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DOmedia aims to change the way media is bought and sold by creating an out-of-home media marketplace. Purchasing out-of-home advertisements currently involves a laborious and complicated process with challenges around data generation.

The projections show increasing revenue, gross margin, EBITDA, and net profit over the 5 years. Revenue is projected to grow from $544k in year 1 to $7.7m in year 5.

Several complaints have been expressed such as the process being laborious, complicated, and challenging to generate data from.


Change the way media is bought and sold .

DOmedia is an out-of-home media marketplace with a mission to

change the way media is bought and sold.
This is not a solicitation for securities

The material in this presentation has been prepared by DOmedia and is place undue reliance on these forward looking statements. DOmedia
general background information about DOmedias activities current as at does not undertake any obligation to publicly release the result of any
the date of this presentation. This information is given in summary form revisions to these forward looking statements to reflect events or
and does not purport to be complete. Information in this presentation, circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of
including forecast financial information, should not be considered as unanticipated events. While due care has been used in the preparation of
advice or a recommendation to investors or potential investors in relation forecast information, actual results may vary in a materially positive or
to holding, purchasing or selling securities or other financial products or negative manner. Forecasts and hypothetical examples are subject to
instruments and does not take into account your particular investment uncertainty and contingencies outside DOmedias control.
objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information
you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard
to these matters, any relevant offer document and in particular, you
should seek independent financial advice. All securities and financial
product or instrument transactions involve risks, which include (among
others) the risk of adverse or unanticipated market, financial or political
developments and, in international transactions, currency risk. This
presentation may contain forward looking statements including
statements regarding our intent, belief or current expectations with
respect to DOmedias businesses and operations, market conditions,
results of operation and financial condition, capital adequacy, specific
provisions and risk management practices. Readers are cautioned not to

Media is complex to, purchase.

Purchasing out-of-home advertisements is
laborious, complicated, and challenging to
generate data from, because of this, many
companies are switching to digital marketing.
Primary Pain Points
Several complaints have been expressed by agencies and advertisers in the media industry.

How Challenging Do you Find Shopping For Media Placements?

We surveyed over 1,000 brands to ask how challenging they find shopping for
paid media placements for out of the home advertisement space. Across the
four demographics, we have realized it is a significant problem.

20% 50% 80% 60%

Not at all Slightly Highly Moderately
Out-of-Home Marketing
The growth of out-of-home marketing is slowing due to replacement by digital marketing.

Platforms are needed to help

mass marketing compete with
4.3 4.4
3.5 The accessibility, reporting, and targeting of digital marketing has
3 made mass marketing less appealing. The growth of mass marketing
2.5 has slowed over the past decade and is now having a difficult time
competing aggressively with mass media.
2 2

2.888 K 2.882 K
Male Access Female Access

2014 2015 2016 2017

Print Media Billboards Public Transit

Making media, easier to buy and track.

Unlike any solution presently on the market,
DOmedia has a suite of cloud based software to
help advertising agencies and media sellers
transact more efficiently and more profitably.
We empower media agencies, vendors and brands.

DOmedia combines a simple

platform & analytics tools
agencies use to simplify media.

Out of home visual Print media including Premier media spots including Joint promotion offers and free
advertisements and displays. magazines, newspapers, ect. billboards and sponsorships. giveaways for the public.

DOmedia allows companies DOmedia delivers the The DOmedia platforms Paid promotional placements
to purchase, monitor and capability to receive offers access to a variety of across the web deliver unique
track media placements in unparalleled access to print media sources and channels value that other companies
the digital entrainment media with analytics. out-of-home. cannot otherwise access.
How we help Media Sellers
A next generation platform, for media sellers to more effectively maximize their capacity for all advertisement space

An analytics dashboard Premier Placements

that helps to track Top media placements may be
sold through the platform along
with premier placements to top
notch opportunities.
A clean and organized
format to display all
Unique Placements
placement options.
Unique placements that are
otherwise challenging to sell and
Ability to target niche get more coverage through
demographics and our member network.

location more effectively.

Account Management
Multiple variations and An account manager serves both
options of ad buyers and sellers to resolve any
placements and offering. conflict and avoid any
Access to hundreds of
thousands of billboards
Flexible, advertisements in public spaces

Marketing Bus Wraps
Wraps on public

Platform transportation, driving

ads, and related.

The platform for mass marketing allows for the

change of billboards, public transportation
wraps, print marketing, and dozens of other our Subway Wraps
of home marketing channels.
Ad space on subways,
interior buses, cabs, and
other channels.
How we help Advertising Agencies
A more efficient way to purchase out-of-home mass marketing placements

An analytics dashboard Ability to target

that helps to track demographics and
buyers. location more effectively.

A clean and organized Multiple variations and

format to display all options of ad
placement options. placements and offering.

Simple Solution The platform allows advertising agencies to

An efficient, easy find the best placements to meet their

solution for demographics targeting across 50 states and

advertisers soon in Canada.
Expansion of Mass Marketing
Companies can secure media placements and mass marketing spots most effective for their business

Print Advertisements Public Advertisements Data Series 03

Ads in magazines, newspapers, and other Ads in magazines, newspapers, and other Synth chartreuse XOXO, tacos brooklyn
related print materials. related print materials. VHS plaid.
7 7 7

6 6 6

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
2010 2010 2010
An experienced team of professionals.

