Krohne Optisound Vu31 Manual r2
Krohne Optisound Vu31 Manual r2
Krohne Optisound Vu31 Manual r2
Installation and
Operating Instructions
Section 2: Installation....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Unpacking............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Mounting the System............................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Installation Examples............................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Wiring the System............................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Installation Notes................................................................................................................ 12
Section 3: LCD Display................................................................................................................... 13
Section 4: Configuration................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 System Configuration with Display / Keypad...................................................................... 15
4.2 Configuration Menu............................................................................................................ 16
4.3 Level Application (output increases as liquid level increases)............................................ 24
4.4 Distance Application (Indication referenced from the Sensing Element Face)................... 25
4.5 Standard Flow Application ................................................................................................. 26
4.6 Submerged Flow in Parshall Flumes.................................................................................. 27
4.7 Flow Sum and Flow Difference........................................................................................... 28
4.8 Types of Flumes and Weirs................................................................................................. 29
4.9 Traveling Screen................................................................................................................. 36
4.10 Relays................................................................................................................................. 37
Section 5: Communications........................................................................................................... 41
5.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 41
5.2 Compatibility....................................................................................................................... 41
5.3 Implementation Class......................................................................................................... 41
5.4 Wiring.................................................................................................................................. 42
5.5 Configuration...................................................................................................................... 43
Section 6: Modbus Tables............................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Modbus Register Address Map.......................................................................................... 45
6.2 Code and Unit Tables.......................................................................................................... 48
Section 7: Data Logger................................................................................................................... 55
7.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 55
7.2 Configuration...................................................................................................................... 55
7.3 Using OPTIVUe............................................................................................................... 56
Section 8: Troubleshooting............................................................................................................. 59
8.1 Troubleshooting Procedures .............................................................................................. 59
8.2 Optimized Field Calibration................................................................................................. 59
8.3 Analog Output Adjustment.................................................................................................. 60
8.4 Telephone Assistance......................................................................................................... 60
8.5 Equipment Return / Warranty............................................................................................. 61
8.6 Field Service....................................................................................................................... 62
Section 9: System Specifications.................................................................................................. 63
9.1 System Specifications......................................................................................................... 63
9.2 Sensing Element Specifications......................................................................................... 64
9.3 Modbus Specifications........................................................................................................ 64
9.4 Software.............................................................................................................................. 64
9.5 Approvals............................................................................................................................ 65
Section 10: Drawings...................................................................................................................... 67
10.1 OCF Mounting Kit............................................................................................................... 67
10.2 FM Control Drawings.......................................................................................................... 68
Glossary of Terms
Distance The measured distance from the sensor face to the target.
Distance Mode Output signal increases as the distance increases (reverse acting output)
Distance to Zero Flow This is the No Flow condition in a flume or weir. It may be to the bottom of the
flume/weir, or depending on the type of flume/weir the no flow condition may
be above the bottom of the flume/weir, with standing water below this point.
Fault Indication Output goes to 3.7 mA or 22 mA (user selectable in configuration menu)
during a fault condition such as Lost Echo or Near Zone. See Error Messages
Flow Mode Output increases as level (head height) increases. Output is non-linear
with level and is based on Flume/Weir primary element characterization, or
strapping table
Flow rate The instantaneous flow rate measured in flow mode of operation.
Flume Size A selection of the various throat sizes of specific flume and weir tables contained
in the pre-programmed software.
Flume Type A selection of the specific flume and weir types that have been pre-programmed
in the software.
Gain Adjustment The OPTISOUNDs default gain setting is with SmartGain, abbreviated
a HD in the software code. Other gain settings are available for use in
abnormal application requirements. Contact the factory before changing from
HD mode.
HD Adjustments SmartGain (sometimes seem abbreviated as HD) provides an algorithm
that permits the system to ignore most internal obstructions that are inside
of the ultrasonic beam path. Changing an HD setting will allow this same
algorithm to be used at different power settings. Consult factory before
changing HD Adjustments.
Head Units In Flow configuration the level measurement (bottom of flume/weir to surface
of level) is referred to a head height. Enter the units in flow rate that will be
used, GPM (Gallons per minute), MGD (Million Gallons per Day), M3/Hr
(Cubic Meters per Hour)
Input Type Allows the selection of Level, Distance, Volume or Flow. Based on user input
type selection, the OPTISOUND menu items will only allow data entry in
valid, related menus. I.e.: If Level is selected, menus for distance, volume
and flow are locked out.
Level The measured distance from the sensor face to the target minus the tank
height. Or, the distance from the tank bottom to the liquid surface.
Level Mode Output signal increases as the level increases (direct acting output)
Lost Echo A condition that occurs when the ultrasonic transmission does not return to
the sensor. This could be due to foam, irregular surface, dished tank bottom,
LRV (Lower Range Value) The point at which the output signal is equal to 4 mA
(0%). Also see Zero.
Max Flow This is the maximum flow rate that is expected in a specific flume or weir.
This is not necessarily the maximum flow that the flume/weir is capable of
Maximum Capacity Used in level to volume conversions, the maximum capacity of the vessel at
a known maximum level point.
Near Zone The distance below the sensor where the measurement cannot be made (12
inches/305 mm)
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Range The maximum distance measurable from the sensor face
Range of Percent The percentage of level or distance between the LRV (4 mA, 0%) point and
the URV (20 mA, 100%), always enabled on the display.
Repetition Rate This is the number of milliseconds that elapses between ultrasonic pulse
transmissions. Longer repetition rates may be helpful if there are multiples
reflections that are being picked up or if lost echoes are encountered due
to intermittent presence of foam or agitator blades. Consult Factory before
changing this parameter.
