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Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration








Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

Syllabus for the Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S) Degree

Academic Session: 2008-2009
Department of Public Administration
School of Social Sciences
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
First Year Semester I
Course Hours/Week
Course Title Credits
No. Theory +Lab.
PAD 111 Introduction to Public Administration 4.00 4.00
PAD 112 Fundamentals of Political Science 3.00 3.00
SOC 101 Principles of Sociology 3.00 3.00
ECO 103 Principles of Economics 3.00 3.00
ENG 101 English Language (Theory) 2.00 2.00
ENG 102 English Language (Lab) 1.00 1.00
BNG 101 Bangla Language (Theory) 2.00 2.00
BNG 102 Bangla Language (Lab) 1.00 1.00
PAD 100 Seminar + Viva Voice 2.00 2.00
Total 21.00 21.00

PAD-111 Introduction to Public Administration

4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

1. Public Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance; Public and Private Administration;
Approaches to the Study of Public Administration; Paradigms of Public Administration; Public
Administration and Other Social Sciences.
2. Concepts of Public Administration: Power and Authority; Hierarchy; Division of Work; Co-ordination;
Span of Control; Unity of Command; Line and Staff; Centralisation and Decentralisation;
3. Organisation: Basic Concepts of Organization Formal and Informal Organisation.
4. Organisation Theories: (a) Classical Theories: Scientific Management and F. W. Taylor; Administrative
Management and Henri Fayol; Bureaucracy and Max Weber. (b) Neo-Classical/Behavioural Theories:
Human Relations Movement and Elton Mayo. (c) Modern Theories: Systems Theory and Contingency
5. Processes of Organisation: Motivation; Leadership; Communication; Decision-Making.

Books Recommended:
1. Barnard, Chester I. The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,
2. Corson, John J. and Joseph P. Harris. Public Administration in Modern Society, New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., 1963.
3. Gullick, Luther H. and Lyndall Urwick. Papers on the Science of Administration, New York: Institute of
Public Administration, 1937.
4. Henry, Nicholas. Public Administration and Public Affairs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
5. Hicks, Herbert G. and C. Ray Gullet. Organizations: Theory and Behavior, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1975.
6. Hughes, Owen E. Public Management and Administration: An Introduction, London: Macmillan Press
Ltd., 1994.
7. Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul. Paradoxes in Public Administration: Dimensions of Development, Dhaka:
University ress Limited, 1990.
8. Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig. Organization and Management: A Systems and Contingency
Approach, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.
9. Khan, Haroon A. Public Administration: An Introduction, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1997.

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

10. Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat. Bureaucratic Self-Preservation: Failure of Major Administrative Reform
Efforts in the Civil Service of Pakistan, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1980.
11. Lane, Frederick S. Current Issues in Public Administration, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.
12. Nigro, F. and L. Nigro. Modern Public Administration, New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
13. Pugh, Derek S. and David J. Hickson. Writers on Organizations, England: Penguin Books, 1996.
14. Simon, H. A.; D. W. Smithburg and V. A. Thompson. Public Administration, New York: Alfred Knopf,
15. United Nations. Rethinking Public Administration: An Overview, New York: United Nations, 1998.
29.Weber, Max. From Max ber: Essays in Sociology, Translated by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, New
York: Oxford University Press, 1962.
16. White, L. D. Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, New York: The Free Press, 1926.
17. Prasad (ed.), Administrative Thinkers


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

1. Political Science: Meaning, Nature, Scope of Political Science, Methods- Historical, Observational,
Experimental & Comparative. Relationship with Public Administration, Significance of the Study of Political
2. State: Meaning & Elements, Nature, Functions, Purpose & End of the State.
3. Theories on origin of state.
4. Sovereignty-Meaning & Characteristics, Monism and Pluralism.
5. Government and its classifications: Dictatorship, Democracy, Presidential, Parliamentary, Unitary, Federal.
6. Law- Meaning, Source, Kinds, Rule of Law.
7. Liberty, Equality & Rights: Liberty-Meaning, Nature & Kinds, Equality-Meaning, Nature & kinds,
Relationships between Liberty & Equality. Rights- Meaning, Nature, Kinds, Theories on Rights, Protection
of Rights. Justice - Meaning, Nature, kinds.
8. Political Obligation: Meaning & Nature.
9. Nationalism, Internationalism: Meaning and Nature, Characteristics.
10. Revolution: Meaning and Nature, Difference between Reform and Revolution
11. Separation of powers.

Books Recommended:
1. Rymond G Gettle , Political Science, Boston:Ginn and Co.,1910
2. J.W Garner, Introduction to Political Science, NY: American Book Com., 1910
3. Alan Ball, Modern Politics and Government, London : Macmillan Press,1977
4. Laski H.J, A Grammar of Politics, London, Allen & Unwin Ltd.,1931
5. K.C Wheare, Modern Constitutions, London: Oxford University Press, 1952
6. Harris , Foundations of Political Science.
7. Rodee Anderson & Christo ( ed.), Introduction to Political Science
8. Ton. De Vos, Introduction to Politics
9. Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science.
10. Kapur A.C, Principles of Political Science

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

Syllabus for the Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S) Degree

Academic Session: 2008-2009
Department of Public Administration
School of Social Sciences
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

First Year Semester I

Course Hours/Week
Course Title Credits
No. Theory +Lab.
PAD 111 Introduction to Public Administration 4.00 4.00
PAD 112 Fundamentals of Political Science 3.00 3.00
SOC 101 Principles of Sociology 3.00 3.00
ECO 103 Principles of Economics 3.00 3.00
ENG 101 English Language (Theory) 2.00 2.00
ENG 102 English Language (Lab) 1.00 1.00
BNG 101 Bangla Language (Theory) 2.00 2.00
BNG 102 Bangla Language (Lab) 1.00 1.00
PAD 100 Seminar + Viva Voice 2.00 2.00
Total 21.00 21.00

First Year: Semester II

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits
No. Theory +Lab.
PAD 121 Human Resource Management 4.00 4.00
PAD 122 Introduction to Local Government 3.00 3.00
PAD 123 Public Administration in Bangladesh 4.00 4.00
ENG 103 Advanced English Language (Theory) 2.00 2.00
ENG 104 Advanced English Language (Lab) 1.00 1.00
STA 102 Statistics for Social Research-1 2.00 2.00
BAN 171 Introduction to Business 3.00 3.00
PAD 200 Seminar (Field work based)+Viva-Voce 2.00 2.00
Total 21 .00 21.00

