NAT OPS Bulletin Gander OCD V24
NAT OPS Bulletin Gander OCD V24
NAT OPS Bulletin Gander OCD V24
The purpose of North Atlantic Operations Bulletin 2015_004 is to promulgate Version 24 of the Gander
Oceanic Clearance Delivery via data link procedures on behalf of the Gander Oceanic Area Control Centre.
Version 24 is effective on 12 November 2015.
This NAT OPS Bulletin supersedes NAT OPS Bulletin, Serial Number: 2015_001.
Summary of Changes
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Contents ...............................................................................................................2
Section 1 Summary of Changes ......................................................................3
Section 2 Introduction......................................................................................4
Section 3 Connecting to System .....................................................................4
Section 4 Requesting Clearance .....................................................................5
Section 5 Clearance Delivery ..........................................................................5
Section 6 Clearance Negotiation .....................................................................6
Section 7 Clearance Acknowledgement ..........................................................6
Section 8 Reclearances ..................................................................................7
Section 9 Time Revisions ................................................................................7
Section 10 RCL and CLA Errors........................................................................7
Appendix A – Oceanic Entry Points (OEPs) (north to south) ................................9
Appendix B – Terms Used in the ATC/ Line .........................................................9
Appendix C – Abbreviations..................................................................................9
Appendix D – Crew Check Lists...........................................................................10
Appendix E – Examples of Data Link Oceanic Clearances................................. 11
2.2 Flight crews uncertain about any aspect of the data link OCD process should contact
Gander Clearance Delivery between the hours of 2330Z – 0730Z (DST 2230Z – 0630Z),
when within 200 NM of a Gander Clearance Delivery frequency. Outside of those hours or
when the flight will not pass within 200NM of a Gander Clearance Delivery frequency they
should contact the current controller when the flight is no more than 90 minutes from the
Oceanic Entry Point (OEP).
a) OEPs are listed in Appendix A;
b) Gander Clearance Delivery frequencies and locations are listed in the Transport
Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), RAC 11.8.3 (a) (i);
c) The Transport Canada AIM is available at:
2.3 Flights intending to receive an unsolicited clearance or that are not capable of sending a
Request for Clearance (RCL) downlink message via data link OCD should include ‘AGCS’ in
field 18 of the ICAO flight plan.
2.4 Flights intending to receive an unsolicited clearance in a particular format are to contact
their communications service provider.
2.5 Crews should not attempt to correct RCL or Clearance Acknowledgement (CLA) downlink
message problems on a control frequency. Technical problems should be reported in
accordance with the Operator’s standard procedures. Problem reports may be emailed to
NAV CANADA at [email protected].
2.6 Flight crews in receipt of a data link oceanic clearance from Gander OACC while in the New
York OCA but subsequently routing through Gander Domestic airspace before re-entering
the North Atlantic (NAT) Region should not modify the flight management computer (FMC)
prior to exiting the New York OCA. Modifications in accordance with the oceanic clearance
should be executed while within Gander Domestic airspace.
Section 8 Reclearances
8.1 When a data link oceanic clearance is amended, it will include the ATC/ line and the
RECLEARANCE line (see Appendix E for examples of reclearances).
8.2 The ATC/ line will list which item (or items) of the clearance was changed from the
previously issued clearance. The terms used in the ATC/ line are explained in Appendix B.
8.3 The RECLEARANCE line will contain a number from 1 to 9, to identify the first and
subsequent reclearances.
8.4 The CLA should be sent for the clearance with the highest RECLEARANCE number.
8.5 If unable to send a CLA, the clearance should be verified via voice (see paragraphs 7.4
and 7.5).
8.6 If the reclearance does not contain the line END OF MESSAGE, it is possible that the
clearance was incomplete. Crews must verify the clearance via voice (see paragraphs
7.4 and 7.5).
Appendix C – Abbreviations
Abbreviations used in this document
ACARS Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System
AGCS Air Ground Communications System
AIM Aeronautical Information Publication
ATC Air Traffic Control
CLA Clearance Acknowledgement downlink message
DST Daylight Standard Time
ETA Estimated time of arrival
NAT North Atlantic
NM Nautical Mile(s)
OACC Oceanic Area Control Centre
OCA Oceanic Control Area
OCD Oceanic Clearance Delivery
OCP Oceanic Clearance Processor
OEP Oceanic Entry Point
RCL Request for Clearance downlink message
6 Confirm call sign in clearance matches the call sign in the flight plan (see paragraph 5.2)
7 Confirm that route coordinates are correct (see paragraph 5.3)
8 Send CLA (see paragraph 7.1)
9 Ensure confirmation message is received (see paragraph 7.2)
10 If error message received, take appropriate action (see Section 10 – RCL and CLA Errors)
11 Advise ATC via voice if the ETA for the OEP changes by 3 minutes or more (see Section
9 – Time Revisions).
Call sign CLX 1259 060224 CZQX CLRNCE 026 Destination and
route NEEKO 54NO50W 56N040W 57N030W 57N020W PIKIL SOVED
If this line does not appear, the clearance OEP estimate used by ATC when assigning the clearance.
may be incomplete (see paragraph 5.7) Note: This additional element is not a restriction or an instruction
(see Section 9).