Sensor Offset Used to tell the transmitter the amount of distance above or below the tank
height that the sensor is mounted in order to calculate the tank volume.
Span The point in the vessel where the output signal is equal to 20 mA (100%).
Also see URV
Strapping Table Correlates Level information to Volume information. A 21-point table that can
be customized to accommodate an irregular shaped vessel, flume or weir.
Information is entered as a Level in point vs. a Volume out point for all 21
possible points.
Tank Height This is the measurement from the Tank Bottom to the face of the sensor.
Time Delay Time delay allows signal averaging over the specified duration (0-90 seconds).
Useful if wave action causes the output signal to be too jumpy for control /
indication use.
Totalizer reset The OPTISOUND has two totalizers, one that is a permanent record of the
total volume that has been measured and a second totalizer that can be reset
to zero by the user. The Reset Totalize can be reset to zero in the configuration
software to allow the user to take periodic measurements from a reference
point in time.
Totalizer Scale The totalizer keeps record of the total volume that has passed through the
flume/weir. In large flumes & weirs multipliers annotate this total volume. Each
count on the totalizer can be representative of an exponential volume of
water (X-100, X-1,000, X-10,000 or X-100,000 can be selected)
URV (Upper Range Value) The point at which the output signal is equal to 20 mA
(100%). Also see Span.
Volume The level of the liquid in the vessel converted to volume based on tank
strapping tables,
Zero The point in the vessel where the output signal is equal to 4 mA (0%). Also
see LRV.
Quick Start Menu
Menu Navigation:
1. Hold ENTER Button 5 seconds to access configuration menu.
2. Use UP & DOWN buttons to select menu items
3. Press ENTER button to change selected items
4. Hold ENTER button to go to previous menu or continue to hold to
return to operate mode.
5. Pr e s s U P & D O W N b u t t o n s s i m u l t a n e o u s l y t o f o r c e t a r g e t
Channel #1
Function # Description Selections Available Notes:
1.00.00 Channel #1
1.01.01 Enable Yes / No
1.03.00 Level
1.03.01 Units IN / FT / MM / CM / M
1.03.02 Tank Height User defined number 360 default
1.03.03 Offset User defined number 0 default
1.04.00 Volume
1.04.01 Vessel Type Vertical. / Horizontal Cylinder - Flat /
Dished / Hemi / Sphere / or Custom
1.04.02 Load Standard Table Vertical. / Horizontal Cylinder - Flat /
Dished / Hemi / Sphere / or Custom
1.04.03 Vessel Units Gallons / M3 / Liters / Barrels / Imp.
1.04.04 Vessel Capacity User defined number 1000 Gal default
Quick Start Menu
3.00.00 Relay #1
3.01.01 Enable Yes / No
3.01.02 Relay Type Alarm / Control / Sample / Pump Sample activation closes
Altern. contact for 70 ms
3.01.03 Channel Assignment Channel #1 or #2
3.01.04 Assignment Level / Volume / Flow / Range / Flow
sum / Flow diff./ Submg / Trav Screen /
LE / NZ / Dist.
3.01.05 Setpoint User defined number
3.01.06 Deadband User defined number
Quick Start Menu
Section 1
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Product Description
The OPTISOUND Sensing Element is made of CPVC for compatibility with a wide
range of process materials.
Zero: (LRV)
The point at which the output signal is equal to 4 mA (0%)
Span: (URV)
The point at which the output signal is equal to 20 mA (100%)
The Maximum distance measurable from the Sensing Element face.
Near Zone:
The distance just below the Sensing Element face where the System
cannot make a level measurement (12 inches / 305 mm).
Lost Echo:
A condition that occurs when the ultrasonic energy is not being
returned to the Sensing Element. For example, a loss of echo may
occur when large amounts of foam are present.
Strapping Table:
Displays the value of the input to level and output to volume or flow
in percent in a 21-Point table. This also allows points to be changed
to accommodate irregular shaped vessels and custom flume or weir
Sensor Offset:
Sensor Offset is used to tell the OPTISOUND the amount of distance above
or below the top of the tank that the Sensing Element face is located in order
to calculate the tank volume. Sensor Offset can be applied in cases where:
The Sensing Element protrudes below the top of the tank, or
The Sensing Element is mounted above the top of the tank, or
A pipe extension is installed to raise the Sensing Element face 12"
above the tank height to compensate for the 12" Near Zone.
If the Sensing Element is mounted above the top of the vessel,
a Positive value is entered in Sensor Offset.
If the Sensing Element is mounted below the top of the tank,
a Negative value is entered in Sensor Offset.
Sensor offset
Additional or Replacement Remote Ultrasonic Sensor for OptiSound VA-31 Continuous Level Measurement Systems
1 2" NPT with 1/2" NPT electrical connections - Approvals:FM, CSA
2 2" BSP with M20 electrical connections - Approvals: FM, CSA
Interconnecting cable
0025 25 ft.standard
0050 50 ft. continuous run
0100 100 ft. continuous run
0150 150 ft. continuous run
0200 200 ft. continuous run
0300 300 ft. continuous run
VU-32 - 1 -
Part Number Description
285-0001-188-01 316SS mounting bracket for OCF installation, 1 ft. extension
285-0001-188-02 316SS mounting bracket for OCF installation, 2 ft. extension
285-0001-188-04 316SS mounting bracket for OCF installation, 4 ft. extension
Section 2: Installation
2.1 Unpacking
Carefully remove the contents of the shipping carton and check each item
against the packing list before destroying any packing material. If there
is any shortage or damage, report it to the factory immediately.
The OPTISOUND electronic Sensor is located within the tube assembly of the
Sensing Element and is not serviceable by the user. Tampering with this construction
will void any existing warranties.
