Informatormaturalny PDF
Informatormaturalny PDF
Informatormaturalny PDF
Wstp .. 7
1.1. Jzyk obcy nowoytny na egzaminie maturalnym od roku szkolnego 2014/2015 .. 9
1.1.1. Zakres wymaga sprawdzanych na egzaminie maturalnym... 9
1.1.2. Oglna charakterystyka egzaminu maturalnego z jzyka obcego nowoytnego. 9
1.2. Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu) ... 11
1.2.1. Charakterystyka czci ustnej .. 11
1.2.2. Oglne zasady oceniania wypowiedzi ustnych ..... 12
1.2.3. Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi ustnych... 13
1.3. Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) .. 16
1.3.1. Rozumienie ze suchu .... 16
1.3.2. Rozumienie tekstw pisanych ... 16
1.3.3. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych .... 17
1.3.4. Wypowied pisemna ...... 17
1.3.5. Formy wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie rozszerzonym .. 18
1.3.6. Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie podstawowym ... 19
1.3.7. Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie rozszerzonym .... 22
1.3.8. Oznaczanie bdw w wypowiedziach pisemnych .... 25
2.1. Zakres rodkw gramatycznych (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) ... 27
2.2. Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada .. 36
2.3. Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami .. 47
2.4. Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami ... 62
2.5. Egzamin maturalny dla absolwentw niesyszcych (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) .. 77
2.5.1. Rozumienie tekstw pisanych ... 78
2.5.2. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych 78
2.5.3. Wypowied pisemna .. 79
2.5.4. Formy wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie rozszerzonym .. 80
2.5.5. Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie podstawowym ... 80
2.5.6. Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie rozszerzonym .... 82
2.5.7. Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami (poziom podstawowy) ....... 82
2.5.8. Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami (poziom rozszerzony) ........ 90
2.6. Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym ... 94
2.6.1. Cz ustna .. 94 Oglne zasady oceniania wypowiedzi ustnych ....... 96 Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi ustnych ........... 96
2.6.2. Cz pisemna ... 101 Rozumienie ze suchu ...... 101 Rozumienie tekstw pisanych ...... 102 Znajomo rodkw jzykowych ........ 102 Wypowied pisemna ........ 102 Formy wypowiedzi pisemnych . 103 Kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi pisemnych ...... 104 Oznaczanie bdw w wypowiedziach pisemnych ........ 107
2.6.3. Zakres rodkw gramatycznych ... 108
2.6.4. Cz ustna. Przykadowe zestawy zada .. 112
2.6.5. Cz pisemna. Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami .. 121
Opinia Konferencji Rektorw Akademickich Szk Polskich o informatorach maturalnych
od 2015 roku 135
Wstp 7
Zadania w Informatorze nie wyczerpuj wszystkich typw zada, ktre mog wystpi
w arkuszach egzaminacyjnych. Nie ilustruj rwnie wszystkich wymaga z zakresu jzykw
obcych w podstawie programowej. Naley zauway, e na egzaminie nie da si sprawdzi
spenienia niektrych wymaga lub da si to zrobi jedynie w ograniczonym stopniu. Dlatego
Informator nie moe by jedyn ani nawet gwn wskazwk do planowania procesu
ksztacenia w zakresie jzyka obcego w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej. Tylko realizacja
wszystkich wymaga z podstawy programowej moe zapewni wszechstronne wyksztacenie
uczniw szk ponadgimnazjalnych w zakresie wybranego jzyka obcego.
TABELA 2. Oglna charakterystyka czci pisemnej egzaminu maturalnego z jzyka obcego nowoytnego
TEMATYKA ZADA; okrelone w podstawie okrelone w podstawie okrelone w podstawie
WYMAGANIA OGLNE programowej IV.1. P*: programowej IV.1.P programowej IV.2:
wymagania oglne: i IV.1. R*: wymagania oglne:
IV wymagania oglne: IV
wszystkie wymagania IV wszystkie wymagania
szczegowe wszystkie wymagania szczegowe
w punktach: 13, 5, szczegowe w punktach: 13, 5,
7, 8, 12, 13 oraz w punktach: 13, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13
wybrane wymagania 7, 8, 12, 13
w punkcie 6, ale
w formie pisemnej
CZAS TRWANIA 120 minut 150 minut 180 minut
CHARAKTER przedmiot przedmiot dodatkowy przedmiot dodatkowy
EGZAMINU obowizkowy
CZCI ARKUSZA Rozumienie ze suchu Rozumienie ze suchu Rozumienie ze suchu
Rozumienie tekstw Rozumienie tekstw Rozumienie tekstw
pisanych pisanych pisanych
Znajomo rodkw Znajomo rodkw Znajomo rodkw
jzykowych jzykowych jzykowych
Wypowied pisemna Wypowied pisemna Wypowied pisemna
OCENIAJCY egzaminatorzy okrgowej komisji egzaminacyjnej
* P zakres podstawowy; R zakres rozszerzony
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu) 11
Celem czci ustnej egzaminu maturalnego z jzyka obcego nowoytnego jest ocena
sprawnoci mwienia, rozumianej jako kompetencja komunikacyjna zdajcego. Zakres
wiadomoci i umiejtnoci sprawdzanych w tej czci egzaminu okrelaj wymagania oglne
i szczegowe w podstawie programowej ksztacenia oglnego, tj.:
wymagania oglne: I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych. III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
IV. Reagowanie na wypowiedzi. V. Przetwarzanie wypowiedzi.
wymagania szczegowe obejmujce 1 zakres tematyczny, 4 tworzenie wypowiedzi
ustnych, 6 reagowanie w formie ustnej, 8 przetwarzanie tekstu w formie ustnej,
12 stosowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i kompensacyjnych.
Od uzyskanej w ten sposb liczby punktw mona nastpnie odj punkty, w zalenoci
od zakresu pomocy, jakiej zdajcy potrzebuje ze strony egzaminujcego, oraz w przypadku
zadania 1. adekwatnoci wypowiedzi do tematu i kontekstu rozmowy lub zadanego pytania,
zgodnie z Tabel B.
Tabela B
W ocenie wymowy bierze si pod uwag bdy w wymowie dwikw i/lub akcentowaniu
i/lub intonacji oraz ich wpyw na komunikatywno wypowiedzi.
2 pkt brak bdw w wymowie LUB bdy w wymowie nie zakcaj komunikacji
1 pkt bdy w wymowie czasami zakcaj komunikacj
0 pkt bdy w wymowie czsto zakcaj komunikacj LUB uniemoliwiaj
zrozumienie komunikatu
brak wypowiedzi LUB wypowied cakowicie niekomunikatywna
Pynno wypowiedzi
2 pkt w wypowiedzi nie wystpuj pauzy LUB wystpuj pauzy, ktre czasem s
nienaturalne, jednak nie zakcaj odbioru komunikatu
1 pkt pauzy w wypowiedzi wystpuj czsto i s nienaturalne; zakcaj czasami odbir
0 pkt pauzy w wypowiedzi wystpuj bardzo czsto i s nienaturalne; zakcaj odbir
brak wypowiedzi LUB wypowied cakowicie niekomunikatywna
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu) 15
Zdajcy, ktry nie przystpi do realizacji wszystkich zada, moe za zakres i poprawno
rodkw leksykalno-gramatycznych oraz wymow i pynno wypowiedzi otrzyma
maksymaln liczb punktw okrelon w poniszej tabeli.
Uwagi dodatkowe
1. Wypowied jest oceniana na 0 punktw w kadym kryterium, jeeli jest:
nieczytelna LUB
cakowicie niezgodna z poleceniem LUB
niekomunikatywna dla odbiorcy (np. napisana fonetycznie).
2. Praca napisana niesamodzielnie, np. zawierajca fragmenty odtworzone z podrcznika,
zadania zawartego w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym lub innego rda, w tym internetowego,
lub przepisane od innego zdajcego, jest powodem do uniewanienia czci pisemnej
egzaminu z jzyka obcego. W przypadku stwierdzenia podczas przeprowadzania
egzaminu lub podczas sprawdzania pracy egzaminacyjnej niesamodzielnego
rozwizywania przez zdajcego zada zawartych w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym dyrektor
komisji okrgowej, w porozumieniu z dyrektorem Komisji Centralnej, uniewania
zdajcemu cz pisemn egzaminu maturalnego z danego przedmiotu.
3. Jeeli wypowied zawiera 60 sw lub mniej, jest oceniana wycznie w kryterium treci.
W pozostaych kryteriach przyznaje si 0 punktw.
4. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 0 punktw w kryterium treci, we wszystkich pozostaych
kryteriach przyznaje si rwnie 0 punktw.
5. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 1 punkt w kryterium treci, we wszystkich pozostaych
kryteriach mona rwnie przyzna maksymalnie po 1 punkcie.
6. W ocenie poprawnoci rodkw jzykowych w wypowiedziach zdajcych ze stwierdzon
dysleksj nie bierze si pod uwag bdw ortograficznych.
22 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Elementy treci. Realizacj kadego z piciu elementw treci ocenia si na skali 210
zgodnie z Tabel A.
Tabela C
Elementy Elementy formy
treci 43 21 0
109 5 pkt 4 pkt 3 pkt
87 4 pkt 3 pkt 2 pkt
65 3 pkt 2 pkt 1 pkt
43 2 pkt 1 pkt 0 pkt
21 1 pkt 0 pkt 0 pkt
0 0 pkt 0 pkt 0 pkt
Uwagi dodatkowe
1. Wypowied jest oceniana na 0 punktw w kadym kryterium, jeeli jest:
nieczytelna LUB
cakowicie niezgodna z poleceniem/tematem LUB
niekomunikatywna dla odbiorcy (np. napisana fonetycznie).
2. Praca napisana niesamodzielnie, np. zawierajca fragmenty odtworzone z podrcznika,
zadania zawartego w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym lub innego rda, w tym internetowego,
lub przepisane od innego zdajcego, jest powodem do uniewanienia czci pisemnej
egzaminu z jzyka obcego. W przypadku stwierdzenia podczas przeprowadzania
egzaminu lub podczas sprawdzania pracy egzaminacyjnej niesamodzielnego
rozwizywania przez zdajcego zada zawartych w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym dyrektor
komisji okrgowej, w porozumieniu z dyrektorem Komisji Centralnej, uniewania
zdajcemu cz pisemn egzaminu maturalnego z danego przedmiotu.
3. Jeeli wypowied zawiera mniej ni 160 sw, przyznaje si 0 punktw za zakres
i poprawno rodkw jzykowych.
4. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 0 punktw w kryterium zgodnoci z poleceniem,
we wszystkich pozostaych kryteriach przyznaje si 0 punktw.
5. Jeeli wypowied nie zawiera w ogle rozwinicia (np. zdajcy napisa tylko wstp),
przyznaje si 0 punktw w kadym kryterium.
6. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 1 punkt w kryterium zgodnoci z poleceniem,
we wszystkich pozostaych kryteriach mona rwnie przyzna maksymalnie
po 1 punkcie.
7. W ocenie poprawnoci jzykowej w wypowiedziach uczniw ze stwierdzon dysleksj
nie bierze si pod uwag bdw zapisu.
should; ought to, np. We should finish should; ought to, np. We should finish
the project this week. I ought to be home the project this week. I ought to be home
by 10 p.m. You shouldnt play with by 10 p.m. You shouldnt play with
matches. matches. You ought to have washed the
glasses before serving the drinks.
need; need to, np. You neednt worry need; need to, np. You neednt worry
about it. You dont need to go there. about it. You dont need to go there.
You neednt have come, Im going
to deal with it myself.
used to, np. We used to go to the seaside used to, np. We used to go to the seaside
every weekend when I was a child. every weekend when I was a child.
4. Konstrukcje czasownikowe: 4. Konstrukcje czasownikowe:
going to, np. Its going to rain. going to, np. Its going to rain. What are
What are you going to do about it? you going to do about it?
be able to, np. Will you be able to do it be able to, np. Will you be able to do it
tomorrow? tomorrow? I regret not being able to
would like to, np. What would you like help them.
to order? would like to, np. What would you like
to order?
5. Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne, 5. Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne,
np. listen-listened-listened; go-went-gone. np. listen-listened-listened; go-went-gone.
6. Imiesw czynny i bierny, np. writing, 6. Imiesw czynny i bierny, np. writing,
written. written.
7. Czasowniki zoone (phrasal verbs), 7. Czasowniki zoone (phrasal verbs),
np. What are you looking for? np. What are you looking for?
Turn the radio down, please. My friend Turn the radio down, please. My friend
came up with a great idea. came up with a great idea. It took me
an hour to figure out how to do the task.
My boss looks down on everybody.
8. Czasy gramatyczne: 8. Czasy gramatyczne:
Present Simple, np. I am from Sweden. Present Simple, np. I am from Sweden.
The shop is closed on Sundays. I do The shop is closed on Sundays. I do
the shopping here every morning. the shopping here every morning.
Their plane lands at 7 p.m. The sun sets Their plane lands at 7 p.m. The sun sets
in the west. I have a new car. I will call in the west. I have a new car. I will call
you when the meeting starts. you when the meeting starts.
Present Continuous, np. Im writing Present Continuous, np. Im writing
an important email. Were staying in an important email. Were staying
the Rocamar Hotel. Im getting tired. in the Rocamar Hotel. Im getting tired.
My parents are leaving on holiday My parents are leaving on holiday
tomorrow. Im having lunch at tomorrow. Im having lunch at
the moment. the moment. Why are you always
packing at the last moment? While
youre getting ready, I will look for
an umbrella.
Present Perfect, np. We have just had Present Perfect, np. We have just had
dinner. I have been here since Monday. dinner. I have been here since Monday.
Its the first time I have tried a passion Its the first time I have tried a passion
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 29
fruit. The show has already finished. fruit. The show has already finished.
I will serve dinner as soon as you have
set the table.
Present Perfect Continuous, np. We have Present Perfect Continuous, np. We have
been waiting here for ages! How long been waiting here for ages! How long
have you been living in this area? have you been living in this area? Have
Have you been crying? you been crying? Ive been attending
these classes every Tuesday since May.
Past Simple, np. We were a little Past Simple, np. We were a little
worried about you. I bought this car worried about you. I bought this car
yesterday. When she was younger, yesterday. When she was younger,
she was really shy. We went for a walk she was really shy. We went for a walk
and then we had dinner in a restaurant. and then we had dinner in a restaurant.
Past Continuous, np. Yesterday at 5 p.m. Past Continuous, np. Yesterday at 5 p.m.
I was swimming in the ocean. When we I was swimming in the ocean. When we
arrived, most of the guests were arrived, most of the guests were
dancing. dancing. I wasnt expecting you today!
I was wondering if you could help me
with this suitcase.