Second Year Semester I

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits
No. Theory +Lab.
PAD 231 Comparative Public Administration 4.00 4.00
PAD 232 Governance & Development in Bangladesh 4.00 4.00
SCW 201 Social Welfare Policies & Programs 3.00 3.00
STA 205 Statistics for Social Research-II 2.00 2.00
ECS 101J Introduction to Computer Application 2.00 2 .00
ECS 102J Introduction to Computer Application – LAB 1.00 1.00
PAD 300 Seminar +Viva-Voce 2.00 2.00
Total 18.00 18.00

Second Year: Semester II

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits
No. Theory+ Lab
PAD 241 Financial Administration 4.00 4.00
PAD 242 Administrative System Analysis 4.00 4.00
PAD 243 Urban Administration and Planning 4.00 4.00
ECS 205 Database Management and Programming for Social Science 2.00 2.00
ECS 206 Database Management and Programming for Social science 1.00 1.00
PAD 400 Seminar +viva 2.00 2.00
Total 17.00 17.00

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

Third Year Semester I

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits
No. Theory +Lab
PAD 351 Introduction to Public Management 4.00 4.00
PAD 352 Administrative Reform in Bangladesh 4.00 4.00
PAD 353 Gender and Development 4.00 4.00
PAD 354 Introduction to Social Research 4.00 4.00
PAD 500 Seminar + Viva-Voce 2.00 2.00
Total 18.00 18.00

Third Year Semester II

Course Course Title Hours/Week: Credits
No. Theory +Lab
PAD 361 Social Change and Development 4.00 4.00
PAD 362 Rural Development in Bangladesh 4.00 4.00
PAD 363 Administration of South and South-East Asia 4.00 4.00
PAD 364 Term paper/Senior Project/ Field Work 3.00 3.00
PAD 600 Viva Voce 2.00 2.00
Total 17.00 17.00

Fourth Year Semester I

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits
No. Theory +Lab.
PAD 471 Contemporary Political Analysis 4.00 4.00
PAD 472 Project Management 4.00 4.00
PAD 473 Environmental Management 4.00 4.00
ANP 204 Anthropology & Public Policy 3.00 3.00
PAD 700 Seminar Viva Voce 2.00 2.00
Total 17.00 17.00

Fourth Year Semester II

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits
No. Theory +Lab
PAD 481 Public Policy Analysis with reference to Bangladesh 4.00 4.00
PAD 482 Security Administration 4.00 4.00
PAD 483 Industrial and Labour Relations Management 3.00 3.00
PAD 484 Comprehensive 4.00 4.00
PAD-800 Seminar + Viva-Voce 2.00 2.00
Total 17.00 17.00

Course Content

PAD 102: Introduction to Public Administration

3Credit, 3 Hour
(The aim of this course is to provide minimum knowledge about Public Administration in general and the
administrative system in Bangladesh. It will hopefully benefit the students in their practical life. This course is
offered to different departments by the department of Public Administration as a non-major course. )

1. Public Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance; Public and Private Administration;
Public Administration and Other Disciplines.
2. Concepts of Public Administration: Power and Authority; Hierarchy; Division of Work; Co-ordination;
Span of Control; Unity of Command; Line and Staff; Centralisation and Decentralisation.
3. Bureaucracy: Weberian Bureaucracy, Bureaucracy in Bangladesh: background of Bangladesh Civil
Service, Recruitment and Training of Civil Servant, Role of BPATC and BPSC.
4. Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and its Provisions Relating to Public Administration.
Constitutional Bodies in Bangladesh: Election Commission, Public Service Commission, Ombudsman,
Comptroller & Auditor General
5. Public Administration System in Bangladesh: (a) The Structure and Organization of Public
Administration in Bangladesh (c) Three Branches of Government and Their interrelationship (d)

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

Secretariat Set- up, Ministries, Divisions, Departments, Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous

Bodies/Agencies and Relationship;
6. Field Administration in Bangladesh: District and Upazila Administration- Structure, Functions, Control
and Coordination.
7. Local Government in Bangladesh: (a) Central-Local Relations; (c) Local-Self Government; (d) Local
Government Finance;

Books Recommended:
1. Henry, Nicholas. Public Administration and Public Affairs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
2. Khan, Haroon A. Public Administration: An Introduction, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1997.
3. Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat. Bureaucratic Self-Preservation: Failure of Major Administrative Reform
Efforts in the Civil Service of Pakistan, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1980.
4. Lane, Frederick S. Current Issues in Public Administration, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.
5. Nigro, F. and L. Nigro. Modern Public Administration, New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
6. Pugh, Derek S. and David J. Hickson. Writers on Organizations, England: Penguin Books, 1996.
7. Simon, H. A.; D. W. Smithburg and V. A. Thompson. Public Administration, New York: Alfred Knopf,
8. White, L. D. Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, New York: The Free Press, 1926.
9. Ahmed, Ali. Administration of Local Self-Government in Rural Areas in Bangladesh, Dhaka: NILG, 1979.
10. Alderfer, Harold F. Local Government in Developing Countries, New York: McGraw-Hill Company,
11. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Government in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1994.
12. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative Study, Dhaka: University Press
Limited, 1991.
13. Siddiqui, Noore Alam. Decentralisation and Development: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh, Dhaka:
University of Dhaka, 1997.
14. Muneer Ahmed, A Hand Book Of Public Administration.
15. Inayatullah (Ed), Bureaucracy & Development in Pakistan;
16. M.M.Khan & Zafarullah ( ed ) , Politics & Bureaucracy in New Nation Bangladesh., Dhaka: CENTAS
17. M.M.Khan ( ed ) , Bangladesh: Society Politics and Bureaucracy, Dhaka: CENTAS, 1984.
18. M.M.Khan, Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh, New Delhi & Dhaka: South Asia & UPL, 1988.
19. H. Zafarullah & M.M.Khan, The Bureucratic Ascendenc, New Delhi & Dhaka: South Asia & AHD
Publishers, 2005
20. M.M.Khan, The Dominant Executive and Dormant Legislature: Executive-Legilature Relations in
Bangladesh, New Delhi and Dhaka: South Asia & UPL, 2006
21. Ahmed, Ali, Role of Higher Civil Servants in Bangladesh.
22. Chowdhury. M. A, The Civil Service in Pakistan.
23. Haque. A N M S, Administrative reform in Pakistan
24. Md.Asaduzzaman, Bangladesher Lokproshashon (Bangla)
25. A T M Obaidullah, Bangladesh Public Administration
PAD-102 F: Public Administration in Natural Resources Management
(This course is designed only for the Department of Forestry & Environment)

Part A
1. Environmental profile of Bangladesh- rivers, forests, climate, agriculture, fisheries, population, natural
2. Energy efficiency in different sectors
3. Natural resources- water, soil, mineral resources.
4. Types of resources- renewable, non-renewable.