5 5
Mounting Recommendations
mounting above a flume or weir to position the system above the flow
stream. The mounting kit allows movement vertically and horizontally
for maximum placement.
1 ft 1 ft
10 ft
10 ft (3.1m)
10.5 in 30 ft 10.5 in 30 ft
(27cm) (914cm) (27cm) (914cm)
5o or Less or Less
1 ft
31.5 in
31.5 inches
(80 cm)
(80 cm)
When there are no obstructions within Smooth wall in beam with no other
the beam area, there is no chance of obstructions will not cause false echoes.
false echoes or readings.
t En
greater than 45
Protrusions from the wall at an angle Protrusion from the wall at an angle
less than 45 does not cause false echoes. greater than 45 may cause false echoes.
Preferred Preferred
Location Location
When mounted off center in conical When mounted off center in conical
bottom tanks, reflected echoes can bottom tanks, reflected echoes can be
reflect away from the Sensing Element redirected back to the Sensing Element.
in the conical bottom resulting in a lost Use 400 mS repetition rate to allow these
echo. Move the Sensing Element to the echoes to subside before transmitting
center of the bin for best results. the next pulse and/or move the Sensing
Element to another location.
Use standard
with Beam
Smart Gain
"SG"setting. Angle
Mounted close to a wall or Agitators within the beam path
obstructions are present.
Ability to ignore obstructions
will depend on the exact size
and location of the obstructions.
Connect input power, Sensing Element relays, and signal leads to the
terminal block as shown. It is recommended to use twisted, shielded pair
to eliminate noise for both signal and Sensing Element lead extensions.
The shield (or drain) wire should be grounded at the receiver.
Wiring Diagram
Wiring (12 - 22 AWG)
2. OPTISOUND series and VU32 series are to be used only in the manner outlined
in this manual; otherwise protection provided by the equipment may be
3. Use Copper wiring only. Use wiring rated for 90 C or higher when
ambient is above 50 C.
9. Dust tight conduit seal must be used when installed in Class II and
Class III environments
LCD Display
5. Relays - The outer ring indicates that the relay is configured. The
inner dot indicates the relay is in the alarm condition.
1. 4.
Press and HOLD the ENTER button for 5 seconds to access the
configuration menu.
Press and HOLD the enter button to get to the previous menu, or
continue to hold to exit the configuration menu.
Section 4: Configuration
4.1 System Configuration with Display / Keypad
Application Type:
Allows the user to select an appropriate "Application Type" for the
application. The valid Application Types are:
(also includes Distance and Volume measurements)
Only one "Application Type" may be selected for each Channel. Once
selected, only the Functions of the selected Application Type will be
Channel Settings
The OPTISOUND Channel Settings are made up of 6 separate functions for
application set-up.
Strapping Table:
Allows the user to edit the 21-Point user defined table that can provide
output signal as a percent of volume or flow.
Point Calibration:
Allows a 1-Point calibration based on a known distance from the Sensing
Element face. This can adjust for any possible variations that may exist
in the speed of sound, or to provide an optimized calibration data point
in difficult applications, such as vapor.
System Settings:
Allows setting changes to the system configuration.
Display Settings:
Allows the system to Display or Hide different readings. Any or All may
be selected and the display may automatically cycle for a selected
Menu Selection
Fct. Item Description & Comment
Choices (default)
Fct. 1.00.00 Channel 1 Channel #1 - all menu Function (Fct.) items starting with "1" refer
to channel #1 only. Menu items starting with "2" are specific
only to channel #2.
Fct. 1.01.00 Channel Enable Allows the user to enable or disable channel #1 - if disabled, display Yes / No
and output signals will not be available for use.
Fct. 1.02.00 Application Type Allows the user to select application type. The menu will only allow
entries in applicable menu items.
Fct. 1.02.01 APP Type Allows the user to select basic application type for: Level / Flow
Level includes level, volume, range configuration, & strapping
Flow Flow (open channel flow & submerged flow), Totalization,
Batch Sampler Activation via relays & strapping tables for custom
Fct. 1.03.00 Level Allows the user to select inputs for level measurement. Define units
of measure for display; select tank height, and sensor offset value
if different than tank height. Sensor Offset is typically only used in
volumetric measurements to correlate a known volume to a known
level. See Sections 4.3 for level measurements & Section 4.4 for
distance measurements
Fct. 1.03.01 Units Allows the user to select the units label that will be used for the IN / FT / MM / CM / M
display and all units inputs for measurement values, relay set point
values, LRV, URV, etc.
Fct. 1.03.02 Tank Height Allows a user defined value for Tank Height. This is normally defined User defined (360)
as the distance from the sensor face to the tank bottom and is used
to correlate level vs. volume at a known level. If the sensor face is
located at a different elevation than what is expressed in Tank Height,
enter a value for Offset (Fct. 1.03.03)
Fct. 1.03.03 Offset Typically not used in Level Mode, but can be used if sensor is located User defined (0)
above (positive offset) or below (negative offset) the value that was
entered for Tank Height. Edit the menu from the default display (Inches
000000.00) to correct offset value. Use up arrow button to increase
numbers in a positive offset, use down arrow button to increase
numbers in a negative offset.
Fct. 1.04.01 Vessel Type Allows the user to select the basic vessel shape for volumetric VERTICAL
conversion. Note: This selection is based on standard strapping tables HOR CYL FLAT
and cannot be edited. Select Custom if the tank shape needs to be HOR CYL DISHED
edited for maximum conversion accuracy. HOR CYL HEMI
Fct. 1.04.02 Copy to Allows the user to copy and edit a standard strapping table to the VERTICAL
Strapping Table 21-point custom strapping table. The level vs. volume data points HOR CYL FLAT
can then be edited for optimized customization in Fct. 1.07. HOR CYL DISHED
Fct. 1.04.03 Vessel Units Allows the user to select volumetric units that will be used for the GALLONS / M3 / LITERS
Fct. 1.04.04 Max Capacity Allows a user defined numeric value for the maximum capacity in User defined (1000GAL)
the vessel units selected that will be used in the level vs. volume
strapping table.
