Oan 360
Oan 360
Oan 360
OAN 360
Revision: 01 Voyage Data Recorder Installation and Survey Page 1 of 18
Date: 30 July 04 Distribution A,B,D
1. In response to requests from surveyors for advice, the purpose of this OAN is
to provide guidance on Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) requirements. Much of this
information is available from other references, such as SOLAS, EU Directives on
RO-RO and HSC, and the Vessel Traffic Monitoring Directive. This document brings
together the relevant parts. However users should be aware that the various
references may be updated in due course and therefore this OAN is only valid at the
time of issue, after which checks should be made to ascertain the validity of the
relevant references. The implementation dates apply to vessels calling at Ports
within the European Union(EU). This OAN replaces the information in OAN 327.
2. Under current EU legislation these Voyage Data Recorders are or will be required
to be carried on the following sea-going ship types.
All Ro-Ro passenger ships 1 July 2003
Passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002 Date of build
Passenger ships constructed before 1 July 2002 1 January 2004
Ships (Including fishing vessels), other than passenger ships, Date of build
of 3000 gt. And upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2002.
Cargo ships, of 20000 gt. And upwards constructed before 1 1 January 2007
July 2002.
Cargo ships of 3000 gt. And upwards but less than 20000 gt. 1 January 2008
constructed before 1 July 2002.
a) Passenger vessels on Domestic Voyages in sea areas classes B, C, & D,
need not carry VDR, but exemptions must be issued to those of 300 gross tonnage
or more. A General Exemption has been issued to cover these vessels, see
appendix 4.
b) All Domestic Passenger Ro-Ro or High speed craft, of any size in sea area
class A are required to carry VDR.
c) All types of Domestic Passenger Vessels of 300 Gross Tonnage and over in
sea area class A are required to carry VDR.
OAN 360
Revision: 01 Voyage Data Recorder Installation and Survey Page 2 of 18
Date: 30 July 04 Distribution A,B,D
OAN 360
Revision: 01 Voyage Data Recorder Installation and Survey Page 3 of 18
Date: 30 July 04 Distribution A,B,D
6. VDRs must be type approved and have undergone a system installation test
to prove all sensors and recorders are working correctly. These tests are carried out
by the prime contractor / manufacturer / installer, witnessed and certified by a
surveyor; see appendix 1. Performance testing shall also be undertaken as outlined
in MGN 272 and appendix 2
7. They shall also have annual performance checks as outlined in MGN 272,
see also appendix 2.
The annual testing and checks must be carried in conjunction with the relevant
Statutory Survey [e.g. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PC), Cargo Ship Safety
Certificate (CSC) or Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEC)].
The Survey Window allowed is up to 3 months before the due date for PC; and -/+ 3
months of due date for CSC and SEC. (Thus the Maximum period between
subsequent checks of the VDR is 15 months for Passenger vessels and 18 months
for Cargo vessels). Where vessels are on a partial continuous survey regime the
VDR annual performance testing can be scheduled into the continuous survey
Whilst this arrangement was agreed to allow maximum flexibility during
implementation of the requirements; it could permit the annual performance testing
to be done after the statutory certification, owners should be encouraged to have the
performance testing done either before, or in conjunction with the surveys for
statutory certification.
8. The person carrying out the annual checks should follow the International
Association of Classification Societies (IACS) procedural requirements for service
suppliers Z17, or equivalent quality standards, and provide evidence that he has
been authorised or licensed by the equipments manufacturer to service the
particular make and model of equipment. The person shall have access to IMO
Resolution A.861(20), and applicable industry performance standard (e.g., IEC
61996), and have documented procedures and instructions. In addition the supplier
shall have documentation and equipment as specified in the authorisation or license
from the equipment manufacturer.