Past Perfect, np. The train had left before Past Perfect, np. The train had left before
we reached the station. I felt I had been we reached the station. I felt I had been
there before. there before. By 1492 Columbus had
made many sea voyages. It was the first
time the neighbours had seen my new
Past Perfect Continuous, np. I couldnt
believe they had been living here for so
many years.
Future Simple, np. We will go on a trip Future Simple, np. We will go on a trip
next weekend. I hope it wont rain next weekend. I hope it wont rain
tomorrow. I will take this bag, its great! tomorrow. I will take this bag, its great!
When will I see you again? Will you When will I see you again? Will you
help me? We will get up when we want. help me? We will get up when we want.
Future Continuous, np. Ill be working Future Continuous, np. Ill be working
at five. at five.
Future Perfect, np. I hope they will have
arrived by the evening. By the time
I retire, I hope I will have done many
exciting things.
Future Perfect Continuous, np.
In September I will have been working
here for 20 years.
9. Tryb czcy, np. I suggest that you bring
your own towel. I insist that you help me
with this project.
30 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
1. Nazwy rzeczy policzalnych, np. a car, 1. Nazwy rzeczy policzalnych, np. a car,
an answer i niepoliczalnych, np. money, an answer i niepoliczalnych, np. money,
flour. flour.
2. Liczba mnoga rzeczownikw, np. a skirt 2. Liczba mnoga rzeczownikw, np. a skirt
skirts, a child children, a wife wives, skirts, a child children, a wife wives, a
a baby babies, a box boxes a sheep baby babies, a box boxes a sheep
sheep, a foot feet. sheep, a foot feet, a passer-by passers-
by, an add-on add-ons.
3. Rzeczowniki wystpujce tylko w formie 3. Rzeczowniki wystpujce tylko w formie
pojedynczej, np. news, advice lub pojedynczej, np. news, advice lub
mnogiej, np. trousers, glasses. mnogiej, np. trousers, glasses.
4. Sposoby wyraania posiadania 4. Sposoby wyraania posiadania
i przynalenoci, np. the daughters i przynalenoci, np. the daughters
wedding, the size of the room. wedding, the size of the room.
5. Rodzaj, np. an actor an actress; 5. Rodzaj, np. an actor an actress;
a nephew a niece. a nephew a niece; a fox a vixen.
6. Rzeczowniki zoone, np. toothpaste, 6. Rzeczowniki zoone, np. toothpaste,
a mother-in-law, a dance school. a mother-in-law, a dance school.
1. Przedimek nieokrelony, np. a house / 1. Przedimek nieokrelony, np. a house /
an umbrella, a yellow box, a bar of an umbrella, a yellow box, a bar of
chocolate; I have a small garden. chocolate; I have a small garden.
2. Przedimek okrelony, np. the house of my 2. Przedimek okrelony, np. the house of my
dreams, the United States, the Himalayas, dreams, the United States, the Himalayas,
the table on the right, the most beautiful the table on the right, the most beautiful
girl, play the guitar; I have a small girl, play the guitar; I have a small
garden. In the garden there are different garden. In the garden there are different
flowers. flowers.
3. Przedimek zerowy, np. lunch, furniture, 3. Przedimek zerowy, np. lunch, furniture,
Mount Everest; Dogs and cats are our Mount Everest; Dogs and cats are our
favourite pets. favourite pets.
1. Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne, 1. Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne,
np. tall taller the tallest, elegant np. tall taller the tallest, elegant
more elegant the most elegant, good more elegant the most elegant, good
better the best, little less the least. better the best, little less the least.
2. Uycie przymiotnikw z so i such 2. Uycie przymiotnikw z so i such
np. Shes so beautiful. They are such nice np. Shes so beautiful. They are such nice
people. people.
3. Przymiotniki dzierawcze, np. my, your. 3. Przymiotniki dzierawcze, np. my, your.
4. Przymiotniki po czasownikach 4. Przymiotniki po czasownikach
postrzegania, np. It smells great. postrzegania, np. It smells great.
5. Przymiotniki uywane w funkcji
rzeczownika, np. the rich.
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 31
1. Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne, 1. Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne,
np. early earlier the earliest, much np. early earlier the earliest, much
more the most. more the most.
2. Uycie przyswkw: 2. Uycie przyswkw:
o dwch znaczeniowo rnych formach, o dwch znaczeniowo rnych formach,
np. He works too hard. He hardly np. He works too hard. He hardly
sleeps. We arrived too late. She has put sleeps. We arrived too late. She has put
on weight lately. on weight lately.
too, np. Youre driving too fast. too, np. Youre driving too fast.
enough, np. Hes not old enough to go enough, np. Hes not old enough to go
abroad alone. abroad alone.
3. Miejsce przyswka w zdaniu, np. You are 3. Miejsce przyswka w zdaniu, np. You are
always hungry! She never does always hungry! She never does
the shopping on Sunday. I have never seen the shopping on Sunday. I have never seen
the Himalayas. Do it very carefully. the Himalayas. Do it very carefully.
My father works very hard. My father works very hard. Little did he
know what was going to happen.
1. Zaimki osobowe, np. I, you. 1. Zaimki osobowe, np. I, you..
2. Zaimki dzierawcze, np. mine, yours. 2. Zaimki dzierawcze, np. mine, yours.
3. Zaimki zwrotne i emfatyczne, np. yourself, 3. Zaimki zwrotne i emfatyczne, np. yourself,
themselves. themselves.
4. Zaimki wskazujce, np. this, these. 4. Zaimki wskazujce, np. this, these.
5. Zaimki pytajce, np. what, how, why. 5. Zaimki pytajce, np. what, how, why.
6. Zaimek wzgldne, np. who, which, that. 6. Zaimki wzgldne, np. who, which, that.
7. Zaimki wzajemne, np. each other, one 7. Zaimki wzajemne, np. each other, one
another. another.
8. Zaimki nieokrelone, np. 8. Zaimki nieokrelone, np.
some, any, no, every i zoenia z nimi some, any, no, every i zoenia z nimi
none, either, neither none, either, neither
many, much, few, a few, little, a little many, much, few, a few, little, a little
another, other, others, the other, another, other, others, the other,
the others the others
every, each every, each
enough enough
both, all both, all
either or, neither nor. either or, neither nor.
9. Zaimki bezosobowe: you, one. 9. Zaimki bezosobowe: you, one.
Liczebniki gwne i porzdkowe. Liczebniki gwne, porzdkowe, uamkowe
i dziesitne.
32 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
1. Przyimki z okreleniami miejsca, czasu, 1. Przyimki z okreleniami miejsca, czasu,
kierunku, odlegoci, przyczyny, sposobu, kierunku, odlegoci, przyczyny, sposobu,
np. in London, at 7 p.m., on Sunday, np. in London, at 7 p.m., on Sunday,
in July, on Saturday evening, by bus, in July, on Saturday evening, by bus,
with a pen, to get a reward. with a pen, to get a reward.
2. Przyimki po rzeczownikach, 2. Przyimki po rzeczownikach, czasownikach
czasownikach i przymiotnikach, i przymiotnikach, np. interest in, famous
np. interest in, famous for, think of. for, think of, objection to, compatible with,
refer to.
Spjniki, np. and, or, but, if, unless, that, Spjniki, np. and, or, but, if, unless, that,
till, until, when, where, while, after, till, until, when, where, while, after,
before, as soon as, because, although, before, as soon as, because, although,
however, so, in spite of, despite. however, so, in spite of, despite, yet, on
condition that, supposing,
providing/provided that, so as, even
though, whereas, as if, as though,
in case.
1. Zdania oznajmujce: 1. Zdania oznajmujce:
- twierdzce, np. Im seventeen years old. - twierdzce, np. Im seventeen years old.
Theres too little time. I have been here Theres too little time. I have been here
before. Im going to learn Japanese. before. Im going to learn Japanese.
- przeczce, np. I dont know the answer - przeczce, np. I dont know the answer
to this question. I havent seen you for to this question. I havent seen you for
ages. There is no food in the fridge. ages. There is no food in the fridge.
I cant do anything about it. I cant do anything about it. Neither/
None of my friends can drive a car.
2. Zdania pytajce, np. How old are you? 2. Zdania pytajce, np. How old are you?
Where are you going? Who is this cake Where are you going? Who is this cake
for? How long does it take to get to for? How long does it take to get to
the airport? When did the match start? the airport? When did the match start?
Do you have to do any housework today? Do you have to do any housework today?
What is your room like? What happened? What is your room like? What happened?
Who made you go there?
3. Zdania rozkazujce, np. Put the kettle on. 3. Zdania rozkazujce, np. Put the kettle on.
Dont tell me what to do. Lets go there Dont tell me what to do. Lets go there
together. together.
4. Zdania wykrzyknikowe, np. How nice of 4. Zdania wykrzyknikowe, np. How nice of
you! What a wonderful scenery! you! What a wonderful scenery!
5. Zdania z podmiotem it, np. Its half past 5. Zdania z podmiotem it, np. Its half past
two. Its getting cloudy. Its really great two. Its getting cloudy. Its really great
here. It makes me happy. here. It makes me happy. It was only last
week that he was awarded that prize.
Its worth having a look inside the
building. Its no use trying to convince
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 33
6. Zdania z podmiotem there, np. There are 6. Zdania z podmiotem there, np. There are
too many people in this room. There werent too many people in this room. There werent
any clouds in the sky when we left. There any clouds in the sky when we left. There
will be over a thousand people at the will be over a thousand people at the
concert. concert. There are bound to be problems.
7. Zdania z dwoma dopenieniami, np. My 7. Zdania z dwoma dopenieniami, np. My
boyfriend brought me wonderful flowers. boyfriend brought me wonderful flowers.
8. Strona bierna, np. It is made of wood. 8. Strona bierna, np. It is made of wood.
The building was destroyed by the storm. The building was destroyed by the storm.
The parcel has just been delivered. The parcel has just been delivered.
The meal will be served in a moment. The meal will be served in a moment.
It must be finished today. It must be finished today. His every step is
being watched. He is/was believed to have
robbed a bank. I was made to give a speech.
The curtains must have been made of
special fabric. She likes being admired.
The meeting had to be cancelled.
9. Pytania typu question tags, np. Hes 9. Pytania typu question tags, np. Hes
English, isnt he? Give me the book, will English, isnt he? Give me the book, will
you? i dopowiedzenia, np. So do I. you? i dopowiedzenia, np. So do I.
Nor/Neither do I. Nor/Neither do I.
10. Pytania porednie, np. Can you tell me 10. Pytania porednie, np. Can you tell me
what time it is? Could you tell me where what time it is? Could you tell me where
I should turn? I dont know where I should turn? I dont know where
everybody is. everybody is.
11. Mowa zalena, np. My mum said she was 11. Mowa zalena, np. My mum said she was
tired. The teacher told me to answer tired. The teacher told me to answer
the question. The neighbour asked me not to the question. The neighbour asked me not to
play music too loudly. A doctor wanted to play music too loudly. A doctor wanted to
know what was wrong. I wanted to know know what was wrong. I wanted to know
when the bus would come. I asked mum how when the bus would come. I asked mum how
many cakes she had bought for the party. many cakes she had bought for the party.
The policeman denied having heard about
the burglary. The security guard accused
me of shoplifting. The man objected to
having the meeting interrupted.
12. Zdania wsprzdnie zoone, np. I called 12. Zdania wsprzdnie zoone, np. I called
my friend and asked him to help me. my friend and asked him to help me.
He came to the meeting but refused to He came to the meeting but refused to
accept our offer. accept our offer.
13. Zdania podrzdnie zoone: 13. Zdania podrzdnie zoone:
podmiotowe, np. What I know about it is podmiotowe, np. What I know about it is
confidential. confidential.
orzecznikowe, np. The problem is that orzecznikowe, np. The problem is that
we need help. we need help.
dopenieniowe, np. He promised that dopenieniowe, np. He promised that
he would come soon. Hed like everyone he would come soon. Hed like everyone
to enjoy the party. to enjoy the party. All I did was (to) send
him an apology.
34 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
przydawkowe np. The train that we przydawkowe, np. The train that we
wanted to take was delayed. My aunt, wanted to take was delayed. My aunt, who
who has been helping our family for has been helping our family for years, is
years, is a rich duchess. a rich duchess. He came late, which
surprised all of us.
okolicznikowe: okolicznikowe:
celu, np. I phoned him (in order) to tell celu, np. I phoned him (in order) to tell
him the news. him the news. I did it so as to save him
time. The Government passed that law
in order that / so (that) this kind of
antisocial behaviour could be
czasu, np. Say your name when they czasu, np. Say your name when they
ask you. ask you.
miejsca, np. They found themselves miejsca, np. They found themselves
where they had never been before. where they had never been before.
porwnawcze, np. Sylvias garden porwnawcze, np. Sylvias garden isnt
isnt so big as Margarets (is). so big as Margarets (is).
I respect him more than words can I respect him more than words can say.
say. Jake has as much courage Jake has as much courage as his older
as his older brother (has). brother (has). The older I get, the
happier I am. She speaks several
languages, as do her parents.
przyczyny, np. I lent him the book przyczyny, np. I lent him the book
because he asked me to. As it was because he asked me to. As it was
quite late, we went straight home. quite late, we went straight home.
przyzwolenia, np. Although he was big przyzwolenia, np. Although he was big
and strong, he didnt want to fight. and strong, he didnt want to fight.
skutku, np. I worked till late so I was skutku, np. I worked till late so I was
tired. tired.
sposobu, np. Do as I tell you. sposobu, np. Do as I tell you.
stopnia, np. So much was he engaged
in his work that he didnt hear anyone.
14. Zdania warunkowe (typu 0, I, II), np. 14. Zdania warunkowe (typu 0, I, II, III oraz
If you enter the room, an alarm goes off. mieszane), np. If you enter the room,
If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. an alarm goes off. If it rains tomorrow,
If he changed his ways, hed have more we will stay at home. If he changed his
friends. ways, hed have more friends. If I had
known about your victory, I would have
called to congratulate you. If he knew
English, hed have represented Poland
at last months conference in Great
Britain. If he had gone to bed earlier
yesterday, he wouldnt be so tired now.
15. Zdania wyraajce yczenie, preferencje 15. Zdania wyraajce yczenie, preferencje
lub przypuszczenie, np. lub przypuszczenie, np.
wish, np. I wish you were here. wish, np. I wish you were here. I wish
they would cancel the meeting. I wish
we had left earlier.
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 35
its time, np. Its (high) time he found its time, np. Its (high) time he found
a job. a job.
had better, np. Youd better (not) come had better, np. Youd better (not) come
tomorrow. tomorrow.
would rather, np. I would rather (not) go would rather, np. I would rather (not) go
there. there. They would rather you didnt
smoke here.
if only, np. If only we could drive faster!
If only I had listened to you.
as if / as though, np. She felt as if / as
though all of her worries had gone.
suppose/supposing, np. Suppose you had
a choice, what option would you go for?
16. Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe, np. 16. Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe, np.