Fct. 1.05.00 Flow Allows the user to select the primary flow element (flume / weir) FLOW Menu shown only
type, size of selected element from code or numeric value (flow type when Flow is selected in
dependant), enter units of flow to be measured, enter units of head 1.02.01
(level) to be used, define the zero distance from sensor face to "no-
flow" condition, define time delay to be used if surface turbulence is
encountered, select totalizer scale (if used), and if the "reset totalizer"
is to be reset by the user to zero volume. See Sections 4.5, & 4.8
for more detail
Fct. 1.05.01 Flow Type Allows the user to select the primary flow element for a list of pre- PARSHALL
programmed flume/weir characterization tables. If the desired primary SUB FLOW PARSHALL
element is not listed, the strapping table may be entered as a custom PALMER BOWLUS/
user defined table in Function 1.07. See Section 4.6 for more detail TRAPEZ FLUME/
on Submerged Flow RECT WEIT W/WO END
Fct. 1.05.02 Flume Size Allows the user a selection of flume throat size of flume type selected CODE FROM TABLE OR
in Fct. 1.5.01, select the size code from the available listings in NUMERIC VALUE See
Section 4.2 Section 4.8
Fct. 1.05.03 Flow Units Select if displayed units will be in GPM, MGD or M3/Hr GPM / MGD / M3/HR
Fct. 1.05.04 Head Units Allows user to edit the menu to select head (level) measurement units. IN / FT / MM / CM / M
This information is used for display indication and also if custom flume
or weir information is generated in the 21-point strapping table.
Fct. 1.05.05 Zero distance Allows the user to edit the menu to provide the distance from the User defined
sensor face to the "zero flow" point in the primary element (flume or
weir). Check primary flow element drawings, not all primary elements
have a zero flow reference point at the bottom.
Fct. 1.05.06 Delay Time delay will act as signal averaging over the specified time 0-10 User defined
seconds. If a turbulent surface causes the analog signal to be unsteady,
a few seconds of time delay can smooth out the signal.
Fct. 1.05.07 Totalizer Scale Allows the user to edit the menu selection to select the totalizer X100, X1K, X10K, X100K,
scale. Every count on the totalizer will be multiplied by the selection X1M
made in this field.
Fct. 1.05.08 Reset Totalizer Allows the user to reset the Reset Totalizer to zero. NO / YES
Fct. 1.06.03 URV Allows a user defined numeric value in the same unit of measurement User defined (348)
selected, for the upper range value of the graphic display.
Fct. 1.07.00 Strapping Allows the user to enter a new, or modify a standard pre-programmed,
strapping table. Define the number of points (2 minimum through 21
maximum points).
Fct. 1.07.01 Max Points Allows the user to define the number of required break points 221
from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 21 points for level vs. volume
conversion / optimization.
Fct. 1.07.02 IN PT 1 Allows the user to enter a defined numeric value of level input to be User defined
used in conjunction with 1.07.03 for a volume output.
Fct. 1.07.03 OUT PT 1 Allows the user to enter a defined numeric value of volume to be output User defined
and is used in conjunction with 1.07.02 for a level input.
Fct. 1.07.04 IN / OUT Points 2 Allows the user to enter defined numeric values for Level In points User defined
to 1.07.43 21 and Volume Out points for strapping table points 2 21.
Fct. 1.08.00 Sensor Allows the user to change the sensor settings.
Fct. 1.08.01 Gain type Should only be changed with the guidance of a KROHNE, Inc. SG / 100% / 84% / 67% /
representative. This item allows the user to change from the default 50% / 32% / 17% / 8%
SmartGain variable gain settings to a fixed gain level. Useful if foam Consult Factory
is present that causes a Lost Echo fault. Consult Factory before
making changes.
Fct. 1.08.02 SG Adjust Should only be changed with the guidance of a KROHNE, Inc. User defined Consult
representative. This item allows the user to change from the default Factory
SmartGain variable gain settings to an alternate variable gain level, * Any change in this
but stilling allowing the system to ignore some obstructions within function will change 1.08.01
the beam path. Consult Factory before changing. to "SG"
Fct. 1.08.03 Near Zone Fault If the level moves into the Near Zone (12 inches from the sensor face), HIGH / LOW
the user can select the current level the analog signal will assume (22 mA / 3.7 mA)
(3.7 mA or 22 mA) during a fault condition.
Fct. 1.08.04 Lost Echo Fault If the echo is not returned to the sensor the user can select the HIGH / LOW
current level (3.7 mA or 22 mA) the analog signal will assume during (22 mA / 3.7 mA)
a fault condition.
Fct. 1.08.05 Temp Units Allows the user to select F or C for display F/C
Fct. 1.08.06 Sensor Software Read Only. Provides a date code of the sensor software version. Read Only
Fct. 1.09.00 Calibration Allows the user to optimize the calibration due to changes in the
velocity of sound in various media
Fct. 3.01.04 Variable Allows the user to select the input measurement unit that will be LEVEL / VOLUME / FLOW
Assignment used for relay activation. Example: If Level has been selected and / RANGE / FLOW SUM /
the selected level units are in mm, then relay assignment will also FLOW DIFF / SUBMG /
be in mm. TRAV SCREEN / L.E. / N.Z.
