Factories & Boilers
Factories & Boilers
Factories & Boilers
Government of Kerala dated 5-9-2012 with RNI
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Factories and Boilers Department
NOTIFICATION Those who desire to get the application form by post
shall make their request to the Secretary enclosing
self addressed envelope (27 cm 12 cm) affixed with
Postage Stamp of ` 25. Application forms are
No. T1/2565/2013/F & B. 17th April 2013. also can be downloaded from the official website
www.fabkerala.gov.in and photocopies of the applications
It is hereby notified as required under Rule 21 of the
are also be permitted.
Boiler Attendants Rules, 2011 that Boiler Attendants
Competency Examination for the grant of the Second 2. Examination fee shall be ` 500 for First Class and
Class Boiler Attendants Competency Certificate will be ` 300 for the Second Class Competency Examination. The
held on 19th, 20th & 21st August, 2013 and that for the fee shall be remitted in any Government Treasury in
Kerala by way of Chalan under the Head of Account
First Class Boiler Attendants Competency Certificate
0230-00-800-96 (Fee for the Boiler Attendants
will be held on 17th, 18th & 19th October, 2013.
Competency Examination). Fee once remitted will not be
Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the
refunded under any circumstances.
prescribed form.
3. Exact time/place and mode of examination will be
1. The application form along with the instructions
intimated to the candidate individually.
to the candidates can be had from the Secretary, Board of
Examiners, Office of the Director of Factories and Boilers, 4. Duly filled up and signed application along with
T. C. 27/1079, Shani Manzil, Near East Gate of District the enclosures shall be submitted to the Secretary,
Court, Vanchiyoor P. O., Thiruvananthapuram-695 035. Board of Examiners, Office of the Director of Factories and
Boilers, Shani Manzil, T.C.27/1079, Near East Gate of Shani Manzil, T. C. 27/1079, Near East Gate of District
District Court, Vanchiyoor P. O., Thiruvananthapuram- Court, Vanchiyoor P. O., Thiruvananthapuram-695 035.
695 035. Those who desire to get the application form by post
shall make their request to the Secretary enclosing
5. The last date of receipt of filled up application for
self addressed envelope (27 cm 12 cm) affixed with
the Second Class Boiler Attendants Competency
Postage Stamp of ` 25. Application forms are
Examination is at 5 p. m. on 17-7-2013 and that for the
also can be downloaded from the official websites
First Class Boiler Attendants Competency Examination is
www.fabkerala.gov.in. Photo copies of application are also
5 p. m. at on 19-9-2013. Late applications will not be
(Sd.) 2. Examination fee shall be ` 1,500. The fee shall
Joint Director of Factories & be remitted in any Government Treasury in Kerala by way
Boilers (H Q) and Secretary, of Chalan under the Head of Account 0230-00-800-89
Thiruvananthapuram. Board of Examiners. (Fee for the Boiler Operation Engineers Examination). Fee
once remitted will not be refunded under any
NOTIFICATION 3. Exact time/place and mode of examination will be
BOILER OPERATION ENGINEERS intimated to the candidate individually.
EXAMINATION - 2012 4. Duly filled and signed application along with all
enclosures shall be submitted to the Secretary to the
No. T2/3665/2013/F&B/BOE. 18th April 2013.
Board of Examiners, Boiler Operation Engineers Examination,
It is hereby notified as required under Rule 21 of Office of the Director of Factories and Boilers,
Boiler Operation Engineers Rules, 2011 that Boiler Shani Manzil, T. C. 27/1079, Near East Gate of District
Operation Engineers Examination for the grant of Boiler Court, Vanchiyoor P. O., Thiruvananthapuram-695 035,
Operation Engineers Certificate will be held on 9th and Kerala State.
10th November, 2013 (Written Examination) and 16th,
5. The last date of receipt of filled up application is
17th and 18th December, 2013 (Oral and Practical
on 31st August 2013 at 5 p. m.
Examinations). Applications are invited from eligible
candidates in the prescribed form.
1. The application form along with the instructions Joint Director of Factories &
to candidates can be had from the Secretary, Board of Boilers (H Q) and Secretary,
Examiners, Office of the Director of Factories and Boilers, Thiruvananthapuram. Board of Examiners.