Maritime and Coastguard Agency Document
Operations Advice Note Number:
OAN 360
Revision: 01 Voyage Data Recorder Installation and Survey Page 4 of 18
Date: 30 July 04 Distribution A,B,D
9. Off line analysis of data collected over a 12 hour recording period, during
which the majority of sensors will have been exercised, should be undertaken by the
manufacturers certified representative in order to verify the accuracy, duration, and
recoverability of the recorded data. In some cases this will require a vessel to switch
off the VDR soon after arrival in the port where the annual performance check is to
be carried out, in order to prevent loss of data due to over - writing.
10. Onboard inspection should ensure batteries, enclosures and location aids are
in good condition and operational. This should be undertaken by suitably qualified
and experienced personnel and recorded in the ships onboard planned
maintenance log.
1. IMO Resolution A.861(20) (adopted 27 Nov 1997) Performance standards for
Shipborne Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs)
2. IEC 61996: Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and
systems Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) Performance requirements
Methods of testing and required test results
Protective Capsule (final recorded data) (A.861 5.1.3)
Certificate of Inspection
Manufactured by:
and described in the attached schedule has been witnessed. The Secretary of State
is satisfied that the equipment examined and tests witnessed are acceptable for the
purpose of complying with the requirements of:
SOLAS 74 Chapter V, Regulation 20, and
The Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2002, Regulation 9(1)
Provided the conditions in the attached schedule are fulfilled and the product
remains satisfactorily in service.
Marine Surveyor
Issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency on
behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department for Transport.
Note: This certificate does not apply to equipment which has been varied or
modified from the specimen tested.
Appendix 1 to OAN 360 page 9 of 18
Certificate of Inspection
The Schedule
6 The Master and all Watch-keeping Deck Officers shall be familiar with the
operation of the equipment.
Note - Insert Tick for success ( ) or Cross(X) for failure or N/A for
non fitted interfaces in these boxes as appropriate
Ships Details
Ships Name
IMO Number
Date Keel laid
Gross Tonnage
Voyage Data Recorder Details
System Serial Number
Software version number
Date Fitted
Inspection Details
Name person conducting
Inspection Date
Inspection Location
1. Pre-existing Alarms
Confirm that no alarms were present at start of procedure
2. Power Supply Alarm Check
Remove source of external power. Confirm that alarm is activated.
Record time (hh.mm)
3. Reserve Power Source Check
Allow VDR to continue running for 1 hour 55 minutes from 2 above.
Confirm that equipment is still operating at this time, with no additional
Record time (hh.mm)
4. Reserve Power Source shut down Check
2 hours 05 minutes from 2 above confirm that the VDR has
stopped recording
Record time (hh.mm)
Date Date
1.0 Main source of electrical power
2.0 Emergency source of electrical power
3.0 Reserve source of energy to supply VDR
3.1 Battery charger charging current ( Amperes)
3.2 Date when battery capacity last verified
3.3 Date of battery manufacture
3.4 Battery Specific Gravity
4.0 Additional reserve source of energy ( Additional
radio battery) If provided
4.1 Battery charger charging current ( Amperes)
4.2 Date when battery capacity last verified
4.3 Date of battery manufacture
4.4 Battery Specific Gravity
1) If the ship's emergency source of electrical power supply fails, the VDR shall
continue to record bridge audio from a dedicated reserve source of power for a
period of 2 h. At the end of this 2 h period all recording shall cease automatically.
2) Recording shall be continuous unless interrupted briefly or terminated
Performance Standard
Type approval certification issued by
Certificate number
Appendix 3 to OAN 360 continued Page 14 of 18
SOLAS Ch II- High water alarm. High water level in space where water
1, has drained from enclosed cargo space on freeboard deck.
SOLAS Ch II- Shell door position Ro-Ro passenger vessels. Door open
1, Indicator. or locking device not secured. System
23.2.1 to have mode switch for Sea or
Harbour System active in Sea
SOLAS Ch II- Water leakage Ro-Ro passenger vessels. Leakage of
1, detection Indicator. water through shell doors.
SOLAS Ch II- Fire detection or Activation of detection system
2, automatic sprinkler
7.4.1, 7.4.2 operation.
On condition that the ship has been issued with the appropriate
Passenger Ship Safety Certification