Fct. 3.01.05 Set point A user defined numeric value based on the Variable Assignment type User defined
where the relay will activate.
Fct. 3.01.06 Dead Band A user defined numeric value based on Variable Assignment type User defined
where the relay will de-activate. Example: if relay assignment type is
Level a set point value may be 12 inches for relay set point activation
and a dead band selection may be 36 inches; the relay will activate at
12" and de-activate at 48". Tip: Changing the relay fail safe direction
(Fct. 3.02.11) can reverse the contact NO / NC states.
Fct. 4.01.00 Analog Output #1 All parameters in 4.01 are specific to analog output #1
Fct. 4.01.01 Channel Define which channel (#1 or #2) will be tied to the output signal CHANNEL 1 / CHANNEL 2
Assignment terminals
Fct. 4.01.02 Variable Select the analog output signal assignment; level, distance, volume, LEVEL / VOLUME / FLOW
Assignment flow, etc., that will represent this analog signal. If level is selected the / RANGE / FLOW SUM /
analog output will be in percent of Level. If volume is selected - the FLOW DIFF / SUBMG /
analog output will be expressed in percent of volume. See Section TRAV SCREEN / L.E. / N.Z.
4.7 (flow & sum difference), and Section 4.9 (traveling screen) / DIST
Fct. 4.01.03 4 mA Point A user defined value based on Variable Assignment for the LRV User defined (0%)
(4 mA, 0%) of the analog signal.
Fct. 4.01.04 20 mA Point A user defined value based on Variable Assignment for the URV (20 User defined (100%)
mA, 100%) of the analog signal.
Fct. 4.01.05 Damping A user defined value between 0 99 seconds that allows the analog User defined 0 99
signal to be dampened.This is desirable is heavy agitation or turbulence seconds
cause the output signal to be too jumpy. Typically just a few seconds
(5 10 sec.) of signal dampening is suitable.
Fct. 4.01.06 Lock mA Allows the user to force the analog output signal to a user-defined User defined
value. The analog output will stay at this value until this menu item
is exited.
Fct. 4.01.07 Trim 4 m Allows the user to adjust the 4 mA output signal to match a plant mA CONSULT MANUAL
standard. See Section 8.3
Fct. 4.01.08 Trim 20 mA Allows the user to adjust the 20 mA output signal to match a plant CONSULT MANUAL
mA standard. See Section 8.3
Fct. 5.01.01 Password Enable Allows user to enable or disable password protection of configuration NO / YES
Fct. 5.01.02 Change Password Allows a user generated a 7-character password to allow access to ENTER NEW KEY
the configuration menu. To edit this item you will see a blinking cursor SEQUENCE
_ followed by 6 o's ( _oooooo). To edit use the up & down arrow
buttons to select Up, Down, Enter or ACK - press the Enter button
to make the selection, and the blinking cursor will move to the next
position ( o_ooooo). Repeat until all 7 positions have been entered.
Record this password. Upon re-entering the configuration menu, this
password will be required
Fct. 5.02.01 Set Clock Edit to enter correct Date & Time. User defined (Factory set)
Fct. 5.02.02 Reset Factory This allows the user to reset all configurable data to the default NO / YES
Defaults? settings from the factory.
Fct. 5.02.03 System Software Read only code of the OPTISOUND receiver software version Read Only
Fct. 5.02.04 Reset Counter Read only count of the number of system resets. Read Only
Fct. 5.03.00 Data Logger Allows user enable and configuration of Data Logger. See Section
Fct. 5.03.01 Enable Allows the user to enable or disable the Data Logger NO / YES
Fct. 5.03.02 Interval Allows a user selection for the time interval between data collection 5 SECONDS 12 HOURS /
points. Interval times between every 5 sec. to every 12 hours are INTERVAL OFF
selectable. The Interval OFF selection allows the data logger to be
used only as an event recorder, based on user defined trigger values
for Channel #1 and #2.
Fct. 5.03.03 Duration Read Only displays the maximum duration of data logger run time Read Only duration of data
based on Interval selection. logging dependant on
Fct. 5.03.04 CH1 Trigger Allows user selection of input variable (level, distance, volume or flow) DISTANCE / LEVEL /
Assignment of data to be used for event recordings. VOLUME / FLOW / OFF
Fct. 5.03.05 CH1 Trigger Allows a user defined high point as a trigger to the data logger event User defined
High Point recorder. Measurements that exceed this High Point value will be
recorded in the data logger.
Fct. 5.03.06 CH1 Trigger Allows a user defined low point as a trigger to the data logger event User defined
Low Point recorder. Measurements that exceed this Low Point value will be
recorded in the data logger.
Fct. 5.03.07 CH2 Trigger Allows user selection of input variable (level, distance, volume or flow) DISTANCE / LEVEL /
Assignment of data to be used for event recordings. VOLUME / FLOW / OFF
Fct. 5.03.08 CH2 Trigger Allows a user defined high point as a trigger to the data logger event User defined
High Point recorder. Measurements that exceed this High Point value will be
recorded in the data logger.
Fct. 5.03.09 CH2 Trigger Allows a user defined low point as a trigger to the data logger event User defined
Low Point recorder. Measurements that exceed this Low Point value will be
recorded in the data logger.
Fct. 5.03.10 Overwrite Allows the user to select the ability to overwrite previously recorded NO / YES
data once data registers are full on a data first in first out basis.
Fct. 6.01.01 AutoScroll Allow the user to enable or disable auto scroll feature. AutoScroll allows ENABLE / DISABLE
the automatic time based cycling of items that can be displayed. If
AutoScroll is disabled, the user can still manually cycle through any
desired display items by using the up or down arrow key.
