The following seIVicesare required for the operationof the SC502 SputterCoater:
(i) Electricity : Check the voltage label near the main electrical lead to ensure that the
equipment has been supplied for the COITect laboratory voltage and frequency,
(ii) Argon Gas (Industrial Grade) : A commercial cylinder fitted with a two ~e regulator
(iii) Water: The base plate of the work chamber can be water cooled if required.
The SC502 has been designed as a simple diode ~ring system for coating SEM specimens.
The main cabinet contains a high voltage power supply, vacuum manifold and gauging.
A workchamber, which can be evacuated, is fitted onto the top surface of the cabinet
The top plate assembly on the workchamber contains the target material which is to be
sputtered onto the specimen holder and incorporates a magnetic deflection system so as
arrangement is shown in (figure I). There are two meters, one measuring the state of
vacuum within the chamber (4) and the other measuring the plasma current (5). The main
power switch (8) controls the power to the unit and also to the rotary pump when connected
to the outlet socket(16, figure 2). The needlevalve (9) controls the leak of argon gas
into the chamber which in turn will control the plasma current since the unit is operated
at a fiXed voltage. As the chamb~r is evacuated a neon (2) indicates that the vacuum is
good enough for the HV power supply to be applied. The test button (7) can be used to
switch on the high voltage SOthat the plasma conditions in the chalaber can be adjusted
The remaining two front panel controls are a 'START' button (3) for initiating the coating
cycle and a 30 -120 second timer (6) for varying the coating time.
The rear panel(seefigure 2) housesall the serviceconnectivns. The main electrical cable
entersat position (18) and is fused (17) with 1/4" 10 AMP AlS fuse. The rotary oil
Top plate
workcharnber fitted with "L" gaskets carefully onto the baseplate. Fit the Sputter top plate
on the rear panel. This ensures that the HT power supply can only be activated with the
are fitted. Connectthe white plastic connectorof the HT cableonto the centreelectrode
The green
4.4 The base plate of the workcharnber can be water cooled if coating of very delicate specimens
is attempted. The inlet and outlet connections ( 12) can be connected to a cold water mains
Brown Live
Blue Neutral
GreenlYellow - Earth
and check the voltage label is in accordance with the laboratory voltage.
5. Having connected all electrical cables and services the unit is ready to test. Check that
the leak valve (9) is fully closed (clockwise). Set timer to the minimum position (30 seconds).
Check that the Argon cylinder regulator is open and the pressure set at about 5psi (0.7
5.2 Switch on 'POWER'. The rotary pump will start immediately and after 10-15 seconds
(depending on the size of the rotary pump) the needle of the vacuum gauge will register
the fall in pressure inside the chamber.As the pressure falls below 0.2 mbar , the 'READY'
neon (2) will be illuminated. The unit should be left pumping until a vacuum of 0.03 -
0. 04 mbar is reached. This then indicates that there are no major leaks in the system.
5.3 The needle valve (9) is rotated counter-clockwise until the pressure inside the workchamber
just begins to rise (ca 0.06 mbar). This requires approximately three to four turns of the
knob. At this stageby further rotation of the needle valve in conj unction with intermittent
depression of the 'TEST' button, the plasma current may be adjusted to around 18mA.
5.4 Press the 'START' button (the timer has already been set at 30 seconds). The discharge
The plasma current will be around 18mA although the initial outgassing of the system may
tend to make the current unstable but it should be easy to adjl.lst the current with the leak
The discharge will cause sputtering of gold (or whatever material is being used) onto the'
Redepressingthe 'START' button will repeat the process and alteration of the timer before
depressing the' ST ART' button will also increase the sputtering time accordingly.
Thus the user has the option of a single sputtering time of between 30 and 195 seconds
5.5 After sputtering, the 'POWER' switch is turned off, the teak valve closed and air admitted
to the workchamber by opening the 'VENT' valve located on the front panel.
mounts being used). The holder can be clamped to the centre of the base plate of the
6.1 Mount specimens onto the mounts by any of the conventional techniques. However, it
should be noted that many adhesives have high vapour pressure solvents associated with
them and these solventsshould be allowed to evaporate thoroughly before sputtering. These
materials can effect the long term vacuum performance of the system by colltaminating
6.2 Secure the specimen mounts into specimen mount holder using the grub screws provided.
6.3 Fix the specimenholder onto the baseplate with the screw provided.
6.6 Check leak valve and vent valve are fully closed.
indicated on the meter. The 'READY' neon will illuminate when the pressure falls below
0.2 mbar,
reach about 0.5 to 1 mbar for about 10-15 seconds during flushing. Close leak valve and
Depressthe 'START' button and gold will be sputteredonto the specimenfor the set
7.1 Generally, a gold film thickness of between 100 and 300 A is used for SEM investigations.
equation :- d = KIVt
the gas being used and is based on a distance of approximately 5cm between target and
Now 'K' is approximately 0.17 for gold used in conjunction with argon whereas with gold
in conjunction with air the constant falls to 0.07. Thus for a typical sputtering using gold
= 367 A
The sputtering rate will depend on the cleanliness of the sputtering system. Traces of
contamination which can originate from outgassing specimens, adhesives, rubber gaskets
etc. affect the rate of sputtering Care should be taken to keep the workchamber clean
Other targets give different sputtering rates. For example a Platinum target gives
approximately half the sputtering rate of gold. A gold/palladium target has approximately
7.2 The uniformity of the film within the area of the specimen holder is better than 10%.
To replace target, remove top plate assembly by disconnecting HT lead and earth
connections. Remove dark space shield which is retained with a single grub screw
Unscrew target disc retainer. This should unscrew easily but sometimes after exten.\ive
use it may be necessary to lubricate thread with isopropanol and hold small nut at
the opposite end of high voltage electrode. Remove old target and replace with new
The glass workchamber can be cleaned easily using a dry mildly abrasive material
confined to isopropanol which after evaporation, will not affect the vacuum performance
of the system.
Electron MiCi"oscopists have used numerous methoJs for attaching Sp'"'imens to mounts
ranging from double sided adhesive tapes to solvent based adhesives. In terms of
based adhesives as these solvents have a deleterious effect on the vacuum and on
the sputtering rate. Complete removal of thesesolvents may take as long as 24 hours.
In any case, any adhesive solvent should be removed completely before placing into
the workchamber .
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