Solid Phase Extraction of Gold by Sorption On Octa
Solid Phase Extraction of Gold by Sorption On Octa
Solid Phase Extraction of Gold by Sorption On Octa
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Received 19 September 2002; received in revised form 25 February 2003; accepted 26 February 2003
A simple and selective method for rapid and efficient concentration and determination of mg l1 levels of Au(III) ions
in aqueous solution using octadecyl silica membrane disks modified by pentathia-15-crown-5 and flame atomic
absorption spectrometry is presented. The influence of flow rates of eluent and sample solution, amount of ligand, types
and least amount of eluent for elution of Au from disks were investigated. Break through volume and limit of detection
of the membrane disks modified by 5 mg of the thiacrown ether was found to be 2.0 l and 1.0 mg l 1, respectively. The
effects of various cationic interferences on percent recovery of gold were studied. The method was successfully applied
for the determinations of gold in some pharmaceutical samples and for the recovery of trace Au3 ions from synthetic
and water samples.
# 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Preconcentration; Gold (III); Pentathia 15-crown-5; Octadecyl silica; Membrane disk; Atomic absorption spectroscopy
2.3. General procedure uted to the affinity of the metal ion for sulfur
atoms. Of course, the relative sizes of the metal ion
Extractions were performed with 47 mm dia- and the cavity of the macrocyclic ligand can also
meter/0.5 mm thickness 3M EmporeTM mem- play an important role in the selectivity of the
brane disks containing octadecyl-bonded silica (8 resulting complex [12].
mm particle size, 60 A pore size) distributed by Ligands for use, as ionophore in a disk modified
Varian. The disks were used in conjunction with a SPE for Au3 ions should fulfil certain conditions.
standard Sartorius 47 mm filtration apparatus. They should be selective for Au3 over other
After placing the membrane disk in the filtration metal ions. They should have rapid exchange
apparatus, it was washed with 10 ml methanol and kinetics and should be sufficiently lipophilic to
10 ml acetonitrile to remove all contaminants prevent leaching of the ligand into the solutions of
arising from the manufacturing process and the sample and eluent.
environment. After drying the disk by passing air Chelating agents with soft coordination sites
through it for several minutes, it was dried inside like sulfur seem to generate great affinity toward
an oven at 60 8C. Then a solution of 5.0 mg soft metal ions such as Au. Thiacrown ethers are
PT15C5 dissolved in 5 ml acetonitrile was intro- macrocyclic rings containing sulfur donor atoms,
duced to the reservoir of the apparatus and was which have high bonding affinities with soft metal
washed with 25 ml water and then 5 ml methanol ions such as Cu, Ag , Hg2, and Au3 ions
and finally dried by passing air through it. In this [11,21 /24]. These macrocyclic ligands are free of
step membrane disk modified by the thiacrown any protonation consideration and hardly soluble
ether was ready for sample extraction.
in water.
The general procedure for the extraction of
The equilibrium constant for the reaction of the
Au3 ions on the membrane disk was performed
tetrachloro complex with the thiamacrocycle to
as follows: The modified disk was first washed
give the macrocycle-cation complex plus four
with 2 ml methanol followed by washing with 25
anions is very high for Au (III) [24]. Thus,
ml water. This step prewets the surface of the disk
considering the stability trend as well as the high
prior to the extraction of Au3 ions from water. It
lipophilicity of the thiacrown ethers, we investi-
is practically important to wet the surface of the
gated to use of PT15C5 as a suitable modifier for
disk with methanol during the extraction of gold
(III) ions was underway. Then 500 or 1000 ml of the selective concentration and extraction of Au3
the sample solutions containing mg amounts of ions by the octadecyl silica membrane disks.
Au3 was passed through the membrane at a flow Some preliminary experiments were carried out
rate of 20 /30 ml min 1. With this procedure, in order to investigate the quantitative retention of
Au3 ions in water samples was quantitatively Au3 ions by the octadecyl silica membrane disks
adsorbed on the modified disk and consequently in the absence and presence of PT15C5. It was
were eluted by four 5.0 ml portions of 0.5 M found that, while the membrane disk itself does
thiosulfate solution at a flow rate of 5 ml min 1. not show any tendency for the extraction of gold
Each portion was collected in a 10 ml volumetric ions, the disks modified by PT15C5 are capable to
flask and diluted to the mark with water and the quantitatively retain Au3 ions in the sample
amount of gold (III) was then determined by AAS. solution (the test solutions contained 5.0 mg
Au3 in 500 ml water). The optimal amount of
the thiacrown ether which must be loaded on the
octadecyl silica membrane disks for the quantita-
3. Results and discussion tive recovery of 5.0 /50 mg Au3 ion from aqueous
sample solutions was found to be approximately
Thiacrown ethers have the characteristics of 5.0 mg or more. The use of less than 5.0 mg of the
polythioethers, and hence formation of their com- ligand, resulted in considerable decrease in the
plexes with metal cations may be primarily attrib- recovery of Au3 ions.
842 M. Bagheri et al. / Talanta 60 (2003) 839 /844
Table 1
Percent recovery of gold from the modified membrane disk as a function of stripping solutions and volume of eluenta
HBr 15 5 4 2 26
Thiourea 27.1 23 17.5 8.8 76.4
HNO3 5.2 1.9 1.6 0.9 9.6
HCl 15.7 9.5 7 5.9 38.1
EDTA 5.5 4.8 3.6 2.7 16.6
Na2S2O3 (0.01 M) 25 7.5 3.5 3.5 39.5
Na2S2O3 (0.05 M) 48 20.5 3.5 2 74
Na2S2O3 (0.1 M) 50 31 3.2 2 86.2
Na2S2O3 (0.5 M) 52.5 30 15.5 2 100
Na2S2O3 (1.0 M) 55.2 29.3 13.7 1.8 100
Initial samples contained 5.0 mg Au3 ion in 500 ml water.
M. Bagheri et al. / Talanta 60 (2003) 839 /844 843
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Determination of gold in pharmaceutical preparations
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