Fct. 6.01.02 Scroll Rate Allows a user defined time value (in seconds) that selected items User defined
will be displayed
Fct. 6.01.03 Hide ALL Allows the user to hide all display options. YES / NO
Fct. 6.01.04 Show ALL Allows the user to show all display options. YES / NO
Fct. 6.02.00 CHANNEL 1 Allows the user to select to show or hide display options
Fct. 6.03.00 CHANNEL 2 Allows the user to select to show or hide display options
Fct. 6.04.00 Differential Allows the user to display / hide any channel #1 vs. channel #2
difference / sum displays
Fct. 6.05.00 Analog Output 1 Allows the user to display / hide Analog output #1
Fct. 6.06.00 Analog Output 2 Allows the user to display / hide Analog output #2
Fct. 6.07.00 Clock Allows the user to display / hide the real time clock
Configure as follows:
5. Enter the tank height in menu n.03.02 (for applications where tank
dimensions are not important, you may enter in the distance from
the Sensing Element face to the 4mA point)
10. Configure the analog output using menu 4.0n.00. Assignment should
be set to LEVEL to provide a 4-20mA signal proportional to the level
in the vessel. n = Analog Output Signal 1 or 2
4.4 Distance Application (Indication referenced from the Sensing Element Face)
Configure as follows:
Standard Flow uses the head height/level of the selected channel and converts
it to an output of flow. The relationship is determined by selecting the proper
flume or weir used for the application. - See Section 4.8 for the list of available
flumes and weirs. The strapping table may be used to create a custom flow table
if a flume or weir is not available in the OPTISOUND.
Configure as follows:
5. Select the FLUME SIZE in menu n.05.02 (see table for valid sizes)
8. Enter the distance from the Sensing Element face to the zero-flow
point (zero distance) in menu n.05.05
14. Configure the analog output using menu 4.0n.00. (Assignment should
be set to FLOW to provide a 4-20mA signal proportional to the flow
rate.) n = Analog Output Signal 1 or 2
The submerged flow selection uses both input channels per application.
The submerged flow requires the measurement of both an upstream level
(Ha) and a downstream level (Hb) to determine the actual flow rate. This
relationship is submergence (Hb/Ha).
Ha Channel 1 is Ha
Hb (upstream level)
Channel 2 is Hb
(downstream level)
Configure as follows:
Refer to menu items 1.00.00 for channel 1 and menu items 2.00.00 for
channel 2
1. Select FLOW in the Application Type menu of both channels (menu
item 02.00).
2. Select the SUBMERGED PARSHALL flume type for channel 1 (menu
item 05.01).
3. Select the desired FLUME SIZE for channel 1 (menu item 05.02)
See Section 4.8 for the proper flume size code for the Parshall flume.
4. Select the desired FLOW UNITS of channel 1 (menu item 05.03)
5. Select the desired HEAD UNITS for both channels (menu item
6. Select the distance from bottom of the flume (0 head height) to the
face of the Sensing Element of channel 1 (menu item 05.06)
7. Select the distance from bottom of the flume (0 head height) to the
face of the Sensing Element of channel 2 (menu item 05.06)
8. Assign the desired relays and analog channels to the flow of channel
1 or % submergence (Hb/Ha).
9. To show the flow of channel 1 or % submergence values on the LCD
display, enable these values in menu item 6.00.00
Flow sum computes the sum of channel 1 and channel 2, each of which
are configured as individual channels. Flow difference computes the
difference of the two channels (Channel 1- Channel 2)
Standard Flow uses the head height/level of the selected channel and converts it
to an output of flow. The relationship is determined by selecting the proper flume
or weir used for the application. See Section 4.8 for the list of available flumes and
weirs. The strapping table may be used to create a custom flow table if a flume
or weir is not available in the OPTISOUND.
Configure as follows:
Refer to menu items 1.00.00 for channel 1 and menu items 2.00.00 for
channel 2
1. Select FLOW in the Application Type Menu of both channels (menu
item 02.00).
2. Select the Flow Type for the Application of both channels (menu item
3. Select Flume/Weir size for both channels (menu item 05.02)
The flume/weir size menu item will be a value in head height units or as
a code. See Section 4.8 for proper flume/weir size codes.
4. Select the desired flow units for both channels (menu item 05.03)
5. Select the desired head units for both channels (menu item 05.05)
6. Select the distance from bottom of the flume/weir (0 flow) to the face of both
OPTISOUND Sensing Element (menu item 05.06)
7. Assign the desired relays and analog channels to FLOW SUM or
8. To show the flow sum or difference values on the LCD display, enable
these values in menu item 6.00.00
Parshall Flumes
2/3 Z
H Flumes
Measuring Point
Code Size
1 Small 60 V
2 Large 60 V
3 X Large 60 V
4 3 ft 60 V
5 2 in 45 WSC
6 12 in 45 SRCRC
7 24 in SRCRC
H max
Crest Length
V-Notch Weirs
Code Size
1 22.5
2 30
3 45
4 60
5 90
6 120
V-Notch Angle
H max
Crest Length
Crest Length
H max
Configure as follows:
Refer to menu items 1.00.00 for channel 1 and menu items 2.00.00 for
channel 2
4.10 Relays
The OPTISOUND includes 6 relays that may be configured for a number of different
functions. These functions include Alarm, Control, Batch Sample Activation, Pump
Alternation, and Manual Operation. All relays may be configured independently
for any output assignment such as level, flow, volume, etc. The relay state depends
on the set point, dead band, and failsafe settings of the selected relay. All relays
may have a time delay of up to 99 seconds, and may be enabled or disabled (all
relays are Disabled by default).
If the OPTISOUND loses power, all relays will change to the Alarm condition.