I promise to write every day. Its difficult I promise to write every day. Its difficult
for me to decide. I want you to do it. for me to decide. I want you to do it.
Im glad to see you. I have many letters to Im glad to see you. I have many letters to
write. Id prefer to fly rather than travel write. Id prefer to fly rather than travel
by bus. Will you let me go there? Dont by bus. Will you let me go there? Dont
make me laugh. make me laugh. When am I supposed to
return the books? It was surprising to
hear his name mentioned. They were
about to leave when I arrived. I saw him
do a trick.
oraz gerundialne, np. I enjoy swimming
oraz gerundialne, np. I enjoy swimming and sunbathing. I couldnt help reading
and sunbathing. I couldnt help reading your message. I was excited about getting
your message. I was excited about getting birthday presents. I prefer skiing to
birthday presents. I prefer skiing to snowboarding. I couldnt remember
snowboarding. I couldnt remember writing the letter. I heard him singing.
writing the letter. I heard him singing. Im not used to getting up so early.
Theres no hope of their winning
the match.
17. Konstrukcja have/get something done, 17. Konstrukcje: have/get something done,
np. He had his room painted yesterday. have sb do sth, get sb to do sth.,
I must get it done tomorrow. np. He had his room painted yesterday.
I must get it done tomorrow. I will have
Mike cook dinner next time we meet.
18. Inwersja stylistyczna i inne formy
emfatyczne, np. Rarely do I see so much
enthusiasm in her eyes. It was John who
told me about it. Had I known about your
accident, I wouldnt have bothered you.
You do look nice today. I did tell you.
wstpna ok. 2minut
Egzaminujcy: Goodmorning/afternoon/evening.
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Chooseonesetandgiveittome,please.
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.
<prosz przekaza zestaw zdajcemu>
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 37
1. 4minuty
Okolicznoci Zalecenia i nastpna
zdarzenia wizyta
2. 3minuty
Zestaw zdrowie
1. jedzenie Wersjadlazdajcego
3. 5minut
Zdjcie 1. Zdjcie 2.
Zdjcie 3.
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 39
Zestaw zdrowie
1. jedzenie Wersjadlaegzaminujcego
1. 4minuty
Egzaminujcy: [Proszprzekazazestawzdajcemu.]LetsstartwithTask1.Readthetask.You
Egzaminujcy: [Poupywieok.30sekund,proszjelitokoniecznezapyta:Canwestartnow?]
Okolicznoci Objawy
zdarzenia i nastpna wizyta
3min .........................
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.
[Jeeli zdajcy rezygnuje z wykonania zadania, prosz w jzyku polskim poinformowa
40 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zestaw zdrowie
1. jedzenie Wersjadlaegzaminujcego
2. 3minuty
Egzaminujcy: Describethepicture.
[Po upywie ok. 10 sekund, prosz jeli tokonieczne zapyta: Can youstart
Wersja dla zdajcego
1min .
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Iwillnowaskyouthreequestions.
Pytania dla egzaminujcego
1. Do you think the children are enjoying their lesson? (Why? / Why
2. Would you like to be a teacher in the future? (Why? / Why not?)
3. What was your first English lesson like?
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 41
Zestaw zdrowie
1. jedzenie Wersjadlaegzaminujcego
3. 5minut
Egzaminujcy: Readthetaskandthinkaboutwhatyoudliketosay.Youhaveaboutaminute
Egzaminujcy: [Poupywieok.minuty,proszjelitokoniecznezapyta:Canyoustartnow?]
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Iwillnowaskyoutwoquestions.
Pytania dla egzaminujcego
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:
1. Is the way we eat as important as what we eat? (Why? / Why not?)
2. Why are there more and more fat people in the world?
3. Is foreign food popular in Poland? (Why? / Why not?)
4. What are the disadvantages of eating out?
2min ..............
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Thisistheendoftheexam.
42 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zestaw podrowanie
2. natura Wersjadlazdajcego
1. 4minuty
Zwiedzanie Zakupy
Poruszanie si
po miecie
2. 3minuty
Zestaw podrowanie
2. natura Wersjadlazdajcego
3. 5minut
Plakat 1. Plakat 2.
Zestaw podrowanie
2. natura Wersjadlaegzaminujcego
1. 4minuty
Egzaminujcy: [Proszprzekazazestawzdajcemu.]LetsstartwithTask1.Readthetask.You
Egzaminujcy: [Poupywieok.30sekund,proszjelitokoniecznezapyta:Canwestartnow?]
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.
[Jeeli zdajcy rezygnuje z wykonania zadania, prosz w jzyku polskim poinformowa
Cz ustna (bez okrelania poziomu). Przykadowe zestawy zada 45
Zestaw podrowanie
2. natura Wersjadlaegzaminujcego
2. 3minuty
Egzaminujcy: Describethepicture.
[Po upywie ok. 10 sekund, prosz jeli to konieczne zapyta: Canyou start
Wersja dla zdajcego
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Iwillnowaskyouthreequestions.
Pytania dla egzaminujcego
Zestaw podrowanie
2. natura Wersjadlaegzaminujcego
3. 5minut
Egzaminujcy: Read the task and think about what youd like to say. You have about
Egzaminujcy: [Poupywieok.minuty,proszjelitokoniecznezapyta:Canyoustartnow?]
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Iwillnowaskyoutwoquestions.
Pytania dla egzaminujcego
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:
Egzaminujcy: Thankyou.Thisistheendoftheexam.
Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 47
Zadanie 1. (04)
Usyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi zwizane z jedzeniem. Do kadej wypowiedzi
( dopasuj odpowiadajce jej zdanie (AE). Wpisz rozwizania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostao podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej wypowiedzi.
Do you know what the Irish town of Foynes is famous for? During World War II, many
Hollywood stars and politicians travelled from the airport in this town to the US. During one
flight the pilot decided to turn back because of bad weather and the owner of a restaurant
close to the airport was asked to prepare something special for the passengers. He made
coffee, added some brown sugar, whiskey and whipped cream and served it as Irish coffee.
Now you can order it in restaurants all over the world.
Welcome to the Flying Star, a direct 3-hour service to Brighton. Let me inform you that
the buffet is located in car number 5. Just remember to take your ticket with you whenever
you leave your compartment. If you prefer to stay in your seat, a trolley service with drinks
and light snacks will be operating during the whole journey. Dont miss the new options on
our menu.
tekst wasny
Would you like to share your experiences in the kitchen with others? Or maybe youve never
made any dish yourself and would like to learn? We offer twenty hours of classes in
a beautiful Italian villa, a full-day excursion to see famous chefs at work and daily visits
to the local market to find perfect ingredients. For any food lover it will be an experience
of a lifetime. Sign up now! There are only a few places left.
48 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
My first job was in a Chinese restaurant. The food looked strange and I was afraid to try it.
One day when I was opening a packet of coffee, it fell out of my hands and landed all over
the counter where the food was. The owner put the food with the coffee on a plate and said,
We dont waste anything here. You have to eat it. I wanted to keep the job so I had no
choice. And you know what? It wasnt bad at all. Now I have Chinese food at least once
a week. Without coffee, of course.
tekst wasny
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie proste, typowe wypowiedzi ustne artykuowane wyranie, w standardowej
odmianie jzyka [].
Wymagania szczegowe
2.1. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl tekstu (1.1., 1.4.).
2.5. Zdajcy okrela kontekst wypowiedzi (1.2.).
2.4. Zdajcy okrela intencje nadawcy/autora tekstu (1.3.).
1.1. C
1.2. B
1.3. A
1.4. E
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 2. (03)
Usyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn
z treci nagrania. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
2.1. The announcement is for tourists who
A. are planning to go on holiday to Brighton.
B. are going to leave Brighton the next day.
C. are just starting their stay in Brighton.
Tekst 2.
2.2. What does Jake do to manage his time better?
A. He uses his computer less often.
B. He puts his tasks in the order of importance.
C. He tries not to plan too many things.
Tekst 3.
2.3. Who is the competition for?
A. Teenagers who are good at writing.
B. Teenagers who enjoy reading books.
C. Teenagers who want to travel the world.
Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 49
Hello, everyone. My names Keith. On behalf of Suntan Tours, Id like to welcome you to
this beautiful seaside resort. There will be an information session at 1 p.m. in the hotel lounge
tomorrow. Then, I will answer your questions about Brighton and the day trips in the area.
Be careful when you buy tours from local travel agencies. Not all of them are reliable. Please,
take my advice and allow Suntan Tours to book your trips while youre here. I hope you have
an enjoyable week in Brighton.
adapted from
Rose: Youre so well-organized, Jake. How do you do it?
Jake: Ive read a book about time management and I try to put into practice the tips
the authors give there.
Rose: Are they difficult to follow?
Jake: Not at all. I keep a list of all the things I need to do. Then, I decide which tasks are
more important and which of them can wait a day or two and I give myself a deadline
for each task.
Rose: How do you check your progress?
Jake: I cross off the tasks that Ive done. I also make notes on my computer. Theyre really
adapted from
Piccadilly Press is delighted to announce a short story competition to find the best teenage talent
in Europe. All you have to do is write a short story entitled The Perfect World. The best works
will be published in a book. For two years Piccadilly Press will have the exclusive right to publish
the winning stories. The competition is open to young people, aged between thirteen and eighteen,
who come from the European Union. The closing date for entries is June 4th.
adapted from Piccadilly Press
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie proste, typowe wypowiedzi ustne artykuowane wyranie, w standardowej
odmianie jzyka [].
Wymagania szczegowe
2.5. Zdajcy okrela kontekst wypowiedzi (2.1.).
2.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (2.2., 2.3.).
2.1. C
2.2. B
2.3. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
50 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 3. (03)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty zwizane z tacem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw,
zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
The dance is for students only. No guests allowed.
Students should make arrangements for their journey back home before the dance. We do
not allow students to walk home when it gets dark. They must stay inside until the dance is
over or until a parent or guardian comes to pick them up.
A telephone is available in case of emergency.
3.1. The text gives readers
A. directions for getting to a dance class.
B. tips on how to select a dance school.
C. a set of school dance rules.
Tekst 2.
I dont want to dance with him. I dont want to dance with anybody. Ive seen the way
he dances. Not a quarter of an hour ago I was feeling so sorry for the poor girl he was dancing
with. And now Im going to be the poor girl myself.
Why cant he leave me alone? And what can I do? Everyone else is already on the dance
floor, except me. What can you say, when a man asks you to dance with him? I most certainly
will not dance with you, Ill see you in hell first. No. There is nothing for me to do, but say
Id love to.
adapted from The Waltz by Dorothy Parker
3.2. Why does the girl decide to dance with the boy?
A. She feels that she has no choice.
B. She knows he is a really good dancer.
C. She is sorry that nobody wants to dance with him.
Tekst 3.
Its the show youve been waiting for. Viva Forever! is coming to the West Ends
Piccadilly Theatre. So make sure youre first in line to see it.
Viva Forever! is a story about a mother and daughter as they work their way through a TV
reality singing and dancing contest. The show includes 16 unforgettable Spice Girls songs
including Wannabe, Stop and, of course, the title song. And what dancing you can see on
The Spice Girls are the most popular girl band of the last 20 years and have given their full
backing to the show. So, Say Youll Be There! Now you can get the best seats.
adapted from
3.3. The author of the text
A. invites readers to a pop concert.
B. encourages readers to book tickets for a performance.
C. gives an opinion about a singing and dancing contest.
Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 51
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie [] proste wypowiedzi pisemne [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.1. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl tekstu (3.1.).
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (3.2.).
3.4. Zdajcy okrela intencje nadawcy/autora tekstu (3.3.).
3.1. C
3.2. A
3.3. B
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 4. (05)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu.
Zakrel liter A, B, C albo D.
When we visit Simon Reeve to listen to his story about malaria, he is still embarrassed to
admit that catching the disease was totally his own fault. Simon has gone around the world
three times visiting far-off exotic locations so he was well aware of the health risks when he
travelled to Gabon, West Africa, a malaria hotspot, in 2006. Although he knew how
dangerous the disease is, he still risked his life.
It happened while I was filming Equator, recalls Simon. I was told I should start taking
antimalarial tablets the day before I got to Africa and then every day while I was there.
I bought them well in advance, but foolishly, in all the excitement, I didnt pack them.
Of course it was stupid of me, but I thought everything would be all right so I didnt worry
about it. I think I was bitten by a mosquito on the first day but I realized something was
wrong several days later. We had finished our journey through Gabon and were going
to the Democratic Republic of Congo the following day. Sophie, the director, Sam,
the cameraman, and I went to have a pizza in a restaurant near our hotel with a couple of
doctors from Germany who were working at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital, one of the main
malaria hospitals in Africa. Suddenly, during the meal I started to get muscle ache and felt
sleepy so I went back to my room and went straight to bed. I woke up at 3 a.m. feeling very
sick. But malaria didnt come to my mind. Wed come from an area where lots of gorillas had
the deadly Ebola virus and that was my biggest fear. The hospital was far away so I wanted
to contact one of the German doctors but I didnt have their phone numbers. I decided to wait
until morning but I was really terrified.
In the morning Simon managed to get up and perhaps rather optimistically tried to continue
filming. Sophie and Sam took one look at me and told me to sit down, he says. They checked
my temperature which was 39.8C a high fever. They gave me some water and some
medicine and called for a local doctor who examined me and said he suspected I had malaria.
Sophie contacted one of the specialists we had met the day before and after giving me a blood
test he said the diagnosis was correct.
52 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Simon really wants to help reduce the number of malaria infections each year, thats why
he agreed to have his story published. With modern medicine there is no reason why so many
British travellers should catch this horrible disease, he says.
adapted from
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie [] proste wypowiedzi pisemne [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (4.1., 4.2., 4.3., 4.4.).
3.4. Zdajcy okrela intencje nadawcy/autora tekstu (4.5.).
4.1. C
4.2. D
4.3. A
4.4. B
4.5. A
Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 53
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 5. (03)
Przeczytaj tekst, z ktrego usunito trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki litery,
ktrymi oznaczono brakujce zdania (AE), tak aby otrzyma logiczny i spjny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostay podane dodatkowo i nie pasuj do adnej luki.
7th February 2011
When I first met Sherlock, my new flatmate, he told me my life story. He knew so much
about me from the way I walk, the way I look and even from my mobile. And thats the thing
with him. 5.1. _____ He sees right through everyone in seconds.
But whats incredible is how little he knows about things which do not interest him.
5.2. _____ And last week I found out he did not know that the Earth goes round the Sun.
Seriously! Hes such a brilliant detective but at the same time there are these blind spots
which are really terrifying.
When I arranged to come over on Tuesday to see Sherlocks flat, I had no idea of what was
going to happen. When I was looking around the room I wanted to rent, suddenly a police
officer came in. 5.3. _____ Somebody had been murdered. Sherlock decided to investigate
and asked me to join him. In the taxi, he explained how he had deduced everything about me
the previous day. I could try to explain it here but I think its better if you go to his site,, and see for yourself how his mind works.