Part B
5. Bio-diversity- causes of destroying, management system in Bangladesh
6. Global concern on natural resources management protocol and conferences, recommendations, results.

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

7. NGO’s role of natural resources management

8. Legal framework for protecting nature in Bangladesh.
Books will be recommended by he concern teacher.

PAD-111 Introduction to Public Administration

4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

6. Public Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance; Public and Private Administration;
Approaches to the Study of Public Administration; Paradigms of Public Administration; Public
Administration and Other Social Sciences.
7. Concepts of Public Administration: Power and Authority; Hierarchy; Division of Work; Co-ordination;
Span of Control; Unity of Command; Line and Staff; Centralisation and Decentralisation;
8. Organisation: Basic Concepts of Organization Formal and Informal Organisation.
9. Organisation Theories: (a) Classical Theories: Scientific Management and F. W. Taylor; Administrative
Management and Henri Fayol; Bureaucracy and Max Weber. (b) Neo-Classical/Behavioural Theories:
Human Relations Movement and Elton Mayo. (c) Modern Theories: Systems Theory and Contingency
10. Processes of Organisation: Motivation; Leadership; Communication; Decision-Making.

Books Recommended:
18. Barnard, Chester I. The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,
19. Corson, John J. and Joseph P. Harris. Public Administration in Modern Society, New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., 1963.
20. Gullick, Luther H. and Lyndall Urwick. Papers on the Science of Administration, New York: Institute of
Public Administration, 1937.
21. Henry, Nicholas. Public Administration and Public Affairs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
22. Hicks, Herbert G. and C. Ray Gullet. Organizations: Theory and Behavior, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1975.
23. Hughes, Owen E. Public Management and Administration: An Introduction, London: Macmillan Press
Ltd., 1994.
24. Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul. Paradoxes in Public Administration: Dimensions of Development, Dhaka:
University ress Limited, 1990.
25. Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig. Organization and Management: A Systems and Contingency
Approach, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.
26. Khan, Haroon A. Public Administration: An Introduction, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1997.
27. Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat. Bureaucratic Self-Preservation: Failure of Major Administrative Reform
Efforts in the Civil Service of Pakistan, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1980.
28. Lane, Frederick S. Current Issues in Public Administration, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.
29. Nigro, F. and L. Nigro. Modern Public Administration, New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
30. Pugh, Derek S. and David J. Hickson. Writers on Organizations, England: Penguin Books, 1996.
31. Simon, H. A.; D. W. Smithburg and V. A. Thompson. Public Administration, New York: Alfred Knopf,
32. United Nations. Rethinking Public Administration: An Overview, New York: United Nations, 1998.
29.Weber, Max. From Max ber: Essays in Sociology, Translated by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, New
York: Oxford University Press, 1962.
33. White, L. D. Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, New York: The Free Press, 1926.
34. Prasad (ed.), Administrative Thinkers


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

12. Political Science: Meaning, Nature, Scope of Political Science, Methods- Historical, Observational,
Experimental & Comparative. Relationship with Public Administration, Significance of the Study of Political
13. State: Meaning & Elements, Nature, Functions, Purpose & End of the State.
14. Theories on origin of state.
15. Sovereignty-Meaning & Characteristics, Monism and Pluralism.
16. Government and its classifications: Dictatorship, Democracy, Presidential, Parliamentary, Unitary, Federal.
17. Law- Meaning, Source, Kinds, Rule of Law.
18. Liberty, Equality & Rights: Liberty-Meaning, Nature & Kinds, Equality-Meaning, Nature & kinds,
Relationships between Liberty & Equality. Rights- Meaning, Nature, Kinds, Theories on Rights, Protection
of Rights. Justice - Meaning, Nature, kinds.
19. Political Obligation: Meaning & Nature.
20. Nationalism, Internationalism: Meaning and Nature, Characteristics.
21. Revolution: Meaning and Nature, Difference between Reform and Revolution
22. Separation of powers.

Books Recommended:
11. Rymond G Gettle , Political Science, Boston:Ginn and Co.,1910
12. J.W Garner, Introduction to Political Science, NY: American Book Com., 1910
13. Alan Ball, Modern Politics and Government, London : Macmillan Press,1977
14. Laski H.J, A Grammar of Politics, London, Allen & Unwin Ltd.,1931
15. K.C Wheare, Modern Constitutions, London: Oxford University Press, 1952
16. Harris , Foundations of Political Science.
17. Rodee Anderson & Christo ( ed.), Introduction to Political Science
18. Ton. De Vos, Introduction to Politics
19. Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science.
20. Kapur A.C, Principles of Political Science
4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

1. HRM-Concept, nature, scope, evolution

2. Public Personnel Management: Meaning, Scope and Importance of Personnel Management in
Bangladesh, Approaches & Challenges, Historical Development of Personnel Management, Job Analysis
& Job Evaluation: Job Description and Job Specification, Concept of job evaluation, Processes and
3. Human Resources Planning (HRP): Definition; Approaches to HRP; Process of HRP; Recruitment;
Selection; Transfer; Promotion; Bangladesh Public Service Commission, Career Planning & Career
4. Training and Development: Concept and Definition; Education and Training; Objectives; Importance;
Types; Steps of training; Methods; Assessment of Training Needs, Role of BPATC.
5. Performance Appraisal & Disciplinary measures: Conceptual Issues; Methods; Problems; Annual
Confidential Report in Bangladesh.
6. Compensation: Wages and Salary Administration, Objectives, Importance, Factors Affecting Wage and
Salary; Pay Structure in Bangladesh Civil Service; Retirement and Pension.
7. Labour-Management Relations: Trade Unions; Collective Bargaining/Participative Management.
8. Management of Change & Diversity

Books Recommended:
Suggested readings will be given by the concern teacher.


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

1. Introduction to Local Government: Meaning; Principles and Characteristics; Rationale; Types and
Models of Local Government. Difference between local and local self government.