Set Point
The set point parameter is the upper value at which the relays change
state (Alarm for HLFS or Normal for LLFS).
Dead Band
The dead band parameter determines the lower value at which the relays
reset (Normal for HLFS or Alarm for LLFS). The lower value is calculated
as Set Point - Dead Band.
The failsafe parameter determines the relationship between the assigned
output value and the Alarm state of the relay. If failsafe is configured
for LLFS, an Alarm condition will occur when the output value falls
below the lower value (Set Point - Dead Band). If failsafe is configure
for HLFS, an Alarm condition will occur when the output value exceeds
the set point value.
Each relay may be configured for Batch Sample Activation. The activator
operates according to a defined totalizer value. The assigned input channel
must be configured for a flow application See Section 4.5. The normally
off state of the relay is HLFS Normal. When a sample activation occurs,
the relay changes to the Alarm condition for 50-1000 ms (user selectable)
to activate the sampling.
Configure as follows:
Example configuration:
With this configuration, the relay will activate every 100 gallons
1. Set the Totalizer Scale of the assigned input channel to x1000
2. Assign the Flow units to gallons/minute.
3. Change the SAMPLE VALUE to 0.1 (gal x1000).
Section 5: Communications
5.1 Description
The OPTISOUND uses the Modbus protocol for communicating with a PC or devices
such as a programmable logic controller. Modbus is a master-slave protocol that
is openly published. Many PC programs currently exist for communicating with
Modbus supported devices. The OPTISOUND supports the RTU transmission
mode over RS-485 or RS-232.
5.2 Compatibility
The OPTISOUND supports all the required specifications and is conditionally
Addressing Configurable address from 1 to 247
Broadcast Yes
Baud Rate 9600, 19200 (19200 is default)
Mode RTU
Parity EVEN
Electrical Interface RS485 2W-cabling or RS232
Connector Type 3 wire terminal (Adapter Cable Required for RS232)
5.4 Wiring
WARNING! If the OPTISOUND is located in a hazardous environment, do not
open the enclosure cover or make / break any electrical connections without first
disconnecting electrical power at the source. Ensure that wiring, electrical fittings
and conduit connections conform to electrical codes and Approval Agency Control
Drawings for specific location and environment.
If the RS485 bus already has terminating resistors installed, the jumper
JP2 on the motherboard must be set to position 2-3. This will remove the
built-in terminating resistor that is connected by default.
Part #: 380-5000-100
Black Wire
Clear Wire
Red Wire
Laptop or
Desktop PC
Twisted Pair
Modbus Tables
5.5 Configuration
5.5.1 Baud Rate
The Baud Rate may be changed in menu item 5.04.01. The default baud
rate is 19200 bps.
The USonic may be configured for RS485 or RS232 in menu item 5.04.02.
The default interface is RS232.
5.5.3 Device ID
The USonic may me configured for a Device ID of 1 to 247 in menu item 5.04.03.
The Device ID is a unique address used to multi-drop the OPTISOUND with up to
32 Modbus devices using the RS485 Interface. For RS232, it is recommended to
leave the Device ID set to 1 since RS232 cannot be multi-dropped. The default
Device ID is 1.
Section 6
Modbus Tables
Modbus Tables
System Parameters
Parameter Address Data Type Valid Values
System Software Revision 453001.12H String Read Only
Reset Factory Defaults 453007 Word 1 (To Reset Factory Defaults)
System Reset Counter 453008 Word Read Only
Alarm Acknowlege 453009 Word Write Only
The code and unit tables give meaning to the some of the parameters
listed in the register map.
Modbus Tables
6.2.4 Standard Vessel Codes ..Used to Copy Standard Vessel Table to Strapping Table
Code Meaning
0 Linear Vessel
1 Horizontal Cylinder
2 Horizontal Cylinder with Dished Ends
3 Horizontal Cylinder with Hemispherical Ends
4 Sphere
Modbus Tables
29 6 Hours
30 7 Hours
31 8 Hours
32 9 Hours
33 10 Hours
34 11 Hours
35 12 Hours
36 Interval Trigger Off
Modbus Tables
Section 7
Data Logger
The OPTISOUND has the ability to record over 24 months of time-stamped data. This
data is extracted using OPTIVUe. OPTIVUe is a PC program that will download
the logged data from the OPTISOUND, and save it in a Comma Separated Variable
File (.csv) for opening in programs such as Microsoft Excel. The USonicR Data
Logger allows 36 diferent time intervals ranging from 5 seconds to 12 hours. The
duration of data logging will depend on the interval selected.
Parameter/Value Description
Channel Enable Y=Yes; N=No
Application Type L=Level; F=Flow
Volume/Flow Depends on Application Type
Percent of Range %
Status LE=Lost Echo; NZ=Near Zone
Temperature C or F
Submergence %
Analog Output 1 mA
Analog Output 2 mA
Relay Status 1-6 A=Alarm; N=Normal
Time Stamp Time Format: M-D-YY H:MM:SS a/p
7.2 Configuration
7.2.1 Data Logger Enable
The Data Logger may be enabled or disabled in menu item 5.03.01. The
Data Logger is disabled by default.
This Parameter is read only. It indicates the logging duration based off
of the interval.
1. If the Logging Interval was set to 5 seconds, the Duration value would
be 2H 50M, for 2 hours and 50 minutes.
2. If the Logging Interval was set to 12 hours, the Duration value would
be 2Y 294D, for 2 years and 294 days.
Due to the limited number of characters available on the LCD display,
the duration values may not have space to display the nearest minute,
if the duration is greater than 1 day.