A. This morning, for example, he asked me who the Prime Minister was.
B. Its impossible to hide anything from Sherlock.
C. You cant imagine how quickly he found out about them.
D. Thats why he decided to look for one.
E. Sherlock, of course, already knew why he was there.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie [] proste wypowiedzi pisemne [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.6. Zdajcy rozpoznaje zwizki pomidzy poszczeglnymi czciami tekstu (5.1., 5.2., 5.3.).
5.1. B
5.2. A
5.3. E
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
54 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 6. (05)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, tak aby otrzyma logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [] (6.1., 6.2., 6.3., 6.4., 6.5.).
6.1. A
6.2. B
6.3. C
6.4. B
6.5. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 55
Zadanie 7. (02)
W zadaniach wybierz wyraz, ktry poprawnie uzupenia luki w obydwu
zdaniach. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
7.2. Where did you _____ this photo? I thought I had lost it!
I _____ it hard to believe that she stole the money.
A. take
B. find
C. make
Zadanie 8. (02)
W zadaniach spord podanych opcji (AC) wybierz t, ktra moe najlepiej
zastpi zaznaczony fragment. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
8.1. I spent a few weeks thinking which university to go to and I have finally decided this
A. made my choice
B. taken my chance
C. found my way
8.2. Will you do something for me? I need somebody to set the table.
A. Do you help me a lot?
B. Are you going to make it?
C. Can you do me a favour?
Zadanie 9. (02)
W zadaniach spord podanych opcji (AC) wybierz t, ktra jest
tumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupeniajcym luk.
Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
9.1. Where on earth is this bus? We (czekamy) _____ here for over an hour!
A. are waiting
B. wait
C. have been waiting
9.2. Its really difficult to get a place in this restaurant on Friday evening. (Czy musiae
rezerwowa ten stolik?) _____
A. Is it the table you reserved?
B. Did you have to book the table?
C. Have you ordered the table?
56 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy samodzielnie formuuje krtkie, proste, zrozumiae wypowiedzi [] pisemne.
IV. Reagowanie [].
Zdajcy [] reaguje w sposb zrozumiay, adekwatnie do sytuacji komunikacyjnej, []
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
5.1. Zdajcy opisuje ludzi, przedmioty, miejsca, zjawiska i czynnoci.
5.4. Zdajcy relacjonuje wydarzenia z przeszoci.
5.5. Zdajcy wyraa i uzasadnia swoje opinie, pogldy i uczucia.
5.7. Zdajcy przedstawia zalety i wady rnych rozwiza i pogldw.
7.4. Zdajcy proponuje [].
58 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Hi Peter,
Im writing to tell you about my exchange trip to London.
I lived with a great family. They arent like my parents at all. In this
familly there are four person: Mr and Mrs Daniels and their two kids. They have
a lots of pets. And when I am there small dogs was born!
I want tell you about this trip. It was amazing. I visitted lots of great
tourist attractions in London. I saw many museums and Backingham Palace.
But I feeled strange there. It is so loud and so many people in London.
And the weather is really bad!
Would you like go to New York? Maybe we visit this beautiful city in
Thats it for now. I hope to hear from you soon.
Ocena wypowiedzi (zgodnie z kryteriami oceniania na str. 1921)
Tre 3 punkty: zdajcy odnis si do wszystkich elementw z polecenia, ale tylko dwa z nich
rozwin. Za mao jest informacji dotyczcych elementu 2. (zdajcy jedynie wspomina,
e urodziy si szczeniaki) oraz 4. (propozycja wsplnego wyjazdu nie jest poparta bardziej
szczegowym uzasadnieniem).
Spjno i logika wypowiedzi 2 punkty: wypowied jest w znacznej wikszoci spjna
i logiczna.
Zakres rodkw jzykowych 1 punkt: ograniczony zakres rodkw jzykowych; zdajcy
uywa gwnie struktur o wysokim stopniu pospolitoci.
Poprawno rodkw jzykowych 1 punkt: wypowied zawiera liczne bdy, ale nie
zakcaj one komunikacji.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy samodzielnie formuuje krtkie, proste, zrozumiae wypowiedzi [] pisemne.
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
5.4. Zdajcy relacjonuje wydarzenia z przeszoci.
5.5. Zdajcy wyraa i uzasadnia swoje opinie, pogldy i uczucia.
5.8. Zdajcy opisuje intencje, marzenia, [] plany na przyszo.
5.9. Zdajcy opisuje dowiadczenia swoje i innych.
I have a job!
I have a job!
My job is easy. I just drive around town and deliver parcels from place
to place. Once I had to transport two dogs! Its like the job of taxi
driver but more profitable.
I like what I do but I do not get on well with my boss. He is very strict
and unfriendly. He thinks everybody wants to cheat him.
Today my car broke down in the middle of the road. I couldnt do
anything so I took a taxi to deliver the parcel on time. Im not sure if
my boss pay me for the taxi. I hope so.
I need to earn money because my car is very old and expensive to
repair and I would like to buy new one as soon as possible.
I hope everything will be all right.
60 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
I have a job!
I have a job!
Hi everyone! Guess what! Ive found a holiday job!
Cz pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 61
Zadanie 1. (03)
Usyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn
z treci nagrania. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
1.1. The speakers are
A. fashion magazine editors.
B. fashion photographers.
C. fashion designers.
Tekst 2.
1.2. How should the piece of news be headlined?
Tekst 3.
1.3. Which of the following is stated in the interview as a fact, and not an opinion?
A. Advanced Physics is now one of the five most popular courses taken by students.
B. Advanced Physics is usually taken with future career prospects in mind.
C. Students feel more and more apprehensive about taking Advanced Physics.
Trish: Dont you think that Britain is a grey country? I believe a bit of neon is just what we
Jerry: Is that what youre going to present at the press conference launching London
Fashion Week? Look, British people dont wear neon shades. Never have, never will.
Photographers will love them because they look great on magazine covers but
theyre not practical. We will always favour a traditional style with tweeds and smart
leather boots. That is what the Brits need and that is what I will provide in my new
Trish: Well, perhaps there is no need to choose between the two extremes. There is a third
way, a naval theme. With my patterns the British people can experience the joy of
Jerry: Only blue, though!
Trish: As I was saying, they can enjoy colour, but not the impractical orange or purple.
Lets be honest, extremes dont work. Compromises work, and thats what
my models will show on the catwalk.
adapted from
Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 63
Six teenage offenders convicted of shoplifting became unlikely heroes when doing their
community service punishment in the park. During a break they heard screams from a woman
in a street nearby, so they raced over, saw that the woman was being mugged, chased
the mugger 600 yards, cornered him, grabbed the stolen handbag and mobile phone and
returned them to their owner. Their supervisor, Gary Hall, admitted that at first he thought
they were doing a runner, but when he discovered their selfless act he was really impressed.
They did a real public service, he said.
adapted from Daily Mail, December 31, 2010
Interviewer: Today Im talking to Paul Reedman from the Institute of Physics. Paul, could
you tell us how popular Advanced Physics is with students?
Paul: Figures published this morning show, for the sixth consecutive year,
an increase in the number of students taking this course, which is surprising
when I think about my own generation and how apprehensive of science
subjects we were. Most of my peers didnt want to have anything to do with
science, but its definitely not the case nowadays. According to the survey of
the Institute of Physics, for the first time since 2002, Advanced Physics is back
in the top five most popular subjects. The total number of students entered for
the course went up by 6.5% in 2012. My view is that this is mostly due to
students thinking more about their future employment prospects. There are
plenty of job opportunities in this sector, especially in nuclear power plants and
biomedicine and I guess it might be one of the reasons why Advanced Physics
has become cool again.
adapted from
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie wypowiedzi ustne [] o rnorodnej formie i dugoci, w rnych
warunkach odbioru [].
Wymagania szczegowe
2.5. Zdajcy okrela kontekst wypowiedzi (1.1.).
2.1. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl tekstu (1.2.).
2.1.R. Zdajcy oddziela fakty od opinii (1.3.).
1.1. C
1.2. B
1.3. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 2. (04)
Usyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat rozmw kwalifikacyjnych w sprawie
pracy. Do kadej wypowiedzi ( dopasuj odpowiadajce jej zdanie (AE).
Wpisz rozwizania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostao podane dodatkowo
i nie pasuje do adnej wypowiedzi.
64 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
The speaker
A. was not contacted after the interview despite the interviewers promise.
B. resigned from the position himself/herself.
C. felt uncomfortable when the interviewer got unwell.
D. was unable to demonstrate an essential skill during the interview.
E. realized what the problem was after leaving the interview.
I was once invited to a job interview. Upon arrival I parked my car, got out, and accidentally
caught my thumb in the door. I was bleeding and stained my shirt a bit but went
to the interview anyway. The interviewer asked me to take a typing test. I explained that
I couldn't type because of my thumb and offered to come back the next day to take the test.
The interviewer got me a cup of iced water and I soaked my thumb while we continued
the interview. The next day I got a call from the company. I was hired without a typing test.
They said anyone who could stay as calm and collected as I was with a thumb swollen and
bruised was someone they certainly wanted to run their front office.
In my early twenties, I had an interview with a major department store. The day before
I picked out a very conservative black skirt and pinstriped jacket. I even tried them on
to ensure they fitted. When I arrived I was greeted by a man in his early forties. However,
during the interview I noticed that he frequently leaned over to one side. I thought it a bit odd,
but I assumed the man may have a stiff back and was experiencing discomfort. It wasnt until
I got back in my car that I realized that the side seam in my skirt had come apart and I was
revealing quite a bit of my leg. Thats what you get for shopping in the clearance sales.
This is a story I like to tell in training classes on how NOT to act during an interview.
I applied for a position within the state legal system. I was being interviewed by my potential
manager and her associate. I would be working with both women closely. A few minutes into
the interview it was obvious these two women did not get along. They contradicted each other
and gave each other nasty looks. There was obvious tension in the air. When they said they
would call, I graciously explained that I didnt think the position suited me. The interview
with the two women was enough.
One interview I attended was very odd. The interviewers stuck rigidly to the questions,
moving onto the next one before Id finished answering the previous one. Whenever I paused
they interrupted with the next question so I felt as if they didnt really care what I answered.
I think they just wanted the interview to be over as soon as possible. And they never got back
to me, although they said they would. Im glad I didnt get the job in a company like that.
Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 65
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie wypowiedzi ustne [] o rnorodnej formie i dugoci, w rnych
warunkach odbioru [].
Wymagania szczegowe
2.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.).
2.1. D
2.2. E
2.3. B
2.4. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 3. (04)
Przeczytaj tekst, ktry zosta podzielony na trzy czci (AC) oraz pytania
ich dotyczce ( Do kadego pytania dopasuj waciw cz tekstu. Wpisz
rozwizania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedna cz tekstu pasuje do dwch pyta.
3.2. suggest that la carte pricing might lead to unequal treatment of passengers?
3.4. refer to the service which started the policy of la carte pricing?
A. The practice of la carte pricing, that is, charging passengers for each service
individually, for instance food and drinks or choosing a seat, is more and more common.
The trend began with American Airlines introducing a fee for checked-in luggage
and soon the ideas for other add-ons followed. With far fewer people flying because of
the economic recession airlines are reluctant to raise fares and many companies are
counting on this money more than ever. In fact, la carte pricing has become so
successful that experts are predicting it will be on the rise in the years to come.
B. European carrier FlyWithUs has taken la carte pricing to the extreme, introducing
a per-minute fee for customers speaking to a company representative on the phone.
That practice would probably never take off in the U.S. Experts predict the la carte
pricing structure will allow carriers to treat higher-paying passengers better than their
penny-pinching neighbours. For example, a person who buys an in-flight meal,
a headset, and a pillow is likely to get better service from the cabin crew. This has
always been the case in first class, but its new to economy.
66 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
C. Because fees vary from airline to airline and only a few companies, like Southwest,
still subscribe to the old-fashioned, all-inclusive approach it takes a lot of work to
figure out the total cost of a trip. You have to do a lot of math but if you book online,
dont check-in a bag, and skip the meal, youre probably paying less than
if the airlines had simply raised fares. And according to a poll conducted last year
people are becoming more comfortable with the system for that reason. Fifty-three
percent of the respondents said theyd prefer to buy the lowest-priced option and then
add services than go for a higher priced all-inclusive fare.
adapted from
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie wypowiedzi [] pisemne o rnorodnej formie i dugoci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.).
3.1. C
3.2. B
3.3. C
3.4. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi
Zadanie 4. (05)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty zwizane ze szko. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw,
zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B, C albo D.
Tekst 1.
I was in my third year of teaching creative writing when one of my students, 16-year-old
Mikey, gave me a note from his mother: Dear Mr. McCort, Mikeys grandmother who is 80
fell down the stairs from too much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her so
I could go to my job at the ferry terminal. Please excuse Mikey. P.S. His grandmother is ok.
I had seen Mikey scribbling the note at his desk, using his left hand to disguise his
handwriting. I said nothing. Most parental excuse notes I received back in those days were
penned by my students. I threw Mikeys note into a desk drawer along with dozens of other
notes. While my class took a test, I decided to read all the notes again. I made two piles,
one for the genuine ones, the other for forgeries. The second was the larger pile, with writing
that ranged from imaginative to lunatic.
Isnt it remarkable, I thought, how the students whined and said it was hard putting
200 words together on any subject? But when they forged excuse notes, they were brilliant.
The notes I had could be turned into an anthology of Great American Excuses. They were
samples of talent never mentioned in song, story or study.
How could I have ignored this treasure trove, these gems of fiction and fantasy? Here was
American high school writing at its best raw, real, urgent, brief, and lying like The stove
Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 67
caught fire and the wallpaper went up and the fire department kept us out of the house all
The writers of these notes didnt realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull:
Peter was late because the alarm clock didnt go off.
One day I had an idea. I typed out a dozen excuse notes and told the students to read them.
Mr. McCourt, who wrote these? asked one boy.
You did, I said.
So what are we supposed to do?
This is the first class to study the art of the excuse note the first class, ever, to practice
writing them. Youre so lucky to have a teacher like me who has taken your best writing
and turned it into a subject worthy of study.
Everyone smiled as I went on, You didnt settle for the old alarm clock story. You used
your imagination. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when theyre
late or absent. So try it now.
The students produced a rhapsody of excuses, ranging from a 16-wheeler truck crashing
into a house to a severe case of food poisoning blamed on the school cafeteria. They said,
More, more. Can we do more?
I asked the class to think about anyone in history who could use a good excuse note.
I wrote suggestions on the board, including the most notorious gangster, Al Capone.
And then I heard, Mr. McCourt, the principal is at the door. My heart sank as
the principal entered. He started walking up and down, peering at papers. He picked a few up
and read them as if he was grading them. He frowned and pursed his lips. On his way out,
he said he would like to see me.