Management The management team has over thirty years combined experience in
mass marketing, technology management, and business development.

Team Combined, they are qualified to run a technology and mass marketing
Meet Our Team Members
An experienced team with over 30 years of combined experience in the mass marketing and digital platform space.

Peter Douglas DOmediaa Green Ben Fernandez Julian Santos

Designer Founder SEO Manager Marketing
Letterpress next level trust fund, before.
Over the next five years, we anticipate the expansion of our

Operations operation into three new markets, which should secure our
position from any future competitors.

Strategy In addition to the future strategy, we will continue to test new

verticals and markets in order to determine their efficacy before
we fully invest in the area.
SWOT Analysis
An analysis of strengths and weaknesses we identify to work-around.

Strengths Weaknesses
Experienced management
Proven concept with metrics of
usage increasing by 200%
S W A slowing market for print ads,
but still a mainstay that lacked
attention previously.


Expansion opportunities across
various markets and
classifications of market.
O T Threats
Many companies in the space
will enter and attempt to
replicate the business model.
Projected Timeline
An outline of our next goals to be implemented over the next four years.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Print Expansion Video Expansion Geographic Expansion Public Relations Exit Strategy

Expansion into print Expansion into video Expansion into other Media placements in the US and Sale through either an IPO or
advertisements. advertisements. geographies including LATAM abroad to promote mass strategic investor.
and Asia. awareness.
Five year, financial projections.

Financial projections under the scenario of
raising $15.0 M from private accredited
investors or a public institutional firm.
Services Information Slide
Letterpress next level trust fund, before they sold out +1 meh gluten-free locavore tacos PBR&B tofu.

Pro Forma Profit and Loss (000)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Revenue 544,145 1,717,347 3,434,694 5,152,040 7,728,061
Subtotal Cost of Revenue 16,324 51,520 103,041 154,561 231,842
Total Cost of Revenue $ 16,324 $ 51,520 $ 103,041 $ 154,561 $ 231,842

Gross Margin $ 527,820 $ 1,665,826 $ 3,331,653 $ 4,997,479 $ 7,496,219

Gross Margin/Revenue 97% 97% 97% 97% 97%

Professional Services 14,400 34,347 68,694 103,041 154,561
Business Development 27,600 51,520 103,041 154,561 231,842
Marketing & Advertising 144,000 257,602 515,204 772,806 1,159,209
Research & Development 14,400 240,429 480,857 721,286 1,081,929
Contractor Salaries 40,800 257,602 515,204 772,806 1,159,209
Misc. SG&A 14,400 240,429 480,857 721,286 1,081,929
Total Operating Expenses $ 255,600 $ 1,081,929 $ 2,163,857 $ 3,245,786 $ 4,868,678
Wages & Payroll - - - - -
Depreciation, Amortization & Taxes - - - - -
Net Income $ 272,220 $ 583,898 $ 1,167,796 $ 1,751,694 $ 2,627,541
Net Income/Revenue 50% 34% 34% 34% 34%
Services Information Slide
Letterpress next level trust fund, before they sold out +1 meh gluten-free locavore tacos PBR&B tofu.

Year 1 Revenue Monthly Revenue By Year

160,000 9000








- 0
Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Services Information Slide
Letterpress next level trust fund, before they sold out +1 meh gluten-free locavore tacos PBR&B tofu.

Projected Operating Highlights By Year ($000) Projected Revenues By Year ($000)

9000 9000
8000 8000
7000 7000
6000 Gross Margin 6000
5000 5000
4000 EBITDA 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
Net Profit
1000 1000
0 0
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Projected Cash Flow By Year ($000) Projected Net Income By Year ($000)
7000 3000

6000 2500
Net Cash Flow
2000 Cash Balance

1000 500

0 0
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Services Information Slide
Letterpress next level trust fund, before they sold out +1 meh gluten-free locavore tacos PBR&B tofu.

Financial Highlights ($000)

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Revenue 2 3 4 7 15 24 34 47 66 86 112 145 544 1717 3435 5152 7728
Gross Margin 2 3 3 7 15 23 33 46 64 83 108 141 528 1666 3332 4997 7496
Operating Expense 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 256 1082 2164 3246 4869
EBITDA (19) (18) (18) (14) (7) 2 11 24 43 62 87 119 272 584 1168 1752 2628
Net Profit (19) (18) (18) (14) (7) 2 11 24 43 62 87 119 272 584 1168 1752 2628

Gross Margin/Revenue 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97%
EBITDA/Revenue -772% -627% -507% -205% -45% 8% 34% 52% 65% 72% 78% 82% 50% 34% 34% 34% 34%
Net Profit/Revenue -772% -627% -507% -205% -45% 8% 34% 52% 65% 72% 78% 82% 50% 34% 34% 34% 34%

Net Cash Flow (19) (18) (18) (14) (7) 2 11 24 43 62 87 119 272 584 1168 1752 2628
Cash Balance - Ending 71 53 35 20 14 16 27 51 94 156 243 362 362 953 2121 3873 6500

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