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

2. Decentralisation: Meaning, Types, Importance, Tiers of Local Government in Bangladesh

3. People’s Participation: Meaning; Types; Importance.
4. Local Government in British Period (1870-1947): Evolution of Local Government in British India;
Various Acts e.g., Chowkidary Panchayet Act 1870, 1882, 1885; Report on the Decentralisation
Committee 1907-1909; Morley-Minto Reforms; Montageu-Chelmsford Reforms; Bengal Village Local
Government Act 1919; Leving Report 1913-14.
5. Local Government in Pakistan Period (1947-1971): Basic Democracies Order of Ayub Khan.
6. Local Government in Bangladesh (1971---): (a) Central-Local Relations; (c) Local Level Planning; (d)
Local Government Finance; (e) Local Government Reform Commissions/Committees.
7. Key Issues on Local Governance: Accountability, Transparency, Financing, Locus of Control etc.

Books Recommended:
1. Abedin, Nazmul. Local Administration and Politics in Modernizing Societies: Bangladesh and Pakistan,
Dhaka: Oxford University Press, 1973.
2. Ahmed, Ali. Administration of Local Self-Government in Rural Areas in Bangladesh, Dhaka: NILG, 1979.
3. Alderfer, Harold F. Local Government in Developing Countries, New York: McGraw-Hill Company,
4. Ali, A. M. M. Shawkat Politics, Development and Upazila, Dhaka: NILG, 1986.
5. Ali, S. Maqsood. Decentralisation and People’s Participation in Bangladesh, Dhaka: NIPA, 1981.
6. Cheema, G. S. and D. A. Rondinelli (Eds.) Decentralisation and Development: Policy Implementation in
Developing Countries, Baverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1983.
7. Choudhury, M. A. Local Government in Rural East Pakistan,
8. Hye, Hasanat Abdul. Local Level Planning, Dhaka: NILG,
9. Shrestha, Tulsi Narayan. The Concept of Local Government and Decentralization, Kathmandu: Ratna
Pustak Bhandar, 1996.
10. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Governance in Bangladesh: Leading Issues and Major Challenges, Dhaka:
University Press Limited, 2000.
11. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Government in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1994.
12. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative Study, Dhaka: University Press
Limited, 1991.
13. Siddiqui, Noore Alam. Decentralisation and Development: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh, Dhaka:
University of Dhaka, 1997.
14. Tepper, Eliot. Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan, Michigan: Michigan State
University, 1966.
15. Tinker, Hugh. Foundations of Local Self-Government in India, Pakistan and Burma, London: Athlone
Press, 1954.ed.


4Hours / Week, 4credits

1. Philosophy of the Constitution: Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and its Provisions
Relating to Public Administration, Constitutional Bodies in Bangladesh.
2. Historical Background of Public Administration in Bangladesh: (a) The Structure and Organization of
Public Administration in British India; (b) State of Public Administration in United Pakistan (c) Three
Branches of Government and Their interrelationship; (d) Secretariat Set- up, Ministries, Divisions,
Departments, Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Bodies/Agencies- Structure, Functions and
Relationship; (e) Field Administration in Bangladesh: District and Upazila Administration- Structure,
Functions, Control and Coordination.
3. Corruption: Meaning, dimensions, causes, ACC, Strategy for Anti- corruption
4. Bangladesh Civil Service: Generalist-specialist controversy, Politics-administration dichotomy
5. Administrative Reforms:Different Commissions/Committees
6. Role of the Central Personnel Agencies: The Ministry of Establishment and Bangladesh Public Service
7. Public Corporation: Problems and Prospects.

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

Books Recommended:
1. Muneer Ahmed, A Hand Book Of Public Administration.
2. Inayatullah (Ed), Bureaucracy & Development in Pakistan;
3. M.M.Khan & Zafarullah ( ed ) , Politics & Bureaucracy in New Nation Bangladesh., Dhaka: CENTAS
4. M.M.Khan ( ed ) , Bangladesh: Society Politics and Bureaucracy, Dhaka: CENTAS, 1984.
5. M.M.Khan, Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh, New Delhi & Dhaka: South Asia & UPL, 1988.
6. H. Zafarullah & M.M.Khan, The Bureucratic Ascendenc, New Delhi & Dhaka: South Asia & AHD
Publishers, 2005
7. M.M.Khan, The Dominant Executive and Dormant Legislature: Executive-Legilature Relations in
Bangladesh, New Delhi and Dhaka: South Asia & UPL, 2006
8. Ahmed, Ali, Role of Higher Civil Servants in Bangladesh.
9. Chowdhury. M. A, The Civil Service in Pakistan.
10. Haque. A N M S, Administrative reform in Pakistan
11. Chowdhury M, Pakistan Its Politics & Bureaucracy
12. La Palambora , Bureaucracy & Development
13. Rahman S , Administrative elite in Bangladesh
14. Khan M. M., Politics of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh, New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, 1991.
15. P.N. Banerzee, Public Administration in Ancient India.
16. Md.Asaduzzaman, Bangladesher Lokproshashon (Bangla)
17. A T M Obaidullah, Bangladesh Public Administration
4 Hours/ Weeks, Credits 4

1. Introduction to CPA: Meaning; Scope; Significance; Problems of Comparison.

2. Approaches to the Study of CPA; Models of Developed and Developing Countries; Common
Administrative Patterns of Developing Countries.
3. Philosophical and Normative Dimensions: Socialist, Democratic and Prismatic Views of Administration.
4. Public Administration in South East: India, Malaysia, Japan
5. Public Administration in the West: UK, USA, France - Administrative Evolution; Method of
Recruitment; Classification, Organisation and Structure of Civil Services; Reforms in the Civil Services;
Nature of Politics-Administration Dichotomy; Institutional Arrangement for Training of Civil Servants.

Suggested readings will be prescribed by concerned teacher.


4Hours/Week 4 Credits

1. Understanding Governance, Contemporary Debate Significance and Conceptual link, Towards a Theory
of Governance Putting Governance into Perspective
2. State of Governance, Vision, Commitment and Governance Capacity with Special Reference to
Bangladesh Autonomy of State and Dominant Interests Patterns of Governance in Bangladesh Rent-
Seeking Behaviour and Governance Institutional Capacity Approach to Governance Capacity in
Bangladesh, Agenda for Good Governance-Concerns, Rationales Instruments and Ends.
3. Regime Change and Effective Governance States and the Distribution of Power in the Society Problems
of Regime Change, Continuity and Governance Case Studies-How Does Problem of Regime Change
Affect Effective Governance?
4. State-Business Relations and its Implication on Governance with Special Reference to Bangladesh.
Growth of Business Class Nature of State-Business Relation Channels of Access and Influence Clientelism
Default Culture-Origin and Causes Business-Politics-Growing Linkages in Bangladesh
5. Bureaucracy, Issue of Accountability, Transparency, Development and their Relations with
Governance Nature of Bureaucracy-Their Origin, Class and Orientation Problems of Accountability
Problems of Corruption Factors Inhibiting Transparency in Administration -Pro or Anti-developmental

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

6. Understanding Development: Major Schools of Thoughts. Development Partners -Bi-Lateral and Multi-
lateral Volume and Nature of Development Assistance Development Partners - Their Focus and Priorities,
7. Globalization, Economic Reform and Supply and Demand Side of Good Governance Globalization
and Good Governance. Measuring the Optimum Level of Governance, Demand Side or Good Governance.
State and Market Failures and other Factors and Actors in the Context of Bangladesh. Supply Side of Good
Governance-Institutions, Processes and Mechanisms of Managing Reforms-Administrative Financial and
8. The Role of Politics in Governance Military Rule and Governance and Democracy Problems of Anti-
Developmental Politics Political Culture-Parties, Parliament, Election, Interest Groups and the Political
System Crisis of Good Governance in Bangladesh.

