Terminaciones "Ed" Del Past Tense de Verbos Regulares

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Terminaciones "ed" del Past Tense de verbos regulares

Si la pronunciacin de los verbos la "ed" se pronuncia como "id"

termina con "d" o " t"

to visit (vsit) - visitar visited (vsitid)

to start (start) - empezar started (startid)

to want (wnt) - querer wanted (wntid)

to add (d) - aadir, agregar added (did)

to hate (jit) - odiar, detestar hated (jitid)

to rent (rnt) - alquilar rented (rntid)

to arrest (arrst) - arrestar arrested (arrstid)

to wait (wit) - esperar waited (witid)

to rest (rst) - descanzar rested (rstid)

to accept (akspt) - aceptar accepted (aksptid)

to eliminate (elminit) - eliminar eliminated (elminitid)

to decide (disid) - decidir decided (disidid)

to repeat (ript) - repetir repeated (riptid)

Si la pronunciacin de los verbos la "ed" se pronuncia como "d"

termina en "r", " n", " i" o "l"

to discover (discver) - descubrir discovered (discverd)

to conquer (cnker) - conquistar conquered (cnkerd)

to notify (nutifi) - notificar notified (nutifid)

to specify (spcifi) - especificar specified (spcifid)

to explore (eksplor) - explorar explored (eksplord)

to destroy (distri) - destruir destroyed (distrid)

to sweeten (suten) - endulzar sweetened (sutend)

to blacken (blken) - ennegrecer blackened (blkend)

to prefer (prifer) - preferir prefered (priferd)

to combine (combin) - combinar combined (combind)

to study (stadi) - estudiar studied (stadid)

to stay (sti) - permanecer stayed (stid)

to answer (nser) - responder answered (nserd)

to clean (clin) - limpiar cleaned (clind)

to call (col) - llamar called (cold)

to listen (lsn) - escuchar listened (lsnd)

Con el resto de las terminaciones: la "ed" se pronuncia como "t"

to talk (tk) - hablar talked (tkt)

to walk (uk) - caminar walked (ukt)

to work (werk) - trabajar worked (werkt)

to love (lv) - amar loved (lvt)

to receive (riciv) - recibir received (ricivt)

to help (jlp) - ayudar, socorrer helped (jlpt)

to cook (kk) - cocinar cooked (kkt)

to live (lv) - vivir lived (lvt)

to dance (dns) - bailar danced (dnst)

to smoke (smuk) - fumar smoked (smukt)

to arrive (arriv) - llegar arrived (arrivt)

to wash (wsh) - lavar washed (wsht)

to fix (fks) - arreglar, preparar fixed (fkst)

to park (park) - estacionar parked (parkt)

to miss (mis) - extraar, perder missed (mst)

to exercise (ksersis) - hacer ejercicio exercised (ksersist)

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