable better will make the other variable worse. The trade-off helps find
the best solution considering all combinations. (For example, how a no-interference condition can be
maintained if two emitter platforms are brought close together, if at the same time the frequency separation
between their radar transmitters is increased.)
TRANSIENT - A phenomenon (such as a surge of voltage or current) caused in a system by a sudden
change in conditions, and which may persist for a relatively short time after the change (sometimes called

TRANSPONDER - A transmitter-receiver capable of accepting the electronic challenge of an

interrogator and automatically transmitting an appropriate reply. There are four modes of operation currently
in use for military aircraft. Mode 1 is a nonsecure low cost method used by ships to track aircraft and other
ships. Mode 2 is used by aircraft to make carrier controlled approaches to ships during inclement weather.
Mode 3 is the standard system used by commercial aircraft to relay their position to ground controllers
throughout the world. Mode 4 is IFF. See also IFF.

TRAVELING-WAVE TUBE AMPLIFIER - The TWT is a microwave amplifier capable of operation

over very wide bandwidths. In operation, an electron beam interacts with a microwave signal which is
traveling on a slow wave helical structure. The near synchronism of the beam and RF wave velocities results
in amplification. Bandwidths of 3:1 are possible. Operation at high powers or at millimeter wavelengths is
possible at reduced bandwidths.

TRIGGER KILL (RADAR) - A method employed to momentarily disable certain radar system
circuits to reduce or eliminate RF emissions which may cause an EMI/EMC or RADHAZ situation such as on
the deck of a ship.

TUNNEL DIODE - The tunnel diode is a heavily doped P-N junction diode that displays a negative
resistance over a portion of its voltage-current characteristic curve. In the tunneling process, electrons from
the p-side valence bands are able to cross the energy barrier into empty states in the N-side conduction band
when a small reverse bias is applied. This diode is used as a microwave amplifier or oscillator.

UPLINK - The missile guidance signal which passes midcourse correction command guidance
intelligence from the guidance radar site to the missile.

VARACTOR DIODE - A P-N junction employing an external bias to create a depletion layer
containing very few charge carriers. The diode effectively acts as a variable capacitor.

VARACTOR TUNED OSCILLATOR - A varactor diode serves as a voltage-controlled capacitor in a

tuned circuit to control the frequency of a negative resistance oscillator. The major feature of this oscillator is
its extremely fast tuning speed. A limiting factor is the ability of the external voltage driver circuit to change
the voltage across the varactor diode, which is primarily controlled by the driver impedance and the bypass
capacitors in the tuning circuit.

VELOCITY GATE PULL-OFF (VGPO) - Method of capturing the velocity gate of a Doppler radar
and moving it away from the skin echo. Similar to the RGPO, but used against CW or Doppler velocity
tracking radar systems. The CW or pulse doppler frequency, which is amplified and retransmitted, is shifted
in frequency (velocity) to provide an apparent rate change or Doppler shift.

VELOCITY MODULATION - Velocity modulation is modification of the velocity of an electron

beam by alternately accelerating and decelerating the electrons at a frequency equal to the input frequency.
Thus, the electrons are segregated in bunches, each bunch causing a cycle or current as it passes an output
electrode. The velocity of the electrons is thus a function of the modulation voltage. See also Klystron,
Multicavity and Klystron, Reflex.

VICTIM - A receiver (radar or missile) that suffers degradation due to ECM or EMI effects.

VIDEO - Receiver RF signals that have been converted (post detection) into a pulse envelope that can
be seen when applied to some type of radar visual display; also used to describe the actual display itself (such
as the video on an A-scope).

WARM - Acronym for Wartime Reserve Mode. Any mode of operation of a radar or ECM that is
held in reserve, and never used, except in actual combat.

WATER LINE - A reference line used for vertical measurements. When used with an aircraft it is
usually the ground with the landing gear extended normally. One of several aircraft location designations,
also see butt line and fuselage station.

WAVEGUIDE - A transmission line consisting of a hollow conducting tube of arbitrary geometry

(usually rectangular, but may be circular) within which electromagnetic waves may propagate.

WAVELENGTH () - The distance traveled by a wave in one period (the period is the time required
to complete one cycle). = c/f. In the atmosphere, electromagnetic waves travel at c, the speed of light
(300 million meters per second or 30 cm/nsec). At 5 GHz, one wavelength = 6 cm. At 10 GHz, one
wavelength = 3 cm.

WAVEMETER - An instrument for measuring the frequency of a radio wave. The wavemeter is a
mechanically tunable resonant circuit. It must be part of a reflection of transmission measurement system to
measure the maximum response of a signal. Below 20 GHz, the wavemeter has been replaced by the
frequency counter with much greater accuracy and ease of use.

WEAVE - An aircraft maneuver that smoothly changes the instantaneous flight path but maintains the
overall route of flight. Not as violent as a jink.

WET RUN - A test run with ship / aircraft armament and/or EW switches on.

WILD WEASEL - USAF aircraft (F-4Gs during Desert Storm) used for suppression of enemy air
defense (SEAD) mission.

WINDOW - WWII name for chaff

YIG TUNED OSCILLATOR - A YIG (yttrium iron garnet) sphere, when installed in the proper
magnetic environment with suitable coupling will behave like a tunable microwave cavity with Q on the order
of 1,000 to 8,000. Since spectral purity is related to Q, the device has excellent AM and FM noise

ZENER DIODE - A diode that exhibits in the avalanche-breakdown region a large change in reverse
current over a very narrow range in reverse voltage. This characteristic permits a highly stable reference
voltage to be maintained across the diode despite a wide range of current.


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