Books Recommended:
1. Panandiker, P.V. (ed.). Problems of Governance in South Asia. UPL, 2000.
2. Sobhan, R, Towards a Theory of Governance UPL, 2000.
3. Haggard, S., The Politics of Governance: Lessons from the East Asian Crisis", Paper presented in the
conference on Governance : Public Participation, Decentralization and Integrity, Copenhagen, 1996
4. Alam, S.M.S, The State, Class Formation, and Development in Bangladesh. New York: University Press
of America, Inc, 1995.
5. Haggard, S., Kaufman, R., "Economic Adjustment in New Demo racer', in Joan M. Nelson (ed.), Fragile
Coalitions the Politics of Economic Adjustment. Washington D.C.: Overseas Development Council,
6. Leftwich, A., "Government
7. Sobhan, R, Bangladesh Problems of Governance Dhaka, University Press Ltd, 1993.


4Hours/Week 4 Credits

1. Introduction: Relation between economics and politics, Growth of public finance, Role of government in
mixed economy, positive and normative view in economics, need for public finance and private finance,
central and local government finance, public sector in national income accounting.
2. Budgeting: Concept; Types; Budgetary Procedure; Politics of Government Budgeting in Bangladesh and
Deficit Financing.
3. Fiscal and Monetary Policies: Objectives of Monetary policy, Anti-inflamationary fiscal policy
4. Accounting and Auditing: The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh, System of
auditing of government expenditure
5. Government Revenue : Revenue sources of government , objectives of taxation, characteristics of a
good taxation system, principle of taxation-benefit principle, ability to pay principle.
6. Taxation in Bangladesh : Structure and Growth, types of taxation, Canons of taxation, tax burden &
7. Foreign Aid in Bangladesh: Typology of foreign aid, Mechanisms of foreign aid
8. Agencies of Financial administration (domestic): Executive, Legislature, Ministry of Finance, Ministry
of Planning, Parliamentary Committees,
9. International Financial Institutions: World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian Development
Bank, Islamic Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme.

Books Recommended:
1. S.U. Patwaury, Financial Administration System in Bangladesh.
2. M..P.Todaro, Economic Development in the Third World, 3rd edition, 1995.
3. Paul Appleby, Public Administration for a Welfare State.
4. R. Goode, Government Finance in Developing countries, Brookings Institutions, 1984.


4 Hours/ week, Credit 4

1. Purpose and objectives of organization, background of system theory

2. Social Psychology of Organization; philosophical, historical and theoretical underpinnings
3. System: meaning, general system theory-characteristics and levels
4. System approach and components- philosophy, management and analysis

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

5. Types of system-Closed and Open Systems; Characteristics of Open Systems

6. System and Environment
7. Supra System, System and Sub-System- concept and their relationship
8. Work Simplification – purpose, methods and purpose.
9. Organizational Chart and Flow Charts – techniques and preparation of charts.
10. Forms Design-significance and determining factors
11. Office Management, Time management

Books will be recommended by concerned teacher.


4Hours/Week 4 Credit

1. Urbanization: Definition and Meaning, Development of Urbanization in developed and Developing

Countries, Urban Growth and Economic Development, Rural-Urban migration, Urban Problems and the
Problems of rapid urbanization.
2. Approaches to the study of Urban Affairs: The Urban-Politics Approach, The Urban – Administrative
Approach, Migration from rural to urban
3. Urban Government: Types of Urban Government, City Corporations, and Municipal Administration
4. Urban Planning: Aims and Horizons, the working of planning systems, methods of positive planning,
political and organizational choices, problems of urban planning.
5. Urban Administration in Bangladesh: History of urbanization in Bangladesh, structure of urban
administration, urban finance, Master plans for urban areas in Bangladesh
6. Urban development agencies- RAJUK, WASA, DESA, CDA, RDA, KDA.SDA
7. Problems & challenges of urbanization in Bangladesh.
Urban Economic System: Methods of disbursement of funds, use of funds, Accountability of urban financial

Books Recommended:
1. Caraley, Demtrios, City Governments & Urban Problems, Prentice-Hall, NJ.
2. Geer, Scott, Urban Renewal and American Cities, Bobbs-Merrill.
3. Lindsay, John V., The City, New American Library, NY.
4. Stanley, David T., Managing Local Government under Union Pressure, The Brookings Institution,
Washington DC.
5. Sayre, Wallace S. and Kaufman, Herbert, Governing New York City, W. W. Norton, NY.
6. Flynn, Edward J., You're the Boss, Collier, NY.
7. Pressman, Jeffery L. and Wildavsky, Aron B., Implementation, UCP, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
8. Stren, Richard, Perspective on the City: Urban Research in the Developing World, CUCS, Toronto.
9. Islam, Nazrul and Khan, M.M. (eds.), Urban Governance in Bangladesh and Pakistan, Dhaka: Centre for
Urban Studies, 1997.
10. J. John Palen, The Urban World, McGraw hill Inc, 1992
11. Potter R. B., Urbanization and Planning in the Third World, 1985
12. Kararda J.D., et al, Third World Cities, 1993


4 Hours/Week 4Credit

1. The Context of Public Management, Understanding Public Sector Organizations, the Roles and Value
Base of the Public Sector.
2. The Study of Public Management, the Traditional Model of Public Administration, New Public
Management Public Governance; Managerial Innovation.
3. Role of the Government, Need for a Public Sector, Market Failure, Basic Functions of Government,
instruments of Government
4. Strategic Management, Strategy in the Public Sector, Strategy in the Private Sector, Strategic
Management , Strategic Planning Models
5. Performance Management, Performance Management Context, Performance Management, Performance

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

6. Ensuring Quality Service, Importance of Quility of Service, Measuring Quality, Designing Quality,
Designing Qua1ity Evaluation System
7. Managing during Times of Change, Understanding the change Process, Planning and Managing Change,
Helping People to Cope with Change
8. Problematical Nature of Public Management Reform, Choice, competition consumers and Markets.,
Standards Quality, Stakeholders and Motivation, Accountabi1ity
9. Future of Public Sector Management, Values and the Future, Public Sector Management Ethics, Buyers
and Sellers in New Public Sector Markets.

