APQP Matrix
APQP Matrix
APQP Matrix
Major program elements are documented Major program elements are Major program elements are documented Major program elements are documented
to meet the program deliverables. documented to meet the program to meet the program deliverables. to meet the program deliverables.
4. Master Timing Plan deliverables.
Tool lead time/maker concept Tool maker and lead time fixed w/ Tool tryout complete and problems Tool at current design release level
gauge and fixture design concepts schedule identified tooling issues 100% resolved
Capacity study complete Gauge plan complete and approved by Gauges complete and verified Machine/fixture issues 100% resolved
Supplier manufacturing facility identified MD Machine/fixtures complete and problems Maintenance PM implemented
Machine/fixture plan complete and identified with countermeasures Set up instructions/process parameters
approved AIAG checklist A-5 or equivalent initiated 100%
and open issues identified. Facility 100% ready per A-5.
Commitment approved
Initial process flow is complete; used to Process Flow complete and AIAG A-6 Process Flow complete and AIAG A-6 or Process Flow complete and AIAG A-6
develop PFMEA and Control Plan. AIAG checklist or equivalent complete with no equivalent checklist complete with no checklist or equivalent complete with no
checklist A-6 or equivalent initiated and open issues. Launch containment is open issues open issues
12. Manufacturing Process Flow open issues identified with actions addressed in flow.
PFMEA reviewed with Magna Donnelly PFMEA complete and approved by PFMEA complete and approved by PFMEA complete and approved by
and signed. High RPNs have action Magna Donnelly. AIAG checklist A-7 or Magna Donnelly. AIAG checklist A-7 or Magna Donnelly. AIAG checklist A-7
plans with timing. AIAG checklist A-7 or equivalent complete with no open issues. equivalent complete with no open issues. complete with no open issues. PFMEA
equivalent has been initiated and open Packaging, labeling and shipping are PFMEA updated based on PPAP and updated based on early production runs.
issues identified. included in analysis. early production runs. High RPN and high High RPN and high severity failures have
severity failures have action plans action plans completed.
Production ramp-up plan defined to Production schedules fixed in MRP No delivery issues during SOP
support Magna Donnelly pre-production systems including raw material and
and production requirements component releases to support Magna
16. Production Ramp-up Donnelly requirements. Requirements
for MDSC are agreed with MD
Prototype packaging concept approved Production packaging plan reviewed with Packaging design complete and reviewed Testing complete with no open issues. No labeling or packaging issues during
17. Packaging Specifications with MD MD with MD. Testing plan established Packaging Declaration submitted and SOP
(PKG Declaration) approved by MD.
Production control plan complete and Process audit complete to control plan to
approved by MD. Launch containment is confirm effective implementation.
documented in plan. AIAG checklist A-8
or equivalent is complete with no open
18. Production Control Plan issues.
Plans exist for production trial run with Trial run complete with production
trained operators and production process. process, tooling and equipment.
AIAG checklist A-4 or equivalent Problems identified and corrective actions
updated. complete. Scrap rate and cycle time
Scrap rate and cycle time objectives vs. 100% to plan.
plan understood with action plans.
19. Production Trial Run
Part layout requirements agreed with MD Part layout complete and parts match MD
- number of pieces, dimensions, etc. drawing. Dimensional results approved by
20. Production Part Layout Plans exist to complete on-time. MD.
A launch readiness review has been A launch readiness review has been A launch readiness review has been A production readiness assessment is Open issues from Production readiness
conducted with MD to review status of conducted with MD to review status of conducted with MD to review status of planned and the worksheet has been assessment have been resolved
program and deliverables listed above program and deliverables listed above. program and deliverables listed above. completed and open issues affecting
AIAG checklist A-4or equivalent initiated AIAG checklist A-4 or equivalent initiated SOP have adequate plans to meet
21. Launch Readiness Review and open issues identified with actions and open issues identified with actions program timing.
and timing. and timing.
A plan exists for completing PpK studies PpK studies complete and meet PPAP
in support of PPAP requirements. Containment plans are in
place and documented on the control
22. Preliminary Process plan for PpK < 1.67 or unstable
Capability Study
A test plan exists for PV testing including Testing per plan. Plan updated to current Testing to all material and performance
specifications, tests, sample size, design level specifications is complete and product
23. Production Validation Testing requirements, and test facility meets requirements
Boundary sample plan reviewed with MD Boundary samples agreed and signed off
24. Boundary Samples
25. Production Part Approval Requirement for Appearance Approval
(AAR) is agreed with MD. AAR is
PPAP status full approval PPAP status full approval
Supplier Management
* Project Manager
* Top Management
Program Name: 0
Champion: 0 Worksheet Revision Date:
Key to "Status" symbols: "O" = item meets target (Shift + letter o); "D" = item does not meet target; plans exist; low risk (Shift + d); "C" = item does not meet target with high risk (Shift + c)
MSR Current
Stage APQP Element Target Actual Gap Explanation Counter Measure Responsibility Date Status