Here it comes, I thought. The retribution. The principal was sitting at his desk. Come in,
I just want to tell you that that lesson, that project, whatever you were doing, was top-notch.
Those kids were writing at college level. I just want to shake your hand, he said.
adapted from Teacher Man by Frank McCourt
4.1. The teacher was aware that Mikeys excuse note was a forgery because he
A. recognized Mikeys handwriting.
B. had spotted the boy writing it at school.
C. had talked to Mikeys grandmother that day.
D. knew that Mikey was extremely imaginative.
4.2. The teacher gave his students an unusual assignment because he wanted to
A. show them he was aware they had cheated him.
B. publish their writings in an anthology of Great American Excuses.
C. impress the principal who was invited to inspect the class.
D. engage their creative potential to improve their language skills.
4.3. Before the teacher entered the principals office, he thought that the principal had been
A. inspired by his teaching method.
B. upset about the contents of the students notes.
C. disappointed with the grades the students got.
D. satisfied with the activity assigned to the students.
68 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Tekst 2.
Steven Proud, a research student writing a PhD at Bristol University, tracked boys and
girls test results at the ages of 7, 11, 14 and 16 in 16,000 schools in England.
He analysed the test scores to see whether the proportion of girls in a year group made
a difference to the results of both genders in Maths, Science and English.
His research contradicted the widely held belief that girls are always a good influence
on boys in school. He found that boys consistently perform up to a tenth of a grade worse
when they study English with high numbers of girls. However, when it comes to Maths
and Science, both boys and girls achieve up to a tenth of a grade more when there are many
girls in the class.
Proud argues that boys may do worse at English when there is a high proportion of girls
in their class because they realize that the girls are better than them at this subject. It could
also be that teachers use teaching styles more appropriate to girls when there are more girls
than boys in the class, Proud says.
adapted from
4.4. Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, not an opinion?
A. Girls consistently have a positive influence on boys at school.
B. Teaching styles used by teachers are more appropriate for girls than boys.
C. Girls impact on boys performance differs depending on the subject.
D. Boys do worse at English because they realize they cannot catch up with girls.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie wypowiedzi [] pisemne o rnorodnej formie i dugoci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (4.1., 4.2., 4.3.).
3.1.R. Zdajcy oddziela fakty od opinii (4.4.).
3.1. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl tekstu (4.5.).
4.1. B
4.2. D
4.3. B
4.4. C
4.5. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 69
Zadanie 5. (04)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupenij kad luk (, przeksztacajc jeden z wyrazw
z ramki w taki sposb, aby powsta spjny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pena
poprawno gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazw.
Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostay podane dodatkowo i nie pasuj do adnej luki.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych, gramatycznych,
ortograficznych) [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [] (5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4.).
5.1. made
5.2. have had
5.3. best
5.4. steeply
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
70 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 6. (04)
Uzupenij zdania, wykorzystujc podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej
formie. Nie naley zmienia kolejnoci podanych wyrazw, trzeba natomiast jeeli jest
to konieczne doda inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzyma logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania. Wymagana jest pena poprawno ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentw.
Uwaga: w kad luk moesz wpisa maksymalnie sze wyrazw, wliczajc
w to wyrazy ju podane.
6.1. Why didnt you say anything? You (should / warn / students) _____________________
swimming in this place!
6.2. While (President / have / argument) _________________________________________
with his advisors, a group of journalists burst into the room.
6.3. Which exit (we / suppose / take) _____________________________________________
at the next roundabout?
6.4. I wish we (tell / Jayne / project) _____________________________________________
She would have helped us with it.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych, gramatycznych,
ortograficznych) [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [] (6.1., 6.2., 6.3., 6.4.).
6.1. should have warned the students about/against
6.2. the President was having an argument
6.3. are we supposed to take
6.4. had told Jayne about the project
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 7. (013)
Wypowiedz si na jeden z poniszych tematw. Wypowied powinna zawiera od 200
do 250 sw i spenia wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.
Zaznacz temat, ktry wybrae(-a), zakrelajc jego numer.
3. Coraz wicej modych osb, wybierajc kierunek studiw, nie kieruje si wasnymi
zainteresowaniami, ale wymaganiami rynku pracy. Napisz rozprawk na ten temat,
przedstawiajc zalety i wady takiej decyzji.
Temat 1.
The decision of the school authorities to ban mobile phones might be right
or wrong. The ban will be lifted or not. Time will tell. But after last weeks
events one thing is sure. We wont allow the decisions to be taken without us.
When headmaster announced last Monday that phones would be
banned, everybody was shocked. At the beginning we just couldnt imagine
a few hours without our mobiles. But then we realized something more
important. Nobody had asked us for an opinion, nobody had tried to negociate.
It was just another regulation to conform to. Thats when the idea of a silent
break was born. Im so glad so many of you joined in. When the long break
started on Wednesday, nobody chatted, nobody gossiped or answered
teachers questions. We just stood in the corridors, holding hands and
displaying posters demanding our rights. We kept quiet for a full half an hour
and the silence was louder than any riot we could have organized.
Im not going to argue here that students should be allowed to carry their
mobiles to school or use them during classes. Obviosly, the regulation is partly
the students fault and we should reconsider our behavior as well. But a ban
cant be a solution to every problem. Even if we behave like children from time
to time it doesnt mean we should be treated as such.
I hope we will be heard soon. But I wonder how many silent breaks
it will take
72 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy tworzy [] dusze wypowiedzi pisemne, bogate i spjne pod wzgldem treci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
5.4. Zdajcy relacjonuje wydarzenia z przeszoci.
5.5. Zdajcy wyraa i uzasadnia swoje opinie, pogldy i uczucia.
5.12. Zdajcy stosuje zasady konstruowania tekstw o rnym charakterze.
5.13. Zdajcy stosuje formalny lub nieformalny styl wypowiedzi w zalenoci od sytuacji.
Temat 2.
Dear Editor,
Two weeks ago I came back from a holiday made by our school. It was
a camp in Polish seaside in town not far from the popular turist resort
called Sopot. [On the sea are many nice towns. I often spend there holiday.
Last year I was in Gdask and Koobrzeg. The stay there was wonderful.]
Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 73
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy tworzy [] dusze wypowiedzi pisemne, bogate i spjne pod wzgldem treci [].
IV. Reagowanie [].
Zdajcy reaguje [] w formie [] pisemnej w rnorodnych, bardziej zoonych
sytuacjach [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
5.3. Zdajcy przedstawia fakty z przeszoci [].
5.7. Zdajcy przedstawia [] wady rnych rozwiza [].
5.8. Zdajcy opisuje [] nadzieje [] na przyszo.
5.9. Zdajcy opisuje dowiadczenia swoje i innych.
5.12. Zdajcy stosuje zasady konstruowania tekstw o rnym charakterze.
5.13. Zdajcy stosuje formalny lub nieformalny styl wypowiedzi w zalenoci od sytuacji.
7.4. Zdajcy proponuje [].
74 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Temat 3.
Dreams and interests are an important part of our life. It would be great
to have a job which is well-paid and connected with our hobby. But it is not
possible for all of us. For many students future career options are a deciding
factor when they choose university course. It is very sensible thinking way,
but such a strategy can also be risky.
Money is the main advantage of choosing this kind of studies. That is why
so many people who are not interested in Biology decide to study Medicine or
hundreds of not artistically-minded teenagers decide to become architects. They
know that this profession will always be demandable and they will earn a lot.
They also dont have to be afraid of unemployed if they choose the correct
faculty. In fact, the biggest companies often employ the best students before they
However, there are many bad sides of the decision based only
on present situation. First of all, you cant be sure what jobs become popular
Cz pisemna (poziom rozszerzony). Przykadowe zadania z rozwizaniami 75
in the future or lose popularity. The situation is changing so you do not have
any guarantee of success even if you sacrifice what you like. Also, doing
something you dont like may lead to depression or work burnout more quickly
than in case of people who do something they like. If you dont enjoy the work
you do, it may be difficult to be good at it and be promoted. There are many
doctors or teachers who are not liked by patients or students.
Summing up, I think its best to do market study and choose needed
faculty. Then, you do something which is well-paid and you feel secure. Its
a decision for the rest of your life and in my opinion security should be most
important to us.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy tworzy dusze wypowiedzi pisemne [] bogate i spjne pod wzgldem treci.
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
5.2.R. Zdajcy przedstawia w logicznym porzdku argumenty za i przeciw danej tezie lub
5.12. Zdajcy stosuje zasady konstruowania tekstw o rnym charakterze.
5.13. Zdajcy stosuje formalny lub nieformalny styl wypowiedzi w zalenoci od sytuacji.
Zadanie B. W ocenie treci bierze si najpierw pod uwag, do ilu elementw z polecenia
zdajcy odnis si w swojej wypowiedzi, a nastpnie, ile z tych elementw rozwin
w zadowalajcym stopniu.
Jako element, do ktrego zdajcy odnis si w pracy, naley uzna komunikatywn
wypowied, ktra w minimalnym stopniu odnosi si do jednego z trzech podpunktw
treci polecenia.
Jako element rozwinity w pracy naley uzna komunikatywn wypowied, ktra odnosi
si do jednego z trzech podpunktw treci polecenia w sposb bardziej szczegowy.
Zdajcy nie odnis si w pracy do elementu wwczas, kiedy nie realizuje podpunktu
treci polecenia lub realizuje ten podpunkt w sposb cakowicie niekomunikatywny.
Uwagi dodatkowe
1. Wypowied jest oceniana na 0 punktw w kadym kryterium, jeeli jest:
nieczytelna LUB
cakowicie niezgodna z poleceniem LUB
niekomunikatywna dla odbiorcy (np. napisana fonetycznie).
2. Praca napisana niesamodzielnie, np. zawierajca fragmenty odtworzone z podrcznika,
zadania zawartego w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym lub innego rda, w tym internetowego,
lub przepisane od innego zdajcego, jest powodem do uniewanienia czci pisemnej
egzaminu z jzyka obcego. W przypadku stwierdzenia podczas przeprowadzania
egzaminu lub podczas sprawdzania pracy egzaminacyjnej niesamodzielnego
rozwizywania przez zdajcego zada zawartych w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym dyrektor
komisji okrgowej, w porozumieniu z dyrektorem Komisji Centralnej, uniewania cz
pisemn egzaminu maturalnego z danego przedmiotu tego zdajcego.
82 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 1. (04)
Przeczytaj cztery teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu.
Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
Hi Eva,
At last I did it! Can you imagine how happy I am? I still cant believe that I have passed.
It was Saturday and there was very little traffic in Bristol. I drove very carefully and didnt
make any mistakes.
So now I have a driving licence and I can take you for a ride at the weekend. I hope my dad
will lend me his car.
Take care,
tekst wasny
1.1. The text is about
A. a weekend trip to Bristol by car.
B. the first driving lesson.
C. a driving test.
Tekst 2.
Linnet Ridgeway is rich, beautiful and clever. But she is in great danger. 1.2. _____ One day
she is found dead on a passenger boat in Egypt. But Hercule Poirot, the great Belgian
detective, is also on the trip so the murderer cant feel safe.
adapted from
1.2. Which sentence best completes the gap in the text?
A. Someone wants to kill her.
B. Shes not alone there.
C. She hasnt got enough money to pay him.
Egzamin maturalny dla absolwentw niesyszcych (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) 83
Tekst 3.
Tekst 4.
Our product makes your smile brighter and healthier! The new formula gives you
12-hour-protection and has a great mint taste which leaves your mouth clean and fresh.
tekst wasny
1.4. You can see this text on
A. a tube of toothpaste.
B. a bottle of medicine.
C. a jar of face cream.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie [] proste wypowiedzi pisemne [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.1. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl tekstu (1.1.).
3.6. Zdajcy rozpoznaje zwizki pomidzy poszczeglnymi czciami tekstu (1.2.).
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (1.3.).
3.5. Zdajcy okrela kontekst wypowiedzi (1.4.).
1.1. C
1.2. A
1.3. B
1.4. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
84 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 2. (03)
Przeczytaj tekst. Dopasuj waciwy tytu (AD) do kadej czci tekstu.
Wpisz odpowiedni liter w miejsca Uwaga: jeden tytu zosta podany
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej czci tekstu.
2.2. _____
The number of skaters and the price of tickets go up at Christmas. So if you dont want
to wait hours to get in, come in November or January. The crowds are smaller then. And there
are always fewer people on weekdays than at the weekend.
2.3. _____
You can bring your own skates or rent them. There are also a few skating instructors for those
who want to learn or improve their skating skills. One hour costs $35. You have to call earlier
to arrange your training session.
adapted from
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie [] proste wypowiedzi pisemne [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.2. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl poszczeglnych czci tekstu (2.1., 2.2., 2.3.).
2.1. C
2.2. A
2.3. D
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Egzamin maturalny dla absolwentw niesyszcych (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) 85
Zadanie 3. (04)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty o mieszkaniach do wynajcia (AC). Odpowiedz na pytania Wpisz rozwizania do tabeli. Uwaga: w jednym tekcie znajduj si odpowiedzi
na dwa pytania.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie [] proste wypowiedzi pisemne [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.).
3.1. A
3.2. C
3.3. B
3.4. B
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
86 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 4. (05)
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupenienie luk. Wpisz litery AG w luki
Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostay podane dodatkowo i nie pasuj do adnej luki.
There are many different kinds of 4.1. _____ in Australia and on nearby islands. Some
of them, like kangaroos, koalas and emus, are well known but others are not. A good
4.2. _____ is the Tasmanian devil which now lives only in Tasmania, an island off
the southeast coast of Australia. Tasmanian devils have black and white chests. They are
about one metre 4.3. _____. They eat small birds and insects. They are very strong and have
big sharp 4.4. _____. Tasmanian devils are 4.5. _____ to small bears, but they are close
cousins of kangaroos. Just like kangaroos they carry their young in a pouch, a kind of bag
on their stomach. They have four babies at a time! Can you imagine that?
adapted from
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [] (4.1., 4.2., 4.3., 4.4., 4.5.).
4.1. E
4.2. G
4.3. B
4.4. D
4.5. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 5. (03)
Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz poprawne uzupenienie luk. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
5.2. I wrote the best essay in my class. My mum was really _____ of me.
A. proud
B. worried
C. exciting
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si w miar rozwinitym zasobem rodkw jzykowych (leksykalnych,
gramatycznych, ortograficznych) [] (5.1., 5.2., 5.3.).
5.1. B
5.2. A
5.3. C
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 6.
Popatrz na zdjcie. Odpowiedz na pytania penymi zdaniami w jzyku angielskim.
W pytaniach 6.2. i 6.3. nie musisz udziela prawdziwych odpowiedzi, moesz je wymyli.
88 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Zadanie 7.
