Guidelines For Property Value Assesment Shillong
Guidelines For Property Value Assesment Shillong
Guidelines For Property Value Assesment Shillong
No: SMB/Assmt/72/2015‐16/54 Dated Shillong the 8th September 2015
Public Notice
As part of municipal reforms, the Shillong Municipal Board will be
implementing a Unit Area based Self Assessment method of property
taxation (municipal holding tax) and User Charges as per the
recommendation of 2nd Municipal Valuation Committee, from the financial
year 2016-17. The details of the proposed system along with the proposed
Assessment of Holding Tax Rules can be seen on the website of the Shillong
Municipal Board, . The same can also be obtained from
the office of the SMB on any working day during working hours from the 8th
September 2015.
Property Tax Suggestion Box
o/o The Chief Executive Officer
Shillong Municipal Board
Shillong-793001, Meghalaya
The same can also be sent by e‐mail to: [email protected]
The Proposed Property Tax and User Charge Reforms in Shillong Municipal
As part of the reforms to improve transparency and accountability as well as to achieve financial
sustainability, the Shillong Municipal Board proposes to implement a Self Assessment Unit Area
based method of property taxation as per the recommendation of 2nd Municipal Valuation
Committee constituted by the government from the financial year of 2016-17. The new system is
proposed with the objective to make the property taxation, a tax-payer friendly system. The
broad parameters of the new property tax system are as follows
The Unit Area Method is simple, arithmetical and transparent. It is based on fixing a base unit
area value per square metre of covered space for calculation of property tax. The tax for a
particular holding is based on the Annual Rateable Value (ARV) of the holding arrived at by
multiplying base Unit Area Value (UAV) assigned to the zone by the covered space of the holding
and the Multiplicative Factor Values (MFV) for occupancy, age, structure, construction, location
and use of the holding.
Full self-assessment requires holding owners to place an assessed value on their own holding. It
is mandatory to file the Property Tax return (PTR) in prescribed format declaring the net tax
amount to be paid and deposit the tax amount to SMB. However, the Board reserves the right to
issue such notice in case the holding owner fails to file the PTR within the prescribed time
period in the Act and treated as defaulter.
The eleven digit unique property tax identification number (PTIN), by which any holding/
property in any area within the jurisdiction of the Board may be known, shall be fixed and
published by the Board in the following manner.
a. The first two digits will indicate the ward number in numerical form;
b. The next three digits will indicate the present holding number in numerical form;
c. The next four digits will indicate the property number in numerical form;
d. The next two digits will indicate the number in which a holding is subdivided, such as
flat or independent property portions.
Code for -> Ward Holding Number Property Number Division, if any
Code digits ** *** **** **
The entire localities within Shillong Municipal Board (SMB) area divided in 27 wards has been
classified into fix zones (A to F) on the basis of proximity to school, college, and hospital; road
connectivity; bus stand; civic services like sanitation, street lighting and water supply;
environmental conditions; concentration of economic activities (market); land values; and
rentals corresponding to each zone, (viz. A, B, C, D, E, F) as per the provisions in the Meghalaya
Municipal Act 1973. Localities have been categorized into zones as follows:
Whole of Ward 9, part of ward 10 bounded by road behind Assembly Building in the south ,
A 1 road behind MTC in the east and the lane from Vishal Market upto Hotel Alpine in the north
2 All holdings facing the G.S Road from Umsohsun Junction up to Qualapatty Junction
2 Ward 3
Zone Ward & Localities
3 Ward 4
North: Drain starting behind Satsang Vihar up to the junction with the natural drain coming
from Earle holiday home
East: Drain starting from Ward's lake up to the junction with the drain behind Satsang Vihar
West: Eastern Boundary of Earle Holiday up to the Main road leading to Ward's Lake.
6 Parts of Ward 6:
North : G. S Road
C 1 Whole of Ward 2
North: Drain starting behind Satsang Vihar up to the junction with the natural drain coming
from Earle holiday home
East: Drain starting from Ward's lake up to the junction with the drain behind Satsang Vihar
West: Eastern Boundary of Earle Holiday up to the Main road leading to Ward's Lake.
East: Main drain from Pdengshong to Malki Ground and along the line behind one roadside
properties along the Law College Road
4 Whole of Umsohsun and Mawkhar Locality of Ward 12, except properties facing the G.S Road.
Whole of Ward 14
Whole of Ward 21
Zone Ward & Localities
3 Whole of Ward 15
7 Whole of Ward no 11
2 Parts of Ward 5
North and East: Wahkdait stream upto its junction with Umshyrpi
North: along the line behind one roadside properties along the Law College Road
5 Classifications of holdings
The holdings in the SMB area shall be classified by the Board on the following criteria:
i. Up to 25 years.
ii. 25 + to 50 years.
iii. More than 50 years.
i. Self-occupied.
ii. Rented.
