Plural Nouns Ending With S

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Plural Nouns Ending with S

To show possession with regular plural nouns that end with "s," simply
add an apostrophe at the end.
Examples of this type of plural possessive noun include:
Airplanes' wings
Alarms' ringing
Ankles' bones
Appendices entries
Armchairs' arms
Attorneys' fees
Babies' rash
Bathrooms' taps
Bosses' orders
Boys' club
Bushes' flowers
Calves' hooves
Carpenters tools
Chairs' paintwork
Childrens hats
Clocks' hands
Companies' plan
Countries' governments
Designers' clothes
Dishes' patterns
Dogs adventures
Girls sports
Investors' advice
Knives' blades
Loaves' nutrition
Mosquitoes' stingers
Parents' books
Pears' stories
Potatoes' skin
Rabbis garb
Smiths' grandchild
Theses criteria
Trucks' wheels
Witnesses' testimony
Sentence Examples
Umbrellas' handles are sometimes carved.
Witches' hats are usually pointed.
Judges' wigs were powered in the old days.
The fairies' wings were iridescent.
Cherries' stones can break your teeth if you are not careful.
The tables' legs were all wobbly and needed repair.

Irregular Plural Nouns Ending Without S

With irregular plural nouns that do not end with "s," add an apostrophe
and "s." Examples are:
Bacterias invasion
Cactis protection
Childrens toys
Criterias timeline
Dies roll
Focis interest
Fungis proliferation
Gentlemens association
Lices intrusion
Medias influence
Mens worries
Mices feet
Nucleis composition
Peoples beliefs
Phenomenas appearance
Oxens yokes
Stimulis effect
Syllabis needs
Teeths cavities
Womens issues
Sentence Examples
Dolphins got caught in the fishermen's nets.
Postmens bags are made of leather.
The geeses eggs were found on the road, smashed.
Hippopotamis mouths are huge.
Servicemens fees rise after hours and on weekends.
Octopis arms number eight and have several functions

Compound Words
With compound words, if the plural form ends with "s," add only an
apostrophe. Examples are:
Brides-maids gowns
Couch potatoes snacks
Cupfuls number
Fact sheets predictions
Half-brothers excitement
Hang-ups attitudes
Know-it-alls conceit
Pocketfuls amount
Printouts clarity
Run-throughs length
Salesclerks' tips
School days length
Teaspoonfuls number
Time frames adjustment
Toothbrushes heads
Two-year olds tantrums
Vice presidents' duties
Vice presidents offices
Waiting rooms decor
Wheeler-dealers' bargains
Sentence Examples
The drive-ins lines were all very long.
Our get-togethers offerings were diverse and plentiful.
The hand-me-downs stains were hard to get out.
My photocopies font color turned out too dim.
The ground waters contamination was extreme.
If the plural form does not end with "s," add "s" and an apostrophe.
Examples are:
Attorneys at laws charges
Attorneys Generals mandates
Brothers-in-law's role
Colonels-in-chiefs agenda
Editors-in-chiefs opinions
Fathers-in-laws obligations
Forefeets condition
Lookers-ons opinions
Orders-in-councils decisions
Passersbys frowns
Poets laureates awards
Runners-ups trophies
Sisters-in-laws friendships
Snowmens noses
Sticks-in-the-muds behavior
Boatmens supplies
Sentence Examples
The Captains of the Guards insignia was impressive.
Both mothers-in-laws dresses were blue.
All Chiefs of Staffs appointment were deserved.
Past Speakers of the Houses attire was different.
Workmens compensation is available if you are injured on the job.

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