W przyszym tygodniu urzdzasz przyjcie dla swoich znajomych. W e-mailu do kolegi
z Anglii:
wyjanij dlaczego urzdzasz przyjcie
napisz, co ju zrobie(-a), przygotowujc to przyjcie
przedstaw, co myl rodzice o tym przyjciu.
Rozwi swoj wypowied w kadym z trzech podpunktw, pamitajc, e jej dugo powinna
wynosi od 50 do 100 sw (nie liczc sw, ktre s wytuszczone). Oceniana jest
umiejtno penego przekazania informacji, spjno i logika wypowiedzi oraz zakres
i poprawno rodkw jzykowych.
Zadanie 6.
6.1. Shes tall and slim.
6.2. Yes, because you can have long walks in the mountains. / No, because
I dont like mountains.
6.3. When you have a pet, you can play with it.
Zadanie 7.
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for your letter. How are you?
Im going to have a party next week. Its my birthday on Saturday. I would
like to see my all friends and have good time.
Yesterday I bought food, drinks and fifty colourful balloons to decorate
the room.
My parents are happy. They think I should do it and they help me a lot. And
my mum will make a birthday cake!
Im so excited. I hope everythin will be fine. I promise Ill send you a few
Schemat punktowania do zadania 6.
1 pkt odpowied komunikatywna i adekwatna do pytania i treci zdjcia.
0 pkt odpowied czciowo lub cakowicie nieadekwatna do pytania oraz/lub treci zdjcia
LUB odpowied niekomunikatywna LUB brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 3. (04)
Przeczytaj tekst, ktry zosta podzielony na trzy czci (AC) oraz pytania
ich dotyczce ( Do kadego pytania dopasuj waciw cz tekstu.
Wpisz rozwizania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedna cz tekstu pasuje do dwch pyta.
A. The practice of la carte pricing, that is, making passengers pay for each service
individually, for instance food and drinks or choosing a seat, is more and more
common. The trend began with American Airlines introducing a fee for checked-in
luggage and soon the ideas for other add-ons followed. With far fewer people flying
because of the economic recession airlines are reluctant1 to raise fares and many
companies are counting on this money more than ever. In fact, la carte pricing has
become so successful that experts are predicting it will be on the rise in the years
to come.
B. European carrier FlyWithUs has taken la carte pricing to the extreme, introducing
a per-minute fee for customers speaking to a company representative on the phone.
That practice would probably never take off in the U.S. Experts predict the la carte
pricing structure will allow carriers to treat higher-paying passengers better than their
penny-pinching2 neighbours. For example, a person who buys a meal, a headset, and
a pillow is likely to get better service from the cabin crew. This has always been
the case in first class, but its new to economy.
C. Because fees differ from airline to airline and only a few companies, like Southwest,
still stick to the old-fashioned, all-inclusive approach it takes a lot of work to figure
out the total cost of a trip. You have to do a lot of math but if you book online, don't
check-in a bag, and skip the meal3, youre probably paying less than if the airlines had
simply raised fares. And according to a poll conducted last year people are becoming
more comfortable with the system for that reason. Fifty-three percent of respondents
said theyd prefer to buy the lowest-priced option and then add services than go for
a higher priced all-inclusive fare.
adapted from
reluctant not really wanting to
penny-pinching careful with spending money
skip the meal decide not to have a meal
Egzamin maturalny dla absolwentw niesyszcych (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) 91
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie wypowiedzi [] pisemne o rnorodnej formie i dugoci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.).
3.1. C
3.2. B
3.3. C
3.4. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Zadanie 4. (05)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty zwizane ze szko. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz waciw,
zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
I was in my third year of teaching creative writing when one of my students, 16-year-old
Mikey, gave me a note from his mother: Dear Mr. McCort, Mikeys grandmother who is 80 fell
down the stairs from too much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her so
I could go to my job at the ferry terminal. Please excuse Mikey. P.S. His grandmother is ok.
I had seen Mikey scribbling the note at his desk, using his left hand to disguise1 his
handwriting. I said nothing. Most parental excuse notes I received back in those days were written
by my students. I threw Mikeys note into a desk drawer along with many other notes. While my
class took a test, I decided to read all the notes again. I made two piles, one for the genuine ones,
the other for forgeries2. The second was the larger pile, with writing that ranged from imaginative
to lunatic.
Isnt it remarkable, I thought, how the students complained and said it was hard putting
200 words together on any subject? But when they forged excuse notes, they were brilliant.
The notes I had could be turned into an anthology of Great American Excuses. Here was
American high school writing at its best raw, real, urgent, brief, and lying like The stove
caught fire and the wallpaper went up and the fire department kept us out of the house all night.
The writers of these notes didnt realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull: Peter was
late because the alarm clock didnt go off.
One day I had an idea. I typed out a few excuse notes and told the students to read them.
Mr. McCourt, who wrote these? asked one boy.
You did, I said.
So what are we supposed to do?
This is the first class to study the art of the excuse note the first class, ever, to practice
writing them. Youre so lucky to have a teacher like me who has taken your best writing and
turned it into a subject worthy of study.
Everyone smiled as I went on, You didnt settle for3 the old alarm clock story. You used
your imagination. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when theyre
late or absent. So try it now.
92 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
The students produced a number of excuses, ranging from a truck crashing into a house to
a severe case of food poisoning blamed on the school cafeteria. They said, More, more.
Can we do more?
I asked the class to think about anyone in history who could use a good excuse note.
I wrote suggestions on the board, including the famous gangster, Al Capone.
And then I heard, Mr. McCourt, the principal is at the door. My heart sank as
the principal entered. He started walking up and down, looking at students papers. He picked
a few up and read them as if he was grading them. I felt he didnt like what he saw. On his
way out, he said he would like to see me.
Here it comes, I thought. The punishment. The principal was sitting at his desk. Come in,
I just want to tell you that that lesson, that project, whatever you were doing, was great. Those
kids were writing at college level. I just want to shake your hand, he said.
adapted from Teacher Man by Frank McCourt
disguise here: change
forgeries here: excuses written by students, not by their parents
settle for do something easy; choose an easy option
4.1. The teacher was aware that Mikeys excuse note was a forgery because he
A. recognized Mikeys handwriting.
B. had spotted the boy writing it at school.
C. knew that Mikey was extremely imaginative.
4.2. The teacher gave his students an unusual assignment because he wanted to
A. show them he was aware they had cheated him.
B. publish their writing in an anthology of Great American Excuses.
C. engage their creative potential to improve their language skills.
4.3. Before the teacher entered the principals office, he thought that the principal had
A. disappointed with the grades the students got.
B. inspired by his teaching method.
C. upset about the contents of the students notes.
Tekst 2.
Steven Proud, a student writing a PhD1 at Bristol University, tracked boys and girls test
results at the ages of 7, 11, 14 and 16 in 16,000 schools in England. He analysed the test
scores2 to see if the proportion of girls in a year group made a difference to the results of both
genders in Maths, Science and English.
His research contradicted the widely held belief3 that girls are always a good influence
on boys in school. He found that boys consistently perform up to a tenth of a grade worse
when they study English with high numbers of girls. However, when it comes to Maths
and Science, both boys and girls achieve up to a tenth of a grade more when there are many
girls in the class.
Proud thinks that boys may do worse at English when there is a high proportion of girls
in their class because they realize that the girls are better than them at this subject. It could
also be that teachers use teaching styles more suitable to girls when there are more girls than
boys in the class, Proud said.
adapted from
PhD praca doktorska
scores wyniki
contradicted the widely held belief jest sprzeczny z popularnym pogldem
Egzamin maturalny dla absolwentw niesyszcych (poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony) 93
4.4. Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, not an opinion.
A. Girls consistently have a positive influence on boys at school.
B. Girls impact on boys performance differs depending on the subject.
C. Boys do worse at English because they realize they cannot catch up with girls.
4.5. From both texts we learn
A. what can affect students progress at school.
B. how students achievements can be monitored at school.
C. what factors determine the choice of teaching materials.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie wypowiedzi [] pisemne o rnorodnej formie i dugoci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (4.1., 4.2., 4.3.).
3.1.R. Zdajcy oddziela fakty od opinii (4.4.).
3.1. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl tekstu (4.5.).
4.1. B
4.2. C
4.3. C
4.4. B
4.5. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
94 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Dodatkowo absolwenci szk lub oddziaw dwujzycznych maj rwnie prawo rozwiza
dodatkowe zadania egzaminacyjne z matematyki, biologii, chemii, fizyki, historii oraz
geografii, przygotowane w jzyku bdcym drugim jzykiem nauczania, zgodnie z zasadami
okrelonymi w rozporzdzeniu MEN z dnia 25 kwietnia 2013 roku (Dz.U. z 2013 r.,
poz. 520).
2.6.1. Cz ustna
Celem czci ustnej egzaminu maturalnego z jzyka obcego nowoytnego na poziomie
dwujzycznym jest ocena sprawnoci mwienia, rozumianej jako kompetencja
komunikacyjna zdajcego, w zakresie tworzenia duszych, wieloaspektowych wypowiedzi
ustnych, reagowania jzykowego w rnorodnych, take zoonych, sytuacjach oraz
przetwarzania tekstw i materiaw ikonograficznych. Zakres wiadomoci i umiejtnoci
sprawdzanych w tej czci egzaminu okrelaj wymagania oglne i szczegowe wymienione
w podstawie programowej ksztacenia oglnego, tj.:
wymagania oglne: I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych. III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
IV. Reagowanie na wypowiedzi. V. Przetwarzanie wypowiedzi.
wymagania szczegowe obejmujce 1 zakres tematyczny, 4 tworzenie wypowiedzi
ustnych, 6 reagowanie w formie ustnej, 8 przetwarzanie tekstu w formie ustnej,
12 stosowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i kompensacyjnych.
Tabela A
Do ilu elementw Ile elementw rozwin?
zdajcy nawiza? 4 3 2 1 0
4 6 pkt 5 pkt 4 pkt 3 pkt 2 pkt
3 4 pkt 3 pkt 2 pkt 1 pkt
2 3 pkt 2 pkt 1 pkt
1 1 pkt 0 pkt
0 0 pkt
Zadanie 2a. Prezentacja. Oceny prezentacji dokonuje si pod wzgldem nastpujcych cech:
a. zgodno wypowiedzi z poleceniem, w tym omwienie tematu w odniesieniu do trzech
aspektw wskazanych w poleceniu
b. stopie zoonoci argumentacji
c. spjno i logika wypowiedzi
d. kompozycja wypowiedzi.
Tabela B1
liczba aspektw z polecenia
omwionych w prezentacji
3 2 1 0
wypowied na temat
argumentacja zoona
3 pkt 2 pkt 1 pkt
wypowied na temat
argumentacja prosta
2 pkt 1 pkt 0 pkt 0 pkt
wypowied czciowo na temat
argumentacja zoona
1 pkt 0 pkt 0 pkt
wypowied czciowo na temat
argumentacja prosta 0 pkt
wypowied nie na temat
Tabela B2
1 pkt wypowied jest zorganizowana jako cao, jest spjna i logiczna ORAZ
wypowied zawiera rozwinicie oraz wstp i/lub podsumowanie
0 pkt wypowied nie spenia ktregokolwiek z warunkw okrelonych dla 1 pkt LUB
wypowied zostaa oceniona na 0 pkt zgodnie z Tabel B1
Zadanie 2b. Odpowiedzi na trzy pytania. Oceny odpowiedzi udzielonych przez zdajcego
na trzy pytania zadane przez egzaminujcego dokonuje si pod wzgldem nastpujcych
a. adekwatno odpowiedzi do zadanego pytania
b. stopie zoonoci argumentacji
c. adekwatno reakcji zdajcego w problemowych sytuacjach komunikacyjnych
stworzonych przez egzaminujcego.
Tabela C1
Na ile pyta W ilu odpowiedziach zdajcy
zdajcy zaprezentowa zoon argumentacj?
odpowiedzia 3 2 1 0
3 3 pkt 3 pkt 2 pkt 1 pkt
2 2 pkt 1 pkt 1 pkt
1 1 pkt 0 pkt
0 0 pkt
Tabela C2
1 pkt zdajcy reaguje adekwatnie we wszystkich lub w znacznej czci problemowych
sytuacji komunikacyjnych stworzonych przez egzaminujcego
0 pkt wypowiedzi nie speniaj warunku okrelonego dla 1 pkt LUB
wypowiedzi zostay ocenione na 0 pkt zgodnie z Tabel C1
3 pkt sporadyczne usterki w akcencie wyrazowym i zdaniowym, rytmie wypowiedzi
oraz intonacji
sporadyczne usterki w wymowie poszczeglnych sw i dwikw
bdy w wymowie nie zakcaj komunikacji
2 pkt do czste usterki w akcencie wyrazowym i zdaniowym, rytmie wypowiedzi
oraz intonacji
do czste usterki w wymowie poszczeglnych sw i dwikw
bdy w wymowie nie zakcaj komunikacji LUB sporadycznie zakcaj
1 pkt czste usterki w akcencie wyrazowym i zdaniowym, rytmie wypowiedzi oraz
czste usterki w wymowie poszczeglnych sw i dwikw
bdy w wymowie nie zakcaj komunikacji LUB sporadycznie/czasami
zakcaj komunikacj
0 pkt bdy w wymowie czsto zakcaj komunikacj
brak wypowiedzi LUB wypowied w znacznej czci lub cakowicie
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 101
Pynno wypowiedzi
3 pkt w wypowiedzi nie wystpuj pauzy LUB wystpuj pauzy, jednake nie s one
2 pkt w wypowiedzi wystpuj pauzy, ktre czasem s nienaturalne, jednak nie zakcaj
odbioru komunikatu
1 pkt pauzy w wypowiedzi wystpuj czsto i s nienaturalne; zakcaj czasami odbir
0 pkt pauzy w wypowiedzi wystpuj bardzo czsto i s nienaturalne; zakcaj odbir
brak wypowiedzi LUB wypowied w znacznej czci lub cakowicie
Uwagi dodatkowe:
1. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 0 punktw w kryterium zgodnoci z poleceniem
w obydwu zadaniach, za umiejtnoci jzykowe przyznaje si zdajcemu 0 punktw.
2. Jeeli za zakres rodkw leksykalno-gramatycznych przyznano zdajcemu 0 punktw,
wwczas za poprawno rodkw leksykalno-gramatycznych przyznaje si rwnie
0 punktw.
Zdajcy, ktry przystpi do realizacji tylko jednego zadania, moe za zakres i poprawno
rodkw leksykalno-gramatycznych oraz wymow i pynno wypowiedzi otrzyma
maksymaln liczb punktw okrelon w poniszej tabeli.
