Declaration of Domicil

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Troy Kent Oistad, sui juris

3696 Edgerton Street

Vadnais Heights, Ramsey county
Minnesota, U.S..
Phone: 6!"#$"!#%%3!
TH)S )S &U'()* *OMMU+)*T)O+ TO ((
Notice to agent is notice to principals
Notice to principal is notice to agents
Applies to all successors and assigns
All are without excuse
,ec-aration o. ,omici-
I, Troy Kent of the family Oistad, a natural man, hereby make this declaration of domicil that I am making for the purpose of
establishing my innesota domicil in accordance with the innesota !onstitution and laws of the "nited #tates of America, and
state as follows:
I hereby declare that I ha$e had and maintained the place of my domicil on land of %amsey county, innesota &a state of the
"nion', since the year ())*.
My current home and domici- is on -and o. Ramsey county, Minnesota /a state o. the Union0, and 1ithin the home
2eing my 3-ace o. a2ode and domici-4 and ha5ing the .o--o1ing 3hysica- -ocation6
+,), -dgerton #treet
.adnais /eights, innesota
"nited #tates of America
which home I recogni0e and intend to ha$e and maintain as my permanent home and domicil and if I ha$e or obtain another house
or houses in some other state or states of the "nion, I hereby declare that the abo$e1described house in innesota constitutes my
predominant and principal home, and that I intend to continue it permanently as such.
I was formerly domiciled since the year (),2, in a home on land of %oseau county, innesota, at

3reenbush, innesota
"nited #tates of America
I ha$e not maintained, during said times, any house outside of innesota, a state of the "nion.
) here2y dec-are that, 3ursuant to the .oregoing, ) am domici-ed on -and o. Ramsey county, Minnesota and am not6 a
7resident8 o. the State o. Minnesota, or a 7U.S 3erson. 9urthermore ) dec-are that ) am +OT -ocated in, or resident o., any
area that is su2:ect to :urisdiction o. the United States, 2ut am domici-ed on the -and o. a state o. the Union. -- una-iena2-e
rights o. the undersigned are here2y reser5ed.
Please note: that there are no ZIP codes and two-letter State abbreviations in states of the Union. Those designate federal areas and not areas
in states of the Union, therefore mail sent to address with those federal designations, will NOT reach me. Yo mst send !or commnications to
m! domicil location, "#$%T&Y as 'rinted above.
$s section ()* +., e-*. of the USPS /omestic 0ail 0anal declares, ZIP codes are NOT re1ired2 3Unless re1ired above, ZIP %odes ma! be
omitted from single-'iece 'rice 4irst-%lass 0ail -inclding Priorit! 0ail., single-'iece 'rice Parcel Post, and 'ieces bearing a sim'lified
-xecuted on this 444444 day of 4444444444444, 25(6. #igned 444444444444444444444444444, sui juris.
7n land of state of the "nion: innesota, %amsey county
+OTR; &U'()*
#ubscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, by the abo$e1signed Troy Kent Oistad,
8his 44444444444444 day of 444444444444444444444, 25(6
9 !7I##I7N -:PI%-#:444444444444444 444444444444444444444444444444
Notary Public

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