1. Sandra Nutley and Stephan P. Osborne, The Public Management Handbook. Essex: Longman, 1994.
2. Owen E. Hughes, Public Management and Administration: An Introduction, London: Macmi1lan 1994.
3. Norman Flynn, Public Sector Management, Hertfordshire, Hasverster/Wheatshfe, 1993.
4. Kester Issaac-Henrv et al. Management and Change in the Public Sector, Challenge and Change, London
Chapman and Hall, 1993.
5. Boaird T. & Loffler E. (2004) Public Management & Governance, Routledge, New York.
6. Khanwalla P. K. (1999) Revitalizing the State: A Menu of Options, Sage, New Delhi.
7. Department of Development Studies (2006) Governance and Development: Bangladesh & Regional
Experiences, DDS, Dhaka University, Dhaka


4 Hours/Week 4 Credits

1. Administration reform – meaning, importance, strategies for administrative reform.

2. Major administrative reforms efforts – colonial legacy, administrative reform in the ICS and CSP.
3. Administrative reforms in Bangladesh Civil Service.
4. Reforms in Field Administration.
5. Reforms in the Pay Structure.
6. Politics of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh – leadership of reform and reorganization bodies,
dividing and weakening of political opposition to the regime, Monopolizing membership of reform bodies.
7. Bureaucratic and Political Resistance to major administrative reforms.
8. Major Administrative Reforms and role of international donors in Bangladesh.

Books will be suggested by the concerned teacher.


4 Hours/week, 4Credits

1. The concept of women development: its inception, evolution ( from WID to GAD), Its
institutionalization both national and international levels
2. Gender and Sexuality: Politics of Sex and Sexuality.
3. Women’s Movements: Different schools – Liberal, socialist and radical feminism; Theoretical and
methodological debates – Feminism, Marxism, Eco feminism, Post modernism;
4. Women’s movement in Bangladesh: Organization, Issues and Agenda.
5. UN initiatives towards women’s advancement: Conferences on women – heir outcome and follow-up
6. Women and Politics Women and nationalist struggles with special emphasis on South Asia, Women in
the structure of Politics, Electoral bodies, Judiciary, Women and political parties, Women as subject of
politics, militarism and peace movement, Women as subject of politics (Gender planning in developing
7. Women in Administration: Women’s participation in the public and private administrative bodies.
8. Empowerment of Women: Types and process of empowerment, Political Empowerment.
9. Women and Human Rights: Violence against women – Dowry, Rape, Trafficking, Wife battering,
Prostitution etc, Preventive measures, Legal rights of women: National and International instruments.
10. Status of women in Bangladesh: Population, Education, Health and nutrition, Labor force, Poverty,
Women in employment, Women in decision making etc.

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

11. Role of NGOs in ensuring the empowerment of women in Bangladesh

Books Recommended:
1. Salma Khan, The fifty percent: Women in Development and Policy in Bangladesh,Dhaka,UPL,1992
2. B.L Marshall, Engendering Modernity: Feminism, Social Theory and Social Change, Polity
Raunaq Jahan , Elusive Agenda Main Streaming Women in Development,UPL,Dhaka,1995
3. L. Genda ,The Creation Of Patriarchy,NY:1986
4. B. Nelson And Najma Choudhuiry, Women and Politics Worldwide, Yale University Press.
5. Collection of Articles, Polity Reader of Gender, Polity Press. UK, 1994
6. Quddus, Abdul & Shakil, Mohammad Jahirul, Bangladesher Artho-Samajik Preksapote Narir
Khamotayan: Somassa O
7. Sombabona (Bangla Book), 2002.
8. Simon De Beauvir, The Second Sex
Hours/week, 4 Credits

1. What Social Research is: Importance of Research in Social Sciences, Problems of Social Research in
i) Basic Elements of Social Research: Concepts, Definitions, Variables, Hypothesis, Assumptions, Model,
Population and
Sample, Theory
ii) Types of Social Research: Basic & Applied Research, Exploratory, Descriptive, and Explanatory
2. Research Design: Selection of the problem, Review of the literature, Development of Hypotheses,
Operationalization of the variables, formulating objectives, sampling, methods of data collection, Analysis
3. Techniques of data collection: Construction of Interview Schedule, Questionnaires, Interviewing,
4. Data Analysis: Coding, Manual Tabulation, Computer Tabulation,
5. Quantitative techniques and its use in Social Research.
6. The Research Report: Mechanism of Report Writing, The structure & Types of Research Report.

Books Recommended:

1. K. D. Balley - Methods of Social Research

2. Goods of Hatal - Methods in social Research
3. Herring - Research for public policy
4. Nanlin - Foundation of social Research
5. Paul Young - Scientific social surveys and Research
6. David Nachmlas & Chava Nachmlas - Research Methods in social Science.
7. M. H. Gopal - An Introduction to Research procedure in social science
8. Bernard S. Phillips - Social Research : Strategy & Tactics
9. C. F. Seltiz et, al. - Research Methods in social Relations
10. George A. Lundberg - Social Research
11. Herbert Hyman - Interviewing in social Research
12. BARD - Research Methodology for Rural Development.
4 Hours/Week, Credit 4

1. Social change- Historical perspective, Tradition, modernity and social change

2. Social Typologies and their characteristics- Traditional and Modern, Planned social changes
3. Meaning of Development- Modernization, Marxist, Neo-Marxist view points and Multi-dimensional
perception of development and implications

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

4. Factors of Development, Participation and Development, Major Actors/Partners in Development

including role of Elite, Bureaucracy, Political parties, Military, and Gender, Changing perceptions of the
role and function of development
5. Agents of social changes & development
6. Systems Theory and its relevance to social change and Development.

