HR Managment
HR Managment
HR Managment
Motivativational strategies.
Be aware what type of motivational strategies can be used to motivate the team.
Maslows theory
Herzberg theory
1.Hygenic factors
2.Motivation factors.
X Y theory
Dislike their work.Avoid responsibility and need constant direction.
Have to be controlled, forced and threatened to deliver work.
Need to be supervised at every step.Have no incentive to work or ambition,
and therefore need to be enticed by rewards to achieve goals.
Happy to work on their own initiative.More involved in decision making.
Self-motivated to complete their tasks.Enjoy taking ownership of their work.
Seek and accept responsibility, and need little direction.
View work as fulfilling and challenging.Solve problems creatively and imaginatively.
McClleland theory
Need of achievement
Need of affiliation
Need of power
Expectancy theory.
Halo effect
Floating Topic