7.2.4 Trigger Assignments
In addition to the data log interval, the data logger is capable of being
triggered by two additional sources, or one source per input channel. Each
trigger source has a corresponding high and low trigger point.
To configure the data logger to record a log point when the level of
channel 1 rises above 180 inches and falls below 120 inches, configure
the following:
1. Assign CH1 Trigger Assignment (menu item 5.03.04) to Level.
2. Change CH1 High Trigger Point (menu item 5.03.05) to 180 inches.
3. Change CH1 Low Trigger Point (menu item 5.03.06) to 120 inches.
7.3 Using OPTIVUe
7.3.1 Overview
OPTIVUe is a PC program that will download the logged data from the OPTISOUND,
and save it in a Comma Separated File (.CSV) for opening in programs such as
Microsoft Excel.
7.3.2 Configuration
Choose Options->Communications in the menu to open the communications
dialog box. The Communications dialog box allows the user to change the Device
Address (Same as Device ID), the COM Port, and the Baud Rate. Change the Baud
Rate and the Device Address to match the settings on the OPTISOUND that you
wish to communicate with. OPTIVUe will communicate with either RS232 or
RS485. An RS485 converter or PC card will be required for RS485.
Data Logger
starting and ending points to download. Point 1 is the oldest point. If the user
chooses to download points lowest to highest, the data will be downloaded as
oldest to newest. The user may also download points highest to lowest. This will
give the user the most recent logged data first.
Point 2048 will not be the newest point if the OPTISOUND has not yet logged at
least 2048 points. For example, if the USonic has only logged 5 points since the
first power-up, the newest point would be Point 5.
Section 8
Section 8: Troubleshooting
The OPTISOUND Series Ultrasonic Level Measurement System is designed to give
years of unattended service. No periodic or scheduled maintenance is required.
8.1 Troubleshooting Procedures
If a problem should occur with the operation of the system, use the
following procedure for troubleshooting.
1. Ensure wiring connections are correct.
2. If the liquid surface has severe turbulence in the area where the
ultrasonic beam hits, consider increasing damping time.
3. Splashing of material or condensation on the Sensing Element face
could cause unreliable measurements.
4. Any continuous ultrasonic signal (echo) can be adversely affected by
significant foam on the liquid level surface. If this condition exists,
please consult the factory for further application review and advice.
5. Ensure that the Sensing Element face is not recessed into a mounting
nozzle, unless a SmartGain setting is used. Spurious reflections
from the nozzle can cause faulty operation.
Maximum Nozzle Length = 18.5" (470 mm)
6. To indicate a fault condition, the 4-20 mA signal locks to 22 mA
(or 3.7 mA) . If output is locked at 22 mA (or 3.7 mA), check that:
A) The level of the mater ial has not violated the near zone
(12 inches, 30 cm) from the Sensing Element face.
B) Th e l ow c a l i b r a t i o n s e t t i n g i s n o t m o re t h a t 3 6 0 i n c h e s
(30 ft., 914 cm) from the Sensing Element face.
7. Test for 4 mA and 20 mA.
A) Using the Display Keypad to force the output signal to a constant
4 mA or 20 mA.
8. If attempts to locate the difficulty fail, notify the local factory representative,
or call KROHNE, Inc. directly.
To aid in troubleshooting, please complete the information in
Section 8.4 before calling the factory service department.
In order to provide the best service, any equipment being returned for
repair or credit must be pre-approved and have a return number issued
by the factory.
In many applications, the equipment is exposed to hazardous
Fail Safe
22 mA
(6) SPDT @ 5A 250VAC with 12 user defined trip points.
Fiberglass reinforced Polyester (FRP) to NEMA 4X (IP-66)
Sensing Element
Material: CPVC
Pressure: -10 to 50 psig
Operating Temperature
-40 to 158F (-40C to 70C)
Beam Angle
Conical, 10 typical, at the 3 db down point
Data Bits: 8
Parity: Even
Stop Bit: 1
9.4 Software
Level, Distance, Volume, Flow rate via user selectable Flume and Weir
characterizations or 21-Point strapping table, Totalization via 1 resettable
and 1 non-resettable totalizer. Differential Level (Channel #1 vs. Channel
#2) for Submerged Flow, Sum, Difference, and Traveling Bar Screen
Control, Pump Alternation, Batch Sample Activation.
Data Logger
Up to 24 Month. Maximum time period dependant on sample rate.
Requires OPTIVUe PC Software to download the data.
9.5 Approvals
AIS / I, II, III / 1 / ABCDEFG / T4 Ta=70 C; - 420-0004-309-CD Entity; Type 4, 4X, IP65
I / 0 / AEx [ia] IIC / T4 Ta=70 C; - 420-0004-309-CD Entity; Type 4, 4X, IP65
NI / I / 2 / ABCD; S / II, III / 2 / EFG / T4 Ta=70 C; Type 4, 4X, IP65
I / 2 / IIC / T4 Ta=70 C; - 420-0004-309-CD Entity; Type 4, 4X, IP65
Entity Parameters:
Uo (Voc) = 25.9 V, Io (Isc) = 69.5 mA, Po = 0.45 W, Co (Ca) = 100 nF, Lo (La) = 7.4 mH
Vt = 25.9 V, It = 139 mA, Po = 0.9 W, Ca = 100 nF, La = 1.8 mH
Entity Parameters:
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B , C, and D, Class II, Groups E, F, and G, Class III
Ex nC II C
420-0004-309-CD, Ambient Temperature
Range -40 C to + 70 C, T4, Type 4, 4x, and IP65 (receiver), IP68 (sensor)
Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B , C, and D, Class II, Groups E, F, and G, Class III
Ex ia II C T4
Entity Parameters:
Section 10
An ISO 9001 Certified Company