Books Recommended:
1. Shanin, T. and Alavi, H. (eds), Introduction to the Sociology of Developing Societies.
2. Alavi, H. and Harriss, J. (eds), Introduction to Sociology of Developing Societies: South Asia
3. Stwart Corbridge, Capitalist World Development
4. Choudhury, L H., Social Change and Development Administration in South and South East Asia, 1978
5. Talcott Parsons-Social System
6. Caroline Moser, Gender Planning and Development, 1992.
7. Kristen-Listergard, Gender issues in Development- A Practical Guide, 1993.
8. Task Force Reports, Vol. 1-lV
9. Ministry of Planning, G.B. 1992.
10. David Hulme and Turner, Sociology of Development
11. R.B. Jain (ed), NGO’s in Development, 1995 Swerdlow, Develpoment Administration concepts and
12. David E Apter, The Politics of Modernization, Chicago, university of Chicago Press, 1965.
13. Finkle and Gable (eds), Political Development and Social Change, New York, Jhon Wiley and Sons, Inc,
14. Tony Spybey, Social Change, Development and Dependency: Modernity, Colonialism and Development,
Oxford, Blackway Publishers, 1992.


4 Hours/ week 4 Credits

1. Introduction: Concepts, prospects & problems of rural development in Bangladesh

2. Rural social structure & organization: stratification patterns, samaj and shalis,
3. Rural power structure: traditional and new emerging leadership pattern: myth & realty
4. Adaptation of modern technologies in agricultural production.
5. Transforming agrarian structure: plea of land reform, theories of land reform, typology of land reform,
basic changes, land legislation and its implementation
6. The strategy of rural development: Rural Works Programme (RWP) / Food for Works Programme
(FWP), Food for Education Programme (FEP), Thana Irrigation Programme (TIP)
7. Models of rural development-Comilla model, Korean model, Chinese model
8. Rural Development Institutions: BARD, IRDP, NGOs and rural development , People’s participation,
Local level planning, Local level finance

1. Weltz, R. - Rural Development in Changing World.
2. Zaide S. M. Hafeez - The Village Culture in Transition
3. Jahangir B. K. - Gramanchale Phanatantree Bikash
4. Hasnat Abdul Hye - Local Level Planning
5. Dumont Rone - Problems & Prospects for Rural development in Bangladesh.
6. Ali Azher - Rural development in Bangladesh
7. The world Bank - The Assoult on World Poverty (Baltmort : John Hopkins University Press, 1975
8. Arther Raper - Rural Development in Action: Comprehensive Experiment at Comilla (Cornel University
Press, 1970
9. The Works of Akhter Hamid Khan Vol-II (Comilla BARD ,1983)
10. Steve Rose - "An Evaluation Rural Development Programme in Bangladesh" in Journal of Social Studies,
6 ,1976
11. Najmul Abedin - Local Administration - Politics in Modernizing Societies Bangladesh & Pakistan, Dhaka:
NIPA, 1973
12. Wahidul Haque et al - Towards a Theory of Rural Development , Bangkok: UN - Asian Development
Institute, 1975
13. Harry W. Blair - The Elusiveness of Equality: Institutional Approach to Rural Development in

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

14. Tapper Elliot - Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan.

15. Report a) Commilla Academy b) Modernizing Rural Bangladesh.


4Hours/week, Credit 4

1. Government and Political Systems in South and South-East Asia: a) Society and Politics in South and
South -East Asia in the colonial & post colonial era. b) Common political characteristics & systems,
Political mobilization and the rise of Nationalism. c) Constitution and the nature of the Governments,
Civilian, Military – Bureaucratic oligarchy. d) Instruments of Power and control, Institutionalization of
Political Party, Bureaucracy and Interest Groups.
2. Process of Democratization, Economic Development and Relations between South and South-east Asia.
The origins of the Public Bureaucracies in the South and South-East Asia
3. The Civil Service Systems – Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Civil-Military Dichotomy, a) Structure,
Composition and Function of Central and Field Administration. b) Personnel Administration, Recruitment,
Selection, Training & the role of central personnel Agency.
4. South & South-East Asian Regional & Economic Organizations - Their formation and future: SAARC,

Books Recommended
1. Doronila|: The State, economic Transformation & Political Change in the Philippines
2. Spencer: Sri Lanka
3. Boxter,Craig (ed.), Government & Politics in South Asia
4. Sir Desai,Dr Southeast Asia: Past and Present,1997
5. Compendium of Public Administration in South & South East Asia


3Hours/week, Credit 3

All students will have to prepare individual Field report on any issue of Bangladesh


4 Hours/Week 4 Credits

1. An examination of the history and characteristics of political doctrines which have had practical
influence in the modern world: Liberalism, Fabianism, Nationalism, Imperialism, Socialism, Communism,
Colonialism, and Neo-Colonialism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, Democracy and Neo-democracy.
2. The function and dynamics of public, politics in relation to development, Movement, ideologies and
the struggle between politic.
3. The role of military and bureaucracy, Reform and revolution.

Books will be recommended by concerned teacher.


4 Hours/Week 4 Credits

1. Project Management: Concepts & models –definition, features and types of project, elements and
functions of project management, models of project management.
2. Different Aspects of Project: Projects as an alternative approach for development management,
traditional management and project management features and difference.
3. Project Management-Project Cycle: Project idea, project identification, Pre-feasibility: feasibility,
approval, implementation and evaluation, project performance, performance indicators.
4. Project Planning: Steps in project planning, Planning process-time planning, Manpower, CPM/PERT-
network analysis, modern project planning systems, project planning methods.
5. Project Direction, Coordination and control- project direction. Communication in a project, project
coordination, project control, scope/progress control, performance control, schedule control, cost corporal,
methods of project control, additional factors in the control of project.

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

6. Project Feasibility: Different Techniques land Tools: Financial Analysis. Economic Analysis, Managerial
& Administrative feasibility Environmental feasibility, legal feasibility.
7. Project Monitoring: Approaches & techniques.
8. Project Evaluation: Objectives, types, methods.
9. Project development process in Bangladesh, Role of Planning Commission, Planning Units of concerned
ministries, IMED, NEC, ECNEC, Donors/Development partners (bilateral & multilateral), and NGOs
10. Resource Mobilization: Procedures for release of funds, financing projects under ADP.
11. Project Management in Bangladesh: Problems and Issues with particular focus to ADP.

Suggested readings will be prescribed by concern teacher.