6 Classifications of Roads
Multiplicative factors shall be used on the holdings while computing property tax liability. The
municipal valuation committee may revise factors for consideration and the factor values. Five
multiplicative factors with values, namely, (a) structure factor (SF), (b) age factor (AF), (c)
occupancy factor (OF), (d) use factor (UF), and (e) location factor (LF) are as follows:
a) Structure factor (SF)
Factor RCC Assam type Others
Value 1.0 0.9 0.7
b) Age factor (AF)
Factor Less than 25 yrs More than 25 – 50 yrs More than 50 yrs
Value 1.0 0.8 0.6
c) Occupancy factor (OF)
Factor Self‐occupied Tenanted
Value 1.0 1.5
d) Use factor (UF)
Factor Residential Institutional Commercial & Central and State
industrial government/ State public
sector undertaking holdings
Value 1.0 1.5 2 3
e) Location factor (LF)
Factor Main road Other roads Footpaths/Steps (non‐motorable)
Value 1.0 0.8 0.6
10 Rate of tax
The property tax rate would be 4.5 percent of the ARV for all types of holdings, with a break-up
of (i) house tax @ 3 percent and (ii) drainage tax @ 1.5 percent.
11 Mode of payment
The advance property tax may be paid either as a single installment by the close of first quarter
with a rebate or may be paid in equal installments without rebate by the end of each quarter,
namely, 30th June, 30th September, 31 December and 31st March of each year.
A rebate of 5 percent would be given on payment of annual tax liability by the end of first
quarter of the fiscal year, by the 30th June.
A penal interest at 2 percent per month would be charged on late payment of tax liability after
the end of each relevant quarter.
Property tax can be self-assessed by the individual holding owners or by any other person liable
to pay the tax in the following manner:
Annual Tax Payable (Rs) = {Zone-wise UAV (Rs/sqmtr) x MFV x Covered Space of Holding
(sqm) x Tax Rate (%)} {(–) Timely Payment Rebate @ 5% (+) Penalty for late payment @ 2% per
month or part of month}
1) Step 1: Measure the covered space of the holding. It has to be measured separately
of all floors, including basement(s), and each portion in different exclusive use or
differently constructed or different ownership or constructed at different times.
Then aggregate them all.
2) Step 2: Take the base unit area value of the zone notified by the Board.
ARV (Rs) = Applicable UAV x Covered Area x Applicable MFV [OF AF, SF, UF, LF]
4) Step 4: In cases where different portions of holding are put to different uses, the
ARV will be calculated for each such portion in pure use separately.
Aggregate ARV (Rs) = (ARV (Rs) of portion 1) + (ARV (Rs) of portion 2) + (ARV
(Rs) of portion 3) …………….
5) Step 5: Calculate tax by multiplying the above aggregate ARV by the respective
rate of tax as notified by the Board for the reference year. From this deduct any
rebates and add penalty.
The state government holdings (civil stations) would be treated at par with other holdings in
matters of tax assessment and calculation of liability.
16 Central government holdings
The central government buildings would be treated at par with other holdings in matters of tax
assessment and calculation of liability. But they would pay service charge in lieu of tax as per the
order of the Government of India from time-to-time. Currently it is 75 percent of the assessed
tax as the SMB provides all the civic services in the area.
17 Appointment of architects
The taxpayer may seek help from empanelled architects registered under the Architects Act 1972
(20 of 1972) or any licensed architect for measurement of covered space and other holding
attributes to assist owner (occupier) if they require such assistance. The architect would certify
all the declared attributes and measurement and would provide necessary information, if
required by the Board. A list of such architects registered with the Board who can be contacted
for measurement and certification of the covered space in case the covered space is not readily
available has to be placed on the website of the Board. Such architects can be paid a negotiable
fee agreed between both the parties.
18 Penalty for default and willful wrong declaration
Where a tax payer does not give information in regard to his/her holding as required under the
law or where he/ she has willfully furnished wrong information in his/ her PTR submitted to the
SMB, he/ she shall be liable to pay
200% of the amount of tax suppressed, and
Interest at a rate of 2% per month payable for late payment.
The CEO shall have powers of suo motto assessment or revision in cases where a tax
return has not been filed or the tax return filed by the owner is found to be defective. In all such
cases the assessment would be finalized after giving a fair opportunity to the owner for being
19 Mode of payment of property tax
The taxpayer may deposit the tax through various channels of payments including online
payment, Bank, office of the Board, etc.
20 Institutional mechanism for redressal of grievance on group and individual
property tax issues
The amount of vacant land tax in respect of any holding which is lying exclusively vacant,
without any built up structure shall be equal to the normal rate of tax applicable to buildings
multiplied by annual rateable value of the vacant land.
The annual value of any vacant land shall be equal to one fourth of the amount arrived at by
multiplying the total area of such vacant land by the final unit area value of that zone and the
relevant factors.