2.6.2. Cz pisemna Rozumienie ze suchu
Podstaw zada sprawdzajcych wiadomoci i umiejtnoci w zakresie rozumienia ze suchu
stanowi teksty dwukrotnie odtwarzane w sali egzaminacyjnej z pyty CD.
okrelone w podstawie programowej IV.2: 1; 5.1) 5.11); 7.1)
UMIEJTNOCI 7.14); 8.1) 8.6); 12
PUNKTACJA wypowied jest oceniana przez egzaminatora zgodnie
z nastpujcymi kryteriami:
zgodno z poleceniem: od 0 do 5 punktw
spjno i logika wypowiedzi: od 0 do 2 punktw
zakres rodkw jzykowych: od 0 do 4 punktw
poprawno rodkw jzykowych: od 0 do 4 punktw
Szczegowe kryteria oceniania wypowiedzi pisemnej wraz
z krtkim komentarzem s przedstawione poniej (sekcja
Elementy treci. Realizacj kadego z szeciu elementw treci ocenia si na skali 210
zgodnie z Tabel A.
Tabela C
Elementy Elementy formy
treci 4 32 10
1211 5 pkt 4 pkt 3 pkt
109 4 pkt 3 pkt 3 pkt
87 3 pkt 2 pkt 2 pkt
65 2 pkt 2 pkt 1 pkt
43 2 pkt 1 pkt 1 pkt
21 1 pkt 0 pkt 0 pkt
0 0 pkt 0 pkt 0 pkt
Uwagi dodatkowe
1. Wypowied jest oceniana na 0 punktw w kadym kryterium, jeeli jest:
nieczytelna LUB
cakowicie niezgodna z poleceniem/tematem LUB
niekomunikatywna dla odbiorcy (np. napisana fonetycznie).
2. Praca napisana niesamodzielnie, np. zawierajca fragmenty odtworzone z podrcznika,
zadania zawartego w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym lub innego rda, w tym internetowego,
lub przepisane od innego zdajcego, jest powodem do uniewanienia czci pisemnej
egzaminu z jzyka obcego. W przypadku stwierdzenia podczas przeprowadzania
egzaminu lub podczas sprawdzania pracy egzaminacyjnej niesamodzielnego
rozwizywania przez zdajcego zada zawartych w arkuszu egzaminacyjnym dyrektor
komisji okrgowej, w porozumieniu z dyrektorem Komisji Centralnej, uniewania cz
pisemn egzaminu maturalnego z danego przedmiotu tego zdajcego.
3. Jeeli wypowied zawiera mniej ni 240 sw, przyznaje si 0 punktw za zakres
i poprawno rodkw jzykowych.
4. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 0 punktw w kryterium zgodnoci z poleceniem,
we wszystkich pozostaych kryteriach przyznaje si 0 punktw.
5. Jeeli wypowied nie zawiera w ogle rozwinicia (np. zdajcy napisa tylko wstp),
przyznaje si 0 punktw w kadym kryterium.
6. Jeeli za wypowied przyznano 1 punkt w kryterium zgodnoci z poleceniem,
we wszystkich pozostaych kryteriach mona jej rwnie przyzna maksymalnie
po 1 punkcie.
7. W ocenie poprawnoci jzykowej w wypowiedziach uczniw ze stwierdzon dysleksj
nie bierze si pod uwag bdw zapisu.
1. Bezokolicznik (wszystkie formy) i formy osobowe.
2. Czasowniki posikowe be, do, have.
3. Czasowniki modalne i pmodalne (z bezokolicznikiem zwykym, zwykym cigym,
perfektywnym i perfektywnym cigym):
must, have to
should, ought to
need, need to
used to.
4. Konstrukcje czasownikowe, np. be going to, be able to, would like to.
5. Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne.
6. Imiesw czynny i bierny.
7. Czasowniki zoone (phrasal verbs).
8. Czasy gramatyczne:
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Simple
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 109
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Simple
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous
9. Tryb czcy, np. z czasownikami suggest, insist, recommend, demand.
10. Tryb przypuszczajcy: perfective/continuous/non-continuous aspect.
1. Nazwy rzeczy policzalnych i niepoliczalnych.
2. Liczba mnoga rzeczownikw.
3. Rzeczowniki wystpujce tylko w formie pojedynczej lub mnogiej.
4. Sposoby wyraania posiadania i przynalenoci.
5. Rodzaj.
6. Rzeczowniki zoone.
1. Przedimek nieokrelony.
2. Przedimek okrelony.
3. Przedimek zerowy.
1. Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne uywane do porwna w stopniu rwnym, niszym,
wyszym i najwyszym oraz w konstrukcjach typu the sooner, the better i Im getting more
and more impatient.
2. Uycie przymiotnikw z so i such.
3. Przymiotniki dzierawcze.
4. Przymiotniki po czasownikach postrzegania.
5. Miejsce przymiotnikw w zdaniu.
6. Kolejno przymiotnikw w grupie nominalnej.
7. Przymiotniki uywane w funkcji rzeczownika, np. the rich.
1. Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne.
2. Przyswki too i enough
3. Przyswki o dwch znaczeniowo rnicych si formach, np. hard-hardly, late-lately.
4. Miejsce przyswkw w zdaniu.
1. Zaimki osobowe.
2. Zaimki dzierawcze.
3. Zaimki zwrotne i emfatyczne.
4. Zaimki wskazujce.
5. Zaimki pytajce.
6. Zaimki wzgldne.
7. Zaimki wzajemne.
8. Zaimki nieokrelone, np.
some, any, no, every i zoenia z nimi
none, either, neither
many, much, few, a few, little, a little
110 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
dopenieniowe, np. He promised that he would come soon. Hed like everyone to enjoy
the party. All I did was (to) send him an apology.
przydawkowe ograniczajce i opisujce z zaimkiem wzgldnym lub bez (defining/non-
defining clauses), np. The train that we wanted to take was delayed. My aunt, who has been
helping our family for years, is a rich duchess. He came late, which surprised all of us.
celu, np. I did it so as to save him time. The Government passed that law in order that/
so [that] this kind of antisocial behaviour could be punished.
czasu, np. Say your name when they ask you.
miejsca, np. They found themselves where they had never been before.
porwnawcze, np. Sylvias garden isnt so big as Margarets [is]. I respect him more than
words can say. Jake has as much courage as his older brother [has]. He speaks to me as
if/though I were a child. He looks as if hes tired. She speaks several languages as do her
przyczyny, np. I lent him the book because he asked me to. As it was quite late, we went
straight home.
przyzwolenia, np. Although he was big and strong, he didnt want to fight.
skutku, np. I worked till late so I was tired.
sposobu, np. Do it as I tell you.
stopnia, np. So much was he engaged in his work that he didnt hear anyone.
13. Zdania warunkowe typu 0, I, II, III oraz mieszane.
14. Zdania wyraajce yczenie, preferencje lub przypuszczenie np. z wyraeniami I wish,
Id rather, Id sooner, Id prefer, youd better, suppose/supposing, if only, as if / as though,
its (high/about) time.
15. Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe, imiesowowe i gerundialne:
czasownik + bezokolicznik (w tym np. to be to, to be supposed to)
czasownik + rzeczownik odsowny (gerund)
czasownik + dopenienie + bezokolicznik
czasownik + dopenienie + bezokolicznik bez to
czasownik + dopenienie + imiesw czynny
czasownik + dopenienie + imiesw bierny
konstrukcje z bezokolicznikiem typu He was the first to come. Im glad to see you.
16. Konstrukcja have something done, get sth done, have sb do sth, get sb to do sth.
17. Inwersja stylistyczna i inne formy emfatyczne, w tym:
po wyraeniach przeczcych i ograniczajcych, np. seldom, rarely, hardly, never, only,
w zdaniach typu Rarely do I see so much enthusiasm in her eyes.
w zdaniach warunkowych, np. Had I known about your illness, I wouldnt have
bothered you.
po przyswkowych okolicznikach miejsca, np. Here comes the bride.
cleft sentences, np. It was John who told me that. What I like about him is his smile.
zastosowanie do i did, np. You do look nice today. I did tell you.
112 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
wstpna 1 minuta
Egzaminujcy: Good morning / afternoon / evening.
My name is , and this is my colleague .
Whats your name?
Egzaminujcy: Thank you. Choose one set and give it to me, please.
In this part of the exam Im going to ask you some questions. Can we start?
Egzaminujcy: Why did you decide to study in this school / in a bilingual school?
Who is your favourite writer/musician? (Why?)
Do you like going to museums? (Why? / Why not?)
Is fashion important to you? (Why? / Why not?)
Do you like the place where you live? (Why? / Why not?)
What do think your life will be like in 10 years time?
How do you usually spend winter holidays?
Which place in the world would you decide to visit if money was not a
Would you decide to travel in space if you had a chance to do it? (Why? /
Why not?)
1 min
Egzaminujcy: Thank you.
<prosz przekaza zestaw zdajcemu>
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 113
1. 4 minuty
How likely is it that such a situation will be a part of your professional life
in the future?
Why may the man in the picture have decided to spend his free time in this way?
What do these pictures have in common and how do they differ as far as the loneliness
of a person in the modern world is concerned?
114 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
1. Wersja dla zdajcego
2. 10 minut
Wypowiedz si na temat podany poniej. W swojej wypowiedzi musisz przytoczy
argumenty odnoszce si do podanych aspektw.
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
1. Wersja dla egzaminujcego
1. 4 minuty
Egzaminujcy: Lets start with Task 1. Look at picture A and tell us how likely it is that such
a situation will be a part of your professional life in the future. You have about
1a a minute for this.
[Po upywie ok. 10 sekund prosz jeli to konieczne zapyta: Can you start, please?]
1 min
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
1. Wersja dla egzaminujcego
2. 10 minut
Egzaminujcy: Read Task 2 and think about what youd like to say. You have about two
minutes to prepare.
2 min
Egzaminujcy: [Po upywie ok. 2 minut prosz jeli to konieczne zapyta: Can you start, please?]
3 min
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
2. Wersja dla zdajcego
1. 4 minuty
Is it typical of the people you know to lead such a lifestyle?
What might have happened to make the woman live on the streets?
What would each woman gain and what would each one lose if they switched places for
a year?
118 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
2. Wersja dla zdajcego
2. 10 minut
Wypowiedz si na temat podany poniej. W swojej wypowiedzi musisz przytoczy
argumenty odnoszce si do podanych aspektw.
Czy jest moliwe, aby wszyscy ludzie na wiecie mieli przynajmniej podstawowe
pooenie geograficzne
sytuacja polityczna
tradycje kulturowe
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
2. Wersja dla egzaminujcego
1. 4 minuty
Egzaminujcy: Lets start with Task 1. Look at picture A and tell us if it is typical of the people
you know to lead such a lifestyle? (Why?/Why not?) You have about a minute for
1a this.
[Po upywie ok. 10 sekund prosz jeli to konieczne zapyta: Can you start, please?]
1 min
Egzamin maturalny z jzyka angielskiego na poziomie dwujzycznym
2. Wersja dla egzaminujcego
2. 10 minut
Egzaminujcy: Read task 2 and think about what youd like to say. You have about two
minutes to prepare.
2 min
Egzaminujcy: [Po upywie ok. 2 minut prosz jeli to konieczne zapyta: Can you start, please?]
3 min
Czy jest moliwe, aby wszyscy ludzie na wiecie mieli przynajmniej podstawowe
pooenie geograficzne
sytuacja polityczna
tradycje kulturowe
Task 1. (04)
You are going to hear three people talking about their problems with parking
in London. For questions, choose the right speaker (AC) and put a cross (X)
in the appropriate column in the table. Some speakers may be chosen more than once.
Which speaker A B C
1.1. believes a parking attendant did not act according to regulations?
1.2. has successfully challenged many parking tickets?
1.3. questions the rules of rewarding parking attendants?
1.4. did not receive any response to his complaint?
Speaker A
I am a courier and I drive all over London. I often have to park my van in prohibited places,
simply to load or unload the goods I deliver. I cant even remember how many times Ive
been given a ticket and how many times Ive had to have the tickets cancelled.
The cancellations are always approved, but its just such a nuisance! After all, Im delivering,
not looking for tourist attractions on a map! And they always make you wait for
the cancellation. Like the last ticket I got. I can only assume it was cancelled, as Ealing
Council never wrote back to me after my letter of complaint. Driving for a living is
a nightmare here. I am fed up with London. Its getting worse and worse.
Speaker B
I was walking back to my car that was parked in Marylebone. The parking time was almost up
but I could already see the car so I didnt think the extra minute would be a problem.
Then, I saw the parking attendant start to issue the ticket so I started running towards the car.
I was just two minutes over my time after having paid 5 for just over an hour and I got
a ticket for 20! I challenged it, of course, but the Council found my complaint unjustified so
it all came to nothing! Arent the parking attendants supposed to wait by the car for
five minutes before issuing a ticket? So Ive heard on TV. I think the attendants really are
overzealous, and while parking control is essential, this kind of practice will never help
parking enforcement get public acceptance.
Speaker C
I live in Ealing, and the Controlled Parking Zone in the area operates, not like everywhere
else from 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, but from 9 am to 9 pm seven days a week!
This is a residential area, with no underground stations nearby, and very few shops, and has
never had a shortage of parking spaces. The Controlled Parking Zone is not, of course, about
controlling parking: its about making money. And clear evidence of this can be seen from the
behaviour of the parking attendants, who routinely patrol at five-to-nine in the evening,
including Sundays, ticketing the cars of unsuspecting visitors. This is an abuse of authority by
the Council in order to extort money. I also believe it should be made illegal to pay parking
122 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
attendants a bounty for issuing penalty notices. Its no wonder they try to catch people out if
they know theyre going to profit from it.
adapted from
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie skomplikowane wypowiedzi ustne [] na rne, take abstrakcyjne
tematy, o rnorodnej formie i dugoci, w rnych odmianach jzyka i warunkach odbioru
Wymagania szczegowe
2.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4).
1.1. B
1.2. A
1.3. C
1.4. A
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Task 2. (07)
You are going to read two texts connected in some way with education. For questions, choose the answer that best matches the text and circle the appropriate letter
A, B, C or D.
Text 1
I discovered that George was an old friend of Larrys who had come to Corfu to write a novel.
There was nothing very unusual about this, for all my brothers acquaintances in those days
were either authors, poets or painters. It was George, moreover, who was really responsible
for our presence in Corfu, for he had written such eulogistic letters about the place that Larry
had become convinced we could live nowhere else. Now George was to pay the penalty for
his rashness. He came over to the villa to discuss my education with Mother, and we were
introduced. We regarded each other with suspicion during this first meeting and over
the following few weeks.
Gravely, George set about the task of teaching me. He was undeterred by the fact that
there were no school-books available on the island; he ransacked his own library
and appeared on the appointed day armed with a most unorthodox selection of tomes.