4 Hours/Week 4 Credits

1. Environment and Development: Meaning, Components, Importance of Environment.

2. Sustainable Development: Evolution of Environmentalism, Emergence, Meaning and Features of
3. Ecology: Meaning, Types, Components.
4. Environmental Issues in Bangladesh: Environmental issues that are facing Bangladesh and their Solutions.
5. Environmental Initiatives in Bangladesh: Policies, Plans and Programmes of Government on Environment.
6. Institutional Make-up: Governmental Institutions on Environment.
7. Environment and NGO: Structure, Functions and Role of Different Environmental NGOs.
8. International and Regional Environmental Organization : Role of Different International and Regional
Environmental Organizations (UN, World Bank, SAARC, SACEP, ASEAN etc)
9. Environmental Conferences: Stockholm Conference 1972, Rio Conference 1992 and Johannesburg
Conference 2002.
10. Environmental Impact Assessment

Recommended Books:
1. Ainun Nishat & Mahfuz Ullah, Bangladesh Environment Outlook 2001.
2. Atiq Rahman (ed), Environment and Poverty.
3. Atiq Rahman & M. Ashraf Ali, Peoples Report on Bangladesh Environment.
4. Atiq Rahman & Saleemul Haq (ed), Environment and Development in Bangladesh. Vol. I & II.
5. Bangladesh Government, National Environmental Management Action Plan. Vol. I, II, III, IV &V.
6. Golam Monwar Kamal, Environmental Bibliography of Bangladesh.
Environment Politics in Bangladesh
Towards Rural Development and Environment Conservation in Bangladesh.
7. Philip Gain, Bangladesh Environment : Facing the 21st Century
8. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, Bangladesh State of Environment Report 2000.
9. Department of Environment, Environment Policy of Bangladesh


4 Hours / Week Credit 4

1. Public Policy: Meaning, scope, significance and importance of public policy, the categories of public
policy, politics & administration and public policy.
2. Policy Making: process of policy making; dynamics in policy formation; forces in the policy making
process, roles of different agencies in policy making, conditions of the donors - IMF, WB, ADB. ,
Constraints in policymaking and policy implementation.
3. Models in Public Policy Analysis: Institutional Model, Elite Model, Rational Comprehensive Model,
Mixed Scanning Model, Structure-Functional Model, Group Model, Systems Model, Process Model, and
Incremental Model.
4. Policy Framework in Bangladesh
a) Compositions and functions of NEC, ECNEC, Planning commission & its Implementation, Monitoring
& Evolution Division; b) Procedures for processing of development projects in public & private sector,
guidelines for the preparation of short & long term development projects; c) Linkage between Planning &

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

administration in Bangladesh; Role of top level bureaucrats & their interactions with policy makers &
interest groups.
5. Analysis of Public Policy:
a) Agricultural Policy b) Health Policy c) Energy Policy d) Education Policy e) National Women
Development Policy
6. Parliamentary Control over Public Policy making

1. DYE, T. R., (1980), Understanding Public Policy, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
2. SAPRU, R.K., (1994), Public Policy: Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation, New Delhi: Sterling
Publishers private Limited
3. MAHTAB, N., (1990), “Public policy: A Theoratical Perspective”, LOC, Vol. 1, No. 1.
4. NIGRO, L.G. & Nigro, F. A., Modern Public Administration..
5. STOCKEY, E. and Zeckhuaser, R., (1978), A Primer for Policy Analysis, New York: Norton.
6. DUNN, William, N.,(1981), Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice- Hall.
7. SMITH, T. B., (1973), “Policy Implementation Process”, in Policy Science, 4.
8. Zafaullah H. (ed.)Policy Issues in Bangladesh. UPL
9. Ferdous Afrina Osman, Policy Making in Bangladesh, Dhaka: AHD Publication House, 2004
10. Anderson, D.E. (1984), Public Policy Making
11. Rules of Procedures of the Parliament (2002), GOB, Dhaka, Bangladesh


4 Hours / Week 4 credits

1. Security Administration: Meaning, nature, forms/dimensions, theoretical/ conceptual framework, importance

2. Police Administration: structure, functions, professionalism, accountability and transparency
3. Role of Police Administration: peace, security and development (national and international level)
4. Historical Background of Police Administration in Bangladesh: British (1757-1947), Pakistan (1947-1971),
Bangladesh (1971-?).
5. Reform in Police Administration
6. Comparative Analysis: Bangladesh, India, Norway, USA
7. Forms of Defence Administration: Army, Navy, Air, Police, Ansar and VDP
8. Military Intervention: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar
9. Role of Army: peace, security and development
10. Personnel Management in Defence Administration
11. Defence Policy in Bangladesh

Books will be suggested by the concerned teacher.


3 Hours / Week, 3 Credits

1. Nature of Industrial Relations: Need for desirable industrial relations, Industrial relations and
2. Industrial Conflict: Types and causes of conflict, Resolving conflict and settlement of industrial disputes,
Role of ILO and WTO in industrial relations and management.
3. Labour Management Co-operation: Importance and impediments and ways of building sound labour-
management co-operation.
4. Workers’ Participation in Management: Importance, Pre-requisites and Methods and Limitations.
5. Disciplinary Procedures in Industry: Acts of misconduct policy, Charge procedure and appeal.
6. Grievance Procedure in Industry: Aggrieved Worker and redressing grievances of workers, Wages in
industry, Increments and promotions, Working hours and overtime working, Holidays and leave facilities,
Retirement benefits.
7. Industrial Democracy: Concepts, Methods, and Application in the context of third world countries.

Books Recommended:
1. Joseph Thister: Reading in Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
2. J.H. Richardson: An Introduction to the Study of Industrial Relations

Syllabus for BSS 2007-2008 Department of Public Administration

3. Richard Hyman: Industrial Relations

4. J.T. Donnlog: Industrial Relations System
5. Sloyed G. Reynold: Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
6. F.Ray Marshal and Allan G.: Labour Economics: Wage and Trade
7. Kings, Vernon: Unionism
8. Albert Rays: Economics and Work and Pay
9. B. Fleisher: Labour Economics: Theory and Practice
10. Arun Monappa: Industrial Relations
11. R.S. Davar: Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
12. Dr. M.V.Pyle and A Simon Gregor: Industrial Relations and Personnel Management

4Hours / Week, Credit4
All students will have to appear at a comprehensive examination based on all courses at Honours level

PAD 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 800 SEMINAR +VIVA VOCE, 600 (VIVA VOCE)
2 Hours / Week, Credit 2

Students of the class will be divided into groups (each consisting of five members at most). The group members will be
selected randomly at the beginning of the semester. Each group has to write an article / seminar paper on a selected
topic. The course teacher will help the student to choose an appropriate topic and to write the article / seminar paper.
The group will discuss the paper at the end of the semester where all students, course teacher and other teachers will be
present. The students may be evaluated by the course teacher or jointly by the course teachers or by selected teachers. At
the end of the semester, each student has to face a viva voce as per rule. The course will be equally distributed between
seminar and vive voce.


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