The newsletter provides updates from Sandiway Primary School. It discusses how Year 6 has been working hard on their topic books. It also mentions that the yellow team won the house points for the first time this year. Upcoming events are highlighted like the Book Celebration Day, Halloween Disco, and visits to the zoo and cinema. The newsletter provides information on vacancies, open afternoons, and special meals. It encourages participation in the school's Book Event and PTA activities.
The newsletter provides updates from Sandiway Primary School. It discusses how Year 6 has been working hard on their topic books. It also mentions that the yellow team won the house points for the first time this year. Upcoming events are highlighted like the Book Celebration Day, Halloween Disco, and visits to the zoo and cinema. The newsletter provides information on vacancies, open afternoons, and special meals. It encourages participation in the school's Book Event and PTA activities.
The newsletter provides updates from Sandiway Primary School. It discusses how Year 6 has been working hard on their topic books. It also mentions that the yellow team won the house points for the first time this year. Upcoming events are highlighted like the Book Celebration Day, Halloween Disco, and visits to the zoo and cinema. The newsletter provides information on vacancies, open afternoons, and special meals. It encourages participation in the school's Book Event and PTA activities.
The newsletter provides updates from Sandiway Primary School. It discusses how Year 6 has been working hard on their topic books. It also mentions that the yellow team won the house points for the first time this year. Upcoming events are highlighted like the Book Celebration Day, Halloween Disco, and visits to the zoo and cinema. The newsletter provides information on vacancies, open afternoons, and special meals. It encourages participation in the school's Book Event and PTA activities.
Theme for the week: Year 6 have been working hard this week writing diaries and Sensitivity presenting these for their topic This week we will be focussing on books it has been great to sensitivity and how to be sensitive with
see the sense of pride that is each other; it is an important skill to be able to treat someone else with care developing in the children. when they are feeling delicate. Here the children are
recapping their skills of
partitioning in mathematics And the winners are and a means to be more fluent Well done to the YELLOW team (the fox in their calculations. team) who have won for the first time this year. The points were very close this week. I am delighted with the way that I cannot believe that I am already writing welcome to come dressed up for the day children are working as a team in school. the fourth newsletter for the year time we cant wait to see how everyone looks.
really is flying in school. Having spent Lots of events have been planned we
time looking at childrens books through hope that as many parents and friends of
the school, it is wonderful to see how the school can come along during the Dates for your diary
much work has already been achieved afternoon. Please see the flier that was and the quality of the work is very high. sent home last week for more details. Upcoming events are highlighted in red 4 Oct Film Night Well done to the children for rising to the
challenges set by their new teachers! Site Maintenance Officer 6 Oct Book Celebration Day 20 Oct Well-being afternoon (more You will be aware that the curriculum is A vacancy has arisen in school due to Mr details to follow) a demanding one children really feel it Alvins retirement. More details can be 24 Oct School photographs at the beginning of the year when there is seen on the advert displayed in school 24 Oct Halloween Disco a feeling of suddenly having harder work notice boards and on CWaCs vacancy 26 Oct School visit to Chester Zoo or through raised expectations. If you are website. This may be of interest to 26 Oct Cuddington PTA finding that your child is finding work parents, grandparents and friends of the Bonfire/fireworks challenging, it may be worth having a school. Please see me for more details. 27 Oct Break up for half term holiday conversation with your class teacher; 6 Nov Staff training day 7 Nov Children return to school there are often things that can be done to Open Afternoon New Starters 22 Nov Parents Evening support you or the children. Sometimes We will be welcoming parents and families 23 Nov Parents Evening even having a conversation with teachers of children who would like to view the 30 Nov Full Governors Meeting makes everyone feel better. school to potentially start with us in 8 Dec Well-being afternoon In the older classes, teachers are also Reception in 2018. The whole school will 9 Dec Christmas Fair working with the children to support be available to view, with Year 6 proudly 19 Dec Reception/Key Stage 1 them in independent learning in some showing our visitors around. Please performance (9.30am and cases this is a change in mind-set for the encourage any families you know to visit 6.00pm) children when there is a greater the school. Equally, if any current families 21 Dec Carol Service in Church, led by Year 5/6 (at 6.00pm) expectation to think for yourself. When I have children who are due to start with us 22 Dec Break up for holiday have spent time speaking with children next September as siblings, please also and young people who have moved on to feel you are welcome too! High School, these skills of independent Special Meal th learning, confidence in your own PTA On Thursday 5 October, the kitchen abilities, having the right attitude to Please have a good look through the PTA will be preparing a special meal to link learn and work hard were important newsletter that was emailed home with the schools theme of Around the skills that had to be very quickly learnt. yesterday. There are also places available World with the upcoming zoo visit. Hopefully, we can give our children a on the PTA 100 Club an application form Please see posters around the school for head start. was also emailed and paper copies are more details. also available from the school office. The
Witches, Wizards and Magic our Book first draw of the year will be this FRIDAY Mr Chris Priddey (Headteacher)
Event Friday 4 th October from 1.30pm good luck!
We hope you are having fun preparing for the upcoming book event. Children are