Constructive Notice of Child of God Status

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Constructive Notice of Child of God

Whereas the united states of America is a nation founded upon the belief in the
principles of the supremacy of God and the rule of law, and

Whereas the secondary position in that hierarchy is not claimed by anyone, and

Whereas the governments of this nation seem to rely on deception to gain the power
to govern, and

Whereas I am desirous of living my life as a 'Child of God', and

Whereas neither the government, nor it's agents, nor it's representatives or
employees are God or above God, and

Whereas by legally claiming the number two position in the above mentioned
hierarchy, I occupy a position above all governments, their agents, employees and

Therefore, be it known to any and all, even at this date, that I, the Man commonly
called: Basadar:Qadar-Shar of the Family of Israel, a free, spiritual being, do
hereby lawfully claim the status of a 'Child of God' ;

Wherefore, any man, woman or person(s) who believes that they have any authority
over me must first prove that :

1 they exist above God ;

2 they are God ;
3 they exist between me and God ; or
4 they are in possession of a document upon the face of which can be found the
verifiable signature of one deity commonly called 'God' .

Failure to first accomplish one of the above mentioned points will establish by
aquiescence an automatic, irrevocable, permanent Estoppel to any and all adverse
Claims in contravention to this Notice of Claim of Child of God Status, and that
such claims of authority are abandoned and are unlawful.

All Unalienable Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

By: Basadar:Qadar-Shar, The Lord’s Freeman

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