He taught me the rudiments of geography from the maps in the back of an ancient copy
of Pears Cyclopaedia, French from a fat dictionary called Le Petit Larousse and mathematics
from memory. From my point of view, however, the most important thing was that
we devoted some of our time to natural history and George meticulously and carefully taught
me how to observe and how to note down observations in a diary. At once my enthusiastic but
haphazard interest in nature became focused.
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 123
Every morning I would watch George stalking through the olive-trees. Good morning.
The disciple awaits the master agog with anticipation, I trust. If I remember rightly, we were
involved in the herculean task of discovering how long it would take six men to build a wall if
three of them took a week. I seem to recall that we spent almost as much time on this problem
as the men spent on the wall. Ah well, let us gird our loins and do battle once again. Perhaps
its the shape of the problem that worries you, eh? Let us see if we can make it more exciting.
If it took two caterpillars a week to eat eight leaves, how long would four caterpillars take to
eat the same number? Now, apply yourself to that.
While I struggled with the apparently insoluble problem of the caterpillars appetite,
George would be otherwise occupied. He was at that time engaged in learning some of
the local peasant dances, for which he had a passion. So, while waiting for me to finish
the sum, he would drift about in the gloom of the room, practising complicated dancing-steps,
a habit that I found disconcerting, to say the least, and to which I shall always attribute my
inability to do mathematics.
abridged from My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell
Text 2
This fall some two million high school seniors will apply to one of the thousands of colleges
and universities in the United States. And many decisions will rely on U.S. News & World
Reports Americas Best Colleges, one of the most widely quoted rankings in the US,
published since 1983. Many education analysts and university presidents believe that rankings
have distorted the admissions process. 1 Not until the 1990s, when college guides became
a growing industry, did it really dawn on critics that college rankings were also providing kids
with reliable data that could be used to compare schools and pick one out of the clutter.
To reduce the relevance of one sort of ranking the critics would have to provide another:
an alternative measure of educational quality based on a new standard to which institutions
could aspire.
124 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Lets look more closely at some of the specific measures taken into account under the U.S.
News formula. Take faculty resources. A school that primarily hires full-time professors
with the highest degrees in their fields and pays them handsomely scores above a school that
relies more on lower-paid, part-time professors. The thinking here seems plausible enough:
the higher-paid professor is more likely to have an impressive curriculum vitae and be a good
teacher, and a full-time professor has more time to teach and prepare for classes than a harried
adjunct. 2 But in practice the things that make a professor well known in his field
published articles, groundbreaking research must compete for his time and attention with
teaching obligations.
How about schools that are rich? On the whole, such schools can spend more money on
their students and score better in the financial resources category which measures
spending on things such as faculty salaries, libraries and other forms of academic support,
and student counselling than schools with tiny endowments. The catch is that a high level
of per-student spending does not necessarily translate into, say, a high level of per-student
learning. 3
The fact that faculty resources and financial means dont necessarily correlate with high
levels of learning also undercuts the most important of the U.S. News measures: peer
assessment. Peer assessment is purely subjective: university presidents, provosts,
and admissions officers are simply asked to rate each school on a scale of 1 to 5. 4
In one sense, then, rankings have merely made explicit the perceptions of prestige and quality
that existed among educators long before anyone tried to record them. But it turns out that
university officials tend to base their assessment of reputation on an institutions wealth
in resources.
On the whole, rich, prestigious, research-oriented universities are assumed, rightly
or wrongly, to provide a better education than other schools. Therefore, university
administrators are devoting increasing amounts of time and money to improving the things
that build prestige, whether or not those things improve the educational experience of the
undergraduates the institution is meant to serve.
abridged from The Atlantic Monthly, November 2003
2.5. As suggested in paragraph 1, college rankings are useful because they
A. make the admissions process easier.
B. help in choosing the best university.
C. point out wealthy and reliable schools.
D. raise educational standards in colleges.
2.6. Look at the squares marked 14 in the text and decide where the following sentence
fits best in the passage.
Its the difference between having a well-stocked library and knowing that your
students read a lot of books.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie skomplikowane wypowiedzi [] pisemne na rne, take abstrakcyjne
tematy, o rnorodnej formie i dugoci, w rnych odmianach jzyka [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.3. Zdajcy znajduje w tekcie okrelone informacje (2.1., 2.2., 2.5.).
3.10. Zdajcy rozpoznaje w tekcie rodki stylistyczne oraz zjawiska jzykowe powodujce
niejednoznaczno wypowiedzi (2.3.).
3.2. Zdajcy okrela gwn myl poszczeglnych czci tekstu (2.4.).
3.7. Zdajcy rozpoznaje zwizki pomidzy poszczeglnymi czciami tekstu (2.6.).
3.4. Zdajcy okrela postawy i intencje nadawcy/autora tekstu (2.7.).
2.1. A
2.2. B
2.3. D
2.4. C
2.5. B
2.6. C
2.7. B
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Task 3. (04)
Read the article. Four fragments have been removed from the text. Complete each gap
( with the fragment which fits best and put the appropriate letter (AE)
in the gap. There is one fragment which you do not need to use.
You may have noticed that wherever you go in Ireland, its very hard to avoid Irish music,
in all its myriad forms. But it wasnt always like this. Up to and well into the 1960s, Irish
music was to a large extent looked down on, in much the same way that city children
disparage their country cousins for being rather behind the times. 3.1.
While herculean efforts were made to revive Irish, however, little or nothing was done
to promote what is now accepted as an equally important aspect of the nations culture: its
Up to the 1960s, popular attitudes ranged from indifference to downright hostility.
3.2. In an era innocent of discos, every neighbourhood had its dance hall, where people
would gather on weekend nights. The speculation about who was going to dance with whom
and the dancing itself was executed to the strains of a show band playing jazz, jive, and that
distinctive Irish export to America re-imported under the name of country and western.
In those days, dancing was banned during Lent, but the church made an exception for dancing
to traditional music on St Patricks night. 3.3.
This is not to say that traditional music had no following. It had an extremely active and
devoted one that kept it very much alive. 3.4. It was not until 1951 that a concerted effort
was made to promote the tradition. Within ten years of being set up by the Dublin Pipers
Club, an organisation called Comhaltas Ceoltir ireann had branches all over the country
126 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
and was holding an annual music festival, called fle cheoil. Then, with the burgeoning
international interest in folk music in the 1960s, came the ballad groups, which finally tipped
the balance. Instead of being ignored, the country cousin was all of a sudden the centre of
attention! Singing pubs, folk groups and clubs began to spring up everywhere.
from Encounter Ireland by Jennifer Sweeney, Gill and Macmillan
A. As Fintan OToole says, If ever there was a formula for making Irish music penitential,
the artistic equivalent of salted herring on a Friday, this was it. The result,
not surprisingly, was that the more exotic the music, the better it must be.
B. Like the Irish language, it belonged to a cultural tradition that was associated with
oppression and poverty, a past that many people in the middle of the twentieth century
wanted to forget.
C. From the suburbs of Dublin to the most isolated corners of Co. Kerry, those who had
the ability played for the sheer love of it, usually gathering in somebodys house and
often playing till dawn. But while there was fervent interest, it lacked organisation.
D. They opened the eyes of the unenlightened to the realisation that their musical heritage
was not something to be despised as unsophisticated and old-fashioned but an inherent
part of their culture that they could both enjoy and be proud of.
E. At best it was barely tolerated cil band music played on accordions with
the inappropriate backing of a piano; at worst it was considered a form of low-life
entertainment indulged in by tinkers, that distinctive and controversial breed
of travelling people whose life and culture is another story.
Wymagania oglne
II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy rozumie skomplikowane wypowiedzi pisemne [] na rne, take abstrakcyjne
tematy, o rnorodnej formie i dugoci, w rnych odmianach jzyka [].
Wymagania szczegowe
3.7. Zdajcy rozpoznaje zwizki pomidzy poszczeglnymi czciami tekstu (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.)
3.1. B
3.2. E
3.3. A
3.4. C
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 127
Task 4. (05)
For questions, think of one word only which can be used appropriately
to complete all three sentences. Write the missing word in the space provided.
4.1. ____________________
Edward fell to the ground as a pain shot up his ankle suddenly.
The light was poor and my hands weren't very steady, so many photographs weren't .
Lufengosaurus probably ate plants, but its teeth were and it may have also eaten
small animals.
4.2. ____________________
Fortunately, there was a in the weather and Steve and his friends managed to get
a day's fishing in.
The dish was a from the norm and the only thing I would add is some garlic,
the flavor just needed a little kick to it.
Taking the family on a well-earned may be top of your priority list this Easter and
if it is then you have plenty of options.
4.3. ____________________
The wind and waves pushed their little boat to shore, where they waited in a little cave
until the storm .
Although their debut album almost unnoticed, they turned out to be successful
in 1969 with a song about a cosmonaut lost in space, Space Oddity.
She the ball to Jared, and he began dribbling it.
4.4. ____________________
Congress may make laws, but the president has the to veto them.
My ultimate goal is to have enough from wind and solar sources to run a small
When it comes to living in a successful way, your to concentrate on the things that
matter most is paramount.
4.5. ____________________
Visitors to the restaurant will enjoy breathtaking views of the city at night, including
a view of St. Josephs Cathedral.
I believe his name was Walter, but my memory is not on that point.
We waited at the entrance until the road was and then sprinted through, hoping
to reach the end before a truck caught up.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem zoonych rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [].
Wymagania szczegowe
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae idiomatycznych,
oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem poprawnoci gramatycznej
[] i ortograficznej [] (4.1., 4.2., 4.3., 4.4., 4.5.).
128 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
4.1. sharp
4.2. break
4.3. passed
4.4. power
4.5. clear
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Task 5. (05)
For questions, complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning
as possible to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem zoonych rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [] (5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5.).
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 129
5.1. for a great deal of diligence
5.2. is believed to have been caused
5.3. a change for the
5.4. should your mobile phone be switched on
5.5. high enough to be seen
Schemat punktowania
1 pkt poprawna odpowied.
0 pkt odpowied niepoprawna lub brak odpowiedzi.
Task 6. (015)
Choose one of the topics below. Write a composition following the conventions
of the genre indicated in the topic. Use between 300 and 350 words.
1. W rodkach masowego przekazu toczy si dyskusja na temat wprowadzenia do szk
krajw Unii Europejskiej takiego samego podrcznika do historii. Napisz rozprawk,
w ktrej przedstawisz dobre i ze strony tej propozycji.
2. Coraz czciej organizuje si akcje majce na celu podniesienie wiadomoci ekologicznej
spoeczestwa. Napisz artyku do czasopisma internetowego, w ktrym zrelacjonujesz
przebieg takiej akcji oraz przedstawisz wasn opini na temat skutecznoci takich akcji
w aspekcie indywidualnym i spoecznym.
3. W czasopimie filmowym ukaza si artyku powicony problemowi nielegalnego
cigania filmw z Internetu. Artyku koczy si sowami:
Such acts of piracy must be condemned. Illegally downloading films from the Internet is
unethical, dangerous and causes financial losses.
Napisz list do redakcji tego czasopisma, w ktrym przedstawisz swoj opini na temat
nielegalnego cigania filmw z Internetu, odnoszc si do trzech kwestii wskazanych
przez autora w ostatnim zdaniu artykuu.
Temat 1.
Unification is one of the keywords describing the aims of the European Union.
A heated debate has been provoked recently by one of the projects concerning
education, namely the introduction of a unified history textbook in schools across
the EU. Such a coursebook would surely bring some benefits, but opponents list
many a danger such a move would entail.
If we look at it from the perspective of European Union integration,
the idea seems brilliant. Nowadays history textbooks are definitely biased.
The school curricula cover mostly national history and present it from the point of
130 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
view of the nation concerned. This, in turn, is the source of misunderstandings and
may spur the growth of nationalism. Therefore, a unified textbook presenting
a diversity of viewpoints is considered a suitable remedy.
Another advantage of such a textbook is the chance to put European history
right. No matter how herculean the task seems, an objective version of European
history would be much appreciated. And while we should not expect wonders,
a concerted effort of international experts may be a real step forward.
However, opponents claim that the change would not eradicate the problems,
it would only bring about different ones. While aimed at reconciliation and
the strengthening of bonds between member states, the move is bound to stimulate
conflicts concerning the content of the textbook, the choice of experts creating it,
the selection of historical events, to name but a few. The cost of this research is
going to be astronomical but the chances of success are really meagre.
Finally, we have to consider the risks for adolescents and society at large. It is
obvious that the amount of national history in the school programmes will have to
be reduced and consequently we may end up with a homogeneous European
society, completely devoid of its roots and national identity.
To sum up, I would like to say that this major change in education would surely
have numerous advantages but the cost and resources which would have to be put
into creating such a coursebook may not be worthwhile.
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem zoonych rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy tworzy pynne, szczegowe i logicznie skonstruowane dusze wypowiedzi []
pisemne na rnorodne tematy, bogate i spjne pod wzgldem treci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [.].
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 131
Temat 2.
It seems to me that over the last few years events organised to increase
the environmental awareness of society have become an everyday reality.
Events, media campaigns, advertisements promoting eco-friendly products;
millions of dollars spent to drill ecological behaviour into society. And what is
the outcome? Are we ready to pay the price for saving the Earth?
Last Saturday, I felt the urge to research the problem for our magazine and
joined the crowds attending Green Fair, a widely-publicised event sponsored
by our local authorities. At first glance everything seemed right. Colourful
banners, recycling bins, environmental activists preaching about the increasing
levels of carbon dioxide, the depletion of the ozone layer and rain forest
destruction. And then I noticed that, ironically, the fair had little to do with
ecology. Literally thousands of paper leaflets flying around, organic products
132 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z jzyka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2014/2015
Wymagania oglne
I. Znajomo rodkw jzykowych.
Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem zoonych rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [].
III. Tworzenie wypowiedzi.
Zdajcy tworzy pynne, szczegowe i logicznie skonstruowane dusze wypowiedzi []
pisemne na rnorodne tematy, bogate i spjne pod wzgldem treci [].
Wymagania szczegowe
1. Zdajcy posuguje si bogatym zasobem rodkw jzykowych, w tym wyrae
idiomatycznych, oraz bogat frazeologi, a take wykazuje si wysokim poziomem
poprawnoci gramatycznej [] i ortograficznej [.].
5.3. Zdajcy [] relacjonuje wydarzenia z przeszoci [].
5.7. Zdajcy wyraa opinie, pogldy i uczucia swoje i innych osb i popiera je trafnymi
argumentami i przykadami.
5.10. Zdajcy stosuje formalny lub nieformalny styl wypowiedzi w zalenoci od sytuacji,
dostosowuje styl wypowiedzi do potencjalnego odbiorcy.
5.11. Zdajcy stosuje zasady konstruowania tekstw o rnym charakterze.
Egzamin maturalny na poziomie dwujzycznym 133
w zakresie historii:
w zakresie matematyki:
w zakresie fizyki:
w zakresie geografii:
5 lipca 2013 r.
Przewodniczcy KRASP