Equipment and Circuit Diagram

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Summary: Air carbon arc cutting is an arc cutting process in which metals to be cut are melted

by the heat of a carbon arc. The molten metal is removed by a high velocity blast of compressed
air. The air jet is external to the consumable carbon-graphite electrode. It strikes the molten
metal immediately behind the arc.

Required equipment includes an air compressor, welding power source, carbon electrode and a
gouging torch.

The air carbon arc process is shown in figure 10-75.

Comparison to Other Processes

Air carbon arc cutting and metal removal differ from plasma arc cutting in that they employ an
open (unconstricted) arc, which is independent of the gas jet. The air blast physically removes
metal instead of chemically, which is the approach in oxy-fuel cutting processes.

The process is more flexible than oxyfuel processes since it does not require oxidation in order to
cut. The most common metals cut with the process includes cast irons, copper alloys and
stainless steel. The process is widely used for back gouging, preparing joints, and removing
defective weld metal.

Process Diagram for Air Carbon Arc Cutting - figure 10-75

Air Carbon Arc Cutting Video

Equipment and Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for air carbon arc cutting (CAC) or gouging is shown in figure 10-76.
Normally, conventional welding machines with constant current are used. Constant voltage can
be used with this process. When using a CV power source, precautions must be taken to operate
it within its rated output of current and duty cycle. Alternating current power sources having
conventional drooping characteristics can also be used for special applications. AC type carbon
electrodes must be used.

Air Carbon Arc Cutting Diagram (CAC) - Figure 10-76

Equipment required is shown by the block diagram. Special heavy duty high current machines
have been made specifically for the air carbon arc process. This is because of extremely high
currents used for the large size carbon electrodes.

Electrode Holder

The electrode holder is designed for the air carbon arc process (CAC). The holder includes a
small circular grip head which contains the air jets to direct compressed air along the electrode. It
also has a groove for gripping the electrode. This head can be rotated to allow different angles of
electrode with respect to the holder. A heavy electrical lead and an air supply hose are connected
to the holder through a terminal block. A valve is included in the holder for turning the
compressed air on and off. Holders are available in several sizes depending on the duty cycle of
the work performed, the welding current, and size of carbon electrode used. For extra heavy duty
work, water-cooled holders are used.

Types of Electrodes

Carbon Graphite:
The carbon graphite electrodes are made of a mixture of carbon and graphite plus a binder which
is baked to produce a homogeneous structure. Electrodes come in several types.

Plain Uncoated Electrodes:

The plain uncoated electrode is less expensive, carries less current, and starts easier.


The copper-coated electrode provides better electrical conductivity between it and the holder.
The copper-coated electrode is better for maintaining the original diameter during operation. It
lasts longer and carries higher current. Copper-coated electrodes are of two types

DC type

AC type

The composition ratio of the carbon and graphite is slightly different for these two types. The dc
type is more common.

The ac type contains special elements to stabilize the arc. It is used for direct current electrode
negative when cutting cast irons. AC coated electrodes are made with graphite, carbon and
special binder. Rare earth materials are mixed in to ensure stabilization when using alternating

For normal use, the electrode is operated with the electrode positive. Electrodes range in
diameter from 5/32 to 1 in. (4.0 to 25.4 mm). Electrodes are normally 12 in. (300 mm) long;
however, 6 in. (150 mm) electrodes are available Copper-coated electrodes with tapered socket
joints are available for automatic operation, and allow continuous operation.

Table 10-25 shows the electrode types and the arc current range for different sizes.

Electrode Type - Size and Current Range - Table 10-25

Polarity of Electrode is Positive (reverse polarity). Note: For DC coppered electrodes current can
be increased percent.
Check Manufacturers Directions

Air Pressure

The air pressure is not critical but should range from 80 to 100 psi (552 to 690 kPa). The volume
of compressed air required ranges from as low as 5 cu ft per min (2.5 liter per min) up to 50 cu ft
per min (24 liter per min) for the largest-size carbon electrodes. A one-horsepower compressor
will supply sufficient air for smaller-size electrodes. It will require up to a ten-horsepower
compressor when using the largest-size electrodes.


CAC Torch for Gouging

A manual carbon gouging torch is shown above. The torch holds an electrode in a swivel head
that has one or multiple air holds. This way the air jet stays aligned with the electrode regardless
of the electrode angle to the torch.

If the torch has two heads (air jets on both sides of the electrode) or with a fixed angle between
the electrode and the holder, are better for some uses such as large castings (padwashing) or for
removing pads.

The torch is cooled by air. If high-current applications are used, then water cooling can be used
along with a heavy-duty torch.

Advantages and Major Uses

The air carbon arc cutting process (CAC) is used to cut metal, to gouge out defective metal, to
remove old or inferior welds, for root gouging of full penetration welds, and to prepare grooves
for welding. Air carbon arc cutting is also used when slightly ragged edges are not objectionable.
The area of the cut is small and, since the metal is melted and removed quickly, the surrounding
area does not reach high temperatures. This reduces the tendency towards distortion and

The air carbon arc cutting (CAC) and gouging process is normally manually operated. The
apparatus can be mounted on a travel carriage. This is considered machine cutting or gouging.

Special applications have been made where cylindrical work has been placed on a lathe-like
device and rotated under the air carbon arc torch. This is machine or automatic cutting,
depending on operator involvement.

Works in All Positions:

The air carbon arc cutting process (CAC) can be used in all positions. It can also be used for
gouging in all positions. Use in the overhead position requires a high degree of skill.

Works with Common Metals:

The air carbon arc process can be used for cutting or gouging most of the common metals.
Metals include: aluminums, copper, iron, magnesium, and carbon and stainless steels.

The process is not recommended for weld preparation for stainless steel, titanium, zirconium,
and other similar metals without subsequent cleaning. This cleaning, usually by grinding, must
remove all of the surface carbonized material adjacent to the cut. The process can be used to cut
these materials for scrap for remelting.

Process Principles
Principles of Air Carbon Arc Cutting Diagram

The procedure schedule for making grooves in steel is shown in table 10-26 below.

Air Carbon Arc Gouging Procedure Schedule

1. Air Pressure 80 to 100 PSI, (552 to 690 KPa) is recommended for 1/2" and 5/8" (13 and
16mm) electrodes.
2. Combination of settings and multiple passes may be used for grooves deeper than

To make a cut or a gouging operation, the cutter strikes an arc and almost immediately starts the
air flow. The electrode is pointed in the direction of travel with a push angle approximately 45
with the axis-of the groove. The speed of travel, the electrode angle, and the electrode size and
current determine the groove depth. Electrode diameter determines the groove width.

Electrode Severing Techniques for CAC

The normal safety precautions associated with carbon arc welding and shielded metal arc
welding apply to air carbon arc cutting (CAC) and gouging. However, two other precautions
must be observed. First, the air blast will cause the molten metal to travel a very long distance.
Metal deflection plates should be placed in front of the gouging operation. All combustible
materials should be moved away from the work area. At high-current levels, the mass of molten
metal removed is quite large and will become a fire hazard if not properly contained.

The second factor is the high noise level. At high currents with high air pressure a very loud
noise occurs. Ear protection, ear muffs or ear plugs should be worn by the arc cutter.

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